MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020

Page created by Lisa Munoz
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
Automotive World
MAGAZINE                                                                              Issue 9 | September 2020

             New CEO to set
             faster pace for
          Ford’s transformation

  Voyage's CEO offers his view of a COVID-ready vehicle | China positions for robotaxi lead with 2022 Asia Games |
Nio harnesses AI to create a step change in personal assistants | Apollo Tyres shares the secrets to its COVID survival |
                    Easelink redefines EV charging for a world of shared and autonomous mobility
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
IN THIS ISSUE   04                                                   16


                New CEO to set faster pace
                for Ford’s transformation

                22                                                  32

                      New CEO to set faster pace for              Nio: ‘AI will become one of our
                04    Ford’s transformation                       most intimate friends and                 22
                      What’s the post-COVID
                12    commercial vehicle outlook?                 Voyage’s ‘COVID-ready’ vehicle
                                                                  to salvage shared mobility                28
                      2022 Asian Games could
                16    confirm China’s autonomous                  Who will succeed in the
                      leadership                                  crowded LiDAR space?

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 2      Automotive World Magazine                                                                September 2020
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
Published in September 2020
38                                52                                        by:

                                                                World est. 1992

46                                64                                 Automotive World
                                                                 1-3 Washington Buildings
                                                                  Stanwell Road, Penarth,
                                                                      CF64 2AD, UK

                                                                  T: +44 (0) 2920 707 021
       Mild hybrids—a multi-billion euro growth opportunity
38     alongside e-mobility?

                                                              Registered number: 04242884
46     How has COVID reshaped the US industry outlook?
                                                               VAT number: GB 815 220 173

       How to make cities ready for autonomous vehicles,
52     and AVs ready for cities
                                                               CEO & Managing Director:
                                                                       Gareth Davies

56     Interview: Paul Campion, Chief Executive, TRL                      Editor:
                                                                     Megan Lampinen

60     Apollo Tyres: COVID-19 response case study
       Autonomy and shared mobility prompt charging                   Freddie Holmes
64     innovation                                                      Jack Hunsley
                                                                     Xavier Boucherat

       ADAS nomenclature standards pave way for
68     autonomous driving                                              Production:
                                                                       Anmol Mothy

       Freight technology will help US trucking through the
72     capacity crunch and beyond                              © Automotive World Ltd 2020

September 2020                                                  Automotive World Magazine   3
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
      to set faster
    pace for Ford’s
    While Hackett was faced with arrival of
        COVID-19 and the immediate
      production impact, Farley is left to
    address the new normal it has created,
           writes Megan Lampinen

           here’s change afoot at      relationship, the transition should
           Ford with the promise of    go smoothly, but Farley faces
           a new Chief Executive.      significantly more friction in other
           After three years in the    upcoming challenges.
top post Jim Hackett has decided
to retire and hand over the reins
to current Chief Operating Officer     Continuity
Jim Farley, effective 1 October. The
two Jims have been working             Back in 2017 Hackett was
closely together over the past few     specifically tasked with
years as Hackett had him in mind       modernising the company. Like
for a potential successor almost       Alan Mulally, a Boeing executive
from the start. Given their close      before leading Ford, Hackett came

4    Automotive World Magazine                                                September 2020
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
September 2020   Automotive World Magazine   5
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
Hackett has revamped the
      model line-up, cutting out
       weaker performers and
    launching groundbreaking
                  new models

from outside the automotive sector, having
spent 30 years at furniture company
Steelcase. At Ford, he quickly set about
applying the principles of design thinking—an
approach to product development that
centres on user experience and which became

a key part of his strategy. Hackett also
revamped the model line-up, cutting out
weaker performers and launching ground-
breaking models like the Mustang Mach-E, the
new F-150 and the upcoming Bronco. Under         His stint leading the New
his leadership Ford established pivotal global   Businesses, Technology &
partnerships with the likes of BMW,
Volkswagen and Rivian. But after three years—     Strategy team has given
the same length of time served by his                    him a good
predecessor Mark Fields— it’s now time to step
down, and the board knew just where to look.       understanding of just
                                                   how profoundly new
Farley is an automotive industry veteran and
spent 20 years at Toyota before he joined Ford   technology is shaping the
in 2007, hired by Mulally to serve as Global             auto sector
Head of Marketing and Sales. He later led
Lincoln, Ford South America, Ford of Europe
and all Ford Global Markets. Last year he was
put in charge of Ford’s New Businesses,
Technology & Strategy team, tackling strategic
decision making around artificial intelligence,
automation, connectivity and new forms of
propulsion. Earlier this year he was named

6   Automotive World Magazine                                   September 2020
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
Chief Operating Officer, a position widely
regarded as a precursor to a CEO

“We really didn’t look outside for a candidate,
though we talked about it,” Bill Ford, Ford’s
Executive Chairman, told media. “Whenever
we threw some names around, Jim’s rose to
the top. Sometimes going outside is great, and
Alan Mulally and Jim Hackett are proof of that.
But there are also benefits to continuity,
especially if you are on the right path. The
projects Jim and Jim were working on together
were exactly what was needed to propel us
into the future.”

Other management changes will be up to
Farley down the line, but as he helped form
the current management team, big surprises
seem unlikely. Farley himself is regarded as a
“car guy”, frequently spending weekends

 The new Bronco is one of several significant product
 launches intended to refresh Ford’s image

 September 2020                                         Automotive World Magazine   7
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
Mobility today entails much more than
                                just car manufacturing

                                      racing vintage cars. His stint leading the New
                                      Businesses, Technology & Strategy team has
                                      given him a good understanding of just how
                                      profoundly new technology is shaping the
                                      auto sector. “Jim is perhaps the singular
                                      executive that understands the integration of
                                      technology and auto,” observed Bill Ford.

                                      Farley’s long automotive industry experience
                                      and solid marketing background should also
                                      prove real assets. “Since Ford is about to enter
                                      a new execution phase, the company likely
                                      decided it was time for a more experienced
                                      auto executive who knows the ins and outs of
                                      the industry to lead the charge, as opposed to
                                      an outsider trying to create change,” observed
                                      Jessica Caldwell, Executive Director of Insights
                                      at Edmunds. “Farley’s specialty is marketing,
                                      which will play a critical role as Ford gears up
                                      for significant product launches that are
                                      intended to revive and refresh Ford’s image.”

“       Jim is perhaps the
        singular executive
                                      Lots of work ahead
                                      Ford has come a long way under Hackett,
                                      shifting assertively into new mobility and
                                      technology areas. The automaker has also
                                      done much to address the underlying fitness
        that understands the          of the base business, reducing bureaucracy
        integration of                and restructuring operations in
                                      underperforming markets. But it’s far from
        technology and auto           done. “We have lots of work ahead of us to
                                      really complete our mission,” asserted Bill

                                      It now falls to Farley to execute Hackett’s
                                      US$11bn restructuring plan and oversee
                                      pivotal product launches. Some of these

8   Automotive World Magazine                                           September 2020
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
Ford and Agility Robotics are exploring how
 robot, Digit, can help get packages to the door
 efficiently with the help of self-driving vehicles

launches, notably the 2020 Ford Explorer,
went dreadfully wrong and proved a real
setback. “Farley is now set to replace Jim
Hackett, whose efforts to turn around the
company have been hindered by the botched
Explorer SUV launch as well as by COVID-19,”
said Ana Nicholls, Managing Editor for the
Industry Briefing at the Economist Intelligence
Unit (EIU). “While Hackett did manage to rein
in Ford’s losses, Farley will find that he has a
tough job turning that into a profit.”

For the fourth quarter last year, well before
the pandemic arrived, Ford reported losses
of about US$1.7bn. Stock price will also

 September 2020                                       Automotive World Magazine   9
MAGAZINE Automotive World - August-2020
Mustang Mach E

      remain a thorn in Farley’s side, as it has   Farley. “It’s Amazon, Baidu, Tesla, Apple,
      for all the company’s Chief Executives       Toyota and others. They are well-
      over the past decade. During the media       financed and voracious companies.”
      call Farley dodged questions about
      whether or not he would prioritise the       But everyone, no matter how well
      stock issue, stating only that he was        financed or voracious, is feeling the
      “optimistic as growth initiatives like       impact from the novel coronavirus.
      electric commercial vehicles come into       While Hackett was faced with arrival of
      focus.” Shareholders may demand              COVID-19 and the immediate production
      greater clarity if things do not change      impact, Farley is left to address the new
      quickly, particularly when some of the       normal it has created. “Markets, though
      newer start-ups, some of which have yet      rebounding slowly, are in meltdown
      to build a vehicle, have seen                nearly worldwide, with only China
      astronomical valuations.                     offering some relief,” Nicholls pointed
                                                   out. “Next year will bring a bigger
                                                   rebound, but still not enough to make up
      The new normal                               for the lost ground. Much more
                                                   restructuring will be needed if Ford is to
      Farley may not be willing to talk about      soldier through.”
      the stock prices of these companies, but
      he clearly has them in his sights—along      Farley’s wealth of experience at Ford will
      with some of the technology giants with      help in tackling this and other
      aspirations to becoming mobility players.    challenges, and should also go down well
      “We know our competition today,” said        with colleagues and workers. That said,

10   Automotive World Magazine                                                       September 2020
Ford is investing heavily in autonomous
                     driving technology

        Nicholls suggests that “he will also need     The investment community has been
        to draw on his knowledge of the outside       similarly bullish in their outlook on this
        world, particularly in interactions with      new appointment, with Credit Suisse
        tech companies and with Volkswagen,           Analyst Dan Levy writing that “Farley
        which has tech-sharing alliance with          brings a greater sense of urgency and
        Ford. The company’s gains from its            action.” In the same vein, RBC Capital
        investment in self-driving business Argo      Markets analyst Joseph Spak suggested
        AI shows the potential of that alliance,      that the move signals “Ford is ready to
        but Ford will need to make sure it is not     take on a more aggressive, faster moving
        the troubled junior partner.”                 path forward.”

        Vishwas Shankar, Research Director at         As for Farley, he has emphasised the
        Frost & Sullivan, believes Farley will keep   continuity of his leadership plans more
        up the momentum that Ford has recently        than anything else: “I don’t see any
        built up. “Farley will be looking at Ford’s   daylight between Jim [Hackett] and
        internal strengths, its cash cows and         myself. The areas in which I believe we
        crown jewels, and revisiting partnerships     have huge growth opportunity are the
        and investments in key areas within           same we have been working on together.
        CASE mobility,” he told Automotive            Yes, I’m my own man but we have a
        World. “Like his predecessors, he will        tremendous team at Ford. I’m optimistic
        continue to let go of non-productive          about executing our base business and
        assets and focus operations in those          these new areas to compete against new
        areas where Ford can be best-in-class,        and existing competitors. I will share
        always with an eye on profitability.”         specifics with the team at the right time.”

September 2020                                                           Automotive World Magazine   11
What’s the post-
        COVID commercial
         vehicle outlook?
       Roland Berger's Wilfried Aulbur shares his expectations for
           the CV sector in the wake of the novel coronavirus

12   Automotive World Magazine                             September 2020
                           he global commercial            seen automakers re-evaluating
                           vehicle (CV) sector is          investment portfolios—what
                           facing some serious             activities make sense versus what
                           headwinds. The novel            can you do without? There has also
                 coronavirus (COVID-19) and the            been a re-evaluation of the core
                 subsequent economic downturn are          business—are there product
                 impacting automaker strategies,           segments that you shouldn’t be
                 touching on everything from               covering anymore? Look at the
                 production planning and supply            medium-duty space in Europe as an
                 chain management to powertrain            example. That’s a relatively small
                 offerings and autonomous driving          volume one. Do you really need to
                 investments. Wilfried Aulbur, Senior      be present in this market? If you still
                 Partner at Roland Berger, has been        want to be present in the market, do
                 following developments closely.           you really need to develop major
                                                           components for this segment or can
                 How big a hit has the CV                  you buy them instead?
                 segment taken from COVID-19?
                                                           Has there been any significant
                 The volatility of this pandemic has       dialling back on electrification
                 been quite pronounced. Although           investment?
                 the CV industry knows how to
                 handle volatility, this has been a        From a CV player perspective, we
                 significant shock. We have seen a          have not seen a major retraction of
                 dramatic reduction in North               investment. The vehicle
                 America coming from a high. The           manufacturers that have exposure
                 same thing is happening in Europe.        to Europe know that the emissions
                 China recorded a very sharp               regulations will come and, as a
                 contraction but currently sees lots       consequence, they need
                 of optimism. Our initial projection       electrification. They also need
                 for China was that the market would       hydrogen as a medium- to long-
                 be flat, but it seems to be growing        term solution. We have seen players
                 this year due to the kind of activities   understanding that they will need
                 that the government is putting in         to work together to create the scale
                 place in trying to prop up the            and bring down cost to a level that
                 overall economy.                          is feasible for the overall ecosystem.
                                                           The joint venture between Daimler
                 What does this mean for                   and Volvo is a good example of this.
                                                           Do you see newcomers like
                 This environment leads to a               Nikola posing a serious threat to
                 situation where all the major players     the more established players on
                 are, first and foremost, challenged to     this front?
                 conserve cash. We have seen this
                 reaction across the board in terms of     One has to wait and see. As a B2B
                 everybody cutting non-essential           business that’s very much around
                 expenses, making sure they don’t          understanding the business model
                 spend marketing money that doesn’t        of the end customer, the hurdles for
                 really bring a return. Everybody is       operating in this environment and
                 going in for cost and headcount           being successful here are high.
                 reduction measures. We have also          That’s because you need the

September 2020                                                    Automotive World Magazine      13
In June, Scania warned that it was
          conducting a broad review of the
     number of consultants and employees
       on its books, with an eye to reducing
                           global headcount

 infrastructure. With a fuel cell or
 an electric truck, you need to
 think about the uptime, the
 convenience in terms of getting
 repairs done and the training of
 a network. There are some real
 challenges to make these things
 work and I think that’s one of the
 reasons potentially why Nikola
 tied up with Iveco. This
 partnership gives it access to the
 kind of ecosystem and
 experience that it needs to really
 roll out its technology.                      talent. They are trying to use this   a consequence, the negative
                                               crisis to their advantage.            impact will also be there as far as
 Autonomous driving has been                                                         the overall economic
 another major investment                      Will the pandemic prove a             performance. In that sense,
 area for many CV companies.                   short-term or long-term               that’s a real cause for concern.
 Has this been sidelined in the                challenge?                            Having said that, the first green
 wake of COVID-19?                                                                   shoots are visible. If we look at
                                               In some sense, the COVID              the kilometres driven by trucks
 Here we have seen two                         situation is a short-term             in the US or Europe, they are
 approaches. Some players have                 challenge. Even if we don’t get       very much close to being back to
 decided to push back                          this under control quickly, I         normal numbers.
 autonomous investments for the                would think that by 2021 we
 time being, while others see this             would have some solution in           Which players are going to
 as an opportunity. They may be                terms of medication, which then       emerge from this in the
 thinking that in this environment             would lead to normalisation of        strongest position?
 it will be more difficult for start-            the overall economy, albeit on a
 ups to secure funding. That                   lower level. By that time, if it      In transport there are some
 means they may be able to either              really takes that long, the           sectors that are actually doing
 gain a head start—or increase it—             negative impact on employment         quite well already. If you carry
 when it comes to acquiring                    will be quite significant. And, as     groceries to supermarkets, you’re

14     Automotive World Magazine                                                                      September 2020
Many delivery applications have
     recorded a boost in activity
         following the pandemic

probably not doing badly. If you      that the worst is behind us and    first order of business is clearly
are exposed to some of the e-         they can start buying again        ensuring cashflow, being able
commerce players or are taking        rather than ageing their fleet.     to defend market share as
goods to shopping centres, you’re                                        much as possible, and not
not doing badly. It is a varied       Given the current constraints      jeopardising essential
picture across the different end       of the industry and lowered        investments in the future.
applications, but overall, traffic      outlooks, what do you think
has come back to normal levels        would characterise a               And when it comes to what
or close to normal levels.            successful 2020 for the CV         constitutes essential
                                      industry?                          investment, is that going to
Will that translate into service                                         vary some degree by
and parts revenue for OEMs?           If you are able to manage your     company?
                                      cash flows reasonably well in
Definitely, so that’s positive for     this year and you manage to        Yes, exactly. It will vary on the
the network and the OEMs.             safeguard essential                overall position of the company,
Down the line, it will also lead to   investments, I think then you’ve   and how invested it is in certain
order incomes that are closer to      done a good job. We have an        technologies already. It also
what a normal year would look         unprecedented challenge with       depends on the strategic call
like. In the US, the fleet             both the supply side and the       that a company takes on a
customers have the confidence          demand side disruption. The        particular technology.

 September 2020                                                              Automotive World Magazine        15
2022 Asian Games
    could confirm
 China’s autonomous
      Large events like this have become popular stages on
       which to showcase self-driving capabilities, and the
        pressure is on to get it right. By Megan Lampinen

                         he next Asian Games could      (AVs) are set to play a key role, and if
                         prove make or break for        Hangzhou gets it right, China’s global
                         China’s autonomous             reputation as an AV pioneer could be
                         mobility ambitions. Like the   solidified.
              Olympics, this sporting event—held
              every four years—attracts floods of       The country has been jockeying for a
              visitors, temporarily boosting the        leadership position in self-driving
              number of people in the host city. For    technology, and numerous
              2022, the challenge of transporting       development projects are currently
              those crowds falls to the city of         underway. By 2025, the government
              Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Speaking at a         aims to have large-scale production of
              recent logistics planning conference,     self-driving cars, though admittedly
              Hangzhou 2022 Deputy Secretary            operating in limited geographies.
              General and Deputy Mayor of the           McKinsey believes China could
              Municipal Government, Chen                potentially become the world’s largest
              Weiqiang, warned that transportation      market for AVs and predicts that AVs
              and logistics for the Games would be      could account for more than 40% of
              “complex.” Autonomous vehicles            its new vehicle sales by 2040. What

16   Automotive World Magazine                                                               September 2020
Cao Cao’s fleet is powered by
      DeepRoute technology

                   better opportunity to showcase the        electric robotaxis during the event.
                   latest capabilities and future promise    Both visitors and participants will be
                   than the upcoming Games.                  able to hail a ride using the Cao Cao
                                                             app for travel within the city. “With
                   Large events like this have become        more than 40 venues being used
                   popular stages on which to                during the Games, the ability to
                   demonstrate AV capabilities. Aptiv        seamlessly hail a robotaxi will save
                   and Lyft have been running self-          attendees time on walking and allow
                   driving taxi fleets at CES in Las Vegas.   them to visit as many places as
                   Yandex was supposed to run a fleet at      possible during their time there,”
                   the North American International          pointed out Nianqiu Liu, Vice
                   Auto Show this year, though the show      President of DeepRoute.
                   was cancelled in the wake of COVID-
                   19. Toyota planned to have a fleet         It is DeepRoute that provides the
                   shuttling visitors around the 2020        automated functionality to the fleet.
                   Tokyo Olympics, though this too was       Its comprehensive Sense II system
                   hit by COVID and is now postponed         includes sensing capabilities, high-
                   until 2021.                               definition (HD) mapping, perception,
                                                             planning and control, simulation and
                                                             cloud technology. According to the
                   No emissions, no driver                   company, DeepRoute-Vision and its
                                                             synchronisation controller for sensor
                   Providing the Asian Games go ahead        data, DeepRoute-Syntric, can
                   as planned, Geely-backed ride-hailing     accurately detect surrounding objects
                   company Cao Cao Mobility will be          in real-time to deliver a safe and
                   operating a fleet of autonomous,           smooth driving experience.

September 2020                                                                 Automotive World Magazine   17
Geely established Cao Cao as a strategic
                                                                      move into ride-hailing, and it is now
                                                                      present in more than 50 cities

         DeepRoute-Syntric is an advanced          World. “As the system could be
         data synchronisation controller that      deployed quickly and cost-efficiently,
         can synchronise information from          it proved a real help in achieving Cao
         different types of sensors, enabling       Cao’s robotaxi service objectives.”
         the perception algorithm to process
         sensor data aligned in the same           However, considerable work was still
         standard. The data creates HD maps,       needed to bring everything together,
         which allow the self-driving vehicle to   and teams from DeepRoute, Cao Cao
         understand what’s on the road and         and Geely worked closely on not only
         how to execute its trajectory.            the integration of the self-driving
                                                   system but also the backend
         “Since our computing platform within      operations for dispatch and the user-
         the self-driving solution is small and    based app experience. DeepRoute is
         our sensing solution is an all-in-one     also working with Cao Cao to create
         product, Cao Cao found that it was        testing and operation guidelines as
         easy to integrate,” Liu told Automotive   well as standards for the robotaxis.

18   Automotive World Magazine                                                               September 2020
The AutoX and Amap partnership marked
the first time that robotaxis were available on
          a major ride-hailing platform in China

                    From pilots to mass                       designed to be cost-efficiently
                    production                                manufactured at scale so it will be
                                                              accessible to self-driving companies of
                    While autonomous driving pilots like      all sizes,” he added. “To keep costs to
                    this one have become increasingly         a minimum for our customers, we
                    frequent, that doesn’t necessarily        created our own inference engine so
                    mean the technology is ready for          that the system doesn’t require a large
                    commercialisation. For DeepRoute,         computing platform.”
                    though, it’s not far off. “In terms of
                    safety and cost, our technology is very   DeepRoute also stands out from the
                    close to being ready for mass             competition in terms of the accuracy
                    production,” Liu asserted.                of its perception technology. Liu
                                                              proudly points to test results from the
                    The cost aspect could prove the real      KIITI Vision Benchmark Suite, a
                    ace up its sleeve. At mass production,    project between the Karlsruhe
                    he projects system costs at around        Institute of Technology and Toyota
                    US$20,000. “The system was                Technological Institute at Chicago:

September 2020                                                                  Automotive World Magazine   19
DeepRoute's advanced perception
                                                                           technology can detect objects around a
                                                                           vehicle up to 140 meters away

         “Our advanced perception technology          testing in various cities as well as using
         has ranked highly on the KITTI and           test courses and simulation.
         Semantic KITTI tests, showcasing how
         it can identify different types of
         objects with a high level of accuracy.”      A good fit for
         The perception model and algorithm           automation
         can detect objects around a vehicle up
         to 140 meters, even in low-visibility        While cities around the world are
         weather conditions.                          interested in harnessing the potential
                                                      benefits of autonomous driving,
         The next step in system development          China could be a particularly good
         is to gain exposure in a wider variety       fit. A KPMG study from July 2020
         of environments. As Liu elaborated:          found China to be one of the top five
         “While we have already made strong           performing countries in terms of
         progress enabling vehicles to operate        securing AV-related industry
         safely, with few driver engagements in       partnerships. At the same time,
         a variety of scenarios, our solution still   numerous local companies are
         needs to be deployed in more cities to       transitioning to become suppliers of
         collect more data to train the system.”      pivotal AV technologies including
         DeepRoute is conducting real-world           chipsets, LiDAR, AI algorithms and

20   Automotive World Magazine                                                                     September 2020
vehicle communications technologies. The           a base for its autonomous mobility
        country’s extensive 5G network could also          development, and opened a new research
        facilitate developments.                           hub there in April 2019.

        “China is leading the world, both on               But it’s not all about robotaxis; trucks are
        technology and pace of adoption and                another focus area for autonomous
        implementation, especially with its early          developments, and earlier this year
        introduction of 5G networking,” said Philip        DeepRoute partnered with Dongfeng
        Ng, Partner, Head of Technology, KPMG              Commercial Vehicle Co to equip container
        China. “Along with work to develop                 trucks with its self-driving solutions to
        cooperative vehicle infrastructure system,         automate operations in the Xiamen Ocean
        this will build strong foundations for the         Gate Container Terminal, owned by Cosco
        introduction of AVs. The Chinese public also       Shipping. “This industrial application
        appear receptive to using such vehicles,           demanded a customised solution for its
        particularly younger generations.”                 unique requirements,” explained Liu. “Our
        DeepRoute’s Liu also noted the importance of       perception model quickly learned how to
        positive consumer attitudes around this            identify relevant objects such as shipping
        technology. “Studies have shown that people        containers and cranes—things that aren’t
        in China are very open to self-driving             generally seen during typical self-driving
        technologies,” he noted.                           tests—and navigate safely around them. This

 “        People are culturally accepting of
           ride-sharing and they celebrate
                   the idea of AVs

        Robotaxis in particular are a hot application      streamlined their terminal loading and
        area for autonomous technology, not                unloading process.”
        surprising given the low vehicle ownership
        ratio, so Cao Cao and DeepRoute have plenty        With projects like these, China could well be
        of company in this space. “People are              one of the first markets in the world to see AVs
        culturally accepting of ride-sharing and they      go mainstream. Liu is certainly bullish in his
        celebrate the idea of AVs,” said Jewel Li, Chief   outlook: “We believe autonomous mobility will
        Operating Officer at Chinese autonomous              roll out across China in the next five years as
        tech developer AutoX. The company has              there are already robotaxi services in several
        been working with China’s largest mobility         Chinese cities. Our partnership with Cao Cao
        operator, Amap, on a robotaxi trial in             pushes us one step closer to a future where
        Shanghai. Aptiv has also honed in on China as      autonomous transportation will be the norm.”

September 2020                                                              Automotive World Magazine     21
Nio: ‘AI will become
           one of our most
        intimate friends and
 In-vehicle AI assistants could offer automakers daily access
     to a previously inaccessible market. By Jack Hunsley

22   Automotive World Magazine                    September 2020
                                          2 years on, Stanley Kubrick’s
                                          2001: A Space Odyssey stands as
                                          one of cinema’s greatest, if
                                          slightly more bizarre, pieces of
                                 work. It also features one of cinema’s key
                                 memorable moments when the
                                 supercomputer HAL 9000 begs astronaut
                                 Dave Bowman to spare it. As Bowman
                                 chooses to ignore HAL’s pleas for mercy
                                 and begins an arduous shutdown
                                 procedure HAL delivers one of pop
                                 culture’s most famous confessions: “I’m
                                 afraid, Dave… my mind is going. I can feel
                                 it.” Though 2001 split opinions at the
                                 time, the famous late film critic Roger
                                 Ebert sang its praises, with one factor, in
                                 particular, resonating with him: how

                                 Kubrick had managed to make what was
                                 supposed to be the perfect computer
                                 instead the most human of all the
           In the future of
          mobility, the key      Though an extreme example, some
                                 similarities can be drawn from HAL to
          differentiator in      today’s automotive industry. No
                                 automotive developer is attempting to
      choosing to buy a car      create a wholly sentient, and inevitably
                                 malevolent, artificial intelligence (AI), but
       from one brand over       the consensus is that AI can be used by
                                 the industry to nurture a brand identity
           another will no       through creating a tangible virtual
                                 persona. For instance, BMW’s intelligent
      longer be determined       personal assistant’s attention can be

          solely by driving      summoned by simply saying “Hey, BMW.”
                                 Customers that instead want to use their
       range, performance,       preferred home-based assistant in-vehicle
                                 can do so by calling for Alexa’s, Siri’s or
           equipment and         Cortana’s help. It’s also a route on which
                                 Chinese start-up Nio is pinning its
      features. It will be the   connected strategy.

         emotional value of
        the product and the
                brand            At Nio, unsurprisingly AI’s core value is
                                 found in enabling autonomy, given its
                                 long-term aim to build electric,
                                 autonomous vehicles (AVs). However, if
                                 and when these electric AVs make it to
                                 market, Nio is confident it can also create

September 2020                                 Automotive World Magazine      23
“        Early on, people may
         say Nomi is just a
         little robot on top of
         the instrument panel.
         However, Nomi is
         designed to be far
         more just an ‘add-on’
         to the standard
         infotainment system.
         It is the brain and
         centre of car’s AI

             an in-vehicle environment where           user and the vehicle,” said Ted Li,
             driver and machine can converse and       Associate Vice President, Product
             interact with one another seamlessly.     Management Department & Senior
             To reach this future, Nio’s first          Expert, Experience Manager at Nio.
             stepping stone can be seen through        “Nomi can give the user a much more
             the development of its own bespoke        engaging ownership experience, not
             in-vehicle virtual personal assistant,    just through operating functions, but
             ‘Nomi’.                                   also by offering a digital
                                                       companionship which is not
             First unveiled alongside the launch of    achievable through conventional
             the ES8 SUV in 2017, the automaker        methods.”
             originally marketed Nomi as “the
             world’s first in-car AI system,” capable   When Nio says ‘companionship’ it
             of interacting with passengers using      quite literally means that. At the most
             its ‘emotion engine’. “The most           basic level, Nio allows owners to
             obvious business area for AI is           rename their Nomis to whatever
             autonomous driving, where Nio Pilot       name they’d like. For US$700 users
             is already trying to become one of the    can also upgrade to the ‘Nomi Mate’,
             market leaders. However, the other        which contrary to the base model
             less obvious yet fundamental area is      features two digital eyes which turn
             lifetime companionship, which             to greet passengers as they enter the
             defines the relationship between the       vehicle and can display a variety of

24   Automotive World Magazine                                                             September 2020
facial emotions. Regardless of
which model buyers opt for, Nio
places great significance on
fostering this human-machine
relationship. “Early on, people
may say Nomi is just a little
robot on top of the instrument
panel. However, Nomi is
designed to be far more just an
‘add-on’ to the standard
infotainment system. It is the
brain and centre of car’s AI,” said
Li. “Each motion, open and
closure, adjustment and
command are all neural
connected to Nomi’s emotion
engine and conversation system.”

                                      Today, however, Nio just
                                      scratches the surface of Nomi’s

                                      in-vehicle possibilities. Going
                                      forward the automaker is eager
                                      to expand on Nomi’s current
                                      functionalities and bring more
        Nomi can give the user a      AI-enabled value to the customer
                                      experience. “In our next steps,
          much more engaging          we will give Nomi further AI
                                      capabilities, including autonomy
         ownership experience,        and cabin perception. The entry-
                                      level Nomi will also be able to
            not just through          operate a wide range of interior
                                      functions including media
        operating functions, but      players, opening windows and

        also by offering a digital     sunroofs as well as handling
                                      navigation,” said Li. Though a
        companionship which is        common development route
                                      throughout the sector, Li is eager
         not achievable through       to stress how important these
                                      seemingly minor features will be
         conventional methods         in fostering a brand identity in a
                                      connected, autonomous world.

                                      “In the future of mobility, the
                                      key differentiator in choosing to
                                      buy a car from one brand over
                                      another will no longer be
                                      determined solely by driving

 September 2020                           Automotive World Magazine      25
range, performance, equipment and         Privacy
           features. It will be the emotional
           value of the product and the brand,”      If assistants such as Nomi do end up
           he said. Nio, in particular, sees         as the main point of interaction, it
           current adoption rates on products        could pose some practical problems.
           featuring Alexa and Siri functionality    One example is the cultural consumer
           as a key indicator in how consumer        differences when attempting to
           interests are changing in this            develop such AI-enabled functionality
           connected space. “AI will become one      for several markets. Western
           of the most intimate friends and          consumers traditionally prefer their
           companions to our next generation,        virtual assistants to remain strictly
           as well as ourselves,” he added. “In      machine-like, whereas Asian
           the very distant future, when full        customers tend to prefer a more
           autonomy is available and when the        personified digital experience.
           steering wheel is no longer necessary,
           Nomi will become the primary              “Asian culture tends to be more
           interface for user interaction. That is   receptive to animated and virtual
           the end goal.”                            characters compared to the rest of the

26   Automotive World Magazine                                                            September 2020
world,” said Li. “However, most people     handled in an encrypted way and will
                  will gradually grow fond of Nomi once      be erased from the cloud once all
                  they start to experience it and get used   voice and learning sessions are
                  to it.” Though Nio is confident that all    completed,” added Li. “Given that we
                  markets will eventually warm to Nomi,      are also planning our global entry
                  anyone developing similar tools will       strategy, our connected vehicle and
                  need to think carefully about how best     data services will be strictly following
                  to develop that human-machine-             GDPR and related privacy protocols.”
                  interface (HMI) operability to cater for   Nomi also runs proprietarily on Nio’s
                  bespoke market demands.                    bespoke operating system which only

      “            AI will become one of the most
                 intimate friends and companions
                  to our next generation,as well as

                  Another consideration is data privacy,     operates software digitally certified by
                  especially if the industry shifts to       Nio itself.
                  largely shared vehicles. Though a
                  virtual human-like assistant would be      Time will tell whether consumers will
                  a hugely valuable tool in this             truly warm to in-vehicle virtual
                  theoretical market, in which vehicles      assistants, as well as whether these
                  are potentially more akin to               assistants can display and invoke
                  whitegoods, reassuring consumers           emotion in a HAL-like manner. But what
                  that their information remains private     is clear is that through the use of AI
                  and secure will be critical in             there lies a previously largely
                  unlocking this value.                      inaccessible opportunity for automakers
                                                             to interact with customers in-vehicle on
                  In the case of Nomi, Li reassures that     a daily basis. Today, these players must
                  all voice conversations and data           place significant development focus on
                  processing passes through a local          making sure such assistants can offer
                  embedded engine. From here, Nio            users an enjoyable, and frustration-free
                  then deploys a cyber security gateway      experience. With that foundation built
                  which handles all data                     and market interests weighed,
                  communication between the car and          automakers can then decide just how
                  the cloud, with all data also being        human they would like their future
                  masked and anonymised. “All data is        vehicles to appear.

September 2020                                                         Automotive World Magazine    27
Voyage’s ‘COVID-
         ready’ vehicle to
          salvage shared
 Voyage’s third-generation robotaxi could become the model
 for creating COVID-ready shared vehicles. By Jack Hunsley

            he COVID-19 pandemic has       D.C. is still down 56.9% compared to
            hit mobility hard. On one      the 25.7% decrease currently seen
            hand, automakers and           across Moovit’s native Israel, for
            suppliers have been forced     example.
 to take stock and reprioritise
 development to keep afloat. On the         These drops are perfectly
 other hand, on-road traffic initially       understandable. Many nations have
 ground to a halt. Though lockdowns        warned citizens to only use public
 have started to lift and commuters are    transit if there is no alternative and if
 beginning to return to their daily        their journey is absolutely essential.
 routines, transit levels are still        However, another explanation could
 depressed.                                be heightened concerns over the
 Figures from Intel’s transit aggregator   contagion and how easily it might
 Moovit paint this picture well. Taken     spread within a confined area such as
 from daily data of public transit usage   a bus or a taxi. For an automotive
 across 108 cities worldwide, not one      industry building towards a shared,
 single city on Moovit’s books has seen    mobility world, failure to address this
 transit usage return to pre-COVID         anxiety could be catastrophic. But it is
 levels. Some are faring far worse than    an anxiety which several players are
 others: transit usage in Washington,      eager to overcome.

28   Automotive World Magazine                                                         September 2020
COVID-ready                                has announced its third generation
                                                       robotaxi, the G3. Based on Chrylser’s
            One such player is robotaxi operator       Pacifica Hybrid minivan, the G3 offers
            Voyage. To date, it has made its name      Vovage around a 50% cost saving over
            largely by shunning the more popular       its current G2 model. Spec-wise, it
            dense inner-city development               comes equipped with Voyage’s
            programmes to instead trial its            ‘Commander’ technology, which
            technology in retirement communities       includes its “state-of-the-art
            in Florida and California. Though on       perception, prediction, and
            paper it might not sound a wholly          behavioural modules,” and well as its
            exciting testing ground, it is important   collision mitigation system ‘Shield’
            to bear in mind that The Villages          and remote operations solution
            facility in Florida is home to more        ‘Telessist’. Most intriguing in this
            than 120,000 people, technically           COVID-hit market, however, is it’s
            making it one of the fastest-growing       “ambulance-grade” automatic
            metropolitan areas in the entire           disinfection system.
            country. For Voyage, it’s a location
            which sits perfectly in the ‘Goldilocks’   “It is ‘COVID-ready’, and I do not use
            complexity sweet spot: not too big,        that term loosely,” Voyage’s Co-
            not too small, but just right. Its work    Founder and Chief Executive, Oliver
            so far also has attracted the attention    Cameron, told Automotive World. “As
            of FCA which partnered with the            we’ve seen with Uber’s and Lyft’s
            operator in May 2020.                      results, the shared mobility industry
                                                       is in the process of being decimated
            Though it has seen some initial early      because not only do you have a
            success the time has come for the          contract workforce which is perhaps a
            company to target          scale, and      little inconsistent in the safety
            to do that it                                               standards across the
                                                                              fleet but there is

September 2020                                                              Automotive World Magazine   29
The Voyage G3 uses ultraviolet to deactivate
  pathogen DNA, halting reproduction cycles
               of viruses, fungi and bacteria

             also just the fact that you have a      to enable a more hygienic shared
             human driver which is an inherent       world. One benefit is that, contrary
             transmission risk. We saw this as a     to its predecessor, the G3 is a
             technology challenge.”                  driverless car and so removes the
                                                     chance of direct driver-to-rider
             Though the G3’s initial design          transmission. To attempt to eliminate
             philosophy was not targeted solely at   transmission risks entirely, however,
             countering COVID, the global            Voyage opted for a more ambitious
             pandemic has encouraged Voyage to       solution through the use of
             think how its vehicles could be used    ultraviolet-C (UV-C) light.

30   Automotive World Magazine                                                          September 2020
“To tackle this issues we looked    On paper, it is an attractive        transmitted in shared vehicles
towards ambulances as they          offering for any shared vehicle      with this solution. Hopefully,
have already solved this            operator, but for Voyage, in         we’ll see more of these vehicles
problem by installing UV-C          particular, the solution is          from ourselves and other
lights,” said Cameron. “When        extremely important. Given its       companies which can start to
these are triggered, with no one    current core demographic of          prevent several other viruses
in the car as that would be very    senior citizens, many of whom        such as the seasonal flu.”
dangerous, the lights can           perhaps have underlying health
eradicate infectious viruses that   conditions or weaker immune
might be lurking on surfaces or     systems, finding a practical and     The future
in the air.” This process, which    effective sanitation mechanism
takes around three to four          could quite literally be the         Looking forward, Voyage remains
minutes, is operated using three    difference between life and          wholly confident in its
lights which can halt the           death.                               development roadmap. Currently,
pathogen reproductive cycle                                              Voyage’s first G3, referred to as
through inactivating DNA.           “It is particularly important for    the ‘Alpha G3’, is already
Effective on a range of             us to tackle COVID as it is very     operating in San Jose, California.
pathogens including viruses,        dangerous for seniors,” said         The first driverless ‘Beta G3’ will
fungi and bacteria, the solution    Cameron. “While COVID is the         be on the road in a few months
allegedly eradicates 99.9% of       focus currently, there is going to   according to Cameron. Though a
pathogens including the             be a significant reduction of the     few more G2 vehicles are still
seasonal flu and COVID-19.          most infectious viruses being        expected to be added to the fleet,
                                                                         Voyage anticipates that these
                                                                         vehicles will be fairly quickly
                                                                         cycled out for the new model.
                                                                         Production for the G3 is currently

                                                                         scheduled for early 2021 for
                                                                         deployment in both its California
                                                                         and Florida operations.

           Effective on a range of                                        It will be interesting to follow
                                                                         the impact that Voyage’s new
            pathogens including                                          scalable model could have on
                                                                         this currently struggling sector.
              viruses, fungi and                                         Though the G3 could offer a
                                                                         total 50% cost reduction overall,
            bacteria, the solution                                       more specifically it has been
                                                                         able to achieve a 65% cost
             allegedly eradicates                                        reduction on its sensor costs
                                                                         and a 25% reduction on its
             99.9% of pathogens                                          computing costs. These savings
                                                                         combined with a theoretical
           including the seasonal                                        COVID-ready vehicle offers a
                                                                         compelling example for the
              flu and COVID-19                                            ride-hail players already
                                                                         operating in major towns and
                                                                         cities which are eager to ease
                                                                         rider concerns.

 September 2020                                                              Automotive World Magazine      31
Who will succeed
       in the crowded
        LiDAR space?
       Affordable, scalable LiDAR remains an elusive
     piece of the self-driving puzzle. This is not for lack
     of effort, with numerous companies competing in
               the space. By Xavier Boucherat

                  f the LiDAR segment looks           LiDAR’s purported benefits, and the
                  crowded, it is hardly surprising:   race to bring down unit cost has
                  the majority of automakers and      intensified in recent years,
                  self-driving technology             particularly with the emergence of
             developers agree that LiDAR will be      solid state technology as opposed to
             pivotal for realising safe autonomous    mechanical scanning. This year at
             vehicles. That company which can         CES, the same Velodyne claimed to
             provide scalable, affordable units       have completed work on an
             stands to profit enormously.             automotive LiDAR which, produced at
                                                      volume, could go below US$100. The
             The US$75,000 price tag on early         figure is an estimate, but one worth
             roof-mounted Velodyne models             taking seriously, having come from a
             proved as big a talking point as         market leader.

32   Automotive World Magazine                                                        September 2020
Velodyne isn’t the only company to          marks the evolution of Luminar from
            have established a name for itself          “tech development company working
            primarily on the basis of LiDAR             with R&D programmes to the first
            development. Luminar has gone from          company enabling autonomy in
            strength to strength in recent years,       automotive series production,” Chief
            recently partnering with Volvo on its       Executive Austin Russell said in a
            SPA2 modular vehicle architecture.          statement.
            This will bring its LiDAR units to series
            production by 2022, enabling high-          Then there are startups such as
            level autonomy functions such as            Blickfeld and AEye. The former, based
            Highway Pilot. The recent addition of       in Munich, has tasked itself with a goal
            five new executives, all with                shared across the space: the
            considerable automotive experience,         production of high performance,

September 2020                                                               Automotive World Magazine   33
Automotive LiDAR players
                                 Evolution of the industry
                        Source: LiDAR for Automotive and Industrial Applications report, Yole Developpement

                                                                                                                           Source: Yole Developpement
 The LiDAR space is increasingly crowded

             mass producible solid state LiDAR. Its              to automakers today. But the 2019
             recent Series A financing round                      shuttering of Oryx Vision, an Israel-
             attracted investment from                           based LiDAR start-up, has demonstrated
             Continental, Bayern Kapital and                     the difficulty of making a business out of
             Osram Ventures, among others.                       LiDAR. With the self-driving car widely
             Meanwhile, Dublin, California-based                 agreed to be more years out than
             AEye has dedicated its efforts to the                previously predicted, and with the
             creation of intelligent perception                  drying up of investment interest in the
             technology, namely iDAR (Intelligent                wake of the novel coronavirus disease
             Detection and Ranging). Smart                       (COVID-19), what will it take to survive in
             perception software will be key for                 the LiDAR space?
             helping LiDARs to operate in real
             time, as scanners will need to
             distinguish between those objects                   Grab your partner
             which are important, and those that
             are not.                                            “LiDAR companies that will survive
                                                                 are those that are currently
             As such, the space is attracting both               partnering with automakers and Tier
             hardware and software talent with                   1s,” says Alexis Debray, Technology
             different aims and ideas of how to run a             and Market Analyst at Yole
             company. Luminar’s Russell, for                     Developpement, a technology
             example, wants to run a perception-as-              consultant with expertise in sensing.
             a-service business, with subscription               Luminar’s recent partnering with
             models that make its software available             Volvo is a key example, and the

34   Automotive World Magazine                                                                                September 2020
          LiDAR for ADAS vehicles - Integration roadmap
                        Source: LiDAR for Automotive and Industrial Applications report, Yole Developpement

                                                                                                                             Source: Yole Developpement
Series production of some LiDAR will begin soon

company is also collaborating with Toyota and                      group was ongoing, and that together they are
Audi. Meanwhile, Softbank-backed, Israel-based                     making “good progress,” but could not provide
Innoviz, a solid-state LiDAR developer, has                        further details.
partnered with BMW for its future models, with the
Level 3 enabled iNext EV potentially arriving on                   In December 2019, Silicon Valley-based Quanergy
roads as early as 2021. A spokesperson for BMW                     announced a partnership with with Geely that aims
confirmed to Automotive World that work with the                    to develop and commercialise solutions for the
                                                                                           broad development of both
                                                                                           smart city and autonomous

                                                                                           vehicle systems: one will
                                                                                           not work without the other,
                                                                                           said Chief Executive Louay
          The development of both LiDAR and                                                Eldada in a statement.
           automated driving has proven to be                                                     “The development of both
         much more complex than anticipated                                                       LiDAR and automated
         by OEMs… LiDAR companies that have                                                       driving has proven to be
                                                                                                  much more complex than
          not been able to raise enough money                                                     anticipated by OEMs,” said
            or generate enough cash will not                                                      Debray, “and will therefore
                                                                                                  still require a lot of time
                    survive for long                                                              and R&D. LiDAR companies
                                                                                                  that have not been able to
                                                                                                  raise enough money or

 September 2020                                                                                  Automotive World Magazine                                35
generate enough cash will not survive
                                 for long.” Computing and processing
                                 are also important aspects of
                                 automotive LiDAR, he added, and the
                                 system must be able to deliver useful
                                 data to the car. This potentially creates
                                 space for software and data specialists,
                                 but without solid partnerships, the
                                 cash-burn between now and the era of
                                 commercialised autonomy will surely
                                 be too much for many to handle.

                                 Focus on cost
                                 The main challenge for LiDAR, says
                                 Pierrick Boulay, also Market and
                                 Technology Analyst at Yole
                                 Developpement, remains clear: it must
                                 evolve from its high price, low volume
                                 model to a low price, high volume
                                 one. “This must be done while
                                 maintaining revenue streams, or at
                                 least while starting to generate
                                 revenue,” he says. “Velodyne, which
                                 invented the real-time 3D LiDAR 15
                                 years ago, has started this transition.
                                 Moreover, the automotive market is
                                 especially difficult since it requires
                                 several years of qualification and cost
                                 pressure. The involvement of Tier 1s is
                                 key to bringing LiDAR to cars.”

                                 As things stand, he adds, LiDAR costs
                                 remain some ten times more expensive
                                 than cameras, and costs could rise
                                 further. This is despite the emergence
                                 of solid state LiDAR, which compared
                                 with its mechanical counterpart
                                 technology has helped realise some
                                 cost reductions whilst eliminating
                                 moving parts. “The first embedded
                                 LiDAR used by Audi used a mechanical
                                 scanning approach with an edge
                                 emitting laser at 905nm and avalanche
                                 photodiode arrays, but the cost was
                                 more than US$600,” he says. “The next
                                 LiDARs used by BMW and Volvo are
                                 expected to be even more expensive.”

36   Automotive World Magazine                          September 2020
Cruise acquired Strobe to help reduce
         the cost of LiDAR technology

               That said, Boulay believes that short-     handle these tasks with a high degree
               range LiDARs with no mechanical            of success, and have a distinct
               scanning could be cost effective and       advantage in these situations.
               increase safety in harsh weather           Meanwhile, radar can complement
               conditions within the next two to          both technologies in adverse weather,
               three years. This will come at the         as cameras can be impaired by snow
               cost of performance and complexity         and fog, and LiDAR range can be
               when compared with long-range              affected. Therefore, successful LiDAR
               LiDAR, but for the purposes of             companies might aim to produce
               advanced driver assistance systems         solutions that lend themselves to
               (ADAS), it could provide LiDAR             holistic integration.
               companies with a much needed
               source of revenue, and a way to            With such varied approaches in
               develop deeper relationships with          business plans and some variations in
               automakers.                                technology, it is unclear who in the
                                                          LiDAR segment will survive. Further
               Early LiDAR-enabled ADAS                   consolidation is likely, possibly
               applications could give a clearer          among the self-driving developers
               picture of which sensors work best in      not developing their systems in
               different situations. LeddarTech, a         house: Argo, Cruise and Aurora have
               Quebec-based sensor developer,             already snapped up Princeton
               argues It should not be assumed that       Lightwave, Strobe and Blackmore
               LiDAR can handle every sensing             respectively. Those remaining
               challenge: “LiDAR cannot detect            companies that can establish big
               colours or interpret text,” wrote Preeti   partnerships will benefit from some
               Prasher, ASIC Test Engineer,               financial security and R&D funding at
               LeddarTech, in a blog post.                a time when budgets are being
               “Consequently, it is extremely difficult,    slashed. But with further innovation
               or even impossible, for LiDAR to           clearly yet to be realised within the
               identify traffic lights or road signs.”      space, one bright idea could yet put
               Conversely, camera-based systems can       an unknown player on top.

September 2020                                                                Automotive World Magazine   37
Mild hybrids—
 a multi-billion
 euro growth
Experts from McKinsey & Company
explore the technological and market
opportunities within the rapidly changing
powertrain landscape

38   Automotive World Magazine              September 2020
                       he powertrain landscape is   vehicles (MHEVs) represent a
                       changing fundamentally       technological leap in the other part
                       across global automotive     of the automotive market—that is,
                       markets and                  vehicles solely based on a
            electrification—the transition from     combustion engine. What
            combustion engine-powered               technological and market
            powertrains to electric powertrains—    opportunities can be expected from
            is at the heart of this development.    this technology in the rapidly
            Optimistic forecasts expect between     changing powertrain landscape?
            30% and 50% electric powertrains by
            2030 in most regions. This includes     From today’s viewpoint, combustion
            battery-powered electric vehicles       engine-based powertrains will
            (BEVs), plug-in hybrid electric         remain dominant at least for the
            vehicles (PHEVs), fuel-cell electric    coming decade—yet with significant
            vehicles (FCEVs), and hybrid electric   differences across key markets as the
            vehicles (HEVs). Mild hybrid electric   speed of electrification varies. In

September 2020                                                          Automotive World Magazine   39
Exhibit 1: MHEV propulsion system architectures

     MHEV  propulsion
     MHEV propulsion    system
                     system      architectures
                                                             TM   Transmission    M   Electric machine   Eng.   Internal combustion engine              Differential and axis

     Potential MHEV architectures                     Most common MHEV architectures

                   P0                                                                    Belt                                                Engine
                                                      P0                                                          P2
                          Engine                                  M        Engine                                                                              Clutch
                                      P1/P2                                                                                                   M/G
                   P3       TM                                               TM
                                      P4                                                                                                      TM

     The MHEV architecture (P0 – Px) is               Electric machine linked to ICE through                      Electric machine connected directly with the
     characterized by the position of the             accessory belt                                              crankshaft
     electric machine in the powertrain               ICE is supported by transmission of force onto              ICE is supported by transmission of force
                                                      the belt                                                    directly onto the crankshaft

     Source: IHS                                                                                                                                 McKinsey & Company

                        Europe and China, the share of                   ‘Mild hybrids’ typically refers to
                        electric powertrains* could increase             vehicles with at least one electric 48-
                        to about 45 to 50% by 2030. In the               volt (48V) motor that assists a classic
                        US, electrification could take place at          internal combustion engine (ICE) and
                        an initially lower pace, with later              a 48V battery that is charged by an
                        acceleration to a share of about 35%             electric generator recovering excess
                        electric powertrains by 2030. The                mechanical energy. Mild hybrid
                        COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating                technology can be combined with
                        electrification in Europe and China              both gasoline and diesel engines;
                        due to additional government                     however, diesel mild hybrids only
                        incentives, unchanged stringent                  play a role in Europe.
                        regulation, and an increased appetite
                        for sustainable mobility. In contrast,
                        COVID-19 is slowing down                         MHEV architectures
                        electrification in the US due to
                        relaxed regulation, low oil prices               There are different powertrain system
                        having a significant impact on                   architectures for mild hybrids, as
                        gasoline prices, and several delayed             shown in Exhibit 1, but two
                        or halted EV model launches by US-               architectures are most relevant. In
                        based OEMs.                                      the P0 architecture—by far the most
                                                                         common architecture—the 48V motor
                        Mild hybrid technology brings higher             is linked to the combustion engine
                        efficiency and lower running costs to            with an accessory belt. In the P2
                        combustion engines and could                     architecture, the 48V motor is
                        therefore provide promising                      connected to the crankshaft. As
                        opportunities for OEMs, suppliers,               Exhibit 2 shows, current projects
                        and customers until electric                     reflect a much lower production
                        powertrains become ubiquitous.                   volume of the P2 architecture in the

40       Automotive World Magazine                                                                                                            September 2020
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