Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne

Page created by Joe Jimenez
Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne


Meet our new Presidents   Country Kid to the Big Smoke   TREAD Phase 24   From IH to Oxford
Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne
Fraternitas NOV 2020

Fraternitas 2020

International House                                                 IN THIS ISSUE
The University of Melbourne
                                                                     Fraternitas 2020                             2
241 Royal Parade
Parkville VIC 3052                                                   From the Head of College                     3
                                                                     Meet our IHSC President                      4
Read Fraternitas online:
                                                                     Meet our IHGSA President                     6
Donations to International House can be made at                      Academic Support                             8
                                                                     Country Kid to the Big Smoke                10
EDITING PANEL                                                        A Valedict’s Story                          12
Thu Nguyen and Tamra Keating                                         Tutor Review                                13
                                                                     From IH to Oxford                           14
                                                                     Tread Phase 24                              16
Ben Levy, Dave Hirunsap and Thu Nguyen
                                                                     Fragments of the Everyday                   18
FEEDBACK                                                             2020 in Colour                              20
Fraternitas is published three times a year for the International    Stay Connected                              22
House community. We would love to hear from our valued               Scholarships                                23
alumni. Please email us at
                                                                     Thank you to our Generous Donors            24
                                                                     Farewell Mrs Lyndal Pascoe                  25
Cover image: Maria Callista and Caleb Shaw
                                                                     2020 Virtual Open Day                       25
Back cover image: Bryce Owen and Ishi Castro
                                                                     International House Community 2020 - 2021   26
                                                                     Countries and Regions                       27

    Meet our IHSC President                                          Country Kid to the Big Smoke

    TREAD Phase 24                                                   From IH to Oxford

Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne
From the Head of the College

From the Head of College

                                             Wellbeing meetings have been via Zoom           Vi and her husband Pete Peterson
                                             and checking in on students and following       have been generous donors and
                                             up needs has all still taken place in the       supporter of scholarships at IH and were
                                             COVID-world of 2020. The resilience,            instrumental in securing a substantial
                                             flexibility, positive approach and focus of     scholarship donation from The Atlantic
                                             our students has been a pleasure to see.        Philanthropies. Vi Peterson truly believes
                                                                                             in the values and the mission of IH and
                                             However, with the closing of borders and        we thank Vi for her hard work and care for
                                             the additional restrictions in Melbourne        IH. To learn more about Mrs Vi Peterson
                                             and Victoria, students’ decision making         please visit our website here and here
                                             and their commitment to living at IH for
                                             2021 is hard to predict. The University         I would like to sign off the November
                                             of Melbourne has already contacted              edition of Fraternitas with a thank you. I
                                             current students with information that          want to thank the IH students who have
                                             many subjects will be delivered on-line         stayed on with us though this year, taking
                                             for at least Semester One in 2021, as the       all their lectures and tutorials online,
The year 2020 has significantly              situation is so unknown.                        and being part of a unique time for the IH
changed how we see the world and                                                             community. No student or staff member
                                              In this edition of Fraternitas we read         has contracted COVID-19 and there has
focused us all on what is important to       about the importance of connection,             been no transmission within the college
each of us. How can we fully know the        as well as from an alumna fulfilling her        community. This is something for which
long-lasting impact of the COVID-19          dreams at Oxford University, and we             our IH community should be so proud of.
pandemic? However, through the               also can read what it has been like for         I would like to thank all our 2020 students
challenges and devastating effects,          students and tutors living at IH during         along with IH staff and contractors for
many positives have risen to the top.        the pandemic. We can read about our             the vigilance in which the COVID-safe
                                             two recently elected student presidents,        requirements have been upheld at IH
As a community, all at International House   and the thoughts of these graduate and          this year.
through this year have bound together        undergraduate student club leaders.
and supported each other incredibly well.                                                    To all IH alumni across the world, this has
With approximately half our students         We thank the many alumni and friends            been an extraordinary year and I wish you
remaining in college, COVID-safe protocols   who continue to be so connected to IH.          strength and hope going forward. Please
became our new normal. Restrictions          We were sadden to hear recently of the          keep safe and look after each other.
have tightened, lessened, tightened again    death of one of our foundation members,
and lessened again through the year.         Mrs Lyndal Pascoe, but please read her          Dr Deborah F Seifert AM
                                             beautiful stories about IH in the early days    Head of College
We were able to open up the college          here. This link will also take you to a video
dining hall for some socially distanced      interview with Lyndal which is on the IH
dining, then closed the dining hall, then    website.
opened it again for some indoor dining,
all based on Health and Government           At the last IH Council Meeting for the year,
and University guidelines. Study rooms       in October, we thanked Mrs Vi Peterson who
have also opened, closed and then            has been a dedicated and passionate Chair
opened again more recently to study-         of Council for the past 5 years. Vi Le was a
buddy-bubbles of 6 students allocated to     Student Resident at IH from 1979-1981 and
two-hour study blocks in tutorial rooms,     embraced the ethos of the college. Then,
interspersed with necessary airing and       close to thirty years later in March 2010
cleaning pattern. The IH community has       as Mrs Vi Peterson, Vi joined IH Council,
successfully lived through Zoom tutorials,   became Deputy Chair in October 2013 and
Zoom seminars, Zoom student and staff        Chair in 2016. Vi Peterson has played an
meetings, continual hand sanitizing,         integral role at IH and has passionately
and take-away meals. The library has         represented IH. Vi Peterson’s work has been
continued to operate in a no-touch           greatly appreciated and we are aware of the
takeaway book-order system.                  great amount of work she has done behind
                                             the scenes in support of IH.

Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne
Fraternitas NOV 2020

Meet our IHSC President

                                              I hope one day, however, that I can              Starting such conversations at a young
                                              connect with this side of my identity. I         age emphasises that we all come
                                              want to ensure that my heritage is a big         from different walks of life and need
                                              part of my identity, that makes me unique.       to celebrate each other’s differences
                                                                                               and learn from them. I am so grateful I
                                              Growing up brown in country Australia            could help initiate the beginning of this
                                              was a huge learning experience. Even             conversation in such a small town.
                                              though I was very privileged to experience
                                              little blatant racism – I still felt like an     Being the only openly gay student at the
                                              outsider at times. Feelings of inadequacy        time, I raised awareness, educated the
                                              and isolation did crop up from time-to-          secondary cohort on discrimination, and
                                              time growing up seeing most (if not all in       advocated for a safe and accepting space.
                                              some settings) people do not look like me.       I held presentations providing essential
                                              It was very easy for me to walk into a room      information, resources, as well as my own
                                              and notice I was the only person of colour.      experiences. I also asked the secondary
                                              This isolation extends to the fact that I was    students and staff to sign a pledge to act
My name is Bryce Owen. I am the               mixed. I could not connect to my ‘white’         against LGBT+ prejudice in my school. The
                                              side because of the superficial factor that      pledge now sits at the school reception - it
President of International House
                                              is my skin, and I could not connect to the       is a constant reminder that the culture
Student Club (IHSC) in 2020 - 2021.
                                              other side as I was so far removed from          is shifting; there is ally support out
I was born and raised in Mallacoota; a        that culture, which was quite evident            there. Secondly, I drafted a policy, which
small coastal town located in the furthest    in my strong Australian accent and my            provides a standard and accountability for
east of Victoria with a population just       consistent faux pas when I visited Timor-        the school to act upon issues concerning
under a thousand. The town sat in             Leste for the first time.                        the queer community. It was passed
the middle of bush and beaches. It is                                                          by the school council unanimously! I
                                              However, as I got older, I grew into             utilised leadership to start a culture that
interesting; I never really appreciated
                                              myself. I saw to love my skin, my curls          normalises being LGBT+ and people
just how beautiful Mallacoota was until
                                              and everything about myself. I had a             expressing themselves how they see fit. I
I left. For the most part, it is quiet and
                                              finite amount of time in this lifetime,          want to leave a legacy in which the school
sleepy. Coming back feels like a retreat
                                              and I wasn’t going to spend it holding           is a safe space for the Queer Community. I
from the big city – a place to relax in the
                                              on to negativity and insecurities. I was         hope one day Queer students never have
trees rustling, ocean waves, and animals
                                              going to focus on reaching goals and             to feel invalid.
(as opposed to the loud dinging of the
                                              ambitions that my young self-thought was
19 tram or the gardener lawn-mowing
                                              unattainable.                                    After watching so many of the students
outside my window). As a kid, my main
                                                                                               in the year above not go to any of the
goal is to try and ‘escape’ Mallacoota – to   I was School Captain for my last two years       top universities and none of my family
be honest at points of my life; I did feel    at Mallacoota P-12 College. It made me           ever attending a university, I thought
isolated and trapped. The town is so          grow and develop my leadership skills – to       the University of Melbourne was so
removed from the rest of the world you        become more proactive. I have a strong           prestigious I would never be able to reach
can get a feeling of cabin fever for the 18   working drive, so I like to keep myself busy.    it. It seemed like a far-removed dream
years you are there. When I was young, I      Some of my most significant achievements         of mine. However, putting my negative
couldn’t wait to leave, but now heading       during that time included running the            thoughts aside, I stayed committed
back feels like a reset and recharge. I am    first ‘Cultural Day’ event with festivities      and motivated. I was doing two classes
finally able to appreciate this place much    celebrating people’s differences, heritage,      online, and the biggest class I was in
and feel so lucky to have grown up there.     culture and background and coming                had nine people. I wasn’t going to let
                                              together. We had fantastic food from             my circumstances disadvantage me
My dad is Timor-Leste but migrated to
                                              all sorts of cultures, outfits from across       in achieving my ambitions. I worked
Australia. My mum is Australian. I have
                                              the globe and storytelling from different        hard and it finally paid off. I was doing
two younger sisters and a little dog too!
                                              people’s experience from other countries         accounting and economics in VCE
Growing up in Australia with only my mum
                                              and cultures. What made this day a               and loved it, so I decided Bachelor of
had caused me to be almost removed
                                              highlight for me is it started a conversation.   Commerce at the University of Melbourne
from my dad’s culture. Accepting and
                                              The youngest years (the school was a prep        was for me.
becoming proud of my skin, my identity
                                              to year 12) began asking each other where
was a huge growing point for myself. I had
                                              they are from, what are their backgrounds
realised there was power in upholding and
                                              and where is that on the map!
accepting myself for who I am.

Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne
Meet our Ihsc President

IH means a place to be me, to grow into me.     I want to be a president that is there    They have already started their roles with
I have never felt so comfortable in a place     for my committee and all IHers. I am so   zest and proactiveness, and I am so proud.
before. IH is impressive in the fact that it    thankful to have my amazing executive     I’m grateful to be a part of something
brings different people from different walks    committee for already being stars – I     special, and next year will be a blast.
of life together. It has been invaluable        am so excited to be working closely
learning from friend’s experiences and          with them and becoming a reliable         Bryce Owen (Australia)
forging lifetime friendships with the most      team. Furthermore, I want to extend my    Bachelor of Commerce student
interesting and unique people. I have learnt    excitement to my committee as a whole.    Dawn Wade Scholarship Recipient
that I can be who I am without judgement
because I have the power to surround
myself with positive people in my life that
help me grow.

I feel so grateful to have been at IH during
COVID-19. There wasn’t a time where I felt
isolated. I always believe that everything
happens in life for a reason, and lockdown
gave us the opportunity to work on the
stuff that you have meant to do, without
the external noise of the fast pace life
pre-lockdown. We have been put in a
place where everything is stripped back. I
really emphasised and worked on myself,
removing negative habits and starting new
ones. I have been so lucky in that I have
found my tribe - a group of people that
have come together (socially distantly).
We feel comfortable with each other and
are open in our conversations. I am so
grateful to have these beautiful people as
my support system.

Without the virus, I probably would not
have grown into the person that I currently
am – I am so thankful for that. I want to
be an example that determination trumps
fear. Anything can happen if you put your
mind towards it and work consistently. I
hope to be seen as an inspiration amongst
my peers, to give them the motivation to
shoot for gold. I initially planned to lay
low in my third year at IH. However, I soon
knew this was not going to be the case
because I genuinely love this community
and the opportunity of President allows
me to stay active and advocate for
student wellbeing and change. I hope to
push for keeping student wellbeing and
mental health into the forefront of the
conversation consistently. It is very easy to
get swept up in worrying thoughts about
events and such, that mental health gets
pushed to the side.

Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne
Fraternitas NOV 2020

Meet our IHGSA President

                                                Bahar, an Australian citizen, was the           During my bachelor’s degree in Iran, I have
                                                biggest motivation for me to come to            co-founded two associations. The first one
                                                Australia. She has been mentoring me            was the Association of Computer Engineering
                                                about Australian values and culture.            and the second one was a student branch of
                                                Parisa currently works in Tehran as an          the largest association in the world - Institute
                                                expert in designing. She taught me how          of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
                                                to be a kind-hearted person and strive for      I decided to participate in establishing them
                                                achievements.                                   because of my passion in being on a team
                                                                                                and working with people.
                                                I was born with a disability - Spinal
                                                Muscular Atrophy (SMA: Type 4), which is a      I do believe that studying overseas is an
                                                barrier to muscle growth and its strength.      excellent opportunity for individuals.
                                                This disease might or might not progress        As a newcomer, I wanted to have this
                                                overtime. In my case, it has stopped            experience and socialise with people from
                                                weakening my body for 16 years. The cure        around the world. International House
                                                of SMA has been discovered recently. It is      has brought a kind-hearted community
My name is Saman Akbaryan. I am                 a one-time Gene injection, and after 6 or 7     who gives positive energy to me. There are
the President of International House            months you will be cured. ZolgenSMA has         many people to be named as my closest
                                                been named as “The Most Expensive Drug          friends at IH - Pawan, Arpan, Hiba, Steffany,
Graduate Student Association (IHGSA)
                                                Ever Approved in Human History”, which          and Aliya. We became close by studying
in 2020 - 2021.
                                                costs $2 million dollars for 5.5 mL. My         together or going out. I have this privilege
I was born into an artistic family in Iran.     biggest objective is to become a famous         to study in groups at IH with people who
My parents have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in      person so I can afford this drug.               are ahead of me. IH has increased my
theatre. My father and mother have retired                                                      productivity and giving me a chance to
                                                Tehran - the city I grew up in is not           network with new people. Every moment
as a documentarian and a high school
                                                disabled-friendly at all. I had to rely on      at IH is my favourite time. However, I loved
teacher respectively. They taught me the
                                                two crutches in order to study, work            the Welcome BBQ with the House. I met
most outstanding achievements in our
                                                and go outside. In some of the photos, I        Deborah and Dan, and we chat for an hour
lives are outside of our comfort zone. This
                                                leaned on a wall or held someone’s hand         about many interesting things.
notion helps me to embrace challenges
                                                to stand up. Now living in Melbourne, I
and not to underestimate myself. I have
                                                can still walk with crutches, but I prefer to   One of my most remarkable memories at
two older sisters, Bahar and Parisa. In
                                                sit in a wheelchair to save my energy for       IH is witnessing the graduates’ unity. When
Persian, their names mean “Spring” and
                                                upcoming achievements!                          COVID-19 restrictions started, people began
“Like an angel” respectively. I believe their
                                                                                                to panic buying, which culminated in the
names are quite fit with their personality
                                                                                                scarcity of essential items.
and characteristics.

Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne
Meet our IHGSA President

 I brought up an idea to go to grocery        Throughout human history, dark days            careers. It also gives me this chance to
stores in the early morning using my          came and went. We can look at challenges       see how professional and bright-minded
disability concession to purchase essential   in a different perspective and focus on        my friends are. They are very creative
things for the community. All graduates       the bright side. COVID-19 has changed          and working with them is a pleasure. The
involved themselves in this idea, and         the world, but it also gives us a boost        committee and I are working together to
together we solved our issue.                 in creativity and learning opportunity.        keep people in good health, both mentally
                                              COVID-19 has taught me that ordinary           and physically. We have organised many
I had this opportunity to help the graduate   activities such as going to a restaurant and   COVID-Safe activities such as Online Table
community at IH during these hard times       hanging out with friends that I have taken     Games to make sure graduates have some
by every single work I could do. The          for granted are actually very precious and     appropriate fun.
news of my actions was sent to Professor      we should pay more attention to every
Duncan Maskell (the Vice Chancellor of the    second in our life.                            My first plan for 2021 is to show my skills
University). These actions put my name on                                                    and enthusiasm in a part-time job or an
the list of Melbourne School of Engineering   As the President of the IHGSA, I want          internship. I believe Australia is a great
Community Excellence Awards. I was            to make sure graduates have a great            place to work, and people treat you
nominated by the former President and         experience during their stay at IH, and        equally and acknowledge your skills. This
Vice-President of IHGSA, Wallace Jin and      with the help of my esteemed committee         helps me to pave my way for helping this
Hiba Naeem respectively. I have been          members, we can improve it. I think being      excellent society.
shortlisted as “Student of the Year”.         in the IHGSA committee, not just as a
                                              President, will develop our teamwork           Saman Akbaryan (Iran)
                                              skill which is highly regarded in our future   Master of Information Technology student

Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne
Fraternitas NOV 2020

Academic Support

                                               I am passionate about helping students         Some of my favourite topics include
                                               succeed academically because I know            Understanding compassion and suffering
                                               the sacrifice international students make      in contemporary organizations by Angela
                                               leaving their friends and family behind to     Pei Ju Chem, What is going on in our brain
                                               move to Australia to study. I want to help     that stops us from being perfectly rational
                                               students achieve their goals. This made        by Whitney Zhao and Macroeconomic
                                               me apply for the position of graduate          intuition, understanding monetary policy
                                               academic officer at IH and I was fortunate     and its effect by Vinay Chillara.
                                               in getting the job. As a graduate academic
                                               officer, I work closely with the IH academic   Moreover, Dr. Katherine Firth organised
                                               coordinator Dr. Katherine Firth to provide     a 2-day Thesis Bootcamp which included
                                               academic support to our graduate               a 2-3-hour lecture on how to improve
                                               students. We organise events such as           writing skills followed by a 3 hours
                                               Shut Up and Write, academic seminars,          study period which allowed students to
                                               and Thesis Writing Bootcamp to help            complete a writing task such as an essay,
                                               our graduate students improve their soft       progress report or thesis.
There are many benefits of living at           skills. We also run workshops throughout
                                                                                              Katherine recently hosted an
IH such as proximity to the University,        the year on CV writing and creating an
                                                                                              Employability Mini-conference for
free access to sporting facilities,            excellent LinkedIn profile for job search to
                                                                                              IH students and young alumni in
and pastoral care. For me, the main            improve student’s employability.
                                                                                              collaboration with our IH tutor and
advantage is the academic support              Initially we had planned several face-to-      management consultant Dave Sachasiri.
provided by IH. The Angus Mitchell             face events for our graduate students in       We learned how to prepare the perfect
library located on the ground floor of         2020 but our plans were disrupted by the       CV and how to write effective emails
the Founders building is open to all           global pandemic and restrictions (such         to subject coordinator, ideal research
IH residential students. The library           as travel bans, event and mass gathering       supervisor, and potential employers.
has over 6500 books with about 1000            prohibited). As a result, most face-to-face
                                                                                              2020 was indeed a challenging year
books borrowed by students during              meetings at IH were cancelled and all
                                                                                              due to the global pandemic. We have
the academic year. Computers and               events moved online. This was particularly
                                                                                              to work/study from home with limited
printers are also provided for students        challenging as we were used to face-to-
                                                                                              social interaction. The graduate student
to use within the library.                     face communication and never had to
                                                                                              committee has done a great job organising
                                               plan a virtual event at IH. Luckily, there
                                                                                              several online game events and movie
There are many study rooms available           are several online meeting tools such
                                                                                              nights on Zoom to help students feel
for group and individual learning and          as Zoom or Teams available for hosting
                                                                                              connected, providing care packs/dinners,
studying. As a research student, I need to     online events and helpful guides on how
                                                                                              and sharing words of encouragement to
give presentations on my research project      to organize and run a virtual event.
                                                                                              support graduate students during this
during laboratory meetings, division                                                          time. As an international student, it is
seminars, or committee meetings. I often       We were able to host virtual Shut Up and
                                               Write session every Tuesday from 8:30 to       challenging for me to live in a foreign
use these IH study rooms which include                                                        country away from my support system
a large table and chairs, a projector, and     10:00pm on Zoom. Four virtual academic
                                               seminars (2 seminars per semester) were        (family and friends from home country)
a screen to prepare and rehearse my                                                           and to practice social distancing/avoid
presentations.                                 organised with 2 to 4 graduate students
                                               presenting their research at each seminar.     face-to-face contact. The social and
                                               One of the most interesting parts of           emotional support I have received from
At IH, academic seminars are organised
                                               this year’s academic seminars was the          staff and students at IH during this
every semester to provide graduate
                                               diversity of the speakers. We had graduate     pandemic has helped me incredibly. I am
students opportunities to present their
                                               students from the following departments:       glad to have IH as my current home.
research. These seminars help graduate
students improve their presentation and        mathematics and statistics, medicine,
                                                                                              Amarachi Amah (Nigeria)
public speaking skills. This is important as   biotechnology, law, management,
                                                                                              Doctor of Phylosophy
all graduate students (both research and       information systems, pharmaceutical
                                                                                              (Medical Biology) student
coursework) are required to give a verbal      sciences and dental surgery presenting at
presentation during their studies.             our seminars.

Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne
Academic Support

Fraternitas 2020 International House - University of Melbourne
Fraternitas NOV 2020

Country Kid to the Big Smoke

                                           This dream was only solidified by my            I’m also employed by the House as
                                           part time job throughout high school            a Residential Assistant, who look to
                                           at Bendigo Animal Hospital. I applied           maintain the mental health and wellbeing
                                           for a residential college as the sense          of students. I really love this role as I’ve
                                           of community really appealed to me              always been interested in mental health
                                           because, like most recent high school           and a fierce advocate for normalising
                                           graduates, I was a nervous wreck about          mental health and body positivity. I’m also
                                           moving out for the first time. I chose          a Marketing Assistant and help to promote
                                           International House as its values and           IH to prospective students.
                                           mission aligns perfectly with my own
                                           morals; and my experience here so far           The ‘IH experience has been wildly
                                           has been exactly what I’d hoped. I’ve           different for the past couple of months,
                                           made friends I know will last a lifetime        with the COVID-19 Pandemic wreaking
                                           and I’ve had an experience I would              havoc on everyone’s lives in different
                                           never have had otherwise. Once of               ways. In these strange, uncertain and
                                           those experiences being the almighty O          sometimes scary times, it’s easy to
No one can quite prepare you for           Week, which is done pretty differently at        lose focus on the things that are really
the post-normal experience that is         residential colleges than at university. I      important, like uni, friends and family
                                           was painfully shy going into my O Week,         along with your own mental and physical
University. What will I study? Will I
                                           scared that I wouldn’t fit in or wouldn’t       health.
make many friends? What will my
experience be like? Will it be a hero’s    make any friends; but IH was so incredibly
                                                                                           IH has been so amazing in fostering an
                                           welcoming and the people I met and
journey, or a cheesy teen romance?                                                         incredibly supportive environment for
                                           the friends I made are so much like me
A good old comedy or maybe a                                                               all of us regarding anything we may be
                                           it’s kind of scary. It was one of the most
Shakespearean tragedy? What will be                                                        struggling with, regardless of whether
                                           amazing weeks of the year and then, after
my tale of woe? Well mine certainly                                                        we’re on campus or had to return home
                                           being an IH’er for a while I was able to
has been a tale but thankfully without                                                     due to the virus. IH as a college, along with
                                           become an O Week leader myself.
                                                                                           the student club, has taken care of us and
too much woe.
                                           Being an O Week leader was such a               encouraged us to do things to take care of
                                           rewarding thing for me, being able to           ourselves, both mentally and physically.
      My name is Abbey Milligan, I’m       give new students the same amazing              Studying online has been one of the
      a second year at the University      experience I had, and watch them make           strangest experiences by far; university
                                           friends, gain confidence and come out           inherently makes you more independent,
        of Melbourne student and a
                                           of their shells just like I did. There are so   they don’t spoon feed you and you have
      senior undergraduate resident
                                           many events at IH to get involved in like       to be on top of everything; but studying
     at International House. It can be
                                           sports, student clubs, formal dinners           online has taken this to an entirely new
      scary moving to the city when
                                           (including a fancy pants annual ball) and       level. Staying connected to friends both
       your own hometown pales in                                                          at uni and at college has helped me stay
                                           countless cultural integration activities
     comparison to the big smoke. The                                                      motivated and not lose track of what day
                                           and events particular to IH, making it
     move from Bendigo to Melbourne                                                        it is.
                                           special and different from other colleges,
     was a pretty big change however       making its vision and purpose abundantly
     it’s been one of the best decisions                                                   This time in quarantine and at home in
                                           clear - to integrate students of all cultures
                                                                                           this ‘new normal’ has really helped me,
     and one of the best experiences of    and backgrounds, making them more
                                                                                           even if it was nothing but annoying at first.
                my life so far.            open, accepting and helping them
                                                                                           I’ve got to spend so much more time with
                                           become global citizens.
                                                                                           my family who I miss immensely when
                                           There are also many other leadership            I’m in Melbourne, and I’ve fallen back
I graduated from Catherine McAuley
                                           and employment opportunities at IH.             into old habits that really makes me feel
College Bendigo in 2018. I am studying
                                           In the 2019-2020 term, I was part of the        at home. I’ve also been able to revisit old
Agriculture and Animal Science at
                                           Student Club Committee as the Outreach          hobbies and passions that I forgot about
Melbourne Uni with my dream of
                                           and Environments Representative; while          completely in the hustle and bustle of uni
becoming a veterinarian.
                                           in the 2020-2021 term, I was elected as         and college life.
                                           IHSC’s Vice President, tasked with running
                                           the undergraduate student body and
                                           organising all the activities and events.

Country Kid to the Big Smoke

I’ve been able to really get back into my
art, even making an Instagram for all the
new ideas and inspiration COVID-19 and
lockdown has given me. The student
club has also been amazing in organising
virtual activities and events to help
students stay connected to the college
and their friends. Things like photo or
video submission challenges, Zoom call
parties and games nights along with
continuing with normal IH tasks, like GM’s
and elections, which really helps bring
some normalcy to not very normal times.

Being elected as the Vice President of IH
was an absolute honour and I hope to fill
the very large shoes of my predecessors.
Working alongside the President, I really
hope to help lead us out of the uncertainty
of 2020 and COVID times into a brighter,
more prosperous future. A future where
the IH spirit can reignite, where even
if things don’t fully go back to normal,
there’s still an overarching sense of
community, fun, support and ‘fraternitas’
at International House.

Abbey Milligan (Australia)
Bachelor of Agriculture student
Clifford Family Scholarship Recipient

Fraternitas NOV 2020

A Valedict’s Story

                                            while I was still in Hong Kong applying for     where I gained some insight into how
                                            universities. I had not originally intended     Student Club and the committee was
                                            to stay at any residential college. However,    run. I also became an IT assistant at
                                            this is my third year at IH, and I would not    the IH library, where I learned how to
                                            have changed a thing.                           troubleshoot the network problems many
                                                                                            students had and assist them.
                                            My first year at college would probably be
                                            a common experience to everyone who             In my third year, I volunteered as an
                                            lived at IH. Cozy single rooms, a wave of       O-week leader to welcome many new
                                            new friends and just living at IH for the       students to IH and helped them transition
                                            first time. But one of my highlights would      to living at a college. I was delighted to
                                            be getting to meet and interact with such       be able to help many new students begin
                                            a large and diverse community. Whether          their journey living at IH, as I was once
                                            I was bumping into a fellow IHer on the         helped by my O-week leaders.
                                            tram or tracking down vegetarians at high
                                            table dinners for an extra slice of salmon,     My ultimate highlight in IH would be
                                            I would always find myself intrigued to         simply living in the same building and
Diving straight into O-week where I
                                            learn more about someone else. With             even the same apartment with some of
got to meet new people every day, I                                                         my best friends that I have made at IH.
                                            every conversation I was able to continue
had great fun in many activities and                                                        Sometimes it would feel like a very long
                                            learning about the culture of many others
made some new friends along the way.                                                        holiday even during the semester!
                                            living at IH, but the IH culture at the
Every formal dinner or IHSC event after     same time. I have grown to become more
Commencement Dinner just left me                                                            Next year I plan to return to university in
                                            socially active and also gained some
anticipating the next one.                                                                  order to pursue mechanical engineering
                                            insight into interacting with people from
                                                                                            as a postgraduate student in Melbourne.
                                            many different backgrounds.
Nothing beats the gym at IH which is                                                        I am very grateful to be one of the
at most two minutes away from any           I quickly became invested in being              scholarship winners at IH, and I have
room within the college, and it has all     involved in college activities as I saw ample   become even more motivated to continue
the equipment I needed for a standard       opportunities for fun as well as growth.        my studies. IH has been a transformative
workout. The kitchen staff prepared         After winning the intercollegiate dance         place for me and although I am leaving
all the meals, which I spent countless      competition, I started doing other things       the college, I would be leaving IH fulfilled
hours eating together with my friends.      I never imagined doing. Be it dancing on        and excited to join those waiting for me at
The coffee machine in the Dining Hall       the stage in front of hundreds or trying to     the next milestone.
was always worth making small trips         win the hearts of IH in a speech, I always
for. It’s hard to remember life before IH                                                   Laurence Lee (Hong Kong SAR)
                                            sought to learn and experience more. I then
just three years ago, when most of my                                                       Bachelor of Science student
                                            became the secretary of IHSC,
cohort had already left to study overseas                                                   Rotary Club of Malvern Scholarship Recipient

Tutor Review

Tutor Review

                                              For those of you who met me during                we offered remote consultations and spent
                                              Orientation Week, you got to know me as           more time on our emails and Zoom than
                                              a recent returnee to Australia, after living      ever before. However, with any change
                                              and working for many years in Canada in           comes the opportunity to be innovative
                                              similar residential college settings. When        and try something different, and focusing
                                              moving back to Australia and to IH, I was         on the online environment saw new
                                              eager to introduce aspects of the student         initiatives, events, and workshops, all
                                              life culture that I’d experienced overseas        facilitated virtually.
                                              to the community here, and took on the
                                              role anticipating running workshops,              Over the year I was inspired by the
                                              events and working with students                  amazing work our tutor team has done to
                                              individually to support their personal            support online learning, buoyed by the
                                              development and residential experience.           thoughtful notes I’ve seen neighbours
                                              Since the COVID-19 restrictions, I learned        leave on each other’s door, and kept
                                              instead to cultivate my creative side,            smiling by every little conversation with
                                              creating graphics for our digital screens,        our incredible CaterCare team as they
When I was first approached to write          designing Canvas pages for student                kept us nourished over this rollercoaster
an article for this year’s Fraternitas,       wellbeing and collaborating on small              of a year. Despite being under restrictions,
                                              goodies like exam and self-care kits.             you all kept me sane and entertained with
my initial and immediate reaction
                                                                                                books of the week in the newsletters,
was, Oh my gosh, what am I even
                                              For the academic tutor team, the year was         recommendations for a new Netflix show
going to write? What could I say about        nothing like any before it, and certainly         or movie, and stairwell suggestions of new
this year, which has been defined by          nothing any of us expected. Though we             music to check out.
such significant change, upheaval,            managed to run regular floor suppers at
and global uncertainty?                       the start of the year, these gatherings were      This year might not have been anything
                                              quickly limited once restrictions fell into       that we expected, but it did teach me
Many of us started the year with excitement                                                     the strength of the IH community, the
                                              place, and we had to adapt to hosting virtual
about being a part of this amazing                                                              resilience of its students and the genuine
                                              floor meetings and drop-ins, doing our best
community, and moved in looking forward                                                         kindness of its staff. I know that it is these
                                              to maintain the sense of community and
to sharing meals at Community Dinners,                                                          virtues and values which will help us
                                              support for students. Instead of conducting
cheering each other on in Intercollegiate                                                       overcome both the current and future
                                              regular tutorials, our tutors had to learn
Sports, and relaxing with movie nights in                                                       challenges from this year, and I hope that
                                              to be extra Blackboard and Canvas savvy,
the Junior Common Room. Instead, we                                                             you continue to embody this meaning of
                                              shifting our teaching online to follow
very quickly learned to adjust to socially                                                      Fraternitas, wherever you go next.
                                              lectures and other classes at the universities.
distant conversations in line at the dining
                                              Rather than doing door-to-doors and
hall, studying with online classes and just                                                     Meng Lim (Australia)
                                              checking in on students individually,
doing our best to keep our community safe.                                                      Dimmick Tutor

Fraternitas NOV 2020

From IH to Oxford

                                               During her 4 years as an undergraduate       She describes the post graduate study
                                               student, she was also a resident at          to be very similar as in Australia, with
                                               International House starting in 2015 and     classes and teacher-student interaction
                                               graduating in 2018. She described all of     being incredibly similar, however their
                                               her best memories at IH involving the        terminology and traditions are vastly
                                               amazing friends she made, mainly other       different. Li was especially shocked and
                                               biomedical students who also attended        confused by her ‘matriculation’ upon
                                               IH tutorials, which are some incredible      starting her PhD; a ceremony when you
                                               opportunities distinct to colleges           start your new degree, in a hall wearing
                                               that bring people together, especially       ‘sub fusc’ (black and white clothing) where
                                               after being thrown into such a new           people speak a whole lot of Latin. This
                                               environment.                                 left a lasting impression on her, but also
                                                                                            prepared her for the many new traditions
                                               They bonded over their shared interests,     and terminology she would encounter, like
                                               arguing over certain questions and           the finance office being called the ‘battel.’
                                               studying for exams together. Li describes
Anna Li - PhD Ion Channels and                 IH as being such a fostering environment     Anna Li is currently in her first year of a
                                               for excellence as well as lifelong           Doctor of Philosophy, Ion Channels and
Disease at Oxford University. Anna was
                                               relationships, where you can eat, study      Disease, a course that only four other
an IH resident between 2015 – 2017.
                                               and live together. The college also gives    students are undertaking. This PhD is a
‘Chrioelectromicroscopy is where you           its students amazing opportunities to        4-year course, with the first year consisting
freeze a protein and then a camera that        try new things, with Li being involved in    of 2 five-month lab rotations in which they
detects electrons captures the protein         organising events such as Cultural Dinners   decide what project they want to pursue in
from different angles, and from that you       and Cafe Internationale. She waitressed      their remaining 3 years. Li is interested in
can use algorithms to determine a 3D           and MC’d at some of these events, both       continuing her passion for ion channels and
model of the protein… Wait haha, did that      things she never knew she could do, and      proteins and their relationship with disease.
make sense?’ This was one of the many          was even able to list these experiences      Ion channels are proteins that reside in the
memorable quotes during my interview           when she applied for her first part time     membrane of cells, these proteins have
with IH alumni, Melbourne University           job. She lists her most memorable times      pores, opening and closing to allow the
graduate and current Oxford University         at IH being O Week, the Fresher Dance Off    movement between the inside and outside
PhD student, Anna Li. This interview was       and Battle of the Bands, made even more      of the cell. Due to this highly specific and
more like a conversation, and her story        special being surrounded by her friends.     integral function, they play a very important
along with her research could not have                                                      role in many diseases and this is what Li
                                               After graduating with honours in             seeks to study, or more specifically, the
enthralled me more.
                                               Biomedicine from Melbourne Uni,              muscle protein acetyl choline.
Anna Li was born in New Zealand and after      she immediately applied for graduate
attending primary school in China and          programs in the UK, Oxford University        Li always wanted to be an academic
being a high school boarder at Melbourne’s     more specifically, from which she was        researcher and after graduating from
Methodists Ladies College, she began           thrilled to be accepted. After spending      her PhD, she wants to gain even more
her career in academia at the University       most of 2019 as a gap year, working and      research experience and post-doctoral
of Melbourne, studying a Bachelor of           travelling, she began her post graduate      research, maybe even apply for her own
Biomedicine. While studying her Bachelor       work in October of 2019. There were          fellowship and her own lab. Like her
with an Honours year researching calcium       so many cultural shocks for Anna upon        experience in Melbourne, she decided
ion channels in relation to disease, more      her arrival in the UK, like that of the      to live in a residential college and she
specifically regarding epilepsy, she would     architecture. Oxford is a very old and       currently resides at Green Templeton
collaborate with clinical scientists and       small city, where most buildings are         College, one of the newer colleges for post
epilepsy patients, undertaking genetic         historical sites or even have names. The     graduate students only. Green Templeton
screenings and in vitro experiments to         public transportation was also extremely     College has a very strong medical and
study mutations in genes to determine          different. She used to complain about        social science background, with a heavy
why these mutations cause epilepsy, she        Melbourne trams being late sometimes         focus on academic programs, hosting
love and passion for this research not only    but now in the UK they are always late!      many internal and external seminars. Li
revolves around this study of cause and                                                     lists so many similarities and differences
effect, but also using this understanding to                                                between IH and her new residential
find treatments and potentially cures.                                                      college, with shared interests and passion
                                                                                            being the most prevalent similarity.

From IH to Oxford

Anna Li said that her friends helped her
get to where she is, from their support and
shared interests and are part of why she
decided to stay in academia.

   Her experience or ‘end-point’ may
    have been different if she hadn’t
     gone to IH, as students at this
     college have so many amazing
    opportunities, with an education
   at UniMelb preparing you for most
    things in life and also providing
     you with so many connections.
    Her advice to current IH’ers and
   undergraduate students is to keep
    an open mind and apply for any
     and all opportunities that come
                your way.

Everyone is bright and talented, so make
sure you apply to things you are passionate
about to make sure you’re in the running.
Her parting message is that she hopes
everyone stays safe during this time and
to look after your family and friends. This
interview was one of the most inspirational
conversations I’ve ever had and have
inspired me to pursue my passions, and
hopefully this article and her words will
inspire others to pursue theirs.

Abbey Milligan (Australia)
Bachelor of Agriculture student

Fraternitas NOV 2020

Tread Phase 24

Each summer, a group of                       The bathrooms will not only be used for        The ways of living in Thailand are so
International House students travel to        its intended purpose but to also help          different from here in Australia and
the Buriram province of rural Thailand        kids learn about proper hygiene. The           this program brought to mind how
to spend a month volunteering and             designated garbage zones will be used to       fundamental our fundraising will be to
                                              help educate the children about recycling      these gorgeous communities. Seeing the
teaching English. This project is
                                              and how to convert waste into something        effects our money had in the past made
known as the Thai Rural Education
                                              useful. This creates a basic economy for the   us realise how much more we could
and Development (TREAD) project.
                                              children so they can get an understanding      fundraise. No matter how much money
TREAD was founded by IH alumni                of how to use money wisely, as well as the     any TREAD team has raised, there will
Mechai Viravaidya over 20 years               incentive for cleaner living.                  always be a need for more. We can assure
ago and it allows the students of                                                            all donors that any money donated goes
IH to make a positive contribution            One of the greatest memories at                straight to the school projects. We say
to the international community                Watnamlai School was teaching students         this with confidence as this is a small
and to strengthen cross-cultural              how to limbo, we were assigned to an           student-run organisation with volunteers
                                              older year group who absolutely loved it.      and this allows us to personally see how
communication and learning.
                                              When we turned around, we found that           the money is being used and the impacts
On the 4th of January 2020, phase 24          the younger class who had been watching        it has brought and will bring to the
of TREAD began our incredible learning        us play, had begun their own limbo with        communities supported by us.
experience. The team was composed             rope they made out of rubber bands!
of four core members – David Fowler           Other notable moments were performing          David, Eliza, Rosie and Anton
who was originally from Thailand, Eliza       on a stage for Thai Teacher’s Day in the
Maynard, Anton van Buuren and Rosie           intense tropical heat and also learning        INTERESTED IN DONATING? EVEN
Forrest from Australia. Over the next 27      how to cook traditional Thai delicacies        A FEW DOLLARS CAN MAKE A HUGE
days, we resided at the Nang Rong district    such as sticky rice in bamboo.                 DIFFERENCE!!!
of Buriram, where the Rajaprajanugroh                                                        If you would like to contribute to the
51 Buriram School was located. During                                                        TREAD Progam, please contact David
our time there we taught over 80 English                                                     Fowler at
lessons. The themes include, but not
limited to, sports, countries, food, school
subjects and daily conversations. As
well as teaching our students, we also
had interactive learning sessions with
teachers. This was such an enjoyable
experience as everyone was having so
much fun with us. We also hosted multiple
intensive English camps across a few
other schools within the same district. We
found that most of them were far better
at English than we expected and the
challenge was simply bringing out their
confidence in the language. Our team
aimed to make the classes as interactive
as possible in an attempt to break the
typical teaching approach used by most
Thai teachers, in order to get the students
comfortably speaking English.

As for the development aspect of TREAD,
we had visited other local schools where
funding was lacking. These schools had
proposals for us which require funding
in order to bring necessities such as
acceptable bathroom facilities and a proper
garbage disposal and recycling zone.
                                                Anton van Buuren, Rosie Forrest, Eliza Maynard and David Fowler

Tread Phase 24

Fraternitas NOV 2020

Fragments of the Everyday

                                               Looking through the photo albums from             This image-making medium was a
                                               1960-70, I found myself in much admiration        precursor to what younger generations
                                               of the different ways former IH students          recognise today as Instagram, the widely
                                               documented the everyday. What stood out           used social media application through
                                               were a small collection of film negatives         which many of us document and share
                                               donated by Julian Gardner (IH resident,           moments of our lives. Our everyday life
                                               1963-67 and Chair of the International            prior to the pandemic has dissolved into
                                               House Council, 1993-2000), kept in its            an increasingly online existence through
                                               original envelope from the film processing        our laptops and phones. The constant
                                               shop. These were fragments cut out from           shifting between the physical to digital
                                               a longer film roll, separated from their          challenged the notion of presence,
                                               respective developed prints. Together with        especially what it means to be present in
                                               IH librarian and archivist Dr. Caitlin Stone, I   the moment. With humanity experiencing
                                               learned how to digitally archive them using       space and time like never before, this
                                               a built-in component in a flatbed scanner in      year represents a huge challenge for the
                                               the library office. The negatives translated      social life at International House due to
One rainy Friday afternoon during              on the computer to result in the actual           COVID-19 restrictions. Because we spend
Melbourne’s Stage 4 lockdown, I had            image: framed within an unconventional            more time socially distant from each other
the valuable opportunity to view the           square-shape, unlike the typical landscape        and engaging virtually with the outside
archival collection of International           and portrait orientation of that time.            world, we habituated the condition of
House. This extensive collection is a          Captured within them are a group of IHers         being international from our individual
                                               making jokes, laughing, drinking beer and         rooms, rather than culturally engaging
home to some 800 black and white
                                               smoking inside one of the dormitories.            with each other in the flesh.
photographs, which mostly document
                                               Others depicted a group of friends on a trip,
special occasions and formal events.                                                             A virus, with no respect for personal
                                               relaxing by the beach and going swimming.
                                                                                                 boundaries or international borders,
Many of them were taken by professional
                                               Gardner had taken these images on Kodak           caused many IH residents this year to
photographers, for the purpose of
                                               Co.’s revolutionary Instamatic camera,            suddenly return to their home countries.
publicity in local and international media
                                               an analogue device smartly designed               Social gatherings and communal events,
to promote IH as a successful ‘experiment
                                               and ready for the fleeting moment. Its            which IH had long prided themselves
in international living.’1 However among
                                               sophisticated design incorporated a self-         as part of the core community values,
these carefully composed images, are
                                               contained flash and unique easy-to-load           are considered ‘non-essential’ as a
some informal photographs taken by
                                               film cartridge, elevating the Instamatic          consequence of COVID-19 restrictions.
students, revealing a more personal peek
                                               above other cameras then on the market.2
into the everyday lives of former residents.

Fragments of the Everyday

This certainly posed a challenge on the                               Access to these images by Julian Gardner
nature of the more traditional processes                              during today’s coronavirus quarantine,
of friendship typically formed through                                brought about a sense of longing for
active participation in communal                                      social life and sense of togetherness.
activities, as mentioned in the Satadal by                            They certainly remind us that non-
Nicos Kanaris, a student from Cyprus:                                 essential human interaction holds cultural
                                                                      significance and carries the weight of a
                                                                      nascent community. Although the virus
                                                                      seems to undermine our social activities,
          At the House friendships are
                                                                      our irreversible everyday experiences in
    established and consolidated under
                                                                      quarantine are still valid and significant
     conditions of active living, whether                             to the history of IH. Most of us have them
    in mental activities (discussion and                              digitally stored on our phones or uploaded
      spiritual struggles) or in physical                             to Instagram or Facebook, but the archives
         activities (indoor and outdoor                               at International House offer another space
     sports). The residents of the House                              for our own fleeting moments to be kept
     have established friendships which                               with care. It is truly valuable for future and
      I am sure will be remembered for                                current IHers residents to engage with
      a long time to come. This was not                               the archive, as a way of uncovering and
        done by mutual tolerance only
                                                                      understanding the culture of documenting
                                                                      the everyday by IHers over the years.
        (which was itself obvious at all
      times), but by active participation                             Arinah Rizal (Malaysia)
             in communal activities.3                                 Master of Architecture student

1 Brian Jones, “From the Warden: Sir Ian Clunies-Ross and International House,” Satadal, no. 1, 1961, p.6.
2 Tom Tobin . "Kodak Instamatic camera turns 50".(2013-03-29) Retrieved from:
3 Nicos Kanaris, “International House: The First Years,” in Satadal, no. 3 1961. Retrieved from:

Fraternitas NOV 2020

2020 in Colour

2020 in Colour

Fraternitas NOV 2020

Stay Connected

                                                Community has a positive impact on your
                                                wellbeing, and I believe that at IH you are           Being a member of a community
                                                never truly alone. You can walk out of your          also means you should care about
                                                door and easily find someone who you                    those in need. I have recently
                                                can have a chat with. IH has been amazing
                                                                                                       started serving at the Empower
                                                in offering that sense of community and
                                                                                                        Food Pantry in Southbank, a
                                                support, no matter what season we are in.
                                                                                                     ministry of Planetshakers church,
                                                Even though we have the staff and tutors
                                                at IH, the strongest support system that               which helps distribute food and
                                                IHers have are each other. We also have                essential items to international
                                                the IH alumni network for support. Due to               students and families who are
                                                COVID-19 restrictions, many students had                    affected by COVID-19.
                                                to leave IH to go back to their families in
                                                Australia or their home country. However
                                                they still remain members of the IH               Reaching out checking in with someone
                                                community.                                        and asking if they are okay is simple yet
2020 has been a challenging year for                                                              so important, we all need to support
most people, especially those who are           We may not be able to physically meet,
                                                                                                  each other. “You don’t need to be an
                                                but we still have networks of support. We
living under lockdown restrictions.                                                               expert to reach out – just a good friend a
                                                can still study and eat together through
This season has enabled me to reflect                                                             great listener”. Looking after your mental
                                                video calls. We try to adjust to “the new
and consider the importance of a                                                                  health/wellbeing and staying connected is
                                                normal” and stay positive. The word
supportive community. For me, a                                                                   vital during this season. You are not alone,
                                                “community” has never been so important
supportive community has been                                                                     we will get through this together!
                                                as it is in this tough time.
integral to my mental health and                                                                  James Velten (Australia)
wellbeing.                                      Living in a community also offers support
                                                                                                  Bachelor of Arts student
                                                and connection that assist with the feeling
Community is defined as a group of              of isolation that a lot of people feel during
people living in the same place or having       this pandemic. It is difficult to maintain
a particular characteristic in common.          relationships with people when we are
Whether I was in my hometown Malaysia           apart, but I found that having virtual catch
or here in Australia, community has been        ups really help to maintain relationships.
so important to me. The supportive              You could do Zoom workouts, virtual cook-
community at IH has made me realise             along, watch Netflix movies together or
that I am capable of so much. Living at         even play online games. Staying connected
IH has really boosted my self esteem and        during COVID-19 is so important and for me
helped me settle into life in Melbourne. I      it really lifts my spirits to connect with my
have never been an outgoing and social          community, whether they are in Australia
person, but ever since I joined IH last year,   or back in Malaysia. I still keep in touch with
I have found a community that has helped        my family and friends in Malaysia, and that
me thrive. We all have people who make          has helped ward off any feeling of loneliness
up our own individual community. For            during this challenging time. We can still
me the highlights of my IH comunity are         stay connected in these circumstances, we
my best friend from Hong Kong, my close         just need to be a little creative! Recently it
friend from Penang and my supervisor at         was my friend’s birthday but we could not
IH. They have always been there for me,         meet each other due to social distancing,
supporting me since day one.                    so I sent a cake to her place via UberEats!
                                                It’s small gestures like this that help us to
                                                maintain our community.



                                  The scholarship I was able to have during my 2 years at IH helped me in more ways imaginable.
                                  I was able to study in a safe, secure, supported place at IH, with amazing academic and pastoral
                                  support to help me through my studies. I was able to be in a place bursting with life and activities
                                  and make incredible friends which I am sure will last for many years to come. I was able to bloom
                                  and thrive at IH than I ever had before in my life. It truly changed my life and made an incredible
                                  impact on me.

                                  Aanya Gunawansa (Sri Lanka)
                                  Bachelor of Science (Animal Health and Disease)
                                  Andrew Lee Scholarship recipient

                                  The Dawn Wade Scholarship has enabled me to study at The University of Melbourne and live at
                                  International House. It has allowed me to form connections with amazing people from all around
                                  the world, be within walking distance to university, join clubs and societies, and alleviate financial
                                  anxiety. So far, my experience at IH has been fantastic! I’m aiming to excel in my studies as well as
                                  contribute to the IH community, and it’s this scholarship that has allowed me to do this.

                                  Caleb Shaw (Australia)
                                  Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Economics)
                                  Dawn Wade Scholarship recipient

                                  The scholarship has allowed me to gain a level of self confidence and recognition for my accomplishments
                                  that I have made throughout my university experience and my time at International House. I would like
                                  to thank my scholarship sponsor for this opportunity, as I was able to feel recognised for my contribution
                                  to International House and further appreciate the unique experiences that I was able to gain throughout
                                  my stay here. Being awarded with this scholarship has helped me to reflect back on all the beautiful and
                                  life-long memories that I have made. I would like to take this as an opportunity to give back to the IH
                                  community through my actions and continue to work hard towards my goals in the future.

                                  Shoko Makino (Japan)
                                  Bachelor of Arts (Sociology and Development Studies)
                                  Donovan-Johnston Scholarship recipient

                                  International House was a perfect fit in terms of my values of internationalism, sharing of
                                  culture, and openness to new experiences. Getting the 1964 Alumni scholarship has given me the
                                  opportunity to experience IH for another year, which I am so grateful for. I enjoyed my first year at
                                  IH so much that staying for a a second year was the most logical step, as this also allowed me to
                                  become a committee member in the IHSC and an O-week leader. This opportunity has let me meet
                                  more people from unique backgrounds and share stories with them, and I’m so grateful for that.

                                  Ikshvak Prithvish Sobti (USA)
                                  Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design and Production)
                                  1964 Alumni Scholarship recipient

An International House scholarship can open doors for students of talent and promise, helping them to achieve their potential
regardless of financial hardship. A scholarship at International House will enable a student to have the freedom they need to learn and
develop into global leaders of the future.

If you would like to contribute to the scholarship funding at International House,
please contact Ms Tamra Keating – Director of Marketing & Advancement: or +61 3 9345 7558.

You can also read