SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena

Page created by Chad Benson
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena
NOTE: This liturgy is intended for personal worship purposes only and not for distribution.
            Any reproduction of this material for monetary purposes is illegal.

                SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022
              The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
                  Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m.

                               All Saints Church
                               132 N Euclid Ave
                             Pasadena CA 91101
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena

“Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on the journey of
                       faith there is a place for you here.”

                              Learn more about All Saints :

                        Prayer requests can be submitted
      by calling 626.583.2707 to leave a message for the Pastoral Care office
                      or by email to
                    or by texting 910-839-8272 (910-TEXT-ASC)

                 Each week we put our faith into action:
             Respect the Sacred Land of Indigenous Peoples,
                      Protect Oak Flat from Mining
 For generations upon generations down to the present day, native peoples have gathered at Oak
    Flat, Arizona (known to the Apache as Chi 'chi Bildagoteel) to harvest acorns and plants for
          ceremonial prayer, medicinal purposes, and to gather for other cultural reasons.
Unfortunately, it sits atop a copper deposit and, currently, the federal government plans to transfer
 the land to Resolution Copper Mining, unless Congress takes action. If the land is transferred and
copper mining moves forward, the land will be devastated. Therefore, we are urging our members
  of Congress and President Biden to enact the Save Oak Flat Act (H.R. 1884/S. 915) to protect the
                                 sacred land of Indigenous peoples.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena

     We Come Together as Beloved Community at All Saints Church as
     a sign of what can happen outside our doors. That we can be the
       change our world must see. That we can Come Together as a
        Beloved Community in Pasadena, the nation and the world.
            That the human family can Come Together. Today.
                Donate to All Saints:

If you have any questions, contact our Director of Giving, Terry Knowles at
      or 626.583.2736.

                            Our Mission Statement:
     We are an Episcopal Church, walking with a revolutionary Jesus,
                           Loving without judgment
                          Doing justice courageously
                            Embracing life joyfully
         Reverently inviting all faiths and peoples into relationship
              For the healing and transformation of ourselves,
                       our community, and the world.

                                Our Core Values:
Radical Inclusion  Courageous Justice  Ethical Stewardship  Joyful Spirituality

                Four Foundational Goals of All Saints Church
                      Claim our values, mission and VISION.
       Equip our staff to SUPPORT the work and witness of All Saints Church.
            Provide space that communicates radical WELCOME for all.
         Deepen congregational connections and INSPIRE new leadership.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena

 Language In Worship: Because language has the power to shape our thinking about one another, All Saints Church makes
 every effort to bring the language of worship into conformity with the principles of biblical theology that affirm that the
 personhood of God embraces all expressions of gender lovingly and equally. Therefore, in our worship, we take our Bible
 readings from an inclusive language lectionary, which is often truer to original sources in references to people, and expands
 our concept of God beyond exclusively masculine terms. In Prayer Book liturgies we make minimal but symbolically important
 changes which denote our commitment to inclusive expression. Some historical texts that are widely known and loved are
 left unaltered. The words of the liturgy are from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The readings are from the New Revised
 Standard Version of the Bible, lectionary year C, as well as from The Message, Enfleshed, The Voice, and from Inclusive Hebrew
 Scriptures and New Testament published by Priests for Equality.

                          PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP IN GOD’S NAME
                           We encourage you to use the following prayer for meditation.
                  Listen to your life.
                  See it for the fathomless mystery that it is.
                  In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness:
                  touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it
                  because in the last analysis all moments are key moments,
                  and life itself is grace.
                                                                        — Frederick Buechner (b. 1926)

WELCOME                                                                                                       Mike Kinman

VOLUNTARY                                                                                         Played by Grace Chung.

        Now Thank We All Our God                     — Johann Crüger (1598–1662), arranged by Sigfried Karg-Elert (1877–1933)
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena

                                   MINISTRY OF THE WORD
ENTRANCE HYMN “Love Divine, All Love’s Excelling”
                      Verses 1 & 3 are sung in English; verse 2 is sung in Mandarin.

                            —Words: Charles Wesley (1707–1788)
                             Music: Beecher, John Zundel (1815 – 1882); Hyfrydol, Rowland Hugh Prichard (1811–1887)

                           —Mandarin translation of verse 2 on next page—
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena

                                                    Verse 2

               全能恩主施行拯救,愿祢进入我心中,                          Come, almighty to deliver, let us all thy life receive;
               使我爱祢与祢联合,容我常住你殿中;                          suddenly return, and never, nevermore thy temples leave.
               我既蒙恩奉献自己,忠心事你不贪懒,                          Thee we would be alway blessing, serve thee as thy hosts
               献上祭物不住祷告,衷心爱祢到永远。                          above, pray, and praise thee without ceasing, glory in thy
                                                          perfect love.

SALUTATION Remain standing.                                                               9:00 Sally Howard
                                                                                         11:30 Alfredo Feregrino
  Minister: Blessed be the one, holy, and living God.
   People:      Glory to God for ever and ever. Amen.

Minister and People:
             Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid:
             Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly
             love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  Minister: Glory to God in the highest,
   People:     and peace to all people on earth.

  Minister: God dwells in you.
   People:       And also in you.
  Minister: Let us pray.
             Silence is kept.
  Minister: Almighty and everlasting God, you govern all things both in heaven and on earth: Mercifully hear
            the supplications of your people, and in our time grant us your peace; through Jesus Christ our
            Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena

《圣经》选读/LECTURA/LESSON 坐下/Sentados/Seated.                                           9:00 Cathy Clement
                                                                                   11:30 Fang Gao
耶利米书/Lectura de Jeremías /A Reading from Jeremiah (1:4–10).
耶和华对我说:                        El Dios se dirigió a mí, y me dijo:       Now the word of God came to me and
“我还没有使你在母腹中成形,                 «Antes de darte la vida, ya te había yo   said: “Before I formed you in the womb,
就认识你;                          escogido; antes de que nacieras, ya te    I chose you. Before you were born, I
你还未出生,我已使你圣洁,                  había yo apartado; te había destinado     dedicated you. I appointed you as a
立你做万国的先知。”                     a ser profeta de las naciones.» Yo        prophet to the nations.” I said, “But
我回答说:“主耶和华啊,我太                 contesté: «¡Ay,Dios! ¡Yo soy muy joven    Sovereign God! I do not know how to
年轻,不懂得怎样说话。” 耶                 y no sé hablar!» Pero el Dios me dijo:    speak! I am too young!” But God said,
和华却说: “不要说你太年轻,                «No digas que eres muy joven. Tú irás     “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ Now, go
我派你去谁那里,                       a donde yo te mande,                      wherever I send you. And say whatever I
你就去谁那里;                        y dirás lo que yo te ordene. No tengas    command you. Do not fear anyone, for I
我吩咐你说什么,                       miedo de nadie, pues yo estaré            am with you to protect you. It is your
你就说什么。                         contigo para protegerte. Yo, el Dios,     God who speaks.” Then God touched
谁也不要怕,                         doy mi palabra.» Entonces el Dios         my mouth and said to me,” Look, I am
                               extendió la mano, me tocó los labios y    putting my words in your mouth. This
                               me dijo: «Yo pongo mis palabras en        day I appoint you over nations and
                               tus labios. Hoy te doy plena autoridad    territories, to uproot and to tear down,
                               sobre reinos y naciones, para arrancar    to destroy and to overthrow, to build
                               y derribar, para destruir y demoler, y    and to plant.”
在你口中。 今日,我派你到列邦
                               también para construir y plantar.»

                                       主礼人/Ministro/ Minister:
               听圣灵对神的子民说了什么/ Escuchen lo que el Espíritu dice al Pueblo de Dios/
                             Hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s people.

                           感谢上帝/Demos gracias a Dios/Thanks be to God.

                          A period of silence is observed following the reading.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena

GOSPEL Standing — all who are able.                                                             Teddy Scherer, age 8
                                                                                               Jacob Scherer, age 13
  Minister: The Good News of Jesus as written in Luke (4:21–30).
   People:     Glory is yours, O Christ.
   Then Jesus said to them, “Today, in your hearing, this scripture passage is fulfilled.” All who were present spoke
   favorably of him; they marveled at the eloquence of the words on Jesus’ lips. They said, ”Is this not Mary and
   Joseph’s son?” Jesus said to them, “Undoubtedly you will quote me the proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself,’ and say,
   ‘Do here in your own country the things we heard you did in Capernaum.’ But the truth is, prophets never gain
   acceptance in their hometowns. The truth is, there were many women who were widowed in Israel in the days of
   Elijah, when the heavens remained closed for three and a half years and a great famine spread over the land. It was
   to none of these that Elijah was sent, but to a woman who had been widowed in Zarephath, near Sidon. Recall, too,
   that many had leprosy in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one was cured except Naaman the Syrian.”
   At these words, the whole audience in the synagogue was filled with indignation. They rose up and dragged Jesus
   out of town, leading him to the brow of the hill on which the city was built, with the intention of hurling him over the
   edge. But he moved straight through the crowd and walked away.

  Minister: The Gospel of the Savior.
   People:     Praise to you, O Christ.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2022 - The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Eucharist at 9:00 & 11:30 a.m - All Saints Church, Pasadena

HYMN “Amazing Grace” Remain standing; everyone sings.
                         Verses 1 & 2 are sung in Mandarin; verse 3 in English

                           —Words: John Newton (1725–1807), alt.; v. 5, John Rees (19th cent.)
                            Music: New Britain, from Virginia Harmony,1831; adapt. att. Edwin Othello Excell (1851–1921)

                 1 奇异恩典,何等甘甜,                                  Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
                   我罪已得赦免!                                     That saved a wretch like me!
                   前我失丧,今被寻回,                                  I once was lost but now am found,
                   瞎眼今得看见。                                     Was blind, but now I see.

                 2 如此恩典,使我敬畏,                                  'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
                   使我心得安慰;                                     And grace my fears relieved;
                   初信之时,我蒙恩惠,                                  How precious did that grace appear
                   真是何等宝贵!                                     the hour I first believed!

SERMON                                                                                                 Mike Kinman

                         A period of silence is observed following the sermon.

                We invite you to text any prayers or thanksgivings to:
                               910-839-8272 (910-TEXT-ASC)

PRAYERS Standing — all who are able.                                                                     9:00 Jenny Tisi
                                                                                                        11:30 Thomas Diaz
THANKSGIVINGS: Nelson Achonu; Barbara Ackermann; Bertha Amisi; James Jennings; Hannah Lafler; Robin Lee; Ben Mack; Claret
Pinto; Ginger Rainey; Andy Sheriff and his coworkers; Dolly Sicar; Chris Smith; Alyse Weaver; Barbara; Gene; Mike; Tom; and we
celebrate and give thanks for the wedding of Maddie Kahn and Miles Deamer, son of David Deamer and Risë Worthy-Deamer, and
grandson of Trula Worthy-Clayton.

WE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Robert Adams; Karen Alexander; Rosemary & John Paul Allen; Oscar Alvarado; Maria Arriola;
Bettina Joy Ayres; Alice Baklayan; Hope Hendricks Bacon; Linda Banks; Barbara Benson; John Blanchard; Henry Bremmer; Bear Brodeur;
Judith Bruner; Deana Brunwin; Bella Burbank; Yvett Busby & Valerie Duarte; Brenda Camarena; Maureen Carlson; Joshua Chavarria;
Bridget Clark; Nicole Clark; Eleanor Congdon; James Cooper; Jim Cowie; Gavin Craig; Lisa Crean; Naomi Crocker; Pierce Deamer; Beth
DeFiore; Judy DeTomaso; Richard Diaz; Sarah Dogbe; Carminnie Doromal; Mark Douglas; John Dowling; Jessie, Johnnie, & Rosie Fabian;
Sharon Falvey; Chris Folz; Hank Foshee; Alyssa Garcia; Robin Gatmaitan; Maria Goulding; Sue Grant; Christina Hamilton; Barbara
Hanson; Christopher Hanson; Nathaniel Dan Hartog; Gary Hawkins; Linda Marie Hayes; Jason & Michelle Hellgren; Bill Henck; Venus
Herbito; Pat Hoffman; Mick Honchell; Michelle Hooper; Nicholas Jennison; Joe John & Family; Andy Johnson; Steven Kastner; Margaret
Kellogg; Kathie Kennedy; Frannie Hall Kieschnick; Hannah Lafler; Barbara Lamb; Lydia Larson; Vanessa Manlunas; Mona Lide; Lydia
Lopez; Karin Luster; Kristin Martinson; Mark Mastromatteo; Michael Mayer; Seana McAniff; Sophia McGlassen; Michael Menchaca; Sarah
Merkel; Colleen Meyer; Karen Morris; Michael Mota; Hiroko Nicoli; Grace O’Malley; Lynda Obershaw; Monica Orstead; Annie & Joe
Packard; Julie Raftery; Ralph Rodriguez; William Rosner; Mark Runco; Cam Sanders; William Schaffner; Tom Schultz; Robert Settle;
Stefanie Shea-Akers & David Akers; Claudette Shultice; Kim Prairie & Kyle Tag; Tyler Tamblyn; Libby Thaller; Mac Thigpen; Jeff
Thompson; Rebecca Congdon Thompson; Jeremy Tobin; Mark Turner; Vic Valencia; Beth Venire; Jon Web; Dan Weber; Sarah Werkman;
Hank Whitson; Charles Williams; Adeline; Alessandro; Alex; Andrea; Anthony; Ben; Clare; Crystal; Donna & Mark; Gillian; Jerry; Kerry;
Kim; Liam; Lisa; Margarita; Maximiliano; Melissa; Michael; Montserrat; Naomi; Noemi; Pam and Becky; Ode; Pilar; Phoebe; Vito.

SAINTS COMMUNITY: Richard Adams; Argyle Ernest Alejandria; Abigail Alford; Kenji Alford; Jamal Allen; Jonathan & Jeremy
Alvarado; Clarke Anderson; David Anderson; Peter Andrews; Michael Ardizone; Jay Keith Arnold; Michael Arredondo; Park Ashley;
Nathan Ashlock; Matthew Austin; Michael Austin; Charles Ayotte; Andrea Allen Baker; Ryan Ball; Joseph Barraquio; Michael Barraquio;
Patrick Barraquio; Richard Joseph Barrios; Candace Beck; Caleb Anduze Bell; Brian Bilheimer; Tal Bjoraker; Kelvin Bowser; Davey Brooks;
Fanstasia C.Buckber, James Bruni; Michael Bruning; Brett Burtt; Chad Bushay; Michael Cady; Joshua Caldwell; George Cardenas; Joey
Carlos; James F. Carter; Reinel Castro; Rodolfo Cerda; Thomas Chau; Simba Chigwida; Derek Clark; James Cochran; Chuck Colden;
Chistina Coogen; Michael Cooksey; Ian Conrad; Greg Cordova; Jon Cowell; Reid Culton; Jamandre Dancy; Benno deJong; Philip J. Desy,
Robert DeWitt, Jr.; Harry Dibbell; Sam Dollar; Danny Doughty; Matt Douglas; James Duncan; Peter Dyrod; Sam Edwards; Jason Ehret;
Felis Elameto; Peter Erickson; Andrew Espitias; Michael Everett; Michael Fane; Eddie Feefer; Richard Ferguson; Christian Flowers; Jean
Vieve Folie; Jeremy Forbes; Scott Foster; David Freeman; James Freeman; Tom Frye, Jr.; Paul Fuller; Roderick Gaines; Jacob Garcia,
Thomas Garcia; Mark Geiger; Joshua Gomez; John Toby Green; Spencer Greenaway; Malcolm Guidry, Gabrino Gutierrez; Jared Guzman;
Nate Hancock; Justin Harper; Allen Harris; Kathy Harris; Janna Herbert; Noah Hillbruner; David Hoker; Steve Holland; Nick Hooper; Peter
Hotwood; Becky Hsia; David Hubner; Darrin Huggins; David Hunter; Timmy Ige; Danielle Isely, Brian Jacklin; Cody Jackson; Michael
James; Andrew Jensen; Todd Johnson; Brady Jones; Rene Juarez; Joshua Judson; Tatum Kaneta; Tarek Roy Kassem; Zvi Katz; Charles
Kaufman; Jonas Kelsall; Matthew Kempe; Michael Kennedy; Alex Khalkhali; Mike Kiffel; Eddie Kiper; Nick Klinke; Gavin Kohnle; Montinez
Kornegay; Jack Lazebnik; Francesca Lane; Abel Lara; Monte Lass; Steve Linyard; Amos Livingston; Carlos Lopez; Justin Lowdermilk;
Nicholas D. Lucas; Paul V. Lucas; Adam Christian Lyons; Willie Mace; Patrick Mackey-Mason; Richard Marasigan; Charlotte Marlowe-
Brown; Christopher Martin; Kevin Martin; Joe Maun; Bryan Mayer; India Mays; J.R. McCallam; Joshua McCann; J.R. McMallam; Chris
McMaster; Garrett Melahn; Nicholas Melahn; Robin Lewis Miller; Marvin Monjivar; Brandon Montang; T.J. Moseley; Joe Mrsich; Eron
Munir; Mario Munoz; Misty Munoz; Miles Nash; John Nemedez; Emeka Okai; James Olson; Jose Orantes; Kim Ott; Travis Andrew Parker;
Alex Perschall; Jason Phipps; Herb Pickelseimer; Galen Pilon; Mike Porras; Sergio Rangel; Brandon Rathbone; Ed Reid; Christopher
Rennemann; Javier Rivera; Eric Robles; Daniel Rodriguez; Brady Rawls Rouse, Brian Rutkowki, Paul Saenz; Abraham Santos; Adam
Schertz; Justin Schwartz; Neil Scott; Daniel Secor; Lyle Shackelford; Jason Sims; Shari Simzyk, Zachary Soule; Jimmy Smith; Chubby Sok;
Eddie Sosa; Gregory Stoup; Michael Sunderman; Ian Sundseth; Michael Tapia; Nicholas Thompson-Lopez; Dante Roman Terronez;
Adam Burton Thompson; Philip Thompson; Humberto Tomas; Stuart Townsend; Michael Uphoff; Marcos Vallejo; Juan Vargas; Jaime
Manuel Vargas-Benitez; Doug Vogt; Justin Wallace; Joshua Walsh; John Kennedy Watkins; Greg Watten; Casey Wildgrube; Nicole
Williams; Rick Williamson, Von Wilkins; Jr.; Jake Winslow; Neil Worthington; James Michael Yates; Kat Yates; Phillip Yeakey; Brenden;
Brent; Eric.

WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Ian Alexander; Comfort Nwadi Ani; Andyn Bae; Mohammed Ait Baha;Jessie
Barajas; Jon Endara; Frank Esposito; Eric Gullekson; Thich Nhat Hanh; Luis Ramos; Nick Torres; Terry Trussell.

PRAYERS VIA TEXT Remain standing.                                                                  Mike Kinman
              We take this time to acknowledge Prayers and Thanksgivings from the community.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Remain standing.                                                 9:00 Cathy Clement
                                                                                      11:30 Jose-Louis Trassens
  Minister: Holy One, in a world full of uncertainty, we may cling tightly to what we know. We acknowledge
            that our need to feel secure can become a barrier to transformation.
   People:      May your Spirit support and guide us as we seek to let go of the need for certainty and
  Minister: God, you have filled our lives with sources of wisdom and surrounded us with an abundance of
            divine messengers. The prophets are lighthouses. The land is a teacher. Our bodies, carriers of
            stories ancient and intimate. You dwell here among us, incarnate.
   People:      Let us open our eyes to these gifts of divine presence, and let us give thanks.
  Minister: Guiding One, we know there are times we have turned against your messengers. When our
            convictions are challenged or our comfort is threatened, we may push vision away.
   People:     May we instead be awake to your presence, responsive to your wisdom, and welcoming to
               your prophets.
  Minister: Let us confess our sins before God.
                                                  Silence is kept.
Minister and People:
                God of all mercy, we confess that we have sinned against you, opposing your will in our lives.
                We have denied your goodness in each other, in ourselves, and in the world you have
                created. We repent of the evil that enslaves us, the evil we have done, and the evil done on
                our behalf. Forgive, restore, and strengthen us. Propel us toward your vision of a world of
                peace and respect among all members of the human community. Amen.
  Minister: Almighty God, have mercy on us, forgive us all our sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen
            us in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep us in eternal life. Amen.

  Minister: The peace of Christ be always with you.
   People:     And also with you.

                                     Greet one another in the name of Christ.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Seated.                                                                                  Mike Kinman

GIVING MESSAGE                                                                                        Terry Knowles

OFFERTORY SENTENCES                                                                          9:00 Sally Howard
                                                                                            11:30 Alfredo Feregrino

                                          HOLY COMMUNION

OFFERTORY ANTHEM                                                                 Sung by Coventry Choir soloists,
                                                                                 with guest soloist Xinxin Martin.

                                                 Jasmine Flower
                                   好一朵美丽的茉莉花                  What a beautiful jasmine flower.
                                                              Budding and blooming here and there,
                                                              Pure and fragrant all do declare.
                                   又香又白人人夸                    Let me pick you with tender care,
                                   让我来将你摘下                    Sweetness for all to share.
                                   送给别人家                      Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower.

                                                         —Setting: Chinese Folk Tune; arr. Hyo-Won Woo (b. 1974)

GREAT THANKSGIVING Remain standing.                                                       9:00 Sally Howard
                                                                                         11:30 Alfredo Feregrino
    Priest: God dwells in you.
   People:       And also in you.
    Priest: Lift up your hearts.
   People:       We lift them to the Lord.
    Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
   People:       It is right to give God thanks and praise.
    Priest: It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to you, Almighty
            God, Creator of heaven and earth.
            Because in the mystery of the Word made flesh, you have caused a new light to shine in our
            hearts, to give the knowledge of your glory in the face of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

     Priest: Therefore with angels and archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify
             your glorious name, evermore praising you and saying:
Priest and People:
                     Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
                     Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
                        Hosanna in the highest.
                     Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord.
                        Hosanna in the highest.
CONSECRATION Kneeling or standing — all who are able.

     Priest: We give thanks to you, O God, for the goodness and love which you have made known to us in
             creation; in the calling of Israel to be your people; in your Word spoken through the prophets;
             and above all in the Word made flesh, Jesus, your son. For in these last days you sent him to be
             incarnate from the Virgin Mary, to be the Savior and Redeemer of the world. In Christ, you have
             delivered us from evil, and made us worthy to stand before you. In Christ, you have brought us
             out of error into truth, out of sin into righteousness, out of death into life.
             On the night before he died for us, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread; and when he had given
             thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, “Take, eat: This is my Body, which
             is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.”
             After supper Jesus took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and
             said, “Drink this, all of you: This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for all
             for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”
             Therefore, according to his command, O God,
Priest and People:
                We remember Christ’s death,
                We proclaim Christ’s resurrection,
                We await Christ’s coming in glory;
     Priest: And we offer our praise and thanksgiving to you, O Lord of all; presenting to you, from your
             creation, this bread and this wine.
Priest and People:
                We pray you, gracious God, to send your Holy Spirit upon these gifts that they may be the
                Sacrament of the Body of Christ and his Blood of the new Covenant.
                Unite us to your Son in his self-offering, that we may be acceptable through Christ, being
                sanctified by the Holy Spirit. In the fullness of time, align all things with your love, and bring
                us to that heavenly country where with all your saints, we may enter the everlasting heritage
                of your children; through Jesus Christ our Lord, the firstborn of all creation, the head of the
                Church, and the author of our salvation.
                By whom, and with whom, and in whom, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honor and glory is
                yours, Almighty God, now and for ever. Amen.

     Priest: And now, as our Savior Christ has taught us, in the language of your heart, we are bold to say,
Priest and People:
Our Creator/Mother/Father, who        Creador/Madre/Padre Nuestro           我们在天上的父,
art in heaven, hallowed be thy        que estás en el cielo, santificado    愿你的名被尊为圣,
Name, thy kingdom come, thy will      sea tu Nombre, venga tu reino,        愿你的国降临,
be done, on earth as it is in         hágase tu voluntad, en la tierra      愿你的旨意行在地上,
heaven. Give us this day our daily    como en el cielo. Danos hoy           如同行在天上。
bread. And forgive us our             nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona      我们日用的饮食,
trespasses, as we forgive those       nuestras ofensas, como también        求父今日赐给我们。
who trespass against us. And lead     nosotros perdonamos a quienes         又求饶恕我们的罪,
us not into temptation, but deliver   nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en     如同我们饶恕得罪我们的人。
us from evil. For thine is the        tentación, y líbranos del mal.        不叫我们遇见试探,
kingdom, and the power, and the       Porque tuyo es el reino, tuyo es el   拯救我们脱离兇恶。
glory, for ever and ever. Amen.       poder, y tuya es la gloria, ahora y   因为国度、权柄、荣耀,
                                      por siempre. Amén.                    全是父的,永无穷尽。

               A period of silence is kept, during which the priest breaks the consecrated bread.
    Priest: We are one bread, one body.
   People:     We will love one another as Christ loves us.

     Priest: The Gifts of God for the People of God.

                                        DURING COMMUNION
SOLO                                                                                         Sung by Kimberly Poli.
                                                  All for You

                             当赞美的旋律响起,                          When the melody of praise rings,
                             我的心全然向你,                           my heart is all for You
                             当圣灵的恩膏满溢,                          When the Holy Spirit's anointing overflows,
                             我的灵不再封闭。                           my spirit will not be closed
                             赞美的轻泉如春雨沐浴,                        Praise springs, like a rain shower,
                             我心中的喜乐川流不息,                        the joy of my heart is like a steady stream
                             赞美的音符如雪花飘逸,                        Soft as snowflakes fall, so the sounds of praise, the
                             心中的暖流冉冉升起。                         warmth in my heart, it soars to You

                             我要开口向你赞美称谢,                        Lift my voice and praise and worship You Lord
                             永永远远赞美不停,                          Praises sounding forever more,
                             永永远远称谢不已,                          giving thanks forever more
                             我要欣然向你献上自己,                        Lift my heart and give of my all for You
                                                                All my life I give Lord, to You, all my life Lord,
                                                                I'll follow you.
                                                                      —Words: Jessica Lee
                                                                       Music: Sandy Yu

POST-COMMUNION PRAYER Kneeling or standing — all who are able.                               9:00 Mark Chase
                                                                                            11:30 Susan Russell
  Minister: Let us pray.
Minister and People:
                Eternal God, great Creator,
                you have graciously accepted us as living members
                of your son our Savior Jesus Christ
                and you have fed us with spiritual food
                in the Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood.
                Send us now into the world in peace,
                and grant us strength and courage
                to love and serve you
                with gladness and singleness of heart;
                through Christ our Lord. Amen.


DISMISSAL                                                                                     9:00 Mark Chase
                                                                                             11:30 Susan Russell
  Minister: Let us go forth rejoicing in the name of Christ.
   People:      Thanks be to God.

HYMN “God Is Love, Let Heaven Adore Her” Standing –all who are able; everyone sings.

                                                         —Words: Timothy Rees (1874–1939), alt.
                                                          Music: Abbot’s Leigh, Cyril Vincent Taylor (1907–1992)

VOLUNTARY                                                                           Played by Grace Chung.

       Libertango                                                                  — Astor Piazzolla (1921–1992)

                                                       * * * * * *
RECTOR: Mike Kinman.
COVENTRY CHOIR SECTION LEADERS/SOLOISTS: Kyla McCarrel, Kimberly Poli, Daniel Ramon, Elliot Z. Levine.
GUEST SOLOIST: Xinxin Martin.
VERGERS: Gary Leonard (Head Verger); Elizabeth Emmanuelli, Anina Minotto, Ricardo Moreno-Aviña, Rosemary Muñiz,
Betty Weigel, Eric Whitten, Risë Worthy Deamer.
LIVE STREAMING: Keith Holeman.
AUDIO: Manny Carrillo, Cassidy Anderson.
A signed service is offered at the 9:00 a.m. service each Sunday. If you can help or if you have questions, please call the
Pastoral Office for information.
This Week at All Saints
 This Sunday, January 30, 2022

                 Worship Continues - Live-Stream only
                                    Our 7:30 a.m. service will be on Zoom

  The 9:00 a.m. service, 10:15 a.m. Forum, and 11:30 a.m. service,
   will be Live Streamed only Link:
                                                Welcome Our New Associate Rector Mark Chase
                                                   In his new role, Chase (as most people call him), will convene our Progressive
                                               Intent into Action Circle with a particular emphasis on focusing our work dismantling
                                                white supremacy culture and becoming actively anti-racist. Chase holds a Masters
                                                of Divinity from Fuller Seminary, and is deeply committed to pursuing racial justice,
                                                pursuing the real Jesus, and helping to dismantle the burdens of white supremacy
                                                 and the myriad ways it manifests itself within ourselves and our communities. He
                                               has also served in youth ministry, and as a youth advocate and counselor for young
                                                  people in the foster care system. He thoroughly enjoys helping people receive a
                                               bigger and kinder vision of God through preaching, poetry, and storytelling over food.
                                                 If you’re reading this Mark wants you to be encouraged and to know that you’re a
                                                        good person, who is doing the best that they can.

                                                                   7:30 a.m. service on Zoom
                                                                                Alfredo Feregrino will preside.

                                                                  Eucharist at 9 & 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                  Mike Kinman preaches;
                                      Coventry Choir Soloists and guest soloist Xinxin Martin offer music.

                                  Online Coffee Hour Link:
           Please join us every Sunday after the 11:30 a.m. service for a time of fellowship and conversation via zoom.

                                                             Senior Saints Monthly Meeting
                                                                   Thursday, February 3, at 1:00 p.m. on Zoom
                                               Our guest speaker, will
                                            be Jenny Tisi, Director of
                                             Children & Youth Choirs.
                                           It is always a joy to see our
                                           children — teeny little ones
                                            to practically adults — up
                                           on the chancel, and here’s
                                                               a chance to share in the joy from Jenny’s perspective.

                                                               Join the Zoom event here:
                                                                        Social hour starts at 12:30 p.m.                      All Saints Church, 132 N. Euclid Ave, Pasadena CA 91101                             626.796.1172
Children, Youth & Families

              K–5th Grade Updates                                  Youth Ministry at
  Contact Kelly Erin                                               All Saints Church
 O’Phelan for upcom-                                                   Youth Group continues
ing opportunities both                                                 Wed. evening at 7 p.m.,
 online and in-person!                                                        February 2
Or, if you are looking for                                    Interested in acolyting, game nights, youth
support during this time                                     confirmation class, the youth discord server,
  please reach out to                                                   Youth Sunday school?
Kelly Erin O’Phelan at
                                                            Contact Nina Scherer for more information

Stay Connected
                                   In-Person Offerings
               *NOTE - All indoor offerings will be temporarily online.
                (Please check our website for updates:
                 Saturday’s Outdoor Drum Circle will be on campus
Monday, January 31
Monday Meditation Group – 6:45–8:45 p.m. (Zoom only). Beginners are welcome. Join us for quiet sitting and group meditation,
accessible to all. Information =
Brothers on a Journey (Zoom only) – 7:00–9:00 p.m. Brothers on a Journey is an affinity group for men to share about their lives in
a safe and welcoming environment. Information = Thomas Diaz at

Tuesday, February 1
LGBTQ+ Sharing Small Group (Zoom only) – 6:30–8:00 p.m. We host weekly meetings for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-
gender, and queer community to check-in about the highs and lows in both our lives and the wider world. Email Thomas Diaz at tdiaz@ for access details.

Wednesday, February 2
Prayer in the Taizé Style of Worship – will hopefully resume soon! Information =

Thursday, February 3
LGBTQ+ Study Group – 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. (Zoom only) for LGBTQ+ people and allies who want to explore together their queerness
and faith. This fall/winter we’ll be discussing the Nicene Creed (one of the oldest church statements of the basic beliefs about God) and how
we can explore interpretation through the lenses of queer experience and liberation. Information = Thomas Diaz at

                                                          Saturday, February 5
                                                          *This group will meet in-person on our Quad Lawn
                                                          Drum Circle – 10–11 a.m. on the Quad Lawn. We continue hosting our out-
                                                          door community drum circle, led by Brother Gerald Rivers (https://www.gerald-
                                                , a Master Drummer and Djembe player.
                                                          Protocol for Common Sense Risk Reduction
                                                          Our expectation is that those entering the church grounds will be vacci-
                                                          nated (if vaccination is available to them.) Everyone must have a mask
                                                          overing that fits snuggly on the face, and completely covers the nose
                                                          and mouth. We strongly recommend a KN95, KF94 or N95 mask.
Not In-Person Yet — But Hopefully Soon!
Monday, January 31
Grief and Loss Support Group – 7:00 p.m. The Grief and Loss Support Group offers opportunities to develop a better under-
standing of grief and to learn healthy coping skills and share feelings with others who are experiencing loss. Information = acamacho@
Tuesday, February 1
Centering Prayer – 7:00–7:45 p.m. Centering Prayer is a meditation practice that is centered in the contemplative Christian tradition. Information =

                     Recovery Eucharist Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 6 p.m.
            The Recovery Eucharist is designed for those recovering from any addiction and for those who support them in their recovery.
            Upcoming dates: February 2 & 16 Link to join:            Meeting ID: 875 5107 8462

Looking Ahead
Events & Opportunities

                                                                            Love My Neighbor, Stand Against
                                                                              Hate: Bystander Intervention
                                                                                  Training & Workshop
                                                                             Saturday, Feb 12, 1:00–3:30 p.m. Pacific Time, via Zoom
                                                                                                  Register for free here:
                                                                         Have you ever witnessed intolerance and harassment and wished
                                                                        you knew what to do? Join Asian Americans Advancing Justice-LA
                                                                         and The Gathering: A Space for Asian Pacific American Spirituality
                                                                        for this highly effective and practical training designed especially for
                                                                       the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. Be empowered to take direct
                                                                        action to protect our communities and stand up for our brothers and
                                                                                 sisters, especially Asian-Pacific Islander/Americans!
                                                                          In the first hour, AAAJ-LA’s trainers will teach the “5 Ds” of how to
                                                                          intervene effectively as a bystander without compromising safety.
                                                                       Immediately following a short break, we’ll use the second hour to put
                                                                       what we’ve just learned into action, especially as it relates to our faith
                                                                         communities. The Gathering team will facilitate reflective exercises
                                                                           and a Q+A time for us to grow together as Beloved Community.
                                                                       You are welcome to register even if you can only attend the first hour.
                                                                                          For more information, please

                               Escuela para Ministerios en Español
  All Saints will offer Escuela para Ministerios en Español, in partnership with the Diocese of Oregon. The program, taught entirely
 in Spanish, will consist of four modules of formation that will be taught through the liturgical year. This class is offered for anyone
  interested in learning and engaging in an immersive Spanish experience. Classes will be via Zoom every other week, on Satur-
              days, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Our next class will be February 5. Subjects to be offered in the four modules will be
Theology and Spirituality, Sacraments and Liturgy, Sacred Scriptures: Hebrew Bible and New Testament, and Church History and
                                   Anglican-Episcopal Tradition. Register:
                        Information = Alfredo Feregrino at 626.583. 2713 or
Training for Facilitating a Small Group
                                    Thursday, February 10, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., on Zoom.
              Learn skills and techniques to be an effective small group facilitator. Become proficient in creating
                              a nurturing and safe environment for each individual in the group.
                   Information = Amanda McCormick, 626.583.2732 or
                                        Sign-up online here:

                                                                  20/30’s Social
                                                              Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022, 1:00–3:00 p.m.
                           All 20/30’s are invited to a get-together before the Super Bowl and to toast St.Valentines at our February
                         social! We are meeting for libations on the patio of the Congregation Ale House, 300 S Raymond Avenue in
                          Pasadena immediately following the 11:30 a.m. service, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Pizza and chocolates are on us!
                                        Please RSVP (or email if you have questions) to

                Interfaith Study Group – Welcoming Afghans to America
                                            Sunday, Feb. 13, 5:00–6:00 p.m., pacific time
 Please join panelists from Muslim, Christian and Jewish communities as they share their extraordinary work resettling Afghan refu-
gees to the United States. Panelists include Dr. Metra Azar-Salem, Islamic Center of Southern Ca., Afghan Refugee Relief; Thomas
   Diaz, All Saints Church – Pasadena, Episcopal Migration Ministry - Neighbor to Neighbor; Susan Auerbach, Pasadena Jewish
Temple and Center, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Welcome Circle. Moderated by Carl Selkin, Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center,
  Co-Chair, Social Justice Committee. The Interfaith Study Group is sponsored by: All Saints Church, Pasadena, Islamic Center of
                                          Southern Ca. Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center.
                                                   Join the Zoom meeting here: Meeting ID: 811 1805 1677
                                                         Passcode: 169983
                      Information = Amanda McCormick, or 626.583.2732.

                                                      The Way of Love
     The Way of Love is a way of life. More than a program or a curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices.
                           It’s a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest.
    We will journey through Lent together offering three groups starting the week of Feb. 13: Tuesday and Wednesday evenings,
    and Saturday mornings on Zoom (with a possibility of changing into a hybrid or in-person meeting as the series progresses).
                                  This is a commitment to 8 sessions of 2 hours each. Register online:
                    Tuesdays evenings:; Wednesday evenings:;
                                              Saturday mornings:
                      Information = Amanda McCormick, 626.583.2732 or

                        Help Parents and Children Reunite As a Family
                            Attend the upcoming coach monitor training on March 12 and 19.
   Become a trained volunteer coach monitor and provide court-ordered supervised family visits so that children, removed
from the care of their parents, can visit their parents in a family-friendly setting filled with toys, games, books, and art materi-
 als. These visits are an essential service to increase the family’s chances for reunification and reduce the children’s anxiety
while in out-of-home placement. The visits will take place in an agency setting that provides strict health and safety protocols
                                          to protect the coach monitor and the families.
                           For more information please contact:
Racial Justice Event:
                                    January Book Group: Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race
                                                                       by Debby Irving
                              As a shared project, the Racial Justice Committee and the Senior Saints are sponsoring a book
                               study beginning in the new year. Parishioners Gloria Antall and Terry Moore will co-lead the
                              reading and discussion of Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race, a memoir
                              by Debby Irving, a New England white liberal who grapples with gaps in her education about ra-
                              cial justice. Tuesdays, continuing through Mar. 1, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. This will be a hybrid meeting
                                           on Zoom and when we are able to meet in-person, in the Seminar Room.
                                                        Register online here:
                                                 Information (including Zoom access) = Amanda McCormick,
                                              or 626.583.2732.

                                                     Lenten Book Group: The Dream of God
                                                          Thursdays 12:00–1:00 p.m., beginning March 3, via Zoom
                                          Join us for a five-week online Lenten Book Group exploring Dr. Verna Dozier’s classic The
                                           Dream of God: A Call to Return. Led by Susan Russell, we will
                                           meet via zoom on Thursdays, 12:00–1:00 p.m. beginning March
                                          3. Our time together will include a brief order of Noonday Prayers
                                             followed by a discussion of the chapter of the week: where it
                                                speaks to us as individuals and as a community of faith.
                                         Dr. Verna Dozier was an Episcopalian and a leading African Amer-
                                           ican female lay theologian. She wrote The Dream of God in her
                                          70’s -- a book centered in her life-long exploration of the ways that
                                          humanity and the institutional church have strayed far from Jesus’
                                          original message. To help us get back on track, she examines the
                                          Bible: a theological and historical record of hundreds of years in which two communities of
                                                      faith (Jewish and early Christian) explored their own life experiences.
                                         Dr. Dozier encourages us to see Christianity not as creed or institution, but as “the vision of
       a new possibility for human life rooted in an ancient understanding of God and lived out by a Nazarene carpenter.”
You can order the book from Church Publishing online here:
                     Information = Amanda McCormick, or 626.583.2732.
                                        Register online here:

                                          Free Virtual Legal Clinic
                                           The Second Saturday
                                               of Each Month
                                 Get your questions answered during the COVID-19 crisis.
              The “Second Saturday” Legal Clinic at the Jackie Robinson Center is now held through phone intake.
                                                      *income limits apply
            Renters’ or Homeowners’ Rights l Access to cash, food, or health benefits l Unemplyment benefits
                                    Immigrants’ rights l Questions about a will or trust
                                              Divorce or child custody issues
                                       Leave a message at this number: 213.637.3880.
                      Receive a call back the second Saturday of the month from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
We Come Together to Heal, to Learn,
                                                                          and to Be Transformed
                                                     With your generous support, All Saints Church will move forward in 2022 in ways that
                                                     will make a real difference in our precious yet broken world. We will walk with a revo-
                                                     lutionary Jesus while we come together to share, to heal, and to rejoice. Then we will
                                                     emerge into a time of transformation and rebirth.
                                                     Your pledge to All Saints for 2022 will help make this possible, and we ask that you be
                                                     as generous as you can.
                                                     Please use the “Donate” button on our website to offer a tangible expression of your
                                                     commitment to and love for All Saints Church, and your belief in its future. Thank you!
                                                     For assistance of any kind with your giving, please contact Terry Knowles, our
                                                     Director of Giving & Stewardship, at

 Next Sunday, February 6, 2022

      Please note - we are hoping to return to in-person worship as soon as possible.
             Please check our website for updates:

                                              Worship Continues
                (The link above includes the 9 a.m. service, the 10:15 a.m. Forum, and the 11:30 a.m. service)
                                           Our 7:30 a.m. service will be on Zoom

              10:15 a.m. Forum: Saying the S Word: Suicide
                          with Charlotte Maya
     Charlotte Maya writes about suicide loss, resilience and hope. Her writing explores the inter-
    sections of grief, parenting and self-care, particularly within the context of suicide. Her work has
     been highlighted on The Mighty, and she has been featured on the A2A Alliance and the Your
     Next Chapter podcast with Angela Raspass. She has recently completed a full-length memoir
                     on her family’s journey following the suicide of her first husband.
     Charlotte lives in Southern California with her husband Tim in their now relatively empty next.
    She enjoys hiking in the local foothills, as well as downward dogging with her so-called hunting
            dog. Charlotte received her B.A. from Rice University and her J.D. from UCLA.
    She can be contacted at, on Instagram (@charlottemayawriter)
                                   and on Twitter (@CharlotteMaya1).

                                     Eucharist at 9 & 11:30 a.m.
                                     Sally Howard preaches.

                                                 If you are suicidal, help is available. Call the National
                                                  Suicide Prevention Lifeline at. 800.273.8255. Or text
                                                  HOME to 741741. Or visit this website for a live chat
                                                                         All Saints Church, 132 N. Euclid Ave, Pasadena CA 91101                         626.796.1172
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