Page created by Edward Manning

                                                        SUMMER SWIM LESSONS FOR KIDS
                                                        + ADULTS, SWIM TEAM, TEEN +
                                                           FAMILY WIBIT DAY AND MORE!

                                                          SIGN-UP FOR SUMMER CAMPS!
                                                             SAMENA PRESCHOOL WHERE
                                                   SWIMMING IS PART OF THE CURRICULUM.

                                                   TRY SOMETHING NEW THIS SUMMER LIKE

                                                   YOGA, DANCE, HIIT, OR TRX. FITNESS

                                                      INCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE.

                                   S u m m
Gener al Club In f o

                       Introduction                                            About Us                                              Youth Club Use
                       This brochure contains Club information and             Samena is a member-based, family recreation club      Member children over the age of 10 may use the
                       programs for children, adults, and families, both       located in the Lake Hills neighborhood of east        Club without a parent once they have completed a
                       Members and Non-Members, from May 1 through             Bellevue since 1958. The Club offers members          swim test (25 yards freestyle, jump into the deep
                       August 31, 2022. Note the color-coded page tabs         access to 3 pools (Indoor, Outdoor, and Wading), an   end, tread water for 1 minute). Ask a lifeguard
                       in each section. Each program listing includes costs    expansive fitness center, tennis courts, an outdoor   to administer the test, as time and pool capacity
                       for Members (M), Non-Members (NM), and in some          play area, quality programming, and a safe and        permits. Turn the test slip in to the Front Desk for a
                       instances, Program Members (PM).                        inviting atmosphere. The Club is governed by a        check-in card and picture. For policies regarding the
                       Register for programs online at Samena.com or at        volunteer board of Samena members and managed         Fitness Center and class participation, see Fitness
                       our Front Desk by credit card, cash, or check. Spaces   by a professional staff of experienced employees.     Ages FYI, page 9.
                       cannot be held without full payment. Please register
                       early – advanced planning is necessary to offer
                       quality programs. Registration for most brochure
                       programs will begin on the following dates:
                                                                               Guests                                                Room Rentals
                                                                               Guests are welcome, accompanied and signed in         Rent space for your celebration, meeting, or special
                       • Spring/Summer Programs (May - Aug): April 15          by a Member. An adult guardian must sign in           event. Tables and chairs available.
                       • Fall Programs (Sept - Dec): August 15                 guests under 18 years and must supervise guests
                       • Winter Programs (Jan - Apr): December 15
                                                                               under age 10.                                         The Hall
                                                                               • $8 Adult (18 years & up)                            Located upstairs, our largest room holds 80-100
                                                                                                                                     people, includes a kitchen, rest room, and deck
                                                                               • $6 Child (2 - 17 years)                             access overlooking the outdoor pool.
                       Table Of Contents                                       • $17 Family (up to 2 adults & dependents)
                                                                                                                                     Rec Room
                       Children’s Programs......................3                                                                    Located on the main floor, this room holds 35-50
                       Special Events...............................4
                       Summer Camps.......................5 - 7
                                                                               Management Staff                                      people. This is a great place for meetings and
                                                                                                                                     birthday parties.
                                                                               Scott Polovitch-Davis, Executive Director
                       Fitness & Wellness................8 - 12                scottp@samena.com, ext. 112                           Funbrella
                       Aquatics...............................12 - 15          Daniel Flahiff, Deputy Director                       Located near the playground, enjoy an outdoor
                       Tennis...........................................16     danielf@samena.com, ext. 116                          informal gathering. Offered seasonally with no rain
                       Outdoor Pool Schedules............17                                                                          contingency. Members only.
                                                                               Chelsea Jordan, Operations Director
                       Indoor Pool Schedule.........18 - 19                    chelseaj@samena.com, ext. 141                         Contact Front Desk for booking
                                                                               Jessica Robinson, Children’s Program Director
                                                                                                                                     Mission & Values
                                                                               jessicar@samena.com, ext. 117
                       Stay Connected                                          Mark Feeney, Aquatics & Facilities Director
                                                                               markf@samena.com, ext. 115                            Samena’s mission is to connect and enrich our
                       Stay up to date on the latest happenings!                                                                     community through wellness, education, & fun!
                                                                               Alex Rich, Children’s Program
                       Visit www.samena.com, sign up for our                   & Events Coordinator                                  We are the premier non-profit family swim and
                       monthly newsletter, and follow us on Facebook           alexr@samena.com, ext. 128                            recreation club on the Eastside; providing a safe
                       and Instagram.                                                                                                environment that promotes activities and educational
                                                                               Allison Coleman, Office Coordinator                   programs for families where everyone can strengthen
                       Samena wants to hear your feedback!                     allisonc@samena.com, ext. 119
                       Visit the suggestion box at the Front Desk or                                                                 their wellness and recreational pursuits. We are
                       email info@samena.com.                                  Amanda Tanner, Aquatics Coordinator                   committed to providing the highest quality year-
                                                                               amandat@samena.com, ext. 115                          round programs and services for all ages. We offer
                                                                                                                                     a safe environment and friendly atmosphere, with
                                                                               Cheré Bautista, Accounting Specialist
                       Holidays                                                chereb@samena.com, ext. 114
                                                                                                                                     capable and professional staff, and we encourage
                                                                                                                                     active community participation. Our goal every day
                       Memorial Day                                            Jathiya Hilber, Membership Coordinator                is to make the member experience outstanding in
                       Monday, May 30 Regular Club Hours                       jathiyah@samena.com, ext. 113                         every way.
                       Independence Day                                        Kristin Lapchis, Billing Coordinator
                       Monday, July 4		 5:00am - 6:00pm                        kristinl@samena.com, ext. 124
                       Labor Day                                               Rebecca Luke, Preschool Coordinator
                       Monday, September 5 Regular Club Hours                  rebeccal@samena.com, ext. 140
                                                                               Xavier Murray, Athletic Coordinator
                                                                               xavierm@samena.com, ext. 136

                        2        S A M E N A Swim & Recreation Club
Samena Preschool                                         Preschool Open House Before & After School

                                                                                                                                                                        Childr en’s P r ogr am s
We have been teaching children in Bellevue for over
50 years! Your child will explore and learn in a
                                                         You’re invited to our Open House for all of Samena’s
                                                         Preschool programs! Parents, bring your little ones  Care For Elementary Students
creative, nurturing, safe and FUN environment. Our       and receive information about the upcoming school      Samena’s Before School & After School Care
well-rounded programs have a play-based curriculum       year. Tour the Preschool and the Samena Club, meet     Program is state licensed and a great place for
that addresses motor and socialization skills. Our       the teachers, see an overview of the curriculum, ask   elementary school-age kids! Samena staff strive
caring instructors adapt to a wide range of students’    questions, and have an opportunity to register for     to create positive relationships with parents and
abilities, teaching and redirecting with a positive      the 2022-2023 school year.                             children in our Before and After Care Program.
approach. Swim lessons teach water safety and            Saturday, July 23: 11:00am - 1:00pm                    Staff are available to help children meet their
stroke development skills while providing constructive   Light refreshments will be served.                     education needs by assisting with homework.
physical activity.                                                                                              During the study breaks, we will have some of the
Age-appropriate activities include: art, reading and                                                            kids’ favorite recreational activities that Samena is
writing skills development, number recognition,                                                                 known for. Your child will also be given snacks
                                                                                                                using USDA Guidelines.
Spanish, music, science, cooking, storytelling, health     Parents, your
and exercise, and more. To top it off, each day                                                                 We currently provide transportation to/from
includes 30 minutes in the swimming pool!                  special ‘shrimp’                                     Ardmore, Bennett, Sherwood Forest, Phantom Lake,
More info at: www.samena.com/preschool                     can safely enjoy activities,                         Lake Hills, Spiritridge, Woodridge and will greet
                                                           games, & professional supervision for                the school bus from Puesta del Sol. Care follows
2 ½ -3 year olds                                                                                                the Bellevue School District calendar and includes
                                                           up to 2 hours while you use the club!                the Bellevue School District’s Wednesday half-days.
Toddlers learn and play through creative themes to
explore the world around them. This environment            To make a reservation, purchase a discounted         Your choice of 2 - 5 days per week with options of
helps the transition from parents to school                Punchcard and contact the Front Desk.                mornings only, afternoons only or both before and
interaction. Math and reading ideas are introduced         Monday - Thursday evening hours require              after school care.
in an age-appropriate manner while focusing on             a reservation by 1:00pm.                             More info at:
socialization and motor skills.                            Age: 		 3 months - 5 years                           samena.com/before-after-school/childrens-programs
Tues/Thurs: 9:00am - 11:30am                               Mon - Fri: 		 9:00am - 1:00pm
                                                           Mon - Thurs:		 4:00 - 7:00pm                         Contact: Jessica Robinson
3-5 year olds                                              Cost Per Hour: 			 $6/M; $10/NM
This program focuses on learning through play with         10-Hour Punchcard:
an emphasis on the discovery process. Theme-related        		$55/Members, $95/Non-Members
projects help introduce students to reading/writing,
Spanish, math skills, music and movement, science
and storytelling. Play time helps develop important
motor and socialization skills.
Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 12:00pm, 9:00am - 1:00pm
Mon - Thurs: 12:00 - 4:00pm, 1:00 - 4:00pm
Sign up for 2, 3, 4, or 5 days!

Our bilingual Pre-K curriculum centers on discovery
learning with a focus on academic and behavioral
kindergarten preparation. Students gain a knowledge
base for Spanish, higher math and reading ideas,
phonics and sight words, science, and in-depth
Mon/Weds/Fri: 9:00am - 12:00pm
							9:00am - 1:00pm
Contact: Rebecca Luke

                                                                                                                                    www.samena.com                 3
Samena’s Summer
S pe cial E v en t s

                       Family Scavenger Hunt Kids Night Out
                       Come explore the vast terrain of the Samena Club     Enjoy a much-deserved parents’ night off as your
                       as you and your family embark on Samena’s first
                       ever Family Scavenger Hunt! Follow clues and solve
                                                                            kids have fun with us! We’ll enjoy swimming, fun
                                                                            and games, and a movie on the big screen. A light            Member BBQ
                                                                                                                                         Bash Is Back!
                       riddles to eventually find the treasure of Samena.   dinner and snack will be served. 5-year-olds must
                       Date: Saturday June 11                               be in kindergarten.
                       Time: 11:00am - 1:30pm                               Age: 		 5 - 12 years
                       Cost: $10/M; $15/NM                                  Date: Fridays May 6, June 3, July 1, August 5
                                                                            Time: 6:30 - 10:00pm
                                                                            Cost: $36/M; $46/NM                                       Join us as we celebrate YOU at our annual
                       Milk & Cookies Day                                                                                             member appreciate BBQ! We’ll have a
                                                                                                                                      delicious barbecue lunch, music, contests,
                       Join us at Samena for National Sugar Cookie Day!
                       We will be decorating sugar cookies with icing and   Preschool PJ Night                                        giveaways, and the WIBIT. Come hang out
                       sprinkles while watching a movie!                    This pajama party is a fun-filled night that includes     with your fellow members & Samena staff
                       Date: Saturday July 9                                dinner, music, storytime, games, crafts, and a            and have some splish-splash fun!
                       Time: 12:00 - 1:30pm                                 cartoon movie. Bring a sleeping bag and pillow.           Date: Saturday July 16
                       Cost: $8/M; $10/NM                                   Children must be fully toilet trained.
                                                                                                                                      Time: 1:00 - 4:00pm
                                                                            Age: 		 3 - 5 years                                       Cost: Free to Members
                                                                            Date: Fridays May 6, June 3
                       National Lemonade                                    Time: 4:30 - 8:00pm
                                                                            Cost: $30/M; $40/NM
                       Day Ping Pong
                       Tournament                                           Kids Night Away                                         Community Open
                       Join us for the first ever Samena National           Join us for a special Kids Night Away. Activities       House & Program Fair
                       Lemonade Day Ping Pong Tournament! Kids and          include a trip to the bowling alley, dinner, and a      Day:		 Saturday, May 14
                       adults’ tournaments will run simultaneously on our   movie on the big screen. This is a great way to get     Time: 11:00am - 3:00pm
                       two tables, and winners will be awarded prizes.      a night away to enjoy some much needed time off         Free & Open to the Public
                       Relax and enjoy snacks and lemonade between          while your kids have a blast with us. Bring swim
                       matches, and hard lemonade will be available for     stuff, sleeping bag and a pillow, and let’s play the    Members and Guests, you’re invited to experience
                       21+ participants.                                    night away!                                             all that the Samena community has to offer! Learn
                                                                                                                                    about our programs, unique services, fun classes,
                       Date: Saturday August 20                             Age: 		 5 - 12 years                                    and great membership options. Enjoy games and
                       Time: 1:00 - 3:30pm                                  Date: Saturday July 16                                  activities for both kids and adults!
                       Cost: $15/M; $20/NM                                  Time: 2:30 - 9:00pm
                                                                            Cost: $78/M; $90/NM                                     Membership special, giveaways, and more!

                       May The 4th Be With
                                                                            Float-In Movie
                       You Movie Night                                      Bring your pool floats, grab your kids, friends
                       Come join us in a galaxy far, far away as we         and neighbors and come for a fun night of big
                       celebrate May the Fourth with out of this world      screen fun.
                       snacks and the very first Star Wars movie,           Date: Saturdays May 7, June 4, July 2, August 6
                       A New Hope.                                          Time: 6:30 - 8:30pm
                       Date: Wednesday May 4                                Cost: Free for Members
                       Time: 7:30 - 9:45pm                                  			$8/NM; $24/NM Family
                       Cost: $10/M; $15/NM

                        4        S A M E N A Swim & Recreation Club
Weekly Themed Summer Daycamp For Ages 3 To 14!

                                                                                                                                                                           S ummer C amp s
                                                                           Register online & find more information at samena.com/summer-camps

                                                         JUNE 27 - JULY 1                                         AUGUST 1 - 5
                                                         Van Goghs                                                It’s a Bug’s Life
                                                         Discover your inner artist, create masterpieces,         If you aren’t afraid of getting your hands dirty, have
                                                         and learn all the fun things about being creative…       we got a camp for you! Dig in the dirt, look under
                                                         on paper, on tables, on walls, on the street –           rocks, and discover the world of insects. We will
                                                         EVERYWHERE! Make sure to wear clothes you don’t          have a great time with bugs that crawl and fly as
                                                         mind adding some color to... get ready to be messy       we squirm and wiggle like worms. Don’t miss this
                                                         and have lots of fun!                                    chance to get ants in your pants! Let’s go buggy!

                                                         JULY 4 - 8                                               AUGUST 8 - 12
                                                         Let’s Go Camping                                         Grrr.... Animals
Prechool Kids Camp                                       Do you like to explore the great outdoors? Then          Have you ever wondered what it would be like to
Ages 3 – 5                                               let’s celebrate summer with a cookout! Pitch your        be a bird? Or maybe a wolf? Here’s a chance to “go
                                                         tents and join us for this fun week of camping fun,      wild” exploring lots of animals and their habitats.
Kids Campers will be immersed in crafts, games,          where s’mores and hot dogs along with camp songs         We’ll hunt for lions, tigers, and bears - OH, MY!
music, stories, fun learning opportunities, and          are just part of our day. We’ll take hikes and finish    Roar like a lion and squeak like a mouse... either
more! We’ll play on the playground and take a dip        our day with a quick jump in Lake Samena (our            way it will be a hoot!
in the wading pool! Children must be 3 years old by      wading pool).
their first week of camp & fully toilet trained. Lunch
Bunch required if doing AM & PM Camps.                                                                            AUGUST 15 - 19
                                                         JULY 11 - 15
M-Th/M-F: 9:00am - 12:00pm                                                                                        Under the Sea
M-Th: 			 1:00 - 4:00pm
Lunch Bunch: 12:00 - 1:00pm
                                                         Once Upon a Time                                         Fishing for fun won’t be hard as we spend the week
                                                         Fairy tales, dressing up, and make-believe will be       learning all about the ocean. Explore the sea (and
Samena Members: Pricing per week                         fun while we use our imaginations! We’ll create          land) for exciting discoveries. Come enjoy the water
   Mon - Fri (AM): $165                                  a wonderful world of princes, princesses, queens,        play, sandcastles, fishing, and marine life, Take a
   Mon - Thurs (AM or PM): $140                          kings, jesters, castles, and dragons! Your little ones   look at what lives under the sea, do “fishy” things,
Lunch Bunch: $60 weekly, $13 daily                       will be fascinated by classic storybook tales and the    and have a splashing good time.
Summer Program Member: Pricing per week                  ones they create!
   $50 Program Registration Fee                                                                                   AUGUST 22 - 26
                                                         JULY 18 - 22
                                                                                                                  Things That Move
   Mon - Fri (AM): $200

                                                         Legos, Legos, &
   Mon - Thurs (AM or PM): $170
Lunch Bunch: $70 weekly, $16 daily                                                                                What moves faster than a train? Maybe YOU?!
Contact: Rebecca Luke
                                                         more Legos!                                              Transportation exploration (planes, trains and
                                                                                                                  automobiles), creative body movements, and
				Preschool Coordinator                                What could be more fun than playing with Legos           experiments with moving “things” won’t be the
                                                         all day? We’ll build, paint, create, tell stories,       only things that will “move” this week. If things
JUNE 20 - 24                                             work together, and so much more! We’re fostering         that “go!” are your thing, you don’t want to
                                                         creativity, peer-to-peer collaboration, fine motor       miss this week!
Dinosaur Roar                                            skills, problem-solving skills, and story-telling.
Get ready for some giant-sized fun as we                 JULY 25 - 29
discover the land before time and all its wonders.
Act like a T-Rex, dig for dinosaur bones and fossils,
and take a trip through history while learning           Tropical Heat Wave
prehistoric facts. If it roars, squeals, stomps, or      We feel a heat wave comin’ on! Put on your hula
chomps - it’s a dinosaur!                                skirts, Hawaiian shirts, and leis for a heat wave in
                                                         the tropics! A luau will end our week of exciting
                                                         stories, songs and rhythms, with traditional and
                                                         non-traditional foods and Hawaiian dancing.

                                                                                                                                      www.samena.com                  5
JULY 4 - 8                                              AUGUST 8 - 12
S ummer C amp s

                  Swim & Tennis
                  Day Camp                                                     Junior Innovators                                       Let’s Go Adventuring
                                                                               Welcome young builders and innovators to the            This week we’ll set out on a Pokémon adventure!
                  Ages 5 – 12                                                  Samena Workshop! This week we’ll learn how to           On the first day, the kids will be given a Pokémon
                  Lots of water fun will fill our weeks! Have a                build fun and useful things from ordinary items         card that they will use to battle wild Pokémon
                  blast playing, swimming and making new friends.              found around the house! Campers will brainstorm         hidden all around Samena and challenge staff
                  Each week includes 2 swim lessons, 2 tennis                  ideas for their counselor to present at the Samena      around the club to battles to earn badges! Various
                  lessons, daily open swim, and lots of indoor and             Shark Tank. The counselors with the worst idea will     other activities inspired by popular adventures will
                  outdoor play.                                                walk the plank into Samena’s very own shark-            be offered as we have one adventurous week!
                  Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm                             infested waters.
                  Extended Care: 		 7:00 - 9:00am, 4:00 - 6:15pm                                                                       AUGUST 15 - 19
                                                                               JULY 11 - 15
                  Samena Members: $420 per week
                  AM Care: $90 per week
                  PM Care: $100 per week                                       Camp MTV                                                Step through a magical portal to the kingdom
                  AM&PM Care: $170 per week                                    Join us for our popular Music Video Week and get        of SamenaLand! Be you an elf, giant, wizard, or
                  Samena Program Members: $485 per wee                         ready to ROCK IT! Each group will prepare and           troll, compete in the Grand Tournament through a
                     + $100 Program Registration Fee                           record a music video and receive a DVD of this          multitude of games and crafts, including pool noodle
                                                                               memorable week. On Friday our video premieres on        jousts and wand crafting. If you gather enough favor
                     AM Care: $100 per week                                    the big screen!                                         with the royalty, you may earn the title of Protector
                     PM Care: $110 per week                                                                                            of SamenaLand!
                     AM&PM Care: $190 per week
                                                                               JULY 18 - 22
                  Contact: Jessica Robinson                                                                                            AUGUST 22 - 26
                  				jessicar@samena.com                                      Shark Week
                  				Children’s Program Director
                                                                               Get ready to get wet and wild with some ‘Jaw’some       H2O Yeah
                                                                               activities as we swim our way through shark-infested    With super-soaker wars, big splash contests, raft
                  JUNE 22 - 24                                                 waters. Shark and water-themed games, crafts, and       races, and floatie pool parties, there won’t be a
                                                                               learning will take a bite out of this week. Don’t       dry eye in the place! Squirt, splash, and soak your
                  Space Explorers                                              forget to pack an extra pair of clothes or you’ll be
                                                                               all washed up.
                                                                                                                                       way to laughter. Don’t forget to bring another set
                                                                                                                                       of clothes, or you’ll be all washed up! Bring your
                  Space cadets prepare for action! The S.S. Samena                                                                     labeled super-soaker on Friday and end the week
                  Starship is flying into asteroid fields and it’s all hands
                  on deck! Space cadets will participate in a multitude
                                                                               JULY 25 - 29                                            at the Samena dunk tank!
                  of out-of-this-world activities including games,
                                                                               Superheroes & Comics
                  science experiments, and even building our very own
                  lightsabers. (Weds-Fri, $252/M, $291/NM)                     Join the Samena Super Team for a week of                Vanapalooza
                                                                               Superhero Boot Camp. Trainees will be led by our        Ages 11 - 14
                                                                               team of superheroes through trials that include         Ready for adventure? Each week teens & tweens
                  JUNE 27 - JULY 1                                             designing their superhero costume, writing their own    will take a daily trip in the Samena van headed for
                                                                               comic book origin story, and competing in superhero     excitement. Let’s hit the road… Destination: Fun!
                  Treasure Island                                              challenges! Be forewarned young heroes, for evil
                                                                               may be closer to Samena than expected. A villain        Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
                  Argh, maties! Welcome to the Samena crew. We’ll              hides amongst you, and your team of heroes must         Extended Care:		 7:00 - 9:00am, 4:00 - 6:15pm
                  make a pirate out of ye yet. This week pirates               work together to stop them before it’s too late!        Samena Members: $465 per week
                  will compete in all sorts of shenanigans including
                  building duct tape boats and sailing them across the         AUGUST 1 - 5                                            Samena Program Members: $525 per week
                  pool to test their seaworthiness, going on a treasure                                                                		 + $100 Program Registration Fee
                  hunt, and much more.                                         It’s Game Time                                          Ext care pricing, see Swim & Tennis Day Camp
                                                                                                                                       Contact: Jessica Robinson,
                                                                               It’s Game Time! This week we’ll roll the dice to play   				jessicar@samena.com
                                                                               an assortment of board games, retro video games,        				Children’s Program Director
                                                                               and even design our own board or card games to
                                                                               take home! We will finish out the week with a
                                                                               counselor talent show judged by the kids; losing
                                                                               counselors will face Game Over as they end up in
                                                                               the pool fully clothed!

                   6         S A M E N A Swim & Recreation Club
JUNE 22 - 24                                            JULY 25 - 29
                                                                                                                  Junior Lifeguards

                                                                                                                                                                            S ummer C amp s
Wild Waves                                              Look Out Below                                            Ages 12 - 14
School’s out, so get ready to make a splash at          3.. 2.. 1.. JUMP! Get ready for some exhilarating         Samena Members:			$475
Samena. Grab your swim stuff because this week          jumps this week as we visit Flying Circus Trampoline      Samena Non-Members: $575
we will cool off with super soaker games, swim at       Park. Prepare to get wet as we explore beaches and
lifeguarded beaches, and test your balance on the       hikes with swimming areas featuring exciting jumps!       Contact: Mark Feeney
standup paddleboard. We will ride the waves on a                                                                  			markf@samena.com
ferry ride to Bainbridge for some island adventures.    AUGUST 1 - 5                                              			Aquatics Director
Let’s get out and soak up the sun! (Weds - Fri,
                                                        Need for Speed
                                                                                                                  Get a jump start on your future with these valuable
$279/M, $315/NM)                                                                                                  lifesaving skills. This unique week long program
                                                                                                                  offers 12 - 14 years olds an opportunity to learn
JUNE 27 - JULY 1                                        Put the pedal to the metal as we hit the track in go-     skills and leadership from our professional lifeguards.
                                                        karts. Test your skills with high-speed racing video
Gamers Paradise
                                                                                                                  Students gain a wide variety of knowledge and
                                                        games, relays, and box car derby. Take a visit to the     experience. These include first aid, CPR, AED usage,
                                                        skate park! Rev your engines and be ready for a Hot       how to prevent aquatic emergencies, water rescue
Do you have what it takes to be #1 on the leader        Wheels competition. End the week retro style, going       techniques, teamwork, responsibility, and the
board? Join us as we visit local arcades to put your    to XXX Restaurant for delicious root beer floats.         importance of physical fitness.
skills to the test. Explore a different reality with
VR games and play classic board games at MOX.           AUGUST 8 - 12                                             Campers will practice lifeguarding skills and team-
We will get our hearts pumping with dodgeball and                                                                 building and will work with our swim lessons gaining
team challenges to round out our week. Got game?
                                                        Nature Trek                                               hands-on experience teaching. The camp includes
                                                                                                                  two off-site excursions! First we will head to Gene
JULY 4 - 8                                              Head to the great outdoors! Nature hikes will give        Coulon Beach Park on Wednesday, then on Friday we
                                                        you an opportunity to hone your outdoor ‘survival’        will go to Wild Waves to finish off camp.
Let’s Go Skate                                          skills. Traversing the riverbed at the falls and riding
                                                        the natural waterslides at Denny Creek are a few of
                                                                                                                  All participants must be able to swim 100 yards of
                                                                                                                  freestyle and tread water for 60 seconds. Includes
It’s time to go skate and catch some Pokémon all        the adventures that await us. Bring your bug spray...     Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED
around the Seattle area. This week we will visit        we’re headed to the woods for exploration and fun!        certification if all skills are accomplished.
tons of fun parks that are home to great skating
areas and plenty of Poke Stops in the popular           AUGUST 15 - 19                                              Session 1: July 25 - 29         9:00am - 4:00pm
mobile game Pokémon Go. Phones and/or skating                                                                       Session 2: August 1 - 5         9:00am - 4:00pm
equipment is strongly recommended for this week.
                                                        Dash and Splash
JULY 11 - 15                                            Dive into a week filled with slip and slide
                                                        competitions as we splash around at local beaches         Junior Counselors
Master Chef                                             to stay active and play in the sun! It’s “Game on!”
                                                        as we launch into a water balloon competition at a
                                                                                                                  Ages 13 & up
                                                                                                                  Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Ready to test your palate? Kitchen fun will prepare     local park. Enjoy a trip to the International Fountain.   Attend one week or all summer!
us for the team cook-off challenge. Explore Pike        Get your tastebuds wet as we take a ferry ride to
Place Market to experience local foods, prepare for     Bainbridge Island to visit Mora’s Ice Creamery.           Samena Members: $450
camp-out cooking, and create the perfect s’more. If                                                               Samena Non-Members: $510
you like chocolate, you will love our trip to Theos,    AUGUST 22 - 26                                            Contact: Jessica Robinson
Boehms, and Sees, complete with tastings and even
chocolate fondue. We’ll provide the toppings and
crust — you be the Pizza Picasso!                       Full Throttle                                             				jessicar@samena.com
                                                                                                                  				Children’s Program Director
                                                        This week we will go full throttle with camper            Experience the summer of a lifetime! Earn your
JULY 18 - 22                                            favorites! Head to Flying Circus to bounce around,        school’s community service hours by volunteering
                                                        Family Fun Center to test our skills behind the
                                                                                                                  with our swim and tennis camps! Learn leadership,
                                                        wheel, and MOX Games for some game play                   team-building, communication, and safety skills.
                                                        competition to name a few. It will be swimming            This is a great opportunity to enjoy an exciting, fun,
Ready, aim, fire! Do you have a steady hand and         galore at all the best beaches around the Sound as        laughter-filled summer. Fee includes T-shirt, snacks,
a good eye to hit the bullseye? Test your skills this   we enjoy the last week of summer with friends.            Junior Counselor in training meetings and volunteer
week with activities including archery, dodgeball,                                                                service credit. No exceptions can be made to age
and target games galore! Bring your game face                                                                     guidelines.
and prepare to battle with Nerf Tag. Try drills
with friendly competition as we play disc golf
around town.

                                                                                                                                      www.samena.com                  7
Marianne Taylor, CPT, mariannet@samena.com                                       Lesley Sweeney, CPT, lesleys@samena.com
Marianne Taylor is a personal trainer and fitness instructor,                    Lesley has worked in the fitness industry for over 30 years.
with experience in exercise and athletic engineering physical                    She has trained clients of all ages and backgrounds and
therapy. She specializes in post-injury rehabilitation, and in                   is always attentive to their goals and concerns. Lesley will
working with clients of all ages (including seniors) who are                     motivate you, create an individual program for you designed
just beginning their fitness journeys.                                           to improve strength/mobility/balance/core, and address any
                                                                                 injuries or muscle imbalances.

Xavier Murray, CPT, Athletic Coordinator,                                        Roman Shevchuk, CPT, romans@samena.com
xavierm@samena.com                                                               Roman Shevchuk is an ISAA certified personal trainer and
Xavier is an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning                            fitness instructor. His focus is on core, balance, mobility,
Specialist with a Bachelor of Health and Human Development                       and endurance while allowing the client’s ability to push
in Kinesiology from Pennsylvania State University. Xavier                        their training program comfortably. He has a specialty in
works with a diverse range of clients, with a variety of goals.                  calisthenics and muscle building with no limit to the age or
He specializes in muscle building and weight loss programs.                      ability of the client.

                                                                                      Samena Personal Training
                                                                                                ACCOUNTABILITY &
                                                                                           For more information:
                                                                                           Xavier Murray - Athletic Coordinator: xavierm@samena.com

INVES T IN YOUR HEALTH AND FITNESS!                                              FREE FITNESS CONSULTATIONS!
Adults and kids of all ages and fitness levels have experienced the rewards      Whether you’re looking for a stronger, leaner body, more energy and
of Personal Training at Samena. Now you and your family can too! Samena          confidence, or better body awareness and improved overall movement
personal trainers provide encouragement, accountability, and make every          Samena’s personal trainers will support you every step of the way. Give us a
workout challenging and fun. Our innovative, effective, and efficient workouts   call today to set up your FREE one-on-one Member Fitness Consultation. Your
are tailored specifically to you and your personal goals because we truly care   personal trainer will answer your questions and show you some new techniques
about your success.                                                              and equipment. Receive an assessment that will help you improve the
                                                                                 foundations of a fit, active body: core, posture, balance, and flexibility.

8         S A M E N A Swim & Recreation Club
Weightlifting 101

                                                                                                                                                                                    F i t ne s s & Wellne s s
                      GET UNLIMITED                                                                                        An introduction to fitness for those who are new
                      FITNESS CLASSES                                                                                      or a refresher for those wanting to learn more.
                                                                                                                           This class includes learning about proper warm-ups,
       Are you a Samena Fitness Class fan? Ask about upgrading your membership to Fitness Inclusive!                       techniques, flexibility, exercises, free-weight use,
              All of Samena’s Group Fitness Classes can be included with your membership dues.                             machine use and safety. Everything you need to
       2 Adult Family:                                         $75/Monthly, $810/Annually                                  create a great exercise routine can be found here.
       1 Adult Family, Couple, Senior Couple:                  $63/Monthly, $680/Annually                                  Day: Monday/Wednesday
       Individual, Senior Individual, Student:                 $56/Monthly, $605/Annually                                  Time: 10:00 - 10:45am
                                                                                                                           Cost: Drop-In: $13/M; $17/NM
                                                                                                                               1 Hour + Fitness Punchcard Eligible
                                                                                                                               FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
FITNESS AGES F YI                                                  Mindful Flow Yoga                                       Instructor: Marianne
                                                                                                                           Location: 		 Fitness Center
The Fitness Center and classes are available for
teens and tweens!                                                  Mindful Flow Yoga is a style of hatha yoga that
• Ages 12-13 may attend a class or use the
    Fitness Center with supervision of a Parent or
                                                                   focuses on a practice of postures aligned to
                                                                   individual needs, with a compassionate approach         Hatha Yoga
                                                                   that emphasizes moving at your own pace, self-          Yoga enhances both your mental and physical
    legal guardian.                                                acceptance, physical healing, adaptability, and the     quality of life and increases stamina, strength, and
• Ages 14 and up can attend a class or use the                     flow of energy that creates a mindful awareness of      flexibility. Classes include breathing practices, flow
    Fitness Center*                                                the breath and thoughts.                                of poses, and brief meditation. Hatha practices are
• Ages 11 and under may be present in the                          Day: Sunday                                             designed to align and calm your body, mind,
    Fitness Center exclusively in a session with a                 Time: 10:00 - 11:15am                                   and spirit.
    Samena Trainer, see page 8                                     Cost: Drop-In: $20/M; $25/NM                            Day:		 Wednesday
* For their safety, children under 18 years should schedule a          1 Hour + Fitness Punchcard Eligible                 Time: 10:00 - 11:30am
Free Fitness Consultation with a Samena Trainer before using           FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members                  Cost: Drop-In: $20/M; $25/NM
the Fitness Center. Class participation is subject to Instructor   Instructor: Karin                                           General Fitness Punchcard Eligible
approval.                                                          Location: 		 Rec Room                                       FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
                                                                                                                           Instructor: Perlas, Yoga Alliance certified

                                                                   Gentle Yoga
                                                                                                                           Location: 		 Rec Room
Fitness Center                                                     Meditate, stretch, strengthen, and balance your body.
Samena’s Fitness Center, located upstairs in the back              Evening Gentle Yoga focuses on dynamic poses with
pool building, offers a variety of cardio equipment                breath awareness, emphasizing function over form,
like treadmills and ellipticals, circuit strength training         to tailor this class for each individual.
machines, free weights, and a stretching area.
                                                                   Day: Tuesday/Thursday
A safe, functional, and comfortable area for anyone                Time: 6:30 - 7:45pm
pursuing their exercise and health related goals. Our              Cost: Drop-In: $20/M; $25/NM
Fitness center is a great spot for tough workouts but                  1 Hour + Fitness Punchcard Eligible
also a place to unwind, socialize, recharge, and have                  FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
a good time.                                                       Instructor: Barbara
                                                                   Location: 		 Rec Room

Locker Rooms
                                                                   ‘Abs’olutely Core
The General Women’s and Men’s Locker Rooms are
available for both Member and Non-Member usage                     A burst of abs and core will get you riled up and       Hybrid HIIT
in the main pool lobby.                                            ready for your day. Your core may be sore for a bit,    Be ready to enhance your functional fitness, get in
Access to the Adult Member Only Locker Rooms,                      but a strong mid-section will help in all facets of     shape, improve your posture, strengthen your core,
where the dry saunas are located, can be obtained                  your daily activity.                                    and have loads of FUN!
via key code from the Front Desk or Lifeguard Desk.                Day: Tuesday/Thursday                                   Day: Tuesday
Family Changing Rooms are also available, located                  Time: 9:15 - 10:00am                                    Time: 5:30 - 6:15pm
in the hallway parallel to the Indoor Pool.                        Cost: $13/M; $17/NM                                     Cost: $13/M; $17/NM
                                                                       General Fitness Punchcard Eligible                      General Fitness Punchcard Eligible
                                                                       FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members                      FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
                                                                   Instructor: Roman                                       Instructor: Marianne
                                                                   Location: 		 Rec Room                                   Location: 		 Rec Room
                                                                                                                                             www.samena.com                     9
F i t ne s s & Wellne s s

                            Time To Train                                           Step Into Strength                                        Muscles In Minutes
                            Focusing on mobility, strength, and flexibility, this   Join Lesley for a workout alternating simple step         Kick start your day with high-intensity interval
                            class incorporates balance and core exercises and       choreography with strength exercises using dumbbells      training. HIIT maximizes your time and boosts
                            ensures both prime movers and stabilizing muscle        or body weight. Includes a core and flexibility finish.   your metabolism for dramatic results! With agility,
                            groups are activated. You must be able to get           All levels welcome, modifications available and more      balance, core, and cardio-based exercises, it’s ideal
                            up and down from the floor. All levels; beginners       advanced will also be able to challenge themselves.       for all levels of time-crunched people looking for
                            welcome.                                                Day: Monday/Wednesday                                     optimal results.
                            Day: Tuesday/Thursday                                   No Class: July 4                                          Day: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
                            Time: 7:45 - 8:30am                                     Time: 		 6:45 - 7:30pm                                    Time: 6:45 - 7:30am
                            Cost: $13/M; $17/NM                                     Cost: 		 $13/M; $17/NM                                    Cost: $13/M; $17/NM
                                  General Fitness Punchcard Eligible                    General Fitness Punchcard Eligible                        General Fitness Punchcard Eligible
                                  FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members                    FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members                        FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
                            Instructor: Lesley                                      Instructor: Lesley                                        Instructor: Daniel
                            Location: 		 Rec Room                                   Location: Hall                                            Location: 		 Tennis Courts

                            Body Blast                                                                                                        Jazz Dance
                            Wake up early and start your day with movement!                                                                   Jazz dance class will consist of warmup exercises
                            A variety of workouts will get your heart pumping                                                                 including stretching to increase mobility as well as
                            and body moving. Body Blast is about keeping you                                                                  strengthening and balance. Dancers will learn a short
                            strong and fit for your daily life.                                                                               dance routine set to a variety of different music
                            Day: Monday/Wednesday                                                                                             styles. The focus of the class will be learning basic
                            Time: 5:45 - 6:30am                                                                                               dance techniques and having fun!

                            Cost: $13/M; $17/NM                                                                                               Day: Wednesday, ends June 15
                                  General Fitness Punchcard Eligible                                                                          Time: 11:15 - 12:00pm
                                  FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members                                                                          Cost: $13/M; $17/NM
                            Instructor: Paul                                        Workout with the TRX, using total body resistance!            General Fitness Punchcard Eligible
                            Location: 		 Rec Room                                   The TRX suspended system is effective for all fitness         FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
                                                                                    levels. It delivers an all-body workout that is fun,      Instructor: Kim
                                                                                    dynamic, and leverages body weight and gravity.           Location: 		 Hall
                            Core-Tastic                                             Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and core in a
                                                                                    unique way.
                            This is NOT your typical “crunch-your-abs” class.       Day: Monday/Friday
                            Incorporate movements that engage your inner            Time: 9:15 - 10:00am
                            core. Try new fitness “toys,” learn anatomy and         Cost: $13/M; $17/NM
                            physiology.                                                 General Fitness Punchcard Eligible
                            Day: Saturday                                               FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
                            Time: 8:15 - 9:00am                                     Instructor: Rachel, Marianne, Xavier
                            Cost: $13/M; $17/NM                                     Location: 		 Rec Room
                                  General Fitness Punchcard Eligible
                                  FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
                            Instructor: Marianne
                            Location: 		 Rec Room
                                                                                    Group Cycle
                                                                                    Start your day with this great physical and mental
                                                                                    cardio workout! Tone your body and improve your
                                                                                    energy level in an environment that is fun and
                                                                                    motivating for everyone. Beginners welcome - you
                                                                                    control the intensity!
                                                                                    Day: Tuesday/Thursday
                                                                                    Time: 5:45 - 6:30am, T/Th
                                                                                    			 7:15 - 8:00am, Sat
                                                                                    Cost: $13/M; $17/NM
                                                                                        General Fitness Punchcard Eligible
                                                                                        FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
                                                                                    Instructor: Marianne
                                                                                    Location: 		 Hall

                             10         S A M E N A Swim & Recreation Club
Fitness Class Quick Guide

                                                                                                                                                                     F i t ne s s & Wellne s s
Monday                   Tuesday                         Wednesday                 Thursday                 Friday                        Saturday
Body Blast               Group Cycle                     Body Blast                Group Cycle              Masters Swimming              Group Cycle
5:45 - 6:30am            5:45 - 6:30am                   5:45 - 6:30am             5:45 - 6:30am            5:45 - 6:45am                 7:15 - 8:00am
Masters Swimming         Swim-4-Tri                      Masters Swimming          Swim-4-Tri               Muscles in Minutes            Core-Tastic
5:45 - 6:45am            6:00 - 7:00am                   5:45 - 6:45am             6:00 - 7:00am            6:45 - 7:30am                 8:15 - 9:00am
Muscles in Minutes       Time to Train                   Muscles in Minutes        Time to Train            Ageless H2O
6:45 - 7:30am            7:45 - 8:30am                   6:45 - 7:30am             7:45 - 8:30am            8:00 - 8:45am                 Sunday
Ageless H2O              Deep Water Exercise             Ageless H2O               Deep Water Exercise      TRX                           Mindful Flow Yoga
8:00 - 8:45am            8:00 - 8:45am                   8:00 - 8:45am             8:00 - 8:45am            9:15 - 10:00am                10:00 - 11:15am
TRX                      Absolutely Core                 Hatha Yoga                Absolutely Core
9:15 - 10:00am           9:15 - 10:00am                  9:30 - 11:00am            9:15 - 10:00am
Step Into Strength       Hybrid HIIT                     Jazz Dance                Gentle Yoga
6:45 - 7:30pm            5:30 - 6:15pm                   11:15am - 12:00pm         6:30 - 7:45pm
                         Gentle Yoga                     ends June 15              Aquamotion
                         6:30 - 7:45pm                   Step Into Strength        7:00 - 7:45pm
                         Aquamotion                      6:45 - 7:30pm
                         7:00 - 7:45pm

 Fitness Class Info & Tips
  Stay hydrated before and during class
 Eat a healthy snack 1 hour before class
 Workout towels and equipment provided
    Workouts customized to all levels
No experience needed-try something new!

                         Bollywood & South Asian Dance*
                         Fridays: 6:00 - 6:45pm                                                                    F I T NE S S P UNC HC A RD S
                         Sundays: 10:00 - 10:45am                                                                  Love Samena’s classes but not the
                         Join Chandrayee Bhattacharyya and learn classical Kathak and other international          commitment? Our punchcard options
                         dance forms including experimental fusion! Chandrayee & her students have                 are a great choice for drop-ins!
                         performed in dance festivals and on stages for 20 years! All levels are welcome.          We have also offer options for our longer
                         * Not a Samena class, (425) 785-5217 for more info                                        classes and our senior-specific classes.
                                                                                                                   General Fitness Punchcard:

                         Learn to Swing Dance*
                                                                                                                         5 punches:		 $56/M; $77/NM
                                                                                                                         10 punches: $112/M; $154/NM
                         Mondays: 6:30pm and 8:00pm                                                                Senior Fitness Punchcard:
                                                                                                                         10 punches: $56/M; $63/NM
                         Learn two of the original swing era dances! Join Peter & Lauren for their Balboa                20 punches: $84/M; $112/NM
                         Basics and Intro to Swing series as they explore good partnering and dynamic
                         social dancing. Perfect for brand new and experienced dancers alike. Wear                 1 Hour + Fitness Class Punchcard
                         comfortable shoes.                                                                              5 punches:		 $91/M; $119/NM
                         * Not a Samena class, see peterlaurendance.com for info
                                                                                                                         10 punches: $182/M; $238/NM
                                                                                                                     * See Fitness Classes on page 9 - 12 for
                                                                                                                     specific punchcard eligibility
                                                                                                                                   www.samena.com               11
F i t ne s s & Wellne s s

                            Deep Water Exercise                                     Masters Swimming                                                YOUTH SWIM LESSONS
                            Strengthen and condition using water workout tools!
                            Resistance and range of motion exercises target your    Workout                                                         Samena’s group swim lessons will provide a great
                                                                                                                                                    foundation for learning important swimming and
                            legs, arms, and more with stretching, cardio, and       These coached swimming workouts provide a                       safety skills with our experienced instructors that
                            strength training.                                      warmup, varied sets, and a cool down. Improve your              will last a lifetime!
                            Day: Tuesday/Thursday                                   endurance, strength, and overall conditioning. Must
                            Time: 8:00 - 8:45am                                     be able to swim 25 yards of freestyle, backstroke,              Spring Sessions
                            Cost: $13/M; $17/NM                                     and breaststroke.                                               Our classic format of 30-minute swim lessons meet
                                  General Fitness Punchcard Eligible                Day: Monday/Wednesday/Friday                                    either once or twice a week in our Indoor Pool and
                                  FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members                Time: 5:45 - 6:45am                                             are available for swimmers ages 2.5 - 13 years. You
                            Instructor: Kathie                                      Cost: $13/M; $17/NM                                             will request two time preferences at enrollment, and
                            Location: 		 Indoor Pool                                    General Fitness Punchcard Eligible                          your specific time & instructor will be confirmed the
                                                                                        FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members                          Wednesday before classes begin.
                                                                                    Instructor: Anastasiya
                            Aquamotion                                              Location: 		 Outdoor Pool
                                                                                                                                                    Day: Monday/Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                    May Session: May 2 - 25
                            Start with a fun, fast, & fabulous cardio workout                                                                       June Session: June 1 - June 15
                            that will get your heart pumping & your body                                                                            Time: 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30pm
                            moving. Then slow things down for a focused
                            strength training workout. Exercises target all major
                                                                                    A qua t ic s                                                    Cost: $108/M; $140/NM, May
                                                                                                                                                    			$68/M; $88/NM, June
                            muscle groups using a variety of equipment.
                            Day: 		 Tuesday/Thursday                                Private Swim Lessons*                                           Day: Tuesday/Thursday
                                                                                                                                                    May Session: May 3 - May 26
                            				 No Class: During Swim Meets                        A fun, effective way to improve swim strokes                    June Session: May 31 - 16
                            Time: 		 7:00 - 7:45pm                                  and endurance. When taken in conjunction with                   Time: 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00pm
                            Cost: 		 $13/M; $17/NM                                  Samena’s group lessons, an enormous improvement                 Cost: $108/M; $140/NM, May
                                  General Fitness Punchcard Eligible                in skills can be achieved. Private lessons are booked           			$81/M; $105/NM, June
                                  FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members
                                                                                    in sets of four lessons.                                        Day: Saturday
                            Instructor: Sarah
                            Location: 		 Indoor Pool                                Age: 		 4 & up                                                  May Session: April 30 - June 18;
                                                                                    Cost:		 4 - 45 minute private lessons:                          						No Class May 28
                                                                                    			$240/M; $341/NM                                              Time: 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30am
                            Ageless Water                                              		 4 - 45 minute semi-private lessons
                                                                                       		 (2 swimmers of same level):
                                                                                                                                                    Cost: $95/M; $123/NM

                            Aerobics                                                   		$296/M; $421/NM
                                                                                    Contact for booking:
                                                                                                                                                    Summer Sessions
                                                                                                                                                    Our classic format of 30-minute swim lessons meet
                            Combine a fun social environment with a healthy         samena.com/learn-to-swim/private-swim-lessons                   either once or twice a week in our Indoor Pool and
                            low-impact workout. Raise your heart rate in shallow                                                                    are available for swimmers ages 2.5 - 13 years. You
                            water while improving flexibility, reducing joint       * Please be aware that the wait list is variable depending on
                                                                                    availability and currently has a lead-time of about 6 weeks     will request two time preferences at enrollment, and
                            pressure, building muscle strength, and improving                                                                       your specific time & instructor will be confirmed the
                            cardio ability. Move at your own pace!                                                                                  Wednesday before classes begin.
                            Day: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
                            Time: 8:00 - 8:45am                                     Parent-Tot Lessons                                              Day: Monday/Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                    July Session: June 20 - July 20; No Class July 4
                            Cost: $13/M; $17/NM                                     A great way to introduce infants and small children             August Session: July 25 - August 24
                                  General Fitness Punchcard Eligible                to the water! Classes provide a combination of                  Time: 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30pm
                                  FREE for Fitness Inclusive Members                water skills, playtime, and an opportunity to become
                            Instructor: Sarah                                                                                                       Cost: $122/M; $158/NM, July
                                                                                    comfortable in the pool with a parent in a fun and              			$135/M; $175/NM, August
                            Location: Indoor Pool                                   friendly environment.
                                                                                    Age: 		 6 months to 3 years                                     Day: Tuesday/Thursday
                                                                                    Day: Saturday                                                   August Session: July 26 - August 25
                                                                                    May Session: April 30 - June 18; No class May 28                Time: 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00pm
                                                                                    July Session: June 25 - July 23                                 Cost: $135/M; $175/NM
                                                                                    August Session: July 30 - August 27                             Day: Saturday
                                                                                    Time: 9:00, 9:30am                                              July Session: 		 June 25 - July 23
                                                                                    Cost: $95/M; $123/NM, May                                       August Session: July 30 - August 27
                                                                                    			 $68/M; $88/NM, July, August                                 Time: 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30am
                                                                                                                                                    Cost: $68/M; $88/NM

                             12         S A M E N A Swim & Recreation Club
Two Week Swim Lessons                                   Important Registration
                                                                                                                 Adult Swim Lessons

                                                                                                                                                                          A qua t ic s
These lessons squeeze an entire session into just two
weeks! These daily 30-minute classes in our Indoor      Information:
                                                        • Member Registration opens April 15                     It’s never too late to learn to swim, gain confidence,
Pool allow students to learn at their own pace and                                                               or improve your strokes! Beginners and intermediate
be successful without committing to a whole month       • Non-Member Registration opens:                         swimmers learn at their own pace with our great
of lessons. You will request two time preferences at      		 April 18 for May sessions                           instructors in our Indoor Pool.
enrollment, and your specific time & instructor will      		 May 6 for June sessions
be confirmed the Friday before classes begin.             		 June 3 for July sessions                            Spring Sessions
Day:		 Monday - Friday			                                 		 July 8 for August sessions                          Day:		 Monday/Wednesday
June Sessions:                                          • Pre-registration Closing Dates:                           May Session: May 2 - 25
   Session 1: June 22 - July 1                            		 M/W, T/Th, and Sat Youth Lessons –                     June Session: June 1 - 15
   (Late start due to BSD schedule)                       		 two Sundays before the session starts or            Time: 7:00 - 7:30pm
July Sessions:                                            		 when classes are full                               Cost: $108/M; $140/NM, May
   Session 2: July 5 - 15, No class July 4                		 1 Week or 2 Week Youth Lessons –                    			$68/M; $88/NM, June
   Session 3: July 18 - 29                                		 the Wednesday before the session starts
August Sessions:                                                                                                 Day: Saturday
                                                          		 or when classes are full                               May Session: April 30 - June 18;
   Session 4: August 1 - 12                               		 Parent-Tot, Pre-Comp and Adult Lessons –
   Session 5: August 15 - 26                                                                                        					No Class May 28
                                                          		 when classes are full                               Time: 9:00 - 9:30am, Beginner
Time: 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30am          • We recommend signing up as soon as possible.
Cost:		 $108/M; $140/NM, Session 1                                                                               			 9:30 - 10:00am, Intermediate
                                                           Levels are tracked in our system. So don’t wait!      Cost: $95/M; $123/NM
			 $122/M; $158/NM, Session 2
			 $135/M; $175/NM, Session 3, 4, 5                    • Two time preferences must be given at
                                                           enrollment for Youth Lessons. Select to. Time
                                                           placement priority will be given to Members           Summer Sessions
One Week Swim Lessons                                                                                            Day: Monday/Wednesday
Busy schedule this summer? No problem, Samena’s            first, then Non-Members, according to date of
                                                           registration to the best of our ability. No credits      July Session: June 20 - July 20;
one-week intensive sessions are perfect for the busy                                                                					No Class July 4
family. These daily, 45-minute classes in our Indoor       or refunds will be given if you are assigned a
                                                           class at your 2nd time preference.                       August Session: July 25 - August 24
Pool will help students learn each aspect of their                                                               Time: 7:00 - 7:30pm
level in a fun, engaging way, with our experienced      • Cancellations must be received at least 72 hours       Cost: $122/M; $158/NM, July
instructors. You will request two time preferences at      prior to the session start; Club credits will be      			$135/M; $175/NM, August
enrollment, and your specific time & instructor will       issued less a $25 cancellation fee. A refund,
be confirmed the Friday before classes begin.              less a 50% cancellation fee, can be requested.        Day: Saturday
Day:		 Monday - Friday			                                  Changes after preregistration has closed may             July Session: June 25 - July 23
June Sessions:                                             result in a $25 change fee and not all changes           August Session: July 30 - August 27
   Session 1: June 20 - 24                                 can be accommodated. Exceptions to the                Time: 9:00 - 9:30am, Beginner
                                                           cancellation policy for medical emergencies is at     			 9:30 - 10:00am, Intermediate
   Session 2: June 27 - July 1                             the discretion of the Aquatics Department, with
July Sessions:                                                                                                   Cost: $68/M; $88/NM
                                                           a doctor’s note.
   Session 3: July 5 - 8; No class July 4
   Session 4: July 11 - 15                              • We are unable to offer makeup lessons, and
   Session 5: July 18 - 22                                 there are no pro-rated credits or refunds for
   Session 6: July 25 - 29                                 classes missed during the session or for late
August Sessions:
   Session 7: August 1 - 5
   Session 8: August 8 - 12
   Session 9: August 15 - 19
   Session 10: August 22 - 26
Time: 9:00, 9:45, 10:30, 11:15am
Cost: $102/M ; $132/NM, Session 1, 2, 4 - 10
     		 $81/M; $106/NM, Session 3

                                                                                                                                     www.samena.com                13
A qua t ic s

               Pre-Comp                                                        Summer Swim Team                                       Water Polo
               A great chance for your child to build endurance                Samena Swim Team is one of the top teams in            Join the fast growing water sport at Samena! The
               to prepare for swim team!                                       the Midlakes Swim League. Swimmers ages 5-18           water polo teams will participate in games as we
               For ages 9 & up, must have passed Level 6 or                    years with intermediate swimming skills or higher      prepare to qualify for the league tournament. Boys
               have equivalent skills.                                         are invited to tryout for our team. Times are          and girls 7 - 18 years old may tryout. Qualifications
                                                                               not important when trying out; Prerequisites are       include swimming 50 yard crawl stroke and treading
               Day:		 Tuesday/Thursday                                         proficiency in all four strokes and ability to swim    water for 2 minutes. Parents are required to
                  Session 1: May 3 - 26                                        25 yards of each.                                      volunteer to assist with this team sport.
                  Session 2: May 31 - June 16                                  * Samena Members Only                                  * Samena Members Only
               Time: 5:30 - 6:00pm
               Cost: $108/M; $140/NM, Session 1                                Additional information will be provided at the         Registration and Parent Meeting: July 8, 7:00pm
               			 $81/M; $105 NM, Session 2                                   required parents meeting.                              Practice: Monday-Thursday, July 25 - August 19
               Location: Outdoor Pool                                                                                                 12 & Under: 		 9:00 - 9:45am
                                                                               • Tryouts: April 26, 27, 28 at 4:00 - 6:00pm
                                                                                                                                      13 - 18 Years: 9:45 - 10:45am
                                                                               • Registration: April 29
               Adapted Aquatics*
                                                                                                                                      Games: Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
                                                                               • Parent Meeting: May 11 at 7:00 - 8:00pm              				depending on age group
               This class is designed for children with special needs,                                                                Cost: $220, Summer Swim Team
               including physical, cognitive, or behavioral. 1-on-1                                                                   			 participants receive a 10% discount
                                                                               Practices May 23 - June 17
               time with an instructor enables the child to explore,           8 & Unders: 4:30 - 5:15pm, T/Th
               experience, and succeed in the water. Enrollment                					5:15 - 6:00pm, T/Th
               by application online, please be aware that the                 9 & 10s: 		 4:30 - 5:15pm, M/W
               waitlist is extensive: samena.com/learn-to-swim/                					5:15 - 6:00pm, M/W
               adapted-lessons                                                 11 & 12s: 		 4:30 - 5:30pm, T/Th
               Day: Tuesdays or Thursdays                                      13 & 14s: 4:30 - 5:30pm, M/W/F
                  Session 1: May 3 - 24, May 5 - 26                            15 & Ups: 5:30 - 6:30pm M/W/FW/F
                  Session 2: May 31 - June 14, June 2 - 16
                  Session 3: June 21 - July 19, June 23 - July 21              Practices June 20 - July 22
                  Session 4: July 26 - August 23,                              8 & Unders: 10:15 - 11:00am, M-F
                  			 July 28 - August 25                                      9 - 10s: 		 7:00 - 7:45am, M-F
               Time: 6:30 - 7:00pm                                             11 - 12s: 		 9:30 - 10:15am, M-F
                                                                               11 - 12s: 		 10:15 - 11:00am, M-F
                                                                                                                                      Springboard Diving
               Cost: $76/M; $104/NM, Session 1
               			 $95/M; $130/NM, Session 2, 3                                13 - 14s: 		 8:00 - 8:45am, M-F
                                                                               13 - 14s: 		 8:45 - 9:30am, M-F
               * Please be aware that the wait list is variable depending on   15 & Ups: 7:45 - 8:45am M-F                            Approach, hurdle, dive, tuck, pike twist… just a few
               availability and currently has a lead-time of about 6 weeks                                                            of the skills you will learn in this class. Learn new
                                                                               Cost:			$250                                           dives or improve dives you know!

               Swim-4-Tri                                                      Swim Meets: Tuesdays or Thursdays depending
                                                                               on age group starting late June
                                                                                                                                      Level: Beginner
                                                                                                                                      Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm
               Triathlon swim training (freestyle only) hosted by                                                                        Session 1: June 27 - July 6, M/W
               Vo2 Multisport. No triathlon experience necessary,              Volunteer work is required by all parents in order        				No Class July 4
               but participants must be able to swim 500 yards of              for your child to participate on the team. There are      Session 2: July 11 - 20, M/W
               freestyle and be comfortable in the water.                      lots of fun jobs for parents ranging from timers to       Session 3: July 25 - August 3, M/W
                                                                               concession stand workers. It is a great way to meet
               Day: Tuesday/Thursday                                           fellow Members and support the team. We need all          Session 4: August 8 - 17, M/W
               Time: 6:00 - 7:00am                                             parents’ participation for a successful season!           Session 5: August 22 - 25, M-Th
               Cost: $16/M; $20/NM
               Instructor: Ben Bigglestone, Vo2 Multisport                     Contact: swimteam@samena.com                           Level: Intermediate
               Location: 		 Outdoor Pool                                                                                              Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm
                                                                                                                                         Session 1: June 28 - July 7, T/Th
                                                                                                                                         Session 2: July 12 - 21, T/Th
                                                                                                                                         Session 3: July 26 - August 3, T/Th
                                                                                                                                         Session 4: August 9 - 17, T/Th
                                                                                                                                         Session 5: August 22 - 25, M-Th
                                                                                                                                      Cost: 		 $80/M; $100/NM
                                                                                                                                      				 $60/M; $75/NM Session 1 Beginner
                                                                                                                                      Location: Outdoor Pool

                14         S A M E N A Swim & Recreation Club
American Red Cross

                                                                                                                                                                    A qua t ic s
                                                                                                            Lifeguard Training
                                                                                                            This blended learning course combines online study
                                                                                                            prior to on-site practice where you will demonstrate
                                                                                                            competency in water skills, first aid, and CPR/AED
                                                                                                            • Age 15 years by last day of class.
                                                                                                            • Swim 200 yards front crawl and 100
                                                                                                                 yards breaststroke.
                                                                                                            • Swim 20 yards, surface dive and retrieve
                                                                                                                 10lb. object, swim back with object.
                                                                                                            • Tread water for 2 minutes without using arms
                                                                                                            Class 1: May 13 5:00 - 9:00pm and
                                                       • Masks, fins, snorkels, and floatation devices      				 May 14 - 15 9:00am - 5:00pm
Swimming Pools                                           may be used at the discretion of the Lifeguard
                                                         (depending on crowding of pool space for
                                                                                                            Class 2: June 24 5:00 - 9:00pm and
                                                                                                            				 June 25 - 26 9:00am - 5:00pm
Samena’s Indoor Pool, year-round and heated              safety).                                           Class 3: August 22 - 24 9:00am - 5:00pm
Outdoor Pool, and young child Wading Pool are                                                               Cost: 		 $289/M; $324/NM
available for Member use based on our published        • Lap swimmers should circle swim when
                                                         changing lanes.                                    				 Manual $25 or free download
pool schedules. Please check samena.com or our                                                              				from ARC website
Front Desk for the most up-to-date schedule.           • No flotation devices in deep end.                  Also offering a recertification course
Open Swim/Family Swim will have a larger pool          • No running and horseplay allowed on the            for current ARC lifeguards
space without lane lines available for families and      pool decks.                                        Day:		 June 22 4:00 - 9:00pm
general use.                                           • No food or drink allowed on the Indoor             Cost:		 $124/M; $154/NM
Lap Swim is open to all ages as long as the              Pool deck.
swimmer is swimming laps or water-walking back
and forth across the pool.
                                                       • No glass containers of any kind are allowed
                                                         on pool decks.
                                                                                                            Lifeguard Instructor
Adult Only Lap Swim is for ages 16 years & up.         • Band-Aids or open wounds are not allowed           Training
The Indoor Pool is 25 meters long, begins at             in the pools.                                      Are you ready to take the next step in your life
3.5-feet deep on three sides which slope to a 9-foot   • Diving Board: Children must pass their swim        guarding career? Become an American Red Cross
deep end, and is heated to 84-86 degrees.                test to use the diving board, only one person at   Lifeguard Instructor. Students will learn how to
The Outdoor Pool is 25 yards long, begins at             a time, one bounce only, no backwards entries      teach the Red Cross curriculum through practical
3-feet deep and slopes to a 12-foot deep end with        into the pool, and ensure the water is clear of    teach backs and skill assessments. Ages 17 & up,
a seasonal diving board, and is heated to 79-80          swimmers before diving.                            current ARC Lifeguard certification and two years
degrees.                                               • Wading Pool: No jumping from sides, enter          lifeguard experience required.
The Wading Pool is for toddlers ages 5 years and         from steps only.                                   Class 1: May 7, 8, 14, 9:00am - 5:00pm
under, begins at 1.5-feet deep and slopes to 2-feet    • Hot Tub: Limit Hot Tub use to 15 minutes.          Class 2: July 11 - 13, 9:00am - 5:00pm
deep in the center, and is heated to 90 degrees.         Children 13 years and older may be in the          Cost: 		 $240/M; $289/NM
Active parent supervision is required at all times.      Hot Tub without a parent present, children 6 to
Pool Rules
• Children 6 years and under must be
                                                         12 years may be in the Hot Tub with a parent
                                                         present, and children under 6 years old may        CPR/AED/First Aid
                                                         not use the Hot Tub.                               The American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First
  accompanied by an adult in the water.
                                                                                                            Aid/CPR/AED course is perfect for those looking
• Children who have not passed the swim test or                                                             for the skills necessary to keep their loved ones
  who are wearing floatation devices must always                                                            safe, meet an employment requirement, or
  have an adult in the water within arms reach.                                                             just improve your first aid and CPR knowledge.
• Swim tests can be administered by available                                                               Participants will utilize online learning and in
  lifeguards. Swimmers must be able to swim                                                                 person skill sessions to learn how to respond to life
  freestyle across the length of the pool, tread                                                            threatening emergencies.
  water for one minute, and jump off the side of                                                            Class 1: August 17 5:00 - 8:00pm
  the pool into the deep area and swim safely                                                               Cost: 		 $50/M; $65/NM
  back to the side.
                                                                                                                                www.samena.com                15
Tenni s

          Private Tennis Lessons Summer Adult Group                                                                       Summer Youth Group
          Need one-on-one or small group instruction?
          If you’re a new player, or looking for improvements Tennis Lessons                                              Tennis Lessons
          and specialized coaching, try private or semi-private                                                           Junior group lessons are geared toward beginner
          lessons.                                                Beginner/Advanced Beginner                              and intermediate levels. Learn the fundamentals of
                                                                  Concentrates on basic technique of ground strokes,      tennis and improve skills. Areas of instruction include
          Cost: Varies, see more info at                          volleys, overheads, and serves. For those just
          			samena.com/tennis/private-tennis-lessons                                                                     ground strokes, volleys, serving, scoring and basic
                                                                  beginning the game or some experience.                  strategy. The goal will be to encourage students to
          Contact: tennis@samena.com
                                                                  Time: 6:00 - 7:00pm                                     improve their skills in preparation for match play.
                                                                  Intermediate/Drill Class                                If an inclement weather cancellation occurs, a make-
          Spring Group                                            Drill and workout class is designed for players rated   up class is offered Friday of that week. Contact the
                                                                                                                          Front Desk to confirm.
          Tennis Lessons
                                                                  3.0 & up. The class consists of fast-paced hitting
                                                                  drills, ground strokes, and serving techniques.         Day: Monday - Thursday
          Get a head start for summer tennis play with            Time: 7:00 - 8:00pm                                        Session 1: June 27 - June 30
          once-a-week group tennis classes for both adults                                                                   Session 2: July 4 - 7
                                                                  Day: Wednesday                                             Session 3: July 11 - 14
          and juniors. Classes are geared towards beginners,          Session 1: June 22 - July 13
          advanced beginners, and intermediate students.                                                                     Session 4: July 18 - 21
                                                                      Session 2: July 20 - Aug 3
                                                                                                                             Session 5: July 25 - 28
                                                                      Session 3: Aug 10 - Aug 24
          Juniors                                                 Cost:
                                                                                                                             Session 6: August 1 - 4
          Age:		 6 - 14 years                                         Session 1: 		 $100/M; $115/NM                          Session 7: August 8 - 11
          Time: 4:00 - 5:00pm                                                                                                Session 8: August 15 - 18
                                                                      Sessions 2 & 3: 		 $75/M; $85/NM
                                                                                                                             Session 9: August 22 - 25
          Age: 		 15 years & up                                                                                           Time: 9:00 - 10:00am 5 - 9 years
          Time: 5:30 - 6:30pm                                     Tennis Courts                                           			 10:00 - 11:00am 10 - 16 years
                                                                                                                          Cost: $75/M; $85/NM
          Day: Wednesday                                          Samena’s two outdoor Tennis Courts are available
          Date: May 25 - June 8; Make-up: June 15                 for drop-in member use of all ages when there is no
          Cost: $75/M; $85/NM                                     programming scheduled. Please be aware there is no
                                                                  outdoor lighting for the Tennis Courts.

           16       S A M E N A Swim & Recreation Club
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