Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...

Page created by Edwin Cunningham
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
Byron-Bergen Central School District

Graduation 2017                                                                                w w w. b b s c h o o l s . o r g

          Congratulations To The Class of 2017
        Our Top Ten Students for 2017 are: Valedictorian Celia Mercovich, Salutatorian Michael Zwerka, Adam Walter,
        Dillon Brew, Olivia Audsley, Lindsey Bowman, Grace Pulcini, Brandon Burke, Brittany Rada, and Rose Bower.

                       Celia Mercovich is a member of            Michael Zwerka is a member of
                       National Honor Society, Math League,      National Honor Society, Student
                       Scholastic Bowl, and Robotics Club.       Council, Math League, and Strategic
                       She has been a varsity swimmer for        Games Club. He has volunteered
                       four years, and an avid snowboarder       at The Father’s House for seven
                       in the school’s Ski Club. Celia earned    years, where he manages the lights,
                       her Academic Varsity Letter by her        sound, and media for middle school
                       junior year and an additional four pins   and high school services. Michael
                       for continued academic excellence         is the only student in his class to
   Celia Mercovich as a senior. She is a member of the                                                    Michael Zwerka
                                                                 have earned a Gold Scholar Card             Salutatorian
       Valedictorian   BB Advanced Placement Five Club           every quarter throughout his entire
 for earning a 5 on the AP United States History exam.           high school career. Michael was awarded his Academic
 She was selected for the Art Department Award and the           Varsity Letter in his junior year and an additional two
 Science Department Award in her senior year. She is the         pins for continued academic excellence as a senior. He
 recipient of the Brian R. Ivison Memorial Industrial Arts       is the recipient of the Xerox Award for Innovation and
 Scholarship, the Wanda L. MacVean English Recognition           Information Technology, a Scholar Program Award,
 Award, the Scholar Program Award, and a New York State          the New York State Department Scholarship for
 Scholarship for Academic Excellence. She also received          Academic Excellence, and the President’s Award for
 the President’s Award for Educational Excellence. Celia is      Educational Excellence. He is also the recipient of the
 the daughter of Eric and Dr. Amy Mercovich, and will be         Superintendent’s Award. Michael is the son of the late
 attending the Rochester Institute of Technology in the fall     William Zwerka, Jr. and Karen Zwerka-Snyder and Shane
 to study physics, using the RIT Innovation and Creativity
                                                                 Snyder. He will be attending the Rochester Institute of
 Scholarship she was awarded in her junior year. She will also
                                                                 Technology to major in software engineering.
 participate​in the RIT Fast Forward program to get a jump
 start on her research over the summer.

                                                                                                            (continued on p. 2)
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
(continued from cover)
                               Class of 2017 Top 10 students
                 Adam Walter is a member of National Honor                           Grace Pulcini is involved in National Honor
                 Society and Math League, and participates in                        Society, Student Council, Senior High Band,
                 football, wrestling, and baseball. Adam earned                      the Steppin’ Up Club,Youth Advisory Council
                 his Academic Varsity Letter as a junior and                         at the Bergen United Methodist Church, and
                 two pins as a senior. He is a member of the                         Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union Student
                 elite Hundred Club, earning a perfect score                         Banking. She is a member of the BB Advanced
 on the Algebra Regents, and a member of the BB Advanced              Placement Five Club, and earned her Academic Varsity Letter
 Placement Five Club. He is the recipient of the Band Award,          and pin. Grace received the Saint Michael’s College Book
 Robert Mannix Jazz Scholarship, Bausch & Lomb Honorary               Award, University of Rochester Frederick Douglass and Susan B.
 Science Award, Language Other Than English Department                Anthony Award, American History Award, President’s Award for
 Award, Math Department Award, New York State Scholarship             Educational Excellence, and Byron-Bergen Scholar Gold Card.
 for Academic Excellence, and President’s Award for                   Grace is the daughter of Vincent and Carolyn Pulcini. She will
 Educational Excellence. Adam is the son of Phillip and Terri         major in history at SUNY Geneseo with future plans to attend
 Walter. He will major in chemical engineering at Rochester           law school.
 Institute of Technology.
                                                                                      Brandon Burke, son of David and Joanne Burke,
                 Dillon Brew participates in the Math League                          is a four-year varsity scholar athlete in soccer,
                 and Scholastic Bowl team. In his junior year,                        basketball, and track and field. He was selected as
                 he received the RIT Computing Medal and                              Byron-Bergen Male Athlete of the Year in both
                 Scholarship for his interest in computers and                        2016 and 2017. This June, he received the title of
                 technology, along with his Academic Varsity                          state champion in the high jump at the NYS Track
                 Letter. He received an additional two pins           and Field meet, along with placing second in both the triple jump
 for continued academic excellence in his senior year and is a        and long jump. Brandon is an attendee of the American Legion
 recipient of the President’s Award for Educational Excellence.       Boys State, and earned an Academic Varsity Letter. He received
 Dillon is the son of Barry and Elaine Brew and plans to attend       the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Medalist Award, American
 Rochester Institute of Technology to major in electrical             Chemical Society Achievement Award, President’s Award for
 engineering.                                                         Educational Excellence, and Scholar Program Award. Brandon
                                                                      plans to attend the University at Buffalo to pursue degrees in
                Olivia Audsley, daughter of Todd Audsley
                                                                      mechanical and aerospace engineering, and to participate in
                and Michelle Geiger, is senior class president,
                                                                      Division I track and field.
                vice president of National Honor Society, and
                secretary for Varsity Club. She volunteers in the                     Brittany Rada, daughter of Donald and Kristie
                community, and participates in athletics. Olivia                      Rada, is the president of the National Honor
                is a member of the Hundred Club, and earned                           Society, an active community volunteer, and has
 an Academic Varsity Letter and pin. She received the New York                        participated in swimming, cheerleading, softball,
 State Scholarship for Academic Excellence, President’s Award                         karate, and cross country throughout her high
 for Educational Excellence, the Art Department Award, Social                         school career. Brittany earned her Academic
 Studies Department Award, Dartmouth Alumni Book Club                 Varsity Letter and is the recipient of the Gary Liles Memorial
 Award, and George Eastman Young Leaders Award. She will              Award Trophy, Kazuo Inamori School of Engineering at Alfred
 major in Latin American and Caribbean studies and economics          University and the Ceramic Association of NY Recognition
 at Dartmouth College.                                                Award, RIT Computing Award, and Dawn Gruendike Memorial
                                                                      Award. She plans to attend the University at Buffalo to major in
                  Lindsey Bowman is the recipient of the
                                                                      aerospace engineering.
                  Art Department Award, Choral Award,
                  Byron-Bergen Musical Theater Award,                                Rose Bower is a member of National Honor
                  Byron-Bergen Music Booster Scholarship, Wells                      Society, Senior High Band, Singing Silhouettes
                  College 21st Century Leadership Award, and                         vocal group, and has participated in Spanish
                  President’s Award for Educational Excellence. She                  Club, Student Council, and Drama Club. She
 earned her Academic Varsity Letter and two pins. She has been                       has performed with the Batavia Players, and
 active in sports, school musicals, and volunteer work. Lindsey is                   volunteered in the community through work
 the daughter of Timothy and Heather Bowman. She plans to             with her church. Rose has received the Elmira College Key
 major in animation and illustration at SUNY Fredonia.                Award, Band and Chorus Award, and Musical Theater Award. She
                                                                      is the daughter of Laura Mitchell and Steven Bower, and will be
                                                                      attending Genesee Community College.

  2   Byron-Bergen Central School District
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
Graduation 2017
                                        Class of 2017 Graduates
       Jenna Amesbury                           Marlaina Fee                       Kitana Maher                        Noah Stumpf
   Genesee Community College              Geneva College (Pennsylvania)       Genesee Community College          Genesee Community College
           Psychology                     Elementary/Special Education            Primary Education                      Undecided

       Dominick Andres                            Chase Felton                  Brendan Marsocci                       Mary Sweeney
 Finger Lakes Community College                 Alfred State College          Genesee Community College               SUNY Morrisville
           Programming                  Building Construction/Construction          Criminal Justice                    Vet Technician
                                                                                     Levi Mattice                   Skyler Swinter
       Connor Andrews
    Monroe Community College                   Russell Flaherty                       Food Service               Monroe Community College
            Business                               Undecided                                                            Undecided
                                                                                   Kelsey Maurer
                                                                                    Keuka College                      Derrek Szell
          Jared Barone                          Mackenzie Fox                        Undeclared
             Welding                            Medaille College                                                 Genesee Community College
                                              Veterinary Technology                                              Creative Writing/Computer
                                                                                   Shawn Merry                           Engineering
         Kerri Bates                                                          Genesee Community College
   Genesee Community College                    Jordan Gardner                   Liberal Arts/History
            Nursing                      Finger Lakes Community College                                              Will Thompson
                                              Environmental Studies              Anthony Miraglia                Working at Thompson Builds
         Maya Benda                                                               Alfred State College
   Genesee Community College                      Ryan Gonyea                                                          Chase Toal
         Criminal Justice                Junior Partner at Gonyea Builders          Colin Noeth                   The College at Brockport
                                                                              Genesee Community College                  Business
         Elizah Bickham                         Cortney Hare                      Sports Management
                                                                                                                         Jon Utter
          Two year college                 Genesee Community College                                                      Undecided
            Undecided                            Vet Technician                  Jessica Olander
                                                                              Monroe Community College
                                                                                        Art                          Brittney Vincent
        Isabelle Bliss                         Mikayla Harmer                                                          SUNY Potsdam
   Genesee Community College            Southern New Hampshire University      Sabbatha Pawlukewicz                     Art Education
            Nursing                               Mathematician                      Undecided
                                                                                                                       Selena Volta
         Michaela Bohn                           Sean Henry                     Ayla Pernesky-Crosby             Genesee Community College
         Two year college                  Monroe Community College                    Welding                         General Studies
            Undecided                       Visual Communications
                                                                                  Ryan Richardson                    Samantha Wade
      Mariah Burgado                            Jenica Hickey                      U.S. Marine Corps                  Canisius College
   Genesee Community College              Tompkins Cortland Community                                                   Social Work
         Speech Therapy                             College                      Karson Richenberg
                                                Wine Marketing                    University at Buffalo              Victoria Welka
       Grace Campbell                                                                 Psychology              Orange County Community College
     The College at Brockport                 Jacob Hixenbaugh                                                            Nursing
      Childhood Education                         Undecided                      Kameron Robinson
                                                                                  SUNY Adirondack                    Makayla White
         Derek Cooper                           Jessica Holley                      Culinary Arts                Continental School of Beauty
         U.S. Marine Corps                 Genesee Community College                                                    Cosmetology
                                                   Undecided                       Timothy Saxman
                                                                                    Law Enforcement                Brooke Whitehead
      Matthew Cooper
   Genesee Community College                   Hailey Hubbard                                                          Undecided
                                                                                   Ethan Schramm
         Liberal Studies                         Keuka College                      Two year college
                                          Criminology & Criminal Justice              Undecided                      Lauren Williams
       Zachary Cratsley                                                                                                   Welder
     U.S. Army National Guard                 Christian Klafehn                   Brandon Shade
                                              WyoTech, Pennsylvania             Roberts Wesleyan College              Robert Yohon
     Russell Cunningham                           Automotive                      Music Performance              Genesee Community College
    Monroe Community College                                                                                             Digital Arts
      Aerospace Engineering                    Shannon Little                     Samantha Sprague
                                              Walmart Sales Associate         Genesee Community College             Destanee Zastrow
                                                                              Polysomnography (sleep study)          Vocational Training
     Nicholas DeFrank
   Genesee Community College                 Alexandria Loewke
            Business                       Genesee Community College               Adam Starowitz                       Jesse Zittel
                                                   Undeclared                    Farming at Star Growers       Finger Lakes Community College
                                                                                                                        Graphic Design
         Reanne Dressler
      The College at Brockport               Melanie MacCowan                       Tyler Stefanski
Athletic Training and Sports Medicine      Genesee Community College         Finger Lakes Community College
                                                   Journalism                          Graphic Arts

                                                                                                                        Home of the Bees        3
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
        News from the Boar                                                                                                                          d every student
                                                                    uld   lik  e  to        Joy  ce   Cu    llum (20 years) who greete                      both the
                                          Education, I wo                                                              they entered the library at
         On behalf of the Board of                                         he  lp           wi  th   a  sm   ile   as                                            tter
                                           out to support and                                                                   Sr. High Schools. What be
         thank everyone who came                                                             Ele  me    nta  ry   an  d   Jr./
                                             -18 school year, along                                                                           to grab a book and
         pass the budget for the 2017                                          on            pla ce to be than the library —
                                             e Board
         with the bus proposition. Th dget that gives our
                                                            wo  rks   ha  rd                                                             there is Steve Locke (21
                                                                                             get lost in the story! Then                                citing, and
          your behalf to put together
                                            a bu
                                                                                             yea  rs)   wh    o   made chemistry fun and ex
                                              ile being mind
          students what they need, wh d taxpayers. Thank
                                                                      ful   an d                                                        a reality for our students.
                                                                                             Bergen Swamp field trips                               lcoming face
          respectful of our commun
                                          ity an
                                                                                              Ga  yla    Sta  rowitz (25 years) is the we
                                            of our district.                                                                                y register new students
          you again for your support                                                          every new family sees as the she can’t do or won’t
                                                                               but            in our district. There is no
           The Elementary Scho       ol bu   ild  ing   is alw  ays   bu  sy,
                                                                                                    for    By   ron-Bergen         ; she  is our jack-of-all-trades
                                                                      ach   er                do                                                                berlin
           recently it has been extra ful
                                               l of activity. Te
                                                                                ces           an   d  the    ma    ste r  of all of them. Melissa Cham
                                           played in our halls pie                                                                                                   the
           Mrs. Coniglio lovingly dis                                                          (32    yea   rs)   pro  ba  bly   would best be descr ibed as
                                            student. We also had the                                ce of kindergarten.” She is
                                                                                                                                               always so kind, calm,
           of artwork made by every                          nu  ally -g  row   ing            “fa                                                   se little innocent
                                              the conti                                                     patient, and car ing to all tho
            ever-popular Fun Fair and                               nts  wh    o               ge   ntl e,                                                is Liz Findlay
                                                all our stude                                                     5 or 6 years old. Then there
            Science Fair. A great job by                                       ilie s           pe  op   le  of
                                            thank you to the            fam                                                                 teaching kindergarten,
            participated this year, and                                                         (32 years) who started out
                                               ts.                                                                                           was where she was
            that supported these projec                                                         but decided that 6th grade
                                                                                                                                                 rfect fit with those
                                                             an d   ple asu  re                 me    ant to be. She has been a pe                     the envelope: a
                                                  honor                                                        kids who at times can push
             The Board recently had the                          As   alw   ays  ,               pre  tee   n                                               needs to be,
                                             10 students.                                                          -nonsense teacher when she
             of meeting this year’s Top                                  st.  Th   e             str on   g,  no                                              dicated to
                                                 e areas of intere                                                       mpassionate, car ing, and de
             graduates are pursing divers                                      we    wi  ll      bu   t alw   ays    co                                           us after
                                                duation day when                                                                Snyder (11 years) came to
             Board looks forward to gra                                                          he   r  stu  de  nts  . Bi  ll
                                                ng and congratulating                                    district had lost a longtime
                                                                                                                                                   business official. He
             have the privilege of meeti                    . Fo  r the    fam   ilie s  of       the                                               years keeping the
                                               of 2017                                                        ne a fantastic job over the
             every student in the Class                           yo  u’v  e  do   ne   to        ha  s  do                                                  g for better
              this year’s graduates, thank
                                                you for all
                                                                                        be        dis  tri ct   fin  ancially sound; always lookin
                                                    how proud yo           u  mu    st                                                                        erm needs for
              get them to this day. I know                                             g           int  ere  st  rat es,   health benefits, and long-t
                                                   shments of these           yo   un                                                                              job as we
              of the success and accompli                                                t         the    dis  tri ct.  Th   is  hasn’t always been an easy
                                                 e it has not been easy,             bu                                                                                   years
               men and women. For som                                                              (th  e   en  tire   co  un   try ) faced many tough and lean
                                                 work. Their success will be                                   more with less. We wish yo
                                                                                                                                                      u all the best of
               success is attained by hard                          the  ir  dip   lom   as,        do  ing                                                   of your lives.
                                                   ge, receive                                                       u embark on this next phase
               evident as they cross the sta                                                        luc   k  as   yo
                                                    ths in their liv      es.                                                                   d here but we are all very
               and start out on the next pa                                                         Your presence will be misse                                       talents,
                                                                                        ure          ha  pp  y   tha  t  yo u   each shared yourselves, your
                                                   t the district grants ten                             d your gifts with us for all
                                                                                                                                                  these years.
                This is the time of year tha                     are   ver   y  ha  pp  y            an
                                                 chers. We
                to the best of our new tea
                                        n  By   ron   -Bergen to share their                                             ne else in our community
                                                                                                                                                            : Enjoy your
                that they have chose                                        tio ns   to   all        Fo   r  eve   ryo
                                                   ing. Congratula                                                                        you back this fall.
                passions and gifts for teach                   vin  g  yo  u  he   re  wi   th summer and we’ll see
                                                   rd  to  ha
                 of you and we look forwa
                 us for many years.
                                                        ers reach the time of                         Debra List
                 Just as some careers start, oth
                                                        saying goodbye to eight
                 retirement. This year, we are                  y have more than                       Debra List, President
                               peop le wh  o    co  lle ctivel                                                                                     ucation
                  wonderf   ul
                                      ation    ex   pe rie  nc e  in  our school                        Byron-Bergen Board of Ed
                  200 years of   educ
                                                    mentioned Becky Kelly
                  district. In prior articles, I
                                                         years), but then we have
                  (26 years) and Mike List (33

4   Byron-Bergen Central School District
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
Graduation 2017
Superintendent’s Message
By Mickey Edwards
It is a very exciting time for our                                                         close, I would like to congratulate the
graduating seniors as this is the                                                          following people on their retirement
culmination of 13 years of education.                                                      from the district: Bill Snyder (School
It may seem to many of you that this is                                                    Business Official), Mike List (Director
the end-point of your journey, but in                                                      of Facilities), Melissa Chamberlain
reality your journey is just beginning. I                                                  (Kindergarten Teacher), Joyce Cullum
wish you the best of luck in your future                                                   (Librarian), Steve Locke (Chemistry
endeavors. I would like to thank your                                                      Teacher), Liz Findlay (Sixth-Grade
families for their partnership with us in                                                  Teacher), Becky Kelly (Secretary), and
your education. I would add a special                                                      Gayla Starowitz (Senior Clerk). They will
acknowledgment to the faculty, staff,                                                      be sorely missed. All of these individuals
and administration that supported you                                                      took great pride in their work and made
along the way. Lastly, it is important                                                     Byron-Bergen a better place.
to recognize the Board of Education
here at Byron-Bergen Central School          Celia Mercovich, Class of 2017 Valedictorian, In closing, I would like to say that every
District, as they volunteered countless                                                    time I attend a Byron-Bergen event, I
                                             is recognized by Superintendent Edwards at    am reminded of the great work that is
hours to make sure you received the          Academic and Athletic Recognition Night.
best education possible.                                                                   being accomplished by our students,
                                                                                           teachers, and families. It continues
I challenge each graduate to not let        Thank    you  to the  Byron-Bergen   school    to hold strong that Byron-Bergen
others define you or your role in the       community for supporting the school            Central School is a special place with
future. Recognize that for those who        budget for the 2017-18 school year, and an outstanding reputation. As we look
are given much, much is expected.           congratulations to our elected Board           to improve on behalf of our students,
Look for or create opportunities to         of Education members Tammy Menzie              I would encourage you to be involved
serve others, to take the lead, to make a   and   Amy   Phillips. Our  proposed budget     and communicate your thoughts with
difference, and to lend a helping hand.     passed 327 to 153 and our proposal             us. Also, as I have shared before, continue
Leave the world a better place than you to purchase four new vehicles for the              to communicate with our New
found it.                                   Transportation Department also passed, York State Legislature and Governor,
                                            340 to 150. For those wondering about advocating for the public funding that
                                            our Capital Improvement Project, we            is legally and constitutionally ours. On
                                            have been working closely with our             behalf of the Board of Education, the
                                            Facilities Committee, architects, and          administration, and the staff, I want to
                                            construction manager to define the             thank you for your continued support
                                            scope of the project. More information         in the education of our students. If you
                                            will be shared with the community this have any questions or concerns, please
                                            summer, with an anticipated project            feel free to contact me at 585-494-1220
                                            vote this fall. Please stay informed as        ext. 2829, or email me at
                                            we seek to make some much needed     
Superintendent Edwards congratulates                                                       I wish everyone a safe and relaxing
                                            As we bring the academic year to a             summer!
Michael Zwerka, Class of 2017 Salutatorian.

  Watch for new district website this fall
  Thank you to everyone who responded to our recent survey to gather community feedback
  to improve our website. We’ve begun the process, and hope to launch
  a brand new site for the 2017-18 school year. Expect a website that is uncluttered and
  mobile-friendly with lots of student pictures.You’ll be able to quickly navigate and search
  for important information and resources. We’re excited about creating a better way to
  communicate with our community — coming soon!

                                                                                                               Home of the Bees    5
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
Byron-Bergen honors retirees
                 Melissa Chamberlain                               this endeavor to complete his Eagle Scout project. Thanks
                 “I have a little boy in my kindergarten class     to him and many more volunteers, we have enjoyed the
                 this year, in my last kindergarten class,” said   beautiful results of this project for nearly 20 years now.” She
                 teacher Melissa Chamberlain, “and his father      credits coworkers DeFazio, Cathy Glazier, and Karie Langer
                 was in my very first kindergarten class back      with helping to keep the library running smoothly. “It has
                 in 1985. That’s pretty special.”                  been my goal and desire for the library to be ‘the heart of the
                                                                   school,’ the place where students learn to love literature.”
                  Chamberlain’s years in education included        “I am very thankful to Tom Biondolillo and former
helping many other kindergarten teachers begin their careers,      Superintendent Dennis Kirst, who decided that I would be
as a teacher mentor and as a host for student teachers. “I am      a good fit to lead a library program for our students,” she
proud that with all of the pressure for children to achieve,       said. “I am also thankful for the many colleagues with whom
my team has always remembered that our kindergarteners             I’ve had the privilege of collaborating, and the many close
are 4, 5, and 6 years old and they need time for play. We have     friendships which will continue after retirement,” she said.
kept many fun activities in our program that children will
remember for years to come. It is so important that children       Cullum said she has “four incredible children and five
love school!”                                                      delightful grandchildren.” She and her husband plan to visit
                                                                   their son’s family in Kodiak, Alaska. She hopes to participate
“I would like to thank Tom Biondolillo and Bill Hayes for          in the NICU Cuddler Program at the Golisano Children’s
believing in me and hiring me so many years ago,” she said.        Hospital, and volunteer in the classrooms her grandchildren
“Also, for my many former and current K-team members               attend.
who have taught me so much. I will miss them. And I will
miss the children: reading to them and teaching them to            She said, “Thank you, Byron-Bergen families for entrusting
read.”                                                             the care of your children with me in the library over these
                                                                   past 20-1/2 years!”
Speaking of reading, Chamberlain said she has a “big stack of
books” waiting for her, along with a full schedule of outdoor                        Liz Findlay
activities, like hiking, kayaking, swimming, and biking. She                         “I have been in the Byron-Bergen school
currently volunteers for Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality                       district for literally 45 years!” said elementary
Network (RAIHN), and plans to expand her volunteering.                               school teacher Liz Findlay. She attended
She and her husband, another retired B-B teacher, along with                         K-12 here, graduating in 1980. In 1985, after
her oldest son, are planning a cruise to Cuba this summer.                           graduating from Fredonia State University,
                                                                                     she remembers that B-B Superintendent
                   Joyce Cullum                                                      Bill Hayes and Principal Tom Biondolillo
                   “At my interview for this job, back in 1997,                    “took a chance on a 23-year-old kid with no
                   I was asked to imagine that I had spent my      experience, and hired me to teach kindergarten. The faith
                   career at Byron-Bergen,” said Joyce Cullum.     they had in me to do this job meant more than I can ever
                   “At my retirement dinner, a group of            express.” Findlay switched to sixth grade in 1990 and has
                   students were discussing memories of having     been there ever since.
                   me as their librarian. What did I wish they
                   would say? My answer that day was that I        “I am most proud of watching the fine young ladies and
would hope they remembered that I treated each of them             gentlemen that graduate from here move on to bigger and
fairly and instilled in them the importance of treating each       better things,” she said. “Knowing I had a small hand in
other kindly. I hoped they knew I sincerely cared for each         setting that path for them makes me very happy.”
of them, and that the library helped them become lifelong
learners. If I was asked this question again today, my answer      “I have worked with some of the most wonderful people.
would be the same.”                                                We have been through a lot together, and I can’t imagine
                                                                   having done any of it without them all. One of my favorite
In the summer of 1998, Cullum had the opportunity to               endeavors has been the fifth-and-sixth-grade class trip. I’ve
redesign and remodel the Elementary Library. She said, “My         really bonded with these teams over the years, and I’d like
coworker Barb DeFazio’s son, Brian, volunteered to help with       to continue to help out.” Casey Kosiorek, Mickey Edwards,

                                                                                                                    (continued on p. 7)

 6   Byron-Bergen Central School District
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
Graduation 2017
(continued from p. 6)
                        Byron-Bergen honors retirees
Brian Meister, and Amanda Cook are also standouts for                                     Michael List
Findlay. “These last years have been some of the best because                             Director of Facilities Michael List is
of them. Having an open line of communication and feeling                                 Byron-Bergen through and through. He
as though what I have to say is being heard has made working                              graduated from B-B in 1978, and began
for them an absolute pleasure.”                                                           his career with the district in 1984 as a
                                                                                          custodian. He worked his way up and, in
Her retirement “bucket list” includes traveling to Italy and                              1994, stepped into his current role. He said,
Scotland, volunteering at Crossroads House in Batavia or                                  “Through times of adversity, excitement, or
with newborns at a hospital, going to musicals, reading, and            opportunity, I have been privileged to be part of a team that
pampering her two cats. She hopes to spend more time with               has let Byron-Bergen shine as a district that is not afraid to be
her “incredibly supportive” family and “wonderful significant           out in front, leading the way.”
                                                                        “You never know what any given day in this job will bring,”
“I truly have been blessed,” she said. “This has been the best          he said. “I enjoy the design and build phases of construction,
32 years, and it’s gone by fast. I will definitely miss being here,     and helping people deliver on ideas that promote the
but I am ready for the next chapter to begin.”                          education of our young people. I’ve always had opportunities
                                                                        to learn and develop skills — you just can’t be afraid to try.”
                  Becky Kelly
                  “My favorite part of being at Byron-Bergen            He credits his maintenance department for performing near-
                  is the little ones,” said Becky Kelly. “If a little   miracles. “At the end of the 2010 Capital Project, for instance,
                  one was upset, I wiped their tears. I helped          just days before school opened, buildings were still disaster
                  to keep them safe. I love knowing each                areas and administration was panicked. Our amazing staff
                  student, and most of their parents. B-B truly         worked through the holiday weekend and we opened with
                  is one big family and I love that.”                   everything clean and sparkling, as always.”
                                                                        List says his family has been the key to his success. “My
Kelly started with the district as a cafeteria monitor in 1991.
                                                                        parents taught me what it meant to work hard and how to
“That was a perfect job for me at the time because I had
                                                                        interact with people. My wife and children put up with a
young children and I could be home when they were home,”
                                                                        lot because of the hours that I worked. Hopefully, I can be a
she said. “I wanted to get into the office, though, as that was
                                                                        blessing to them now.” As a certified Biblical Counselor, he
my chosen career path.” Eventually, she was hired full time for
                                                                        hopes to help individuals and couples, and plans to work with
the Elementary School front office, and Kelly quickly became
                                                                        church missionaries in Alaska next year, and then take a cruise
the most familiar and welcoming face in the school.
                                                                        with his wife.
“I’ve always had fun here,” she said. “I have made some
wonderful friendships and had once-in-a-lifetime experiences                           Steve Locke
I won't ever forget. I have my B-B family to thank for that.                           In his 20 years as science teacher at
I am going to miss seeing everyone. That will be the hardest                           Byron-Bergen, Steve Locke has made an
thing to get used to.”                                                                 impact on district culture and on hundreds
                                                                                       of young lives. In addition to teaching, he has
All three of Kelly’s children graduated from Byron-Bergen,                             served as Chemical Hygiene Officer, advisor
all are married, have families and live in the area. She and her                       for the Senior High Scholastic Bowl, Science
husband, who retired last year, plan to spend more time with                           Olympiads, and Ski Club; assistant coach for
them, her mom, and their three grandchildren. The couple                FIRST Robotics Team 5065; and coached wrestling. He was
would like to travel and Kelly hopes to relax and work in               K-12 Science Department curriculum chair from 2003-05.
her garden. She is also growing her own florist business, so
call her if you if need lovely flowers designed for weddings,           Prior to joining the district, Locke worked at Kodak as a
showers, or parties.                                                    developmental synthetic chemist; he has also been an adjunct
                                                                        professor at The College at Brockport. In 2005, he was
                                                                        awarded the American Chemical Society's Teacher of the
                                                                        Year and Teacher of the Year by the UR Laser Energetics

                                                                                                                  Home of the Bees     7
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
(continued from p. 7)
                        Byron-Bergen honors retirees
Locke was principle author for a 1999 grant that allowed                              Gayla Starowitz
the district to purchase water sampling multi-meters and                              From the moment you enter the District
other lab equipment. This enabled students to perform an                              Office, you know that you are in the right
environmental assessment of six streams in the community.                             place to find whatever answers you are
This stream study field trip has been a yearly event ever since.                      looking for. Gayla Starowitz is at the front
He is very proud of his students, including two semifinalists                         desk, and her welcoming calm, experience,
in the national Intel Science Talent Search and five finalists                        and knowledge of everything happening in
in the Central Western Science Teachers Association of New                            all corners of the district is reassuring and
York State Science Congress.                                                          impressive.
A committed environmentalist, Locke has been a trustee of            Starowitz is a 1973 graduate of Byron-Bergen, and has
the Bergen Swamp Preservation Society for 14 years and               worked for the district for 25 years. “I was hired as a teacher
trustee president for the past four years. He will continue to       aide; then worked as a computer room aide, clerk typist, and
be active in the organization. “I can see the Bergen Swamp           senior clerk,” she said. “I would like to thank Bill Hayes and
from my classroom window,” he said. “It is one of only two           Susan Hustleby for the opportunity to work with a great
locations in the state where Massasauga rattlesnakes exist. This     team here. For all my co-workers: clerical, maintenance,
community’s efforts are what kept this population alive. This is     food service, transportation, teacher aides, teachers, and
a caring community to all things, even a venomous snake.”            administrators — the comradery we shared over the years has
                                                                     a special place in my heart.”
“I’d like to send a special thank you to all the district parents
who allowed me to instruct their children over the past 20           “I’ve had the pleasure of sharing the ‘good news’ with the
years,” he said. “It has been a privilege.”                          community through the district newsletter, Focal Point, for
                                                                     almost 20 years,” she said. She has written or edited (with
                  Bill Snyder                                        eagle-eye precision) almost every article, and captured
                  Business Official Bill Snyder came to the          many special moments and events at our schools with her
                  district in 2006, leaving his position as school   photographic talents.
                  business official at Oakfield-Alabama CSD.
                                                                     She notes that working with facilities use and the school
                  Their loss was our gain.
                                                                     calendar has given her the opportunity to coordinate building
                   “I would like to thank the 2006 Board of          use with community organizations, including Gillam Grant
                   Education,” he said, “Ernie Haywood, Lori         Community Center, local Scouting groups, and 4-H.
                   Nelson, Debi List, Sharon Bidwell, Dan Morgan,
                                                                     Retirement will bring more time to “do the things I’ve put
Dana Keaton, and Geno Penepent, along with Dr. Gregory
                                                                     off over the years,” she said. That includes spending more time
Geer and Loren Penman, for inviting me to be the school
                                                                     with family, a little relaxation, and “possibly taking a trip to
business official for B-B CSD. It’s been a great place to be.”
Snyder said he has loved the challenges of working with our
                                                                     Starowitz’s children, Jeff Starowitz (Class of 1998), and Cathy
administrators, faculty, and staff daily, and “will miss the many
                                                                     Parsons (2000) live in the Byron-Bergen community. She said,
friendships kindled during my tenure.” He is particularly proud
                                                                     “My four grandchildren, Ruger, Gunner, Nathan, and Kelly,
of helping to provide the financial means to continue the
                                                                     attend the Elementary School. I’m looking forward to having
district’s programs during the recent severe state aid cuts caused
                                                                     more time to attend their school activities (with my camera)!”
by the Gap Elimination Adjustment.
                                                                     We hope to see her often at many events for years to come.
His wife, Marla, is also retiring this year from the Genesee
County ARC, and they look forward to spending time with
their three grandchildren. They plan to visit their oldest son
and his family in the Birmingham, Alabama area, and welcome
their youngest son and his family back to the states (Knoxville,
                                                                                    Best wishes
Tennessee region) from a seven-year stint in England. “I have
a lot of fishing, hiking, and picture taking to catch up on,” he
                                                                                     on your
said. “Also, Marla has a long ‘honey do list’ to be completed.”
 8   Byron-Bergen Central School District
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
Graduation 2017
Jr./Sr. High School Happenings
By Patrick McGee, Principal
This year, we hosted our first Regional      The Batavian community news, and all         basis. They all gained a great deal of
College Fair for students in grades 9-11.    of our actors — students, teachers, and      empathy for the needy of the world.
Thirty-four schools, ranging from GCC        family members.
to the University of Alabama, attended                                                    One of the most fulfilling parts of my
the event. We were also happy to host        Junior Lily Mercovich was recently           job is watching our seniors graduate.
high school students from Oakfield-          recognized at the Genesee Valley             Over the last months of the year, we get
Alabama, Rochester Prep, Keshequa,           Educational Partnership Digital Media        to share many great moments with our
and the WNY Tech Academy. Our goal           Festival. Her short film, “The Pen Pal,”     seniors such as the Prom, our senior trip
is to host this event every year and         won first place in the video category        to Philadelphia, the Senior Breakfast,
continue to expose students to all of        for grades 10-12. She wrote, directed,       the second annual Senior Walk through
the opportunities that exist after high      filmed, and edited this five-minute short    the Elementary School, and of course,
school. A big thank you to our College       film and it is now being forwarded           graduation. I have known many of these
and Career Counselor Rob Kaercher            to other film contests in the region.        students for more than eight years. I am
for being a key player in making this        Lily plans to study film production in       so proud of their growth and wish them
happen.                                      college and to have a career in the film     the best of luck in the future. Their
                                             industry.                                    futures look bright!
Our Genesee Valley Educational
Partnership (GVEP) program offers a          Byron-Bergen students participated in        Lastly, this school year has flown by. I
wide variety of opportunities for our        the 30-hour famine sponsored by World        am so lucky to work at a school that is
11th-and 12th-graders in fields such as      Vision on April 28. They went without        as supportive as Byron-Bergen. Thank
graphics, culinary arts, building trades,    food from 12 a.m. on Friday to 6 a.m.        you to our community, families, and our
cosmetology, health dimensions, and          on Sunday. Students who participated         staff, but most of all to our student body.
legal academy. One of my favorite            were Shawn Merry, Ana Rebisz, Kyle           I truly appreciate coming to work with
events at the end of the year is attending   Foeller, Jeremy Donahue, Serenity            the best of the best every day. If you
the Open House for the Building Trades       Donahue, and Catrina Chandler. These         have any questions or concerns please
program. Eleven Byron-Bergen students        outstanding kids raised almost $2,000.       call me at 585-494-1220 ext. 2401,
in this program worked on building a         This experience not only raised money,       email me at, or
brand new house from the ground up.          but helped the students realize 30 hours     stop in to see me. We are Byron-Bergen!
This is authentic, hands-on learning at      of hunger is nothing compared to those
its best. I am so proud of the work these    who experience hunger on a regular
students accomplished.
In May, juniors and seniors attended a
DWI simulation enacted on the lawn of
the school. The simulation, planned by
our Transportation Director Drew Doll
and the Health and Safety Committee,
helped to bring the detrimental
effects of drinking and driving to the
forefront in this prom- and end-of-
year-celebration season. A huge thank
you to the following organizations and
their representatives who participated in
the drill: The Bergen, Byron, and South
Byron Fire and Rescue Departments,
Metalico Bergen, Genesee County
Sheriff ’s Office, WNY Mercy Flight,
H.E. Turner Funeral Home, the
Genesee County Coroner, the Genesee          World Vision participants (l-r): Ana Rebisz, Kyle Foeller, Jeremy Donahue, Serenity
County Emergency Dispatch Center,            Donahue, and Catrina Chandler. Not pictured: Shawn Merry.

                                                                                                              Home of the Bees     9
Congratulations To The Class of 2017 - Byron-Bergen Central ...
School Resource Officer Updates
By Deputy Matt Butler
The 2016-17 school year is rapidly             What’s nice about the webpage is that I
coming to an end. It has been a                always have the opportunity to update
very busy and productive time, from            the information. Starting next year, I will
completing the first school safety audit       be providing parents with current drug
to passing the budget for the next school      information, so that you can see what’s
year. One important goal I would like          trending in the world of drugs, along
to comment on is the implementation            with signs and symptoms of the use of
of the School Resource Officer (SRO)           these popular drugs. I will be setting up
webpage ( under the           a confidential tip line where parents and         During a Mock DWI Crash Simulation
Departments tab).                              students can reach out to me and share            Drill for juniors and seniors, Deputy
                                               information. There will be an additional          Butler demonstrates a sobriety test with
Within this page, you can find useful          section on being safe with social media.          student volunteer Hayley Hoehn.
information about community programs           This section will be beneficial for both
such as PINS, STAR,Youth Court                 parents and students and will be similar        the overall security of the district. We
Mental Health, the Underground, and            to the information that I teach in the          will also be focusing on creating more
many more that you may have questions          classroom here at Byron-Bergen.                 crisis drills. These drills will range from
about. I have listed everything parents                                                        small scale tabletop scenarios to the
need to know about each program and            I would like to take this opportunity           full lockdown drills that we currently
how to get in touch with that particular       to inform everyone about my plans for           practice. On some of these drills, we
program. Also on the page, I provide the       safety and security for next year. First,       will incorporate outside agencies such as
history of the SRO, and what my role           you should also know that all of our            EMS and fire personnel.
and duties are here at Byron-Bergen.           administrators and coaches have already
There is also a section where I provide        been trained in the use of Narcan,              Finally, I hope all of our students and
my background experience in law                the opiate overdose kit. In addition,           families have a fun and safe summer
enforcement and list some frequently           the district is in the early process of         vacation. I look forward to seeing
asked questions.                               upgrading our security camera system.           everyone back here in September. To our
                                               This new system will provide better             graduating seniors, I wish you all luck in
                                               coverage and clarity that will help with        your future endeavors.

Students celebrate agricultural tradition
and a promising future
The Byron-Bergen community’s agricultural heritage was                  students have in agriculture and
celebrated on June 2 with the Jr./Sr. High School’s fourth annual       natural resources. We already
Agriculture Appreciation Day — better known as the bring-               have 22 students signed up for
your-tractor-to-school-day. Brothers Garrett and Wyatt Sando            the first class.”
were the first to arrive in their carefully restored and shining 1973                                      Brothers Garrett and Wyatt Sando
White tractor.They were soon joined by other students with their        Junior Garrett Sando is one          with their 1973 White tractor.
farm vehicles, large and small, including a classic 1952 Farmall.       of them. His family owns
                                                                        75 acres and he has had his tractor license since ninth grade. “I’m
Science teacher Jeff Parnapy is excited about the important             really interested in trying the program out,” he said.
role agriculture will be playing in education at the school next
year. He is spearheading the new agriculture program, which             Parnapy is excited to work with young people who are interested
will launch in the fall with an Intro to Ag class and a new             in building futures in agriculture. He taught agriculture in Albion
Byron-Bergen chapter of Future Farmers of America (FFA).                Central School before coming to Byron-Bergen in 2000, and sees
“We’ve been working with our Advisory Council, a wonderful              similarities between the two communities. “My hope is to launch
group of experienced people from the community, to plan and             the program and expand it every year. The FFA chapter will be
organize the program,” he said. “Our Superintendent, Mickey             open to kids in grades 9-12 for the first year, with plans to extend
Edwards, and Principal, Pat McGee, recognize the interest our           it to grades 7-8 when it is solidly established.”

10 Byron-Bergen Central School District
Graduation 2017
High achievement is celebrated at                                                           Spring 2017
Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School                                                          Scholar-Athletes
In April, the Byron-Bergen chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) welcomed
16 new student members to their distinguished company. The event began with               The New York State Public
music from the school’s vocal group, the Singing Silhouettes and a welcome from           High School Athletic Association
Superintendent Mickey Edwards. There were also short addresses from alumnus Dr.           (NYSPHSAA) honors those
Paul Brill (class of 1982) and Pam McCarthy, the sister of the late Barry Miller (class   teams that excel in the classroom
of 1983).                                                                                 at the end of each sport season.
                                                                                          To receive this honor, a minimum
2017 Inductees to the Byron-Bergen National Honor Society                                 number of team members must
Larissa Ashton,Sarah Bleiler, Lydia Campbell, Jean Denson, Adam Drake, Jared Fregoe,      achieve a scholastic average of 90
Morgan Fuller, Emma Goodman, Annaliese Hersom, William Johnson, Brendon                   or above during their sport season.
Kendall, Hunter Leach, Erin Parnapy, Sabastian Pawlukewicz, Joshua Phelps, and            Congratulations to the following
Brianna Shade.                                                                            Byron-Bergen athletes:

Current Members of the Byron-Bergen National Honor Society                                   Girls Track                Tennis
Olivia Audsley, Rose Bower, Cameron Brumsted, Catherine Brumsted, Lauren Burke,           Team Average 93.25       Team Average 92.57
Benjamin Chaback, Quinn Chapell, Brionna DeMichel, Chase Felton, Margaret                 Siomara Caballero           Caitlin Ashton
Graney, Justin Hannan, Hayley Hoehn, Brian Ireland, Daniel Jensen, Peyton Mackey,          Grace Campbell         Elizabeth Burlingame
Kelsey Maurer, Celia Mercovich, Makenzie Muoio, , Grace Pulcini, Brittany Rada,            Lydia Campbell              Marlaina Fee
Leah Thompson, Dana VanValkenburg, Adam Walter, and Michael Zwerka.                        Reanne Dressler           Mackenzie Fox
                                                                                            Morgan Fuller               Sara Fraser
                                                                                              Eden Goff             Emma Goodman
                                                                                            Emily Gonyea            Margaret Graney
                                                                                          Annaliese Hersom           Amaya Gunther
                                                                                            Hope Hersom               Rose Hubbard
                                                                                           Carli Kirkwood          Cambria Kinkelaar
                                                                                          Alexandria Loewke       Melanie Kulikowski
                                                                                          Melissa MacCowan            Erin Parnapy
                                                                                            Kelsey Maurer
                                                                                           Makenzie Muoio         Individual Scholar
                                                                                            Julia Pangrazio            Athletes
                                                                                           Alaura Rehwaldt          (90 or over GPA)
                                                                                          Karson Richenberg
                                                                                                                  Alexander Brumsted
                                                                                             Miriam Tardy
                                                                                                                    Brandon Burke
                                                                                                                    Alexander Dean
                                                                                               Softball           Anthony DiQuattro
                     Byron-Bergen’s 2017 National Honor Society.                          Team Average 90.803         Chase Felton
                                                                                               Kerri Bates            Kyle Foeller
The Batavia Career and Technical Education Center held their National                         Jean Densen          Zachary Hannan
Technical Honor Society Induction in March at Elba CSD. Inductees                            Kelsey Fuller           Rick Hubbard
were selected based on a minimum grades point average of 3.0 along with credit             Hailey Hubbard          Brendon Kendall
hours completed, attendance, volunteer service, and membership in other student             Peyton Mackey         Dillon Montgomery
organizations.                                                                               Kitana Maher             Colin Noeth
                                                                                             Brittany Rada         Ryan Richardson
• Chandler Bow (Building Trades)             • Brandon Lewis (Building Trades)            Dana VanValkenburg        Brandan Shade
                                                                                            Victoria Welka            Caleb Sharp
• Cameron Brumsted (Building Trades)         • Peyton Mackey (Animal Science)                                         Adam Walter
                                                                                             Emma Wride
• Kylar Chambry (Building Trades)            • Dillon Montgomery (Building Trades)                                  Nathan Zwerka
• Jenica Hickey (Graphic Arts)               • Jacob Morgante (Building Trades)
• Daniel Jensen (Computer Information        • Garrett Sando (IT Academy)
  Systems)                                   • Victoria Welka (Health Dimensions)

                                                                                                                Home of the Bees 11
2017 Awards & Scholarships
This list includes special recognition awards presented to Byron-Bergen High School seniors at the Academic & Athletic
Recognition Night, our spring music concerts, and the Batavia Career and Technical Center Awards Night. (Awards and scholarships
given at graduation are not included here.)

                           Academic and Athletic Recognition Night
Academic Varsity Letters             Dawn Gruendike                Paul Smith Memorial               Wanda L. MacVean
     Brandon Burke                   Memorial Award                  Wrestling Award                 English Recognition
      Marlaina Fee                    Brittany Rada                  Brendan Marsocci                       Award
   Alexandria Loewke                                                     Chase Toal                    Celia Mercovich
     Brittany Rada               Duane Streeter Memorial
                                         Award                      President’s Award for            William Cummings
     Academic Varsity               Karson Richenberg              Educational Excellence                  Award
     Letters and Pins                                                   Olivia Audsley               Kameron Robinson
       Olivia Audsley               Faculty Department                 Lindsey Bowman
      Lindsey Bowman                       Award                         Dillon Brew
        Dillon Brew                    Olivia Audsley                   Brandon Burke              Spring Concerts
      Celia Mercovich                 Celia Mercovich                   Kelsey Maurer
        Grace Pulcini                   Adam Walter                    Celia Mercovich                   Band Award
        Adam Walter                                                      Grace Pulcini                    Marlaina Fee
      Michael Zwerka            Female Athlete of the Year               Adam Walter                     Brandon Shade
                                     Reanne Dressler                   Michael Zwerka                     Adam Walter
American History Award
     Grace Pulcini                 Gary Liles Memorial                Principal’s Award                Band & Chorus
                                      Award Trophy                     Ryan Richardson               Achievement Award
    Bergen Historical                 Brittany Rada                                                      Rose Bower
     Society Award                                               Samuel Landis Wiant Golf
    Russell Cunningham               Irving Green, Jr.                   Award                       Byron-Bergen Music
Brian R. Ivison Memorial            Citizenship Award                  Chase Felton                  Booster Scholarship
  Industrial Arts Award             Russell Cunningham                                                 Lindsey Bowman
     Celia Mercovich                                              Scholar Program Awards               Reanne Dressler
                                  Male Athlete of the Year             Brandon Burke
Brian R. Ivison Memorial               Brandon Burke                  Celia Mercovich               Byron-Bergen Musical
    Wrestling Award                                                   Michael Zwerka                   Theater Award
      Will Thompson              Matthew Kota Memorial                                                   Rose Bower
                                  Medical Scholarship             Spirit of Jonathan Colby             Lindsey Bowman
Byron-Bergen Comeback                  Isabelle Bliss              Scholastic Bowl Award                Shannon Little
        Award                                                        Russell Cunningham
      Adam Walter                    NYS Comptroller                                                     Choral Award
                                    Achievement Award             Stephanie Lynn Tooley                 Lindsey Bowman
 Byron-Bergen S.T.E.P.               Karson Richenberg           Cheerleading Scholarship               Reanne Dressler
 Booster Humanitarian                                                 Reanne Dressler
 Leadership Scholarship               NYS Education                                               John Philip Sousa Award
      Grace Pulcini              Department Scholarship           Superintendent’s Award               Brandon Shade
                                 for Academic Excellence              Michael Zwerka
  Byron-Bergen Sports                  Olivia Audsley                                                   Most Improved
 Booster Scholar Athlete              Celia Mercovich               TVFCU Jr. Banking                    Choral Award
         Award                         Adam Walter                     Scholarship                      Dominick Andres
    Ryan Richardson                   Michael Zwerka                 Lindsey Bowman                      Michaela Bohn
   Karson Richenberg                                                 Robert Yohon, III                    Isabelle Bliss
                                                                                                           (continued on page 13)

12 Byron-Bergen Central School District
Graduation 2017
(continued from page 12)

       2017 Awards and
                                           Scholar Program
                                           The Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School’s academic incentive program
        Scholarships                       recognizes students for their good effort, attendance, and academic
      Raymond E. Scott Choral              achievement. This reward program is named the “Scholar Program” and the
         Samaritan Award                   cards achieved are Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Special Recognition. At the end of
           Shannon Little                  the year, monetary awards are presented at Academic & Athletic Recognition
           Kitana Maher                    Night to seniors who have maintained a solid record of attaining cards
                                           throughout their high school career.
  Robert Mannix Jazz Scholarship
           Adam Walter                                  The Scholar Program Committee is pleased
                                                  to announce the 2016-17 third marking period recipients:
         Singing Silhouette
        Section Leader Award
                                               Gold Scholar               Angelique Heick             Silver Scholar
           Reanne Dressler
                                                Larissa Ashton               Tyler Henry                Sarah Bleiler
 Vince Zarcone Music Scholarship                Jared Barnum             Annaliese Hersom              Cole Carlson
           Marlaina Fee                       Nicholas Baubie              Hope Hersom                Zoey Chambry
                                                 Rachel Best              Hailey Hubbard                 Eden Goff
                                              Lindsey Bowman                 Grace Huhn               Mitchell Gonyea
   Batavia Career and                            Dillon Brew                Brian Ireland               Chad Green
Technical Center Awards                       Bianca Brumsted                Kelly Ireland              Alyssa Hing
       2017 Outstanding State                  Brandon Burke             Brooke Jarkiewicz            Shaun LoVerdi
        Officer for New York                   Madison Burke                Daniel Jensen              Kitana Maher
  Victoria Welka - Health Dimensions         Siomara Caballero            William Johnson               Julia Menzie
                                               Hallie Calhoun            Cambria Kinkelaar             Erin Parnapy
         Academic Excellence                  Grace Campbell              Carli Kirkwood               Jaden Pocock
Isabelle Bliss - Health Careers Academy        Lydia Campbell               Hunter Leach               Logan Pocock
                                                Caleb Carlson                Colby Leggo               Garrett Sando
      Batavia Rod & Gun Club                 Benjamin Chaback           Alexandria Loewke              Miriam Tardy
       Memorial Scholarship
                                               Emily Chaback                Jillian Menzie            Nathan Zwerka
     Chase Felton - Building Trades
                                                  Jonah Clare             Andrew Parnapy
     FFA Service Scholarship                      Sadie Cook              Madelynn Pimm             Bronze Scholar
    Mackenzie Fox - Animal Science            Alexander Dean                Grace Pulcini            Hannah Catalino
                                             Brionna DeMichel             Alaura Rehwaldt            Jordan Gardner
     Outstanding Achievement                     Jean Denson            Kameron Robinson             Brandon Kropf
   Hailey Hubbard - Justice Academy           Richard Denson             Elli Schelemanow              Logan Lewis
                                             Elizabeth Donnelly            Grace Shepard            Melissa MacCowan
    Paul Levins Memorial Award                   Adam Drake                Chloe Shuskey              Joshua Phelps
    Ryan Gonyea - Building Trades            Makenzie Eccleston                                     Robert Yohon, III
                                                                             Kevin Smith
                                                 Marlaina Fee              Alayna Streeter
        PM Career and Tech
         Student of the Year                   Joshua Fleming               Sarah Streeter
  Victoria Welka - Health Dimensions             Kyle Foeller           Dana VanValkenburg
                                               Mackenzie Fox             Ella VanValkenburg
        Senior Achievement                         Sara Fraser           Alexandra Vurraro
     Robert Yohon, III - Computer                Kelsey Fuller             Claire Williams
         Information Systems                  Emma Goodman              Kaitlyn Windhauser
                                               Sara Goodman             Corden Zimmerman
World Automotive Top Gun Award                Margaret Graney             Michael Zwerka
Skylar Swinter - Auto Trades: Collision,
         Custom, Restoration

                                                                                                       Home of the Bees 13
Byron-Bergen 2016-17 third quarter Honor Roll
The following Byron-Bergen Central School       Justin Hannan, Tyler Henry, Alyssa Hing,        Stefanski, Garrett Swinter, Miriam Tardy,
students have been named to the Honor Roll      Hayley Hoehn, Brian Ireland, Daniel Jensen,     Annabella Vurraro, Grant Williams,
for the third 10-week marking period of the     Brendon Kendall, Brandon Kropf, Shaun           Nathan Zwerka.
2016-17 school year:                            LoVerdi, Peyton Mackey, Paul McDermott,
                                                Julia Menzie, Lily Mercovich, Dillon            GRADE 8
GRADE 12                                        Montgomery, Makenzie Muoio, Joshua Phelps,      HIGH HONOR ROLL — Mya-Lyn
HIGH HONOR ROLL — Olivia Audsley,               Garrett Sando, Tapanga Schramm, Austin          Albanese, Nicholas Baubie, Bianca Brumsted,
Kerri Bates, Isabelle Bliss, Lindsey Bowman,    Sharpe, Leah Thompson, Dana VanValkenburg,      Emily Chaback, Jonah Clare, Richard Denson,
Dillon Brew, Brandon Burke, Grace Campbell,     Riley White, Esther Wilkins.                    Julietta Doyle, Eden Goff, Matthew Gonyea,
Reanne Dressler, Marlaina Fee, Chase                                                            Mitchell Gonyea, Sara Goodman, Hope
Felton, Aaries Fitzsimmons, Mackenzie Fox,      GRADE 10                                        Hersom, Kelly Ireland, Carli Kirkwood, Colby
Jenica Hickey, Hailey Hubbard, Alexandria       HIGH HONOR ROLL — Lydia Campbell,               Leggo, John Mercovich, Julia Pangrazio,
Loewke, Kitana Maher, Kelsey Maurer, Celia      Anthony DiQuattro, Adam Drake, Jared            Andrew Parnapy, Jaden Pocock, Matthew
Mercovich, Colin Noeth, Grace Pulcini,          Fregoe, Leah Gale, Emma Goodman,                Rada, Alaura Rehwaldt, Sarah Streeter, Xavier
Brittany Rada, Ryan Richardson, Karson          Annaliese Hersom, William Johnson, Hunter       Thomas, Devon Zinter.
Richenberg, Brandon Shade, Adam Walter,         Leach, MacKenzie Rosse, Wade Thompson,          HONOR ROLL — Carleigh Buell, Hallie
Destanee Zastrow, Michael Zwerka.               Kyong-ae Yun.                                   Calhoun, Zoey Chambry, Joshua Fleming,
HONOR ROLL — Elizah Bickham, Rose               HONOR ROLL — Sarah Bleiler, Benjamin            Alaina House, Aiden Kulikowski, Gavin
Bower, Russell Cunningham, Russell Flaherty,    Bowman, Cole Carlson, Ryan Cooper, Jason        Lewis, Hunter Parnell, Bryanne Puma, Skylar
Shannon Little, Shawn Merry, Anthony            Hoehn, Isaac Ladley, Janae Meister, Sabastian   Sharpe, Deacon Smith, Emmy Stein, Joshua
Miraglia, Kameron Robinson, Tyler Stefanski,    Pawlukewicz, Brianna Shade, Emma Smith.         Swapceinski, Matthew Zwerka.
Mary Sweeney, Brittney Vincent, Samantha        EFFORT ROLL — Sarah Bleiler, Lydia              EFFORT ROLL — Mya-Lyn Albanese,
Wade,Victoria Welka, Robert Yohon.              Campbell, Cole Carlson, Anthony DiQuattro,      Nicholas Baubie, Hallie Calhoun, Emily
EFFORT ROLL — Olivia Audsley, Lindsey           Adam Drake, Jared Fregoe, Leah Gale,            Chaback, Richard Denson, Julietta Doyle,
Bowman, Dillon Brew, Brandon Burke,             Emma Goodman, Annaliese Hersom,                 Eden Goff, Matthew Gonyea, Mitchell
Grace Campbell, Nicholas DeFrank, Reanne        William Johnson, Hunter Leach, Sabastian        Gonyea, Sara Goodman, Hope Hersom,
Dressler, Marlaina Fee, Chase Felton, Aaries    Pawlukewicz, MacKenzie Rosse, Brianna           Kelly Ireland, Carli Kirkwood, Colby Leggo,
Fitzsimmons, Mackenzie Fox, Hailey              Shade, Wade Thompson.                           Logan Lewis, Lilly Liles, John Mercovich,
Hubbard, Alexandria Loewke, Kitana Maher,                                                       Julia Pangrazio, Bryanne Puma, Matthew
Levi Mattice, Kelsey Maurer, Celia Mercovich,   GRADE 9                                         Rada, Alaura Rehwaldt, Deacon Smith, Sarah
Shawn Merry, Colin Noeth, Grace Pulcini,        HIGH HONOR ROLL — Caitlin Ashton,               Streeter, Xavier Thomas, Devon Zinter.
Brittany Rada, Ryan Richardson, Karson          Alexander Brumsted, Siomara Caballero,
Richenberg, Brandon Shade, Mary Sweeney,        Alexis Calarco, Michael Campbell, Alexander     GRADE 7
Adam Walter, Robert Yohon, Michael Zwerka.      Dean, Jacey Donahue, Kyle Foeller, Sara         HIGH HONOR ROLL — Corin Abdella,
                                                Fraser, Kelsey Fuller, Zachary Hannan, Rick     Jared Barnum, Rachel Best, Madison
GRADE 11                                        Hubbard, Mikaela Hubler, Cambria Kinkelaar,     Burke, Caleb Carlson, Aidan Clark, Sadie
HIGH HONOR ROLL — Larissa Ashton,               Chad Kupfer, Melissa MacCowan, Jillian          Cook, Leanna Curts, Makenzie Eccleston,
Lauren Burke, Benjamin Chaback, Quinn           Menzie, Hannah Seppe, Chloe Shuskey, Kevin      Angelique Heick, Grace Huhn, Brooke
Chapell, Brionna DeMichel, Jean Denson,         Smith, Brandon Stefanski, Garrett Swinter,      Jarkiewicz, Meghan Kendall, Johnathon
Morgan Fuller, Margaret Graney, Ethan Green,    Miriam Tardy, Annabella Vurraro, Grant          Klafehn, Madelynn Pimm, Aviana Rivera, Elli
Tyler Henry, Brian Ireland, Daniel Jensen,      Williams, Nathan Zwerka.                        Schelemanow, Grace Shepard, Alayna Streeter,
Brendon Kendall, Melanie Kulikowski, Lily       HONOR ROLL — Julianna Amesbury,                 Ella VanValkenburg, Alexandra Vurraro, Claire
Mercovich, Dillon Montgomery, Garrett           Ariana Bobzien, Megan Bogue, Elizabeth          Williams, Kaitlyn Windhauser, Emily Zastrow,
Sando, Tapanga Schramm, Leah Thompson,          Burlingame, Hannah Catalino, Elizabeth          Corden Zimmerman.
Dana VanValkenburg.                             Donnelly, Madison Farnsworth, Emily             HONOR ROLL — Camryn Brookhart,
HONOR ROLL — Cameron Brumsted,                  Gonyea, Chad Green, Amaya Gunther, Rose         Caleb Calhoun, Cody Chandler, Connor Gale,
Edgardo Guzman, Justin Hannan, Alyssa           Hubbard, Travis Lambert, Samuel Pringle,        Sarah Hanel, Jorie Strzelecki.
Hing, Hayley Hoehn, Nathan Knickerbocker,       Auburn Schwartzmeyer, Bryce Yockel.             EFFORT ROLL — Corin Abdella, Jared
Jonathan Lathan, Shaun LoVerdi, Peyton          EFFORT ROLL — Caitlin Ashton, Ariana            Barnum, Rachel Best, Madison Burke, Caleb
Mackey, Paul McDermott, Julia Menzie,           Bobzien, Alexander Brumsted, Elizabeth          Calhoun, Caleb Carlson, Cody Chandler,
Makenzie Muoio, Ryan Niemi, Joshua Phelps,      Burlingame, Siomara Caballero, Hannah           Aidan Clark, Sadie Cook, Leanna Curts,
Cameron Shenk, Adam Swapceinski, Riley          Catalino, Alexander Dean, Jacey Donahue,        Angelique Heick, Grace Huhn, Brooke
White, Esther Wilkins.                          Elizabeth Donnelly, Madison Farnsworth, Sara    Jarkiewicz, Meghan Kendall, Madelynn
EFFORT ROLL — Larissa Ashton, Lauren            Fraser, Kelsey Fuller, Emily Gonyea, Amaya      Pimm, Elli Schelemanow, Grace Shepard,
Burke, Benjamin Chaback, Quinn Chapell,         Gunther, Zachary Hannan, Rick Hubbard,          Alayna Streeter, Ella VanValkenburg, Alexandra
Cynthia Clay, Brionna DeMichel, Jean Denson,    Mikaela Hubler, Cambria Kinkelaar, Chad         Vurraro, Claire Williams, Kaitlyn Windhauser,
Jessica Fleming, Morgan Fuller, Margaret        Kupfer, Melissa MacCowan, Jillian Menzie,       Emily Zastrow, Corden Zimmerman.
Graney, Ethan Green, Edgardo Guzman,            Chloe Shuskey, Kevin Smith, Brandon

14 Byron-Bergen Central School District
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