BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise

Page created by Brad Baker
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise
BL UE               S P R I N G         B O N U S        2 0 2 0


Discover the
World in 2021
Sailing No-Fly
Direct from the UK

      Our commitment is
      to raise £100,000 for           Proud to
      the amazing NHS                 support the
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise
Proud to                                                             AN UPDATE FROM
              support the                                                            JEREMY
     NHS staff and volunteers are doing amazing work right now in caring
     for Covid-19 patients and we want to do our bit to show support too.
     In these troubling times, it gives us all as individuals, groups and
                                                                                     CHAIRMAN OF
     organisations the chance to show we care and to make a difference.              ROL CRUISE
     Here at ROL Cruise we have been thinking how we can assist in the

     current climate. Our commitment is to raise £100,000 to show our                     s we continue through the current
     appreciation to the amazing NHS who are working tirelessly to save                   situation, we see the sacrifices people are
     lives. For every booking made with us, we will donate £25 to the NHS            making to keep the country going, and here at
     Charities National campaign that acknowledges and supports the                  ROL Cruise our job is to help you look ahead to
     health and emotional wellbeing of those at the frontline of the NHS,
                                                                                     a brighter future.
     including NHS Staff, volunteers and patients. The money raised
     will cover above and beyond what the NHS alone can provide, such                If you’re unsure about travel at the moment,
     as wellbeing packs, accommodation, travel, parking and volunteer                but are keen to start organising your next
     expenses. Support the longer term mental and rehabilitation of NHS              cruise experience, then the best thing you can
     staff, volunteers, patients and carers after the pandemic is over.              do is speak to a trusted cruise specialist. At
     Supporting NHS patients to leave hospital quickly and safely and to
                                                                                     ROL Cruise, our 25 years’ experience in the
     remain or stay out of hospital.
                                                                                     travel industry has given us the knowledge
     So far we have raised over £15,000 and hope to reach our target by the          and expertise we need to navigate through this
     end of June to show our gratitude to the hardworking NHS who we are             difficult time. We always have and always will,
     proud to support.                                                               look after your holiday as if it were our own and
                                                                                     can happily reassure you that your holiday is
                         About NHS Charities Together                                fully protected with our ABTA membership and
     NHS Charities Together is a membership organisation representing,               ATOL license.
     supporting and championing NHS Charities. NHS Charities Together
     provides a forum for nationwide fundraising and advocacy campaigns,             In these uncertain times, it’s the things that
     specialist advice and guidance, bespoke conferences and training                we look forward to that will make us smile.
     opportunities, as well as access to online resources.                           Knowing that you have that holiday to look
                                                                                     forward to will brighten your days no end,
     NHS Charities Together also provides the collective voice of NHS                and even more so when you’ve booked with
     Charities on a national scale and the impact they make. Please visit our
                                                                                     confidence with a trusted cruise specialist. Safe
     website, which will be updated regularly, to see how our contribution
                                                                                     in the knowledge that you are fully protected
     to support the NHS is coming along.
                                                                                     when booking with ROL Cruise, you can enjoy
                                                                                     spending time at home, knowing that this
                                                                                     time next year you will be on holiday, making
                         DO YOU HAVE A                                               memories that last a lifetime.
                      FUTURE CRUISE CREDIT?                                          I want to end this update with a word of thanks
                                                                                     from myself and my colleagues. Thank you
          During these uncertain times, we all need
                                                                                     for your support, understanding and patience
          something to smile about. Using your Future
                                                                                     during this ever-changing challenge. During our
          Cruise Credit to book your next adventure
                                                                                     opening times (8:30am – 8:30pm) our wonderful
          will brighten your days no end. Our ABTA and
                                                                                     reservations team are working tirelessly to
          ATOL membership protects all holidays booked
                                                                                     answer any questions you have or assist you
          through ROL Cruise so you can be safe in the
                                                                                     with future bookings.
          knowledge that you are fully protected. Much
          like a voucher, your Future Cruise Credit has a                            The ongoing effects of Covid-19 continue to
          monetary amount associated to it which can be                              impact us all in ways never seen before
          used towards the fare of a future cruise. So why                           and we will continue to step up
          not take advantage of your Future Cruise Credit                            to this challenge and serve the
          and book your next adventure today?                                        cruising industry as well as
                                                                                     providing you, our valued and
                     Plus, when you use a future cruise credit                       loyal customers, our award-
                          with us you will earn exclusive                            winning 5H service.
                         DOUBLE CRUISE MILES††
                                                                                    UK’S NO.1

                               ABTA & ATOL               5H SERVICE &                                            OPEN 7 DAYS A
                         3     FULLY
                                                    3    98% CUSTOMER
                                                                                3   CRUISE                  3 WEEK
                                                                                                                    8:30AM -



02               Proud to                 For every booking made with us we will donate £25 to the NHS Charities National
                 support the              campaign with aim to raise £100,000 to show our gratitude to the amazing NHS
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise
An Exclusive Interview with Claire Irvin,
Head of Travel at the Daily Telegraph
This month, we are delighted to speak to Claire Irvin, Head of Travel at the Daily
Telegraph, in an exclusive interview for Blue Horizons. Claire has been leading the
Telegraph’s Travel team for three years and together her team provides fantastic
holiday inspiration, advice, reviews, news analysis and commentary on every
aspect of travel.

      Thank you for joining us Claire; what’s                          What holidays do you believe will see an
  1 new with the Telegraph’s Travel section?                      4    increase in popularity?
      I am very lucky to have a fantastic team of                      I am sure that aspirational cruises will be snapped
      journalists and we’re now working a 24-hour news                 up by people looking to get back out and see
      desk, with everyone currently working remotely.                  the world. I think when the guidelines have been
      These are different times for us all, but we’re really           provided by government, confidence will return
      proud of how we’re able to support our readers,
                                                                       very quickly. My own parents who are now over
      and the wider travel industry, in providing relevant,
                                                                       70 have been asking me when they can get back
      timely information.
                                                                       to cruising! They want to go to Rome and are
      What feedback are you receiving from
  2 your readers regarding their future                                desperate to travel again. Of course, they are just
                                                                       one example, but I’m confident that our readers
      travel plans?
                                                                       are continuing to plan ahead into 2021 and 2022 –
      The appetite for our readers to travel again has                 and make up for lost time!
      not diminished – in fact the contact we receive
      is incredible. It became clear very quickly that                 Finally, what note of support do
      people are keen to know when they can start                      you have for ROL Cruise and its
      cruising again – the demand is still very much
      there, and rightly so.
                                                                       Firstly, I’m aware that ROL Cruise is aiming to
    What advice would you offer to readers
  3 – why is now a good time to book?                                  raise £100,000 for the NHS Combined Charities
                                                                       campaign in support of the NHS. Power to you
      Cruising is such a big part of our reader’s travel
                                                                       all! To give so generously to the NHS is fantastic
      calendars. For those committed cruisers, they are
                                                                       – and at a time that hasn’t been easy – is
      continuing to book ahead with gusto. They have
      confidence in the industry, the agents, the cruise               commendable. I know the team works hard to
      lines and ships and they know that guidelines and                support its customers, and that is demonstrated
      steps will be in place to ensure cruising continues              by the fact that you’re continuing to make cruise
      to be a very safe way to see the world.                          dreams a reality for your loyal customers.

                                              Simply email with your booking reference
 DON’T              TO CLAIM YOUR
                    BLUE HORIZONS                number before 8:30pm 31st May 2020 and you’ll receive a
                                                   FREE DUO OF BRITISH WINE GIFT BOX

C O N TAC T S                 Reservations: 0800 714 4901        Client Services Overseas:
                              Client Services: 0800 121 6191     0044 1206 719103
ROL Cruise,
                                                                 Design: Accord Marketing
Lexden House,                 Administration: 0800 121 6195
                                                                 Blue Horizons Editors:
London Road, Lexden,          Finance/Payments:                  Francesca Hayden
Colchester, CO3 4DB           0800 121 6192                      and Christina Green

                                                                                             Blue Horizons | Spring Bonus 2020   03
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise
                       A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY IN 2021

        IS TO R
      £ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 FOR
         H E A  M  AZING

       EXCLUSIVE                                               FREE                                            FREE                               TODAY WITH JUST
                                                    ON BOARD SPEND                                   GRATUITIES
        LAUNCH                                       OF UP TO £400                                   WORTH £270
                                                                                                                                                   A DEPOSIT THEN
                                                                                                                                                  NOTHING TO PAY
        SAVINGS±                                   FOR ALL BOOKINGS*                              FOR ALL BOOKINGS++                                  UNTIL 2021

      Together with Fred. Olsen, ROL Cruise are delighted to announce a memorable reunion of Fred. Olsen’s
        fleet of ocean-going ships at ‘Four Fred.’s in Lisbon’ in 2021. On Friday 22nd October 2021, a day which
     promises to be as unforgettable as those enjoyed at the ‘4B’s in Bergen’ and ‘Captains in Cádiz’ events, Balmoral,
        Braemar and sister ships Black Watch and Boudicca will descend upon the beautiful city of Lisbon and dock
                      together once again for another historic day of celebration, fun and excitement.
           You can enjoy all the events laid on, plus whilst in Lisbon you will have a chance to delve into the city’s
      rich maritime history – enjoy a relaxed walking tour of the charming streets, seeking out their iconic monuments
       and landmarks, is a great way to immerse yourself in the local heritage and culture. This spectacular occasion
     promises to be a marquee event in the world cruising calendar, and guests joining Fred. Olsen in the Portuguese
                               capital can expect to enjoy entertainment and activities such as:
                                 H A memorable welcome ceremony and local performances H
                       H Fun competitions between guests and crews from each ship on the quayside H
                              H An opportunity to explore all four ships in the Fred. Olsen fleet H
                 H Time to venture into Lisbon, to seek out the city’s iconic maritime monuments and landmarks;
                  immerse yourself in centuries of rich history; taste authentic local pastries and perhaps even
                                        have a go at making some too; and much more H

                  r, Montenegro                                       n, Portugal                            ta Delgada, Azores                               Havana, Cuba
             Koto                                             Lisbo

 Booking conditions of Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines (ATOL 5016) and Reader Offers Limited Agency terms of business apply. Please see back page for full terms and conditions.

04           Proud to                               For every booking made with us we will donate £25 to the NHS Charities National
             support the                            campaign with aim to raise £100,000 to show our gratitude to the amazing NHS
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise
The No-Fly Iconic Sites of Croatia & Italy
                                                Your 27 night voyage departs 30th September 2021
SEPTEMBER 2021                                            Wed 13          Chioggia, Italy
Thu 30  Embark Braemar and depart                         Thu 14          Split, Croatia (depart late night)                     YOUR EXCLUSIVE
        Southampton                                       Fri 15          Dubrovnik, Croatia (depart late night)                ROL CRUISE PRICES
OCTOBER 2021                                              Sat 16          Monopoli, Italy HMAIDEN PORTH                CABIN

                                                                                                                             GRADE                 FULL
                                                                                                                                                 PRICE (PP)
                                                                                                                                                              ROL CRUISE
                                                                                                                                                               PRICE (PP)
Mon 4   Cádiz, Spain                                      Sun 17          Cruising Strait of Messina
Thu 7   Cruising by Stromboli                             Mon 18          Trapani, Sicily, Italy (depart early pm)     Interior        I         £3,799          £3,679
        Cruising Strait of Messina                        Wed 20          Cartagena, Spain                             Ocean View      F         £4,399          £4,269
Fri 8   Crotone, Italy HMAIDEN PORTH                      Fri 22          Lisbon, Portugal                             Superior
Sat 9   Gallipoli, Italy HMAIDEN PORTH                                    H FOUR FRED.’S EVENT H                       Ocean View      C         £5,399          £5,239
Sun 10  Cruising the Bay of Kotor                         Sat 23          Leixões (for Oporto), Portugal               Balcony        BC         £7,299          £7,079
        Kotor, Montenegro                                 Mon 25          Avilés, Spain                                Superior Suite SS         £9,999          £9,699
Mon 11  Sibenik, Croatia                                  Wed 27          Arrive in Southampton
                                                                                                                       Single Cabins are now available from £6,199
Tue 12  Venice, Italy (depart late night)                 Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea

                                 The No-Fly Historic Sites of the Mediterranean
                                                   Your 16 night voyage departs 12th October 2021
OCTOBER 2021                                              Thu 21          Cádiz, Spain (depart early pm)
Tue 12  Embark Balmoral and depart Newcastle
                                                                                                                                 YOUR EXCLUSIVE
                                                          Fri 22          Lisbon, Portugal                                      ROL CRUISE PRICES
Fri 15  La Coruña, Spain (depart late night)                              H FOUR FRED.’S EVENT H                       CABIN GRADE                 FULL       ROL CRUISE
Mon 18  Málaga, Spain                                                     Docking alongside Black Watch,               		                        PRICE (PP)    PRICE (PP)
Tue 19  Cartagena, Spain (depart early pm)                                Braemar and Boudicca, you’ll be part of      Interior        I         £1,999          £1,939
Wed 20  Gibraltar (depart late night)                                     a memorable day of celebration shared
        British overseas territory, Gibraltar, on                                                                      Ocean View      F         £2,299         £2,229
                                                                          with crews and fellow guests from all four
        Spain’s south coast is dominated by a                             ocean-going ships in the Fred. Olsen fleet   Superior
        426m-high limestone ridge: The Rock. The                                                                       Ocean View      C         £2,839          £2,749
        Rock of Gibraltar is a sentinel that guards       Sat 23          Leixões (for Oporto), Portugal
                                                                                                                       Balcony        BC         £3,899         £3,779
        the Straits, and the overtly-British town         Tue 26          Antwerp, Belgium (depart late night)
                                                                                                                       Premier Suite PS          £6,499         £6,299
        nestled between the European and African          Thu 28          Arrive in Newcastle
                                                                                                                       Single Cabins are now available from £3,399
        continents                                        Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea

                                    The No-Fly Azores and Portugal Exploration
                                                    Your 15 night voyage departs 18th October 2021
OCTOBER 2021                                              Tue 26  Horta, Faial, Azores
                                                                                                                                  YOUR EXCLUSIVE
Mon 18  Embark Black Watch and depart                     Wed 27  Ponta Delgada, Azores
                                                                                                                                 ROL CRUISE PRICES
        Liverpool                                                 The town’s cosmopolitan atmosphere
                                                                                                                       CABIN GRADE                 FULL        ROL CRUISE
Thu 21  Vigo, Spain (depart early pm)                             belies its 500 year history, and the                 		                        PRICE (PP)     PRICE (PP)

        Situated on the shores of the Atlantic                    surrounding island boasts beautiful lakes,
                                                                                                                       Interior        I         £1,999          £1,939
        Ocean, and with one of the world’s finest                 mountains, sandy beaches and the
        natural ports, the Galician gem of Vigo has                                                                    Ocean View      F         £2,249          £2,179
                                                                  stunning crater lakes of the extinct Sete
        been an important part of Spain’s maritime                Cidades volcano                                      Superior
        industry for centuries                                                                                         Ocean View      C         £2,749          £2,669
                                                          Sat 30  La Coruña, Spain
                                                                                                                       Balcony        BC         £3,549          £3,439
Fri 22     Lisbon, Portugal                               NOVEMBER 2021
           H FOUR FRED.’S EVENT H                                                                                      Premier Suite PS          £6,249          £6,059
                                                          Tue 2   Arrive in Liverpool
                                                                                                                       Single Cabins are now available from £3,149
Mon 25     Praia da Vitoria, Terceira, Azores             Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea

                                  Crossing the Atlantic with Bermuda & Havana
                                                    Your 18 night voyage departs 18th October 2021
OCTOBER 2021                                              Sat 30  King’s Wharf, Bermuda
                                                                  This historic area has plenty to offer, yet                     YOUR EXCLUSIVE
Mon 18  Embark Boudicca and depart Dover
                                                                  is only a 20-minute drive from the capital                     ROL CRUISE PRICES
Thu 21  Vigo, Spain (depart early pm)                             of Hamilton                                          ROOM GRADE                  FULL        ROL CRUISE
Fri 22     Lisbon, Portugal                               NOVEMBER 2021                                                		                        PRICE (PP)     PRICE (PP)

           H FOUR FRED.’S EVENT H                         Wed 3   Havana, Cuba (arrive early am)
                                                                  Havana is famed for its exquisite Spanish            Interior        I         £1,999         £1,939
Mon 25     Horta, Portugal                                        colonial architecture, classic American              Ocean View      F         £2,249          £2,179
           Regarded as one of the most colourful                  cars and irresistible rhythms of mambo.              Superior
           marinas in the world, Horta is the location            Disembark and transfer to the airport for
                                                                                                                       Ocean View      C         £2,599         £2,519
           of several international regattas each year            you overnight flight to London Heathrow
                                                                  or Manchester                                        Balcony        BC         £3,249          £3,149
           and its harbour is known for its vast open-    Thu 4   Arrive in London Heathrow or                         Premier Suite PS          £5,199         £4,039
           air exhibition of paintings installed on the           Manchester                                           Single Cabins are now available from £2,899
           jetty by visiting sailors                      Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea

To book any of these magnificent cruises call today          FREE on 0800 714 4901                                         Blue Horizons | Spring Bonus 2020                 05
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise
                THE 2021 NO-FLY BUY ONE
                                                              FROM ONLY £849PP
        O M M I TMENT
      C          AISE
        IS TO R
       THE A

                                                                                                                                                                    JUST A DEPOSIT
        CAR PARKING                                      SAVE UP ±TO                                        EXCLUSIVE FREE                                        REQUIRED TO SECURE
                                                                                                                                                                  YOUR HOLIDAY THEN
        AT THE PORT#                                       £8,229                                           ON BOARD SPEND*                                         NOTHING TO PAY
                                                                                                                                                                      UNTIL 2021

         Cruise & Maritime Voyages’ unique itineraries on a British Isles cruise take you to remote, far-flung
      islands, iconic cities and charming coastal towns. Made up of over 6,000 islands boasting spectacular
     coastlines and beautiful landscapes, the British Isles are rich in diverse cultures, customs and traditions.
            Cruise & Maritime Voyages’ smaller ships allow you to stop in some of the most picturesque
                                   and quaint ports the British Isles have to offer...

                                                    EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE
                                          WHAT’S INCLUDED IN YOUR INCREDIBLE ROL CRUISE PROMOTION

     INCREDIBLE BUY ONE GET ONE FREE LAUNCH SAVINGS                                                      - Fascinating guest speaker presentations and daytime
     of up to £8,229±                                                                                      activities
     Full board no-fly cruising on board Cruise & Maritime’s brand                                       - A wide choice of wonderful shore excursions×
     new flagship, Amy Johnson, or Columbus including:
                                                                                                         - A friendly and attentive service from an experienced crew
     - EXCLUSIVE FREE car parking for Junior Balcony
                                                                                                         - An incredible range of on board facilities such as the spa××
       Suites (JS) and above# (not applicable to 12th July 2021
                                                                                                           a fitness centre, and much more!
     - EXCLUSIVE FREE on board spend of up to £75 for                                                    JUST A DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO SECURE YOUR HOLIDAY
       Voyager Outside (OG
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise
THE GRAND BRITISH ISLES EXPERIENCE                                                                          ICELAND, FAROES & BRITISH ISLES
                  13 NIGHTS DEPARTING 9TH MAY 2021                                                                      13 NIGHTS DEPARTING 31ST MAY 2021

  MAY 2021                                                                                              MAY 2021

                                                                                                                                                                               VO AMHER
                                                                                                                                                                                CRAG JO AI
                                                                                                                                                                                 Y Y M
                                                                                                        Mon 31 Embark Amy Johnson and depart

                                                                                                                                                                                   UI ES HN DE
  Sun 9    Embark Columbus and depart London Tilbury

                                                                                                                                                                                     SE ’ N SO N
                                                                                                                                                                                      JO& M W N D EAS
  Mon 10 Amsterdam, Netherlands                                                                                  London Tilbury for your 13 night maiden

                                                                                                                                                                                        IN AR FLAUR O
                                                                                                                 season voyage

  Wed 12 Invergordon, Scotland

                                                                                                                                                                                             IT G IN N
                                                                                                        JUNE 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                               IM SH G
  Thu 13   Lerwick, Shetland Isles

                                                                                                        Wed 2    Kirkwall, Orkney Islands

                                                                                                                                                                                                  E IP
  Fri 14   Kirkwall, Orkney Isles                                                                       Thu 3    Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
  Sat 15   Portree, Isle of Skye                                                                        Fri 4    Seyðisfjörður, Iceland (arrive midday)
                                                                                                        Sat 5    Akureyri, Iceland
  Sun 16   Tobermory, Isle of Mull
                                                                                                        Sun 6    Ísafjörður, Iceland
  Mon 17 Belfast, Northern Ireland                                                                               This Icelandic metropolis is utterly enchanting – modernism
  Tue 18   Ringaskiddy (for Cork), Ireland (arrive midday)                                                       collides with the clear, dark waters of the fjord and the
  Wed 19 St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly                                                                             majestic landscapes provide a dramatic backdrop. In spite of
  Thu 20 St. Peter Port, Guernsey                                                                                its prosperity, Ísafjörður retains much of its charm including
                                                                                                                 timber and tin-clad buildings in its centre. Take a boat trip× to
  Fri 21   Honfleur, France (arrive early am – depart early pm)                                                  nearby Vigur Island, known for its large colony of puffins
           This beautiful setting has been captured on canvas by a                                      Mon 7    Grundarfjörður, Iceland
           multitude of Impressionist painters, and a walk through its                                  Tue 8 - Reykjavík, Iceland (overnight)
           romantic streets will easily show you why                                                    Wed 9
  Sat 22   Arrive in London Tilbury                                                                     Sat 12   Arrive in London Tilbury
  Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea                                                         Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea

                YOUR ROL CRUISE                                                                                       YOUR ROL CRUISE
       BUY ONE GET ONE FREE LAUNCH PRICES                                                                    BUY ONE GET ONE FREE LAUNCH PRICES
     CABIN GRADE 1ST PASSENGER                                                    2ND PASSENGER           CABIN GRADE 1ST PASSENGER                                                  2ND PASSENGER
     		PRICE                                                                               PRICE           		PRICE                                                                             PRICE

     Voyager Inside                        IG<               £2,099                     FREE               Voyager Inside                        IG  <
                                                                                                                                                                   £2,099                   FREE
     Voyager Outside                       OG<               £2,689                     FREE               Voyager Ocean View                    OG<               £2,689                   FREE
     Superior Ocean View                    9                £3,589                     FREE               Premium Ocean View                     12               £4,189                   FREE
     Premium Ocean View                     12               £4,189                     FREE               Superior Balcony                       14               £4,489                   FREE
     De Luxe Balcony                       DL                £5,979                     FREE               Junior Suite                          JS                £6,729                   FREE
     Junior Balcony Suite                  JS                £6,729                     FREE               De Luxe Suite                         DS                £8,229                   FREE
               HALF PRICE single cabins are available from £1,589                                                    HALF PRICE single cabins are available from £1,869

                      BRITISH ISLES DISCOVERY                                                                        GRAND BRITISH ISLES DISCOVERY
 10 NIGHTS DEPARTING 19TH JUNE & 5TH SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                    10 NIGHTS DEPARTING 12TH JULY 2021

  Day 1         Embark Columbus and depart London Tilbury                                                JULY 2021

                                                                                                                                                                               VO AMHER
                                                                                                                                                                                CRAG JO AI
                                                                                                                                                                                 Y Y M
                                                                                                                                                                                   UI ES HN DE
  Day 2         Rotterdam, Netherlands                                                                   Mon 12        Embark the new flagship Amy Johnson

                                                                                                                                                                                     SE ’ N SO N
                                                                                                                                                                                      JO& M W N D EAS
  Day 4         Kirkwall, Orkney Isles

                                                                                                                                                                                        IN AR FLAUR O
                                                                                                                       and depart London Tilbury for your 10

                Discover Neolithic highlights such as the Maes Howe burial                                             night maiden season voyage

                                                                                                                                                                                             IT G IN N
                chamber, the henge and stone circle as well as the well-

                                                                                                                                                                                               IM SH G
                                                                                                         Wed 14        Invergordon, Scotland

                                                                                                                                                                                                  E IP
                preserved settlement of Skara Brae
  Day 5         Portree, Isle of Skye                                                                    Thu 15        Lerwick, Shetland Islands
  Day 6         Tobermory, Isle of Mull                                                                  Fri 16        Kirkwall, Orkney Islands (depart early pm)
                Look beyond the colourful houses which line Tobermory’s                                  Sun 18        Belfast, Northern Ireland (depart early pm)
                dainty waterfront and discover the distillery, providing a                               Mon 19        St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly (arrive late am)
                real insight to whisky making×                                                                         Britain’s only island archipelago, the magical Isles of Scilly
  Day 7         Belfast, Northern Ireland (depart early pm)                                                            lie just 28 miles off the coast of Cornwall. Lose yourself in
  Day 8         St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly (arrive late am)                                                           the sub-tropical wonderland of the Tresco Abbey Garden –
  Day 9         St. Peter Port, Guernsey                                                                               home to many rare plants
  Day 10        Honfleur, France                                                                         Tue 20        St. Peter Port, Guernsey
  Day 11        Arrive in London Tilbury                                                                 Wed 21        Honfleur, France
  Day not mentioned is spent relaxing at sea. Itinerary is based on 19th June 2021 departure             Thu 22        Arrive in London Tilbury
  date and ports of call may vary on other date. Please note, 5th September 2021 departure is
  11 nights in duration                                                                                  Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea

               YOUR ROL CRUISE                                                                                        YOUR ROL CRUISE
      BUY ONE GET ONE FREE LAUNCH PRICES                                                                     BUY ONE GET ONE FREE LAUNCH PRICES
    CABIN GRADE 1ST PASSENGER                                                     2ND PASSENGER           CABIN GRADE 1ST PASSENGER                                                  2ND PASSENGER
    		PRICE                                                                                PRICE           		PRICE                                                                             PRICE

    Voyager Inside                         IG<               £1,689                     FREE               Standard Plus Inside                     2               £1,919                   FREE
    Voyager Outside                        OG<               £2,149                     FREE               Voyager Outside                        OG<               £2,149                   FREE
    Superior Ocean View                     9                £2,879                     FREE
    Premium Ocean View                      12               £3,359                     FREE               Standard Ocean View                      7              £2,459                    FREE
    De Luxe Balcony                        DL                £4,799                     FREE               Standard Ocean View                     8               £2,579                    FREE
    Junior Balcony Suite                   JS                £5,399                     FREE
                                                                                                           Superior Ocean View                     9               £2,879                    FREE
              HALF PRICE single cabins are available from £1,279
                   Prices and availability are based on 19th June 2021 departure                                           HALF PRICE single cabins have SOLD OUT

Please note, Amy Johnson is new to the Cruise & Maritime Voyages fleet and is not a brand new ship. #Car parking is not applicable to 12th July 2021 departure. Booking conditions of South Quay Travel &

To book any of these magnificent cruises call today                    FREE on 0800 714 4901                                                    Blue Horizons | Spring Bonus 2020                       07
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise
       FA E
      G R
    IN S A
                           BUY ONE GET ONE FREE

                                 NO-FLY LAUNCH PROMOTION

                                                                                                                                                                        JUST A DEPOSIT
       EXCLUSIVE FREE                                                                                           EXCLUSIVE FREE
        CAR PARKING                                        SAVE UP TO
                                                                    ±                                           ON BOARD SPEND
                                                                                                                                                                      REQUIRED TO SECURE
                                                                                                                                                                      YOUR HOLIDAY THEN
        AT THE PORT#                                         £16,539                                             OF UP TO £250*
                                                                                                                                                                        NOTHING TO PAY
                                                                                                                                                                          UNTIL 2021

       Amy Johnson will become the proud new flagship of the Cruise & Maritime Voyages fleet in April 2021. Given her size she will
       Cruise & Maritime Voyages’ unique itineraries on a British Isles cruise take you to remote, far
       provide a very generous, spacious and relaxing feel. As a celebration of the courageous exploits of past female explorers and
       adventurers, Cruise & Maritime Voyages have recognised their remarkable achievements by naming their new ship after Amy
     flung   islands,
       Johnson,         iconicEnglish
                the pioneering   citiespilot
                                        andwhocharming       coastal
                                                 was the first woman totowns.
                                                                          fly solo Made   up oftoover
                                                                                   from London          6,000 islands boasting
      Combining         coastlines
                   beautiful,            anddecor
                              contemporary      beautiful    landscapes,
                                                     with a more               thestyle,
                                                                 traditional cruise  British
                                                                                               Johnsonareis arich in diverse
                                                                                                              mid-size cruise shipcultures,
                                                                                                                                   and will be
      a wonderful new addition to the CMV fleet. Amy Johnson offers no less than 11 different lounges and bars including Raffles Bar,
      The            andObservatory,
           Orient, Dome    traditions.OceanCruise     & Maritime
                                                 Bar and              Voyages’
                                                          Taverner’s Pub, so there’s smaller   ships
                                                                                     a wide choice      allow you
                                                                                                   of contrasting      to stop
                                                                                                                   venues         in some
                                                                                                                           to choose  from.
      Restaurants onof    the most picturesque and quaint ports the British Isles have to offer...
                       board   offer fantastic dining opportunities including the attractive Waterfront  Restaurant  which  serves  breakfast,
      lunch and dinner or for something more casual, there’s the buffet-style Pantry. At lunchtimes, when the weather is fine, the
      Alfresco Grill adds more choice. Specialty dining options,×The Fusion, Grill and Chef ’s Table present truly intimate and delightful
      settings and outstanding menus.

                                                      EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE
                                                  WHAT’S INCLUDED IN YOUR ROL CRUISE LAUNCH PACKAGE

     INCREDIBLE BUY ONE GET ONE FREE LAUNCH SAVINGS OF                                                         -
                                                                                                               Fascinating guest speaker presentations and daytime activities
     UP TO £16,539±                                                                                            A wide choice of wonderful shore excursions×
     Sail on board Cruise & Maritime Voyages’ new flagship, Amy                                                -
                                                                                                               A friendly and attentive service from an experienced crew
     Johnson, for her Maiden Season including:                                                                 An incredible range of on board facilities such as the spa××,
       - EXCLUSIVE FREE on board spend of up to £250 for                                                       a fitness centre and much more!
         Standard Ocean View (6) cabins and above*                                                          JUST A DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO SECURE YOUR HOLIDAY
       - EXCLUSIVE FREE car parking at the port for Junior Suites                                           THEN NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL 2021
         (JS) and above#                                                                                    EXCLUSIVE CRUISE MILES
       - Full board cruising with mouth watering cuisine, afternoon                                         Earn up to 16,539 when booking one of these
         tea and late night snacks                                                                          incredible voyages, worth £165 off your next
       - Welcome and farewell Captain’s drinks parties                                                      booking with ROL Cruise††

  Advertised prices exclude gratuities, automatic gratuities of £7pp per night (£6pp per night for voyages of 16 nights or longer) will be debited to your on board account. Please note, Amy Johnson is new to the
  (ATOL 4619) and Reader Offers Limited Agency terms of business apply. Please see back page for full terms and conditions.

08             Proud to                                   For every booking made with us we will donate £25 to the NHS Charities National
               support the                                campaign with aim to raise £100,000 to show our gratitude to the amazing NHS
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise
THE MAIDEN NO-FLY                                                                                      THE MAIDEN BLACK SEA &
       CANADA IN THE FALL DISCOVERY                                                                             MEDITERRANEAN EXPLORATION
         35 NIGHTS DEPARTING 4TH SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                     32 NIGHTS DEPARTING 9TH OCTOBER 2021

   SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                                          OCTOBER 2021
   Sat 4         Embark Amy Johnson and depart London Tilbury for                                          Sat 9         Embark Amy Johnson and depart London Tilbury for
                 your maiden season voyage
                                                                                                                         your maiden season voyage
   Mon 6         Lerwick, Shetland Islands
                                                                                                           Tue 12        Lisbon, Portugal (arrive late am)
   Tue 7         Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
                                                                                                           Wed 13        Cádiz, Spain (arrive early pm)
   Sat 11        Narsarsuaq, Greenland
   Sun 12        Qaqortoq, Greenland                                                                       Sat 16        Palermo, Italy
                 Founded in 1775 by Norwegian traders, Qaqortoq still                                      Tue 19        Nessebar, Bulgaria (arrive midday)
                 retains its beautiful colonial buildings today. The town is
                 very proud of its ancient fountain – for many years it was                                Wed 20        Constanta, Romania
                 the only one in Greenland – which has carvings of whales
                                                                                                           Thu 21        Odessa, Ukraine (depart late night)
                 spouting water and the names of all the town burghers
                 plated in brass around its base                                                                         Take time to soak up the great heritage of this fantastic
                                                                                                                         coastal resort. From the 19th century five-domed Russo-
   Wed 15        St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
                                                                                                                         Byzantine Uspensky Cathedral to the Italian baroque style
   Fri 17        Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
                 Halifax, Gateway to Atlantic Canada, is the capital region                                              Opera House, you will be enchanted
                 of Nova Scotia and is a lively and colourful combination of                               Sat 23        Istanbul, Turkey (depart late night)
                 urban and rural living at its best
                                                                                                                         This city offers one intriguing adventure after another
   Sun 19        Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada (depart                                                     from the opulent Topkapi Palace, the 17th century Blue
                 early pm)
                                                                                                                         Mosque, and the largest covered market in the world, the
   Tue 21        Cruising St. Lawrence River
                                                                                                                         Grand Bazaar
   Wed 22        Montréal, Canada
                 A UNESCO City of Design, Montréal successfully fuses                                      Mon 25        Piraeus (for Athens), Greece (depart late night)
                 the endearing allure of its European history with modern                                                Magnificent Athens combines the fascinations of the
                 style and fresh-thinking. Old Montréal is within walking                                                ancient world with unique modern architecture. Be sure
                 distance of the city’s new port, here you’ll find a historic
                 hub of cobblestone pathways, quaint boutiques of                                                        to visit the globally-renowned Acropolis of Athens, a
                 Place Jacques-Cartier, the Bonsecours Market and many                                                   UNESCO World Heritage Site
                 tantalising restaurants
                                                                                                           Wed 27        Limassol, Cyprus
   Thu 23        Québec City, Québec, Canada
                                                                                                           Thu 28        Ashdod (for optional tours to Jerusalem×), Israel
   Fri 24        Saguenay, Québec, Canada
                                                                                                           Fri 29        Port Said, Egypt (depart late night)
   Sat 25        Baie-Comeau, Canada (depart early pm)
   Sun 26        Havre St. Pierre, Canada (depart early pm)                                                NOVEMBER 2021
   Mon 27        Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada                                                        Mon 1         Valletta, Malta
   Tue 28        Cap aux Meulles, Canada                                                                                 A tiny island with an epic and heroic history, Malta makes
   Wed 29        Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada                                                                             for a scenic, unforgettable stop. The 16th century walled
                                                                                                                         capital of Valletta, with its Grand Harbour, is a treasure
   OCTOBER 2021
                                                                                                                         chest bursting with baroque architecture
   Mon 4 -       Reykjavík, Iceland (overnight)
   Tue 5         With luck on side, during your overnight stay you may                                     Tue 2         Catania, Sicily, Italy
                 get to glimpse the spectacular Northern Lights. On a
                 cruise to Iceland, experience the country’s raw beauty,                                   Fri 5         Gibraltar
                 feel the force of its waterfalls and take a dip in natural                                Sun 7         Vigo (for optional tours to Santiago de Compostela×),
                 thermal pools. For a taste of the eclectic, Iceland’s capital,
                 Reykjavík, is waiting                                                                                   Spain

   Sat 9         Arrive in London Tilbury                                                                  Wed 10        Arrive in London Tilbury
   Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea                                                           Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea

                YOUR ROL CRUISE                                                                                         YOUR ROL CRUISE
       BUY ONE GET ONE FREE LAUNCH PRICES                                                                      BUY ONE GET ONE FREE LAUNCH PRICES
    CABIN GRADE 1ST PASSENGER                                                    2ND PASSENGER             CABIN GRADE 1ST PASSENGER                                                    2ND PASSENGER
    		PRICE                                                                               PRICE             		PRICE                                                                               PRICE

    Superior Inside                          3               £6,249                    FREE                 Superior Inside                           3              £5,439                    FREE
    Standard Ocean View                      7                £7,539                   FREE                 Standard Ocean View                     6C    †
                                                                                                                                                                     £6,079                    FREE
    Superior Ocean View                      9               £8,799                    FREE                 Superior Ocean View                       9               £7,679                   FREE
    Premium Ocean View                       12              £10,289                   FREE                 Premium Ocean View                       12              £8,959                    FREE
    Junior Suite                             JS              £16,539                   FREE                 Junior Suite                             JS              £14,399                   FREE
                     HALF PRICE single cabins have SOLD OUT                                                           HALF PRICE single cabins are available from £5,599

Cruise & Maritime Voyages fleet and is not a brand new ship. #Car parking is not applicable to 12th July 2021 departure. Booking conditions of South Quay Travel & Leisure Ltd t/a Cruise & Maritime Voyages

To book any of these magnificent cruises call today                     FREE on 0800 714 4901                                                     Blue Horizons | Spring Bonus 2020                        09
BLUEHorizons Sailing No-Fly Direct from the UK - Discover the World in 2021 - ROL Cruise

           O M M I TMENT
         C          AISE
           IS TO R

          THE AM

                                                                                                                                                                      Key West, Florida

                         CAR                                                                                                                            JUST A DEPOSIT
          ON BOARD                                                           BONUS ON                                  NO TIPS                           REQUIRED TO
          SPEND OF OR  PARKING #                                            BOARD SPEND                                                                  SECURE YOUR
                                                                          +   OF UP TO                                REQUIRED                         PREFERRED CABIN
                      OR COACH
         UP TO £710*  TRANSFERS                                                        £850*                         ON BOARD++                        THEN NOTHING TO
                                                                                                                                                        PAY UNTIL 2021

                                                                                                    RECOMMENDED SHORE EXCURSIONS×
                           35 NIGHTS DEPARTING
                            11TH FEBRUARY 2022                                                              BALMORAL ISLAND GETAWAY – NASSAU
                                                                                                       Escape to Balmoral Island, a tropical oasis with crystal-clear waters
                                                                                                                      and a powder white sandy beach.
     FEBRUARY 2022                                                                                     AN EVENING OF DIXIELAND JAZZ – NEW ORLEANS
     Fri 11         Embark Ventura and depart Southampton                                              Sample a truly traditional evening in the French Quarter, enjoy some
                                                                                                               classic Creole cuisine and a lively Dixie jazz band.
     Sun 13         La Coruña, Spain                                                                    MIAMI HIGHLIGHTS & ART DECO WALKING TOUR
     Sun 20 -       Hamilton, Bermuda (overnight – depart early am)                                     Discover the delights of the Art Deco District on foot and capture
                                                                                                                          Miami’s highlights by coach.
     Mon 21         Renowned for its vibrant, friendly atmosphere, beautiful historic
                    structures, delightful parks and bustling markets you’ll find                         FIRE LAKE & MOUNTAINS – PONTA DELGADA
                    Hamilton a joy to explore. Front Street, arguably the city’s biggest                Visit the oldest town in the Azores, Ribeira Grande, before driving
                                                                                                         up to the summit of Pico da Barrosa for the views of Fire Lake.
                    attraction, runs along the shore line and is usually the first
                    glimpse of Hamilton visitors get as they arrive. The street is home
                    to shops, restaurants and bars, all benefiting from wonderful
                    views out across the harbour
     Wed 23         Freeport, Bahamas
     Fri 25         Cozumel, Mexico
     Sat 26         Roatán, Honduras
     Sun 27         Belize City, Belize                                                                                                                          New Orleans, USA

     MARCH 2022
     Wed 2 -        New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (overnight)
     Thu 3                                                                                                YOUR BESTSELLING ROL CRUISE PRICES
                                                                                               CABIN                                       GRADE                 ROL CRUISE PRICE (PP)
     Sat 5          Key West, Florida, USA
     Sun 6          Miami, Florida, USA                                                        Inside                                  PE         £3,749
                    Wander around the Art Deco buildings on South Beach or, for the            Sea view                                NF†        £4,449
                    shopaholics amongst us, head to Lincoln Road Mall which has                Balcony                                 HF         £6,299
                    been compared to New York’s Fifth Avenue                                   Deluxe Balcony                          DE         £7,329
                                                                                               Suite                                   B5         £11,649
     Mon 7          Port Canaveral, Florida, USA                                                                      ALL OTHER SUITES SOLD OUT
     Mon 14         Ponta Delgada, Azores                                                      Single prices are available from £5,999
     Fri 18         Arrive in Southampton                                                         JUST A DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO SECURE YOUR PREFERRED CABIN
                                                                                                                   THEN NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL 2021
     Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea

     *Bonus on board spend is for Sea view cabins (NF†) and above only. Booking conditions of P&O Cruises (ATOL 6294) and Reader Offers Limited Agency terms of business apply. Please
     see back page for full terms and conditions.

10                 Proud to                          For every booking made with us we will donate £25 to the NHS Charities National
                   support the                       campaign with aim to raise £100,000 to show our gratitude to the amazing NHS

Dubrovnik, Croatia

     ON BOARD       CAR                                                                                                                                    JUST A DEPOSIT
                                                                          BONUS ON                                                                          REQUIRED TO
     SPENDING     PARKING#                                               BOARD SPEND                              EXCLUSIVELY                               SECURE YOUR
     MONEY OF OR OR COACH                                              +   OF UP TO                               FOR ADULTS                              PREFERRED CABIN
    UP TO £320*
                                                                                                                                                          THEN NOTHING TO
                 TRANSFERS                                                          £390*                                                                  PAY UNTIL 2021

             BALTIC DISCOVERY                                   EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE                                      ITALY & GREECE DISCOVERY
              16 NIGHTS DEPARTING                                      WHAT’S INCLUDED IN YOUR                                            19 NIGHTS DEPARTING
               17TH AUGUST 2021                                     INCREDIBLE ROL CRUISE PACKAGE                                          14TH OCTOBER 2021

AUGUST 2021                                                                                                                 OCTOBER 2021

                                                                                                                                                                            LI ILA
Tue 17   Embark Aurora and depart                                   Full board no-fly cruising on board Aurora,

                                                                                                                                                                              M B
                                                                                                                            Thu 14         Embark Aurora and

                                                                           exclusively for adults, including:

                                                                                                                                                                                IT IL
         Southampton                                                                                                                       depart Southampton

                                                                                                                                                                                  ED IT
Thu 19   Gothenburg, Sweden                                         ON BOARD SPEND of up to £320* – Enjoy
                                                                   on board spending money meaning you can                  Mon 18         Málaga, Spain

Sat 21   Visby, Sweden
                                                                    treat yourself throughout your voyage; sip              Thu 21         Palermo, Italy
Sun 22   Stockholm, Sweden                                      champagne, enjoy some relaxing spa treatments
Tue 24   Helsinki, Finland                                            or take those additional enriching shore              Sat 23         Piraeus (for Athens), Greece
         Helsinki is cool and intriguing. Let its                excursions which create memories of a lifetime                            Visit the Acropolis, the most significant
         offbeat charm wash over you: wander                                       - OR car parking#                                       ancient site of the Western World,
         the wide streets, explore its mix of                                                                                              browse some fine Greek antiquities
         neoclassical and modern buildings and                                  - OR coach transfers                                       within the National Archaeological
         gaze out across the choppy Baltic Sea.                   - PLUS, BONUS ON BOARD SPEND of up to                                    Museum or discover the crumbling
         Explore the city’s design heritage and                    £390 for Sea view Cabins (NC†) and above*                               ruins of Corinth
         browse handmade gifts in its creative
         quarter                                                       - A uniquely British cruising experience             Sun 24         Mykonos, Greece
Wed 25 Tallinn, Estonia                                          - Magnificent theatre with West-End style shows
                                                                                                                            Mon 25         Rhodes, Greece
Thu 26 - St. Petersburg, Russia (overnight)                         - A range of tantalising dining options from
Fri 27                                                               Michelin starred chefs to informal buffets             Tue 26         Heraklion, Greece
Mon 30 Frederica, Denmark                                            The currency on board is pound sterling,               Sat 30         Gibraltar (depart early pm)
Tue 31   Skagen, Denmark                                              so you won’t be affected by any foreign
                                                                             exchange rate fluctuations                     NOVEMBER 2021
SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                                                              Tue 2          Arrive in Southampton
                                                                   JUST A DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO SECURE
Thu 2    Arrive in Southampton                                   YOUR PREFERRED CABIN THEN NOTHING
Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea                                                                               Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea
                                                                                TO PAY UNTIL 2021
                                                                EXCLUSIVE CRUISE MILES
 YOUR INCREDIBLE ROL CRUISE PRICES                              Earn up to 14,958 when booking                               YOUR INCREDIBLE ROL CRUISE PRICES
 CABIN GRADE ROL CRUISE                                                                                                      CABIN GRADE ROL CRUISE
 		PRICE (PP)                                                   one of these amazing voyages,                                		PRICE (PP)
                                                                worth £149 off your next booking
 Inside                         PF               £1,549         with ROL Cruise††                                            Inside                                PF            £2,199
 Sea view                       LF               £2,199                                                                      Inside                                PA            £2,459
 Balcony                        GF               £2,979                                                                      Sea view                              LD            £2,899
                                                                                                                             FREE upgrade to a Sea view cabin (LC)^
 Deluxe Balcony                 EE               £3,329
                                                                                                                             Balcony                      GF       £3,379
 Mini Suite                     CD               £4,699                                                                      Balcony                      GC       £3,989
 Penthouse Suite (only 1 left!) A1               £7,479                                                                             ALL OTHER GRADES SOLD OUT
 Solo cabins are available from £2,469                                                                                       Solo cabins are available from £2,709

Booking conditions of P&O Cruises (ATOL 6294) and Reader Offers Limited Agency terms of business apply. Please see back page for full terms and conditions.

To book any of these magnificent cruises call today             FREE on 0800 714 4901                                               Blue Horizons | Spring Bonus 2020                     11
THE NO-FLY 2022                                                                                                                                               OUR
 QUEEN MARY 2 GRAND                                                                                                                                       COMMITMENT
                                                                                                                                                           IS TO RAISE
 VOYAGE TO THE CARIBBEAN                                                                                                                                  £100,000 FOR
                                                                                                                                                          THE AMAZING

                                                        A FLAGSHIP WITHOUT COMPARE
                                                        THE CUNARD EXPERIENCE
                                                                  THE WORLD’S ONLY OCEAN LINER
           Not only is Cunard a unique experience, Queen Mary 2 is also a unique ship: today’s only true ocean liner. Stronger, sleeker, smoother
                                      and swifter than a cruise ship. A link to a glorious past only Cunard can provide.
                                                                             EXCEPTIONAL DINING
            Queen Mary 2 plays host to some of the finest chefs at sea and the most elegant restaurants. Innovative dishes and Cunard classics
               made with the finest ingredients can be enjoyed in truly elegant settings. Indulge in the truly British tradition of Afternoon Tea,
                                                   served by white-gloved waiters in the Queens Room.

                                                                  YOUR GRAND VOYAGE HIGHLIGHTS
                        • Over 30,700 nautical miles                            • 2 maiden calls for Queen Mary 2                    • Scenic cruising around Cape Horn, through
                                  • 17 ports                                  • Overnight stays in Montevideo and                     the Magellan Straits and Beagle Channel
                                • 14 countries                                          Rio de Janeiro                                    • 12 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

              HCastries, St. LuciaH                        HRio de Janeiro, BrazilH                            HNew York, USAH                            HBridgetown, BarbadosH
     Lush, romantic and welcoming, stunning         Hot all year round and with a tropical          New York is the city so good they               Vibrant Bridgetown buzzes with life as
                                                    rainforest extending down to the sea, it’s      named it twice. With more restaurants,          Bajan locals and enraptured visitors
     St. Lucia is an adventure waiting to be        easy to understand why Rio de Janeiro
                                                                                                    museums and iconic sights than perhaps          leisurely wander amidst celebrated
     had. The dramatic twin peaks of the            is known as “Cidade Maravihosa”                                                                 sights. Historic Bridgetown and its
                                                    (“The Marvellous City”). When you               any other destination, there’s something
     Pitons make a majestic backdrop as                                                                                                             Garrison are recognised as a World
                                                    need a retreat from the heat, sip on a          for everyone in the Big Apple. As the           Heritage Site, whilst a short walk from
     you hike through the rainforest, sail with     Caipirinha in one of the area’s pubs or         setting for so many famous films,               the harbour, the bright buildings of
     dolphins or sip a cocktail on a palm-          grab a fresh açaí smoothie from one             New York City contains some of the              Pelican Village Craft Centre await.
     fringed beach. The crystal clear waters        of the many juice shops to be found             world’s most universally recognised             Handmade apparel, rum-infused goodies
                                                    on street corners throughout the city.
     surrounding St. Lucia are a playground                                                         landmarks. You could easily while away          and island-inspired artwork is sure to
                                                    Ascending to the peak of the beautiful
     for marine life. Take a sailing tour around    Pão de Açúcar (Sugarloaf Mountain)              an afternoon simply taking it all in. The       appeal to souvenir hunters. Elsewhere
                                                    should be on every visitor’s trip checklist.    torch-bearing Statue of Liberty is, of          on the island you’ll find exotic botanical
     the island and keep your eyes peeled                                                                                                           gardens, the intriguing Harrison’s Cave
                                                    Standing at 1,299 feet (396 metres)             course, an essential sight to see, as is
     for seasonal humpback, sperm and pilot         above sea level, the mountain offers                                                            system, renowned cricket grounds
                                                                                                    the world-famous Times Square. You’ll
     whales as well as dolphins. Whatever you       stunning views of Niterói, Copacabana                                                           and informative museums. Plus, for
                                                                                                    also want to visit the Empire State             a true taste of the island, enjoy a
     choose to fill your time on this spectacular   and Santa Cruz Fortress. An impressive
                                                    30 metres tall, the statue sits atop the        Building – standing at 1,454 feet high,         tour× of the Mount Gay Rum Distillery
     island, don’t forget to bring a book and       Corcovado Mountain and is listed as one         the Art Deco-style building’s observation       or discover the home-grown secret
     cocktail for the ultimate in relaxation.       of the New Seven Wonders of the World.          deck offers breathtaking views of the city.     to delectable Agapey chocolate.

     **Additional mileage may be available at a supplement. Booking conditions of Cunard (ATOL 6294) and Reader Offers Limited Agency terms of business apply. Please see back page for full

12               Proud to                              For every booking made with us we will donate £25 to the NHS Charities National
                 support the                           campaign with aim to raise £100,000 to show our gratitude to the amazing NHS
EXCLUSIVE                            EXCLUSIVE                             JUST A DEPOSIT
   COMPLIMENTARY                          GRATUITIES
                                                                       COMPLIMENTARY                        COMPLIMENTARY                             REQUIRED TO
   ON BOARD SPEND                          INCLUDED                                                                                                   SECURE YOUR
      OF UP TO                           SAVING UP TO                    PRIVATE UK                         AFTERNOON TEA
                                                                                                                                                     GRAND VOYAGE,
       $2,200             *
                                        $1,900++                         CHAUFFEUR
                                                                                                              FOR TWO AT
                                                                                                                THE RITZ+
                                                                                                                                                    THEN NOTHING TO
                                                                                                                                                     PAY UNTIL 2021

                                     71 NIGHTS DEPARTING 10TH JANUARY 2022
JANUARY 2022                                              Wed 16      Cruise by Cape Horn                             Wed 9      Basseterre, St. Kitts
Your EXCLUSIVE COMPLIMENTARY Private UK                               Make the fabled rounding of the very tip        Thu 10     Philipsburg, St. Maarten
Chauffeur Service will transfer you to the port in                    of South America as you pass Cape Horn.                    Divided between two countries, St.
style**                                                               It’s located on the desolate Isla Hornos at                Maarten is harmoniously shared by the
Mon 10     Embark Queen Mary 2 and depart                             the southern end of the Tierra del Fuego                   French and the Dutch. This gives the
           Southampton                                                archipelago in Chile                                       island two distinctive flavours to discover,
Tue 18     New York, USA                                  Thu 17      Punta Arenas, Chile                                        with the quiet sophisticated French north,
                                                          Sun 20 -    Montevideo, Uruguay (overnight)                            and lively, vibrant Dutch south
Sat 22     St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands                Mon 21      Uruguay’s historic and vibrant capital
Sun 23     Road Town, Tortola                                                                                         Mon 14     New York, USA
                                                                      city Montevideo is home to nearly half of
Tue 25     Willemstad, Curaçao                                        the nation’s population. It offers a truly      Tue 22     Arrive in Southampton
Thu 27     Roseau, Dominica                                           diverse, vibrant and exciting metropolitan      Your EXCLUSIVE COMPLIMENTARY Private UK
           Dominica’s vibrant capital is host to a                    environment to explore and enjoy. You           Chauffeur Service will be waiting to transfer you
           wealth of sights. Best explored on foot, the               might begin your tour of the Old City and       home in style**
           French Quarter is well worth discovering,                  its colonial architectural highlights at the    Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea
           as is Bayfront. The narrow streets are                     central Plaza Independencia. Or if you like
           lined with buildings influenced by Spanish                 wine, venture beyond the city for a taste of                   YOUR INCREDIBLE
           architecture, while Reggae music can be                    Uruguay’s finest                                               ROL CRUISE FARES
           heard during the daytime                       Fri 25 -    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (overnight)              STATEROOM/SUITE                  GRADE          ROL CRUISE FARE (PP)
Fri 28     Castries, St. Lucia                            Sat 26
Sat 29     Bridgetown, Barbados                           MARCH 2022                                                  BRITANNIA RESTAUR ANT
FEBRUARY 2022                                             Mon 7    Bridgetown, Barbados                               Inside                   IF                  £7,999
                                                          Tue 8    Fort-de-France, Martinique                         Oceanview                EF                £10,599
Sat 5      Salvador, Brazil                                        Martinique’s capital, Fort-de-France was
Tue 8      São Paulo (tours from Santos), Brazil                   founded in the 18th century and is a riotous       Balcony                 DF                 £10,999
Sat 12     Puerto Madryn, Argentina                                blend of Creole, French, Caribbean and             Club Balcony             A2                £16,699
Mon 14 - Transit the Beagle Channel                                European influences, with rich history             PRINCESS & QUEENS GRILL
Tue 15     Along this 150-mile stretch of water which              around every corner. Be sure to check              Princess Grill Suite     P2                £24,999
           separates the Isla Grande de Tierra del                 out the markets, where your senses will
           Fuego from several smaller islands,                     be awakened by the delicious spices,               Queens Grill Suite      Q6                 £29,999
           admire tooth-like peaks whose snowy                     liqueurs and fruits on offer amongst a host        Royal Suite             Q3                 £49,699
           heads rise over thickly forested slopes                 of goodies                                         Single staterooms are available from £13,989

         Experience the Difference                                            WHAT’S INCLUDED IN YOUR EXCLUSIVE ROL CRUISE PROMOTION

BOOK WITH THE TOP PARTNER FOR CUNARD                     - COMPLIMENTARY on board spending money of up        EXCLUSIVE COMPLIMENTARY Afternoon Tea for Two
COMPLIMENTARY pre-cruise hotel stay in Southampton         to $2,200 for all bookings*                        at the Ritz for all bookings+
for Club Balcony Staterooms (A2) and above               - Pre-paid gratuities INCLUDED saving up to $1,900++
                                                                                                              JUST A DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO SECURE YOUR
EXCLUSIVE COMPLIMENTARY return Private UK                - Welcome on board reception                         PREFERRED STATEROOM/SUITE THEN NOTHING
Chauffeur Service, up to 150 miles each way, for all     - Services of a World Voyage Concierge and use of    TO PAY UNTIL 2021
bookings – Book your world cruise with ROL Cruise
                                                           private lounge
and we’ll pay for your transfers to and from the port,                                                        EXCLUSIVE CRUISE MILES
allowing you to relax as soon as you leave home          - Unique commemorative gift
                                                                                                              Earn up to 99,398 Cruise Miles when
71 nights full board no-fly cruising on board the iconic - World Voyage cocktail parties                      booking this grand voyage, worth £993
Queen Mary 2 including:                                   - Shoreside Event                                          off your next booking with ROL Cruise††
terms and conditions.

To book this magnificent cruise call today        FREE on 0800 714 4901                                                      Blue Horizons | Spring Bonus 2020                               13
                               DISCOVERY CRUISE SALE
                           PREMIUM CRUISING FROM ONLY £539PP

                EXCLUSIVE FREE                                            SAVE UP TO £1,800±                                         JUST A DEPOSIT
                                                                              EXCLUSIVE ROL CRUISE                              REQUIRED TO SECURE YOUR
                        CAR PARKING                                                                                              HOLIDAY, THEN NOTHING
                                                                               FARES WILL INCREASE
                        AT THE PORT#                                                                                               TO PAY UNTIL 2021
                                                                              8:30PM 31ST MAY 2020

                                     PLUS ADD ALL OF THE BELOW PERKS FOR JUST £35PP PER DAY

                        WI-FI++                                        PREMIUM DRINKS++                                                      GRATUITIES++

                                                                                                                       EXPLORE SPAIN & FRANCE
                        The Princess Difference...                                                                    6 NIGHTS DEPARTING 29TH MAY 2021
                                                                                                   SIMILAR 7 NIGHT ITINERARY IS AVAILABLE DEPARTING 8TH NOVEMBER 2021
          The Princess Difference is their commitment to helping every guest embrace
          discovery and relaxation in a way that makes them come back new. There’s                  MAY 2021
                                                                                                    Sat 29 Embark Grand Princess and depart Southampton
          just something special about a Princess cruise. As the world’s no.1 premium
                                                                                                    Sun 30 St. Peter Port, Guernsey
          cruise line, they like to do things differently. Set sail and experience a cruise                  The British isle of Guernsey lies just eight miles off the
          like no other. Explore beyond the beaten track, embrace local cultures and                         coast of France. The second largest of the Channel Islands, Guernsey
          cuisines, lose yourself in relaxation and be made to feel at home.                                 possesses a mild climate, breathtaking scenery and a peaceful,
                                                                                                             unspoiled ambience
                     Princess MedallionClass™                                                       Mon 31 Relaxing at sea
                                                                                                    JUNE 2021
                   Featuring the OceanMedallion™                                                    Tue 1    La Rochelle (for Cognac), France
                    The complimentary OceanMedallion™ is the size of a 10 pence                     Wed 2 Bilbao, Spain
                    piece and can be worn in a variety of ways: in a clip, sportsband,                       The striking Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is the city’s most popular
                    bracelet, or pendant. It’s your key to opening doors: to your                            draw. Admire an array of modern exhibits including sculptures,
                    stateroom and a world of possibilities aboard your ship. From                            paintings and photography by famous artists, such as Pablo Picasso,
         Curbside to Poolside in a Breeze, the best Wi-Fi at sea++, drinks find you                          Jackson Pollock and Roy Lichtenstein
         wherever you are, find your friends, family and way around the ship plus so                Thu 3    Relaxing at sea
                                                                                                                                                                       ochelle, France
         much more.                                                                                 Fri 4    Arrive in Southampton                                La R

                                                                                                            YOUR EXCLUSIVE
                                                                                                      ROL CRUISE SALE FARES FROM
                                                                                                    STATEROOM/SUITE       FULL FARE           ROL CRUISE
                                                                                                                          FROM (PP)        FARE FROM (PP)

                                                                                                    Interior         £799                £539
                                                                                                    Ocean View       £999                £689
                                                                                                    Balcony         £1,049               £789
                                                                                                    Mini Suite      £1,199               £979
          Grand Princess                                                                              EXCLUSIVE FREE car parking for Suites #
                                                                                                    Suite           £1,999             £1,299
     ±Based on two adults sharing on 13th June 2020 departure. Booking conditions of Princess Cruises (ATOL 6294) and Reader Offers Limited Agency terms of business apply. Please see back

14               Proud to                              For every booking made with us we will donate £25 to the NHS Charities National
                 support the                           campaign with aim to raise £100,000 to show our gratitude to the amazing NHS
    Provence, France

                                   COM OUR                                                                   DIFFERENCE
                                    IS TO ITMENT                                                  WHAT’S INCLUDED IN YOUR INCREDIBLE
                                  £100, RAISE                                                           ROL CRUISE PROMOTION
                                  THE 000 FO
                                      AMA      R
                                           ZING                                          EXCLUSIVE SAVINGS OF UP TO £1,800± – PLEASE DO NOT
                                                                                         DELAY, FARES WILL INCREASE
                                                                                         EXCLUSIVE FREE car parking at the port when you book a Suite#
                                                                                         Full board no-fly cruising with Princess Cruises including:
                                                                                         ADD ALL OF THE BELOW PERKS FOR JUST £35PP PER DAY
                                                                                             - Premium Drinks, Wi-Fi and gratuities++
                                                                                             - Princess MedallionClassTM experience featuring expedited
                                                                                               arrival, touchless stateroom entry, on demand services, family
                                                                                               and friends locator and an interactive voyage timeline
                                                                                             - Engaging entertainment including enthralling theatre productions
                                                                                               and live musicians
                                                                                             - COMPLIMENTARY dining options including Crafted by Curtis
                                                                                               Stone, 24-hour buffet, 24-hour international café, poolside grill,
                                                                                               ice cream bar, pizzeria, afternoon tea or 24-hour room service
                                                                                             - Variety of bars including Crooners Martini Bar and Wheelhouse
                                                                                             - Movies under the Stars at the poolside theatre with
                                                                                               complimentary popcorn
                                                                                             - Blissful retreats on board including the Lotus Spa® or The
                                                                                         JUST A DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO SECURE YOUR HOLIDAY,
                                                                                         THEN NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL 2021
                                                                                         EXCLUSIVE CRUISE MILES
                                                                                         Earn up to 10,198 when booking one of these
                                                                                         incredible voyages, worth £101 off your next
                                                                                         booking with ROL Cruise††

                    LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN &                                                             MEDITERRANEAN ADVENTURE
                         SUMMER SOLSTICE                                                                                 14 NIGHTS DEPARTING
                       16 NIGHTS DEPARTING 11TH JUNE 2021                                                                    24TH JULY 2021

  JUNE 2021                                                                            JULY 2021
  Fri 11  Embark Island Princess and depart Southampton                                Sat 24 Embark Grand Princess and depart Southampton
  Sun 13 Haugesund, Norway                                                             Tue 27 Seville (from Cádiz), Spain
  Mon 14 Olden, Norway                                                                 Thu 29 Barcelona, Spain
                                                                                                Designed by Antoni Gaudí, Barcelona’s glorious Park Güell features
  Wed 16 Tromsø, Norway                                                                         many works of wonder, including a serpentine-shaped bench, stunning
  Thu 17 Honningsvåg (for North Cape), Norway                                                   views of the city and a mosaic dragon at the park’s entrance
  Sat 19  Longyearbyen (Spitsbergen), Norway                                           Fri 30   Provence (from Marseille), France
  Tue 22 Trondheim, Norway                                                             Sat 31 Florence/Pisa (from Livorno), Italy
  Wed 23 Åndalsnes, Norway                                                             AUGUST 2021
          On 23rd June Norway celebrates the Summer Solstice or Sankthansaften.        Sun 1    Rome (from Civitavecchia), Italy
                                                                                                Rome provides an inexhaustible feast. Visit the ruins of the Forum,
          Locals traditionally celebrate with a huge bonfire, or out on the fjord if            view the splendors of the Sistine Chapel, or climb the Spanish Steps,
          they’re lucky enough to have a boat so you’ll have the perfect opportunity            once the heart of Rome’s Bohemian Quarter
          to enjoy the festivities sailing to Norway’s fjord country                   Mon 2    Sardinia (from Cagliari), Italy
  Thu 24 Skjolden, Norway                                                              Wed 4 Ceuta, Spain
  Sun 27 Arrive in Southampton                                         Cape, No        Sat 7    Arrive in Southampton                                    Pisa, Italy
  Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea                     North              Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea

          YOUR EXCLUSIVE                                                                       YOUR EXCLUSIVE
    ROL CRUISE SALE FARES FROM                                                           ROL CRUISE SALE FARES FROM
  STATEROOM/SUITE             FULL FARE              ROL CRUISE                        STATEROOM/SUITE             FULL FARE              ROL CRUISE
                              FROM (PP)           FARE FROM (PP)                                                   FROM (PP)           FARE FROM (PP)

  Interior        £2,099             £1,859                                            Interior         £1,799             £1,479
  Ocean View      £2,349             £2,099                                            Ocean View      £2,099              £1,769
  Balcony         £2,649             £2,199                                            Balcony         £2,399              £1,959
  Mini Suite      £3,299             £2,749                                            Mini Suite      £2,849             £2,449
    EXCLUSIVE FREE car parking for Suites #                                               EXCLUSIVE FREE car parking for Suites #
  Suite           £5,099             £4,299                                            Suite           £4,499             £3,999
page for full terms and conditions.

To book any of these magnificent cruises call today                FREE on 0800 714 4901                                           Blue Horizons | Spring Bonus 2020    15
                                                                                                                                                                           Santa Cruz, Tenerife


               FREE                              DRINKS &                               TRAVEL
                                                                                                                                 INCREDIBLE                   JUST A DEPOSIT
                                                                                                                                                           REQUIRED TO SECURE
        CHAUFFEUR                                                                                                                  SAVINGS
                                                GRATUITIES                            INSURANCE                                                              YOUR PREFERRED
     SERVICE** OR PORT                                                                                                            OF UP TO
                                             INCLUDED++                           INCLUDED++                                           35%±
                                                                                                                                                           CABIN THEN NOTHING
                                                                                                                                                            TO PAY UNTIL 2021

                                                                  A CARIBBEAN CHRISTMAS
                                                           30 NIGHTS DEPARTING 6TH DECEMBER 2021
     DECEMBER 2021                                                                                Thu 23         Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
                                                                                                                 The cosmopolitan capital of Trinidad and Tobago is
     Mon 6       Embark Spirit of Adventure and depart Southampton                                               bordered by the Gulf of Paria and the Northern Range,
     Fri 10      Funchal, Madeira                                                                                and boasts spectacular mountain and sea views. While
                                                                                                                 here, why not enjoy a city and culture show where daring
     Sat 18      St. John’s, Antigua                                                                             dancers will limbo under a flaming stick, a tradition that
                 With its 365 beaches, there’s a slice of white sand heaven for                                  originated on the island and usually took place at wakes
                 every day of the year. It also played host to Admiral Horatio                    Fri 24         Scarborough, Trinidad and Tobago
                 Nelson’s fleet in the late 1700s and you can explore Nelson’s
                 Dockyard, which, these days, is filled with luxury yachts                        Sat 25         HSpend Christmas Day relaxing at seaH
                                                                                                  Fri 31         Santa Cruz, Tenerife (overnight – depart early am)
     Sun 19      Road Town, Tortola
                                                                                                                 HNew Year’s EveH
                 Many argue that Tortola is the most beautiful Caribbean island.                                 Tenerife has always been a popular destination for escaping the
                 Explore the secluded beaches or popular Cane Garden Beach,                                      winter cold, allowing you to explore all Santa Cruz has to offer
                 stroll along the talcum powder sands or sit back and relax with a                               while enjoying the wonderful climate. Don’t miss the chance to
                 rum cocktail                                                                                    view the spectacular Mount Tiede, the highest mountain in Spain,
                                                                                                                 or take a stroll around the boulevards and parks
     Mon 20 Basseterre, St. Kitts
            This island is covered by lush tropical forest. See Brimstone Hill,                   JANUARY 2022
            a massive fortress of black volcanic stone or simply relax and                        Sat 1          HSpend New Year’s Day relaxing at seaH
            watch the world go by in independence Square in Basseterre
                                                                                                  Wed 5          Arrive in Southampton
     Tue 21      Fort-de-France, Martinique
                                                                                                  Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea
                 Martinique’s capital, Fort-de-France was founded in the 18th
                 century and is a riotous blend of Creole, French, Caribbean                                YOUR INCREDIBLE ROL CRUISE FARES
                                                                                                  CABIN GRADE                                             FULL                 ROL CRUISE
                 and European influences, with rich history around every corner.                  		                                                    FARE (PP)                FARE (PP)
                 Be sure to check out the markets, where your senses will be
                                                                                                  Standard Twin with Balcony          J                  £9,515                    £6,919
                 awakened by the delicious spices, liqueurs and fruits on offer
                                                                                                  Deluxe Twin with Balcony           D                  £14,273                   £10,379
                 amongst a host of goodies
                                                                                                  Suite                              FF                 £19,463                   £12,269
     Wed 22 Port Elizabeth, Bequia                                                                Solo fares are available from £11,919
     Please note, Saga only accepts guests over 50, however someone over 40 can travel if the other guest is over 50. ^^Whenever possible, at least 500 yards from the nearest town centre.
     grade advertised on 6th December 2021 departure. Booking conditions of Saga (ATOL 0308) Reader Offers Limited Agency terms of business apply. Please see back page for full terms

16              Proud to                              For every booking made with us we will donate £25 to the NHS Charities National
                support the                           campaign with aim to raise £100,000 to show our gratitude to the amazing NHS
YOUR SAGA EXPERIENCE                                                                                                    Saga have been creating cruises exclusively for
                                                                                                                             over 50s (a travelling companion can be over
   A BALCONY FOR EVERY GUEST                                                                        DID YOU                  40) for more than 60 years, with incredible
   It’s one of the most distinctive feature: every cabin has a                                      KNOW?                    destinations, memorable experiences and
   balcony, giving you your own outside space. So whether                                                                    fantastic value at the heart of what they do.
   you’re cruising into Valencia, or around the coast of
   Fuerteventura, you have your own place to relax, enjoy the
   views and fresh air, and watch the sun set as you head to                                                EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE
   another incredible destination.
                                                                                                  WHAT’S INCLUDED IN YOUR ROL CRUISE PROMOTION
   You can eat wherever and whenever you like, in a choice                                       INCREDIBLE SAVINGS OF UP TO 35%± – PLEASE DO NOT DELAY
   of venues to suit your every mood, at no extra cost. Such                                     – FARES ARE INCREASING
   as The Club by Jools (on board Spirit of Discovery only), a                                   FREE Chauffeur Service, up to 250 miles each way** OR
   steakhouse with a quality menu to rival some of the world’s                                   FREE car parking near the port#
   finest supper clubs, and a sociable atmosphere and line-up                                    Optional travel insurance INCLUDED++
   of evening entertainment to match.
                                                                                                 All-inclusive accommodation on board Spirit of Adventure or Spirit of
                                                                                                 Discovery including:
                                                                                                     - Drinks and gratuities INCLUDED++
            For a Christmas to remember, join Saga on a voyage around                                - FREE Wi-Fi++
           the Caribbean or Canary Islands. Explore Trinidad and Tobago                              - All meals and snacks in every main speciality restaurant
           or Madiera on Christmas Eve and enjoy a long stay in Tenerife                             - FREE 24-hour room service
             on New Year’s Eve where you can explore the island before
                                                                                                     - Outdoor games area, sports court and deck games
              seeing in the New Year on board, enjoying the spectacular
                fireworks display, illuminating the skies over the island.                       The currency on board is pound sterling, so you won’t need to worry
                                                                                                 about any foreign exchange rate fluctuation
              Plus, you can look forward to a host of festive activities on                      FREE shuttle bus in most ports^^
             board to set the Christmas scene, from a riotous pantomime
            by the ship’s crew, to the opportunity to sing traditional carols                    JUST A DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO SECURE YOUR PREFERRED
                                                                                                 CABIN THEN NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL 2021
           to the delight of your fellow cruisegoers. Of course, meal times
             promise to be extra special, including Christmas dinner with                        EXCLUSIVE CRUISE MILES
                                                                                                 Earn up to 24,538 when booking one of these amazing
            all the trimmings, a New Year’s Eve midnight buffet and more.                        voyages, worth £245 off your next booking with ROL Cruise††

                                                     FESTIVE CELEBRATIONS IN THE CANARIES
                                                     19 NIGHTS DEPARTING 18TH DECEMBER 2021
DECEMBER 2021                                                                                              together with duty-free shopping make the island an
                                                                                                           extremely desirable destination
Sat 18     Embark Spirit of Discovery and depart Southampton
                                                                                            Thu 30         Rosario, Fuerteventura
Tue 21     Leixões, Portugal
                                                                                            Fri 31         Santa Cruz, Tenerife (overnight – depart early am)
Thu 23 - Funchal, Madeira (arrive early pm – overnight)
                                                                                                           HNew Year’s EveH
Fri 24   The capital of Madeira is Funchal, an inviting city with a bustling
                                                                                                           Discover the wonders of this island some 3,718m up, on top
         marina, a cobbled centre, a museum dedicated to Cristiano
                                                                                                           of Mount Teide. Or if you prefer being on ground level, take in
         Ronaldo, and an ascending backdrop of mountains just waiting to
                                                                                                           the mix of historic and modern buildings
         be explored. Take in verdant views as you ride the cable car from
         old town to Monte. At the top, amble amidst exotic plant-life, free-               JANUARY 2022
         roaming birds and historic pieces at the Monte Palace Tropical
                                                                                            Sat 1          HSpend New Year’s Day relaxing at seaH
         Garden and Museum
                                                                                            Mon 3          Lisbon, Portugal
Sat 25     HSpend Christmas Day relaxing at seaH
                                                                                                           Take a break in a cosy café, then jump on the iconic yellow tram
Sun 26     Santa Cruz, La Palma                                                                            28 for an enjoyable journey along steep, winding alleys as you
           Stroll around the historic town where you can enjoy local cuisine                               pass through many of Lisbon’s finest districts. Head for Castelo
           and take in the architectural sights dating back to the 16th century,                           de São Jorge to learn how this 6th century castle was fortified by
           including the Renaissance-style church of El Salvador                                           the Romans. Nature lovers can escape the urban buzz at the
                                                                                                           Oceanario de Lisboa, a modern aquarium and educational centre
Mon 27 San Sebastián, La Gomera
                                                                                            Thu 6          Arrive in Southampton
Tue 28     Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
           Gran Canaria’s endless beaches, rolling dunes, lush vegetation                   Dates not mentioned are spent relaxing at sea
           and glorious climate have lent it the title ‘a continent in miniature’.
                                                                                                     YOUR INCREDIBLE ROL CRUISE FARES
           Set between two attractive bays, the capital Las Palmas has a                    CABIN GRADE                                                  FULL           ROL CRUISE
           beautiful UNESCO-listed old quarter                                              		                                                         FARE (PP)          FARE (PP)

Wed 29 Arrecife, Lanzarote                                                                  Standard Twin with Balcony         J                       £6,325               £4,599
       A volcanic island designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve,                             Deluxe Twin with Balcony           E                       £8,913               £6,479
       Lanzarote’s dramatic landscapes were shaped by an explosive                          Suite                             GG                       £12,363              £8,389
       past. Today, its pretty beaches and virtual absence of rain                          Solo fares are available from £7,499
**Private Chauffeur up to 75 miles each way; shared chauffeur service from 76-250 miles. Additional miles can be purchased at a supplement. ±Based on two adults sharing the highest
and conditions.

To book any of these magnificent cruises call today             FREE on 0800 714 4901                                                       Blue Horizons | Spring Bonus 2020          17
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