2021 Charettes: April 8, 9 and 14 - Lehigh Valley Planning Commission

Page created by Brad Woods
Catasauqua Borough East Allen Township Hanover Township
     North Catasauqua Borough Northampton Borough

2021 Charettes: April 8, 9 and 14
Outreach Program
The River Central Steering Committee developed a diverse list of community experts and stakeholders who
were invited to attend a series of three charettes. Each followed the same agenda and interactive format, and
covered the same materials through moderated discussion. The virtual charettes, lasting about 90 minutes
each, were structured to allow for participation by electronic device and phone.

After a general review of the River Central area and the five municipalities that make up the community, cha-
rette attendees were split into breakout sessions to allow for facilitated discussions. Participants discussed
positive and negative aspects for these five subject matters:
•   Natural, Agricultural and Historic Resources
•   Land Use and Future Development
•   Housing
•   Transportation
•   Community Facilities and Utilities

Discussion among attendees was recorded by LVPC breakout session facilitators. The strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats (SWOT) planning approach was utilized to ensure ideas, priorities and concerns
were voiced for all subject matters. Facilitators then guided the groups through a process to identify three
priority ideas, whether positive or negative, that best reflected considerations critical to a prosperous future.

Priorities of each breakout session were reviewed among all attendees of the relevant charette meeting.
Ultimately, these lists of ideas were combined to inform the outline that will soon shape the guiding principles
– Charette Priority Outcomes. All input providing during the charettes is reflected in the Charette Notes and

Over the course of three days, a total of eight
breakout sessions were held. The sessions – one                  Participation by Date
                                                          15                   13                   12
in the morning, one midday and one in the evening
– collected priorities, input and concerns from 40
attendees. Participants represented each of the
five River Central municipalities, several regional      April 8              April 9            April 14
agencies, PennDOT, businesses and residents.
L E H I G H   V A L L E Y,    P E N N S Y L V A N I A
                                                               Charette Priority Outcomes
   Catasauqua Borough East Allen Township Hanover Township
                                                               April 8, 9, 14, 2021
        North Catasauqua Borough Northampton Borough

Natural,                                                                                                                      Community
Agricultural                              Land Use and                             Housing                     Transportation Facilities and
and Historic                              Development                                                                         Utilities
                                                Holistic approach to land use                                       Transportation – Traffic                    Plan for investment in
Better development,                                                                High and increasing lan
                                                management, transportation                                          congestion mitigation;                      community facilities and
use and marketing of                                                               costs, driven up by
                                               planning and coordination                                            thankful for what we have,
parks and recreational                                                             warehouses, reduce
                                               with airport on land use, and                                        but need to identify troubled
facilities, and                                                                    affordable housing
                                               plans for the benefit of all                                         areas and ease up on them
tremendous historical                                                              opportunities
                                               five communities
sites and resources

                                                                                                                                                              Development pressure into
           Preservation of                  A multi-municipal or                                                                                              rural areas – Emergency
                                                                                                                                           ral –
           community. Provide               multi-stakeholder coordinated                                         Transportation in gene                      service funding/service crisis
                                                                                                                                            e state;
           more programming in              approach to land use planning                                         4th largest airport in th
           parks.                           will ensure the communities’                                          overall transportation pla
                                                                                                                                            r rail
                                            quality of life by balancing                                          possibility of passenge
                                            housing needs with the
                                            increase in logistics and goods
Parks, bike paths,
historic structures –                                                                                                                                                            es /
                                                                                                                                                              Emergency servic
Improving signage,                                                                                                                                                                rtunity +
                                                                                                                     State Route 329 – Traffic flow           infrastructure oppo
preserving historic                              Airport to municipalities                                                                                                      ipal
                                                                                                                     needs to be improved – It is             funding for munic
buildings, making area                           and vice versa – Don’t                                                                                                          cture
                                                                                                                     causing spillover traffic into ou
                                                                                                                                                       r       roadway infrastru
more attractive to                               let one entity impact the                                           neighborhoods
tourism                                          other

            River Central is an
                                                                                                               Route 329 – Will be a resource
            attractive place to live.             Warehouse threat –                                                                                           Increasing populatio
                                                                                                               for pedestrian connections when                                        n–
            People are being priced               Internal and external                                                                                       Need for improvem
                                                                                                               bridge incorporates bike/pedestri-                                   ents to
            out of other areas, so                (neighbor) pressure                                                                                         emergency services
                                                                                                               an & improve pedestrian crossing                                      , other
            there’s an opportunity to                                                                                                                         services and utilitie
                                                                                                               to trailhead for safety                                              s for
            strengthen the urban                                                                                                                              everyone
            cores of River Central

                                                       Communities built out, so
                                                       accommodating more
                                                       development is difficult                                       Challenges faced from
 Potential for using the                                                                                              trucking-related development,          Economic development for main
 canal for stormwater                                  when also preserving open                                                                             streets & trails (D&L, Nor-Bath)
                                                       space and agricultural                                         especially on secondary roads
 management (natural &
 historic) – ensuring it is                            opportunities
 done properly to
 preserve historic aspects

                                             Municipal updates to                                                LANTA assistance with travel
                                                                                                                                                              Historic resources us
                                             zoning ordinance and                                                struggles of shift work                                               ing
                                                                                                                                                              trails for healthy activ
            Tri-Boro Sportsmen               subdivision and land                                                                                             transportation,
            Club – Community &               development ordinance                                                                                            environmental educ
            education resource                                                                                                                                and trail-friendly busin

                                                                                                                     Truck traffic – Pressure fro

                                                                                                                                                           Education – Need for people to
                                                                                                                                                           be driven towards careers –
                                                                                                                                                           Especially for those jobs that
                                                                                                                 Road condition and management             need to be filled in the Lehigh
                                                                                                                 – Growth pressures and                    Valley, and not just left to con-
                                                                                                                 development bringing in traffic           tinue education or immediately
                                                                                                                                                           face life without focus to meet
                                                                                                                                                           needs for community’s future

                                                                                                                  Complete trail network and
                                                                                                                  pedestrian/transit safety an
                                                                                                                  access – Create the connec
                                                                                                                                                tions to
                                                                                                                  neighbors and job centers

                                                                                                                       Moving people around,
                                                                                                                       connecting RC to other
                                                                                                                       places – Downtown
L E H I G H   V A L L E Y,    P E N N S Y L V A N I A

Catasauqua Borough East Allen Township Hanover Township
     North Catasauqua Borough Northampton Borough

          AND COMMENTS
          April 8, 9, 14, 2021
Natural, Agricultural
and Historic Resources
Grants/Funding                                        Trails
•   Money to be had in grants, but you have to        •   Walking trail
    know where to look for it                         •   Maps along the D&L. Benches and other
      ○ A lot of money in grant                           furniture. Used to have historical tidbits along
•   Support adding sites for grant applications           the trail in the Catty section. Were not
    within communities, for seeking funding               replaced over time due to damage/funding.
                                                      •   Roth Academy, walking trail
Lehigh River
                                                      •   North Catasauqua – extension of the D&L
•   Lehigh River                                          Trail along the boroughs – extend trail network
•   Kayaking, fishing                                     through the new development (Willow Brook)
                                                          into Allen and East Allen townships
•   Lehigh River no places
                                                      •   River and D&L making connections to
•   Lehigh River – Make it more appealing for             neighbors – North Catasauqua
    people. Not a lot of good places to get in
    and out for tubing and kayaking. Not enough       •   Continue trail connections over into East Allen
    advertising.                                          and Allen townships

•   Iron history of river                             •   Improve Trailhead to reflect historic nature of
•   Tie river into historic resources. ‘You can get
    off the river here to see XYZ’                    Food bank
Water Systems and Stormwater                          •   People Standing Up (Northampton) – Do
                                                          things to improve stuff. Put in a huge garden
•   Monocacy Creek Watershed                              for the food bank in Northampton Borough.
•   Monocacy Creek                                        Need to put in signage along the trail to adver-
     ○ Capitalize on assets                               tise what is around

•   Creek                                             Agriculture
•   Watershed                                         •   Farmland – Best in the area
•   Northampton Borough – Hokendauqua Creek           •   Farmland in East Allen
    & Dry Run Tributary, looking at impairments
    and improving stream health & river               •   Agriculture is an important resource as a
                                                          resource for our Northampton Borough
•   Potential for using canal for stormwater –            Farmers Market. Last year we constructed a
    PennPraxis has done some work –                       community garden to help supply our Food
    Multi-Municipal effort and benefit, enhanced          Bank. Our food bank serves the region
    recreation, views
                                                      •   Farmland is a strength – tourism, breweries,
•   Canal/River natural and historic resource –           organic farming and restaurants
    both strength and weakness – fill the gaps
                                                      •   Northampton farmers market
•   Best management practices for stormwater,
    preventing pollutants                             •   Hanover Township – Considering starting
                                                          farmers market?
                                                      •   Traction from outside region for farmers
                                                          markets, agricultural resources
Historic                                               •   Signage for history of area on paths – maybe
                                                           existed previously
•   Local history. Industrial history – Wolf
    Academy Historic Site (East Allen Township)        •   Northampton – Old train station, before bridge
                                                           going into Cementon on Route 329
•   Local history
                                                       •   ‘Main Streets’ (thoroughfares) within the
•   Historical – Walking Purchase. Defined how
                                                           municipalities are important, for residents and
    much land could walk in a day determined how
                                                           visitors, to keep flavor of the community. Com-
    much you could purchase. Stone/plaque along
                                                           ponents that make the community what it was
                                                           when it was first constructed AND how people
•   George Taylor House                                    see it today
•   George Taylor House – historic building            •   Cement silos (Northampton Borough)
•   Roxy Theatre
•   Roxy Theatre – A borough asset, tourist
    attraction                                         •   Older boroughs – Density – Key to help East
                                                           Allen keep open space
•   Wealth of historic based organizations
                                                       •   Tri-Boro Sportsmen’s club – Northampton
•   Historic societies – Keeping them funded and           Borough, serves as excellent educational
    moving                                                 resource for children to learn about fishing and
•   Historic rail route, atlas museum –                    the environment
    Northampton Borough – historic industries          •   Parks – How to develop more walking/bike
•   Atlas museum                                           paths, river access for kayak/canoe, tubing +
•   Railroad
                                                       •   Airport
•   Catasauqua – Iron Works – Preserve and
    reflect history                                    •   How much we walk
•   We have tremendous historic resources from         •   Restaurant advertisement
    Cole Siegfried Tavern and Cemetery, as well        •   We have a lot of shared recreation like library,
    as resources that the Northampton Atlas                pools, etc.
    Museum – Ed Pany will tell this story next

Development                                            Miscellaneous
•   Warehouses #1 weakness – Empty but                 •   COVID
    continuing to grow                                 •   Airport – Take up space and limit growth – Tax
•   Warehouse development is a threat                      free space
•   Truck traffic                                             ○ Airport – Land north of Race Street,
                                                                 airport use only (runway)
•   Development
                                                       •   Concern over where to build new residential in
Agriculture                                                already built out areas – Hanover Township
•   Once farmland is developed, we can’t get it        •   If left as-is, canal is unsightly, mosquito
    back                                                   breeding ground
•   Farmland experiencing more development             •   If not planned properly, canal could be threat-
    pressure than natural resources. What is left to       ened – Stormwater entering/leaving canal for
    develop? Avoid historical disturbance                  preserving
•   Warehouses are a threat to agriculture             •   Loss of knowledge
•   Agriculture preservation threatened by             •   Flooding, natural threats
    development                                        •   Apathy
•   Subsidizing big farmers – Little farmers die out
      ○ Kids not interested in continuing to farm                                                        3
Land Use and Development
Local Business Development                                •   Opportunity for assisting more businesses with
vs Warehouses                                                 trail-friendly certification – Opportunities to
                                                              inform and support them
•   Warehouses also create jobs
•   Warehousing and distribution have expanded            Stormwater and Sewer
    tremendously everywhere. We would much                •   Using/exploring use of canal for stormwater.
    rather see local, small business filling spaces           Catasauqua Borough has previously looked
    rather than larger warehouse. Residents are               into that
    invested and take pride, improving the whole
    community.                                            •   East Allen has had a lot of recent development
                                                              – Stormwater and sewer facilities are seeing a
•   Warehousing and distribution have expanded                lot of pressure – Ensuring funding is available
    much rather see local business in the                     to municipalities to upgrade system
    community, residents vested in the community
                                                          •   North Catasauqua Borough is built out and
•   Make it easier for small businesses to open.              needs to expand stormwater and sewer
    Eliminate or ease parking requirements in
    certain districts. People will find a place if they   Developments
    want to.
                                                          •   We have a new townhouse development
•   Would like to see – opportunities for small               behind the CVS Pharmacy and Redner’s
    businesses and main street development                    Quick Shoppe. We are less to accommodate
•   Land uses that are good for developer and                 this new development adjacent to our Uptown
    community – good goal                                     Park
                                                          •   Iron Works project as an example of strength
Redevelopment                                                 and opportunity
•   Opportunity for redevelopment of older vacant         •   Iron Works – developing heritage, connections
                                                          •   Hanover Township – Airport Shopping Center
•   Utilizing existing structures, repurposing, helps
    contribute to authenticity of area – Tourism          •   Strong commercial and retail in Hanover –
    attraction, economic investment                           Airport Shopping Center

•   Reuse and preservation of historic buildings,         •   Willow Brook development
    including historic warehouses, rather than
    build new                                             Coordination
                                                          •   Better – Doing this joint committee.
Natural and Agricultural                                      Understanding development affects neighbors
•   Preserve the areas we have that are available         •   Come to conclusions as a WHOLE not what’s
    to protect them for green space and people to             best for a specific municipality.
    get away from the urban nature of things
                                                          •   Coordinating multi-stakeholder oriented land
•   Prefer land used for parks, recreation, walking           use planning, including the airport to
    and bike trails                                           appropriate degree. Balance housing needs,
•   Lehigh County and Northampton County have                 logistics and goods movement, do not let one
    strong agricultural preservation programs                 entity impact the other. (airport to
                                                              municipalities and vice versa)
•   Ensuring new land development and new
    businesses have links to trails for employees
•   Impacts of development of quality of life and      •   Consolidate land uses where they are
    need to balance needs of all interested                effective. Making it difficult for some people
    parties. (example – noise on business vs               like transportation, Catasauqua people getting
    noise on residential)                                  affected with transportation
                                                       •   North Catasauqua – Low density – Small town
Miscellaneous                                              feeling
•   We have a nice Main Street District with the       •   North Catasauqua – Not much land left
    Roxy Theatre as a focal point. With COVID the
    Roxy Theatre has been hurt somewhat, but           •   Safety in public areas (parks)
    the Roxy is moving into live performances. We      •   Need a central location for veterans – There’s
    are also happy with a relatively new Uptown            no more VFA Veterans for America, they have
    Park developed during the last 5 years or so           no place to go, need a place for veterans to
    (Northampton Borough).                                 get together
•   We need to consolidate land uses where most        •   Connection to the airport is important
    effective and accessible to people using them.
    Right now, being spread out making it difficult    •   Community is generally ‘neutral’ to
    for transportation and people. Need effective          development, save those proposals may have
    areas                                                  controversial issues

Warehouses and Industrial                              •   Developments around Airport Road impact
•   Warehouses replacing blue collar jobs (mom +
    pop businesses)                                    •   Stress in Catasauqua from outside
                                                           development that makes it difficult to get to/
•   Warehousing coming in – Hanover Township –
                                                           from/through Catasauqua. Out of our control
    Balancing that in the region
•   Warehouses cause transportation issues             Land Availability
•   Development patterns (warehouses) not              •   Built out
    conducive to transit service
                                                       •   Running out of land area
•   Industrial land use – How much quantity
    needs to be provided for and where?                Businesses
•   Infrastructure problems – Warehouses not           •   Main Street in Northampton. Front Street in
    located in ideal locations, near residences and        Catasauqua. – Could be quaint areas with
    schools – Causes problems for school busses            outside dining. How do we make the
•   Infrastructure can’t keep up with development          downtowns more attractive to small
    patterns                                               businesses? Try to incentivize renting first floor
                                                           storefront. Encourage landlords to reconsider
•   Neighboring townships warehouse develop-
    ment, traffic, loss of farmland                    •   Working with zoning map – Improve to allow
                                                           for home business and mixed use
Transportation                                         •   North Catasauqua – Not many businesses
•   Transportation – Higher amount of zero             •   Pandemic toll on local businesses
    vehicle households, tractor-trailer on roads not
                                                       •   Cost of land increasing costs for housing and
    designed for it
                                                           businesses to locate/stay in the area – People
•   Roads handle the volume of traffic                     cannot afford land as area grows
•   Sidewalk connectivity is important for transit     •   Pandemic Impact – Loss of businesses
•   Transit – Serving dense residential versus         •   Not enough workers to fill jobs
    serving warehousing/jobs, growth pressures
    outside of urban cores/downtown boroughs
    are stretching the transit system thin with jobs
    centers located elsewhere; limited funding –
    Funding dependent on ridership
Land Use and Development
Miscellaneous                                           •   We have several successful industrial areas
                                                            from the Horwith Complex, and Held Drive
•   Connection with airport in Catasauqua and
                                                            industrial park. Currently our borough is
    their plans for the future. 25-year plan includes
                                                            preparing a specific plan for the Held Drive
    concerning items potentially
                                                            and Cherry Square Shopping Center
•   Once it’s gone it’s not coming back (green
                                                        •   Multi-use; transition from entirely residential or
                                                            business areas to mixes of uses; confusing for
•   Need to preserve the green space, once it is            people to know what should happen where
    gone it is not coming back
                                                        •   Dated zoning ordinances
•   Budget for park management – Municipal
                                                        •   Expansion of commercial and light industrial in
    budget to maintain resources
                                                            North Catasauqua – Look at tax revenue
•   Size of lots – Density and space restrictions;
                                                        •   Proposed developments warrant
    stop developers from squeezing too many
                                                            multi-stakeholder input. How do we implement
    homes in too small an area, that put pressure
                                                            this plan in a way that gets more involved in
    on infrastructure and services
                                                            review process?
•   Development eliminating parking
Senior Housing                                          •   Ensuring ways to connect new housing
                                                            developments to parks & trails, increases
•   Northampton Borough older population may
                                                            home values
    be because people stay here their entire life.
    Same for East Allen. Only leave if they are         •   Fee-in-lieu programs in communities, to
    forced because of taxes, maintenance, or                ensure trails are included so funding can go to
    illness.                                                support trail and sidewalk infrastructure
•   Lack of affordable senior housing –
    Northampton Borough, but maybe also other
    areas – Potential for ordinances to be revised      •   Younger people are more transient
    to add accessory dwellings to create more           •   Catasauqua Borough has more than its share
    housing opportunities                                   of affordable housing
•   Large aging population that needs to be             •   The area has diverse types of housing –
    accommodated                                            Everything is covered in some way
•   Senior housing on Route 512 is not gated but        •   Hanover Township – housing is diverse
    it is luxury, age-restricted. Under construction.
    Opportunity for people who want to move on          •   Northampton Borough offers the most dynamic
    from maintenance of home and be close to                range of available housing. Owner and rental.
    friends/family. Keep people here and not force          Some view as positive and others view as
    them out                                                more negative. Diverse mix of housing

•   Route 512 is highly restricted – Luxury age         •   Mix of old vs new, well-maintained vs not so
    restricted opportunity                              •   North Catasauqua Borough – Diverse
•   Ensuring there are multi-generational homes;            housing, apartments to single family detached
    not as many stairs, walkability                     •   Hanover Township – Diverse housing
                                                        •   Hanover Township – Diversity of housing,
Reuse of Historic Buildings
                                                            apartments, trailer parks – Have it all
and Redevelopment
                                                        •   Use sidewalk inventory to close gaps when
•   Historic reuse of buildings and renovation of           identifying locations for new development
    older homes, getting rid of slumlords, to
    maintain property is difficult. Better              •   Several of our old factories and schools have
    maintenance might clean up the area                     been adapted to serve as very nice apartment
                                                            buildings – Nicely done
•   Historic districts to restore old homes – There
    are two in Catasauqua Borough, + George             •   Need to look at school districts – Are they at
    Taylor grants                                           capacity?
•   1970s/60s housing stock in Hanover                  •   Rear yard cottage homes
    Township; overall well-maintained                   •   Landlord ordinance in North Catasauqua
•   Only option would be to redevelop, no parcels           Borough – response to properties that need to
    in North Catasauqua left for residential                be maintained – Requires inspection, license
    development                                             to allow the rental, revenue neutral
                                                        •   North Catasauqua Borough – New develop-
Community and Livability                                    ment will help tax base – Willowbrook Road
•   Quality of life – Trails, parks, amenities/         •   People do not leave the area only because of
    entertainment makes area attractive but                 taxes, illness. They do not intend to leave
    increases pressures and costs for housing
                                                        •   Majority of owners maintain their properties
Housing Price and Affordability                        •   Age 55+ community being done now (East
                                                           Allen Township), but are also very pricey
•   Difficult to buy a home – Housing is selling
    above asking and paying cash                       •   Takes three years to get into low-income high
•   Catasauqua Borough housing stock is older
    with limited room for growth. By the time this     •   Lacking in low-income elderly places
    plan is done we will be out of open space.         •   During the session last night our representa-
    Northampton Borough right behind                       tive stated that her mother has been waiting a
    Catasauqua Borough                                     long time to get into a publicly funded project.
•   Cost of housing – New development might not            Some people in the past have considered rear
    be attainable for the people that live in North        yard cottage homes – Would that work here?
    Catasauqua Borough                                 •   Is there a threat of not having enough space
•   Potential for housing boom in the area –               for new housing, and accommodating growth?
    East Allen getting hit hard                            Or will people have to live in existing spaces?
•   Asking price for land is too high                         ○ Yes there is such a threat – Our
                                                                 representative last night said that her
•   Economy can’t support higher-priced housing                  mother has been waiting for three years
    – Residents do not have the wages                            to get into one of our many elderly
•   Up until COVID, when housing prices skyrock-                 housing developments
    eted, River Central was an affordable area
    for people to live – in Northampton Borough,       Housing Age and Condition
    home prices have significantly increased           •   Older towns have aging housing stock –
•   Housing has become out of reach financially            1840’s, 50’s
    for the people in the area; not enough             •   Older houses
    inventory – All kinds of housing
                                                       •   Older, bigger homes seem harder to maintain
•   North Catasauqua Borough tax rate is higher
    than other areas of the Lehigh valley – Federal    •   In boroughs, there is older housing that needs
    Housing Administration (FHA) limits for avail-         updating/upgrading
    ability in that area - $300k – Single homes will   •   Hanover Township – Allendale Apartments –
    be higher than that – Makes attainability hard         Are well maintained. 1950s-60s housing might
•   Affordable housing is a major concern for all          need some upgrading
    populations – Everything is getting priced out     •   Hanover Township – Most people maintain
•   High land costs, business owners/developers            their homes, a few don’t for various reasons
    can’t justify keeping prices low                   •   Young people inherit homes and don’t want to
•   Waiting lists for lower-cost housing options           keep them or live in them; sell them to land-
                                                           lords that don’t keep them well
•   Areas with appropriate zoning have high land
    costs                                              •   Historic use and landlords maintain their hous-
                                                           es, if they do that will clean up the area
•   Price per square feet for warehouse undercuts
    other development types – how to manage            Miscellaneous
                                                       •   Farmland being developed
Senior Housing                                         •   Farmland preservation in East Allen
•   Difficult market for people that are older and     •   Not a lot of vacant land for housing (zoning)
    disabled, for affordable housing – Long (years)
                                                       •   Hanover Township – Majority of vacant land is
    wait lists
                                                           owned by Airport
•   We are lacking in low income, elderly housing.
                                                       •   State police coverage/no local police
    People on waiting lists for years to get
    adequate housing.
Biking                                                 Sidewalk and Pedestrians
•   People need opportunities to bike/hike             •   Use sidewalk inventory
•   Put bike lanes in wherever possible. Think         •   Evaluate existing sidewalks, ensure they meet
    about life safety risks people take when biking        Americans with Disabilities (ADA) standards
    now. Bike lanes could be used for other things     •   We look forward to the wide pedestrian cross-
    where other facilities are limited                     ing of the Lehigh River. We were told that the
•   Serves more purpose than a bike lane, and              trail connection will also be improved to the
    making them interconnected                             north side of 21st Street giving our CVS
                                                           Pharmacy and Redner’s Warehouse Market
•   More bike lanes
                                                           an opportunity to serve the walking biking
•   Connecting trails to bike lanes to other areas         public (Northampton Borough)
    (downtown Allentown)
                                                       •   Forcing sidewalks with projects and it is a
•   Bikes can go on busses – Should be promoted            shame that development happens that way
    to connect bus riders to trails
                                                       •   Pedestrian access – Developing ped connec-
•   Hook trails up to warehouses so people can             tions between developments, even if there is
    bike and not drive                                     not a road connection, can encourage use
                                                       •   School walkers. Easy for children to get to and
                                                           from school if they had to walk
•   Trails should be hooked up to parks and
                                                       •   Opportunity for active-transportation
    residential developments; improve regional
                                                           commuting to work – A lot of jobs in the area
•   Connect trails to parks to add new residents.      Airport
      ○ Connecting trails whenever available.          •   4th largest airport in the state
        Make connections so people can use
        them better.                                   •   Airport – Strength, moves people, asset to the
                                                           entire Lehigh Valley
      ○ Northampton Borough – Very walkable
        with large variety of trails and opportuni-    •   Airport – Goods and people
        ties along trail and connected to trail.       •   Airport is doing best they can, people should
•   Strength – D&L Trail! And other Link trails –          be encouraged to fly local and contribute to
    Nor-Bath Trail, plans for more trails connecting       lower costs – advantages, such as shorter
    from park-park, borough-borough                        wait through security check
•   Build up infrastructure for trailhead at D&L       •   Airport is a strength
                                                       Boat Access
•   Future opportunity when bridge project pro-
    vides safer route – Cementon Trailhead             •   We have been told that boating access to the
                                                           Lehigh River is limited and could be improved
•   More trail use decreases traffic congestion
                                                       •   North Catasauqua looking at boat access, and
•   Expand network of trails through new devel-
    opment. Tie the 0-vehicle homes on the west
    side of community to the warehousing jobs to       •   Wildlands Conservancy is great partner at
    the east                                               identifying those key locations for boating
•   Access to D&L Trail, Nor-Bath Trail, access to
    recreation and non-vehicular traffic
LANTA                                                       ○ Extend Walnut Street out of Catasauqua
                                                              Borough to Willowbrook Road. Would be
•   Evaluate stops constantly, whether to add or
                                                              a big project but would provide a third
                                                              ‘major’ way out of Catasauqua Borough
      ○ I am very pleased that LANTA serves
         our area – but we could have the bus         •   Area has a good balance of all transportation
         stop at our farmers market (Northampton          components, different modes
         Borough)                                     •   Possibility of passenger rail.
      ○ Coordination of LANTA bus stops with                ○ Passenger rail to New York and Philadel-
         municipal governments                                 phia
      ○ LANTA bus stops, older/not ideal –                  ○ Possibility of train transportation into
         Working on making sure they have                      New York – Hope
         crosswalks, sidewalks, accessibility               ○ Get rail, put containers on rail
•   Good bus system in area – Many people use it      •   Tractor-trailer staging (instead of using road-
    especially on Main Street                             way)
•   LANTA Bus Route 103 goes up river, historic       •   High rates of 0-car households – Further iden-
    walking area – Struggles with connecting up           tify how this informs transportation planning
    slopes – LANTA has two bus routes in area –
    Infrastructure and road project investment        •   Passive recreation
    could increase bus service too                    •   A lot of residents use, especially seniors and
•   Reinstate $1 student pass. Now kids have              low income
    to get through school but only big districts      •   Widening/improving infrastructure is not the
    provide                                               ‘cure’ – Getting too much development in
                                                          certain areas (warehouses), not just trucks,
Miscellaneous                                             employee traffic too – How to balance?
•   Better connection on the streets                  •   Attract people
•   North/South corridors along river – Historic      •   Balance between goods movement and local
    neighborhoods with sidewalks                          community
•   Well-connected to rest of region because of       •   Continue to expand multi-modal opportunity
    central location, age of infrastructure running       with new development. Reduce safety/conges-
    through                                               tion issues.

Bike Lane                                             •   Better pedestrian connection out of Catasau-
                                                          qua. Race Street to Whitehall Township there’s
•   Need bike lanes
                                                          a sidewalk with a bad crossing over Lehigh
•   Bike and ped – Not safe on the roads                  Street and Pine Street bridge with steep cross-
•   Bicyclists and pedestrians not safe in Hanover        ing. Then sidewalk disappears
    Township – Airport Road, Shoenersville Road,      •   Pedestrian safety – Sidewalk connections to
    Race Street, Weaversville Road                        new development
                                                      •   Race Street – Lots of businesses and LANTA
Sidewalk and Transit                                      service have combined to create issue in Cas-
•   Missing opportunities when not putting side-          cade Drive area
    walk in with roadway construction
                                                      •   Transit – Takes too long to get places
•   FedEx did a lot of work on sidewalk
                                                      •   LANTA to add stop and move stops, reinstat-
•   Developers fight tooth and nail when it comes         ing the $1 student pass is important,
    to sidewalks                                          Catasauqua Borough students get shorted
•   Lack of sidewalks
•   Disconnect between the job shifts and the             •   Semi-trucks parked on streets, needs to be
    transit schedule                                          rectified, need a paved parking lot, they are
                                                              nuisance to traffic flow and manage
Traffic Congestion                                        •   Tractor-trailers parked on urban and side
•   At peak times all major arteries are congest-             streets. It is a weakness that we need to
    ed – Airport Road around retail centers; Race             rectify, whether creating a paved parking area
    Street; Route 22 – Have warehouses                        or something else so that they don’t serve as a
    staggered hours to help manage the traffic?               nuisance to traffic flow. Manage truck traffic to
                                                              improve for everyone
•   Typically during rush hour Route 329 is very
    crowded. For most part reasonable outside of          •   Increase in tractor-trailers
    rush hour                                             •   Industrial growth – Roads are not built to
•   Route 329 is a real challenge – yesterday the             handle the larger tractor trailers
    east bound traffic was blocked for 6 blocks in
    the afternoon all the way into Allen Township         Miscellaneous
•   The through traffic is the concern                    •   Parking – Streets built in mid-1800’s
                                                              (Catasauqua Borough), really tight
•   Congestion – Route 22, Route 329, Airport
    Road, Race Street                                     •   Off-street parking is a challenge for some
      ○ Traffic congestion on Race St                         apartment conversions
      ○ Race Street Traffic                               •   Road conditions
•   Challenge is East-West – Race Street                        ○ Roads need to be better maintained

•   Nor-Bath Trail – Issue with Weaversville              •   Loss of gas tax – Communities losing money
    Road & Airport Road, increasing development               to maintain
    causing traffic conflicts – How to cross Airport      •   Airport – Competing with Newark and
    Road? Overhead bridges to improve safety                  Philadelphia to attract business, challenge
•   Airport Road                                              keeping airfares lower to keep customers –
                                                              Need to make it cost effective to have people
Tractor-Trailers                                              fly locally rather than travel outside the area

•   Increase in truck traffic due to warehouses off       •   Three way, Race Street, 4th Street have a
    of Race Street                                            third way out of Catasauqua Borough

•   Our truck traffic is congesting our traffic signals   •   People dying

•   Semi-trucks going through towns (even two             •   Funding – The neighbors that have the facility
    trailers hooked together)                                 with the tax revenue do not contribute to the
                                                              roads being used, Emergency Medical
•   Accommodating trucking with warehouse                     Services (EMS) support
    growth and multi-uses on roadways – How to
    balance truck traffic and safety

Community Facilities and Utilities
Parks and Recreation                                        a closing of our two or three neighborhood
                                                            schools. In the past the schools, neighborhood
•   Parks – Great parks!
                                                            grocery stores and parks and fire stations was
      ○ Parks need to be maintained and safe                the glue that held our neighborhood together
      ○ Northampton Canal Park, Municipal                   How will we hold together neighborhood in the
         Park, North Catasauqua Park                        future.
      ○ Hanover Township – Canal Park,                  •   Schools – Upgrades to buildings, keeping in
         Sherwood Park – Major asset                        21st century
      ○ Park – Town center, widely used by              •   Moving part of Northampton Schools out to
         community                                          East Allen? Combining schools?
      ○ Appears to be good variety of parks,                  ○ Northampton School District has parcel
         types & sizes                                           of land in East Allen Township – Looking
•   More summer programs for kids at the parks.                  to build a new administration building
    Used to be lots of programs. Bussed from                     and elementary school?
    parks to activities in the past. Keep kids out of         ○ Historic artifacts on site halted project
                                                        •   Would like to see more involvement of
•   Areas along Lehigh River & Canal, where                 community colleges and career and technical
    there’s room to add park areas (part of                 institute
    PennPraxis study) benches, little amenities
•   Opportunity – Northampton Borough                   Utilities
    Recreation Center – heavily used prior to           •   UGI Utilities is replacing service and
    Covid – great classes – safe for kids                   commitment to safely replace and
•   Shared recreational resources                           maintaining the network. Hopefully current
                                                            headache creates a safer future
•   Possibility for lighting, restrooms, future needs
    for smaller trailheads – charging stations          •   Basic infrastructure ties together the
                                                            communities public water and sewers
Emergency Services                                      •   Put public water in with sewer – A lot of people
•   Opportunity for sharing/collaborating on                have wells, City of Bethlehem has been taking
    emergency services if not already done                  over wells as people retire and can’t
    (proximity of three boroughs)                           maintain – Look into possibility of expanding
                                                            public water
•   Emergency services are good at sharing
                                                        •   Northampton Borough is in process of
•   Emergency services in immediate area are                updating sewer plant
    second to none. However, any firemen relief
    funding or grants for equipment purchases are       •   Northampton Borough replacing gas pipes
    welcomed.                                           •   Cost of service is reason for utilities
•   Tom car for emergency service response              •   Solar electric generation is a real potential as
•   North Catasauqua Borough – good police, fire            well as central supercharger stations to serve
    department and public works                             our future electric vehicles

Education                                               Miscellaneous
•   Schools are good                                    •   Encourage career path – Four-year degree or not

•   Schools – engage in community                       •   Share resources with neighbors

•   The Northampton Area School District is             •   We should coordinate where we can properly
    studying and planning a new school complex              host and take advantage of resources
    in the adjacent township – this could lead to           between our communities
•   Community wide coordination of develop-               ing and investing as needed?
    ment. Ensure mutual discussion of community       •   East Allen has a good program need to work
    impacts. (example – capacity of stormwater            as a community
    system, electric grid, sewer service). Are all
    service providers and municipalities coordinat-   •   New Catasauqua municipal building

Aging Infrastructure                                  Emergency Services
•   Aging utility infrastructure – Water pipes,       •   Emergency services – Each community
    sewer lines – Dates back 100-150 years                responding together to fires – Need to look at
                                                          as whole community
•   Sewer system is aging
                                                      •   Northampton fire dept is struggling – Same
•   Sewer/stormwater issues – How development
                                                          with all – Volunteers are low
    is stretching limits of current systems
                                                      •   Hanover Township – Volunteer fire
•   $4-5 million to update, Northampton Borough
                                                          department struggling with recruiting and
    is in the process of updating their sewer
                                                          maintaining volunteers, fund raising is good
                                                      •   Ambulance funding; not sustainable
•   Population increase - $3-4 million to fix sewer
    systems/plants                                    •   Ambulance is struggling financially
•   Sewer in Catasauqua Borough is 1953 old and       •   Ambulance has fundraiser drives to raise mon-
    needs to be updated                                   ey, but they lose money on ambulance drives
•   Bethlehem water system maintenance                •   Ambulance & fire need more services / hands
                                                          to accommodate growing population
•   Lack of public water/sewer in East Allen.
    Everything we do with utilities comes from the    •   Moving towards tax-based emergency medical
    City of Bethlehem or Bath Borough or some-            services (EMS) – struggling financially,
    where else. Lends to lack of development,             required to take every patient
    limited control
•   Catasauqua Borough 1956 – Terracotta clay         Miscellaneous
    pipes. Sewer plant updates of $4-5 million to     •   Align economic development with desires of
    update.                                               the community and infrastructure in the com-
Community Facilities                                  •   Lacking coordination between utility and road
•   Catasauqua Borough Pool, would like it open           work
•   Catasauqua Borough Pool needs close to            •   Universal comment – Utilities do not do a good
    $1 million in renovations. Other needs make           job repairing roads
    this difficult. If North Catasauqua contributed   •   Are areas at a tipping point?
    to pool it may resolve. Those residents pay a
    higher price. Hanover Township does not have      •   Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
    a pool either                                         (MS4) project – Putting money toward
                                                          unfunded requirement. Areas CONSIDERING
•   We have a shared pool, need to do close to $1         stormwater fees to accommodate.
    million. North Catasauqua Borough does not
    contribute anything, even Hanover Township        •   Funding for trail maintenance
    does not have a pool, not sure. Also no library   •   Geese are a threat to healthy trail
    in the area                                           maintenance
•   Catasauqua Borough Pool can be improved,          •   Workforce development – Would like to see
    maintenance is tough – How to keep that               more integrated into the school curriculum,
    infrastructure?                                       encourage career direction at the high school
•   Our churches are so important to our culture,         level
    but many parishes are struggling with             •   Companies bussing employees to work vs
    membership and finances                               ridership desires
•   More summer programs when they are out of         •   Student loan debt of future generation
•   Library is struggling with 100-year anniversary
    coming up. North Catasauqua Borough and                                                              13
    Hanover Township both contribute but could all
    do more. Don’t want to lose it.
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