Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development

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Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
Surviving the ‘perfect storm’

David Varcoe
Manager Research and Development
Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
Perfect storm: a confluence of events that drastically
aggravates a situation

Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
Historically high US / Australian dollar exchange rate – 100%
               appreciation over ten years
                                                                     Average Monthly Exchange Rate (USD:AUD)

                                                                                           Avg (Jul 90 to Dec 06)
                                                                                           Avg (Jan 07 to date)
                                                                                           High (Jul 90 to Dec 06)
                                                                                           Low (Jul 90 to Dec 06)
                                                                                           High (Jan 07 to date)
                                                                                           Low (Jan 07 to date)



       0.60                                                                                                                                       GFC

                                                                                                                                        Key Drivers:
                                                                                                                                        • Commodities demand
                                                                                                                                        • Relative strength of Australian economy
       0.50                                                                                                                             • Interest rate differentials and attractiveness
                                                                                                                                        of Australian Gov’t bond yields

           Jan-90 Jan-91 Jan-92 Jan-93 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13
Source: CEIC
Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
Three and fourfold increases in the price of key raw material inputs
such as iron ore and coal over a five year period

Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
Global steel industry plagued by over capacity

China's steel industry faces toughest time since turn of century
Xinhua and Staff Reporter

‘China's steel industry was confronted last year with its greatest difficulties since the turn of
the century, as the global economic slowdown curtailed demand, an industry association said
The country's crude steel output grew 3.1% to 716.54 million tonnes in 2012.
The association said its member companies saw profits plummet 98.22% to US$252
million year on year, while total sales dropped 4.31% to US$568.2 billion.
Last year, 28.75% of its member companies reported losses, the association said, as prices
for steel products experienced a downward trend.
Meanwhile, China's steel sector still has excessive production capacity, which has caused
steel output to greatly exceed market demand. As a result, steel producers competed fiercely
to boost their sales, which in turn resulted in steel price decreases, the association said.’
Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
So what to do?

Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
Change the rules of the game with four strategies

1. Rapidly reconfigure manufacturing facilities to maintain viability,
   and more rapidly respond to the dynamic business environment.

2. Find ways to more cost effectively serve the available markets.

3. Increase differentiation of premium or flagship products in order
   to change the basis of competition.

4. Change the culture to better equip our staff to deal with the

Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
1. Reconfigure manufacturing facilities

• Crude steel manufacturing capacity was reduced by 2.5 million tonnes per
  annum or 50% in 2011, to focus on domestic market. This resulted in
      Negligible export and spot market exposure;
      Much lower exchange rate volatility exposure;
      Lower asset and cost base.
     = more sustainable business

• Individual manufacturing units modified in order to increase flexibility
     Tube industry example

Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
Tube Industry Example

• October: Customer decided to close their tube galvanising plant due to lack of
  competitiveness with imported finished goods.
• This customer previously bought hot rolled (heavy gauge) feedstock from
  BlueScope, processed it into tubes, and then galvanized the tubes.
• Closure of the galvanizing plant meant loss of this market as the customer
  switched to importing pre-galvanized heavy gauge feedstock.
• December: BlueScope successfully developed the capability to make this
  feedstock by fundamentally redesigning a coupled pickle line and rolling mill.

Surviving the 'perfect storm' - David Varcoe Manager Research and Development
2. More cost effectively serve available markets

• In-line Painting - Invention of a novel manufacturing process for combined
  metal coating and painting
     – Reduction in operating and capital cost
     – Simplified process for production of fit-for-purpose products to serve new markets

2. Contributing to the cost effectiveness of our customers

Some examples from the import competing manufacturing sector

Market      Project                            Purpose
Quench and New high hardness grade             Improved wear resistance for plate
Tempered   New high toughness grade            Improved weldability for plate
Plate      design
            High strength / ductile steel      Qualification for submarine hulls
Hot Water   Higher strength / thinner steel    Lighter weight hot water tanks
Racking     Higher strength galvanized steel   Lower cost racking and shelving

3. Increase differentiation of premium coated products –
ZINCALUME® steel and COLORBOND® steel


The evolutionary path of ZINCALUME® steel in Australia …

                                                                   BlueScope Steel
                                                                    is committed to
    1830’s           1976           1994             2005          developing next
                                                                   generation steels
   Corrugated       Launch of    Resin coating      Warranty          for the next
    galvanised    ZINCALUME®      added for      extension from      generation in
  iron invented       steel     improved mark     25 to 30 years        building
                      AZ150       resistance

    Original ZINCALUME® steel has
             coating class:

                  AZ150                                            Since 1976 BlueScope has
                                                                   made more than 15 million
   Coating type:               Coating                             tonnes of ZINCALUME®
   Aluminium /                  mass:                              steel - the equivalent of a
                                                                   1km wide roof spanning
    Zinc alloy              150 grams per                          from Sydney to Perth
       (AZ)                 square metre
Differentiating through Product Leadership

Activate technology is a unique, next generation technology platform for ZINCALUME® steel
and COLORBOND® steel.

It comprises 2%Mg-55%Al-Zn and provides:

        Improved product corrosion performance in critical areas over current product
        Reduced manufacturing costs due to reduced coating thickness needed to achieve better performance
        Product differentiation supported by 13 international patents
        Enhanced green building credentials due to reduced CO2 footprint (~2 - 5%), natural resource conservation
        Greater product design and application options
              • Perforated product applications – such as architectural facades /solar shades
              • Greater performance potential in unwashed applications

                                             Distribution restricted- BSL only                                   14
Accelerated Cyclic Corrosion Test (Q-fog)

 AM100 – demonstrable
 performance advantage
 over AZ150 in common
accelerated corrosion test

                             Distribution restricted- BSL only   15
The evolutionary path of ZINCALUME® steel in Australia –
 making a great product even better.

• Re-instate a differentiated product offer to BSL based on superior, unique technology
• $100M+ capital investment
• 10+ years of accelerated testing
• 17+ years of field testing

                                                      Next generation
                                                      ZINCALUME® steel
                                                      AM125 coating
             AZ150  coating
                Superseded                              The new standard
4. Change the culture – ‘Triple A’

• ‘Recharging BlueScope Australia New Zealand’

Triple A in an R&D context – some examples

• Alignment
     – R&D technology platforms more closely linked to market objectives and macro trends
     – Greater visibility of overall R&D portfolio for staff, combined with better translation of
       link between project tasks and individual value drivers.

• Accountability
     – Shift from in-house confirmation testing of all supplier data to accreditation of routine
       data provided by suppliers.
     – Greater emphasis on use of grants and leveraged funding.

• Agility
     – Increase speed to market through adoption of ‘lean’ product development principles.
     – Use of open innovation to source ideas and non-core expertise.

Surviving, and prospering

• Steel manufacturing capacity reduced to match domestic market requirements.

• Individual manufacturing units rapidly reconfigured to meet dynamically
  changing customer requirements.

• Novel manufacturing processes developed to reduce the cost to make simple

• A suite of significant new product developments planned for launch in 2013,
  changing the basis of competition.

• Organisational culture change so as to better equip staff to effectively respond
  to the challenging business conditions.

Thank you

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