Page created by Darlene Roberts
the online shopper
10 myths of
multichannel retailing
             PwC’s annual global survey of
             online shoppers debunks the
             conventional wisdom about online
             consumer behavior

             January 2013

II   Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing

                                        Separating fact from fiction to better serve today’s online shoppers             3

                                        Myth 1     Social media will soon become an indispensable retail channel         6
                                                   Interview: PwC’s Sean O’Driscoll                                      8
                                        Myth 2     Stores will become mainly showrooms in the future                    12
                                        Myth 3     The tablet will overtake the PC as the preferred                     14
                                                   online shopping device
                                        Myth 4     As the world gets smaller, global consumers are getting more alike   16
                                        Myth 5     China is the future model for online retail                          20
                                        Myth 6     Domestic retailers will always enjoy a ‘home field’ advantage        24
                                                   over global retailers
                                        Myth 7     Global online pure players like Amazon will always enjoy a scale     26
                                                   advantage over domestic online pure players
                                        Myth 8     Retailers are inherently better positioned than brands,              28
                                                   as they are closest to the consumer
                                        Myth 9     Online retail is cannibalising sales in other channels               30
                                        Myth 10 Low price is the main driver of customer spend at their                 32
                                                favorite retailers

                                        Final thoughts                                                                  35
                                        For more information                                                            36

                                        For a deeper dive into the “myths,” video interviews, and country
                                        data, visit our web presence at survey

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                                                    1
2   Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
Separating fact from fiction
                                             to better serve today’s
                                             multichannel shoppers
                                             By John Maxwell, Global Retail and Consumer
                                             Leader, PwC

                                                        One thing I’ve learned in                have a lot of options at their fingertips:
                     Myth: any invented                 more than three decades                  information, services, and—not least—
                     story, idea, or concept;           working with some of the                 the ability to shop from anywhere via
                     an imaginary or fictitious         world’s biggest companies is             all manner of personal technology
                     thing or person1                   that successful executives and           devices: mobile phone, PC, iPad and,
                                                        entrepreneurs often radiate              soon enough, futuristic accessories like
                                                        untiring optimism. And                   the wearable Google-developed smart
                                                        rightfully so—the thick skin             phone eyeglasses. And there are a lot
                                                        and fortitude needed to make             of new consumers buying more in the
                                                        hard choices and succeed in              emerging markets. Together, that should
                                             tough times is best paired with a positive,         mean good long-term growth prospects
                                             inspiring vision.                                   for global retailers and consumer
                                                                                                 goods manufacturers.
                                             And yet, sometimes the optimism needed
                                             to change the world can prevent even the            Yet many companies see the multichannel
                                             best of us from coolly looking at the lay           bullet train leaving the station and,
                                             of the land. It can be particularly difficult       instead of feeling excitement, are actually
                                             for corporate executives to cut through             more overwhelmed than anything
                                             the hype and separate fact from fiction             else. Their confusion is heightened by
                                             when it comes to the global market for              misinformation and false assumptions
                                             multichannel retail spending.                       that gain currency through anecdotal
                                                                                                 evidence, a few highly publicized
                                             The opportunity is real, but hype                   media stories of success (or failure),
                                             and half-truths­—myths, if you                      and individual experience bias. In this
                                             will—abound                                         report, based on a survey of more than
                                             In theory, digital technology can connect           11,000 shoppers in 11 different countries
                                             any retailer or CPG company to any                  spanning four continents, we debunk
                                             customer in the world who has access to             some of the mythology concerning
                                             the Internet. For their part, consumers             consumers and discuss what our findings
                                                                                                 mean for retailers and CPG companies.
                                             1 Random House Dictionary, Random House Inc. 2012

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                                                                     3

              Canada                                                                              Russia
                                                     U.K.                  Germany

                 U.S.                                                                                                     China
                                                  France                       Turkey


                                                                                                   Countries in 2011 survey
                                                                                                   Added in 2012

                                                      Building on last year’s results              China, for example, 70% of our survey
                                                      This is the sixth consecutive year that      respondents shopped online at least once
                                                      PwC has published a study of online          a week, compared with about 40% in the
                                                      shoppers, and our second truly global        US and the UK, and around 20% for the
                                                      study.2 In last year's survey, which         Netherlands, France and Switzerland.
                                                      included seven countries,3 we talked         In fact, our 2011 findings showed that
                                                      about how multichannel shopping is here      Chinese online shoppers were shopping
                                                      to stay and how global consumers are         online nearly 4 times as often as their
                                                      becoming increasingly sophisticated. We      European counterparts.
                                                      found retailers were sometimes having
                                                      trouble adapting their operating models      But in a testament to the accelerated
                                                      to keep up.                                  pace of change in how consumers are
                                                                                                   shopping online, our results from last
                                                      Some of our 2011 data was, to us,            year—when compared to this year’s
                                                      staggering; for example, more than 90%       survey of 11 countries4—already seem
                                                      of online shoppers bought books, music       a bit dated. For example, in just one
                                                      and films online. Even the categories at     year we’ve seen a major increase in the
                                                      the bottom end of the online shopping
                                                      scale, such as jewellery, watches, sports    2 PwC commissioned 11,000 online surveys across four
                                                      equipment and outdoor goods, attracted       continents in July and August 2012. Respondents in each
                                                                                                   market were chose to reflect the national profiles in terms of
                                                      more than 60% of online shoppers.            age, gender, employment status, and region.
                                                                                                   3 Our 2011 study included the U.S., U.K., China, Switzerland,
                                                                                                   Germany, France and the Netherlands
                                                      Among different countries we also
                                                                                                   4 Our 2012 study includes the U.S., U.K., China, Switzerland,
                                                      found some eye-popping differences. In       Germany, France, the Netherlands, Brazil, Canada, Russia and

4   Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
adoption of social media across our                            retail partners as they do so. According      products through social media and
global sample.5 Whereas last year 49%                          to our survey, more than a third of           actually conducting a sales transaction.
of our sample reported that they follow                        consumers have already bought products        This example shows how otherwise good
brands or retailers on social media, this                      directly from brands or manufacturers.        information can be used to lend currency
year 59% claimed to do so. Last year, just                     In China (56%) and the US (52%) more          to a myth and, perhaps, encourage
17% of our survey sample discovered                            than half of shoppers are going directly      corporate strategy or investment that
brands they previously didn't know                             to brand sites.                               goes in the wrong direction. The goal of
about via social media; this year more                                                                       this “10 Myths” paper is help companies
than one-quarter—27%—did so. It was                            The making of myths and                       look before they leap when making
our simplest survey question concerning                        how to spot them                              those decisions.
social media—how often do you use it?—                         The heart of the matter for both
that illustrated the starkest turnaround                       retailers and consumer companies              Thanks for reading, and I hope you find
between 2011 and 2012. This year, fully                        trying to expand their global footprint       this report helpful.
49% of our survey participants said they                       and manufacturers hoping to connect
use social media every day; that's an                          directly to their potential customers is      Best regards,
increase of 14% over last year. In a mirror                    this: What are the actionable takeaways
image of that figure, 14 percentage                            from these year-to-year changes in
points less of our sample—24%—said                             consumer behaviour? The answer
that they don't use social media at all.                       is not always so clear, which is why
                                                               we decided to use this “10 Myths”             John G. Maxwell
Last year we were struck by how strongly                       framework. Recently we've noticed that
domestic players dominated the lists                           much of the literature on online retail
of top multichannel retailers. That’s                          shoppers seizes on a few data points and
still true for some countries, but non-                        parlays them into a trend. Presto—more                           John G. Maxwell
domestic retailers are also breaking                           conventional wisdom.
through in some markets. In China,                                                                                              Global Retail and
                                                                                                                                Consumer Leader
for example, non-Chinese retailers/                            Take social media, for example. There's
brands numbered four out of the                                no denying that the world is changing
top 10 favorites.                                              fast as consumers use social media to
                                                               research brands, praise their favorite
Besides the tension between domestic                           products, and point out the weaknesses
and foreign retailers, another kind of                         of other products.
friction apparent in both last year's
and this year’s survey is that between                         But our survey data reveals that just
retailers and manufacturers. Many                              12% of our respondents have purchased
manufacturers today have the stated goal                       an item through a social media site—
of vastly increasing their sales directly to                   up from 5% in 2011—and only 18%
consumers, potentially bypassing their                         purchased a product as a result of
                                                               information obtained through a social
5 Throughout this document the sample differences between      media site. So despite rising participation
our 2011 and 2012 study includes should be duly noted by the   of online shoppers in social media, a
reader; namely our 2012 study includes four more countries
and 4,000 more online shoppers surveyed than our 2011          major disconnect occurs somewhere
survey. PwC’s survey arm, the ISU, has confirmed that valid
comparisons can be made between the two studies.
                                                               between researching and learning about

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                                                                                  5
Myth 1: Social media will
    soon become an indispensable
    retail channel
    On its own, social media isn’t likely to become
    an important retail channel anytime soon.
    But it’s becoming more popular every year—
    and it’s driving more shopping across all
    channels, not just online ones.

    Our survey data shows that social                 excursions. For example, for those brand                         how much some shoppers will buy, both
    media will for the near future remain             lovers who say they interact with brands                         online and in stores. So, despite the
    a backwater sales channel, if you can             via social media, 53% go shopping in a                           fact that social media has not emerged
    call it a sales channel at all. The use           physical store daily or weekly, compared                         as a stand-alone retail channel, the
    of social media sites like Facebook               to 45% of the overall sample, and 58%                            impact social media has on the brand
    has exploded in recent years—the site             buy something in a physical store at                             needs to be part of every multichannel
    recently hit one billion users. But our           least once a week. Forty-five percent of                         strategy discussion.
    survey sample shows that while about              this same group reports that they make
    half of respondents say they’re checking          an online purchase at least once a week                          Indeed, while social media is not yet
    out social media sites daily, only a tiny         (see Figure 2).                                                  a separate retail channel for most
    minority uses the sites frequently to                                                                              markets, it’s clearly a robust marketing
    shop. In fact, seven out of ten online            As it turns out, despite its inability to                        and communications tool for retailers
    shoppers who took our survey say they             lead directly to a purchase, social media                        and consumer product companies.
    never shop this way. That should remain           activity is a pretty strong indicator of                         According to our data, nearly half of our
    the status quo for the immediate future,
    as only about 5% say they’ll shop more
    via social media in the next 12 months.           Figure 1: Brand lovers, deal hunters and social addicts have different motivations
                                                      for visiting brand social media sites
    So what are online shoppers doing
                                                      Q: What attracts you to go to a particular brand’s social media site?
    on social media? Essentially they’re
    commenting on companies and products
    they know and discovering new ones.                                             Attractive deals/promotions/sales              49%

    But there are differences in motivation                                       Interested in new product offerings              28%

    among these social media users, and                                            Friends or expert recommendation                26%
    we’ve divided them into three groups                    Friends also interact with this brand on social media                  17%
    based on their behavior: “brand lovers,”                           Follow the brand because I shop with them                   17%
    “deal hunters” and “social addicts”                                        Opportunity to participate in contests              16%
    (see Figure 1).                                                     Feedback about a good or bad experience                    11%
                                                                            To research products before I buy them                 10%
    In this year’s survey, trends around brand                               Interested in interacting with the brand              9%
                                                                                                                                                  Deal hunters
    lovers are the most striking. We found that                                                                                                   Brand lovers
                                                      Interested in interacting with others that follow this brand                 7%
    38% of our respondents are following their                                                                                                    Social addicts
                                                                Access to customer service through social media                    5%
    favorite brands and retailers, up from
    33% last year. Brand lovers may be using
    social media as a way to “warm up” for            Sample size: 8,335 social media users out of the 11,067 online shoppers responding
    future online or physical store shopping

6   Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
survey respondents—our group of “deal          Figure 2: Social brand lovers shop more often in every channel
hunters’’—say they’ll click through to a
                                               Q: How often do you shop in (each of these channels)?
specific online store if offered a good sale
or an attractive special offer. Appealing
to deal hunters looking for good offers                            In a physical store
and contests can be a great way to drive
                                                                                 Via PC
traffic to your website.
                                                           Via a catalogue/magazine
And companies can’t afford to ignore
                                                          Online via tablet computer
“social addicts,” either. While there are
fewer social addicts than brand lovers or      Online via mobile or smart phone
deal hunters, a minority of consumers
                                                         Online via social media sites
are also using social media to talk about
their experiences with brands, learn                                 Via TV shopping
what their friends like and recommend,                                                    0%          10%   20%     30%       40%       50%       60%
find customer service answers, and
submit ideas and product feedback to                                    Consumers who use social media to interact with their favorite brands
companies. Getting the message out to                                   Consumers who use social media to follow their favourite brands or retailers
                                                                        Total sample
social addicts can support the brand,
while ignoring them carries significant
reputational risk, as these very active        Sample size: 11,067 online shoppers

online users tend to have huge social
media networks and wield an outsized
influence among them.                          All in all, there’s good reason for retailers
                                               to continue focusing on social media
The China factor                               investment. Most of the world’s top
As so often is the case in this and other      retailers, of course, already realizes this.
studies that look at online retailing          Campalyst analysed the world’s 250
internationally, China is in a class by        biggest internet retailers and found that
itself. If China eventually serves as          97% of them are already on Facebook,
any kind of barometer, social media            96% have a presence on Twitter, and
may indeed one day become a viable             90% use YouTube.6 The social media
sales channel. According to this year’s        traffic generated in many cases is
survey, more than one in four Chinese          impressive; 43 of the 250 can claim more
shoppers made purchases through a              than one million followers on Facebook,
social media site.                             led by Victoria’s Secret, with over 18
                                               million followers.7
In general, Chinese shoppers seem to be
more actively engaged with social media:       6
57% of them say they’re following brands       retailers-on-social-media-q1-2012-infographic/
                                               7 Ibid.
or retailers on social media, compared
to 38% of our global sample. And more
Chinese online shoppers are using social
media to interact with brands, provide
comments on companies and products,
and find new brands.

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                                                                                  7
PwC’s Sean O’Driscoll urges
    companies to get beyond the
    myths and take the long view

    When Sean O’Driscoll and Jake McKee co-founded consulting firm
    Ant’s Eye View in 2009, it didn’t take them long to assemble a blue-chip
    client list consisting of, among others, Google, Microsoft, P&G, Starbucks,
    Bloomingdales, Unilever and AT&T. It turns out that many organizations
    need help getting customers more engaged with their brands through
    social media, which was one of the Seattle-based firm’s greatest service
    strengths. PwC acquired Ant’s Eye View in August 2012, with Sean and
    Jack joining as principals.We talked with Sean about his take on our
    social media–related myths.

                         Sean O’Driscoll
                                                      Sean, one of our 10 myths centers          products through friends on Facebook
                                                      around the role of social media            or on Twitter, which eventually leads
                         Principal, PwC               and its future as a retail channel.        to a purchase, that obviously goes on
                                                      We posit that, based on our online         all the time.
                                                      shopper responses, social media
                                                      isn’t likely to become an important        Part of the issue is the debate on
                                                      retail channel anytime soon. What’s        what exactly constitutes an online
                                                      your take on the future of social as       transaction. From a survey perspective,
                                                      a sales channel?                           people may say they aren’t buying on
                                                      There have been quite a few attempts at    a social network, but isn’t Amazon a
                                                      Facebook commerce, and most of these       social network? It certainly is an online
                                                      pilots have been pretty disappointing.     community. Jeff Bezos made it social
                                                      I’d call them nothing more than            through the strength of Amazon reviews
                                                      experiments. Setting up a storefront on    and how much credibility people give
                                                      Facebook—companies are still trying        those reviews, in addition to the social
                                                      out how to do that successfully and        data that enables the experience to be
                                                      in some cases debating if it’s even the    shared with others.
                                                      right model. There are some notable
                                                      exceptions. You can purchase a Delta       The value of advertising on Facebook
                                                      Airlines ticket through Delta’s Facebook   is certainly a debate. It’s quite big news
                                                      page and Ticketmaster has been an          to talk about companies walking away
                                                      innovator. One issue is that there are     from Facebook or other sites because
                                                      some limitations from a design point       of the number of ad impressions or the
                                                      of view with Facebook. On the other        perceived lack of productivity of those
                                                      hand, learning about a company and its     investments. It’s just not as interesting to
                                                                                                 talk about the nuts of bolts of how brands

8   Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
“If you allow risk concerns to
                 paralyze you so that you don’t
                 create that Facebook storefront,
                 or you don’t engage consumers
                 in a way they enjoy, then you are
                 missing opportunities to create
                 lasting value.”

                                        can create engaging and participatory       Back in the 1990s the industry was
                                        content in social spaces that builds        terrified that membership complaints
                                        traffic to traditional e-commerce, or       about being locked into an annual
                                        even in-store purchases. That’s the real    contract would move online and be
                                        issue: how can brands build compelling      visible to everyone. For that reason,
                                        content, engagement and advocacy            many health clubs were very slow to
                                        through their social environments, and      create a social community for members,
                                        leverage the content and relationships to   which was strange since this is an
                                        inspire intent to purchase?                 industry in which people connect and
                                                                                    share their goals and experiences.
                                        Frankly, this is no different than the
                                        world of brick and mortar. If you put up    Companies should really think about
                                        four walls, fill it with product and add    it the other way—have they created a
                                        sales people, will you be successful in     dynamic, participatory presence for the
                                        retail? Not likely. Success comes down      vast majority of their customers who
                                        to creating a distinct experience that      like them? If you allow risk mitigation
                                        engages a shopper. Social media is a        concerns to paralyze you so that you
                                        compelling part of successfully creating    don’t create that Facebook storefront,
                                        that sort of engagement online, but         or you don’t engage consumers in a
                                        simply being in the channel isn’t good      way they enjoy, then you are missing
                                        enough—you must make it compelling          opportunities to create lasting value.
                                        to the user.
                                                                                    Do you run a risk of a negative customer
                                        What can companies do to turn their         experience creating negative buzz
                                        social media presence into that kind        online? Of course, but you run that risk
                                        of participatory environment that           regardless of what you do. So embrace
                                        leads to a purchase?                        the moment, and ensure that you have
                                        There is a philosophical challenge that     a great online presence and protocols
                                        is stopping many of them. A lot of the      to listen, discover and respond to those
                                        brands have been fearful because, in        moments of truth.
                                        a sense, they are creating a channel
                                        for negative sentiment. If they create a
                                        channel, will they create a group that
                                        dislikes them? One example is the health
                                        club industry.

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                                                          9
So you don’t think negative social            One of our themes is that China’s
                                                     media comments are a big deal                 online shopping model is unique and
                                                     for brands?                                   not replicable in other countries.
                                                     It’s something a company needs to deal        What’s your experience with China?
                                                     with, sure, and most have set up “listening   South Korea, Northern Europe, these
                                                     posts” so they can engage in complaint        are populations with heavy smart phone
                                                     management and customer recovery,             and broadband access over the past 10
                                                     whether that’s through coupons or some        years, and they are at the “tip of the
                                                     other outreach. We’ve seen brands like        spear” in terms of social engagement
                                                     Comcase, AT&T, Wells Fargo, and Jet           with brands and retailers. It’s amazing
                                                     Blue doing that. But as a brand you can       to think that the most shared piece of
                                                     spend all your energy managing the risk       content ever on Youtube is Gangham
                                                     and save a couple of bucks, or you can        Style from a South Korean pop singer!
                                                     embrace the social media opportunity          And in China and, say, India, I think you
                                                     and generate a lot more revenue and           will see similar engagement now that
                                                     growth. I can’t think of a business that      these huge economies are skipping right
                                                     ever managed their risk into growth.          over land lines.

                                                     In our survey, we asked about                 I’m not fully discounting the idea that
                                                     consumers’ “purchase journeys,”               consumers behave differently in different
                                                     and how those are evolving. Whether           countries, but I think consumer behavior
                                                     it’s setting up a Facebook storefront         as we think of it may be more related
                                                     or trying to attract buyers over              to infrastructure than we realize. In
                                                     Twitter, it’s really about changes in         China they are not evolving into this
                                                     the purchase journey, right?                  behavior; they are leaping straight into to
                                                     That’s right. The questions both brands       it because the lack of land line /physical
                                                     and retailers should be asking themselves     infrastructure constraining the change.
                                                     are, how is the buyer’s journey changed
                                                     from 10 years ago, and at what points         Another of our myths focuses on the
                                                     does that journey touch digital channels?     direct-to-consumer phenomenon. We
                                                                                                   think that retailers may lose some
                                                     As a brand, if you haven’t significantly      ground to manufacturers in terms of
                                                     changed your channel, connecting and          where consumers go to purchase.
                                                     marketing mix over this timeframe, then       Direct-to-consumer sales are going to
                                                     you’re clearly not optimized. I chose the     explode over the next five years, and
                                                     phrase “10 years” for a specific reason.      retailers will be hit hard. I expect that in
                                                     It seems like for many of these trends,       10 years, today will seem like the Stone
                                                     not much seems to change over five            Age in terms of the consumer product
                                                     years, but absolutely everything changes      sales dynamic.
                                                     over a decade. Look at your own survey.
                                                     I’ll bet over five years, shopping trends
                                                     online aren’t that much different. But
                                                     10 years ago? Hardly anyone around the
                                                     world was shopping online.

10 Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
But it’s not all bad news for retailers. I
think products that are relational, rather
than transactional, will be a much eas-
                                             “Direct-to-consumer sales are going to
ier sell from the manufacturer. If people     explode over the next five years, and
attach their identity to a certain item of
clothing or brand of sneaker, they will be
                                              retailers will be hit hard. I expect that
much more likely to buy directly from the     in 10 years, today will seem like the
fashion house or the sneaker manufac-
turer, assuming the manufacturing can
                                              Stone Age in terms of the consumer
tap into the natural advocacy associated      product sales dynamic.”
with their brands. Other items—take
a can of Coca-Cola—that may be emo-
tional items for some will likely not be a
big direct-to-consumer product, because
it’s omnipresent in the channel.

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                     11
Myth 2: Stores will
   become mainly showrooms
   in the future
   Many multichannel shoppers say they research
   online, but more still prefer to buy products at a
   physical store. If the store format can adapt, it may
   still have a bright future.

   To paraphrase the American author                 Figure 3: The purchase journey across selected categories
   Mark Twain, the death of the physical
                                                     Q: Which method would you most prefer for researching and buying?
   store has been greatly exaggerated.
   In fact, far from cannibalizing store
   traffic and turning physical locations             Research and buy in store                   Research and buy online
   into showrooms or museum pieces,                                       Research online, buy in store                       Store-to-web
   web product research drives far
   more shoppers to make a physical                   Books, music …
   store purchase than vice versa. It’s
   even conceivable that stores, in some              Electronics
   categories, are realizing more traffic and
   sales due to web-only coupons and deals.           Electricals

   For starters, 23% of our respondents               H&B
   research consumer electronics online
   and then go to a store to buy the product,         Clothing
   compared to only 2% who do it the other
   way around (see Figure 3). A similar               Furniture
   ratio holds true across several shopping
   categories. With the exception of the
   books, music, movies and video game
                                                     0                  20%                40%            60%           80%           100%
   category, consumers don’t yet seem
   ready to erase the traditional retail outlet      Sample size: 11,067 online shoppers
   from their shopping landscape.

   Some things never go out of style                 immediately is important to almost as                The centerpiece of the
   There’s more evidence when you take a             many—and no online shop can offer                    purchase journey
   look at survey participants’ answers to           either of these advantages. All told,                We also can’t emphasize enough
   a question on what makes shopping at              our global sample makes more daily or                that the physical store remains the
   a physical store attractive. The ability to       weekly purchases in brick-and-mortar                 centerpiece of the purchase journey
   see, touch and try products still ranks           stores than they do online. And while                for many categories. In nine out of
   as shoppers’ number one reason to visit           significant numbers of shoppers intend               eleven categories, in fact, the majority
   a store in person. Getting the product            to shop more online next year, most don’t            of consumers use physical stores for
                                                     plan to concurrently cut purchases from              both researching and purchasing the
                                                     physical stores.                                     products they want to buy. Even when
                                                                                                          it comes to consumer electronics, a

12 Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
category dominated by online research          Figure 4: The hold-outs
and purchase, one in four of our survey
                                               In each of the 11 countries in the survey, a significant percentage of internet users
participants responded that, for them,
                                               said they rarely, if ever, shop online.
the store plays a dominant role along the
purchase journey.
                                                                                3 – 4 time s a y                                 es
Figure 3 also illustrates another intriguing                                                    ear                           im
                                                                                                                          – 2t r
                                                                                                                         1 ea
dynamic: for every shopping category,                                                                                     ay                 Russia        32%
the majority of consumers still prefer a                                                                                                     Canada        25%
                                                                                   Occasional                                       ye  ar
“single-channel shopping experience.” In
Myth 3: The tablet will
   soon overtake the PC as the
   preferred online shopping
   While tablets and smart phones are catching up,
   shoppers are still overwhelmingly using their PCs
   to shop online.

   There’s no doubt that the tablet market           Smart phones aren’t making serious             A bellwether in China??
   is growing fast. In 2012, the world saw a         inroads as a shopping device, either. As       The future of both tablets and smart
   100% increase in global tablet sales and          with tablets, most of those using these        phones as shopping devices looks
   by 2015, Gartner expects tablet sales to          devices don’t expect to use them more for      stronger when one considers China.
   reach 320 million units.10 Tablets aren’t         shopping in the near future. And many          While only 17% of global online shoppers
   just replacing smart phones or laptops—           still don’t use them for shopping at all. In   turn to their tablets to buy something
   they’re expanding the ways people use             fact, the overwhelming majority of our         at least once a month, 39% of Chinese
   online devices. Three-quarters of tablet          respondents still use their PC to make         online shoppers do, and 21% make tablet
   users reach for their device at least once        purchases (see Figure 5). That situation       purchases every week. Around a third of
   a day and nearly half spend more than 11          doesn’t look likely to change anytime          Chinese online shoppers make purchases
   hours per week on their tablets.11                soon. More than one-third of our global        at least once a month via their smart
                                                     sample expects to increase their PC            phone. In fact, half of those who shop
   By 2015, the manner by which                      shopping next year, far more than the          with online pure player leader Taobao
   consumers will access the Internet will           percentage who say they expect to shop         used their smartphone.
   look much different than it does today,           more using other devices (see Figure 6).
   with the smart phone accounting for                                                              An astounding 87% of our Chinese
   40% of Internet traffic, computers 34%            That said, using smart phones at the end       respondents are using their PCs to shop
   and tablets 26%. Global spending on               of the purchase journey, particularly          every month, 20 percentage points
   mobile apps is projected to soar from $7          in-store, is a growing trend. A September      higher than the sample overall. So
   billion in 2010 to $35 billion in 2015.12         2012 research study finds that two-thirds      even in a country where consumers use
                                                     of technology industry insiders believe        their smart phones and tablets more
   When it comes to shopping,                        that smart phones will outpace both cash       extensively, the PC still has a clear lead
   the PC still rules                                and credit cards as a payment option by        over both. One thing we can say for sure:
   So does that mean tablets will soon take          2020.13 The technology is called Near          there is ample enthusiasm in China to
   over as the preferred online shopping             Field Communication (NFC) and many             shop across all devices.
   device? Our survey research suggests              smart phones already offer it. While the
   the answer is still no, at least for the time     experts interviewed didn’t agree how           10, http://
   being. Only 9% of shoppers say they               long it would take to gain consumers’
   they’ve changed their habits to shop with         trust in payment by mobile, most               11 Online Publishers Association, A Portrait of Today’s Tablet
   a tablet more often—and around three              believed the question is when, not if.         User Wave II, June 2012

   out of five don’t use this type of device to                                                     12 PwC, Best Practices in Advertising Effectiveness, 2012

   shop at all. Our respondents don’t expect                                                        13

   to increase their tablet purchases much                                                          14
   next year either, with only 11% thinking
   they’ll shop more with their tablet.

14 Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
Other roles for the tablet                                       Figure 5: Far more online shoppers use their PC’s to make purchases
and smart phone
                                                                 Q: How often do you go shopping* using the following shopping channels?
There are also signs that both tablets
and smart phones have a significant role
to play in other aspects of the shopping                         Daily         Weekly                   Monthly           Less than once a month      Never
experience. Separate research suggests
that users are turning to their tablet to                        PC
research products across all advertising
categories, from consumer electronics                            Tablet PC
to personal care and beauty to home
furnishings.15 For retailers, the potential
of these devices as an advertising
channel may be even more important.
One recent study showed that tablet                              Social media
users in particular are highly receptive
                                                                 0%                    20%             40%          60%               80%              100%
to advertising, with 47% reporting that
they interact with ads on their tablets
at least once a week.16 We believe that                          Sample size: 11,067 online shoppers

digital channels will play an increasingly
important part of the advertising mix
going forward.17

                                                                 Figure 6: More than one-third of shoppers expect to use their PC
                                                                 more often for shopping next year
15 Online Publishers Association, A Portrait of Today’s Tablet
User Wave II, June 2012                                          Q: How do you think the frequency of your shopping behavior
16 Ibid.
                                                                 (e.g. buying clothes, books, electronics etc) will change over the next 12 months
17 Reaching the connected consumer, PwC, December 2011           using the following shopping channels?

                                                                                                                                       Don’t know     Never
                                                                                                                                                    use this
                                                                                   More                           Same                      Less    channel


                                                                 Tablet PC


                                                                 Social media

                                                                 0%                    20%             40%          60%               80%              100%

                                                                 Sample size: 11,067 online shoppers

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                                                                                    15
Myth 4: As the world gets
   smaller, global consumers
   are getting more alike
   Although consumers shop with more global
   retailers than ever before, there is a wide range of
   local difference in consumer behaviors.

   For the first time since the Industrial           as green tea, raspberry, and blueberry.                 Figure 7: Emerging market cities will
   Age, the global economic engine is                The result was a 60% growth in annual                   set the pace for retail sales growth
   being powered by southern hemisphere              sales, making the Oreo the best-selling
                                                                                                             Retail sales growth per annum, Cities of
   nations, not northern, Organization for           cookie in China.20
                                                                                                             Opportunity, 2012–2025
   Economic Co-operation and Development
   (OECD)-type countries. Global                     So while it was slightly different take on
                                                                                                                      Beijing                                         9.9
   manufacturing and GDP (factoring                  the product, an iconic Western brand                          Shanghai                                        8.9
   in purchasing power parity) reached               was successfully exported. Which brings                        Mumbai                                   7.7
   a 50/50 split between the developed               us to the Holy Grail for retailers and CPG                   São Paulo                           5.6
   economies and emerging economies in               companies alike: an ever-growing global                  Kuala Lumpur                           5.4
                                                                                                               Buenos Aires                          5.2
   2010.18 Most significantly, the income            middle class aspiring to the same suite of                     Istanbul                         5.2
   gap between people of the developed and           global brands. Online retail destinations                Johannesburg                          4.9
   developing worlds is shrinking faster than        can now be accessed from New Zealand                         Abu Dhabi                        4.7
                                                                                                                 Hong Kong                        4.5
   any time in history.19                            to New England. And borderless
                                                                                                                   New York                      4.0
                                                     communication is increasing the speed of                          Seoul                  3.1
   Now fast-forward 15 or 20 years. Instead          retail and consumer trends. So you might                   Los Angeles                  3.0
   of one billion people on the planet               expect that most consumer habits would                         London                   3.0
                                                                                                                    Moscow                   3.0
   wanting to live better, three or four             turn out to be highly transferrable to                         Chicago                  2.9
   billion people will. But what will these          other markets and cultures.                                Mexico City                  2.8
   consumers buy, and how much of it will                                                                         Singapore                 2.6
                                                     And there are a few similarities.                               Toronto                2.5
   look like what’s selling now? Figure 7,
                                                                                                                 Stockholm                2.1
   from PwC’s Cities of Opportunity project          Across the world, lower prices, free                               Paris            1.7
   research, shows how cities in the                 shipping, and ease of comparison are                            Madrid              1.7
   emerging markets will deliver the most            top reasons to shop online, while being                         Sydney             1.5
                                                                                                                       Tokyo            1.5
   annual growth in terms of retail sales.           able to touch and see the product, and                   San Francisco             1.4
                                                     getting it immediately and at no extra                            Berlin        0.7
   Many companies are doing their own                charge are top motivators for going to a                          Milan         0.5
   experimentation to find out who will              physical store.
   be buying what consumer goods in the
                                                                                                             Retail sales ($US billion, 2012 constant prices
   future. Take Kraft, for example. Several          18 After the Storm, PwC economic paper, PwC economist   and exchange rates), growth per annum (%)
   years ago, after its Oreo brand had               Per Berglund, 2010.
                                                                                                                           Mature-cities avg = 2.6% per annum
   been underperforming in the Chinese               19 Ibid.
                                                     20 2012 GMA/PwC Financial Performance Report
                                                                                                                           Emerging-cities avg = 5.6% per annum
   market for about a decade, Kraft
   decided that it had to adjust to local                                                                    Sources: Oxford Economics; PwC, Cities of Opportunity
   tastes, developing new flavours such

16 Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
Think different                              Figure 8: Why shoppers go online is dramatically different across countries
But our data from this year’s study
                                             Q: What are the most important factors that attract you to shopping online in general?
suggests that consumers in different
countries are still much more different
than they are alike. Internet users’                                                                            SUI 52%                   BRA 75%
appetite for online shopping and social
media varies widely. And growing              Lower prices/better deals
purchasing power doesn’t automatically
                                                                                     BRA 29%                               NLD 61%
translate into shopping enthusiasm.
                                              More convenient (fast checkout, 24/7 etc.)
The same is true for physical stores.
Turkey has suffered less from Eurozone
                                                                                         TUR 34%                          SUI 59%
weakness over the past several years
than some European countries, and has
                                              Easier to compare and research products and offers
a relatively strong retail sector. Still,
just 16% of our survey respondents                                                           US 35%                       SUI 59%
there say they like to shop just for sheer
enjoyment. Instead, thrifty Turkish           Home delivery option
shoppers are laser-focused on price.                                                 HK 29%           USA 42%
60% say that attractive deals, sales or
promotions are a reason to go shopping        Wider variety of products
in a brick-and-mortar store, compared to
just 40% of the sample as a whole and a                           BRA 16%                        RUS 40%
mere 19% of Chinese shoppers. Chinese
shoppers, on the other hand, show much        Customer reviews of products available
more passion when it comes to shopping
                                                             GER 14%               CHN 27%
in physical stores. Nearly half of our
Chinese respondents said they enjoy this                                                                                        Highest response
                                              Easier to find my favorite brands online                                          Global average
kind of shopping as a pleasure.
                                                        UK 10%         RUS 20%                                                  Lowest response
The differences are just as dramatic
when it comes to how consumers think          Better product information
specifically about online shopping
(see Figure 8). Overall, the top reason
consumers say they turn to the Internet is    0%           10%            20%          30%            40%       50%         60%        70%         80%
in search of deals. That’s especially true
of Turkish, French and British shoppers.     Sample size: 11,067 online shoppers
Shoppers in Switzerland, on the other
hand, are much less likely to see bargains
as the reason to shop online.

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                                                                                17
For them, the top reasons are               the other hand, want to see detailed
                                                     convenience and home delivery. And          information about products. And
                                                     while the majority of shoppers across the   in Turkey, having a wide variety of
                                                     total sample do view online shopping as     payment options is almost as important
                                                     more convenient than going to a physical    as getting information about specific
                                                     store, it’s not a universal view. In the    products—48% of shoppers say it makes
                                                     Netherlands, 61% of shoppers think          a specific online store attractive. That
                                                     it’s easier to go online, but just 29% of   compares to just 19% of shoppers in
                                                     Brazilian shoppers would agree.             France or China. And more than twice as
                                                                                                 many Turkish as Brazilian shoppers say
                                                     Open-minded shoppers in China               that vouchers or coupons prompt them to
                                                     One result in particular is worth noting.   visit a specific online store.
                                                     Less than half of Chinese shoppers go to
                                                     an online store to look for a particular    No “one” global consumer
                                                     product or brand, perhaps because, as       No matter how global multichannel
                                                     stated earlier, many view shopping as       retailing may get, we see precious little
                                                     a source of pleasure. That’s radically      evidence for a global pattern of consumer
                                                     different from the mature markets           habits or preferences. Even developed
                                                     (Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands,      markets show few similarities. The
                                                     Switzerland, the UK and the US) in our      more minutely retailers and brands can
                                                     sample, where in each case a majority of    identify what differences do exist among
                                                     customers are visiting a specific online    their potential customers, the more they
                                                     shop to look for a particular product.      will be able to appeal to these consumers.
                                                     Obviously Chinese shoppers are still        And the Kraft example cited earlier in
                                                     more open-minded at that point than         this section? Perhaps the lesson was not
                                                     their peers in the developed countries.     that ‘the global consumer’ adapted to the
                                                     For retailers, that might imply that        Oreo, but that the Oreo adapted to local
                                                     Chinese consumers are more open to          tastes with its different local flavors.
                                                     deals and promotions that are offered
                                                     on websites, and might even be more
                                                     open to change their mind depending on
                                                     these offers.

                                                     The list of differences among countries
                                                     goes on: Chinese shoppers are much
                                                     less interested in free shipping; for
                                                     them, customer reviews of products are
                                                     most important. Russian shoppers, on

18 Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
The more specifically retailers
                                        and brands can identify what
                                        differences do exist among their
                                        potential customers, the more
                                        they will be able to appeal to
                                        these consumers.

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                      19
Myth 5: China is the future
   model of online retail
   China is at the forefront of some key trends, but
   we believe its multichannel and online model is

   Our research21 confirms that Chinese              of the financial strength of Alibaba,                       Figure 9: Chinese consumers shop
   consumers have adopted the Internet as            in May 2012 Yahoo got over $7 billion                       online much more frequently
   a retail channel much faster than their           for its stake in the company, for which
                                                                                                                 Q: How often do you go shopping?
   global peers—even though fewer are                it paid $1 billion in 2005.22 That’s a
   long-time online shoppers. Only 30%               huge jump in value, in line with the
                                                                                                                                                  Global   China
   of our Chinese respondents have been              phenomenal growth China is seeing
   shopping online for more than five years,         in online commerce. In fact, Alibaba                         Daily                              3%     4%
   compared to 44% of the global sample.             founder Jack Ma believes his company
                                                                                                                  Several times
   But they’re already shopping much more            will soon become bigger than Amazon                          a week

   frequently (see Figure 9).                        and eBay combined—and may someday
                                                     even surpass Walmart in the breadth of
   Ahead of the digital curve                        its presence.23                                              Weekly                             14%    36%
   Chinese shoppers are also ahead of the
   curve in terms of using new devices and           Some fundamental differences
   social media. As we’ve already pointed            between Chinese and other
   out, far more Chinese online consumers            consumers
   have already shopped via tablet and               So can online retailers now expect
   smartphone (see Figure 10). And nearly            emerging trends in China to set the tone                     Monthly                            32%

   one in four Chinese online consumers              around the world? We think the answer                                                                  18%
   say they plan to use their tablets or their       is an emphatic ‘no’. Online shopping
   smartphones more often to shop in the             habits are dramatically different in
   next twelve months, compared to only              China. Take recommendations and
   around 11% of the global average. Their           reviews, for example. One of the key
                                                                                                                  3–4 times a year
   usage of social media as a shopping               reasons Chinese consumers go online is                                                          18%    22%
   channel follows a similar pattern. Far            to find reviews. As shown in Figure 11,
   more Chinese consumers are using a                when it comes to deciding on which
   social media platform to make purchases,          online shop to visit, recommendations                        1–2 times a year                   5%
   compared to the global average.                   from friends and experts are much
Figure 10: Chinese shoppers are ahead of the curve when it comes to using new
devices and social media                                                                                             One-stop shopping in China
Q: How often do you go shopping? Online via Tablet PC? Online via mobile phone or
smartphone? Online via social media platform?                                                                        Taobao, the undisputed
                                                                                                                     powerhouse of Chinese online
                      62%                                                                                            commerce, is a cross between
                                                               58%                                  56%              Amazon’s Amazon Marketplace
                                                                                                                     and eBay that serves both as a
                                                                                                                     marketplace for small sellers and
                                                                                                                     as an auction site. In fact, 95% of
            30%                                     28%                                                              all the Chinese online shoppers
                                                                                             24%                     we surveyed have shopped with
                                                                                                                     Taobao in the last twelve months.

            Smartphones                                Tablets                        Social media platform          When one looks at how many
         Chinese consumers                  Global consumers
                                                                                                                     shoppers use the top online player
                                                                                                                     across all countries surveyed,
Note: Respondents who say they are shopping daily, weekly, monthly, or less than once a month.
                                                                                                                     the average is just 72%. The
Sample: Global: 11,067 online shoppers ; China: 900 online shoppers                                                  company’s success has been
                                                                                                                     attributed to its AliWangWang
                                                                                                                     service (a direct communication
Figure 11: Recommendations are a top reason Chinese consumers
                                                                                                                     channel to sellers) as well as
visit specific online shops                                                                                          reliable seller ratings and its own
                                                                                                                     Alipay payment system. Possible
Q: What prompts you to visit a specific online store?
                                                                                                                     growth paths include offering
                                                                                                                     additional services, as has been
                    Friends or expert recommendation                                                                 shown by American counterpart
                                Price comparison website                                                             Amazon. For example,
                Looking for a particular brand/product                                                               Taobao doesn’t yet provide
                                            I know this shop                                                         fulfillment services.
                                 Social media interactions
                                               Search results
 Personalized recommendations on other websites
               Receiving a promotion via email or text
                      Flyer or recommendation in-store

                                                                     0%     10%     20%      30%   40%   50%   60%

                                                                       China             Global

Sample: Global: 11,067 online shoppers; China: 900 online shoppers

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                                                                                      21
Chinese consumers are also enthusiastic        The infrastructure effect
                                                     users of voucher/coupon sites. In fact,        Yet another reason that China may not be
                                                     more than twice as many Chinese                a model for the future of online shopping
                                                     shoppers are likely to visit an online store   is the manner in which technology has
                                                     because of a voucher or coupon offer, as       enabled new waves of middle class
                                                     opposed to search results. But the world       Chinese consumers to bypass traditional
                                                     isn’t following China in this regard; if       methods of shopping. “I think consumer
                                                     anything, search engines are getting           behavior as we think of it may be more
                                                     more important for background research         related to infrastructure than we realize,”
                                                     on products and brands.                        says Sean O’Driscoll, a principal at PwC
                                                                                                    whose social media consulting firm,
                                                     Demographically, China’s online                Ant’s Eye View, was purchased by PwC
                                                     shoppers are the youngest and most             in August 2012. “In China they are
                                                     employed                                       not evolving into this behavior; they
                                                     Demographically, China might be                are leaping straight into it because of
                                                     different enough that its path may not         the lack of landline and other physical
                                                     be applicable to other countries. The          infrastructure.”
                                                     online survey audience we used for each
                                                     country was nationally representative          If the Chinese online shoppers embrace
                                                     for age, gender, employment status and         of social media and mobile shopping is
                                                     region. China had by far the youngest          related mostly to infrastructure reasons,
                                                     online shopping percentage, with 81%           it stands to reason that while other
                                                     of our respondents being 34 years old or       emerging markets, such as India, may
                                                     younger. Just by comparison, only 41%          mimic the Chinese dynamic, developed
                                                     of our French sample was 34 years old          markets will not be influenced by China
                                                     or younger.                                    and will continue their much slower
                                                                                                    adoption of mobile commerce and
                                                     Then there is employment. In our               purchasing through social media.
                                                     Chinese sample, 66% of respondents
                                                     said they were employed full-time, with
                                                     Russia the next closest at 54%. All of
                                                     which is to say that the Chinese online
                                                     shopper is young and relatively well-
                                                     off, while developed market online
                                                     shoppers reside in countries with aging
                                                     populations and shrinking purchasing
                                                     power. It may be that the behaviors
                                                     Chinese shoppers are exhibiting in
                                                     this survey are those of young, happily
                                                     employed shoppers—which some
                                                     countries lack, and will continue to for
                                                     the foreseeable future.

22 Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
Far more Chinese consumers are
          using a social media platform to
          make purchases, compared to
          the global average.

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012        23
Myth 6: Domestic retailers
   will always have a “home
   field” advantage over global
   Foreign retailers are making inroads into
   consumers’ lists of favorite multichannel retailers.

   In our 2011 survey we were struck                 multichannel retailers include seven         In Germany, the three non-German
   by how strongly domestic players                  companies from its bigger neighbor to        companies in the top ten list—C&A, H&M
   dominated the lists of top multichannel           the south. German consumer electronics       and Esprit—all have large networks of
   retailers. To some extent that’s true             retailer MediaMarkt is almost as popular     physical stores. The same is true for Ikea,
   this year, too. In many mature online             in the Netherlands as it is in Germany.      which made Germany’s list last year.
   markets, domestic retailers have a                Switzerland’s multichannel scene             For C&A, H&M and Esprit, Germany is
   significant advantage. In France, for             includes several players from bigger         their biggest market and the retailers are
   example, not one foreign retailer made            European countries, like Weltbild and        probably no longer viewed as ‘foreign’
   consumers’ top ten.                               Ikea. And Sweden’s H&M is tied for           by Germans; in fact, Dutch retailer C&A
                                                     second place in Germany, moving up           even now has one of its two headquarters
   Some challenges to domestic                       from third place last year, and comes in     located in Düsseldorf. Walmart, Apple,
   retailers                                         third on the list in the Netherlands.        Ikea and Carrefour all make the top ten
   What’s interesting is the large number                                                         in more than one country outside each’s
   of exceptions to this rule. Geographical          But there’s more at work than just           home base. It’s no coincidence that these
   proximity, of course, facilitates                 location. The level of investment seems      companies have made a point of making
   expansion. Canada’s top ten favorite              to make a significant difference, as well.   investments in key international markets.

                                                                                                  Take Walmart in Brazil. The company
                                                                                                  entered the market back in 1995. In
                                                                                                  2004 and 2005, major acquisitions gave
                                                                                                  it a large network of stores throughout
                                                                                                  the country.24 From 2006 through 2012,
                                                                                                  the company invested several billion
                                                                                                  dollars in further expansion.25 With
                                                                                                  533 stores, nine brands, and five store
                                                                                                  formats, Walmart is the third largest
                                                                                                  retailer in Brazil.26 In our survey of
                                                                                                  the favorite multichannel retailers in
                                                                                                  Brazil, the company comes in fourth
                                                                                                  (see Figure 12).


24 Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
Foreign retailers are breaking into other     Figure 12: Foreign retailers and brands make it to the top 10
emerging markets too. There are four
                                              Favorite multichannel retailers for select countries
foreign retailers/ brands in Chinese
shoppers’ top ten list of multichannel
retailers, and three are on the list                           China                                        Brazil                                           Turkey
in Turkey.                                        Suning        26%               Lojas Americanas               37%                         Teknosa          31%

                                              Apple Store       15%                  Livraria Cultura            27%                  Vatan Bilgisayar        24%
Staking a claim in emerging                         Other       13%                 Livrarias Saraiva            21%                             LCW          20%
markets                                            Gome         12%                         Wal Mart             15%                           Migros         16%
How to get started breaking into                  Adidas        12%                         Carrefour            12%                              D&R         13%
emerging markets? For many companies,                Nike       10%            Extra Hipermercados               12%                           Koctas         10%
bricks and mortar stores come first. In         Carrefour       9%                      Casas Bahia              11%                              Nike        10%
China, H&M has focused a lot of effort on          66buy        8%                   Magazine Luiza              9%                            Adidas         8%
building a network of physical stores—in          Womai         7%                         Ponto Frio            8%                              IKEA         8%
September 2012 the Swedish fast-fashion            LiNing       7%                             Other             6%                        Collezione         7%
retailer opened its 100th store in China.27
Now that physical stores are generating                                Domestic companies                    Global companies
strong revenues (over $500 million in
revenues in 2011 and revenues up 11%
in the first half of 2012), the company       Sample: China: 900; Brazil: 1,006; Turkey: 1,004 online shoppers

views its multichannel presence as the
next frontier.28 That means raising the
brand’s profile on line and revving up        Cash is king                                                        But retailers need to keep in mind that
e-commerce sales through partnerships         Retailers wanting to increase online                                it’s not just the local base of domestic
with online retailers.29                      sales will need to have some cash on                                retailers they are competing with. Many
                                              hand. When Carrefour expanded its                                   consumer goods companies that have
In September 2012, Home Depot closed          Brazilian operation into the online space                           added retail activities have blurred the
all seven of its big-box stores in China.     in 2010, the company invested $50                                   lines between retailers and consumer
The company reportedly “misread the           million to develop the right platform.32                            product goods companies. Global players
country’s appetite for do-it-yourself         In our survey, online shoppers in Brazil                            like Adidas, Nike and Apple are among
products.”30 Home Depot is now                ranked Carrefour in their top five favorite                         these brands, as are regional players like
switching to specialty stores focused on      multichannel retailers. The French                                  the French beauty and personal care
local market preferences and working on       supermarket giant’s expected growth                                 brand Yves Rocher, which, according to
launching online operations with a local      rate of 15–16% annually in Brazil can’t be                          our survey, now ranks third in Russia in
partner.31 Our survey found that one-fifth    matched in most mature markets.                                     terms of favorite retailer/brand.
of Chinese online shoppers say they’ve
purchased at least 40% of their home          Whatever the market, the many global                                27
improvement goods online in the last          retailers now breaking into the favored                             content_15794506.htm

twelve months. That could translate into      multichannel ranks are clearly just as                              28 AdAge
opportunity for Home Depot.                   capable at gaining the consumer’s trust                             adapting-western-fast-fashion-china/236202/

                                              as their domestic competitors, and just                             29 Ibid.

                                              as successful with offering a product                               30
                                              assortment that meets local taste.
                                                                                                                  31 Ibid.

PwC’s Multichannel Retail Survey 2012                                                                                                                                            25
Myth 7: Global online
   pure players like Amazon
   will always have a scale
   advantage over domestic
   online pure players.
   Many domestic online pure players are holding
   their own.

   Amazon and eBay are online giants                          Figure 13: Our survey sample very much prefers shopping with between two and
   not just in the US, but also around the                    five online-only retailers
   world. So it’s not surprising that our
                                                              Q: Which online-only retailers have you shopped with over the past 12 months?
   survey respondents in several countries
   ranked them high on their list of online
   pure players.                                                                                                 56%
   For example, in Germany, 89% of online
   shoppers made purchases on their PC
   with Amazon and 75% with eBay over                                                                                                           56%
   the past 12 months. Domestic online
   retailer Zalando was a distant third
   with only 22%. That might suggest                                                              19%
   that domestic players are at a serious                                                                                    12%
                                                                                            18%                                         24%
   disadvantage—but appearances can                                       14%                                                          8%         8%
   be deceiving. After Zalando there are                                                                                                                 4%
   a whole host of German players where
   5-17% of shoppers are making purchases.                           None               Only 1 retailer      2 to 5          6 to 10          More than 10
   Both Amazon and eBay actually entered                                                                  2011        2012
   the German market by acquiring a local
   player. And after 15 years, Amazon still
                                                              Sample size: 11,067 (2012); 7,005 (2011)
   has only a 13.8% share of total internet
   sales in Germany.33 While an eventual
   shakeout is probably likely, eliminating                   recognition and customer loyalty, making
   some of these smaller retailers, the fact                  it harder for new entrants to compete,
   remains that domestic online players do                    especially in competitive, mature
   possess a path to success.                                 markets. Some heritage catalogue
                                                              businesses that already had a strong
   Indeed, we’ve found that in many cases                     customer base used to shopping at home
   domestic online pure players are able to                   have had strong success in evolving into
   withstand entry by foreign competitors.                    pure online players. La Redoute and Trois
   They’ve already built up brand                             Suisses in France, as well as Wehkamp in
                                                              the Netherlands, are prime examples.

26 Demystifying the online shopper: 10 myths of multichannel retailing
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