Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott

Page created by Nicole Griffith
Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott
JUL 2019 – DEC 2019

                            The people and places making a difference

       C U LT U R E           G A S T RO N O M Y          COMMUNITY              WELLNESS
Circular economy and the   Clean and green, the way   The eco-friendly brands   How to stay f it
 new meaning of “waste”         food should be          and events to know      when you jet set
Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott
Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott
Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott

Sustainability, Green Living—these somewhat alien concepts a               The Ascott Limited
couple of decades ago have today crept into our vocabulary and our
                                                                           Editorial Advisors
very thought processes. The concept of green living has undergone          Vice President, Brand & Marketing
a cultural overhaul—with the entry of the millennial, it’s about being     Mindy Teo
in the know and now. The awakening may have started with some              Senior Manager, Brand & Marketing
                                                                           Bryan Lim
Boomers, but with social media and its subsidiaries changing the way
                                                                           Senior Executive, Brand &
opinions and viewpoints are disseminated, every bit of silence in our      Marketing
life has been taken over by an urgent call for sustainable living.         Koh Kim Wan

These have created a great impact on the hospitality industry as           Ascott Living is a biannual publication by
well. As strong and relentless as they are, the increasing spending        The Ascott Limited in association with
                                                                           Edipresse Media Singapore Pte Ltd
power of the millennials—the new customer—also makes them                  14 Kung Chong Road, #06-02
voices to be reckoned with. At The Ascott Limited, we subscribe to         Lum Chang Building, Singapore 159150
the vision of a greener future by employing eco-friendly standards         Tel (65) 6323 1606 Fax (65) 6323 1692

in all our properties and working with like-minded vendors. We have        Editorial Enquiries
spotlighted a few entrepreneurs who are making the most of the   
circular economy model to give new life to waste in “Making The
                                                                           Times Printers Pte Ltd
World Go Around”, while “Wasted Pleasures” talks about those
                                                                           16 Tuas Ave 5 Singapore 639340,
applying the same principle in the gastronomy industry.                    Tel (65) 6311 2888
                                                                           All rights reserved
The way we travel has also changed—eating clean and travelling             MCI(P) 079/12/2018
to green-friendly places are on the agenda. That’s no surprise as
                                                                           Published by
sustainability ranks high on the list of many countries as well. We have   Edipresse Media Singapore
rounded up the cultures and communities that stand out in the midst.       Managing                Senior Art
Being an eco-tourist is not just fashionable but as you will see from      Director                Director
                                                                           Corinne Ng              Matilda Au
our notes, very much possible.
                                                                           General                 Production And
Enjoy the issue!                                                           Manager –               Traffic Director
                                                                           Commercial              Grace Lim
                                                                           Stephanie Tay
                                                                           Client Service          Executive
                                                                           Director                Jane Lau
                                                                           Kellyn Lee
                                                                           Editor-In-Chief         Executive
                                                                           Kissa Castañeda         May Tan
                                                                           Senior Editor
Mindy Teo                                                                  Sandhya
Vice President, Brand & Marketing
Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott
JUL 2019 - DEC 2019

COMMUNITY                                                           WELLNESS
Where social and economic                                           For a healthy, fulfilling life
relationships interact

                                                                    Jet Set, Keep Fit
                                                                    It is possible to stay in shape when you’re
                                                                    on the road. Here’s your primer on getting
                                                                    started—from what to eat to making the
                                                                    most of a transfer and turning your hotel
                                                                    room into your very own gym.

                                  C U LT U R E
                                  Defining a way of life

                                  Making The World
                                  Go Around
                                  Why let waste, literally, go to
                                  waste? We take a closer look
                                  at the circular economy,

Heal The World
                                  in which designers are
                                  rethinking traditional
                                  business models, preserving
Although people make up           and extending what is
just a tiny part of the planet,   already made, using waste
we are causing a massive          as a resource, prioritising
impact on the future of           regerative resources, and
the world. Here are some          collaborating to create
hard facts and figures.            shared value.
                                  Green Footprints            12    The science of eating well
                                  Breathe... in Bandung       14
                                  Building A Community        22
                                                                    Wasted Pleasures

                                  Dutch Beauty
                                                                    The zero-waste cooking revolution is bigger
                                                                    than ever and these culinary innovators are
                                                                    making a strong case of it.
                                  Amsterdam, an intriguing
                                  medley of culture and             Food For Good                   40
Sustainable Style           04    history, a city populated by
Chennai Express             07    a tolerant people and shot        Milestones                      25
Destination: Istanbul       08    through with a thread of          Ascott World News               42
Conscious Travel            10    progressive sustainability.       Ascott Community Chat           44

Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott

    Looking good doesn’t have to come at the expense of the environment.
    Flex your style cred with these eco-friendly brands

    All That
    Every piece of
    Melissa Joy Manning
    jewellery is handmade.
    Using age-old
    methods eliminates                                                                                     Masters Of
    the use of heavy                                                               Waste Not,              Minimalism
    machinery and                                                                  Want Not                Where vegan fashion
    reduces the firm’s                                                              London-based            might only take up a
    carbon footprint.                                                              womenswear              small corner in most
    melissajoymanning.                                                             designer Richard        brand inventories,
    com                                                                            Quinn’s vividly         Hurtig Lane ensures
                                                                                   printed creations       all of its products
                             Bags Of Style                                         are all produced in a   are vegan-friendly.
                             Each JW Pei design is                                 sustainable printing    The leather used in
                             crafted with state-of-                                studio—which aims       the brand’s watch
                             the-art technology                                    for low water and       straps are sourced
                             and using 100%                                        energy usage—and        and manufactured in
                             vegan leather—ultra-                                  in exact quantities     a PETA-approved,
                             microfibre—that is                                     to eliminate wastage    cruelty-free manner.
                             made to have the                                      and overstock.
                             same handfeel as                            
                             regular animal hides.
                                                                                                           Dive Into This
                                                                                                           All of Lilliput &
                                                                                                           Felix’s chic swimwear
                                                                                                           are made from
                                                                                                           recycled fishing
                                                                                                           nets and reclaimed
                                                                                                           fibres, printed
                                                                                                           using handmade
                                               Firm Footing                                                techniques, and
                                               French footwear brand Veja’s                                packaged in
                                               sneakers are all made from from                             recyclable materials.
                                               recycled plastic bottles, wild                              At the end of the
                                               rubber, corn waste and organic                              season, all the unused
                                               cotton. The brand also works with                           fabrics are donated
                                               the industry players to upcycle                             to schools and
                                                                                                                                    TEXT: WEI K

                                               waste materials and give them a                             charities, so nothing
                                               second life.                                 goes to waste.

Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott
                                                              Meet the apps helping you go green

                                                                                 RecycleNation       is
                                                                                 an app that takes
                                                                                 tthe brainwork out
                                                                                  of recycling, so
                                                                                  tthere’s no more
                                                                                   excuses about
                                                                                   ttrashing that
                                                                                    plastic bottle.
Brand New You                                                                       S
                                                                                    Simply log onto
Touted as the first carbon-                                                          tthe app and input
neutral spa in the US, and built     Love Your                                       y
                                                                                     your location, and
on a solar field that generates       Skin                     the app will direct you to the nearest
all of its electrical power, Two     Incorporating            recycling centre in your area. Plus,
Bunch Palms Resort & Spa in          top-grade essential      it even comes with opening hours
Desert Hot Springs, California       oils with quality        of each recycling centre, as well as
offers a range of wellness           botanical extracts,      contact information and directions
treatments to recharge tired         Appelles products        on how to get there. To help you
bodies. Guests can indulge in        will pamper you          further, the app also tells you
one of its signature treatments,     while delivering the     which materials are accepted at the
or sign up for alternative therapy   best results. Every      recycling centre, so you’re making
sessions that include chakra         product is packaged      the most out of every trip.
balancing and shamanic healing.      in eco-friendly and                    recyclable materials,
                                     and free from animal     Forgot to turn
                                     testing. Try the         off the plug on
                                     Hydrating Body           your way out
Built For Speed                      Collection for a         the house? Fret
Designed to give the                 luxurious showering      not, because
rider full control of its            experience that will     the WeMo
functionality, you can               not dry out your skin.   smart plug is
customise the Cero bike                 here to remedy
using its 12-way modular                                      that. Built by
cargo system. Simply                                          Belkin, this
pick your preferred                                           smart plug allows you to control your
choice of storage boxes                                       plugs from a remote location, so no
and fit everything you                                         more frittering electricity and money
might need to bring                                           away! On top of that, use the WeMo
along. And while the                                          app to create schedules with your
environmental merits of                                       smart plug. Plan for the fan to start
using a bicycle over a car                                    running when the afternoon gets
are obvious, the Cero                                         hot, or for your bedside lamps to turn
bike can travel almost                                        on in the evening — you now have
160km on a single                                             greater control at your fingertips.

Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott

    Facts and figures on how our actions are impacting the Earth.

                                     525 Trillion
                                     The number of pieces of plastic debris in the world’s
                                                                                                     The percentage of the
                                                                                                     electricity consumed by
                                     oceans. Plastic entanglement kills about 100,000 sea            an incandescent bulb that
                                     creatures every year.                                           is actually converted into
                                                                                                     light. The other 90% is
                                                                                                     wasted as heat.

    The number of trees that
    can be saved by recycling
    one ton of paper. Each year,
                                     7 Inches
                                     The amount by which sea levels have risen in the last
                                     century due to global warming, which is more than the
    the world produces around        previous 2,000 years combined.
    400 million tons of paper to
    meet consumer demands,
    much of which is discarded
    as office waste, junk mail and
                                                                                                     0.8 C
    packaging material.

                                                                                                     The increase in the Earth’s

                                     20 Minutes
                                     The energy saved from recycling just one glass bottle can
                                                                                                     average global surface
                                                                                                     temperature since 1880.
                                                                                                     This is due to a 30% rise in
                                     power a television set for this long. Think of all the energy   atmospheric C0₂ levels in the
                                     that could be saved if every glass bottle was repurposed.       last 150 years.

Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott

                                                     The University of Madras
                                                     in Chennai—a fine example
                                                     of 19th Century Indo-
                                                     Saracenic architecture.

                                                                                                                       CHENNAI EXPRESS
                                                                                                                       Vishal Dey, room attendant at Somerset
                                                                                                                       Greenways Chennai, believes in going the extra
                                                                                                                       mile. Here’s what the Assamese has to say about
                                                                                                                       his adopted home Chennai and his work.

                                                                                                                       sure his every need was met.         with marshlands and flora
                                                                                                                       I also found out his birthday        makes these reserves a
                                                                                                                       and decorated his room while         natural habitat for hundreds
                                                                                                                       he was away, and that totally        of species of local and
                                                                                                                       lifted his spirits.                  migratory birds all year round.
                                                                                                                           There was this other             Inside the city, you can go to
                                                                                                                       guest whose father had just          the Theosophical Society, The
                                                                                                                       undergone surgery. After             Indian Institute of Technology
                                                                                                                       talking to her, I discovered         campus and the Guindy
                                                    What do you like most             take pride in what I do and      that the father had trouble          National Park, which are
                                                    about Chennai?                    take personal responsibility     sitting straight. So we              home to many species like
                                                    The language, culture and         for each and every guest         procured a special leather           the Flameback Woodpecker,
                                                    cuisine are all so different      on my watch. Each guest is       recliner and also raised the         Spotted Owlet and Bulbuls
                                                    and unique. You can find           different—some are articulate    toilet seat so he wouldn’t have      among others. The
                                                    architectural examples from       while others may not even        to strain his back. Little details   Pallikaranai Marsh is great to
                                                    different periods of history,     speak English, let alone the     that make a big difference.          spot Greater Flamingos, Ibis
                                                    from the ancient Tamil            local language. Which is why I                                        and more. The Nanmangalam
                                                    kingdoms to the British era.      try to understand the nuances    How else do you help make a          Reserve Forest has a
                                                    The city has centuries old        of each guest. This way, I can   guest’s stay memorable?              famous resident, the Great

                                                    temples and quaint spaces.        be proactive rather than wait    Out of their rooms, a                Horned Owl (Eurasian
                                                    And a wide range of food          for their requests.              historically and culturally          Eagle Owl), which has been
                                                    vegetarian or otherwise, is                                        vibrant city awaits them. So         successfully breeding here
                                                    available. A must-try is the      Can you give us a couple of      I provide guests with local          for over two decades. Then
                                                    South Indian Thali, which is      instances when you went          insights to help them explore        there’s Vedanthangal Bird
                                                    rice accompanied by a dozen       beyond the call of duty?         the city and get the best out        Sanctuary, the oldest water
                                                    side dishes and served on a       There was this Japanese          of their stay.                       bird sanctuary in India, which
                                                    plantain leaf.                    guest who didn’t speak much                                           attracts more than 40,000
                                                                                      English. He had specific          What’s something about               birds during the migration
                                                    Tell us about your job. What      requests about his room,         Chennai that most people             season. Some of the special
                                                    is its most interesting aspect?   but couldn’t communicate         aren’t aware of?                     visitors include Garganeys
                                                    Officially I’m part of the        effectively. This made him       There are at least 15 birding        and Teals from Canada, Grey
                                                    housekeeping team but I see       irritable. I established a       hotspots in and around the           Pelicans from Australia and
                                                    it as more than just that. I      rapport with him and made        city. The unique geography,          Herons from Bangladesh.

Sustainability The people and places making a diff erence - The Ascott

    We asked an insider to share his top eco-friendly destinations in the Turkish capital.


    “It was previously a beer brewery, but instead of being
    demolished with something new constructed in its place, the
    building was repurposed, and in 2015, it reopened as a cultural                    1
    hub. Bomontiada is a great example of an adaptive reuse
    project—one that sees an old or abandoned structure being
    given a new lease of life. Adaptive reuse changes a building’s
    function while keeping its form, and it’s environmentally
    beneficial in that it reduces waste and saves on resources
    and materials.”


    “This market in Şişli Belediyesi Otopark comes alive every
    Saturday, when local farmers and food producers sell their
    vegetables, fruit, honeys, cheeses, yogurts, teas and other
    organic goodies to the public. If you’re after fresh produce,
    it’s best to come early in the morning to get the most              2
    variety. Getting there early is also a chance for you to enjoy a
    traditional breakfast—look for the stalls selling savoury baked
    pastries and cakes.”

       Istanbul local Cuneyt Bukulmez
       is a co-founder of Atolye4N,                                         3
       an architecture and design
       studio whose goal is to create a
       modern understanding of the
       environment. The firm is behind
       a number of environmentally
       sustainable projects in Turkey
                                                                                             COMPILED BY: SASHA GONZALES

       and around Asia.
                                                                                             ILLUSTRATION: ANNGEE NEO

                    BOOK YOURSELF INTO
                     New Maslak 1453, a brand new
       neighbourhood in the heart of the city. It is situated next to
       the city’s green oasis, Fatih Forest.


            “Mass fashion and the resulting textile waste present huge,
            long-term problems for the environment. This fashion brand is
            making a difference by producing only small quantities of their
            designs and using fabrics that are locally sourced, sustainably
            manufactured and fairly traded. It’s ethical and transparent
            from production to distribution, which is good if you’re trying
            to be a more eco-conscious consumer.”

    4       4 BI NEVI DELI

            “More and more people are eating plant-based diets, not just
            for health reasons but also to minimise their carbon footprint
            and conserve natural resources. This restaurant in Etiler
            specialises in nourishing whole food dishes made from fresh,
            seasonal ingredients, including anti-inflammatory oils. Choose
            from salad bowls, smoothie bowls, raw vegan bites, and heartier
            meals like burgers, stir-fries and pastas. The founders, Libby
            and Belkis, are passionate about environmental sustainability
            and good nutrition.”

5           5 EK BIC YE IC

            “At this café, you can pick what goes into your meal from
            the on-site garden. There’s no wondering if your fruit and
            veggies were grown locally or not, because you harvested them
            yourself, and whatever isn’t grown on the premises is procured
            locally where possible, to ensure a low carbon footprint.
            Another thing I like about this place is that almost everything
            is made from scratch using ingredients that are non-GMO and
            free from chemical fertilisers, pesticides and preservatives.”

            6 KUZGUNCUK BOSTAN

            “Kuzguncuk is a neighbourhood on the Asian side of
            the Bosphorus. It is here that you’ll find the Kuzguncuk
            Bostan, one of the last remaining urban gardens in
            Istanbul. About a decade ago, it was proposed that
            this land be used to build a large school, but the locals
            successfully argued for it to be turned into a community
            space. Since then it’s become a thriving garden where
            locals grow their own fruit and vegetables.”


     Mark your calendar for the most eco-friendly events of 2019

                               CHEESE BERLIN
                               When: 8 - 10 November
                               Where: Berlin, Germany
                               Cheese Berlin shines a spotlight on fromage artisans from all over the world by bringing
                               them together under one roof for a two-day slow food festival. Cheesemakers will serve
                               delicacies such as an ancient Italian mountain cheese covered in pressed grapes or soft cheese
                               infused with lavender. Visitors can listen to workshops and join in with tutored tastings, or arm
                                                                                                                                   TEXT: CLAIRE TURRELL

                               themselves with a glass of wine and slice of bread, and create their own personal food tour in
                               the Big Sunday Market cheese tent where the cheesemongers lay out their wares. The artisans’
                               work are not only recognised by the smiling visitors, but also by the Cheese Berlin team who
                               give out an award to the most green-thinking farmer of the year. Tickets for the
                               Big Sunday Cheese Market priced from around €5. Visit

When: 13 - 20 October
Where: Darwin and Adelaide, Australia
Make a date with the world’s most famous solar-powered
car race event. Over the past 30 years, the teams at
Bridgestone World Solar Challenge in Australia have tasked
themselves with driving 3,000km from Darwin to Adelaide
in cars that are powered by solar energy. Visitors can see
these crazy cars that plan to give Tesla a run for its money at
the starting line in Darwin and when they gather in Adelaide
at the end of the race, or if you are lucky, you might be able
to see them en-route, speeding through the desert.                THE HANDLEBARDS
Visit                                    When: July, various dates
                                                                  Where: Various locations, UK
                                                                  When it comes to green theatre, The Handlebards
GREEN FILM FESTIVAL                                               could be hard to beat. The world’s first cycling theatre
When: 11 - 18 September                                           company pedal from venue to venue with the set, props
Where: San Francisco, USA                                         and costumes necessary to stage sustainable Shakespeare
If An Inconvenient Truth has inspired your interest in            plays across the world. From July they are in the UK, so
global warming, hotfoot it to the Green Film Festival in          grab a deckchair and take a picnic to see innovative takes
San Francisco. Cinemas, theatres and libraries throughout         on The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing and Twelfth
the city will be hosting screenings of more than 60               Night and more. Visit
environmental films from around the globe. Over 100
filmmakers are expected to descend on the city to join in with
panel discussions and audience talks. Time to stock up on         RAINFOREST WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL
popcorn. Tickets from around US$12.                               When: 12 - 14 July
Visit                                           Where: Kuching, Borneo
                                                                  Explore the woods for a sensory experience of a different
                                                                  kind—world music bands from India, Brazil and the Solomon
                                                                  Islands have been known to perform in the Borneo forest
                                                                  at this festival. But what makes this even more special is
                                                                  that the team base their event planning on UN Sustainable
                                                                  Development Goals. Vendors serve locally-grown food on
                                                                  biodegradable tableware and any food waste is composted
                                                                  for farmers to use as fertiliser, and old festival banners are
                                                                  turned into tote bags.Visit

                                                                             PLAN AHEAD AND MAKE
                                                                             A HOLIDAY OUT OF IT:

                                                                  Citadines Kurfürstendamm Berlin
                                                                  Olivaer Platz 1 10707 Berlin-Wilmersdorf Germany
                                                                  Citadines Trafalgar Square London
                                                                  18/21 Northumberland Avenue London WC2N 5EA
                                                                  Citadines Uplands Kuching
                                                                  No. 55 Jalan Simpang Tiga 93350 Kuching Sarawak


       We zero in on three leading cities—Paris, Frankfurt and Singapore—that make sustainable
       travel accessible, even amidst rapid urbanisation

                               Cleaner transport systems, and pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly zones aside,
                                the French capital is paving its low-carbon future with a ground-breaking
                                     eco-village Clichy-Batignolles, slated for completion in 2020.

       EAT                                                              EXPLORE
       With six outlets scattered across the city and an ethos to       Soak in the city’s romantic vibes with a bicycle ride down
       help urbanites adapt to the slow food movement, Wild &           the Seine—designated bicycle lanes, increased parking
       The Moon gives a compelling reason to lighten up from            spots and seamless bike-sharing systems ensure a
       rich, classical French cuisine, also with grand plans to reach   pleasant experience. Vélib’ Métropole is one of the most
       zero food waste by 2020. Expect a plant-based menu                established bike share programs, with approximately
       made with local, seasonal ingredients—think cold-pressed          15,000 bicycles at over 1,200 docking stations in all 22
       juices, nutrient-dense raw crackers, salads and soups.            arrondissements.

       RELAX                                                              SLEEP
       Take a quiet stroll around the lush grounds of Jardin des          The new La Clef Champs-Elysées Paris recently
       Tuileries, or pack a picnic basket and sit by one of the           opened its doors after a two-year renovation. Its stellar
       two ponds. Re-landscaped in formal French garden                    location puts world-class museums, restaurants and
       design in 1664 by André Le Nôtre, beautiful terraces                 many of Paris’ best known attractions—from the Arc
       and statues abound here. Visit between June and                      de Triomphe to the famous Avenue des Champs-
       August for Fête des Tuileries, when the gardens come                 Elysées—at your doorstep. So strap on your walking
       alive with fairground rides.                                          shoes and explore.

                                                                                                                                      TEXT: ANGELEIGH KHOO

Frankfurt                                                        Singapore
     With over 52 percent of its land still unurbanised,          Dubbed “the garden city”, the island city has green spaces
  Frankfurt is one of the leaders in conservation, energy         peppered all around. Environmentalism has pervaded every
  efficiency and climate protection with plans to become              nook of the Singaporean conscience, with endless
   completely dependent on renewable energy by 2050.                  eco-friendly choices for food, rest and shopping.

There’s more to Frankfurt than sausages and sauerkraut.
Establishments city-wide have jumped on the meat-free
bandwagon with many sustainable choices. Michelin-starred
vegetarian hotspot Seven Swans offers a seasonal menu that
draws extensively on ingredients from its own permaculture
farm outside the city.

For the lazy man’s alternative to exploring the city by foot,
hop on a Velotaxi. The driver-operated cycle rickshaw is an
eco-friendly transport alternative that’s fast and efficient,
while giving you time to take in the sights. Chances are you
driver would share with you a local gem or two, too.
                                                                  Set amidst lush Dempsey Hill, Open Farm Community
                                                                  champions local farming and farm-to-table cuisine,
                                                                  sometimes fresh from their own vegetable garden, adopting
                                                                  a strict policy against imported produce and unsustainable
                                                                  farming practices. Stroll the sprawling grounds after your
                                                                  meal and reconnect with nature.

                                                                  Designed around conscious living, multi-brand store
                                                                  The Green Collective showcases over 35 homegrown eco
                                                                  brands—from ethically produced fashion labels, to handmade
                                                                  homewares and essentials for zero waste living. They also hold
                                                                  crafty workshops like sessions on upcycling and DIY lip balms.

RELAX                                                             RELAX
Duck into the Palmengarten for some green therapy.                Escape into the Gardens by the Bay to the Flower Dome
Established in 1871 to house Duke Adolphe of Nassau’s             and Cloud Forest’s cooled conservatories. Stay on till dusk
tropical plant collection, the verdant oasis now showcases        to watch the dazzling Garden Rhapsody light show amidst its
some 13,000 species of plants from various climate zones in       iconic Supertrees—vertical gardens that collect rainwater,
stunning gardens, greenhouses and conservatories. Summer          generate solar power and act as venting ducts for the
evenings often see some jazz and world music concerts there.      conservatories for energy efficiency.

SLEEP                                                             SLEEP
The Citadines City Centre Frankfurt is strategically located      Set in the heart of the city’s shopping belt, Orchard Road,
in the city centre and across the renowned Frankfurt Messe        Ascott Orchard Singapore has been warded the Green Mark
Trade Fair area. Take heart in the fact that the property makes   Gold Plus by Singapore’s Building & Construction Authority
concerted efforts to reduce water and energy consumption,         for its efforts in reducing environmental impact as well as in
among other green initiatives like Earth Hour.                    energy, water and material resource usage.


     Deep dive into slow living and have a fabulous
     holiday in Indonesia’s third-largest city—
     regardless of the duration of travel

             estled among the slopes of lush volcanoes and emerald
             green tea plantations, the city of Bandung is a magnet
             for tourists seeking mountain breezes and an authentic
     taste of Sundanese culture, as well as corporate visitors.
        The city has managed to retain its tranquility and connection
     to nature amidst swelling urbanisation across Indonesia, thanks
     to eco-initiatives aimed at cutting out waste and pollution,
     cultivation of green spaces, its public transport network and
     a sharing economy. In that aspect, Bandung has something
     for everyone.

     When time is of the essence, grab a Boseh bike (the local
     bike-share scheme) and pedal around Braga (the old town,

     (From right)
     Take a dive
     into Bandung’s
     lush landscape.
     at Tebing
     Gunung Hawu.

     with buildings that date back to the 1920s—1950s) and              Instagram-friendly interior. They still proudly make every cup
     Jalan Asia Afrika to admire some of Bandung’s finest colonial       of coffee by hand.
     architecture. Its art deco appeal has even earned it the              In the evening, head to Paskal Food Market to sample some
     moniker, “Paris of Java”.                                          traditional Sundanese dishes such as Batagor, fried meatballs
         Across the river, you’ll find Alun Alun Park and Bandung        and tofu served with peanut sauce, or Seblak, a sambal-soaked
     Grand Mosque, built in 1812, with its spectacular twin             spicy stew of Indonesian crackers, which is Bandung’s most
     minarets. The park itself was fully refurbished with synthetic     famous dish.
     grass in 2014 and is a popular place for locals to nongkrong,
     the Indonesian concept of hanging out with friends. A short        WEEKEND
     walk past the park, on Jalan Alkareti, you’ll find Warung Kopi      With a couple of days more to explore, tackle one of Bandung’s
     Purnama, Bandung’s oldest kopitiam, where four generations         most popular volcanic peaks, Mt Tangkuban, for lush jungle,
     of one family have been serving since 1940. In recent years        wildlife encounters and spectacular views of the city. Follow
     it’s become one of the city’s hippest hangouts thanks to its       the easy paved path to the top or take the more adventurous


                                                                            A dance

                                                                            (From top)

                                                                            Udjo. Seblak

                                                                            dishes. Bubu
                                                                            Jungle Resort.
                                                                            performance at

                                                                            and Karedok—
                                                                            Saung Angklung


     trail, both of which lead to the sulphur-belching crater of
     this active peak. You’ll also find the Sari Ater hot springs on
     the slopes, perfect for a post-hike soak.
        Enjoy a more restful second day at Saung Angklung
     Udjo, a Sundanese craft centre with daily live performances
     of the angklung, a bamboo instrument unique to Indonesia,
     played by the Sundanese for centuries. It was originally
     used as a way to ask Dewi Sri, the rice goddess, for a good
     harvest. Aspiring maestros can even try it for themselves.

     More time in Bandung means more opportunity to explore
     the region’s spectacular landscape including the dramatic
     limestone cliffs of Tebing Gunung Hawu, 20 kilometres and
     a 30-minute hike from Bandung.
         The summit of this spectacular mountain is known
     for two things: Incredible sunrises and extreme
     hammocking, an adrenaline sport on the rise with Bandung
     at the helm. Hammocking literally involves sitting in a          FROM THE GROUND UP
     hammock—except the hammock is suspended at great                 Armand Steinmeyer, Head of Business Development at TAUZIA
     height from a rock formation. If you’d rather keep your feet     hotels shares his impressions of how Bandung, Indonesia is
     closer to the ground, river rafting and off-road driving are     pushing for a greener future.
     also available all around Bandung.
          Culture lovers must explore NuArt Sculpture Park,
                                                                                                        (From top) The picturesque
     which exhibits the work of contemporary artist Nyoman
                                                                                                        Putri Mountain is a key tourist
     Nuarta, and check out Bandung Geological Museum for                                                attraction in Bandung; Armand
     insights into Indonesia’s unique natural history.                                                  Steinmeyer, Head of Business
         Make sure you also take the time to meander among                                              Development at TAUZIA hotels.
     some of the region’s spectacular tea plantations, where you
     can learn about the tea-making process and enjoy a brew.
     For something stronger, head for The Valley, a popular
     hillside resort where cocktails are served against sunsets                                         done this by emphasising
     over the city.                                                                                     awareness among guests and
                                                                                                        staff, and also improving the
                                                                                                        technology in the hotels.
                    The Ascott Limited, including TAUZIA
                    hotels, has over 70 operational properties        How does TAUZIA’s own             What other eco-friendly
                    across Indonesia and an exceptionally strong      sustainability ethos tie in       initiatives has TAUZIA put
       presence in Bandung—the likes of FOX HARRIS City Center        with Bandung’s green drive?       into practice?
       Bandung, HARRIS Festival Citylink Bandung, HARRIS              Bandung’s efforts at being a      Since 2008, TAUZIA
       Ciumbuleuit Bandung, POP! Festival Citylink Bandung,           sustainable city all start with   has pushed to put green
       YELLO Paskal Promenade Bandung and FOX HARRIS Lite             consumption, and beyond           building at the heart of the
       Metro Indah Bandung—and new openings such as Somerset          our hotels in Bandung, we         development of our POP!
       Asia Afrika Bandung and Citadines Kings Bandung. All           encourage all HARRIS,             brand, which uses innovative
       are designed with “green building” at the heart, employing     FOX, YELLO and POP!               design to reduce energy
       innovative design to reduce energy consumption and overall     Hotels to reduce water            consumption and overall
       maintenance needs.                                             and energy consumption            maintenance requirements.
                                                                      throughout. We have               We recently launched an

(From left)
                                                                                                                  Relaxing poolside
                                                                                                                  of HARRIS Vertu
                                                                                                                  Hotel Harmoni.
                                                                                                                  The artsy and
                                                                                                                  colourful YELLO
                                                                                                                  Hotel Manggarai.

                                                                     What is admirable about         how many trees and gardens
                                                                     the city’s green initiatives    there are in the centre
                                                                     is that they are becoming a     of the city and lining the
                                                                     way of life that is supported   streets. Jalan Jawa and the
                                                                     at the grassroots level. The    surrounding area is quite
                                                                     local communities have been     pleasant to walk in.
                                                                     very active in recycling and
                                                                     reducing the use of plastic     What else do you like
                                                                     in their daily consumption,     about Bandung?
                                                                     showing that Bandung is in      When I have the time, I really
                                                                     tune with concerns on waste     enjoy taking a walk in the old
                                                                     and aims to be a national       part of town to admire the
                                                                     leader in this space.           architecture, which dates
                                                                                                     back from the 1920s to the
                                                                     In your opinion, how have       1950s. The buildings here are
                                                                     Bandung’s eco-friendly          quite well preserved and also
                                                                     efforts paid off ?              close to some of the best
                                                                     Bandung’s green initiatives     food in the city.
                                                                     are part of a wider
                                                                     transformation and naturally    What are TAUZIA’s future
initiative to reduce the use       integrated with Jakarta’s         will take some time. Given      plans in Bandung?
of plastic in all our properties   bustling economy. As such,        that Indonesia is undergoing    Bandung is a fast-growing
and we are also part of city       it was a natural extension        intensive infrastructural       city, and we aim to be part
clean-ups when our hotels          for TAUZIA to grow in a           development—with railroads,     of its growth. New suburbs
are nearby. Hospitality            city known so famously as         roads, and airports—we          centred around tourism,
moving forward has to be           the ‘Paris of Java’—it is a big   will see the results of this    education and research
green, and we want to be           destination for international     combined effort in the near     are taking shape, and with
part of this transformation.       travellers from Southeast         future. However, the city’s     our partners, we hope
                                   Asia as well as people from       green direction and putting     to fulfil the city’s growth
What was the strategic             the surrounding provinces         residents at the heart of the   needs, whether these are
thinking behind locating           for weekend getaways,             change will certainly improve   for students travelling
six of your properties in          conventions and business.         daily life in Bandung.          to discover Bandung,
Bandung?                                                                                             businessmen attending
Bandung is the third-              Which components of               Which is your favourite         conferences in the city or
largest metropolitan area          Bandung’s eco-friendly            green space in the city?        tourists coming here to enjoy
in Indonesia and well-             drive impress you the most?       Personally, I really enjoy      its culinary delights.


         THE WORLD GO
                AROUND   Why let waste go to
                         waste, literally? In
                         a circular economy,
                         designers have found
                         a way to conserve
                         resources and save
                         the planet by turning
                         trash into treasure

                  hat if you could take something destined for
                  the dump and turn it into something new?
                     Rethinking design and how things are
     made, some entrepreneurs have found a way to tackle
     trash. With creativity, waste materials have found a
     new lease of life—thanks to the regenerative nature of
     a circular economy.
        In a current linear approach, companies employ a
     “take-make-waste” model: Make it, buy it, use it and
     dispose of it. Maximising the number of products made
     and sold is top priority, with waste as a byproduct.            “We turn excess into efficiencies,” says Bödecker.    Founders of
        However, in a circular economy, the byproducts           From old DVDs to cracked smartphone glass, no             Pentatonic,
     from one industry gets repurposed as raw materials for      element is beyond the scope of possibilities. Even        CEO Johann
     another. Designing waste out of the system, one man’s       plastic bottles can be fashioned into beautiful chairs.   Bödecker and
     trash becomes another man’s treasure. Unlike a linear           Case in point: Pentatonic has recently partnered      CMO Jamie Hall,
                                                                                                                           take waste plastics
     economy, priority is placed on retaining the value of       with Starbucks to create furniture out of the coffee      and turn them
     the products, parts and materials themselves.               chain’s own store waste. Fashioned in the Pentatonic      into possibilities.
        Reduce, re-use and recycle are the trademarks of         Trash Lab, their collaboration will see the re-
     this self-sustaining system. In a finite (read: limited)     engineering of Starbucks’ iconic “Bean” chair which
     world, this constant repurposing of resources becomes       is slated for release in June 2019. The chair frame is
     a “made to be made again” solution to keep the world        made from polypropylene—common food packaging—
     turning while keeping garbage out of the landfill.           while the upholstery and foam are constructed from
                                                                 polyethylene terephthalate (the material found in
                                                                                                                                                 TEXT: ANNABEL MIDDLETON

     RE-IMAGINING FURNITURE                                      plastic bottles and frappuccino cups).
     That is what innovative companies like London and               Vice-president of Design, Starbucks EMEA
     Berlin-based Pentatonic are doing. New materials are        (Europe, Middle East and Africa), Ad de Hond affirms
     invented using the world’s most abundant resource—          the partnership: “This fantastic collaboration with
     human trash—“without compromising on design,                Pentatonic lets us give post-consumer waste a second
     performance or function,” founders Johann Bödecker          life while finding solutions that can positively impact
     (CEO) and Jamie Hall (CMO) promise.                         the environment.”

Designed by
                     the London
                     and Berlin-
                     based circular
                     economy pioneer
                     Pentatonic, this
                     premium high-
                     hanger is the
                     first in a suite
                     of products
                     from surplus
                     synthetic waste.

Due to be released
in June 2019, the
iconic Starbucks
Bean Chair was
recreated from
upcycled textiles,
made using only
plastic waste
from the store.
“The partnership
of Pentatonic’s
and Starbucks’
commitment to a
greener future is
truly significant
for the planet,”
says Jamie
Hall, CMO of


     TRANSFORMING TECHNOLOGY                                   constructed from three modular components. The
     Similarly, at UK design studio Gomi, every material       equivalent of 100 plastic bags goes into the rectangular
     maintains its value. The sustainable design company       body of each speaker which is hand-marbled, so no
     recently created a portable bluetooth speaker using       two speakers look alike.
     flexible plastic waste such as plastic bags and pallet        “Each time we melt down coloured plastics, we
     wrap, while working with audio professionals and          get a different effect,” says Meades. “This creates a
     engineers to ensure the highest sound quality.            unique artisan aesthetic and gives each speaker its
        “We wanted to intercept a waste stream that            own identity.”
     would otherwise be landfilled or incinerated,” says           In the spirit of the circular economy, its
     co-founder and sustainable designer Tom Meades.           components can be melted into new components for
     “Flexible plastics (or low-density polyethylene) are      future products—without losing any material value.
     widely regarded as non-recyclable by UK councils. We         “I have always hated the idea of throwing away
     wanted to prove that waste plastic could be turned into   electronic products as they just sit in landfills,” says
     a high-end functioning product.”                          Meades. “I wanted to make a product which never
        Using both traditional craft techniques and            had to end up this way and can be processed into
     digital fabrication, each stunning Gomi Speaker is        something new when it is no longer required.”

     “We wanted to prove that waste plastic could be
     turned into a high-end functioning product.”
                                                               BORROW, NOT OWN
                                                               Another way to recycle is to simply not acquire
                                                               anything in the first place. Founders of Harth,
                                                               Henrietta Thompson and her husband, Ed Padmore,
                                                               came up with the idea to bring a circular economy
                                                               to the world of interior design—by introducing a
                                                               platform through which one can rent furniture,
                                                               accessories and artworks from the world’s best
                                                               interior designers, brands, artists and dealers.

                                                                                                                          The equivalent
                                                                                                                          of 100 plastic
                                                                                                                          bags goes into
                                                                                                                          the body of each
                                                                                                                          Gomi speaker,
                                                                                                                          which comprises
                                                                                                                          three modular
                                                                                                                          that are easily
                                                                                                                          recyclable. These
                                                                                                                          are marbled
                                                                                                                          by hand, which
                                                                                                                          creates a unique
                                                                                                                          look for each
                                                                                                                          Gomi speaker.

Top: Harth’s
                                                                                                                     high-end furniture
                                                                                                                     rentals let you
                                                                                                                     transform your
                                                                                                                     space whenever
                                                                                                                     you feel like it.

                                                                                                                     Left: Eileen
                                                                                                                     Fisher’s line of
                                                                                                                     clothing features
                                                                                                                     garments that
                                                                                                                     are made from
                                                                                                                     organic linen
                                                                                                                     which is grown
                                                                                                                     without synthetic
                                                                                                                     pesticides and
   Thompson points out that there is “too much           Top: The “Waste                                             herbicides.
stuff ” created in a world that often does not really    No More”
need it. Instead of focusing on ownership, focus on      programme takes
borrowing. Connecting the lenders to borrowers, the      waste fabrics and
concept is simple: Designers can feature their unique    turns them into      fashion industry. Since 2009, the brand has been
                                                         beautiful pillows.
pieces, and art-appreciators can rent those pieces                            taking back old clothes—with every return, you get
without having to fork out a fortune.                                         a $5 Renew Rewards card, redeemable online at
   She believes that “no-ownership” is the way of                    and Renew stores (available in the
the future. “We are surrounded by beautiful interiors                         US only).
and inspiring designs everywhere. People want a bit                               Pieces that are in perfect condition are given
of that. Hopefully we can make it more accessible,”                           a “good-as-new” laundering and resold through
Thompson adds.                                                                its Renew programme, while damaged pieces get
   That means getting creative and experimenting                              transformed into one-of-a-kind artworks, pillows and
more freely. “When you can change everything easily,                          wall hangings using a custom felting method by its
you can have a lot more fun with your interiors,” says                        “Waste No More” team.
Thompson. “It takes away stress from the decision-                                The brand believes in taking responsibility for what
making process when you know something is only                                it makes and also where it all ends up. “We want to
going to be temporary. You can literally lift (and                            upend the conventional cycle of consumerism and
recreate) a room from the pages of a magazine!”                               design a future without waste,” says Eileen Fisher.
                                                                              “The pieces we cannot sell become tomorrow’s raw
FASHION REFASHIONED                                                           material and reborn as new textiles or refashioned as
Even bigwigs like American designer Eileen Fisher                             new clothes. We imagine a future in which waste is a
are committed to transforming waste culture in the                            thing of the past.”


     The emerging trend of coliving may be the
     perfect solution to rising property prices
     and a salve for solitude

              shared home, where you get to live with
                                                                (From right)
              like-minded individuals around your age, have     Coworking spaces
              meals with them, talk about your experiences      offer a platform
     and the projects you’re working on, and perhaps even       for like-minded
     make valuable business connections. Welcome to the         individuals to
                                                                have creative
     new world of coliving.
        This emerging hospitality concept came about as         Chic, cosy spaces
     a solution to combat rising property prices in highly      and sustainable
     developed urban areas. In expensive cities such as         concepts make lyf
     London and San Francisco, it is near impossible for        Funan Singapore
                                                                perfect for the
     young adults who are just starting out in their careers
                                                                new generation of
     to afford a decent place to stay.                          professionals.
        This alternative to renting is also a way to nurture
     a sense of community through shared living spaces
     such as the kitchen, dining area and communal              they may also feel energised through interactions and
     spaces. These shared spaces are meant to foster            discussions with their co-sharers.
     collaboration and socialisation, making them the              With a generation of young people comfortable

                                                                                                                            TEXT: SITI ROHANI IMAGES: STOCKSY &THE ASCOTT LIMITED
     perfect panacea to the increasing sense of solitude        with the idea of shared spaces and also concerned
     and loneliness felt by a social media generation that is   with limited resources, it then makes perfect sense to
     more accustomed to interacting via a screen.               extend this way of life beyond working hours.
                                                                   lyf, a new coliving brand by The Ascott Limited,
     LYF WELL LIVED                                             has gone one step further to cater to this target
     Coliving is a result of the sharing, or gig, economy       demographic by ensuring that their coliving concept
     where everything from working spaces to transport          and product is designed and managed by millennials
     needs are shared. It is a natural progression from co-     for millennials and the millennial-minded.
     working, which allows strangers to share work space           Ascott’s first lyf property in Singapore, lyf Funan
     with different people across different industries. This    Singapore, is located at the heart of Singapore’s Civic
     is especially attractive to digital nomads who may be      and Cultural District. It is set to open its doors at the
     working as they travel and who are now able to set up      end of the year and will offer a range of apartment
     office anywhere in the world. Not only are they able       layouts that are suitable for singles, couples and even
     to get a comfortable and connected space to work,          larger groups of up to eight guests, for both long or

short stays. There will be 279 units, with the flexibility
to offer up to 412 rooms.
    The coliving lifestyle may be tempting to those
who want the freedom to move to other cities or
countries whenever and wherever opportunities
arise. With the flexibility of short-term coliving
spaces, it makes it easy to up and leave when the next
opportunity arises, without the need to give up your
lease early or sell off your belongings.

Coliving takes away the hassle of finding your own
roommates or flat mates. You’ll get instant flat mates
who are also looking for a dynamic place and way to
live. Imagine the energy and ideas you will be exposed
to, as you live in a shared home with like-minded
people who are keen to build a community together.
    If you’re new in town, staying in a coliving space is
the perfect way to make new friends and connections
due to the availability of social events you can take
part in. At lyf Funan Singapore, communal spaces
are designed to facilitate collaboration, community
building and social activities. These include the “say
hi” reception counter, the “connect” communal
lounges, the “bond” social kitchen, “wash and hang”
laundromat and “burn” social gym.


     At lyf Funan
     communal spaces
     are designed
     to facilitate
     community building
     and social activities.
        Aside from enabling interpersonal relationships,
     interaction with the local culture and community sit
     at the core of the brand. You can also depend on lyf
     guards, who are themselves millennials and possibly
     also residents, to look after guests as they function
     as community managers, city guides and problem
     solvers all rolled into one.
        However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t get
     your privacy for those days when you don’t feel like
     socialising—you’re free to opt out of activities when
     you need some alone time.
        As a brand that aspires to meet the needs of digital
     natives, lyf will provide guests with a digital experience
     by going paperless and cashless. By accessing a
     multi-function mobile app, guests can check-in,
     participate in social activities, open doors and also
     make multiple bookings at different destinations
     within the same transaction.
        These destinations include the eight properties
     with over 1,500 units that fall under the lyf brand
     in Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines, that
     are slated to open between 2019 and 2021. Here
     in Singapore, we can look forward to two new
     properties—lyf Farrer Park Singapore and lyf one-
     north Singapore—opening in 2021, proving that
     coliving is a trend that’s here to stay.


                                                                                         Citadines Islington
                                                                                         Opening in the second half of 2019,
                                                                                         Citadines Islington London is sited close
                                                                                         to the West End, the UK’s premier
                                                                                         entertainment quarter and Europe’s
                                                                                         largest shopping district. The serviced
                                                                                         residence will offer modern living
                                                                                         within a beautifully restored Edwardian
                                                                                         building. Residents can choose from
                                                                                         studio and one-bedroom apartments
                                                                                         with connecting rooms, and enjoy
                                                                                         facilities such as a breakfast and lounge
                                                                                         area as well as a gymnasium.

Citadines                                    Citadines Connect                           Ascott Corniche
Confluent Nantes                              Sydney Airport                              Al Khobar
The iconic French city is the site of the    This property, the second to open           Once it opens in the third quarter of this
upcoming Citadines Confluent Nantes,          under the Citadines Connect brand of        year, the Ascott Corniche Al Khobar in
to open in the third quarter of 2019.        unique short-stay offerings for frequent    Saudi Arabia will set new standards for
Located near an array of landmarks such      travellers, boasts an intoxicating mix      sophisticated living, providing its guests
as Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul Cathedral      of modern-chic and retro-cool with          with top-notch comforts that help
and the Tour de Bretagne skyscraper,         its pastel colours, smooth woods and        them feel at home on the road. From
this residence boasts spacious studios,      polished metal finishes. Each of its 150     premier studios to luxury three-bedroom
all with a kitchen, living area, bathroom,   guest rooms features deluxe bedding, a      penthouses, these contemporary
modern bedrooms and Wi-Fi. A meeting         55-inch TV set, complimentary Wi-Fi,        apartments are spacious and elegantly
room is also available for conference and    rainfall shower and blackout curtains for   furnished as with other properties under
business purposes.                           the perfect night’s sleep.                  the Ascott brand worldwide.

                                                                    C U LT U R E T R A V E L N O T E S

                                               A curious mix of history, culture,
                                               permissiveness and inherent
                                               eco-friendliness—discover the many
                                               facets of the city of Amsterdam.

          uaint, pulsating, rooted in culture and a         devoid of rules and regulations either, Amsterdam
                                                                                                                      (From left) If you are
          haven for free-thinkers and thrill seekers—       thrives on the famed Dutch tolerance—gedogen—             looking to duplicate
          there are many words albeit contradicting         the “live and let live” policy that has shaped the city   the postcard
that can aptly describe Amsterdam—the provincial            since the 17th century—the Dutch golden age. The          imagery of a bicycle
capital of the Netherlands.                                 government policies, Gedoogbeleid, to that end            leant on the steel
                                                                                                                      bridge against a
   It lures tourists from all over the world. Last year     accommodate (tolerate) with concession, but make
                                                                                                                      beautiful sunset or
alone, it was estimated that it had tourist traffic of 20   no compromise when it comes to the safety of its          sunrise, position
million. That is staggering by any standards, but more      citizens. The “anything goes” air that looms over the     yourself anywhere
so considering that its resident population is only         city is part of this unsaid agreement, which its people   on Prinsengracht
about one million, of which 45 per cent are expats—         respect—the same, however, cannot always be said of       (gracht, Dutch for
                                                                                                                      canal), Herengracht
even the Dutch in Amsterdam are from other parts            its tourists.
                                                                                                                      or Keizersgracht.
of the Netherlands. This flourishing city on the banks                                                                 Slot in a trip to
of the Amstel river is home to about 180 nationalities.     WATER CULTURE                                             Keukenhof tulip
   On the surface, while it may seem like a maze of         The Amstel River is Amsterdam’s heartline—also            gardens if in the
canals, bars, weed cafés, brothels and nightclubs, a        its only fresh water source. Eight-hundred years          city between end
                                                                                                                      March and mid May.
sense of family and a preference for the simple life        ago when the city started taking shape it was called
runs deep in the culture. And it’s not completely           Amsteldammer and has since gotten shortened to


     Amsterdam. One-thousand-six hundred bridges
     ply over its canals, which sees a traffic of 2,800
     houseboats and 10,000 private boats.
         “If you were in a houseboat 50 years ago, you
     were a hippie, a loser; but now it’s considered cool. If
     you live in a boat in the city, you will suddenly have a
     lot of friends,” laughs the captain of our canal boat.
         This lifestyle association is largely due to the fact
     that now the boats are all connected to the main
     utilities and water, so no waste gets dumped in the
     river. This is a major step up, considering that 200                                                  A graffiti of
     years ago, Amsterdam was a sewer. The rich and                                                        Anne Frank
     famous, who owned houses here would visit only in                                                     at Amsterdam’s
     winter as the cold made the stench bearable—hence                                                     NDSM wharf, its
     the popular literary reference of Amsterdam as a
                                                                                                           cultural centre.
     beauty with bad breath.                                                                               Expect ships
         With a view towards a low-emission future, all                                                    and containers
     canal boats in Amsterdam are also being converted to                                                  repurposed
     electric with consecutive efforts to increase charging                                                as cafes, co-
     stations around the canals. The boats are fitted                                                       sharing spaces,
                                                                                                           artist studios,
     lithium-iron-phosphate, which is different from what                                                  greenhouses,
     one would find in regular automobiles. Not only do                                                     and projects
     they have a larger capacity, but are also more durable                                                like De Cuevel
     and environmentally friendly. At the moment some                                                      ( that
     of the tourist boats are still diesel guzzlers, but the                                               focus on making
     stipulations require them to switch from diesel to                                                    concepts fun
     electric by 2025.                                                                                     and tangible.

     Amsterdam’s gedogen attitude no doubt makes it              bicycle lanes, parking and charging stations, biking
     a tourist magnet, but once you go a bit deeper, the         around the city is probably the best way to explore
     progressive sustainability and innovation intertwined       it. The city is fairly compact, so navigating the city
     in its makeup reveals itself.                               on foot is the next best option. Even the tramlines,
         Its impressive zero-carbon mode of transportation       which are great for quick stops between attractions,
     hits from the get-go. With an elaborate network of          and trains, work on green electricity.
                                                                     Regulations prohibit scooters and mopeds from
                                                                 before 2010—which use fossil fuels—as well as trucks
     With a view towards a low                                   from before 2005 from entering the “Environmental
                                                                 Zone”, which encompasses the entire inner city of
     emission future, all canal                                  Amsterdam. Since 2018, many establishments have
                                                                 opted for cash-free payments—ticket officers in
     boats in Amsterdam are                                      trams only accept credit or debit card payments for
                                                                 tickets and charging a 1.5 euro bottle of water to a
     also being converted to                                     credit card is par for the course here.

     electric with consecutive                                   GET DOWN TO IT
                                                                 The Dutch have an astute awareness of the harm
     efforts to increase charging                                 global warming can do to the city: Amsterdam is set
                                                                 below sea level with the imminent danger of flooding
     stations around the canals.                                 with rising sea levels. That’s not to say it’s plastic-free

either, but Amsterdam start-up Plastic Whale, who
fish out the plastic from Amsterdam’s canals and
                                                           historic centre
give them new life, are forces of change. It started       has numerous
with the goal of building a boat out of the plastic        important
waste shipped out of the canals. Today, it has not         buildings: The
one but 10 boats, and has also launched its circular       New Church,
                                                           Royal Palace,
office furniture line. Visitors to Amsterdam can sign
up for a two-hour “fishing” tour with the company           History Museum
(, while taking in the     and more.
city’s historic centre—the area around Dam Square,
which encompasses the medieval city as it existed
during the Dutch Golden Age.

Amsterdam is like a museum of a bygone era—every
structure celebrates that history—and you will find
a museum for almost everything as well here. From
the bigger players, Rijks, Stedelijk and Van Gogh
at Museumplein, to the bizarre—the Torture and                               wall of information in this minimalist space has a “Take
Funeral museums—and off-the beaten track ones                                Action” plaque on changes you can make to your
like a houseboat museum (of course) and Fashion                              everyday that can make a difference. You can scan
for Good. The latter is a global initiative that focuses                     these to make a pledge and email to yourself
on and highlights innovation for sustainable and                             as reminders.
accessible fashion. Housed in a heritage building                               Designer Iris Maree ( subscribes to
that was once Sotheby’s, a Gentleman’s Club and                              this—her eponymous vegan bag label works on a “love
then a Reading Museum, Fashion for Good faces                                animal love fashion” motto. The brand’s boutique in
one of the oldest parts of Amsterdam, its Red Light                          Amsterdam’s shopping haven, Herenstraat, houses
District and is a short walk from the city’s boutique                        bags made from animal-friendly materials that marry
shopping street Negen Staatjes (9 streets). Every                            style and quality with eco-friendliness.


        Amsterdam-born and based fashion brand,
     Mumami ( at Paleisatraat, Dam Square,
     works on the basis of low-carbon, low to no-wastage
     production. The brainchild of a Bosnian fashion
     designer, Asmira Salkanovic, who fled the war, all
     Mumami products are entirely handmade in Bosnia.
     Salkanovic was inspired by her little daughter’s
     childlike, unfettered creativity—so expect bright
     colours, vibrant prints and happy clothes for children
     and adults, home ware and accessories.

     Veganism is catching on the world over—and in
     Amsterdam where American fast food chains,
     meat-loving Dutch and fried food dominate, vegan
     junk food somehow fits right in. “Our mission is to
     break through the stigma surrounding plant-based
     food and to introduce people to plant-based food in
     an approachable way, without compromising taste,
     texture and experience,” says Mireille Sanches of
     chain, Vegan Junk Food Bar (
     When the menu includes food like the juicy Notorious
     Sumo burger made from plant-based beef, Loaded
     VJFB fries, their version of the Dutch favourite
     Kapsalon (topped with plant-based shawarma) and
     Amsterdam Bitterballen, it’s not surprising that the
     “response has been amazing”.
        Restaurants like De Kas (
     create a whole new experience around food with fresh
     sustainable farming concepts. Chef Jos Timmer and
     his team create their fixed menu based on the harvest

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