Page created by Dan Gibson


Mark Chamernick, Director 218.386.6005
                                                 Warroad Community Education        Community Education Advisory Council
Michelle Wyckoff, Assistant 218.386.6028                510 Cedar Ave NW               Melanie Schreiner, Steve Adams,
                                                                                    Jule Hanson, Tim Fast, Brita Comstock,
                                                       Warroad, MN 56763         Sue Summer, Kris Edman, Stephanie Heppner,
   Community Education Advisory Council                                                 Meredith Yates, Nancy Fisher,
Melanie Schreiner, Steve Adams, Jule Hanson,              218-386-6028                   Cara Caravetta, Della Knutson
   Tim Fast, Brita Comstock, Sue Summer,
       Kris Edman, Stephanie Heppner,                                                         Additional Staff
        Meredith Yates, Nancy Fisher,                                               Della Knutson -Kid Kare 218.386.6100
        Cara Caravetta, Della Knutson
                                                          Office Hours            Jana Berry – Wee Warriors– 218.386.6091
                                                  Monday-Friday: 7:00am-3:30pm      Meredith Yates – ECFE 218.386.6119
             Additional Staff                                                       Rebecca Willems - Pool 218.386.6016
   Della Knutson -Kid Kare 218.386.6100
 Jana Berry – Wee Warriors– 218.386.6091
   Meredith Yates – ECFE 218.386.6119
   Rebecca Willems - Pool 218.386.6016

          * Warroad Schools*

                                                IF SCHOOL IS NOT IN SESSION,
                                               COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASSES
                                                      WILL NOT BE HELD.

Registration Information



                                                      ONLINE REGISTRATION INFORMATION:
When registering online at you will be asked to provide a login name and password. If you do NOT know these, please call
the Community Education Office at 218.386.6028 to get that information. DO NOT create a new account. Online registration is for credit card or
                                                          debit card payments only.
                                              If you need help, please contact the Community Education Office.

                                                      SPORTS REGISTRATION INFORMATION
     All student athletes are required to have a current physical on file before they’re allowed to practice. All incoming 7th graders and new athletes
    need to pick up a MSHSL physical form to take to the appointment. Physicals are good for 3 years from the date of completion. It is always a good
                                idea to check with the Community Education Office if you’re questioning your physical date.

    •    When registering online at you’re required to fil out MSHSL forms to be eligible for sports. There are four forms:
          Health Questionnaire, Emergency Card, Eligibility and Waiver. These forms need to be filled out before athletes are allowed to practice.

•       If you’ve already registered, and missed the forms, you can log in and go to your history. Once in history, click on the start date of your activity.
                Once you’re in the activity, all the forms that need to filled out will be in red. You will need to click on each link and fill them out.

                     •   If you have any questions, please contact Michelle at 386.6028 or email:

                                              Community Education Office is located in the High School Office

Music Lessons                                                                                                                   FCA Hockey
Nancy Fisher - Piano, Voice, & Flute                           Northern Edge Martial Arts                                       FCA Floor Hockey League begins Wednesday,
Contact: 218.469.3733                                          Warroad class times on Tuesdays                                  January 12 and runs every 3 weeks throughout
Trina Billinglsey—Piano, Flute & Theory                        •    Ages 5-9 at 5:30pm-6:15pm                                   the school year until April 27. Games are played
Contact: 701.277.8011                                                                                                           each night beginning at 7:00pm. T-shirts are
                                                               •    Ages 10-13 at 6:30pm-7:30pm
Cara Caravetta: Violin & Cello                                                                                                  given to every participant, an inspirational speak-
Contact: 218.242.9109                                          •    Ages 14 and up at 8:30pm-9:30pm
                                                               For more information, contact Scott Henrikson at                 er shares briefly each time and a trophy is pre-
                                                               218.242.4562.                                                    sented to the winning team at the Final game of
Double Sharp Strings Club                                      3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do                             the season. Floor Hockey is free and is open to
WANTED: Students in 6th-10th grade interested in               2nd degree black belt in Hapkido                                 any student in grades 8-12. For info call FCA
playing violin, voila, or cello in an after school club.       Email:                                   Huddle Coach at 218-452-1309.
Beginners welcome; tuition assistance and help finding an
instrument are available. We would love to have you be         Doc’s Harbor Inn                                                 Team EPIC Youth Coalition
part of the foundation of recreating a student orchestra       For more information, please call; 218.452.3302                  Open to all Warroad High School students, Team
in Warroad!                                                    Follow us on Facebook: Doc’s Harbor Inn, Warroad                 Epic works to create a community that supports
                                                                                                                                youth to be substance free by creating positive
Contact: Cara Caravetta at
                                                                                                                                programs, policies, and healthy alternative activi- or 218.242.9109               Awana Club
                                                                                                                                ties to combat alcohol, tobacco, and other drug
                                                               Weekly Kids club featuring handbook awards, awesome
Voice Lessons                                                                                                                   use. There are many ways you can be involved in
                                                               stories, contest and amazing games.
Ms. King is now accepting a limited number of new vocal                                                                         the WHS EPIC Youth Coalition! During the
                                                               Meet’s Wednesdays during the school year from 6pm-
students interested in advanced music studies. Students                                                                         school year, we meet at 7:15am on the second
study in the tradition of classical vocal arts, with a focus                                                                    Wednesday of each month. Summer meeting
on technique, musicianship, repertoire, memorization, and                                                                       dates, times, location TBD. We have an overnight
performance. All students participate in music festivals
                                                               Summer Softball League                                           youth leadership retreat in the first week of
                                                               Look for more information in April.
and concerts. Lessons are held weekday afternoons.                                                                              June, EPIC Family Fun Nights on select Tuesdays
                                                               Cost: is $90.00
Please contact the instructor for a class description and                                                                       this summer, a booth at the fair, and many other
                                                               Teams: 8u, 10u, 12u, 14u, & 18u
fee schedule.                                                                                                                   activities where you can volunteer! Let us know if
                                                               Register online at: http://
Music Office: 218.386.6111                                                        you’re interested by texting: EPIC to 218-242-
MaryBeth King                                                                                                                   0375 or email Steph Heppner at
                                                               Warroad Estates Summer Golf                                       
BLAST Babysitting Class                                        Boys & Girls - Grades 1-6                                        Team EPIC-Warroad Action Team
                                                               Basic golf skills will be taught: grip, posture, stance, swing
                                                               and putting. We will play a few holes later in the weeks         The Warroad action Team is a group of
For more information contact: Paula Hedlund at
218.463.4301 or                        and learn some of the golf’s basic terms, rules, and eti-         passionate community members who work to
                                                               quette. No flip-flops.                                           support a safe and healthy environment where
                                                               Instructor: Jay Hardwick, Head Boys Golf Coach                   the youth of Warroad can prosper and grow.
Driver’s Education - Spring 2022                               Dates: June 20, 27, and July 11, 18, 25                          Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each
Class consists of 36 hours of classroom instruction.           Days: Monday                                                     month at noon in the WHS District Conference
•    Students must be 15 by the first day of class or be       Time: Group 1 grades 1-3: 11:00 to 12:00                         Rm. This team also represents the Warroad
     eligible for a farm permit.                                      Group 2 grades 4-6: 12:00 to 1:00                         community in the work of Team EPIC, which is a
                                                               Place: Warroad Estates Golf Course
•    Maximum of 25 students                                                                                                     county-wide collaborative, working to reduce
                                                               Cost: $35.00
•    Students must bring with them a certified birth                                                                            substance use and associated problems among
     certificate and social security card or a Minnesota                                                                        youth through community collaboration,
     identification card from the Roseau License Bureau.       Warroad Elementary Volleyball Camp
                                                                                                                                education, support, intervention, healthy
•    Foreign exchange students should bring a legal            Volleyball Camp for students going into grades 1-3 and
                                                               grades 4-7.                                                      alternatives, and building assets among
                                                               Where: Elementary Gym                                            students, families, and the community. The
MR. DENAULT WILL BE SENDING OUT AN EMAIL                       When: June 13th-16th, 2022                                       county-wide Team EPIC meeting is at noon on the
TO THE STUDENTS ONCE THE DATE GETS CLOSER,                               - 1-3 grade at 3:00pm-4:15pm                           2nd Thursday of each month in the Roseau
TO GO OVER CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS.                                       - 4-7 grade at 4:30pm-6:00pm                           County Courthouse boardroom. Both meetings are
                                                               Cost: $50.00; includes a certificate, volleyball headband,       open to anyone who is interested in joining the
Date: May 31st-June 15th, 2022                                 and a volleyball scrunchie to keep at the end of camp!
Cost: $375.00 paid in full by May 16th or a $15.00 late                                                                         efforts of Team EPIC. For more information, or
fee added on after May 21st                                    Who: For any student going into 1st-7th grade!
                                                                                                                                to receive the Team EPIC newsletter,
*Register online at:                   Register online: http://
                                                                                         Steph Heppner at 218-242-0375 or

Early Childhood and Family Education
                              Welcome to Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) recognizes that parents a child’s first and most important
                            teachers. ECFE can support you in this important work. Warroad ECFE offers quality learning opportunities and re-
                             sources for families with children from birth to entering kindergarten age, regardless of financial circumstances.
                            We work to strengthen families and enhance the ability of all parents to provide the best possible environment for
                                                           the healthy growth and development of their children.

Non-Separating Class: Parents and children
remain the ECFE classroom the entire class time.
This class meets on Monday evenings.

Separating Class: During Parent Discussion
parents move to a nearby room while the children
remain with the ECFE teacher in the classroom.
Classes are on Friday mornings.

ECFE Class Routines:

ECFE classes meet weekly and are 1.5 hours long
depending on the age group. Three sessions are
offered throughout the school year. You can
register for 1, 2, and or all 3 sessions! Class fees
are based on a sliding fee scale; no one is turned
away for an inability to pay. For a small additional
fee, childcare is available for siblings not enrolled
in the class.

Weekly Schedule:
Mondays– 5:30pm-7:00pm Separating Class

•    5:30pm-5:45pm Table & Carpet Activities

•    5:45pm-6:00pm Circle Time

•    6:00pm-7:00pm Parents Separate

Tuesdays– 5:30pm-7:00pm Watch for Special Event

Wednesdays– 10:00am-11:00am Library Storytime

Fridays– 9:00am-11:00am Separating Class

Wee Warriors                                                         Kid Kare
Wee Warriors provides safe and enriching programming
                                                                       School Year- Registration for Kid Kare begins
for early learners beyond the school day. Learning
                                                             at the end of July before the start of the school year.
experiences offered occur in a positive environment which
                                                             Registration for Kid Kare continues throughout the
nurtures caring relationships contributing to the social,
                                                             school year. Please contact Della Knutson at 386.6100.
physical, academic, and emotional development of all
learners.                                                              Summer: Registration begins April and all reg-
                                                             istration policies apply for the summer session.
ENROLLMENT: Exploratory play and experiential learning       Fees:
program for learners ages 4 & 5 participating in full day    School Year:
Early Learners’ Center Programs. Program participants        $2.50 per hour for 1 child
must have proof of immunizations or provide                  $2.25 per hour for additional children in family
documentation immunization exemption.                        Summer:
                                                             $2.50 per hour for 1 child
Wee Warriors’ programing follows the student school
                                                             $2.25 per hour for additional children in family
calendar. Registration is limited and is available by        20 hour minimum
contacting the Warroad Public Schools’ Community             If your child will be attending Kid Kare for less than
Education Office.                                            20 hours a week:
                                                             $2.75 per hour for 1 child
                                                             $2.50 per hour for additional children in family
Monday: 3:00pm -5:30pm                                       Registration happens every year. This allows us to up-
                                                             date your child’s grade and other important information.
Tuesday: 3:00pm -5:30pm
Wednesday:2:00pm-5:30pm                                      School Year:
Thursday: 3:00pm -5:30pm                                     Daily attendance fees will be collected every two weeks.
                                                             Balances need to be paid in full at the time. If a balance
Friday: 7:30am-5:30pm                                        is not paid in full, your child will not be able to attend
                                                             Kid Kare until it is paid.
Staff: All Staff meet the mandated requirements for          Summer Year:
School Age Care programs in Minnesota.                       Daily attendance fees will be collected every two weeks.
                                                             Balances need to paid in full at that time. If a balance is
Location: Warroad Elementary School                          not paid in full, your child will not be able to attend Kid
                                                             Kare until it is paid.
Meals/Snacks: Snacks are provided. School lunch is availa-
ble for purchase each Friday.
                                                             Contact Information:
                                                             Kid Kare/Community Ed Director:
Cost: Monday-Thursday: $8.00/day                             Mark Chamernick- 386.6005 or
     Friday- $25.00/day                            
                                                             Kid Kare Coordinator:
                                                             Della Knutson - 386.6100 or 218.689.2841
Contact: Community Ed Office at 386.6028 if you have any

Discovery Hub
The Discovery and Development Hub (DD Hub) is a
                                                               Warroad Community                                              Roseau County Law Library:
                                                                                                                              The Law Library offers free legal resources to all
co-working space to ideate,                                                                                                   residents of Roseau County. We’re located in the
innovate and create opportunities for the                                                                                     Roseau County Courthouse - 605 5th Ave SW, Roseau
                                                               Little Brother/Little Sister Program:
 vitality of the Warroad Chamber of                                                                                           Minnesota.
                                                               This program is based on the concept that young people
Commerce and the Warroad Area
                                                               can benefit from having the influence of a consistent,         Legal Advice Clinic:
Convention & Visitors Bureau is also                           positive, role model in their life. The program helps youth    On the first Wednesday of the month from 2:00pm-
located at the DD Hub, which also serves as a Tourist          between the ages of 4 to 14 by matching suitable adults,       4:00pm and all other Wednesday’s of the month from
Information Center. The DD Hub is located in downtown          who become volunteer Mentors, with boys and girls in the       9:00am-11:00am.
Warroad at 201 Lake Street,                                    community. This relationship will help in meeting the young
Suites D-EG. Hours are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday
                                                                                                                              Self-Help Center:
                                                               person’s need for acceptance, understanding and offer
through Friday.                                                positive guidance.To become a volunteer Big Brother or         Free to use computer and printer. Pick up the phone and
                                                                                                                              you will be connected directly to the Minnesota Course
Additional hours may be available upon request. To learn       Big Sister, please request and fill out the Mentor
more visit, call 218-386-4148 or                application. The application includes a free background        Self-Help Center.
find us on Facebook @ DDHubWarroad                             check and asks for three-character referrals. You will         Online Legal Research:
                                                               need to commit to spending just 4 hours a month with your
                                                                                                                              Free to use computer, access a robust legal research
                                                               Little. The benefit of this program is enormous-you will be
Weight Watchers                                                                                                               tool in the form of West Law. The Law Library
                                                               making a positive influence in the life of a child! For more   subscription allows access to all Minnesota case law and
Weight Watchers is all about success, both on and off the                                                                     statutes, as well as much more.
                                                               Information, please contact Madeline Waage at 218-528-
scale. Whether you want to fit into a certain pair of pants,   3258
become more active, or simply feel better inside and out,                                                                     Print Resources:
we’ll help you get there. We offer affordable plans. Online                                                                   Our print collection focuses on material that represent
Plus: Meetings Online Plus; and Personal Coaching. For                                                                        common issues faced by pro se litigants; child custody,
more information please visit our website:
                                                               Warroad Boy Scouts                                             divorce, conciliation court, landlord/tenants, property,
                                                                                                                              wills and more. For more information contact: Roseau                                             Every Monday at 6:00 pm in the Warroad Area Community          County Administration at 218-463-2541
                                                               Center. For more information:
Meetings in Roseau on Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the Four
Season Senior Center.
                                                                                                                              RSVP Programs:
                                                               Warroad Cub Scouts
                                                               The 1st , 3rd, and 4th Thursday’s during the school year.      RSVP is a Retired Senior Volunteer Program of The
Nutrition Assistance Program For Seniors                                                                                      Red River Valley. Serving Kittson, Roseau, Marshall,
                                                               Also will meet once during the summer at 6:00 pm in the
 NAPS is a nutrition program sponsored by USDA and the                                                                        Pennington, Polk, Red Lake and Norman Counties. If
                                                               Warroad Area Community Center.Contact: Clubmaster,             you’re 55 years or older please contact us to get you
MN Department of Health. Women and men 60 years or
                                                               Amanda Larson 218-242-5308                                     enrolled as a RSVP Volunteer!
older who are providing food for themselves. Participants
have to be a Minnesota resident. Household income guide-                                                                      RSVP Signature Programs
                                                                                                                              Stay Active and Independent for Life...SAIL: A
lines are set by NAPs. Once a month qualified recipients       Warroad Girl Scouts                                            strength and balance fitness class for older adults. Half
receive a free, large box of food containing everything-       Girl Scouts meet during the school year at various             hour of exercise 2 times a week.
from American cheese, canned fruits, canned vegetables,        locations and instructors. For more information contact:       RSVP Groceries To Go: Is a grocery shopping and
canned meats, peanut butter, dry milk to cereal and pasta.     Katie Cole 218-242-2903                                        delivery service for seniors age 60 or over.
Boxes are delivered to the Warroad Area Community Cen-                                                                        RSVP Handyman: Volunteers can do minor home repair
ter, Young Manor, and the Warroad Senior Living Center                                                                        and maintenance work for seniors age 60 or over.
Apartments. To find out if you qualify, contact Pat Hock-      Warroad Senior Nutrition                                       RSVP Reading Buddy Program: Volunteers work in
stedler at 386-2116. If you need more                          Come join us for a delicious meal and fabulous company!        classrooms for an hour per week, giving young readers a
                                                               Meals are served at 5pm on Monday and Wednesday                boost with more reading time and practice.
 information call 877-281-3272                                                                                                To sign up as a volunteer or to request service please
                                                               evenings and at noon on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
                                                                                                                              contact: Tammy Frohlich, Director 218-281-8289 or
                                                               at the Warroad Community Center. All are welcome!!             email
Share and Care Thrift Store
                                                               Contact: Betty or Dana at 386.4403                             Jennifer Erdman, Program Coordinator 218-281-8288
We are a non profit business and all of our staff are vol-     To make reservations or if you have any questions, cost is     or email:
unteers. We sell: clothing, books, houseware, and miscella-    $7.65 for those under 60 years old. $4 suggested donation
neousHours: Wednesday’s and Friday’s 1:00pm to 5:00pm          for Seniors ages 60 and under. We look forward to dining
Located on 111 Lake Street NW in Warroad, across the           with you!!
street from the T -shirt Barrel. We share the same
building as the Warroad Food Pantry.

Summer 2022 Swim Lessons (Indoor)
                                                                           Pool Information                                           Sauna and Steam Room (Indoor)
MUST PRE-REGISTER 1 week prior to the start of each                            Indoor Pool Hours (Winter)                             Saunas and Steam Rooms cleanse and rejuvenate skin. Mental and
session– For availability (a child must be 3’5” (41 inches) or 4
years of age to sign up for swim lessons. If they do not meet      Morning Fitness    6:30am-7:45am         M, W, F                   physical relaxation is also a major benefit of sauna and steam room
the size or age requirements, they need to sign up for the         Senior Fitness    10:00am-11:00am        M, W, F                   use. In addition, saunas and steam rooms relax sore muscles and
mommy/daddy and me program) Cost $40.00 for a two-week             WOW Swim/Evening Fit. 3:15pm-4:15pm      T & Th                    help in relieving stress and tension. The sauna and steam room also
session (Monday-Friday)                                                                                                               improves one’s immune system, metabolic rate, and circulation.
11:30am to 12:30pm or 5:30pm to 6:30pm                             Open Swim          6:00pm-8:00pm         Mon-Fri
Session 1 June 6– June 17 morning class at 11:30am-12:30pm         Open Swim       2:00pm-5:00pm and 7:00pm-9:00pm Sat                Available on a daily basis
Session 2 June 6-June 17 night class at 5:30pm-6:30pm
Session 3 June 20-July 1 morning class at 11:30am-12:30pm                                                                             2022 Lifeguard class (Indoor) May 15th & May
Session 4 June 20- July 1 night class at 5:30pm-6:30pm                          Indoor Pool Hours (Summer)                            16th
Session 5 July 11-June 22 morning class at 11:30am-12:30pm         AM Fitness          6:30am-7:45am                M, W, F
                                                                                                                                      MUST PREREGISTER by May 1st
YOU MUST PREREGISTER-THE POOL WILL NOT EXCEPT                      WOW Swim            8:00am-9:00am                Mon-Thur
ANY INDIVIDUALS ON THE FIRST DAY OF A NEW                                                                                             Class will run from 8 am until all material is covered each day
                                                                   Senior Fitness      10:00am-11:00am              M, W, Fri
SWIM SESSION!!                                                                                                                        · The cost of the Lifeguard training is $160 which includes mate-
                                                                   Swim Lessons        11:30am-12:30pm          Mon-Fri (June-July)
2022 Mommy/Daddy and Me Program (Indoor)                                                                                              rials
                                                                   Swim Lessons        5:30pm-6:30pm          Mon-Fri (June-July)     · INDIVIDUALS MUST BE ABLE TO SWIM 500 yards (20 laps
MUST PREREGISTER by June 23rd– Minimum 5 for class to
                                                                   Open Swim           6:30pm-8:00pm                Mon-Fri           there and back) in less than 10 minutes. Please make sure you are
run. Cost is $40.00. Children age 4 and under. Parent re-
quired to be in the water.                                         Open Swim           2:00pm-5:00pm                   Sat            able to do this before signing up as there are no refunds and you
Session B– July 11-July 22, night class at 6:00pm-6:30pm           Open Swim           7:00ppm-9:00pm                  Sat            will not pass if you are unable to do this – Thank you!
(Monday, Wednesday, Friday)                                                                                                           ·              Participants must be at least 15 years old by the last
2022 Adult Swim Lessons (Indoor)                                                     Indoor Pool Prices                               day of the course
MUST PREREGISTER by June 23rd – Minimum 5 for class to                                    Single Admission                            2022 Lifeguard Re-Certification class (Indoor)
run COST $40.00                                                                          0-15 years - $2.50
July 11 – July 22 night class 6:00 – 6:30 PM (Monday,
                                                                                                                                      May 15th
                                                                                         60+ years - $2.50
Wednesday, Friday)                                                                                                                    MUST PREREGISTER by May 1st
                                                                                        16-59 years - $2.75
Aqua-Parcourse (Indoor)                                                                                                               Class will run from 8 am until all material is covered
                                                                                                                                                 The cost of the Re-certification is $45
Circuit training – maintain your physical fitness and health.
                                                                                       Pool Punch Cards
The Aqua-Parcourse is a series of fitness stations, which are                                                                          Notice there will be a Temporary Closure of the
performed in the pool using the water for resistance.                 Senior Citizen/Student 15 and under       Adult
                                                                                                                                       Indoor Public Swimming Pool Facility during the
Available on a daily basis during pool hours.                     •          10 punch $19.00                10 punch $24.00
                                                                                                                                                Summer of 2021 for cleaning:
Water Exercise Program (Indoor)                                   •          15 punch $27.75                15 punch $35.75
                                                                                                                                                         July 25th through August 12th
Follow a training list at your own pace for benefits in your      •          20 punch $36.50                20 punch $46.50                   Indoor Pool Hours (SUMMER MONTHS)
physical fitness, strength, and cardiovascular benefits.
Available on a daily basis during pool hours – grab a list as you •          25 punch $45.25                25 punch $59.75              Morning Fitness             6:30 am to 7:45 am Mon-Wed-Fri
sign in.                                                          •          30 punch $54.00                30 punch $69.00             WOW Swim Team                8:00 am to 9:00 am Mon-Thurs.
                                                                                                                                            Senior Fitness           10:00 to 11:00 AM Mon-Wed-Fri
Hot tub/Spa (Indoor)                                                                                                                  Open Swim/Evening Fitness        6:00pm-8:00pm      Mon-Fri
Warm water therapy in hot tub spas help individuals
                                                                        Year Pass - Valid at Indoor/Outdoor Pool
                                                                                                                                      Open Swim/Evening Fitness        7:00pm-9:00pm        Sat
heal. Heat, buoyancy, and massage create an experience that        Family - $335.00                         Single Adult - $220.00
is both relaxing and healthy. Hot tub hydrotherapy on a            Single Parent Family - $235.00           Sr. Couple - $235.00
                                                                                                                                      Water Walking (February M & W 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm)
regular basis provides physical health benefits that go much       Single Senior Citizen - $155.00          Child - $90.00
deeper than just relaxation and pleasure. If you are experi-                                                                          5 individuals or more must sign up in order for the program to run.
encing joint or muscle pain, having trouble sleeping, or just       2022 Summer Pool Pass - June 1st-Sept 5th
plain stressed out, spending time in hot tub spas can provide                                                                         Water Aerobics (March M & W 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm)
                                                                                         $140.00 per family
therapeutic benefits for just about everyone. Available on a                                                                          5 individuals or more must sign up in order for the program to run.
daily basis during pool hours.
                                                                      Outdoor Pool Prices - Opens June 11, 2022
                                                                                         All Ages - $3.00
                                                                   The outdoor pool is open Monday-Sunday at 12:00pm-6:00pm
                                                                       Rain days and cold weather days- pool will be closed

SCHOOL SESSION OF WOW                                           SUMMER WOW 2021
Youth “WOW” Swim Team (School Sessions-                               W.O.W. Warroad Outstanding Warriors                       W.O.W.     Warroad Outstanding Warriors
March 1st to May 26th at 3:15pm-4:15pm &
                                                                 This is a COMPETITIVE swim program that utilizes the     This is a COMPETITIVE swim program that utilizes the
Summer Sessions=May 31st to July 22nd at
                                                                                   Warroad Pool.                                            Warroad Pool.
                                                                  Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards of free-          We encourage participation as much or as little as your
This is a competitive swim program that utilizes the Warroad      style with rhythmic breathing without stopping and           personal schedule and commitment will allow
                                                                       have passed level 6 in swimming lessons
Indoor Pool. Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards (1                                                                     Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards of free-
                                                                 Swimmers learn:      Strokes and skills                   style with rhythmic breathing without stopping and
length of the pool without stopping-swimming freestyle, If                                                                      have passed level 6 in swimming   lessons
swimmers are unable to do this, they need to attend swim                                     Goal-setting
                                                                                                                                    Swimmers learn: Strokes and skills
lessons prior to joining the swim team. An individual needs to                          Organizational skills
have passed level 6 in order to participate on the WOW swim                        Commitment and sportsmanship
                                                                                                                                                 Organizational skills
team. Payment must be received on the first of the month or
                                                                                And how to be part of a team!
individuals will not be permitted to participate until payment                                                                              Commitment and sportsmanship
                                                                        Team Workouts: Tuesday and Thursday
is received. Checks are made out to the Warroad Outstanding                                                                          And how to be part of a team!
                                                                       Starting March 1st ending May 26th, 2022
Warriors or WOW.                                                                                                          Team Workouts: Monday – Thursday
                                                                                   From 3:15pm-4:15pm
                                                                                                                                 Starting May 31st ending July 22nd, 2022

                                                                                                                                           From 8:00am-9:00am
                                                                   Starting June 1st practice is from 8:00am-9:00am

                                                                        (No practice on May 30th, Memorial Day)
                                                                                                                          Monthly Fees: Non US Member
                                                                 USA swimming is allowing seasonal membership this
                                                                                                                          $45.00 for 2 times a week
                                                                 year to start in April. In order to become a Sea-
                                                                 sonal US Member you need to join the USA Swim-           $57.00 for 3 times a week
                                                                 ming Association for $38.00 and fill out the following
                                                                 paperwork that is attached. Signatures are required.     $66.00 for 4 times a week
                                                                 The USA Swimming Association provides a limited
                                                                                                                          Non US Member family rate: 1st child full price and any
                                                                 amount of insurance for those that are members.
                                                                                                                          children after that are half the price
                                                                 THIS IS A ONE TIME FEE paid once a year. Fol-
                                                                 lowing are fees for April and May. The summer fee
                                                                 is listed on the next page
                                                                                                                          Monthly Fees: US Member

                                                                                                                          $25.00 for 2 times a week
                                                                 Monthly Fees: Non US Member
                                                                                                                          $33.00 for 3 times a week
                                                                 $45.00 for 2 times a week
                                                                                                                          $39.00 for 4 times a week

                                                                                                                          US Member family rate: 1st child full price and any
                                                                 Monthly Fees: US Member                                  children after that are half the price
                                                                 $25.00 for 2 times a week                                 In order to become a US Member you need to join the
                                                                                                                              USA Swimming Association for $38.00.The USA
                                                                                                                             Swimming Association provides a limited amount of
                                                                               Summer W.O.W. Program                      insurance for those that are members. THIS IS A ONE
 If you have any questions, please call Rebecca                                                                              TIME SEASONAL FEE. EACH MEMBER OF YOUR
                                                                 JUNE AND JULY will be Monday – Thursday 8am - 9am
                at 386.6016 or                                                                                             FAMILY NEEDS TO PAY FOR THE MEMBERSHIP IN
                                                                                                                               ORDER TO GET THE US MEMBERSHIP RATE

Warroad Community
            Foster Grandparent Program                                                                                                Medicine Disposal
Foster Grandparents volunteer in schools, Head Start,                                                                                 The Warroad Police Department is pleased to announce
Developmental Achievement Centers, non-profit daycares,                                                                               the installation of a secure collection drop-box in the
and juvenile centers under the supervision of a teacher or        Paul Bunyan Transfer                                                lobby of the Public Safety Building. This is a large, secure
childcare professional. They assist children with activities in                                                                       metal box designed and manufactured by Heatmor in
                                                                  Paul Bunyan transit provides a safe, friendly, efficient and        Warroad. Residents are encouraged to bring any unwanted
which they need assistance and mentor children and youth.         economical delivery of public transit service to residents with-    or expired medications/prescription drugs to this drop
People 55 years and older receive a tax-free stipend, daily       in Roseau and Lake Of The Woods counties and the cities of          box for correct disposal. All medications may be turned in
meal, transportation, transportation allowance, ongoing train-    Roseau, Warroad, and Baudette. Services offered: Roseau and         anonymously and at no cost. Unwanted, unused or expired
ing, and other benefits. The Foster Grandparent Program           Warroad-4 mile radius from center of each city. We travel           prescription drugs have been determined to present
offers men and women the opportunity to help children de-                                                                             substantial risk to our community by either falling into the
                                                                  between Greenbush, Badger, Warroad and Roseau during the            wrong hands, or by damaging our environment through
velop the skills, confidence and strength to succeed in life.     week, daily. Baudette is in town service only. Dial A Ride Reser-   improper disposal. Liquids should be enclosed in a secure
Contact: Jean Halvorson 800-584-7020 ext. 2106 or                 vations: 218-463-3238 or toll free 844-452-0407                     container before depositing. The Warroad Police                                           Dispatch Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:00pm busses run as           Department is NOT ACCEPTING needles, thermometers,
                                                                  late as 5:00pm. Please call 24 hours in advance to schedule a       or any biohazard materials. Please contact the Warroad
                                                                                                                                      Police Department at 386-2053 with any questions.
Caring Companions                                                 ride and let them know if you need wheel chair assistance.
Caring companions are adults 50+, who help seniors live inde-     Adult Fare: $1.50 (within 4 miles of Roseau or Warroad)             Warroad Women Of Today
pendently by assisting with grocery shopping, visiting, trans-    $2.25 Roseau to Badger                                              The Warroad Women Of Today is a nonprofit organization
portation, and other daily tasks. They’re friends from the
community who care. People 50 years and older may be eligi-       $3.00 Roseau to Warroad                                             that works to raise money for local needs, offer social
ble for travel reimbursement, improved quality of life, and       $3.00 Roseau to Greenbush                                           events to members, and the public. We work to promote
other benefits.                                                   $1.00 Baudette (in-town service)                                    personal growth among its members. Meeting times: 1st
Contact: Coordinator Jean Halvorson at 800-584-7020 ext.          Bus Passes: $15.00 for a 10 punch pass                              Monday of each month at 5:30 pm at the DD Hub Suite D
2106 or                                                                                              or
                                                                  $12.50 for a senior 10 punch pass for Warroad and Roseau
AMERICORPS LEGACY                                                 $15.000 for a Baudette 15 punch pass                                Toastmasters International
                                                                  Contact: Carey 218-463-3232 or           Star of the North Club
For Veterans and Military family members. The primary             Find us on Facebook - Paul Bunyan Transit
function is to provide respite service to families in the Clay,                                                                       Does public speaking terrify you?
Becker, Otter Tail, Red Lake, Polk, Norman, Mahnomen, Pen-        Warroad Community Area Center
nington, Lake Of The Woods, Kittson, Roseau, and Marshall                                                                             Welcome to the club! Many people have this fear yet are
County areas who provide continuous, ongoing care for adult       •   Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure check on the 4th Friday          required to do public speaking for work. No pressure, no
senior family members and who would benefit from the                  of each month at 11:00am                                        grades, Toastmasters can help you develop the confidence
respite service provided by program members. Time                                                                                     to speak on a prepared topic or off the cuff.
commitment is a one year term of service with a minimum
                                                                  •   Distribution of Food Commodities from Food Bank on the          Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational
                                                                      3rd Thursday of each month.                                     organization that teaches public speaking and leadership
commitment of 450 hours in the year (approx. 10 hrs. per                                                                              skills through a worldwide network of over 16,000 clubs in
week). Dates: TBD Contact: Tara Giese 1-800-488-4146 or           •   TOP’s held each Monday at 5:30pm                                145 countries.                                              •   Matter of Balance classes held twice, weekly for 4 weeks.       When: 7-8:30 pm, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month
Food Shelf                                                        •    Senior meals, flu shots yearly, Zion Quilter’s Club and        Where: Zoom (virtually)and St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Warroad Food Shelf serves all families within the Warroad              Bone Builder
                                                                                                                                      For more information:
Area who are in need of food. Families can receive food one       Please call 386.2895 for more information.
time per month. Families can call 386-2336 and leave a mes-       Backpack Program                                          
sage that they would like to pick up food that week. Any
                                                                  Every Friday, during the school year, bags of food are placed
special requests that they may have such as personal care
                                                                  in the lockers for 80-100 elementary students. The bags con-        Nancy Ellenson, 218-242-5443
products, or items they need such as flour, etc. can be left
                                                                  tain 5 pounds of nutritional, non-perishable food. If you would
on the message. Pick up time is on Thursday’s from 8:30 am
                                                                  like to donate to help feed a Warroad School child, please send
to 10:30 am and on Friday from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
                                                                  your donation to:
                                                                                     Warroad Back Pack Program
Warroad Public Library                                                                  Attn: Heidi Schaum at
Open to the public on the following days and time:                                       510 Cedar Ave NW
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00am-5:00pm                                  Warroad, MN 56763
Thursday at 10:00am-8:00pm                                        If you or your organization would like more information, please
Saturday and Sunday - Closed                                      call Glenda Phillipe 202-997-9085 to schedule a presentation.
Contact: Kelly Benjamin, Librarian at 386.1283 or Facebook for upcoming events

Adult Basic Education classes are FREE to ABE eligible stu-
                                                                     Adult Education
•   17 or older
•   Not currently enrolled in public k-12 school program
•   Demonstrated need for ABE services to successfully partici-
                                                                                                CLASSES OFFERED:
    pates in secondary education, post secondary education or
    career pathways.                                                                                               •   Family Literacy
                                                                     •   GED - General Educational Development
Adult Basic Education address a variety of learner goals.                diploma                                       •   Life skills
ABE helps learners to:
                                                                     •   Adult Diploma                             •   Computer basics
•   Attain employment and/or better their current employment
                                                                                                                   •   Intro to the internet
•   Achieve high school equivalency (GED or Adult HS Diploma)
                                                                     •   ESL - English as a Second Language

•   Attain skills necessary to enter post secondary education and
                                                                         •   Workforce Preparation                 •   Budgeting
    training.                                                        •   Choosing a career                             •   Basic Skills Enhancement
•   Exit public welfare and become self-sufficient.                  •   Interviewing                              •   Reading, writing,
•   Learn to speak and write the English language.
                                                                     •   Resumes                                   •   Math, spelling
•   Master basic academic skills to help their children succeed in
    school.                                                          •   College preparation                           Citizenship/Civics Education
                                                                                                                   ServSafe classes
•   Gain self-esteem, personal confidence and sense of personal
    and civic responsibility.
•   Free online programs available to work on from home.

Phone: 463.453.0316



Summer Happenings
Adult Pottery
Keep an eye out for more information! - April Symes

                   What’s happening in
                  Warroad in the summer?

Warroad City Council                               Roseau Co Veterans Service Office
2nd and 4th Monday of the month                    Martin A. Howes, Veterans Service Officer
Warroad City Hall at 5:15 pm                       Ro. County Courthouse Room 120
                                                   606 5th Ave SW,
Airport Commission                                 Office: 218.463.3308 Cell: 218.242.0886
1st Monday of the month
Warroad International Memorial Airport             Veterans Support Group and Veterans Caregiver Group
At 5:00 pm                                         3rd Thursday of the month
                                                   Roseau Co Courthouse at 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Police Commission
2nd Wednesday of the month                         Warroad Public Library Board
Warroad City Hall at 5:15 pm                       2nd Thursday of the month
                                                   Warroad Public Library Community Rm at 7:00 pm
Roseau Co Board of Commissions
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month                   Alcoholics Anonymous
Roseau Co Courthouse at 5:15pm                     Warroad-
                                                   Tuesdays at St. Mary’s Catholic Church at 7:00 pm
Warroad Chamber of Commerce                        Wed at the Marvin Conference room at 7:00 pm
1st Thursday of the month                          Fri at St. Mary’s Catholic Church at 7:00 pm
Public Safety Building at 12:30pm                  Baudette-
                                                   Tues/Fri at Cornerstone Assembly Church at 7:00 pm
Warroad AM Legion Post 25 and                      Williams-
AM Legion Auxiliary Unit 25                        Mon at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at 7:00 pm
3rd Monday of the month
Warroad American Legion at 7:00 pm                 Al-Anon
Warroad VFW Post 4930                              Friday at St. Mary’s Catholic Church at 7:00 pm
2nd Monday of the month
Warroad American Legion at 7:00 pm                 Star of the North Toastmasters Club
                                                   2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
Warroad Eagles Aerie                               St. Mary’s Catholic Church (live & zoom) at 7:00pm-8:30pm
1st and 3rd Monday of the month                    For more information, call Nancy Ellenson, 218.242.5443
Warroad Eagles Club at 6:00 pm
                                                   Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia Support Group
Warroad Watershed Board                            1st and 3rd Monday of the month
3rd Monday of the month                            Roseau City Center Library Conference Rm at 7:00 pm
Watershed Office- 307 Lake St. NE at 5:30 pm       For more information, call Vangie at 218.469.0890

Warroad School Board                               Inter-County Community Council
3rd Monday of the month                            Aimee Berger- Job Counselor
Warroad District Conference Room at 5:15 pm        Cell: 218.689.4350
                                                   Fax: 218.796.5175
Warroad Laotian Liaison                            Email:
Chindavone (Joy)Sprester                           Web:

Warroad Crochet 7 Knit Club
3rd Sunday of the month
Warroad Senior Living Center S. Lobby at 1pm-4pm

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