2021 in Review - Rochester Area Community Foundation

Page created by James Daniels
2021 in Review
2021 In Review

  Table of Contents
Grants ................................................. 3

Philanthropists .................................... 10

Gifts in Kind ........................................ 16

Funds That Support:
  Changing Needs (Forever Funds) ... 18
  Broad Causes ................................. 18
  Specific Charities ............................ 19
Investing in Positive Change
Two overarching goals drive our competitive grantmaking — creating an equitable community and strengthening our region’s
vitality. This focus helps us and our community partners close achievement and opportunity gaps in city schools, foster racial
understanding, tackle the root causes and devastating impacts of poverty, support the arts, preserve historical assets, advance
environmental justice and sustainability, and promote successful aging.

From April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, the Community Foundation’s board of directors approved the following competitive grants
(categorized under the two main goals and each of their three action areas). Forever (unrestricted) and field of interest funds make
possible most competitive grants.

A number in parentheses indicates how many grants were received during the one-year period for the same program and are
included in the grant total. Symbols listed in the key at the bottom of pages indicate grants from funds that have their own
application processes. Learn more about our grants at racf.org/Grants.

CREATING AN                                                     Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater
                                                                Rochester: MentorU, $15,000**
                                                                                                                           Coordinated Care Services, Inc.:
                                                                                                                           Capacity-Building Project for Youth
EQUITABLE                                                                                                                  Program Quality Improvement Initiative,
COMMUNITY                                                       Catholic Charities of Livingston County:                   $25,000
                                                                HOPE Youth Mentoring, $7,855**
$2,828,330                                                                                                                 Flower City Arts Center: Youth
                                                                Catholic Charities of Wayne County:                        Photography and Writing Program,
                                                                   • Childhood Counseling and                              $12,000**
Closing Academic Achievement                                         Intervention Program, $112,500◊◊
                                                                                                                           Freedom Scholars Learning Center:
and Opportunity Gaps                                               • College Bound, $35,000◊◊                              Learning Pods, $10,000
$2,399,108                                                      Celebration of Life Community: Help Me                     Friends & Foundation of the Rochester
Making a significant and sustainable                            Read One-on-One Tutoring, $11,550**                        Public Library: Safe to be Smart,
reduction in academic achievement and                                                                                      $10,000**
opportunity gaps as experienced by many                         Center for Teen Empowerment:
children, with emphasis on children living in                      • Intergenerational History Ambassadors                 Garth Fagan Dance: Dance2B Program,
the City of Rochester.                                               Exhibit, $7,500*                                      $10,000**

                                                                   • Neighborhood Youth Organizing                         Geva Theatre Center: P.L.A.Y.
441 Ministries: New City Café                                        Initiative, $75,000 (2)**                             (Performance=Literature + Art + You)
Apprenticeship Program, $8,250*                                                                                            Program, $15,000**
                                                                The Children's Agenda:
540WMain: 4-H at 540WMain, $7,500*                                                                                         Greater Rochester Afterschool &
                                                                   • Advancing Outcomes for Children
                                                                     Through Advocacy, $75,000 (2)**                       Summer Alliance: Operating Support
A Magical Journey Thru Stages: Theatre
                                                                                                                           for Out-of-School-Time Coordination,
Immersion for Our Youngest Participants,                           • ROC the Future, $40,250                               $370,000 (2)
                                                                Children's Institute:                                      Greater Rochester Parent Leadership
Agri-Business Child Development:
                                                                   • Behavioral Supports for Children,                     Training Institute: Civics and Leadership
Remote Services and Virtual Learning
                                                                     $55,000                                               Training Program, $50,000 (2)
Initiative, $4,710°
                                                                   • Rochester Early Childhood                             Greater Rochester Summer Learning
Allendale Columbia School:                                           Assessment Project, $30,000                           Association: summerLEAP Early Pre-K to
summerLEAP Program, $15,000**
                                                                   • Support of Pre-K Families in                          3rd Grade Initiative, $15,000*
Arc of Wayne: Curriculum Enhancements                                Response to COVID-19 Safety Needs,
                                                                     $99,670                                               Hillside Children's Foundation: Parents
at Roosevelt Children's Center, $4,868°
                                                                                                                           As Teachers Program for Providers,
                                                                   • Youth Program Quality Improvement                     $25,000
The Avenue Blackbox Theatre: Youth
                                                                     Initiative, $23,000
Fellowship and Friends, $15,000**
                                                                                                                           Hope Hall: Career Development and
                                                                Consumer Credit Counseling Service of                      Occupational Studies, $10,000*
Best Buddies New York: School
                                                                Rochester: Go for Gold Youth Financial
Friendship Program, $15,000**
                                                                Education Program, $8,000*

 *Includes support from the John F. Wegman Fund                                  ◊◊
                                                                                    Includes support from the Bullis Fund
                                                                                  °Includes support from the Wayne County Community Endowment
**Includes support from the Joan and Harold Feinbloom Supporting Foundation
   Includes support from the Muriel H. Marshall Fund for the Aging               °°Includes support from the Yates Community Endowment
                                                                                   Includes support from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund for Youth Sports
 Horizons at Harley: Middle School Career                        St. Peter's Community Arts Academy:                        Catholic Charities of Wayne County:
 Exploration Curriculum, $10,000**                               Arts For All, $15,000**                                    Community Clothing Center, $5,000°

 Jewish Family Services of Rochester:                            Research Foundation for SUNY: The                          Community Action of Orleans and
 Pencils & Paper, $7,855**                                       Soaring Stars Program at SUNY Geneseo,                     Genesee: Financial Assistance Grant
                                                                 $10,000**                                                  Program, $15,000
 Macedon Public Library Fund: To
 Establish an Endowment to Support the                           True North Rochester Preparatory                           Connected Communities: Neighborhood-
 Library, $100,000◊◊                                             Charter School: COVID-19 Technological                     Focused Systems Change, $65,000
                                                                 Support for Remote Learning, $20,000
 National Audubon Society: Virtual                                                                                          Coordinated Care Services: Trauma-
 Montezuma STEM Series, $5,000°                                  University of Rochester Warner School:                     Informed Care Learning Collaborative,
                                                                 Horizons Summer Opportunities for Older                    $5,000
 Nettie Bullis and Abram Bullis                                  Students, $12,600**
 Scholarship Fund: Scholarships for                                                                                         Cracker Box Palace: STEADY Work
 Palmyra Macedon Graduating Seniors,                             YMCA of Greater Rochester:                                 Program, $5,000°
                                                                     • Camp Cory Day Camp Scholarships,                     Empire Justice Center: C.A.S.H. Free
 New York State Network for Youth                                      $1,700°°                                             Income Tax Preparation Program, $65,000
 Success: Professional Development and                               • Dreamseeds: Building Life Skills
 Regional Network Support, $10,000                                     Through the Arts and Mentorship,                     Family Promise of Greater Rochester
                                                                       $15,000**                                            (formerly RAIHN):
 Palmyra-Macedon Central School
                                                                                                                                • Financial Assistance Grant Program,
 District: Trauma-Informed Schools
                                                                 Fostering Racial and Ethnic                                      $4,500
 Initiative, $30,000◊◊
                                                                 Understanding and Equity                                       • Prevention, Diversion, and Rehousing
 The Partnership for Ontario: Ontario                                                                                             Program, $1,500
 County Youth Court, $15,000**                                   $100,000
                                                                                                                            Foodlink: Summer Meals “Ice Cream
 PathStone Foundation: Anti-Racist                               Creating community awareness of                            Truck” Delivery Model, $5,000
 Curriculum Project, $50,000                                     racial and ethnic inequities and building
                                                                 sustained, community-based collaborative                   Gananda Education Foundation:
 Penn Yan Central School District: Family                        initiatives that remediate and prevent such                Backpack Program, $2,100°
 Support Counseling Center, $1,500°°                             inequities.
                                                                                                                            Greentopia: Green Visions Sustainable
 Reach Out and Read: Rx for Early                                Commission on Racial and Structural                        Revenue Employment Project, $10,000*
 Literacy in Rochester, $25,000                                  Equity: Structural Racism Report for
                                                                                                                            Greyston: Center for Open Hiring
                                                                 Monroe County and City of Rochester,
 Rochester Childfirst Network: Family                                                                                       Rochester, $50,000
 Child Care Satellites of Greater Rochester,
 $25,000                                                                                                                    House of Mercy: Operating Support,
                                                                 Greater Rochester Enterprise
                                                                 Foundation: Economic Gardening,
 Rochester City School District:
                                                                 $20,000                                                    Legal Assistance of Western New York:
 Technology and Internet Access for RCSD
 Students, $685,000                                                                                                         WIC Services, $5,000°
                                                                 Measures for Justice Institute:
                                                                 Community Transparency Portal, $50,000                     RESOLVE of Greater Rochester: Survivor
 Rochester Education Foundation:
                                                                                                                            Transition Program, $10,000*
    • College Access and Empowerment,
      $20,000                                                    Partnering Against Poverty
                                                                                                                            Rochester ENergy Efficiency and
    • Resources and Programs for                                 $329,222                                                   Weatherization (RENEW): Home Energy
      Rochester Students, $6,800                                                                                            Efficiency Program With Community
                                                                 Creating community awareness and                           Partners, $50,000
 Rochester Hearing & Speech Center:                              understanding and encouraging
 Teaching Age-Appropriate Language for                           collaborative efforts to increase prosperity               St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center:
 Kids, $15,000**                                                 and reduce the effects of poverty. The total               Financial Assistance Grant Program,
                                                                 includes grants for Holiday Toys (page 7)                  $13,500
 Rochester's Child: Support for Early                            and Wayne County food pantries (page 6).
 Childhood Development Initiative, $45,000                                                                                  Wayne County Rural Ministry Come-
                                                                 Bivona Child Advocacy Center:                              Unity Center: Heat + Rental Assistance,
 ROCmusic Collaborative: Bringing Music                          Community Closet, $8,772*                                  $5,000°
 to Rochester Youth, $4,000**
                                                                 Cameron Community Ministries:
 Sodus Central School District: COVID                            Summer Meals Program, $2,850
 Education Equity Initiative, $30,000

 *Includes support from the John F. Wegman Fund                                   ◊◊
                                                                                    Includes support from the Bullis Fund
                                                                                  °Includes support from the Wayne County Community Endowment Fund
**Includes support from the Joan and Harold Feinbloom Supporting Foundation
   Includes support from the Muriel H. Marshall Fund for the Aging               °°Includes support from the Yates Community Endowment
                                                                                   Includes support from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund for Youth Sports
 strengthening                                                   Joseph Avenue Arts and Culture
                                                                 Alliance: Programs Engaging Underserved
                                                                                                                                         Hospice Grants
 regional vitality                                               Youth and Families, $4,000                                              $10,200
 $902,673                                                        Publick Musick: Outdoor Pop-Up                                          The following nonprofit organizations
                                                                 Concerts, $4,000                                                        received grants of $600 from the
 Supporting a wide array of interests
                                                                                                                                         Joseph E. Brown Fund to support
 throughout our eight-county region.
                                                                 PUSH Physical Theatre:                                                  operations and provide training for
 Total includes Hospice grants (at right)
                                                                                                                                         hospice volunteers:
 and NeighborGood grants (page 8).                                   • Generic White Male Workshop on
                                                                       Racial and Gender Equity, $5,000
                                                                                                                                         Advent House in Perinton
                                                                     • Artist-in-Residence with Villa of Hope,
 Supporting Arts and Culture                                           $7,000*                                                           Aurora House of Western Monroe
 $226,450                                                        Rochester Broadway Theatre League:
                                                                                                                                         County in Spencerport

 Encouraging vibrant and diverse arts                            Improvements to Auditorium Air Ventilation                              Benincasa in Mendon
 and cultural offerings and improving the                        System, $5,000
 capacity of local arts organizations.                                                                                                   Canandaigua Comfort Care Home/
                                                                 Rochester City Ballet: Women's                                          Light Hill in Ontario County
                                                                 Choreography Initiative, $5,000
 A Magical Journey Thru Stages: Bridges:
                                                                                                                                         Crossroads House in Batavia,
 Youth Theatre for All, $4,000                                   Rochester Contemporary Art Center:                                      Genesee County
                                                                 Support for 2021 Exhibition Season,
 Arts Center of Yates County: Rebooting
                                                                 $5,000                                                                  Hospeace House
 Art, $1,700°°
                                                                 Rochester Fringe Festival: Support for                                  House of John in Clifton Springs,
 The Avenue Blackbox Theatre:
                                                                 2021 Festival, $20,000                                                  Ontario County
    • Virtual Arts and A.F.T.E.R. School
      Program, $5,000                                            Rochester Oratorio Society: The Ordering                                Isaiah House in Rochester
                                                                 of Moses, $3,500
    • Children's Theatre Summer Program,                                                                                                 Journey Home in Greece
      $7,400*                                                    Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra:
                                                                 Youth Education Programs, $5,000                                        Keuka Comfort Care Home
 The Center for Youth Services: Strings                                                                                                  in Penn Yann, Yates County
 for Success, $9,000 (2)                                         ROCmusic Collaborative: Bringing Music
                                                                 to Rochester Youth, $5,000                                              Mt. Carmel House in Hilton
 Finger Lakes Opera: Bringing More Opera
 to More People, $5,000                                          St. Peter's Community Arts Academy:                                     Pines of Peace in Ontario, Wayne
                                                                 Arts Education Prevails, $5,000                                         County
 Fivebyfive: Composer Chats, $4,500
                                                                 Teaching Artists ROC:                                                   Serenity House of Victor, Ontario
 Flower City Arts Center: Pathway for                                                                                                    County
 High School Students of Color in the Visual                         • Afro/Latino Percussion, $4,000
 Arts, $5,000                                                        • AV Assistant Stipend, $4,000                                      Shepherd Home in Penfield

 Garth Fagan Dance:                                              Visual Studies Workshop:                                                Sunset House in Irondequoit
    • Online Youth Programs, $5,000                                  • Documenting the Black Lives Matter                                Teresa House in Geneseo,
    • Technology and Safety Equipment,                                 Movement, $46,500                                                 Livingston County
      $4,500                                                         • In this Moment: Revolution,
                                                                                                                                         Webster Comfort Care
                                                                       Reckoning, Reparation, $4,350
 Gateways Music Festival: Support
 for 2021 Festivals Featuring Classical                          Writers & Books: Dark Blue Mondaze
 Musicians of African American Descent,                          Residency Program, $4,000

 Genesee Valley Council on the Arts:
 CAMPS Migrant Arts Program, $5,000

 Grupo Cultural Latinos: Time to Dance
 Showcase, $5,000

 The Hochstein School: Making Music,
 Making Strides (Ages 3-4), $4,000

 *Includes support from the John F. Wegman Fund                                    ◊◊
                                                                                     Includes support from the Bullis Fund
                                                                                   °Includes support from the Wayne County Community Endowment Fund
**Includes support from the Joan and Harold Feinbloom Supporting Foundation
   Includes support from the Muriel H. Marshall Fund for the Aging                °°Includes support from the Yates Community Endowment
                                                                                    Includes support from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund for Youth Sports
 Preserving Historical Assets                                    Saint Peter's Episcopal Church: Historic                  Community Food Cupboard of
                                                                 Preservation of this Geneva Church,                       Rochester: Feeding the Hungry During
 $185,350                                                        $10,000                                                   COVID-19, $10,000*
 Preserving our region’s rich historical                         South East Area Coalition: Highland Park                  Genesee County Office for the Aging
 assets and promoting educational efforts                        Area Historic Districts, $10,000
 that build on these assets.                                                                                                   • CallHub, $11,100◊
                                                                 Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood                                 • Service Coordination for Marshall-
 The Cobblestone Society: Building                               Association: Neighborhood Preservation                          Funded Programs, $88,000◊
 Restoration 2020, $10,000                                       Services and Grant Program, $10,000
                                                                                                                               • Marketing Coordination, $15,500◊
 Friends of Ganondagan: Haudenosaunee                            Urban League of Rochester: Mapping
                                                                                                                           Genesee Senior Foundation: Got
 Healthy Roots, Culture, and Traditions,                         Black History in Rochester, $10,000
                                                                                                                           Groceries?, $16,775◊
                                                                 Williamson-Pultneyville Historical
                                                                                                                           Lifespan of Greater Rochester: Financial
 Greece Historical Society: Cultural                             Society: Gates Hall Roof Project, $15,000
                                                                                                                           Management Program, $45,000◊
 Resources Survey of Architecture of
 Thomas W. Boyde Jr., $15,000                                    Yates County History Center: Making
                                                                                                                           Manor Crest Foundation: Technology for
                                                                 Events Virtual, $2,900°°
                                                                                                                           Enhanced Communication, $5,000°°
 Historic Palmyra: Updates to Palmyra
 Historical Museum, Erie Canal Depot, and                                                                                  PathStone Corporation: Handyman
 Alling Coverlet Museum, $15,000◊◊
                                                                 Promoting Successful Aging
                                                                                                                           Program for Older Adults in Genesee
 Ibero American Action League: Los
                                                                 $490,873                                                  County, $60,500◊
 Pioneros Project: Telling our History,                          Fostering successful aging by helping to                  Recovery Options Made Easy, Inc.:
 $10,000                                                         create more age-friendly communities.                     Overcoming the Digital Divide for Older
                                                                                                                           Individuals With Mental Illness, $9,373*
 Macedon Historical Society: Making                              Bishop Sheen Ecumenical Housing
 the Macedon Academy Handicapped                                 Foundation: Healthy Housing for Low-                      Richmond Memorial Library:
 Accessible, $10,000◊◊                                           Income Senior Households, $7,500*                             • Gratitude Journal Program, $450◊
 Memorial Art Gallery: Up Against the                            Catholic Charities of Buffalo: Home                           • The Library Visits Program, $54,000◊
 Wall: Art, Activism and the AIDS Poster,                        Visitation Program, $62,000◊
 $15,000                                                                                                                   University of Rochester Medicine Noyes
                                                                 Catholic Charities Community Services:                    Health: Home Safe Home, $2,000
 Naples Historical Society: National                             Renovations of Gavitt House for Aging
 Register Historic District Initiative, $10,000                  Residents, $17,875◊◊                                      Veterans Outreach Center: Senior
                                                                                                                           Veterans Program, $10,000*
 New Bethel CME Church: Exterior Tuck                            Community Action of Orleans &
 Pointing Bricks and Masonry, $15,000                            Genesee: Specialized Transportation                       Volunteers of America of Western New
                                                                 Service for Older Genesee County                          York: Cobblestone Senior Connection,
 Rochester Museum & Science Center:                                                                                        $5,800*
                                                                 Residents, $70,000◊
 Preserving and Sharing Local History
 through Inclusive Story Mosaics, $15,000

 Wayne County Food Pantries                                      Macedon Center United Methodist                           Tyre Reform Church Food Pantry
                                                                 Church Food Pantry
 $14,000                                                                                                                   Wayne County Action Program, Inc.
                                                                 Macedon Food Pantry                                       serving northern Wayne County
 With support from the Bullis Fund, the
 Wayne County Community Endowment                                Newark Food Closet                                        Wayne County Rural Ministry Food
 awarded grants to food pantry programs,                                                                                   Pantry
 with more money going to those located                          Ontario Food Pantry
 in areas with poverty rates higher than                                                                                   Williamson United Methodist Church
 15 percent. The following food-distribution                     Palmyra-Macedon Food Pantry                               Food Pantry
 programs received grants of $1,000:
                                                                 Red Creek Community Food Cupboard                         Wolcott Council of Churches Food
 Cougar Cupboard, Inc. in Wolcott                                Sodus Point United Methodist Church
                                                                 Food Pantry
 Daily Bread Food Pantry in Williamson

 *Includes support from the John F. Wegman Fund                                  ◊◊
                                                                                   Includes support from the Bullis Fund
                                                                                 °Includes support from the Wayne County Community Endowment Fund
**Includes support from the Joan and Harold Feinbloom Supporting Foundation
   Includes support from the Muriel H. Marshall Fund for the Aging              °°Includes support from the Yates Community Endowment
                                                                                  Includes support from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund for Youth Sports
 Broadly Aligned Strategic Grants                                Boys & Girls Club of Geneva: Physical                                 Holiday Toys
                                                                 Activities and Healthy Food Access for
 $479,786                                                        Toddlers, $25,000∆                                                    $9,480
 Supporting positive, enduring change                                                                                                  Since 1999, grants from the
                                                                 Canandaigua Kiwanis Foundation:
 through information-sharing, asset-                                                                                                   Hubertus and Helmi Behrla
                                                                 Dream Big Inclusive Playground, $30,000
 building, and leadership.                                                                                                             Endowment Fund to nonprofits in
                                                                                                                                       our region help to make the holidays
 ACT Rochester: Community Indicators for                         Center for Disability Rights: Rochester                               brighter for children they serve.
 the Greater Rochester Region and Website                        Rookies Wheelchair and Ambulatory Track                               The following organizations received
 Updates, $194,500                                               & Field Sports Program, $10,910 (2)°°∆                                grants of $790 for the 2020 holidays:

 Causewave Community Partners:                                   City of Rochester Department of                                       The Arc Wayne
                                                                 Recreation and Youth Services: Youth
    • Catchafire Outreach and Engagement,
                                                                 Sports Complex, $230,000∆                                             Ark of the Covenant Church of
                                                                                                                                       God by Faith
    • Census Media Campaign, $165,000                            Community Crisis Fund: Emergency
      (3)                                                        Pandemic Relief Funding for Greater                                   Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester
                                                                 Rochester Region, $64,000*
 Center for Teen Empowerment: Ames-                                                                                                    Cameron Community Ministries
 Amzalak Award for Nonprofit Excellence,                         Cracker Box Palace: Rescue and Care of
 $10,000                                                         Farm Animals, $7,500                                                  Catholic Charities of Livingston
 Climate Solutions Accelerator: Support                          Dansville Central School District: School
 for Local Efforts to Address Effects of                         Pickleball Program, $8,505∆                                           Champions of Change, Inc.
 Climate Change, $69,000
                                                                 Dundee Library: Girls Who Code                                        Exploration Elementary Charter
 Lifespan of Greater Rochester:                                  Computer Programming Skills Program,                                  School
 Assistance for Seniors Taking the Census,                       $6,000°°
 $5,000                                                                                                                                His Way Ministries
                                                                 Endless Highway: Wheelchair Sports
 New York Funders Alliance Initiatives                           Expansion Project, $21,500 (2)*∆                                      ROC Royal Foundation
 Fund: Western and Upstate NY Catchafire
                                                                 Family Counseling Service of the Finger                               Rochester School for the Deaf
 Program, $15,120
                                                                                                                                       Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach
 Refugees Helping Refugees: Census                                   • LGBTQ Youth Advocacy Program –
 Outreach to Immigrant and Refugee                                     Wayne County, $2,500°                                           Trinity Inter-Faith Church
 Populations, $10,482
                                                                     • LGBTQ Advocacy Program – Yates
                                                                       County, $1,500°°
 Other Regional Grants
                                                                 Finger Lakes Health Foundation:
 $946,633                                                        Developmentally Appropriate Playground
 Supporting a wide array of interests                            at Jim Dooley Center for Early Learning,
 throughout our eight-county region. Grants                      $25,000∆
 were awarded through geographic affiliates
 Wayne County Community Endowment,                               Finger Lakes Horizon Economic
 Bullis Fund, and Yates Community                                Development Corporation: Be Local, Buy
 Endowment. Youth sports projects                                Local Gift Certificate Program, $2,500°°
 supported by the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr.
                                                                 First Tee of Western New York: Tee It Up
 Legacy Fund for Youth Sports.
                                                                 - Monroe County Youth Swing to Success,
 Alzheimer's Association, Rochester &
 Finger Lakes Region: Enhancing Care                             Geneva Community Projects: Geneva
 and Support for Early Stage Dementia,                           Playground Access, $25,000∆
                                                                 Girls on the Run of Greater Rochester:
 Arc of Wayne: Free Activities and Sports                        Health and Fitness Program, $7,200*
 Trailer Program, $25,000∆
                                                                 Heritage Christian Services: Support for
 AutismUp: Sports Skills Series, $10,000∆                        Springdale Farm, $5,000

                                                                 Hillel Community Day School: Alliance
                                                                 Partnership, $54,000

 *Includes support from the John F. Wegman Fund                                 ◊◊
                                                                                   Includes support from the Bullis Fund
                                                                                 °Includes support from the Wayne County Community Endowment Fund
**Includes support from the Joan and Harold Feinbloom Supporting Foundation
   Includes support from the Muriel H. Marshall Fund for the Aging              °°Includes support from the Yates Community Endowment
                                                                                  Includes support from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund for Youth Sports
 Home Meal Service Meals-on-Wheels:                              Mercy Flight Central: COVID-19                            Thrive to Survive:
 Emergency Meals and Delivery Equipment,                         Response, $1,000°
                                                                                                                               • Growing Cancer Support Network -
                                                                 Nativity Preparatory Academy of                                 Wayne County, $5,000°
 Ibero-American Action League:                                   Rochester: Gymnasium-Physical                                 • Building Cancer Support Services -
 Healthcare Business Academy Fellowship,                         Education Safety, $10,400∆                                      Yates County, $500°°
                                                                 New Hope Assistance Dogs: Support for                     University of Rochester: Cancer
 James R. Hickey Post 120: New Roof and                          Assistance Dog, $8,000                                    Research, $9,000
 Kitchen/Dining Room Floor, $15,000◊◊
                                                                 Ora Academy: Support for Jewish                           Village of Phelps: Outdoor Basketball
 Jewish Family Services of Rochester:                            Education, $18,500                                        Court, $25,000∆
 Kosher Meals for Monroe County Food
 Cupboards, $16,000*                                             Our Town Rocks: Literacy Program,                         Wayne County Community Endowment
                                                                 $3,500°°                                                  Fund: Fundraising Match Challenge,
 Living Word Temple of Restoration:                                                                                        $30,000◊◊
 Generation Impact Multisport Program,                           Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes: Kids
 $20,287∆                                                        Rights to Personal Safety, $4,000°°                       Wayne County Emergency Management:
                                                                                                                           PPE and COVID-19 Testing, $30,000◊◊
 Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of                            Saint John Bosco Schools: Athletic
 Greater Rochester: Farm Animal Rescue                           Department Safety and Equipment Update,                   Wayne Economic Development
 & Adoption Program, $5,000                                      $3,983∆                                                   Corporation: Wayne County Has the Edge
                                                                                                                           Program for Macedon, $33,000◊◊
 Lyons Community Center: Safe, Clean                             Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association:
 and Fed, $5,000°                                                Benefits Wayne County Youth Through                       Wayne Emergency Relief Fund:
                                                                 Partnerships, $5,000°                                     COVID-19 Emergency Relief for Wayne
 Mary Cariola Children's Center: Easy                                                                                      County, $17,600°
 Stand Equipment, $3,720                                         South Presbyterian Church: Monroe
                                                                 Milers Youth Running Program, $4,000*                     YMCA of Greater Rochester: Love-15
 Medical Motor Service of Rochester and                                                                                    Urban Youth Tennis Program, $20,500∆
 Monroe County: IT Equipment Upgrade
 Project, $10,000*

 NeighborGood Grants                                             The Lefrois Street Block Club:                            Portland Avenue Business Association:
                                                                 Neighborhood Communication Plan,                          Annual Festival, $2,000
 $29,328                                                         $1,000
                                                                                                                           South East Area Coalition/Swillburg
 The NeighborGood Grant Program,                                 Lilac Neighbors: Community Celebrations                   Neighborhood Association: Swillburg
 established in 1993 to help stabilize                           and Welcome Bags, $1,000                                  Blooms, $1,400
 and strengthen City of Rochester
 neighborhoods, provides small grants to                         Marketview Heights Collective Action                      Unity NE Block Club Association: Home
 resident-led associations and block clubs.                      Project: Children's Garden Support and                    Safety Device Initiative, $12,053
 More than $1 million has been awarded                           Outreach Program, $2,000
 in the program’s 28-year history. The
 following were 2020 NeighborGood grant                          North Winton Village Neighborhood
 recipients:                                                     Association: Refurnishing and Refreshing
                                                                 After/Through COVID-19, $2,500
 Azalea Neighborhood Association:
                                                                 NOTA Neighborhood Association: Doing
 Community Building with Consistency
                                                                 Our Part for the Neighborhood of the Arts,
 and Inclusion, $625
 Fien Street Block Club: Street Spruce Up,
                                                                 Pearl-Meigs-Monroe Neighborhood
                                                                 Association: Community Engagement and
 Hamilton Tenant Association: Tenant                             Beautification, $2,500
 Programs and Special Events, $1,000

 *Includes support from the John F. Wegman Fund                                  ◊◊
                                                                                   Includes support from the Bullis Fund
                                                                                 °Includes support from the Wayne County Community Endowment Fund
**Includes support from the Joan and Harold Feinbloom Supporting Foundation
   Includes support from the Muriel H. Marshall Fund for the Aging              °°Includes support from the Yates Community Endowment
                                                                                  Includes support from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund for Youth Sports
 Giving Circle Grants                                            Girls Rock! Rochester: LGBTQ+                             Center for Teen Empowerment: Young
                                                                 Programming, $1,000                                       Women's Leadership and Employment
 $234,175                                                                                                                  Project, $25,000
                                                                 ImageOut: Operating Support for the
 The fiving giving circles at Rochester                          Annual LGBT Film Festival, $3,000                         Girl Scouts of Western New York: Out-
 Area Community Foundation provide                                                                                         of-School Time with Girl Scouts, $15,000
 an entrée to philanthropy for their more                        Jewish Community Center of Greater
 than 300 members. Each giving circle                            Rochester: The Rochester Voices of AIDS                   Greentopia: Green Visions: Growing
 has its own mission. Members contribute                         Care: Past, Present, Future, $1,500                       Healthy Futures, $20,000
 annually to the giving circle’s fund and,
 in most cases, they vote on grants vetted                       Jewish Family Service of Rochester:                       Judicial Process Commission: Women's
 and recommended by other members                                Pencils & Paper: Tools for Learning, $3,000               Legal Action Project and Support Services,
 or a grant review committee. Get more                                                                                     $25,000
 information on these dynamic groups of                          Legal Assistance of Western New York:
 donors at www.racf.org/GivingCircles.                           LGBTQ+ Name Change Advocacy Project,                      Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach:
                                                                 $2,000                                                    Women's Empowerment Program of
                                                                                                                           Jennifer House, $22,500
 African-American Giving Initiative,                             M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence:
                                                                 School Climate Transformation Project,                    The Unity Hospital of Rochester: Project
 $7,500                                                          $3,000                                                    Independence at Healthy Moms, $25,000
 Center for Employment Opportunities:
                                                                 Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach: Family
 Employment Re-Entry Services for
                                                                 Reunification Program, $3,000
 Formerly Incarcerated, $2,500
                                                                 Veterans Outreach Center: Peer Support,
 Center for Teen Empowerment:
                                                                 Morale, and Wellness Suicide Prevention
 Intergenerational History Ambassadors
                                                                 Project, $3,000
 Project, $2,500

 Dress for Success Rochester: Career
 Development and Training Programs,
                                                                 NextGen Rochester, $7,875
 $2,500                                                          Center for Teen Empowerment:
                                                                 Intergenerational History Ambassadors
                                                                 Exhibit, $1,000
 Developmental Disabilities Giving
 Circle, $1,800                                                  EnCompass: Resources for Learning:
                                                                 What’s Cookin’?, $3,000
 Job Path of New York: Training for
 Customized Employment Project, $1,800                           The Shore Foundation: Bridge the Digital
                                                                 Divide for Low-Income People, $2,100
 LGBT+ Giving Circle, $33,500                                    The South Wedge Food Program:
                                                                 Emergency Food Program, $1,000
 The Avenue BlackBox Theatre: Operating
 Support, $3,000                                                 WriteRochester: Give Back, Give Books
                                                                 Program, $775
 BOA Editions, Ltd: Tenderness by Derrick
 Austin Publishing Project, $1,000

 Center for Teen Empowerment: Youth                              Rochester Women’s Giving Circle,
 Peace Initiatives, $3,000                                       $183,500

 The Center for Youth: Arnett House:                             Cameron Community Ministries: R&R for
 LGBTQ and Trafficked Homeless Youth,                            Girls, $25,000
                                                                 Consumer Credit Counseling Service
 Family Counseling Service of the Finger                         of Rochester: C.A.S.H Coach Program,
 Lakes: LGBTQ+ Expanded Support                                  $18,500
 Program, $3,000
                                                                 Center for Employment Opportunities:
 Family Promise of Greater Rochester                             Support Services for Formerly
 (formerly RAIHN): Prevention and                                Incarcerated, Working Women, $7,500
 Rehousing Program, $2,000

 *Includes support from the John F. Wegman Fund                                  ◊◊
                                                                                   Includes support from the Bullis Fund
                                                                                 °Includes support from the Wayne County Community Endowment Fund
**Includes support from the Joan and Harold Feinbloom Supporting Foundation
   Includes support from the Muriel H. Marshall Fund for the Aging              °°Includes support from the Yates Community Endowment
                                                                                  Includes support from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund for Youth Sports
Partners in Philanthropy
Since 1972, people from all walks of life in our eight-county greater Rochester-Finger Lakes region have trusted Rochester Area
Community Foundation to help achieve their philanthropic goals. Generous gifts from the individuals, families, organizations,
and businesses listed on the following pages reflect contributions totaling $48.3 million between April 1, 2020 and March 31,
2021. We thank each of them for their vision, commitment, and continued support, which allows us to lead, inspire and support
positive, enduring community change.

PHILANTHROPISTS                                Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeCarolis
                                               Dan and Mary Draper
                                                                                               $10,000 to $24,999
We appreciate the generosity of all                                                            Kate and Jerry Alonzo
                                               Mrs. Michele Ely
of our supporters. Donors listed here                                                          Anonymous (6)
                                               Sareer A. Fazili, Esq., and
gave $1,000 or more to the Community                                                           Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Arthurs
                                                   Dr. Bushra G. Fazili
Foundation and/or its initiatives between                                                      Dick and Ellen Barrett
                                               John L. and Lindsay R. Garrett
April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021:                                                              W. Stewart Beecher, MD
                                               Patrick George, CPA
                                                                                               Mr. Avery S. Beer
                                               Rehka Gholkar
                                                                                               Joel and Lori Benzel
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000                       Ms. Elizabeth P. Gordon
                                                                                               Mr. David M. Berg and
                                               Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Gurell
Anonymous                                                                                          Ms. Dawn K. Riedy
                                               Donald S. Hall
                                                                                               Ted* and Peggy Boucher
                                               Croft D. Hangartner and
                                                                                               Roger and Mary Jo Brandt
$500,000 to $999,999                               Susan J. Scanlon
                                                                                               Mr. and Mrs. P. David Caccamise
                                               Jim and Shari Harrison
Anonymous                                                                                      Dr. Tyler Cassidy-Heacock
                                               Stephen and Margaret Hart
Louis P. Iacona                                                                                Dr. Benjamin and Mrs. Twanda
                                               Kathryn Korol
Dr. Dawn Lipson                                                                                    Christensen
                                               Mrs. Carolyn H. Krulee
Sidney and Barbara Sobel                                                                       Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Close
                                               Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Leone Jr.
Louise Woerner and Don Kollmorgen                                                              Mr. Peter Collinge and Ms. Carol Thiel
                                               Dr. Edward Lin
                                                                                               Mrs. Claire G. Curtis*
                                               John and Judy Lynd
$100,000 to $499,999                                                                           Joe and Judy Darweesh
                                               Melissa Matson
                                                                                               Mr. George Ewing Jr.
Anonymous (2)                                  John and Martha McKenna
                                                                                               Elizabeth Fisher
Bruce B. Bates*                                Dick McNamara
                                                                                               Michael and Suzanne Frame
Abby and Doug Bennett                          Lorraine and Gordon McNeil
                                                                                               Ms. Ruth Freeman
Janet Buchanan Smith                           Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Miller
                                                                                               June and Warren Glaser
Marion Fulbright*                              Ruth I. Morton
                                                                                               James and Susan Grossman
Mr. George W. Karpus                           Bliss E. Owen
                                                                                               Ms. Nancy D. Hessler
Gerald P. and Karen S. Kral                    Tom Riley and Barbara Kelley
                                                                                               Mrs. Marjorie S. Humphrey
Bal and Kusum Narang                           John B. Rumsey
                                                                                               Nan H. Johnson and Dr. J. W. Johnson
Laurel J. Pace                                 Bud and Joan Rusitzky
                                                                                               Mrs. Joyce Killick Fowler and
Ms. Alice Sinclair                             Mr. and Mrs. Harold Samloff
                                                                                                   Mr. Paul C. Fowler
Dan and Doreen Spoor                           Erni and Randy Schuster
                                                                                               Susan B. and Donald M. Kitchen
Ann H. Stevens and William J. Shattuck         Tam Spitzer
                                                                                               Rena LaBue
Sarah T. Stevens-Miles                         Ms. Jane A. Stevens
                                                                                               James R. Low
Geff and Cindy Yancey                          Nancy D. Stevens and David L. Williams
                                                                                               Jackie Marchand
                                               Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stevens
                                                                                               Ann and Jim McMullen
$25,000 to $99,999                             Ann and David Still
                                                                                               Sam and Helen Merlo
                                               Sharon P. Stiller
Anonymous (14)                                                                                 James E. Morris, Esq.
                                               David Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Archibald                                                               Lori M. Newland
                                               Elizabeth Thorley
Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert D. Bailey                                                               William J. O'Connor Jr.
                                               James E. and Margaret M.
Richard A. Bloom, MD                                                                           Ms. Elaine Pizzarelli
                                                   Van Haneghan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Campbell                                                                Abby and Josh Reinhard
                                               David P. Veniskey and Michelle Prince
Betsy and John Carver                                                                          Richard and Laurie Riedman
                                               Erik and Judy von Bucher
Barbara J. Case                                                                                Stephen and Mary Jane Riley
                                               Thomas F. and Ann M. Ward
Sonya and Carl Christensen                                                                     Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rinehart
                                               Elizabeth and Pierce Webb
Ms. Christine M. Colucci                                                                       Mr. and Mrs. James L. Robfogel
                                               Caryl and Gerry Wenzke
Mr. and Mrs. José J. Coronas                                                                   Dr. Alvani D. and Carol McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Burch Craig                                                                           Santos
Mr. Stephen Craxton                                                                            Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Sasso

*Recently deceased                                                                                                                10
Jane and Chris Shaffer                    $1,000 to $4,999                         Ms. Terry A. Clark
James and Daria Shaw                                                               Mr. Francis Clement
                                          Susan E. Acker
Mrs. Shirley Shumway                                                               Ms. Tamsan Cleveland
                                          Mrs. Carol Adler
Mr. Henry H. Stebbins                                                              Mr. Joseph S. Cohn and
                                          Ms. Diane E. Ahlman
Jaimala and Krishan Thanik                                                             Ms. Amy L. Chosky
                                          Ms. Patricia M. Albanese
Robert and Susan Touhsaent                                                         Ms. Lucinda Collier
                                          Ms. Kathleen Albertini
Dr. William M. Valenti and                                                         Mr. Richard J. Connett
                                          Ms. Barbara E. Ames
    Mr. James Wolk                                                                 Frank T. Crego, Esq.
                                          Ms. Susan Ames
Ms. Kristin Vanden Brul                                                            Ms. Carol Crossed
                                          Ms. Janet B. Anderson
David and Claudia Weber                                                            Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Davis
                                          Susan and David Andersen
Dr. Ethan L. Welch and Janet Welch                                                 Ms. Teri Davis
                                          Ms. Melinda Andolina
Chuck Wetmore                                                                      Mrs. Christine Dear
                                          Ms. Erika Ange and Mr. Bernie Sheehan
W. Steven Wilterdink                                                               Mr. Brad DeHond
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Adam P. Anolik
Ms. Sara W. Wood                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Craig Densmore
                                          Anonymous (21)
                                                                                   Ms. Heidi A. Dent
                                          Mr. Jason Aroesty
                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Frank Depeters
$5,000 to $9,999                          Michael and Lindsay Aroesty
                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Mike Deschamps
Thomas Adler                              Mr. Daniel E. Bailey
                                                                                   Ms. Jacqueline B. DiSalvo
Anonymous (2)                             Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Bailey
                                                                                   Linda Donahue and Sue Dambrowski
Mrs. Carol J. Aroesty                     Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bank
                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dotterer
Lois R. Atkin                             Ms. Margaret M. Barber
                                                                                   Ms. Mary Drechsler
Mr. Joel P. Barrett                       Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bartlett
                                                                                   Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss
Ms. Martha L. Blair                       Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bassett
                                                                                   Ms. Roberta S. Dubeshter
R. Scott and Christina Burdett            Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauer
                                                                                   Ms. Lorraine A. Dvorin
Phil and Sharon Burke                     Beth Ann Beato
                                                                                   Ms. Marcia Eisenberg
Paul H. Bush                              Louis J. Beato
                                                                                   Ms. Susan Eisinger
Thomas L. Campbell                        Mollene B. Benison and Dan Lynck
                                                                                   Mr. Richard K. Ellis
Mr. Jeff Collins                          Ms. Margaret C. Berliant
                                                                                   Ms. Judith A. Emmanuel
Mary G. Crowe                             Ms. Marsha M. Bernstein
                                                                                   Dr. Kimberly Erway
Karen Duffy                               Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Bisha
                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Eusden
David and Anne Ferris                     Michael and Jane Ellen Bleeg
                                                                                   Ms. Kathy J. Farrar
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Gifford           Ms. Nancy E. Bloom and
                                                                                   Ms. Catherin O. Feinen
Arthur W. and Sharon J. Hauf                   Mr. Alan M. Cohen
                                                                                   Ms. Andrea Feldman
Ms. Stacy J. Hauf                         Ms. Nancy Bodziak
                                                                                   Mr. David Fergusson and
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Henchen              Ms. Nancy Bond
                                                                                       Ms. Joyce Nakada
Mr. and Mrs. James Homburger              Ms. Shirley Bowen and
                                                                                   H. Taylor and Lyn Fitch
Mrs. Margot M. Hughes                          Ms. Tracy L. Perkins
                                                                                   Ms. Paula Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Jacobstein          Ms. Jerrilyn M. Boynton
                                                                                   Ms. Suzanne Fitzgerald
Emil J. Karcich                           Margit Brazda Poirier and Dave Poirier
                                                                                   Caryl A. Flickinger
Shirley A. King                           Ms. Chari Briggs-Krenis
                                                                                   Jason Flickinger
The Hon. Joan S. Kohout                   Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brookstein
                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Mark Flickinger
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador F. Leccese          Bill and Charlotte Brummett
                                                                                   Ms. Lee F. Fox
Chris Maas                                Ms. Nicole Kingsley Brunner
                                                                                   Barbara L. Frank
Mr. Stephen I. Masling                    Jim and Carmen Brush
                                                                                   Lauren D. Frank and Annette H. Miller
Ms. E. Gay Mills and Dr. Yeates Conwell   Josephine Buckley
                                                                                   Mr. Kevin J. Frisch
Ms. Karen Morris                          Mr. Zachary Burchill
                                                                                   Emerson U. and Vernita Fullwood
Mr. Jack W. Morrissey                     Ms. Vilma Burgos-Torres
                                                                                   Ms. Sarah E. Gardener
Nannette Nocon and Karl Wessendorf        Mrs. Mary Ellen Burris
                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. David Garretson
Karen and Don Pryor                       Mr. John Burt
                                                                                   Mr. Robert Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ransford          Mr. William Bush
                                                                                   Ms. Linda J. Getman
Connie Valk                               Mr. Ebrahim Busheri
                                                                                   Mr. Rohun Gholkar
Rev. Anne Barden Waasdorp                 Mrs. Mary Allison Callaway
                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Walsh              Alan Cameros
                                                                                   Ms. Mary Ann Giglio
Mr. and Mrs. James Willer                 Ms. Laura Cann
                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gilchrist
Mary-Frances Winters                      Ms. Patricia Reddick Carey
                                                                                   Adam and Marybeth Gillan
Dr. Joseph and Elise Wojciechowski        Paula and Christopher Carter
                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. John Gillan
Mr. Rolf Zerges and Mrs. Lynda Rummel     Ms. Diane G. Caselli
                                                                                   Ms. Donna Gillespie
                                          Mr. Jeremiah Casey and
                                                                                   R. Thompson Gilman and Kelly A. Nagle
                                               Mr. Patrick Macey
                                                                                   Deborah G. Goldman
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Chapman
                                                                                   Mr. Brian Goudreau
                                          Jill M. Cicero, Esq.
                                                                                   Rita and Michael Gow
                                          Ms. Michelle Cicilline
                                                                                   Mr. Jeremy Grace
                                          Ms. Cathleen E. Clancy

*Recently deceased                                                                                                 11
Mr. Jonathan Griffiths                   Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Krager        Ms. Dorothy R. Pecoraro
Ms. Joanna M. Grosodonia                 Ms. Rosemary F. Krugh                 Ms. Marjorie Perlman
Howard J. Grossman, Esq.,                Mr. and Mrs. David Krusch             Mr. and Ms. Francis R. Perticone
    and Justin Dang                      Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kubiak            Mr. Daniel Phillips
Ms. Joanne Guarnere                      Ms. Christine R. Kurland              Mr. and Mrs. Dominic C. Piazza
Mr. Matthew Haag and Mr. Bill Schaefer   Mrs. Patricia S. Larrabee             Mrs. Angela B. Pichichero
Ms. Nancy Hackett                        Jeffrey B. Larson and                 Ms. Louisa Pierson
Ms. Kathleen Hagen                           Richard C. Conheady Jr.           Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pixley
Mr. Thomas E. Hamlin                     Ms. Lilita Lassen-Ward                Ms. Maryann L. Platania
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Hanson               Ms. Carolynn L. Leccese               Ms. Alysa Plummer
Trish and Mike Harren                    Mr. and Mrs. R. Wayne LeChase         Catherine Pollicove
Mrs. Lynn B. Harris                      Mr. James Lesch and                   Ms. Virginia A. Potter
Mr. and Mrs. David Hartney                   Mr. Richard K. LeRoy              Ms. Lynda Powell
Ms. Amy Hathaway                         Norman and Susan Lindenmuth           Mr. and Mrs. Sam Priem
Ms. Bette Marie Heger                    Mr. Joseph L. Lippert and             Ms. Gita Ramachandran
Warren and Joyce Heilbronner                 Ms. Patricia J. Clark             Mr. Michael Rand
Ms. Lorelei C. Heliotis                  Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Loughran       Mr. Keith S. Reas and
Mr. James T. Herbst                      Ms. Candice Lucas                         Mr. Tomas C. Hernandez
Ms. Carol E. Hidy                        Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Staffan Lundback   Ms. Janet S. Reed
Dirk and Linda Hightower                 Mr. Andrew MacGowan III               Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Reed
Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Hildebrandt       Ms. Mary Manges                       Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Rees
Mr. Kenneth L. Hines                     Ms. BJ Mann                           Ms. Susan Riblett and
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Hiranandani          Mr. Richard Marchese, Esq.                Ms. Dolores Behrouzy-Far
Mary and Jim Holleran                    Mr. and Mrs. Richard Markus           Ms. Constance Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Holt              Ms. Lori A. Marra                     Ms. Mary E. Richardson
Ms. Pallavi Gholkar Homan                Mr. Patrick Massie                    Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Ricotta
Mr. Norman Horton                        Ms. Nancy C. McAfee                   Michael and Linda Riordan
Mr. Dennis Howard                        Mr. Gilbert K. McCurdy                Mr. Marvin E. Ritzenthaler and
Ms. Barbara Hufsmith and                 Ms. Annette Meade                         Mr. Steven A. Jarose
    Mr. Gordon Britton                   Ms. Sandra H. Meade                   Mr. and Mrs. Jason K. Roscup
Ms. Leslie A. Hulbert                    Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Meikle             Ms. Nellie J. Rosenberg
Ms. Amy S. Irish                         Ms. Marguerite P. Meli                Mr. Karl Rosengren and
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jaschik              Ms. Heather Menzies-Jones                 Ms. Sarah Mangelsdorf
Ann M. Johnson                           Mrs. Carmel S. Merrill                Ms. Rosemary A. Roth
Dr. Rebecca L. Johnson and               Mr. Martin E. Messinger               Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rothman
    Dr. William W. Destler               Mrs. Leslie Jill Miller               Ms. Emily Jennifer Rouin
Dr. Wallace Johnson and                  Mr. and Mrs. David C. Mitchell        Ms. Eileen Ryan
    Dr. Karen Duguid                     Pat and Tom Mitchell                  Ms. Linda C. Saalman
Ms. Suzanne Johnston                     Mr. Stephen Moeller and               Ms. Regina Salis
Mr. Jerry Joliet                             Ms. Vivian Arias                  Arline and Fernando Santiago
Ms. Linda Josephs                        Mr. Chad Monheim                      Mr. Wayne Scheible
Ms. Mary Kay Judd                        Ms. Mary Ann Monley                   Mrs. Richard P. Schonfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence I. Kaplan          Ms. Susan Moore                       Dr. Nina F. Schor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kaplan           Mr. Hans Morefield                    Joan M. Schumaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly                   Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Morgan         Mr. Russell K. Schwartzbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Kennedy          Ms. Janet Morris                      Ms. Patricia Schwarz
Mr. Martin Kennedy                       Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin         Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Schwarz
Ms. Kathleen B. Keogh                    Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy IV        Dr. and Mrs. Steven S. Searl
Ms. Patricia Kerper                      Ms. Stephanie Murphy                  Mrs. John Seebach
Robert and Susan Kessler                 Ms. Ruth J. Myers                     Ms. Jean A. Shafer
Kate and Tom Kidera                      Ms. Jacqueline T. Nasso               Ms. Kathryn Sheffield
Mr. Michael S. King                      Ms. Emily Neece                       Ms. Tammi Shlotzhauer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Kirwan           Paul Marc and Pamela Miller Ness      Ms. Carol C. Shulman
Mr. John Kivinen and                     Ms. Dianne W. Newhouse                Ms. Jody Siegle and Dr. Reuben Epstein
    Mrs. Michelle R. Leon-Kivinen        Ms. Melissa Nixon                     Mark and Marcia Siewert
Mr. Peter A. Kjolhede                    Mr. and Mrs. James H. Norman Sr.      Harvey D. Simmons Jr.
Christine Klos                           Carolyn G. Nussbaum and Eric Brandt   Ms. Dale Skivington
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Knox Jr.          Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oaks              Mr. and Ms. Arthur E. Smart
Mr. Mark P. Kokanovich and               Elaine O'Brien                        Ms. Alice K. Smith
    Ms. Jean E. Maess                    Mr. and Mrs. Clayton H. Osborne       Mr. Stephen L. Smith
Mona F. Kolko                            Dr. Shree K. Pandya                   Ms. Kathleen H. Spencer
Mr. Joseph Kosiorek                      Ms. Katharine S. Parsons              Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Steblein

*Recently deceased                                                                                              12
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stein
Ms. Janet E. Steiner
                                        organizational                             Gannett National Shared Service Center
                                                                                   Genesee Land Trust
Ms. Joni M. Steinman                    donors                                     Geva Theatre Center
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Stork            These businesses, foundations, and         Glover-Crask Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Stottler           nonprofit organizations gave $1,000 or     Goodwill of the Finger Lakes Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Straw              more to the Community Foundation and/      Todd Goodwin Charitable Trust
Dr. Stephen B. Sulkes and               or its initiatives between April 1, 2020   Greater Rochester Health Foundation
     Dr. Melissa Schiff                 and March 31, 2021.                        Greece Community Partners
James F. and Carol J. Sutter                                                       The Holmes Family Foundation
James D. Sutter, Esq.                                                              Human Solutions LLC
                                        AAA Western and Central New York
Mr. Brian Sweet                                                                    The Hutchins Family Foundation
                                        All Bassets Cherished Basset Hound
Ms. Ella Swierkosz                                                                 IBF Inc. Hot Shots Volleyball Center
                                            Rescue, Inc. of NY
Michael R. Tambe                                                                   Innovative Solutions
                                        The Gerard and Kathleen Carey Alonzo
Ms. Susan Taylor-Brown                                                             Irondequoit Country Club
                                            Charitable Fund
Sue and Gary Tebor                                                                 Rodney B. Janes Memorial Fund
                                        Anonymous (2)
Ms. Laura Thompson                                                                 Colin F. Kennedy Fund
                                        The Antoinette Brown Blackwell Society
Sam and Mimi Tilton                                                                Konar Foundation
                                        The Architectural Foundation of
Ms. Marianne E. Timmons and                                                        LeChase Construction Company
                                            Greater Rochester
     Ms. Lynne M. Hamilton                                                         Litron Laboratories
                                        Aurora House of Western Monroe
Mr. Gregory T. Topping                                                             Long Acre Farms
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Travis                                                        Manning & Napier, Inc.
                                        Avangrid Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Carol A. Tschupp                                                               Medtronic YourCause, LLC
                                        Avangrid, Inc.
Ms. Ginny Turner and Mr. Jamie Sisson                                              Mickel's Nickels
                                        Beaumont & Stork, Inc.
Ms. Jacqueline Ulmer                                                               Milly's Pantry
                                        Bonadio & Co., LLP
Mrs. Joyce Underberg                                                               Mindex
                                        Boys & Girls Club of Geneva
Mario and Linda Urso                                                               Helen L. Morris Foundation, Inc.
                                        Bright Funds Foundation
Ms. Alyce Van Patten                                                               Mountain Rise United Church of Christ
                                        Brighton Central PTSA
Dr. James Vesper and                                                               National Life Insurance Co.
                                        Campus Construction Management
     Mr. Graham Brown                                                              New York State Department of Taxation
                                            Group, Inc.
Allan J. and Andrea L. Vittum                                                          and Finance Division of the Treasury
                                        Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Co.
Christine Waasdorp Hurtado, MD                                                     New York State Restaurant Association
                                        The Capital Group Companies
Mrs. Nancy D. Waasdorp                                                                 Corporate Headquarters
                                            Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Wadsworth                                                    The Nord Family Foundation
                                        CH Stuart Foundation
Ms. Kay A. Wallace and                                                             Notre Dame Learning Center
                                        Children's Institute, Inc.
     Mr. Peter Oddleifson*                                                         Nuance Communications, Inc.
                                        City of Rochester
Ms. Anne Waterman                                                                  Ontario Historical and Landmark
                                        Coach & Equipment
Ms. Linda M. Wayland-Smith                                                             Preservation Society
                                        Colin F. Kennedy Foundation, Inc.
Joseph Weber and Frank Barone                                                      Orbaker’s Fruit Farm, Inc.
                                        Community Foundation for
Rev. Gordon V. Webster                                                             Out Alliance (formerly Gay Alliance of
                                            Greater Buffalo
Philip Wehrheim and                                                                    the Genesee Valley)
                                        Community Foundation of
     Anne Frost Wehrheim                                                           Perinton Food Shelf
                                            Greater Chattanooga
Mr. and Mrs. George Weinmann                                                       Re/Max Plus
                                        Community Organizing and
Ann D. Weintraub                                                                   Rising Storm Brewing Company, LLC
                                            Family Issues
Dr. Robin L. Weintraub                                                             Rochester Americans Alumni
                                        Crossroads House
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Weir                                                           Association
                                        Deblinger Family Foundation
Ms. Elissa Werner                                                                  Rochester Contemporary Art Center
                                        Dollars for Scholars — Palmyra-
Ms. Kathryn R. Wesley                                                              Rochester Optometric Society
                                            Macedon Chapter
Ms. Carol J. Whitbeck                                                              Rochester's Cornerstone Group
                                        Edmac Foundation Inc.
Ms. Helen P. Wiley                                                                 Richard W. Rupp Foundation
                                        Edward & Verna Gerbic Family
Ms. Helen R. William                                                               Ryan Memorial Foundation
John Williams                                                                      Salty Dog Charities
                                        The Elster Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williard                                                         Sands Family Foundation
                                        ESL Charitable Foundation
Catharine J. Wise                                                                  Kilian J. and Caroline F. Schmitt
                                        Max M. and Marian M. Farash
Bill and Kathy Woodard                                                                 Foundation, Inc.
                                            Charitable Foundation
Mary A. Worboys-Turner and                                                         Seneca Park Zoo Society
                                        Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift
     Scott M. Turner                                                               Helen and Ritter Shumway Foundation
Ms. Carol Worth and                                                                Sibley-Saltonstall Charitable Foundation
                                        Flour City Estate Sales
     Mr. Robert Schwarting                                                         Special Cares Systems
                                        Friends of Bob Oaks
Ms. Mary Worth                                                                     Spindler Family Foundation
                                        Friends of the Macedon Public Library
William E. and Sandra K. Wynne                                                     Susan B. Anthony Museum & House
                                        Full Measure
Mr. Albert M. Yu and Ms. Amy S. Hsi                                                SWBR Architects PC
                                        Gamma Iota Boule Foundation
                                                                                   Tegna Foundation
                                        Gannett Foundation

*Recently deceased                                                                                                   13
Todd Allen Family Foundation               G. Thomas and Barbara Clark             William N. Hosley
Tower Family Fund, Inc.                    Barbara Colucci                         Jeffrey Hough and Marlea Allan
Town of Perinton                           Christine Colucci                       Margot M. Hughes
United Way of Brevard County               Carla F. Coombs Garwood and             Laura Humphrey
United Way of Greater Rochester                John A. Garwood                     Clifford Hurley
Unity Church of Greater Rochester          Carole Cooper-Haims                     Ray and Erika Hutch
van der Stricht Foundation                 José and Karen Coronas                  Mimi Hwang
Waldron Rise Foundation                    Patricia S. Criticos                    Perry and Linda Jacobstein
West Irondequoit Central School District   Michael and Amy Davis                   Dr. Wallace Johnson and
   Foundation                              Stewart Davis*                              Dr. Karen Duguid
Marie C. and Joseph C. Wilson              Ellen and Beatrice de Buono             Joseph G. Kelly
   Foundation                              Elizabeth Dewey                         Mary Kerr
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation            Peter and Ann Dillon                    Dawn Klein
The Winters Group, Inc.                    Linda Donahue and Sue Dambrowski        David and Beverly Kluge
Louis S. and Molly B. Wolk Foundation      Mike Donoghue                           Leslie and Nelle Knox
Women's Foundation of Genesee Valley       Michael and Carol Doran                 Hon. Joan S. Kohout
                                           Erik R. Duncan                          Anita M. Komma
                                           Patricia A. Dwyer                       Marlowe B. Hagood Laiacona
legacy society                             David and Sandra Ebberts
                                           Trevor and Elizabeth Ewell
                                                                                   Dianne LaLonde
                                                                                   Edward R. Lane*
By remembering the community in            Preston K. Faulkner                     Harry H. Lang Jr.*
your estate plans, you can make a          Joan Feinbloom                          Jeffrey B. Larson and
real difference in our region’s future.    David and Anne Ferris                       Richard C. Conheady, Jr
The cumulative list of Legacy Society      Gerard E. Fisher and                    Alan and Deborah Lattime
members recognizes individuals                 Jonathan Rosenfeld                  Kristine Lawrence
and couples who have named the             Mary V. Fisher, Esq.                    Jeffrie and Robert Leahy
Community Foundation in their wills or     Ruth H. Fitzgerald                      Jennifer Leonard and
planned gifts. We thank them for their     Donald A. Forsyth*                          David Cay Johnston
generosity and foresight.                  Richard Forbes*                         Robert G. Lewis
                                           Scott A. Forsyth                        Alan M. Litman
A & B Associates                           Jonathan D. Foster                      Jane Littwitz
Russell K. Achzet                          Thomas H. Foster                        Frank Luellen*
Carol T. Aldridge*                         Margaret Mary Z. Foxx                   Sherryn K. Malm
Anonymous (64)                             Lauren D. Frank and Annette H. Miller   Joseph J. Mancini
Michael H. Anthony                         Ruth Freeman                            Thomas S. Marsh
Gerald J. Archibald                        David and Linda Friedman                Hank Mastalski
Tom and Carolyn Argust                     Emerson U. and Vernita Fullwood         Sandy and Suzanne Mayer
Ann N. Baker                               Joanne Gianniny                         Jetson and Gloria McCleary
Raymond and Violet Barrese                 Grant and Bette Gillette                Richard J. McCollough
Bruce B. Bates*                            R. Thompson Gilman and Kelly A. Nagle   John N. McMath Jr.
Nancy Beilfuss*                            Peter G. Gleason                        Marvin A. McMickle and
John and Carol Bennett                     Richard Goldstein and                       Peggy McMickle
Sara Berger and Ginny Tucker                   Lynda Garner Goldstein              James and Ann McMullen
Roberta F. Beyer                           Stephanie E. Gradinger                  Thomas E. C. Mees
William Blazey                             Karl Greenhagle                         Caroline and Albert Merenda
Jane Ellen Bleeg                           Frank S. Grosso                         Carmel S. Merrill
Edward and Phyllis Bloom                   James P. Growney                        Sally Merrill
Angela Bonazinga and Catherine Lewis       Anthony L. Gugino                       Richard Woodworth Millard
Russell H. Bosch and Erin Anheier          Donald S. Hall                          Carol C. Miller
Joyce Boucher                              Joan M. Halstead                        Glen E. Miller
Ted* and Peggy Boucher                     E. Pauline Handy                        Deanne Molinari
Nancy and Joe* Briggs                      Patricia Hans                           Karen R. Monast
David L. Brooke                            Norman and Dianne Hansen                Laura v. Morrissey
Jim Brush                                  Amara Harris                            John Muenter
Michael F. Buckley                         Dr. Anne Harrison                       Raymond and Patricia Naber
Carol Jo “C.J.” Bullen                     Jim and Shari Harrison                  Philip Nash and George Schutt
Sally Burdick                              Jim and Rose Hawley                     Emily Neece and Alan Ziegler
Paul H. Bush                               Peter Henderson                         Philip Neivert*
Marlene Caroselli*                         Roger and Rosemary Herendeen            Eleanor Newell
Rosalie J. Cavallaro                       David D. Hoesley                        Kathy and Ted Nixon
Joanne and Charles Chada                   Mary and Jim Holleran                   Nannette Nocon and Karl Wessendorf
Barbara and Alexander Christoff            Edgar and Mary Louise Hollwedel         Helen O'Leary*

*Recently deceased                                                                                                14
Suzanne A. Olson
Jane and Chris Shaffer
                                       Sidney and Linda S. Weinstein
                                       Ann D. Weintraub
                                                                                   catalysts for
Elizabeth Owen Smith                   Delores Welkley                             change
Laurel J. Pace                         Norman and Nancy Wetterau                   As we pave the way for our region’s
Amante Parungao                        Timothy B. and Elizabeth C. Wilder          future, endowment gifts will allow the
Katie and Scott Peterson               Pamela S. Wilkens White                     Community Foundation to continue to
Dom and June Piazza                    John Williams                               respond creatively to changing needs.
Cheryl B. Pipkin                       W. Steven Wilterdink                        This club recognizes all donors who
John C. Pyles*                         William E. and Sandra K. Wynne              make cumulative gifts of $10,000 or
Samuel* and June Reeder                Eric I. Zeller                              more earmarked for endowed funds
Marjorie Relin*                        Jay and Hanna Zukoski                       not restricted to specific purposes to
Ron Richardson                                                                     address the pressing needs of today,
Tom Riley and Barbara Kelley                                                       tomorrow, and into the future.
Nathan and Susan Robfogel
Suzanne R. Robinson
                                       legacy gifts
Anna L.B. Rodriguez                    This list recognizes the generosity of      + Indicates founding members from the
Nellie J. Rosenberg                    individuals who passed away in recent       original 21st Century Club
Harris H. Rusitzky                     years and included the Community
H. Bruce Russell                       Foundation in their estate plans. We
                                                                                   Thomas Adler
Harold and Judy Samloff                are deeply grateful for the gifts we have
                                                                                   Maureen Alston, Esq.
Robert and Jeanne Sandholzer           received from estates of the following
                                                                                   Elizabeth Anderson
Richard W. Sarkis                      individuals since April 1, 2020.
                                                                                   Anonymous (4)
Ralph H. “Lin” Saunders, Jr.                                                       Tom and Carolyn Argust+
Robert and Barbara Schaefer            Anonymous                                   Lois R. Atkin
Conrad A. Scheg*                       Jacqueline Archer                           Robert D. Baden
Natalie L. Schwartz                    Marjorie Brenneman                          Bruce B. Bates+*
Richard A. Schwartz                    Patricia A. Brockhuizen                     Nancy Beilfuss*
Anthony and Gloria Sciolino            Anna R. Bundschuh                           Abby and Doug Bennett
Mary Seebach                           Marlene Caroselli                           Richard A. Bloom, MD
Janice E. Silver                       Sarah H. Collins                            James Boucher
Harvey D. Simmons Jr.                  Ruth Enslein                                Joyce Boucher+
Bertha E. Simpkins                     Richard Forbes                              Karen Boucher
Stephen L. Smith                       Donald A. Forsyth                           Ted* and Peggy Boucher+
David and Nina Somers                  Todd Goodwin                                Nancy and Joe* Briggs+
Jim and Marie Sorrentino               Richard Kirchhoff                           Richard F. Brush+
Jacqueline Sperandio                   James E. Koller                             Josephine Buckley
Dan and Doreen Spoor                   Harry H. Lang Jr.                           G. Thomas and Barbara Clark
Joshua and Kayleigh Stampfler          Carol Laniak                                Christine M. Colucci
Ann and David Still                    Audie F. Lawson                             Michael and Lisa Cooney+
Dolores S. Stover                      David Lederer                               Linda W. Davey+
Arthur Streb                           Frank and Cricket Luellen                   Christine Dear
Kathy L. Strong                        Saul Marsh                                  Toni Dechario
Alec and Mindy Sutherland              James S. Moser                              Edward J. Doherty and Patrice Mitchell
R. Ian and Eve H. Tatlock              Ernestine W. Murray                         Judith A. Emmanuel
Michael T. Tomaino Sr.                 Helen O'Leary                               George Ewing Jr.
Albert and Mary Ellen Tortoretti       Elizabeth Plumb Miller                      Abe Feinbloom Charitable Lead Trust+
Robert and Susan Touhsaent             Barbara M. Reifsteck                        Joan Feinbloom+
Nancy L. Turner                        Sharon Rosenblum                            Richard and Malinda Fischer
Ruth Unzicker and Christopher Husson   Conrad A. Scheg                             Elizabeth Fisher
Connie Valk                            Burton Spiller                              George and Ann Fisher
James E. and Margaret M. Van                                                       Richard Forbes*
    Haneghan                                                                       Donald A. Forsyth, Esq.*
Robert* and Ann Van Niel                                                           Jonathan D. Foster+
Arthur N. Vitoch                                                                   Robert B. Frame+
Allan J. and Andrea L. Vittum                                                      Dr. Jean Watkeys Gardner
Erik and Judy von Bucher                                                           Kevin and Nancy Gavagan
Bonita Wallace                                                                     June and Warren Glaser
Rand L. Warner                                                                     John and Roslyn Goldman
Robert D. Wayland-Smith                                                            Elizabeth P. Gordon
Elizabeth and Pierce Webb                                                          Suzanne Gouvernet
Philip Wehrheim                                                                    Herbert and Monika Hallman
Elinor H. Weinberg                                                                 Amara A. Harris

*Recently deceased                                                                                                    15
Joseph Harris                         Janice E. Silver+                         Mr. George Ewing Jr.
Jim and Shari Harrison                Harvey D. Simmons Jr.                     Joan Feinbloom
Kevin Hart+                           Paul and Susan Smith                      Robert B. Frame
Warren and Joyce Heilbronner+         Spindler Family Foundation                Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Gaffney
Nancy D. Hessler                      Richard and Sandra Stein                  Dr. Alfred O. Ginkel*
Dr. Marvin Hoffman+                   Ann H. Stevens and                        Suzanne Gouvernet
Howard E. Holcomb                         William J. Shattuck+                  Ray and Erika Hutch
Jay and Teresa Holmes                 Douglas J. Summers                        Louis P. Iacona
Patricia K. Humphrey*                 Jaimala and Krishan Thanik                Marlowe B. Hagood Laiacona
Dorothea Hunter                       Carolyn K. Thomson                        Leo R. and Charlotte K. Landhuis
Richard J. Huxley and Debra Domres+   Robert H. Thomson                         Georgianna M. Lovejoy Charitable
Mimi Hwang                            Elizabeth A. Thorley                          Foundation
Louis P. Iacona+                      Robert and Patricia Tobin+                Sally Merrill
Richard and Mary Insel+               Robert and Susan Touhsaent                Kathy and Ted Nixon
Barbara R. H. James, Esq.             Trident Fund/Nicholas and                 Nannette Nocon and Karl Wessendorf
Susan Kaufman                             Barbara Juskiw                        William and Barbara Pulsifer*
Robert and Susan Kessler+             Pin-Seng and Shirley Tschang              Dr. Ellen G. Rusling
Michael and Kathleen Kirwan           Robert* and Ann Van Niel+                 Thomas G. Rusling
Rose-Marie Klipstein                  Justin and Louise Vigdor+                 Jon L. and Katherine T. Schumacher
Hon. Joan S. Kohout                   Erik and Judy von Bucher                  Richard and Vicki Schwartz
Gerald P. and Karen S. Kral+          Bonita and George Wallace                 I.C. Shah*
Leo R. and Charlotte K. Landhuis+     Peter and Betsy Webster+                  Janice E. Silver
Jeffrie and Robert Leahy              Adelaide Weinberg                         Harvey D. Simmons Jr.
LeCesse Construction Company+         Irene Weinberg                            Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Smith III
David B. Lederer*                     Dr. Sidney and Linda S. Weinstein         Spindler Family Foundation
Nelson and Nancy Leenhouts            Dr. Ethan L. Welch and Janet Welch+       Jaimala and Krishan Thanik
TC and Pam Lewis                      Constance B. Wilder                       Erik and Judy von Bucher
Sarah F. Liebschutz, PhD+             Dr. Joseph and Elise Wojciechowski        Thomas F. and Ann M. Ward
Jane Littwitz                                                                   Dr. Sidney and Linda S. Weinstein
James R. Low                                                                    Dr. Ethan L. Welch and Janet Welch
Cricket* and Frank* Luellen
John and Judy Lynd
                                      2021 lifetime                             Mr. Joseph Yacono

Rosemary Mancini+                     community
Dr. Elizabeth R. McAnarney            sponsors                                  gifts in kind
Ann and Patrick McCormick
                                      This cumulative listing recognizes        We are grateful to the following
John N. McMath Jr.+
                                      individuals, couples, and organizations   individuals, organizations, and
Carmel S. Merrill
                                      who have made a one-time gift of $5,000   businesses for their contributions of
Sally Merrill
                                      or more to our Community Sponsors         goods, services, or time to assist the
Robert and Marcia Metzger
                                      endowment, which supports our annual      Community Foundation in improving and
Barbara H. Miller
                                      campaign for operations. For a complete   strengthening our region.
Ruth I. Morton
                                      list of donors to our Community
James S. Moser*
                                      Sponsors campaigns in 2020-21, visit
Philip Neivert+                                                                 Steve Adelman
Paul Marc and Pamela Miller Ness                                                Carmen Allen
Kathy and Ted Nixon                                                             Dr. David Anderson
Nannette Nocon and Karl Wessendorf+   Kate and Jerry Alonzo                     Tom Argust
H. Roderick and Joan Nordell          Anonymous (2)                             Don Bartolo
Peter Oddleifson* and Kay Wallace     Tom and Carolyn Argust                    Mubarak Bashir
Mary Anne Palermo+                    Robert D. Baden                           Borinquen Dance Theatre
Marian W. Payson and Helen P. Wiley   John and Sarah Banks                      BRX Research
Lois Posner*                          Bruce B. Bates*                           Paul Bush
William and Barbara Pulsifer+*        Joyce Boucher                             Todd Butler
Ronald and Kelly Ricotta              James Boucher                             David Carpenter
Tom Riley and Barbara Kelley          Karen Boucher                             Bleu Cease
Bud and Joan Rusitzky+                Ted* and Peggy Boucher                    Challenger Miracle Field of
Conrad A. Scheg*                      Nancy and Joe* Briggs                         Greater Rochester
Richard and Vicki Schwartz            Paula Briggs                              Kelly Cheatle
Terry K. Schwartz                     Mrs. John D. Brush Jr.                    City of Rochester Planning Department
Ruth H. and William Scott             Richard F. Brush                          City Blue Imaging
I. C. Shah*                           Ms. Christine M. Colucci                  Kim Clark
Charlene C. Sherwood                  Barbara de Leeuw                          Marc Cohen
Shirley Shumway                       Mrs. Christine Dear                       Cooley Group

*Recently deceased                                                                                               16
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