Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church

Page created by Ian Hoffman
Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church

Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church
A Bible for Those
                                                                           Who Can’t Read

                                              “Because I heard this Talking Bible, everything is changed for me,” says Mary.

                                              Thirty years ago, Mary sought safety in a refugee camp. Today, she’s still there
                                              and new refugees are flooding her community. Even though Mary herself
                                              knows the pain of being forced to leave her home, she found it difficult to care
                                              about her new neighbors.
   The Solar Talking Bible
    Easy to use                              Then she heard the Talking Bible. God’s Word softened Mary’s heart and filled
    Powerful speaker                         her with compassion. Mary’s life was transformed by hearing the Good News
    Solar powered                            on a Talking Bible! She makes peace instead of picking fights. She worships
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DONATIONS FROM CANADA                         her neighbors.
 THROUGH OUR WEBSITE!                         “Now I have a new life! My neighbors and I love each other, and I am serving in
                                              the church and help the refugees,” Mary exclaims. “I am very happy!”

                                              God’s Word changes everything! Share the comfort and hope of a new life in
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              Talking Bibles International •
 JUNE 2021                                                             2                                               THEBANNER.ORG
      419 East Grand Avenue, Escondido, CA 92025 • Telephone: 855-55-BIBLE (855-552-4253) or 760-745-8105 • Mark S Hoekstra, President
Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church
“Lo s t a n d
                             d ”
               U   n h e a r
                                                           That’s how 9-year-old Amelia felt when
                                                           she began her counseling sessions. But
                                                           between games of Monopoly, she began
                                                           sharing her heartbreaking experiences
                                                           with Ginnette, her counselor. Stories of
                                                           verbal arguments between her parents
                                                           and struggles of adjusting to a new
                                                           home after their divorce.

                                                           Then Ginnette shared a resource from
                                                           ReFrame Ministries that offers biblically-
                                                           based stories, advice, and activities for
                                                           kids and parents involved in a divorce.

                                                           “While reading through the pages,
                                                           Amelia’s mom broke down for the
                                                           first time in three years since I’d been
                                                           working with her family,” Ginnette says.

    e C h r is ti a n R  ef o r m  ed  Church’s
 Th                            a v e a n ew  name,
media m  in  is tr y  m a y  h
                o n’t ch a n g e th  e w a y G o d’s
 but that w
          story reaches Amelia.
  JUNE 2021                                            3
Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church

BY THE NUMBERS                               W H AT ’S ONLINE                               FE AT URE S
Church Juice and ReFrame Ministries          Looking for more? Here are just a few of the
provided grants to churches and minis-       stories you’ll find online at
tries who needed help with their media       (Try typing the headlines into the
ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic.       search box.)
In all, 15 churches received grants total-
                                             » Partner Churches in Michigan and
ing $52,001.93. Grants went to Christian
                                               Honduras Worship Together Online
Reformed churches in 12 states and
                                             » Likes and Prayers: Facebook Tests New
                                              ‘Prayer Post’ Feature                           10
For Granted                                  » Podcast: BECOMING: (us), by Moriah and
                                               Joel Smallbone
                                             » Children’s Book: Pugtato Finds a Thing,      If I’m Such A Good Christian Girl,
                                                 by Sophie Corrigan                         Then Why Am I Still Alone?
                                             »   Movie: Minari                              Dana Drosdick // A single girl’s perspec-
                                                                                            tive on the relational prosperity gospel.


                                                                                            5 Reasons to
                                                                                            Embrace Hospitality
                                                                                            Peter Jonker // Walls of mistrust seem to
                                                                                            be thickening.


                                                                                            The Other Six:
                                                                                            Tell a Better Story
                                                                                            Sara Korber-DeWeerd // Revising
                                                                                            narratives of disability in the church.
                                                   Cover: Take a look! It’s in a book!
                                                   The Mixed Media editor lists this
                                                   summer’s top reads, including 111
                                                   Trees: How One Village Celebrates the
                                                   Birth of Every Girl.

JUNE 2021                                                         4                                                THEBANNER.ORG
Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church

NEWS                                                                      OUR SHARED MINISTRY

14 Candidacy Committee Gets New Director; Koll                            Editor Kristen deRoo VanderBerg,
Retires                                                                   Director of CRCNA Communications and Marketing

18 Pledge-based Budget Sees Income Down,
Allocations Changed
20 New Leadership Structure Recommended
Amid Much Disagreement

7 Editorial: Revival and Spiritual Pride
Shiao Chong // Our churches need a spiritual revival.
                                                                          Responding to the Global Effects of COVID-19
8 Reply All                                                               Beth DeGraff and Laurisa O’Brien // Poverty has skyrocketed
                                                                          since the pandemic began.
9 Vantage Point: Vigilance Is Needed
Marion Dykstra // We are neglecting discipleship and instruction.         26 The View from Here: A Season of Change
                                                                          Colin P. Watson Sr. // There is always hope in the difficulty.
12 Big Questions
What should church councils do about members who disappear?

31 Discover: Cool Summer Animals
Christin Baker // Animals find different ways to cool off.

35 Faith Matters: Adam Was Designed
to Be a Gardener
Rob Braun // Stewardship is part of our creational mandate.

38 Mixed Media: Turning the Pages
on a Summer’s Day
Lorilee Craker // 12 books for summer reading 2021.

41 Word Play                                                              The Banner is the magazine of the Christian Reformed Church

45 In My Shoes: Gripped                                                   Editor Shiao Chong
Amie Spriensma // A prayer for the hard times and the good.               Associate Editor Sarah Delia Heth
                                                                          News Editor Alissa Vernon
46 Still: A Psalm on Time and Busyness                                    Mixed Media Editor Lorilee Craker
Jennifer Merri Parker // Giving thanks for all the seasons of life.
                                                                          Art Director Dean R. Heetderks
                                                                          Designer Pete Euwema
                                                                          Contact Us 1700 28th Street SE, Grand Rapids MI 49508-1407
                                                                          Address Changes and Subscriptions 800-777-7270 or visit
Correction                                                                Classified Advertising 616-224-0725
The name of Rev. Robert Cumings was misspelled in “Classis                Display Advertising 616-224-5882
Watch: Spring 2021,” May 2021, p. 16. We regret the error.                Editorial 616-224-0824

                                                                          Published monthly (except August). Periodicals postage paid at Grand Rapids, Mich.
                                                                          Postmaster, send address changes to: The Banner, 1700 28th Street SE, Grand Rapids MI
                                                                          49508-1407. Canadian publications mail agreement #40063614. Return undeliverable
                                                                          Canadian addresses to: The Banner, 3475 Mainway, PO Box 5070, STN LCD 1, Burlington
                                                                          ON L7R 3Y8. Copyright 2019, Christian Reformed Church in North America. Printed in
                                                                          U.S.A. The Banner (ISSN0005-5557). Vol. 156, No. 6, 2021.

                                                                          Member of Associated Church Press and Evangelical Press Association.

JUNE 2021                                                             5                                                              THEBANNER.ORG
Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church
One Gift.
               One Thousand Churches.
               You have the unique opportunity to make an impact on all the
               congregations of the CRC with just one gift.

               Your gift, in addition to ministry shares, ensures these twelve
               ministries have the resources to serve the one thousand churches
               of the CRC in their mission to share the love of God with their

               By supporting the CRC ministries, your gift reaches one thousand
               churches across North America.

               Give your gift at

             Faith Formation Ministries / Worship Ministries / Safe Church Ministry / Disability Concerns
       Office of Race Relations / Office of Social Justice / Indigenous Ministry / Centre for Public Dialogue
J U N E 2 0 2Diversity
              1        / Candidacy Committee / Chaplaincy and
                                                            6    Care Ministry / Pastor Church Resources
Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church

                                         Revival and Spiritual Pride

     Collectively, we                     SEVEN YEARS AGO, Henry Wildeboer             Jonathan Edwards, the 18th-century
                                          wrote a Banner article suggesting the        American revivalist preacher, warned
        are guilty of                     Christian Reformed Church needs a            against spiritual pride and listed a
                                          spiritual revival (“These Bones Can          number of its symptoms. First, the
     spiritual pride—                     Live,” October 2014). I agree. Our           spiritually proud often overlook their
                                          churches need a spiritual revival more       own faults, failing to recognize their
     pride in our rich                    than anything else at this time. But         pride. Instead, their pride makes them
                                          what holds us back is our sinful pride.      focus on the faults of others. A spirit of
  theological heritage                    Collectively, we are guilty of spiritual     fault-finding is a sure symptom of spir-
                                          pride—pride in our rich theological          itual pride. Humble Christians worry
      and in getting                      heritage and in getting our doctrines        more about their own sins and faults.
                                         “right,” pride in our organizational
                                                                                       Second, the spiritually proud are often
       our doctrines                      strengths and in our ability to get things
                                                                                       harsh in their criticisms of others,
                                          done. These are all good things, for sure,
                                                                                       even of other Christians. Edwards
     “right,” pride in                    but we have placed too much trust in
                                                                                       bemoaned how they often would cloak
                                          them. Of course, we never say these
                                                                                       their prideful harshness in sanctity
   our organizational                     are where our trust lies, but our default    and bold zeal for Christ to call things
                                          behaviors betray our inner beliefs.          out. Rather, humble Christians, said
     strengths and in                    I say this as someone who also strug-         Edwards, should “treat one another
                                         gles with the sin of pride, especially        with as much humility and gentleness
     our ability to get                  intellectual pride. I know pride when         as Christ, who is infinitely above them,
                                         I see it. I have hinted at our need for       treats them” (Works, Vol. 1, ix.v.i).
       things done.                      revival in past editorials (see “Praying      Edwards listed more symptoms, but
                                         for Our Lives,” July/August 2018). I          we can already see ourselves in the
                                         have written that we need “A New              above list. Almost every camp in CRC
                                         Reformation” (October 2017). This time,       disputes has shown these symptoms
                                         I want to be clear: the CRCNA needs a         of fault-finding, harshness, and over-
                                         spiritual revival or it will die, regard-     looking one’s own faults or weak-
                                         less of what else we do.                      nesses. Just look at how we argue
                                         There are many reasons, within and            online over anything.
                                         outside the church, for declining             We are collectively guilty of spiritual
                                         church membership across North                pride. I am sure we can rationalize it
                                         America. There is no silver bullet            away. But if we choose to be stuck in
                                         to stop it. We have relied on study           our prideful ways, we can be sure God
                                         committees, organizational restructur-        will oppose us: “God opposes the proud
              Shiao Chong is editor-     ing, and refining our Church Order as         but shows favor to the humble” (James
              in-chief of The Banner.    ways to solve our problems. But if these      4:6; 1 Pet. 5:5; Prov. 3:34). If we repent
              He attends Fellowship      collective strengths that we pride            and humble ourselves instead, God
              Christian Reformed
                                         ourselves on can solve our decline,           will dwell with us: “‘I live in a high and
              Church in Toronto, Ont.
                                         wouldn’t they have solved it by now?          holy place, but also with the one who
              Spanish and Korean
                                                                                       is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive
              translations of this       It’s time we humble ourselves, collec-
                                                                                       the spirit of the lowly and to revive the
              editorial are available    tively and individually, begging God to
              at                                                        heart of the contrite’” (Isa. 57:15).
                                         fill us with the Holy Spirit and confess-
              이 기사의 한글번역은                ing and repenting from our spiritual          I am committing myself to praying
           pride. We must immerse ourselves              daily for God’s revival and that he
              에서 보실 수 있습니다.              in Scripture with humble hearts and           would cleanse us of spiritual pride.
                                         eyes, without agendas. Revival might          Who will join me?
              Este artículo está
              disponible en español en   not be the silver bullet, but without it,
         nothing else will work.

JUNE 2021                                                     7                                              THEBANNER.ORG
Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church
Are We Evangelicals?
                                                                                                 I would add this to the article (“Are We
                                                                                                 Evangelicals?” March 2021): whatever
R E P LY A L L                                                                                   Christians may decide to do in terms
                                                                                                 of embracing or rejecting or divorcing
                                                                                                 themselves from the word “evangelical,”
To send letters to the editor, please see
                                                                                                 politicians of today will use the term (as
our guidelines at         Governance Restructuring
                                                                                                 a praise or as a condemnation) for the
                                                 I am a member of the Council of
                                                                                                 sole purpose of attracting some voters
Threats to OSJ                                   Delegates and also a director of the
                                                                                                 and denouncing others. And sadly, what
I was deeply disturbed by the Banner             CRCNA Canada Corporation. As Canadian
                                                                                                 politicians do with the word will have
article “Mercy and Justice Staff Report          directors, we have done everything in our
                                                                                                 a greater effect on its definition in the
Escalating Intimidation” (online: bit.           power to ensure that there is no separa-
                                                                                                 minds of the broader population than
ly/3tiq6Rv). Staff of the CRC Office for         tion between countries (“Governance
                                                                                                 what those who actually are “evangeli-
Social Justice have received offensive           Restructure Causing Confusion, Angst,”
                                                                                                 cals” claim for the word.
comments, racist remarks, and threats   At every meeting of the
                                                                                                 » Doug Vande Griend // online comment
violent enough to involve the police from        directors it is stressed: we are ecclesiasti-
people within our denomination. ... No           cally one denomination in two countries.
                                                                                                 Growth Chart
one should have to do their job, a job           This must not change. All we want to do
                                                                                                 Regarding the chart in the April Banner
mandated by Synod, under fear, intimi-           is ensure we do not lose our charitable
                                                                                                 showing “Growth Spurts” in the number
dation, or the threat of violence, and this      status by not complying with Canada
                                                                                                 of Christian Reformed churches in
needs action on the local church level as        Revenue Agency regulations: money
                                                                                                 Canada since 1940: would it not be more
well as by the Council of Delegates and          donated by Canadians must be controlled
                                                                                                 relevant to highlight the 17% decline
the executive director of the Christian          by Canadians.
Reformed Church. Discussion is appro-            » Aaltje van Grootheest //                      in denomination-wide membership in
                                                                                                 the past 10 years, or the 20% decline in
priate, but it is not enough. This type             online comment
                                                                                                 membership in Canada for that period?
of threatening behavior, as well as the
                                                                                                 (Data from the 2011 and 2021 editions of
inaction by the denomination, feel very          Synod Canceled Again
                                                                                                 the CRCNA Yearbook.) We in the CRC are
far from Jesus of Nazareth and the king-         I understand and affirm the need to
                                                                                                 far from being in a growth mode, which
dom of God.                                      cancel synod for a second year in a
                                                                                                 would seem more pressing to address
» Sandy Navis // Grand Rapids, Mich.             row (“Council of Delegates Discusses
                                                                                                 than the increase in churches that
                                                 Synod 2021, Ministry Share Pledges,
I was deeply saddened when I read of                                                             occurred between the 1940s and 1990s!
the attacks—from “pastors and other
                                                 Governance,” April 2021). The 2022
                                                                                                 » Burton VanderLaan //
                                                 agenda is going to be massive. I wonder if
office bearers in the CRCNA”—on the                                                                 Byron Center, Mich.
                                                 it might be wise and necessary to extend
staff of the Office of Social Justice, includ-
                                                 synod to 10 days or even two weeks
ing “threatening postcards and letters”                                                          Healing
                                                 next year.
sent to staff by officebearers and pasto-
ral staff. Not only that, but the fact that
                                                 » Bill Vis // online comment                     I am grateful for the healing that Andrea
                                                                                                  received and for her willingness to share
it has been going on for years—so much                                                            that (“The Trauma of Bullying,” April 2021).
so that staff members have left their                                                             After seven years in healing prayer minis-
positions over it! ... It is no wonder our                                                        try, I struggle with her line that she had to
denomination is failing to thrive. My own                                                        “imagine I was in a safe place and Jesus was
lifetime of support and membership is                                                             with me.” I believe that Jesus can cross
growing very near the breaking point. We                                                          time and space and that what Andrea
should all be ashamed.                                                                            experienced was the resurrected, living
» Aaron Jonker // Grand Rapids, Mich.                                                             Jesus bringing healing to her. I have seen
                                                                                                  so many miracles that it is hard to believe
                                                                                                  that this is just people’s imagination.
                                                                                                 » Theo D. Beels // Grand Rapids, Mich.

JUNE 2021                                                              8                                                 THEBANNER.ORG
Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church

                                               Vigilance Is Needed

The Gifts of Sundays                           BILLY GRAHAM reputedly once referred                   I think this
Wonderful article! Thank you for writing       to the Christian Reformed Church as
it! (“The Gifts of Sundays,” April 2021.) I    a “sleeping giant.” I understood that to             “three-legged
really like the phrase “What restores and      mean we were a potent force for good
delights you?” I know that, since choos-       even if he was implying that we were                stool” of home,
ing to be more sabbatarian as a family,        not as engaged as we ought to have
Sundays have quickly become a day to           been. If he were alive today, I doubt            church, and school
look forward to. A day of restoration!         that’s how he would describe us now.
It was hard at first. Shifting thinking to
                                               Several decades ago, Christian Reformed             is now cracked
remember to go to the store Saturday
                                               families held tenaciously to the disciple-
night so that you have everything you
                                               ship and nurture of children as a three-
                                                                                                      and wobbly.
need in order to avoid consumerism
                                               fold responsibility: at home, at church,
on Sunday was a hard transition. But it                                                     do we apologize for our Reformed theol-
                                               and at Christian schools. Members
has been so worth it! Making it to the                                                      ogy, or do we offer it as a remarkably
                                               were well-schooled in the Bible, the
evening service every week was a rough                                                      relevant message for our challenged
                                               catechism, and the tenets of the
transition at first too, but it has paid off                                                times? A steady diet of “happy only”
                                               Reformed faith. Although this was not
immensely for us as a family.                                                               messages is only half the gospel. Sin,
                                               a utopian system, families were gener-
» Trevor Mouw // online comment                                                             hell, and the challenges of right living
                                               ally Scripturally literate, doctrinally
                                                                                            in a secular and often godless society
                                               informed, and convicted to transform
 READ MORE ONLINE                                                                           should also be preached. Confronting
                                               their square inches for Christ. I think
                                                                                            the brokenness of our hearts and the
                                               this “three-legged stool” of home, church,   world should make us more eager to
                                               and school is now cracked and wobbly         celebrate covenant grace. God in the
                                               because we are neglecting discipleship       Old Testament and Jesus in the New
                                               and instruction as a result of our prefer-   Testament did not avoid offense and
                                               ence for absorbing the world’s culture       did not promise an easy path.
                                               rather than transforming it, often at the
                                               expense of Scriptural knowledge and          Christian schools equip students
                                               intentional Christian living.                academically and in preparation for
                                                                                            earthly and kingdom citizenship. “The
                                               What am I suggesting? If I needed            fear of the Lord is the beginning of
                                               to choose only one word, it would be         knowledge” (Prov. 1:7). When choosing
                                               vigilance.                                   schools for our children, should we not
                                                                                            be vigilant about prioritizing moral
                                               At home, Christian parents have a
                                                                                            and spiritual formation in the lives of
                                               difficult time parenting in the present
                                                                                            our children as much as their academ-
                                               culture. The busyness and stresses of
                                                                                            ics? Isn’t the same true for those who
                                               everyday life wear us down. Often it is
                                                                                            choose to pursue higher education?
                                               easier to give in to the mainstream than
                                               to object to what is against Scripture.      “This is love for God: to keep his
                                               Media saturates everyday living—often        commands. And his commands are not
                                               with violence, immorality, or vulgar         burdensome, for everyone born of God
                                               and profane language, as well as inane       overcomes the world” (1 John 5:3-4).
                                               and meaningless content. I suggest vigi-
  Find the latest posts from our award-        lance in our habits of consumption—                          Marion Dykstra is a former
                                               particularly those habits that consume                       Christian school teacher
  winning blog online at
                                                                                                            who led church Bible stud-
                                               our time and convictions.
  » Pastor and Council Teamwork                                                                             ies for 30 years. She is a
                                               Church: Naturally, bringing unbeliev-                        member of Palos Heights
  » Time Lost or Time Gained                   ers into the church fold and deepen-
                                                                                                            Christian Reformed Church
                                                                                                            in Palos Heights, Ill.
  » 5 Lessons from a Pandemic Year             ing the knowledge of Jesus Christ in all
                                               believers is our Christian calling. But

JUNE 2021                                                          9                                             THEBANNER.ORG
Summer Books - JUNE 2021 - Ancaster Christian Reformed Church
If I’m Such A Good Christian Girl,
              Then Why Am I Still Alone?

By Dana Drosdick

        f 12-year-old me were to              But even if that was a bit unrealistic,   rewarded with solid marriages and
        look at my 23-year-old self,          I still never expected to be 23 with a    live happily ever after.
        sitting in my bed alone on            dating history about as fruitful as the
                                                                                        Except, that is, when they aren’t.
        Valentine’s Day with brown            barren fig tree in Luke 13:6. I thought
        smudges of chocolate staining         I’d at least have had a few solid rela-   I grew up a child of the True Love
        my crisp, white sheets, she           tionships to look back on, all of which   Waits movement, meaning I was
would probably be shaking her head            would end for completely legitimate       indoctrinated from a young age
and saying, “Girl, get your life together.”   and mutual reasons like moving far        to believe that my waiting (in
                                              away, realizing we weren’t “equally       Christianese, waiting almost always
Because this was not how my 20s were
                                              yoked,” or discovering that he didn’t     refers to sex) would result in a happy
supposed to go.
                                              know the difference between “your”        and fruitful relationship. I heard
In my 12-year-old mind, I figured I                                                     horror stories of young women who
                                              and “you’re.”
would probably meet a solid, Christian                                                  didn’t wait and endured hardships of
guy when I was about 18, and we               I fervently believed I would have         teenage pregnancy, sexually trans-
would date a respectable length of            those kinds of relationships because      mitted diseases, and relational abuse.
three years or so. Then he’d propose          it seemed like that was just what         That is not meant to delegitimatize
at the end of college, and I would be         happened to good Christian girls.         the realities that can sometimes come
blissfully wed by 21 years old. (I don’t      They spend their youth staying pure       with premarital sex. It is meant to
know—I was 12!)                               and doing good, and then they are         emphasize the opposing philosophy

JUNE 2021                                                        10                                          THEBANNER.ORG
I grew up believing: if premarital sex                                                   the first time in God’s sufficiency. I
                                  leads to pain, then purity must lead                                                     realized that God’s love is not some-
                                  to paradise.                                                                             thing to be earned, and blessings
                                                                                        The longer I                       are not a result of good works. God’s
                                  This purity-to-paradise philosophy
                                                                                                                           grace is based on God’s goodness,
                                  led me to a separate belief: a belief               was single, the                      not my own.
                                  in the relational prosperity gospel
                                  and the notion that if I stay pure                 more convinced                        The moment my mentality switched
                                  until marriage, then I will inevita-                                                     from seeing relationships as something
                                  bly be blessed with a future happy                 I became that it                      to be earned to something to be expe-
                                  relationship.                                                                            rienced, I felt years of existential guilt
                                                                                      was a result of                      and shame melt from my being. I grew
                                  The Relational Prosperity Gospel                                                         less anxious on dates since rejection
                                  The relational prosperity gospel, also             a lack of faith or                    no longer indicated a lack of God-given
                                                                                                                           worth. I stopped envying my friends in
                                  described as the sexual prosperity
                                  gospel, is a relatively new term that             some hidden sin.                       relationships since relational status no
                                                                                                                           longer represented some sort of moral
Photo by Marisa Harris/Unsplash

                                  falls under the prosperity gospel
                                                                                                                           superiority. And most importantly, I
                                  umbrella. Unlike the more generic
                                                                                                                           felt less alone because I finally realized
                                  prosperity gospel, which emphasizes
                                                                              that it was a result of a lack of faith or   that what I lacked in romantic relation-
                                  health and wealth as key indicators
                                                                              some hidden sin. Every date I went on        ships was made up for in the peace of
                                  of a solid faith, the relational prosper-
                                                                              (however infrequent) contained deep          God’s goodness.
                                  ity gospel is a subtler form, one that
                                                                              religious anxiety for me as each unsuc-
                                  equates faithfulness with relational                                                     Now I look back at my 12-year-old self,
                                                                              cessful connection seemed to testify to
                                  reward. Within the relational pros-                                                      the one who thought her worth was
                                  perity gospel ethic, there is the idea      some deep-set sinfulness. Dating even-
                                                                                                                           dependent on the eyes of men and of
                                  that a person’s faith can be judged by      tually became so painful and stressful
                                                                                                                           others, and I wish I could tell her how
                                  their relational success. Those who         that a mere offer of a blind date set-up
                                                                                                                           loved she was. If I could, I would wrap
                                  are married are deemed more faithful        would trigger panic as I tried my hard-      her up in the warm embrace of God’s
                                  and good, while those who are single        est not to hyperventilate and think          grace and tell her that she didn’t need
                                  or divorced are seen as lacking in          about the existential spiral that would      to be perfect or faultless. She would
                                  faithfulness.                               inevitably result.                           sin, make mistakes, and mess up,
                                                                              And yet, despite my dating anxieties, I      but none of that would or could ever
                                  It’s a belief system that has no real
                                                                              still longed for a relationship. I longed    change God’s unending love. With
                                  Scriptural rooting, but something
                                                                              to reach that benchmark of religious         one’s repentant heart and spirit, God’s
                                  I clung to nonetheless. Believing in
                                                                              success and have that golden stamp of        forgiveness and grace know no bounds.
                                  the relational prosperity gospel gave
                                  me a sense of control. It made me           approval that I was worthy in the eyes       Sweet girl, I would whisper into those
                                  feel that if I attended enough Sunday       of God and men. But the more I tried         ears ringing with fears and religious
                                  services, consumed enough grape             and failed, the more I begged God to         insecurities, you are not alone. You are
                                  juice and matzo crackers, and listened      reveal my great sin, the thing keeping       loved and beloved by God.
                                  to enough Christian music, then God         me from total love and affection.
                                                                                                                           God’s grace is enough.
                                  would bless me with a man. I contin-
                                  ued to wait for God to reward me            The True Gospel
                                  with the man of my dreams delivered         Finally, after countless prayers, it                         Dana Drosdick is a Calvin
                                  directly to my door, conflating my          clicked. Maybe there was no great sin                        University graduate and a
                                                                                                                                           marketer in Glens Falls, N.Y.
                                  Christian piety with the plenitude of a     that was keeping me single. Maybe my
                                                                                                                                           Her work, inspired by her
                                  healthy relationship.                       greatest sin was believing that there                        Christian Reformed roots,
                                                                              was anything I could do to earn my way                       has been previously
                                  When God didn’t reward me for my
                                                                              into God’s good grace in the first place.                    featured in Chicken Soup for
                                  good behavior, I began to wonder what                                                                    the Soul and at The Odyssey
                                  I was doing wrong. The longer I was         After years of striving to do more, be                       Online. Follow her on
                                  single, the more convinced I became         more, and love more, I found rest for                        Instagram @danadrosdick.

                                  JUNE 2021                                                      11                                              THEBANNER.ORG
Illustration for The Banner by Gisela Bohórquez

We want to put up a clothesline
to dry our clothes outside in
warm weather so we don’t
have to waste gas or electricity          this is to limit your electrical usage or         Doomscrolling, sometimes called
using a dryer. However, our               natural gas consumption and to rely               doomsurfing, is a new-ish word to
                                          on solar energy for clothes drying. If            describe the practice of scrolling
housing subdivision prohibits
                                          they express any concerns, explain                through your social media feeds look-
clotheslines. What do we do?              that the drying will not be visible from          ing for negative material: troubling
Drying clothes outside on a line or a     the front of the house. If you show that          headlines, horrific news photos, and
rack is so pleasantly old-fashioned.      you are concerned about aesthetics,               graphs that prove we are indeed living
There’s a lot to be said for it. It’s     most neighbors will be willing to show            in the worst possible times. We’re
solar-powered. You get to spend time      some flexibility. (And I agree: using a           naturally drawn to them all.
outdoors. It’s cheap. And you don’t       clothes dryer on a sunny, 90-degree
need those wasteful dryer sheets          summer day feels like a waste of                  Social media is designed for endless
to give your clothes that fresh-laun-                                                       scrolling, of course, but it’s our brains
                                          solar energy!)
dered smell.                                                                                that are wired to notice anything that
                                          Rolf Bouma is an ordained pastor in the
Restrictive covenants banning clothes-                                                      might pose a threat—our survival
                                          Christian Reformed Church who teaches reli-
lines were put in place starting in the                                                     depends on it. These days, there’s lots
                                          gion, ethics, and ecology in the Program in the
1960s as a way to protect property        Environment at the University of Michigan.        to grab our attention.
values, but bans are now being chal-
                                                                                            In the real world, noticing the occa-
lenged and in many cases have been        Digital Life
                                                                                            sional car coming dangerously close to
struck down as part of solar energy
initiatives. In some states, guaran-
                                          I sometimes find myself                           us is one thing, but it’s another thing to
tees of solar energy use have been        scrolling mindlessly through                      believe every car anywhere is a threat.
interpreted to include the use of solar                                                     Likewise, doomscrolling can cause
                                          my social media accounts. I
energy for drying.                                                                          anxiety and lead to depression.
                                          think that’s a problem. Would
If your community has a restrictive                                                         Acknowledging this bad habit is a good
covenant, another way to approach
                                          you agree?                                        first step. The next time you grab your
the situation is to talk to your neigh-   I suspect any parent would answer                 phone and launch into your social
bors and explain what you would like      this question with a resounding “Of               media, ask yourself what it is you plan
to do and why, telling them that one      course that’s a problem!” But if we               to do once you’re in. And after that lost
day a week you would like to be able      take the shiny digital device out of this         hour of scrolling, ask yourself what
to place a clothes rack or line in your   picture, would you also say that mind-            caught and kept your attention. Was it
back yard for a couple of hours to dry    lessly weeding a garden is a problem? I
                                                                                            everyday stuff of interest, or did it lean
your clothes. The reason you are doing    don’t knit, but as I watch some people
                                                                                            more toward the dark side? Take heed.
                                          do it while carrying on an intelligent
                                          conversation, it doesn’t appear to be a           Dean Heetderks is co-director of Ministry
                                          problem for them.                                 Support Services of the CRC and art director of
                                                                                            The Banner. Wondering about any part of the
                                          But if it’s doomscrolling you’re doing,           digital side of your life? Tell him about it at dean.
                                          that could be a problem.                

JUNE 2021                                                       12                                                     THEBANNER.ORG

Vocation/Calling                              being faithful with the gifts and oppor-          circumstances that make it impossible,
                                              tunities you’ve been given.                       like military service, nursing home
I’m not sure what I ought to be                                                                 residence, missionary service, or being
                                              May you also trust that the Spirit will
doing next. Why does deciding                                                                   away at school.
                                              guide you into the right next steps and
this feel so hard?                            redirect you as necessary. This doesn’t           If members move away or stop attend-
When we see our skills and work as            change how hard the decision(s) might             ing for longer than two years and
gifts from God, we can put pressure on        be, but we can have comfort in know-              claim to have a new church but don’t
ourselves and others to get it exactly        ing that God—and the community                    transfer, their memberships can be
right. It’s hard not to feel like something   God has given us—are with us on                   lapsed, which is a technical term
is wrong with us when we’re struggling        the journey.                                      essentially meaning they are removed
with decisions. How do we be gracious to                                                        from the membership rolls of the
                                              Brenda Kronemeijer-Heyink is a Christian
ourselves and others in this situation?                                                         church. But lapsing should never be
                                              Reformed chaplain at the University of Toronto.
                                                                                                used to avoid following up on people
One way we can make better deci-
                                              Church/Bible/Doctrine                             who slip away from the church.
sions is through seeking advice. But
                                                                                                Sometimes elders discover lists of
even getting helpful advice is often          How many categories of                            members who have not been around
difficult. So much has changed in the
past decades in terms of technology,
                                              members do we have in the                         for years and become eager to go on a
                                                                                                cleaning spree to “clean up the rolls.”
jobs, and economic uncertainty. There         Christian Reformed Church?                        This can be needed, but faithful, loving
were times when getting a university          What should councils do about                     discipling all along would be prefer-
degree translated easily into getting a
well-paid job, regardless of what you
                                              members who disappear?                            able. The elders should always think
                                                                                                first of the people involved and be very
studied. Now a university education           The CRC has two categories: baptized
                                                                                                reluctant to lapse members who might
often means accumulating a lot of debt        members and confessing members.
                                                                                                then lose their official connection to
without the certainty of a job. But not       Baptized members have been baptized
                                                                                                the church of Jesus Christ and have
going to university also limits what          as infants or as adults or at any age.
                                                                                                their last experience with the church
job you can do, so it feels like a no-win     Confessing members have professed
                                                                                                be a negative one. Better to reach out
situation. Whether we’re giving or            their faith in Jesus Christ and affirmed
                                                                                                to them occasionally and give the
receiving advice, it’s hard to know           the confessions of the CRC. Confessing
                                                                                                Spirit time to work in their lives. Treat
what advice, even if it comes from            members were also called “commu-
                                                                                                them with great patience, love and
experience and love, is truly wisdom          nicant members” until 2011, when we
                                                                                                care—the way you would want the
for today’s situation.                        disconnected partaking of commu-
                                                                                                church to deal with your children if
                                              nion with making profession of faith.
Perhaps indecisiveness is not the                                                               they were inactive members. And
                                              Now all baptized members, under
biggest problem. It’s genuinely hard to                                                         make these missing members of the
                                              the supervision of their elders, are
know how to shape the things we are                                                             church a matter of your prayers.
                                              welcome to participate at the table in
passionate about into a paid job. It’s        age- and ability-appropriate ways.                Rev. Kathy Smith is senior associate director
not likely to be a straight path either.                                                        of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship,
                                              What about members who don’t
So many jobs, such as teacher, jour-                                                            adjunct professor of church polity at Calvin
                                              participate in the sacrament, or                  Theological Seminary, and adjunct professor of
nalist, or musician, are either hard to
                                              worship, or anything else? Aren’t                 congregational and ministry studies at Calvin
find or unlikely to pay a living wage.
                                              inactive members a third category?                University. She is a member of First CRC in
Following God’s calling to use your                                                             Grand Rapids, Mich.
                                              No, inactive members are baptized
gifts to meet the world’s needs then
                                              or confessing members who for one
requires creativity. It might mean
                                              year have not made faithful use of
piecing together several jobs, volun-
                                              the means of grace, especially the
teering, or learning to live with less.
                                              hearing of the Word and the Lord’s
Determining what’s next is a complex                                                              Got a Big Question for any of our
                                              Supper, unless there are extenuating
journey that is less about how good                                                               panelists? Email it to editorial@
you and your efforts are in pursuing                                                     with “Big Questions” in
the job you love and more about how                                                               the subject line.
you might love God and others by

JUNE 2021                                                          13                                                   THEBANNER.ORG
Candidacy Committee
                                  Gets New Director; Koll Retires
                                  David Koll, 66, will retire from
                                  the Christian Reformed Church’s
                                  Candidacy Committee at the end

NEWS                              of June. Koll was the first direc-
                                  tor of Candidacy and has served
                                  since 2008. The new director,
For more news and longer
                                  Susan LaClear, whose appoint-
stories about the churches
                                  ment was approved by the
and ministries of the Christian
                                  Council of Delegates in February,
Reformed Church, visit
                                  started April 5. Or get the free
app by searching for “CRCNA       The Candidacy Committee was
Banner” in your app store.        established in 2004 and is meant David Koll, Susan LaClear
                                  to guide the process of preparing
Follow The Banner on
                                  candidates for ministry in the CRC. In the past, the majority of those wishing to become
social media:
»          CRC pastors would go to Calvin Seminary. As the denomination grew in diversity, Koll

» Twitter @crcbanner              said, the committee “was created by synod to bring better hospitality and integrity to
                                  the ways that we ordain pastors.”
Got a news tip?
                                  LaClear, 48, was a commissioned pastor in the CRC before being ordained as a minister
Know of a noteworthy event
                                  of the Word in 2013. She has served on the Candidacy Committee for six years. LaClear
or accomplishment in the life
                                  describes her own journey into the CRC as one formed by many Christian traditions.
of a CRC member?
Send your news tip to             “I learned spiritual practices in college from mentors who were mostly Baptist and                Methodist. Then, as a young adult, my faith was stretched in a Pentecostal Haitian
                                   mission and an Assemblies of God megachurch,” she said. “My first leadership role was
                                   as an assistant pastor/music minister in an Assemblies church plant, and it was out of
                                   that unlikely place that God launched me into the CRC.”

                                  Classis Red Mesa, a regional group of churches in Northwest New Mexico and Northeast
                                  Arizona, ordained LaClear as a commissioned pastor in 2005, and she pastored
                                  Maranatha CRC in Farmington, N. Mex., until 2016. Classis Red Mesa “supported me
                                  to pursue my M.Div. and go through the EPMC (Ecclesiastical Program for Ministerial
                                  Candidates) program so that I could be ordained as a minister of the Word,” she said.

                                  Her most recent position was pastor of discipleship and care at Alive Ministries in
                                  Jenison, Mich.

                                   In the Council of Delegates meeting in February, LaClear spoke of the variety of candi-
                                   dates hoping to serve as pastors in the CRC, each bringing “experiences and gifts” that
                                  “will enrich the CRC and make us better.”

                                  “God has given us candidates who are as native to America as you can possibly get, contribut-
                                   ing a leadership that’s been shaped by their rich traditional culture; also, candidates whose
                                   strong Reformed worldview has been instilled in them through generations of Dutch heri-
                                   tage,” LaClear said. “Some candidates are recent immigrants, still fluid in their languages,
                                   bringing with them a piety that’s unique to their culture. Others, such as our Black and brown
                                   brothers and sisters, bring the strength of an unwavering faith and overcoming love that’s
                                   been formed through the fires of generational suffering and injustice here in America.”

                                  Koll said he has enjoyed being part of the growing diversity in the CRCNA. In retirement
                                  he intends to continue mentoring younger pastors, specifically pastors from ethnic
                                  minority groups. “If people my age can become supporters of the younger pastors,” Koll
                                  said, “the church will be better off.”

                                                                                                                  —Callie Feyen

JUNE 2021                                              14                                                   THEBANNER.ORG

                                                                                                                                                                                                   IN MEMORIAM

                                                                                                                                The Banner and communications from RCA-CRC

                                     2020: The Synod That Wasn’t                                                                Disability Concerns were recognized in April with
                                                                                                                                nine “Best of the Church Press” awards from the
                                                                                                                                Associated Church Press for work produced in 2020.
 Meeting on behalf of Synod
 2020 to conduct the business of
 the church deemed necessary
 before Synod 2021 convenes, the
 Christian Reformed Church’s

                                                                                                                                                                                                Rev. Ralph Adrian
 Council of Delegates gathered

                                                                                                                                 The Banner received the Award of Excellence for
 via Zoom video conferencing
 June 12-17. Stories on the
 following pages highlight the
 actions taken.

                                                                                                                                “Best in Class, Denominational or Other Special                     Bruxvoort
                                                                                                                                 Interest Magazine,” and former news editor Gayla R.
 Follow The Banner on                For the first time in its 163-year history,   William Koopmans,        another synod
 social media:                       the Christian Reformed Church canceled        veteran from Classis Hamilton, missed
 »            its annual synod due to the COVID-19 pan-     the celebratory aspects that are part
 » Twitter @crcbanner, #crcbanner

                                     demic. (See “Most of Synod 2020 Agenda        of synod: the celebration of new candi-
                                     Deferred to 2021,” June 2020, p. 17.)

                                                                                                                                 Postma was recognized with Awards of Excellence
                                                                                   dates for ministry, commemorating the
 Got a news tip?
                                                                                   services of pastors who are retiring (30
 Visit and        Normally synod lasts a week, each day
                                                                                   this year), and launching a significant
 use the “Got a News Tip” link. Or   including enthusiastic worship, times
                                                                                   vision for the ministry of the denomina-
 contact the news editor at news@    of camaraderie in committees and over
                                                                                   tion with Our Journey 2025.                      meals, and times of prayer.

                                                                                                                                 for “Convention or Meeting Coverage,” short and           Ralph Bruxvoort, who died on
                                                                                   To recognize the candidates (p.18),
                                     But little is normal in this pandemic.
                                                                                   Council made the best of it, having an
                                     Instead of a rousing synod with almost
                                                                                   on-screen ceremony that included a
                                     200 delegates and all its ups and downs,
                                                                                   modified laying on of hands.
                                     the Council of Delegates met over four

                                                                                                                                 long format for “The Synod That Wasn’t,” July 2020, and
                                     half days, looking at each others’ faces in

                                                                                                                                                                                           March 23, preached, taught, and
                                                                                   “Though meeting by Zoom in a special
                                     boxes on a screen.                            session is not nearly as personal, the

                                     Conducting the business of the church         disadvantages were mitigated in part
                                     that the officers of Synod 2019 decided       by the fact that the (Council) members

                                                                                                                                 Council of Delegates Coverage, April 2020.
                                     could not wait, the meeting was marked        already know each other quite well,” said

                                                                                                                                                                                           lived out a theology centered on
                                     by celebration, lament and mourning, a        Koopmans. “The conversations were typi-
                                     businesslike atmosphere, and most of all      cally direct and gracious.”
                                     by the oddness of it all.
                                                                                   Not a Rubber Stamp
                                     An Odd and Strange

                                                                                                                                                                                           God’s unconditional love and grace.
                                                                                   For much of the meeting, the Council was

                                     Experience                                    approving aspects of its own work that

                                                                                                                                “Making a Difference Through Mentoring,” by Lemarr
                                                                                   would ordinarily be presented to synod.
                                     As president of the Council, Paul De Vries,
                                                                                   But that didn’t mean it all passed easily.
                                     synod veteran from Classis Thornapple
                                     Valley, chaired the meeting. It felt odd,     Roger Sparks, delegate from Classis
                                     he said, because it has never happened        Minnkota and also a synod veteran, said

                                                                                                                                 Jackson and Meghan Donohue (February 2020),
                                     before and there was no plan or prece-        delegates were conscious of the dynamic

                                                                                                                                                                                           He was born in Tres Arroyos,
                                     dent to follow.                               of not being synod. “We were careful

 JULY/AUGUST 2020                                         16                                              THEBANNER.ORG

                                                                                                                                “Mindfulness and the Christian Faith,” by Irene Kraegel    Argentina, where his father was
                                                                                                                                 (March 2020), and The Banner Update electronic newslet-   a missionary on behalf of the
                                                                                                                                 ter received honorable mentions.                          Christian Reformed Church to the
                                                                                                                                Breaking Barriers, the newsletter of RCA-CRC               Dutch immigrant community. The
                                                                                                                                Disability Concerns, received Awards of Excellence         family returned to the U.S. in 1935.
                                                                                                                                for “Best in Class, Newsletter” and for “Theme Issue,      Bruxvoort eventually graduated
                                                                                                                                Section, or Series” for its Spring 2020 edition, “Visual   from Calvin College (now University)
                                                                                                                                Impairment and Blindness.” The CRC-RCA Disability          and Seminary. Following ordination
                                                                                                                                Concerns blog on received an             in 1958, he pastored Alamosa (Col.)
                                                                                                                                Award of Merit.                                            CRC. He went on to serve Pompton
                                                                                                                                                                                           Plains (N.J.) CRC, Ada (Mich.) CRC,
                                                                                                                                                                                           Manhattan (Mont.) CRC, Hope CRC
                                                                                                                                                                                           in Stony Plain, Alta., and Quincy
                                                                                                                                                                                           (Wash.) CRC. After retirement in
                                                                                                                                                                                           1998, the Bruxvoorts moved to
                                                                                                                                                                                           Bloomer, Wisc., to be near family.
                                                                                                                                David Zietsma, provost and vice president of               He continued to preach when
                                                                                                                                academics at Redeemer University in Ancaster,              needed for Christian Reformed and
                                                                                                                                Ont., has been named as the school’s interim presi-        Presbyterian churches in Wisconsin
                                                                                                                                dent. Zietsma, a professor at Redeemer since 2007, was     and Minnesota.
                                                                                                                                appointed after president Robert Graham announced he       Bruxvoort loved watching sports,
                                                                                                                                was resigning. Graham had been president since 2018.       served on the Bloomer school board
                                                                                                                                Ongoing health concerns and difficulties in visiting his   for almost a decade, was an avid
                                                                                                                                family, who live in the U.S., because of pandemic travel   reader of histories, biographies,
                                                                                                                                restrictions were key factors in Graham’s decision to      and books about social justice, and
                                                                                                                                step down.                                                 swam regularly at the local pool until
                                                                                                                                                                                           the Thursday before he died.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Survived by four children and their
                                                                                                                                                                                           spouses, a daughter-in-law, 16
                                                                                                                                                                                           grandchildren, and five great-grand-
                                                                                                                                                                                           children, Bruxvoort was prede-
                                                                                                                                                                                           ceased by his wife, Elaine, two sons,
                                                                                                                                                                                           and one grandchild.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            —Janet A. Greidanus

JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                     15                                            THEBANNER.ORG

Council of Delegates Meeting
Included Intense Debate
When the Council of Delegates of the         Divided Votes                                     “Pledge-based Budget Sees Income
Christian Reformed Church met for its                                                          Down, Allocations Changed,” p. 18).
                                             Delegate opinions about a few matters
May meeting, it covered a large agenda,
including the first denominational budget
                                             were divided, but a heated debate about       » noted that Dr. Pablo Kim has been
                                             the denomination’s proposed new lead-             hired in Canada as senior leader
based on ministry share pledges, a deci-
                                             ership structure took the most time.              for anti-racism and intercultural
sion to take Bethany Christian Services
off the list of organizations recom-         The proposal intends to bring the
mended for church offerings, and recom-      denomination’s governance structure           »   heard that there would be a temporary
mending a new leadership structure.          into compliance with Canadian tax laws            pause in the work of the Collaborative
                                             governing charities. Many Canadian                Church Planting Team due to a staffing
The 53-member Council includes a
                                             delegates were unhappy, saying the new            change at Resonate Global Mission.
delegate from each classis (regional
assembly) of the CRC plus four at-large      leadership structure does not achieve         » recommended to Synod 2021 that all
delegates. It serves in the interim of       parity between the U.S. and Canada.               Council members must sign a Code of
synod, the church’s broadest assembly,       Their attempt to pause the process failed         Conduct prior to service on the Council
between synod’s annual meetings. All         in a 28-18 vote (see “New Leadership              in addition to signing the Statement
items recommended to Synod 2021 will         Structure Recommended Amid Much                   of Agreement with the Beliefs of
be processed when the Council meets in       Disagreement,” p. 20).                            the CRCNA.
June in lieu of synod, which was canceled
due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
                                             Another issue that divided delegates was      » approved raising salaries of denomi-
                                             whether to remove Bethany Christian               national employees by 3%, with a 4%
The Council met May 5-7 by video confer-
                                             Services from the list of organizations           merit program.
ence. It has not convened in person since
                                             recommended for church offerings.
February 2020.
                                             Bethany changed its policies to now offer
                                                                                           » adopted search team mandates to hire
                                                                                               new directors for Disability Concerns
                                             its services, including foster placement
                                                                                               and the Office of Social Justice / Office
                                             and adoption of children, to same-sex
                                                                                               of Race Relations. Mark Stephenson,
                                             couples. Some delegates thought the
                                                                                               current director of those agen-
                                             organization should still be supported
                                                                                               cies, announced he will retire at the
                                             because of all the good work it does.
                                                                                               end of 2021.
                                             Others said that the Bethany policy
                                             contradicts the CRC’s position on same-       »   heard updates on the morale of the
                                             sex relationships and should no longer            CRC’s justice staff and spent about two
                                                     be recommended. The Council               hours engaged in conversation, prayer,
                                                           voted 23-21 to recommend            and reflection focused on cultivating
                                                            that synod remove Bethany          love and civility.
                                                              from the list.                                          —Gayla R. Postma

                                                              Other Matters
                                                             The Council of
                                                            Delegates also:

                                                       »   voted 33-16 to allow Calvin
                                                 University to change the process for
                                                 appointing a president. Instead of
                                                 synod, Calvin’s board of trustees will
In Friday morning devotions delegates            now appoint the university’s president.
responded to questions about cultivating
                                                 The change allows Calvin to recruit a
the practice of prayer and other spiritual
                                                 president in a more timely way.
disciplines—part of a set of conversa-
tion cards developed to prompt discus-       »   approved a budget based on minis-
sion about the four milestones of the            try share pledges that are about 11%
Our Journey 2025 ministry plan.                  less than last year’s income (see

JUNE 2021                                                          16                                               THEBANNER.ORG

In Lieu of Synod 2021, Council Will Process
New Pledge Budget, Restructuring, Some Overtures
The Christian Reformed Church’s Council           p. 23 of Agenda for Synod 2021). All of        Reports from the Ecclesiastical
of Delegates will meet in a special session       the related material will remain on            Marriage Task Force and the
June 11-12 and 15-16. The meeting is in           the agenda for Synod 2022. (See “New           Bivocational Task Force, both
lieu of the CRC’s annual synod, which             Leadership Structure Recommended               assigned by Synod 2019, now also are
was canceled because of the COVID-19              Amid Much Disagreement,” p. 20.)               deferred to Synod 2022. (The Banner’s
pandemic. Synod 2020 also was canceled.
That was the first time the CRC’s annual
                                              » Addressing tasks assigned by Synod               summary of the human sexuality

                                                  2019 about preventing abuse of                 report is in the January 2021 issue, pp.
general assembly had been canceled in                                                            14-17. The Banner’s February 2021 issue
                                                  power. Recommendations adopted by
its more than 160-year history.                                                                  includes summaries of the bivocational
                                                  the Canada and U.S. Corporations in
The Council’s role is to serve in the             the past year include employee train-          report (p. 19) and the ecclesiastical
interim of synod. It won’t tackle every-          ing and changes to the employee hand-          marriage report (p. 20).)
thing in the Agenda for Synod 2021, but           book, a policy regarding nondisclosure     »   Items deferred from the agenda for
will address only those items that cannot         agreements, training for all candidates
                                                                                                 Synod 2020, including Faith Formation
wait until Synod 2022. The synodical              for the ministry, a code of conduct for
                                                                                                 Ministries’ review of the New City
program committee decided which items             all ministry personnel, record keeping
                                                                                                 Catechism (requested by Synod 2019),
to include. That committee is made up             to increase collaboration between Safe
                                                                                                 a report on the definition of heresy
of the officers of the last synod, in this        Church Ministry and Pastor Church
                                                                                                 (see “What is Heresy? Synod 2019
case Synod 2019. (The full Agenda and the         Resources, and a Dignity Team to
                                                                                                 Asked; Report Tries to Answer,” p. 19),
reports noted below are available online          foster a culture of respect. The Abuse
at The Banner                                                         and three overtures requesting that
                                                  of Power Ad Hoc Committee report is
will cover the special meeting. Look for                                                         synod consider changing who may be
                                                  included in the Agenda, pp. 44-70.
stories in the July 2021 issue.                                                                  delegated to assemblies of the church
                                              »   Discussion of a number of requests             (classis and synod) and how large those
What to Watch For:                                from classes and congregations                 delegations should be.
» Setting the first denominational                regarding Neland Ave. CRC in Grand

  budget under the Reimagining                    Rapids, Mich. (Agenda for Synod 2021,      RCA Synod Watchers
  Ministry Shares plan. The budget will           pp. 352-376). The overtures range          Although the CRC decided to cancel its
  be based on ministry share pledges              from asking that the church be admon-      synod for 2021, the Reformed Church
  from the classes (regional groups of            ished or even disaffiliated for ordain-    in America is carrying through with its
  churches) rather than on an expected            ing a deacon who is in a same-sex
                                                                                             general synod but postponing it until
  remittance of a specified per-member            relationship (See “Woman in Same-
                                                                                             October. On the agenda is deciding on
  amount to support shared denomina-              sex Marriage Installed as Deacon,”
                                                                                             a path forward as laid out in the RCA
  tional ministries. (The Council decided         November 2020, p. 22) to requesting
                                                                                             Vision 2020 report released last June
  at its special meeting in lieu of Synod         that the Council rescind its decision to
                                                                                             (see “Restructuring, New Mission Agency,
  2020 to go ahead with the plan, which           communicate directly with Neland’s
                                                                                             and ‘Mutually Generous Separation’
  had already been approved in principle          council. (See “Council of Delegates
                                                                                             Recommended for RCA,” February 2021,
  by Synod 2019.)                                 Discusses Neland Avenue CRC
                                                                                             p. 14). As of April 30, neither the dates nor
                                                  Decision,” December 2020, p. 21.)
» Continued processing of adminis-                                                           the venue for the October general synod
  trative and leadership structure            What NOT to Watch For:                         had been finalized.
  changes begun at the end of 2019. At
                                              » The reports of three study commit-           Decisions made by the RCA affect the CRC
  that time Canadian members (known
                                                  tees (people appointed by synod            because of the agreement between the
  as the Canada Corporation) determined
                                                  to study a particular issue at length      two denominations struck at Synod 2014.
  that they had to direct and control all
                                                  and then make recommendations              That accord commits the denominations
  resources collected in Canada to be in
                                                  to a subsequent synod). The Council        to “act together in all matters except
  compliance with the Canadian tax laws
                                                  decided in February to defer the much-     those in which deep differences of convic-
  governing charitable organizations.
                                                  anticipated report of the Committee        tion compel (them) to act separately.”
  Council will discuss restructuring              to Articulate a Foundation-laying
                                                                                                                       — Gayla R. Postma
  matters deferred from 2020 as well as           Biblical Theology of Human
  matters intended for Synod 2021 (see            Sexuality (assigned by Synod 2016).

JUNE 2021                                                           17                                                THEBANNER.ORG

                                        Pledge-based Budget Sees
                                        Income Down, Allocations Changed
                                        The Council of Delegates of the Christian        Church, Social Justice, Race Relations, and
                                        Reformed Church approved a denomina-             Worship, gets nearly 70% of its budget from
                                        tional ministries budget based on ministry       ministry shares.
                                        share pledges of $18.4 million, approxi-
                                                                                         The rest of the denominational agen-
                                        mately 15% less in the U.S. and 5% less in
  Rev. Henry Katerberg                                                                   cies (Calvin University, Calvin Theological
                                        Canada compared to last year’s income.
                                                                                         Seminary, ReFrame Ministries, and
                                        While the total income is less, CRC direc-       Synodical Administrative Services) saw
A gentle, honest, and sociable man,     tor of finance and operations John Bolt said     their portions of ministry shares go up or
Henry Katerberg loved people and        more churches participated in the pledg-         down by less than 2%. World Renew, the
was devoted to the church. He
                                        ing system. In the past, only established
died April 4 at age 84 following a
                                        churches, not emerging or newly planted
suspected heart attack.
                                        ones, were invited to make contributions.                 While the total
Born into a farming family in the
                                        Ministry shares are the money sent by local
Netherlands, Katerberg immi-
                                        churches who covenant together to support
                                                                                              income is less, John
grated with them in 1956 to
Ontario, Canada. He worked farm-
                                        shared denominational ministries. The
                                        ministry share system has been called both
                                                                                                   Bolt, the CRC’s
related jobs to support his family
until he attended Calvin College
                                        the jewel of denominational fundraising and
                                        the wild card of budgeting. The cost of rais-
                                                                                               director of finance
(now University) and Seminary.

He was ordained in 1969 and
                                        ing money through ministry shares is negli-
                                                                                                  and operations,
                                        gible, taking about 20 cents for every $100
served four Ontario churches:
Zion Christian Reformed
                                        raised. Raising that money via advancement
                                                                                             said more churches
                                        activities can take $20 for every $100 raised.
Church, Pembroke; Maranatha
CRC, Belleville; Riverside CRC,
                                        However, as Bolt told delegates at a 2019             participated in the
                                        Council meeting, creating a budget of
Wellandport; and Maranatha CRC,
St. Catharines. He led churches
                                        millions based on hoped-for receipts means              pledging system.
with sound business sense, his          operating “on a wish and a prayer.” Indeed,
sermons were direct and to the          in recent times the amounts received fell far
                                        short of what was asked. Last year, churches     denomination’s international relief agency,
point, he enjoyed visiting parishio-
                                        were asked for $346.48 per adult professing      has never received ministry shares. Its
ners, and he interacted well with
                                        member. Only 58% of that was received.           support comes from church offerings and
young people. After retirement in
                                                                                         individual donations.
1994 he continued to serve local        So Synod 2019 turned the system on its head.
churches as needed.                     Now churches are asked to pledge how much        Bolt has convened an administrative team
                                        they will contribute, and the budget is based    to conduct a strategic financial review
Katerberg loved sports and played
                                        on that amount. The budget for 2021-22 is        of the agencies. Among its goals are to
soccer at Calvin. As a young pastor
                                                                                         compare each ministry’s working mandate
he developed a passion for golf,        based on the $18.4 million pledged.
                                                                                         to the original mandate given by synod,
often playing with other local
                                        The traditional allocation of the funds among    to discover where there is duplication of
clergy. In retirement, he enjoyed
                                        agencies has also been adjusted. For the         service, to determine which ministries
more golf, volunteering, travel,
                                        coming fiscal year, the biggest percentage       are difficult or impossible for a congrega-
and daily coffee with friends.
                                        changes are at Resonate Global Mission and       tion to do on its own, and to look at histori-
Predeceased in 1993 by his first        Congregational Services. Resonate’s share        cal budget and staffing levels. The team
wife, Jean, and in 1968 by a toddler    of the pie is now 26%, down from 31%, while      expects to present a final report to the
son, Wesley, Katerberg is survived      Congregational Services’ share is now 29%,       Council of Delegates in October 2021.
by Janet, his wife of 26 years; three   up from 23%.
                                                                                                                     —Gayla R. Postma
children, three step-children, and
                                        The Congregational Services office, which
their spouses; and three grandchil-
                                        houses many smaller ministries including
dren and eight step-grandchildren.
                                        Chaplaincy, Faith Formation, Indigenous
                —Janet A. Greidanus     Ministries, Pastor Church Resources, Safe

JUNE 2021                                                          18                                              THEBANNER.ORG
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