Page created by Lance Hamilton
Written by                     ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                       CONTENTS
Sandra Velthuis,               Gratitude is expressed to Michael Ewing of the Irish   Forewords                                   4
Whitebarn Consulting           Environmental Network, Susan Gallagher of Clann
                               Credo and Deirdre Maloney of the Department of the
Design & Print                                                                        About this handbook                         5
                               Environment, Community and Local Government for
                               providing background information for this handbook.
                               Thanks are also due to Anne Bedos of Rothar, Mary      The sustainable organisation:
Published by
                               Fogarty of The Cottage Loughmore, John Feeney of       a cornerstone of a sustainable community    6
The Wheel, with the
                               Coolagown Development Group, and Jim Fortune
support of the Environmental
                               and Ray Flynn of Rosslare TidyTowns for sharing        The road to financial security             13
Protection Agency
                               their funding stories.
                                                                                      Applying for grants                        22
September 2016                 DISCLAIMER
                               This publication contains references and pointers      Other ways of generating income            32
                               to information provided by other organisations.
                               We cannot guarantee their accuracy. Note that
                               this document is for guidance only and is not a        Case studies: it is possible!              40
                               replacement for seeking legal advice should that
                               be necessary.                                          Index                                      54

                               Environmental Protection Agency
                               053 916 0600

                               The Wheel
                               01 454 8727
FOREWORDS                                                 ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK
                           The EPA is delighted to have partnered with The           Is it for us?
                           Wheel in the production of this guidance book
                                                                                     This is a handbook for community-led groups
                           which we hope will help groups across Ireland to be
                                                                                     throughout Ireland, both urban and rural. By this
                           successful in securing funding for community-led
                                                                                     we mean groups formed and run by communities
                           sustainability initiatives.
                                                                                     themselves, instead of statutory bodies or private
                           Our vision for sustainable communities are ones           businesses. It is targeted both at traditional
                           that are economically thriving; environmentally           environmental groups and other groups with a
                           healthy; and socially resilient. By taking an active      broader agenda for sustainable living and community
                           role in the management and protection of your             well-being. It provides practical information for
                           local amenities, groups like yours are actively           ensuring that your group has sufficient funding in
                           contributing to improving well-being while promoting      order to function, both now and into the future. It is
Dara Lynott                a clean environment and a prosperous future. This         therefore likely to be of particular relevance to those
                           handbook seeks to provide you with guidance to            who govern and manage your group’s affairs.
Deputy Director General,
Environmental Protection   successfully source the funding needed to support
                           the achievement of these goals.                           How do we make best use of it?
                                                                                     We strongly advise you to read the handbook
                           Sustainability is a core principle for the EPA and by     from start to finish. After setting the scene, we
                           partnering with The Wheel and their experience in         define the concept of a sustainable community-led
                           supporting and developing groups in the community         organisation. We then discuss strategies for bringing
                           and voluntary sector, we believe that we have             more money into your group. Next, we explore grant
                           achieved a good balance of knowledge which is             options, before describing alternatives to seeking
                           hopefully reflected in a practical and useful guide.      grants. We bring theory to life at the end of the
                                                                                     handbook, where we provide a number of case
                                                                                     studies to show that, despite inevitable challenges,
                           Exploring both old and new ways to diversify your         becoming financially sustainable is an achievable
                           organisation’s funding base, The Wheel is pleased         goal. We have included quotes, tips and signposts
                           to present this easy-to-use funding handbook. As a        to further resources throughout and we have also
                           follow-on from our Financing Your Future guide, this      provided an index for your convenience.
                           guide is aimed at small community organisations,
                           especially volunteer-led ones.                            A note on language
                                                                                     When we use the word community, we not only
                           Proactive community-led groups like yours contribute      refer to a community of place, such as a village, we
                           to sustainability. This handbook provides you with        also include a community of interest: that is, people
                           guidance to enhance the financial sustainability of       who may live in different parts of the country but
                           your organisation.                                        who share a common interest, such as protecting
                                                                                     birdlife. We use the words group and organisation
Deirdre Garvey             Begin the journey with an open mind, and remain
                                                                                     interchangeably. We use the word board to mean
                           willing to take a long, hard look at your organisation.
Chief Executive Officer,                                                             the governing body of your organisation, although
                           Are you too reliant on one source of funding? The
The Wheel                                                                            in practice you may call this your management
                           handbook is packed with ideas and resources. Its tips
                                                                                     committee, core group, council, or something else.
                           and tools can be tailored to fit your needs. We hope
                           that it will spark creativity and we wish you well on     Important: the words sustainable and sustainability
                           your journey.                                             have different meanings depending on context; we
                                                                                     explore these in more detail in the first section of
                                                                                     the handbook.

4                                                                                    Sustainable Communities                                   5
                    WHAT IS SUSTAINABILITY?                                 Sustainable
                                                                            Development Goals
                    In its most general sense, sustainability refers to a
                    capacity to endure. What springs to mind when you

                                                                            In September 2015, world leaders
                    hear the word sustainability?                           committed to the Sustainable
                                                                            Development Goals (The Global Goals).
                    Global sustainability                                   There are 17 goals to address climate

                                                                            change, extreme poverty, inequality
                    Too often, we talk of the environment, the economy
                                                                            and injustice over 15 years. Everyone
                    and society as if they are three entirely separate      has a part to play in achieving the
                    things. These distinctions are misleading, because

                                                                            goals: governments, businesses and
                    social, economic and environmental factors are in       civil society. For more information
                    fact completely interdependent. For example, we         from an Irish perspective, contact
                    cannot claim to have a successful economy if, in the

         OF A
                                                                            Irish Aid (
                    process of creating financial profit, we damage the
                    natural environment or do not uphold basic human
                    rights. We must balance the needs of our planet, its

     SUSTAINABLE    people, and the economies that allow populations to
                    function. Not doing so causes deep problems, both
                    today and – crucially – in the long-term.

      COMMUNITY       “Sustainable development is
                        development that meets the
                        needs of the present without
                        compromising the ability
                        of future generations to
                        meet their own needs.”
                             World Commission on Environment and
                             Development, Our Common Future, 1987

6                   Sustainable Communities                                                                     7
Public Participation                    Sustainable communities                                   Sustainable organisations
Networks                                It is tempting to think of sustainability as being only   Individual citizens can and should take action
Each local government area now
                                        an international issue, and therefore one that is too     for sustainability; whether that involves voting in
has a Public Participation Network      distant to be immediately relevant to us. But the         elections, walking to work, or lending a helping
(PPN) to facilitate engagement          world is made up of billions of people organised into     hand to those who need it. But people on their own
between the local authority and the     hundreds of thousands of communities. Each of             can only achieve so much. It is when people like
environmental, voluntary and social     these communities (including yours, here in Ireland)      you come together to take action in the community
inclusion sectors operational in that   has a role in ensuring sustainability. A sustainable,     that a real difference can be made. Community
area. It is the intention that each     liveable, healthy community is not just reactive to       groups, charities, voluntary bodies, associations,
PPN has: a Secretariat; a County        external events (for example, flooding or economic        nonprofits, social enterprises, Non-Governmental
or City Plenary; Municipal District     recessions). Instead, it is proactive and empowered to    Organisations; they may be known by different
Plenaries; and Linkage Groups
                                        shape its own future for the health and well-being of     names, but they all have a potentially powerful role
dealing with specific issues. The PPN
                                        all members of that community, as well as the local       to play in terms of promoting sustainable living and
structure also offers an excellent
opportunity to lend your voice to
                                        natural environment.                                      community well-being.
local plans being drawn up and to
get to know and work with other          “The sustainability of a
community-led groups.
                                           community depends on creating                                                Environmental
If you have not already done so,           and maintaining its economic                                                     Limits
you should register your group
                                           and environmental health,
with your local PPN. Contact your
local authority today for further          promoting social equity, and                                                     Society
information.                               fostering broad-based citizen
                                           participation in planning and
                                           implementation. Communities that
                                           engage citizens and institutions                                                 Economy
                                           to develop sustainability
                                           principles and a collective
                                           vision for the future and that
                                           apply an integrative approach
                                           to environmental, economic,                            WHAT DOES A SUSTAINABLE
                                                                                                  COMMUNITY-LED ORGANISATION DO?
                                           and social goals are generally
                                           likely to be more successful.”                         First and foremost, we should remember that
                                               Sustainable Communities Online, 2015
                                                                                                  sustainable community-led organisations consider
                                                                     environmental, economic and social aspects
                                                                                                  together as one. They translate the concept of
                                                                                                  global sustainability into practical action at
                                                                                                  community level.

                                                                                                  In addition, we believe that the most effective
                                                                                                  of these organisations share the following eight
                                                                                                  common characteristics, ensuring that they are
                                                                                                  robust in their approach. How do you feel your
                                                                                                  group measures up?

8                                                                                                 Sustainable Communities                                9
1   Maintains good governance                              4   Innovates                                               Solid Foundations
     Establishing any sort of an organisation comes             There are many tried and tested ways of doing               The Wheel provides a range of
     with certain governance obligations. It involves           things. Those that work well should, of course, be          information and supports to
     leadership, putting in place appropriate controls,         continued. However, there is almost always room for         its members and to the broader
     being accountable to those who have a stake in the         improvement. Also, the world around us is changing          nonprofit sector. One resource
     organisation, working effectively, and behaving with       constantly, meaning that we have no option but to           that is of particular relevance
     integrity. Everything you need to know about how           keep up with those changes. Groups that are open            is its Solid Foundations series
     to govern a community-led organisation well can be         to change, creative and prepared to find innovative         of good practice publications
     found in the sister publication to this one, Sustainable   solutions to problems in their community, are likely to     for community, voluntary and
     Communities: a good governance resource book. Do           be the most successful. This does not always mean           charitable organisations. In
                                                                                                                            addition to an overview guide,
     consider signing up to the Governance Code if you          having to come up with brand new ideas; it may
                                                                                                                            there are six further guides
     have not already done so (          simply mean being prepared to research and adopt
                                                                                                                            focusing on: governance; human
                                                                initiatives that have been shown to work elsewhere          resources; financial planning; risk
     2   Focuses on its strengths                               (testing and adapting them as necessary).                   management; collaboration; and
     We often find it far easier to identify and focus on                                                                   outcomes and impact. Order yours
     unmet needs and associated problems than on                5   Embraces diversity                                      now – they are free for members of
     potential solutions. However, many solutions are           People in communities are diverse and community             The Wheel (
     already lying in wait within the community. The            groups should strive to reflect that richness. At the       publications).
     Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD)                   very least, they must not discriminate on any of the
     approach encourages communities to focus on                nine grounds laid out in Irish equality law (gender,
     their strengths and to mobilise available resources,       marital status, family status, sexual orientation,
     thereby becoming active agents in the process of           religion, age, disability, race and membership of the
     improving those communities. To find out more,             Traveller community; for further information contact
     take a look at the website of ABCD Europe                  the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission –
     (                        But diversity is about far more than
                                                                legal compliance. Sustainable community groups
     3   Collaborates                                           understand that diversity is an asset. Not only does
     Just as collections of people can usually achieve          it demonstrate a commitment to equality and social
     more than individuals, so groups of organisations          justice, but very practically, it brings different points
     can often create bigger and better results than            of view, skills, and contacts into the organisation,
     those working alone. You do not need to ‘own’ every        which are all highly valuable.
     initiative yourself. Pooling resources can deliver
     efficiencies, achieve economies of scale and bring         6   Shows visible results
     about greater impact. Resources do not just come           As a community group, you need to be absolutely
     in the shape of money, but also land, equipment,           clear what your purpose is and what it is that
     knowledge, contacts, time, energy, and so on.              you intend to achieve. Socio-economic and
     Partnership working can take many forms, from              environmental progress can often take a very
     informal information-sharing to formal mergers.            long time to bring about. However, you should
     Partners can be other community groups, but                nonetheless strive for early visible results, however
     can also be local businesses, statutory bodies,            small. This will help to convince others of your worth
     educational establishments, the press, and so on.          and make it easier to garner further support. You
     In order for collaboration to be truly effective, there    should also celebrate your successes, because doing
     must be trust between partners.                            so will help to keep people motivated. Have a party!
                                                                If success is limited, you should try to understand the
                                                                reasons for this and adapt the way you work.

10                                                              Sustainable Communities                                                                           11
     7   Demonstrates resilience
     Inevitably, there will be crises and your group needs
     to be sufficiently tough in order to cope with these

                                                                                   TO FINANCIAL
     hard times. To a certain extent, resilience is about
     practical preparedness (for example, holding some
     financial reserves and having appropriate insurance

     cover), but that is not all. Resilience is also about
     not being overly dependent on others, about being
     self-reliant and about being adaptable in a context
     of uncertainty. And in this context, remember that a
     little bit of humour can go a long way!

     8   Secures sufficient resources
     Even the tiniest community group needs resources
     in order to function. These can be non-financial
     resources, such as the time provided by volunteers,
     or financial resources to pay for things like room
     hire, printing, equipment and refreshments. Bringing
     money into the organisation once or twice may
     not be that difficult. Doing it year after year can be
     more challenging. What is even more challenging is
     avoiding the pitfall of ‘chasing the money’ – applying
     for funding that distracts the organisation from
     its core purpose. In addition to all the forms of
     sustainability already discussed, community groups
     themselves need financial sustainability. The rest of
     the handbook focuses on this issue.

12                                                            Sustainable Communities             13
All hands on deck                         “IF ONLY WE HAD MORE FUNDING”                                         “Sustainable financing is a process                           Not having all your eggs
                                                                                                                  of looking beyond the here and now                           in one basket
Whose job is it to make the group         Statutory services are funded by the taxpayer.
financially sustainable? This is too      Businesses make money by trading. Community-                            and adopting a long-term dynamic                             Diversifying your income stream
big and too important a task to be        led groups, on the other hand, may have a really                        strategy for resourcing your                                 spreads risk, which is obviously
left to one person. It is in everyone’s   important social and/or environmental purpose, but                      organisation. It is about no longer                          a good thing. But too much
interest that there is enough             they have no automatic way of funding their work.                       burying your head in the sand about                          diversification can be risky too,
funding for the organisation to do                                                                                                                                             as you may not be able to manage
                                                                                                                  money, not blaming others for your
its work. It therefore follows that       Community groups often survive on a hand-to-mouth                                                                                    the complexity that goes hand in
everyone in the organisation will                                                                                 lack of funding, and not being
                                          basis. An irregular cash flow and a lack of certainty                                                                                hand with that. You should only
probably have some sort of a role
                                          about income can be very stressful. Paradoxically, it
                                                                                                                  caught completely off-guard by                               diversify if, by doing so, you gain
to play. The ultimate responsibility                                                                              external forces.                                             significantly more that you would
                                          can be especially challenging for groups that have
for ensuring that the organisation                                                                                                                                             by not doing it. You have to find the
is financially secure is that of the
                                          secured funding for one or more paid members
                                                                                                                  more sustainable model involves
                                                                                                                 A                                                             right income mix for your particular
board, however. The board can             of staff. This is because they have ongoing legal                                                                                    set of circumstances. Just because
                                          obligations as employers that all-volunteer groups
                                                                                                                 ongoing researching, planning,
delegate the work associated with                                                                                                                                              something worked well for one
securing funding (for example, it can     do not have, not least having to pay salaries and                      implementing, monitoring and
                                                                                                                                                                               organisation at one point in time
ask a member of staff to submit a         associated costs every month.                                          evaluating the best possible                                  does not mean it will be similarly
grant application or it can ask fellow                                                                           income streams for your particular                            successful for you now, and vice
volunteers to organise a fundraiser),     Some groups may have a relatively good level of                        organisation. It almost certainly                             versa. Always be alert to funding
but it can never delegate the             funding, but may also be overly dependent on one                       includes diversifying your income                             opportunities and to funding threats
responsibility.                           income source, which is very risky, because there is                                                                                 and accept that your income mix will
                                                                                                                 portfolio (‘not having all your
                                          no guarantee that this income source will always be                                                                                  probably never remain constant.
                                          there. In any case, groups often want to do more than
                                                                                                                 eggs in one basket’), but this
                                          they presently do, in order to meet the community                      does not mean you should spread
                                          needs that they can see. They often feel that they                     yourself too thinly. Certainly, it                            Seize opportunities
                                          cannot progress their ideas because they do not have                   is an approach designed to limit
                                                                                                                                                                               Planning is vital, but this does not
                                          enough funding.                                                        risk, but not avoid it altogether.
                                                                                                                                                                               mean you must stick slavishly to a
                                                                                                                 It is about balancing prudence                                plan. Amazing opportunities present
                                          Much energy can be spent worrying about
                                                                                                                 with creativity and thinking big.                             themselves from time to time.
                                          insufficient funding and a lack of financial security.
                                          This can sometimes lead to organisational paralysis.
                                                                                                                 It recognises that in order to get                            When they do, be ready to seize
                                                                                                                 money, you must spend money (and                              them with open arms (if your board
                                          Far better to use this time productively to actively                                                                                 decides doing so is the right thing
                                          grow and diversify the group’s income.                                 time and energy).
                                                                                                                                                                               for your group). Sometimes, you
                                                                                                                                                                               need to react quickly, but at other
                                                                                                                  ny choices for growing your
                                                                                                                                                                               times you can foresee opportunities
                                                                                                                 income should therefore be made                               some time ahead. For example,
                                                                                                                 with a very clear eye on the                                  did you know that 2017 has been
                                                                                                                 potential, and actual, return on                              designated as the United Nations
                                                                                                                 investment. Hopefully, you will                               International Year of Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                               Tourism for Development? Is this
                                                                                                                 reap the rewards, but do accept
                                                                                                                                                                               sometimes that your community
                                                                                                                 that sometimes, plan A will fail.                             group could optimise on? Also, Sligo
                                                                                                                 If this happens, act quickly and                              has been named European Capital of
                                                                                                                 try plan B.”                                                  Volunteering for 2017. Could you get
                                                                                                                                                                               involved in this somehow?
                                                                                                                       The Wheel, Financing Your Future: a guide to building
                                                                                                                       a sustainable income for community and voluntary
                                                                                                                       organisations, 2015

                                          Research, planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating cycle

14                                                                                                            Sustainable Communities                                                                            15
Building a compelling case                TEN STEPS TO BECOMING                                                          Step 3                                The value you will create
for support                               FINANCIALLY SUSTAINABLE                                                        Analyse your current                  Here you can emphasise what will
                                                                                                                         resource profile                      be changed as a result of your project
Regardless of what funding method                          Step 1		                                                                                            being funded and you being able to
you decide to pursue, you will need                                                                                    Before looking for new money, it
                                                           Make a commitment                                                                                   carry out the funded work. Change
to be armed with a persuasive                                                                                          is important to take stock of your
                                                            Accept that you will not become                                                                    happens at different levels. At its most
case for support. Just because you                                                                   present situation. You need to be sure how much it
                                                                                                                                                               basic level it is about the outputs (for
understand and believe passionately                         financially sustainable overnight and    costs you to operate and what resources (financial        example, the number of people you
in your cause, does not mean that                           that it will not be an easy ride. You    and non-financial) you are currently in receipt of. You   will help), but you should try to think
others outside of your group will         will have to be prepared to commit both time and           need to know if any of these are likely to end and if     deeper than that. What outcomes
automatically do the same. It is up       money to this process. All board members should            so, when. You also need to have clarity on how you        will there be (for instance, how will
to you to craft a compelling written      make a joint decision about starting the journey           are spending these resources at the moment. A word        the lives of those people be changed
argument that includes the following:     and should agree a timeline for action. This should        of caution: being overly optimistic at this stage will    after receiving a service from you)?
                                          be revisited at every subsequent meeting (make             not serve you well. There are tools that can help you     What will the broader impact of that
The reason you exist
                                          it a standing agenda item) and people who have             in this process, such as:                                 be on the local community? Can you
You cannot assume that other people
                                          agreed to perform tasks associated with the funding                                                                  estimate what social value will be
will understand this without further                                                                 — Matrix Map (a visual tool that plots all of the         created as a result?
                                          strategy should be held to account. If you
explanation. You must describe the                                                                   organisation’s activities into a single compelling
                                          do not have the skills in-house, you will need to
problem that your group was set                                                                      image –        How much it will cost
                                          source them from elsewhere. For example, you
up to address. It is important here                                                                  the-matrix-map-a-powerful-tool-for-mission-               Even the most excellent ideas can
to focus on the need, not on the          may need to pay a consultant or seek a voluntary
                                                                                                     focused-nonprofits)                                       fail if they have not come under
organisation itself. Demonstrate that     mentor (try contacting your local volunteer centre –                                                                 sufficiently close financial scrutiny.
the need is real by using whatever                 — Nonprofit Finance Fund’s Self-Assessment (a
                                                                                                                                                               Potential supporters need to know
evidence you have at your disposal.                                                                  worksheet that helps you to capture a snapshot
                                                                                                                                                               that you have done your sums
Robust external research is far more                       Step 2		                                  of your organisation’s financial strengths and
                                                                                                                                                               properly. Clearly describe and justify
useful than vague statements or                            Articulate your purpose                   weaknesses –                the size of the project that you are
personal anecdotes.                                                                                  sites/default/files/docs/2010/Self-Assessment_            seeking funding for.
                                                             Your conviction that what you do is
Your vision for the future                                   important is not enough. You need
                                                                                                     — Sustainable Sun Tool (an attractive tool that helps     The call to action
This is where you can paint a picture                        to be able to clearly state what your
                                          purpose is, so that you can persuade others to share       you to plot your relative financial health in different   Organisations sometimes make a
of how things could be if the problem                                                                                                                          really persuasive case for support
was solved (or addressed as well          your passion. You may be fortunate enough to already       categories –
                                                                                                     practical_support/funding/sustainable-funding/            and then forget to include a call to
as it could be, as some needs will        have a well-written mission statement, but many                                                                      action. You need to spell out exactly
never disappear completely). Again,       groups do not. Even if they have one, it is often overly   Sustainable%20Sun%20Tool.pdf).
                                                                                                                                                               how people can support you. Are you
focus on the cause here, not on the       long and full of jargon. Can you simply and clearly                                                                  asking for money? If so, how much
organisation itself.                      state what change your group is trying to bring                                                                      money and what are you asking
Your solution
                                          about? Do you have a sensible strategy for achieving                                                                 them to do next? Are you asking
                                          that goal? Can you describe the value of your work,                                                                  people to volunteer their time? If so,
This is where you can focus on the
                                          for example, in terms of social or natural capital?                                                                  what is involved and who do they
way in which your organisation will                                                                                                                            contact? Convey a sense of urgency.
tackle the issue. What you are trying
                                          Do you have evidence of positive outcomes that you
to do here is position your group in      have already generated? Grantspace provides some
between ‘problem’ on the one end          very good resources on how to develop or improve
of the spectrum and ‘no problem’          mission statements (
at the other end of the spectrum.
Your project idea needs to be good,
but it is just as crucial to show that
your group has the capacity to bring
it to fruition, possibly more so. It is
therefore important to focus on your
group’s strengths and highlight its
previous successes.

16                                                                                                   Sustainable Communities                                                                         17
The basics                                               Step 4                                                        Step 6                                  Relationships,
People also need to know a little                        Make savings where possible                                   Generate options                        relationships,
basic information about your group.                        There is a reasonable expectation                           Can you retain the income streams       relationships
This might include things such as:                         that community groups should                                that you currently have and if so,
how and when it was established; its                                                                                                                           Groups often spend much time looking
                                                           not be lavish and should use their                          is there any chance they could be       for new supporters when, in fact,
legal status (a company limited by
                                        limited resources wisely. Saying that, shoestring          expanded on? Even if the answer to these questions          what they should be doing is building
guarantee? registered as a charity?);
what activities you undertake; what     budgets are not likely to result in significant impacts.   is yes, it is more than likely you will wish or need to     on the relationships that they already
your website address is, etc.           Most community groups are already very ‘lean’              explore other options too. Generate as long a list as       have. It is much easier to deepen an
                                        and there is little that can be done to reduce their       you can, seeking the input from as many people as           existing relationship than it is to start
When writing your case for support,
                                        expenditure, so the implications of any proposed           possible: the board, other volunteers, staff, members,      a new one from scratch.
focus on the person who will
                                        further cutbacks should be considered very carefully.      users of your service, etc. You can use brainstorming       Every person involved with
be reading it (you can tailor the
message for different audiences).
                                        However, it is always worth seeking out the following:     sessions, questionnaire surveys, suggestion boxes           your group has a network of
Use clear, simple, active language      Charitable discounts (for example, software –              or simply talk to people informally. You may be             family, friends, colleagues and
and avoid technical terms and                        surprised where the best ideas come from and how            acquaintances, all of whom have
abbreviations. Make the document                                                                   one that seems outlandish on first hearing, can turn        connections with businesses,
                                        Pro bono support (for example, legal assistance
attractive. Edit and re-edit it                                                                    out to be excellent.                                        agencies and other organisations.
                                        –                                                                          Any of the people in their networks
                                        Assistance-Scheme.aspx)                                                                                                could be your next partner or
                                                                                                                       Step 7
Remember that there are two ways
                                        Group savings schemes (for example, various goods                              Assess options                          supporter. Therefore, ideally, each
to convince people to support you,                                                                                                                             should act as an ambassador for
                                        and services –
both of which are important. The                                                                                      Your aim at this stage is to come up     your group, explaining what you do,
first is the ‘emotional’ appeal to      Resource sharing (for example, office                                         with a shortlist of potentially viable   why it is important and what you
the heart (think human stories,         accommodation and related services –                                          options (we recommend fewer              need in order to do even more.
powerful images, testimonials                                   than ten). Do not rule anything out too quickly. Only
from people who have used your                                                                                                                                 It is very important to set up and
                                                                                                   discard ideas once they have been properly assessed.        then grow a database of contacts
service, etc). The second is the                         Step 5                                    We advise that you use a scoring system – it does not       that you keep updated and that you
‘rational’ appeal to the brain (think                    Calculate how much you need               matter if it is hand-drawn table or a spreadsheet, as
logical information, key statistics,                                                                                                                           use to send regular updates about
outcomes data, etc). And finally,
                                                         Your earlier analysis will have           long as it allows you to do the following:                  your organisation. If you don’t have
always be positive. People want to                       pointed to any shortfalls you need        — Consider the criteria that are important to you (for      such a list, start it today but don’t
be associated with a winner, not a                       to cover and to any plans you have        instance: the income potential of each idea, how easy       forget to observe the necessary
sinking ship.                           for development over the coming years. Do not ever         it would be to implement and your capacity to deliver)      data protection rules that apply to
                                        say: “we need as much money as possible”. Even the                                                                     contacting people.
                                                                                                   — If necessary, weight those criteria (are they all
                                        most generous, unquestioning donors would like to                                                                      When it comes down to it, raising
                                                                                                   equally important or are some more important to you
                                        know what the money they are thinking of parting                                                                       funds is all about building
                                                                                                   than others?)
                                        with will be spent on. You need to know exactly how                                                                    relationships and maintaining these
                                        much money you are looking to raise at any one time        — Score every idea under all criteria (if using a           relationships over time. People give
                                        and be absolutely clear how this will be used.             weighting system, you need to multiply the score by         to people. So ask them for their help.
                                                                                                   the weight)
                                                                                                   — Add up the results
                                                                                                   — Place the highest rated ideas on your shortlist.

18                                                                                                 Sustainable Communities                                                                           19
Above all, thank them, sincerely                         Step 8                                      “A case statement is simply a
and in an appropriate manner. You                        Do your research                              written document that states
would not be able to do your work
                                                           You now need to do some more                the most important facts about
without their support, whether it is
a few hours of their time, a grant or                      in-depth research on all of the items       an organization. It can range in
a corporate donation.                                      on your shortlist. You will need to         length from a wallet-size card to
                                        consider all the implications of pursuing your ideas,          twenty pages or more. Preparing
People also want to know what you
                                        including legal matters and other risks. You will need
did with the money you gave them.                                                                      such a statement provides
                                        to find out exactly what is involved and who might be
Tell them and show what impact                                                                         the opportunity to amass data
you have made, using stories, photos
                                        able to assist you. This will enable you to draw up a
                                        priority list. Do not skimp on this stage of the process       that will best illustrate the
or videos. Keep in touch. Provide
                                        – all this background research will help you to make           competence of your staff and the
opportunities for them to stay
involved and to help you grow. Let      the right decisions.                                           effectiveness of your work.”
them be part of your success story!                                                                         Michael Seltzer, Securing Your Organization’s Future:
                                                         Step 9                                             A Complete Guide To Fundraising Strategies, 2002
                                                         Develop and implement
                                                         an action plan
                                                                                                     “Donors give to your organization
                                                          You can then draw up a realistic
                                                                                                       because they believe you are
                                                          action plan with agreed targets,
                                        timelines and responsibilities. Now is the time to trial
                                                                                                       making a difference in a cause
                                        the first one or two ideas. Do not try to do everything        they care about. They value your
                                        at once, as this can become overwhelming. It is really         work and want to support you in
                                        important that you keep the process manageable.                changing the world. Their gifts
                                                                                                       are investments in the work they
                                                         Step 10                                       expect you to accomplish. So it
                                                         Monitor progress and adapt                    follows that results are the best
                                                           Monitor progress carefully. Be              way to show your recognition and
                                                           honest: look at net income, not             appreciation for your donors.”
                                                           gross income. This also means
                                                                                                            Terry Axelrod, The Joy of Fundraising: How to Stop
                                        being realistic about the time you invested into                    Suffering and Start Enjoying Asking for Money for
                                        making things happen (this is what is called an                     Your Favorite Cause, 2006
                                        ‘opportunity cost’). Did things go according to
                                        plan? If so, that is fantastic: keep ploughing ahead.
                                        However, the most useful insights can sometimes
                                        be gained by figuring out what did not work, and
                                        why. New initiatives that fail the first time round
                                        could possibly become successful with some minor
                                        adjustments. Now may also be the time to try the
                                        next item(s) on your priority list.

20                                                                                                 Sustainable Communities                                          21
                THE NATURE OF GRANT-AID                                   Where do we find
                                                                          out which grants are
                A grant is a subsidy: a funder provides money in          available?
                the expectation that the recipient will do something

       FOR      beneficial with it. There are many kinds of grants
                given out by many types of entities, ranging from tiny
                voluntary sector grants on one end of the scale to
                                                                          ― Subscribe to the Wheel’s
                                                                             Fundingpoint service, which
                                                                             is a continually updated online

      GRANTS    enormous grants by international foundations on the
                other end, with much in between (for example, see
                below a spotlight on LEADER grants). Some are for
                                                                             database of 840+ grant schemes
                                                                          ― Sign up to receive Activelink’s
                individuals and others are for groups. Some are for          Community Exchange into your
                once-off capital expenditure (for example, a building),      email inbox each week
                others are for programming (for example, running a           (
                pilot project), whereas yet others are for longer-term       newsletter-info)
                support (for example, core staffing costs). Most grant    ― If you are based in rural Ireland,
                schemes are only open for applications at certain            check out the website of the
                times. Although most schemes have a one-stage                National Rural Network for
                application process, some have a two-stage process,          information on grant schemes
                starting with a short pre-application before inviting a      such as LIFE and LEADER
                smaller number of full applications.                         (
                                                                          ― Ask to receive the newsletters
                Whilst grants are an attractive option that your             and e-zines produced by relevant
                community group should definitely consider as a part         umbrella bodies and membership
                of its income mix, it should be remembered that they         bodies, such as the Irish
                are always time-limited. Also, there is often fierce         Environmental Network
                competition for grants, which may mean putting               (, as these often
                in significant effort, yet still being unsuccessful.         contain information about
                Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the grant            upcoming grant schemes
                scheme will be repeated; even if it is and you were       ― Network! Speak with other similar
                lucky previously, you may not be the next time round.        organisations, relevant statutory
                                                                             bodies and anyone else you can
                However, by doing your research properly you                 think of who might be able to
                should be able to pinpoint those grants that are             provide leads. Engaging with your
                appropriate for your particular community group              local PPN (see page 8) can also
                and make strong grant applications that will be              help you to identify grants.
                successful at least some of the time. Getting your
                first grant will probably be the hardest. Many grant-
                makers like to invest in projects whose worth has
                already been shown.

22              Sustainable Communities                                                                        23
Spotlight on LEADER                      EUROPEAN UNION GRANTS                                    Note that the EU rarely provides core funding, but     For the purposes of LEADER 2014-
                                                                                                  funds projects instead. Ask yourself if any of your    2020, the country has been divided
LEADER is an EU funding stream                                                                                                                           into 28 subregional areas, each of
                                          “… EU programmes could be a                            current or planned projects might be of interest to
that has existed since 1991.                                                                                                                             which has a Local Action Group
                                                                                                  the EU, for instance:
Although LEADER funding has                source of increased funding                                                                                   (LAG) that has been tasked with
decreased over time, it still offers        for the community and                                 —	Do they involve the development of/research on      drawing up a Local Development
significant funding opportunities                                                                    some new idea that may be beneficial to other       Strategy (LDS), focusing on these
                                            voluntary sector in Ireland
for community-led groups in rural                                                                    organisations in the EU or to policy makers?        areas:
locations. Finding transnational            in the period to 2020.”
                                                                                                  —	Are they sufficiently innovative that they could    ― Facilitating diversification,
partners is not essential for LEADER.           Hugh Quigley, Accessing EU Funds 2015-2020:
                                                Research Project for The Wheel, 2015,                be transferred to other organisations across           creation of new small enterprises
In Ireland, the new Department
of Regional Development, Rural                       the EU?                                                and job creation
Affairs, Arts and the Gaeltacht                                                                   —	Are there new developments taking place             ― Promoting local development in
will coordinate the programme                                                                        elsewhere in the EU that you wish to link into         rural areas
(information currently found             The European Commission offers a huge array                 through participation in a joint project?           ― Enhancing accessibility to, and
here:      of grants (                                                                      use and quality of information
rural-development/leader/), with         grants_en.htm). Some funds are centrally managed         Various support organisations may be able to help         and communications technology
some programme functions being           from Brussels, whereas others are managed within         you to identify appropriate grant streams and seek        in, rural areas.
administered by Pobal (www.pobal.
                                         the country itself by what are known as National         out potential European partners (which is nearly
ie/FundingProgrammes/LEADER/                                                                                                                             Sub-themes include: rural tourism;
                                         Contact Points. For instance, Horizon 2020 is            always requirement for EU grants). For example,
Pages/LEADER.aspx).                                                                                                                                      enterprise development; rural
                                         managed from Brussels, but LEADER is managed             you may decide to contact Access Europe                towns; access to broadband;
Under the previous 2007-2013             in-country. Applying for European Union (EU)             (, The Wheel              basic services targeted at hard to
LEADER round, the average amount         funding and subsequently managing these often            (via or any EU networks you are          reach communities; rural youth;
of funding that was granted per
                                         bewilderingly complex funds is not for the faint-        a member of. Most National Contact Points run          protection and sustainable use of
successful project was just under
                                         hearted, but if the net projected benefits outweigh      information sessions a few times per year.             water resources; protection and
€30,000. The range was large                                                                                                                             improvement of local biodiversity;
                                         the costs of applying, and you are willing and able to
though, with the smallest award                                                                   Expect to spend a considerable amount of time          and development of renewable
                                         grapple with the inevitable bureaucracy, it can be a
being €30 and the largest €500,000!                                                               on the application process, both in terms of           energy. There are three cross-
The most commonly-sized award            very fruitful income stream.
                                                                                                  gathering administrative information and on the        cutting themes: innovation; climate
was €150,000. Groups used this                                                                    online process itself. Once a proposal is submitted,   change; and environment.
funding to support a wide variety of
                                                                                                  sit tight. Nothing further can be done until the       During 2016, ‘project promoters’,
initiatives, from feasibility studies
                                                                                                  European Commission (or the relevant national          which include community groups,
and training courses to construction
projects and events, and all the costs
                                                                                                  authority) makes its decisions. This can take up       will be able to begin applying
associated with delivering these.                                                                 to six months. A project may be approved subject       for funding from their LAG (not
                                                                                                  to certain conditions or changes to the initial        from the Department of Regional
                                                                                                  proposals. This can involve negotiations that can      Development, Rural Affairs, Arts and
                                                                                                  add a further delay to the final decision.             the Gaeltacht). The total fund until
                                                                                                                                                         2020 is €220 million+, with LAGs
                                                                                                                                                         receiving between c. €5 million and
                                                                                                                                                         c. €13 million each, depending on
                                                                                                                                                         population density and deprivation
                                                                                                                                                         levels. Keep your ear to the ground
                                                                                                                                                         to find out if your LAG is offering any
                                                                                                                                                         funding opportunities for you.

24                                                                                                Sustainable Communities                                                                    25
In most cases, groups will have to        Examples                                              STATUTORY GRANTS                                         Tips for writing a
secure 25% of matched funding for                                                                                                                        successful funding
                                          —	Erasmus+ – For organisations involved in           The state is the most significant provider of
their LEADER grant, which can be                                                                                                                         application
                                             any type of educational activity                   grants to nonprofit organisations in Ireland. This
sourced, for instance, through other
grants (see pages 27–31), traditional        (            includes government departments (for instance,           Training Decide if you have the
fundraising (see pages 33–35),            —	Europe for Citizens – Funding activities such      the Department of Children and Youth Affairs),           capacity to prepare a winning
corporate support (see page 36) or           as town twinning and civil society community       public service bodies (such as the Health Service        application. If you are concerned that
trading activities (see pages 36–39).                                                           Executive), local authorities (city and county           this is not the case, do some reading
                                             projects that have a European theme
It may also be possible to access loan                                                          councils) and other statutory agencies (for example,     and/or seek formal training in order
finance in order to get the project off                                                                                                                  to prepare yourself. See http://wheel.
                                                                                                Pobal). The National Lottery raises significant
the ground in the short- to medium-       —	Interreg V – A substantial funding stream: small   amounts of money for charity (
term (see page 37). For example,             groups may be able to enter or apply to larger     Good-Causes-and-Winners/Good-Causes), but
                                                                                                                                                         needs for ideas.
these 2007-2013 LEADER-supported             consortia, but only in specific geographic areas
initiatives all used social finance                                                             there is not one single fund that groups can apply       Legal and financial paperwork
                                             (see for further            to: it depends on the nature of their request (see:      Organise the relevant paperwork well
provided by Clann Credo:
                                             information on the Ireland-Northern Ireland-                 in advance. You may not be eligible if
― Ballaghderreen Community                  Scotland programme – for border counties only      Lottery_Grants.pdf).
                                                                                                                                                         you are not legally constituted or if
   Park, Co. Roscommon – LEADER              – and                                                                  you do not have charitable status (for
   funding: €19,499                          for further information on the Wales-Ireland       In addition to monetary grant schemes, the state         further information, see the sister
                                             progamme – South and East Region only)                                                                      publication to this one, Sustainable
― Dungarvan Scouts, Co. Waterford –                                                            also offers human resource opportunities in terms
   LEADER funding: €181,264                                                                                                                              Communities: A good governance
                                          —	LIFE – An important programme for                  of its various training and employment schemes.
                                                                                                                                                         resource book). The funder will
― Kildare Arts In Context Musical
                                             environmental groups (             These change constantly, but at the time of              probably want to see a copy of your
   Instrument Bank Scheme, Co.
                                             ie/environment/life-programme/eu-life-             writing consist of: Community Employment (CE);           latest accounts.
   Kildare – LEADER funding:                                                                    Community Services Programme; First Steps;
   €19,960.                                  programme)                                                                                                  Study the small print Carefully
                                                                                                JobBridge; Rural Social Scheme and Tús (have a
                                                                                                                                                         read the details before you do
Also see the case studies in this                                                               look at to see if you are able to avail
                                                                                                                                                         anything else. Are you eligible to
handbook (pages 41-46) for more                                                                 of any of these).
                                                                                                                                                         apply? Does your application have
real-life examples of how LEADER
                                                                                                                                                         a realistic chance of success? Could
funding has brought about                                                                       Note that both monetary and non-monetary
                                                                                                                                                         you meet the funder’s requirements
meaningful change.                                                                              statutory schemes can have a lot of bureaucracy
                                                                                                                                                         should you be awarded the grant?
Remember: For LEADER, as with
                                                                                                associated with them.                                    This stage is absolutely vital – many
any funding, you need to convince                                                                                                                        applications fail simply because the
the reader of the proposal (the                                                                                                                          group or its idea was never eligible in
evaluator), of the merit of your                                                                                                                         the first place.
project and how it fits with the
                                                                                                                                                         Contact the funder If you are
overall objectives of the programme.
                                                                                                                                                         unsure about anything contact the
Evaluators need to be convinced that
                                                                                                                                                         funder (unless you have specifically
your proposed project adheres to the
                                                                                                                                                         been asked not to). You can also ask
funding guidelines and themes and
                                                                                                                                                         groups who have more experience
truly adds value to the community.
                                                                                                                                                         in applying for grants than you for
So pay attention to how you write
                                                                                                                                                         their advice.
your case for support and application
(see pages 16–18 and 27–30).
More information on LEADER
best practice will be available on, a
hub of information and support for
the Rural Development Programme
in Ireland.

26                                                                                              Sustainable Communities                                                                      27
Tailor your response Be guided               Examples                                             GRANTS FROM TRUSTS                                       Budgeting Include an accurately
by your case for support (see pages
                                             —	Dormant Accounts Fund – A scheme                  AND FOUNDATIONS                                          costed budget, including the cost
16–18), but make sure to tailor your                                                                                                                       that any salaried staff will have
                                                disbursing unclaimed funds from accounts in       There are numerous trusts and foundations that
response to match the criteria laid                                                                                                                        to spend on delivering the project.
out by funders. If you would have to            credit institutions in Ireland (     make grants. These range from local family trusts        Rough guesses are not good
compromise your mission or values in            FundingProgrammes/DormantAccountsFund/            to major global foundations. They are traditionally      enough. Check whether there is a
order to fit into the funder’s criteria,        Pages/default.aspx)                               philanthropic in nature, although recent years have      requirement for match funding and
do not proceed with the application.                                                              seen a growth in corporate foundations. Most, but        if volunteer hours or other in-kind
                                             —	Heritage Council – Supporting community-
                                                                                                  not all, of the trusts and foundations that operate      contributions can be included as a
Readability Strive to make it easy              based projects that conserve Ireland’s heritage
                                                                                                                                                           matched income source.
for the people who will be reading the          (            in Ireland can be found on the Philanthropy Ireland
proposal, because they may know very                                                              website (, but           Stick to the rules Do not ask
little about the issue, will have limited    —	Local Agenda 21 Environment Partnership           you may have to undertake other searches for             for more than the maximum
time and will probably have many                Fund – Important scheme that assists small-       additional organisations, including those with an        available grant as this will likely
other applications to consider.                 scale environmental projects at local level,      international remit. The Wheels’ Fundingpoint            automatically disqualify your
                                                administered via local authorities: further       service is of particular relevance here                  application.
Write in stages It is highly unlikely
                                                information is available from your local          (
that you will finalise a grant application                                                                                                                 Monitoring and evaluation
in one sitting. Draft the key points            Environment Awareness/Education Officer                                                                    Decide if you will be able to monitor
that you need to make in each section           (        Some trusts and foundations are highly conservative      and evaluate the project internally
of your application before plunging             local-agenda-21-environmental-partnership-        in their grant-giving, whereas others allow themselves   yourselves, or if you will require
headfirst into writing the detail.              fund/local-agenda-21)                             to take greater risks and be more innovative. Some       external support from a third party.
Title If possible, give your proposal        —	Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Better    are as bureaucratic as the EU or the state, whereas      Think about the methods you will
a snappy name that encapsulates                 Energy Communities – For community-based          others are far less onerous in their demands on          use (project records, questionnaires,
                                                                                                  grantees, especially if the grants awarded are small.    focus groups, etc) and what the cost
what you are aiming to achieve.                 energy efficiency projects (                                                            implications of these will be.
Focus on outcomes. For example,                 Better_Energy_Communities)
‘Happy & Healthy Howth’ sounds                                                                    Examples                                                 Complete all sections If a form is
better than ‘we need funding for a                                                                —	Community Foundation for Ireland –                    provided use it and fill in all sections
staff member, computer and fitness                                                                   Administers a range of grant schemes (www.            (if not, use your case for support
equipment’, even if the budget                                                                                                                             that we referred to on pages 16–18).
shows that these are costs you will                                                                                                                        Stick to the word count if there
need to cover.                                                                                    —	NTR Foundation – This foundation provides             is one. Do not feel you have to fill
Provide a well-constructed
                                                                                                     multi-annual support for innovative                   every last bit of space. Succinctness
persuasive argument Your                                                                             environmental projects, but unfortunately, it         is good, but do provide sufficient
                                                                                                     does not accept unsolicited applications              detail for the assessor to be able to
application should not read like a
                                                                                                                                                           understand your proposal.
hard luck story.                                                                                     (
                                                                                                                                                           Write clear, concise statements
Demonstrate your competency                                                                       —	Social Entrepreneurs Ireland – Provides two
                                                                                                                                                           Do not repeat yourself. Avoid jargon.
Having a good idea is not enough.                                                                    awards programmes comprising funding,                 Only include acronyms after writing
You also need to show that you are a                                                                 training and supports for outstanding social          them out in full on first usage.
competent organisation that has the                                                                  entrepreneurs (
capacity to deliver (by highlighting                                                                                                                       Seek help Enlist people to comment
relevant skills, organisational                                                                   —	The Ireland Funds – A large global fund from          on the draft and ask them to look for
policies, codes of practice you adhere                                                               which many Irish community groups working             weaknesses, which you can then
to, results of evaluations, etc).                                                                    across all types of fields have benefitted            address.

28                                                                                                Sustainable Communities                                                                        29
Proofreading Spelling and grammar         OTHER GRANTS                                               Examples
errors will call into doubt the quality
                                          There are other support schemes that do not fit            —	Aviva Stadium Community Fund – Supporting
of your proposal and your team, so be
                                          neatly into the above categories. Some companies              community groups operating in the immediate
meticulous. Ask a competent person
to proofread the form. Neatness and       run grant schemes, but have not set up a separate             vicinity of the stadium (
consistency matter.                       foundation for this purpose. There are also                   stadium-info/community-grants-scheme)

Supporting information Provide            grant schemes within the nonprofit sector itself,          —	Coca-Cola Thank You Fund – Supporting
supporting material if it has been        usually modest in scale and run by infrastructure             nonprofits with ideas to get more people more
requested and if it adds value to         organisations such as The Wheel. And some                     active (
your application, but not if you          grant-giving organisations operate across sectoral            fund)
have explicitly been asked not to.        boundaries: for example, credit unions, which
                                                                                                     —	Lush Charity Pot – Providing funding for small
You can always offer to send more         often allocate part of their annual surplus to local
                                                                                                        grassroots groups working in the fields of the
information on request. You can also      community initiatives, can be regarded both as
issue an invitation to visit you.                                                                       environment, animal protection and human
                                          financial institutions and as community-owned,
                                                                                                        rights (
Meet the deadline Funders are             volunteer-involving cooperatives. If you are located
extremely strict about this.              near a large facility such as an airport, incinerator or
                                          stadium, a top tip is to investigate any community         —	Tesco Community Fund – Donating up to
Keep a copy of your application and
records of any correspondence or          engagement funds that may be in place.                        €1,000 every eight weeks between three local
telephone communications you have                                                                       good causes (
                                          In addition to grants, or in place of them, some    
regarding the application.
                                          organisations offer in-kind support: consider                 community-fund-stories)
Submit Cross your fingers and wait.       things such as employee volunteer time
You should also consider what grant       (
scheme you might apply to next.           employee-volunteering) or Google Ad Grants
Feedback If not successful, consider      (
seeking feedback from the funder.
Stress that you are not making a          Finally, there are many award schemes, some of
complaint about being unsuccessful,       which offer prize money for winners, but even if
but really want to know how to            they do not, they can be very useful in terms of
improve the application for future        helping groups to raise their profile. The Supervalu-
attempts.                                 sponsored TidyTowns initiative (www.tidytowns.
                                          ie), for example, offers cash prizes to winning towns
                                          each year. In addition to the main competition,
                                          Special Awards are held that highlight particular
                                          local environmental activities.

30                                                                                                   Sustainable Communities                               31
                     TRADITIONAL FUNDRAISING                                  Make the ask!

                     When we refer to ‘traditional fundraising’, in essence   Asking for money (or some sort of
                     we are talking about people (usually individuals)        other assistance) might make you

     OF GENERATING   choosing to donate money to a cause.

                     There are many benefits to this popular way of
                                                                              feel uncomfortable. But you have no
                                                                              choice about this, because generally,
                                                                              people will not donate unless

                     raising money for community groups. People like          they are asked. And remember,
                     to give to projects that they already know about         people actually like to give as
                     and for initiatives whose value they can see with        it makes them feel good about
                                                                              themselves! You are not begging:
                     their own eyes. Many simple, tried-and-tested
                                                                              you are providing them with an
                     fundraising techniques are available. It is possible
                                                                              opportunity to make a difference.
                     to raise considerable sums of money, especially if
                     your cause is popular with people and those you
                     target are in a position to give. Any money raised
                     is an unrestricted funding stream for your group
                     (although ethically, you should spend it on what you
                     told people you would).

                     However, none of this comes easily. It is really
                     important that you concentrate your efforts on those
                     that offer a maximum return on the resources that
                     you have invested to raise the funds. This holds
                     especially true for events, which can be lots of hard
                     work and which often fail to make money after all
                     the costs have been accounted for. The Wheel has
                     a useful article on successful fundraising events:

                     If you raise funds from the public, you should
                     definitely consider signing up to the Statement of
                     Guiding Principles for Fundraising (
                     content/fundraising-codes-practice). ICTR has also
                     produced a useful factsheet about good practice in
                     handling cash and non-cash donations (

32                   Sustainable Communities                                                                    33
You can also read