Page created by Edna Cummings
IN   One of the trends we highlighted for 2017 was how big social media networks
     were trying to transform their image, amid some bad publicity. Examples at

     that time included Snapchat’s rebranding at the end of 2016, Pinterest’s new
     positioning as a ‘catalogue of ideas’, expanding beyond the realm of a social
     network and even Twitter switching its designation from a ‘Social Network’
     to a ‘News’ app in the App Store. Behind this shift in strategy lies a desire for
     networks to evolve and become an ever-growing part of our lives.

     Social networks have advanced so much since their early beginnings that it
     is now difficult to confine them to being described by words like ‘social’ or

     ‘media’. Digital is also a reductive definition when pure players redouble in
     ingenuity to anchor themselves in both physical and digital environments;
     ‘phygital’ might, therefore, be a better descriptor.

     What’s also interesting is how the landscape is currently evolving. In the past,
     we had seen newcomers trying to compete with established ‘social networks’.
     Now the competition comes from many other players. Amazon’s launch of
     Spark, a social network for its shoppers or its powerful advertising platform,

     which directly competes with players like Facebook, is an example of this.
     FAMGA (Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon) as they are now
     referred to are becoming so ubiquitous in the digital world that you would
     have to be living under a rock to avoid them. The rise of home assistant
     devices like Amazon Echo, Google Home or the coming Facebook Aloha are
     yet another example that proves these giant’s goal to become seamlessly
     integrated into daily life.

     In China, even shopping has become a social experience. The Chinese
     consumer’s specific path to purchase offers lessons for retailers in the
     West. Social media giant Facebook would have a hard time having a better
     business model than WeChat’s!

     So whats in for 2018? Probably the year of some kind of maturity and

     consolidation of the tech-digital landscape. On that thought – ladies
     and gents kindly take your seats as we present …

     Our top 10 digital predictions for 2018.

          new technologies offer
          plenty of opportunities for

          But brands need to think
          Content Strategy first

We are entering a huge tech revolution,       can, for example, develop menu
but what brands tend to forget is that        recommendations based on
the tech revolution is intrinsically linked   available foods. For AR, VR or mixed
to that of content. Augmented Reality         technologies, the emphasis will be
(AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and The            on experience rather than how the
Internet of Things (IoT) is nothing more      technology can be applied to its
than a bridge offered by technology           products. An automobile brand will
between the real and the virtual. In          thus have every interest to capitalise
other words, content will necessarily be      on the return of a race rich in emotions
the link between objects, people and          rather than a 360° view of the interior
technology – when it will not merge           of the car.
simply with the (virtual) experience
itself.                                       The growth of intelligent voice
However, the content will have to             assistants (Amazon Echo, Google
meet new challenges depending                 Home, etc.) is another major challenge
on the channels. IoT will need to be          for content marketing. And bear in
translated into tangible benefits for         mind that there are plenty of new
consumers. A connected refrigerator           competitors to emerge yet. Facebook

4                                                                                        |7
is reportedly working on a voice
    speaker and a video chat device
    with a laptop-sized screen, as well
    as a voice search assistant for its
    ‘If a brand does not show up on
    voice platforms, then it will literally
    be silent when a consumer wants to
    engage with it,’ says Bret Kinsella,
    founder and editor of the VoiceBot
    voice technologies. Again, brands
    will have to develop customised                                                     the growth of
    content strategies by using the skills

                                                                                        intelligent voice
    ecosystem of these assistants. And
    some early adopters have already
    taken the plunge.                         Johnnie Walker has already harnessed

    Media brands like CNN, the                the opportunity by launching a

    New York Times and Buzzfeed               function on Alexa in the United
    are already offering ‘flash info’         States for whiskey lovers and novices
                                              who want to learn more about their

                                                                                        echo, google home,
    vocals. So it will be interesting to
    see how brands can leverage this          favourite bottles. This is a virtual,
    technology.                               guided tasting. You will naturally have
                                              to buy or have a bottle at hand.

                                                                                        facebook aloha...)
                                              Another interesting example is how
                                              Hellmann's, the food brand, suggests
                                              recipe ideas via Alexa according
                                              to the ingredients in the user’s
                                              larder. The connection between
                                              end consumers and brand is also
                                              amplified here as a request via Alexa     is a major challenge
                                              triggers an email with a link to the
                                              recipe of their choice. A particularly
                                              interesting approach at a time
                                              when brands seek to create bridges
                                              between different platforms.

6                                                                                                              7
           the rising tide of artificial

           Whose vision will shape
           our future – Zuckerberg or

    Not that long ago, we only              example: recognising faces and
    dreamt of machines with human           emotions, expressing oneself,
    intelligence.                           and understanding the context
                                            of a situation. Early efforts to
    Now, reality is rapidly catching up     ‘program’ understanding of
    to fantasy, and this has fuelled a      these abstract concepts failed,
    major battle in the tech industry       largely because we didn’t know
    over Artificial Intelligence.           ourselves how to identify the rules
                                            that governed those actions. So
    Computers can already calculate         programmers did what they had
    much faster than humans, and            to do…they went maternal on the
    without error. Plus, computer           problem! They gave computers
    memory is highly reliable and           some examples to work with,
    potentially unlimited. And to top       and let them figure stuff out on
    it all, computers can instantly         their own – good old-fashioned
    create that perfect playlist for your   trial and error. It’s exactly how
    next barbecue. Take THAT, human         children master many vital skills,
    brain!                                  including communication. A funny
                                            thing happened as a result of this
    But until recently, computers failed    approach…the computers learned.
    at certain tasks that humans
    have mastered with ease. For

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In fact, those trial and error         Meanwhile, ‘Reinforcement                  As futuristic as artificial intelligence   our interactions. This assistant will
     algorithms are fuelling the current    Learning’ is expanding machine             sounds, it’s being filtered right now      manage all of our life logistics and
     AI revolution. For example, ‘Deep      intelligence in a different direction,     everywhere, on all social platforms,       lend its expertise to everything
     Learning’ enables artificial neural    namely teaching machines to                and by every business that wishes          from law and business, to finance
     networks to recognise recurrent        perform tasks. First, the machine is       to stay competitive.                       and medicine. Just don’t expect
     high-level concepts in data by         given a goal within an environment         But the big takeaway is that if you        this advance anytime soon – 2018 is
     stacking the concepts of lower         and with constraints. The task is          aren’t an influential tech giant like      likely out of the question.
     levels. To recognise a face, the       grouped by iterations until the            Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple,
     machine will first correlate pixels    machine develops an optimal                Microsoft, or IBM, you are already         You’re probably getting a sense for
     on a photo, then group them and        algorithm to                                                      losing the          the importance of this struggle and
     conceptualise their features (eyes,    carry out the                                                     battle for          the huge influence that the winners
     nose, mouth). Finally, it groups all   task. It’s the    ai is set to become                                                 will have on our future. Already two
     of these concepts to recognise the     same principle                                                   AI talent. If        titans have turned evangelists and

                                                              a commodity that is
     unique collection of features as a     used in self-                                                    the little guys      seized the stage in 2017.
     single face.                           driving cars                                                     want access to
                                            and employed                                                     AI technology,       On one side, we have Elon Musk
     It’s thanks to Deep Learning that
     Facebook can recognise you in your
                                            by Google to
                                            defeat the
                                                              ever more present                              they’re forced
                                                                                                             to throw
                                                                                                                                  who considers AI an existential
                                                                                                                                  threat to humanity and calls
     photos. And that’s not the only        top-ranked                                                       themselves           for greater regulation. While on
     use that tech giants have for ‘deep    Go player in      in our lives as the                            at the mercy         the other side, Mark Zuckerberg
     neural networks’ (the foundation       the world.                                                       of the tech          believes AI will save lives, help bring
     stones of deep learning). Facebook
     also uses them to decide which
                                            Google simply
                                            bolstered         technology pushes                              behemoths.           people closer, and generally make
                                                                                                                                  the world a better place.
     adverts to show to which users         their artificial                                                  So what are
     and to extract meaning from the        intelligence      forward                                         the tech giants     Whose vision is more accurate? Bets
     words that we post by learning         with the                                                          planning for        are open. But one thing is certain,
     to analyse them contextually.          qualities of the best players in the       all this AI technology? For now,           AI is set to become a commodity
     Facebook’s DeepText tool makes         world and then trained the artificial      intelligent assistants. And if all goes    that is ever more present in our lives
     this possible. Also, its video chat    intelligence against itself to become      according to plan (no machine              as the technology pushes forward.
     device Aloha (‘Hello’ in Hawaiian)     unbeatable. Sounds simple enough,          uprisings), even regular people like       In the meantime, don’t watch “The
     – to be officially unveiled in May     right? Well here’s your chance…            us will be able to afford a digital        Terminator” or “The Matrix” movies.
     2018 – explores interactions between   ‘Open AI’ offers a platform called         butler. In fact, we’ll each have a
     language processing, speech and        ‘Universe’ which enables anyone to         copy of ourselves in the digital world
     face recognition.                      train their own artificial intelligence,   that will replace our smartphone
                                            regardless of sector.                      and serve as an intermediary in

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            betting big on altered

            But will 2018 be the tipping
            point to mass reach?

     Augmented reality (AR), Virtual        baking it directly into the iPhone
     Reality (VR) or even mixed reality     and iOS. Google and Samsung are
     (MR) are definitely a hot topic but    also expected to release advanced
     still niche and in need of a more      smartphones later this year
     mature image. Mass adoption            optimised for AR with Qualcomm's
     requires a tipping point that hasn’t   powerful Snapdragon processor
     been reached even though the           and depth-sensing camera. The
     Pokémon Success in 2016 surely         social giants are also in the game.
     gave a taste of it to the mass.        Facebook already offers its own
     But things are moving in the           platform, AR Studio, for developers
     right direction through different      wanting to create augmented
     initiatives.                           reality experiences for the social
     Augmented Reality first: Mira
     Prism is making a wireless             Recently, Snap Inc. has hired
     augmented-reality headset              various AR/VR experts to work on
     powered by the iPhone that will        undisclosed projects and has also
     sell for $99 and therefore make the    filed patents for advanced image
     headset affordable to all. Another     recognition ADS. There are also
     example would include Apple with       a lot of features being released
     its ARKit, their big bet on bringing   around AM. For example, the
     AR to mainstream consumers by          customisable Bitmojis of

themselves that Snapchat users can
     place onto the real world.
     Pinterest, in a smaller move,
     released their innovative new Lens
     tool, a program which verges on
     the edge of augmented reality.
     According to Bloomberg, the global

                                                                                     ar, vr or
     market for AR products will rise to
     $165 billion by 2024.

     Virtual Reality now: Well, Facebook

                                                                                     even mr are
     also has big plans for VR. Mark
     Zuckerberg’s brand has always been
     pretty chatty about its efforts to
     connect the world and is planning
     to build a ‘teleporter’ using Oculus
     Rift by 2025. Facebook recently
     established a VR team and is also
                                                                                     definitely a hot
     working closely with Samsung
                                            around mobile VR technology.
                                            Facebook Spaces is one example –
                                                                                     topic but still
                                            it’s a new VR app where you hang

                                                                                     niche and in
                                            out with friends in a fun, interactive
                                            virtual environment as if you were
                                            in the same room. Google itself is
                                            expanding its mobile VR efforts with
                                            the Daydream platform.
                                            Anyhow, keep your eyes open              need of a more
                                            and do expect immersive social

                                                                                     mature image
                                            experiences. Now there is still a
                                            lot to accomplish before we get to
                                            a functioning social VR. It means
                                            more than placing avatars in the
                                            same virtual space and technically
                                            there is still some progress to
                                            get there, but we may well have
                                            reached the tipping point in 2018
                                            and can expect to see it unfold in
                                            years ahead.

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            social networks are
            fine tuning their tv
            programming schedule

            But they still need to establish
            a ‘watch habit’ among users.

     We mentioned the importance             The big picture is that players like
     of the video format and the             Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat
     reason why it’s big – it creates        are adapting to this new reality
     interaction, and interaction drives     and want to design a new TV
     engagement.                             model somewhere between the
                                             traditional TV model, streaming
     And if a lot of discussions have        media and video-on-demand
     been around live video, bear in         services like Netflix. There is also
     mind that as important as it is, live   a lot of social chatter around
     video isn’t the end goal.               creating a model a bit like the
                                             Danmaku ‘machine gun’ sites like
     As social media expert Andrew           Acfun and Bilibili which are very
     Hutchinson points out in a post on      popular in China and that feature
     socialmediatoday ‘The television,       real-time user commentary
     as a device, is still dominant,         scrolling across the screen.
     but the content we view on the
     TV is different – modern viewers        But the interesting part here is that
     are no longer beholden to rigid         the landscape is segmented rather
     programming schedules, networks         than fragmented, and as we said
     dictating what they watch and           in our introduction, the landscape
     when. (…) the shift is coming, and      is gaining in maturity which brings
     the social networks know it’.           some kind of consolidation.

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Twitter, for instance, is mostly        middle productions, cheaper also        train users ‘to establish a Watch      and partner with social networks
     betting on live streaming sports, big   competing with the type of content      habit.’                                for original content. Brands have
     events and news coverage taking         you can find on high-quality                                                   already become editors by creating
     existing productions and paying         YouTube channels. Back in June          Indeed, although the importance of     branded content. Tomorrow they
     for the rights to stream to its 328     2017, Facebook launched Watch, to       social media may be growing, linear    could become content brands and
     million monthly users. Twitter COO      help users discover videos outside      TV remains at the heart of digital     produce TV shows, entertainment
     Anthony Noto wants live video           their news feed more easily with        consumers’ entertainment habits.       series or movies with a subtler
     streaming on the website 24/7, and      the idea to have fans commenting        Also, addressable TV is gathering      approach to product placement. In
     the company recently partnered          and interacting with the videos. As     pace, which lets TV advertisers        China, advertisers offer consumers
     with 16 sports, entertainment and       Daniel Danker,                                               target viewers    a new way to absorb content and

                                                                the landscape
     media companies to do just that.        a product                                                    watching          product placement. An example?
     ‘Our goal is to be a dependable         director for                                                 linear            The TV series “Ode to Joy” features
     place so that when you want to          video at                                                     television,       characters close to the brands that
     see what’s happening, you think of      Facebook                                                     based on          surround them. Andy, the hero, uses
     going to Twitter’, Noto said in an
                                             recently said:
                                             ‘the most          is segmented                              geographic,
                                                                                                                            the products Evian and Porsche,
                                                                                                                            while another less fortunate
                                             successful                                                   and               protagonist wears clothes Tadashi

                                                                rather than
     Snapchat, on the other hand, wants      shows will be                                                behavioural       Shoji and buys on the site Vip.com.
     to become a youth-focused digital       the ones that                                                data. As good     Strategies that aim to increase the
     video network. They are making          get people                                                   ‘content          exposure of brands, and to allow
     the bet on reality TV and other         interacting with                                             makers’           Internet users to better understand
     nonfiction short video series and are
     rather focused on developing pre-
                                             each other’.
                                                                fragmented                                and good
                                                                                                                            their positioning through these
                                                                                                                            contents. Smart.
     recorded TV-like shows.                 Amazon                                                       sellers’,
                                             Prime Video,                                                 traditional
     Facebook, on the other hand, has        the e-retailer's subscription media     broadcasters can also be good
     bigger ambitions and just wants it      service, is yet another model           partners. Next year social media
     all (as usual…). It’s investing into    because it's tied to the Prime retail   platforms should increasingly
     sports rights (Major League Soccer      service.                                partner with them, essentially to
     & the MLB) and therefore in direct                                              go beyond their core audiences to
     competition with Twitter but also       So basically, they are all betting      younger audiences.
     massively investing on premium          on a TV model, but as Forrester
     on-demand content with some             Research analyst Jim Nail               So what’s in it for brands? New
     very high-quality productions that      commented, Facebook’s big               advertising slots and formats that’s
     are said to be on the level of an       challenge (which in fact is a           for sure but also the possibility to
     HBO or Netflix series but also other    challenge for all players) will be to   become themselves video producers

18                                                                                                                                                                19
               social media advertising
               is inspiring new ad

               And they’re custom
               made, just for you!

     Digital advertising (especially        from friends over other sources. So
     social) took a beating in the          if someone has liked your brand’s
     headlines this year. The main          page, your posts won’t get as
     points of contention: brand safety,    many organic views unless the
     lack of standards in campaign          user chooses to see your posts first
     visibility and lack of transparency    in their news feed. Consequently,
     in the verification of performance     businesses will have no option but
     measures by third parties. It’s an     to run ads.
     ugly picture.
                                            But even if these storm clouds
     And to top it off, the digital ad      are backed by lightning and
     duopoly formed by Google and           thunder, they should not obscure
     Facebook is making brands and          the richness and uniqueness of
     agencies even more uneasy.             the social model. There is no
                                            question; it has legitimate creative
     In particular, Facebook’s mobile       assets to seduce and inspire other
     advertising has a bright future        advertising models.
     – especially now that organic
     social traffic has become harder       Social networks, especially
     to acquire. Increasingly, the          Facebook, were among the first to
     purpose of Facebook’s news feeds       democratise ‘native’ advertising.
     algorithm is to prioritise the posts   This is a model where

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ads fit perfectly into the context      and videos, coexist with more            Snapchat has developed (and             In a nutshell, social ads are
     of reading in order to preserve the     original formats. Carousel ads are       made available on its platform)         becoming more personal, more
     user experience. Native advertising     a perfect example. They allow a          tailor-made models to engage            interactive, and more valued by the
     is often paired with ‘targeted’         single advertisement to feature          with young people. Evan Spiegel’s       consumer. These are all vital points
     advertising where individualised        several different photographs that       brand goes even a step further by       in an era where ad blockers are
     and personalised ads are generated      tell a story in a creative space. In     proposing the advertising-style         gaining popularity and consumers
     automatically for each consumer.        a ‘collection’                                                opt-in. It’s so    are fed-up with ads ruining their

     For example, demographic                you can create                                                playful that       experiences.
     targeting can be combined with          a media-rich                                                  you just can’t
     numerous other targeting modes,         storytelling                                                  resist engaging.   Former advertising executive,
     including interest targeting,           experience                                                    That’s right, an   Andrew Essex, bases his book on the

                                                              marketing is no
     behavioural targeting, connection       specifically                                                  advertisement      assertion that life is better without
     targeting (depending on the link        for mobile. It                                                you PLAY           bad ads. And that while the old
     to your Facebook pages), and            begins on the                                                 with! How?         model was General Electric Theatre,
     re-targeting. It’s also worth noting    consumer’s                                                    By detonating      and the new model is ‘The LEGO
     how Facebook is introducing more
     ways to help marketers re-engage
                                             News Feed        longer about                                 advertising
                                                                                                           formats such
                                                                                                                              Movie’, they’re basically the same
                                                                                                                              thing. They make things people

     offline audiences. This closes ‘the     with videos or                                                as ‘lenses’ or     want to see, and that adds value
     360° loop’ and opens a wide range       images and                                                    ‘filters’ that     to their lives. It’s a simple concept
     of possibilities for phishing the       then features                                                 convey the         – you can’t sell if people don’t want
     consumer.                               multiple                                                      brand elements     to see your pitch.

                                                              it’s about
                                             products                                                      in a ‘fun’ and
     We can attribute this movement          to peruse.                                                    contextualised     In the end, social marketing is no
     to ‘social’ advertising. The            Canvas is also                                                way. There are     longer about narratives; it’s about
     campaigns are much more                 dedicated                                                     other platform-    experiences. About bringing value

     contextual than ever with added         to media-                                                     specific           back to brands and consumers.
     intelligence, precision, and far more   rich brand                                                    practices          And that’s a concept that social
     personalisation.                        storytelling on                                               not directly       networks understand and that
                                             Facebook. It                                                  monetised by       should be developed and infused
     Beyond the increased possibilities      allows brands to mix videos, images,     Evan Spiegel’s brand. For instance,     into other sectors like TV, cinema,
     of targeting, there are also the new    text and a call-to-action all within a   a ‘Social Takeover’ where a celebrity   OOH and DOOH.
     interactive formats proposed by the     single format.                           or influencer takes the reins of a
     big social players. On Facebook,                                                 social account to infuse some fresh
     ‘classic’ formats, such as photos                                                blood.

22                                                                                                                                                                    23
            supercharge your
            brand with influencer

            Why it’s no longer just
            an option.
     China was an early mover in the       Also, the rise of ad-blocking
     area, with the boom in Chinese        software has forced many
     key opinion leaders (or KOLs)         marketers to re-think their
     who can be immensely powerful.        advertising efforts. Just realise:
     Brands still use them to draw on      more than 20% of the connected
     their massive online popularity to    adults surveyed for Kantar Media’s
     create more awareness and bring       Dimension study in 5 countries
     in sales. Today, social media stars   (Brasil, China, France, Great
     even develop their own fashion        Britain and the United States)
     brands. Their fans can purchase       claim to always use an ad blocker!
     the products directly online while    In China, only 18% said that they
     chatting with the social media        always use ad blocking software,
     personality.                          but no fewer than 46% claim that
                                           they ‘sometimes’ make use of the
     But now in China and in western       technology.
     markets content creation is no        More and more brands are
     longer led by mainstream media        finding meaningful results with
     or KOLs alone, with a significant     influence marketing as an effective
     volume of original content created    alternative, and for good reason –
     either by netizens or themselves.     they work.
     As a result, ‘micro-influencers’
     have taken over social media          But before you take the plunge,
     marketing.                            you need to know which influencer
                                           approaches are available. Or your
                                           plunge may be a cold shock to the

The PR Approach                             ‘un-scripted’ feel creates an air of       Discount codes are another powerful         Urban Decay provided a powerful
When influencer marketing started           authenticity and excitement which          linked opportunity and a clever way         demonstration of events in action. They
to gain momentum, bloggers and              audiences love. For example, luxury        to incentivise both the influencer and      gathered influencers from across the
YouTubers were often treated like           brand Gucci, enjoyed huge success          the consumer. And best of all, it’s easy    globe for the launch of their new lipstick
journalists. Brands sent them press         turning the reins over to movie star       to assess the effectiveness of such         collection in New York City. The web
releases, gifts and samples to win their    Jared Leto.                                campaigns by using analytics.               was soon awash with hip and trendy
support.                                                                                                                           images and videos from the event, and
                                            Sponsored Content                          Product testing & Reviewing                 rave reviews for the new products.
While this general approach can             Paying an influencer to mention a          Just like Affiliate Programs, product
produce results, it may lack the            brand in a social media post is called     testing is getting a fresh paint job for    A slightly different version of an event
personal touch that resonates with          ‘sponsored content’. It’s a common         a new era. Bold players like Influenster    has influencers come to a physical
influencers (they just want to be loved).   practice, but be mindful of certain        and Trnd offer integrated platforms         store location or a unique destination
So, if you decide to go the PR route, be    guidelines.                                where brands and influencers can            of some importance to the brand.
sure that your brand cultures align, and                                               connect. The influencer then delivers       For instance, Chanel invited select
that your product fits with the interests   First, you must maintain transparency      an honest review of the brand’s             influencers to Grasse to experience
of the influencer. And if you really want   with a disclosure that identifies the      product (generally for free). Brands        the roses used to create their latest
to catch their eye, maybe send hand-        content as ‘paid-for’ advertising.         get unbiased feedback and Influencers       perfume – L’eau N° 5.
written notes to infuse some emotion        It protects the integrity of both the      get to try cool new stuff and grow their    Keep in mind that events are all about
and personalisation into your pitch.        influencer and the brand, and the          online presence.                            the experience and the ‘WOW factor’.
                                            audience respects the honesty. When                                                    Influencers will capture whatever tone
Guest-blogging & Social Takeovers           crafting your sponsored content,           Contests and Giveaways                      the brand sets at the event (good or
Guest-blogging and social takeovers         consider providing a brief that features   Contests and giveaways never go out         bad), and amplify it using posts, videos,
are creative methods of promotion           clear guidelines but allows freedom for    of style. Modern influencers love them      and stories to their audiences. So, big
with drastically different levels of        the influencer to relax and improvise.     because they’re a great way to get          smiles everybody, and make sure your
success.                                    After all, the influencer knows best       communities to react and engage,            event sizzles!
                                            what resonates with their community.       specifically when they’re paired with a
Guest-blogging aims to drive website                                                   creative concept (an escape game for        Co-creation
traffic by engaging (requesting/                                                       instance). To participate in the contest/   Co-creation is a booming influencer
paying) an influencer to promote            Affiliate Programs & Discount codes        giveaway, target members are usually        program that builds trust and
content directly on the brand’s ‘owned      'Performance-based marketing' is a         asked to follow the brand AND the           authenticity for brands in addition
media’ channels. But guest-blogging is      potent mix of affiliate marketing and      influencer. As a result, influencers can    to boosting their sales. It effectively
often perceived as less authentic, and      influencer punch. Most influencers         grow their audiences and track every        transforms the influencer’s role from
not all audiences will follow outside the   have some type of ongoing affiliate        participant’s action down to the click.     that of a talking head to a full-blown
established ‘intimate circles’.             programs, specifically in sectors like                                                 collaborator. The technique gained
                                            beauty and fashion represented by          Events                                      popularity as passive influencer
Meanwhile, social takeovers give            brands such as Sephora, Zara, or Asos.     Events are popular for brands because       participation lost its punch and failed
influencers control of a brand’s social                                                they create buzz, influencers love the      to resonate with audiences. In response,
account to infuse some energy and                                                      star treatment, and the only limit is       brands gave the influencers more
fun into their content. The engaging,                                                  your creativity. This is big-league fun!    freedom to participate in the strategy
                                                                                                                                   and content creation, and audiences

26                                                                                                                                                                        27
have responded. With Co-creation’s        on your objectives, you can choose
growing popularity, expect it to expand   an integrated IRM solution like Traackr
into community co-creation in coming      that bets on long-term strategies
years.                                    enabling brands to manage influencers
                                          in the same way these brands manage
Ambassadorship                            customers. But other options can also
Like many of the approaches on our        be assessed: influencer marketplaces
list, ambassadorship programs signify
a shift in recent strategy. As detailed
                                          like Tribe or BrandSnob that offer paid-
                                          for options for brands looking to work     more and more
in the Tracckr / Altimeter report on      with influencers or other freemium

                                                                                     brands are finding
Influence Marketing, one-off marketing    tools like FollowerWonk or Buzzsumo to
splashes are giving way to ‘always on’    help you search for influencers.
programs. It’s an evolution that opens
the door for long-term relationships      For the best results, be sure to infuse
between influencers, brands, and
                                          your marketing with creativity and
                                          integrate your chosen method into
                                          an overall cross-media campaign.
                                                                                     meaningful results
As with any long-term arrangement,        Once you find a formula that works,
be sure to vet your candidates
carefully. Ambassadors become the
                                          consider amplifying its success beyond
                                          a specific channel. For example: If your   with influence
face of your brand and the heart and      Instagram sponsored post generates

                                                                                     marketing and for
soul of your identity, so be careful of   a flood of comments…promote it
controversy unless that’s part of your    on Twitter to extend its reach. Also,
desired image. For example, if you sell   consider showcasing select comments

                                                                                     good reason – they
Rum and your rock star ambassador         from that post on your website or OOH
gets drunk and destroys a hotel           ads or in print advertising. You may
room, that’s great press! If your brand   need to experiment a bit before all the
supports funding for school music         flavors mesh, but once they do, your

programs, not so much.                    brand is in for a marketing feast!

Leveraging the Power of Influence
There’s a number of ways to integrate
Influencer Marketing into your brand
promotion strategy. But make sure you
use the right technology as there are
different types of solutions! Depending

28                                                                                                        29
                video format is hype

                But other interactive
                formats could share
                the spotlight in 2018

     Let’s start this trend by mentioning      Also, what about video in China?
     how popular the video format (and         The Chinese mobile live streaming
     its variations like Live 360 video) is.   market, in particular, is huge
     At this point, this is something that     – backed by increasing mobile
     has been said so many times that          penetration. The rapid growth
     it’s like kicking down an open door.      of live streaming in China has
     But the interesting question is why       attracted a rush of investment,
     it’s so popular and what’s behind         led by China’s tech giants such
     that, in other words, the broader         as Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu.
     view.                                     The main objective is to use
                                               live streaming to boost existing
     The revenue model for many social         services in e-commerce, social
     networks is ads. And in order to          networking and gaming.
     sell ads, you need to have people
     on the platform and get them              However, Facebook says it will
     to stay on the platform as long           be 'all video' in 5 years as people
     as possible. And to get them to           abandon text…does that mean
     stay on the platform, they need           that brands should go all video?
     to be entertained and engaged.            Probably not. At least not in 2018.
     It’s as simple as that. So now,           If brands need to get familiar with
     social networks are developing            the video format, the truth is there
     algorithms that favour content            are still interactive formats out
     that engages, and it is noted that        there that drive engagement, so
     videos, especially live videos bring      brands should think about having
     a lot of engagement.                      the right mix.

Home digital assistants like Amazon           Or, even if it’s on mobile, it’s still not
 Echo and Google Home, along                   in you — you’re holding something in
 with other IoT offerings like smart           your hand and watching it. With audio,
 cars, are opening up new audio                especially with a podcast as opposed
 possibilities for brands. These audio         to other forms of audio, you’re talking
 formats allow advertisers to reach            personally to someone, you’re putting
 audiences where connectivity is an            earbuds in your ears’.
 issue. That’s probably the reason why
 Facebook launched Facebook Live               Besides video and audio format,
 Audio (similar to the current version of      early adopters are also testing with
 Facebook Live, but without the video          all kind of interactive content. Gifs,
 component). It can also explain the           those animated images that can be
 massive success of walkie-talkie app          easily shared and embedded are very
 Zello, a communications app that              popular with brands even launching

                                                                                            it’s not all just
 allows users to speak one on one with         their own branded gifs. But what’s
 friends (or larger groups) taking turns       brilliant about them is the diversity
 to speak and listen and which got six         of the Gif formats and the creativity
 million new users in one week (During         they allow. ‘Morphing Gifs’ are a
 Hurricane Irma) and shot to the top of        category which features a smooth
 the Apple store.                              transition between images. ‘Looping
                                               gifs’ are so popular that they even          about video
 But other uses are being made on              have a community on reddit: /r/
 vocal beyond ‘crisis situations’. Brands      perfectloops! Split Depth GIFs are
 and media are launching more and              also amazing because they add 3D
 more podcasts as a way to bring a             effects. They use a simple technique
 new level of intimacy. Media Frontline        adding white columns to an existing
 announced that it was launching               clip to create the illusion of the subject
 its first-ever podcast, The Frontline         leaping out of your screen right at
 Dispatch, in order to take the leap into      you. Cinemagraphs also called ‘living
 authentic audio storytelling. Raney           photographs’ are yet another example.
 Aronson-Rath, Frontline’s executive           And the list could go on and on.
 produce explains it this way: ‘When           So what’s the lesson here? It’s not
 you’re making a big documentary film,         all just about video. Diversify your
 it’s really a presentation. You are sitting   formats, test and learn and go for
 and watching something across the             interactive elements that can infuse
 room from you.                                some life into your storytelling.

32                                                                                                              33
              gen z takes a stand
              for privacy

              And puts an end to the
              Wild West era of social
     If you thought social media            According to Dutch researcher
     would be the end of private life,      Tijman Shep, such acute fear of
     consider this: of all generations,     social “exposure” may lead to
     Gen Z’ers express the strongest        the next crippling disease of the
     desire to protect their personal       century. So called, ‘Social Cooling’
     data profiles. Many use aliases        is a condition characterized by
     to avoid detection from online         an overwhelming concern with
     searches, and they even establish      what you publish or ‘like’ on social
     ‘rinsta’ (real accounts) AND           networks. It is theorized that in
     ‘finsta’ (‘fake’ or ‘friendly-only’)   a world where algorithms track
     Instagram profiles. Furthermore,       everything we do, and scoring
     these secretive teens, use apps        becomes permanent record, we
     like Vaulty, which allow users to      may become mired in excessive
     hide photos and videos. Also at        self-censorship, conformity, risk
     their disposal, “Incognito” social     aversion, and social rigidity. Are we
     networks like Sarahah, Anonyfish,      so close to Black Mirror?
     and Minds.com, which allow
     users to express themselves            Perhaps that explains why our
     anonymously. If there remains any      increasingly connected population
     doubt of Gen Z’s influence and         is also growing increasingly
     desire for privacy, consider this:     suspicious. According to Kantar
     the Sarahah app reached #1 in the      TNS’s latest “Connected Life”
     Apple App Store in 30 countries,       research, people recognize the
     just two months after its release!     price they must pay in personal
                                            data to maintain a connected

34                                                                                  | 11
However, more and more platforms          government plans to launch its Social
 are now available as a Tor Onion          Credit System in 2020 to measure
 Service – Facebook is a prime             the ‘trustworthiness’ of its 1.3 billion
 example. More recently, the New York      residents. In fact, just a few years
 Times began allowing their users to       ago, the very word ‘Privacy’ carried a
 access the site without fear of being     negative connotation in China … Even

                                                                                      of all generations,
 monitored. They simply use a “.onion”     so, there are changes in the works
 domain name which you can access          for China. They recently introduced
 only through the Tor browser instead of   cyber-security legislation banning the
 using a more common domain such as        collection and sale of users’ personal

                                                                                      gen z’ers express
 .com.                                     information. Firms within the country
                                           will have to store user data on servers
 In short, 2018 will be a landmark year    inside China, and people will be given
 for advances in social data privacy.      the right to have their information

                                                                                      the strongest
 In May, the European Union’s General      deleted.
 Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
 goes into effect. And the fines for       What are the consequences for
 noncompliance are severe – up to          brands? First, they should be careful

                                                                                      desire to protect
 4% of annual revenue! The GDPR            about how they use social data and
 legislation, among others, specifically   whether they store them in a CRM
 protects user-generated data such as      or elsewhere. Secondly, they should
 social media posts.                       find alternate methods to engage

 According to Kantar TNS’s latest
                                           the youngest social media users: for
                                           example, using messenger apps where        their personal data
 “Connected Life” research, concerns       the interactions are more private and

 are much lower in other markets           personal (one-to-one).
 such as China and the UAE. In these
 markets, consumers have more
 transactional expectations from brands
 (for example, rewards in exchange for
 data). Chinese authorities even collect
 ‘voice pattern’ samples of individuals
 to establish a national voice biometric
 database! Furthermore, the Chinese

36                                                                                                          37
              fake news –
              the web’s dark side is
              under attack!

              But Is YOUR Brand Safe?

     Fake news is still a hot topic, and      of Facebook’s ad system. Mark
     social media has been hit hard by        Zuckerberg also announced
     this corrosive trend. Kantar’s ‘Trust    that Facebook would hire 3,000
     in News’ survey revealed that            content moderators to help weed
     Social media is the least trusted of     out violent live video content.
     all news sources, garnering just a
     33% approval rating.
                                              Givn that bots and AI are common
     As a result, improving the news          sources of fake news, it would
     feeds’ algorithmic ability to            seem wise to invest in more
     combat fake news has become              sophisticated machine learning
     a top priority for social giants in      technology. There is a risk,
     2018. Facebook is using machine          however. The AI-driven creation
     learning to detect purchases by          of ‘counterfeit reality’, or fake
     spam accounts , thus making it           content, may outpace AI’s ability
     very difficult for those posting false   to detect it, thus fomenting a new
     news to purchase ads. In 2018,           level of digital distrust.
     Facebook plans to double the
     branch of its workforce dedicated        There is also the issue of “non-
     to moderating posts.                     brand safe” content, such
                                              as illegal, adult, provocative,
     This includes hiring 1,000 new           discriminatory, and/or violent
     reviewers to monitor ad content          content. In 2017, for instance,
     in light of Russia’s manipulation        Havas Group UK felt compelled

to pause all YouTube display ad       charged with grossly overselling
     spending. Havas Group Chief           its influence with millennials. They
     executive and country manager         promised advertisers access to
     Paul Frampton announced that          66.3 million users in the 20-39 age
     YouTube has a “duty of care” to
     clients to ensure brand safety.
                                                                                   improving the news
                                                                                   feeds’ algorithmic
     Why? Household names were             When in reality … only 47
     inadvertently funding extremism       million such users actually
     by featuring ads next to content      existed. In response to their little
     from terrorists and neo-Nazi          miscalculation, Facebook’s chief
     groups.                               operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg,

     In short, ‘future-proofing’ your
                                           took the stage at the Dmexco
                                           Conference in Cologne with              ability to combat
     brand will become impossible.         initiatives to, “provide more clarity

                                                                                   fake news has
     To provide a measure of support,      and control for advertisers.” She
     social platforms will engage          went on to say, “Putting out better
     companies to control ‘media           tools and measurement is going
     quality’. For instance, YouTube       to be a big part of that going

                                                                                   become a top
     and Snapchat have both chosen         forward.”
     to collaborate with Integral Ad
     Science (IAS), which offers DSP
     integration. The purpose is to
     reduce, if not eliminate, the
     distribution of advertising content                                           priority for social
     paired with inappropriate context.

     Social media giants will also have
     to be accountable for the lack of
                                                                                   giants in 2018
     transparency in how they share
     data with advertisers and for
     ‘marking their own homework’
     when reporting campaign results.
     In the United States, Facebook was

40                                                                                                       41
                        a social media
                        convergence unites
                        china into an empire

                        Will integration grab a
                        foothold in the West too?

     The convergence of social media       all together. Several retailers, such
     and user experience has truly         as Gap, Estée Lauder, and Coach,
     reached its golden age. According     have tied their loyalty building
     to Kantar Media’s “Chinese            programmes into the WeChat
     Social Media Landscape” report        app, and now run engagement
     , a number of Chinese platforms       and customer relationship
     like Weibo, WeChat, and QQ are        management (CRM) through the
     perfecting the union of social        platform itself. It’s a growing trend
     commerce, mobile commerce, and        that is affecting the entire social
     “pan-entertainment”. For instance,    media landscape.
     Weibo and video websites are now
     more integrated with e-commerce       Chinese social platforms are
     platforms, while gaming platforms     also using cross-platform traffic
     are integrating with video websites   conversion to generate more sales.
     and BBS forums.                       For instance, some retailers employ
                                           a strategy called, ‘see now, buy
     With over 800-million active          now,’ where livestreaming is at the
     monthly users, WeChat is one          core of the ecommerce experience.
     of many brilliant examples of         Mogujie.com is the perfect
     mobile internet penetration in        example of this approach. They
     China. That’s why many brands         are a Pinterest-like e-commerce
     and retailers are connecting with     platform focused on female-
     consumers directly within social      fashion consumers. They enable
     app environments, and skipping        their customers to purchase
     direct-to-consumer mobile apps        products directly from within a

livestream environment that is rich      social media prospecting, and
     with digital media stars who answer      retargeting ad platforms. This

                                                                                      weibo, wechat,
     questions and provide fashion            opens the door for ‘hypertargeted’
     recommendations.                         personal messaging.

     In short, the experience of              Despite these innovations,
     consuming content is becoming just       Western social platforms still
     as important as the content itself. To
     stay relevant, brands must combine
     stand-out content with dynamic
                                              favour a “distributed” approach –
                                              Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp,
                                              Instagram are all independent
                                                                                      and qq are
     distribution strategies across all       apps. Meanwhile, Chinese social
     stages of their customers’ lifecycle.    media employs an “integrated”
                                              model. Why? … Chinese consumers         perfecting the
     The future of social is all about UX,    prefer a more holistic approach

                                                                                      union of social
     and Western social media is no           where everything happens inside
     exception. Tinder and Instagram          a centralized app (Wechat, QQ,
     allow visitors to log in via Facebook    Weibo, etc …) With such power, the

                                                                                      commerce, mobile
     and offer cross-platform sharing.        app then serves as an integral part
     Facebook added a new customer            of their daily lives.
     chat plugin which will enable users

                                                                                      commerce, and
     to initiate a Facebook Messenger         In fact, China’s premier social apps
     thread with a business on that           have evolved into extraordinary
     brand’s website. Microsoft too got       social and marketing success stories
     in the game by using LinkedIn data       – light years ahead of Facebook.

     to help you get a better job. And
     Instagram posts can now be shared        That’s why, although this integrated
     to WhatsApp in just one click. Also,     architecture may not seem a good
     we are seeing more use of services       fit for Western habits, brands around
     and APIs to integrate social media       the world need to sit-up and take
     with CRM, marketing automation,          note!

44                                                                                                        45
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