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Pathways Summer 2021 I Vol. 7, No. 2 Walking with the ministries of Virginia Mennonite Conference 2021 Conference Assembly • Delegates Vote to Release Three Congregations and Welcome One • Delegates Approve Moderator Elect Sara Wenger Shenk + Others • Participants Engage Racial Justice Task Force Questions
VIDEOS FROM ASSEMBLY Called to Serve By JUNE MILLER W it h out con- grega- Watch Caleb’s video introduction at tions, Virginia Mennonite Racial Justice Task Force report to Conference Assembly: Conference cannot ex- ist. Our bottom line is VMC Hires Caleb serving the church. In Schrock-Hurst as Racial a strategic planning meeting last fall, I was Justice and Equity Leader working with Clyde and Jon to understand who and what we are? I n this new quarter-time position, One of the duties of Conference Coun- Caleb will support the work of the cil (by-law Article IV, 3.3) is to project vi- Racial Justice Task Force as they sion, define direction, and promote unity. facilitate the Conference’s anti- Rephrasing, Clyde said, “We work for God’s racism mandates: to equip members, to purposes to be manifest among us.” He em- learn about existing racism, to develop phasized that “unity [is] not uniformity, not leadership strategies, and to equip Con- Andrew Cheung meditation on Isaiah of the same mind, but of the same Spirit.” ference leaders. He begins on August 1. 61: VMC is in a delicate position, holding the tension of nonuniformity and differences Read more at https://virginiaconference. of mind. And this is what we are called to be. org/?p=6338 Romans 12: 4-5 says, “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, Pastoral transitions form one body, and each member belongs to APRIL TO JULY 2021 all the others.” (NIV) Kathy Yoder, transferred from Eastern Dis- Together with Mennonite Church USA trict Conference, moved to retired status. and Mennonite Church Canada, we share Pablo Hernandez meditation on Isaiah Marvin Lorenzana withdrawn. Now serving a Vision Statement. “God calls us to be fol- with Eastern Mennonite Missions. 61: lowers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of Mark Kimmet withdrawn alongside 3:16 the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of Community Church withdrawal. grace, joy and peace, so that God’s healing Matthew Cubbage withdrawn alongside 3:16 and hope flow through us to the world.” May Community Church withdrawal. it be so. Dan Horning withdrawn alongside Gospel Hill Church withdrawal Clyde’s Sabbatical Barbara Lehman, transfer to Central District Since June 1, Clyde has been on a much Conference. needed sabbatical with plans to visit key sites John Lehman, transfer to Central District Mosaic of Grace joins VMC: to learn more about systemic racism and in- Conference. equality. He completed the northern leg of Pablo Hernandez withdrawn. Left pastorate his journey at the beginning of June. at Esperanza de Vida. However, the southern leg is on hold. Sherah-Leigh Gerber left the pastorate at Pathways Summer 2021 – Volume 7, Number 2 Earlier this month, Clyde experienced a Harrisonburg Mennonite. mild heart attack. He spent a couple days in © 2021 by Virginia Mennonite Conference. Pathways Curt Stutzman, license to ordination for is published quarterly to connect congregations to the the hospital and is now home, taking it a bit Weavers Mennonite Church. ministries of VMC. Periodical rate postage is paid at Harrisonburg, VA. easier than he planned. Lee Martin moved to retired status. Your continued prayers for both Clyde Editor & Designer: Jon Trotter and Eunice are appreciated. Ben Risser moved to retired status. Pathways is distributed free to each household of Sanford Yoder ordination withdrawn. supporting congregations. To join mailing list, contact: Pathways (540) 434-9727 • (800) 707-5535 June Miller is Office Manager & Strategic Maren Hange appointed co-District Minister Marketing for Virginia Mennonite Conference. by Harrisonburg District. Website: Roy Hange reappointed as co-District Minis- POSTMASTER Send address changes to: Pathways 601 Parkwood Dr., Harrisonburg, VA 22802. ter by Harrisonburg District. 2 Pathways Summer 2021
Renuevo: Beauty From Ashes BY THE NUMBERS Conference Assembly By JON TROTTER June 12, 2021 V irginia Mennonite Conference for Virginia Conference, a Racial Justice said goodbye to three congrega- Task Force was approved by Conference ATTENDANCE tions at its annual Conference Council in September 2020 and formed Assembly held virtually on June with eight persons, representing a variety # Total registered 113 12, 2021, and welcomed a new congrega- of racial and cultural backgrounds and dif- # Total attended 103 tion into full membership. Delegates also ferent geographic regions. The Task Force # Delegates attended 85 approved the nomination of Sara Wenger is co-chaired by Vivian Stevens-Lyons of # Total known delegates 183 Shenk as Moderator Elect, beginning Sep- Hampton, Va., and Maren Hange of Char- 40% needed for quorum 74 tember 1, and several other leadership lottesville, Va. Through the work of the roles. Task Force, the Conference seeks to equip DELEGATE ACTIONS The congregations choosing to leave leaders and members of its congregations Virginia Mennonite Conference were Gos- to deeply listen to stories from non-White 2021 Winter Delegate Session pel Hill Mennonite Church and 3:16 Chris- voices without defensive postures, and to minutes passed at 100% (78 yes) tian Community Church, both of which include those who have been shut out of Sara Wenger Shenk as Moderator- are now affiliating with Conservative Men- power structures by understanding the his- Elect, approved at 95% (80 y, 1 no) nonite Conference, and The Table, which tory and making room for other seats at the became part of Allegheny Mennonite Con- table. Leroy Kauffman as Treasurer ference. Representatives from these con- During the Assembly, Caleb Schrock- approved at 100% (81 yes) gregations’ districts shared about the pro- Hurst was introduced to delegates via pre- Jean Oswald to FLC approved at cess, and Aldine Musser, Northern District recorded video. He is the new quarter-time 96% (80 yes, 1 no) Minister, led a prayer of lament. Delegates Racial Justice and Equity Leader for the affirmed these departures with regret. Conference. In this role, Caleb will support VMMission Board Appointees af- Mosaic of Grace, a recent church plant the work of the Racial Justice Task Force as firmed at 99% (80 yes, 1 no) and congregation-in-formation pastored they facilitate the Conference’s anti-racism Release of Congregations: by Mike and Risha Metzler, was welcomed mandates: to equip members, to learn about 3:16 Christian Community into full Conference membership by del- existing racism, to develop leadership strat- Church, The Table, Gospel Hill egate vote. Mike and Risha shared about egies, and to equip Conference leaders. He Mennonite Church—all approved their ministry and the ways they have seen will begin on August 1, 2021. with regret at 89% (85 yes, 11 no) God working through church and neigh- The Task Force reported to delegates borhood connections. and they engaged in breakout room dis- Welcoming of Mosaic of Grace Besides approving Sara Wenger Shenk cussions with a series of questions. Some church to full membership af- as Moderator Elect, delegates also approved groups reported discussion themes back to firmed at 90% (70 yes, 3 no, 5 ab.) the nominations of Leroy Kauffman as the full delegate body. Each group had a re- Treasurer and Jean Oswald as Faith & Life corder and provided the group feedback to Commission Member-at-Large. Delegates the Task Force. Ministries Director, shared via video about also affirmed VMMissions Board Members After a break, Virginia Mennonite the priority of work as witness and multi- Juan Carlos Malvaez, Luz Contreras, Reu- Missions reported to delegates. After an in- plication. Following this, Thailand-based ben Horst, and Liz Driver. troduction by President Aaron Kauffman, worker Steve Horst recorded a song prayer The Assembly theme was “Renuevo: the report detailed three strategic priorities via video which included slides of VMMis- Beauty From Ashes.” Renuevo is a Spanish of the agency in a series of presentations sions workers and partners. word that has two meanings, a shoot of a followed by prayer format. Aaron Kauffman concluded the report plant, and renewal. Two Virginia Menno- David Gingerich, a pastor and VM- with updates on current projects, board and nite Conference leaders engaged passages Missions board member, talked about re- staff, finances, and the ongoing fundraising from Isaiah 61. Andrew Cheung, senior newal and partnership. Veronica Sanchez, efforts of a VMMissions capital campaign pastor of Washington Community Fel- pastor at Iglesia Shalom, followed with a called “A Church of Many Cultures.” lowship, reflected on verses 1-3, and Pablo prayer in Spanish. Lydia Musselman, VM- The VMMissions report was followed Hernandez, pastor of Iglesia Esperanza de Missions worker in college ministry and by a time of commissioning for creden- Vida, shared a meditation on verses 4-9. staff member, shared about the strategic tialed leaders and new or reappointed VM- A current Conference priority is to priority of reaching the next generation, Missions workers A commissioning litany examine and adjust policies, frameworks, which was followed with a prayer by Han- was read by representatives from the Con- and decision-making processes that have nah Shultz, a VMMissions worker serving ference and VMMissions. excluded persons of color and non-dom- in music and discipleship ministries with inant cultures from full participation. As several Spanish-language VMC congrega- Jon Trotter is Communication Manager for racial justice and inclusion is a priority tions. Jason Showalter, VMMissions Global Virginia Mennonite Conference. Summer 2021 Pathways 3
Delegates Approve Nominees for Leadership Positions at Summer Conference Assembly Sara Wenger Shenk Leroy Kauffman Jean Oswald CONFERENCE CONFERENCE FAITH & LIFE COMMISSION MODERATOR-ELECT TREASURER MEMBER-AT-LARGE “I would love for the conference to be “I look forward to this opportunity to Having grown up in Newport News, known for our open-hearted hospitality, further utilize my skill set for the work Jean Oswald is rooted in Virginia. She trustworthy communication and non- of the church,” Leroy Kauffman writes. attended Huntington Avenue Church, anxious, courageous faith,” Sara Wenger He has completed 43 years of teaching/ graduated from Eastern Mennonite Shenk writes. She is currently retired administration in higher education. College, and is now living in Richmond, after serving in theological education as During that time, he spent time as a where she attends First Mennonite teacher and administrator, most recently faculty member, department head, As- Church. With a career in education, her as president of Anabaptist Mennonite sociate dean and Dean of the College of commitments at FMC have involved Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Indiana, Business. He is still active in the class- working with children and families 2010-2019 and earlier at Eastern Men- room and looks forward to beginning through Sunday school, peace camp and nonite Seminary as Associate Professor his 44th year this fall teaching account- most recently serving on the leadership of Christian Practices and Associate ing. He maintains an active CPA license council. Dean from 1995-2010. in N.C. While living in Harrisonburg, Sara and He and his wife Judy attend Asheville her husband Gerald helped to launch Mennonite Church, and he has served two new congregations in VMC, which in a wide variety of roles at AMC, as she pastored, and she also served on the well as the the following church related FLC. Sara writes extensively and speaks bodies: Mennonite Board of Missions, widely in church circles in the US and Mennonite Mission Network, Church Canada on topics related to how we Extension Services, Everence Communi- come to know God and give voice to our ty Investments, Choice Books LLC, and experience of the sacred in daily life. the TCK District of Virginia Mennonite Conference. Sara and Gerald are parents of three children and six grandchildren who bring immeasurable joy. She lives near Waynesboro, Virginia, and is pursuing membership at Springdale Mennonite Church. 4 Pathways Summer 2021
MEDITATION ON ISAIAH 61:1-3 What If We Are The Losers? T he Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to By ANDREW CHEUNG proclaim freedom for the captives and re- lease from darkness for the prisoners, to S ome of you may know that though I We don’t have to be afraid of either of these, proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour and was born in America, I spent most despite our tendency to gloss over the latter. the day of vengeance of our God, to com- of my life in Canada. So a return I know that when I come to texts like fort all who mourn, and provide for those to America has offered somewhat Isaiah 61, I’m inclined to identify with the who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a of an out- wins. I identify with the “wins” of the Lord’s crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of sider’s view favor, and being sent as the proclaimer of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of into our na- good news, of freedom, and of comfort. praise instead of a spirit of despair. They tion. I don’t I want to be the one who gets to tell oth- will be called oaks of righteousness, a think this ers of God’s favor upon them. I want to be planting of the Lord for the display of his will come as the one who bestows beauty and joy upon splendour. —Isaiah 61:1-3 a surprise to those who are disturbed and distraught. In you, but I’ve wanting to identify with the winning in this noticed that passage, I wonder if that is perhaps more most brutal form of suffering known at the we Ameri- of an American instinct, rather than a par- time—the cross. We have come to know cans really ticularly Christian one. And isn’t it quite this winner who becomes a loser, as Jesus, love to celebrate wins. We love to boast presumptuous (and perhaps just as Ameri- the Son of the Living God. about our successes. can) of us to read ourselves into a text that Yet even in the moment of his appar- And as far as I can tell, even though clearly points to a specific Anointed One? ent losing, we find something incredible. As Mennonites in America are not particularly What might it look like for us to hear Jesus hangs on the cross with the very last bombastic in our style and dispositions, I and embrace these words of Isaiah as the threads of life dwindling from him, he still think some of us can certainly be bombas- apparent “losers”? What if we were the fulfills the words of Isaiah! On the cross, he tic about our favorite sports teams, espe- poor? The broken-hearted. The captive. The has the wherewithal to see the mourning cially when they win. prisoners. The ones who mourn and grieve. and anxiety of his mother, Mary, at his feet. America is for winners… or at least The ones who sit in ashes. Does that change She’s not just mourning the loss of her pre- that’s what we’ve been told to believe. We how you hear these words? cious son. She’s anxious about what’s going want to be seen as successful, or “blessed” if At worst, our American ethos defiantly to happen next when He’s gone. How will we are to use Christian lingo. denies the possibility that we might actually she even survive on her own? Yet, Jesus of- But the corollary to winning, is that of- be the losers. At best, our American ethos fers comfort to her by ensuring she will be ten, someone loses. And as the past year has longs so badly to be lifted from those ashes. taken care of…even as he apparently loses. highlighted, there continues to be a narra- But the words of Isaiah offer us incred- Of course, we know the cross is not the tive of someone winning at the expense of ible hope. The Living God offers hope—not end of the story. On the cross, Jesus does those that lose, whether it’s about an elec- just beyond the loss, but in the midst of the ultimately win in an unexpected way by tion, or a virus, or vaccinations, or immi- loss. You see, when we understand just who conquering the power of sin and its curse, gration, or the tragic disease of racism. On it is that the Spirit has come upon, and who death. Jesus not only atones for our sin, but this last point, I find it a privilege to serve it is that has been anointed to proclaim the resurrects from the grave. Jesus wins by alongside other members of the Racial Jus- good news, we find that the losses and the showing us a new future for humanity and tice Task Force commissioned by the VMC ashes and the mourning do not have to for all of creation. to truthfully look at ways that the confer- scare us. They don’t have to overwhelm us. Today, we acknowledge our wins and ence has upheld racism or discrimination They don’t define us. We can name our loss- our losses. But we don’t do this alone. We in our history and institutions. es honestly. We can take our disturbed and stand on privileged ground compared to In what ways have we, the VMC, won, distraught emotions and call them for what Isaiah because we stand on this side of the at the silent expense of those that lose? A they are. We might even come to be OK be- cross in history. significant part of the work of the task force ing called losers in the eyes of those around Someone has been anointed by the is to have the VMC say, “Silence no more.” us. Because of who the Spirit of God has Spirit. Someone has been sent to us by the Within VMC, each time we gather to- first been poured out upon, we can name Sovereign God of all Creation. His name is gether for an assembly, we often take time these losses and lament with hope. Jesus and he stands at the center of it all. to acknowledge wins and losses as a con- Isaiah’s words pointed to the One to All of our wins…and all of our losses So be ference. We can celebrate the birth of new come who, though was a winner in all re- comforted. The losses don’t define us, but congregations, but we can also acknowl- spects, yet loses not only in the eyes of neither do the wins. edge the loss of congregations. those who condemn him, but he loses in The ashes are not meant to be our state It’s the reality of life as a diverse com- the eyes of those who worshipped and fol- forever. In Christ, beauty will surely rise. munity of congregations that we feel deeply lowed him. And the one who should be a both the wins and losses. And as Ameri- winner in all respects because He is God, Andrew Cheung is Senior Pastor of Washington cans, the losses often sting a little bit harder. we find, loses by hanging on the ugliest and Community Fellowship, Washington, DC. Summer 2021 Pathways 5
MEDITATION ON ISAIAH 61:4-9 God Still Promises to Restore T hey will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. By PABLO HERNANDEZ of suffering. Israel suffered captivity to Strangers will shepherd your flocks; perhaps realize that God walked with them foreigners will work your fields and vine- T his passage contains, without a even when they lived in a strange land, un- yards. And you will be called priests of doubt, one of the most beauti- der the oppressive yoke of those who domi- the Lord, you will be named ministers of ful restoration promises in all of nated them. God was always there, loving our God. You will feed on the wealth of scripture. Faced with the reality them despite their stubbornness and invit- nations, and in their riches you will boast. of the ashes, ing them to turn to Him with their hearts. —Isaiah 61:4-9 ruin and At his time, he kept his promise and gave discourage- them his best. He gave himself in the per- their own way, embracing the blessings and ment, God son of the promised Messiah. refusing to live faithfully to Him. raises his We all know that Jesus, at the begin- It resonates the same in my Hondu- voice and ning of his ministry on this earth, quoted ras, a beautiful nation that is facing one of announces this passage in his visit to the synagogue, its darkest times in its history due to cor- a new time but he not only quoted it, but he also made ruption at all levels, inequality, crime, and for his peo- it his own. He embodied it. Something that injustice, just as it resonates in the United ple. A time no one had dared to do until that moment. States and anywhere on the planet. Hon- of renewal After reading this chapter of Isaiah estly, we will realize that we are all broken and encouragement. These five verses show he said something else that made a great by the same evil and we are all offered us powerful affirmations of what God can impact: “Today this scripture is fulfilled the same medicine that can heal the soul, do for his children when they face extreme- in your hearing” (Luke 4:21). It turns change pain for dance, and establish the ly painful, dangerous, and uncertain situa- out, then, that the centuries-long awaited genuine shalom that God has promised to tions. prophecy was now a reality in the person those who love him. This is the message we During the last few months we have of a humble carpenter from Galilee. God urgently must convey. The pandemic even- gone through a pandemic that, in one way became man and dwelt among us not to tually is going to finish but we will still be or another, has affected our lives and in boast of his infinite power but to become dealing with a spiritual COVID that can kill some cases has produced pain and uncer- one of us and tell us face-to-face that the us subtlety, poisoning our being, like in the tainty. It is good to know that we have the time of shame has passed. That now, in his beginning. same God as Isaiah. The same God who person, a new story can be written in our I must also admit that I have found made these amazing promises is the same life. It is without a doubt the best news we in these verses a more precise definition God who daily hears our prayers and dwells could have received! of what service to God is, or what we call in our hearts. I’ve lived long enough to realize that “ministry” is. Both words, gospel and min- Regarding God’s promise, I would like even good news are not always welcome. Or istry, come together and I think they work to highlight the verbs used here: rebuild, re- perhaps, if they are well received at the be- together like this: store, renew, shepherd, work, feed, receive, ginning but when they are accompanied by When the gospel of Christ fills our rejoice, inherit, and acknowledge. This is a cross, they seem to lose their charm. Jesus hearts and changes us, we are reborn to a a wonderful promise that cannot be sepa- came to this world to reflect divine love to new hope. We are also driven to see our rated from the beginning of this chapter. fallen humanity and to reach out a restor- neighbor as the extension of God’s love for The first three verses of this passage have to ative hand to hopelessly lost people. If Je- us. And God works mightily restoring the do with the work of the Spirit of God in his sus had not quoted this passage, it is highly destroyed, healing the wounds, providing anointed one who is sent to announce that likely that many would have thought that it for the dispossessed. The church has the the time of despair had been fulfilled and was promises only applicable to Israel. But mission of bringing the words of Isaiah that, as a product of divine initiative, new Jesus came into the world, he came to all, he 61 to life. But a mission focused on him, times would be fulfilled for the children of loved us all, he gave himself as the perfect to glorify him to honor him, to obey him, God. The extraordinary promise of verses cure to our disease called sin, from which even though we suffer rejection or under- 4-9 must be seen as a result of God’s liber- generational misfortunes such as injustice, estimation. In living like this we will find ating work in announcing Good News of oppression, corruption, selfishness, preju- what a real restoration is. redemption for a disgraced people. dices, racism, lies, and inequality arise. May the Lord allow us, who by his Unfortunately, I have been able to see I have been asked how this passage grace and mercy serve him, to be spokes- the havoc it causes on the faith of many resonates in my cultural context and my an- persons and an example of such a powerful when this passage is taken out of context swer is always the same: it resonates in the message. That passages like Isaiah 61 and and proclaimed as the opportunity, we same way as in any other context. We have Luke 4 not only serve for theological dis- must extract the best of God without com- broken people everywhere, governments cussions but also to identify ourselves with promise. A God whose purpose is to see us corrupted by loving money, people suffer- the heart of our Messiah and be like Him prosper and free us from the slightest prob- ing from lack of housing, food, health, or without fear in the middle of difficult times. lem in life. Yes, God longs for our good. He access to the basic things of life. People who promises better times, but he never prom- do not want to know anything about God, Pablo Hernandez is Pastor of Iglesia Esperanza ised restoration without a certain amount others who seek to follow Jesus but do it in de Vida, Harrisonburg, Va. 6 Pathways Summer 2021
MennoCon21 Equips the Church for Revitalization By MENNONITE CHURCH USA STAFF C hurch revitalization is an im- cern resources and create experiments that portant theme at MennoCon21, bring the faith community and the larger the biennial convention of Men- community together,” said Danner. “I think nonite Church USA (MC USA), when that happens, God’s Shalom is ex- which is meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, and panded. God’s peace with justice becomes online, July 6-10. Many of the equipping real in tangible ways. And I believe that seminars, of which there are more than 70 people want to experience the good news.” in our churches that are specifically catered in-person and 20 online, focus on various A number of other seminars address toward the needs of the youth and young aspects of church renewal. revitalization and speak directly to this mis- adults, but that does not mean that the “Revitalization and equipping leaders sional view, such as “Church is Not a Build- youth are to be separate from the rest of the are essential for our denomination to thrive, ing (and Your Pastor’s Not the Only Min- congregation.” moving into the next decade and beyond,” ister),” presented by Michele Hershberger, Jeanne Davies, executive director of said Glen Guyton, MC USA executive di- author and professor of Bible at Hesston Anabaptist Disabilities Network, presented rector. “We have spent the past few years in College, Hesston, Kansas. “Church is not a “Worship for All,” on July 7. She shared the storming and norming phases of orga- building and all of us are missionaries,” says ideas on how to plan worship services nizational development. the seminar descriptor. based on universal design — worship that Now we need to begin “Rediscovering these includes all people in planning, leading and performing and living truths can help breathe worshiping together. into our calling as Men- new life into our congre- Joseph Manickam, president of Hess- nonite Church USA.” gations; it can be a con- ton College, presented “The Multicultural Guyton is the author of version experience.” Future of the Mennonite Church,” a case “Reawakened: How Your Sandra Montes study that looks at how new voices in lead- Congregation Can Spark Martinez, associate con- ership are reshaping the identity of MC Lasting Change” and led ference minister, West- USA, on July 9. Other seminars addressed a seminar on this topic at ern District Conference, ways that the Mennonite church and its MennoCon. led a roundtable for schools can walk alongside marginalized Michael Danner, Spanish-speaking at- communities. MC USA associate ex- tendees on revitalizing Several seminars addressed trauma ecutive director, will ad- Glen Guyton is Executive the community of faith, and sexual violence, to empower survivors dress the need for this Director of Mennonite Church titled “Re-imagine, Revi- and equip congregations and ministry lead- focus in his online equip- USA. MCUSA photo talize and Be Relevant.” ers to provide a healthy, supportive com- ping seminar, “Practic- Mike Sherrill, ex- munity. Susannah Larry, assistant professor ing Revitalization.” ecutive director of Mennonite Mission Net- of biblical studies at Anabaptist Mennonite “Many congregations in the United work, invited attendees to “discover God’s Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Indiana, will States are plateauing, meaning they have urgent call for each of us and our church” speak on “Reclaiming the Bible With Sur- about the same number of participants in his seminar on church planting, “Future vivors of Sexualized Violence” on July 8. they’ve had for many years, or they are Driven Partnership” on July 9. A team of student educators from Goshen declining,” he said. “This is true for many College, Goshen, Indiana, provided a youth Mennonite congregations as well. Mem- Building Community presentation on “Becoming an Effective bers, of course, love their church, and they A common thread in these seminars is Bystander: Sexual Assault Intervention and have life-giving experiences there, but they the need to build community. Leaders and Prevention.” are concerned about their future. Some are experts from across the church address var- “MennoCon21 provides our mem- even asking if they will have a future be- ious aspects of this, with seminars to equip bers with a unique opportunity to gather, yond this current generation.” the church to be more diverse and welcom- worship and learn together,” said Guyton. Danner provides churches with steps ing to all. “When we can come together, when we join for revitalization that go beyond restruc- “We have to provide opportunities for in community, we foster a strong sense of turing plans, new mission statements and our youth to use their gifts,” said Jerrell Wil- identity that will lead to revitalization. Ulti- attractional models of ministry. liams, pastor of Salem Mennonite Church, mately, this sets the tone for allowing us to “I believe strongly that congregations Salem, Oregon, in his online youth semi- be receptive to transformation by the Holy need missional decision-making practices nar, “Growing Deeper Roots.” He encour- Spirit and our ability to live into our vision that empower the faith community to turn ages congregations to be multigenerational, of healing and hope.” outward, to listen to the community, to dis- saying “I get that we have special ministries First published at Summer 2021 Pathways 7
Mennonite Church USA Delegates Approve Bylaw Changes First published at By MENNONITE CHURCH USA STAFF historic-virtual-delegate-assembly-delegates-approve-bylaw-changes/ M ennonite Church USA (MC Nominees for churchwide boards submitted by the writers for a vote, but the USA) held its first virtual Stan Shantz, chair of the Leadership Resolutions Committee recommended it to Delegate Assembly on Sat- Discernment Committee (LDC), presented be studied. In good conscience, we could urday, July 10, the last day a ballot of nominees for churchwide boards, not continue to move forward without the of its biennial MennoCon21 convention in including Jon Carlson, pastor of Forest participation of the writers in an education Cincinnati, Ohio. The delegates approved Hills Mennonite Church, Leola, Pennsylva- process.” changes to the MC USA bylaws, affirmed nia, as moderator-elect and two first-term “‘Repentance and Transformation’ in- a slate of nominees for churchwide boards Executive Board members, among others. vites MC USA to commit to the well-being and heard reports from the Resolutions Delegates approved the nominees. of queer people through concrete actions of Committee and the denomination’s racial Shantz noted that, during the COV- repair,” said Michael Crosby, pastor of First ethnic and constituency groups. Executive ID-19 pandemic, it was harder than usual Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana, Director Glen Guyton also provided a State for the LDC to identify volunteers who Urbana, Illinois, and one of the writers of of the Church report. had time and availability to serve. “We are the resolution. “We’re deeply disappointed Three hundred and fifteen delegates thankful when persons agreed to serve in that the Resolutions Committee rejected attended the online Delegate Assembly via these important positions that support our the resolution and is refusing delegates an Zoom, representing an estimated 173 of the denomination and God’s good work,” he opportunity to vote. Along with the 30+ denomination’s 530 congregations and in- said. MC USA congregations and 500+ individ- cluding conference delegates from 15 of the uals who sponsored this resolution, we are 16 area conferences. South Central Menno- Resolutions Committee still awaiting an explanation as to why and nite Conference was not represented at the Moderator-elect Linda Dibble, serv- how they came to this decision.” conference level. ing as chair of the Resolutions Committee, “Church Membership in Virginia shared its final recommendations on five Mennonite Conference and MC USA,” Bylaw changes proposed resolutions: by Jim Hershberger, lead pastor of Mount The delegates reviewed and approved “Clarification of Mennonite Church Clinton Mennonite Church, Rockingham, several changes to the MC USA bylaws. Polity and the Role of the Membership Virginia. Final recommendation: This Major policy changes included: Guidelines of MC USA,” submitted by the resolution would significantly change the • Allowing for virtual Delegate Assem- MC USA Executive Board. Final recom- structure between MC USA and confer- bly meetings mendation: The committee recommended ences. It would take considerable work to • Clarifying guest inclusion for Con- that this be presented for a vote by the del- make these changes. Therefore, the resolu- stituency Leaders Council meetings egates at the special in-person session May tion was not processed and will not move (CLC) 27-30, 2022, in Kansas City, Missouri. forward. • Allowing for virtual CLC meetings “MC USA Accessibility Resolution,” • Aligning the Mennonite Education submitted by Anabaptist Disabilities Net- State of the Church Agency (MEA) section of the bylaws work, Mennonite Health Services and four Guyton reported on the state of the to align with MEA’s updated bylaws Mennonite congregations. Final recom- church, saying “We’re not as big as we used • Clarifying the difference between mendation: The committee recommended to be, but we are still connected to the glob- church agencies and entities that this be presented for a vote by the del- al family of Anabaptists…and that’s some- • Allowing for simple corrections, such egates in May 2022. thing that we should celebrate.” as punctuation and grammar revi- “For Justice in the U.S. Criminal Legal He noted that revitalization was an sions, without a formal amendment. System” by Zachariah Begly, Reba Place important theme at MennoCon21, saying, All revisions are subject to approval by Church and Elizabeth Reimer, Lombard “Revitalization and equipping leaders are the Executive Board. Mennonite Church, Lombard, Illinois. essential for our denomination to thrive, The vote also included structural Final recommendation: The committee moving into the next decade and beyond. changes to remove The Mennonite as an recommended that this be designated as a “Convention is one of those places MC USA entity. The Mennonite merged study resolution. where we can continue to mold and shape with Mennonite World Review in Septem- “A Resolution for Repentance and the next generation of church,” he said, ber 2020 to form Anabaptist World, an in- Transformation,” submitted by the Inclusive adding that, when we join in community, it dependent media organization. Mennonite Pastors and 30 congregations sets the tone for allowing us to be receptive and organizations. Final recommendation: to transformation by the Holy Spirit and This resolution is currently at an impasse. our ability to live into MC USA’s Vision of Guyton explained: “This resolution was Healing and Hope. 8 Pathways Summer 2021
Behind the scenes at Mennonite Church USA’s virtual 2021 Delegate Assembly (from left to right): Edward Diller, Parlia- mentarian; Linda Dibble, Moderator-Elect; Joy Sutter, Moderator; Glen Guyton, Executive Director. MCUSA photo “We are only as strong as our leaders who inhabit our pews and our conference offices,” Guyton said. He challenged attend- ees to “move out of our silos to realize that we are diverse – geographically, ethnically, politically, racially and culturally – and to understand that if we fail to live into our Renewed Commitments…that we will al- low ourselves to be pulled apart.” He noted that the first commitment is to Follow Jesus. “And so, my agenda and my role as leader of Mennonite Church USA is Jesus,” said Guyton. Reporting The delegates also heard reports from African American Mennonite Asso- discussed the challenges of the pandemic MC USA’s racial ethnic and constituency ciation (AAMA): Alicia Manning reported and the group’s partnerships with MC USA groups. that congregations have been engaged in (the Grace Fund), Everence (the Chapter Mennonite Women USA: Brooke mission work dealing with violence among Grant program) and MEA (continuing ed- Oyana, administrative assistant, reported youth and also multicultural community ucation programs). on the group’s new flat leadership struc- building. Indonesian Mennonite Association ture, their new annual Bible study, “Sister- Native Mennonite Ministries: Iris de (IMA): Pastor Buddy Hannanto, chairman hood Decalogue,” and their International León-Hartshorn, MC USA associate ex- of IMA, reported on the group’s work with Women’s Fund, which provides support for ecutive director, provided an update on the Mosaic Mennonite Conference to raise women seeking higher education. group’s scholarship programs for students awareness of peace and justice initiatives in Mennonite Men: Steve Thomas, U.S. attending college and for the treatment of time of violence, as well as efforts to sup- coordinator, reported on the success of the persons coping with addictions, as well port a COVID-19 mass vaccination effort group’s three key initiatives: JoinMen (fel- as the challenges related to gathering and in Indonesia. lowship); JoinHands (financial support for identifying/equipping potential leaders. new churches), and JoinTrees (a tree plant- Iglesia Menonita Hispana (IMH): The meeting concluded with prayers ing project with a goal of one million trees Pastor Fernando Ramos reported that 58 of blessing for incoming Moderator Linda by 2030). congregations are members of IMH. He Dibble and Moderator-Elect Jon Carlson. Guyton Calls for Change; Unveils Theme for Next Biennium First published at By MENNONITE CHURCH USA STAFF biennium/ G len Guyton, executive director transformation to happen.” challenges since com- of Mennonite Church USA (MC As with the previous “Bring ing together in 2001 and USA), urged the church to “Be the Peace” theme, “Be Trans- encouraged the church Transformed,” revealing the de- formed” echoes the Renewed to focus on its common nominational theme for the next biennium Commitments for MC USA, core values and how it can in his closing message at MennoCon21 on which call for the church to grow and benefit com- July 10 in Cincinnati, Ohio. “Follow Jesus, witness to God’s munities. He reminded “The power of the church lies in peace and experience transfor- the combined in-person transformation,” said Guyton. “While mation.” and online attendees at transformation will look different in dif- “Our power is to be that symbol MC USA’s hybrid convention that God is in ferent communities and with different of hope, restoration and renewal in the control and surrounds and protects us with people the church serves, the mission of community,” he said. Guyton acknowl- loving kindness. the church is always to prepare people for edged that the denomination has had its Summer 2021 Pathways 9
Photo: Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale Back to the Fairgrounds Grants Available to VMC Ministers for the 2021 Relief Sale and Workers By TIM JOST D id you know that various grants are available through The 2021 Mennonite Central Commit- SOS was formed to help the Virginia Virginia Mennonite Confer- tee (MCC) Relief Sale is scheduled for Oc- Mennonite Relief Sale raise additional ence to pastors and others? tober 1 and 2. After the 2020 virtual Relief funds for world relief through having a Sale, we are hoping to be back at the Rock- donation table for cash, check or credit Ministry Training Trust Funds provide ingham County Fairgrounds this year. The card contributions. The proceeds augment financial assistance for persons who are extent the relief sale can be in-person will funds the Relief Sale raises through auction active members of Virginia Mennonite depend on safety guidelines at the time. and food sales, with all SOS proceeds going Conference congregations such as pas- We may, for example, have to move directly to MCC for refugee relief needs. tors, congregational lay leaders, mission some indoor activities to outdoors and will You will have an early opportunity to con- workers, and persons exploring a call to leave ample space for social distancing. It tribute by participating in the SOS walk on Christian ministry to help with education will also depend on whether volunteers feel August 29. and training expenses from a qualified comfortable with participating in an in- In light of ongoing and ever more and certified institution. person sale. The Relief Sale Board hopes to pressing needs, this year’s SOS effort hopes make a feasibility determination soon, sub- to raise even more funds to forward to The Church Worker Assistance ject to future adjustment. MCC, in much of the same way as liberal Program is a grant for licensed The auction will again be online with and “cheerful” fundraising for foreign relief counseling services available to eligible online bidding. We may supplement this was done by believers in the first century. church or agency workers, dependent on with a live auction, with online bids. We In Paul’s second letter to the churches funding available through an endowment plan to have a variety of food choices avail- at Corinth, he urges them to raise much- managed by Virginia Mennonite Confer- able and possibly meals. Our ability to do needed funds for fellow believers experi- ence. Prerequisite: Applicants must have so, however, will depend, again, on who is encing a famine in Judea, some 800 miles membership in a VMC congregation and able to prepare and serve the food. We do away. Given the differences in modes of the approval process must be done in not expect to have drive-through service travel and communication, that would advance of services being rendered. alternatives, as we did in 2020. Apple butter have been a far greater “distance” than the boiling will be September 18. farthest location of any “foreign” needy and The Retired Church Worker Aid and Whatever we do, you are welcome to displaced persons in our world today. Enrichment Fund is a program to donate money. In 2020, we sent our larg- The Greek word for “cheerful,” by the provide some financial assistance for est donation ever to MCC: $327,556.29. We way, is hilaron, the root of the English word eligible retired church, agency or were able to do this in large part because we “hilarious.” A world in great need would be mission workers, or their surviving received over $126,000 in donations, more blessed by some truly hilarious giving this spouse, due to financial hardship for than we raised through the auction. year on the part of those of us who have either aid or enrichment purposes. Donations can be made directly been blessed beyond measure. to the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale: Learn more and find applications to all or mail to of these grants at https://virginiaconfer- 601 Parkwood Dr., Harrisonburg, 22802, Tim Jost is a Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale under Grants. or through Sharing our Surplus (SOS). volunteer. 10 Pathways Summer 2021
Clockwise from top left: 1) Moriah Hurst, a member of the VMC Youth Council, gives youth instructions for the photo scavenger hunt. 2) Youth enjoy snacks provided by Eastern Mennonite University’s Admissions Office on the Discipleship Center hilltop. 3) Youth look for a clue at the EMU water tower. 4) Lucas Yoder shares a personal reflection with the gathered MYF youth. 5) A small scavenger hunt group on the move to find the answer to another question. Photos by Jon Trotter EMU, VMC Youth Council Hosts MYF Gathering By JON TROTTER M ennonite youth from sev- to find and photograph objects around the and find joy and the presence of God in eral Harrisonburg, Va., area EMU campus. Youth were encouraged to even difficult situations. congregations gathered at think creatively to find the objects, not just The VMC Youth Council hopes to co- Eastern Mennonite Univer- to be focused on speed. The two teams with ordinate future combined opportunities for sity (EMU) for a combined youth event and the most points received prizes of EMU youth to gather and have fun together. photo scavenger hunt on the evening of July gear. Then the group watched a slideshow The Council is represented by Mark 21. Approximately 40 youth and sponsors comprised of photos from their scavenger Harmon, Director of Youth and Young attended the gathering hosted by EMU at hunt adventures. Adult Ministries at Harrisonburg Menno- the Discipleship Center. Lucas Wenger, a college student at nite Church, and Moriah Hurst, Nurture The Virginia Mennonite Conference EMU, shared a reflection on his journey and Faith Development Pastor at Park View Youth Council coordinated the event, EMU to unburden himself from too much work Mennonite Church, and Deb Horst, As- Admissions provided snacks and prizes, and find God and joy in little moments. sociate Pastor of Christian Formation and and two admissions counselors briefly Sometimes we make the same mistakes, Youth. shared about the university and its Ana- but it is important to trust ourselves and baptist values. our instincts. He also shared the wisdom of Youth were welcomed and given in- finding blessings in what we may regard as Jon Trotter is Communication Manager for structions, and then sent out in small teams curses, and vice versa, to be able to reflect Virginia Mennonite Conference. Summer 2021 Pathways 11
Pathways Virginia Mennonite Conference 601 Parkwood Drive Harrisonburg, VA 22802-2498 The Friday event is geared for credentialed leaders who can bring practical ideas back to congregational settings and other ministries. The Saturday event is geared for parents, youth ministers, lay leaders, and others passionate about sharing faith. Registration coming soon!
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