Page created by Amber Campos

    House building in Scotland continues to persevere
       against the backdrop of political uncertainty.
     The industry is in confident and optimistic mood,
   with strong demand for residential in key city centres.
       The challenge for the year ahead is to address
                  the shortage of supply.

UK Research, January 2017
March 2014
Scotland   Residential Forecasts

                                                                                  OUR VIEW

                                                   SCOTLAND OUTLOOK

                                       We expect residential development activity to increase steadily over the next
                                       five years as the demand and supply imbalance intensifies. Housebuilders are
                                      feeling more optimistic but they are treading carefully, fully aware of the recent
                                       past as well as the uncertainties surrounding Brexit. These pressures will lead
                                                   to price and rental growth especially in key city centres.

                                 Political uncertainty                                                               This time around our analysis,
                                 Nicola Sturgeon is fighting Scotland’s                                              judgement and forecasts suggest that
                                 corner vociferously. She is clear                                                   residential property performance
                                 on how she wants to see Scotland                                                    will be stronger in city centres than
                                 within the new political and economic                                               in traditional housing in out of
                                 environment post-Brexit but whether                                                 town locations. This derives from a
                                 she gets her way is another matter.                                                 complete turnaround in the appetite,
                                                                                                                     desire and view towards city centre
                                 Despite the First Minister’s stance              JLL RESIDENTIAL, SCOTLAND
                                                                                                                     living. The strength and pace of
                                 and campaigning, she will not                                                       change has also led to the emergence
                                                                                       JASON HOGG
                                 be able to quash the uncertainty                                                    of the Private Rented Community
                                 that will undoubtedly overshadow                                                    (PRC) institutional investment model.
                                 Scotland’s outlook over the next few                                                Progress has been slow but is now
                                 years. At the very least economic          Confidence is particularly high in       gathering momentum and we expect
                                 growth and employment growth will          Scotland’s key employment hubs with      to see a number of specialist PRC
                                 have a shallower profile than would        several more mid-sized developers now    developments in both Edinburgh and
                                 otherwise have been the case. This         keen to join the main housebuilders.     Glasgow over the next few years.
                                 said, GDP growth is forecast to be         Competition and bidding between
                                 a reasonably robust 1.3% pa over           developers has intensified as a result   Undeterred for now
                                 the next five years but aggregate          but they are still wary and steering     As well as the economic and political
                                 employment is set to decline as the        clear of sites where they are less       shadows and the tempered confidence
                                 economy rebalances away from public        certain about sales rates and pricing    of developers, another housing market
                                 and manufacturing sectors towards          stability.                               thorn is the Land and Buildings
                                 growth sectors such as financial and                                                Transaction Tax (LBTT). The higher
                                 business services.                         City centre and PRC evolution            marginal rates of tax as well as the
                                                                            Perhaps the greatest housing market      3% surcharge on second home and
                                 Residential development optimism           changes over the past 10-15 years        investment purchases has certainly
                                 Given this economic and political          have been around city centre living      impacted transaction volumes higher
                                 backdrop it is encouraging to see such     and renting. During the last couple      up the value curve. Although 2016/2017
                                 positivity within the housing industry.    of economic downturns it has been        financial year analysis is not yet
                                 However, Scotland-wide development         city centre residential markets which    possible, JLL Scotland would certainly
                                 completions of just under 16,000 units a   have proved most vulnerable and          support a campaign to backtrack, to
                                 year across all tenures have increased     susceptible. This was largely due to     some extent at least, on the distorted
                                 only marginally over the past five years   the reliance on the buy-to-let sector    nature of the reformed tax.
                                 and remain notably below the circa         in terms of sales and the unproven
                                 25,000 units seen in 2007.                 nature of renters.                       Overall, however, the outlook for the
                                                                                                                     Scottish housing market, and for
                                                                                                                     Edinburgh and Glasgow city centres in
                                                                                                                     particular, is one of resilient optimism
                                                                                                                     with more development activity and
                                                                                                                     steady sales price and rental growth
                                                                                                                     over the next five years.
                       OUR FORECASTS                                                             3

   HOUSE PRICE GROWTH (% pa)              2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2017-2021*
   Edinburgh                               5.0    4.0     4.0      4.5    4.0        23.4
   Glasgow                                 2.5    2.5     2.5      3.0    4.0        15.4
   UK                                      0.5     1.0    2.0     4.0      5.0       13.1

   RENTAL GROWTH (% pa)                   2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2017-2021*
   Edinburgh                               3.0    3.5     4.0     4.0      4.5      20.5
   Glasgow                                 2.5    3.0     3.5     4.0     4.0        18.2
   UK                                      2.5    3.0     3.5      3.5    4.0        17.6

   HOUSE PRICE GROWTH (% pa)              2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2017-2021*
   Greater London                          1.0    2.0     3.0      5.0     7.0       19.2
   South East                              1.0     1.5    2.0     4.0      5.5       14.7
   Eastern                                 1.0     1.5    2.5     4.0      5.5       15.3
   South West                             0.0     0.5      1.5     3.5     4.5       10.3
   East Midlands                           0.5     1.0    2.0      3.5     5.0       12.5
   West Midlands                           0.5     1.0    2.0      3.5     5.0       12.5
   Yorkshire & the Humber                  0.5     1.5    2.0      4.0     5.0       13.6
   North West                              2.0    2.0     3.0      4.5     5.5       18.1
   North East                             -1.0    0.0      1.0     3.0     4.0        7.1
   Wales                                  -1.0    0.5      1.0     3.0     4.0       7.6
   Scotland                                0.0     1.0    2.0      3.0     4.5       10.9
   UK                                      0.5     1.0    2.0      4.0     5.0       13.1

   ACTIVITY AND DEVELOPMENT (000s)        2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2017-2021*
   UK transactions                        1,080   1,110   1,150   1,200   1,260     1,160
   Scotland private housing starts        11.25   11.00   11.50   11.50   12.00      11.5
   Scotland private housing completions   11.75   11.50   11.25   11.00   11.50      11.4

* 2017-2021 cumulative figures

                                            ECONOMIC CHALLENGES
                                        Scotland is faced with a number of challenges. Relationships with the rest of the
                                        UK and the EU will need to be managed while the economy will need to switch
                                            focus towards onshore activities and to higher growth business sectors.
    4                                              The next five years will be all about grasping opportunities.

                                 Economic challenges ahead                   Partly as a result of this investment,     21 period. Furthermore 6,400 new
                                 The Scottish Government will need to        economic growth in the cities of           jobs will be created, a 1.7% rise, in
                                 manage changing relationships with          Edinburgh and Glasgow are projected        the transport, communications and
                                 the rest of the UK and the EU. At the       to outpace the rest of Scotland.           construction sectors.
                                 same time, the economy must diversify       Economic growth in Edinburgh is set
                                 away from reliance on offshore oil          to increase by 1.9% pa during the five     Jobs growth in Scotland’s biggest
                                 revenues, which have declined due to        years to 2021, while in Glasgow the        employment hubs of Edinburgh and
                                 the fall in oil prices.                     economy is forecast to expand by 1.6%      Glasgow will be higher than the
                                                                             pa over the same period.                   Scottish average. Employment in
                                 The economic rebalancing will be                                                       Edinburgh is expected to increase by
                                 supported by an additional £800 million     Employment rebalancing                     3.1% between 2017 and 2021, while
                                 fund announced in the 2016 Autumn           Despite economic output increasing         Glasgow should witness a 1.4% rise.
                                 Statement. Aided by greater devolution      over the next five years, total
                                 to the Scottish Government, the extra       employment is predicted to contract        Housing the growing population
                                 funds will allow for further investment     slightly during the restructuring          The number of households in Scotland
                                 in Scotland’s workforce, education sector   process. Overall, employment in            is forecast to rise by approximately
                                 and infrastructure projects, all of which   Scotland is forecast to decrease by 0.3%   61,000 in the five years to 2021, which
                                 will help to boost the wider economy.       which equates to a contraction of 9,200    equates to an expansion of more than
                                                                             jobs during the 2017-2021 period.          12,000 households each year.
                                 Despite the challenges and
                                 rebalancing, the Scottish economy           The decline in jobs will be greatest       Edinburgh and Glasgow are projected to
                                 is expected to increase by a robust         in the manufacturing and utilities         grow at a significantly higher rate than
                                 1.3% pa over the next 5 years. The          sector where employment is forecast        the average across Scotland. Together
                                 expansion will be led by the financial      to decrease by 6.7% during 2017-21.        these two cities represent a weighty 41%
                                 and business services sector where          It is also predicted that the number of    of the increase in Scottish households.
                                 output is forecast to increase by 2.2%      jobs in the public sector will contract    Edinburgh is expected to increase by
                                 pa during the 2017-21 period.               by 3.1% over the same period. These        an additional 15,000 households, while
                                                                             declines are largely mirrored across       the number of households in Glasgow is
                                 City Region deals should also help to       the whole of the UK, reflecting a          expected to increase by another 10,000
                                 boost Scotland’s economy. The Scottish      changing employment market, rather         over the same period.
                                 Government have recently announced          than anything specific to Scotland.
                                 City Region deals for Aberdeen and          However, the nature of the contraction     Given the projected increase in
                                 Inverness which come on the back of         supports the need for greater business     households, a real challenge for
                                 the Glasgow deal in 2014 while a deal       diversification moving forwards.           Scotland, and particularly for
                                 for Edinburgh also looks imminent.                                                     Edinburgh and Glasgow, will be how
                                 The proposed deal for Edinburgh             Importantly, however, the falls in         to deliver the additional housing
                                 would see the injection £2bn of public      some sectors will be offset by the         required. Presently around 16,000
                                 money and is shaped around four             expansion and creation of new jobs         homes a year are being delivered
                                 interconnected programmes; innovation       in other sectors. There are expected       across Scotland but this is not
                                 hubs, infrastructure investment, a          to be 22,000 new jobs created in the       considered sufficient to cater for
                                 regional housing programme and              financial and business services sector,    both the backlog in delivery and the
                                 cultural tourism investment.                a 4.0% increase during the 2017-           expanding population.
% change pa 2017-2021

1   Financial & business services                     +2.2

2 Transport, communications & construction            +1.7

3 Retail & accommodation                              +1.8

4 Manufacturing and utilities                         +1.0

5 Public sector                                       +0.1

6 Other                                               +0.8

    TOTAL                                             +1.3

Source: JLL, Oxford Economics

% change pa, whole economy                             Expected change in number of households pa 2017-2021


    0.7%                                                                                                      2,000

     2017         2018          2019   2020    2021          SCOTLAND                   EDINBURGH             GLASGOW

Source: JLL, Oxford Economics                          Source: JLL, Oxford Economics

                                                                    CITY CENTRE MARKET

                                         Residential development activity in Edinburgh city centre has been relatively
                                            sparse over the past couple of years and with the planning pipeline also
                                          looking quite thin, the demand and supply imbalance in both the sales and
                                           lettings markets looks set to continue. Some schemes, however, will begin
    6                                     on site in 2017, with some of these pure PRC developments. We expect the
                                           appetite for land to intensify over the next 12 months as market prospects
                                                      pick up following several years of under-development.

                                 Sales and letting markets                  particular note, is the West Edinburgh      However, few units will complete
                                 Demand for city centre new build           / South Gyle area where Barratt and         over the next 18-24 months, while
                                 homes in Edinburgh is very strong.         Persimmon are at an advanced stage          the planning pipeline is looking
                                 However, buyers are often frustrated       in the development of two sites which       particularly bare. A lack of suitable
                                 by a lack of available developments        will deliver in excess of 400 units.        and available sites is expected to
                                 such is the supply shortfall.              Importantly, sales throughout 2016          restrict development activity over the
                                                                            have been impressive where achieved         short-to-medium term.
                                 Quartermile, the 900 unit prestigious      pricing has been between £275 and
                                 mixed use development in the Old           £300 psf across a wide range of house       There are a few developments already
                                 Town is in the throes of marketing         and apartment types.                        under construction. Perhaps the most
                                 the final phase of residential having                                                  significant is the TH Real Estate
                                 been by far the largest and most           As a result of the rising demand            redevelopment of the St James Centre
                                 successful residential development         and constrained supply, sales prices        where the existing shopping centre
                                 in Edinburgh in recent years. There        have increased by 5.2% on average           will be replaced by new retail, a luxury
                                 are 104 apartments in the final block      during 2016. Typical prices of one and      hotel, restaurants and a cinema as
                                 of Meadows Point, most of which are        two bedroom flats in the city centre        well as up to 150 residential units.
                                 already sold, while there are just a       were circa £164,000 and £264,000            Completion is due in 2020.
                                 handful of units unsold in the second      respectively at the end of 2016. Average
                                 to last phase of Meadows Peak, which       new build pricing is typically £300-350     Also underway and part-complete is
                                 sold well during 2016. Pricing at          psf but in prime schemes values can         Artisan’s New Waverley scheme, again
                                 Quartermile is presently in the region     exceed £450 psf.                            in the city centre. The large mixed use
                                 of £520 psf with some units fetching                                                   development includes offices, retail,
                                 above £580 psf.                            The city centre lettings market has been    leisure and hotels plus 244 homes and
                                                                            strong during 2016 with the appetite        is likely to finish in 2021.
                                 Other schemes selling in the city          for city centre rental property picking
                                 during 2016 included CALA’s                up pace. The main issue for tenants         Under construction too is the
                                 development of the former Royal Mail       has been a lack of availability over the    development of Donaldson’s College by
                                 Sorting Office at Brunswick Road.          past year, especially in new stock. The     CALA and City & Country, which will
                                 The development of 175 units is one of     resultant market pressures have led to      feature the conversion of the Category
                                 the few larger sites to have product for   a 3.7% average increase in rental levels    A listed Playfair deaf school building
                                 sale throughout 2016. Pricing, which       during 2016 with a typical one bedroom      as well as a brand new crescent of
                                 started off at approximately £300 psf      apartment now commanding in excess          homes where the first residents could
                                 is now regularly achieving in excess       of £670 pcm and a two bedroom flat          move in later this year.
                                 of £340 psf. This price increase story     fetching £890 pcm on average.
                                 was replicated throughout the city,                                                    In addition to these, there are
                                 including at Westpoint’s development       Development market                          a number of developers such as
                                 at Annadale Street.                        The city centre development market          Square and Crescent, AMA, S1,
                                                                            is starting to look fairly sparse given     MNM, Bellway and Kingsford who
                                 The limited availability of sites and      the advanced stages of existing             are working through office and
                                 redevelopment opportunities within         developments. There are several             townhouse conversions and other
                                 the city is forcing developers to look     schemes in or close to the city centre, a   windfall opportunities.
                                 further afield in locations such as West   number of which are already underway.
                                 Edinburgh, Portobello and Leith. Of


   £164k       £264k      £670          £890
                             pcm          pcm
       1 bed    2 bed
                            1 bed        2 bed
AVERAGE                 AVERAGE

PRIME                   PRIME

   £234k       £338k     £1,055         £1,450
                             pcm          pcm
       1 bed    2 bed
                            1 bed        2 bed


     2014      6.2%       2014           8.1%

     2015      3.6%       2015          6.3%

     2016      5.2%       2016          3.7%

Source: JLL

                                                             LAND MARKET & OUTLOOK


                                 Land market                              Murray Estate’s Garden District,         argument is that with the private for
                                 Housebuilder confidence in suburban      the first phase of which will contain    sale market so strong, this remains
                                 locations around Edinburgh is high       around 1,500 units, tiptoes closer to    the most profitable and low risk
                                 with numerous land purchases in          securing planning consent.               route to market.
                                 the bypass zone around and above
                                 £1m per acre.                            Overall, however, it is notable that     Given the constraints of the city
                                                                          most of the sites coming forwards        centre and the lack of development
                                 The depth of demand has also notably     are on the outskirts rather than in      opportunities we believe this will
                                 expanded over the past year. Until       the city centre.                         force PRC development outwith
                                 recently competition for sites has                                                central areas and into locations like
                                 largely been confined to the four        Private Rented Communities               West Edinburgh and Leith.
                                 main housebuilders in Scotland plus      While there is notable interest,
                                 the larger private developers, but as    and indeed several planned PRC           Outlook
                                 was demonstrated during the sale         developments in Edinburgh, none          The supply of new homes in
                                 of the 19.3 acre site at Eskbank in      have yet to see a spade in the ground.   Edinburgh city centre and surrounds
                                 December 2016 there is now an active                                              will continue to be muted over
                                 secondary tier of developers keen to     Grosvenor has plans for a 120 unit       the next few years although there
                                 muscle their way into the topflight.     scheme at Springside although this       are a number of schemes already
                                                                          has been on the table for some time.     underway. The route towards Brexit
                                 The land market around the               Also in the Fountainbridge area the      and the standing of Scotland within
                                 Edinburgh by-pass, particularly          Council’s development arm EDI has        the new framework will cast a slight
                                 close to South East Edinburgh, is        consent for 322 PRC units as part of     shadow of uncertainty over the
                                 very active. Developers are looking      a mixed use development. EDI has         City of Edinburgh but the housing
                                 to take advantage of both the new        also been though a further round of      demand and supply imbalance is
                                 transportation links, which include      bids during 2016 on the former S&N       very unlikely to change markedly
                                 the Shawfair park and ride and the       brewery site with a deal likely to be    over the next few years.
                                 new Border’s rail line, as well as the   announced in 2017.
                                 availability of sites at Newcraighall                                             We expect demand for city centre
                                 round to Shawfair and beyond into        It is surprising that we have            living to continue to thrive and
                                 Midlothian. The successful selling       not seen any PRC schemes come            expand and should lead to sales price
                                 of units at existing developments        to fruition especially given the         and rental growth well above the
                                 in these locations has encouraged        seemingly strong demand in the           national averages given the supply
                                 aggressive bidding for the new sites     rental sector and the shortage of        shortages. We are forecasting sales
                                 which have since become available.       rental property supply. While there      prices to rise by 5% in 2017 and to
                                                                          are issues such as a lack of suitable    average 4.3% pa over the 2017-2021
                                 To the west of the city there are        sites and constraints imposed by         period. We are also predicting strong
                                 three key sites to watch in 2017.        height restrictions, which limit         rental growth, with rents expected
                                 West Craigs and Edinburgh Park           developments to 8-10 stories, even       to increase by 3% in 2017 and by
                                 have combined capacity for over          the sites that have had consent          an average of 3.8% pa over the five
                                 2,500 units and are allocated and        for several years have failed to         years 2017-2021.
                                 available for sale. Meanwhile,           be brought forward. Part of the
% change pa                                                                                  9

                                                                              2017 - 2021

       5%            4%           4%            41/2%           4%
         2017         2018          2019          2020            2021

Source: JLL

% change pa

                                                                              2017 - 2021

      3%          3 %1/
                       2         4%             4%            4 %
        2017         2018         2019           2020            2021

Source: JLL

“The lack of new build development within Edinburgh has added significant pressure on
 pricing across active developments in 2016. Whilst this has clearly benefitted developers
 who have had apartments to sell, the restricted availability of new opportunities within
 the city boundaries is a concern. This may, however, benefit peripheral city centre
 locations such as West Edinburgh and Leith where we expect considerable housebuilder

Cameron McCallum
JLL Residential, Edinburgh

                                                                    CITY CENTRE MARKET

                                             The new build residential market in Glasgow has been a little subdued
                                             over the course of 2016. The schemes which have been on the market
                                              have sold well but the number of developments coming through has
                                               been disappointingly low. The prospects for greater development
                                             volumes moving forward looks more promising despite the disruption
                                                   of Brexit while the first new breed specialist private rented
                                                            development could get underway in 2017.

                                 Sales market                               As a result of the rising demand             The diversity of demand has certainly
                                 The new build sales market in Glasgow      and constrained supply, sales prices         increased over the past year with the
                                 is set to be far more active in 2017       have increased by 2.1% on average            four Scottish plc housebuilders now
                                 following a quiet 2016 when very few       during 2016. Typical prices of one and       facing stronger competition from the
                                 schemes were on the market.                two bedroom flats in the city centre         emerging group of mid-sized developers
                                                                            were circa £148,000 and £220,000             as well as from Housing Associations.
                                 The Botanics, a 94 unit development by     respectively at the end of 2016. Average     Developers are even now prepared to
                                 David Wilson Homes in the West End,        new build pricing is typically around        reduce projected profit margins in order
                                 is currently the best-selling scheme in    £300 psf.                                    to secure the best sites although there
                                 Glasgow with some units selling for                                                     continue to be very few single payment
                                 in excess of £400 psf. Over half of the    Rentals market                               purchases with phased payments
                                 units are now sold with some already       Interest in city centre living has fuelled   preferred on site purchases above £3m.
                                 occupied while the remaining units         an even greater demand for rental
                                 should complete in 2017.                   property in Glasgow. The lack of new         2016 has seen an increased
                                                                            development to meet this growing need        appetite and competition for flatted
                                 Other schemes selling within Glasgow’s     has led to a 3.0% uplift in average rental   developments in prime areas outwith
                                 West End during 2016 have seen prices      values during 2016 with prime rents          the city centre. There are several
                                 ranging from £270 psf to £360 psf.         shifting up by almost 6% on average.         such schemes in the pipeline for
                                 Schemes include The Atrium by Kelvin                                                    2017 including Westpoint Homes’
                                 Properties, which comprises a 33 unit      Competition between tenants for              development adjacent to the Avenue
                                 redevelopment of the former Broomhill      the limited availability continues to        Shopping Centre in Newton Mearns,
                                 School, Hillside Gardens Lane,             increase with little respite expected        CALA Homes’ redevelopment of the
                                 Partickhill comprising of 6 townhouses,    in 2017 given that so few new                former Mansionhouse Unit site in
                                 Kirklee Mansions, Lowther Terrace          developments will be completing.             Langside while a number of apartments
                                 and the last remaining units within                                                     are included at Jordanhill Campus
                                 Credential Homes’ Dowanhill Collection.    Typically a one bedroom flat commands        which is under offer to CALA Homes.
                                                                            a rent of £595 pcm while a two bedroom
                                 Overall, however, there are not enough     flat rents for £775 pcm on average.          It is interesting to see that Housing
                                 new schemes to meet the growing                                                         Associations are now making a
                                 demand for city centre living in           Land market                                  significant contribution to the
                                 Glasgow. Demand has been increasing        Demand for residential development           Government’s target of delivering
                                 during the course of the past two years    land in Glasgow city centre is high with     50,000 new homes during the
                                 with the resident population as well       plenty of competition, especially for        parliamentary term. Indeed they
                                 as newcomers to the city getting more      prime sites. This has led to increasing      are behind some of the most high
                                 and more comfortable with living and       land values in prime locations but           profile site acquisitions despite tough
                                 working closer to all the amenities that   developers remain nervous about more         competition from the private sector.
                                 Glasgow has to offer.                      remote and secondary areas due to            Sanctuary Group, for example, recently
                                                                            sales rate uncertainty.                      acquired the Victoria Infirmary site in
                                                                                                                         Langside for a residential-led scheme.


    £148k      £220k      £595          £775
                             pcm          pcm
       1 bed    2 bed
                            1 bed        2 bed
AVERAGE                 AVERAGE

PRIME                   PRIME

    £173k      £270k      £845          £1,300
                             pcm          pcm
       1 bed    2 bed
                            1 bed        2 bed


     2014      4.1%       2014           7.3%

     2015      4.1%       2015          5.6%

     2016      2.1%       2016          3.0%

Source: JLL

                                                   DEVELOPMENT MARKET & OUTLOOK


                                 Development market                           365 PRC units are planned; and              against mainstream residential policies.
                                 The prospects for the residential            the Sighthill Transformational              The lack of policy division is leading to
                                 development market in Glasgow are            Regeneration Area where Glasgow             frustrations for developers in terms of
                                 more promising than they have been           City Council are looking for a              design and viability. The development
                                 for some time. While there have been         development partner for the £250m           industry as a whole is now looking to
                                 a few notable new schemes in recent          mixed use, residential-led masterplan       the Scottish Government to resolve
                                 years the quantum of development             incorporating 450 units for private         some of the key issues facing the sector
                                 has been quite muted. This has               sale.                                       in the hope that PRC development can
                                 largely been a function of subdued                                                       reach its full potential.
                                 housebuilder confidence even during          Peel Holdings also has plans to develop
                                 the recovery phase of the latest             a 232 unit PRC scheme as part of the        Outlook
                                 economic revival. There remains a            Glasgow Harbour regeneration project        The prospects for the Glasgow
                                 little reticence as a result of the Brexit   while Expresso Property has secured         residential market look promising
                                 vote but we expect most housebuilders        planning consent for 98 homes at Park       despite the shadow of Brexit.
                                 to press ahead with their planned            Quadrant in the Park district of the        Housebuilder confidence is quite
                                 schemes during 2017.                         city where they may begin marketing         buoyant, albeit wary of more risky
                                                                              units this year.                            projects, and this should lead to
                                 The most notable development likely                                                      a further rise in the number of
                                 to get underway this year is the Mace        Private Rented Communities                  developments getting underway in 2017.
                                 and Mercer Real Estate Candleriggs           Encouragingly and following much
                                 scheme in Merchant City. The                 conjecture in recent years, a number        Demand for city centre living in
                                 developers have recently submitted a         of dedicated PRC developments are           Glasgow is in the process of pushing
                                 revised planning application for this        likely to see construction works start      through its peak with implications
                                 mixed use scheme for 132 private             this year. These include units at the       for sales and lettings markets as well
                                 apartments and 435 PRC units as              Candleriggs development, the former         as for prices and rents. Affordability
                                 well as retail, hotel and student            Strathclyde Police HQ at Pitt Street        remains the key constraint in the
                                 accommodation. This development              and Peel’s Glasgow Harbour site. And        mainstream Glasgow market given the
                                 would be regarded as the largest city        given the level of rental demand we         underlying and diverse demographics
                                 centre development in Glasgow since          expect these schemes to let well when       of Scotland’s second city.
                                 Buchanan Galleries in the 1990s.             they do eventually come to the market
                                                                              from 2018.                                  We expect at least one PRC
                                 A number of other schemes are                                                            development to commence construction
                                 also worthy of note. These include           It is also positive for the sector that     this year to lead the sector’s exciting
                                 the mixed use plans for Glasgow              the Scottish Government is seeking to       emergence. We also expect end-user
                                 University Campus where private for          further support PRCs and is currently       demand to be strong once these
                                 sale residential units and PRC units         testing a rental income guarantee           schemes come to market despite rents
                                 are proposed as part of the masterplan       scheme in conjunction with Homes for        likely to be above current rates. Prices
                                 for the 5.8 acre surplus portion of the      Scotland and a PRC working party.           and rents are forecast to rise modestly
                                 Western Infirmary site; the Apache                                                       in 2017 and to continue a steady path
                                 Capital and Moda former Strathclyde          An ongoing issue for PRCs is that from      upwards in the ensuing few years.
                                 Police HQ site on Pitt Street where          a policy perspective it is still assessed
% change pa                                                                              13

                                                                         2017 - 2021

  21/2%           21/2%       21/2%           3%             4%
      2017           2018        2019          2020           2021

Source: JLL

% change pa

                                                                         2017 - 2021

    21/2%           3%         31/2%           4%            4%
        2017          2018       2019          2020           2021

Source: JLL

“Glasgow has been the focus of interest from PRC developers and investors for the
 last few years, and 2017 now sees the city with a pipeline of committed PRC schemes.
There continues to be a lack of new build development both for private sale and for
 rent in the city centre, with developers continuing to express preference to west end
 and south side locations where some record pricing is being achieved.”

Nina Stobie
JLL Residential, Glasgow

                                          BREXIT OUTCOME KEY TO
                                           UK ECONOMIC FUTURE
                                                The economic and political landscape for the next five years will
    14                                         be particularly uncertain. The outlook is highly dependent on the
                                              negotiations, ongoing rhetoric and the final Brexit deals agreed but
                                            output growth is expected to remain positive throughout and to return
                                             to trend within five years even if a hard Brexit is the ultimate decision.

                                 2016 Brexit influence                     2017 reasonably robust                       GDP growth is expected to rise from
                                 The vote to leave the EU has              Brexit uncertainty will continue to          1.5% pa in 2018 towards a very
                                 heightened both political and economic    be the overriding characteristic in          respectable 2.3% pa by 2021. The bank
                                 risks for the UK.                         2017. Rhetoric emanating from Brexit         rate is only anticipated to be increased
                                                                           negotiations, including the invoking of      marginally in order to maintain
                                 The UK economy is expected to have        Article 50 in Q1, is likely to mean quite    economic expansion momentum. Even
                                 slowed in 2016 with business investment   a turbulent time in terms of business        by the end of 2021 the bank rate is only
                                 falling. This said, post-Brexit surveys   and consumer confidence.                     forecast to be 1.5%.
                                 suggest that the economic slowdown has
                                 not been as harsh as many had feared,     This will mean lower business                The jobs market should have returned
                                 while averting a recession now looks      investment, postponed capital spending       to today’s levels by 2021 while
                                 highly likely.                            and deferred employment plans.               earnings growth is forecast to be as
                                                                           Overall business investment is forecast      buoyant as 4.3% pa. Even exchange
                                 The Bank of England reacted swiftly       to fall by 1.0% in 2017 following a          rates are predicted to have recovered
                                 and decisively. It cut the bank rate      similar decline in 2016.                     some post-Brexit lost ground with the
                                 to just 0.25% in August from its                                                       pound pushing above $1.30.
                                 previous historic low of 0.5%, as well    Consumer spending growth is
                                 as announcing other Quantitative          expected to ease as the supports of          Forecast risks
                                 Easing measures, in a move intended       very low inflation and a strong jobs         The forthcoming five year UK
                                 to bolster the economy.                   market both subside.                         economic outlook is particularly
                                                                                                                        uncertain. Clearly much depends on
                                 Regardless, the economy will continue     There will be a shallow rise in              the nature and detail of our EU exit.
                                 to be affected by the referendum.         unemployment, further dampening              Our base economic forecast assumes
                                 GDP growth, which had increased to        household spending power. UK                 a hard Brexit with access to the
                                 an estimated 2.0% pa by Q4 2016 is        unemployment is predicted to rise            single market sacrificed in favour of
                                 forecast to slow in 2017. An easing in    from 4.9% of the workforce in 2016 to        immigration controls.
                                 consumer and business confidence and      5.2% in 2017.
                                 uncertainty about the future are the                                                   Despite this, the economic prognosis is
                                 principal drivers of slower growth.       Overall GDP growth is predicted to           not too detrimental for the UK. There
                                                                           slow to 1.2% pa by Q4 2017.                  is clearly downside risk to this quite
                                 The Brexit vote had an immediate                                                       benign outlook, if trade agreements
                                 impact on exchange rates with the         Medium-term 2018-2021                        and financial-sector passporting rights
                                 pound notably weaker relative to all      Despite some form of hard Brexit, the        are not favourable.
                                 currencies. This has also led to a        UK economy is expected to regain
                                 rise in imported inflation with CPI       some forward momentum after 2017.            However, this base assumption also
                                 inflation nudging up from its low of      The Brexit roadmap is likely to be a         implies that there is significant upside
                                 -0.1% pa in 2015 and is expected to be    little clearer instilling a greater degree   potential too.
                                 as high as 1.6% pa by the end of 2016.    of certainty and confidence for both
                                                                           businesses and consumers.

                        GDP        BANK   EXCHANGE   EARNINGS   UNEMPLOYMENT
                      GROWTH       RATE     RATE     GROWTH         RATE
                           % pa     %        £/$       % pa          %

    2014              3.5%        0.5%    $1.56      4.0%         5.7%

    2015              1.7%        0.5%    $1.48      3.0%         5.1%

    2016              2.0%        0.25%   $1.23      3.2%         4.9%

    2017              1.2%        0.25%   $1.26      3.2%         5.2%

    2018              1.5%        0.25%   $1.25      3.3%         5.2%

    2019              1.7%        0.5%    $1.27      3.4%         5.2%

    2020              2.2%        1.0%    $1.31      4.0%         5.2%

    2021              2.3%        1.5%    $1.34      4.3%         5.1%
Source: JLL, Oxford Economics

                                                    UK HOUSING MARKET
                                        The path towards Brexit will dictate what happens in the UK housing market.
    16                                     However, although we expect some turbulence, we believe the housing
                                        market will remain reasonably strong and active. Demand will be undermined
                                        in the short-term by uncertainty and a more subdued economy while supply
                                                       issues will exacerbate, lending support to prices.

                                 2017                                      2018                                          2019-2021
                                 The UK housing market was returning       Brexit negotiations will be ongoing           The UK will formally leave the EU
                                 to a more normal and healthy state        during 2018 but the principles of our         during this time. Our exit route should
                                 prior to the referendum. Although         departure should become clearer.              already have been clearly defined before
                                 UK house price growth was a little        While the hard exit may not be the best       exit, with economic sentiment becoming
                                 too high, at 8-10% pa, UK transaction     outcome for all, the key here is that there   more optimistic and the economy
                                 levels had pushed above 1.2m pa and       will be greater certainty. This will create   already on a slight upward trajectory.
                                 new housing starts in England had         a stronger base and a more optimistic
                                 escalated to 144,000 homes pa.            outlook whatever the terms of our exit.       Businesses and households will
                                                                                                                         be feeling more confident and certain,
                                 However, the referendum vote has          Companies will be able to plan for the        although economic conditions will be
                                 created uncertainty for businesses,       future, investing in their businesses and     sound and positive rather than exuberant.
                                 households and housebuilders. Early       staff once again while households will
                                 indications since the vote suggest a      also be more certain of what the future       Many people will now be feeling that
                                 mild slowdown in housing transactions     holds. The economy will start to expand       they should get onto the housing ladder
                                 and marginal easing in house price        more strongly again, albeit slowly and        before the next wave of strong upward
                                 growth but nothing more sinister.         cautiously at first. Employment levels will   price movement and this will create
                                                                           begin to pick up along with wage growth.      some urgency, albeit from a reasonably
                                 Importantly, the market slowdown is
                                                                                                                         benign starting point.
                                 being caused by an easing in economic     This will lead to slightly higher housing
                                 growth predicated by an uncertain         transaction levels as households feel
                                 outlook rather than by a fundamental      more confident about buying their first       Others will be feeling more confident
                                 lending and global crisis as we           home or moving up the housing ladder.         about moving up the housing ladder
                                 experienced in 2008.                      There will also be increased turnover as      while investors are also likely to be
                                                                           more people move through job changes.         more active given the more positive
                                 This is important as there is not a                                                     housing market prospects.
                                 sound underlying reason why house         Housing construction starts are likely
                                 prices should decline notably. There      to be very low in 2018 while completions      Improved confidence will also be aided
                                 will not be widespread job losses or      will still be slowing from greater            by a supportive mortgage market and
                                 household financial problems.             activity in previous years.                   low interest rates.

                                 However, we still predict a circa 11%     Despite this, with demand accelerating        Transaction levels and house prices
                                 fall in transactions in 2017.             and new supply low, there is likely to        should begin to rise more strongly
                                                                           be increased pressure on prices. This         in 2020, as everyone settles into life
                                 We expect prices will be broadly flat     will begin in quite muted fashion before      post-Brexit.
                                 during 2017 as the number of buyers       intensifying in future years.
                                 diminishes slightly and their urgency
                                                                                                                         Rental growth should also accelerate
                                 to buy and to pay top dollar subsides.    The UK lettings market will again feel
                                                                                                                         during this period, rising to around 4%
                                 However, we still expect demand to        more stable with the need and desire to
                                                                                                                         pa by 2021.
                                 be robust with some buyers taking         remain flexible a key consideration for
                                 advantage of more subdued conditions.     occupants. Rental growth is forecast to
                                                                           rise by 3% in 2018.
                                 Although housing completions will
                                 be rising during 2017, they will still
                                 fall well short of need leading to some
                                 upward pressure on prices.

                                 The rental market should be stronger
                                 and more active. We expect UK rents to
                                 rise in the order of 2½%.
% change pa
                                                              2008        -14.6%
                                                              2012         2.0%
                                                              2014         7.8%
       2  %                   1%      2%      4%      5%      2015         7.8%
       2017                   2018    2019    2020     2021
                                                              2016         7.0%*

Source: JLL, Land Registry                                    *estimate

Number pa

       2017                   2018    2019    2020    2021

 1.08m                       1.11m   1.15m   1.20m   1.26m    2006         1.67m
                                                              2009        0.86m
                                                              2014         1.22m
                                                              2015         1.23m
                                                              2016         1.22m*

Source: JLL, HMRC                                             *estimate

% change pa                                                   2012         2.6%
                                                              2013         1.7%
                                                              2014         1.7%
   21/2%                     3%      31/2%   31/2%    4%      2015         2.5%
       2017                   2018    2019    2020     2021
                                                              2016         2.2%*

Source: JLL, ONS                                              *estimate

                                                            HOUSING SUPPLY
                                               The most concerning housing market impact from Brexit will be the
    18                                          detrimental impact on housing supply. Policymakers have plans in
                                             place and are being very positive and proactive, but the big question is
                                            whether market forces or inducements from government will win the day.
                                             Ultimately, and unfortunately, we think it will be very difficult to increase
                                                               housebuilding in the current climate.

                                 Supply nudging up                           Fundamentally development risk has        next financial year. The scheme would
                                 The national housing supply picture in      increased.                                encourage operators by underwriting
                                 Scotland has improved steadily over the                                               part of the rental income in the first
                                 past few years but has not accelerated      Many developments will still go           few years.
                                 as the government had hoped.                ahead, albeit less urgently in some
                                                                             cases, but some schemes will get          In addition to these initiatives,
                                 Completions in the year to Q2 2016          postponed. Importantly, however,          the Government has also set aside
                                 across all tenures was just under           there is not a lending or financial       funding to help people into home
                                 16,000 units, up 16% from 13,800            crisis as we saw in 2008, so the          ownership. The Open Market Shared
                                 units in the year to Q2 2013. This          impact of this “confidence” slowdown      Equity Scheme and the new Help to
                                 compares with a peak of just under          is likely to be relatively muted.         Buy (Scotland) scheme aims to help up
                                 27,000 units in the year to Q2 2005.                                                  to 7,500 households buy a home in the
                                                                             Supportive government                     three years to March 2019.
                                 In terms of private housing, there          The housebuilding slowdown
                                 were 12,100 completions in the year         will nevertheless come as a huge
                                 to Q2 2016, a 25% increase from             disappointment for policymakers who
                                                                                                                       It is hugely encouraging that
                                 the 9,700 units completed in the 12         have been trying to tackle the national     the Government is looking
                                 months to Q2 2013. While this rise is       housing supply crisis and have been        at the housing supply issue
                                 notable and welcome, it is not deemed       buoyed to some extent by the slightly
                                                                                                                       as a broad problem to solve.
                                 nearly enough to meet existing and          higher numbers in recent years.
                                 predicted demand.                                                                      The proposed review of the
                                                                             The Scottish Government has been             planning system, coupled
                                 Perhaps more worrying is that the           vocal about supporting the need               with the commitment to
                                 number of starts has slowed over the        for more housing. Perhaps most
                                 past year. Although starts across all       importantly, they have backed this
                                                                                                                          help tackle infrastructure
                                 tenures are down just 7% compared           with financial support and are              blockages, is testament to
                                 with nine months earlier, the number        targeting all forms of tenure.                this approach and to its
                                 of private sector starts has dropped
                                                                                                                          fervour to do everything
                                 11% to less than 12,000 units a year        For example, they have committed
                                 by Q2 2016.                                 over £3bn over five years to help fund      it can to help deliver more
                                                                             50,000 new affordable homes which            housing, more affordable
                                 Brexit slowdown inevitable                  will be accompanied by increased            housing and indeed more
                                 Although there are no post-Brexit           subsidy levels and a further fund
                                 national housebuilding statistics yet, we   aimed at affordable rural housing.
                                                                                                                            housing of all tenures.
                                 are expecting the number of new starts
                                 to slow further during both Q3 and Q4       The Government is also keen to
                                 2016 in response to the EU vote.            promote the expansion of the private      Realistic hopes
                                                                             rented sector. Following a consultation   So the Scottish Government are
                                 Housebuilders will quite naturally          period in 2016, the Government            certainly being proactive and
                                 be more cautious as the outlook for         announced in December that its            thoughtful about addressing
                                 households and housing demand               budget for 2017/18 will include plans     Scotland’s housing supply issue.
                                 has become more uncertain.                  for a rental guarantee scheme in the      The main stumbling block at present,
however, is the uncertain economic         volumes. Even in locations where the     We are forecasting private sector
and political landscape. And whilst        market dynamics support high levels      starts to slow to 11,250 units in 2017,
these initiatives are welcome, the big     of new supply, housebuilders are being   down from around 11,500 units in
question is whether they will be able      understandably cautious.                 2016 and almost 12,900 units in 2015.
to have any quick or material impact                                                We expect the Brexit uncertainty to
in boosting supply.                        Overall, therefore, we believe that      suppress starts over the following few
                                           market forces will win the day in the    years too before greater confidence in
In terms of the private sector,            short-term and we think it will be       the economic outlook leads to a more
housebuilders will only build              very difficult to manufacture any kind   meaningful rise in starts from 2021.
if it makes financial sense for            of increase in development activity in
them to do so and if the risks are         the current climate, despite the best    In terms of completions we anticipate
manageable. And given current              efforts of the Government.               these slipping to a low of 11,000 units
circumstances it will be difficult to                                               a year during 2020 before picking up
entice housebuilders on site in greater                                             from 2021.

Number pa

                                                                                                         2006        23.6k
                                                                                                         2012        10.5k
                                                                                             12k         2013

                                                    11.5k               11.5k                            2014        13.0k
            11.25k                  11k                                                                  2015        12.9k
                                                                                                         2016        11.5k*
   2017                     2018            2019                2020                2021

Source: JLL, Scottish Government                                                                         *estimate

Number pa

                                                                                                         2006        21.9k
                                                                                                         2012        9.9k
                                                                                                         2013        10.5k
                                   11.5k                                                   11.5k         2014        12.1k
                                                   11.25k                 11k                            2015        12.1k
                                                                                                         2016        12.0k*
   2017                     2018            2019                2020                2021

Source: JLL, Scottish Government                                                                         *estimate

                                            THE FINAL WORD
                                            “The changing perception of city centre living in recent years is likely to
                                            mean that Edinburgh and Glasgow will lead the Scottish residential market
                                             during the uncertainties of the next few years, despite these being perhaps
                                            most vulnerable to unfavourable Brexit effects.
                                             Housebuilders are more pro-development now than they have been for
                                             some time. Encouragingly, we are now seeing the re-emergence of smaller
                                             and mid-sized housebuilders. They are providing stiff competition to the
                                             larger and more established Scottish housebuilders who have kept their
                                             toes in the market despite tougher market conditions in recent years.
                                            This is forcing up land values in key locations and creating a more diverse
                                            base of developers but the battle and scarcity for prime city centre sites is
                                            also generating opportunities and desire to develop in peripheral locations.
                                             All of this is positive for the Scottish residential market moving forward. Let
                                             us hope that the political and economic landscape does not undermine the
                                             drive towards a more normal and sustainable housing market.”

                                             Neil Chegwidden
                                             JLL Residential Research

                                 KEY CONTACTS

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                                                          RESEARCH                                                             RESEARCH                                                             SCOTLAND
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                                 network of UK regional offices, the Residential team at JLL is                                                                   Join the discussion on twitter @NeilChegwidden /
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