ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022

Page created by Marjorie Austin
ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022
Spring 2022

               Historic Undefeated Season!

Forming Disciples of Jesus Christ through the intercession of St. John XXIII.
ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022


       09     VALEDICTORIAN &
       04 Point of View            11    ISSMA Band State
                                         Competition             15   Blood Drive

       06 Revelations              13    March for Life          16   Forming Disciples
                                                                      of Jesus Christ

       08 Advancement Angle        13    Toy Drive               17   Rising Stars

       11     National Merit
              Finalists            14    Senior Assist Day       18 Summer Camps
                                   15    ISSMA Gold Performers   20 Scholastic Art and
                                                                    Writing Competition

                                                                 22 Quest for Excellence
ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022
Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Hon’18, Vice
     President for Institutional Advancement. Its intent is to be a vehicle to inform alumni, family and friends of recent and upcoming
     happenings and achievements at the school, as well as showcase the talents and gifts of its students, faculty and alumni.
     Editor-in-Chief: Terese Carson, Hon’18 | Deputy Editors: Jeen Endris, Tina Hayes and Aaron Hommell R’07 | Design Director: Jeen
     Endris | Photographers: John Smith, Phil Anderson, Hon’20, Allie Ross R’04, Jeen Endris, AJ Ablog | Inquiries/Correspondence: Fran
     Davey, Hon’21, Roncalli High School, 3300 Prague Road, Indianapolis, IN 46227, (317) 787-8277 ext. 238
     Website: Circulation: 13,037 Email:

                                                                                                VISION STATEMENT
                                                                                                Forming Disciples of Jesus Christ
                                                                                                through the intercession of St. John

                                                                                                Charles Weisenbach R’79
                                                                                                Kevin Banich R’09
                                                                                                VICE PRESIDENT FOR
                                                                                                INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT:
                                                                                                Terese R. Carson, Hon’18
                                                                                                VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE:
                                                                                                Wendy Lawrie
                                                                                                VICE PRESIDENT OF FACILITIES:             3
                                                                                                Dave Gervasio R’85
                                                                                                ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR
                                                                                                Beth Reel

23 WALL OF FAME INDUCTEES                          27       QUINTANA HIRED AS
                                                            FOOTBALL COACH
                                                                                                ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR
                                                                                                STUDENT LIFE:
                                                                                                John Hasty R’08
                                                                                                DEAN OF STUDENTS:

24    Show Choir
      Undefeated Season                           38        Royal Reasons                       Tim Crissman
                                                                                                GUIDANCE DIRECTOR:
                                                                                                Lisa Beckwith R’01
                                                                                                CAMPUS MINISTRY DIRECTOR:

26 New Coaches                                    40        Class Notes                         Katie Hibner R’10
                                                                                                ATHLETIC DIRECTOR:
                                                                                                David Lauck R’94

28 Winter Sports Review
                                                                                                CHAPLAIN COORDINATOR:

                                                  44        Campus Ministry                     Rev. Robert Robeson, VF, Ph.D., M.Ed.

36    Collegiate Signings
                                                  45        Community Service

                                                  46        The Last Word

                                                            RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022
                           Chuck Weisenbach R’79, President

                            Happy Spring!!
                            Prayer, viewed from a variety of lenses, will be the focus of my article in this edition of
                            the Update.
                            Building and maintaining a friendship
                            When a person desires to know someone better, possibly even build a friendship or
                            relationship, one key ingredient is communication with that person. Through the years
                            a few of the ways this communication could take place have included in person, over the
                            phone, handwritten notes/letters, or online. Regardless of the method, it is only through
                            some on-going level of communication that we can hope to forge the bonds of friendship
                            and/or a relationship.
                            Our relationship with God is no different. Unless we spend time in communication with
                            God, aka prayer, we cannot hope to build a strong relationship with our Savior. How
                            one prays, when one prays and where one prays are all very personal matters and are as
                            numerous as the stars in the sky. And while God is capable of working miracles, building a
                            strong, personal relationship with Him is nearly impossible if we choose not to seek Him
4                           out through prayer on a consistent basis.
                            I have come to cherish the Catholic mass as a beautiful form of prayer. The mass is where
                            we are nourished by the Eucharist, which the Church references as “the source and summit”
                            of our faith. But, there are many other aspects of the mass - scripture (readings from the
                            Old and New Testament and the Gospels), blessings, music, traditional prayers (Our Father,
                            Nicene Creed, etc.), repentance, preaching on the Word of God; all of which make the mass
                            a wonderful one hour of prayer for me.
                            The music may not always be to our liking. The preaching may not always speak directly to
                            us. The participation of the congregation may not always be at a fever pitch. Regardless, the
                            mass is still one beautiful prayer for me that culminates with the bread of life.
                            I have heard the Bible referenced by many different terms - “God’s love letter to His
                            people,” “The Word of Life,” “Life’s Instructional Manual,” “#1 Best Seller.” The reality is
                            that through the Bible we have a tangible connection to our Lord. It is His living word. As
                            such, each and every time we open ourselves to the Bible, we are opening ourselves up to
                            God. If we are serious about our relationship with God, we should include reading from the
                            Bible on a consistent basis as a part of our prayer life. A couple of popular ways to achieve
                            this is to participate in one of the “The Bible in a Year” programs or to read the Daily
                            Readings for the mass, which on most days will include readings from the Old Testament,
                            Psalms, New Testament and the Gospels.

ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022
Prayer at Roncalli
Prayer is a part of daily life at Roncalli in many different ways - open prayer and/or
adoration in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart before and after school on certain days;
recitation of the rosary in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart before and after school on certain
days, prayer at the start of and/or the end of class; prayer at the start of and/or the end of
athletic practices and fine arts rehearsals. However, there is one specific way in which prayer
is a part of each school day at Roncalli that is paramount for me. Each day at the conclusion
of second period, we, as an entire school community, pause and join together in prayer. At
our school-wide retreat day in August, I shared with our faculty and staff that these three
to five minutes in the day are the most important three to five minutes of our day. It is my
expectation that all in our school - students, faculty, staff, and guests - will stop what they
are doing and respectfully and reverently join in prayer. For a number of years now we have
followed a similar rotation in terms of who leads school in prayers - Monday (principal);
Tuesday (member of the leadership or campus ministry teams); Wednesday (member of the
senior class); Thursday (president) and Friday (anyone that wishes to volunteer).
Our school-wide daily prayer is awesome. It is the highlight of my day. So many different
varieties of prayer; so many different topics for prayer; so many different levels of faith in
these prayers. Many, many days as I listen to a student, teacher or staff member lead our
school in prayer, I find myself saying, “I wish our entire school community could hear this
The great news is they can!!! Our daily school-wide prayer is
accessible to the entire world through our Roncall YouTube
channel. One can find it by typing Roncalli YouTube channel
in your search engine or go to and type Roncalli
High School. I invite and strongly encourage you to scan
the QR code with your smart phone camera each school
day and join us in prayer. I think you too will find it to be
the best three to five minutes of your day.
We are blessed to live in a country that allows us to publicly
join in prayer as a school community. We should never take
this for granted as there are many places in the world where this is not possible.
Prayer is our link to the Lord!! My hope and prayer is that each of us in the Roncalli family
will work to include prayer in our lives on a daily basis as we strive to live out our calling to
be a disciple of Jesus Christ. How you do it. When you do it. What it looks like when you
do it. These are all between you and God.
Thank you to all who continue to support Roncalli High School through your contribution
of time, talent, treasure and prayer! We cannot achieve our mission without you!
God bless you and St. John XXIII, pray for us!

                                                  RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022
                                  To Forgive as we are Forgiven
                                  Rev. Robert Robeson, VF, Ph.D., M.Ed., Roncalli Chaplain Coordinator
                                  He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive
                                  are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.”
                                  						John 20:22-23

                                  Each year during the seasons of Advent and Lent, all the priests of the South
                                  Deanery converge on Roncalli one afternoon during the school day so that our
                                  students may encounter the mercy of Jesus Christ through the Sacrament of
                                  Penance. As a priest, this is one of the highlights of my Lenten season because I
                                  always leave with a deep appreciation for the goodness and the deep well of faith
                                  that so many of our young people bring to this sacrament.
                                  It takes a special sort of grace to muster the courage and the humility necessary to
                                  approach a priest who stands (or in this case sits) in the person of Christ and reveal
                                  our innermost vulnerabilities – the things of which we are most ashamed. Yet,
                                  this is so essential to our faith, because it reinforces the fact that we need God’s
                                  mercy, and it also instructs us how to be more merciful toward one another. In
                                  fact, I would say that this is one of the most important things we do at Roncalli;
6                                 helping students to learn – not just the principles of chemistry, or literature, or
                                  mathematics, or even theology – but also how to be more human; how to forgive
                                  and to ask for forgiveness; how to recognize our own faults and shortcomings and
                                  strive to become holier.
                                  This may come as a shock to some of you, but young people can sometimes be
                                  moody and difficult. They can be insensitive, uncharitable, sneaky, lethargic and
                                  sometimes even downright cruel. But confession is a sacrament that helps us know
                                  – without a doubt – that even when we mess up, even when we sin, Christ died
                                  for our sins and will forgive us when we are truly sorry. Through confession, we
                                  know that we are loved despite our faults. Through confession, Christ offers the
                                  grace to do better and to get our life back on the right track.
                                  Our world today is a complex place that is often at odds with the Gospel message
                                  of Jesus Christ and the teachings of our Catholic faith. My experience at Roncalli
                                  has convinced me that we need the Sacrament of Penance more than ever. We
                                  need it, and our high school students need it, not just to be forgiven of their sins
                                  but to help them realize that we are loved without limits. God’s love and mercy
                                  is more powerful than any sin. For young people today, and for our Roncalli
                                  students, this is the most important lesson plan of all.

ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022
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ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022
                                  Come ROAR with us!
                                  Terese R. Carson, Hon’18, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

                                  If Saturday, April 30 is not already blocked off on your calendar for Roar,
                                  you still have time! Roncalli’s premier event of the year, Roar, will be an
                                  evening of celebration for our Roncalli family. The event will include
                                  dinner, silent and live auctions, student performances and a live band
                                  to top off the evening. Tickets may still be purchased by emailing
                         or by calling 317.787.8277 ext. 238.

                                  Roar has actually had quite an evolution. This event started in 1999 as
                                  Rebelation: A Celebration for Roncalli. By the second year, the expectation
                                  arose that every year there would be a theme. The theme would be
                                  incorporated into the decorations, the food, the music and the attire of
                                  the guests. Roncalli students quickly became integral with their dazzling
                                  performances and also by serving dinner to guests. Some previous themes
                                  over the years included: a rodeo, circus, cruise ship, theme park, red carpet,
                                  camping, derby and the roaring 20s.

                                  The event was rebranded as Celebration Roncalli in 2020. But as you might
                                  have guessed, COVID changed everything and for the next two years the
                                  event became Celebration Roncalli virtually. We were fortunate to have
                                  been able to still host for those two years and as always, the Roncalli family
                                  stepped up and participated virtually, allowing the tradition to continue.
                                  Although it was fun and different to host the event virtually, it is exciting to
                                  be able to gather together once again.

                                  Welcome Roar! 2022 marks the beginning of a new era. New name. Same
                                  great event. Some new things too! Get a ticket. Bring your friends. Help
                                  raise money for our students. Buy a raffle ticket. Dig out your best safari
                                  gear (or animal print) and join us for Roar 2022: A Survival Safari.

                                  Let’s Roar!

                                  (view the front page of our website,
                         for more information)

ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022
Senior Anne Ameis was named the
valedictorian and senior Katrina
Gangstad was named salutatorian for the
Roncalli High School class of 2022.
Ameis excelled both inside and outside
of the classroom. She will graduate with
an Academic Honors Diploma with
Distinction. Throughout high school, she
earned four A’s with the remainder of her
grades being A+’s. This was done while
completing 36 credits of honors courses.
Ameis’ academic honors include: Pre-
Calc Accelerated Outstanding Student
of the Year, AP Chemistry Outstanding
Student of the Year, Geometry Honors
Outstanding Student of the Year,                (left to right) Valedictorian Anne Ameis
Chemistry Honors Outstanding Student             and Salutatorian Katrina Gangstad
of the Year and named as a Rising Star        acknowledgment of her outstanding
of Indiana by the Indiana Association of      academic achievement and participated in
School Principals                             the Lugar Symposium for Future Leaders.
Outside of the classroom, Ameis’              Outside of the classroom, Gangstad has                            9
commitment to serving her community           accrued nearly 430 hours of service during
and extracurricular involvement is an         her high school career including sorting
impressive testament to her character. She    and distributing food and supplies at food
serves as an executive board member of the    pantries in our community; supporting
South Deanery Dance Marathon for Riley        young student-athletes in summer sports
Children's Hospital, volunteers at Eskenazi   camps; interacting with and caring for
Health Hospital and assists at the Saints     animals through a local humane society.
Francis and Clare’s Harvest Food Pantry.      Additionally, she co-founded a club at
She spearheaded the Roncalli recycling        Roncalli which strives to make a positive
program, takes care of the school garden,     impact in the Roncalli community and
provides food to shelters and distributes     the greater community on the southside
flowers to the homebound. Ameis, who          of Indianapolis through planting a garden,
attended Saints Francis and Clare of          donating produce grown in the garden
Assisi Catholic School, plans to major in     to local food pantries and sorting and
biology on the pre-medical track. She is      recycling materials to create a healthier
the daughter of Marie (Strack) R’81 and       and more sustainable environment for
Michael Ameis.                                future generations. For the past four years,
Gangstad has shown incredible dedication      Gangstad has been a varsity athlete earning
throughout high school. She is an AP          the 2021 Mental Attitude Award in tennis.
Scholar with Honors, was recognized           She is the daughter of Joseph Gangstad
by the Indiana Association of School          and Danielle Turnak. She attended St.
Principals as an Indiana Rising Star,         Jude Catholic School and plans to attend
was nominated as a Carson Scholar in          Purdue University to study veterinary

                                               RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
ROYAL RHAPSODY SHOW CHOIR 6X GRAND CHAMPIONS - Historic Undefeated Season! - Spring 2022
        left to right: Leigh Tully Wilham R’85, Kaleigh Wilham R’15, NataleighWilham R’24, Bob Tully, Hon’93, Mary Pat Tully, Hon’93,
        Ashleigh Wilham R’20, Emileigh Wilham R’18, Alleigh Wilham R’20, Michael Tully R’94

         On Thursday, March 10, hundreds of Roncalli alumni, past and
         present faculty, staff, family and friends gathered at The Atrium
         to celebrate Bob Tully and his 58 years of exemplary service to
         Bishop Chartrand High School, Roncalli High School and the
         Catholic Youth Organization.
         Roncalli President Chuck Weisenbach R’79 opened the evening
         and introduced Fr. Jeff Godecker who said the opening prayer.
         After dinner, Bill Kuntz, Hon, ’97, master of ceremonies,
         introduced the head table that held the Tully family: Bob, his
         wife Mary Pat, son Michael R’94, daughter Leigh R’85 and five
         granddaughters. A colorful bouquet of flowers was presented to
         Mary Pat Tully for her support of Bob over the years.
         A ten-minute video tribute was played that featured former
         students, colleagues and friends. This was followed by
         Bob's granddaughter, Kaleigh R’15, who spoke of her
         love and admiration for her grandfather, whom she calls
         “Pa-leigh”. Following her speech, presentations were made for the
         proclamations of “Bob Tully Day” from the City of Indianapolis
         and the State of Indiana “Distinguished Hoosier Award.”
         Live testimonials came from the guests reflecting on their
         memories with Bob and his dedication to being in the “kid
         business”. Speakers were Ed Tinder C’67, John Wirtz, Hon ’96,
         Dave Toner C’67, Tom Dale R’75, Alice Underwood SHC’58
         and Jim McGregor’s letter read by Frank Sergi,. The room was
         filled with laughter as all recalled fond memories of Tully.
         Bob finally approached the podium, shared memories and
         thanked everyone for the touching evening. He thanked his wife
         and family. Chuck Weisenbach R’79 then presented Bob with a
         plaque and invited everyone to make a gift to the Robert F. Tully
         Endowed Scholarship.
         The evening concluded with a prayer by Sister Cathy Anne
         Lepore, Hon ’07. Guests were invited to stay and visit with Mary
         Pat and Bob.
         It was a great evening honoring a great man for a great career that
         spanned six decades!

Roncalli seniors Adelle Burkhardt, Jack
Rittenhouse and Amanda Wolf were elevated
to National Merit Finalists by the National
Merit Scholarship Corporation. The trio was
first notified that they were Semifinalists in
September 2021.
There are approximately 15,000 National
Merit Finalists in the United States who
emerge from a pool of nearly 1.6 million
PSAT examinees. Semifinalists advance
to finalist standing in the competition by
meeting high academic standards and many
other requirements. These academically
talented high school seniors have an
opportunity to continue in the competition      Left to right: Seniors Adelle Burkhardt, Jack Rittenhouse and
for 7,500 National Merit Scholarships worth Amanda Wolf
more than $32 million that will be offered this
spring.                                         their dedication and hard work throughout
                                                their education. In addition, it also shows the
"We are incredibly proud of the                 wonderful work and support from their families
accomplishment of these three students.         and teachers,” said Kevin Banich R’09, principal                     11
This honor and recognition is a testament to    of Roncalli High School.

 On February 26, Roncalli had an amazing            “These solos are very difficult college-level works
 showing at the Indiana State School Music          that take a lot of time to prepare. Thank you
 Association (ISSMA) State Solo and                 for representing Roncalli so well at the state
 Ensemble competition for wind, percussion          competition!” said Kathy Peach, Hon’04, fine arts
 and string. Three Roncalli students who            department chair and band director at Roncalli
 qualified for the competition earned a Gold        High School.
 rating and one received a Silver rating! A
 Gold rating is the highest honor a soloist
 can earn in this statewide competition.
 Junior Henry Howe earned a Gold rating
 on his cello solo. Sophomore Ronnie
 Malan earned a Gold rating on his clarinet
 solo. Junior Ansley Bishop earned a
 Gold rating on her trumpet solo and also
 earned a distinction rating. This is the first
 time any Royal band member has earned
 the distinction award! Sophomore Meg
 Comer earned a silver rating on her tenor
                                                    Left to right: Meg Comer, Ronnie Malan, Ansley Bishop,
 saxophone solo.
                                                    Henry Howe

                                                    RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
                Roncalli students and staff members celebrated Catholic Schools Week with a number of activities.
                Although the week was cut short with two snow days, everyone showed school spirit by participating
                in the themed dress up days. Starting on a Friday with “Squad Goals” dressing up in groups. Monday
                was Catholic grade school or college attire. Tuesday was generations day. Wednesday was an all school
                liturgy. Thursday and Friday were snow days, but a pep rally was held the following Friday (red, white
                and blue themed, of course.) to send off our state wrestlers and complete our final dodgeball game.
                (see page 17)
                Roncalli spread some Catholic Schools Week cheer at the south deanery grade schools as well. Roncalli
                staff visited each grade school with buckets of snacks, South Deanery Rewards cards for the teachers
                and staff and Roncalli Royals keychains for the 5th through 8th graders.

                 Scoobie Doo Squad Day - Sophomores
                 Paige Gibbs and Emily Render

                 Squad Day - Juniors Ian Peats and        Dominoes Squad Day - faculty from STARS and student teacher Erica Mailloux
                 Joshua Harbers

On January 24, Roncalli was represented extremely well at
this year’s March for Life in Indianapolis. Royals attended
 the Mass for Life at St. John the Evangelist, and then they
  marched through downtown.

                                                               left to right: Mrs.Cassie McGill, Brady Neu, Luke Swartz,
          left to right: Hudson Day, Elizabeth Schafer,        Mrs.Caren LeMark, Mrs. Caroline Barry, Trevor Lauck,
           Jack Beeson, Addie McGill, Jack Davis, Cal Davis    Luke Skartvedt, Mary Renshaw

        TOY DRIVE
        Roncalli had over 100 students and families
        drop off over 600 toys in hopes of spreading
        Christmas cheer for Anna’s House. These toys
        were then handed out by Santa at Anna's
        House's drive-thru food pantry.

        Roncalli athletes from softball, boys and girls
        basketball, girls soccer, boys tennis, boys cross
        country, boys track, cheerleading and gymnastics                                                                   13
        all had festive displays and lit up the Roncalli
        circle with Christmas spirit as families drove
        through the circle donating toys.

                                                   RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
2022 SENIOR ASSIST DAY                                                                 Mrs. Raegan Evans, President's Administrative
                                                                                                  Assistant and Katherine Evans

           Mr. Kevin Banich R’09, Principal and Grant Ray
           Mrs. Wendy Lawrie, VP of Finance and Jackson Straumins

           In March, the tradition of Senior Assist Day continued.
           Faculty and staff submitted descriptions of their jobs to be
           assisted by seniors that applied for these jobs.
           The seniors spent the day performing the duties, lessons
           and daily tasks of their selected faculty or staff member.
           This is a great opportunity for students to experience what
           a day in the life of a teacher, principal, administrative
14         assistant or dean is like.

                                                                          Mrs. Erin Bohn R’94, English Department and Ronan Euzen

           Ms. Lacey Hersman, Math Department and Abbey Scheil
           Mrs. Katie Hibner R’10, Theology Department and Celia Boring
           Mrs. Angie Toner, Math Department and Cecilia Kramer

     Mrs. Kathy Nalley-Schembra K’68, Health Department and Lauren Turk   Mr. Tim Crissman, Dean of Students and Joey Milto
On February 12, Roncalli High School had an
amazing showing at the Indiana State School
Music Association (ISSMA) district vocal and
piano competition. All 14 Roncalli students who
participated in the competition earned a gold! A Gold
rating is the highest honor a soloist can earn in this

The gold rated division one soloists are seniors:
Savannah Gilmore, Ian Knight, Sofia Morelli,
juniors Fletcher Hooten, Jackson Steuer, Amelia
Warner; sophomores Anita Conn, Grace Hovanec,
Jane Levine, Patrisha Luzietti, Dasha Mukunthan;
and freshmen Ashlynn Gilmore, Ivan Figueroa and
Mia Michalak.
                                                          (back row left to right) Fletcher Hooten, Jackson Steuer, Ivan Figueroa,
“I'm proud of the work that was put into these            Grace Hovanec, Savannah Gilmore, Ashlynn Gilmore
challenging solos. These students excel in a wide         (front row left to right) Sofia Morelli, Amelia Warner, Patricia Luzietti,
range of musical styles, and their ISSMA solos really     Jane Levine, Mia Michalak
showcase another side of their vocal skills,” said Joey   Not pictured: Anita Conn, Ian Knight, Dasha Mukunthan
Newton R’03, choir director.

 BLOOD DRIVE                                                                                                                           15

                                                                  On March 10, Roncalli's Student Council held its
                                                                  annual blood drive event.
                                                                  This year’s drive welcomed 34 first-time donors. A
                                                                  total of 41 blood units and two double red cell units
                                                                  were donated. Every unit of blood donated has the
                                                                  potential to save three lives. Through the generosity of
                                                                  the Roncalli community 135 lives will be saved by the
                                                                  Roncalli family!

                                                   RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
          The vision of Roncalli High School is to
          form disciples of Jesus Christ through the
          intercession of Saint John XXIII. That vision is
          not confined to the classrooms and hallways of
          the school, however. The athletic department, in
          conjunction with campus ministry, has created a
          position for an athletic ministry coordinator.                  Coach Julie Albertson, Boys Track & Field
          Principal Kevin Banich R’09 said, “Over half of      on their teams and discussing ways their
          the students enrolled at Roncalli will be involved   programs can be enhanced with more attention
          in an athletic program at some point in their        to the development of the athletes from all
          journey through high school. Athletics provides      perspectives - body, mind and spirit.
          another opportunity to have our students and         “Many of our coaches are already doing a
          school centered on the mission and faith. While      commendable job of tending to the hearts of
          wins, losses and championships are an important      their athletes,” Albertson said. “I have also
          part of high school athletics, the more important    been impressed with their willingness to work
          goal is striving to have our students have a         together to make positive additions to what's
          personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”            being done currently.”
          Stepping into this position is Julie Albertson,      Albertson is also available to help coaches find
          a communications teacher as well as track and        meaningful service projects for their teams, help
          field coach. Albertson is responsible for helping    facilitate mass as well as be prayer support for
          to support coaches as well as athletes in their      coaches and athletes.
16        development of body, mind and spirit.
                                                               “Like any new endeavor, the first year has been
          “With my athletic background as well as the          one of learning about our teams and meeting
          eight years I spent in youth ministry at St. Mark    coaches, especially those who don't teach in
          Catholic Church, I believe I am well positioned      the building," Albertson said. "I look forward
          to support the faith development of our athletes     to building on the foundation we have laid
          by offering encouragement and resources to our       this year and finding more and more ways to
          coaches,” Albertson said.                            help our student-athletes thrive in all aspects of
          Some of the ways Albertson has been doing this       their lives, with particular attention paid to the
          so far is by meeting with coaches to talk about      development of their Christian faith.”
          what is already occurring from a faith perspective

Four juniors have been named Indiana “Rising
Stars” in the most recent publication of the
Indiana Association of School Principals
(IASP). Andrew Baugh, Ansley Bishop,
Andrew Dial and Grace Sipe were selected
from among the class of 2023 for this
honor based on a combination of academic
achievement, standardized test score results
and school/community involvement. In
addition to receiving a certificate from the
IASP, these students will be made known to
potential future college choices in Indiana. Andrew Dial, Andrew Baugh, Ansley Bishop, Grace Sipe


                                           Algebros: (left to right) Maggie Casper, Augie Hibner R’10,
                                    Regan Happe, Kevin Banich R’09, Ben North, Louise Hibner R’12

In early February, after a couple of date
changes, six dodgeball teams battled it
out for the coveted dodgeball trophy
and bragging rights for 2022. Due to
COVID, Roncalli had not held this
event since 2020. Each class selected
representatives for their grade's team.
The two faculty and staff teams were the
"Purple Cobras" and the "Algebros."
The classes had matches against each
other to determine the team to go to
the winner's bracket. The class of 2023        Class of 2023: (back row left to right) Judson Lawrie,
battled the Algebros to win the trophy         Trevor Lauck, Luke Swartz, Andrew Baugh, Brady Neu
during the final game, which was held at
                                               (alternate), (front row left to right) Lyla Blackwell, Keagan
the pep rally in front of the entire school.
                                               Rothrock, Abbey Hofmann, Megan Sinovic

                                          RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
          Psychology Camp                                            Drafting and Woodworking
          • Why can we not taste much when we have a cold?           Get a firsthand look at Roncalli’s award-winning
          • What's the best way to learn those vocabulary            drafting program! Students will draw in the drafting
             words your English teacher assigns?                     room, construct a small wooden project and build
          • Why do we conform to what others expect us to do?        some simple circuits. Last year's camp filled up fast, so
          • Does meditation lower stress levels?                     sign up soon - you do not want to miss out!
          • Is “fake it until you make it”true?                      Instructor: Don Elbreg (Roncalli engineering teacher)
          Attend this summer's psychology camp to learn the          Dates: June 13-16
          answers to these questions and more! Students will         Time: 9:00-11:00 AM
          learn about their senses and how the brain perceives       Grades*: 6th-8th (Attendance Max: 32 students)
          the world around us, how memory works and how              Cost: $50/camper
          to improve it, why we conform and why it's hard to
          disobey authority, and how to handle stress. Lessons
                                                                     Coding Camp 2022
          will include videos and hands-on experiences.
                                                                     Are you interested in learning how to do computer
          Instructor: Mrs. Kim Striby (Roncalli psychology           coding? Join us for the first Roncalli Coding Camp
          teacher) and Mrs. Diana Buxton (Roncalli social            this summer!
                                                                     Instructor: Ben North (Roncalli science teacher)
          Dates: June 6-9
                                                                     Dates: June 13-16
          Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
                                                                     Time: Noon- 2:00 PM
          Grades*: 7th-8th (Attendance Max: 20 students)
                                                                     Grades*: 6th-8th (Attendance Max: 20 students)
          Cost: $50/camper
                                                                     Cost: $50/camper
                         *Grades indicate the grade that the student will be in for the 2022-2023 school year.

          Junior Royal Theatre 16th Annual Summer Camp               June 6 - June 30, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Monday -
          This camp is designed for your child to have a             Friday.
          hands-on, multi-faceted theatre experience. Campers        July 11 - July 29, 8:30 AM -12:30 PM, Monday-
          will enjoy making new friends as they build                Friday
          performance skills and learn self-confidence, teamwork
                                                                     Limited enrollment, on a first come, first serve basis.
          and theatre abilities. Campers will be exposed to many
                                                                     There is a $50 non-refundable deposit required at the
          different aspects of theatre such as drama, voice, dance
                                                                     time of registration.
          and more.

SUMMER ATHLETIC CAMPS                                              HONOR YOUR SENIOR WITH
                                                                   A BRICK FOR GRADUATION

                                                                   Have your graduate
                                                                                                THE SMITH
                                                                                                             J NE
                                                                   permanently etched
                                                                   into Roncalli's            TOM AND
                                                                   Circle of Faith!                    BLAKE
                                                                   Order your $125                     JONES
                                                                   custom brick by                      R’19
                                                                   April 23 to ensure its
Roncalli High School will again offer many athletic                completion by graduation on May 21.
camps this summer for students currently in grades                 Order two bricks for $200. All proceeds
kindergarden through eighth. These camps are                       from brick sales benefit Roncalli's Circle
conducted by members of the Royal coaching staff and               of Faith fund to provide needs-based
serve to provide fundamental instruction in each sport
as well as a wonderful opportunity to have fun in a                tuition assistance.
friendly, nurturing and safe environment.
CAMPS for BOYS                     CAMPS for GIRLS                 What can I put on the brick?
Basketball                         Basketball                      Your brick can display up to three lines
Cross Country                      Cross Country                   of text, with 16 characters (including           19
Volleyball                         Volleyball                      spaces and punctuation marks) per line.
Lacrosse                           Lacrosse
Soccer                             Soccer
Baseball                           Softball                        How can I be sure the text on my
Wrestling                          Gymnastics                      brick will be correct?
Football                           Cheerleading                    When you order your brick, you will
                                                                   receive an acknowledgment letter
                  CO-ED CAMPS                                      that includes a verification of the
                  Tennis                                           engraved text. If something is spelled
                  Swimming                                         or listed incorrectly, please contact the
                  Diving                                           Advancement Office at 317-787-8277
                  Speed Development                                ext. 238 and make corrections within
                                                                   two weeks of receipt.
Registration began March 1. We encourage you
to please register on-line. We communicate camp
updates via text and email. Your contact information is
                                                                   How do I order a brick?
obtained via our on-line registration form. The cost for           Please download an order form from our
each camp is $50 per camper/per session. Information               website, or call
and online registration is available on the Roncalli               the Advancement Office at (317) 787-
High School website:                       8277, ext 238.
Please note: Walk up registration fee - $55 per camp
For more information, please call the athletic office at
(317) 788-4094 or (317) 787-8277 ext. 263.

                                                  RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL

                                                                                                By Amanda Wolf

           Scholastic winners pictured left to right: Emily Och, Emily Smith, Audrey Rearick,
           Cat Sergi, Amanda Wolf, Catie Reed, Abigail Wulf, Ella McCalip, Sam Peeples

           Congratulations to Roncalli High            honorable mentions for two
           School students whose work                  drawing and illustrations and for
           received awards in the Scholastic           digital design. Sergi also received
           Art and Writing Competition!                a silver key for her art portfolio
           Roncalli students received a record         and a gold key for her drawing and
           total of 26 separate awards. There          illustration. Senior Emily Smith’s
           were five gold keys allowing                painting and art portfolio received
           the winners to move on to the               honorable mentions. Junior
20         national competition in New York,           Abigail Wulf earned a silver key
           eight silver keys and 13 honorable          for her painting.
           mentions. Students are allowed              For the writing portion of the           By Ella McCalip
           to enter multiple pieces within             competition, senior Amanda
           the same category, and the art              Wolf ’s writings received silver
           portfolio consists of many works            keys in the categories of science
           of art and cumulative judging.              fiction and fantasy and her writing
           Senior Ella McCalip received                portfolio. Wolf ’s flash fiction
           a gold key in drawing and                   writing received an honorable
           illustration. Senior Emily                  mention. Her art portfolio and
           Och received a silver key for               painting received silver keys, and
           her art portfolio. Senior Sam               she was awarded three gold keys
           Peeples received an honorable               for her photography and two              By Cat Sergi
           mention for printmaking. Senior             paintings.
           Audrey Rearick earned four                  “We had a record number of
           honorable mentions in drawing               winners this year with all the
           and illustration, two honorable             entrants placing and earning
           mentions in digital art and two             recognition. These are exceptional
           silver keys for her art portfolio and       young artists who are always a
           drawing and illustration. Junior            pleasure to have in class. They
           Catie Reed’s sculpture earned               exude creativity and a passion
           a silver key and her ceramics               for the visual arts. I am so
           and glass earned an honorable               truly proud of them for these
           mention. Senior Cat Sergi received          accomplishments,” said fine arts
                                                       teacher Mark Stratton.
                                                                                                By Emily Och
By Cat Sergi                       By Emily Smith

By Amanda Wolf           By Sam Peeples                       By Catie Reed

By Abigail Wulf

                                                          By Emily Och

                                                         By Audrey Rearick
               On March 5th, Roncalli held its annual “let the birdies fly” badminton tournament.
               Congratulations to this year's winners.

               Grand Champions - senior Joey Milto and                     Toilet Bowl Champs (loser bracket) - sophomores
               junior Andrew Baugh                                         Kate Rittenhouse and Marissa Morwick

             Over 200 South Deanery middle school
             students converged on Roncalli for
22           the 36th annual Quest for Excellence
             competition on February 26. They
             competed in a number of categories
             including: art, music, math, history,
             current events, religion, physical fitness,
             geography, drama, essay writing and the
             super quiz team competition. St. Barnabas
             was the winner of this year’s super quiz,
             followed by St. Roch (second) and
             St. Mark (third).                                         Super Quiz Teams: 1st - St. Barnabas, 2nd - St. Roch, 3rd - St. Mark

Art Competition: 1st - Isaiah Littell, St. Roch; 2nd - Ellie Bishop,           Geography Competition: 1st - Willinston Randan, Holy Name;
S.s. Francis & Clare; 3rd - Mary Grace Rykowski, St. Barnabas                  2nd - Clarice McGill, St. Jude; 3rd - Colin Ash, St. Roch


   Junior Keagan Rothrock, Senior Emma Halter, Madelyn Bischoff R’21, Sam Eiland R’19, Nick Schnell R’18,
            Jenna (Hayes) Alspaugh R’99, Sarah (Hurrle) Kegerreis R’96, Diane (Hoereth) Metz R’86
On January 29, at halftime of the boys                as well as Indiana and National Players of the
basketball game, Roncalli welcomed eight              Year from multiple sports.
athletes who were inducted to the Wall
of Fame in the Ascension St. Vincent                  Among the Wall of Fame inductees were
Gymnasium. The Wall of Fame honorees                  junior Keagan Rothrock for softball,
include some of the most distinguished                senior Emma Halter for volleyball, for girls
athletes from Roncalli. These include All-            basketball Jenna (Hayes) Alspaugh R’99,
Americans and Indiana Basketball All-Stars,           Sarah (Hurrle) Kegerreis R’96, Diane
                                                      (Hoereth) Metz R’86 and Madelyn Bischoff
                                                      R’21, Sam Eiland R’19 for boys volleyball
                                                      and Nick Schnell R’18 for baseball.
                                                      Inductees that were unable to attend the
                                                      event were Lindsey Corsaro R’16 for girls
                                                      basketball, Kendra (Lynch) Kirkhoff R’13
                                                      for softball, Bridget Perry R’13 for girls
                                                      basketball, Paige (Weber) Tapp R’07 for
                                                      volleyball and Jason Werner R’05 for football.
                                                      About this inaugural event, David Lauck
                                                      R’94, athletic director, said, “What a night!
                                                      Roncalli has had hundreds of distinguished
                                                      athletes, and it was great to have several of
                                                      them back with us. With much appreciation
                                                      and gratitude, we will continue to honor and
                                                      recognize more of our distinguished athletes in
                                                      the future.”

                                               RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
         Royal Rhapsody had the best show choir
         season in school history, defeating every          centered around the struggles of high school.
         school in their division. After winning their      Songs included “Hard Times,” “Do Your Own
         division for the 6th and final time of the         Thing,” “All I Know So Far,” “Big Fun” and
         season at Warren Central, they advanced to         “Happy Dance.” Their show featured soloists
         finals with the large schools, earning 2nd place   Ava Nelson, Ellie Buening, Amelia Warner,
         and beating out Pendleton Heights, Franklin        Fletcher Hooten and Xavier Wilson.
         Community, Lawrence Central and Lawrence
                                                            Choral Director Joey Newton R’03 said,
         North. Royal Rhapsody performed a show
                                                            “The success we had this season might remain
                                                            unmatched for the rest of my career. I realized
                                                            that as it was happening, and tried to cherish
                                                            every moment. But the fact is, I think it still
                                                            hasn't really sunk in. It was a perfect recipe
                                                            of a masterfully crafted show (which took a


          Body text

team of people to design), a level of talent
that is unheard of in schools our size and
unparalleled motivation among the students.
It blows my mind that our school is blessed
with the talent that it has, and that sentiment
was shared by every judge we encountered
throughout the season. I often found myself
getting emotional while listening to their
comments about us. They were amazed and
often downright speechless. I will never forget
this season or the kids I got to share it with.”


                                               RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
            Roncalli High School announced that                  “Coach Waugh’s familiarity with the girls in
            Eunsun Waugh has been named the school’s            the program, combined with her knowledge
            head girls golf coach. She                                         of the game and long-time
            is the fourth head coach in                                        connection to the Roncalli
            girls golf program history.                                        community, make her a good
            Waugh joined the program                                           fit to be our next girls golf
            as an assistant coach prior to                                     head coach,” said Roncalli
            last season. She is a member                                       athletic director David Lauck
            of the LPGA Amateurs                                               R’94.
            Association and a course
            director for the Indy Women’s                                        Waugh is married to Chris,
            Golf League (IWGL).                                                  who is a 1990 Roncalli
                                                                                 graduate. Her daughters,
            “I’m excited and blessed for                                         Ashley (R’06) and Alexis
            this new opportunity,” said                                          (R’11), both graduated from
            Waugh. “Growing the game                                             Roncalli and her son Brady is
            of women’s golf has always                                           a freshman at Roncalli. The
            been a passion of mine, and                                          Roncalli girls golf team opens
            I am ready for the challenge       Eunsun Waugh, Girls Golf Coach    its 30th season in August.
            of taking this program to the
            next level.”

            Jason Sims has been named as Roncalli’s new          to move a program forward will serve our
            head girls varsity basketball coach. Sims has        student athletes well.”
            spent four seasons in the girls
            basketball program, with the                                      Sims spent three seasons as
            first three as the head JV coach.                                 the girls varsity head coach at
            This past season, he served as                                    Eminence High School (his alma
            the program’s interim head                                        mater) from 2004 through 2007.
            coach for the final 22 games,                                     His teams compiled a 53-12
            guiding the team to a 12-10                                       record and he was twice named
            record. He led the team to a 5-0                                  Tri-River Conference Coach of
            mark in Circle City Conference                                    the Year. After graduating from
            play and to the program’s third-                                  Eminence in 1996, Sims played
            straight conference title.                                        two seasons of college basketball at
                                                                              Vincennes University, followed by
            “We are excited to have                                           two seasons at Marian University.
            Coach Sims take over our girls        Jason Sims, Head Girls      Sims has been at Roncalli since
            basketball program” said Roncalli        Basketball Coach        the spring of 2016, and he also
            athletic director David Lauck                                    serves as the school’s assistant
            ’94. “His ability to connect with people and         athletic director.

Eric Quintana has been hired as Roncalli’s            Chatard (Class 3A champs in 2019 and 2020)
new head football coach. Quintana is the 10th         and Carmel (Class 6A champs in 2016).
head coach in the history of Roncalli football.
He comes to Roncalli after spending the               He was a two-time Indiana All-State selection,
last five seasons as the assistant head coach/        a Top 50 player and an Indiana All-Star
offensive coordinator at Bishop Chatard High          during his high school career at Plymouth. He
School.                                               went on to play collegiately at the University
                                                      of Indianapolis, where he started 46 games on
“It is an honor to be named the head                  the offensive line from 2006 through 2010
football coach at Roncalli High School,” said         and was named All-Great Lakes Intercollegiate
Quintana. “Roncalli is a very special place and       Athletic Conference.
I’m excited to lead the exceptional young men
who will continue the school’s rich football          “Coach Quintana has worked alongside some
tradition. I’m grateful for the opportunity that      fantastic coaches during his career,” said
President Chuck Weisenbach, Principal Kevin           Roncalli athletic director David Lauck R’94.
Banich and Athletic Director David Lauck              “He checked off all the boxes we were looking
have given me.”                                       for during our hiring process. We are thrilled
                                                      to have him joining our school faculty and
Quintana has 11 years of assistant coaching           heading up our football program.”
experience, with time spent as the head
offensive line coach at every stop. He has            Starting in August, Quintana will teach
coached at Noblesville, Lawrence North,               advanced physical conditioning at Roncalli                     27
Lawrence Central, Carmel and two different            and oversee the athletic department’s strength
stints at Bishop Chatard. He was a part of            and conditioning program. He holds a
the state champion coaching staffs at Bishop          Bachelor of Arts with a physical education
                                                      and health concentration, as well as a Master
                                                      of Arts in teaching, physical education
                                                      and health, both from the University of
                                                      “We are excited for Coach Quintana to serve
                                                      our school and community in the role of head
                                                      football coach,” said Roncalli principal Kevin
                                                      Banich R’09. “He has the energy, passion
                                                      and experience to not only coach football, but
                                                      also make a positive impact on the lives of our
                                                      students through his leadership. His vision
                                                      will build on the rich tradition of our football
                                                      program, challenge our students on and off
                                                      the field and assist our school in fulfilling our
                                                      Roncalli opens its 54th season of football
                                                      when it travels to Southport on August 19 at
                                                      7:00 PM.
 Eric Quintana and wife Kristin, with children
 Madelynn (14 years old), Ellie (6 years old) and
             Roman (2 years old)
                                                    RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
     2022 REVIEW
       Head Coach:
       Curtis Cox R’07

       Assistant Coaches:
       Kristen White R’14
       Blake Ludge R’19
       Kaitlan Hinesley

28                                  With only six swimmers on the roster,     team’s MVP award. He swam his way
                                    the boys swimming and diving team         to all-conference honors in the 100
                                    worked its way through the schedule,      freestyle and concluded his career in
                                    improving as they went along. The         the program’s all-time top 10 in the
                                    team finished fourth in the Circle        100 freestyle and the 100 backstroke.
                                    City Conference meet, defeating two       He also was named academic all-state.
                                    teams, and finished eighth in the         Junior Sam Xochitlatoa won the team’s
                                    sectional, defeating four teams. Senior   mental attitude award.
                                    John Hammerschmitt earned the

                                                                                    2022 REVIEW
                                                                                      Head Coach:
                                                                                      Curtis Cox R’07
                                                                                      Assistant Coaches:
                                                                                      Kristen White R’14
                                                                                      Blake Ludge R’19
                                                                                      Kaitlan Hinesley

The girls swimming and diving team        swimming to all-conference honors in
began the season with a relatively        the 200 freestyle. Hawkins was named
inexperienced group, but continued        academic all-state. Junior Abbi Bullock
to develop throughout the season,         earned all-conference honors in the
culminating in a solid finish. The team   100 butterfly and freshman Elizabeth                                       29
finished fourth in the conference and     McCoy earned all-conference honors
seventh in the sectional, to go along     in the 100 freestyle. Senior Madeline
with a 4-7 record in the dual/tri meet    Brinker was named the team’s mental
season. Senior Claire Hawkins led the     attitude award winner.
way, winning team MVP honors and

                                                    RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
     2022 REVIEW
       Head Varsity Coach:
       Michael Wantz

       Assistant Coaches:
       Ian Brown
       Justin Agresta R’03
       Jesse Moses

                                    The Royals finished the 2021-22 season     percentage (.395), free throw percentage
                                    with a 7-15 record, navigating one         (.810) and averaged a team-high 4.6
                                    of the 25 most-difficult schedules in      rebounds per game. He is only the fifth
                                    the state, with 11 games versus teams      Royal in the last 20 seasons to lead the
                                    ranked in the state’s top 64 by the        team in both scoring and rebounding.
                                    Sagarin computer. Roncalli faced four      Senior Gabe Horn led the team in
                                    teams that won sectional titles – Beech    assists (2.1 per game) and steals (1.0
                                    Grove, Ben Davis, Brebeuf Jesuit and       per game). Senior Aidan Leffler led the
                                    Cathedral. Out of Roncalli’s 22 games,     team in field goal percentage (.459).
                                    six were decided by two possessions (six   Five players – seniors Caden Gore,
                                    points or less).                           Michael Hegwood, Gabe Horn and
                                    Junior Luke Kegerreis paced Roncalli       Alex Moll and junior Nolan Tunny –
                                    with a 13.1 points per game scoring        appeared in all 22 games. Tunny was
                                    average. He also led the team in           the only player to start every game.
                                    3-pointers made (34), 3-point              Luke Kegerreis was named the team’s
                                                                               MVP and Jack Moore won the team’s
                                                                               mental attitude award. Kegerreis was
                                                                               named All-Circle City Conference
                                                                               and honorable mention All-Marion
                                                                               County. Nolan Tunny joined Kegerreis
                                                                               on the honorable mention All-Marion
                                                                               County list. All seven seniors – Michael
                                                                               Gallagher, Caden Gore, Gabe Horn,
                                                                               Michael Hegwood, Aidan Leffler, Jack
                                                                               Moore and Alex Moll – were named
                                                                               to the Indiana Basketball Coaches
                                                                               Association (IBCA) academic all-state
                                                                               honorable mention team.
                                                                               The Royals’ JV team finished its season
                                                                               with a 6-12 record and the freshman
                                                                               team had a 12-7 mark.

                                                                                            2022 REVIEW
                                                                                              Head Varsity Coach:
                                                                                              Jason Sims

                                                                                              Assistant Varsity Coach:
                                                                                              Rachel Parker

                                                                                              Circle City Conference

With only one starter returning from         award. In her first season as a starter, she
last year’s 20-win team, the girls           finished second on the team in scoring
basketball team managed 12 wins and          (10.1 points per game), 3-pointers
an undefeated season in Circle City          made (29) and led the team in steals
Conference play. The 5-0 conference          (44). Horton and Lindsey were both
record delivered the program its third-      named All-Circle City Conference.
straight conference title and stretched      Jordan Hendricks was named best
its winning streak in conference play to     teammate. She averaged 8.6 points
18 games. In building a 12-13 record,        per game before a knee injury ended                                         31
the Royals played a top 40 schedule          her season in mid-December. Senior
and faced 11 teams that were ranked in       Tori Candler and sophomore Taylor
the state’s top 64 (all classes). Roncalli   Turk shared the most improved award.
faced five teams – Heritage Christian,       Candler started the final seven games
North Central, Ben Davis (twice),            of the season, averaging 9.1 points and
Franklin and Bishop Chatard – that           making 17 3-pointers. Turk started
won at least a sectional title. The Royals   12 of the season’s final 14 games. She
used 19 different players and lost 28        averaged 8.6 points during that stretch
player games to injury, including 19         and made 25 3-pointers.
from junior Jordan Hendricks and             The senior quartet of Candler, Cate
sophomore Claire Lindsey, two of the         Lehner, Emma Halter and Ainsley
team’s top three scorers.                    Newett wrapped up their high school
Junior Sydney Horton led the team            careers. Lehner led the team in
in scoring, averaging 10.5 points. She       rebounding (4.4 per game) and started
also led the team in assists (63) and        22 of the 25 games. Halter appeared in
3-pointers made (35). She was named          13 games before an injury ended her
to the All-Marion County team for the        season. Newett was one of five players
first time in her career. Through three      to appear in all 25 games. During the
seasons, she has appeared in 74 varsity      group’s four seasons, the program won
games, starting all of them. Horton          three conference titles, a sectional title
earned the team’s MVP award. Claire          and 65 games.
Lindsey won the team’s mental attitude

                                                        RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
        Head Coach:
        Mike Glenn

        Assistant Coach:
        Paula Tharp

        Jordan Baurle
        - Individual Sectional Title
        - 2nd Place Regionals
        - 9th Place Semi-State
        - 21st Place State
                                       The boys bowling team finished the
                                       season with a 4-6 record, but the season
                                       was highlighted by the postseason run
                                       of freshman Jordan Bauerle. He won
                                       the step ladder event to capture the
                                       individual sectional title. He followed
                                       that up with a second-place finish at
                                       regionals, then a ninth-place finish
                                       at semi-state. His semi-state effort
                                       made him what is believed to be the
                                       boys bowling program’s first-ever state
                                       qualifier. He finished 21st at state.
                                       Bauerle’s season earned him the team’s
                                       MVP honors. Senior Daniel Striegel
                                       won the team’s mental attitude award.

                                                                                           Head Coach:
                                                                                           Mike Glenn

                                                                                           Assistant Coach:
                                                                                           Paula Tharp

                                                                                           Girls Team
                                                                                           - 2nd Place Regionals
                                                                                           - Advanced to Semi-State

                                                                                           Gracie Tharp
                                                                                           - 6th Place Sectionals
In one of the best seasons in program        sectional and third in the regional. She      - 3rd Place Regionals
history, the girls bowling team finished     also earned all-conference and academic
in second place in the regional and          all-state honors. Senior Katie Matthews
advanced to the semi-state for the first     earned all-conference honors. Senior
time in program history. The team            Gabrielle Allstatt finished seventh in
finished the regular season with a           the sectional, advancing to the regional.
6-3 record. Senior Gracie Tharp was          Junior Julia Benich earned the team’s                                      33
named the team’s MVP for the second-         mental attitude award.
straight season. She finished sixth in the

                                                       RONCALLI • SACRED HEART CENTRAL • CHARTRAND • KENNEDY MEMORIAL
The 2022 Roncalli wrestling team             on to semi-state. The Royals finished
     WRESTLING 2022 REVIEW          crafted one of the best seasons in           second in the semi-state and advanced
                                    program history, combining individual        five wrestlers to the state finals.
       Head Coach:
                                    success with four different team titles.     Junior Bryce Lowery finished fifth in
       Shaun Richardson             Among the team hardware was the              the state in the 138-pound class, for his
                                    program’s first-ever Marion County           third-straight appearance on the medal
       Assistant Coaches:
                                    title, its sixth-straight Circle City        stand (top eight finish). Senior Kody
       Cayden Whitaker              Conference title and, in the postseason,     Glithero finished fourth in the state
       Shawn Slaymon                sectional and regional championships.        in the 152-pound class. Junior Luke
                                    Even in the semi-state, when the Royals      Hansen finished seventh in the state in
       Marion County Champions      finished second, they scored 117.5           the 182-pound class. All three wrestlers
                                    points, 13.5 more than when they won         also won sectional, regional, semi-
       Circle City Conference       the semi-state title in 2019. All of this    state, Marion County and Circle City
       Champions                    was overseen by first-year head coach        Conference titles. The trio kept alive
                                    Shaun Richardson.                            the program’s streak of at least one state
       Sectional Champions
                                    The Royals finished the regular season       medalist in each of the last six seasons.
       Regional Champions           with a 19-2 dual meet record. In the         Senior Justin Lewis won titles at 220
                                    Circle City Conference meet, Roncalli        pounds in the regional and Circle
       Five State Qualifiers        won titles in 13 of the 14 weight classes.   City Conference and advanced to the
                                    The Royals had their best-ever finish        state final. Sophomore Braden Getz,
                                    in the Indiana High School Wrestling         won sectional and regional titles at
                                    Coaches Association (IHSWCA) Team            113 pounds and also advanced to the
                                    State Duals, finishing in second place.      state final. Seniors Drew Willis (132
                                    In the postseason, Roncalli won the          pounds) and Sam Peeples (195 pounds)
                                    program’s first sectional title since        each won three titles. Willis won the
                                    2017 and advanced all 14 wrestlers           Circle City Conference, sectional and
                                    to the regional. The Royals beat Perry       regional titles, while Peeples won a
                                    Meridian for the sectional title, ending     conference crown, Marion County
                                    the Falcons’ 22-year sectional title         title and the sectional. Senior Andrew
                                    streak. The following week, the Royals       Stuck (160 pounds) and junior Luke
                                    won the program’s first regional title       Swartz (285 pounds) each won Circle
                                    since 2011 and advanced 12 wrestlers         City Conference and sectional titles.
                                                                                 Senior Zach Wilson (145 pounds) won
                                                                                 a Circle City Conference title, as did
                                                                                 junior Patrick McGinley (126 pounds)
                                                                                 and freshmen Matthew Rossman (106
                                                                                 pounds), William May (113 pounds)
                                                                                 and Alex Plahitko (120 pounds).
                                                                                 Bryce Lowery was named the team’s
                                                                                 MVP, for the second straight season,
                                                                                 and Drew Willis won the team’s mental
                                                                                 attitude award. Kody Glithero, Justin
                                                                                 Lewis and and Zach Wilson were
                                                                                 named Senior Academic All-State by
                                                                                 the IHSWCA. Bryce Lowery and Luke
                                                                                 Hansen were named Junior Academic
                                                                                 All-State by the IHSWCA. Sam Peeples
                                                                                 and Luke Swartz were named honorable
                                                                                 mention Academic All-State.
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