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OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 01 INTRODUCTION Our customers’ world is changing fast. They are living through a period of great political, social and technological change. THEY’RE LOOKING FOR ORGANISATIONS THEY CAN TRUST TO OFFER LEADERSHIP, NOW AND IN THE FUTURE. MARKS & SPENCER HAS BEEN AT THE FOREFRONT OF SOCIAL CHANGE FOR 134 YEARS, AND WE’RE DETERMINED TO PLAY A LEADING ROLE IN THE YEARS AHEAD. OVERVIEW PILLAR 3: PLANET GROUP PERFORMANCE 01 Introduction 24 Introduction 81,000 01 Group performance 25 - 26 Inspiring our customers GROUP REVENUE KPI EMPLOYEES WORLDWIDE 02 Chief Executive’s introduction PLAN A 27 M&S greenhouse gas emissions 28 - 29 Energy consumption and sourcing £10.7bn 29 - 30 Refrigeration +0.7% 03 - 05 Introducing Plan A 2025 30 Store climate adaptation 06 - 07 Helping to make M&S special again GROUP PROFIT BEFORE TAX EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SCORE 30 Supply chain greenhouse gas emissions KPI £66.8m 82% 08 How we create value 31 Zero waste in M&S operations 09 - 10 Our commitment to human rights 32 Water consumption 11 Performance summary -62.1% +2% on LY 32 - 34 Supply chain raw materials PILLAR 1: WELLBEING 34 Suppliers GROUP PROFIT BEFORE TAX KPI NUMBER OF SUPPLIERS GLOBALLY CO2e EMISSIONS NET 2,100 Zero 12 Introduction ABOUT PLAN A AND ADJUSTED ITEMS 13 Healthy food products 14 Clothing & Home products 35 - 36 37 Understanding this report Stakeholder relationships £580.9m tonnes 14 How we sell -5.4% 38 - 39 Governance 15 Colleague wellbeing CO2e GROSS 40 Jonathon Porritt’s letter 430,000 15 Supply chain wellbeing 40 Human Rights Stakeholder Advisory Group tonnes PILLAR 2: COMMUNITY 16 Introduction 41 Independent recognition -10% 17 - 18 Connecting with communities FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE PER 1,000 SQ FT 23 18 - 19 Skills and employment 42 - 43 UN SDGs, GRI and Global Compact 19 - 21 Inclusive business 44 - 45 Independent assurance statement tonnes 21 - 23 Human rights -4%
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 02 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S INTRODUCTION WE ARE LISTENING TO OUR CUSTOMERS THE FIRST YEAR OF PLAN A 2025 WHAT CUSTOMERS HAVE TOLD US Every aspect of the retail sector is being disrupted. So when we updated Plan A in June 2017, we We also engaged directly with our employees, with The shift to online shopping, the focus on price, shaped it around three bold goals to be achieved our stores getting stuck into new community – How customers define themselves the growing importance of services rather than by 2025: to help 10 million people live happier projects. More than 90% of our colleagues who Customers now define themselves more physical products, the rising use of automation and healthier lives; to help transform 1,000 took part in these projects told us this made them in terms of attitude than age. We can and robotics, the personalisation of products – communities; to become a zero-waste business. feel more engaged with the business. help them get the most out of life, no shortage of challenges. One year on from launch, these goals seem even no matter how young or old they are. No illusions here: we’re a very down to earth more relevant, and we’ve made steady progress And that means we have to keep on transforming retailer, and I would describe these achievements – Meaningful connections towards them. business, in a timely and cost-effective way, even as no more than small steps along the road. But Customers want more meaningful as we put the highest priority on our strong social, But for me, success is about more than the they’ve given us some real momentum around connections with other people and ethical and environmental values. Plan A 2025 is at number of commitments we’ve met. It’s about engagement. We’ve known for a long time that we with the world around them. the very heart of what we’re doing here. It’s helping the bigger picture – engaging our customers had to do better in addressing these challenges, us to stay relevant with our customers as they seek – Making a difference and integrating Plan A 2025 into how we do without putting all our energy into technical greater value, quality and ethical performance Customers want us to make it easier for business. And on both these strategic fronts delivery, internal target-setting and so on. from retailers. them to do the right thing and make we’ve also made progress, though I’m the first The past year has been incredibly fluid – politically, a difference. to acknowledge that things do not always move We’re proud of the fact that Plan A is regarded so economically, socially, technologically and as fast as we would like. – Tackling injustice highly by our external stakeholders – which keeps environmentally. And I think we can pretty much They’re increasingly aware of injustice, the pressure on us to keep on raising our game! In June 2017, we launched a major customer guarantee that it’s going to stay that way for the particularly at a local level, and these But it also matters enormously to me that our engagement programme to share our Plan A story foreseeable future. issues are the ones customers also feel people, throughout the company, have come to in-store, via our digital retail channels and social But one thing is clearer now than ever before: in empowered to tackle. recognise Plan A as a critical part of our purpose, media. The response from our customers was this turbulent and volatile world, Plan A 2025 vital to the way we’re seen by our customers. hugely encouraging – for example, we achieved – Scrutinising businesses provides the deep social purpose we need to our highest ever ‘open’ rate for an email telling the Customers expect that businesses will And vital too for our shareholders, enabling us to ‘anchor’ the M&S brand for customers and story of what our stores are doing in their local be highly scrutinised to ensure they do redefine our cost base, driving out waste in all its colleagues alike, giving practical expression to communities. This was sent to six million Sparks the right thing – but also hope that forms from our operations and supply chains. the enduring values that underpin everything card customers. retailers will use their power to promote It’s also future-proofing our business model in this company does. wider changes for good in society. anticipation of rapid shifts in social expectations, regulation, investors’ appetite for risk, market – The quality of products competition – and even changing weather Our customers value quality – they really patterns. care about how products are made. STEVE ROWE CHIEF EXECUTIVE We remain committed to the Principles of the UN Global Compact
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 03 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DIRECTOR’S OVERVIEW INTRODUCING PLAN A 2025 “Plan A 2025 moves us on another step towards WHY PLAN A 2025 AND WHY NOW? becoming a sustainable business.” We launched Plan A 2025 in June last year. Our Plan A 2020 commitments were coming to Many communities will take this transformation in their stride, but for some, losing the traditional MIKE BARRY SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DIRECTOR their conclusion and we were clear that our future high street shops that have anchored the community activities needed more ambition, a faster pace for decades presents a significant social challenge. and greater scale. It was important for us to put Transparency, once a matter of choice for some our customers at the heart of our thinking and businesses, is increasingly becoming a basic social so we designed Plan A 2025 to meet their future expectation, prompting greater public debate THE THREE PILLARS OF PLAN A 2025 needs. We recognised that after 10 years of and accelerating action on issues such as the incremental change, we needed to become more gender pay gap and modern slavery. An equally disruptive and transformative; that we needed vociferous national debate has been sparked by NOURISHING TRANSFORMING CARING FOR to imagine the world in 2025 and change our Sir David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II documentary business accordingly, rather than focusing on OUR WELLBEING LIVES AND THE PLANET the next two or three years. series, which highlighted man-made threats to the COMMUNITIES WE ALL SHARE world’s oceans, such as overfishing, acidification, After extensive consultation during 2016 and 2017, and most significantly, our use of plastic. We believe that taking care of We believe we can achieve We believe we should leave we crystallised the latest version of Plan A under If all these issues were not enough to deal with, the ourselves is the first step to more together than we can the planet better than we three pillars, supporting three main goals: helping retail industry is also experiencing rapid change helping the people around us. on our own. found it. 10 million people live happier, healthier lives; and M&S has embarked on a new transformational transforming 1,000 communities; and becoming business strategy. Launched in November 2017, a zero-waste business (see left). this focuses on taking three steps: restore the The past year has shown that the future social and basics; shape the future; and (within the next four environmental issues we anticipated and set out years) make M&S special again. You can read more to address in Plan A, are now playing out in our about how Plan A will support each of these steps customers’ lives, in government regulation and on pages 6 and 7. We are accelerating our plans in business. to make M&S special again through sustainable, profitable growth as a business that makes a 2017 saw the introduction of a new sugar tax, positive impact on our customers’ wellbeing, heightened media focus on the NHS, and a communities and the planet. Plan A has always growing incidence of mental illness – all of which OUR GOAL OUR GOAL OUR GOAL provided a bridge between our customers’ show how the debate about caring for a growing, lives and M&S. Through Plan A we anticipate and Our goal is to help Our goal is to help Our goal is to become ageing population is fast becoming part of respond to the shifting forces that shape our 10 million people live transform 1,000 a zero-waste business. our customers’ lives. Similarly, the widely customers’ lives: we spot and reduce emerging happier, healthier lives. communities. reported demise of traditional high street risks; we find new ways to satisfy their needs and retail, points towards a very different future support their aspirations. The insights we’ve gained for local communities. have inspired Plan A 2025.
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 04 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DIRECTOR’S OVERVIEW CONTINUED WHAT STAKEHOLDERS HAVE TOLD US WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT PLAN A 2025? The aims of Plan A 2025 are to: Achieve a science-based target to accelerate By 2025, every factory producing products for us – How we can impact people’s lifestyles our shift to a low carbon business will be systemically improving its environmental Be the world’s leading retailer on engaging M&S can play a bigger role in enabling more The new plan includes a bold new (approved) and ethical performance. and supporting customers in sustainable living sustainable, healthy lifestyles. science-based target to further improve the Our customers want us to help them live more Ensure our 50 key raw materials (80% by – Our focus efficiency of our own operations as well as cutting sustainably and we’ve made good progress over volume of what we use) come from a Plan A 2025 must focus on our customers 13.3m tonnes of CO2e from our wider value chain. the past 10 years. However, there is much more sustainable source and be integrated into our brand purpose. We will also continue to invest in carbon offsets we can do and Plan A 2025 will see us fully Many of the raw materials we use today come – Future areas of interest for our own operations in order to remain integrate sustainability into our brand and from more sustainable sources. With Plan A 2025, There are big opportunities to be explored in carbon neutral. deliver a step change in the way we engage we are extending our commitment to a much the circular and sharing economies. and support our customers. Champion human rights by taking a lead on greater range of the raw materials we use. We are – The importance of sustainability addressing in-work poverty, modern day slavery setting a goal that 100% of the key raw materials Help 10 million people live happier and We must continue to focus on incorporating and an inclusive society we sell will come from sources respecting people, sustainability in our supply chain. Key issues healthier lives Plan A 2025 sees a decisive step change on social communities, planet and animal welfare. include living wage, conserving water and We will extend the work we’ve done on our food issues. We have worked hard to manage ethical improving communities. We should also products to our clothing, home and beauty Be a circular business generating zero waste compliance over the last decade, but now we’re focus on more sustainable packaging. offers too. We will have a particular focus on Since 2012, we have been zero waste to landfill setting more aspirational goals to respect and – The importance of local communities addressing issues of mental wellbeing, ensuring across our own operations in the UK and Republic positively impact individual human rights in all We should use our significant physical retail people are connected and happy as well as of Ireland. Plan A 2025 sets a bold new goal to be a that we do. presence to play a greater role in connecting physically healthier. We will also work hard to zero-waste business across all that we do – our initiatives at a local level. ensure we support our customers and colleagues Ensure 100% of our products address 100% of operations, our supply chains and of course when – How we can improve our communication with cancer, heart disease, dementia and mental their material social and environmental impacts our customers come to remove packaging and We should increase collaborations, health issues. We have an existing commitment that every one use our products. This includes designing our partnerships and advocacy to ensure the of the 3 billion food, clothing, home and beauty products and packaging to underpin the creation Help transform 1,000 communities M&S voice is heard more clearly. products we sell every year has at least one Plan A of a circular economy in the markets we serve. We have a long tradition of our stores, offices – The example we need to set attribute by 2020. An attribute being, for example, and warehouses supporting their neighbouring We’re expected to be transparent and are Fairtrade certified tea or coffee or FSC certified communities. In Plan A 2025, we are going to bring encouraged to talk even more frankly about timber in furniture. We believe it’s vital that Plan A together these many individual activities to the challenges we face and our failures. should apply to everything we sell and not be a ensure that our stores are able to help play a niche ‘ethical range’ in the corner of a store. – How Plan A will need to adapt transformative role in the communities we serve, Plan A 2025 must set a consistent direction of many of which face enormous challenges. Ensure 100% of factories are on a sustainability travel – towards becoming a truly sustainable ladder with 50% of our products coming from retailer, for example – but will also need to Be a leader on transparency our highest Gold Standard evolve in response to a changing world. Over the past two years, we have published digital Currently, every factory that supplies M&S food – The role of responsible businesses transparency maps identifying all the factories is on a Bronze/Silver/Gold sustainability ladder to Responsible companies should develop social that produce food, clothing, home and beauty drive measurable improvements in its social and and environmental targets that support products for us. With Plan A 2025, we’ll add environmental performance. We are now making the overall aims of the UN Sustainable information on the raw material sources we use the same commitment for factories producing Development Goals. and also translate this into ‘on product’ information our clothing, home and beauty products as well to help guide our customers’ decision making. as factories and suppliers to our Property Division.
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 05 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DIRECTOR’S OVERVIEW CONTINUED Read more about the Plan A Committee on page 39 LOOKING BACK OVER THE FIRST YEAR OF PLAN A 2025 Key highlights We’re making good progress with our community Plan A 2025 progress so far In 2017, we launched a new internal Governance In June 2017, we celebrated 10 years of Plan A transformation programme. Having listened closely Since we launched Plan A 2025 in June 2017, we’ve process for Plan A, which centres on a single under the banner of Making Every Moment Special to the needs of the 10 pilot communities, we now made steady progress, but clearly, an eight-year Plan A Committee in place of the previous in the Community. Thousands of M&S colleagues have detailed action plans and a measurement transformation plan for a business of our scale two-tier approach. This new Committee reports across the UK and ROI volunteered to help system in place focused on the areas of education and complexity was never going to deliver into the overall Operating Committee (see page 39 hundreds of community projects. Throughout & employability and social wellbeing. We are also immediate results. Out of our 100 commitments, for further details). Throughout the year, we’ve the year our stores raised over £1m for local playing an active role with the Business in the we’ve achieved two (on International Marks & worked closely with our Governance and Internal charities of the year, we distributed over a million Community Place leadership team. This activity Start and Franchise Reward Forums) and 48 are Audit colleagues to improve our governance meals to local organisations near our stores, is shaping the way we’ll deliver a number of our satisfactorily On plan. Thirty-seven are shown as process, including the sign-off procedures for and 130,000 customers voted for 25 community other people and communities commitments Not started because they don’t yet have a defined this report. energy schemes to receive funding from – on inclusion, wellbeing, employability and delivery plan, but in many cases the groundwork The year ahead for Plan A M&S Energy. volunteering. For our commitments on sustainable is underway. Thirteen commitments are reported The first stage of restoring the basics will be sourcing, we’ve been working with others as Behind plan. Some of these, such as UK & ROI In August, our Clothing & Home colleagues delivered by the time we report next year. and are encouraged to see that more than energy efficiency and Clothing & Home fleet launched a range of Sustainable selvedge These include key actions to inform our customers 60 companies have joined us by signing up to the efficiency, are being affected by the way our denim jeans. Like much of our cotton, these jeans about Plan A product attributes and on rewarding statement of support for the Cerrado Manifesto, business is growing. More energy intensive food support the Better Cotton Initiative but also score choices of healthier food. calling for sustainable soy production. footage is disguising progress on energy efficiency 21 using the Jeanologia Environmental Impact and the shift to online sales is slowing Clothing We’ll also be within touching distance of achieving Measurement, which classifies low impact as being Action on plastic & Home fleet efficiency figures. Others that our longer-running commitments on Product anything under a score of 33. These are probably In April 2018, we became a founding member of are Behind plan are dependent on us finding Plan A attributes, energy efficiency, food waste the most sustainable items of clothing that M&S the UK Plastics Pact to ‘transform the UK plastic innovative, cost-effective ways to implement and zero deforestation, which are all due for has ever sold. packaging sector’ and in addition to our Plan A them. Overall, we’re where we planned to be at completion in 2020. 2025 commitments we announced plans to In September, we announced that M&S is the first this stage, but have a lot more work to do over replace 75 million items of plastic cutlery and Finally, we’ll need to stay alert to new and major food retailer to have all its milk producing the next 12 months. 2 million plastic straws and remove plastic from developing issues and to track how changes in dairy farms assured by the RSPCA for animal 450 million tea bags. Governance the wider retail marketplace impact on our plans. welfare. Milk was the first of our raw materials Plan A 2025 was co-created by colleagues and to feature on our interactive supplier map. leaders from across M&S, who collectively signed The theme of Plan A 2025 is transformation up to our ambitious targets. In addition, we and a number of specific commitments are identified the need to simplify and strengthen disproportionately important for us in Plan A governance, taking into account the impact understanding how we achieve greater of our business-wide transformative plan and new scale and impact. leaders joining the business. MIKE BARRY SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DIRECTOR To engage our customers we’re putting Plan A We invested time in anchoring the foundations of at the heart of our Food and Clothing & Home Plan A 2025, to ensure clear accountability and brand strategies for the next three years, while responsibility for every commitment – only then also testing many different approaches to local did we proceed to the delivery phase. engagement and the use of digital tools to connect with customers.
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 06 PLAN A 2025 & OUR STRATEGY HELPING TO MAKE M&S SPECIAL AGAIN TRANSFORMATION TIMEFRAME STARTING AFRESH STEP ONE In November 2017, we launched a new plan to accelerate the transformation of our business with the aim of RESTORING THE BASICS 1 making M&S special again through sustainable, profitable growth that delivers value for customers, colleagues, Over the next 12-18 months we want to build on CUSTOMERS shareholders, communities and planet alike. the legacy of over 10 years of Plan A progress. – Bringing Plan A product attributes to life We want our customers to choose M&S products Showcasing the M&S difference of how we We have always recognised that our sustainability and services because they’re informed about source our products. activities have to be central to how we do business. We have to make sure that Plan A 2025 is aligned the healthier and more sustainable options – A bigger role for Plan A in communication with our Business Transformation Plan. We are in the we offer. Both in how we market our brands and process of ensuring that Plan A is aligned with this We need our colleagues to be fully involved in drive innovation to meet the needs of new corporate strategy. developing and promoting the business. our customers. And we need to find ways for our operations and – Building trust supply chains to become even more efficient. Reducing risks through robust governance, systems, compliance and partnerships. COLLEAGUES – Using Plan A for even greater engagement To build our relationships with the communities around us and contribute to the development of an inclusive business able to attract the best talent. EFFICIENCY STEP THREE – Driving down costs by cutting waste Through focusing on energy and food waste. STEP TWO MAKING – Reducing risks and increasing productivity M&S SPECIAL STEP ONE SHAPING By working with suppliers to address the challenges of plastic waste, packaging RESTORING THE FUTURE and climate change. THE BASICS 2017 2021
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 07 HELPING TO MAKE M&S SPECIAL AGAIN CONTINUED STEP TWO STEP THREE 3 SHAPING THE FUTURE 2 MAKING M&S SPECIAL These are actions which we’re already CUSTOMERS By 2022, our Plan A 2025 commitments will CUSTOMERS piloting and testing today, ready to roll out be a platform of excellence, providing an M&S – Plan A attracts new customers – Plan A allows us to move into new markets in 2-3 years’ time. difference to all our products and services. By providing evidence of a contemporary New products and services meeting the social Together, they will represent the next step to and ethical brand, appealing to a wide range This will inspire the development of new and environmental needs of our customers. a more digital, technology-enabled business of new and existing customers. products and services. – Engagement that reflects and values customers’ lifestyles. – Transparency As well as addressing today’s risks, we want Engaged customers, clear about the steps This will be a phase where we take newly Demonstration of our ethical and to evolve an approach which automatically they can take to make a positive difference. founded innovations, efficiencies and environmental standards in action, visible responds to any new emerging social and loyalties to create a business for the future. to all. environmental challenges. COLLEAGUES – An employer of choice COLLEAGUES Regarded for our values, skills and innovation. – An engaged, skilled and inclusive workforce Scaling-up our activities on transforming EFFICIENCY communities and meeting new benchmarks – Zero waste, carbon neutral supply chains of equality in the workplace. Suppliers and business partners adopt M&S’s zero waste, carbon neutral culture. EFFICIENCY – Sustainable products – Leaner supply chains and franchises Products that exceed customers’ Supplier Sustainability Scorecards being expectations while also creating a fairer extended to all supply chains and efficiency and sustainable world. benchmarks to key franchises. – Sustainably designed products Designed to give the best customer experience and with the least social and environmental impact.
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 08 OUR RESOURCES AND RELATIONSHIPS HOW WE CREATE VALUE The M&S difference is a way FINANCIAL of doing business that creates A COMMITMENTS ON MARKETING M&S PLAN A WASTE TO LANDFILL Generating returns for – Plan A marketing value for us and our investors, tonnes ZERO PRODUCT QUALITIES our stakeholders through – Zero waste and efficiency and across all the resources and relationships on which effective management of our financial resources. 3 we depend. PRODUCTS & CHANNELS A FOOD FROM SILVER LEVEL CLOTHING & HOME Maintaining our channels – Sustainable Food suppliers SUSTAINABILITY FACTORIES FACTORY PLAN A 63% COMMITMENTS We aim to create long-term value through and supply chain infrastructure – Sustainable Clothing & +7% the effective management of resources and relationships. We manage these in line with our core values of Inspiration, Innovation, to meet customer demand. Home suppliers 3 Integrity and being In touch. INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL A PLAN A 2025 HEALTHIER FOOD These values run through everything we do trengthening our brand S – Plan A activities COMMITMENTS SALES % TO TOTAL 100 43% – they help us make the M&S difference of through creation and protection – Healthier food making M&S special through the products of our intellectual property. and services we offer our customers in the UK and internationally. PEOPLE A UK NON-DEMOGRAPHIC PEOPLE HELPED BY eveloping our employees D – Inclusion and diversity PAY GAP MARKS & START THIS YEAR 1.5% 3,600 and their knowledge. – Training and development – Marks & Start work experience STAKEHOLDERS A DONATED OR RAISED FOR HOURS OF COMMUNITY uilding and nurturing B – Sustainable Retail Advisory Board COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES VOLUNTEERING £25.7m 30,500 relationships with our customers – Community partners and projects and suppliers, and in the – Supplier Exchange best practice communities in which we operate. programme NATURAL RESOURCES A RESPONSIBLY SOURCED RESPONSIBLY SOURCED Sourcing responsibly – Carbon neutral operations COTTON PALM OIL 77% 100% and using natural resources – Zero waste +28% efficiently. – Responsibly sourced raw materials
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 09 FOCUS ON: HUMAN RIGHTS OUR COMMITMENT TO HUMAN RIGHTS HOW IMPORTANT (SALIENT) HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES CONNECT TO OUR ACTIVITIES OUR APPROACH EMBEDDING HUMAN RIGHTS INTO HOW WE DO BUSINESS At M&S, we have a long history of respecting human rights in the UK and standing up for those In 2016 and 2017, we published two separate values internationally. Our commitment to human human rights reports which described our rights is reinforced in our Human Rights Policy approach in detail and explained how it connected FOST E R ING and Code of Ethics and Behaviours and for all to our seven salient issues and to a further IN suppliers and business partners in our Global four on which we’ve adopted a watching-brief. CL Sourcing Principles. We strive to be a fair partner We illustrated this relationship with the diagram K AND E CON US WOR OM I by paying a fair price to suppliers, supporting you can see on the left-hand side of this page. E NT IC local communities and ensuring good working VE C GR This report provides an update on our progress DE SALIENT O conditions for everyone working in our business 8: SO against the human rights targets published in and supply chains. We are committed to building CI the 2017 Human Rights report and our Plan A W G our employees’ and suppliers’ knowledge and TH SD Y ET 2025 update. RT awareness on human rights, encouraging them Y OVE Freedom of to speak up about any concerns without fear association Forced labour Discrimination of retribution. Read more on human rights on page 39 IN-WORK P GOVERNANCE Central to our approach is a robust governance RAISING AWARENESS – Health Water & & safety Working hours sanitation Living wages structure. Directors of each business area, FLAGSHIP INTERNATIONAL HUMAN supported by a business area Human Rights RIGHTS CONFERENCE KL ING WATCHING practitioner, are responsible for ensuring effective human rights and modern slavery risk assessment In January 2018, we held our first and due diligence activity. Our Human Rights international Forced Labour and Human TAC Practitioner Committee reports to a Human Rights Rights conference in Delhi, with 250 attendees Customer and Modern Slavery Steering Group, which is also from our sourcing offices, franchise partners, Child labour Land rights Secure work security informed by our independent Human Rights suppliers, business partners and Indian Advisory Stakeholder Group. retail joint venture. This event set out to help attendees understand and manage modern Y To strengthen our governance, Oxfam is helping slavery risks in their operations and wider ER V us to assess the impact of our sourcing practices supply chains. External speakers included S LA on human rights in our UK food supply base Coca-Cola, BT, Unseen and representatives R N and footwear supply chains in India. We have also from the Indian, UK and Australian T AK DE I NG T MO relaunched our grievance reporting process with governments. At the event we also launched H E L E AD ON plans to improve how reports are managed and a new International Forced Labour Toolkit followed-up. for Suppliers and Partners, which we are keen to develop with stakeholder feedback. or more information on UN Human Rights Salient issues, see: F
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 10 OUR COMMITMENT TO HUMAN RIGHTS CONTINUED TAKING THE LEAD ON MODERN SLAVERY FOSTERING AN INCLUSIVE SOCIETY DECENT WORK READ MORE Our 2018 Modern Slavery Statement highlights Our aim is to create a culture of inclusion across All our human rights work is underpinned by our the ways in which we’ve made improvements. M&S so that people from all backgrounds can join continued commitment to decent work, ensuring Health & safety p15 These cover policies, risk assessment, due the workforce, reach their potential and feel valued good working conditions for everyone working diligence and collaborative action on for being themselves. We want to encourage in our business and supply chains. We use many understanding the prevalence of recruitment fees, suppliers and business partners to do the same. sources of data to inform our human rights Discrimination p19 increasing demand for responsible recruitment, Consistent research shows that diverse businesses approach, including the ethical audit results shared identifying responsible recruiters and ensuring the perform better – through innovation, better on the Sedex database (see page 23). We are voices of victims are heard and the intelligence decision making, and attracting and keeping great currently reviewing the ethical assessment Freedom of association p22 learnt and acted upon. people. Consequently, they’re likely to be more methodology to make it more sensitive to human financially successful, to increase market share rights issues. We aim to share our findings in next TACKLING IN-WORK POVERTY and capture new markets. year’s report. We know that there is a greater need Forced labour p22 for transparency when human rights stakeholders This year, we held an in-work poverty roundtable M&S has a long-established track-record for and campaigners raise concerns about issues in to define it and understand the likelihood of where diversity and inclusion and we’ve been recognised our supply chain, both in terms of being open it occurs. Financial awareness and support were in the Times Top 50 Employers for women for Working hours p22 about the issue raised and making public the identified as key interventions that M&S could the last eight years. We first introduced our details of our response and resolution. As of last make. As a result, we are launching a microsite to Board Diversity Policy in 2012 which includes a year, our Plan A website summarises the key increase basic understanding for UK employees commitment to at least 30% female representation. Living wage p22 third-party challenges we’ve received since 2014. on how to manage finances and where to get We run four employee-led networks on gender, external expertise if they need it. ethnicity (BAME), sexual orientation (LGBT) and health conditions. This year, we also held our SECURING SAFE AND DECENT Water and sanitation p33 We’re reviewing ways to expand supply chain WORK IN BANGLADESH second Diversity and Inclusion festival, engaging financial literacy training and our regional thousands of colleagues across M&S. In February Bangladesh is a key sourcing country for teams have completed some detailed wage 2018, we published our gender pay gap (see M&S Clothing & Home products and we are investigations. Through the Ethical Trading Initiative page 21) which is lower than both the UK and committed to ensuring the safety of workers Bangladesh Social Dialogue programme, we are retail industry average. This is positive but the in our supply chain there. We were early supporting the development of better workplace issues at play are complicated and we’ve signatories to the 2013 Bangladesh Accord industrial relations by training both management committed to closing key gaps over the next which has made significant improvements in and workers’ representatives to communicate more few years. Gender programmes in our supply building safety and fundamentally changed the effectively. In our food supply chain, we participate chains have also been continued. These include: mindset of the Bangladeshi factory owners and in the Malawi 2020 Tea Coalition which is reducing Emerging leaders which encourages both women the Employers’ Associations. It has also been the gap between actual earnings and a living and men to become confident leaders; and successful in promoting women as training wage for smallholder growers by improving programmes with the Indian British High case handlers and providing a leading example productivity and quality. Around a fifth of these Commission, Change Alliance and Business for of a strong, effective grievance system. By smallholder growers have benefited and 65% of Social responsibilities HerProject, which are November 2017, 90% of original issues had been them are women. addressing sexual harassment. We have also remediated, 82% of original and new issues were In our UK logistics supply chains, we’ve identified formed a new partnership with Work Opportunities remediated and our individual progress was Read more on human rights significant human rights risks associated with courier for Women (WOW) and the UK government’s 93%. We’ve re-signed the Bangladesh Transition drivers. Over the last 12 months we’ve worked with Department for International Development to Accord to ensure a timely smooth handover DPD our largest partner and will be sharing this map where women workers are located and of the responsibility of the Accord to a national Read more on the Modern Slavery Act learning with other courier service providers. support their development. regularity authority after May 2018.
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 11 PLAN A 2025 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY WELLBEING PAGES 13–15 COMMUNITY PAGES 17–23 PLANET PAGES 25–34 NOT STARTED NOT ACHIEVED BEHIND PLAN ON PLAN ACHIEVED NOT STARTED NOT ACHIEVED BEHIND PLAN ON PLAN ACHIEVED NOT STARTED NOT ACHIEVED BEHIND PLAN ON PLAN ACHIEVED NOT STARTED NOT ACHIEVED BEHIND PLAN ON PLAN ACHIEVED CONNECTING WITH HEALTHY FOOD PRODUCTS COMMUNITIES INSPIRING OUR CUSTOMERS SUPPLY CHAIN GHG EMISSIONS Improved indulgent food** UK community space** Product Plan A attributes** Science-based target footprint** Calorie-cap single portion food** Volunteering** Supply chain transparency** Clothing & Home air freight 50% healthier food** Education partnership Sustainable design toolkit Sustainable animal protein Vegetarian options All food eaten by people** Labelled sustainable products Food supplier climate plans Destination of choice (food) Supporting local fundraising Reward customers (sustainability) ZERO WASTE IN M&S OPERATIONS CLOTHING & HOME PRODUCTS Helping transform communities** Recyclable packaging** Zero landfill** Town centre regeneration Clothing reuse and recycling** Clothing health attributes Food waste (reduction)** Community entrepreneur award Clothing & Home recycled materials HOW WE SELL Food waste (halve)** Food artisan strategy Clothing & Home repair services Reused shop fit-out Rewarding customers (health)** Community donations** Clothing & Home circular Construction waste Franchise confectionary tillpoints Social dividend economy standards Wellbeing advice to customers M&S Energy Food waste (digital campaign) SUPPLY CHAIN RAW MATERIALS £25m for health causes** Food waste (household top 10) Sustainable cotton** SKILLS AND EMPLOYMENT COLLEAGUE WELLBEING Skills gap research M&S GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Zero deforestation** Colleague wellbeing framework Science-based target emissions** M&S Farming for the Future** Next generation technologies** Colleague health assessment** Carbon neutral operations** Soil health International Marks & Start Wellbeing in employability Forever Fish** Marks & Start Mental health training ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND SOURCING Responsibly sourced raw materials** INCLUSIVE BUSINESS UK and ROI energy efficiency** Supplier water stewardship Health and safety data** Retail accessibility benchmark International energy efficiency** Clothing & Home animal welfare SUPPLY CHAIN WELLBEING Renewable electricity** Inclusion Strategy Construction and shop fit Franchise/supplier wellbeing Inclusive Design Standards Biomethane** Plan A attributes Diversity Renewable peak-energy management SUPPLIERS Senior management diversity Clothing & Home fuel efficiency** COMMITMENT PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Sustainable Food factories** Gender equality programme Food fuel efficiency** Sustainable Clothing & Home factories 5 Colleague social mobility REFRIGERATION Sustainable Clothing & Home processing Colleague gender pay gap** Store refrigeration (emissions)** Clothing & Home supplier water Colleague diversity pay gap Store refrigeration (HFCs)** efficiency** Supplier gender diversity Sustainable Property suppliers HUMAN RIGHTS STORE CLIMATE ADAPTATION 1 Oxfam human rights programme** Store climate adaptation Raising human rights concerns 4 Anti-slavery** Total Supplier worker representation commitments Franchise Reward Forums 1 Not started 37 In-work poverty 3 2 Not achieved 0 Supplier worker payments Living wage 3 Behind plan 13 Global Community Programme** 4 On plan 48 Supplier feedback 5 Achieved 2 Supplier ethical audits ** Assured by DNV GL
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 12 PILLAR 1 OUR GOAL IS TO HELP 10 MILLION PEOPLE WELLBEING LIVE HAPPIER, HEALTHIER LIVES HEADLINE TARGETS – By 2019, we’ll incentivise and reward our customers for making healthier choices. – By 2022, 50% of our global Food sales will come from healthier products. We believe that taking care of ourselves is the first step to helping the people around us. As a society, we need to re-balance our diet to eat more healthy food. – By December 2018, M&S single serve portion sizes of snacks, confectionery It’s not only obesity that’s a challenge but what comes with it in terms of increased heart and ice cream will contain no more than disease and type 2 diabetes. 250 calories. – Between 2017 and 2025, we’ll help to make a positive difference to people TARGET FOR HEALTHIER who are affected by either cancer, heart FOOD SALES BY 2022 disease, mental health, loneliness or 50% dementia by helping to raise £25m for charities that support these causes. – By 2022, we’ll enable our M&S colleagues worldwide to complete a health risk assessment, including health checks, where appropriate. We’ll use this data TARGET FOR DONATIONS TO to tailor our interventions/advice and WELLBEING CAUSES BY 2025 £25m report annually on progress. IN THIS SECTION Healthy food products 13 Clothing & Home products 14 How we sell 14 Colleague wellbeing 15 Supply chain wellbeing 15
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 13 PILLAR 1: WELLBEING CONTINUED PROGRESS KEY 1 2 3 4 5 1 Not started 2 Not achieved 3 Behind plan 4 On plan 5 Achieved HEALTHY FOOD PRODUCTS IMPROVED INDULGENT FOOD** DESTINATION OF CHOICE (FOOD) 50% HEALTHIER FOOD** Aim Examples of areas where we have achieved Aim Aim By 2019, our indulgent M&S Food categories calorie reductions include a 13% reduction in By 2020, we’ll rationalise our number of health By 2022, 50% of our global Food sales will will have 20% fewer calories, saturated fat single ice creams and a 12% reduction across brands and simplify our on-pack messages in come from healthier products. and total^ sugar in total compared to 2017. our most popular café cakes. order to maintain M&S Food being the destination Progress of choice for healthy food for our customers as Progress However, we’re still in the process of As of April 2018, 43% of M&S Food sales came shown by the overall results from nutritional As of March 2018, we have reduced total developing our plans to reach these ambitious from healthier products. This percentage benchmarking, number of healthy products calories by 4%, saturated fat by 7% and total 20% reduction targets by 31 March 2019. excludes non-M&S brands, wine and within a category and market trends analysis. sugar by 5% across the top 10 indulgent hospitality lines, but includes any healthy or categories that contribute most to UK diets. Progress healthier food and drink product, such as This is based on a progressive measurement TARGET CALORIE REDUCTION IN M&S FOOD This year, we’ve simplified our health brands and those labelled as Eat Well. rolled-up from October 2016. BY 2019 health offering by bringing them all together 20% under the Eat Well sunflower logo. Our ‘Count on Us’ and ‘Balanced For You’ ranges focus on calorie management; other on-pack labelling ^ Originally published as an ‘added’ in error. highlights specific diet choices, such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, vitamin D and CALORIE-CAP SINGLE PORTION FOOD** no added sugar. As a result, we have removed VEGETARIAN OPTIONS other M&S health brands, such as Active Health and Guilt Free Snacking. Aim We continue to benchmark the nutritional By December 2018, M&S single serve portion Aim sizes of snacks, confectionery and ice cream By 2020, we’ll have grown a comprehensive content and health qualities of M&S food and drinks and use this information each time we will contain no more than 250 calories. range of vegetable-based protein convenient meal solutions and components for cooking. review a product’s recipe. Progress 82% of M&S Food meets the Department of As of April 2018, 75% of our single serve Progress portions of snacks, confectionery and As of April 2018, we have launched a new range Health’s 2017 salt targets and we have improved the nutritional content of benchmarked lines ice cream have no more than 250 calories of vegetable-based protein alternatives, per pack. We have launched 15 new portion- including soya mince, soya chunks, marinated by increasing Eat Well choices and five-a-day content as well as offering vegetarian, vegan controlled biscuits, cereal bar and chocolate tofu and a tofu-based salad – none of which lines, all with less than 250 calories, and were available in our baseline year of 2016. and gluten-free options. made all our single choc-ices, ice cream We have also relaunched our vegetarian range We are still developing our plan to define and cones and bars less than 250 calories. with 12 plant-based meat alternative dishes. measure Destination of Choice. We are still working with our suppliers and chefs to expand choice. ** Assured by DNV GL
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 14 PILLAR 1: WELLBEING CONTINUED PROGRESS KEY 1 2 3 4 5 1 Not started 2 Not achieved 3 Behind plan 4 On plan 5 Achieved CLOTHING & HOME PRODUCTS HOW WE SELL CLOTHING HEALTH ATTRIBUTES WELLBEING ADVICE TO CUSTOMERS REWARDING CUSTOMERS (HEALTH)** Aim Aim Aim Progress By 2025, 20% of all M&S clothing will have a By 2020, we will extend our health and By 2019, we’ll incentivise and reward our This year, we’ve developed a programme of special Plan A health or wellbeing attribute wellbeing advice to our customers to help customers for making healthier choices. future in-store and Sparks card activities to (e.g. SkinKind™ accessories and specialist/ them live happier, healthier lives. help people make healthier choices. adapted clothing). Progress Progress This year, we’ve published more wellbeing We already have a small number of special advice for customers online, including blogs £25M FOR HEALTH CAUSES** Plan A health or wellbeing attributes. about: alcohol consumption; the impact of processed foods; healthy food trends; and As of April 2018, 8% of the volume of M&S Aim Fundraising activities included Breast Cancer plant-based diet options. clothing items sold worldwide had one of Between 2017 and 2025, we’ll help to make a Awareness Month, Fashion Targets Breast these attributes. We’ve also conducted small trials of face-to- positive difference to people who are affected Cancer for Breast Cancer Now, Sparks Card face Health MOT interviews in stores. by either cancer, heart disease, mental health, donations and Charity Christmas cards. loneliness or dementia by helping to raise For the eighth year running, M&S Cafés, Food £25m for charities that support these causes. ee more https://corporate.marksandspencer. S Halls and Simply Foods stores participated in PERCENTAGE OF com/blog Progress Macmillan Cancer Support’s World’s Biggest CLOTHING WITH PLAN A This year we’ve supported a number of charities Coffee Morning, which together with activities ATTRIBUTE BY 2025 who address cancer, heart disease, mental throughout the year, raised £3.5m. This total 20% health, loneliness or dementia, raising £7.4m included over £1.5m raised by our colleagues FRANCHISE CONFECTIONERY towards our £25m target. and Macmillan volunteers in our stores TILLPOINTS (last year £1.2m). Aim ANNUAL FUNDRAISING FOR MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT By 2021, we’ll work with our franchise partners £3.5m to remove confectionery from tillpoints in all key franchise partner operated M&S stores worldwide (excluding petrol station forecourts). ** Assured by DNV GL
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 15 PILLAR 1: WELLBEING CONTINUED PROGRESS KEY 1 2 3 4 5 1 Not started 2 Not achieved 3 Behind plan 4 On plan 5 Achieved SUPPLY CHAIN WELLBEING COLLEAGUE WELLBEING (ALSO A SALIENT HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE) (ALSO A SALIENT HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE) COLLEAGUE WELLBEING FRAMEWORK COLLEAGUE HEALTH ASSESSMENT** WELLBEING IN EMPLOYABILITY Aim Aim Aim By 2019, we’ll launch an independently By 2022, we’ll enable our M&S colleagues By 2022, health and wellbeing learning benchmarked retail industry leading health worldwide to complete a health risk assessment, and support will be included in all our and wellbeing framework, providing support including health checks, where appropriate. employability programmes worldwide. to M&S colleagues worldwide on physical and We’ll use this data to tailor our interventions/ mental health as well as nutrition and wellbeing. advice and report annually on progress. Progress MENTAL HEALTH TRAINING Since we launched this commitment, further research has shown that robust, independent benchmarks for retail industry wellbeing Aim frameworks are not readily available. These By 2022, we’ll offer training on mental health could be established, but we believe it’s more to M&S colleagues in our offices, stores and important to focus our efforts on improving warehouses worldwide. wellbeing outcomes for our colleagues. To reflect this change of emphasis and allow time for delivery, we’ve updated the HEALTH & SAFETY DATA** wording of this commitment to read: By 2020, we’ll launch an improved health and wellbeing framework, providing support to Aim Progress M&S colleagues worldwide on physical and We will continue to report on our UK and ROI In addition to UK and ROI data below, internal mental health as well as social wellbeing. health and safety data and extend to owned reporting is also taking place for our international operations from 2020. International operations in Greece, Czech Republic and joint venture in India, but is FRANCHISE/SUPPLIER WELLBEING currently only available in a different format. 2017/18 UK AND ROI HEALTH AND SAFETY** Aim RIDDOR injury rate per 100,000 employees Fatal Specified Over 3 or 7 days Total By 2019, we’ll define our expectations M&S UK retail 0 25 130 (7) 155 on nutrition and physical and mental 2016/17 HSE UK retail benchmark 0.11 48 172 (7) 220 wellbeing for our franchise partners and direct suppliers and by 2022 launch a M&S NI retail 0 74 148 (3) 222 range of initiatives, including health checks M&S ROI retail 0 38 193 (3) 231 where appropriate, to enable them to tailor M&S warehouse 0 52 262 (7) 314 their interventions and advice. We’ll report 2016/17 HSE UK warehouse benchmark 1.42 325 1,252 (7) 1,577 annually on progress. ** Assured by DNV GL
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 16 PILLAR 2 OUR GOAL IS TO HELP TRANSFORM COMMUNITY 1,000 COMMUNITIES HEADLINE TARGETS – By 2020, in 10 locations we will have completed programmes that aim to secure meaningful economic, social and environmental benefits in the We believe we can achieve more together than we can on our own. communities around our stores and Throughout our 134 year history, we’ve supported our local communities. beyond. We’ll build on our insights and roll out programmes in 100 further We know that working with our customers to support vibrant communities locations in the UK and internationally is essential for our own future success. by 2023, then share our learnings with 1,000 locations by 2025. – By 2025, 50% of our full line M&S operated stores and offices in the UK will have space available for community groups, charities TARGET NUMBER OF HOURS and local interest groups to use. OF PAID COLLEAGUE COMMUNITY – Between 2017 and 2025, we’ll support VOLUNTEERING BY 2025 1m M&S colleagues worldwide to provide one million hours of work-time community volunteering. – By 2025, we want all edible surplus food from M&S stores, key franchises and direct M&S Food suppliers worldwide to be diverted for human consumption. IN THIS SECTION Connecting with communities 17 Skills and employment 18 Inclusive business 19 Human rights 21
OVERVIEW PLAN A WELLBEING COMMUNITY PLANET ABOUT PLAN A FRAMEWORKS AND ASSURANCE M&S PLAN A REPORT 2018 17 PILLAR 2: COMMUNITY CONTINUED PROGRESS KEY 1 2 3 4 5 1 Not started 2 Not achieved 3 Behind plan 4 On plan 5 Achieved CONNECTING WITH COMMUNITIES ALL FOOD EATEN BY PEOPLE** EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP SUPPORTING LOCAL FUNDRAISING Aim Aim Aim Progress By 2025, we want all edible surplus food By 2020, we’ll launch an education programme Between 2017 and 2025, we aim for M&S This year, 502 of our stores in the UK and ROI from M&S stores, key franchises and direct in the UK in partnership with others to promote operated and key franchise stores worldwide have adopted a charity of the year and helped M&S Food suppliers worldwide to be diverted the importance of wellbeing, employability and to make a positive difference to their local to raise over £1m for local and national charities for human consumption. sustainability in schools and colleges. community by supporting local charities working in the local community. In addition, through fundraising, volunteering and 514 stores have donated surplus food to local Progress Progress product donations. charities as well as contributing most of the See the Food waste (reduction) commitment Having commissioned research, in 2018/19 we 30,534 hours of work-time volunteering. on page 31 for progress at UK M&S stores. plan to develop content focused on selected aspects of health and wellbeing, employability RAISED FOR CHARITY IN THE UK AND ROI M&S stores in our joint venture in India also £1.2m and sustainability. This content will then raised in excess of £40,000 supporting two VOLUNTEERING** be trialled in schools connected to our main charities of CRY (Child Rights & You) ‘Helping transform communities’ commitment. and OGAAN Cancer Foundation. If successful we intend to make this content available to other schools and colleges Aim in 2019/20. Between 2017 and 2025, we’ll support M&S HELPING TRANSFORM COMMUNITIES** colleagues worldwide to provide one million hours of work-time community volunteering. Progress UK COMMUNITY SPACE** Aim Progress In 2017/18, we provided at least 30,534 hours By 2020, in 10 locations we will have completed This year, we’ve met representatives from of work-time volunteering, including our programmes that aim to secure meaningful communities to find out what they want us to Making Every Moment Special in the Aim economic, social and environmental benefits achieve in their local area. There have been Community event, which was run across By 2025, 50% of our full line M&S operated in the communities around our stores and differences from one area to another, but it is the UK and ROI in June 2017. stores and offices in the UK will have space beyond. We’ll build on our insights and roll out clear that ‘education and employability’ and available for community groups, charities and programmes in 100 further locations in the ‘social wellbeing’ should be our two priorities. local interest groups to use. UK and internationally by 2023, then share We’re now planning a series of trials to test our learnings with 1,000 locations by 2025. Progress different approaches. Our aim is that by 2025, around half of our larger stores in the UK will regularly provide space for the use of community groups, charities and local interest groups. We’ve “The kids are bored and they fight for something to do. started to research the best ways of providing They need something else to focus on.” this space and the number of M&S stores that already do so. MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY LIVERPOOL ** Assured by DNV GL
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