Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019

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Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019

Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019
About this report3
About OfficeMax New Zealand3
Letter from our MD4
OfficeMax’s Value Chain6
Material issues7
How we’ve made a difference
in 20198
Addressing climate change9
Keeping our supply
chain ethical18
Putting our customers first23
We couldn’t do it without
our people28
Caring for our community34
Our sustainability timeline36
GRI content index37

Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019
About this report                              About OfficeMax New Zealand
Welcome to OfficeMax New Zealand’s             OfficeMax New Zealand Ltd. is owned by Platinum Equity, a US based private equity
third sustainability report, which seeks to    firm with a global portfolio of companies across diverse industries.
communicate the economic, social and
                                               OfficeMax New Zealand traces its roots back to 1871 with the establishment of Coulls
environmental impacts of its operations to
                                               Somerville Wilkie, a printing and publishing company. Through various changes of ownership,
                                               mergers and acquisitions, the company honed its office and school supplies focus, and grew
This report covers the operations of           its national network.
OfficeMax New Zealand Ltd., for the period
                                               In New Zealand, OfficeMax operates from more than 16 locations offering distribution in
January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.
                                               Auckland and Christchurch, retail from Whangarei to Invercargill, sales across the country
In terms of scope, the report focuses on the   and shared service activities in Auckland and Christchurch. OfficeMax is a progressive
sales and distribution of imported products    provider of office supplies, solutions and services, as well as workplace products and
to New Zealand but does not extend to the      furniture; its product range extends to more than 24,000 products.
supply chain of that imported product. This
                                               OfficeMax’s dedicated account managers and product specialists support businesses of all
is recognised as something that could and
                                               sizes, plus schools and families throughout the country. Orders are taken online, by phone or
should be examined in the next 12 months.
                                               email, or through a store visit. OfficeMax’s account team and courier partners provide highly
The organisational boundaries include the      reliable, extensive rural and urban delivery.
importation of product to OfficeMax’s head
office in Highbrook.

This report has been prepared in
accordance with the GRI Standards: Core
option. A table of performance indicators
can be found on page 37.

Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019
Letter from our MD
                               Kia ora and welcome                                   This year I can report we’ve started working
                                                                                     toward completion of a warehouse
                                                                                                                                      Mindful consumers have also told us the
                                                                                                                                      number one wasteful packaging they’d like
                                                                                     extension in Auckland to provide us              to see changed is the plastic pillows which
                               Last time we caught up, I
                                                                                     with significant capacity and storage            we use to protect products from getting
                               was pleased to report we                              improvement as well as solar panels on           damaged during delivery. In response,
                               had introduced TechCollect                            the roof which should provide 22.5% of the       we’re innovating to deliver a new packaging
                               e-waste recycling, reduced fuel                       energy needs for our largest Distribution        system which will remove plastic pillows
                                                                                     Centre in the country along with our             and instead crimp boxes closed around
                               consumption by using GPS,
                                                                                     national office.                                 the shape of the product inside, ensuring
                               gave back $817,000 through                                                                             the content of each parcel doesn’t move
                                                                                     Another development I can announce is
                               School Rewards and eliminated                                                                          around. In turn this will enable us to fit more
                                                                                     that customers have continued to let us
                               single-use plastic bags in our                        know they want the best in sustainability
                                                                                                                                      parcels into each delivery van which will
                               retail stores. I promised we’d                                                                         increase efficiency and reduce our carbon
                                                                                     certification for the paper we sell, and
                                                                                                                                      footprint – this change will take place in
                               continue to pursue sustainable                        they’re interested in Forest Stewardship
                                                                                                                                      2021. Meanwhile we’ll continue to recycle all
                               improvements in 2019, and I’m                         Council® (FSC®) and PEFC certification.
                                                                                                                                      soft plastic pallet wrap and strapping.
                                                                                     At the time of reporting we had recently
                               proud to announce updates on
                                                                                     launched New Zealand’s first copy paper          Our business continues to be focused on
                               those improvements here.                              range which has 100% recyclable wrappers         the consolidation of demand as we extend
Sustainability, to us, isn’t                                                         where previously the coating applied to          the range of products on offer to cover
just recycling, nor is it a    This time last year, I wrote about how                the wrappers, to protect the contents from       the key items used in every business. This
one-off token gesture. It’s    impressed I was that our staff are committed          moisture ingress, had a plastic film applied     enables us to consolidate deliveries for
                               to sustainability as management and                   which meant that the wrappers could not          our customers so that there are reduced
a gradual and dedicated
                               consumers are. We’re off to a great start in          be recycled (our research suggests that at       separate delivery streams, reduced
ethos of improvement to        our sustainability story, but there is always         current sales levels this should divert over 4   administrative burden and more efficient
people, packaging and          room for improvement as people remind us              million ream wrappers a year from landfill  1
                                                                                                                                      freight movements with an associated
performance.                   how we can stay fresh and innovative.                 across the country).                             reduction in carbon footprint.

                               1   Assumes copy paper wrap is recycled 100% of the time

Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019
In terms of corporate social responsibility,    To stay true to our sustainability stance, in   Sustainability, to us, isn’t just recycling, nor is   During the year our long-term health and
we continue our ninth year of working with      2019 we continued to use OfficeMax audits       it a one-off token gesture. It’s a gradual and        safety / sustainability manager left the
Barnardos, funding students through Max         based on UL LLC’s Responsible Sourcing          dedicated ethos of improvement to people,             business after 19 years of service and we
e-Grants to enable them to have the basics      Workplace Assessment (RSWA) to monitor          packaging and performance. As Fred Rogers             are taking the opportunity to assess our
they need and feel more complete in their       and measure the compliance of our               so simply and eloquently put it, “Often when          current position and have employed an
school lives. Since 2011, we’ve donated over    overseas suppliers, especially factories in     you think you’re at the end of something,             external sustainability consultant to help us
$924,000 via these grants, helping over         China. UL visits the sites and runs through     you’re at the beginning of something else.”           plan strategically into the future. This will
14,000 Kiwi kids enjoy funding for school       an extensive checklist. Ever vigilant, UL                                                             enable us to set meaningful targets for the
books, stationery, uniforms, equipment,         identified some non-compliant health and                                                              material impacts of the business so that is
special tuition, excursions and camps.          safety practices at one particular factory,                                                           something we look forward to sharing with
                                                which was then asked to correct its fire                                                              you in next year’s report.
Meanwhile, we’ve recently chosen to work
                                                doors or fail the audit. Another factory
with Altus Enterprises. Altus employs people                                                                                                          For now, please enjoy a brand-new
                                                was asked to improve the way employees’
with mental disabilities and aims to help                                                                                                             sustainability report full of excellent
                                                personal documentation was stored. We
them towards financial independence. Altus                                                                                                            progress and some interesting new
                                                cease buying our products from sources
provides contract manufacturing services                                                                                                              initiatives.
                                                who are non-compliant and if the issue
to business clients, providing – amongst
                                                is not remedied quickly we permanently                                                                Regards
other things – eco-cleaning products with
                                                delete the supplier from our providers.
packaging made from 100% recycled New
Zealand milk bottles. Altus’ Return to Sender
recycling programme provides a zero waste
solution, and their Will&Able range is the
only eco range of cleaning products in NZ                                                                                                             Kevin Obern
using 100% recycled NZ milk bottles filled                                                                                                            Managing Director
and packed by people with disabilities. The                                                                                                           OfficeMax New Zealand
profit made from their sales goes directly
to creating more jobs for people with

Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019
OfficeMax’s Value Chain
      What we depend on                                                                    What we do                                                  Value we create

                                                      1. Customer insights
 Our people                                           Direct relationships with over 30,000                                                   Our customers
                                                      customers enable us to fully understand
 Over 650 talented people give their skills and                                                    8. Customer use                            We provide flexible product and service solutions,
                                                      their broad needs and develop
 time in OfficeMax offices and warehouses across                                                   More than 160,000 customers use our        enabling diverse workplaces across New Zealand.
                                                      comprehensive industry specific insights
 New Zealand – increasingly working in more                                                        products to enable their workplace – at
                                                      and unique customer profiles.
 flexible ways.                                                                                    home, at school or in the office.          Our people
                                                                                                                                              We focus on an inclusive, fair workplace and
 Our suppliers                                                                                     Our sustainable product lines and          provide our people with opportunities, enabling
 Over 150 suppliers in 18 countries source over                                                    packaging recovery services enable our     them to develop and grow their individual
 24,000 products and provide critical services to                                                  customers’ own sustainability journey.     capabilities through OfficeMax.
 workplaces.                                          2. Innovative customer
                                                      solutions                                                                               Our community
 Our partners                                                                                                                                 We’re helping thousands of Kiwi families and kids
                                                      We use these insights to think outside
 Our relationships with the New Zealand               the square, anticipate needs and develop                                                who are ‘doing it tough’, through our community
 government, customers, NGOs and community            innovative product and service solutions     7. Distribution                            partnerships, grants and rewards programmes.
 partners help us to continue to evolve and to        so that our customers can focus on what      Our products are freighted to our 52,000
 increase our impact beyond our own doorstep.         is most important to them.
                                                                                                                                              Our environment
                                                                                                   commercial customers, 2,300 schools and
                                                                                                   110,000 consumers.                         From sourcing to end-of-life, we take action to
 Our products                                                                                                                                 provide environmental solutions through our
 The products we source use large volumes of                                                       We optimise our freight planning to        value chain, proactively addressing systemic issues
 raw and recycled materials in their production,                                                   enable efficiency for our customers, our   such as packaging, plastic, waste and climate
 packaging and shipment to New Zealand. 95%* of                                                    business and the environment.              change.
 our product purchases are from suppliers based       3. Sourcing
 in New Zealand.                                      We source 13.6% of our product from                                                     Our economy
                                                      over 52 suppliers across 17 countries. Our                                              We aim to contribute to growing New Zealand’s
 Our financial resources                              sustainable supply chain practices support                                              economy responsibly, by growing talent within our
 Capital from our owner enables us to invest for      the integration of environmental, social                                                business, evolving with our customers, improving
                                                                                                   6. Sales
 the future.                                          and governance practices.                                                               environmental outcomes, and delivering strong
                                                                                                   We sell over 24,000 products directly      financial performance.
 Our tangible assets                                                                               through our dedicated Account Managers
                                                                                                   and online platforms.
 We occupy 2 modern, semi-automated
 Distribution Centre’s, with office accommodation
 at multiple sites.
                                                      4. Logistics
 Our intangible assets                                Products are shipped to our warehouses
                                                      in Auckland and Christchurch, where they
 The strength of our culture, brand and reputation,                                                5. Marketing
                                                      are packed according to our customer
 as a company that New Zealanders have entrusted                                                   Our products and services are
 to enable their workplaces for over 150 years.                                                    marketed through and
                                                      We consider packaging type, weight 
 * Calculated on NZ dollar value of 2019 OfficeMax
 purchases from NZ based suppliers.                   and volume to enable more sustainable
                                                      freighting and disposal options for

Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019
Material issues
The business is set to undertake a               identified in 2017 as being most relevant       Based on this testing, we have expanded the topics
fulsome materiality process in 2020, to          and important to the sustainability of the      covered within each of the material issues:
shape its future sustainability strategy.        OfficeMax business.
                                                                                                  1 	Waging a war on waste and Managing freight
Our key stakeholders are our customers,          The process for developing the content for            efficiently has been bundled into “Addressing climate
our people, our suppliers, our shareholders      the 2019 Sustainability Report has involved           change”
and the communities we operate in. We            testing the existing materiality topics set           • Understanding the impact of climate change
also interact with NGOs that administer          against global and peer trends.                       • Operational efficiencies
sustainability programmes or movements
                                                 The purpose of this approach is to focus            Keeping our supply chain ethical
that we choose to align with.
                                                 the tone and content of the six material              • Sustainability certifications
The six topics outlined in this 2019 report      areas of focus for OfficeMax, as opposed to           • Progressing a sustainable supply chain
- Waging a war on waste; Managing freight        changing or introducing new subject areas.
                                                                                                     Putting our customers first
efficiently; Keeping our supply chain ethical;
                                                 Reference documents included: the                     • Data privacy and security
Putting our customers first; We couldn’t do
                                                 2019/20 World Economic Forum Global                   • Reputation and trust
it without our people; and Caring for our
                                                 Risks Report, GRI Materiality topics and peer
community - are those that stakeholders                                                              We couldn’t do this without our people
                                                 reviews of office products industry reports.
                                                                                                       • We have explored new topics within this section
                                                                                                         including diversity and inclusion, conduct and culture,
                                                                                                         future of work and building capability

                                                                                                     Caring for our community
                                                                                                       • Focused on the alignment of community investments
                                                                                                         to the core business purpose

                                                                                                 Emerging topics identified as potentially being material will
                                                                                                 be explored further as part of OfficeMax’s 2020 materiality
                                                                                                 assessment which will involve stakeholder engagement.

Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019
How we’ve made a
difference in 2019
> Developed a business case for the             > Consolidation of elements of Croxley’s   > Donated over $120,000 through Max
  introduction of automated packaging             business into OfficeMax – significant      e-Grants in 2019, helping over 800 kiwi
  machines to reduce the need for plastic         reductions in the number of internal       kids (working in partnership with 11
  pillows in our freighted deliveries.            freight transfers required.                preferred suppliers).

> Started work on our major warehouse                                                      > Gave back more than $929,000 through
  extension at Highbrook which will provide                                                  our School Rewards programme for the
  an additional 7,350 sqm, taking the total                                                  2019 back to school season, bringing our
  Distribution Centre to 26,250 sqm. It                                                      total School Rewards giving to more than
                                                  Sustainability is meeting
  will feature a solar array on the roof                                                     $5.8 million in the last thirteen years.
  estimated to generate in the order of 374       the needs of the present
                                                                                           > Off the back of investment in our EV fleet,
  MWh per annum which will reduce the             without compromising
                                                                                             we have introduced EV re-charging for
  environmental impact of our operations.         the future                                 staff at our Highbrook head office.
  We expect annual electricity savings to
  be close to $35,000 for the first year. The                                              > Maintained a mental health programme
  solar array will offset power usage at the                                                 as part of our broader wellness initiative.
                                                > Maintained TechCollect, New Zealand’s
  Highbrook site, predominately offsetting                                                 > For our own OfficeMax branded
                                                  first free dedicated e-waste recycling
  consumption from lights, air conditioning                                                  products, we conducted social
                                                  service, hosted at OfficeMax locations
  and mechanical equipment operating in                                                      compliance audits on our factories
                                                  across the country. TechCollect gives
  the DC.                                                                                    overseas to ensure they meet our
                                                  households and small businesses a
                                                  recycling option for out-of-date and       stringent ethical standards.
                                                  unused office technology products such
                                                  as computers, tablets, mice, keyboards
                                                  and more.

Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019
Addressing climate change
                           Listening to our customers’ sustainability              We take the public’s feedback seriously,      Despite businesses - including OfficeMax -
                           concerns is important. Here’s why.                      so we listened closely as they told us the    eradicating plastic shopping bags, 69% said
                                                                                   following:                                    they are still highly concerned about the
                           In a November 2019 publicly available
                                                                                                                                 build-up of plastic in the environment.
                           perception survey ‘In Good Company’1                    “I don’t like the amount of plastic used in
                           shared at a Sustainable Business Council                online orders.”                               The report found a broader awakening on
                           event, participants say they care about                                                               waste, with household shoppers becoming
                                                                                   “Most products are over packaged. Not
                           sustainability. The conclusions were that                                                             more astute, and consumers caring about
                                                                                   enough environmentally better options
                           sustainability is the second most important                                                           waste, pollution, recycling and plastic
                                                                                   are available.”
                           factor (behind quality) for New Zealanders                                                            build-up.
Sometimes there’s          to consider when choosing a large retailer              This corresponds with attitudes found in
                                                                                                                                 Almost half, 48%, said they had deliberately
                                                                                   Colmar Brunton’s ‘Better Futures Report’2
packaging overkill         to shop at. It also found that 78% of New
                                                                                                                                 switched to some brands because those
                           Zealanders do active research to assess                 released February 2020, which surveyed
when it’s only a tiny                                                              13-17-year olds for the first time. Climate
                                                                                                                                 brands were more sustainable.
                           the sustainability of a large retailer prior to
item and it’s put into a   purchasing. Furthermore, large retailers                change, sustainability and waste were         Also - good news for OfficeMax, which is
big box.                   were perceived by survey respondents as                 key concerns for New Zealanders. New          a Sustainable Business Council member
                           doing less than retailers in other industries           Zealanders (76%) felt businesses don’t        - the report found companies that have
CUSTOMER                   to become more sustainable.                             do enough to reduce their environmental       sustainability embedded in their strategy
                                                                                   impact, with a quarter saying businesses      are starting to see their bottom line
                                                                                   should lead the way on climate change.        improve.


Supplying, Servicing, Supporting, Sustaining - OFFICEMAX NEW ZEALAND - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019
We’re listening and innovating next year with
                          a solution to reduce plastic packaging
                          Plastics are of increasing concern to New         Choosing suitable void fill is important to
                          Zealanders and to people around the world.        us for OfficeMax’s Environmental Planning,
Reduce waste. I           At OfficeMax, we do not use single-use            so we can avoid damaged stock returning
                          plastic bags in our retail stores and we are      to us. Until now, our boxed deliveries have
would like to see
                          working towards packaging solutions that          come with too much ‘baggage’ in the form
packaging i.e. paper      will see a significant reduction in our plastic   of ‘void filler’ plastic pillows. These were
that has been re-used     packaging materials.                              recyclable plastic and were the best we
/ re-purposed. We         During the year we received more and more
                                                                            could do at the time. However, these simply

are all responsible for                                                     make packages larger, and larger packages
                          criticism about plastic pillow void fillers.
                                                                            necessitate more vehicle trips. Customers
reducing waste.           “Packaging. You use too much, and it’s a lot      have told us they don’t like plastic pillows, so
                          of plastic to dump.”                              we’re responding to that.
                          “Stop using plastic as a filler in the            OfficeMax is currently preparing for a new
                          packages…”                                        initiative that will be launched next year, to
                          “Amount of packaging – sometimes only one         further reduce our use of plastic packaging.
                          small item and is packaged in a much larger       We are moving away from hard plastic (e.g.
                          box with a lot of protective plastic…”            glue stick holders), which are now being
                                                                            diverted from landfill and recycled.

Understanding                                                                 Managing carbon emissions just got easier
the impact of                                                                 Climate change is arguably the biggest issue      3 	
                                                                                                                                   Improving energy efficiency in offices,

climate change                                                                of our time. As a large company, OfficeMax            distribution centres and stores
                                                                              has a role to play in limiting our contribution       through an LED light replacement
through operational                                                           to global warming through minimising the              policy and the possible installation of

emissions                                                                     greenhouse gases we generate. In 2016,
                                                                              with the assistance of carbon specialists
                                                                                                                                    solar panels for selected distribution
                                                                                                                                    centres and/or office buildings. Our
As a business we are seeking to develop                                       Catalyst Ltd, we embarked on a journey of             journey to lowering emissions is
clarity on the physical and transitional risks                                measuring, monitoring and mitigating the              already underway, with waste and
that climate change poses to OfficeMax                                        carbon we emit.                                       energy audits in place at all of our
and our value chain over the short, mid and                                                                                         sites (as described in this report).
                                                                              How we’re going to get to our carbon
long term.                                                                    emissions reduction target (20%                   4 	
                                                                                                                                   Reducing vehicle carbon emissions.

We are aware of the importance of                                             reduction in GHG emissions per FTE by                 We’ll achieve this by converting to

climate risk and are committed to further                                     2026 against 2016 levels):                            virtual meetings whenever possible,

understanding the impact in due course.                                                                                             converting to a fleet of electric cars
                                                                                  Diverting organic waste from landfill             (began in 2018, continued in 2019),
                                                                                    by recycling all cardboard packaging            enabling staff to use an EV charging
                                                 Our 2026 Target                    and paper, composting kitchen waste             station, and converting our gas

                                                                                    and reusing or repurposing unwanted             operated forklifts to electric engines.
                                                                                    wooden pallet bases.

                                                 REDUCTION                     2 	
                                                                                  Reducing travel for meetings where

                                                           in GHG emissions
                                                           per FTE against
                                                           2016 levels

TechCollect                          Our goal is to work with New Zealanders to divert thousands of kilograms of
                                     e-waste from landfill. TechCollect accepts and recycles the following items:

Launched in November 2018,
we’re proud to be the initiator of
TechCollect, New Zealand’s first
free dedicated e-waste recycling
                                       Personal and laptop       Tablets, notebooks     Mobiles      Computer monitors and parts                       Batteries
service. This new service has        computers and all cables      and palmtops                      (e.g. internal hard drives and CD drives)

already proven popular with
communities, our employees
and with our customers.

TechCollect offers drop-off                                                                                                                                                                          35,000
                                      Computer peripherals       Cameras and video cameras             Printers, faxes, scanners
recycling points for technology         and accessories                                                                                                                                              30,000
                                                                                                     and multi-functional devices
products at OfficeMax’s retail
locations across New Zealand.
TechCollect is funded by                                                                                                                                                                             20,000
technology brands including
                                                                                                                                                                     Total kg for 2019
Dell, Epson, Canon, Microsoft,                                                                                                                                       kg per month
Toshiba and HP.                                                                                                                                                                                      10,000

                                     5000                                                                                                                                                            5000
                                         0                                                                                                                                                           0
                                       Jan ‘19        Feb        Mar          Apr          May          Jun                 Jul                  Aug           Sep       Oct             Nov       Dec

                                     In 2019 we extended TechCollect with a broader commercial service offer, designed to
                                     attract larger companies to utilise the service.

                                     In its first full year of operation we collected 2,439 kilograms of electronic waste at our retail
                                     stores nationwide. This year OfficeMax diverted more than 37,174 kilograms nationwide.

Warehouse Waste                                At OfficeMax, we are committed to playing our part in building a circular

                                               economy; our recycling partners will ensure at least 90% of commodities
                                               recovered are used as raw materials in the manufacture of new products.

We’re proud of our waste reduction
accomplishments, which are driven by our
enthusiastic and diligent employees. We        In 2019, we achieved our target of 5% reduction in power, dropping our
provide regular training to ensure staff       usage by 11%.
understand the recycling options available
to them.

Internally, OfficeMax conducts regular waste   In 2019, we exceeded our targets by 19% and managed a 33.4 tonne
audits and works with Waste Management         reduction in waste going to landfill. OfficeMax recycled 338 tonnes
to measure waste generation. Our rubbish       of cardboard, 121 tonnes of paper, 30 tonnes of soft plastic and 208
bins are collected only when they are          tonnes of recyclable items including; plastics, timber, metal, food waste,
full, which reduces fuel consumption and       and polystyrene.
carbon emissions.
                                               In 2019 OfficeMax, liaised with All Heart NZ to divert written off stock
                                               from landfill, All Heart NZ provides these goods to families in need,
                                               charities and low decile schools. In 2019 OfficeMax donated over 30
                                               tonnes of goods.

                                               OfficeMax composts food waste from its Highbrook cafeteria and Wiri
                                               cafeteria, which serves up to 200 people per day. In 2019 we diverted
                                               over 12 tonnes from landfill.

Energy Consumption
During 2019 we prepared a business case
that was subsequently approved to install
a solar array on the roof of the warehouse
extension at our Highbrook site. This system
will generate in the order of 374 MWh of
electricity per annum which will power
lights, air conditioning and mechanical
equipment operating in the distribution
centre, all while shaving approximately
$35,000 off our electricity bill in year one.

OfficeMax’s energy consumption strategy
guides employees to make easy changes
that save energy.

This year, a number of energy-saving
initiatives were put in place at our head
                                                Energy Savings
office in Highbrook, our biggest site. We
introduced sensors to automatically
turn off lights when rooms are empty,
we also installed data loggers to identify
opportunities for savings.

All OfficeMax sites receive a monthly report
on energy efficiency progress. Each site
team reviews this data and identifies ways
to reduce energy consumption.

Managing Freight Efficiently
We want to lead in office products supply        Understanding and managing our
efficiency. This means the wider our product     carbon emissions
                                                                                                When we set our 2026
offering, the more a customer can buy
                                                 As a large company, OfficeMax has a
from one place, meaning one delivery, one                                                       target, we aimed high
                                                 role to play in limiting our contribution to
courier, one invoice. It’s more cost effective                                                  As part of OfficeMax’s carbon
                                                 global warming through minimising the
and more sustainable. Still, we can’t forget                                                    management plan, we have set
                                                 greenhouse gases we generate.
that currently a lot of the product we sell                                                     ourselves a 2026 target of a 20%
comes from other places in the world and         In 2016, with the assistance of carbon
                                                                                                reduction in GHG emissions per
has travelled a long way even before we          specialists Catalyst® Ltd, we embarked on
                                                                                                FTE (against 2016 levels).
put it in a courier van. So, the impact we’re    a journey of measuring, monitoring and
having from consolidation of demand on           mitigating the carbon we emit.                 OUR 2026 TARGET

the supply chain is just a start. Measured       We had our emissions independently
locally, it’s a great start, though.             audited in 2019 and will do so again
Carbon Emissions                                 in 2020.
In 2015, OfficeMax introduced a
carboNZero Compatible Freight Carbon
Emissions Calculator for customers to
use to track freight carbon emissions
from orders. Using the tool, customers
can accurately predict carbon monoxide
emissions associated with each order.

Our 2026 target
So, how are we tracking?                         2019 GHG Emissions
Against our baseline, after three years we       BY SCOPE: 1,298 TONNES CO2e                                                                                              BY SOURCE

have decreased our intensity emissions by          SCOPE 1:
                                                                                                                                                                           PETROL                             42%
20% meaning we have already hit our 2026
                                                   DIRECT                    58%                                                                                           LPG                         11%
target. Given this early success, we will be       EMISSIONS SOURCES         of OfficeMax’s
                                                                                                 Fuel combusted          Natural          LPG used by   Refrigerant gas
                                                                             Footprint in 2019
                                                                                                 by fleet vehicles       Gas use            forklifts    losses to the     NATURAL GAS                        1%
reviewing our carbon management plan                                                             (petrol & diesel)                                       atmosphere
                                                                                                                                                                           REFRIGERANTS                       4%
and reduction target this year to see how

                                                   SCOPE 2:                                                                                                                                                   24%
we can build on this great outcome.                                                                                                                                        ELECTRICITY

                                                   INDIRECT                  of OfficeMax’s                                                                                AIR TRAVEL                       6%
In 2019, our organisation’s carbon footprint       EMISSIONS SOURCES         Emissions               Lighting            Copiers           Machinery

was 1,298 tonnes CO2e.                                                                                                                                                     WASTE                              12%

                                                   SCOPE 3:
> This equates to 1.80 tonnes CO2e Per
                                                   INDIRECT                                                                                                               The head office and sales offices
   Full Time Equivalent (FTE), the hours                                     of OfficeMax’s
                                                   EMISSIONS SOURCES         Carbon Footprint       Air Travel       Waste disposal at landfill                           accounted for 42% of all carbon
   worked by one employee on a full-time
   basis; this latter figure is referred to as
                                                 > The dramatic reduction can be attributed                      • The closure of retail stores in Auckland               Retail stores accounted for 33%
   our intensity carbon footprint.
                                                   to a mix of things:                                               (Glenfield), Palmerston North and                    and distribution centres 25%.
In 2017 we achieved a 2.7% reduction                                                                                 Christchurch (Tuam Street)
                                                   • More accurate waste data (actual
in intensity emissions and a reduction in
                                                       weight provided by the service                            • The closure of Waiwhetu Christchurch
absolute emissions of 4.1%.
                                                       provider for the first time)                                  (an acquisition).
In 2018, however, intensity emissions grew
                                                   • Company policy to eliminate all non-                   Direct emissions sources:
by 4.1% and absolute emissions increased
                                                       critical air travel
by 14.5%.                                                                                                   58% of OfficeMax’s Footprint in 2019 were
                                                   • A reduction in the emission                            scope 1 direct emissions such as fuel
In 2019 we saw a large reduction in both               factor for electricity (as a result                  combustion on site, air conditioning leaks,
absolute emissions and intensity emissions.            of more renewable energy in the                      fleet vehicles, 24% were scope 2 from
Intensity emissions were down 21% and                  electricity mix)                                     purchased electricity and 18% were scope 3
absolute emissions were 24% lower.
                                                                                                            such as business travel, waste and water.
In 2018, OfficeMax introduced four electric       Fleet and driver behaviour                    the minimum break after that period is 15
vehicles that are engaged for short trips                                                       minutes.
                                                  With almost 140 vehicles on the road at any
within the Auckland region. The Hyundai
                                                  given time we have a duty of care to ensure   The GPS system has shown that only a
Ioniq cars charge at our Highbrook site
                                                  our employees are safe and use their          small percentage of drivers ever exceed
each evening and are a popular choice
                                                  vehicles in an environmentally responsible    speed limits and that percentage has
with drivers and our broader stakeholder
                                                  manner.                                       diminished over time. Driver behaviour
community. This year the charging stations
                                                                                                can be improved and where appropriate,
were made available for all staff commuting       Mobile sales staff and managers are
                                                                                                OfficeMax considers driver improvement
in an EV to work.                                 educated to reduce idling, which consumes
                                                                                                options such as a Driver Development
                                                  an average of two litres of fuel an hour;
The electric vehicles have been used by                                                         programme for its employees.
                                                  reduce speed; and, improve transitions
OfficeMax as proof of concept. We are now
                                                  between accelerating and braking.             Sustainable procurement guidelines
looking into other options for electrification.

In the warehouse we have transitioned 10          Our GPS tool, LogbookMe, is now installed     OfficeMax adheres to the Sustainable
forklifts from gas to electric.                   in all our fleet vehicles, allowing us to     Business Council Freight Efficiency
                                                  improve health and safety. In emergencies     Guidelines, which seek to shift freight
Indirect emissions sources from the
                                                  or natural disasters, we are now able to      choices from a lowest transportation cost
generation of purchased electricity:
                                                  alert our fleet drivers directly and know     model to mutually beneficial outcomes
24% of OfficeMax emissions in 2019 was            where people are and ensure they are safe.    linked to improved health and safety,
down to electricity used for lighting, copiers,                                                 driver wellbeing, better economic and
                                                  LogbookMe is also used to monitor driver
machinery and air conditioning.                                                                 environmental performance, reduced
                                                  behaviour and safety: measured indicators
                                                                                                emissions, and a more resilient sector.
18% of OfficeMax’s Carbon Footprint in            include hard acceleration, hard braking,
2019 was from air travel and waste disposal       speeding and sudden deceleration. Driving     These guidelines enable us to lead
at landfill.                                      safely also reduces fuel consumption. If      conversations and include sustainability as a
                                                  speed limits are exceeded, the driver and     core objective with our transport providers.
> The head office and sales offices
                                                  safety officer at OfficeMax are alerted by
   accounted for 42% of all carbon
                                                  email. The system also measures drivers’
                                                  hours to determine if they have driven for
> Retail stores accounted for 33% and             too long. The parameters are four hours
   distribution centres 25%.                      maximum trip time for a single journey;

Keeping our supply chain ethical
Ethical sourcing is core to who we are          our search data, we find that people      > Government customers are tracking
and what we do. In 2019, we continued           are looking to hold an environmental        metrics, and looking for guidance, to
to hold ourselves and our suppliers             position by choosing more sustainable,      support them to make tangible changes
accountable to maintain high standards          social and ethical products. We’re          in the way government spending can
in this important area.                         responding by adding better information     be used to source fit-for-purpose
                                                to existing products, widening our          business consumables as well as broader
Ethical sourcing was maintained throughout
                                                EcoMax range of products, and adding        outcomes that will benefit New Zealand.
the integration of Croxley during the first
                                                new ranges (such as Will&Able).             These ‘Broader Outcomes’ include the
half of the year. We transitioned 100%
                                                                                            reduction of waste, supporting jobs,
of Croxley suppliers and 100% of the          > There is a growing trend towards
                                                                                            and helping grow the local economy.
global exports’ customers to OfficeMax          sustainable procurement of stationery
                                                                                            OfficeMax is a ‘tier 1’ All-Of-Government
without compromising on our ethical             supplies. This is evidenced by a
                                                                                            supply partner with more than 16% of
supply expectations.                            range of environmental and societal
                                                                                            our sales revenue related to central
                                                topics featuring in tenders, RFPs,
We know our                                     and in discussions we’re having with
                                                                                            and local government agencies, and
                                                                                            schools. Currently OfficeMax continues
customers want                                  procurement professionals.
                                                                                            to work through multiple initiatives,

environmental                                                                               directly with MBIE, to support the
                                                                                            New Zealand Government to deliver on
choices                                                                                     these ambitions.

We know many of our customers are
beginning to prioritise sustainable
procurement initiatives. More and more
customers are placing an emphasis on
sustainability and ethical sourcing.

> We’ve seen in customer searches
   an increasing desire to make wiser
   environmental/sustainable choices in
   what they buy. When we interrogate

Sustainability audits
to ensure we’re
ethically sourcing
OfficeMax’s range of 24,000 stocked
products fall into 140 categories.

For our own OfficeMax branded products,
we conduct annual social compliance audits
on our factories overseas to ensure they
meet our stringent ethical standards.

For other brands, we carefully choose to
only work with reputable organisations, who
share our values both in New Zealand and

Supplier contracts                            Social compliance case study:

OfficeMax has in place formal contracts       During a routine annual social compliance audit in October 2019 of a supplier’s factory, UL identified three
which ensure our suppliers adhere             unsubstantiated claims during an employee’s interview. We found that an employee’s pay was withheld for over
to stringent rules related to working         two months, which was in violation of OfficeMax Supplier Guiding Principles. The findings were shared with the
conditions, employee rights, pay and          management of the supplier in Australia and South East Asia. The supplier conducted an internal investigation and
environmental outputs.                        made changes to their internal processes to address the issue within 7 weeks. The investigation and evidence of the
                                              process changes were reviewed and accepted by UL and OfficeMax.
Our Business Partner Standards are publicly
available at        OfficeMax and our suppliers do not support unethical and unfair employment policy. Collaborating together, we
partner-standards and include Supplier        rectified the issue and further identified a process gap in our supply chain. This has resulted in a fairer and more
Guiding Principles covering our standards     ethical treatment to all employees producing our brands.
around conditions for the people employed
by our suppliers.

OfficeMax own-brand products
More than 1,200 of our 24,000 products
are OfficeMax own-brand products.
When a consumer picks up an OfficeMax
                                                 Our sourcing process:
pen or file folder, they can be assured
these products have been through an               1 	
                                                     Our sourcing team starts with thorough research to determine if
extensive vetting process.                            the supplier has a good reputation. In doing so, we check existing
                                                      accreditations such as ISO 9001:2015 on quality, Business Social
Each manufacturer is audited, assessed
                                                      Compliance Initiative (BSCI), or the Forest Stewardship Council®
and scored on health and safety, housing,
                                                      (FSC®) certification. We also investigate whether the supplier already
working hours, ethics, freedom of
                                                      works with large, recognised international brands who are known to
association, environmental compliance and
                                                      have high ethical standards.
                                                     Next, we initiate a factory audit carried out by our specialist auditors -
OfficeMax gathers information on a
                                                      usually SGS or UL, two of the world's leading inspection, factory audit,
potential product’s packaging, safety,
                                                      verification, testing and certification companies. Our suppliers are
recyclability, disposal and end-of-life
                                                      located all over the world, so our auditors will visit factories from cities
prospects, as well as its social impact before
                                                      in China to small towns in Brazil to assure compliance.
we decide on its suitability. We also request
a copy of the supplier’s environmental policy     3 	
                                                     The auditors will ask between 25 and 50 employees of the factory up
and evidence of its commitments.                      to 100 questions each about working conditions, health and safety,
                                                      general HR, environmental practices and more.
Our OfficeMax procurement managers also
meet suppliers in person to ensure mutual         4 	
                                                     If the factory passes, and the auditors and OfficeMax in New Zealand
commitment to ethical practices, and work             are satisfied with the report, we set the supplier
with factory management teams to correct              up in our system and start trading.
any violations, large or small.                   5 	
                                                     Our auditors will return to the factory every year to ensure ongoing

Any Zero Tolerance violations, such as         Non-OfficeMax brands
employment of child labour, withholding
                                               More than 95% of OfficeMax products
passports, lack of fire escapes or attempted
                                               are supplied through local New Zealand
bribery, leads to supply being cancelled
                                               businesses and distributors, rather than
immediately. Non-critical violations must be
                                               being manufactured specifically for
fixed within a prescribed time period.
                                               OfficeMax. OfficeMax chooses to work with
Manufacturers that are unable to meet          manufacturers and global brands that are
our requirements, or show proof of             already known to have high ethical and
improvement, will no longer be able to         environmental standards.
supply to OfficeMax.
                                               For OfficeMax branded products only a
> In the year 2019, OfficeMax affiliates       Global Self-Assessment Survey (GSAS) is
  conducted audits on 56 suppliers and         mandated for supply chain partners with
  95 factories.                                evidence required to back up their claims.
                                               The GSAS is diligently reviewed prior to
> Of those audited, two had Zero
                                               being accepted by OfficeMax.
  Tolerance-level violations and were
  removed from the supply chain (they          Legal compliance
  no longer produce or supply goods
                                               OfficeMax has an active directory of
  to OfficeMax).
                                               Environmental Legislation, Council Bylaws,
                                               Standards and Relationships with Other
                                               Acts Register (Register of Legislation and
                                               Other Requirements plus Compliance
                                               Procedures) that lists all the legalisation,
                                               bylaws, product compliance (standards) that
                                               the business needs to meet. This is audited
                                               annually and reviewed for compliance
                                               of procedures.

Our paper, all sustainable
As a significant importer and seller                environmentally sound, socially just, and
of cut-sheet paper in New Zealand,                  economically viable management of
we know how vital it is that we play a              forests globally.
lead role in ensuring our products are
                                                 Our paper suppliers range from small mills
sustainably sourced.
                                                 in developing countries to large operations
Every single sheet of our paper is               owned and run by European and/or local
environmentally certified; we simply only sell   entities. Our most trusted suppliers have
paper that meets stringent environmental         impressed us with their on-site educational
standards.                                       facilities; clean water management
                                                 practices; and dedication to sustainable
This means, no matter where in the world
                                                 tree farming, including educating local
our paper is supplied from, our customers
                                                 populations on the value of native forests.
can be confident in buying from us.
                                                 OfficeMax branded paper - our biggest
We accept two major certifications:
                                                 seller - is carbon neutral. Audited by the
> Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®):            Carbon Reduction Institute, we pay per-unit
  FSC® certification guarantees that the         carbon emissions, and invest those charges
  product has been grown in a sustainably        in clean wind power generation.
  managed forest and that the supply
                                                 We’re also introducing a fully recyclable
  chain is managed responsibly. OfficeMax
                                                 wrap for each ream of paper and working
  NZ Limited holds a Chain of Custody
                                                 through how we transition existing
  (Certificate Code: SCS-COC-006720)
                                                 government agencies and other volume
  and FSC® license (License Code:
                                                 users from the paper they were buying to
                                                 this new paper, managing issues around
> Programme for the Endorsement                  the pricing of the paper. Ensuring there’s a
  of Forest Certification (PEFC): PEFC           strong take-up is a focus.
  best practice standards promote

Putting our customers first
                            OfficeMax has 14 stores from Whangarei to         NPS feedback in 2019 also told us packaging      > 782,000 customers ordered through the
                            Invercargill and offers free, next-day delivery   and plastics continue to be of interest to our      website
                            for orders over $50 excl. GST to most of          customers, especially our large commercial
                                                                                                                               > The percentage of total OfficeMax sales
                            New Zealand. Our sales team - the largest         and government customers. In Quarter
                                                                                                                                  for 2019 was almost 70% through the
                            business-to-business team in our industry,        Four of 2019 feedback about sustainability
                                                                                                                                  website, including email and fax.
                            in New Zealand - is available to customers        had a -1 impact on the NPS score of large
                            by phone or in person.                            commercial and government customers,             Added retail availability to the site
                                                                              with 1% of respondents in that segment           We systematically improve online ordering
                            While service and price continue to be
The criteria for keeping                                                      providing feedback on this topic.                and frequently come up with ways to give
                            important priorities for our customers,
customers happy can         OfficeMax is increasingly expected to have a      Our customers are becoming increasingly          the customer the best user experience (UX).
be surprisingly simple:     sustainability strategy and value credentials     interested in the lifecycle of products and      Improved promotional ribbons help let the
a happy customer            ready to explain to our customers.                services they purchase. An example of the        customer know what’s available, and which
                            By making sure our operating model                change in sentiment: OfficeMax sold more         retail stores might offer what the customer
is one whose order
                            aligns with customer needs, we’ll have a          paper bags across NZ in 2019 than previous       needs. Working on improved UX helps to
turns up in full on time,                                                                                                      keep functionality and speed optimised so
                            competitive advantage moving forward.             years as our customers moved away from
well-packaged and                                                             plastic in response to the ban of single-use     our customers can order what they need
                            Customer Feedback
competitively priced,                                                         plastic shopping bags.                           quickly, efficiently and digitally.
                            OfficeMax uses the Net Promoter Score
with help and support                                                         Website sales - serving our customers on         We’re also bolstering the Help function on
                            methodology to gain customer insight
available around the                                                          the net                                          the website, creating the most relevant
                            to enable us to continually improve our
                                                                                                                               videos about key product and technical
purchase.                   customer experience. Our NPS scores in            In 2019, we were focused on creating the
                                                                                                                               issues customers may encounter. The top
                            2019 was 51 - this is considered to be a          most effective digital marketing experience
                                                                                                                               issues identified so far causing problems
                            very high score for a business in our sector,     for customers. This paid off, with an 8% year
                                                                                                                               for online customers include things like
                            with 30 being the benchmark for a well-           on year increase through website sales,
                                                                                                                               forgetting passwords. With better help on
                            performing business. Clearly, the care we         and small business and casual sales up
                                                                                                                               offer, we’ve seen the top three reasons to
                            give customers creates mutual reward.             around 17%.
                                                                                                                               call the helpline reduce by 39%.

Optimising the experience for our              customer is one whose order turns up in full
largest customers                              on time, well-packaged and competitively
                                               priced, with help and support available
Asking our largest customers for feedback
                                               around the purchase.
at the right time and in the right context
gives us useful information. Research groups   We work towards identifying pain points
have been undertaken with our largest          and streamlining solutions for both internal
customers to understand what functionality     OfficeMax staff and customers, especially
is most useful for them in the way they        around product returns and credits,
want to manage their business relationship.    handling of dangerous goods, and tracking
OfficeMax has consequently developed a         deliveries.
suite of recommended improvements.
                                               We don’t forget about detractors - in fact,
Learning from our most impressed and           we have a dedicated team in OfficeMax’s
least satisfied customers                      contact centre to review detractor
                                               customers and put in place proactive activity
Being a sustainable, progressive business
                                               with that customer. This involves getting
means we grow from both negative and
                                               in touch, following up with the account
positive feedback.
                                               manager and doing everything possible to
Our sales team measure customers’              make sure the issue is successfully resolved.
satisfaction through their feedback and
                                               Creating customer centricity
work out how to use the information to
make improvements. We report monthly           In 2019 OfficeMax introduced a new
around the performance on the net              account management structure which was
promoter score and at a high level around      more customer-focused, better organised
the key issues influencing detractors, and     and had vertically aligned portfolios enabling
the key factors around our most happy          the sales team to better understand the
customers too. We set KPIs accordingly.        needs of the industry their customers
                                               are in. This account restructure helped to
The criteria for keeping customers happy
                                               effectively retain customers, with postive
can be surprisingly simple: a happy
                                               feedback recorded in customer surveys.

Products and Offerings –                                                     Taking care of the
Expanding our Services                                                       incoming digital
While our largest product category remains office products,                  generation of
the biggest sales in terms of sales value in 2019 was actually in
kitchen, not stationery. This was a first for OfficeMax, in a climate
in which we’re selling a million litres of milk alongside paper.             Making Science and Tech
Over the years, customers of various sizes have asked us to provide          products accessible
them with things we haven’t done before, and we always listen to             It's estimated that 65% of children entering
demand. Consequently, we have had a significant increase in demand           primary school today will ultimately end
for fruit and milk delivery services and cleaning. If we’re not the expert   up working in completely new jobs that
in these fields, we outsource to other organisations and then send our                                                        > Our website
                                                                             don't exist yet1. To support this, STEAM is
customers a single bill.                                                                                                        additionally offers videos with insights
                                                                             an educational approach which integrates
                                                                                                                                and tips for how to understand, adopt
The value proposition to these customers is why don’t we consolidate         learning across the disciplines of Science,
                                                                                                                                and build confidence with STEAM.
all your business management and supply needs for you?                       Technology, Engineering, Arts and
                                                                             Mathematics via 'interdependent' learning        The education category of our products
EcoMax range
                                                                             units based on real world applications.          continues to grow and we’re pleased to
OfficeMax EcoMax products must have a minimum of 30% recycled                                                                 see strong take up of STEAM products.
                                                                             > OfficeMax continues to enable STEAM
content, and/or are made from recyclable plastics, and feature one or                                                         We’ve been working towards supplying
                                                                                learning for children by offering a
more environmental accreditations. These products are highlighted                                                             teacher resources (not just stationery) and
                                                                                complete catalogue of products to
in green in the OfficeMax catalogues. There were 1937 products                                                                strengthening school business partnerships.
                                                                                connect school children with digital
available in the EcoMax range in 2019.
                                                                                technologies, offering products under         We are delivering workshops with teachers
To ensure customers are well informed about a product’s                         electronics, robotics, coding, construction   showcasing key elements of our extensive
environmental and social footprint, OfficeMax will investigate any              and game making                               range and lesson plans.
accreditations during the procurement phase. They will then assign
labels, such as Fair Trade or Chlorine Free, to ensure a product meets
the accreditation standard.                                                  1 Source: McLeod, Scott and Karl Fisch, “Shift

Customer data and privacy
With the increasing sophistication of             Being open and honest about what             Our sites use Google Analytics, a web          first-party and third-party cookies together
hackers, computer viruses, and proliferation      we use personally identifiable               analytics service provided by Google, Inc.     to inform, optimise, and serve advertising
of data mining, it is even more important         information for                              (“Google”). Google uses cookies to help the    based on visits to our websites. Customers
than ever that organisations can give their                                                    website analyse how users utilise the site.    can prevent their data from being used
                                                  We utilise information from online
customers assurance that their data is safe                                                    The information generated by the cookie        by Google Analytics by using the Opt-out
                                                  customers for the following purposes:
and secure.                                                                                    will be transmitted to and stored by Google    Browser Add-on.
                                                      To verify a customer’s identity if the   on servers. Google will use this information
OfficeMax takes customers’ data protection                                                                                                    Some of our websites also utilise the
                                                       customer needs help with a forgotten    for the purpose of evaluating a customer’s
seriously. It’s part of building trust and                                                                                                    Custom Audience and Conversion
                                                       password or is having login problems    use of the website, compiling reports on
loyalty with our customers to ensure our                                                                                                      Tracking Pixel services of Facebook, Inc.
                                                       with one of our site services.          website activity and internet usage. Google
customer base is sustainable into the                                                                                                         (“Facebook”). This allows Facebook to collect
                                                                                               may also transfer this information to third
future. OfficeMax maintains a privacy              2 	
                                                      To process any transactions the                                                         or receive information from our websites
                                                                                               parties where required to do so by Law.
policy, letting customers know how their               customer might make on our site.                                                       to provide measurement services and
information is received over the internet                                                      A number of Google Analytics Advertising       target advertisements. The collected data
                                                      To help provide any other services
and stored. Personally identifiable                                                            Features, such as Remarketing and Interest-    will remain anonymous; however, it may be
                                                       that the customer has requested.
information (“PII”) or aggregated information                                                  based Advertising, may also be used from       used by Facebook for their own advertising
is collected in line with the guidelines of the    4 	
                                                      To offer the most relevant information   time to time on our websites. OfficeMax and    purposes in accordance with Facebook’s
NZ Privacy Act 1993 and The Office of the              suitable to the customer’s interests.   third-party vendors, including Google, use     Data Use Policy.
Privacy Commissioner (
                                                      For any marketing, promotional,
We honour customers’ right to access and               publicity, direct marketing or market
correct information held about them under              research that we might undertake.
the New Zealand Privacy Act of 1993 and we
                                                      For any other purposes for which the
encourage our customers to email us to let
                                                       customer has given permission.
us know their needs.

Ethical reputation and trustworthiness             Ethical business, social and environmental    Our business strategy reflects the changing
                                                   practices are as important to OfficeMax       needs of our customers. As office product
A trustworthy reputation is earned over
                                                   as our bottom line. Every year we assess      volumes such as paper, envelopes and
time. It is the organisation’s social licence to
                                                   our current and potential impact on the       traditional items decline in use, other
operate. We strive to grow our reputation
                                                   environment and concentrate on reducing       categories such as health, safety and
by carefully evaluating what we promise and
                                                   that impact. We also aim to work with         cleaning are growing. We are concentrating
then working hard to honour each promise,
                                                   our suppliers, employees and customers        on expanding these growing categories
no matter how challenging.
                                                   to be partners in sustainability - and        and providing products and services that
OfficeMax has had acknowledgement of               customers tell us that they value us taking   provide solutions for our customers as their
its ethical outlook, particularly in 2012          this seriously.                               needs evolve.
and 2013 when our US-based parent was
                                                   Our transparent business practices don't      Again, customer feedback identified
named one of the World's Most Ethical
                                                   just look good on paper, they reduce risk,    packaging as a major focus area for us -
Companies by the Ethisphere Institute
                                                   decrease overall environmental impact         and one we are taking action to enhance.
in 2012. Locally, we have ISO 14001
                                                   and operational costs, create good public     Our customer-first culture is deeply
                                                   relations and boost employee health,          embedded in what we do and how we
Being a member of the Sustainable                  morale and productivity.                      provide our services.
Business Council allows OfficeMax to sit
                                                   Our customers represent all facets of         We focus on particular segments and
alongside organisations who like us, have
                                                   New Zealand society. From the education       spend a lot of time on our high value
fought hard to achieve a strong reputation.
                                                   products we provide to families and           customers. We’re going to invest our time
The Sustainable Business Council requires          teachers, to café, packaging, technology,     in organisations where we believe that we
members to commit to the balanced pursuit          safety, hygiene, furniture and cleaning       can deliver value through all the things we
of economic growth, ecological integrity and       solutions for large businesses and            just talked about. Still, at the end of the
social progress within a business context.         government departments, we support New        day, our objective - to a reasonable extent
                                                   Zealanders with our products from early       - is to communicate that we are open to
                                                   childhood through education, work and         all people.
                                                   even in aged care.

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