SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily

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SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
The Official Eurobike Newspaper |       Eurobike Day 1 | July 8, 2018

                                                                  What’s on Today
                                                                  Show Highlights

                                                          PRODUCT ROUNDUPS:
                                                                     Gravel Bikes
                                                                Mid-Drive Motors
                                                                Off-Road Apparel
                                                                     Cargo Bikes
                                                                …and much more!
SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
Sunday, July 8, 2018                                                                                                                                                                           3

                                                                                                  Table of Contents
 TODAY                                                                                            Eurobike’s 2019 dates .....................................................................4
                                                                                                  Bright ideas at Start-up Awards ..................................................5
 JULY 8                                                                                           Bosch eBike's new products for 10th anniversary.................6
                                                                                                  Goodyear's back in bike tires after 40 years ............................6
 FRIEDRICHSHAFEN                                                                                  Conference goes "Behind the scenes of online sales" ..........6
                                                                                                  What’s on today ..............................................................................8
 270C (80 F)              0                                                                       Gates puts belts on 1.5m bikes ................................................ 12
                                                                                                  Neco’s empire of steel and alloy ...............................................17
 Mostly sunny                                                                                     Greenstorm's offer IBDs can't refuse ..................................... 18
                                                                                                  Neodrives s-pedelec drive system debuts ............................ 19
                                                                                                  Overview: Hall A1 LEVs............................................................... 20
 TONIGHT                                   TOMORROW                                               Overview: E-MTBs ........................................................................ 24
                                                                                                  Overview: Mid-Drive Motors.................................................... 28
 13 C (55 F)                              27 C (80 F)
        0                                          0               0

                                                                                                  Look/SRM power meter pedal...................................................31
 Generally clear                           Mostly sunny                                           Overview: Suspension .................................................................32
                                                                                                  Fazua’s e-bike drivetrains ........................................................... 34
                                                                                                  Overview: Gravel bike................................................................. 36
                                                                                                  Overview: Off-road apparel ...................................................... 40
                                                                                                  Urban cycling apparel at Eurobike ........................................... 42
                                                                                                  Overview: Cargo Bikes ................................................................ 44
                                                                                                  Velo saddles 40th anniversary ................................................. 48
                                                                                                  Metz Moover's e-scooter ........................................................... 49
                                                                                                  Overview: Protection gear ........................................................ 50
                                                                                                  Dirk Zedler on cargo bikes ...........................................................52
                                                                                                  New products at Eurobike ..................................................54-64
                                                                                                  Eurobike Media Days coverage ......................................... 65-69
                                    Yesterday's Eurobike Startup Awards. Full report on page 5.   Transport Guide ............................................................................ 70

                               A GUIDE TO EUROBIKE STAND NUMBERS
            A & B = MAIN INDOOR HALLS
            FW     = FOYER WEST
             F0    = FOYER EAST
             ÜO    = PASSAGE EAST ”ÜBERGANG OST”
SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
4 Eurobike Show Daily                                                            LIVE FROM THE SHOW                                                                             Sunday, July 8, 2018

 Eurobike shifts focus beyond bikes
 The Industry Discussion Panel, which traditionally takes place the                                            This year’s Eurobike is emphasizing            It ended up building the vehicles
 day before Eurobike begins, is a good indication of how the show is                                        electric mobility, and Deutsche Post’s        itself, and now the Deutsche Post
 changing.                                                                                                  Schmitz spoke about the potential this        StreetScooter A1-718 division is becoming
                                                                                                            market holds.                                 an important business in its own right.
     Panelists at yesterday’s event included         sales top one million units.                              Deutsche Post is working to move               But it’s also looking to become a
 Wolfgang Hohmann, a German who                          Wolfgang Hohmann, founder and                      toward cleaner vehicles for its letter and    supplier to other businesses that need
 owns a bike shop in Dubai, and Simon                director of Wolfi’s Bike Shop in Dubai,                parcel deliveries and has developed two-      specialized electric vehicles, from
 Schmitz, an official from Deutsche Post             said cycling is beginning to take off in               and three-wheeled pedelecs for letter         two-wheeled pedelecs to small electric
 who oversees a division that is getting             popularity, thanks in part to interest                 carriers. But when its manufacturing          cargo vans. At Eurobike, StreetScooter
 into the business of industrial electric            from Dubai’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed                    partner Mifa went bankrupt, the               is looking not only for customers, but
 vehicles, from small electric delivery              bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and members                     company had to scramble to find a new         for distributors and suppliers it can work
 trucks to two-wheeled pedelecs.                     of the royal family.                                   manufacturer.                                 with as it looks to expand. n DM
     One constant presence on the panel                  It’s an interesting market. Many
 is Siegfried Neuberger, director of the             expats who have a cycling background
 German bike industry association ZIV.               live in Dubai and have continued
 Because it is Europe’s largest bicycle              cycling. But Dubai natives don’t have a
 market, what happens in Germany is                  history of riding bikes, so they are often
 important across the continent.                     learning to ride as adults.
     Neuberger said 2018 should be a                     Because Dubai is rather liberal among
 decent year despite a slow start, with              the Gulf states, “women are allowed to
 bicycle sales meeting or exceeding last             do most everything that men are allowed
 year’s numbers. He anticipates total bike           to do,” Hohmann said — including
 sales should reach about 4 million units,           cycling. There are women’s racing and
 compared with last year’s 3.85 million.             triathlon teams along with many female
     E-bike sales are again driving                  recreational riders.
 growth in the overall market, although                  One advantage of living in a
 Neuberger said conventional bike sales              place where one person controls the
 are also expected to increase this year.            government is that decisions can be
     After an increase of 19 percent                 made quickly. For example, Hohmann
 to 720,000 units, Neuberger said he                 said cycling enthusiasts suggested that
 expected e-bikes sales to post a similar            Dubai open the course that it uses for
 increase this year to between 800,000               Formula One races to cyclists.
 and 900,000 units.                                      “It was done in a matter of days,” he
     That, he noted, would put Germany               said. Authorities opened the course on a
 on the brink of reaching a significant              Sunday through Tuesday, and thousands
 milestone in 2019: the first year e-bike            of people went to ride their bikes.                                                                                                Simon Schmitz

Eurobike seeks a happy medium
with 2019 dates: July 31 – Aug. 3
So, that’s settled, then: Eurobike is moving its show dates again for                                           “We hope this will be seen as the              It also means exhibitors and visitors
                                                                                                            best compromise,” Eurobike head Stefan         won’t be distracted by rumors about
                                                                                                            Reisinger said. “We cannot do two shows        future show dates.
    The new dates, July 31 to Aug. 3, 2019,         dates in early September and this year’s                — it doesn’t make sense — so we decided            “There would be the risk if it’s not
fall in between the show’s traditional              July timeframe.                                         to step somewhere in the middle.”              announced until the last minute that it is
                                                                                                                More important than the dates is           then one of the main topics around the
                                                                                                            Eurobike’s decision to bring back its          whole trade show in the aisles,” he said.
                                                                                                            consumer day, which will be Saturday,          “I don’t think it’s really that important.
                                                                                                            Aug. 3. He said the consumer day was           There’s more important business to do for
                                                                                                            a bigger concern for many exhibitors           all the people here.”
                                                                                                            instead of the specific show dates.                Taipei Cycle has also announced
                                                                                                                “Eighty percent of the people that I       that it will return to its March show
                                                                                                            talked to wanted to see the consumers          dates beginning in 2019, but Reisinger
                                                                                                            coming back and being part of the show,”       said the two announcements were not
                                                                                                            he said.                                       coordinated.
                                                                                                                That was an important part of the              “That was really a coincidence,” he
                                                                                                            decision about having later dates, so          said. “It was not at all coordinated.”
                                                                                                            consumers wouldn’t be seeing new                   Taipei Cycle officials will discuss the
                                                                                                            products too early.                            date change in more details at its press
                                                                                                                Once the decision was made to bring        conference today at 1 p.m. in Room Paris,
                                                                                                            back the consumer day, “The discussion         Foyer East. They will also preview the
                                                                                                            of whether the dates are two weeks             next Taipei Cycle, which is Oct. 31 to Nov.
                                                                                                            earlier or two weeks later was not that        3.
                                                                                                            important,” he noted.                              Trade show dates are an endless
                                                                                                                Show organizers typically announce         topic of debate, but Reisinger said their
                                                                                                            the dates for the following year’s event at    importance is sometimes overstated.
                                                                                                            the end of the show, not at the beginning.         “If you’ve been around the industry
                                                                                                                But Reisinger said the early notice        for many years, you also know that
                                                                                                            gives exhibitors a chance to make plans        [the debate about show dates] is always
                                                                                                            while they are already in Friedrichshafen      ‘hot,’ but in the end it’s maybe not that
                                                                                                            with their staffs, so they can book their      important,” he said. “There are more
                                                                                                            hotel rooms or vacation apartments in          serious things in the world than trade
              Klaus Wellmann (left), CEO of Messe Friedrichshafen, and Stefan Reisinger, head of Eurobike   person rather than having to do it by          show dates.” n DM
                                                                                                            phone or email.
SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
Sunday, July 8, 2018                                                    LIVE FROM THE SHOW                                                                                                             5

5 young firms win Start-Up Awards
Five companies were named best bike industry start-ups yesterday
afternoon in the inaugural edition of the Start-Up Pitch, a new program
that offered 20 start-up companies the chance to present their products
in a 180-second pitch.
    The winners are Trenux, Veer, Velco,        cycling glasses,” Fongen said. “The mirror
Muli Cycles and speaRoad. One of them           sits on the bottom left or right of the
will be chosen for a Gold Award at              frame, is adjustable and offers a clear
tonight’s Eurobike Awards ceremony.             view of what’s behind with minimum eye
    TriEye FG-A6/4 won a Public’s Choice        movement,” he said.
Start-Up Award, which combined online               SpeaRoad’s PED is a pedal that features
voting with votes from the audience at          360-degree LEDs for better visibility.
Eurobike.                                           “PED also features handlebar mounted
    Given the global popularity of cycling,     controls that make it blink on the relevant
and the number of cars on our crowded           side when the cyclist is turning, and
roads, the safety of cyclists and their bikes   it harvests energy from the movement
was a recurring theme among the 20              of the pedals, so no batteries needed,”
finalists.                                      company CEO Paolo Cattarello said.
    Dutch company Rbell has produced                These and the other winners of
an electronic bell that kicks out up to 105     the qualifying round delivered short,
decibels and is operated by a button that       crisp, and informative pitches covering
attaches to the brake lever. The device         cargo bikes, battery technologies, new
also doubles as a bike alarm and a Garmin       digital solutions and services, alongside
mount.                                          innovative clothing and accessories.
    “It weighs 66 grams and also features           “This year, we provided a prominent                                             The five winning companies of the first Eurobike Start-Up Awards
a blinking light at night, plus it means        platform for start-ups, because they are
you don’t have to take one hand off the         important innovation drivers in the             really got tough to get that down once         exclusively at start-ups.
handle bar to trigger the bell, and you         industry,” Eurobike project manager Dirk        again to the five that we chose today,             The block features several sessions
don’t have to shout to warn people,”            Heidrich said.                                  because the overall quality was so             aimed at young companies, with topics
co-inventor Mark Staal said.                        Eurobike received more than 70              high, and the level of innovation really       ranging from how to find financing
    After an accident when a fellow cyclist     submissions for the Start-Up Pitch. A six-      outstanding,” said Ulrike Saade, the           and how to move from an initial idea to
hit him from behind, Norwegian Carsten          member jury, comprised of leaders in the        founder and CEO Velokonzept Saade.             landing the first customers.
Fongen of TriEye realized how important         fields of mobility, advocacy, sustainability,   (She’s also the organizer of Travel Talk on        Start-up founders will have a chance
rear vision is.                                 digital interfacing, and product safety,        Monday.)                                       to talk to other industry start-ups that
    “Nobody these days wants a handlebar        judged the entries.                                 The Start-Up Pitch is part of the          have succeeded, as well as to some that
mounted rear-view mirror, so we                     “It was a long process getting the          Eurobike Academy, which today                  failed. n GS
integrated one into a pair of high-quality      number down to 20 from 70, but then it          is hosting a dedicated block aimed
SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
6 Eurobike Show Daily                                                     LIVE FROM THE SHOW                                                                                      Sunday, July 8, 2018

Bosch launches marketing campaign,
new products for 10th anniversary
                                                                                                From blimps to bicycle tires,
Time is flying. Founded in 2009, Bosch eBike Systems is introducing
several new products for its tenth anniversary year in 2019.
                                                                                                Goodyear returns to cycling
    Among them are a compact color           Cobi system lets riders connect their
on-board computer named Kiox, which          smartphones to bikes and e-bike
helps improve a rider’s fitness and a        controls.
mass-produced anti-lock braking system           Cobi co-founder Andreas Gahlert
for e-bikes, developed with Magura.          and Bosch eBike Systems CEO Claus
    Bosch A6-201 is also rolling out a       Fleischer said the companies would
fast 6-amp charger (instead of the           work on “a joint development of digital
usual 2- to 4-amp chargers) that cuts        products and series for the mobility of
recharging times by up to 30 percent;        the future.”
a new alpine Performance Line CX                 They noted that the Cobi software
package, including shorter crank arms        can be customized by bicycle brands.
and optimized walking assistance; and        For example, Riese & Müller has created
an anti-tuning detection tool for IBDs       a custom servicing tool that will be
incorporated in the Bosch Diagnostic         available on some 2019 models.
Tool.                                            The new marketing campaign with
    Bosch showed these highlights at         Neureuther, “Feel the flow powered by
a “sneak preview” on Saturday. It also       Bosch,” will promote riding e-bikes as
announced that the Cobi smartphone           a lifestyle.
system for bikes is now 100 percent              “When riding on a e-bike features
compatible with Bosch systems. And           such as fun, the feeling of freedom, of
the company announced a marketing            being here and now and being in the
campaign with German ski star Felix          right flow are in the center. E-biking is
Neureuther as brand ambassador.              quality time,” the company’s Tamara
                                                                                                              Goodyear, whose first-ever tire was a bike tire, has returned to cycling after a 40-year gap.
    Bosch bought Cobi last year. The         Winograd said. n JB
                                                                                                After a gap of 40 years, Goodyear is back in the bicycle tire business. It’s
                                                                                                bringing a full range of tires aimed at the growing number of wheels
                                                                                                with wider inner rims.
                                                                                                    “Even road bikes are moving from 15               riders on Goodyear premium tires.”
                                                                                                and 17mm inners to 19mm, so if you put                    The inaugural range of what Goodyear
                                                                                                on a standard tire, the sides bulge, and              is calling its Premium bike tire line
                                                                                                the tread is in the wrong place,” said Luke           includes the Eagle and Transit models
                                                                                                Musselman, president of Goodyear Rubber               for road bikes, County and Connector for
                                                                                                Kinetics A3-103 .                                     gravel bikes and the Peak, Escape and
                                                                                                    “Our USP is that our whole range —                Newton for MTBs.
                                                                                                from road tires through to gravel and                     “Goodyear’s first ever tire, in 1898,
                                                                                                mountain bikes — takes this trend fully               was for bikes, and the company carried
                                                                                                into account.”                                        on manufacturing them until the
                                                                                                    Goodyear, one of the world’s best-                late 1970s,” European manager Mike
                                                                                                known tire brands, received a warm                    Johnston said. “This is a really interesting
                                                                                                welcome at the Sea Otter Classic earlier              and exciting time in the bike industry,
                                                                                                this year and realized it needed to exhibit           with environmental impact and personal
                                                                                                at Eurobike.                                          fitness front of mind for many people, and
                                                                                                    “With a full slate of OEM, distributor            we are delighted to be back.”
                                                                                                and media appointments already                            “From the testing phases to the
                                                                                                scheduled, we’re confident we can                     production models, I have been blown
                                                                                                continue to expand the brand in the                   away with the responsiveness of the
                                                                                                European market,” Musselman added.                    products and brand,” said Geoff Gulevich,
                                                                                                “We’re excited to meet with more fans of              one of Goodyear’s professional riders.
                                                                                                the Goodyear Wingfoot and to get more                 n GS
                                             The new Bosch ‘feel the flow’ marketing campaign

From digitizing sales to virtual manufacturing,
Bike Europe conference focuses on online sales
The third annual Bike Europe Conference, “Behind the Scenes of Online                                If implemented well, he said they                      “Digitization is the holistic approach
                                                                                                 can be the backbone of a successful                    to integrating and digitalizing the entire
Sales” drew back the curtain Saturday to help manufacturers and                                  multichannel marketing plan for retailers.             value chain,” said Dörner, who specializes
suppliers do a better job of selling their products online.                                          He recommended that companies                      in the subject at Siemens. “It is key to
                                                                                                 hire a dedicated e-commerce director, or               staying competitive in the future.”
    Jan Willem van Schaik, editor-in-chief     now principals with CrankTank Business            contract with a specialist firm, and treat                 Manufacturers can tie their factory
of Bike Europe, said these firms need          Intelligence, a digital marketing and             them as equal partners with a company’s                equipment to their IT system and use
to focus on such issues as supply chain        consulting company, said retailers need           traditional sales director.                            them to create a “digital product twin,”
flexibility and distribution, optimizing       to embrace direct-to-consumer sales if                Direct-to-consumer efforts have to                 which lets them design, simulate, and
product availability, and improving their      they want to survive against giants like          work hand-in-hand with a company’s                     verify a virtual product.
strategies for direct-to-consumer sales.       Amazon.                                           B2C efforts.                                               This allows manufacturers to produce
    “The only answer is to digitize your           “As everybody has talked about here,              He also said companies have to                     these products virtually, so they can
sales in order to be successful,” van          change is definitely coming and it may            allocate a sufficient amount of marketing              troubleshoot issues before going into
Schaik said, “which is more than simply        be coming faster than you expect,”                money to ensure it succeeds.                           actual production.
digitizing your online web shop. Your          Scott Montgomery said, speaking at the                While most discussions of digitization                 “The hardest challenge about
whole organization should be connected         conference.                                       refer to selling products on websites,                 digitalization is changing the mindset of
digitally in order to be competitive, and          He cited the staggering number of U.S.        Christian Dörner of Siemens discussed                  the people involved in the process, to get
we will discuss how to future-proof your       retailers that went out of business in 2017,      a much different use: Using digital                    all of them involved,” Dörner said.
organization for online sales.”                while Amazon continued to thrive.                 technology to “manufacture” virtual                        The conference attracted about 100
    U.S. bike industry veterans Scott              But even smaller retailers can adopt          versions of products, before they are made             participants, mostly manufacturers and
Montgomery and Adrian Montgomery,              effective direct-to-consumer sales models.        for real.                                              suppliers. n WB
SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
8 Eurobike Show Daily                                                                                                                                           Sunday, July 8, 2018

  What’s on today Sunday, July 8
  Show Dates:                                   Scheduled Events                            12 noon – 12:20 p.m.                        3 – 3:30 p.m.
  Sunday, July 8 – Tuesday, July 10                                                         A3-400                                      A1-501
                                                Sunday, July 8                              DT Swiss Workshop: Wheel building           Stromer: Launch of ST1
  Show Hours                                    8:30 – 9:30 a.m.                            tools/spokes & nipples.
  8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.                         Foyer East                                  In German.                                  3 – 3:45 p.m.
                                                Wriders' Club supporter breakfast                                                       Foyer East / Show Stage
  All Day / Every Day Events                                                                12 noon – 12:45 p.m.                        Eurobike Academy: Linking Start-Ups
                                                9:30 – 9:45 a.m.                            Foyer East / Show Stage                     and the established Bicycle Industry
  Foyer East                                    A7-402                                      Eurobike Academy: The Connected Bike        In German
  14th Eurobike Award                           Trerè Innovation                            - Internet of Things in Biking
  Exhibition of award-winning products          15-minute bike trials show                  In English                                  3 – 3:45 p.m.
                                                                                                                                        Conference Center East / Room London
  Open Air Grounds East                         10 – 10:30 a.m.                             12 noon – 1 p.m.                            Eurobike Academy: Service –
  Demo Area — Test and Action                   A1-501                                      Conference Center East / Room London        Understanding your customer is key for
  (9 a.m. — 6:30 p.m.)                          Stromer                                     The agile methods of successful             your success in the (E-) Bicycle Market
  Test ride the newest bikes on a network       Launch of ST3 model                         start-ups - from the idea to the first      In German
  of roads and paths that extends more                                                      customer
  than 10 kilometers (6 miles). See page        10 - 10:45 a.m.                                                                         3:30 – 3:45 a.m.
  4 for a map of the demo area and the          Conference Center East / Room London        12 – 12:45 p.m.                             A7-402
  exhibitors that will have bikes to ride.      Eurobike Academy: Different Ways of         Conference Center East / Room London        Trerè Innovation
                                                Funding for Start Ups                       Eurobike Academy: The versatile             15-minute bike trials show
  Rothaus Hall A1                               In German                                   approaches and methods of successful
  Cargo Area                                                                                start-ups, from the initial idea to the     4 p.m.
  With the boom in cargo bikes —                10 – 11 a.m.                                first customer                              A5-200
  especially electrified ones — Eurobike        Conference Center East / Room London                           In German                Sigma Sport
  puts a spotlight on the category this year.   Financing options for start-ups (state                                                  Overview of Rox 12.0 Sport GPS computer
  See a big selection of new cargo bike         funding, investors, banks, incubators,                         1 – 1:45 p.m.
  models and see why they are becoming          crowdfunding)                                                  Conference Center        4 – 4:45 p.m.
  so popular as a practical, affordable                                                                        East / Room London       Foyer East / Show stage
  and stylish mode of transportation.           10 — 10:20 a.m.                                                Eurobike Academy:        Bikefitting in harmony with your body
  Many European governments now offer           A3-400                                                         Bicycles and             In German
  financial incentives for individuals and      DT Swiss Workshop on service and                               the technical
  companies to purchase the vehicles.           conversion options for hubs                                    documentation life       4 – 4:45 p.m.
  Along with new models, learn how cargo        In German                                                      cycle - Milestones for   Conference Center East / Room London
  bikes are being used across the continent.                                                                   success                  Chinese Bicycle Market: new Era, new
                                                10 – 10:30 a.m.                                                In English               Opportunities, new future. In English
  Foyer East                                    Foyer West
  Blogger Base                                  Local first! How local businesses can       1 – 2 p.m.                                  4 – 5 p.m.
  Join an international community of            attract new customers online by e-vendo     Foyer East                                  Foyer East
  bloggers from the outdoor and travel          AG                                          Best Practice by ridebeyondstereotypes.     Eurobike Blogger Walk & Meet
  industry and track their social media                                                     com
  postings on the big Social Wall, which will   10:30 – 11 a.m.                             Powerful storytelling.                      4 – 5 p.m.
  display all posts that use the hashtags       Foyer West                                                                              Conference Center East / Room London
  #EurobikeShow and #thewridersclub.            Webshop/Logo. Good design/bad               1 – 1:30 p.m.                               Eurobike Academy: The EU SME program
  Supporting the Blogger Base is The            design.                                     Foyer West                                  and funding
  Wriders’ Club, a platform initiated in 2016   Choosing the right color, typefaces,        Bicycle packaging made easy
  by Eurobike and pressedienst-fahrrad,         templates to optimize an online store by                                                5 – 7 p.m.
  a PR agency for the German bicycle            bike-angebot                                1 – 2 p.m.                                  A7-305
  industry. Members can use the space in                                                    Conference Center East / Room Rom           Alberto Contador and Ivan Basso at the
  Foyer East to work with free WiFi and to                            11 a.m.               Industry Impact: A Crash Course in the      Polartec booth
  network with others.                                                A5-200                Future of Helmet Protection
                                                                      Sigma Sport           Panel discussion hosted by MIPS             5:30 p.m.
  Foyer West                                                          Overview of Rox                                                   B3-300a
  Service Area                                                        12.0 Sport GPS        1 – 1:30 p.m.                               Look
  After its debut last year, the Service                              computer by Teun      A5-401                                      Happy hour and introduction of 785 Huez
  Area returns with information on                                    van Erp, scientific   Trelock launches bicycle lights             RS Disc road bike
  products and services that retailers                                expert from Team
  and industry members can use to                                     Sunweb                1:30 – 1:45 a.m.                            5:30 – 5:45 a.m.
  boost their marketing. Visit the Service                                                  A7-402                                      A7-402
  Area to learn about such topics as            11 – 11:30 a.m.                             Trerè Innovation                            Trerè Innovation
  merchandise management, logistics             Foyer West                                  15-minute bike trials show                  15-minute bike trials show
  concepts and digital sales platforms.         Aerodynamics in the development of
  Service Area exhibitors feature insurance     products                                    2 p.m.                                      5:30 – 8 p.m.
  services, anti-theft security devices and     Sebastian Schluricke, CEO of Aerotune       A5-200                                      Entrance West / Lake
  ergonomics consultation. This year, the       GmbH.                                       Sigma Sport                                 Eurobike evening ride by Shimano.
  Service Area will also feature a program                                                  Overview of Rox 12.0 Sport GPS computer
  of short, informative presentations.          11 – 11:30 a.m.
                                                Foyer East                                  2 – 2:20 p.m.
  Foyer East                                    Haibike world premiere                      A3-400
  Special bike area and velomobile                                                          DT Swiss Workshop: E-MTB-specific
  exhibition                                    11 a.m. – 12 noon                           components and rims.
                                                A1-706                                      In German
  FW-222                                        Cargo Area guided tour
  ADFC                                          Meet in front of Urban Arrow stand          2 – 2:30 p.m.
  Take a photo on the ADFC protected bike       (A1-706)                                    Foyer West
  lane and take it home with a sweet treat.                                                 Are you already smartmailing?               6 p.m.
                                                11 – 11:45 a.m.                             Automated Email-Marketing in                Spanninga B4-212
  FW-209                                        Conference Center East / Room London        accordance with the General Data            100 Years Night
  Bike-Angebot                                  Eurobike Academy: Crucial Aspects for       Protection Regulation (GDPR)                Party celebrating Spanninga’s 100th
  Enter a drawing for a one-year premium        a fruitful Collaboration between the                                                    anniversary
  subscription and other prizes.                Bicycle Industry and Start Ups?             2 – 2:45 p.m.
                                                                                            Conference Center East, Room London         6:30 p.m.
  A1-721                                        11 a.m. – 12 noon                           Eurobike Academy: Bidex BikeLocal - A       B3-205
  Yuba                                          Conference Center East / Room London        digital customer slide linking online       CeramicSpeed new product
  Get a Yuba Apple and win prizes               Eurobike Academy: What is needed            customer with stationary shops              introduction, with drinks and nibbles
                                                for cooperation between the bicycle         In German
  A4-504                                        industry and start-ups?                                                                 6 – 7 p.m.
  TSG                                                                                       2 – 3 p.m.                                  Foyer East
  Create your own TSG logo in our photo         11:30 – 11:45 a.m.                          Foyer East / Show Stage                     Eurobike Award ceremony
  booth                                         A7-402                                      Eurobike Academy: Business Speed
                                                Trerè Innovation                            Dating                                      6:30 – 10 p.m.
  A6-205                                        15-minute bike trials show                  Bernd-Uwe Gutknecht and Kim van Dijk        B4-302
  Mach 1                                                                                    talk to 20 startups of the Eurobike Award   Evoc 10th anniversary party
  How to make wheel lacing faster and           11:30 – 12 noon
  cheaper with the LTS from Mach1.              Foyer West                                                                              Hosting a party, an athlete appearance or
                                                Bidex BigCheck – How to use BigCheck        3 – 3:30 p.m.                               another special event at Eurobike? Send us your
                                                to keep an eye on your most important       Foyer West                                  information no later than 3 p.m. for the next
                                                key data and compare it with different      3 reasons why you'll sell more bikes with   day’s Show Daily at EurobikeShowDaily@gmail.
                                                control groups                              insurance from Bikmo                        com. Please include your stand number and a
                                                                                                                                        contact name, phone number and email.
SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
SUNDAY INSIDE: What's on Today Show Highlights - Show Daily
10 Eurobike Show Daily                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sunday, July 8, 2018

                              Guide To Eurobike Demo Areas

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rayvolt Bike
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             O/110                      O/205 O/204                        O/306         O/305         O/405      O/404
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             KIFFY - EASY DE-           TECHNI- SIMPLON                    Merida &      NCM           TQ-Systems Brose
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SIGN TECHNOLOGY,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cosmo Connected            BIKE                               Centurion     Bikes                    An-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        O/206                                                          O/406
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         O/304         Egret
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             O/107                      OLIeds                                           Metz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             myStromer                                                                   mecatech
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  O/403           O/509
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       O/407      Scott Sports    Velo de

     STAND COMPANY/FIRMA                                       STAND COMPANY/FIRMA                                                        STAND COMPANY/FIRMA                                                                                                                                                          e-RUN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        O/207 O/203
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SR      TRENOLI,
     O/100         Add-e                                       O/205            TECHNIBIKE                                                O/405         TQ-Systems                                                          O/106
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Suntour BIONICON


     O/101         Yuba bikes                                  O/206            OLIeds                                                    O/406         Egret                                                               Bikee Bike,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           KTM Fahrrad                 Bikes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Europe                    O/507
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AEVON TRAILERS

     O/103         TranzX                                      O/207            SR Suntour                                                O/407         e-RUN Wheel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        O/208           O/202
     O/104         Tsinova                                     O/208            M1 Sporttechnik                                           O/408         BH Bikes Europe                                                                                 M1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        dix                O/301
     O/106         Bikee Bike                                  O/209            Heinzmann                                                 O/409         Leaos                                                             O/104
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bicycle Systems

     O/106         motosuv                                     O/210            Alber                                                     O/410         Eurosport DHS                                                     Tsinova                                                                                                                cycling

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       O/410                      O/504
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Eurosport                  FMGH Fine

     O/107         myStromer                                   O/211            Coboc                                                     O/411         Prophete                                                                                        O/209
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cycle Union
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DHS                        Mobility

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   O/400          Radkut-

     O/110         KIFFY - EASY DESIGN                         O/212            Csepel                                                    O/500         AZUB BIKE                                                                                       mann             Arrow

                   TECHNOLOGY                                  O/300            Cycle Union                                               O/501         ZEHUS                                                             TranzX
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Alber O/200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DOUZE Cycles

     O/110         Cosmo Connected                             O/301            Continental Bicycle                                       O/502         DOUZE Cycles                                                                                          Winora Group

     O/111         Rayvolt Bike                                                 Systems                                                   O/503         Radkutsche                                                                                      O/211
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Coboc                                                                                    O/501
     O/200         Haibike                                     O/302            KTM Fahrrad                                               O/504         FMGH Fine Mobility                                                Yuba bikes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            O/100                                                                                                                O/500
     O/200         Winora Group                                O/304            Metz mecatech                                             O/505         XCYC_excites cycling                                                Add-e                                                                                                                AZUB BIKE

     O/201         Urban Arrow                                 O/305            NCM Bikes                                                 O/507         AEVON TRAILERS
     O/202         Pendix                                      O/306            Merida & Centurion                                        O/508         Taiwan Hodaka
     O/203         TRENOLI                                     O/400            SHIMANO Europe                                            O/509         Velo de Ville
     O/203         BIONICON                                    O/403            Scott Sports
     O/204         SIMPLON                                     O/404            Brose Antriebstechnik

 Paul Lange                                                                                                                                                                         411
                                                                                                                                                                                    c/o Hermann
                                                                                                                                          Bosch                                     Hartje, TERN,
                                                                                                                                          Teststrecke                               i:SY

                                                       B5                                                                                                                                                                                                          B4

                                                                          505                503          502        501                                                                              410                                       409              408                                     407                    406
                                                                          Zhejiang Star      Wike - Pi    Lanxi      FAZUA                                                                            BASSO Bikes                               Open             3T CYCLING                              Outbraker              YouMo

               TEST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TEST
              TRACKS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TRACKS

                                   Helmaus-   511                510        509           508                           507                                               404              403             402                                                    401                         400
                                   gabe/      Fantic             ENVE       GOLDEN        ANANDA                        CYCLE-                                            Rohloff          Arkus & Romet   Pivot Cycles                                           FOX Factory, Marzocchi      F.S.A., Bend36
                                   Helmets                       Compo-     WHEEL                                       WASH                                                               Group

     COMPANY                                           STAND       COMPANY                                                               STAND                          COMPANY                                                                                    STAND                     COMPANY                                                              STAND
     FIRMA                                                         FIRMA                                                                                                FIRMA                                                                                                                FIRMA
     500        Bosch                                              508              ANANDA                                                                              400             F.S.A.                                                                                               407                    Outbraker
     501        FAZUA                                              509              GOLDEN WHEEL                                                                        400             Bend36                                                                                               408                    3T CYCLING
     502        Lanxi Wheeltop Cycle                               510              ENVE Composites                                                                     401             FOX Factory                                                                                          409                    Open Cycle
     503        Wike - Pi Manufacturing                            511              Fantic                                                                              401             Marzocchi                                                                                            410                    BASSO Bikes
     505        Zhejiang Star Union                                600              Paul Lange                                                                          402             Pivot Cycles                                                                                         411                    VICTORIA c/o Hermann Hartje
     507        CYCLEWASH                                                                                                                                               403             Arkus & Romet Group                                                                                  411                    TERN
                                                                                                                                                                        404             Rohloff                                                                                              411                    i:SY
                                                                                                                                                                        406             YouMo
12 Eurobike Show Daily                                                                                                                                             Sunday, July 8, 2018

Gates puts belts on 1.5 million bikes — and counting
Last year, Gates Carbon Drive celebrated its 10th anniversary. This year,                     •  New rear sprockets for Shimano               gauge and frame alignment tool.
Gates says it will reach another milestone: putting belt drives on 1.5                           internal gear hubs that create               The frame alignment tool measures
million bikes.                                                                                   a standard “unified beltline” to         relative alignment between the axis of
                                                                                                 simplify belt integration. They are      the bottom bracket shell and the axis
    “While the bicycle industry as a whole   electric motor and battery integration in
                                                                                                 compatible with Nexus 8, Alfine 8        of the rear axles in both the vertical
is experiencing soft growth, we continue     the bike industry for more than a decade.”
                                                                                                 and 11 and Di2 electronic shifting       and horizontal planes. This helps
to grow our product line to meet the             Another recent hire is Cathy Wilson
                                                                                                 hubs, and with Shimano’s Inter 5E        manufacturers achieve the best alignment
needs of consumers and manufacturers in      as market development manager, who
                                                                                                 hubs; and                                for proper functioning of the belt drive.
all of our main bicycle market segments:     will work with bikeshare manufacturers
                                                                                              •  Aluminum rear sprockets in seven             For the bikeshare market, Gates is
electric bikes, share bikes, pedal bikes     around the world. Wilson, an engineer,
                                                                                                 sizes for Pinion gearboxes.              introducing an investment cast sprocket
and stationary fitness bikes,” said Todd     previously worked at the Gates belt plant
                                                                                                For mechanics and assembly factories,     that, the company says, delivers high
Sellden, global director of Gates Carbon     in Kentucky and was instrumental in
                                                                                                Gates is also debuting a belt tension     strength at a modest price point. n JB/DM
Drive A2-201 .                               developing Gates’ 11mm-pitch bicycle
    With its belt drive finding wider        belts.
acceptance in these different categories,        More than 500 OEMs around the
Gates has created several new positions      world currently spec Gates Carbon Drives
at its Denver, Colorado, headquarters.       on their bikes, spokesman Paul Tolme
Its two most important market segments       said.
have become the electric mobility and            Gates is launching several new belt
bikeshare systems.                           drive products at Eurobike, including
    “We have strategically realigned our     the first belt drive for full-suspension
business development strategy to more        mountain bikes that Gates developed with
effectively target and serve each of these   its longtime European sales and service
industry segments,” Sellden added.           partner, Universal Transmissions (see
    One significant new hire is e-bike       related story on page 14).
veteran Zach Krapfl, who is the                  It is also debuting a line of tools for
company’s global e-mobility market           mechanics and for assembly workers.
development manager. Krapfl helped               Its new products include:
Cannondale launch its e-bike initiative      •      Integrated crank assemblies for
and has also served as a consultant for             the CDX premium and CDN urban
Bosch, Felt and other brands.                       lines in silver or black, including a
    “Adding Zach to the Carbon Drive                matching aluminum guard;
team helps us move into a leadership         •      S550 direct-mount cranks with
position in the eMobility category,”                modular beltline adjustability. The
Sellden said. “He is well known and                 S550 will come as a pre-assembled
                                                                                                                              Gates Carbon Drive professional alignment tools for manufacturers
well respected, and has been involved in            crankset for easy factory installation;
14 Eurobike Show Daily                                                         Sunday, July 8, 2018

 UT, Gates put a belt drive
 on a full-suspension eMTB

                        Close-up of the HNF Nicolai G16 Eboxx showing the belt tensioner behind the crank,
                                           enabling the full suspension bike to work with a Gates belt drive

 The Gates belt drive system now appears on all types of bikes around the
 world. But it’s been missing from one popular category — full-suspension
 mountain bikes.
     That is changing this year, with               components. The G16 is powered by a
 the help of Gates’ longtime European               new Bosch mid-drive motor and uses the
 distributor and development partner                Rohloff E-14 internal gear hub.
 Universal Transmissions (exhibiting at                 “The belt tensioner skillfully
 Gates A2-201 ). The German company, led            compensates for the changing center
 by bike engineer Karlheinz “Kalle” Nicolai,        distance and ensures constant belt tension
 worked with Gates to solve the technical           even in rough terrain,” Nicolai said.
 issues involved with full-suspension bikes             Unfortunately, Universal Transmissions
 and is debuting their belt drive solution at       officials say, the new belt tensioner has not
 Eurobike                                           yet reached the “plug and play” simplicity
     That solution involves the use of              of belt drive systems for other types of
 a spring-supported belt tensioner                  bikes.
 that supports both conventional and                    UT officials say they will work with
 — crucially in the European market —               other European manufacturers to adapt
 electric drivetrains.                              the tensioner so they can use the belt
     “Conventional drive systems are                drive system on their own full-suspension
 often subject to heavy wear under high             e-MTBs.
 demands. Here the Gates Carbon Drive                   Gates and UT are optimistic that the
 offers many years of experience in the             belt tensioner will open up the e-MTB
 areas of low maintenance and durability,”          category to belt drives. The category
 Nicolai said. “Whether in combination              is booming across Europe, and many
 with a mid-mounted motor or with a                 European consumers are already familiar
 conventional bike, the belt tensioner              with belt drives through conventional
 allows the advantages of a belt drive to be        urban, trekking, touring, and hardtail
 exploited even in hard terrain and under           mountain bikes along with other e-bikes.
 high demands.”                                         “More and more consumers rely
     Nicolai is pioneering the new belt drive       on belt-driven bicycles. It’s becoming
 system on a bike produced by another               popular,” Nicolai said. “A considerable
 company he runs, the high-end, niche               number of high-quality bikes are now
 brand HNF Nicolai.                                 leaving shops with a direct drive from
     The e-MTB, called the G16 Eboxx,               Gates.”
 demonstrates the ability of a belt drive               See our related story on Gates on page
 to work with other state-of-the-art                12. n JB

 Who won a Eurobike Award? Find out tonight!
 Eurobike has chosen 12 Gold Award winners out of 40 products that
 have been chosen for a Eurobike Award.
     But if you want to know who the                influenced by a large number of new
 winners are, you’ll have to wait until this        factors such as the changing demands
 evening.                                           for mobility and the increasing impact
     The ceremony for the 14th edition of           of digitalization,” said Dirk Heidrich,
 the prestigious Eurobike Awards starts             Eurobike project manager.
 at 6 p.m. tonight in Foyer East. Eurobike              He added, “The Eurobike Award is
 is also awarding two Green Awards for              also a documentary record of the bold
 sustainable products.                              approach adopted by the market players
     A panel of six judges went through             within the bike industry when solving
 366 product submissions to settle on the           these challenges. It once again provides a
 winners. The number of submissions was             concentrated look at the innovative future
 smaller than last year’s 458, due in part to       of the bike market.”
 the earlier show dates.                                Winning products will be on display
     “The bike market is currently                  throughout the show in Foyer East. n
Sunday, July 8, 2018                                                                                                                                                                      17

 Neco’s empire is built on steel and alloy
 Carbon fiber has been the sexy material for bike manufacturers for                           expanded its production into China to         smartphone, GPS device or lights.
 years, but Neco Wang still prefers aluminum and steel.                                       produce more affordable products in               Another interesting innovation are
                                                                                              large quantities for the Chinese bike         the Manual pedals. The cage installs and
                                                  and hubs and cranksets account for          manufacturers it supplies.                    is removed without tools, leaving only
                                                  about 10 percent each. About half of            While Neco’s Taiwan headquarters          the axle stub on the crankarms.
                                                  Neco’s sales are under the company’s        employs a staff of 50, who focus on its           It’s a simple, unique form of theft-
                                                  brand name, and the rest is for OE or OD    higher-end products, staffing numbers         protection, and it is just another example
                                                  customers.                                  are decidedly larger in the three factories   of how Neco continues to forge its own
                                                      During a short visit to the company’s   Neco owns in China. Its Jiangsu factory       success after more than 30 years in
                                                  headquarters on the outskirts of            employees 280 workers, and plants in          business. n LvR
                                                  Taichung, a group of bicycle journalists    Tianjin and Guangdong each
                                                  saw rows of state-of-the-art CNC lathes     employ 50.
                                                  and hydraulic presses of various sizes.         For an indication of Neco’s
                                                      Neco outsources some manufacturing      global reach, just look at its
                                                  processes that require the use of other     website. Language options
                                                  sophisticated machinery or special          include traditional and
                                                  chemicals, including heat treatment,        simplified Chinese, English,
                                                  anodizing and laser engraving. But          French, Italian, Spanish,
                                                  Taiwan’s industrial cluster nearby offers   German, Japanese and even
                                                  plenty of specialists for this kind of      Russian.
                                                  work.                                           Apart from its stringent
                                                      Set at the foothills of the Wufeng      quality controls, Neco is
                                                  district, the Neco headquarters provides    known for its innovative new
                                                  an insight into Wang’s unusual approach     products. The company has
                   Neco Wang, the founder of Neco to business.                                focused recently on what it calls
                                                      A park-like area next to Neco's         “intelligent” products that have
                                                  contemporary factory and offices            won several awards.
     Wang, the founder and general
                                                  houses a lounge, an impressively large          One of its newest products
 manager of Neco Technology A5-403
                                                  treehouse, a water wheel — as well as       is the Rove, a system that
 in Taiwan, continues to crank out
                                                  chicken and geese.                          combines a hub dynamo,
 innovative components every year using
                                                      Inside, a collection of ancient         rectifier and power bank
 those tried-and-true materials.
                                                  furniture and other interior decorations    and integrates them into the
     Neco’s mainstays are headsets and
                                                  make it clear that Wang is a collector      headtube. With the Rove
 bottom brackets, each of which account
                                                  with a sharp eye and taste.                 installed on their bikes,
 for 30 percent of the company’s total
                                                      In today’s competitive global market,   commuters can produce energy
 sales.                                                                                                                                                      A treehouse on the grounds of
                                                  short lead times are just as important      from the dynamo, store it in the
     Pedals make up another 20 percent,                                                                                                                     Neco’s headquarters in Taichung
                                                  as flexibility and precision. So Neco has   battery, and use it to charge a
18 Eurobike Show Daily                                                                                                                                                               Sunday, July 8, 2018

 An offer IBDs can’t refuse? Sell a used
 e-bike; get a new one for the next season
 A new exhibitor is offering IBDs a deal that seems too good to be true:
 Sell one of the company’s used, premium e-bikes, and receive a new
 premium e-bike to use for the next season as a rental or demo bike.

     The Austrian startup, Greenstorm                 company in 2016 and soon brought on
 Mobility A1-109 believes its business                Richard Hirschhuber, who owns hotels
 model can shake up the e-bike world                  and restaurants and is a marketing
 by bringing the tourism and bicycle                  consultant. The two invested 500,000
 industries together.                                 euros ($685,000) and in June 2016
     Here’s how the concept works:                    ordered 3,500 premium e-bikes.
 Hoteliers offer vacant rooms to                      Hirschhuber is the majority shareholder
 Greenstorm, which resells them online                in the company and its general manager.
 to consumers by offering vouchers that                   In 2017, they rolled out the e-bikes
 include attractive discounts.                        to 600 participating hotels in Austria,
     In exchange for their room inventory,            South Tyrol, Bavaria, Switzerland and
 Greenstorm provides e-bikes from                     Mallorca. Now, Greenstorm is selling
 well-known brands to the hotels for no               that initial batch of bikes — mostly
 extra cost. It then sells the e-bikes after          electric mountain bikes, but also electric
 one season.                                          trekking and city bikes — at attractive
     The strategy already has turned                  prices through its website and in person
 Greenstorm into Europe’s biggest seller              at the company’s headquarters.
 of used, premium e-bikes, even though                    The bikes “have been used by our
 the company only came into existence                 hotel partners for no more than 300 to
 in 2016.                                             1,000 km [185-620 miles],” Hirschhuber                    Greenstorm currently sells its used e-bikes through its company store and online. (Photos: JB)
     Greenstorm general manager                       said. “And – after being used for
 Philipp Zimmermann founded the                       only one season – they still have 24          business: For the hotels, for us, and for                Hirschhuber said Greenstorm has had
                                                               months left on their 30-month        the participating IBDs.”                             no trouble signing up hotels and IBDs
                                                               manufacturer’s warranty.                The Greenstorm founder says IBDs                  that want to work with the company.
                                                                   This season, Greenstorm          can reach more customers by selling the              But the bottleneck has been financing
                                                               bought an eye-popping 10,000         used e-bikes. “IBDs have great premium               — no bank was willing to lend to the
                                                               premium e-bikes, which means         e-bike in their stores. But not all                  startup firm.
                                                               it now has to brainstorm new         customers are able to pay between 3,500                  To supplement the original
                                                               ways of selling them on the used     and 8,000 euros for the e-bike of their              investment from Hirschhuber and
                                                               bike market after they have been     desire,” he said.                                    his friends, the company turned to
                                                               used for a season at participating      Instead of losing that customer to a              crowdfunding. It raised nearly 1.2
                                                               hotels.                              mass merchant, who may sell them a                   million euros through April on the
                                                                   The e-bikes come from            1,200-euro, no-name, Chinese-made                    Conda platform. Although Greenstorm
                                                               such well-known brands as            e-bike, the IBD can sell them a used                 fell short of its 1.488-million-euro
                                                               Bergamont, Corratec, Fantic,         e-bike from a top brand with a two-year              goal (Hirschhuber’s lucky number is
                                                               Ghost, Haibike, KTM, Raleigh,        guarantee.                                           “8,” hence the unusual goal), it raised
                                                               and Univega. But Greenstorm             “If he sells it in our name, we will              enough to buy another slug of e-bikes for
                                                               can’t just dump the used             deliver him next year a brand-new                    the current tourist season.
                                                               bikes through a mass-market          e-bike model for one season that he                      The company employs a staff of 50 in
                                                               retailer or it would destroy         can give out for testing or rentals,”                a new headquarters and warehouse in
                                                               its relationship with the bike       Hirschhuber said.                                    Söll, Austria, near Kufstein. Greenstorm
                                                               brands.                                 An IBD doesn’t even have to stock                 says that by 2020 it expects to work with
                                                                   Although mass merchants          the used bikes, but can order one                    more than 15,000 partner hotels, which
                                                               have approached the company,         through the Greenstorm website,                      can draw from a pool of 100,000 e-bikes,
                                                               Hirschhuber says he has turned       which send it to the IBD for sale to the             400 Teslas, 1,000 other e-vehicles, and
                                                               them down. “When dealing             customer. Greenstorm has not put a                   1,888 charging stations.
                                                               with premium products you            limit on the number of used e-bikes an                   Greenstorm has established
                                                               have some responsibilities.          IBD can sell in exchange for a new one.              subsidiaries in Spain, Switzerland and
                                                               That’s why I said no,” he said.         In additional to e-bikes, Greenstorm              Germany, and this year expects to create
                                                               “We brainstormed ideas to get        also uses the same strategy with Tesla               subsidiaries in Italy and in Croatia/
     Richard Hirschhuber, the co-founder of Greenstorm, has a IBDs on board. We believe that        and Smart electric cars and other electric           Slovenia. For more information, visit
             background in the hotel and restaurant business. our concept is a win-win-win          vehicles.                                   n JB
Sunday, July 8, 2018                                                                                                                                                               19

Neodrives debuts drive
system for s-pedelecs
Neodrives, the e-bike drive system brand of Alber GmbH, goes its own
way in the e-bike market.
    At Eurobike, Alber A1-403 is launching      example of the s-pedelec’s potential when
its first Neodrives system for speed            there are fewer restrictions on their use.
pedelecs, which are e-bikes that can travel     Switzerland, which is not an EU member,
up to 45 kph with electric assist. But          allows s-pedelecs on bike paths and
instead of another mid-drive motor like         lanes, unlike most EU countries. (See
most in this category from other brands,        tomorrow’s Eurobike Show Daily for a
the new Neodrives system is a rear hub          look at the s-pedelec market and new
drive. Hub drives are all they make.            products.)
    That may seem like a throwback in               If the bike industry can persuade EU
a market gone crazy for mid-drives, but         member countries to loosen up on their
Alber officials say they aren’t interested in   s-pedelec restrictions, the category could
chasing current trends.                         enjoy much faster growth. n JB               Hansjörg Reiner, general manager of Alber, with Neodrives product manager Eva-Marie Schenk
    “It’s definitely away from mountain
bikes and road bikes,” said Andreas Binz,
director of the Neodrives business unit.
“It's the commuter and touring categories
we are focusing on instead.”
    The new Z20 RS drive joins
two existing Neodrives systems for
conventional 25 kph pedelecs, the Z15 and
    Binz said Multicycle, Cubyke and
Simplon will spec the Z20 RS on some
of their 2019 year s-pedelecs. “To fulfill
demand we just started a second e-motor
winding machine at our factory in
Albstadt,” he said.
    He argued that a rear hub motor retains
many advantages over its mid-drive rivals.
    “It’s light,” Binz said. “It provides an
enormous acceleration from zero. The
motor runs smoothly and — thanks to its
gearless and brushless construction — is
also noiseless and has minimal vibration.”
    Because the motor delivers power at
the rear wheel, it doesn’t interfere with
the derailleurs or chain. With regenerative
braking, a Neodrives unit can add as much
as 10 percent to an e-bike’s range, he said.
    Bike brands also appreciate the ability
to incorporate a hub drive without having
to redesign the bicycle frame, as they must
with a mid-drive system.
    Hub drives have gotten a bad
reputation over the years, but Binz said
Alber solved one of their worst problems.
    “Due to further developments in the
field of thermal management, we have
been able to solve the issue of the hub
motor overheating,” he said. He promises
that Neodrives systems will keep their cool
even on long, challenging uphill climbs.
    Alber comes to the bike industry from
an unusual direction. It’s a subsidiary
of the U.S. company Invacare, which
specializes in making medical equipment,
from hospital beds and respirators to
powered wheelchairs and other mobility
    Alber is a leading manufacturer of
electric drivetrains for wheelchairs, which
it makes at its headquarters in Albstadt
alongside Neodrives hub motors.
    Alber makes the electric coils at the
heart of the motor in-house. This allows
it to make coils that are lighter, more
efficient and of more consistent quality.
Alber also glues the motor’s magnets
in place at its factory. By doing most
production in-house Alber can respond
rapidly to market demand from its
European customers.
    Neodrives product manager Eva-Marie
Schenk said the European s-pedelec
market has a lot of potential, even though
overly restrictive EU regulations have
limited s-pedelecs to only a tiny share of
the bicycle market.
    She pointed to Switzerland as an
20 Eurobike Show Daily                                                                                                                                             Sunday, July 8, 2018

Overview: Hall A1
The future of the bicycle industry may
not be bicycles, but electric vehicles
As the market for electric bicycles and Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs)                      tremendous. It favors players that can           any make to an ATU dealer for servicing,
grows across the world, it causes disruption and sudden, unforeseen                         deliver products super-fast, even if the         the chain is also planning to offer service
changes that are not always easy on the players involved.                                   quality is only OK.                              for any brand of pedelecs.
                                                                                               It also favors unknown brands.                    This could encourage the entry of
    No one has been spared, from the sales    Bosch, A6-202 are exhibiting in other halls   Because the pedelec market is so new,            more direct-to-consumer pedelec brands,
channels to the manufacturers that make       as are some smaller companies that have       with many customers new to bicycles,             if they can make agreements with chains
the vehicles and the components.              been in the e-bike space for some time.       brands that are well-known to cyclists           like ATU to handle after-sale service.
    But disruption also creates                   A1 is home base for those exhibitors      may mean little to these consumers.
opportunity. This year, Eurobike is finally   that are completely focused on LEV                                                             Key Market Risks. The sun is shining on
recognizing this changing market by           technology and vehicles.                      I B Dying. This new market is disrupting         the pedelec market, but several clouds are
shifting its focus to vehicles that are not       One drawback of Hall A1 is the lack of    sales and manufacturing channels. One            lurking. One is the prospect of increased
necessarily bicycles. Founded years ago as    a demo area nearby. It’s often important      of the fastest-growing segments are              import duties, such as the anti-dumping
a mountain bike show, Eurobike is now         for a product manager to be able to do        companies that sell consumer-direct and          duties on Chinese-made pedelecs as
attempting to establish itself as the place   a head-to-head comparison of different        have no need of IBDs.                            proposed by the European Union. The
to discover trends in the world of LEVs.      drive systems, for example.                       For one impressive example, consider         threat has unsettled the market and led
    Show organizers are putting this new          Eurobike does have bike demos, but        the Netherlands — a market that for              many manufacturers to shift production
category front and center. Eurobike has       they far from A1 at the other end of the      decades has been predictably divided             to other countries.
turned its largest exhibition hall, Rothaus   fairground (see page 10 for a guide to this   between the established players such as             In the United States, the Trump
Hall A1, into the focal point for LEVs.       year’s Eurobike demo). Perhaps in future      Sparta, Batavus and Gazelle.                     administration is threatening to impose
    In A1, visitors will find most of the     years Eurobike will consider establishing         Yet two new companies, Stella and            a 25 percent tariff on Chinese-made
companies that make LEV components,           a designated LEV test area close to A1.       Amslod, are growing impressively                 e-bikes, which would affect several
as well as some e-bike brands. Eurobike                                                     quickly. They sell mostly through vans           leading brands.
is also using A1 to spotlight cargo bikes,    Overheated. The LEV market is hot —           that visit potential customers in their
a category that is growing quickly as         perhaps too hot. A key salesperson for        homes but also have their own outlets.           A death knell? The biggest cloud on
electric drive systems make them more         Bosch eBike Systems recently told me              This model becomes more and more             the horizon is very dark indeed: A
versatile and consumer-friendly.              the company has stopped accepting             attractive as the technology matures             change in the legal status of pedelecs
    Many of these exhibitors will seem        new customers until 2020. Its existing        and as better reliability reduces the need       could essentially destroy the huge and
completely foreign, and even bizarre, to      customers are swallowing up all of the        for service. It could be a harbinger of a        profitable European market as early as
show visitors who have spent a career in      units that Bosch can produce, even as it      dramatic change in the current structure         next spring.
the traditional bicycle industry.             boosts its manufacturing output.              of the bicycle business.                            Standard pedelecs, which allow
    But Hall A1 is worth a visit, because         My organization,,             Several new players are stepping up          electric assist up to a speed of 25 kph, are
it offers a glimpse of how Eurobike           has also seen first-hand evidence of this     and hoping to get a piece of the pie. These      currently considered to be identical to
may look in a few years, as electric bike     overheated market. ExtraEnergy does           include the Mobivia Group of France and          conventional bicycles. That means they
technology continues to permeate every        extensive tests of pedelecs every year, and   its subsidiaries, Norauto in France and          are allowed in bike lanes, and owners
aspect of cycling                             each spring presents awards to the top        ATU in Germany.                                  do not have to buy special licenses or
                                              performers in several categories.                 Michelin is a shareholder in Mobivia,        helmets.
Who’s there. Hall A1 is home to 137               These awards are usually valuable         and has been developing a new drive                 But a legal challenge, known as the
exhibitors. Of those, 48 focus on electric    marketing tools for the winning brands.       system at its Swiss R&D center for               Vnuk case, could upend all of that.
components including drive units,             But this year, some of the winners            the past six years. Now, the Mobivia                In 2014, the European Court ruled in
batteries, chargers, software, connectivity   declined to promote their awards because      subsidiaries are planning to market the          Vnuk that all motor vehicles must carry
solutions, displays and other human-          they are unable to meet existing demand.      system under Michelin’s famous brand             insurance at all times. This year, the EU
machine interfaces like sensors and           Already facing with lengthy order             name. The system, called the Michelin            decided that the ruling also applies to
switches. The other 89 manufacture some       backlogs, and unhappy retailers and           Wayscral, is efficient and inexpensive.          pedelecs.
sort of vehicles, mostly focusing on all      consumers, they did not want to attract           Just as customers can bring a car of            The implications are enormous. Not
types of pedelecs. Of course, visitors will   any more customers into what is already
find pedelec brands in several other halls.   a long line.
                                                                                                                                       sponsored by
                                                  In a market where demand outstrips
Who isn’t. Some established e-bike            the capabilities of many suppliers
players, including Shimano B5-300 and         to deliver, the growth potential is

                                                                                                Rohloff E-14                                                                A2-300

                                                                                               The electronic Rohloff E-14 shifting            The Bosch eBike-System synchronizes
                                                                                               system raises the bar for shifting E-bike       automatically with the Rohloff E-14. One has been moving the         unbiased, comprehensive information              transmissions. Never before has shifting        light button press will create an
  LEV market since 1992.                      through product tests, conferences,              been so fast (180ms) or intelligent. The        effortlessly smooth shift. The secret is
     Hannes Neupert founded                   consulting, and by working to                    E-14 shifter offers single or multi-gear        dropping the Bosch motor output torque,
                                                                                               shifts and automatically returns to a           instantaneously reducing the force upon
  ExtraEnergy A1-Foyer 1&2 in 1992 to test    promulgate global standards.
                                                                                               pre-selected start gear once the bike is        the transmission during each shift.
  electric bicycles and help consumers            Most ExtraEnergy members have                stationary.
  find the best pedelecs for their needs.     been involved in some aspect of electric                                               
     There wasn’t much to test at the         mobility since the early 1980s. Many             Designed to complement the
  time. Only three e-bikes models were        met at races of solar-powered vehicles           proven 14 speed Rohloff
  available on the global market, and         in the late 80s and early 90s.                   SPEEDHUB. The 526% overall
  probably less than 5,000 e-bikes existed        In 2013, Hannes Neupert and Jean             transmission ratio and highest
  anywhere in the world.                      Chen created ExtraEnergy Services                efficiency of all bicycle gear hubs,
     After more than 25 years, e-bikes        GmbH & Co. KG.                                   make this the ideal combination
                                                                                               for Pedelecs, S-Pedelecs and of
  are thriving. Today, there are some             At Eurobike, check out
                                                                                               course e-MTBs. A Smartphone
  60,000 different models around the          ExtraEnergy’s special exhibition of              App even permits future updates
  world, and an estimated 250 million         LEV components, where you can see                and individual set-up options to
  e-bikes on roads.                           available drivetrains in one place.              be remotely configured by the
     ExtraEnergy’s mission has always                                                          user.
  been to accelerate market development       For more information, visit
  by producing and disseminating    
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