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Commentator T H E C A T H O L I C July 15, 2022 Vol. 60, No. 11 2 021 L PA G E N E R A L E XC E L L E N C E AWA R D R E C I P I E N T CYCLE OF HOPE Works of Mercy aids youth By Richard Meek The Catholic Commentator An oasis of tranquility in what is tra- ditionally one of the most crime-ridden areas of Baton Rouge was recently alive with the joyful glee that can only come from exuberant youth. Their laughter serenaded nearly every corner of the multi-acre play- ground situated in the epicenter of the Gardere neighborhood as young kids proudly rode shiny new bikes through the grounds. Assisting the young people were five Dr. Murelle Harrison, director of the Gardere Initiative, shares a laugh with neighborhood teens Cordell Sims, left, and Calylup African American males, who are be- Anderson. Sims and Anderson and three additional African American teens will be learning the mechanics of bike repair while ing trained this summer as bicycle me- developing leadership skills through a Bishop Stanley J. Ott Works of Mercy grant. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator chanics. Quietly sitting on the bench of a menacing clouds failing to dampen the “Today is a good day,” said Harrison, guided by its mission of addressing picnic table, Dr. Murelle Harrison was brightness shining from her eyes and executive director of the Gardere Ini- substance abuse and other social ills all smiles as she reveled at the sight, the joy emitting from her heart. tiative, a nonprofit, faith-based agency SEE MERCY PAGE 16 Clergy find ways to maintain balance By Debbie Shelley said the greater priority sometimes who was writhing on the ground. The Catholic Commentator is meeting spiritual needs rather He was like the paralytic in a sense than physical needs. He said peo- that his limbs were mangled, a vic- Social unrest, innocent school ple can carry someone to the Lord tim of a hit and run. children and youth shot, refugees because of faith, not necessarily on “And these good Samaritans forced to flee their homelands. a stretcher into the church, such as (including a Louisiana State Police Compound those events with in the parable of people bringing a officer) were surrounding him and the COVID-19 pandemic, and one paralytic on a stretcher to Jesus for assuring him that it would be okay, can easily be overwhelmed with healing but through silent prayer. that the ambulance was on its way,” despair, wondering how to help Father Yi recently had a real-life said Father Yi. others and keep one’s self balanced. encounter with the parable. He pon- He gave the man the anointing Priests and deacons in the Dio- dered the Gospel reading of Jesus of the sick and prayed the Divine NEXT STOP HOLLYWOOD? Deacon Tim Messen- cese of Baton Rouge on the front healing the paralytic while prepar- Mercy Chaplet while first respond- ger recently played a small role in “The Chosen,” line of having to perform funerals ing a homily for a daily Mass and ers tended to him. Father Yi be- while being filmed in a Dallas suburb. For the while counseling stricken family shortly after leaving St. George, in lieves the anointing and Divine complete story on Deacon Messenger’s one day members, experience those same the thoroughfare of the Siegen Lane Mercy chaplet helped the man as foray into acting, please turn to page 9. Photo pro- feelings. roadside near the church, there was much as the physical help he re- vided by Deacon Messenger. Father Paul Yi, pastor of St. a flashing light and a small group ceived. George Church in Baton Rouge, of people gathered around a man SEE BALANCE PAGE 15
2 The Catholic Commentator July 15, 2022 | DID YOU KNOW Prayer: God’s gift to all Honoring Grammie By Dina Dow St. John Damascene, defender of the faith during the 7th century, wrote, “Prayer is the one sit still with Jesus, let go of our busyness, anxiety and worry and welcome our God? In the Gospel reading during the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus shows us the way to You may have called them by a rest of her life. raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the pray, the “Our Father.” We learn from the cat- traditional title, such as “Grand- It’s through the passing on of requesting of good things from God” (Cate- echism, “He (Jesus) was praying in a certain mother” or “Grandfather” or by the “torch of faith” from generation chism of the Catholic Church 2590). As God place and when he had ceased, one of his dis- your own variation such as “Gram- to generation that the faith is kept pursues us, we in turn are drawn to him in ciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ In mie,” “Mimi,” “Gigi,” or several oth- fresh and alive, noted Pope Francis praise, gratitude, petition and seeing the master at prayer, the ers. in his message for the upcoming help. Jesus not only shows Life-Giving disciple of Christ also wants For many, they lavished you as the “center of their attention” (and celebration, which will be themed “In old age they will still bear fruit” us how to pray, he also gives the template for prayer. Since FA I H to pray. By contemplating and hearing the son, the master of have the photos to prove it), or (Ps 92:15). prayer “lifts” our mind and heart prayer, the children learn to pray spoiled you with a wink because “Old age is no time to give up to God, it is something to be cher- to the father” (CCC 2601). they knew your parents would dis- and lower the sails, but a season ished and acted upon each day, perhaps even Away in solitude Jesus teaches the apostles approve. Or maybe they took you of enduring fruitfulness: a new several times a day. Within the silence of our (and us) to pray to the father with glory, hon- in and raised you as your parents mission awaits us and bids us look prayer, we encounter our Lord, who strength- or, humility and petitions asking for his pres- weathered their own storms. to the future,” the pope wrote. ens, nourishes and embraces us with his love. ence, daily nourishment for body and soul, And they are often credited with “The special sensibility that those Sitting still (Lk 10:38-42) forgiveness and protection from evil. This is passing on the golden nuggets of of us who are elderly have for the The Gospel of the 16th Sunday in Ordinary a path of faith, hope and love (CCC 2607). It is Catholic faith beliefs and tradi- concerns, thoughts and the affec- Time tells the well-loved story of two sisters, also a call to conversion, humility and trust in tions. tions that make us human should Martha and Mary, and their response to Je- the father’s loving plan for his children’s sal- As the church prepares to cel- once again become the vocation of sus during one of his visits to their home. In a vation. ebrate the second annual World many. It would be a sign of our love nutshell, Martha greets and Mary meets. Ask, seek, knock (Lk 1:9-10) Day of Grandparents and Elderly for the younger generations. This Martha welcomes Jesus at the door, tends God always answers prayer. Jesus stress- on July 24, Catholics have the op- would be our own contribution to his needs and rushes off to continue get- es, “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; portunity to say “thank you” for the to the revolution of tenderness, a ting provision ready for the visit. Mary, on the seek and you will find; knock and the door role that grandparents, and elders spiritual and non-violent revolu- other hand, sits beside Jesus and listens to will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, have played in our lives, whether tion in which I encourage you, dear him. Martha, “burdened and anxious” about receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to through formal catechesis, or lived, grandparents and elderly persons, the preparations for the gathering, insists her the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” unshakeable faith. to take an active role.” sister help her, pleading her case to Jesus. Je- Faith, hope and love encapsulate these two On Jan. 31, 2021, Pope Francis He added, “Living in a time of sus’ response is an invitation to calmness and verses. It is by faith we “ask” for we believe announced the establishment of great trial testing with violent out- peace, of which Mary has chosen. God hears our prayer. We are confident in this World Day of Grandparents and break of the pandemic, and then Although it is important to make sure the because he is our father. He listens always. He the Elderly on the Fourth Sunday by a war that is harming peace and guests are comfortable, Jesus shows Martha is present to us. We “seek” with trust and hope of July. The announcement of this development on a global scale … the “better part,” being in relationship with in God’s promises through Jesus. It is our an- celebration coincided with the cele- Nor is it a coincidence that war is Jesus, sitting with him and listening to his chor as we look forward to God’s response. We bration of the Year of Amoris Laeti- returning to Europe at a time when words. Everything else can wait. “knock” because we know God’s abiding love tia Family, which began on the so- the generation that experienced it Our time can be filled so much so that at will always open the door, receive us with joy lemnity of St. Joseph, the husband in the last century is dying out.” the end of the day we are at the point of ex- and embrace us with peace. We humbly pray of Mary, on March 19, 2021, and Within all this, the faithful are haustion. The culture seems to promote that in the name of Jesus to God with confidence, concluded at the World Meeting of urged to embrace the celebration “doing more is better;” filling our time is boldness, expectancy and persistence. Families in Rome in June of 2022. to celebrate together with all those somehow more “productive” and good. Far Trust and love The celebration is set on the whom the Lord has “filled with be it we have “nothing” to do. When we have Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI shared Sunday closest to the Feast Day of days.” company at our homes, do we sit with them, thoughts on prayer during a General Audi- Sts. Anne and Joachim, the par- Among those ways are celebrat- share our undivided attention (put away cell ence given in St. Peter’s Square on Wednes- ents of the Blessed Mother and the ing together in the church parishes phones and turn off the television) and con- day, May 23, 2012. Here are a few excerpts to grandparents of Jesus. and seeking out the elderly persons versation, build relationship and enjoy the ponder, “Christianity is not a religion of fear According to tradition, St. Joa- who feel most alone, at home or in “art of being together?” If we can do this, we but of trust and of love for the father who loves chim was described as a wealthy residences where they live. can also find time to sit still with Jesus. Qual- us … Each one of us, each man and each wom- member of the Twelve Tribes of Is- If you are fortunate to have one ity time with the Lord. an, is a miracle of God, is wanted by him and rael. He and his wife were grieved or both grandparents gather and Being together with God (Lk 1:1-13) is personally known by him … We would not by their childlessness and devoted visit, and ask them “Tell us again So, what does prayer look like? How can SEE GOSPEL PAGE 15 themselves to rigorous prayer and about the time you …” If they are fasting in isolation from one anoth- “not ready for the rocking chair er. yet” maybe ride bikes together Their prayers were answered or do that “favorite activity” that not only for them but in the ulti- would bring you back to those cher- mate salvation of the world with ished memories as well. | the birth of Mary, who would then If living a long distance away give birth to Jesus. make that phone call. If your grand- Bishop Michael G. Duca Publisher Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager St. Anne furthermore made parents have “gone on to receive an Father Tom Ranzino Associate Publisher Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation a sanctuary in Mary’s room and eternal reward” away perhaps stop Richard Meek Editor Nicole Latiolais Graphic Designer “allowed nothing common or un- by the cemetery to remember them Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor clean” on account of the special ho- or share favorite stories. liness of the child.” No matter how you honor the The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680) Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian Thruway, The document noted that Mary’s youth of family, faith and friend- Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton Rouge, LA. Copy must parents brought her to the temple ships will be re-generated and “for- reach the above address by Wednesday for use in the next week’s paper. Subscription rate: $14.00 per year. and the priests consecrated her to ever young.” POSTMASTER, send address changes to The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 2028, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-2028. God as a consecrated virgin for the
July 15, 2022 The Catholic Commentator 3 CCDBR volunteer honored nationally By Debbie Shelley that,” said Aguillard. The Catholic Commentator He referred to the concept called “praxis,” a word used to describe where Catholic Charities of the Diocese of concept meets reality. Baton Rouge provides a light of hope in “It’s how you put into practice your moving forward in the darkest times. motivating ideals, your values and theol- CCDBR assists state and local com- ogy,” said Aguillard. munities in times of natural disaster, He said he loves CCDBR’s mission refugees searching for a beacon of light of serving the needs of individuals and from a place they hope to call home, and families, especially the poorest, and individuals and families in the darkness working with church and community for of poverty. On June 23, CCDBR shined justice, peace and compassion in society. the spotlight on its employees, volun- He noted the organization’s ability to teers and board members that serve as find ideas to put that mission into real their power source in its annual meeting averages and “hands on execution” and at the Catholic Life Center. impact people is “unlike anything” he’s After a welcome from emcee Emily experienced with the many projects and Ziober, a member of the CCDBR adviso- programs he has been involved in. ry board, awards were presented to the He applauded the employees, vol- CCDBR Co-Worker and Volunteer of the unteers and board members for their Year. Pictured at the annual meeting of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge are, from ability to work within its mission state- Julie Fontenot, last year’s Co-Worker left, David Aguillard, executive director; Marlene Martinez, Co-Worker of the Year; Emily ment with fewer resources amidst the of the Year Award honoree, introduced Ziober, advisory board member; Linda Batiste, advisory board chair; Lisa Namikas, Catholic COVID-19 pandemic and reach more this year’s award recipient, Marlene Charities USA Volunteer of the Year; and Bishop Michael G. Duca. Not pictured is John Kelly, people than they have before. Martinez. Volunteer of the Year. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator “The execution that we have done over “The people who nominated (Marti- the past couple of years is absolutely as- nez) said she ‘treats people with dignity “(Kelly) is around the office so much the Catholic Charities USA Volunteer of tounding,” said Aguillard. and respect’ … ‘her work is exemplary’ that most people would think that he is the Year for her tireless effort in serving He emphasized all that CCDBR has … ‘she’s the expert’ and ‘she does what part of this staff,” said David Aguillard, the community and assisting refugees. accomplished was done in the realization needs to be done without complaint,’ ” CCDBR executive director. A strong advocate and supporter of that “none of us can do it alone.” said Fontenot. Aguillard said Kelly is patient, re- refugees from Afghanistan, Namikas re- “Also what is remarkable is that we’re Fontenot noted that Martinez has sourceful and dependable. cently helped to rally hundreds of volun- not resting, we’re continuing to move encountered almost every person who “He even trained himself online to do teers and collected truckloads of house- forward,” Aguillard said. walked through CCDBR’s door since the work,” Aguillard said. “When (Kel- hold goods to welcome refugees from In his concluding remarks, Bishop 2000, close to 400,000 people and ly) retired from accounting he did what Afghanistan resettled by CCDBR since Michael G. Duca said, “I can’t tell you “probably answered a half million phone most people said they will do but don’t, that country fell to the Taliban in August how proud I am of what you do for the calls.” volunteer. 2021. diocese. When you come together where “When (Martinez) heard we were go- “And boy did he follow through. He Following the awards, CCDBR recog- no one else has gone before.” ing to start to prepare income tax returns celebrates two seasons with us. During nized four new advisory board members: He commended CCDBR for work- she asked if she could do double duty,” the Christmas season he puts on his elf Ana Forbes, Towana Jackson, Dr. Lily ing together in using their skills and said Fontenot. “She took the lead and has hat to greet donors and clients. He then Kim and Dr. Kelli Joseph. resources efficiently to serve people prepared close to 10,000 tax forms for tirelessly unloads and loads Christmas Aguillard reflected on CCDBR’s ac- effectively. He additionally found that low-income wage earners. presents from opening to closing.” complishments in the midst of the most the way CCDBR inspires the people “Year after year Marlene and her crew Additionally, during tax season Kelly demanding circumstances. they serve is a “a powerful witness in of volunteers are honored by United Way has a full appointment list helping pre- “I think every year I say last year was the neighborhoods.” and the IRS for setting records and pro- pare taxes two to three days a week. unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. “I want you to know how much we re- viding the best service possible.” Next was a surprise announcement I’ll never say that again, unless we get spect what you do and how proud we are John Kelly was awarded the Volunteer that Lisa Namikas, a member of the CCD- another pandemic, 13 hurricanes in one of you as ambassadors of Christ’s love,” of the Year award. BR Advisory Board, has been selected as season and everything that came with Bishop Duca said. THE C ATHOLIC CO M M E N TATO R Commentator earns 10 LPA awards Hot-off the Press & Delivered Special to cellence category. won one second place award and two to You for Only $14 per year The Catholic Commentator Editor Richard Meek won the third place awards for photography Sam Hanna Award for Best Regular and Best Feature Story. The Catholic Commentator won Column, marking the third time he “We are honored to have so many 10 awards in the annual Louisiana has won the award during his nine awards,” Meek said. “The first place Press Association Better Newspaper years at The Catholic Commentator, award for the 60th anniversary spe- Competition announced June 30. and fourth overall in his career. cial section is one that is shared by One of the three first place Meek also won a first place award the entire diocese, which has such a awards won by the paper was for a for Best News Photo, taken in the rich history, diverse cultures and a special section honoring the 60th Hurricane Ida-ravaged area of Du- faith-filled people. anniversary of the Diocese of Ba- lac. He also won second and third “The award is a credit to all who ton Rouge. place awards in Best Feature Story live in the diocese, and the paper TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL 225-387-0983. The Commentator also finished and Best Headline. was privileged to be able to honor 60 third in the Division 5 General Ex- Assistant editor Debbie Shelley years of spiritual devotion.”
4 The Catholic Commentator July 15, 2022 Bishop Duca announces chaplain appointments Bishop Michael Duca an- pointed chaplain to St. Joseph nounced the following appoint- Academy in Baton Rouge. This ments effective at the beginning appointment is in addition to his of the 2022-23 school year: other assignment as parochial Father Michael Alello and Fa- vicar of Christ the King at LSU ther Trey Nelson were appoint- in Baton Rouge. ed chaplains to Catholic High Father Matthew Dupré was School in Baton Rouge. This ap- reappointed chaplain to Ascen- pointment is in addition to their sion Catholic Diocesan Regional other assignments: Father Alel- School in Donaldsonville. This lo as pastor of St. Thomas More appointment is in addition to his Church in Baton Rouge and as other assignments as pastor of Father Michael Alello Father Trey Nelson Father Chris Decker Father Mathew Dunn dean of the Baton Rouge Dean- Ascension of Our Lord Church ery; Father Nelson as pastor of and St. Francis of Assisi Church, St. Jude the Apostle Church in both in Donaldsonville. Baton Rouge and as chair of the Father Paul Gros was reap- Pastoral Planning Task Force. pointed chaplain to St. Thom- They will assist Brother Ray He- as Aquinas Diocesan Regional bert SC, who also serves as chap- High School in Hammond. This lain at Catholic High. appointment is in addition to his Father Chris Decker was re- other assignments as parochial appointed chaplain to Catholic vicar of St. Margaret, Queen of Interparochial of Pointe Coupee Scotland in Albany, and director in New Roads. This appointment of the Office of Formation for the is in addition to his other assign- Permanent Diaconate. Father Matthew Dupré Father Paul Gros Father Joshua Johnson Father Taylor Sanford ments as pastor of St. Mary of Father Joshua Johnson was False River in New Roads and as reappointed chaplain to Fran- signments as pastor of Sacred Father Taylor Sanford was addition to his other assignment Secretary for Communications ciscan High School in Baton Heart of Jesus Church in Baton reappointed chaplain at St. Mi- as parochial vicar of Immaculate for the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Rouge. This appointment is Rouge and diocesan Director of chael the Archangel in Baton Conception Church in Denham Father Mathew Dunn was ap- in addition to his other as- Vocations. Rouge. This appointment is in Springs. YOU SURVIVED ESTATE 2020, but ARE PLANNING YOU PREPARED MISTAKES for the nextAVOID YOU SHOULD life-changing event? IN 2022 ADVERTISEMENT LA-22-13526 r How Poche Estate Planning Law Firm Is Introducing A New Kind of Estate Planning Program Exclusively for Louisiana Residents If you have ever wanted to eliminate worry because you don’t have a program in place to protect your estate and family, without a slew of untimely legal and tax YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US AND LEARN problems, then this will be one of the most important seminars you ever attend. JUST HOW EASY IT IS TO GET YOUR You’ll be able to take advantage of my estate planning legal strategies without you ESTATE PLAN IN PLACE WITHIN WEEKS! or your loved ones having to deal with Succession Courts, long estate settlement CALL 225.224.8099 delays, Medicaid liens, nursing home poverty, and death tax. But before I do that, let me tell you a story of how we helped Mary. Mary's Story TO SAVE YOUR SPOT! “As a couple with an only child, we thought a Will was all we needed. WRONG! 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Finally, if married, both spouses must attend the to visit with Laura and her team. The system they have in place to prepare prior to our • How do I ensure that my estate wont incur legal expense when I die, preserving Event to ensure that all decision-makers are involved in the meeting and the notes taken during consultation were addressing our long list of concerns. family’s coordinated estate plan. *Non-Louisiana residents The timely follow up and execution of the much needed documents and revisions was 100% of my assets for my family? greatly appreciated. The staff was always extremely responsive and professional towards • What are the two biggest and most expensive mistakes families make when are invited to participate for a nominal fee. Please contact the office for details. any and all questions. It was a pleasure to work with Laura and her team on such a difficult trying to avoid nursing home poverty? topic for most of us."Juli and David Jenkins, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Call 225-224-8099 To Register! Poché Estate Planning Law Firm 4960 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite C, Baton Rouge, LA 70809
July 15, 2022 The Catholic Commentator 5 Organizations meeting the needs of women in crisis By Debbie Shelley Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in guard” of life is the Knights of dignity of all individuals,” Froe- with corporal works of mercy. The Catholic Commentator Gramercy are offering Walking Columbus, which has a long his- ba said. “It’s in word and action, peo- with Moms and a program called tory in respect life issues. At St. Michael, there will be ple working with young people,” The phone “rang off the hook” Embrace Grace. Like many KC councils, the presentations on adoptions and she said, adding that is why the for Frances Broussard, director An Embrace Grace support Knights of Columbus Council other alternatives to abortion. annual pilgrimages to March for of the Pregnancy Problem Cen- group will start in August at St. 8342 at St. John the Evangelist Froeba emphasized respect- Life will continue. ter in Baton Rouge, after the Joseph. The classes will meet Church in Prairieville has an an- ing life means supporting the “We need to seize this mo- announcement of the Supreme every Thursday for 12 weeks, ac- nual baby bottle fundraiser. In homeless, the elderly, the immi- ment in history and build a cul- Court overturning of Roe v. cording to Tracy Keller, who will its recent campaign, more than grants, all who need protection. ture of life,” Froeba said. Wade on June 24. lead the group. $11,500 was collected, with the For those in youth and young For a list of crisis pregnan- Churches and organizations “The young women will re- proceeds split between Woman’s adult ministry it involves pair- cies resources, visit called to ask, “How can we help ceive emotional, spiritual and New Life Center and the Preg- ing up the concept of respect life respectlife. moms in crisis pregnancy situ- physical support,” said Keller. nancy Problem Center. ations?” Pro-life advocates are “At the end of the semester we The KCs also conduct an an- Mr. D’s answering the call and embrac- will have a baby shower where nual candy drive to help children ing the challenge of accompany- ing moms in need. they will receive many of the things they need for their baby with special needs. They also purchased ultrasound machines Tree Service Broussard calls the response and will have an opportunity to for the crisis centers and pro- ovEr 40 yEars ExpErIEncE “an answer to prayers by the Sa- meet with many people in our vide meals for the women’s and cred Heart of Jesus” as the an- community who all wish them children’s shelter at St. Agnes Don Decell, owner nouncement was made on that well and look forward to wel- Church in Baton Rouge. carl BaBin, owner feast day. She attended Mass at coming their baby into the com- “Now there will be a whole • Economical • Fully Insured • Quality Work Sacred Heart of Jesus lot of moms in need, in Baton Rouge with a “Now there will be a whole lot (so) we need to step up CALL TODAY! representative of Wom- to the plate financially,” 225-292-6756 an’s New Life Clinic in of moms in need, (so) we need to said Don Taylor, grand Baton Rouge that day, knight of Knights of Co- and they embraced af- step up to the plate financially.” lumbus Council 8342 of ter they came out of the St. John. church and heard the Don Taylor, Grand Knight With Roe v. Wade RESTHAVEN news together. Knights of Columbus Council 8342 of St. John overturned, a critical GARDENS OF MEMORY & FUNERAL HOME Putting celebrations need remains to devel- aside, crisis pregnancy centers, church parishes and pro-life munity.” So far, three women will be op the culture of life by educat- ing and converting the hearts We make it personal.® advocates are rolling up their attending Embrace Grace in Au- and minds of youth and young f or a b et ter fa rewel l sleeves because they know “the gust, according to Keller. adults, said Emily Froeba, the- 11817 Jefferson Highway work has just begun.” More sup- “Our biggest need is to get the ology teacher at St. Michael the 225-753-1440 port, education and conversion word out so that we can make Archangel High School in Baton of hearts must be done. contact and offer our help,” said Rouge and organizer of the an- The Pregnancy Problem Cen- Keller. “Please pray that any nual March for Life pilgrimage ter will further their concentra- young women in need will not be to Washington, D.C. 2x2”’16 tion on providing practical as afraid to reach out to us. We are “On social media kids are well as spiritual help. here to show her the love of Jesus getting eaten alive by negative “We might be instruments through our words and actions.” feedback (on the overturning of through which people will be St. Alphonsus Church in Roe v. Wade). There’s an agen- brought to Jesus,” said Brous- Greenwell Springs is exploring da,” said Froeba. “The students sard. ways to reach moms through see that the world is so broken, In addition to supporting the Walking with Moms and Em- shattered.” crisis pregnancy center, church brace Grace and connect them She said rather than the parishes are picking up on pro- with other resources. They plan concept of “suffering with life” grams such as Walking with to form a support group for as Christ did, the idea is being Moms in Need and Embrace women who decided to give their pushed that “things are so bad Grace. babies life as well as women who why raise a baby in this world?” Walking with Moms is a Unit- have had abortions, according to This is where euthanasia, abor- Joe Skibinski, Agent ed States Conference of Catholic Susan Hankel, staff liaison for tion and other “culture of death” Bishops initiative being intro- the St. Alphonsus Respect Life ideas are implanted,” she said. duced in the Diocese of Baton Ministry. Even when presented with Rouge in partnership with Cath- St. George Church in Baton the truth that life begins at con- olic Charities. Through Walking Rouge is also working through ception, the response is, “So? It with Moms, parishes support Walking with Moms and its out- doesn’t matter.” local pregnancy centers and find reach ministries, including the Froeba said young people and share other resources with Catholic Daughters, St. Eliza- have grown up with the errone- pregnant and parenting women. beth Ministry and the St. Vin- ous message a conceived life “is Randall Waguespack, direc- cent de Paul council. only a clump of cells/tissue.” tor of the Office of Life, Justice & “But also prayer, because we Froeba said emphasis is being Peace for the diocese, is helping still have a long way in creating a placed on the inherent dignity of to implement this program. culture of life,” said Kristel Neu- life. The cluster parishes of St. Jo- pert, St. George social responsi- “To me, pro-life, it all falls seph of Paulina, St. Michael the bility coordinator. under one umbrella – life and Archangel in Convent and Most Stepping forth as the “honor dignity. We’re called to uplift the
6 The Catholic Commentator July 15, 2022 Amen and amen Q Why do we say ‘Amen’ at the prayers. We just automatically repeat Praying in the “name of Jesus” re- for the forgiveness of our enemies, for end of prayers? it without thinking. But it should be flects two primary truths: greater faith, or for the health of those more than that. It is not a supernatural Jesus is our we love. Those are A The word “amen” means “sure- word to make sure that God listened to intercessor – Jesus all goods that Jesus ly,” “truly,” and “so be it.” When us. It is not meant to tell God that our came into this world would want. But how we say this, we are agreeing prayer is finished; he knows that. It is a to open up the gates anomalous (irregular) with the thoughts and intentions of our statement of sure hope that we believe of heaven for us. He it would be to pray prayers. that God hears us. We are stating that became our inter- for vengeance against Many times, Jesus actually used the what we have just said is true, and we cessor, our source to our enemies in Jesus’ word “amen” at the beginning of some agree with it. We know that God knows God the Father. We name, or for a Mase- of his discussions to signify the impor- what is best for us, and he will take acknowledge that rati through Christ tance of what he was saying. “Amen, care of us, so we say “so be it.” We are our standing before our Lord!” Our prayer amen, I say to you, whoever believes indicating our trust in God. God is based on what needs to be in union has eternal life. I am the bread of life” Jesus did when he with Christ. Q (Jn 6:47-48). Sometimes, we end our prayers suffered and died So, when you end The fact that he stated “amen” twice with “in Jesus’ name, amen.” for us, rose from the your prayer with “in Stump the Deacon indicated that what he was saying was Why do we say “in Jesus’ dead and ascended the name of Jesus, very important. He was indicating that name”? into heaven; not any- amen” make sure you A his thoughts, his words were absolute- In St. John’s Gospel, Jesus says thing that we did. are praying for some- ly true. He was telling us that if you “whatever you ask in my name, I We submit to Deacon George Hooper thing that Jesus would believe in him and follow his teachings, will do, so that the father may be his will – Bishop also want. Then, the you will gain heaven. glorified in the son” (Jn 14:13). Jesus Robert Barron in father will hear that While Jesus used “amen” to signi- is telling us we have access to God the discussing the Gospel of Friday of the prayer and answer it in his time and in fy “listen up, otherwise you will miss Father through him because of his Sixth Week of Easter (Jn 16:20-23) a way that is best for you. something that is very important,” righteousness, not ours. Because of stated “invoking the name of Jesus is we use the word “amen” to end our our sins, we do not deserve to be heard an effective way to monitor the quality DEACON HOOPER is a deacon assistant prayers. But too often we do not think by God the Father but Jesus does. So and to shape the content of our prayer at Immaculate Conception Church in about what we are saying. “Amen” Jesus tells us to ask the father in his … it is altogether consistent to pray in Denham Springs. He can be reached at has simply become a word to end our name. the name of Jesus for peace, for justice, Commentator T H E C A T H O L I C available at your church parishes and local outlets including: AMITE Dixie Maid Drive In Southside Produce Romero’s Summerfield Senior Living PRAIRIEVILLE Winn Dixie Express Mart Spanish Town Market Ross Tire Winn Dixie Rouse’s Family Dollar The Fresh Market Sherman/Balhoff BAKER Fresh Pickins The UPS Store Steve Rabalais JACKSON ST. FRANCISVILLE B R Healthcare Goodwood Hardware Tony’s Seafood Sullivan Hardware LA Vet Home Magnuson Hotel Northridge Healthcare Hi Nabor Supermarket Vernon’s Hardware Trey Marino’s Florest Schneider Pediatric Clinic Jefferson Manor Walgreen’s Walgreen’s NEW ROADS BATON ROUGE Lake Sherwood Village Winn Dixie Walmart Neighborhood Market St. Vincent DePaul Store SLAUGHTER Affinity Nursing Home Mail Bag Winn Dixie Grace Healthcare Facility Albertson’s Matherne’s CENTRAL DENHAM SPRINGS Alexander’s Highland Grocery Mercedarian Sisters (Sr. Dulce) A+ Cleaners Lake Primary Care PAULINA VACHERIE Ascension Books and Gifts Municipal Building B-Quick OLOL Childrens Health Pediatrics Matherne’s Schexnayder Supermarket Anthony’s Deli Old Jefferson Comm Care Best Stop Rouse’s B R General Hospital Ollie Steele Manor Bourg Insurance PLAQUEMINE WALKER Bergeron”s City Market OLOL College Callihan Law DONALDSONVILLE OLOL Physicians Group OLOL Medical Center Bet-R-Store OLOL Medical Center Central Automotive Butcher Boy Bordelon’s Pharmacy OLOL Physicians Group Central Donuts PONCHATOULA WHITE CASTLE Brookstown Hardware Red River Bank Circle K GONZALES Bohning Supermarket Daigle Supermarket Calandro’s Reeves Cracker Barrel Gonzales Mental Health Ctr. Rosaryville Community Carpenter House Rite Aid CVS Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Ctr. ZACHARY Catholic Art and Gifts Rouse’ s Market Demco OLOL Ascension Med Plaza PORT ALLEN Lane Regional & Nursing Home Central Plumbing St. Clair Manor Frog’s Rouse’s Family Medicine Oak Wood Nursing Home Charlie T’s (barber) St. Mary’s Bookstore Indian Mound Grocery St. Elizabeth Hospital Hubbins Rouse’s Circle K St. Vincent DePaul Stores Jerry Lees Port Allen Court House Zachary Manor Cracker Barrel St. Vincent DePaul Dining Room Oak Point Supermarket HAMMOND St. Vincent DePaul Store CVS Shell Station Ochsner Medical Rouse’s Delmont Garden’s Library Shopper’s Value Rogers Eye St. Vincent DePaul Store
July 15, 2022 FAITH JOURNEY The Catholic Commentator 7 Hearing God speak through spiritual direction By Richard Meek seeking.” rectees to be in touch with God’s pres- He also encourages the directee to be The Catholic Commentator Father Stine, who earned a mas- ence, a presence that be carried into dai- their own spiritual director, recognizing ter’s degree in spiritual direction from ly life. Additionally, he helps the person the Holy Spirit is the ultimate spiritual Popular with many Catholics, spiri- Creighton University, said the person be aware of the times when one might director, so that person can become more tual direction is considered one of the seeking spiritual direction often yearns turn away from God. proficient in prayer because “they are the treasures of the Catholic Church. And for for a peace they have never experienced “What did I feel like, so next time I ones that have to make the decision.” others, it might also be considered a hid- but have seen in other people of faith or a am better prepared,” he said. “What was Father Stine said when deciding on a den gem. peace they once had but is now lost. I thinking about so the next time I will be spiritual director, compatibility between Often, Catholics might be familiar Since Father Stine follows Ignatian aware of it and can better respond with the two must be present. with the term of spiritual direction but spirituality he said imaginative and con- the Holy Spirit than just to act?” “You are talking about something very uncertain as to its meaning. templative prayer will form the spiritual Father Stine said traditional spiritual intimate – your relationship with God,” Dina Dow, director of the Office of foundation. direction involves a one-on-one relation- he said. “So you have to feel comfortable Evangelization and Catechesis for the Di- “That is the skeleton of it and there ship with the director and directee, with with the other person otherwise the oth- ocese of Baton Rouge, are many variations each session lasting about 45 minutes er person can’t be of any help” called spiritual direc- off of that,” he said, to an hour. He said confidentiality is in- He said he does not force his own tion a private guidance noting that there are volved but not as strict as confession. theological model and it is the directee’s given to a person seek- “We want to be other traditions of He acknowledged spiritual direction relationship with God that is always the ing to grow in holiness. spiritualty available, is just for a time because no spiritual priority. Father Bob Stine, able to talk to including the Bene- director has all of the gifts. He said the “Receiving spiritual direction em- a retired priest in dictine. “I encourage decision to end that that relationship can powers us to cultivate virtue and counter the Diocese of Baton God and to be them to learn how to lie with either the director or directee. evil in our life through prayer, aware- Rouge who has been a pray more effectively ‘The directee can say thank you for ness, discernment and humility,” Dow spiritual director for able to listen. in a way that will help your help and I am going to look for a said. “It deepens our openness to the more than 30 years, them deepen their in- new director. Or the director can say to Holy Spirit, as well as our relationship said spiritual direction The result is timacy with God.” the directee we made a nice journey to- with Jesus Christ as we receive the grace is available to anyone Hearing and paying gether and now it’s time for you to move of God through the sacraments and work who simply wants to that one feels attention go God’s voice on and find a new director,” he said. towards perfection each day.” have a better relation- is critical, discerning ship with God. closer to one’s “what is God telling “That is the key de- me in my life?” Father sire,” he said, saying friend. You feel Stine said. “How do I the commitment is one know it’s God and not must have a prayer life the bond, the just me talking? and agree to pray daily. “That is an import- He said a consistent connection.” ant part of growth in prayer life is a neces- prayer.” sary ingredient, add- Father Bob Stine Bring clarity to ing the caveat that if a Retired priest what is perhaps one person struggles with Diocese of Baton Rouge misconception, Father prayer, he will offer Stine said he explains tips. to the directee spiri- “Always pray as you can and not as tual direction is not confession. He said you can’t,” he said. “If a person is not a spiritual director does not have to be praying, they are not developing their re- a confessor but being a priest he can be lationship with God.” both. He added spiritual directors can be Father Stine said prayer does not have clergy or the laity. to be structured. It can be spontaneous If during a meeting with the direct- or talking to Jesus in one’s own words. ee that person asks to receive reconcili- As a spiritual director, he asks his direct- ation, Father Stine will put on a prayer ees to spend at least 30 minutes a day in stole to let that person know that togeth- prayer. er they are doing something different. “We want to be able to talk to God and “In confession we are looking at our to be able to listen,” he said. “The result sins, our brokenness, seeking forgive- is that one feels closer to one’s friend. You ness,” he said. “Spiritual direction also feel the bond, the connection.” touches on these things but not specifi- Father Stine noted in the secular cally designed for forgiveness of sin. It’s world a person has various forms of more of what is God doing in my life.” counseling available to address concerns He said spiritual direction is looking in their life. He compared spiritual di- at a person’s awareness of resisting God. rection to secular guidance counseling, In confession, one is looking at actions, where a person is not in crisis but might what did one do or the omission of doing be a student being counseled on what something. courses to take. “Spiritual direction is looking at what “Spiritual direction is different from was going on in your mind and in your secular guidance in that it is guidance heart while you were sinning,” he said. from a spiritual, faith-filled perspective “It’s being aware of God’s presence and and the real direction comes from the my response or no response, becoming Holy Spirit,” he said. “The Holy Spirit is more aware of it so I will be guided by the the real director in spiritual direction. Holy Spirit.” “It’s the Holy Spirit’s guidance we are Father Stine said he also assists di-
8 The Catholic Commentator July 15, 2022 ‘The battle doesn’t stop here’ By Caden Lim Special to The Catholic Commentator On a warm summer morning, people filled the pews at Sacred Heart in Baton Rouge to celebrate the feast of the Sa- cred Heart of Jesus. After Communion, pastor Father Miles Walsh led the congregation in a prayer of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus after Communion. That visceral prayer seemed to be answered instantaneously. Those in attendance would quickly find out the Supreme Court had over- turned Roe v. Wade; 50 years of the pro- life movement’s prayers and hard work had been brought to fruition. The media reported the rejoicing of pro-life advocates and the dissent of pro-abortionists. Bishops across the country released statements expressing their excitement but reminded Catholics to continue supporting women with un- planned pregnancies. Young adult Catholics in the Diocese of Baton Rouge, many of whom are LSU students and attend Christ the King Par- Reactions were strong in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building when the court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was announced. ish and Student Center in Baton Rouge, Young adult Catholics in the Diocese of Baton Rouge were overjoyed. Photo by Catholic News Agency were also overjoyed with the June 24 decision. “I cried tears of joy (when I heard small victory for us,” Laville, an alumna Church. Meredith McKeough, 21, said she be- about the overturn),” Jane Laville, 19, of St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge Laine Raley, 19, a Texas native who is lieves it was no coincidence the decision a parishioner at Our Lady of Mercy and now a sophomore at LSU, said. “For also a sophomore at LSU, said she feels was handed down on the feast of the Sa- Church in Baton Rouge, said. “Life is every one Catholic that is so pumped sorry for the women who are scared for cred Heart. precious and our world is in so much and excited about it, there will be 500 their future without abortion. “It’s a message about life being sacred conflict. Life should take priority over pro-choice advocates that will be at- “They’ve been fed this lie for years in every stage and how skewed Ameri- all.” tacking it.” that they have a safety net to get out can values are in that way,” McKeough “Now that it’s overturned, that’s one Gracie Bott, 19, a New Orleans native of pregnancy,” Raley said. “They’ve said. “(Jesus is) emphasizing how much and sophomore at LSU who operates a been promised something by someone his heart beats for us and loves at every social media page tailored toward form- evil who can never fulfill that promise. stage of our lives.” ing and inspiring authentic Catholic Abortion will never be that safety net.” McKeough said she has been a pas- Commentator T H E C A T H O L I C women, said her public outspokenness Many of the young adults at Christ sionate activist for the sanctity of life about controversial issues has gener- the King believe the overturn is the first since attending March for Life in Wash- ated a substantial amount of backlash. step for a complete reframing of what ington, D.C. in 2017. She said despite the “I’ve had a lot of people assume that it means to be a woman. Raley said as political turmoil, people should look to DEADLINES I wasn’t educated and that I was stu- pid,” Bott said. “It’s hurtful because I’ve daughters of God, he gave each woman four common identities: mother, daugh- the Lord for comfort during this time. McKeough also recommended looking always held close to my heart all social ter, sister and bride. to the example of St. John the Baptist, MARK YOUR justice issues.” But she understands why the reversal might be scary for women who see abor- “I think motherhood is something that is taken for granted in society and twisted into this lie that you can choose whose nativity feast was the day before the decision. “St. John the Baptist was the first per- CALENDAR tion as a constitutional right. “Roe v. Wade has felt like a safety to be any identity,” Raley said. “Just the fact that abortion is trying to take away son to recognize that Jesus was God and he was an infant in the womb, which blanket, even though it’s not,” Bott said. motherhood just shows the (devil) is shows he had human capabilities while “There are still many resources to make trying to take away our identity.” still in his mother’s womb,” McKeough Next issue, July 29 this country better for women and chil- In addition to a revitalization of moth- said. DEADLINE JULY 20 dren like pregnancy crisis centers, foster erhood, Laville said society has to re- Laville, Bott, Raley and McKeough care reforms and education reforms.” frame its perspective on sexuality. She said every Catholic must “pray and pray In addition to helping expectant moth- said a fundamental misunderstanding big” as the U.S. enters an era without Aug. 12 Issue ers explore their options beyond abor- on God’s plan for sex has incited the kill- Roe. tion, Bott said it is vital that the pro-life ings of more than 63 million children. Bott said it is the mission of the faith- DEADLINE IS AUG. 3 movement remains charitable. “Sexuality has only one purpose: ful to show how Jesus wants to pour out “It’s easy for Catholics to remain in a bringing kids into the world,” Laville his love for “every single one of us.” She Aug. 26 Issue bubble and not talk with the other side,” said. “Whenever it’s used outside of said there is no loss of hope for women she said. “We need to pray for the grace (marriage), it becomes mechanical and enduring the trials of an unexpected DEADLINE AUG. 17 to have those difficult conversations.” something people do without thinking. pregnancy. Laville said the secular world has used You enter into a sacrament where you’re “This is something that will make the abortion debate to take religion out ready to accept whenever kids come.” people very mad,” Raley said. “But the of the world, especially the Catholic LSU senior and New Orleans native Catholic Church is the center of love.”
July 15, 2022 The Catholic Commentator 9 Deacon Messenger joins Hollywood for a day By Richard Meek and unity were very prevalent The Catholic Commentator there from the people that were there. I met people from all over His face may never grace the the country.” cover of a celebrity magazine, “We put aside our differences, and it’s unlikely he will walk the which are really minor, and fo- red carpet blinded by flashes cused on what we believe: the popping, but for one glorious day Trinity, that Jesus Christ is the Deacon Tim Messenger dipped son of God,” he added. “Those his toes into the acting waters of are the things that truly unite us Hollywood. At least Texas style. and should focus on. That was Deacon Messenger, deacon the spirit of the day.” assistant at St. Margaret Queen Although already strong in his of Scotland Church in Albany, faith, Deacon Messenger said the recently spent a day in a Dallas experience profoundly impacted suburb serving as an extra in the his life. popular series, “The Chosen,” a “I think it’s going to be an ex- Christian-based film that builds perience I will remember for a plausible stories around factual long time,” he said. “I do believe Scripture events. Deacon Mes- in 10 years from now when (the senger was one of a crowd of series) is a tool that continues 5,000 helping depict the story of to bring about conversion, I will the fishes and the loaves. feel in a very, very small way I “I enjoyed it, and I think it’s was part of that.” going to be an experience I will When asked if he would be remember for a long time,” he trading in his clergy vestments said of his appearance during for the bright lights of Holly- filming of Season 3 of the se- The crowd portraying the 5,000 people in the Scripture passage of the fishes and the loaves were handed wood, Deacon Messenger was ries. “Watching the film will be out small pieces of flatbread before the actual filming. During the shooting, such modern conveniences as clear in his response. kind of neat.” cellphones had to be stowed out of sight. Photos provided by Deacon Tim Messenger “Bad news for (St. Margaret Deacon Messenger was ini- pastor) Father Jamin (David). tially introduced to the series by acting debuts. senger said. “The day before they fans. I’m here to antagonize him,” he his son Tim, a former director of “I have been blessed, this were experiencing the higher “I was not there in some hope said with a chuckle. Youth Ministry for the Diocese was a drop in bucket,” Deacon temperatures were predicted of being discovered, but it was Season 3 is expected to air of Baton Rouge who now lives in Messenger said. “But I think it and some people got exhaus- the experience that I expected later this fall or early next year Massachusetts. helped them get over the hump tion.” to have and did have,” Deacon and can be seen via Roku, live “(Tim) practices his faith de- to be able to start filming Season The morning shoot included Messenger said. “Community streaming or YouTube. voutly and he put (Deacon Mes- 3. They do not start filming for a groups of 1,500 people each. senger’s wife) Gloria and I on season until fully funded.” Deacon Messenger positioned it,” Deacon Messenger said. “We “Everybody who participat- himself in the back of the large watched all of Season 1 while we ed knew they had a very small field so he was unable to be up were up there.” purpose but were part of a big- close with the paid cast, al- The first season impacted ger production that we all made though the actor who portrays Deacon Messenger to the point a very small contribution,” he Judas spent time in the rear where he believes the Holy Spirit added. area. is at work through the scripts, Unfortunately, Gloria was Each person was given a small the acting and hearing the testi- unable to make the trip but piece of flat bread for the shoot, monies of viewers. He said peo- off went Deacon Messenger, and all modern conveniences, ple of little or no faith have cred- donned in an authentic look- such as cell phones and Deacon ited their conversion to the show. ing first century outfit sewed by Messenger’s handless umbrella Deacon Messenger said Sea- Shirley Durouse, St. Margaret resting on his head had to be son 2 involved the shooting of staff member and chairperson stashed. the Sermon on the Mount, re- of the Altar Society. He settled Then came the command quiring 1,000 extras. But in into his hotel, which fell short that brings chills to even the Season 3, with the feeding of of the glamour suites tradition- most experienced of perform- the 5,000, the call went out for ally reserved for A-listers, and ers: “Action.” The groups would 10,000 extras but with a catch. less than 12 hours later was on return for a shoot with the en- Each person who wished to be the football field of a local high tire 5,000 people later in the part of that scene had to pay, ac- school football stadium ready afternoon. Deacon Messenger, cording to Deacon Messenger, “a for his debut. Fortunately, a having learned his lesson in the certain financial donation.” torrid heat wave that is the sig- morning, garnered a spot clos- He noted that is how direc- nature of a west Texas summer er to the front, where he could tor Dallas Jenkins is able to pay had broken, and the majority of see better. for production of “the Chosen,” the day was filmed under a can- After a nearly 12-hour day on which has no advertising rev- opy of gray clouds and refresh- the set, Deacon Messenger be- enue, no network support and ing breezes. Tents, unlimited gan his return to the 21st cen- no additional funds except for water and box lunches were tury, exhausted but energized Deacon Tim Messenger stands under the entrance to the entertain- viewers. provided. by a brief glimpse into the life of ment area near the set of “The Chosen.” A gift store is pictured in the So Deacon Messenger signed “Thank goodness, the Lord an actor, minus, of course, the background. The series is considered the most successful crowd-fund- up himself and Gloria for their really blessed us,” Deacon Mes- limos, private jets and adoring ed TV series in history.
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