NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory

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NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory
Spectr A
             n a v a l r e s e a r c h l a b o r at o r y

                                                                WINTER 2014

updates on
NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory


                                                                              Commanding Officer
                                                                              CAPT Mark C. Bruington, USN

                                                                              Director of Research
                                                                              Dr. John A. Montgomery

 Welcome to the fourth issue of SPECTRA, a magazine
 designed to inform you of exciting science and technology
 developments at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL).

  In the spring of 2012, NRL opened the Laboratory for
 Autonomous Systems Research (LASR). Our vision for this
 shining, state-of-the-art facility was that it would be a focal
 point for basic and applied research related to unmanned and
 autonomous systems – a place to develop, integrate, and
 test systems and prototypes, to advance the Navy’s scientific
 leadership in this domain. Now, a little more than two years
 later, the LASR has become the collaborative and energetic          An official publication of the Naval Research Laboratory
 research space we envisioned, with scientists and engineers
 from all across NRL working together on interdisciplinary                     Publisher
 projects in the one-of-a-kind facilities and environments that                NRL Office of Public Affairs
 LASR offers. Autonomy research for the Navy and Department                    Richard Thompson, PAO
 of Defense benefits greatly from this convergence of diverse
 talent and expertise.
                                                                               Managing Editor
                                                                               Donna McKinney, Deputy PAO
  In its simulated desert, jungle, and littoral environments                   Editing, Design, and Production
 and other well-equipped laboratories, the LASR is hosting                     NRL Technical Information Services
 creative and innovative research in intelligent autonomy,                     Kathy Parrish, Head
 sensor systems, power and energy systems, human–system
 interaction, networking and communications, and platforms.                      Editing
 This issue of SPECTRA provides a snapshot of some of the                        Claire Peachey
 LASR projects now moving forward:                                               Design and Production
                                                                                 Jonna Atkinson
 • an autonomous underwater vehicle named WANDA that
   borrows its design from a coral reef fish,                                    Photography and Archives
 • a next-generation hydrogen fuel cell built using 3-D printing,                Gayle Fullerton
 • a battery that draws its power from the ocean bottom                          Jamie Hartman
   sediment,                                                                     James Marshall
 • a robot that is learning to understand how people think, and
 • a vehicle that travels through air and through water – a flying
                                                                                                              4555 Overlook Ave, SW
 We hope you enjoy this issue of SPECTRA and share it with                                                     Washington, DC 20375
 others. To request additional copies or more information, please                                                      (202) 767-2541
NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory
                                                                             ON THE COVER
 2    Bio-Inspired Designs for Near-Shore AUVs

 6    Flimmer: A Flying Submarine

10    Cognition for Human–Robot Interaction

14 NRL Autonomy Lab Hosts Shipboard Fire
		 Robotics Consortium

18    NRL Technology Assists FDNY

20    The Benthic Microbial Fuel Cell

24 3-D Printing in Hydrogen Fuel Cells for
		 Unmanned Systems                                                          Flight-testing the Flimmer UAV.
                                                                             See page 6.
28    More LASR Projects

news            briefs                                             t e c h n o l o g y t ra n s f e r

30    Navy Launches UAV from Submerged Submarine                   35   New York City Tracks Firefighters to Scene with
                                                                   		   NRL Radio Tags and Automated Display
31 Captain Mark C. Bruington Relieves Captain Anthony J. Ferrari
		 and Captain Anthony J. Ferrari Receives Legion of Merit

                                                                   focus on people
                                                                   36   Dr. Jeremy Robinson Receives Presidential Early
                                                                   		   Career Award
32    NRL and Aerospace Industry Host 10th Annual
		    CanSat Student Challenge                                     37   In Memory of Richard J. Foch

making connections

 34   Sharing Science ... Starting Conversations

NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory

    Bio-Inspired Designs for
    Near-Shore AUVs

    Autonomous underwater vehicles            inspiration from nature — from fish,            The NRL artificial pectoral fin has
    (AUVs) have demonstrated many             in particular — to design and develop           been integrated into a man-portable,
    capabilities in inspection, surveil-      novel underwater propulsion, control,           unmanned vehicle named WANDA,
    lance, exploration, and object detec-     and sensing solutions.                          the Wrasse-inspired Agile Near-shore
    tion in deep seas, at high speeds,                                                        Deformable-fin Automaton. Four
    and over long distances. However,         For AUV propulsion and control, NRL             side-mounted fins, two forward and
    the low-speed, high-maneuverability       has developed an actively controlled            two aft, provide all the propulsion and
    operations required for near-shore and    curvature robotic fin based on the              control necessary for the vehicle. A
    littoral zone missions present mobil-     pectoral fin of a coral reef fish, the          set of custom control algorithms uses
    ity and sensing challenges that have      bird wrasse (Gomphosus varius). In              information about the vehicle motion
    not been satisfactorily solved, despite   the most recent fin iteration, four rib         and surrounding environment to in-
    nearly half a century of AUV develop-     spars connected by a flexible synthetic         form changes to the fin stroke kine-
    ment. Very shallow water and littoral     membrane define the fin geometry,               matics. By weighting and combining
    environments are complex operating        and control of each rib deflection angle        various fin gaits, the magnitude and
    zones, often turbid, cluttered with       enables the shape deformation needed            direction of thrust generated by each
    obstacles, and with dynamically           to generate 3-D vectored thrust. Using          fin can be controlled to produce the
    changing currents and wave action.        computational fluid dynamics (CFD)              desired effects on vehicle motion.
    AUVs need to be able to maneuver          tools in conjunction with experiments,
    around obstacles, operate at low          sets of high-thrust-producing fin stroke        Computational and in-water experi-
    speeds, hover, and counteract surge       kinematics, or fin gaits, have been             mental results have demonstrated
    and currents. To develop AUVs that        identified. This kind of artificial fin tech-   WANDA’s capabilities. WANDA can
    can successfully navigate and oper-       nology can adapt to varying flow condi-         perform low-speed maneuvers includ-
    ate in these dynamic and challenging      tions and provide the thrust control            ing forward and vertical translation,
    environments, Naval Research Labo-        necessary for low-speed maneuvering             turn-in-place rotation, and station
    ratory (NRL) researchers have taken       and precise positioning.                        keeping in the presence of waves.

2                                                                                                                       SPECTRA
NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory

                                                                                         The bird wrasse (Gomphosus varius) is
                                                                                         a coral reef dwelling fish operating in
                                                                                         depths of 1 to 30 meters. It is known to
                                                                                         use its paired median pectoral fins to
                                                                                         produce thrust for maneuvering in these
                                                                                         complex environments.

                                                          The geometry of the bird wrasse was modeled and computational fluid
                                                          dynamics simulation was validated against experimental results.

                                                    Following design studies for a robotic pectoral fin, CFD simulation
                                                    was used to determine effectiveness of this device as a means of
                                                    propulsion and control for an AUV.

WANDA can also successfully coordi-        water areas, so NRL is also develop-         Additionally, these are active sys-
nate maneuvers to achieve waypoint         ing new sensor systems for AUVs,             tems that emit sound or light, which
navigation. WANDA is designed to           and again looking at fish for ideas. A       uses energy and exposes an AUV to
operate at speeds in excess of two         reliable system for navigating littoral      detection.
knots, or hold position in the presence    environments requires real-time knowl-
of two-knot currents, giving it the pro-   edge of current velocities and object        Fish use a system of hair-like flow
pulsion and control authority needed       positions. Conventional onboard sen-         and pressure sensors, called a lateral
in many harbor and other near-shore        sors such as sonar and vision-based          line, to detect changes and obstacles
operational zones.                         systems have shortfalls in a cluttered,      in the environment around them. NRL
                                           shallow environment: sonar can suffer        has studied these natural systems
Solutions for vehicle propulsion and       from multipath propagation issues, and       and is developing an artificial lateral
control address only part of the chal-     vision-based systems are limited by          line, a system of pressure sensors
lenge of operating in shallow under-       turbidity.                                   mounted on the AUV hull to provide

WINTER 2014                                                                                                                         3
NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory

                       Demonstrating the WANDA AUV in the Littoral High Bay pool in NRL’s Laboratory for
                       Autonomous Systems Research. The four-fin design enables the propulsion and control
                       needed for station-keeping and maneuvering in the presence of external disturbances
                       such as waves and currents. The cameras in the foreground of the top photo are used to
                       capture the three-dimensional motion of the vehicle in real time.

    passive sensing of surrounding water       hicle can use to perform maneuvers           in NRL’s Laboratory for Autonomous
    velocities and near-field objects. This    such as orienting into a flow or avoid-      Systems Research (LASR). This facil-
    system uses quartz crystal–based           ing obstacles. NRL’s artificial lateral      ity houses vehicle prototyping tools,
    pressure sensors with high sensitivity     line will help WANDA and other AUVs          such as 3-D printers and metalwork-
    to measure minute pressure differ-         achieve better performance in envi-          ing equipment, and large-scale test
    entials between various points on          ronments where sonar or vision alone         environments. The 45 foot by 25 foot
    the vehicle hull. The amplitude and        cannot be relied on.                         pool in the LASR Littoral High Bay
    phase differences between sensor                                                        serves as the primary underwater
    signals provide information about the      Much of the development and testing          test environment for WANDA, where
    surrounding environment that the ve-       of the WANDA platforms takes place           a 16-channel wave generator creates

4                                                                                                                      SPECTRA
NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory

The WANDA AUV deployed for testing in the Littoral High Bay in NRL’s Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research.

real-world simulated near-shore con-       The WANDA program has spawned               into capable propulsion and control
ditions, and a 12-camera underwater        other related programs to enable            technologies for low-speed operation
tracking system provides ground            Navy critical missions using AUVs.          in near-shore environments is helping
truth position and orientation mea-        NRL’s new Flimmer (Flying Swim-             to close a clear gap in AUV technol-
surements for validation of vehicle        mer) program seeks to develop an            ogy. An unmanned vehicle that can
performance.                               unmanned platform that will be de-          effectively operate in these areas,
                                           ployed from the air, glide to a water       where traditional platforms experi-
As WANDA’s fish-inspired technolo-         surface landing in an area of interest,     ence stability and control problems,
gies are perfected, the AUV is being       and transition into a swimming AUV.         will improve performance for critical
prepared for payload testing. The ve-      NRL is leveraging its expertise in          missions including harbor monitor-
hicle’s modular construction enables       unmanned air vehicle (UAV) technolo-        ing and protection, hull inspection,
easy integration of different mission-     gies to design and build the Flimmer        covert very shallow water operations,
specific payload packages, and one         vehicle. Modifications have been            and riverine operations.
such payload that will be developed        made to the WANDA fins to enable
and tested on WANDA starting this          them to function as aerodynamic
year is a biochemical sensing system       control surfaces and to survive the         By Jason Geder
                                                                                       NRL Laboratories for Computational Physics
for trace level detection of chemical      impact of landing (see page 6 for           and Fluid Dynamics
signatures. This sensor system built       further details on Flimmer).
onto a capable low-speed platform
such as WANDA will enable missions         As the Navy’s focus on autonomy
in plume tracking and target localiza-     and unmanned systems intensi-
tion in shallow water environments.        fies, NRL’s bio-inspired research

WINTER 2014                                                                                                                         5
NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory

    Flimmer:                                                                    Flimmer team (left to right): Trent Young, Jason Geder, Dan
                                                                                Edwards, Marius Pruessner (not shown: Ravi Ramamurti).

    A Flying Submarine
    The Flimmer (Flying Swimmer)
                                               pathways. The Flimmer program               supported by minimal internal struc-
    program at the Naval
                                               seeks to investigate the potential of       tures with low safety factor margins.
    Research Laboratory (NRL) is               rapidly flying a submarine over the
    merging two research areas                 ocean’s surface into position, tran-        On the other hand, underwater
    to provide a novel airborne                sitioning from flight to underwater,        vehicles are built completely the op-
    delivery method for unmanned               and then enabling a swimming mode           posite way. As an underwater vehicle
    underwater vehicles (UUVs).                once underwater.                            descends, the pressure applied by
    Underwater vehicles are limited in                                                     the water column increases rapidly,
    top speed by the drag produced in          Major Design Considerations                 requiring the use of a strong pressure
    water. However, air is approximately       In general terms, an aircraft is a          vessel to protect the electronics from
    1000 times less dense than water, so       specific outer shape held rigidly in        water. These pressure vessels are
    the power required to overcome drag        place with a series of internal struc-      typically thick metal pressure-
    is substantially reduced in air. By        tural elements. Weight is the enemy         resistant shapes with substantial
    flying over the surface of the water       of an aircraft designer: an increase in     seals. Inherent to enclosing air vol-
    rather than swimming long distances        weight requires additional lift to keep     ume is an increase in the vehicle’s
    through it, delivery of a UUV to an        the vehicle aloft. Drag is increased        buoyancy, requiring sufficient ballast
    operational area can be accom-             due to this extra lift, which requires      weight to bring the overall vehicle to
    plished much more quickly, and de-         more power to overcome that drag.           near neutral buoyancy. Instead of us-
    livery is possible to areas not directly   To keep aircraft lightweight, they are      ing ballast weight, many UUV design-
    accessible through continuous water        typically manufactured as a thin skin       ers elect to make the pressure vessel

6                                                                                                                         SPECTRA
NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory

heavier than required for the desired
depth pressure.
                                             Test Sub maneuvering as a submarine in the Littoral High Bay pool in NRL’s
                                             Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research.
Combining these two diametrically
opposed vehicles to design a flying
submarine comes down to a balanc-
ing act between buoyancy, weight,
and structural elements. For a sub-
marine to fly, the enclosed air volume,
which is the main driver of weight for
a submarine, needs to be reduced as
much as possible. For an aircraft to
land on the water, its structural ele-
ments need to be more robust to sur-
vive the high impact of splashdown.

The Flimmer program adds a further
complication into the design: flapping
fins are used for underwater propul-
sion. As learned from NRL’s WANDA          systems, to include primarily buoy-         of descending orbits to a splash-
UUV (see article on page 2), a four-       ancy control and kinematic controls.        down landing in the water. Test Sub
finned configuration provides high         A custom-built buoyancy control             flew as any other aircraft, controllable
maneuverability and good stability         system uses two inflatable bladders         in three axes and exhibiting sufficient
underwater. In air, however, the fins      placed at the front and rear inside the     stability for man-in-the-loop flight.
add weight and are relatively fragile      hull fairing. A control loop pumps air      Once nearing the water surface, Test
mechanisms that need to be able to         into the two bladders for a combina-        Sub was guided along a standard
survive the forces of splashdown.          tion of both pitch and heave control        approach at an airspeed of approxi-
Bringing all these design elements         when the vehicle is stationary (in mo-      mately 40 knots before splashdown
together is the central challenge of the   tion, the tail surfaces are used). Air is   with wings level. Upon touching the
Flimmer program.                           scavenged from inside the pressure          water surface, the aircraft saw a dra-
                                           vessel to inflate the bladders. While       matic increase in drag and deceler-
Test Sub                                   using air in bladders is a lightweight      ated abruptly. After the splash, Test
The Flimmer program started with just      solution, it does have the drawback         Sub submerged and started moving
the combination aircraft and subma-        of being unstable with depth, requir-       underwater.
rine, without the additional complexity    ing constant control inputs.
of fins. The “Test Sub” configuration                                                  Flying WANDA
was born from combining a traditional      The most interesting aspect of run-         With the success of Test Sub, the
submarine shape with a traditional         ning Test Sub in the LASR pool was          Flimmer team applied the lessons
aircraft shape. Test Sub uses a fixed      that controlling the vehicle in forward     to designing a method for flying
geometry in both air and water, carry-     motion underwater was identical to          NRL’s WANDA vehicle. The “Flying
ing the drag penalty of large surface      “flying” the aircraft. The configuration    WANDA” configuration has four fins
area wings in the water, instead of        of an aircraft shape and traditional        and the addition of a wing, with the
spending weight and complexity on          aircraft control surfaces of rudder, el-    two aft fins mounted on the tips of
a wing folding mechanism. Test Sub         evator, and ailerons functions exactly      the wing. This allows keeping the
also carries a weight penalty in the       the same whether in air or water.           same control techniques developed
aircraft mode so that it can enter the     Several test runs showed excellent          for the four-finned UUV design, but
water at full flight speed, spending       controllability and maneuverability of      provides a lifting surface for carrying
weight to make the structures survive      Test Sub in the water while moving          the weight of all the flapping mecha-
this high impact loading.                  forward.                                    nisms.

The Littoral High Bay test pool in         For flight testing, Test Sub was taken      As the fins are a significant surface
NRL’s Laboratory for Autonomous            to a local test range. Three free-          area relative to the wing area, they
Systems Research (LASR) was home           flights started with an air-drop of the     have been designed to pull double-
to Test Sub during its initial develop-    vehicle from a mother ship at ap-           duty. While swimming, the fins act
ment. Underwater testing focused on        proximately 1000 feet altitude. Test        as flapping propulsors. In flight, the
development of the submarine sub-          Sub was guided manually in a series         wingtip-mounted fins are turned up

WINTER 2014                                                                                                                       7
NRL'S AUTONOMY RESEARCH - updates on - naval research laboratory

                                                    Test Sub splashdown sequence.

    to act as fixed vertical stabilizers       moderate to heavy sea states, this          incompatible, the Flimmer program is
    for lateral stability, and the forward-    planing landing is not possible with-       showing a feasible path can be found
    mounted fins act as close-coupled          out large increases in vehicle size or      somewhere in the middle. There
    canards ahead of the wing. With this       autopilot complexity. Therefore, two        are important trade-offs between
    dual-use of the fin mechanisms, the        nose-down landing styles have been          enclosed air volume and structural
    incremental drag penalty for Flying        tested to investigate survivability of      weight, with a particular emphasis on
    WANDA is only the addition of the          the canards in a load condition con-        surviving a splashdown in water at
    wing.                                      sisting primarily in the drag direction.    flight speeds. However, testing has
                                               Since the flapping propulsion mode          already shown that Test Sub cruises
    Four test flights of this configuration    already must be stiff in the drag           well above 50 knots in the air, while
    have confirmed acceptable stability        direction, the fins’ survivability in the   top speed in the water is below 10
    and control. Half-area forward fins        plunge style landing has been better        knots, illustrating the ultimate benefit
    have been flown and show strong            than initially expected.                    of a flying submarine: assuring quick-
    control power for acting as canards.                                                   reaction access to underwater areas.
    Full-area wingtip fins have been           Experimentation with the Flying
    flown in a fixed configuration and         WANDA configuration continues.
    provide sufficient vertical tail surface   Future flights will explore the perfor-     By Dan Edwards
    for stable lateral modes.                  mance envelope using the fins as ac-        NRL Tactical Electronic Warfare Division
                                               tive control surfaces in the air and will
    Test flights have also begun explor-       continue the landing technique work.
    ing the landing mode that will best        A hollow, floodable wing is under
    protect the fin mechanisms. Flying         construction so that the swimming
    WANDA is designed for a traditional        phase of experimentation can begin
    approach and splashdown, with a            in the LASR pool.
    planing hull surface to stretch the
    deceleration time across a longer          The Sky’s the Limit for this
    landing maneuver. All four fins are        Submarine
    well protected using this landing          While the diametrically opposed re-
    technique, as they are on upper            quirements for a flying vehicle versus
    portions of the vehicle. However, in       a swimming submarine vehicle seem

8                                                                                                                          SPECTRA

                                            Flying WANDA takes flight, moments
                                            after departing the pneumatic launcher.

  The Flimmer vehicle is an adaptation of
  NRL’s WANDA for air-delivery.

                                            Flying WANDA approaches splashdown
                                            in the Potomac River.

WINTER 2014                                                                           9


     Scientists from the Naval Research Laboratory’s Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence demonstrate advances in
     cognitive science, cognitive robotics, and human–robot interaction with the help of teammate Octavia (center). Left to right: Ed Lawson,
     Greg Trafton, Laura Hiatt, Sunny Khemlani, Bill Adams, Priya Narayanan, Frank Tamborello, Tony Harrison, Magda Bugajska.

     Our overarching goal is to give               tional cognitive architecture ACT-R/E.        • Intentional and Imaginal
     robots a deep understanding                   A cognitive architecture is a process-          Modules: Provide support for goal-
     of how people think. There are                level theory about human cognition.             oriented cognition and intermediate
     three benefits of this to the scien-          It provides a rich environment for              problem state representations.
     tific community. First, by improving          modeling and validating different
     understanding of how people think             hypotheses about how people think.            • Visual and Aural Modules: Enable
     and interact with the world, we are           ACT-R/E provides a set of computa-              the architecture to see and hear
     pushing the boundaries of the field           tional modules, correlated with dif-            perceptual elements in the model’s
     of cognitive science. Second, we can          ferent functional regions of the brain,         world.
     leverage this knowledge of people to          that work together to explain both
     help robots be better at tasks they           the limitations of human cognition            • Configural and Manipulative
     typically are unable to perform well,         (i.e., we don’t have unlimited work-            Modules: Enable the architecture
     such as multimodal communication              ing memory) and the strengths (i.e.,            to spatially represent perceptual
     and computer vision. Third, this deep         we are good at inferring connections            elements in the model’s world.
     understanding of humans allows                between concepts and interacting
     robots to better predict and under-           with the physical world):                     • Temporal Module: Allows the
     stand a human partner’s behavior                                                              architecture to keep track of time;
     and, ultimately, be a better and more         • Declarative Module: Manages                   acts as a noisy metronome.
     helpful teammate.                               the creation and storage of factual
                                                     knowledge; selects what chunks              • Motor and Vocal Modules: Pro-
     To accomplish this, we build pro-               (facts or memories) will be thought           vide functionality for the model to
     cess models of fundamental human                about at any given time.                      move and speak with an appropri-
     cognitive skills – perception, memory,                                                        ate time course.
     attention, spatial abilities, and theory      • Procedural Module: Manages the
     of mind – and then use those models             creation and storage of procedural          Each module, save the procedural
     as reasoning mechanisms on robots               knowledge, or chunks; selects               module, is associated with a limited-
     and autonomous systems. Most of                 what production (if-then rule) will         capacity buffer, representing what the
     our work is done using the computa-             fire at any given time.                     model is thinking about / planning to

10                                                                                                                              SPECTRA

say / looking at / etc. Together, the         would allow the memory to become            see in the real-world environments
contents of these buffers make up             familiar enough to be remembered.           our warfighters encounter (such as
working memory in ACT-R/E. While                                                          jungles, deserts). In the second, ACT-
each of the modules and buffers is            ACT-R/E’s fidelity to the way the           R/E’s goal structure, together with its
theoretically motivated and validated         human mind integrates, stores, and          familiarity and context mechanisms,
on its own, ACT-R/E’s strength lies           retrieves all this information is what      allow an intelligent system to help
in the complex interaction of these           provides its true predictive and ex-        humans avoid certain classes of er-
components, shown below.                      planatory power. In this case, model-       rors, such as those commonly made
                                                                                          in Navy vehicle maintenance proce-

                                                                                          Computer Vision
                                                                                          Recent work in computer vision,
                                                                                          performed by Hoiem, Efros, and Her-
                                                                                          bert in 2006, and Oliva and Torralba
                                                                                          in 2007, among others, has shown
                                                                                          that including contextual information
                                                                                          can greatly affect the efficiency of
                                                                                          object recognition in terms of both
                                                                                          the speed and the accuracy of the
                                                                                          processing process. These existing
                                                                                          computer vision approaches, howev-
                                                                                          er, typically rely on static, aggregated
                                                                                          statistics of various features in the
                                                                                          scene to provide their context. While
                                                                                          such approaches are promising, this
                                                                                          limitation renders them unable to
                                                                                          perform competitively with human
                                                                                          perception; a richer, more human-like
                                                                                          representation of contextual infer-
    The ACT-R/E architecture. The complex interaction of ACT-R/E’s many                   ence, learned over time, like that in
    theoretically motivated and validated components provides its true predictive and     ACT-R/E, may be the key to their
    explanatory power.                                                                    success.

To illustrate, consider an example            ing the human’s experiences at the          Context in ACT-R/E takes the form
of a conference attendee meeting              conference provides both descrip-           of associations between related
someone at the conference and then            tive information about how a human          concepts that are learned over time.
attempting to remember his or her             could err in this situation (e.g., people   Concepts become associated when
name later in the evening. The at-            that look similar, or that were met at      they are thought about at roughly the
tendee would need to not only attend          similar times or similar parties, may       same time; the more they are thought
to the new person’s face, voice, and          be easily confused) and predictive          about in proximity to each other, the
clothing, but also bind those indi-           information (e.g., someone’s name           stronger their association becomes.
vidual concepts to the name of the            is unlikely to be remembered after a        This type of context is rich, in that it
individual. The attendee would then           long break without further rehearsal        can capture nuanced relationships
need to rehearse the name several             or strong contextual cues).                 between concepts and facts that
times so it would not be forgotten.                                                       are not explicitly linked; this context
When the attendee saw the new per-            In this article, we present two differ-     is also dynamic, in that it is learned
son a bit later, he or she would need         ent systems in which ACT-R/E’s fidel-       online and adjusted over time based
to take available cues (perhaps only          ity to human cognition is leveraged         on the model’s experience. Object
visual cues like face and clothing)           to develop intelligent systems that         recognition algorithms, like LVis, a
and attempt to retrieve from memory           can more functionally assist a human        biologically plausible object recogni-
the name associated with those                teammate. In the first example, ACT-        tion system developed by Randall
cues. Priming from contextual cues,           R/E’s familiarity and context mecha-        O’Reilly at the University of Colorado
like the face, clothing, and the party        nisms help an autonomous system             Boulder, can utilize this information to
itself, would boost the activation of         better perceive ambiguous or ob-            improve recognition in cases where
the memory, and the earlier rehearsal         fuscated objects that a robot might         using visual features alone is difficult.

WINTER 2014                                                                                                                           11

     For example, when looking in the
     kitchen, context may suggest related
     concepts such as oranges or lemons.
     Any ambiguities that might arise from
     other similar objects (such as an or-
     ange ball) can be quickly resolved by
     incorporating contextual information,
     resulting in the correct identification.

     Our initial experiments using a large
     database of objects have shown that
     a system that combines context and
     LVis’s object recognition algorithms is
     able to increase recognition accuracy
     as compared to using LVis without
     context (see below). While these
     results are simple, they shed light on
     the powerful tool that context can be,
     and demonstrate how it can be used
     to build to autonomous systems that
     are better able to support and extend
     the Navy’s capabilities.

       Sample objects from the RGB-D
       dataset developed by Lai et al. at
       the University of Washington. The
       objects in the dataset are relatively
       low resolution, similar to what a
       robot would see as it moves around
       the world. Here, a battery (left) and
       dry eraser (right) can potentially
       have very similar visual outlines and
       contours, but are typically found in
       different situations; context can help
       differentiate between these two object

     Error Prediction                              One of our robots, Octavia, correctly recognizes an orange ball when it is in context.
     With the rapid rise of communica-             Octavia is a humanoid robot we use to investigate how to build intelligent systems
     tion technologies that keep people            that can serve as better teammates to their human partners.
     accessible at all times, issues of
     interruptions and multitasking have        completion time or errors. Given the           have to resume it. As ACT-R/E pro-
     become mainstream concerns. For            prevalence of interruptions, build-            gresses through a task, it maintains a
     example, the New York Times in 2005        ing systems that can help remind an            representation of where it is currently
     and Time magazine in 2006 both             individual what they were doing or             engaged in the task. For familiar
     reported stories about interruptions       where they were in a task can have a           tasks, this representation always as-
     and multitasking, and how they affect      large impact on individual and group           sociates, via context, an action to the
     performance by increasing human er-        productivity.                                  next action to be performed. When a
     ror. In 2005, the information technol-                                                    task is interrupted, the model loses
     ogy research firm Basex estimated          We built an ACT-R/E model that                 track of its goal and, upon resump-
     the economic impact of interruptions       emulates the process people go                 tion of the task, must remember what
     to be around $588 billion a year           through as they get interrupted                it was working on. Sometimes, con-
     due to losses from increased task          during a procedural task and then              textual cues associate to future steps

12                                                                                                                              SPECTRA

beyond the next correct one, and
the system skips a step. Alternately,
sometimes the familiarity of past ac-
tions surpasses the familiarity of the
current action, and ACT-R/E remem-
bers an action prior to the last one it
completed, and repeats a step.

Using ACT-R/E in this way, we can
explain (and thus can better predict)                                    N av y Ce n t e r fo r
how, when interrupted, people tend                                       A p p l i e d R es e a r c h i n
                                                                         A rt i f i c i a l I n t e l l i g e n c e
to skip or repeat steps, even in a
familiar task, based on the task’s
context and strengthening. This ac-
complishment will help us develop             The Navy Center for Applied Research
intelligent systems that can mitigate         in Artificial Intelligence (NCARAI) has
human error risks in dangerous                been involved in basic and applied research in
procedures, with both monetary and            artificial intelligence, human factors, and human-
functional benefits.                          centered computing since its inception in 1981. It
                                              is part of the Information Technology Division of
Conclusion                                    the Naval Research Laboratory and is directed by
Our approach to intelligent systems           Alan Schultz, who is also director of the Labora-
is multidimensional. First, in the            tory for Autonomous Systems Research.
cognitive science tradition, we attain
a deep understanding of how people            The Adaptive Systems group conducts research
think: our ACT-R/E models faithfully          focused on techniques that allow systems to change
capture people’s behavior as they             their level of autonomy on the fly, adapt to changes in
perceive, think about, and act on the         their environment and in their own capabilities, learn new
world around them. Second, we use             behaviors through interaction with the world, and interact
this understanding to make intelligent        more naturally with humans.
systems better by taking advantage
of people’s strengths. Finally, the           The Intelligent Systems group performs research in
models help to reveal limitations and         cognitive science, cognitive robotics and human-robot
potential failings of human cogni-            interaction, predicting and preventing procedural errors,
tion, which our intelligent systems           the cognition of complex visualizations, interruptions and
can then take steps to correct.               resumptions, and spatial cognition, to enable intelligent
Overall, our efforts to attain a deep         systems that can work more effectively with people.
understanding of human cognitive
strengths and limitations allow us            The Interactive Systems group develops and enhances
to build more functional intelligent          computer interfaces for autonomous and intelligent
systems that are better able to serve         systems, spanning human-computer and human-robot
their human teammates.                        interactions. Research includes linguistic, auditory, and
                                              phonological analyses to link natural language to modes
                                              of human-machine interaction.
By Laura M. Hiatt, Frank P. Tamborello, II,
Wallace E. Lawson, and J. Gregory Trafton
Navy Center for Applied Research in           The Perceptual Systems group examines issues related
Artificial Intelligence                       to sensors required to support autonomous platform navi-
                                              gation, scene interpretation, and teamwork. Techniques
                                              include passive monocular vision, and passive and active
                                              stereo and triocular ranging methods, along with algo-
                                              rithms to rapidly interpret the scene.


WINTER 2014                                                                                                           13

     NRL Autonomy Lab Hosts
     Shipboard Fire Robotics Consortium
     The U.S. Naval Research Labo-               ties. Add to this scenario a cloistered     Thomas McKenna, managing program
     ratory (NRL) Laboratory for                 platform, say many levels down inside       officer of ONR’s Computational Neuro-
                                                 a seagoing ship, and the challenge is       science and Biorobotics programs. “The
     Autonomous Systems Research
                                                 exponentially increased, resulting in       goal of this research is to develop the
     (LASR), a partner in the Navy’s             extreme risks to human life. Despite        mutual interaction between a humanoid
     Damage Control for the 21st                 these risks, a shipboard fire must be       robotic firefighter and the rest of the
     Century project (DC-21), re-                contained and extinguished for the          firefighting team.”
     cently hosted robotics research             safety of the crew and continued mis-
     teams from the Virginia Poly-               sion readiness of the ship.                 This highly specialized research, to pro-
     technic Institute and State                                                             mote advanced firefighting techniques,
     University (Virginia Tech) and              To mitigate these risks, NRL research-      includes development of a novel robotic
     the University of Pennsylvania              ers at LASR and NRL’s Navy Center           platform and fire-hardened materials
     (Penn) to demonstrate the                   for Applied Research in Artificial Intel-   (Virginia Tech), algorithms for percep-
                                                 ligence (NCARAI), under direction and       tion and navigation autonomy (Penn),
     most current developments
                                                 funding from the Office of Naval Re-        human–robot interaction technology,
     of advanced autonomous                      search (ONR), are working with univer-      and computational cognitive models
     systems to assist in discovery,             sity researchers to develop advanced        that will allow the robotic firefighter to
     control, and damage control                 firefighting technologies for shipboard     work shoulder-to-shoulder and interact
     of incipient fires.                         fires using humanoid robots, an effort      naturally with naval firefighters (NCARAI).
                                                 led by the NRL Chemistry Division.
     Fighting fires can at times prove chal-                                                 “These advancements complement
     lenging to even the most seasoned           “As part of the Navy’s ‘leap ahead’         highly specialized NRL research that
     firefighting veteran — a firefighter must   initiative, this research focuses on the    focuses specifically on the human–robot
     deal with extreme unpredictability, high    integration of spatial orientation and      interaction technology and shipboard-
     temperatures, and rapid decline of          the shipboard mobility capabilities         based spatial interrogation technology,”
     environmental and structural integri-       of future shipboard robots,” said Dr.       said Alan C. Schultz, director of LASR

14                                                                                                                         SPECTRA

and the NCARAI. “Developments
made from this research will allow a
Navy firefighter to interact peer-to-peer,
shoulder-to-shoulder with a humanoid
robotic firefighter.”

The NRL LASR, where the artificial
intelligence portion of the research is
performed, hosted the consortium of
university researchers to demonstrate
their most current developments.

The LASR facility allows the research-
ers from Virginia Tech and Penn to
demonstrate, in a controlled environ-
ment, progress in the critical steps
necessary for shipboard fire suppres-
sion using variants of their Shipboard
Autonomous Firefighting Robot,
or SAFFiR. In 2013, human–robot
interaction technology and cognitive
models developed by NRL were also
demonstrated at the laboratory.

“The LASR facility, with its unique
simulated multi-environments and
state-of-the-art labs allows us to ‘test
out’ our ideas before we go to the
field,” Schultz said. “In essence, our
facility gives us a cost-saving method
for testing concepts and ideas before
we go to the expense of field trials.”

While at LASR, the researchers dem-
onstrated the complex motion, agility,
and walking algorithms of the robots
over natural and manmade terrain and
simulated shipboard sea state (pitch
and roll) conditions. Also demonstrated
were “seek-and-find” algorithms for
locating a fire emergency, in this case
an open flame, and the use of “artificial
muscle” for the lifting and activation
of fire suppression equipment, such
as opening a water valve, lifting and
walking with a fire hose, and activating
a nozzle.

“SAFFiR is being designed to move
autonomously throughout a ship to
learn ship layout, interact with people,
patrol for structural anomalies, and
handle many of the dangerous firefight-
ing tasks that are normally performed
by humans,” McKenna said. The robot          SAFFiR — the Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot.
is designed with enhanced multimodal

WINTER 2014                                                                                                         15

     Researchers demonstrated the complex
     motion, agility, and walking algorithms of the
     robots over natural and manmade terrain
     and simulated shipboard sea state (pitch
     and roll) conditions. Also demonstrated were
     “seek-and-find” algorithms for locating a fire
     emergency, in this case an open flame, and
     the use of “artificial muscle” for the lifting and
     activation of fire suppression equipment, such
     as opening a water valve, lifting and walking
     with a fire hose, and activating a nozzle.

16                                                        SPECTRA

sensor technology for advanced navigation and
a sensor suite that includes a camera, gas sen-
sor, and stereo infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV)
cameras to enable it to see through smoke and
detect sources of excess heat. SAFFiR is also
capable of walking in all directions, balancing in
sea state conditions, and traversing obstacles
such as “knee-knocker” bulkhead openings.

“Today’s display demonstrates the integration of
perception through multiple sensors, and of lo-
comotion through biped walking,” said Dr. Daniel
Lee, director of the General Robotics Automa-
tion, Sensing, Perception Lab and professor at
the University of Pennsylvania. Tasks as humans
we take for granted, such as standing and
remaining upright, become increasingly complex
with the addition of full body mobility required for
walking and lifting. Dr. Brian Lattimer, associate
professor at Virginia Tech’s Department of Me-
chanical Engineering, additionally commented
that what we are now seeing is the result of a
multidisciplinary project combined to perform all
the critical tasks necessary for fire suppression
by a humanoid robot.

“In dark or smoke-occluded and noisy environ-
ments found in shipboard firefighting conditions,
                                                       SAFFiR is being designed to move autonomously
tactile feedback — touch — is an important form
                                                       throughout a ship to learn ship layout, interact with
of communication between human firefighters,”          people, patrol for structural anomalies, and handle
said John Farley, project officer of the fire test     many of the dangerous firefighting tasks that are
ship ex-USS Shadwell, NRL Chemistry Division.          normally performed by humans.
“Moving forward, the team will integrate NRL’s
human–robot interaction technology with the
SAFFiR platform so that there is a greater focus
on natural interaction with naval firefighters.”

In the short term, however, to protect
robotic mechanisms and electronics from
intense heat, researchers in the Advanced
Materials Section of the NRL Chemistry Division
have developed a class of lightweight, high-
temperature polyetheretherketone (PEEK)-like
phthalonitrile resin that can be molded to any
shape and remain strong at temperatures up to
500 degrees Celsius. The robotic teams are ex-
pecting to soon conduct shipboard trials aboard
Shadwell, the Navy’s only full-scale fire test ship,
moored in Mobile, Alabama.

By Daniel Parry
NRL Public Affairs Office

                                                          SAFFiR taking a break after a hard day at work.

WINTER 2014                                                                                                                   17
NRL Technology Assists FDNY                             David DeRieux (right) of the Naval Research Laborato

RFID tracking system grew out of the realization during the events of 9/11 that first responders did not have

FDNY vehicles and helps to answer, Who exactly is on scene? Where are they? Are they safe? NRL received

saving work. See details on page 35. (Photo, left to right: George Arthur, Dan Orbach, and David DeRieux.)
ory invented a system for Fire Department New York (FDNY) to automatically track firefighters. NRL’s active-

 a reliable method to account for all members responding to an incident. The system is now in use on 15

d a 2014 Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer for this potentially life-

                                                                                            Fuel Cell
     A benthic microbial fuel cell             prospect of using BMFCs to power           power generation: to determine the
     (BMFC) is an oceanographic                these sensors indefinitely, or at least    effects of different oceanographic
                                               far longer than possible with batteries,   and biogeochemical parameters, to
     power supply that can gen-                is enticing – we can acquire long-term     pair prototype BMFCs with sensors,
     erate power indefinitely. The             uninterrupted data and significantly       and to develop easily deployable
     BMFC sits at the sediment/water           reduce the cost and logistics burden       configurations. We have successfully
     (benthic) interface of marine environ-    of keeping sensors running. A BMFC         powered many useful devices with
     ments, where it generates electrical      is maintenance free and nondeplet-         small-scale BMFCs (less than 0.1
     power using organic matter naturally      ing: the organic matter and oxygen         watt continuous output), and have
     residing in marine sediments as its       are constantly replenished by natu-        just begun development of full-scale
     fuel, and oxygen in overlying water       rally occurring diffusion and advec-       BMFCs (greater than 1 watt continu-
     as its oxidant. At the Naval Research     tion; the electrode catalysts consist      ous output).
     Laboratory (NRL), we are developing       of self-forming biofilms comprised of
     BMFCs to power persistent, in-water       microorganisms naturally inhabiting        Early Laboratory Experiments
     intelligence, surveillance, and recon-    the benthic interface; and there are       The bottom sediment of many
     naissance capabilities presently lim-     no moving, degradable, or depletable       marine environments is reductant
     ited in operational lifetime by battery   components.                                enriched, due to metabolic activity
     depletion.                                                                           of sediment-dwelling microorgan-
                                               NRL has been a leader in developing        isms, whereas the overlying water
     Thousands of battery-powered sen-         the BMFC and optimizing it for Navy        is oxidant enriched due to supply of
     sors are deployed each year that          operational use. We have conducted         oxygen from the atmosphere. This
     provide valuable scientific informa-      laboratory and field research to study     transition is referred to as the benthic
     tion about marine environments. The       the microbial activity underlying          redox gradient. As a result of this

20                                                                                                                      SPECTRA

                     The combined power from six small-scale BMFCs was used to persistently operate a
                     meteorological buoy (center) in the Potomac River. The buoy measured local weather
                     conditions and transmitted data every five minutes to a land-based receiver.

gradient, when an inert electrode is        replenished at the cathode, and mass          reduction of insoluble iron oxide
stepwise inserted into such sedi-           transport (assumed to be diffusion)           mineral deposits. Such microorgan-
ments from overlying water, its open        supplied the anode reactants and              isms are fascinating (especially to
circuit potential shifts by as much as      removed the anode products. A most            an electrochemist like me) for their
−0.8 volts.                                 interesting result was that current           ability to transport respired elec-
                                            increased over time to a steady-state         trons from inside the cell to insoluble
Taking advantage of this natural volt-      level. In most electrochemical experi-        oxidants residing outside the cell
age gradient at the sediment/water          ments, current decreases over time            (referred to as extracellular electron
interface, my colleagues and I set          due to depletion of the reactant and/         transport), acquiring a small amount
out to create a battery for powering        or diminished catalytic activity of the       of energy for themselves in the pro-
oceanographic sensors by embed-             electrode. I remember being dumb-             cess. It is thought that D. acetoxidans
ding one electrode into reductant-          founded watching the current rise.            in a BMFC anode biofilm oxidizes
enriched marine sediment, where it                                                        organic matter in marine sediment
would act as an anode, and plac-            We immediately followed with another          and transports the acquired electrons
ing the other in oxidant-enriched           benchtop experiment using graphite            to the underlying anode as if it were a
overlying water, where it would act         electrodes for the anode and cathode,         mineral deposit, effectively catalyzing
as a cathode. Our first experiments         resulting in a significantly higher cur-      the anode reaction.
involved a benchtop shoebox-                rent density. After the system gener-
sized aquarium containing marine            ated power for some time across a             Early Field Deployments
sediment, seawater, and a platinum          resistor, we removed the anode from           In one of our first field experiments,
anode and platinum cathode, which           the sediment and examined it to find          at the Rutgers University Marine Field
generated miniscule current across a        a biofilm adhering to its surface — a         Station in the Great Bay, New Jer-
resistive load. The notion at the time      coating comprised of a community of           sey in 2002, a BMFC with graphite
was that the anode was oxidizing            microorganisms from the sediment. A           electrodes generated power continu-
microbial-generated reductants in the       genetics-based analysis of the biofilm        ously for nine months without indica-
sediment (such as sulfide), and the         indicated that it was enriched in a           tion of depletion in power before the
cathode was reducing oxygen in the          specific class of microorganisms, Del-        experiment was terminated. This and
overlying water. Since the net reac-        taproteobacteria. The microorganism           subsequent longer-term field and
tion is thermodynamically favorable         available in pure culture most similar        laboratory experiments revealed an
(electron transfer from a reductant         to the microorganism enriched on the          important attribute of microbial an-
to an oxidant, just like in a battery or    BMFC anode was Desulfuromonas                 ode catalysts: as living entities meta-
fuel cell), it was reasonable to ex-        acetoxidans, a dissimilatory metal-           bolically benefiting from the reaction
pect that power could be expended           reducing bacteria (DMRB) found in             they catalyze, they self-maintain
across a resistive load connecting          marine sediment that couples oxi-             themselves and do not degrade over
the electrodes as long as oxygen was        dation of sedimentary acetate with            time as long as their environment

WINTER 2014                                                                                                                         21

     is hospitable. In this way, they can        powered by the BMFC. This required        We are working to optimize the BMFC
     maintain catalytic activity indefinitely.   a novel solution to convert the low       design to maximize power output
     Analysis of the anode biofilm of the        DC voltage output of the BMFC from        while making anode embedment a
     New Jersey BMFC indicated enrich-           0.35 volts (dictated by the benthic       simple and reliable procedure. Maxi-
     ment not only of D. acetoxidans, but        redox gradient) to 6 volts to charge a    mizing power involves anode designs
     also of microorganisms in the Desul-        capacitor, which in turn was used to      that expose as much mass-transport-
     fobulbus or Desulfocapsa genera that        power the buoy. The capacitor was         accessible surface area to sediment
     oxidize and disproportionate sulfur.        needed to buffer the low but steady       as possible within mass and volume
     In sulfide-enriched sediment such as        power output of the BMFC with the         constraints of the intended deploy-
     the New Jersey site, a graphite an-         duty cycle of the buoy, whereby           ment platform, all while being easy
     ode can develop a passivating sulfur        nearly 99% of energy consumption by       to properly embed into sediment. We
     precipitate on its surface that can         the buoy occurred during the fraction     have been making steady progress,
     shut down current. It is thought that       of a second during which the data         hampered at times by the vagaries of
     these microorganisms act to clear the       was transmitted. Between trans-           field research: in 2012, all our mea-
     sulfur from the anode surface, form-        missions, the BMFC recharged the          surement equipment and 26 BMFCs
     ing sulfate and sulfite, both soluble.      capacitor. This was the first time that   deployed at a New Jersey site were
                                                 a BMFC was used as a free-standing        lost when directly hit by Hurricane
     The next BMFC field experiments             power supply. The buoy ran flawlessly     Sandy.
     were performed in 2003, at 1000             for seven months. The river froze that
     meters depth in the Monterey Can-           winter, trapping the buoy in ice, but     In 2013, we began development of
     yon off the coast of California on a        it kept running until the ice thawed      full-scale BMFCs in NRL’s newly
     cold seep, a fissure on the seafloor        enough that large pieces began to         opened Laboratory for Autonomous
     effusing organic-rich water. We had         flow down river, dragging the buoy        Systems Research (LASR), where we
     hypothesized that the high mass             and severing the mooring line con-        have assembled a six-meter-diameter,
     transport rate of organic matter            necting it with the BMFC. I got a call    8000-gallon benthic mesocosm,
     would benefit BMFC power gen-               from the Coast Guard who found the        essentially a large indoor aquarium
     eration and we were correct. This           buoy resting against a pier of the Wil-   filled with sediment and seawater to
     BMFC, equipped with a spear-like            son Bridge. (Lesson: always put your      replicate the benthic interface. This fa-
     graphite anode inserted vertically          phone number on any oceanographic         cility enables full-scale BMFC testing
     into the seep, generated significantly      instrument you want back.)                in a controlled environment, greatly
     more power per unit footprint area                                                    reducing the cost and risk of BMFC
     and geometric surface area of the           A Practical Power Supply                  design development compared to field
     anode compared to our earlier ex-           Since 2004, a number of researchers       testing. We have already made seven
     periments. This was exciting because        have been working to develop BM-          deployments of a two-meter-diameter,
     it demonstrated that placement of a         FCs into practical power supplies that    900-kilogram oceanographic mooring
     BMFC in an area with a high rate of         are straightforward to deploy. I am       equipped with various BMFCs to test
     organic matter mass transport, such         fortunate to pursue this concept with     new designs. The LASR mesocosm is
     as a subliming methane hydrate out-         my NRL colleagues Dr. Jeff Book, Mr.      greatly compressing the BMFC devel-
     crop, could result in very high power       Andy Quaid, and Mr. Justin Broders-       opment horizon and I feel we are on
     output, which could be of great use         en, oceanographers; Dr. Yoko Furuka-      track to transition the BMFC in 2015.
     to the Navy.                                wa, marine geochemist; and Dr. Jeff
                                                 Erickson and Mr. Marius Pruessner,
     We next deployed a BMFC in 2004 in          engineers; with funding from the Of-      By Leonard Tender
     the Potomac River off the NRL pier.         fice of Naval Research and NRL. We        NRL Center for Bio/Molecular Science and
     Here, the BMFC consisted of graph-          have deployed small-scale BMFCs in        Engineering
     ite electrode slabs attached with zip       coastal locations including California,
     ties to the top and bottom of milk          Gulf of Mexico, Maine, New Jersey,
     crate spacers that were positioned          North Carolina, and the Adriatic Sea.
     on the river bottom with one elec-          These BMFCs have operated over
     trode in the mud and the other in the       durations ranging from less than six
     overlying water. An attached buoy           months to more than two years with-
     floating on the water surface mea-          out indication of depletion in power
     sured air temperature, pressure, rela-      output. They have powered a hydro-
     tive humidity, and water temperature,       phone with a radio transceiver link, an
     and transmitted this data to my office      acoustic modem, and a surveillance
     every five minutes. The entire buoy         camera with a cellular link.
     including the radio transmitter was

22                                                                                                                       SPECTRA

                BMFC graphite bottlebrush cathodes.

   Dr. Leonard Tender (above, and with Marius
   Pruessner at right) working in the benthic
   mesocosm in the Laboratory for Autonomous
   Systems Research. The mesocosm contains 18
   inches of seawater and 24 inches of synthetic
   marine sediment that has been inoculated with
   real marine sediment to provide necessary
   microbial activity. On the water surface are BMFC
   graphite bottlebrush cathodes; when deployed in
   the field, these cathodes are beneath the water     The benthic mesocosm in the Laboratory for
   surface but above the sediment surface. The         Autonomous Systems Research.
   vertical tubes indicate the locations of BMFC
   anodes embedded in the sediment.

WINTER 2014                                                                                         23
3-D Printing in

     Hydrogen Fuel Cells
     for Unmanned Systems

     The NRL crew after the successful flight of a 3-D printed fuel cell aboard the Ion Tiger UAV. Left to right: Dan Edwards,
     Drew Rodgers, Ben Gould, Steve Carruthers, Mike Schuette, and Karen Swider-Lyons. Not shown: Chris Bovais.

     The Naval Research Labora-                   In a recent project, an NRL team               The only byproducts are water and
                                                  leveraged 3-D printing and other               low-grade heat, and no combustion
     tory (NRL) has been leading
                                                  prototyping tools in NRL’s Laboratory          occurs. The electrochemical reactions
     the development of lightweight               for Autonomous Systems Research                are efficient, resulting in systems that
     hydrogen fuel cell systems for               (LASR) for developing and integrat-            are over 50% efficient and operate at
                                                  ing their next generation of hydrogen          low temperatures (near 80 degrees
     long-endurance unmanned air
                                                  fuel cells into unmanned systems.              Celcius). Combined with the high
     vehicles (UAVs), starting with               Additive manufacturing processes               energy of hydrogen, the result is an
     the modest 3-hour flight of the              such as 3-D printing promise rapid             electric power source that is light-
                                                  prototyping of new designs so they             weight and has high energy per unit
     Spider Lion in 2004, followed
                                                  can be tested and verified without the         weight. For the Ion Tiger system, this
     by the 24-hour flight of the Ion             expense of traditional manufacturing.          meant a sevenfold increase in endur-
     Tiger in 2009, the 48-hour flight            The team used new tools in the LASR,           ance over battery propulsion when
                                                  plus commercial tools, to investigate          gaseous hydrogen was used for the
     of the Ion Tiger in 2013, and the
                                                  how 3-D printing can be used toward            24-hour flight. Hydrogen fuel cell sys-
     deployment of the XFC tactical               improving fuel cells for unmanned              tems also respond rapidly to changes
     UAV from the torpedo tube of a               systems.                                       in throttle, and are easily turned off
                                                                                                 and on. The fast response time and
     submarine in 2013. NRL also as-
                                                  The motivation for NRL’s research into         high energy density are two reasons
     sisted in a demonstration flight             hydrogen fuel cells is clear. Fuel cells       major automobile manufacturers such
     of Insitu’s ScanEagle vehicle on             directly convert the energy in hydro-          as General Motors, Toyota, Honda,
                                                  gen to electricity by electrochemically        and Daimler have invested cumula-
     a hydrogen fuel cell in 2010.
                                                  combining with the oxygen in air.              tively $10 billion to $12 billion in hy-

24                                                                                                                               SPECTRA
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