Page created by Danny Peterson
The Official Eurobike Newspaper |            September 4, 2019

                                                                 Latest news
                                                              Show highlights
                                                              What’s on today

                            Road apparel
                            Heavy-duty e-cargo bikes
                            Mid-drive systems
                            Bags & panniers
Wednesday, September 4, 2019                                                                                                                                                            3

CONTACT US                                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                          A good check-up
Advertising                             Editorial                         Healthy 2019 bike sales in Germany bode well for Eurobike ........................................ 4
Tom Kavanagh, Publisher                 Doug McClellan, Editor in Chief         
                                                                          Day 1 events
                                                                          There’s a lot going on during the opening day of Eurobike ........................................ 5

                                                                          Eurobike connects
                                                                          Eurobike launches an industry networking and matchmaking platform ................ 6

                                                                          Pexco is ready for its close-up
                                                                          The new bike company brings its wares to Eurobike ................................................. 10

                                                                          Greyp has a grip on connectivity
                                                                          Croatian e-bike company is run by coders, not hardcore riders .............................12

                                                                          Taking the rental market by storm

                                                                          From nowhere, Greenstorm now dominates the e-bike rental market .............. 14

                                                                          Heavy cargo
                                                                          Commercial e-cargo bikes are poised to go big ...........................................................20
September 4                                                               Mid-drives from the market leaders
FRIEDRICHSHAFEN                                                           Bosch, Brose, Shimano and Yamaha work to stay ahead of the pack ................. 24

23 C (73 F)
                                                                          Mid-drives from the challengers
         0                  0                                             The e-bike boom leaves room for mid-drive upstarts ............................................... 26

                                                                          More is more for these e-SUVs
Sunny                                                                     Plush, versatile e-bikes vie to be car replacements ................................................... 28

                                                                          There’s nothing small about micromobility
                                                                          E-scooter exhibitors reflect Eurobike’s new focus on mobility .............................. 32
TONIGHT                                  TOMORROW
                                                                          Bikewear that can take the heat
10 C (50 F)                              17 C (62 F)                      Apparel brands help cyclists cope with scorching summers .................................. 34
     0                                        0         0

Mostly Cloudy                            Showers                          A business revolution
                                                                          Eurobike hosts its inaugural Bike Biz Revolution conference ................................. 64

                                    A GUIDE TO EUROBIKE STAND NUMBERS
             A & B = MAIN INDOOR HALLS
              FG        = OUTDOOR AREA WEST (“FREIGELÄNDE WEST”)
             FW         = FOYER WEST
              F0        = FOYER EAST
              ÜO        = PASSAGE EAST (”ÜBERGANG OST”)
4     EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                               Wednesday, September 4, 2019

     If the bike market is healthy, so is EUROBIKE — and
    this year the bike market is very healthy, especially in
    Germany, the biggest bike market in          the country rose by 6.1 percent in the
the European Union, is on track to sell          first half, according to the country’s
at least 1.1 million electric bikes this         Federal Statistical Office, with e-bikes
year, surpassing the 1 million mark for          accounting for 26 percent of the
the first time.                                  imports.
    Sales of all bikes rose by 3.2 percent           Reisinger said the healthy exhibitor
in the first six months of the year,             levels reflect the relative strength of
Siegfried Neuberger, director of the             the bike market.
German Bike Industry Association                     “I’m quite satisfied,” he said. “The
(ZIV), said Tuesday at the Industry              house is full. We have more than 1,400
Discussion Panel, traditionally held on          exhibitors from all over the world.”
the eve of Eurobike.                                 He noted that Eurobike has evolved
    And that’s on top of 2018 results,           with the industry over the years,
which Neuberger said was a “sensa-               from its founding as a sports-oriented
tional year” for bike sales.                     mountain bike show to its current
    Neuberger joined Eurobike head               status as more of an e-bike and a
Stefan Reisinger along with Fabrizio             mobility show.
Scalzotto, CEO of Bianchi, [B2-500]                  “E-bikes dominate the industry, so
and Philipp Simon, CEO of online                 they are also dominating the show,”
retailer Bike-Components, for this               Reisinger said.
year’s panel. ARD-Sports reporter                    Scalzotto said Bianchi is debuting a
Bernd-Uwe Gutknecht moderated the                new e-bike line at the show, a develop-
discussion.                                      ment that carries some challenges for
    Neuberger said sales of conven-              such a traditional brand.
tional bikes are about flat, with growth             “It means a double personality. It’s
coming from e-bikes. “We think the               difficult to convince the customers
bike industry without the ‘e’ has                that we are a race bike maker and at
stabilized at a certain level, and that          the same time also an e-bike maker,”
growth comes from the e-bike sector              Scalzotto said.
— which is quite a nice development,”                The new line also required new
he added.                                        production techniques, he added.
    E-bike sales of 1.1 million would            “It takes a different kind of plant to
represent a growth rate of 12 percent            produce e-bikes.”
over 2018, he said. Still, Neuberger                 Scalzotto, who took charge of
added, about 75 percent of the German            Bianchi one year ago yesterday, said
bike market is conventional bikes, not           he insisted that the brand return to
e-bikes.                                         Eurobike after an absence.
    “We have to keep that in mind,”                  The former general manager of
he said. “The largest part is still              Fulcrum Wheels said he has attended
traditional bikes – muscle-driven bikes          every Eurobike since the beginning.
— although by the end of the year that               “I think this is one of the most
might change a bit.”                             important fairs in the world. I think
    German bicycle production is also            it is absolutely necessary to be here
growing, with manufacturers making               to speak with people,” he said. “The
about 1.47 million bikes in the first half       first decision I took when I arrived [at
of the year, an increase of 4.6 percent.         Bianchi] was that we have to be back in
    Imports of bicycles and e-bikes into         Eurobike.” ■ DM

    The Eurobike Industry Discussion panel on Tuesday drew a crowd of international bike
LIVE FROM THE SHOW                                                                                                    5

                                                                 WHAT’S ON TODAY
                                                WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4
Show Dates:                                  post them online and on the big bulletin
Business Days: Wednesday, Sept. 4 –          boards in the West Foyer.                  11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 6                                                                         Conference Center East/
Festival Day: Saturday, Sept. 7              FO-106                                     Room Paris
                                             Velomobile Show                            Bianchi press
Show Hours                                   Vehicles that close the gap between        conference – Lif-E
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.                              bicycles and cars                          e-bike premiere

                                             A1-105                                     12 – 12:45 p.m.
All Day / Every Day Events                   Greenstorm                                 Conference Center East/
                                             Enter a lottery for a chance to drive a    Room London
Foyer East
                                             Tesla Model 3 for eight months, and        Eurobike Start-Up
15th Eurobike Award
                                             many other prizes.                         Academy Panel
Exhibition of the award-winning
                                                                                        Discussion —
                                             A7-400                                     Innovation bicycle:
                                             Thule                                      product development
Open Air Grounds East/
                                             Buy a Thule Vital hydration pack for       through smart
Behind Halls B4 and B5
                                             30 euros. All proceeds go to the Apa       partnerships
Demo Area
                                             Sherpa Foundation of Nepal.                Recep Yesil, Coboc;
Around 100 brands will have road,
                                                                                        Marc Gillessen, Hermann
cargo, mountain and city bikes,
                                             A4-303                                     Hartje; and Manuel
conventional and electric, for visitors to
                                             Ortlieb                                    Prager, Chike (In German
test on 10km (6 miles) of test tracks.                                                                              SQlab debuted its first bike shorts at a press tour yesterday.
                                             Jonas Deichmann prepares for the Cape      with English translation)
                                             to Cape Challenge of 18,000km (11,185
Foyer East
                                             miles)                                     12 – 12:45 p.m.
Recumbent Bikes and Velomobile                                                                                                        3 p.m.
                                                                                        Foyer East/Eurobike Stage
exhibition                                                                                                                            Hase Bikes/FG-B7-1
                                                                                        LEVs @ Eurobike
                                                                                                                                      The Hase Bikes Beast Show
Hall A1
                                             Scheduled Events                           ExtraEnergy

Cargo Area/E-Mobility Area                                                                                                            3 – 3:30 p.m.
                                                                                        1 – 1:30 p.m.
See how cargo and e-cargo bikes offer        Wednesday, Sept. 4                         Foyer East/Eurobike Stage
new solutions for urban logistics, along                                                                                              Kristina Vogel
                                                                                        Sharea — e-mobility, ready for you
with trends and new micromobility            8:30 – 10 a.m.
                                                                                        Franz Tepe (In German)
vehicles such as e-scooters. Hall A1 is      Foyer East/Blogger Base                                                                  3:45 – 5:15 p.m.
also home to the increasing number           Blogger Breakfast with South Tyrol                                                       Foyer East/Eurobike Stage
                                                                                        1 – 2 p.m.
of suppliers to the e-bike industry,                                                                                                  Start-Up Award Pitches: 20 finalists
                                                                                        Conference Center East/Room Paris
including established and new e-bike         9:30 – 10 a.m.                                                                           get 180 seconds to pitch their
                                                                                        Taiwan Excellence Press Conference
drive makers.                                Foyer East/Eurobike Stage                                                                products.
                                                                                        Updates on the 2020 Taipei Cycle show,
                                             Welcoming Start-up Day with
                                                                                        and product presentations from Merida,
Foyer East                                   networking                                                                               4 – 6 p.m.
                                                                                        Kenda, KMC, Buzzrack, and Bryton
Blogger Base/The Wriders’ Club                                                                                                        Enervit/B5-207
The Blogger Base, supported by the           10 – 10:45 a.m.                                                                          Italian Aperitivo in honor of
                                                                                        1:45 – 2:15
Wriders’ Club, gives international           Conference Center East/Room London                                                       Francesco Moser’s 1984 Hour
                                                                                        Foyer East/Eurobike Stage
bloggers from the bike and travel            Eurobike Start-Up Academy                                                                Record
                                                                                        Kettler Alu Rad new product
industries a place from which they can       Workshop: What type of support
engage with exhibitors and visitors,         structure suits my start-up best?                                                        5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                        (In German)
track down trends, and post live on          Guido Zinke (in German with English                                                      Foyer East/Eurobike Stage
social media. The Eurobike Social Wall       translation)                                                                             Eurobike Award Ceremony
                                                                                        2 – 6 p.m.
provides an overview of posts published
                                                                                        Foyer East/Blogger Base
with the hashtag #EurobikeShow.              10 – 10:45 a.m.                                                                          5:30 – 8 p.m.
                                                                                        Meet the Start-Ups at the Blogger
Workspaces, available for accredited         Foyer East/Eurobike Stage                                                                Entrance West/Show Lake
bloggers, have free WiFi, coffee and         World Bicycle Relief – The Power of                                                      Eurobike Social Ride by Shimano
catering.                                    Bicycles                                                                                 Take a 43km (28 mile) road bike ride in
                                                                                        2:30– 2:45 p.m.
                                             Juana Gräter (in German)                                                                 the Friedrichshafen area, followed by a
                                                                                        Foyer East/Eurobike Stage
Foyer West                                                                                                                            BBQ at the Shimano booth. Bring your
                                                                                        Start-Up Day Opening Ceremony
Service Area                                 10:30 – 11 a.m.                                                                          own helmet and bike. Come early to
                                                                                        and panel discussion: Why Eurobike
The Service Area, started in 2017, pools     VSF/FW-OG100                                                                             register
                                                                                        is focusing on start-ups
products and services to improve             AGFW-BW: Establishment
                                                                                        Stefan Reisinger, Eurobike; Julian
the marketability of bicycle products        “Förderkreis Wirtschaft”                                                                 5:30 p.m. – on
                                                                                        Pfeiffer, Eurobike; Ulrike Saade,
for retail and industry. Exhibitors can      With BW Transport Minister Winfried                                                      Hutchinson/B3-207
                                                                                        Velokonzept. Moderator: Bernd-Uwe
help in such areas as merchandise            Hermann and AGFK-BW Chairman                                                             Booth party, and intro to Racing Lab
management, logistics concepts and           Günter Riemer                                                                            range
digital sales platforms, along with
                                                                                        2:45 – 3:45 p.m
insurance, anti-theft security and           11 – 11:30 a.m.                                                                          6 – 8 p.m.
                                                                                        Foyer East/Eurobike Stage
ergonomics consulting. The Service           Rouvy/B3-110                                                                             Foyer East
                                                                                        Start-Up Day panel discussion: The
Area includes a lounge for discussions.      New Rouvy App – Now on Apple TV                                                          Start-Up Lounge Bodensee
                                                                                        bicycle is leading the way — is the
New this year will be short presentations    and Mac                                                                                  Networking party with a discussion by
                                                                                        bicycle industry going along too?
given during the day by Service Area                                                                                                  2018 Start-Up Award winners. Panelists:
                                                                                        Martin Obers, Swapfiets; Fabian
exhibitors.                                  11 – 11:40 a.m.                                                                          Carsten Fongen, TriEye; Johnny Smith,
                                                                                        Auch, Magenwirth; Katja Diehl,
                                             Conference Center East/Room London                                                       Velco; and Finn Süberküb, Trenux.
                                                                                        Door2Door; Geraint Florida-James,
Passage East                                 Eurobike Start-Up Academy                                                                Moderator: Bernd-Uwe Gutknecht. (In
                                                                                        Mountain Bike Center of Scotland;
Start-Up Area                                Workshop: Legislation pitfalls – how                                                     English)
                                                                                        Philipp Kessler, Start-up Netzwerk
Some 50 start-up companies have              start-ups can avoid them
                                                                                        Bodensee. Moderator: Isabell Eberlein,
small booths to show their inventions        Dirk Zedler, Institut für Fahrradtechnik                                                 6 – 8 p.m.
                                                                                        Velokonzept. (In German and English
throughout the show, while a bar and         und Sicherheit GmbH                                                                      Thule/A7-400
                                                                                        with translation)
lounge area encourages networking.           (In German with English translation)                                                     Beer and networking
                                                                                        3 p.m.
Foyer West                                   11 a.m. – 12 p.m.                                                                        Hosting a party, an athlete appearance
                                                                                        Yuba Bicycles/A1-715
Job Fair                                     Foyer East/Eurobike Stage                                                                or another special event at Eurobike?
                                                                                        Guided tour of Cargo Area for
Whether you’re looking for a job in          Eurobike Academy: Why we buy                                                             Send us your information no later than
                                                                                        visitors and journalists
the bike industry, or you’re looking to      what we buy                                                                              3 p.m. for the next day’s Show Daily at
hire, the Job Fair is the place to go.       Patrick Seitter, Seitter & Partner (In                                          Please
Individuals and exhibitors can submit        German)                                                                                  include your stand number and a contact
job postings for free, and Eurobike will                                                                                              name, phone number and email.
6     EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                            Wednesday, September 4, 2019

     Eurobike is adding a virtual component to the show as
    it prepares to launch a digital platform to connect bike
    brands with suppliers and other partners in the bicycle
                     and mobility industries.

    Called Eurobike Connect, the platform       yesterday during the Bike Biz Revolution
will launch in October. Participating           conference. The German digital agency
companies will be able to make contacts,        developed Eurobike Connect.
find suppliers and compare products,                Other potential users, Post said,
but will not be able to conduct sales. In       included representatives of city
effect, it will be a digital extension of the   governments or technology firms. He
show itself.                                    added that Scholz & Volkmer has plenty
    “You have the possibility to make           of ideas for added features, and said
use of the central platform in the digital      the platform will evolve based on how
world, and in addition it makes sense           people use it, and on comments from
to meet here personally once a year,”           participants.
Eurobike head Stefan Reisinger said                 Unlike other business matchmaking
Tuesday.                                        platforms, Eurobike Connect has no
    Eurobike has been developing                apparent plans to upsell participating
Eurobike Connect for more than a year.          companies to put them at the top of
Officials say they want to “supersede           search results. “We would prefer to
Google as the main source of information        implement the next features to help
and developing business connections”            companies make their information more
for the bike industry.                          useful, instead of having them pay extra
    With a simple and clean design, the         money to be ranked up,” Post said.
digital service allows companies to                 Messe Friedrichshafen has not set
easily upload information about their           goals for numbers of members. Instead,
businesses such as product highlights,          it is more focused on other indicators
media and contact details. Develop-             that show how intensely members use
ers created customized search and               Eurobike Connect, such as the duration
filter functions specifically for the bike      of connections and the number of
industry, including a filter that shows         contacts made.
which languages a member speaks.                    The platform fits with Eurobike’s
    Companies will be able to subscribe         earlier decision to open up some events
to Eurobike Connect for 690 euros (about        to participants that are not exhibiting
$755) a year, but all of the 1,400-plus         at the main show. The menu-based
exhibitors at this year’s show will             approach allows such companies to pick
receive a free, one-year subscription.          and choose among Eurobike events,
Other companies that sign up before             such as Eurobike Media and Urban
Dec. 7 will receive a 30 percent discount.      Media Days and the upcoming ASEAN-
Individuals will be able to upload their        Bike show in Bangkok, which debuts in
profiles for free.                              October. ■ BS
    Participants don’t
have to be Eurobike ex-
hibitors — or, indeed,
members of the bike
industry. “I would be
glad if strange and
‘weird’ people had
profiles there, because
that would give the
platform a different
feel than just a copy
of a physical event,”
Peter Post, managing
director of Scholz &
Volkmer, said at the
platform’s rollout
8    EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Wednesday, September 4, 2019


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               APM Marketing                                                                                                                  O/508
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               O/205                             O/303                              O/404        O/410
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SIMPLON                           M1                                 PEXCO        Brose An-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sport-                                          triebstechnik
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               O/204            O/207
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FLYER            Panas-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  O/104                         onic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                O/208                                                                                     O/507
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Amper-                                                                                    Velo de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    O/403 O/409                           Ville
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                um                                                  CENTU- BULLS
    COMPANY                                  STAND                        COMPANY                                                            STAND                       COMPANY                                       STAND                                                                                                    Barbieri                                                                                  O/506
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  O/103                                                                                                                   YouMo
    FIRMA                                                                 FIRMA                                                                                          FIRMA                                                                                                                    Bikee Bike                    O/210
    O/100   Electric Bike Solutions                                       O/211                   Pinion                                                                 O/404                 PEXCO                                                                                                           O/203
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               KTM Fahrrad

    O/101   Coboc                                                         O/212                   Alpine Riding                                                          O/405                 Revonte
    O/102   Riese & Müller                                                O/214                   Eurosport DHS                                                          O/406                 SHIMANO Europe                                                                                                  O/202
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Continen-                          O/402

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Alber                                                                                                      O/504
    O/103   Bikee Bike                                                    O/300                   Rabeneick                                                              O/407                 LEISGER Fahrrad                                                                                   O/102
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Riese &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tal Bicycle
    O/104   Stromer                                                       O/300                   vsf fahrradmanufaktur                                                  O/408                 Pendix                                                                                            Müller
    O/105   APM Marketing                                                 O/300                   ebm                                                                    O/409                 BULLS                                                                                                                                                                                O/401 Fahrrad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HP                                    O/503
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               O/201                                                                                                      Carla
    O/200   Storck Bicycle                                                O/300                   Kreidler                                                               O/410                 Brose Antriebstechnik                                                                                           KETTLER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cycle Union, Kreidler,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 O/101                                           Rabeneick, SWYPE, ebm,                     O/406                         GLEAM
    O/201                                                                 O/300                                                                                          O/500
            KETTLER                                                                               Cycle Union                                                                                  ZEHUS                                                                                             Coboc                          Riding           vsf fahrradmanufaktur                      SHIMANO
    O/202   Alber                                                         O/300                   SWYPE                                                                  O/501                 Aevon                                                                                                                            Eu-
    O/203   KTM Fahrrad                                                   O/301                   Continental Bicycle                                                    O/502                 GLEAM Technologies                                                                              O/100
    O/204   FLYER                                                                                 Systems                                                                O/503                 Carla Cargo                                                                                     Electric Bike
    O/205   SIMPLON                                                       O/302                   MERIDA                                                                 O/504                 Urban Arrow                                                                                                     Storck Bicycle                                                                                             ZEHUS

    O/206   Csepel                                                        O/303                   M1 Sporttechnik                                                        O/506                 YouMo
    O/207   Panasonic                                                     O/400                   Prophete                                                               O/507                 Velo de Ville
    O/208   Amperum                                                       O/401                   HP Velotechnik                                                         O/508                 TQ-Systems
    O/209   Barbieri                                                      O/402                   Scandinn
    O/210   Heinzmann                                                     O/403                   CENTURION


                                                                                        B5                                                                                                                                                                                                        B4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           c/o Hermann



                                                                                                                                                                          Argon 18, United
                                                                                                                                                                          Cycling                                          418 ANANDA
                                       511        512             513               514                             515         516           517               518                                                                                  417 TranzX       416                                                415               414                              413           412            411 Outbraker,
                                       Rookey     BicBuddy        Cloud Bike        freeflow                         VAZAL-      Star Union    Bafang Electric   Profile                                                                                                3t cycling, Open Cycle                             XCYC_excites      BASSO Bikes                      YORKS         OECHS-         FINE CHEMICAL
                                       Bike                                                                         AB          Wuxing        (Suzhou)          Design                                                                                                                                                   cycling                                                          LER

                     TEST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TEST
                    TRACKS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TRACKS

                                                         505                                                                                                                       410          409           408                       407                       406                                405                                     404                  403
                       508           507        506                    504               503         502                     501 Fazua        500                                  cycle-       Greyp Bikes   Hase Bikes                RTI Sports                Pivot Cycles                       F.S.A.                                                                         402          401

                                     Mahle      Promo-   iweech        Krykun Private    Denver Bike Fantic                                   Schindel-                                                                                                                                                                                      GOLDEN               Rohloff           YOKLER       Motinova      HELM-
                       Mac Motor                vec                    Company                                                                hauer                                WASH                                                                                                                                                      WHEEL                                  CARGOBIKES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Technology   AUSGABE

              COMPANY                                                                   STAND                 COMPANY                                                                 STAND                   COMPANY                                                                             STAND         COMPANY                                                                                            STAND
              FIRMA                                                                                           FIRMA                                                                                           FIRMA                                                                                             FIRMA
              500     Schindelhauer                                                                           511         Rookey Bike                                                                         401          Motinova Technology                                                                  411                 FINE CHEMICAL
              501     Fazua                                                                                   512         BicBuddy                                                                            402          YOKLER CARGOBIKES                                                                    412                 OECHSLER
              502     Fantic                                                                                  513         Cloud Bike                                                                          403          Rohloff                                                                              413                 YORKS
              503     Denver Bike                                                                             515         VAZALAB                                                                             404          GOLDEN WHEEL                                                                         414                 BASSO Bikes
              504     Krykun Private Company                                                                  516         Star Union Wuxing                                                                   405          F.S.A.                                                                               415                 XCYC_excites cycling
              505     iweech                                                                                  517         Bafang Electric (Suzhou)                                                            406          Pivot Cycles                                                                         416                 3t cycling
              506     Promovec                                                                                518         Profile Design                                                                       407          RTI Sports                                                                           416                 Open Cycle
              507     Mahle                                                                                   519         Argon 18, United Cycling                                                            408          Hase Bikes                                                                           417                 TranzX
              508     ExtraEnergy Services                                                                    520         Bosch                                                                               409          Greyp Bikes                                                                          418                 ANANDA
              508     Mac Motor                                                                               521         ASE Action Sports Electronics                                                       410          cycleWASH                                                                            419                 Hercules
                                                                                                                                                                                                              411          Outbraker                                                                            420                 VICTORIA c/o Hermann Hartje
10    EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                           Wednesday, September 4, 2019

                         PEXCO IS FINALLY READY
                            FOR ITS CLOSE-UP
            It takes more than a year, as it turns out,                                       Raymon. Husqvarna
           to create a new bike company with global                                           bikes are assembled in
                                                                                              Taiwan, and R Raymon
                           aspirations.                                                       models in Bulgaria
                                                                                              by Maxcom. “For two
     At Eurobike 2017, Susanne and                  Swedish maker of tractors, chainsaws
                                                                                              years now we have
 Felix Puello — who are as close to                 and other power tools.
                                                                                              been a major Maxcom
 bicycle industry royalty as anyone —                  (KTM Industries, known for its
                                                                                              customer,” Felix Puello
 announced the launch of a new bike                 KTM-branded motorcycles, should
 company, Pexco, at a packed news                   not be confused with KTM Fahrrad, a
                                                                                                  For 2020, Pexco
 conference.                                        separate company that manufactures
                                                                                              is looking to expand
     The Puellos had hoped to return                the well-known KTM brand of
                                                                                              beyond its “home”
 to Eurobike last year to show the                  bicycles.)
                                                                                              markets of Germany,
 first models from the new company.                    All Husqvarna Bicycle models are
                                                                                              Austria and Swit-
 But starting a new broad-based bike                electric, while the R Raymon brand,
                                                                                              zerland and other
 company, with three brands for                     aimed at younger, more price-sensitive
                                                                                              European countries
 different markets, takes time.                     cyclists, offers a mix of conventional
                                                                                              where it already has
     Although Pexco began selling bikes             and e-bikes, including e-bikes with
                                                                                              distribution, including The Husqvarna Gran Tourer GT4 is an urban SUV bike.
 in 2018, executives waited until this              24- and 26-inch wheels for teenagers.
                                                                                              France, Italy, the
 year’s show, when they could offer a                  Husqvarna uses the Shimano Steps
                                                                                              Benelux region, parts
 broader line to the global market.                 mid-drive motor system exclusively,                                                the Winora name. Susanne Puello is
                                                                                              of Scandinavia, Poland, and the Czech
     Their timing is ideal. With other big          while R Raymon’s e-bike models will                                                the great-granddaughter of Winora
                                                                                              Republic. Pexco will undoubtedly sign
 brands skipping Eurobike, Pexco [B2-               be equipped with Yamaha’s new                                                      founder Engelbert Wiener, and the
                                                                                              up distributors for other countries at
 400] will be a significant presence in             mid-drive range for 2020. The only                                                 Puellos had overseen the Winora
 the halls.                                         exceptions are some of its juvenile                                                brand under Accell.
                                                                                                  The company is also launching a
     The company is showing more                    bikes, which use a less expensive hub                                                  The Puellos were also the brains
                                                                                              new service app for IBDs, so mechan-
 than 100 models across two brands,                 drive from SR Suntour so they can                                                  behind the launch of Haibike, the
                                                                                              ics can connect directly with Pexco
 Husqvarna and R Raymon. The rollout                reach price points as low as 1,499                                                 Accell brand that went on to sensa-
                                                                                              employees for help.
 of its third brand, R2R (for “Ready to             euros ($1,680).                                                                    tional success and helped drive the
                                                                                                  Pexco is also entering the growing
 Race”) has been delayed.                              ”R Raymon is the launch partner                                                 boom in e-MTB sales. Susanne Puello
                                                                                              new segment of e-bike leasing, which
     Officials say Pexco’s top priority for         for Yamaha’s new mid motors,”                                                      said at the time that she disagreed
                                                                                              it believes could open up the e-bike
 2020 is to deliver on time.                        Susanne Puello said. “It’s a commit-                                               with Accell’s strategic direction.
                                                                                              market by making access to bikes
     “For us as a newcomer, delivery                ment between us and Yamaha that we                                                 Several Winora employees followed
                                                                                              less expensive. “We want to make
 ability is a central point,” Bernd Lesch,          are strongly connected to.”                                                        the Puellos to Pexco.
                                                                                              e-mobility affordable to everyone,”
 director of sales, said earlier this year.            The first Husqvarna models were                                                     The name Pexco is short for “Puello
                                                                                              Susanne Puello said.
     “To reach this target, we have so-             e-mountain bikes, but for 2020 the                                                 eMobility Crossover Company.” Pexco
                                                                                                  It’s a triumphant return to Eurobike
 called ‘All Stars’ models. This selected           brand expands into gravel and urban                                                is a joint venture between the Puello
                                                                                              for the Puellos, who shocked the
 range is going to be most likely in                segments. “The expanded ranges                                                     family, KTM Industries, and Stefan
                                                                                              industry in 2017 when they severed
 stock during the entire season.”                   means reaching out for new customer                                                Pierer, the CEO of KTM Industries.
                                                                                              ties with the Accell Group, owner of
     The Husqvarna brand is Pexco’s                 groups to increase volume sales,” she                                              ■ Jo Beckendorff
 flagship. Pexco co-owner KTM Indus-                said.
 tries licenses the Husqvarna name                     Pexco is even launching a collection
 for motorcycles and bicycles from the              of Husqvarna bike apparel, created
                                                              in collaboration with KTM
                                                              Industries’ motorcycle
                                                              division. The new range
                                                              includes performance and
                                                              urban pieces, including
                                                              co-branded products such as
                                                              helmets from Bell [B3-203]
                                                              and eyewear from 100%
                                                                  Astro Engineering
                                                              in Vietnam, a longtime
                                                              manufacturing partner for
                                                              the Puellos, produces the
                                                                                              From left to right: Susanne & Felix Puello, Ralina Mitkova, Ilie Mitkov, Nina Mitkova,
                                                              frames for Husqvarna and R      Maxim Mitkov & Viktor Mitkov. Maxeurope assembles all R Raymon bikes at its plant
     The GS4 is part of Husqvarna’s new ‘Gran Sport’ line.                                    in Bulgaria. (Photo by Jo Beckendorff)
12   EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                 Wednesday, September 4, 2019

     One of the hottest new exhibitors at Eurobike                                           He added, “We connect the bike to
       declares in its slogan that it is “not a bike                                     the cloud and the entire internet — not
                                                                                         just for sharing purposes, but also
     company.” Its young staff is more into coding                                       to log the use of our products and
        and electronics than riding bikes. Its new                                       help optimize it, to do small software
     electric mountain bike, while striking, isn’t the                                   updates for the battery, or to notify
                                                                                         customers that a firmware update is
     main attraction. Instead, it ’s the bike’s built-in                                 available.”
       electronics and the app that comes with it.                                           Another difference between the G6
                                                                                         and typical e-MTBs is also invisible,
    The company, Greyp [A1-502] hails         owner’s smartphone to the bike.            but significant: Greyp insisted that the
from Croatia. It’s a subsidiary of Rimac         With front and rear cameras, riders     drive system manufacturer open up its
Automobili, which builds electric hyper       can record and share ride videos. In       source code so Greyp programmers
cars that sell for 1.5 million euros ($1.7    case of accidents or other unexpected      could modify it.                            Mate Rimac at the launch of the Greyp G6 in
million) and up, and has attracted            events, they can also rewind and view          The big names were unwilling to         Croatia earlier this year
investors including Porsche Engineer-         the last 30 seconds or so of video.        do so, “but Taiwanese mid-motor
ing, Kia and Hyundai. Rimac’s 31-year-        Greyp is now developing a way of           manufacturer MPF happily agreed, so
                                                                                                                                         Greyp engineers worked on the G6
old mastermind, Mate Rimac, has been          letting cyclists livestream their rides.   our coders were free to add functions
                                                                                                                                     for about three and a half years and
called the “Elon Musk of the Balkans,”           An embedded eSIM module ensures         not seen thus far on a bicycle, and
                                                                                                                                     unveiled it to the public this March, on
in a nod to the founder of Tesla.             the bike is always connected to the        to optimize the way the motor works
                                                                                                                                     the Croatian island of Brac.
    At Eurobike, Greyp is showing             internet.                                  with our own 700Wh battery pack,”
                                                                                                                                         The company is working on other
its newest e-MTB, the G6. Extreme                “With Greyp, it really is about         said Irene Weber, brand and marketing
                                                                                                                                     versions, including a more affordable
riders would dismiss the G6 as a bit          the experience riding the bike and         manager for Greyp.
                                                                                                                                     hardtail, the G6 C, and a performance-
too heavy, with a geometry that is too        sharing it with others, not just about         The G6 is unusual, but the e-MTB
                                                                                                                                     oriented version, the G6 X, with a
short and steep. But at Eurobike Media        the performance. We are no hardcore        it was derived from is even more
                                                                                                                                     29-inch wheel up front and a 27.5- inch
Days, journalists — and representa-           mountain bikers, but we are mad about      out-there.
                                                                                                                                     wheel in back. The G6 models will
tives of other brands — were most             digital technology and we are not              That bike, the G12, is a wild cross-
                                                                                                                                     retail for prices ranging from 6,499 to
impressed with the Greyp app.                 afraid to use it,” said Zvonimir Sucic,    breed between a pedal-driven bike and
                                                                                                                                     7,499 euros. Owners will need to buy a
    While most e-bike displays tell the       chief technology officer of Greyp.         an electric motocross machine. It was
                                                                                                                                     separate plan from T-Mobile for mobile
rider how much range is left, the G6             Sucic is particularly proud of the      a passion project of one of Rimac’s first
                                                                                                                                     services delivered through the eSIM
displays what Greyp calls the “reach          eSIM chip, which today is used by          employees, who had been working on it
potato” — a graphic visualization of the      only a handful of high-end carmakers,      in his spare time.
                                                                                                                                         Greyp is also taking an unconven-
remaining range that is overlaid on a         including Tesla, BMW and, of course,           The employee called it the
                                                                                                                                     tional approach to distribution. It is
map of the area. (And, yes, the shape         Rimac.                                     Greyborg. Rimac was fascinated by its
                                                                                                                                     skipping national distributors to work
can somewhat resemble a potato.)                 “While other manufacturers              ride dynamics and decided to put the
                                                                                                                                     directly with bicycle retailers. And it
    A “kill switch” lets the owner            connect their e-bikes to the owner’s       Greyborg into production through a
                                                                                                                                     is exploring retail channels outside of
remotely shut down the drive system           smartphone, that is just one tiny aspect   new subsidiary. Rimac called the new
                                                                                                                                     cycling. To promote the eSIM card, for
on a stolen G6. The only way to restore       for us, as the smartphone is the bike’s    company Greyp in a nod to “Greyborg.”
                                                                                                                                     example, T-Mobile will sell the G6 bike
the bike’s function is to plug the            display anyway,” Sucic explained.              Greyp now employs a staff of 70,
                                                                                                                                     at select shops in Germany, starting
                                                                                         22 of whom are programmers or IT
                                                                                                                                     this month. ■ LvR
                                                                                         specialists (compare that ratio to most
                                                                                         bike brands).
                                                                                             The G12 delivers electric support
                                                                                         up to a speed of 70 kph (43.5 mph),
                                                                                         powered by a rear hub motor that
                                                                                         cranks out a humongous 12kW of
                                                                                         power. You can buy one today for as
                                                                                         little as 9,000 euros.
                                                                                             “As the G12 could only be ridden on
                                                                                         private property, sales were limited to
                                                                                         rich people who bought a hyper car
                                                                                         from us and a G12 to go with it,” Rimac
                                                                                         said. “So we decided to scale down the
                                                                                         G12 in order to bring a product to the
                                                                                         market that complied with all relevant
                                                                                         regulations and thus could be sold as a
                                                                                         normal e-mountain bike.”                    The G6 app is one of its most impressive
Greyp showed journalists the G6 at Eurobike Media Days.                                                                              features.
A-Pro Tech
14   EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                 Wednesday, September 4, 2019

  A company that gives hotels premium electric
bikes in exchange for the right to sell their vacant
   rooms has, in just two years, become one of
        Europe’s biggest sellers of e-bikes.

    Now, Greenstorm Marketplace            refurbishes it, and sells it on the
[A1-105], formerly known as                second-hand market. It then replen-
Greenstorm Mobility, is expanding          ishes the IBD’s inventory with a new
its e-bike exchange program to IBDs        rental e-bike.
with a program it calls Green4Rent. It         By August, Hirschhuber said
will provide a fleet of new e-bikes to     Greenstorm had signed up more than
participating IBDs, who can offer them     1,800 IBDs, mostly in the German-
for test rides and rentals.                speaking market. “We hope to increase      Greenstorm general manager Richard Hirschhuber poses with refurbished e-bikes he sells at
    “While our IBD partner can get more    this number within a short time to         the company’s headquarters in Kuftein, Austria. (Photo by Jo Beckendorff)
customers interested in e-bike mobility,   3,000,” he added.
30 percent of the rental price goes into       The company, in Kufstein, Austria,        Greenstorm’s business model has             details on specific investments.)
his pockets. The remaining 70 percent      is already working with nearly 1,000       attracted a capital infusion from Bregal          The program is so successful that
is for us,” Greenstorm co-founder          hotels in central Europe. It provides      Milestone, a European private equity           Greenstorm ordered 15,000 new e-bikes
Richard Hirschhuber said. “If there are    e-bike fleets, along with charging         firm. Bregal invested an undisclosed           for the 2019 season. The company
any repairs while these e-bikes are at     stations and some electric cars, to the    amount in Greenstorm, which                    works with a host of brands, from
the IBD, we will pay for the labor.”       hotels that they can then offer to their   Hirschhuber said exceeds 10 million            Bergamont, Corratec, Cube, and Ghost
    After an e-bike is used for no more    customers. In exchange, the hotels give    euros. (Bregal says it typically invests       to Haibike, Husqvarna, KTM and
than two seasons or 1,500km (930           Greenstorm the right to sell some of       between 20 and 60 million euros in its         Raleigh — and many more.
miles), Greenstorm takes it back,          their inventory of unsold rooms.           partner companies, but declines to give           In April, Greenstorm will start
Wednesday, September 4, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                              15

reselling those 15,000 e-bikes on the         The store will not only sell Green-     the products on an online platform           For Hirschhuber, Greenstorm is a
secondary market. How will it move all     storm’s fleet of second-hand e-bikes,      with a million-plus visitors a month,”    big change of pace from his previous
of these second-hand bikes?                but will be open to its IBD partners,      he said.                                  job. He ran a family hotel business in
    First, the e-bikes have to be          who will also be allowed to sell new           In addition to working with hotels    Kufstein for 18 years before founding
refurbished. Greenstorm has estab-         e-bikes there.                             and IBDs, Greenstorm is rolling out an    Greenstorm, with partner Philipp
lished a subsidiary in Slovenia, where        Unlike other online merchants,          e-bike rental program for corporations    Zimmermann, in 2016.
it can repair and refurbish the bikes      Hirschhuber says Greenstorm will not       that it calls “My Job — My Bike.”            He’s since sold the family business
cost-effectively.                          charge IBDs a commission on sales,             Among the companies taking part       to concentrate on Greenstorm, which
    The more important part is the         and will help them advertise through       in the program is the big Austrian firm   has seen exponential growth since
creation of a new online marketplace,      Facebook and Google.                       Swarovski, a famous manufacturer of       the company launched its hotel rental
which Greenstorm launched on Aug.             IBDs will also be able to use           crystal used in jewelry and apparel.      program in 2017.
28. Hirschhuber calls the store, at        Greenstorm’s logistics and automated       “Swarovksi can now equip its employ-         “In 2016, we started with four, “Europe’s          payment system. Finally, and most          ees with green e-mobility at most         people. Today we have a total of 160,”
largest online e-bike marketplace.”        important, “they will be able to offer     attractive prices,” Hirschhuber said.     he said. “Isn’t that great?” ■ JB

              FROM GREENSTORM
     Visit Greenstorm Marketplace and you could                                                                                                                               E UR OB
                                                                                                                                                                                 LO T S E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              N          GRE
     win exclusive use of a Tesla Model 3 for eight
                                                                                                                                                                                                      E E- O U
                                                                                                                                                                                                   0% EW LL Y                               R  OUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                     N SE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        YOU         EFOR

                                                                                                                                                                              NEW LL YOU
                                                                                                                                                                            0% E-BIKE R
                                                                                                                                                                               EIN     !
                                                                                                                                    TAKE YOUR                                PR STEL
                                                                                                                                                                        1.800 OVISO L-
                                                                                                                                   FOR OUR GRE
                                                                                                                                                      CHANCE                  REGI N
                                                                                                                                                                            DEAL STERED
     The use of a Tesla is the top          with the IBD.                                                                                           EN FUTURE!                  ERS

  prize in a lottery that Greenstorm           Winners four through eight                                                                      GREENSTORM
                                                                                                                                      Weidach 4 ·            MOBILITY GMB
                                                                                                                                                  6330 Kufstein               H AUF
  [A1-105] is holding during Eurobike.                                                                                                                                              R
                                                                                                                                                                · Austria · Plane

                                            will get to advertise their logos on
                                                                                                                                       T: +43 5372
                                                                                                                                   www.greenstor 66888 · haendler@green           t Erde   EISS
                                                                                                                                        · DIRE
                                                                                                                                                             KTINFO: +43
                                                                                                                                                                           664 44 88 880               &G
  The company will give out a total of      Greenstorm’s new online marketplace                                                      !
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       E N!

  888 prizes (Greenstorm co-founder         for one month at no charge. Winners
  Richard Hirschhuber considers 8 to        nine to 88 can advertise for a day, and
  be his lucky number.)                     winners 89 to 888 for an hour.
     The second- and third-place               Trade visitors can enter the lottery
  prizes are intended for IBDs, who will    throughout Eurobike, but consumers
  receive a Green4Rent rental station       who attend Festival Day are not
  and four e-bikes that they can rent       eligible to participate.
  out for a year without paying commis-        Greenstorm will announce the
  sions to Greenstorm. The company          winners about a week after the show
  typically splits rental income 70-30      ends. ■ JB
16   EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                     Wednesday, September 4, 2019

        With a British factory that can turn out up
       to 100,000 of its iconic folding bikes a year,
     Brompton is a strong player in Britain’s bicycle
      industry. And while it faces much uncertainty
       amid the country’s seemingly endless Brexit
     odyssey, Brompton has overcome more difficult
                     challenges before.
    Today, Brompton [A2-309] sells             Brompton’s marketing department.
its folding bikes in 1,450 shops across            In its home market, Brompton
50 countries. Its stores include 15            benefits from a rise in consumers who
flagship stores, called “Brompton              are more concerned about the environ-
Junctions,” in major cities including          ment, and from an effort by cities to
New York, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai,            reduce car traffic in their crowded
Singapore, and Barcelona.                      urban cores and thereby reduce smog
    All bikes come out of a complex            and gridlock.
in Greenford, England, that opened                 Low-slung Brompton folding bikes
in October 2016. Brompton has its              can be seen all over London, and
headquarters there as well as a factory        hardly one bike is exactly like the           Brompton’s new factory and headquarters opened in October 2016.
that handles everything from welding           other. That highlights another of the
frames to painting, wheel building and         company’s strengths: While the frame         (1.09 million euros; $1.2 million). The     wealthy friends and created a business
final assembly.                                and fork are identical throughout            parts are stacked to the ceiling on         plan to restart Brompton.
    “While the annual production capac-        Brompton’s model range, consumers            heavy-duty shelves in Brompton’s                Brompton, Chapter 2, was launched
ity of our new factory could max out at        can choose from among some 16 mil-           headquarters.                               in 1987 — in a 93-square-meter
100,000 units, the current production          lion variations of colors, components,           While managing Brexit is a huge         (1,000-square-foot) building under a
is closer to 60,000. Apart from the            and other specifications. Brompton           challenge for British firms, Brompton       railroad bridge in the West London
optional titanium forks and rear               also produces special editions, such         has survived more serious difficulties.     suburb of Brentford. Ritchie tweaked
triangles for our Superlite models that        as the sporty, well-equipped CHPTR3          Its story began in the late 1970s, in       the original design to create the Mark
are being welded in Sheffield, the steel       editions designed with former road           the aftermath of the oil crisis. Andrew     II, and the rest is history.
frames and forks are being soldered at         professional David Millar.                   Ritchie, a newly minted engineer                Today’s Bromptons are largely
the factory, with two production lines             Brompton hasn’t ignored the e-bike       from Cambridge University, wanted           similar to the Mark II design and still
and about 30 frame builders working            trend, either. Its solution is a typically   to get people out of their cars. He         offer a unique parking option — where
in our spacious headquarters. Most             distinctive one that doesn’t rely on         designed a high-quality folding bike        the bike sits on its own and leaves the
of those welders have been trained             well-trodden solutions from famous           that he hoped would spark interest in       rider’s hands free — between its riding
by ourselves,” said Tom Hobbs, who             suppliers.                                   multimodal mobility. Yet he couldn’t        and fully folded positions. ■ LvR
at the time of a recent visit worked in            Instead, the Brompton Electric uses      convince Raleigh, then Britain’s biggest
                                               a front hub motor that it developed          bikemaker, or banks to back his idea.
                                               with Williams Advanced Engineering, a            In 1982, Ritchie founded a company
                                               British company with a long history in       with one other employee and made
                                               motor racing. The motor uses a 300Wh         about 50 of his original folding bike,
                                               battery that’s hidden in a bag in front of   called the Mark I. But a recession
                                               the steering column.                         proved to be too difficult to overcome,
                                                   Sensors and the brains of the drive      especially after a key supplier — a
                                               system are also hidden in the bag            British metal processing firm that made
                                               mount. The cadence sensor is the only        the main hinge on the frame — went
                                               drive component that is visible on the       out of business.
                                               main frame.                                      Ritchie gave up and took on a job
                                                   By relying on domestic suppliers         as a landscape gardener to make ends
                                               and production, Brompton has                 meet. Then, fate intervened.
                                               sidestepped the ongoing trade conflicts          A wealthy entrepreneur, Julian
                                               between China and the EU and                 Vereker, docked his yacht in the French
                                               United States. Yet its extensive export      harbor of Cherbourg and saw another
                                               business faces a different challenge in      yacht owner pedal away on his Mark
                                               Britain’s never-ending Brexit saga.          I. Vereker — founder of the company
                                                   To hedge against the uncertainty of      that makes Naim high-end amplifiers
                                               exactly whether and how Britain will         — wanted one of his own and wouldn’t
                                               leave the European Union, Brompton           take no for an answer.
With a range of colors and component           has stockpiled parts and components              Vereker tracked down Ritchie,
choices, Brompton customers can
                                               worth more than a million pounds             pulled together financing from other
customize their bikes up to 16 million ways.                                                                                             Brazing frames at Brompton
Wednesday, September 4, 2019                                                                                                                                              17

 Coh&Co Copenhagen is so small you can count                                           same composite and
                                                                                       weighs a much more
  its employees with your fingers and still have                                       competitive 1.1kg.
  a digit or two left over. But it ’s punched well                                        The Erik, now in
   above its weight with bikes made of unusual                                         production, is distinc-
                                                                                       tive for another
   materials. Its Wooca line, for example, uses                                        reason: The frame
 frames crafted of thin veneers of ash or walnut                                       has one seatstay
          interleaved with carbon fiber.                                               and one chainstay.
                                                                                       That makes it easy to
    At Eurobike, Coh&Co [A2-507]           the end of the bike’s life, leaving the     maintain.
hopes to land another punch with a         fibers available for other uses. “They         “When you
line of carbon fiber bikes that it says    are not going to make new bikes. They live in a city like
are completely recyclable — thus           are being downcycled,” he said. “But        Copenhagen, and you
tackling one of the biggest drawbacks      for once, we finally have a recycling       ride 24/7, 12 months
of carbon usage in an industry that        process that’s interesting for a few        a year with winter,
prides itself on its environmental         reasons.”                                   gravel, dust, and
friendliness.                                 Typical carbon fiber frames use          dirt, nobody cleans
    The recyclability is just one of the   resins that break down only under           their bikes until the
distinctive features of the new bikes.     very high temperatures, imposing a          spring because it’s
Frames are made of a combination of        high “cost” in energy usage and CO2         just a horrible ugly
carbon and basalt fibers — basalt, as      emissions. The resin used by Coh&Co         process,” Cohen said.
in stone.                                  breaks down much more easily.               “An open chainstay
    “It’s crushed-up rocks that have          Coh&Co calls the frame material          allows you to get
been melted and extruded into fiber,       StoneWeave. At Eurobike, it’s showing       in with a rag in 10     StoneWeave Mattis gravel bike
and then woven into a textile, just        an urban bike, Erik; a gravel bike,         seconds.”
like carbon,” said Paul Harder Cohen,      Mattis; and frames for a forthcoming           More important,                        use enormous carbon fiber blades.
co-founder of Coh&Co. “If you put raw      road bike that are made of the stuff.       the design allows the frame to flex in a     Why basalt? Cohen says it is very
carbon [fiber] and raw stone next to          At about 2kg (4 lbs., 6 oz.), the Erik’s way that enhances the bike’s response. similar to wood in its ability to deaden
each other, you’d think that one was       frameset is relatively heavy. Cohen            Cohen, whose background is in          road noise, without having to rely
just a dirtier version of the other.”      said that’s by design, not because of       materials engineering, used to design     on, as he puts it, “weird seatstays or
    These carbon and basalt fibers         the basalt. “We want something that         racing yachts. He noted that Denmark      rubber inserts or disconnecting the
are embedded in a degradable               you can hit with a hammer. It’s sup-        has a thriving composites industry        seat tube from the seatstays” or other
resin system, developed by a Chinese       posed to be used in the city,” he said.     because it was once the world’s largest “active damping” systems touted by
supplier, that can be “dissolved” at       The new road bike frameset uses the         manufacturer of wind turbines, which      bike brands. ■ DM
18    EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                  Wednesday, September 4, 2019

         It was 1995 when DT Swiss [A3-400] bought                                         wheel giant launched its ID360             SRAM XD drivers.
                                                                                           freewheel mechanism. A closer look
         Hügi, a fellow Swiss company, and expanded                                        at the inner workings of these “Instant       Taiwan hub specialist Chosen
        its portfolio from spokes and nipples to hubs.                                     Drive” hubs shows a star ratchet-like      [A5-203] also has developed a star
            But DT Swiss hadn’t just acquired a hub                                        system with serrated interlocking          ratchet-like freewheel system that it
                                                                                           discs. These come with 40 teeth each,      calls TC, for “toothed coupling.” Its
        manufacturer. It also acquired Hügi’s valuable                                     resulting in an engagement angle of 9      serrated discs each have 36 teeth for
            intellectual property for the star ratchet                                     degrees. Mavic says its new freewheel      an engagement angle of 10 degrees —
                      freewheel mechanism.                                                 system does a much better job of           fast enough for almost all applications
                                                                                           coping with high torque.                   without sacrificing durability.

                                                                                               Shimano, [B5-300]
                                                                                           another heavyweight in the
                                                                                           OE market, had planned
                                                                                           to launch a star ratchet
                                                                                           freewheel system with its
                                                                                           new XTR groupset in 2019.
                                                                                           Originally, the ratchet-style
                                                                                           Scylence freewheel system
                                                                                           was designed for silence,
                                                                                           making no noise at all when
                                                                                           coasting and thus offering
                                                                                           less internal drag. While
     Bear Pawls Clutch 24t schematic                                                       early samples of these
                                                                                           new hubs worked well at
                                                                                           media events, Shimano faced
         The patent proved to be a boon             More important, the star ratchet       reliability and durability        DT Swiss Spline 190 Ratchet EXP & DT Swiss Ratchet
     for DT Swiss — even more than the           system allows for simultaneous            issues for production models EXP parts
     company perhaps expected. It turns          engagement over a larger area,            and has shelved the Scylence
     out that star ratchet freewheels are        distributing peak loads much better       hubs for now.
                                                                                                                                           Other manufacturers rely on
     well-suited to the demands of electric      than conventional pawl-based hubs.            But Shimano didn’t shelve its Face
                                                                                                                                       conical springs or magnets to move
     bikes and electric MTBs, which              That allows them to handle the            Ratchet system. The system, which
                                                                                                                                       the ratchets, while Chosen opts for a
     didn’t exist in 1995. That’s because        higher torques generated by mid-drive     uses angled serrated discs, offers a
                                                                                                                                       compact tooth spring made of steel for
     these freewheels can cope with the          motors.                                   tight engagement angle of 7 degrees
                                                                                                                                       secure power transmission. And like
     extra torque dished out by mid-drive           Some smaller manufacturers such        that should appeal to competitive
                                                                                                                                       many other hub makers, Chosen says
     motors.                                     as Chris King, exhibiting at Cosmic       riders. Since most moving parts are
                                                                                                                                       a planar engagement is more reliable
         Thanks to its star ratchet system,      Sports [B1-308], Syntace, Newmen,         made of alloy, the weight is attrac-
                                                                                                                                       when increased forces and more
     DT Swiss has found much success on          Foss, and Tune [A2-301] managed           tively low as well. Shimano offers the
                                                                                                                                       torque come into play.
     the OE market for its hybrid e-MTB          to find ways around the DT Swiss          Face Ratchet freewheel mechanism on
     wheels and, now, for its e-gravel and       patents and create similar ratchet        its Micro Spline hubs for XTR, XT and
                                                                                                                                           With the Ratchet EXP system,
     e-road bike wheels. But its star ratchet                                              SLX groupsets. While the Face Ratchet
                                                                                                                                       DT Swiss is taking a less-is-more
     patents expired in August, and a flurry                                               system may not be silent, it offers a
                                                                                                                                       approach to its top-of-the-line hubs.
     of hub makers is launching their own                                                  secure engagement that can easily
                                                                                                                                       Instead of two ratchet discs that
     products based on the system.                                                         deal with high torques.
                                                                                                                                       move alongside the axle with conical
         DT Swiss is not standing still. It
                                                                                                                                       springs, the inner ratchet disc is fixed
     is rolling out the new Ratchet EXP                                                        At this year’s Taipei Cycle Show,
                                                                                                                                       to the hub shell. Only the outer disc
     system that it says is lighter and more                                               the new Bear Pawls [A5-206] hub
                                                                                                                                       moves along the axle.
     reliable and adds stiffness to the rear                                               brand from Alex Global debuted its
                                                                                                                                           Because there are fewer moving
     hub. “Tens of years of experience with                                                Clutch 24t freewheel mechanism. It
                                                                                                                                       parts, DT Swiss says the freewheel
     this system are part of our DNA, and                                                  is clearly a ratchet system because it
                                                                                                                                       mechanism is more reliable. And
     it took DT Swiss quite some time and                                                  uses serrated discs for engagement.
                                                 Shimano Face Ratchet system                                                           because it permits the axle bearings
     effort to get things exactly right,” said                                                 By using discs with 24 teeth, Bear
                                                                                                                                       to be moved further outboard, the
     Friso Lorscheider, a mountain bike                                                    Pawls has opted for durability and reli-
                                                                                                                                       Ratchet EXP also increases rear hub
     marketing specialist for DT Swiss.                                                    ability rather than the fastest possible
                                                 mechanisms based on serrated discs.                                                   stiffness.
     “No doubt our competitors will find                                                   engagement — a sensible choice for
                                                 But the bigger players shied away from                                                    In fact, some World Cup mountain
     out that getting 90 percent of a new                                                  e-MTBs with mid-drive motors. The
                                                 the challenge for fear of being sued                                                  bike teams are now using Ratchet
     system right is not that hard, but get-                                               Clutch 24t fits any Bear Pawls hub with
                                                 and labelled as copycats. Now that the                                                EXP-equipped rear hubs with ceramic
     ting the remaining 10 percent exactly                                                 an axle that runs on four bearings,
                                                 patent is no longer in force, that’s no                                               bearings, usually considered too
     right is the real challenge.”                                                         giving OE customers more options.
                                                 longer an issue because anyone can                                                    fragile for use on rough terrain. DT
         The star ratchet system relies on
                                                 use the technology.                                                                   Swiss opted for ratchets with 36 teeth,
     ratchets instead of pawls for fast and                                                    Kun Teng [B3-503] is another
                                                                                                                                       finding the sweet spot between fast
     safe engagement. The ratchets — ser-                                                  Taiwanese heavyweight in the OE hub
                                                    Mavic may not be exhibiting at                                                     engagement and internal drag. ■ LvR
     rated metal discs with interlocking                                                   market that has rolled out a ratchet-
                                                 Eurobike, but its wheels can be seen
     teeth — make a distinctive rattling                                                   based freewheel mechanism.
                                                 on a lot of the bikes here on display.
     sound when coasting.                                                                      Its Disc Drive, or DD,
                                                 For the 2019 model year, the French
                                                                                           system features the serrated
                                                                                           and interlocking discs that
                                                                                           typically provide the reliable
                                                                                           engagement with ratchet-
                                                                                           style freewheels. While the
                                                                                           Disc Drive system does not
                                                                                           show up in Kun Teng’s 2020
                                                                                           OE catalogue, the QL-DD4MR
                                                                                           aftermarket mountain bike
                                                                                           hub comes with this variety
                                                                                           of the star ratchet system.
                                                                                           It’s available in a non-boost
                                                                                           version with a 142mm axle
                                                                                           width, and in a boost version,
                                                                                           with IS or centerlock disc         Kun Teng Disc Drive schematic
     Chosen TC components                                                                  mounts and with Shimano or
Wednesday, September 4, 2019                                                          19

   Samuel Weishaupt didn’t know anything about
     the bike business. But he did know how to
 convert delivery vans into tricked-out “expedition
 vehicles,” rugged enough to tackle off-road paths
  or beaches and luxurious enough to sleep, feed,
         house, and entertain four people.
    He set up his company on the                  In Switzerland, Weishaupt built a
grounds of his family’s century-old busi-     bike trailer, attached it to the back of a
ness in Appenzell, Switzerland. His first     small Suzuki van, and set off to visit bike
customer was Benno Baenziger — the            shops. After he had production models
co-founder of Electra Bicycle Company         to show, Weishaupt switched to the Land
— who asked him to convert a Mercedes         Rover and wound up visiting about 200
Sprinter van into a “surf mobile.”            Swiss IBDs.
    Baenziger lives in southern                   “There were periods of frustration,
California, and he and his partner had        but I didn’t want to give up,” he said.
sold Electra to Trek in 2014. But he was      “First, I chatted with the dealers about
already drawing up plans for a new bike       the Land Rover and the trip around
brand, Benno Bikes [A1-518].                  the world. Then — very important — I
    “While we were planning his Sprinter      rolled a bike into the shop. The Boost
together here in Appenzell, Benno kept        E quickly became an eyecatcher, and
telling me about his latest bicycle plans.    the IBDs immediately saw that this bike
That’s when I first came into contact         was different. Some guessed the Electra
with bikes,” Weishaupt said.                  background right away.”
    Weishaupt didn’t think more about             He began delivering Benno bikes
them until he saw the Benno Boost E           in 2018, and orders doubled for 2019.
electric cargo bike for the first time. “I    “In March 2019, we had 50 dealers in
thought it was really cool. I had never       Switzerland. In May it was up to 55,” he
seen such a transport bike before,” he        said.
recalled.                                         Weishaupt has set up a duty-free
    He liked it so much he decided to         warehouse from which he can serve the
become Benno Bikes’ distributor for           European Union, and currently distrib-
Switzerland, even though he didn’t know       utes Benno in Austria and northern Italy.
anyone in the industry, much less the         This year, half of the bikes he’s sold are
bike dealers he would need to convince        the Boost E, about 30 percent are the
to carry the brand.                           eJoy — a more compact cargo bike with
    He went about it the old-fashioned        a step-through frame; and 20 percent
way. After establishing Benno Bikes           the eScout, a rugged commuter bike.
Swiss GmbH, Weishaupt began visiting              Benno Bikes recently received a
IBDs one by one and showing them three        marketing boost when Air Zermatt —
prototypes of Benno models, including         one of the world’s oldest helicopter
the Boost E.                                  rescue services — ordered Boost E bikes
    Although he was a stranger to the         painted in its signature red and white
retailers, Weishaupt had quite a story        star design.
to tell. From 2008 to 2010, he and a              At Eurobike, Benno Baenziger hopes
buddy had driven around the world in a        to line up distributors for Germany and
colorful Land Rover. At one point, they       other European markets. It’s a good
had paid a visit to Baenziger, a distant      bet he won’t find anyone as colorful as
relative, in California.                      Samuel Weishaupt. ■ JB

Samuel Weishaupt and his Land Rover, which he drove around the world and now uses to
promote Benno Bikes. (Photo by Jo Beckendorff)
20   EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                Wednesday, September 4, 2019

                                   OVERVIEW: COMMERCIAL CARGO BIKES

  So many families are giving up cars in favor of                                          Yet these XL cargo bikes
                                                                                       can handle loads of 300kg (660
  cargo bikes that bike manufacturers can’t keep                                       pounds) or more — including
  up. Some brands report lead times of up to 25                                        cargo, bike and rider. Some
 weeks for new orders because frame builders are                                       governments offer financial
                                                                                       incentives for companies to
             running at full capacity.                                                 purchase cargo bikes. For
                                                                                       example, the German govern-
                                                                                       ment subsidizes 30 percent of
                                                                                       the cost of a large cargo bike,
                                                                                       up to 2,500 euros. The bike
                                                                                       must be intended for commer-
                                                                                       cial use and have a minimum
                                                                                       cargo capacity of 1 cubic meter
                                                                                                                            Urban Arrow Tender Post & Parcel 1300
                                                                                       (35 cubic feet).
                                                                                           Regulators and the cargo
                                                                                       bike industry still need to                       Powering the A-N.T. is a fully
                                                                                       resolve some issues before the market         integrated Erzmo MS1 mid-drive motor
                                                                                       can truly take off. One is a lack of          with a built-in three-speed transmis-
                                                                                       suitable infrastructure: Nearly all big       sion. Made by German supplier
                                                                                       cargo bikes use three or even four            Elektromotorenwerk Grünhain GmbH,
                                                                                       wheels, so they need more room in             the motor provides plenty of torque to
                                                                                       which to operate.                             get a fully loaded bike moving from a
                                                                                           Another problem is that the               stop.
                                                                                       European Union has not yet set                    The front cargo platform holds up to
                                                                                       standards for such important issues           100kg, and the rear platform takes an-
                                                                                       as the maximum power output of                other 60kg, allowing the A-N.T. to easily
                                                                                       an electric motor for commercial              meet the 1 cubic meter requirement.
                                                                                       cargo bikes, or their maximum weight.         The platforms have plenty of space for
                                                                                       Because of this uncertainty, some large modular containers of varying sizes.
                                                                                       bike manufacturers have been wary of              To reduce charging times for its big
                                                                                       entering the market.                          810Wh battery, the system runs on 48
Yokler U
                                                                                           Germany is in the process of adopt-       volts.
                                                                                       ing a new standard for commercial                  One remarkable detail of the A-N.T.
   But family-oriented cargo bikes are     ies, including Stockholm and London,
                                                                                       cargo bikes, DIN 79010, and there’s a         is its parallelogram steering system,
just the start. Now, the cargo bike mar-   are restricting traffic coming into their
                                                                                       good chance it will also be adopted           developed by a retired engineer who
ket is poised for big growth — literally   city centers. That’s a challenge for
                                                                                       throughout the EU.                            previously designed the suspension
as well as figuratively. Many brands       vans and larger trucks, which already
                                                                                           Instead, specialized manufacturers        system for the iconic Porsche 911.
are rolling out oversized electric cargo   have to cope with scarce parking and
                                                                                       have stepped into the breach. They            The system places the pivot of the
bikes for commercial use, as logistics     pedestrian-only zones.
                                                                                       include Rytle, which makes bikes for          steering axle ahead of the front wheels
companies seek urban-friendly                 Enter these oversized cargo bikes.
                                                                                       UPS, and Velove, manufacturer of the          to stabilize the trike’s handling and
alternatives for last-mile deliveries of   They are narrow enough to fit onto a
                                                                                       Armadillo cargo bikes used by DHL.            steering.
everything from mail to Amazon and         bicycle lane and squeeze past traffic
                                                                                           Perhaps the most serious challenge
Zalando shipments.                         jams, and operators don’t need driver’s
                                                                                       has less to do with regulations and               Urban Arrow, [A1-706] a
   A growing number of European cit-       licenses.
                                                                                       more to do with manufacturing and             recognized name in conventional cargo
                                                                                       servicing, as Franz Tepe, marketing           bikes, has reworked the design of
                                                                                       director for ZEG, explained:                  the oversized Tender bike that it first
                                  SPONSORED BY                                             “In a pilot study that UPS did with       launched in 2017.
                                                                                       the University of Nurnberg, ordinary              The original Tender has been used
                                                                                       cargo bikes caused repair costs               by supermarkets for home grocery
                                                                                       exceeding 7,500 euros per year, and           deliveries, and by other logistics
                                                                                       a lot of downtime,” Tepe said. “These         companies for delivering parcels. The
                                                                                       downtimes are a serious no-go in              Dutch cargo bike specialist used these
                                                                                       logistics. A cargo bike that cannot be        real-life test cases to improve the bike’s
                                                                                       used due to some mechanical issues            design.
            WE BUILD YOUR BIKE                                                         equals a loss in logistics — even
                                                                                       without any repair costs.”
                                                                                                                                         For its newest version, the three-
                                                                                                                                     wheeled Tender Post & Parcel 1300,
                                                                                           Tepe added, “For these customers          Urban Arrow offers a flatter cargo
     Looking for a new Ebike supplier?      Sample specs: GEM2701                      we need first a product that has been         compartment with a capacity of 1.3
     We can solve your problems!            Frame: Aluminum 27.5"                      fully optimized for reliability and util-     cubic meters. The new compartment
     We’ve specialized in the bike          Motor: Bafang mid-drive motor 332,         ity, and second a service solution that       improves the rider’s view of the road
     business for more than 25 years        250W
                                                                                       solves any issues quickly and reliably        ahead; Urban Arrow’s original boxy
     and have satisfied customers in         Battery: Greenway 36V 10. 4AH,
     Europe, Middle East, South America     Samsung Cell                               to get the bikes back to service as fast      compartment created a large blind
     and USA. We can offer CKD parts,       Display: Bafang LCD-Display DP             as possible.”
     SKD shipment, 95% assembly             C18
     shipment, from the Far East            Brake System: Shimano Disc Brake              That’s why ZEG is debuting a large
     (without anti-dumping) or Europe.      Derailleur: Shimano Altus 9-Speed          commercial cargo trike that it designed
     We can offer full QC check before                                                 from scratch. It has also launched a
     shipment.                               B4-311
                                                                                       new brand, A-N.T. [A1-703] to produce
     The bike shown has                                                                and distribute it.
     one of our newest
                                                                                          The burly A-N.T. trike uses only
     frames. All specs can
     be changed                                                                        a few components from traditional
     according to your                                                                 bicycles, including the saddle, handle-
     request. Joyland                                                                  bar and pedals.
     Sports Technology                                                                    To handle the bike’s 300kg capacity,
     Co., Ltd. (China &                                                                which includes cargo, rider and bike,
     Taiwan)                                                                           the three-wheeled A-N.T. borrows its
                                                                                       wheels, tires and disc brakes from            A-N.T. Cargo Bike
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