2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ

Page created by Ruby Davidson
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
In my 2009 chairman’s report I said that the        Southern Lakes involved. Importantly, the feedback from           A special mention has to go Dean Sheed and Robert Barlow,
Games was highly ambitious and that ‘what we        the athletes, coaches and the International Ski Federation        from Audi NZ, who assisted us in lifting the Games to a
proposed was an event that has never existed        has been very positive. I particularly liked Chloe Kim’s          much higher level through their extensive and perfectly
anywhere in the world before, run in a country      comments after winning the Snowboard World Cup                    integrated activations and promotions.
with no history in major winter (snow) sports       Halfpipe gold medal when she said:
events, by an organisation that has been formed                                                                       This growth and positive support doesn’t come without
less than two years ago.’ Eight years later those   “Its actually really nice that they care so much about the        both strong governance and management. We have been
words not only still ring true but we have grown    riders and they want us to ride in the best conditions            fortunate to continue to have an excellent voluntary Board
the Games to become a regular, much anticipated     possible.”                                                        and I thank Sam Hazledine, Richard Leggat, John Knowles,
major event on the international snow sports                                                                          Hetty Van Hale, Paul Allison and Peter Wardell for their
calendar. As a nation we can be very proud of       As an organising team we must never lose sight of the             time, expertise, commitment and passion for the Games.
what we have achieved.                              fact that first and foremost it is the athletes that are at the
                                                    centre of all our decision-making.                                Sadly, these will be the last Games organised by our chief
These Games were undoubtedly our best yet.                                                                            executive, Arthur Klap. Back in 2007, Arthur undertook the
Record competition entries, record number of        Significantly, the international promotion of New Zealand         initial feasibility study and then wrote the 10-year business
competitors, greatly increased international        as a ski and snowboard destination benefited from the             plan. Since then he has, with the support of his wife, Lynne,
television coverage and social media reach,         considerable increase in television coverage and social           built a very successful and committed management team
42 countries present, the highest quality of        media achieved this year. The Games seem certain to               that have delivered five wonderful Winter Games NZ.
competition and we had all five ski-fields in the   pass 10,000 international transmissions and 1,000 hours           His contribution has been immense and on behalf of the
                                                    of coverage across more than 150 countries, including             Board, all involved in snow sports, the communities of the
                                                    Australia, Japan, Korea, China, Canada, the United States,        Southern Lakes and New Zealand sport, I thank Arthur and
                                                    the United Kingdom and Europe.                                    Lynne and wish them well in their refocused life.

                                                    I especially want to thank the Government, through its NZ         Now let us focus on 2018 and having the Audi quattro
                                                    Major Events, for having the confidence to not only back          Winter Games NZ become annual. These continue to be
                                                    us over the last 10 years but also to agreeing to continue        exciting times.
                                                    that support through to 2021. They have been strongly
                                                    supported by the Queenstown Lakes District Council, Audi          SIR EION EDGAR
                                                    and all of our sponsors, partners, Trusts and patrons. We         Chairman Winter Games
                                                    continue to hover around a break-even position so every           New Zealand Trust
                                                    dollar donated or invested in the Games is critical. Thank
                                                    you all.
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
These were the 5th Winter Games NZ and the final year          Similarly, the addition of Treble Cone and The Remarkables,    Television and Media
of the initial 10-year Business Plan. We should stop and       as a result of including the new sports, added considerably    As a pre-Olympics Games, we were always going to
reflect on what is a remarkable achievement. Not only is the   to the total Winter Games package. Both venues are             attract a high level of media interest. However, the
Games well established as a major event but it now holds a     poised to host more events in future Games.                    improved distribution by Infront, the engagement
significant place in the international world of snow sports.                                                                  of Quattro Media for the non-World Cup events
This is especially so in freeski and snowboard where the FIS   Timing                                                         distribution, the securing of Fox Sports in Australia and
Freeski and Snowboard Director, Roberto Moresi, considers      A significant change from previous Games was the shift         the domestic partnership with TVNZ, all contributed to a
the Winter Games World Cups to be ‘the blue print for the      in timing from finishing on the last weekend in August         much-improved profile for the Games.
rest of the world on how to organise World Cups’.              to starting the Games on that weekend. The shift was
                                                               requested by the tourism sector so it is satisfying that the   These are my final Winter Games and it has been a great
The Winter Games NZ are one of the boldest and bravest         response from the tourism sector, Lake Wanaka Tourism,         journey, full of challenges, fun and successes. However,
sports initiatives in New Zealand. Initially just a bright     Destination Queenstown and the host venues has been            my strongest memories and warmest thanks go to all
idea, the Games have developed in to an event that is not      very positive.                                                 who have been part of that journey – the athletes and
only unique in the world of snow sports but it is also well                                                                   management, our partners, the volunteers, the Games
established as a significant international event. That we      The snow conditions and weather are both major factors,        Board members and all of the Games team that have
have successfully made it work is the result of the passion,   whatever the timing of the Games, but we were fortunate        been part of delivering five Winter Games NZ.
determination, sacrifice and skills of many people.            in 2017 to generally have excellent snow conditions and
                                                               we made good decisions to fit the events within the better     Very special mention and thanks go to Chairman, Sir
The Games are now poised to go annual and firmly stamp         weather windows.                                               Eion Edgar, and my senior management over the ten
New Zealand as one of the world’s leading countries                                                                           years: Mags Helles, Jane Todd, Victoria Murray-Orr, Anna
for delivering major ski and snowboard events. The FIS         On-mountain Activation                                         Hiatt, Malcolm Blakey, Kyla Davies, George Berry, Iona
Secretary General, Sarah Lewis, has now made the effort        A further change was shifting the festival activities from     Bentley and Anna McConville.
to come to three out of the five Winter Games NZ. This is a    downtown on to the mountains. The objective was to
significant vote of support by the FIS in the Games.           make the mountains come alive during the Games and             Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini
                                                               to create a special atmosphere that all visitors to the ski    My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it
New Sports and Venues                                          fields would want to be part of. Our partners were major       was not individual success but success because of many.
The new sports added were the Para-snowboard World             contributors to this change in direction with Audi, Corona,
Cup Banked Slalom, the North Face Frontier 4* FWT and          Mumm Champagne, Red Bull, Jucy and Mons Royale all             ARTHUR KLAP
the 3-test New Zealand v Australia ice hockey test series.     activating on mountain. This is definitely a positive move     Chief Executive
All three proved to be excellent additions as they not only    and it is now for the Games to build on the successes of
enhanced the breadth and quality of the Games programme        2017. The Opening Ceremony and Night Dual Slalom at
but attracted strong media interest.                           Coronet Peak was again also very successful.
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
‘Kaizen’, Japanese for continuous improvement is
certainly one good descriptor of the evolution of the
Winter Games since its inception. From the world class
courses to the excellent scheduling and flexibility, great
communication and extended media coverage, volunteer
support, judging, it seemed like all of the key ingredients
for a successful comp were nailed and better than ever
before. And then there was the weather – uncontrollable
in itself but managed very effectively.

NZ Head Coach Park & Pipe
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
2017 was a record year for the Games. The combination of being a pre-Winter Olympics year plus the addition of new events saw a 67% increase in
competition entries on 2013, also a pre-Olympic Games year. Similarly the number of individual competitors increased by 21% on 2013 to a record 846.
The only area of concern was a drop in individual entries in alpine ski racing from a high of 199 in 2013 to 177 in 2017. This could be the result of moving
the races a week later as the United States was a significant country that did not enter any of the ANC races.

TOTAL STARTS: 1,482 ATHLETES (C.F. 2013 – 889 / 2015 – 690)
Figures as per start lists with some athletes counted twice if competing across more than one competition.

ALPINE         547 202/345      37%:63%
CROSS COUNTRY  143 61/82        43%:57%
CURLING        24  12/12        50%:50%
FREERIDE       126 44/82        35%:65%
FREESKI        196 71/125       36%:64%
ICE HOCKEY     153 153          100% Men
PARA-SNOWBOARD 100 14/86        14%:86%
SNOWBOARD      193 78/115       33%:67%

* Some athletes competed in more than one competition event or discipline.

TOTAL INDIVIDUAL COMPETITORS: 846 (C.F. 2013 - 699 / 2015 – 445)

                                      NUMBER                  LADIES / MEN            LADIES : MEN (%)             MANAGEMENT
ALPINE                                177                     68/109                  38%:62%                      28
CROSS COUNTRY                         49                      21/28                   43%:57%                      15
CURLING                               32                      16/16                   50%:50%                      16
FREERIDE                              100                     36/63                   36%:64%                      0
FREESKI                               193                     70/123                  36%:64%                      30
ICE HOCKEY                            50                      48                      100% Men                     11
PARA-SNOWBOARD                        50                      7/43                    14%:86%                      9
SNOWBOARD:                            195                     80/115                  41%:59%                      30
TOTALS                                846                     157/287                 35%:65%                      139

* The Merino Muster Cross Country, an associate event in 2017, had a further 214 individual entries (95W/120M)
Note: The team management numbers are under-stated as for many teams we only have the prime point of contact and not a list of all
team management. A more likely total is around 250.
2017 REPORT - Winter Games NZ
                                                       2017                  2015                  2013

Sponsorship, grants, patrons & sales             $4,290,697            $4,708,780             $4,364,157

Sports - 4 World Cups                              $553,567              $549,139              $546,784
Venues                                             $272,961              $283,466              $292,805
Travel & Accommodation                            $230,654               $238,533              $224,205
Media                                             $160,868               $194,960               $334,257
Television                                         $653,230              $492,077               $617,985
Marketing                                          $619,338             $1,096,673              $764,563
Production                                         $172,395              $346,476              $303,368
Hospitality                                        $84,046                 $68,215               $61,048
Management & Administration                       $952,694               $888,865               $973,769
HR & Volunteers                                    $414,564              $423,636               $413,812
Cardrona Games 2016                                 $72,257
Other                                               $82,291               $117,412               $89,967

Total Expenditure                               $4,268,865             $4,699,452            $4,620,685

Surplus/ (deficit)                                  $21,832                 $9,328             -$256,528

The Winter Games NZ Trust’s financial year is to December 31 so the above presents the projected financial position at
that date.

The financial report covers two financial years i.e. 2016 & 2017.
The economic impact from international and domestic attendees at the Audi quattro Winter Games NZ was
a record 45,400 bed nights putting $13,400,669 into Central Otago.
This is a record economic return for the region by the Games.
These figures are calculated purely from those whose reason for being in New Zealand/Central Otago was primarily
because of the Games. No multipliers have been applied.

Total number of international bed nights & value 		                          30,310            $8,080,930

Calculated net national benefit from international visitors			                                 $8,593,696
Significant international revenue			                                                              $785,223
Total net national benefit			                                                                  $9,378,919

Total number of domestic bed nights & value		                                 12,625           $2,570,500
Games partner’s hosting & leveraging bed nights & value		                      2,465            $1,451,250
Domestic totals		                                                            15,090            $4,021,750

Not included in the above valuations is the value to New Zealand of the extensive international media coverage,
especially through television and social media. Importantly, the Games is one of the few major international sports
events held within New Zealand that has strong reach in to key New Zealand tourism markets i.e. Australia, China,
Korea, Japan, the United States, Canada, Great Britain and western Europe.

See the media section for the extent of that coverage but, as a guide, iSentia valued the news coverage in Australia at
$2,232,345. This did not include the Fox Sports television coverage or any social media.

By January 31st, 2018, the Games will have achieved in excess of 1,000 hours of international coverage
from more than 10,000 transmissions.

As for all previous editions of the Games, the television broadcast was produced by Kinetic Media. The four FIS World Cups and
the curling finals were broadcast live and we produced seven highlights packages that featured all events other than the FIS
World Cups.

The Winter Games NZ owned all television and digital rights apart from the four FIS World Cups where we owned the rights
for New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands only. Italian media company, Infront Media, owns the rights for the FIS World
Cups internationally through to the 2021/22 season.

For 2017 the Winter Games shifted its television partnership from Mediaworks (TV3 and NewsHub) to TVNZ. There were five
live programmes broadcast on Duke and seven highlights programmes broadcast on Duke and TVOne. With repeats, there was
a total of 60.5 hours of free to air television coverage in New Zealand. The seven broadcasts on TVOne attracted the strongest
audiences with an average audience of 42,000 and average reach of 116,000 for a cumulative reach of 823,900.

Delivered - On Air
• 60 hours and 30 mins of broadcast coverage delivered across TVOne and Duke.
• 209 TARPs and 2 hours and 26 mins of marketing coverage.
• Estimated 120 x 30” opener and closer credits.
• Estimated 240 x 15” sponsorship credits embedded into content.
• 89 Audi quattro logo on TVNZ promotions over 15” in duration.


                                                  		                    AP 5+
Channel          Programme                        No. Programmes        Rating %        Audience Avg. Reach             SHR %

DUKE          Winter Games Live              5		                  0.1            4,000          31,000                  1.2
DUKE          Winter Games Highlights        30		                 0.1            5,000          15,000                  1.3
DUKE          Winter Games Repeat            15		                 0.2            7,000          36,000                  1.8
TVNZ 1        Winter Games Highlights        7		                  1.0            42,000         116,000                 8.6

TVNZ On Demand
The programmes were all available On Demand and had 266,629 impressions and 53,197 unique visitors.
TVNZ - ON DEMAND                                                                        FIS WORLD CUPS - INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION BY INFRONT
                                                                                        Infront has provided an interim report as at 31 October with a more complete report to
The programmes were all available TVNZ’s On Demand                                      follow in January 2018. The FIS World Cup Magazine shows commence in late November so
                                                                                        that will be added in to the 2018 Report.
•   The Games received 266,629 impressions
•   There were 53,197 unique visitors                                                   For the first time we had international broadcasters taking the full finals coverage, as live or
•   4 episodes of ‘On The Slopes’ with Liam Malone                                      delayed live. There was also an increase in interest in the news clips and highlights packages.

TVNZ SOCIAL MEDIA SUPPORT                                                               Countries & networks already confirmed, through Infront, are:
The 4 episodes of ‘On The Slopes with Liam Malone’ had:                                 Canada: CBC / CTV / TVA           Estonia: EESTI
• Reach – 343,832                                                                       Europe: EBU                       France: TV Grenoble / Comitato Val Thorens / TV Alp D’Huez
• Views – 114,707                                                                       Germany: Sky Deutschland          Italy: Rai Sports
• Instagram – 21,500 followers                                                          Japan: NHK / Television Nigata    Norway: NRK
                                                                                        South Korea: SBS                  Switzerland: SF
Duke’s Facebook reached a further 46,693. Liam Malone also shared the Games on his      USA: NBC / USSA                   Olympic Channel
Instagram (21,000 followers) and Facebook (18,000 followers)                            MSM

                                                                                        As at 31 October World Cup international broadcast coverage confirmed:
                                                                                        Freeski Halfpipe & Slopestyle: Total = 28h12m.
                                                                                        Live 10h13m; Delayed & Rerun 8hr7m; News Access 9h 51m.

                                                                                        Snowboard Halfpipe & Slopestyle: Total = 16h37m.
AUSTRALIA: FOX SPORTS – WORLD CUPS AND CURLING LIVE                                     Live 3h; Delayed & Rerun 10h12m; News Access 3h24m
For 2017 the Winter Games NZ was able to secure Fox Sports as the broadcast
partner in Australia for the four FIS World Cups and the Curling Mixed Doubles final.

                                                                                          TOTAL WORLD CUP BROADCAST COVERAGE = 44H49M
Fox broadcast the following Winter Games NZ programmes:
• FIS Freeski World Cup Slopestyle final – 1 live broadcast and 5 repeats
• FIS Freeski World Cup Halfpipe final – 1 live broadcast and 5 repeats                   TOTAL ONLINE VIDEO DOWNLOADS = 3H50M
• FIS Snowboard World Cup Slopestyle final – 1 live broadcast and 3 repeats
• FIS Snowboard World Cup Halfpipe final – 1 delayed live broadcast and 5 repeats
• Curling Mixed Doubles Final – 1 live broadcast and 5 repeats

Total of 60 hours of broadcast and cumulative reach of 385,395
CARDRONA (NZL) - 04-09/09/2017 | SNOWBOARD SLOPESTYLE - SNOWBOARD HALF PIPE                  RACE START TIME (LOC): SS: 12:30 HP: 11:00
FOCUS ON TYPE OF BROADCAST PER COUNTRY                                                                  WORLD

             LIVE    DELAYED + RERUN                       NEWS ACCESS                                                                                                  USA
CANADA		0:09:34
FRANCE			                                                  0:09:34                                                                         LIVE

                                                                                                                                           DELAYED + RERUN
GERMANY			                                                 0:51:36
                                                                                                             JAPAN                         NEWS ACCESS
ITALY		3:05:57
SOUTH KOREA		        2:57:04                                                                                               SOUTH KOREA
JAPAN			                                                   1:10:36
NORWAY			                                                  0:09:34                                                         ITALY

USA          3:00:00 4:00:00                               0:11:31
WORLD			                                                   0:51:36
TOTAL        3:00:00 10:12:35                              3:24:27                              FRANCE

                                                                                          0:00:00     1:12:00    2:24:00   3:36:00   4:48:00      6:00:00     7:12:00
CARDRONA (NZL) - 27.08 - 01.09 / 2017 | SKI SLOPESTYLE - SKI HALF PIPE
FOCUS ON TYPE OF BROADCAST PER COUNTRY                                                              WORLD

            LIVE    DELAYED + RERUN                        NEWS ACCESS
CANADA			                                                  0:21:54                                  SWITZERLAND
ESTONIA     3:20:00 3:21:00                                                                                                                DELAYED + RERUN
EUROPE			                                                  7:30:40                                                                         NEWS ACCESS
FRANCE			                                                  0:21:54                                  JAPAN

GERMANY			                                                 0:07:18                                                                                  ITALY
ITALY       3:53:01 1:46:53
JAPAN			                                                   0:22:32
NORWAY			                                                  0:22:32                                  FRANCE

SWITZERLAND			                                             0:22:32
USA         3:00:00 3:00:00                                00:07:18
WORLD			                                                   0:14:36
TOTAL       3:00:00 10:12:35                               3:24:27                                  CANANDA

		16:37:02                                                                                0:00:00     1:12:00    2:24:00   3:36:00   4:48:00      6:00:00     7:12:00
Quattro Media (Austrian company) was contracted to distribute the video news        Below is an initial overview including news and other short contributions created
releases (VNRs), highlights programmes and the live curling. Quattro Media has      with vision from the 7 x news cuts that Quattro actively distributed globally from:
provided an interim report on 23 October but this is very much an interim report.   • Dual Slalom
The January 2018 report will include the full broadcasting information regarding    • Giant Slalom
the highlight shows as many of these will be broadcast during the northern winter   • Slalom
season.                                                                             • Curling
                                                                                    • Para-snowboard Banked Slalom
                                                                                    • Cross-Country Freestyle
The final international deliverables, to Quattro Media, by Kinetic Media were:      • Freeride Big Mountain

                                                                                    DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY
                                                                                    • A total of 75 countries (excluding pan-regional broadcasts) broadcast news,
              International news releases
  7x          Also given to the unilateral broadcasters
                                                                                       short reports or highlights coverage from the Games.
                                                                                    • Total of 768 hours of broadcast as of 23 October.
                                                                                    • Highlights programmes – already have 722 transmissions in to the following
                                                                                       28 countries: Angola, Australia, Austria, Brunei, Cambodia, Cape Verde,
              FIS World Cup VNRs for Australia
  4x          and New Zealand
                                                                                       China, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Korea, Macau, Malaysia,
                                                                                       Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, Mozambique, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea,
                                                                                       Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, United Kingdom,
                                                                                       United States, Vietnam plus several pan-region broadcasters.
              44min highlight for AUS & NZL only
  1x          (including FIS World Cups highlights)

                                                                                    Some valuable channels have picked up on the content including:
                                                                                    EBU in Europe, ARD + ZDF + NDR in Germany, France 2 in France, TV5
  1x          LIVE delayed Curling (2hr 15min)                                      internationally, SRF2 + SRF Info in Switzerland, Channel 4 + Sky Sports + BT
                                                                                    Sport in UK, RDS in Canada, RAI News 24 in Italy, TBS + J SPORTS in Japan,
                                                                                    Channel1 + Match TV in Russia, SVT 1 + SVT 2 + TV4 in Sweden and Eesti TV in
                                                                                    Estonia, Fox Sports in Europe, USA, Asia and Africa.
  6x          International 26min highlight
                                                                                    Pasifika TV also broadcast the Highlights programmes plus the Snowboard
                                                                                    Slopestyle for a total of 17.5 hours across 12 nations through 22 broadcasters.

  TOTAL TIME           WESTERN                   EASTERN                      NORTHERN              SOUTH & MIDDLE                 ASIA PACIFIC             AFRICA               MIDDLE EAST
                       EUROPE                    EUROPE                        AMERICA                 AMERICA

   368:23:06            40:25:52                     6:26:35                    33:18:22                  7:17:57                   128:03:45              132:02:57                  20:47:38

                                                                                               AIR TIME IN HOURS





                                                                                                                                     128:03:45         132:02:57

                                                     40:25:52                                  33:18:22
                                                                            6:26:35                                 7:17:57                                                20:47:38






                                                                                                              IC E



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                                                                                                          AM MID


















    NO. OF             WESTERN        EASTERN      NORTHERN      SOUTH & MIDDLE    ASIA PACIFIC                  AFRICA               MIDDLE EAST

     7628                  1427         471          247              596               1136                      2744                     1007

       MIDDLE EAST; 1007; 13%
                                                                                                        WESTERN EUROPE; 1427; 19%

                                                                                                        EASTERN EUROPE; 471; 6%
                                                                                                        NORTHERN AMERICA; 247; 3%

            AFRICA; 2744; 36%                                                                           SOUTH & MIDDLE AMERICA; 596; 8%

                                                                                                        ASIA PACIFIC; 1136; 15%

                                                                                               HIGHLIGHT; 722; 9%


    NO. OF                NEWS      SHORT REPORT     HIGHLIGHT

     7628                  3652         3254            722
                                                                              SHORT REPORT; 3254; 43%                             NEWS; 3652; 48%
Winter Games NZ is an elite, world-class event within the
freeskiing schedule. This is one of the reasons it has been
a Platinum Level event on the AFP calendar for years. In
addition to being hosted on premier courses, the event is
well organized, managed by a team of passionate event
and production professionals and truly highlights the
Kiwi spirit…and the athletes love it! The only downside
to the event is that it currently only happens every two
years – and the community of freeskiing needs and wants
an event of this calibre every year.

Founder/President Association of Freeskiing
Professionals (AFP)

The social media plan was based around a collective partnership with, in particular, Audi,
Red Bull, GoPro, Mons Royale, Mumm, The North Face, Jucy, Lake Wanaka Tourism,
Destination Queenstown and Tourism NZ. The result was that, through the combination
of the Games partners and the Games own social channels we exceeded our 5 million
target by reaching a total of 8,072,581 (as at 30/09/2017) social users. Still to be
received are the key reports from Lake Wanaka Tourism, AFP, FIS, Jucy, Tourism NZ.

                                        WINTER GAMES WEBSITE

                                          226k views with nearly
                                           180k of them unique


                                          2,428,529 organic reach
                             299,985 minutes of video viewed or 5,000 hours


                            Instagram had nearly 200,000 impressions, reaching
                              82,000 people with over 34,000 engagements

•   Red Bull – across their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media reached over
    1.3 million users, with just under 88,000 video views.
•   Audi NZ - posted some impressive engagement on their Facebook and Instagram,
    reaching over 1.04 million with over 10 minutes video seen by over 86,500.
•   Audi Australia - posted a gallery of images at the completion of the Games that
    reached over 50,000 Australians.
•   Mons Royale - their channels hit over 700,000 users with their videos seen by
    over 12,000.
•   Coronet Peak and The Remarkables social channels reached just under 320,000
    while Cardrona Alpine Resort hit the half million mark. Their highest performing
    video receiving 73,000 views.
•   Destination Queenstown reached in excess of 640,000 people with 140,000
    video views.
•   Mumm Champagne – their PR campaign had impressive results with 2,723.628
    online impressions and Facebook posting achieving 458,000 impressions.
•   TVNZ and Duke’s activations with Liam Malone reached 390,000 views, not
    including Liam’s personal channels.
•   The North Face - Facebook had a 213,533 organic reach with 12,009 minutes of
    video viewed or 200 hours

A number of other social media channels shared videos and images from the Games or
produced their own. A powerful example is the Olympic Channel that not only had video
clips during the Games but now have considerable footage and imagery that they will
utilise in the build-up to the Winter Olympics in February.
MEDIA: NEWS COVERAGE, RADIO AND PRINT                                                            COVERAGE BY MEDIA TYPE

The Games were able to achieve a strong increase in media visibility, domestically and
internationally. This increase was across all media platforms and was the result of it being a                                  CHART 3
pre-Olympics and Paralympics year as well as the stronger involvement of our commercial                                            INTERNET
and media partners.                                                                                   243              299
                                                                                                     27.9%            34.3%        RADIO

Media company, ISentia, monitored the coverage in both New Zealand and Australia from 20                                           PRESS
March to 20 September.                                                                                60       270
                                                                                                     6.9%     31.0%                TV

New Zealand
•   A total of 872 reports mentioned the Winter Games NZ during the period. This coverage
    had a cumulative potential audience for 21,765,006 (6.5 million in 2015) and an
                                                                                                 MEDIA TYPE      VOLUME       AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION   ADVERTISING SPACE RATES
    advertising space rate (ASR) of $2,232,345.
•   The internet was the leading media, with a total of 299 reports (or 34.3% of total           INTERNET        299          858,493                $820,622

    coverage). The internet was closely followed by radio (270, or 31.0%) and press (243, or     PRESS           243          8,493,993              $502,043
    27.9%). Television news coverage accounted for 60 reports, or 6.9% of total coverage.
                                                                                                 RADIO           270          1,274,920              $159,014
•   A total of 359,187 sq.cm of press coverage (76,470 sq.cm in 2015), nine hours and
    thirty-nine minutes of radio coverage, and one hour forty minutes of television coverage     TELEVISION      60           11,137,600             $750,666
    featured. 26.1% of press coverage featured in North Island publications (7% in 2015),
                                                                                                 TOTAL           872          21,765,006             $2,232,345
    while 69.0% of radio coverage was North Island based.
•   Audi quattro was the most mentioned sponsor, featuring in 237 reports, 130 of which
    were from radio outlets. Audi quattro was followed by Cardrona (169 reports), Coronet
    Peak (103), North Face (29) and Jucy (16).
•   Otago Daily Times was the leading press outlet, with a total of 36 reports, followed by
    The Mirror (Queenstown) (25 reports) and Mountain Scene (23).
•   Stuff.co.nz was the leading online outlet, publishing nearly double the number of reports
    of NZME’s online site, nzherald.co.nz (59 compared to 34 reports).
•   RadioLIVE was the leading radio outlet, making up more than three quarters of all radio
    coverage (208 reports, or 77.0% of radio coverage).
•   Television news coverage was limited to three outlets. TVOne was the leading outlet (41
    reports), followed by NewsHub (15) and Prime (four).
AUSTRALIAN MEDIA COVERAGE                                                                COVERAGE BY MEDIA TYPE

For the previous four editions of the Winter Games NZ we have struggled to obtain
any news media coverage in Australia so 2017 is a breakthrough year for the Games.                           6.1%                        CHART 4

•   A total of 98 reports in Australian media outlets mentioned the Winter Games NZ
    during the period. This coverage had a cumulative potential audience/circulation              60                32.7%
    of 3,850,978 and an advertising space rate (ASR) of $894,950.                                61.2%

•   Internet was the leading media type, with a total of 60 reports (or 61.2% of total                                                         RADIO
    coverage). This was followed by press (32 reports or 32.7%) and radio (six reports
    or 6.1%).
•   A total 36,993 sq.cm of press, and 42 seconds of broadcast coverage featured in
    Australian media.
                                                                                         MEDIA TYPE         VOLUME           AUDIENCE/CIRCULATION             ADVERTISING SPACE RATES
•   Cardrona was the most mentioned sponsor, featuring in 22 reports. It was
    followed by Audi quattro (17 reports), Coronet Peak (15) and JUCY (one).             INTERNET           60               43,760                           $90,765

•   The Daily Telegraph was the leading press outlet, with a total of four reports.      PRESS              32               3,800,218                        $804,107
    World News Australia was the leading online outlet, publishing nine reports.
                                                                                         RADIO              6                7,000                            $78
    Radio coverage was evenly distributed, with six different outlets broadcasting
    one item a piece.                                                                    TELEVISION         -                -                                -

                                                                                         TOTAL              98               3,850,978                        $894,950

                                                                                         NOTE: Chart 4 shows the volume and proportion of coverage in each media type, while the table also
                                                                                         shows the audience or circulation and advertising space rates of this coverage.
Mediaworks Radio was again our radio partner through their MoreFM, The         LOCAL FACEBOOK POSTS
Rock and RadioLIVE stations.

The Rock
The Rock’s Morning Rumble ran a one-week promotion giving away a trip
for a listener and a mate to spend an epic few days at the Games during
the opening weekend. In total there were 54 successful entrants and
the supporting web page was visited over 2,000 times by more than 850
unique visitors.

More FM ran a two-week nationwide promotion giving listeners the
chance to win a VIP family ‘Winter Games NZ Experience’ to Queenstown -
including return flights, accommodation, a rental car, tickets to events and
$1,000 spending money.                                                           Web articles on radiolive.co.nz under EVENTS & WIN, with all the details about
                                                                                 Winter Games including links for more information and to get tickets. During
This promotion was supported with promotional trailers, a web article, an        the promotional period the WIN article housed details about the Games and
e-letter inclusion on 5th July and an e-letter feature on 12th July (sent to     how to get involved with the competition.
over 47,000 listeners).
                                                                                 The EVENT article remained live and updated until the end of the Games.
More FM also ran two weeks of on-air local promotional activity in
Queenstown, Wanaka, Cromwell and Alexandra leading into the Winter
Games NZ 2017. An ice hockey promotion reached over 6,000 people
online which is a great result locally.

RadioLIVE Drive ran a one-week competition, offering their listeners the
chance to win a double pass, flights, accommodation, a rental car, and
skiing on Cardrona.

Network promotional trailers supported the on-air competition across
RadioLIVE and a social post on the RadioLIVENZ Facebook page.
                                                                                            Other initiatives were:
The domestic and international marketing of the Winter Games NZ 2017 had three
objectives:                                                                                 •   Audi NZ and TVNZ coordinated advertising campaigns to maximise and increase
                                                                                                the domestic profile of the Games.
1) To increase the number, depth of quality athletes and length of stay of international    •   Destination Queenstown made the Games a central component of its Spring
teams coming to train in New Zealand and compete in the Games.                                  Skiing campaign in both New Zealand and Australia.
                                                                                            •   Multiple Winter Games campaigns and competitions on Mediaworks radio
2) To drive international and domestic visitors to the region and increase their level of       stations from early July to September.
spend as a result of the Games.                                                             •   Audi Australia took daily 30 seconds WG video clips specifically made for them to
                                                                                                share on their social media and so increase the Games visibility in a key market.
3) To increase international and domestic awareness of the Games and so provide             •   Corona and Jucy ran promotions to drive people to come to the Winter Games.
value and leveraging opportunities for Games sponsors and stakeholders.

In addition to the Games own marketing campaign, the strategy was to facilitate a
stronger involvement by our commercial, tourism and media partners i.e. a collective
marketing effort by partners to not only promote the Games but to also increase their
leveraging of the Games.

The result was an increased visibility, engagement and promotion of the Games on
partner websites, social media platforms and radio.                                                                                                Airports
                                                                                                                                                   Christchurch International
The success was also seen in the inclusion of the number athletes sponsored by                                                                     Airport and Queenstown
partners - Audi and Red Bull each had more than 20 of their sponsored athletes at the                                                              Airport again provided
Games. Athlete hosting and interaction with consumers were part of their leveraging                                                                prominent branding
including Audi’s driving experience and ‘First tracks’ with Red Bull athletes.                                                                     at their terminals to
                                                                                                                                                   help create domestic
A closer collaboration with the top athletes also enabled more content creation and                                                                awareness as well as
integrated campaigns. Audi, GoPro, Mons Royale, Red Bull, Champagne Mumm,                                                                          providing strong Audi
Tourism New Zealand, Destination Queenstown, NZSki and Cardrona all had their                                                                      quattro Winter Games NZ
own videographers creating content and sharing it on their platforms before, during                                                                visibility.
and after the Games.

The festival activities were moved back up on to the mountains, this year, so that we could create more of a festival environment alongside the events.
The Opening Ceremony again incorporated the Night Dual Slalom at Coronet Peak and Prime Minister, the Right Honorable Bill English, officially
opened the Games.

A very successful development was the activations undertaken at Cardrona Alpine Resort by Cardrona, Red Bull, Mumm Champagne, Corona & Jucy. As
a result, there was daily entertainment on mountain that included the Mumm Club de Neige, Red Bull DJ performances and the Corona Slopestyle Pop
Up bar. This initiative will be further developed in 2018 and also include Coronet Peak.

The Red Bull Jump and Freeze was successfully held within the Games on The Remarkables with an estimated crowd of 1,000 present. The video
content produced received strong domestic and global interest. Definitely worth repeating.

The Closing Ceremony, at Cardrona Alpine Resort, had to be reduced in format and brought forward one day due to very poor weather forecasts for
the final weekend. The snow falling during the official closing did add a special atmosphere.

This was the fifth time that we have held the Jucy Meltdown Concert in Wanaka.

Sports Development
Para-snowboard World Cup and Southern Hemisphere Cup Banked Slaloms were held
                                                                                            Judges and Officials training
for the first time at Treble Cone. The Games worked closely with the venue and brought
                                                                                            The FIS held judging clinics in freeski and snowboard were held as well as a Technical
in a course builder and the FIS Technical Delegate to develop the World Cup course and
                                                                                            Delegate clinic. This was combined with the participants shadowing FIS officials during
attract a strong international field.
                                                                                            the Games events.

Drug testing is more expensive for sports in Central Otago due to the lack of Drug
                                                                                            Internship programme
Free Sport officials in the region. The Games, therefore, facilitated a free Drug Free
                                                                                            Two interns took part in the Games internship programme; Sophie Cocks as Media and
Chaperone training program for twelve locals that will benefit other sports and events in
                                                                                            Marketing Coordinator and Tim Coltman, on a Post Graduate-Placement through Sport
the region.
                                                                                            NZ, as the Athlete Services Liaison.

Schools Programme
                                                                                            New Zealand export businesses
The school engagement programme was once again very successful:
                                                                                            New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and the Games worked with export companies that
• Winter Games alpine kids ski race, organised by Coronet Peak, took place two days
                                                                                            naturally align with the Games to gain international profile and market access. This is
    prior the Opening of the Games on the same course as the Night Dual Slalom.
                                                                                            a long-term project targeting, primarily, China and follows up on the Memorandum of
    Competing were 77 children and youth in the following categories: U10 / U12 / U14
                                                                                            Understanding signed with the Chinese Ski Federation. Companies partnering with the
    / U16. Winter Games NZ race bibs were given as a souvenir.
                                                                                            Games were Cardrona Alpine Resort, Mons Royale, Queenstown Resort College and VX
• The kapa haka group from The Remarkables and Arrowtown Schools were involved
    in the Games Opening Ceremony. At Cardrona the kapa haka group from Mt
    Aspiring College was involved for all the World Cup Finals.
                                                                                            Business engagement programme
• Mt Aspiring College students were involved as volunteers at Treble Cone events.
                                                                                            A business engagement programme was trialled with local businesses that provided
• Students from Southland Institute of Technology (SIT) and the Queenstown Resort
                                                                                            athletes, team managers, officials and volunteers with discounts and vouchers. 50
    College (QRC) in Queenstown were involved in all the awards ceremonies.
                                                                                            businesses were involved and there is now a base to build upon for 2018.
• In Naseby the local kapa haka group welcomed the curling team, international
                                                                                            The Games also hosted functions with Wanaka and Queenstown Chambers of Commerce
    curling teams visited the school and the school students were involved in the
                                                                                            as well as a presention to Lake Wanaka Tourism members.
    curling awards ceremony.

A special thanks goes to Mt Aspiring College student, Oscar Hetherington, who filmed
and produced ‘ Behind the Scenes with the Winter Games volunteers’ as a special
schools project. The video can be found on the Games website and Facebook page.
You all made this happen and for what I gauged every call
was very well received by all teams, freeskiers and riders.
The outcome is once again great and surely motivates
all to come back to New Zealand in the future for many
more events. From the FIS side … our most deepest
appreciation and joy in seeing how everybody has been
so engaged and willing to make this all happen at the
highest levels with the greatest vibe.”

FIS Contest Director Park & Pipe

Friday 25th August 2017

1st      Andre Myhrer 			                     SWE
2nd      Reto Schmidiger 			                  SUI
3rd      David Chodounsky		                   USA

1st   Martina Dubovska		                      CZE
2nd  Patricia Mangan 			                      USA
3rd  Barbara Kantorova		                      SVK

Wednesday 30th August 2017 at Coronet Peak
Starts: 129 competitors (82 men/ 47 ladies)

1st    Estelle Alphand			SWE
2nd    Mina Fuerst Holtmann		  NOR
3rd    Katharina Liensberger		 AUT

1st      Manuel Feller			AUT
2nd      Marc Rochat			SUI
3rd      Stefan Luitz			 GER

Thursday 31st August 2017 at Coronet Peak
Starts: 119 competitors (76 men/ 43 ladies)

1st    Chiara Mair			AUT
2nd    Katharina Liensberger		 AUT
3rd    Martina Dubovska			     CZE

1st      Marc Rochat			SUI
2nd      Steffan Winkelhorst		 NED
3rd      Michael Ankenny			USA
Monday 28th August & Friday 1st September 2017 at Coronet Peak
Starts: 116 competitors (66 men/ 50 ladies)

1st    Mina Fuerst Holtmann		   NOR
2nd    Kristin Lysdahl			NOR
3rd    Maria Pietilae-Holmner		 SWE

1st      Erik Read			CAN
2nd      Magnus Walch			AUT
3rd      Krystof Kryzl			 CZE

Tuesday 29th August 2017 at Coronet Peak
Starts: 135 competitors 86 men/ 49 ladies)

1st    Sara Hector			SWE
2nd    Kristin Lysdahl			NOR
3rd    Katharina Liensberger		 AUT

1st      Erik Read			CAN
2nd      Magnus Walch			AUT
3rd      Manuel Feller			 AUT

Friday 8th September 2017 at Snow Farm
Starts: 37 competitors (21 men/ 16 ladies)

1st    Sophie Caldwell			   USA
2nd    Ida Sargent			USA
3rd    Caitlin Patterson 		 USA

1st   Benjamin Saxton			USA
2nd   Benjamin Lustgarten		 USA
3rd   Kaichi Naruse			JPN

Saturday 9th September 2017 at Snow Farm
Starts: 50 competitors (27 men/ 23 ladies)

1st    Jessie Diggins			   USA
2nd    Caitlin Patterson			USA
3rd    Ida Sargent			      USA

1st   Benjamin Lustgarten		 USA
2nd   Adam Martin			USA
3rd   Kaichi Naruse			JPN

Thursday 7th September 2017 at Snow Farm
Starts: 50 competitors (29 men/ 21 ladies)

1st    Jesse Diggins			   USA
2nd    Barbara Jezersek			AUS
3rd    Sophie Caldwell			 USA

1st   Benjamin Lustgarten		 USA
2nd   Kaichi Naruse			JPN
3rd   Brian Gregg			USA

Saturday 26th – Wednesday 30th August 2017 in Naseby
Starts: 32 competitors (16 men/ 16 ladies)

1st     Marei Turman & Harry Lill			              EST
2nd     Kalynn Park & Charley Thomas		            CAN
3rd     Kristin Skaslien & Magnus Nedregotten     NOR


Friday 1st September 2017 at Cardrona Alpine Resort
Starts: 65 competitors (35 men/ 30 ladies)

1st    Cassie Sharpe				CAN
2nd    Kelly Sildaru				EST
3rd    Marie Martinod				JFRA

1st     Alex Ferreira				USA
2nd     Kevin Rolland				FRA
3rd     Simon D’artois				CAN

Sunday 27th August 2017 at Cardrona Alpine Resort
Starts: 106 competitors (74 men/ 32 ladies)

1st    Kelly Sildaru				EST
2nd    Giulia Tanno				SUI
3rd    Jennie-Lee Burmansson			 SWE

1st     James Woods				GBR
2nd     Andri Ragettli				SUI
3rd     Fabien Boesch				SUI

Monday 4th September 2017 at Cardrona Alpine Resort
Starts: 96 competitors (56 men/ 42 ladies)

1st    Jamie Anderson		           USA
2nd    Miyabi Onitsuka		          JPN
3rd    Zoi Sadowski Synnott       NZL

1st     Marcus Kleveland		        NOR
2nd     Darcy Sharpe              CAN
3rd     Carlos Garcia Knight      NZL

Friday 8th September 2017 at Cardrona Alpine Resort
Starts: 74 competitors (44 men/ 30 ladies)

1st    Chloe Kim		                USA
2nd    Kelly Clark		              USA
3rd    Maddie Mastro		            USA

1st     Yuto Totsuka		            JPN
2nd     Ayumu Hirano		            JPN
3rd     Patrick Burgener		        SUI

Friday 8th September 2017 at The Remarkables
Snowboard Starts 18 competitors (11 men / 7 women)

1st  Maria Kuzma		                NZL
2nd  Manuela Mandl		              AUT
3rd  Nuria Castan Baron           ESP

1st     Roland Morley-Brown       NZL
2nd     Christopher Galvin        USA
3rd     Stephen Denmark		         USA
Ski Starts 32 competitors (23 men / 9 women)

1st  Laia Castellarnau Plaza       ESP
2nd  Jessica Hotter		              NZL
3rd  Anna Smoothy		                NZL

1st     Hank Bilous		   NZL
2nd     Sam Lee			NZL
3rd     Matthew Sweet		 NZL

Saturday 2nd September 2017 at Treble Cone
Starts 46 competitors (40 men / 6 women)

1st  Qiaorong Pang		     CHN

1st  Nicole Roundy		     USA

1st  Joany Badenhorst		  AUS
2nd  Cassie Cava		       GBR
3rd  Brittani Coury		    USA

1st   Michael Minor		              USA
2nd   Simon Patmore		              AUS
3rd   Zhuo Chen		                  CHN

1st   Noah Elliott		      USA
2nd   Daichi Oguri		      JPN
3rd   Mike Schultz		      USA

1st   Michael Shea		      USA
2nd   Ben Tudhope		       AUS
3rd   Carl Murphy		       NZL
7, 8 & 9 September 2017 at the Queenstown Ice Stadium

Game 1: New Zealand 4-1 Australia
Game 2: New Zealand 0-2 Australia
Game 3: New Zealand 3-3 Australia, Shootout New
        Zealand 0-2 Australia

Made of pounamu, the Audi quattro Winter Games NZ Team
trophy was awarded to the United States as the top nation.
Eighteen countries won medals.

Country            Gold      Silver     Bronze     Points Totals

United States  13 7  11                            64
New Zealand    3  3  4                             19
Austria        2  6  1                             19
Switzerland    2  4  2                             16
Canada         3  2  1                             14
Norway         2  3  1                             13
Japan          1  3  2                             11
Sweden         2		 2                               8
Estonia        2  1		                              8
Australia      1  2                                7
Czech Republic 1		   2                             5
Great Britain  1  1		                              5
Spain          1		 1                               4
China          1		 1                               4
France		 1           1                             3
Netherlands		 1		                                  2
Slovakia			 1                                      1
Germany			 1                                       1

Competing Nations: 42
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Bermuda,
Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Morocco,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Russia,
Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and the United States
“The Audi quattro Winter Games NZ provides a unique
platform for world-class winter sports competition in the
Southern Hemisphere, thanks to the high-level existing
facilities and ongoing development of winter sports
and tourism in the region. It also provides great global
brand exposure … with significant television and digital
coverage around the world in a number of winter sport
disciplines. We believe that evolving the Games to an
annual event from 2018 will undoubtedly enhance the
benefits both for Audi and winter sports.”

Secretary General, International Ski Federation (FIS)

Sam Hazledine, Hetty Van Hale, John Knowles, Richard Leggat,
Peter Wardell and Paul Allison

Arthur Klap 		     Chief Executive
Mags Helles 		     Marketing Manager
Anna McConville 		 Sports Manager
Anna Hiatt 		      Commercial Manager
George Berry 		    Media Manager
Kyla Davies 		     Hospitality Manager
Jane Todd 		       Corporate Services Manager

Eric Zerrenner Freeski & Snowboard Manager, Hannah Hazeldine
Alpine Ski Manager, Jane Stevens Para-snow Sports Manager,
Sam Inder Curling Manager, Colleen Nisbet Cross-country Ski
Manager, Gemma Peskett Coronet Peak & The Frontier 4*
Manager, Penny Murden Cardrona Manager, Hailey Rhyne & Clare
Chapman Production Assistants, Lynne Klap Awards Manager,
Vickie Fulton Awards Assistant, Andy Peskett Signage Manager;
Janey Labes , John Van Buik & Lincoln Harworth Signage Team;
Georgia Bulloch, Tequila Parker, Ruby Imlach, Jen Brown, Dave
Bamford & Charlotte Hughes Hospitality Team; Tim Coltman
Athletes Services, Catherine Hall Administration; Perryn Lydford,
Bosh Raich, Christina Shaw & Heather McClintock Volunteers
Team; Jenny McLeod, Alex Kerr, Ian Ford, Nigel Zega, Mel Dawson,
George Coslett and Simone Flight Media Team; Jesse Williamson,
Sophie Cocks and Danny Bernett Social Media Team; Neil Kerr,
Miles Holden & Ian McGregor Photographers

Ingrid Larsen and Richard Sutcliffe

Approximately 275 volunteers helped deliver the 2017 Winter Games.

•   222 volunteers in the Games online system, does not include
    SIT and QRC students who worked for the award ceremonies
    (circa 20), the curling volunteers (circa 25), Snow Farm organising
    committee (10) or other volunteer organiser positions.

•   50 more people were unable to be allocated to volunteer positions
    as there were no roles or days available didn’t suit.

•   3 paid venue volunteer managers (Snow Farm, Coronet Peak,
    Cardrona) , 1 volunteer venue volunteer manager (Treble Cone)

•   25% of volunteers had volunteered before for WGNZ

•   75% NZ citizen/residents, 25% international

•   Total of 607 roles allocated through the online system over 17 days

      •    Coronet Peak: 187 roles over 6 days filled by 69 volunteers

      •    Cardrona: 163 roles over 14 days filled by 62 people

      •    Snow Farm: 109 roles over 4 days filled by 46 people

      •    Treble Cone: 80 roles over 2 days filled by 53 people

      •    The Remarkables: 41 roles over 2 days filled by 21 people

      •    Wanaka: 21 roles over 16 days filled by 10 people

      •    Queenstown: 4 roles over 2 days filled by 4 people
We thank the following who gave their time, energy and enthusiasm voluntarily to deliver the Audi quattro Winter Games NZ in 2017

Adam Eason                     Benjamin Berthon                Daniel Harris                   Flick Wallace                  Jane James
Alan Paris                     Bianca Burkhardt                Danielle Anson                  Geoff Hunt                     Jane Juneau
Alex Fillmore                  Bill Feasey                     Darren Carson                   George Harris                  Janet Musker
Alex Hull                      Bill Thomson                    Darren Parker                   Gerald Byrne                   Jannik Türnau
Alison Wood                    Bird Meyer                      Dave Stewart                    Giulia Scurria                 jas yau
Aly Doherty                    Brandi Beauvais                 Dean Bell                       Gordon D’Ath                   Jason Dodd
Amanda Mulqueen                Brandon Ducharme                Derek Paterson                  Graeme Male                    Jason Massicotte
Amber Frew                     Brianna Giorgi                  Di Liddell                      Graham Dillon                  Jason Roussel
Amy Smith                      Brit Smith                      Donna Butler                    Graham Sinnamon                Jen Lewis
Andie Gillings                 Brittney Flora                  Duncan Cotton                   Grant Cashmore                 Jennifer Howie
Andrea Murray                  Bruce Horrell                   Dylan Gatto                     Guy McCone                     Jeremy Miles
Andrew Penniket                Bruce Mclean                    Elaine O’Rourke                 Hamish McPherson               Jess Barker
Andy Hyland                    Caitlin Sanders                 Eliot Williams Ray              Hanne Makinen                  Jessica Whiteroad
Andy Millard                   Callum Moore                    Elizabeth Horrell               Harriet Beaven                 Jill Newton
Andy Oxley                     Camille Gobbo                   Ellie Weaver                    Harriet Byrne                  Jim Jolly
Anne Barwood                   Cathy Lewsley                   Emily Clark                     Hayden Miles                   Jo Rotter
Anthony Chenot                 Charlotte Farrell               Emily Crocker                   Heather Clay                   Jock Scott
Anthony Seeto                  Charlotte Kington               Emily Wilson                    Heather Halliday               Joe & Shona Donald
Ashleigh Hyland                Chelsea Davis                   Emma Bilous                     Heather Milne                  John Campbell
Audrey Honore                  Chiara Ochs                     Emma Sprong                     Helen Braczek                  John Harman
Barbara Hosie                  Chris Piper                     Emma Thompson                   Helen McCullough               John Hosie
Barry Pryce                    Chris Robertson                 Eric Space                      Ian Ford                       Jon Wardrop
Becky Millar                   Christina Brady                 Erin Shull                      Ian Miles                      Jonathan Holmes
Bella Cooke                    Courtney Smith                  Ernie Maluschnig                Ian Shore                      Jozefien Nuyttens
Ben Hume                       Dalice McGregor                 Ewan Mason                      Inga Furmaniak                 Jude Frazer
Ben Suncin                     Dan Steves mate                 Falco Yang                      Jack Gordon                    Judith Dalley
Ben Taylor                     Daniel Baxter                   Fiona Boyer                     Jalan Heaton                   Julia Berntsen
Julien Facci          Margie SlatterySmith     Pedro Mercado            Sam Ford               Taylor Foster
Karen Carson          Marie Mahieu             Peter Becker             Sam Inder              Teresa Gruber
Karen Munro           Marie Simoes             Peter Fletcher           Sam Thomas             Tereza Havalova
Karen Stringer        Martha Beaton            Peter Nowell             Samantha Corne         Tereza Jaresova
Katherine Flanagan    Martin Barwood           Petr Sykora              Sandra Paul            Tereza Svejnohova
Katrina Gardiner      Maxene Cranston          Phil Dowling             Sara Lindstrom         Tessa McGregor
Ken Gillespie         Megan Thomas             Pierre Vaton             Sarah Armstrong        Tia Te Wake
Kevin Seaman          Merv & Dianne Jamieson   Rach Bennet              Sarah Clunie           Timothy Sikma
Kim Marshall          Mike Page                Rachel Edmond            Sarah Crosbie          Tomo Amano
Kiri Sieczkowski      Mike Simpson             Rachel King              Sarah Fairclough       Tracy Pymont
Kirsty McPhee         Monica Sharpe            Ramon Wiebus             Sarah Robinson         Trudy Weinberg
Kristi Doherty        Murray Petherick         Raylene Rawcliffe        Saskia van der WIlt    Uli Schmidt
Larry Nichvolodov     Naomi Wicht              Rebecca Bryan            Shannon Foley          Vicki Wise
Laurie Glenn          Neil Rout & Jill         Reece Aitkin             Simon Noble            Vicky Fulton
Lesley Anderson       Nick Dalziel             Renae                    Sondoe Doerum          Vinnie Barron
Lesley Barr           Nick Riceman             Richard Meylan           Sophie Fairbairn       Warren Dobson
Lily Cooke            Nigel Quaid              Rob & Ann Potter         Sophie Radcliffe       Wendy Brown
Linzi Ebbage-Thomas   Nikki Holmes             Robert Cherowbrier       Sophie Wise            Will Jones
Lisa Powell           Nikola Badova            Rod Grant                Stephanie Gaudreault   Wilson Wahrlich
Liz Breslin           Nils Koons               Rod Macleod              Stephanie Raoul        Win Seaman
Liz Matthews          Nina Dunyach             Rosa Stackhouse-Miller   Stephen Briggs         Zach Doth
Lizzie Rennie         Noemie Vion              Roxann Boulais           Steve Maluschnig
Lochlan Gilder        Ollie Hunt               S K Park                 Stewart McKnight
Lucy Parris-Piper     Olly Sanderson           Sabine Waechter          Sue Penniket
Lyn Meylan            Oscar Hetherington       Saima Ritonummi          Sue Wales
Maisie Ludwig         Paul & Sherry Hart       Sally Jones              Susannah Rout
Marco Martin          Paula Ryan               Sam Colby                Susie Farrell
The Winter Games New Zealand Trust is indebted to the individuals, families and businesses that supported the Games in 2017 by becoming patrons. This support was again critical in
enabling the Audi quattro Winter Games NZ to be so successful.

Edgar Sir Eion & Lady Jan
                                                              Kerry and Alan Harper                                         Bespoke Weddings and Events
SPECIAL PATRON                                                John and Maureen Hodge
Hoku Foundation                                               Boyd Klap                                                     SUPPORTERS
                                                              Joran Laird                                                   William Moran
Platinum Patrons                                              Sir Chris and Lady Dayle Mace                                 Kaye and Michael Parker
Malcolm and Jodie Dick                                        Alan and Ces McKenzie                                         Geoff Thomas
Kent & Gaye Gardner                                           Mitre10 Mega Dunedin                                          Mark & Sally Verbiest
Mayfare Group                                                 Mitre10 Mega Queenstown                                       Oakridge
Mitre10 MEGA Ferrymead                                        Mt Cook Alpine Salmon
Oyster Capital                                                Northlake
Tim Roberts                                                   Over The Top Helicopters
Greg and Jill Tomlinson                                       PAK’nSAVE Queenstown
Wyndham Vacation Resorts Asia Pacific                         Petersen Family Foundation
                                                              Pinewood Lodge
Gold Patrons                                                  Pioneer Capital
Prue and Alan A’Court                                         Rockwood Trust
Aotea Electric Queentown                                      Acton and Dinah Smith
Artemis Capital                                               Southern Beaver Limited
Stewart and Jocelyn Barnett                                   Southern JV
Brennan Wines                                                 Mark Stewart & Ainsley Walter
Broken Shed                                                    TN Trust
Co-Investor Capital Partners Pty Limited                      Todd & Walker Law
Commodore Copthorn Christchurch                               Two Degrees Wines
Fergburger                                                    Valli Vineyards
Stephen and Virginia Fisher                                   Henry & Caroline Van Asch
Gallaway Cook Allan Lawyers                                   Whitestone Cheese
Tony Hall                                                     Kim and Marie Wilkinson
The support and engagement provided by our sponsors and partners has not only been outstanding but also critical in
 enabling us to deliver the Games to a world-class level. The Winter Games NZ Board and staff would like to thank all
                         our sponsors and partners for the fantastic support and commitment.

                                           COMMERCIAL SPONSORS
    Audi quattro Winter Games NZ
                PO Box 389 Wanaka

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