Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District

Page created by Anne Fuller
Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District
Summer 2022

                                    A Facility of the Addison Park District

                        Mini - Indoor / Outdoor
                              Sprint Event
                        Saturday, June 18
                      Addison Park District                    Centennialool
                           Triathlon                          Rec Center P
       Playground                                                      Follow Us

Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District
Letter from the Executive Director

Welcome to the Addison Park District Summer Activity Guide 2022 Digital Edition.
Summer has arrived and we have a great line-up of family                                  to a summer season of programs and events you want and
friendly programs for all to enjoy.                                                       enjoy participating in. If there are classes and events, you
                                                                                          want and don’t see please let us know. We would appreciate
We are excited to see you again in our parks, on the ball                                 the feedback. We are continuously creating innovative
fields, in our day camp, swim lessons, playing tennis, taking                             programs and services, while continuing with the programs
dance lessons and many other activities. Our acclaimed All                                and services you know and love. Have a safe and fun
Star Summer Camp is back with loads of fun filled days.                                   summer!
Also ready for your play is Putter’s Peak mini golf course
and Links & Tees 9-hole course and driving range.                                         Sincerely,

The Addison Park District is here to meet your recreation
and special events needs and we look forward to a
                                                                                          Jen Hermonson
                                                                                          Executive Director
successful summer season. The team is eager to get back

                       Visit our website at, sign up for our email news list
                             and follow us on Facebook for the most up to date information.

                                           Our Park District Commissioners
Frank Angiulo                  Michael Capizzano                      Dean Stathopoulos                      Michael Clementi                     Stacey Ruffolo
  President                      Vice President                           Treasurer                           Commissioner                          Secretary

                                           Discover, Energize, and Connect by joining
                                           Itasca Bank & Trust Co.’s Women’s Initiative!
  For over twenty years, Itasca Bank & Trust Co.’s Women’s InitiativeSM has          There is no fee to join the Women’s Initiative, nor to attend programs or
  presented a variety of programs and services that make a difference in women’s     Roundtables. For more information or to Join the Women’s Initiative, visit
  lives. From personal interest to business and financial focus, the many roles of and click on the Women’s Initiative tab.
  women have been celebrated and enhanced. The Women’s Initiative also offers
  the opportunity to connect with other interesting women. Past programs include:
       • The New Fraud Landscape             • Ice Cream Social
       • The Art and Life of Frida Kahlo     • Marketing & Selling Tips
  The Women’s Initiative also holds monthly Roundtables for women business                         308 West Irving Park Road, Itasca, Illinois 60143
  owners. Roundtable members address real-life business issues, provide realistic                  One East Irving Park Road, Roselle, Illinois 60172
  feedback and solutions, and monitor progress toward goals.                                                         630-773-0350

  2        Summer 2022 |               630-233-7275
Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District
Table of Contents & Facilities

 TABLE OF CONTENTS                                    PAGE              LOCATION & HOURS
 Adult Athletics Leagues ............................ 34                ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE
 Aquatics .............................................. 11-13
 Art Programs ......................................... 36              Community Recreation Center
 Before & After School Care ........................ 23                 & Senior Leisure Center
                                                                        120 E. Oak Street, Addison, IL 60101
 Club Fitness .......................................... 8-10
                                                                        Phone:               630-233-7275, option 2
 Dance ................................................. 18-19
 Day Off Fun ........................................... 29             Mon-Fri:             9:00am-5:00pm
                                                                        Sat-Sun:             CLOSED
 Facility Rentals ...................................... 38-39          Visit for updates.
 General Information                                                         A Wheelchair Accessible Facility
    Registration Form ................................ 41
                                                                        Splash Pad Open          FREE Admission
    General Policies .................................. 42              Call 630- 233-7275, option 2 for hours.
 Golf .................................................... 37
 Meet Our Staff ....................................... 46              Centennial Recreation Center,
 NEDSRA............................................... 15               Club Fitness Program &
 Park and Facility Information ...................... 44-45             Registration Facility
 Preschool ............................................. 14-17          1776 W. Centennial Place, Addison, IL 60101
 Senior Club ........................................... 35             Phone:               630-233-7275, option 3
 Special Events ....................................... 4-5             Mon-Fri:             5:00am-10:00pm
 Sponsorship Program ............................... 6                  Sat:                 6:00am-5:00pm
                                                                        Sun:                 7:00am-5:00pm
 Summer Day Camp .................................. 20-22
 Tumbling Times....................................... 24-25                 A Wheelchair Accessible Facility
 Youth Programs ...................................... 32-33
 Youth Sports & Athletics ........................... 26-28,            Links & Tees Golf Facility
                                                                        900 W. Lake Street, Addison, IL 60101
                                                                        Phone:               630-233-7275, option 4
 We’re Hiring .......................................... 40
                                                                        Golf Course call (630) 233-7275 option 4
 We Want to Hear From You ......................... 46                  for spring course information and Tee Times.
 What’s Happening Around the Community....... 43                        Outdoor Driving Range, FootGolf, Putter’s Peak
                                                                        Mini Golf – call for availability
Addison Park District | Mission and Values                              Indoor Golf Dome (Closed for the Summer Season)

OUR MISSION STATEMENT: The Addison Park District mission                Putters Peak
is to provide the community recreation opportunities through            After May 30th, hours are 11am-10pm daily.
    quality recreation programs, facilities, and open space.            Hours and fees are subject to change. Please call
                                                                        Links & Tees at (630) 233-7275 option 4 for updates.
                      OUR CORE VALUES
                                                                        Parks & Planning Department
• Excellence And Innovation         •E  mbrace Diversity               414 W. Fullerton, Addison, IL 60101
• Teamwork And Partnership             and Provide Accessibility
                                                                        Phone:               630-233-7275, option 5
• Fiscally Responsible              • V isionary Leadership And
                                       Environmental Stewards           Army Trail School Gym
• Community Enrichment
                                    •P  roviding Fun And Healthy       346 W. Army Trail Blvd., Addison, IL 60101
• Relevance To The Community
                                       Lifestyles Opportunities
                                                                        Phone:               630- 458-3083
                                       within a Safe Environment

                                                                         |    Summer 2022            3
Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District
Special Events

                                       Movie in
                                       the Park
                                       AT COMMUNIT Y PARK

                                     Saturday, July 16
                                       8:30 - 10pm
                                                Sing 2       Rain date:
                                                              July 23

                                    at Centennial Recreation Center
                                         August 6
                                       10am - 12noon
                                         Ages    FREE        Rain date:
                                                EVENT        August 13

 4   Summer 2022 |   630-233-7275
Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District
Special Events

Special Events                  SPONSORED BY                     Egg Breakfast
                                                                    & Egg Hunt
Explore Special Events at
 ADDISONPARKS.ORG                                                Easter Egg Breakfast & Hunt
                                                                     SATURDAY, APRIL 9

      S P R I N G

     PARK                      Swim Bi ke Run
     Spring Park Pride      Triathlon (swim/bike/run)                  Movie in the Park
    SATURDAY, MAY 14           SATURDAY, JUNE 18                      SATURDAY, JULY 16

                                    F A L L

      Touch A Truck              Fall Park Pride                        Candy Carnival

     Letters to Santa         Breakfast with Santa              Polar Express Storytime Train
     DECEMBER 1 - 16        SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17                SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10
                                                                AND SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18

                                                 |   Summer 2022   5
Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District
Sponsorship Program

                                  Addison Park District | Sponsorship Program
PARK DISTRICT                     Let Your Business Be Seen with the Addison Park District
Scholarship                       Advertising & Sponsorship Program
Program                           Why the Addison Park District?
                                  Every day the Addison Park District provides memorable experiences in parks and recreation
The Addison Park District         that enrich the lives of our community. Daily, weekly, and monthly visitors take part in programs,
believes that every               events, and activities with the Addison Park District at extraordinary facilities like Community
                                  Park, the Club Fitness Aquatic Center, Centennial Recreation Center, and Putter’s Peak. The
resident should have an           Park District also manages 284 acres of park land providing programs, activities, and events
opportunity to participate        throughout the year, reaching every corner of our community.
in recreational programs
                                  Research also shows that 98% of guests share their experiences directly with friends and
regardless of economic
                                  neighbors, and indirectly with their social media contacts and followers. These numbers
hardship.                         demonstrate that being the right kind of sponsor means much more to your target audience
                                  than just being an advertiser. Park District guests tend to support the businesses and
In cooperation with               organizations associated with programs that benefit the community as a whole. If your business
the Addison Parks &               or organization is interested in building a long-lasting relationship with clients, we encourage you
Recreation Foundation,            to look at the many sponsorship opportunities available at the Addison Park District.
the Park District offers
this financial assistance         A snapshot of our advantages:
program for people in             • 14,000 Activity Guides are printed each season, 4 times a year.
need. We encourage                • 11,500 are mailed to households in Addison with a general shelf life of 3-4 months.
you to view the program           • The Activity Guide is available for download from the website
details online.                     expanding your visibility into greater markets.
                                  • Addison Park District has 4,886 social media followers and 4,000 active email blast addresses.

                             For more partnership information please call 630-233-7275.

  6     Summer 2022 |       630-233-7275
Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District

De-Stress with us!
Schedule a Massage
at Athletico Addison

Athletico Addison - Club Fitness
1776 W. Centennial Place | 2nd Floor
*Per federal guidelines, beneficiaries of plans such as Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, VHA
and other federally funded plans are not eligible for free assessments.

                                                                                    |   Summer 2022   7
Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District
Club Fitness

1776 W Centennial Pl., Addison, IL 60101
           630-233-7275 ext. 3

Making Addison a healthier community,one member at a time.
BENEFITS INCLUDE:                                    HOURS
                                                     Monday-Friday:                               5:00am-10:00pm
• Group Fitness Classes
                                                     Saturday:                                    6:00am-5:00pm
• Two Indoor Walking/Running Tracks                  Sunday:                                      7:00am-5:00pm
• Powerfully Intense Training Area (P.I.T.)
• Free WiFi
• Locker Rooms and Showers                           HOLIDAY HOURS
• Indoor 6-lane Lap Pool                             Memorial Day                                 7:00am-1:00pm

• Private & Group Swim Lessons
• Sauna, Steamroom, & Whirlpool                      • No Reservations                        • Kettlebell Basics
• Family Changing Area                                  for Lap Swim                              An introductory class to kettlebells
                                                                                                  that cover the basic movements
• Silver Sneakers                                    • P.I.T. included                           that promote mobility, strength
• Hours that work for you!
                                                        in membership                             and conditioning!

Judgement Free Zone           •    Positive Workout Environment                           •     Friendly & Helpful Staff

Check Out                           Ashtanga Yoga: Dynamic, physically demanding
                                    class that helps build core strength.
                                                                                              Hatha Yoga: Focuses on body alignment,
                                                                                              breathing and integrity of your posture.

                                    Chair Based Yoga: In addition to a good stretch,          Silver Sneakers Yoga: Focuses on body,
                                    chair yoga participants can also enjoy other health       breathing, and posture.
                                    benefits of yoga, including improved muscle tone,         Vinyasa Yoga: Utilizes a rhythmic flow
                                    better breathing habits, stress reduction, better         that transitions in and out of postures.
                                    sleep, and improved sense of well-being.
                                                                                              Yin Yoga: Designed to help you sit longer
Classes                                                                                       and more comfortably in meditation

  8     Summer 2022 |      630-233-7275
Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District
Club Fitness

The P.I.T.                                    Powerfully Intense Training
Located in Club Fitness Lower Level
                                                                              PERSONAL TRAINING
                                                                              If fitness, strength, or endurance is your goal, then
Now included in your membership!
                                                                              sessions with a personal trainer is time well-spent.
The P.I.T. is a 2,000 square-foot hard-core training area
with everything you need in one place: benches, bikes,                        Create a Personalized Workout
rovers, tires, kettlebells, heavy bag, ropes, and so much                     A personal trainer helps you define individual fitness goals and
more. Work on form and technique in a distraction-free                        creates a roadmap to get there. A professional will help you focus
environment. For member safety, consultation required                         on smaller goals that are specific and realistic; they are more
before admittance to The P.I.T.                                               attainable, setting you up to achieve the larger, more audacious goal.

FREE classes included in your membership...                                   Certified Personal Trainers to Help you Reach
                                                                              your Fitness Goals
                                                                              Individual and group personal training is available. Personal Trainers
Chair Based Yoga           AGES 18+                                           utilizing Club Fitness are independent contractors. Please contact
In addition to a good stretch, chair yoga participants can also enjoy other   Shawn Ford at 630-233-7275 ext. 6207 for more information about
health benefits of yoga, including improved muscle tone, better breathing     this service.
habits, stress reduction, better sleep, and improved sense of well-being.
Location: 1st Floor Multi-Use Room
Friday’s         10:30A-11:30A

   to view a full list of Group
        Fitness Classes

                                                                                           |    Summer 2022             9
Summer 2022 - P o Follow Us - Addison Park District
Club Fitness

Group Fitness                                                      Energize your life!
Addison Road Warriors Running Club                       AGES 16+           IFTCamp (Integrated Fitness Training Camp)                    AGES 16+
Are you currently a runner or thinking about getting into running?          Transform your body and mind by joining our Integrated Fitness
Joining a running club has great advantages for all running abilities!      Training Camp! You will enjoy program variety, challenging workouts,
Our club will incorporate various distances, paces, and surfaces            team support and encouragement along with health tips for a total body
to perform your best. It will provide guidance on goal setting,             approach. All classes are held outdoors May through October, weather
strengthening, flexibility and nutrition geared specifically for runners.   permitting.
Local races will also be targeted in this program. Please contact           Make the most of your workouts with our whole body Integrated Fitness with any questions.                               Training program. Join IFTCamp to improve:
PLEASE NOTE: Those who participate in IFT Camp will receive                     • Functional Strength
a discount when signing up for run club.                                        • Endurance
Location: Club Fitness                                                          • Cardio Fitness
Instructor: Debbie Marzano                                                      • Agility
Fee:     1X Week (Tuesdays) $40 Member / $55 Non-member                     We will start you on the road to long term success for improved health
         (Saturdays) $29 Member / $44 Non-member                            and fitness. Make that lifestyle change you have been putting off.
       2X Week (Tue & Sat.) $60 Member/ $75 Non-member                      Free trial class at any time. Please contact
       (Tue & Sat.) $49 Member/ $64 Non-member                              with any questions.
       (Prorated 120403-03 for no class 12/25 & 1/1)                        Location: Club Fitness
Code        Day       Date              Time                                Instructor: Debbie Marzano
320403-01 Tu          6/21-8/2          6:45-8:00pm                         Fee: 1 x/Week $34 Member/$43 Non-member
320403-02 Sa          6/25-8/6          8:30-10:00am                              2x/Week $59 Member/$74 Non-member
320403-03 Tu/Sa 6/21-8/6                6:45-8:00pm		                       Code           Day Time
			                                     8:30-10:00am                        320404         M      6:30-7:30pm
                                                                            320404         W      7:00-8:00pm

 10        Summer 2022 |             630-233-7275

                                                               The Wood Dale/Addison
                                                               Sharks Swim Team
                                                               Contact us:
                                                               Wood Dale Recreation Complex
                                                               111. Foster Ave., Wood Dale

    The Wood Dale / Addison Sharks Swim Team is open to any age group through high school.
      If you can swim one lap of the pool you can join! The swim team meets for eight weeks,
   and all swimmers will participate in several home and away meets. Practice workouts include
instruction in stroke technique and flip turns. The Wood Dale/Addison Sharks Swim Team complies
                       with the DuPage Swim and Dive Conference regulations.
                 REGISTRATION FEES
                 Program fee            $140
                 Facility Surcharge      $59     Cost of the pool pass
                 Parents’ Club fee       $50     Must bring a separate check for this payment
                 TOTAL COST             $249     Refunds will not be given after Monday, June 6.
                          Participant’s birth certificate is required at registration.

  TRIAL WEEK: MAY 31 – JUNE 3, 5:30-7:00PM
  Trial week allows swimmers to check out the swim team and determine if it something in which they would like
  to participate. Swimmers must be registered to be able to participate in Trial Week. A time trial will be held at
  the Friday practice on June 3.

  Starting the week of June 6, practices will be held Monday-Friday from 7:00-10:00am, with different time slots
  for each age group. Time slots and a specific schedule will be provided after registration when numbers in each
  age group are determined.

              The pool is located at 165 West Commercial Street in Wood Dale.

                                                                    |   Summer 2022         11

               SESSION 1                                                SESSION 2                                        SESSION 3
               JUNE 6 - 16                                              JULY 5 - 28                                     AUGUST 1 - 25
                                                                      (No Class July 4th)

Guppies – parent child               AGES 3 AND UNDER
This class requires parent/guardian participation to help the child get
comfortable in the water. The instructor will use songs and games to teach
basic skills and safety. Held one day a week.
Fee: $45R/$55NR
 Session 2           Session 3
 July 5 - 28         August 1 - 25       Section     Times              Days
 330102              330103                30        4:00-4:30pm        Tu

Level 1: Tadpoles           AGES 3+
This is the first independent swim level. Swimmers must be at least 3 years
old to be in this level. The instructors will assist swimmers in learning skills
such as blowing bubbles, kicking, arm circles, and floats through games and
songs. *to pass they must be able to front float for 5-10 sec
Fee: Session 1 – $90R/$100NR
      Session 2 – $79R/$89NR
      Session 3 – $90R/$100NR
 Session 1 – June 6 - 16
 4 days a week for 2 weeks               Section     Times              Days       Level 2: Frogs       AGES 3+
 330101                                     1        4:45-5:15pm        M-Th       Instructors will assist swimmers in skills such as beginning freestyle arm
                                             2       5:30-6:00pm        M-Th       strokes, breathing to the side and swimming independently. Swimmers must
                                                                                   be able to float on their own to be in this class. *to pass they must swim 5
 Session 2           Session 3                                                     yards on their own, take a breath, and back float on their own.
 July 5 - 28         August 1 - 25       Section     Times              Days       Fee: Session 1 – $90R/$100NR
                                                                                         Session 2 – $79R/$89NR
 330102              330103                 1        4:45-5:15pm        M&W
                                             2       5:30-6:00pm        M&W              Session 3 – $90R/$100NR
                                             3       6:15-6:45pm        M&W         Session 1 – June 6 - 16
                                             4       4:45-5:15pm        Tu&Th       4 days a week for 2 weeks             Section     Times            Days
                                             5       5:30-6:00pm        Tu&Th       330101                                   7        4:45-5:15pm      M-Th
                                             6       6:15-6:45pm        Tu&Th                                                 9       6:15-6:45pm      M-Th

                                                                                    Session 2          Session 3
                                                                                    July 5 - 28        August 1 - 25      Section     Times            Days
                                                                                    330102             330103                7        4:45-5:15pm      M&W
                                                                                                                              8       5:30-6:00pm      M&W
                                                                                                                              9       6:15-6:45pm      M&W
                                                                                                                             10       4:45-5:15pm      Tu&Th
                                                                                                                             11       5:30-6:00pm      Tu&Th
                                                                                                                             12       6:15-6:45pm      Tu&Th
                                    Class schedules subject to change due to shortage of swim instructors

 12        Summer 2022 |              630-233-7275

               SESSION 1                                               SESSION 2                                           SESSION 3
               JUNE 6 - 16                                             JULY 5 - 28                                        AUGUST 1 - 25
                                                                     (No Class July 4th)

Level 3: Stingrays          AGES 3+                                               Level 4: Marlins          AGES 3+
Swimmers should be able to swim and breathe on their own to be in this            Swimmers will learn freestyle and back stroke halfway across the lap pool
class. Swimmers will work on freestyle with assistance, kicking on their          with no assistance. They will also work on open turns and treading water
back, diving, and treading water. *to pass they must be able to do freestyle      for a longer length of time. *to pass they must swim perfect freestyle and
perfectly WITH a kickboard halfway across pool, and kick on their back            backstroke halfway across the pool.
halfway across the pool with assistance.                                          Fee: Session 1 – $90R/$100NR
Fee: Session 1 – $90R/$100NR                                                             Session 2 – $79R/$89NR
     Session 2 – $79R/$89NR                                                                          $90R/$100NR
                   $90R/$100NR                                                           Session 3 – $90R/$100NR
     Session 3 – $90R/$100NR
                                                                                   Session 1 – June 6 - 16
 Session 1 – June 6 - 16                                                           4 days a week for 2 weeks               Section     Times              Days
 4 days a week for 2 weeks               Section     Times             Days        330101                                    19        5:30-6:00pm        M-Th
 330101                                    13        4:45-5:15pm       M-Th
                                                                                   Session 2           Session 3
                                            15       6:15 - 6:45pm     M-Th
                                                                                   July 5 - 28         August 1 - 25       Section     Times              Days
 Session 2           Session 3                                                     330102              330103                19        4:45-5:15pm        M&W
 July 5 - 28         August 1 - 25       Section     Times             Days                                                   20       5:30-6:00pm        M&W
 330102              330103                13        4:45-5:15pm       M&W                                                     21      6:15-6:45pm        M&W
                                            14       5:30-6:00pm       M&W                                                    22       4:45-5:15pm        Tu&Th
                                            15       6:15-6:45pm       M&W                                                    23       5:30-6:00pm        Tu&Th
                                            16       4:45-5:15pm       Tu&Th                                                   24      6:15-6:45pm        Tu&Th
                                            17       5:30-6:00pm       Tu&Th
                                            18       6:15-6:45pm       Tu&Th

                                                                                  Level 6: Dolphins           AGES 3+
Level 5: Sharks          AGES 3+                                                  Swimmers learn breaststroke as well as continue to practice freestyle,
Swimmers will be perfecting their freestyle and backstroke while working on       backstroke, and endurance (50- 100 yds). They will also be introduced to
their endurance (25-50 yds). They will also be introduced to breaststroke kick,   butterfly, flip-turns, competitive race diving, and increased distances with all
somersaults, and competitive race diving. *to pass they must swim 50 yds of       the strokes. *to pass they must be able to swim 100 freestyle, backstroke, 50
perfect freestyle and backstroke, and be introduced to breaststroke kick          breaststroke, and 25 of butterfly kick
Fee: Session 1 – $90R/$100NR                                                      Fee: Session 1 – $90R/$100NR
      Session 2 – $79R/$89NR                                                           Session 2 – $79R/$89NR
                   $90R/$100NR                                                                         $90R/$100NR
      Session 3 – $90R/$100NR                                                           Session 3 – $90R/$100NR
 Session 1 – June 6 - 16                                                           Session 1 – June 6 - 16
 4 days a week for 2 weeks               Section     Times             Days        4 days a week for 2 weeks               Section     Times              Days
 330101                                    25        5:30-6:00pm       M-Th        330101                                    27        6:15-6:45pm        M-Th

 Session 2           Session 3                                                     Session 2           Session 3
 July 5 - 28         August 1 - 25       Section     Times             Days        July 5 - 28         August 1 - 25       Section     Times              Days
 330102              330103                26        5:30-6:00pm       Tu&Th       330102              330103                28        6:15-6:45pm        Tu&Th
                                     Class schedules subject to change due to shortage of swim instructors

                                                                                                     |    Summer 2022             13

2022 – 2023 Preschool                                                               Our preschool program can help a child:
The Addison Park District preschool program curriculum reflects                       • Enhance socialization skills
the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards. Please                         • Build self-esteem and confidence
visit for more details. The Park                        • Develop readiness skills
District preschool program helps children develop prekindergarten                     • Learn in a nurturing environment
skills, including letter / name recognition, listening, healthy habits,               • Explore new horizons
cooperative play, fine motor, and socialization skills. The experiences               • Gain a sense of independence
are both educational and recreational, which aid in social, physical,                 • Be creative
intellectual, and emotional growth.                                                   • Have fun!

Payment Plan: Initial payment is due at the time of                  To Register: Registration is taken in-person at Centennial
registration. Auto payments are processed the first day of each      Recreation Center (Club Fitness) or by phone at 630-233-7275
month from Sept. 1 – April 1. The payment plan is nine equal         ext. 3. Visit for required paperwork
payments.                                                            due prior to first day of program.

Open Enrollment is ongoing for the Addison Park District Preschool.
Participant Guidelines* Addison Park District preschool is following the park district wide mask optional guidelines. Please
wear comfortable clothing such as shorts and t-shirt. Gym shoes required for safety. Please mark all your child’s belongings. Send a
backpack daily with your child to carry crafts and notes home. *Guidelines subject to change

                   Please contact Morgan Dietkus at 630-656-6209 or
                                       for more information and to register.

14       Summer 2022 |        630-233-7275

Preschool Open House
for 2022-2023 school year
Wednesday, August 10
Stop by to meet the preschool teachers and see
the classrooms. Children are welcome to join!
Registration is required for a 10-minute open
house session. One family per time slot. If unable
to attend open house, please contact Morgan
Dietkus at 630-656-6209. AGES 2.5-year-old,
3-year-old and 4-year-old programs.
Location: Centennial Rec Center Preschool.
Preschool Room A will be used for open house.

   PA R K D I S T R I C T

                                     Check out this free program       for military
                                                                Check out this unique
                                  veterans of all eras! Call 630-620-4500
                                                                and free programor
                                                                military veterans!

                               for more information!
                                                                Qualified veterans
                                                                    • A free, one-year
                                                                      fitness membership
  Through our partnership with Northeast DuPage Special Recreation    at their local park
                                                                      district or village
                                                                      fitness center
  Association (NEDSRA), individuals with a disability are offered over 600
                                                                    • Free personal
                                                                      training sessions
                                                                    • Free monthly
  recreational opportunities each year. If you or someone you know hassocials to network
                                                                      with fellow veterans
                                                                      and family members
  a disability, contact NEDSRA today for information about recreation
                                Contact the Addison Park District at 630-233-7275 (option 3)
           programs and services! Allorages
                                          NEDSRAand     abilityforlevels
                                                  at 630-620-4500                served.

                                                                                        |   Summer 2022   15

2022 – 2023 Preschool
Programs: Open Enrollment
Payment Plan: Initial payment is due at the time of
registration. Auto payments are processed the first day
of each month from Sept. 1 – April 1. The payment plan
is nine equal payments. Registration is taken in-person
at the Centennial Rec Center. Please call (630)233-7275
for registration availability. Select option 3 to reach the
Centennial registration desk. Visit for
required paperwork due prior to first day of program.

Preschool Enrichment Programs: More information
will be released at the beginning of the school year.
Enrichment programs designed for families to extend
their child’s program day with a focus on S.T.E.A.M

Curriculum: The Addison Park District preschool
program curriculum reflects the Illinois Early Learning
and Development Standards. Please visit www. for more details. The Park
District helps children develop prekindergarten
skills, including letter/name recognition, listening          Preschool Prices 2022-2023
skills, healthy habits, cooperative play, fine motor,
and socialization skills. The experiences are both             Day         Annual Fee             Monthly Fee
educational and recreational, which aid in social,
physical, intellectual, and emotional growth.                              Res        Non-Res Res             Non-Res
Our preschool program can help a child:                        T/TH        $1,418     $1,654      $158        $184
1. Enhance socialization skills
2. Build self-esteem and confidence                            M/W/F       $1,654     $1,890      $184        $210

3. Develop readiness skills
                                                               M-F         $2,363     $2,552      $263        $284
4. Learn in a nurturing environment
5. Explore new horizons                                       Cleaning and Safety Protocols: Your children are
                                                              in good hands with our expanded safety measures.
6. Gain a sense of independence                               The health and safety of our families will be the
7. Be creative                                                top priority. We are adhering to the IDPH and CDC
                                                              recommendations for preparedness and taking
8. Have fun!
                                                              additional steps as needed such as small group
                                                              ratio and sizes and limiting activities that do require
                                                              close physical contact. Program staff and facility
                                                              maintenance staff will comply with all IDPH and CDC
                                                              disinfecting/cleaning protocols.

16      Summer 2022 |       630-233-7275

2.5-year-old Preschool                                                          4-year-old Preschool
This program provides an opportunity for 2.5 – 3-year-olds to enhance           Prepare your child for kindergarten! Emphasis is on positive self-images
their social, physical, and creative development. 2.5 – 3-year-old              and preparation for future learning. Structured and unstructured activities
preschoolers will be introduced to letters and number association, as           will prepare your child socially, emotionally, and physically. Children will
well as learning about the calendar and the seasons. There is also a            begin writing their names and learning letter sounds. Children must be 4
strong emphasis on the development of socialization skills and becoming         years old on or before September 1, 2022.
comfortable in a classroom environment. Fine motor skills and listening         Room A
skills will continue to progress in this class through crafts and songs.        Code            Day            Date             Time
Children must be 2.5 years old on or before September 1, 2022.                  502103-02       M-F            9/6-5/17         9:15-11:15am
Room B                                                                          502103-04       M/W/F          9/7-5/17         9:15-11:15am
Code            Day            Date              Time                           Room C
502101-01       Tu/Th          9/6-5/16          9:15-11:15am                   Code            Day            Date             Time
                                                                                502103-01       Tu/Th          9/6-5/17         9:15-11:15am
3-year-old Preschool                                                            502103-03       M/W/F          9/7-5/17         9:15-11:15am
Children will grow socially and emotionally through creative art, activities,
songs, and cooperation. 3-year-old preschool emphasizes color
recognition, shapes, letters, numbers, social play, the calendar, weather,
days of the week and physical coordination. Children must be 3 years old
on or before September 1, 2022. Pull-ups are allowed.
Room A
Code            Day            Date              Time
502102-01       Tu/Th          9/6-5/16          9:15-11:15am
Room B
Code            Day            Date              Time
502102-03       M-F            9/6-5/17          9:15-11:15am
502102-02       M/W/F          9/7-5/17          9:15-11:15am

                                                                                                |    Summer 2022            17
Addison Park Dancers

   Come dance with us at the Addison Park District! Our classes are run by skilled and loving instructors.
    Let us help to mold your dancer’s passion! Contact Jaime Sjogren with questions:

                                                                   Addison Park Dancer Try-Outs
Private Dance Lessons                                              Monday, June 13th | 10am-12pm
Private Lessons are a great way to accelerate                      6th grade and up.
your learning, master the details that make great                  Informational sheets are available at the dance studio bulletin board
dancers, and get the individual attention and                      for this top placing dance team.
immediate feedback from a professional instructor.                 Thank you for respecting our NO VISITORS policy during class.
Private Dance Lessons are a full hour long.                        We love our fans but sometimes they are our biggest distraction.

Jaime Sjogren – Dance Coordinator/Instructor
Jaime is the Dance Coordinator of the Addison Park District
Dance Program as well as an instructor. She is a seasoned
instructor of 20+ years. She has choreographed for theatre
productions, performed in the Florida Citrus Bowl and Capitol
One Bowl halftime shows, and performed with the Joffrey
Ballet of Chicago. She has judged talent portions of state
pageants and county events. Locally, Jaime has grown up with
the Addison Dance Program. She has been an Addison Park
Dancer and Addison Trail Orchesis member. She is very proud
of the Addison Dance Program as it leads dancers through           Beginner Baton & Poms                 AGES 4-9, 10-18
the artistry of dance. Jaime is also proud of the Addison Park     This exciting sport gives participants opportunities to work on balance, rhythm,
Dancers as they push into new levels of achievement. What’s        and coordination through the basics of baton twirling to musical routines. Batons
Jaime’s favorite part of teaching? “I love recital time but the    may be purchased the first day of class for $25. Questions, please email Robin
neatest part for me is watching a dancer work really hard on a     and Brenda at
move and then jump for joy when they finally achieve it!”          Instructor: Robin & Brenda Murphy
                                                                   Location: Community Rec Center
Miss Natalie – Dance Instructor                                    Fee: 4-9 years: $60R/$70NR, 10-18 years: $72R/$82NR
Miss Natalie has been dancing in all styles of dance starting at   Code            Ages       Day       Date            Time
age 3. She had danced through the Addison Park District dance      302606-01 4-9              M         6/13 - 8/6* 5:30-6:00pm
program and was an Addison Park Dancer as well as an Addison       302606-02 10-18            M         6/13 - 8/6* 5:15-6:15pm
Trail Orchesis member. Miss Natalie taught and choreographed       *No Class 7/4 & 7/18
for 9 years before taking a short hiatus to be home with her
kids. During that time, she took classes in ballet and hip hop     Westernettes           AGES 6-18
while also subbing and observing classes to stay current. She      This competitive baton corps is a popular team that travels and participates in
has served as a judge for many dance teams auditions. She has      events throughout the country. Students begin in the introductory groups and
attended various dance conferences throughout her years as a       work towards the famed Westernettes.
dancer/instructor. She is always looking for opportunities to be   Questions please email Robin and Brenda at
involved in the dance community and look forward to bringing       Instructor: Robin & Brenda Murphy
her enthusiasm to the program.                                     Location: Community Rec Center
                                                                   Fee: Monday-Wednesday $84R/$104NR, Monday Only $42R/$52NR
                                                                   Code              Day           Date               Time
Miss Katie – Dance Instructor
Miss Katie has been dancing for 15 years. She has danced with      Westernettes
the Addison Park District for 11 years, was an Addison Park        302605-01        M-W               6/13 - 8/10*     5:00-8:00pm
Dancer, and assistance taught as well. Miss Katie has been         *No Class 7/4 & 7/20
teaching for 3 years and is now dancing at the collegiate level.   Beginner Westernettes
                                                                   302605-02      M                   6/13 - 8/6*      5:00-8:00pm
                                                                   *No Class 7/4

18         Summer 2022 |            630-233-7275
Addison Park Dancers

     Addison Park Dancer Try-Outs – 6th grade and up | Monday, June 13, 10am-12pm
                   Informational sheets are available at the dance studio bulletin board for this top placing dance team.

         m m
      SDuANCEe r                                          Summer classes have an optional theme week:
                                                          Week 1
                                                          Week 2
                                                                       Fun in the sun (wear your sunglasses or sunhat)
                                                                       Team Week (Cubs/Sox/Bulls/Blackhawks/Team USA/Blazers)

       C L AS S E S                                       Week 3
                                                          Week 4
                                                                       PJ Week
                                                                       Crazy Hair Week
                                                          Week 5       Decades Week (bellbottoms/poodle skirt/layered socks and side ponies)
   INSTRUCTOR: Miss Katie                                 Week 6       Hero Week (Not all hero’s wear capes. Who do you look up to?)
   LOCATION: Centennial Dance Studio                      Week 7       Holidays in July (dust off that ugly sweater)
   8 WEEKS LONG                                           Week 8       Disney

Pre-Ballet/Jazz          AGES 3-5                                                Pre-Ballet         AGES 3-5
This class will give your dancer the fundamentals of both ballet and jazz.       Participants will be introduced to barre exercises, floor work, and
Learn the joy and creativity of both! Required shoes: Ballet or Jazz shoes.      introductory skills to prepare each student for the challenges of ballet.
Fee: $49R/$59NR                                                                  Required shoes: Pink ballet shoes
Code                Day           Date               Time                        Fee: $49R/$59NR
302249-04           Tu            6/7 - 8/2*         5:00-5:45pm                 Code               Day           Date                 Time
*No Class July 4                                                                 302249-06          Th            6/9 - 8/4*           6:00-6:30pm
                                                                                 *No Class July 7
Beginner Jazz/Hip Hop               AGES 6-8
This class will take you through the basics of creative jazz and hard-hitting    Jazz Hip Hop         AGES 6-9
hip hop. Required shoes: Jazz or Hip Hop shoes                                   Take advantage of this high energy class and put your technique to a fun
Fee: $68R/$78NR                                                                  dance combination. Required shoes: Black jazz or black hip hop shoes.
Code               Day           Date                 Time                       Fee :$68R/$78NR
302249-08          Tu            6/7 - 8/2*           5:50-6:35pm                Code            Day            Date                Time
*No Class July 4                                                                 302249-02       Th             6/9 - 8/4*          6:30-7:15pm
                                                                                 *No Class July 7
Tot Hip Hop        AGES 5&6
Take advantage of this high energy class and get your little one bop-pin to      Lyrical    AGES 8-10
some hip songs. Required shoes: Pink ballet shoes.                               Learn the graceful moves of lyrical with the fundamentals of ballet in this
Fee: $49R/$59NR                                                                  beautiful class. Required shoes: Pink ballet shoes
Code            Day            Date                Time                          Fee :$68R/$78NR
302249-03       Th             6/9 - 8/4*          5:30-6:00pm                   Code              Day           Date               Time
*No Class July 7                                                                 302249-07         Th            6/9 - 8/4*         7:15-8:00 pm
                                                                                 *No Class July 7

    Dance shoes can be expensive, especially with growing feet!
    Please consider donating your “TuTu Tight” dance shoes to the “TuTu Tight Tote”.
    This is a container that will remain in the dance room. When your dance shoes get TuTu tight,
    generously place them in the tote and hopefully there’s a pair inside that fit your dancer.                                  TuTu
    There is no exchange of money. Simply donate “tight” and hopefully get “just right”.
    Let’s help each other out! Feel free to donate or look for shoes during your dance class.                                    Tote
                             “Dance is the hidden language of the soul”                                  Martha Graham

                                                                                                |    Summer 2022             19
Summer Day Camp

             Addison                                          June 6 - August 12
             All Star                                         GRADE LEVELS: Preschool – 8th Grade
            SUMMER                                         Addison All Star Summer
            DAY CAMP                                       Our acclaimed camps will again help children
            9:00am-4:00pm                                  make new friends, build positive relationships,
                                                           stay active and safe, and finally have fun while
                   Rec Center                                        creating lasting memories.

     Participants will go on supervised hikes, learn to play sports, adventure out to new outdoor places, plant
     a children’s garden, create arts and crafts projects, have fun with dance parties, and will enjoy fitness
     and movie days. The program will operate in small ratios and groups which will enable participants to receive
     individual attention in a fun, safe environment. Enroll in a five day a week option or as little as two days a week.


        5-DAY OPTION                 WEEK           Section
                                                                           7:00-9:00am and 4:00-6:00pm
      CODE 602200
                                   June 6-10          00         Are you looking for additional supervision before
      FEE    $140R /$170NR
                                                                 or after the Addison All Star Summer program
                                  June 13-17          02
                                                                 for your child? We offer both before and after care
        4-DAY OPTION                                             options to complement your schedule.
                                  June 20-24          03
      CODE 602201
                                                                 Before Care 7:00-9:00am
      FEE    $120R /$150NR       June 27-July 1       04
                                                                 DAYS            CODE       SECTIONS    FEE
                                    July 5-8          05         5-Day Option    602205     00-10       $35R/$40NR
                                                                 4-Day Option    602207     00-10       $30R/$35NR
        3-DAY OPTION                                             3-Day Option    602209     00-10       $24R/$27NR
                                   July 11-15         06
      CODE 602202                                                2-Day Option    602211     00-10       $18R/$21NR
      FEE    $105R /$125NR         July 18-22         07
                                                                 After Care      4:00-6:00pm
                                   July 25-29         08         DAYS            CODE       SECTIONS    FEE
        2-DAY OPTION                                             5-Day Option    602206     00-10       $35R/$40NR
      CODE 602203
                                  August 1-5          09         4-Day Option    602208     00-10       $30R/$35NR
                                                                 3-Day Option    602210     00-10       $24R/$27NR
      FEE    $84R /$104NR        August 8-12          10
                                                                 2-Day Option    602212     00-10       $18R/$21NR

                                Contact: or 630-656-6209

20       Summer 2022 |       630-233-7275
Summer Day Camp

                                                                                                               All Star Summer
                                                                                                              will supply a sealed
                                                                                                              morning snack and
                                                                                                               afternoon snack.

                                                                  What to bring to the Addison All Star Summer
                                                                  Addison All Star Summer may ask parents to send specific
                                                                  supplies depending on activities.

                                                                  A Backpack with supplies needed for the day:
                                                                  • Sealed water-bottle sent every day with participant.
                                                                  • Disposable lunch bag (brown paper bag) with lunch. No fridge available.
                                                                  • Sunscreen and hand sanitizer. Please label and seal in plastic bag.
                                                                  • Hat or headwear for sun protection not required but suggested.
                                                                  • Small blanket/towel for sitting on.

Emergency Forms/Waivers: All forms can be found online. Please print your own copies and drop-off on first day of attendance to the program. If unable
to print at home, we will have copies on-site to be filled out and returned prior to leaving. Calendar/Schedule of Events: Addison All Star Summer will
email parents week-by-week calendars the Sunday prior to each camp week listing the activities that all will participate in such as art, dance, theme days,
gardening, and so much more! Staff: Addison Park District will be led by staff with backgrounds in education, child development, or recreation. All day
camp staff will adhere to all IDPH and CDC guidelines with safety being our top priority. All staff will have trainings focusing on health and safety standards,
certified in CPR/1st Aid and child wellness, behavior management, and lastly program development for weekly activities.

                                 Contact: or 630-656-6209

                                                                                                      |    Summer 2022               21
Summer Day Camp

     Addison All Star Summer
     Penny Carnival & Talent Showcase
     The purpose of the Penny Carnival is to have fun while raising money
     for a local charity. We are asking campers to please bring pennies
     or any other spare change with them to the carnival and when they
     wish to play a game or participate in an activity, they need only to
     put their pennies or spare change in the jar as their “ticket to play”.
     We will be having our annual summer day camp talent show. We
     encourage campers to share their hidden talents to showcase to
     their fellow campers and counselors.

     Addison All Star Summer Recreational Swim
     The recreational swim will provide participants of the day camp
     program an opportunity for swim games, relay races and other              Behavior Guideline Expectations:
     swim activities with their friends and counselors. We will assure
     that everyone can enjoy the water in a comfortable, safe setting.         • Keep hands and feet to self.
     During recreational swim, the pool is carefully guarded by a certified    • Talk to others with respect.
     lifeguard pool staff, while the trained counselors remain in the water
     with the campers. Your child will take a swim assessment on their         • Listen attentively when spoken to
     first day attending the aquatic facility. The assessment is designed to   • Treat all park district materials and property with care.
     gauge a child’s swimming skills and comfort level. Participants will be
     bussed over from Community Rec Center to Centennial Club Fitness.         • Be safe while having fun!

     Addison All Star Summer Children’s Garden
     The day camp participants will have the opportunity for weekly            Discipline Procedure:
     gardening programming and activities. The children’s garden will          • When a child has trouble following the expectations of the
     introduce all camp participants about taking care of the various          Program, park district staff will verbally request that the behavior
     plants. Gardening will change and improve your child’s life, their        be discontinued. If it continues, staff will remove child for quiet
     community, and the planet. The Children’s Garden will be located          time. If child continues behavior continues then the behavior/
     within the enclosed grass are located behind the outdoor splashpad.       misconduct form(first offense) is filled out by staff and parents
                                                                               are notified.
     Cleaning and Safety Protocols:
     Your children are in good hands with our expanded safety                  • If a child has difficulty following the program participant
     measures. The health and safety of our families will be the top           guidelines and expectations on a daily basis, a parent will be
     priority. We are adhering to the IDPH and CDC recommendations for         contacted. If necessary, a conference will parent, child, and
     preparedness and taking additional steps as needed such as small          program staff will be requested. Behavior/misconduct form will
     group ratio and sizes and limiting activities that do require close       be filled out again for second offense.
     physical contact. Program staff and facility maintenance staff will
     comply with all IDPH and CDC disinfecting/cleaning protocols.             • If a child continues to have trouble following the expectations
                                                                               and the above procedures have been followed, a parent will be
     Participant Guidelines:                                                   contacted and immediately request to remove child from the
     Gym shoes required for safety.                                            program. Behavior/misconduct form filled out for third offense.
     Please apply sunscreen prior to drop off.                                 Parent conference will be requested.

                                    Contact: or 630-656-6209

22        Summer 2022 |            630-233-7275
Before & After School Care

   2022/23 | Before & After School Care
BASC Program corresponds with the ASD4 Calendar The program               Before Care                    7:00-8:50am
will provide your child with a fun, safe, and structured environment.     Late Start Monday              7:00-9:25am
Our experienced staff focuses on providing a variety of quality
                                                                          After Care                     3:15-6:15pm
activities including homework time, play sports, outside activities,
use of the school gym as well as arts and crafts projects.                Ways to Register
                                                                          Register in-person at Centennial Rec Center or
Register children for one day per week and up to the full five days per   Community Rec Center to setup program payment
week. Bus transportation provided for drop-off and pick-up for those      plan. Visit for proper emergency
who attend Lake Park, Lincoln, and Ardmore.                               paperwork to complete and returned prior to first
                                                                          day of program.
Grades: K-5th                                                             Fees
Locations: Fullerton, Stone, and Wesley Elementary                       The initial payment is due at the time of registration.
                                                                          The following eight payments are due the first day of
                                                                          the month starting September 1st through April 1st.

                                     Before      After                     Days         Before        After
 School/Program       Location                              Both                                                   Both
                                     Care        Care                      Attending    Care          Care
 Army Trail Elementary Wesley        502207-01 502207-02 502207-03              5       $294          $336         $504
                                                                                4       $236          $269         $404
                      Fullerton, Lake
 Fullerton Elementary                 502205-01 502205-02 502205-03             3       $178          $202         $303
                      Park, & Ardmore

 Stone Elementary     Stone          502206-01 502206-02 502206-03              2       $118          $135         $202
                                                                                1       $59           $68          $101
 Wesley Elementary    Wesley         502208-01 502208-02 502208-03
                                                                          Before & After School Pass
   Activities will follow IDPH recommendations and guidelines             The pass can be used for either before school
                         regarding COVID-19.                              care or after school care. Parents/guardians must
                                                                          notify the school as well as the park district 24
                                                                          hours in advance to use a pass. The passes cannot
      For more information about the Before & After
                                                                          be returned or refunded for days not used.
          School Care Program, please contact
       Morgan Dietkus at 630-233-7275 ext: 6209.                          5 Pass Visits                  $90
                                                                          10 Pass Visits                 $174

   NO W HIRING                         Before & After School Staff! Visit
     AP PLY HERE                     to complete a quick application under ”career opportunities.”

                                                                           |      Summer 2022       23
Youth Sports & Athletics

                              Tumbling Times
                            June 20 – July 23 One Session
                                         (No Class July 4-9)

Parent Tot Gymnastics                               Super Times
Code: 302101                                        Code: 302213
Day    Time              6/20-7/23                  Day    Time             6/20-7/23
Tu     5:30-6:00pm       $51R/$56NR                 M      6:30-7:15pm      $54R/$59NR
W      9:30-10:00am      $51R/$56NR                 W      10:15-11:00am    $54R/$59NR
Sa     8:45-9:15am       $51R/$56NR                 Sa     9:10-9:55am      $54R/$59NR

                                                    Beginner Level 1        Code: 302214
Tiny Times Gymnastics                               Day   Time              6/20-7/23
Code: 302212                                        M     5:30-6:30pm       $58R/$63NR
Day    Time              6/20-7/23                  W     5:30-6:30pm       $58R/$63NR
M      6:30-7:15pm       $54R/$59NR                 Sa    10:10-11:10am     $58R/$63NR
W      5:30- 6:15pm      $54R/$59NR
Sa     9:00-9:45am       $54R/$59NR
                                                    Beginner Level 2        Code: 302220
                                                    Day   Time              6/20-7/23
                                                    M     5:30-6:30pm       $58R/$63NR
                                                    W     5:30-6:30pm       $58R/$63NR
                                                    Sa    11:10am-12:10pm   $58R/$63NR

24       Summer 2022 |    630-233-7275
Youth Sports & Athletics

                              Tumbling Times
                            June 20 – July 23 One Session
                                      (No Class July 4-9)

Beginner Level 3                                 Tumbling 1
Code: 302222                                     Code: 302223
Day    Time              6/20-7/23               Day    Time              6/20-7/23
Sa     10:15am-12:15pm   $58R/$63NR              Tu     5:20-6:20pm       $58R/$63NR

Ninja Warrior                                    Tumbling 2
Code: 302221                                     Code: 302223
Day    Time              6/20-7/23               Day    Time              6/20-7/23
Tu     4:15-5:00pm       $58R/$63NR              Tu     5:20-6:20pm       $58R/$63NR
F      5:00-5:45pm       $58R/$63NR

                                                        |   Summer 2022   25
Youth Sports & Athletics

 Registration remains open. Next session begins: 8/17

 Kids   AGES 4-14
 Karate Club
 The Kid’s Karate Club is a high energy, progressive,
 motivational martial arts program developed
 specifically for kids to have fun while learning.
 Students will learn stances, strikes, blocks, kicks and
 sparring techniques all while building confidence.
 They will learn about strangers and how to combine the
 techniques they learn to protect themselves. This program
 targets many building blocks for children today; respect, self-
 esteem, leadership, and making good choices. This is a year-
 round progressive martial arts program with belt progression
 through Black Belt.
 This program comes with the “Never Miss a Class Guarantee.”
 If a student misses a class (i.e., schedule conflict, sick, etc.)
 or the center closes for any reason, the missed classes will be
 available with pre-recorded, instructor led classes by belt level.
 Belt testing will be on July 13, 2022
 Kid’s Karate Club uniforms are required and are available at or from the instructor at class (needed by
 the second week of class). Parents may participate with their
 children at no cost other than purchasing a parent helper karate
 club uniform.
 For more info visit:
 Location: Dance Studio at Centennial Rec Center
 Fee: $58R/$62NR
 Code          Day     Date                 Time
 Beginner (White Belt)
 302232-01 W           5/18-7/6             6:00-6:30pm

 Intermediate/Advanced (yellow belts & up)
 Belt testing will be on July 13, 2022
 302232-03 W              5/18-7/6     6:30-7:15pm

 Adult Karate        AGES 18+
 Belt testing will be on July 13, 2022
 Fee: $58R/$62NR
 Code            Day      Date              Time
 302232-05 W              5/18-7/6          7:15-8:00pm

26     Summer 2022 |            630-233-7275
Youth Sports & Athletics

Soccer Shots                                                                Soccer Shots Classic            AGES 3-5
                                                                            Utilizes creative and imaginative games to focus on basic soccer skills like
Wednesdays | 6/15-8/11 (9 weeks)                                            dribbling, passing, and shooting. We also highlight a positive character
                                                                            trait each session such as respect, teamwork, and appreciation.
Soccer Shots is an engaging children’s soccer program                       Location: Centennial Ball Field 3
with a focus on character development. Our caring team                      Fee: $123
positively impacts children’s lives on and off the field through            Code             Day     Date             Time
                                                                            302107-03 W              6/15-8/11        10:00-10:35am
best-in-class coaching, curriculum, and communication.                      302107-04 W              6/15-8/11        6:00-6:35pm

Soccer Shots Mini          AGE 2                                            Soccer Shots Premier             AGES 5-8
A high-energy program introducing children to fundamental soccer            Focuses on individual skill, fitness, and sportsmanship, providing
principles, such as using your feet, dribbling and the basic rules of the   an opportunity for children to be challenged through fun games and
game. Through fun games, songs and positive reinforcement, children will    team interaction. Children will also be introduced to competition in a
begin to experience the joy of playing soccer and being active.             developmentally appropriate manner through weekly scrimmages.
Location: Centennial Ball Field 3                                           Location: Centennial Ball Field 3
Fee: $123                                                                   Fee: $138
Code            Day      Date                Time                           Code            Day       Date              Time
302107-01 W              6/15-8/11           9:20-9:50am                    302107-05 W               6/15-8/11         10:45-11:30am
302107-02 W              6/15-8/11           5:20-5:50pm                    302107-06 W               6/15-8/11         6:45-7:30pm

                                                         Missed our Spring soccer league?
                                                 INTERESTED IN JOINING OUR FALL SOCCER LEAGUE?
                                                 Join our interest list and be added to our soccer league updates!

                                                                VOLUNTEER COACHES ARE NEEDED!
                                                       Please contact the Athletic Supervisor, Juan Montes
                                                        at 630-656-6202 if interested in coaching a team.

                                                                                              |   Summer 2022              27
Youth Sports & Athletics



                           Big Break Basketball
Little Shooters       AGES 4-6                                         Hoopsology         AGES 7-10
This class introduces youngsters to the rules and fundamentals of      Challenge your basketball skills and unlock new levels in your game with Big
basketball. Participants practice and improve on dribbling, passing,   Break Basketball Elite Skills Trainers!!! Players will learn a wide variety of
shooting, and teamwork skills through drills and games.                skills to help increase their playing abilities in this fast pace 6-week program.
Location: Army Trail East Gym                                          Location: Army Trail East Gym
Fee: $80R/$90NR                                                        Fee: $90R/$100NR
Code             Day     Dates             Time                        Code              Day      Dates              Time
302103-01 M              7/11-8/15         5:30-6:15pm                 302103-02 M                7/11-8/15          6:30-7:15pm

28        Summer 2022 |           630-233-7275
Day Off Fun

Day Off Fun
August 15, 16
October 10
November 8, 21

Half Day Off Fun
November 18
An additional $15 field trip fee
will be applied per field trip, per camper.

                                       |   Summer 2022   29
Youth Sports & Athletics

Learn to Skate Tot 1-4            AGES 3-5                                    Basic 1 & 2       AGES 6+
Skaters learn to fall and get up the proper way, march, dip, glide, rocking   Beginner skaters work on comfort ability on the ice with the beginning
horses, and snowplow stops.                                                   skating skills.
Location: Addison Ice Arena – 475 S. Grace St. Addison, IL 60101              Location: Addison Ice Arena – 475 S. Grace St. Addison, IL 60101
Fee: $140                                                                     Fee: $140
No Class Saturday, July 2 & Monday, July 4                                    No Class Saturday, July 2 & Monday, July 4
Code            Day       Dates             Time                              Code            Day     Dates             Time
302233-01 Sa              6/25-8/13         9:30-10:10am                      302236-01 Sa            6/25-8/13         9:30-10:10am
302233-02 M               6/20-8/8          4:30-5:10pm                       302236-02 M             6/20-8/8          4:30-5:10pm

         Youth Open Gym
         May 27 – July 29
         Fridays, 5:00-7:30pm
         All children under 14 must be accompanied
         by an adult to attend open gym.
         Location: Centennial Recreation Center Gym
         Fee: C lub Fitness members Free
               Non members $6
         Must swipe or pay at the front desk

 30        Summer 2022 |            630-233-7275
Youth Sports & Athletics

         Junior Tennis Program                                                                  Summer Session
                                           June 21 – August 14 (7 Weeks)

Learn all the fundamentals of tennis this summer with the certified tennis instructors of Centre Court Athletic Club!
10ANDUnder Tennis takes a new approach to introducing kids to the game of tennis by utilizing kid-sized courts and kid-sized
equipment. The tennis balls are lower in compression, allowing the ball to bounce lower and move slower, making it easier to hit
and develop optimal swing patterns. The benefits are immediate. Kids will be rallying, making new friends, and psyched for more!
Students should have closed toe shoes, water, and a tennis racket.
Location: Centennial Recreation Center Tennis Courts
Fee: $224                                                          Red Ball AGES 7-10
7 Weeks                                                            Whether you are new to tennis or looking to continue to improve your
No Class: 7/3, 7/5 or 7/6                                          overall game, this class will teach you all the tennis fundamentals. You will
                                                                              learn proper technique on volleys, ground strokes, and serves.
                                                                              Location: Centennial Recreation Center Tennis Courts
                                                                              Fee: $224
                                                                              No Class: 7/3, 7/5 or 7/6
                                                                              Code            Day Date                       Time
                                                                              202116-01 Tu           6/21-8/19               10:00-11:00am
                                                                              202116-02 W            6/22-8/10               6:15-7:15pm
                                                                              202116-03 Su           6/26-8/14               10:00-11:00am

Red Ball     AGES 4-6                                                         Orange Ball       AGES 10+
This class is ideal for our youngest future stars who are looking for a fun   This class is designed for students who have proper technique and can
and inviting atmosphere to learn the fundamentals of tennis. You will         consistently serve and rally and have been promoted from Red Ball 7-9.
learn essential hand-eye coordination, motor movement skills, and proper      You will continue to improve all volleys, ground strokes, serves, match play
technique on volleys and ground strokes.                                      and will be introduced to lobs, overheads, and proper footwork.
Location: Centennial Recreation Center Tennis Courts                          Location: Centennial Recreation Center Tennis Courts
Fee: $224                                                                     Fee: $224
No Class: 7/3, 7/5 or 7/6                                                     No Class: 7/3, 7/5 or 7/6
Code             Day Date                         Time                        Code             Day Date                        Time
202115-01 Tu              6/21-8/9                9:00-10:00am		              202117-01        Tu     6/21-8/9                 11:00am-12:00pm
202115-02 W               6/22-8/10               5:30-6:15pm                 202117-02 W             6/22-8/10                7:15-8:15pm
202115-03 Su              6/26-8/14               9:00-10:00am                202117-03 Su            6/26-8/14                11:00am-12:00pm

                                                                                              |    Summer 2022            31
Youth Programs

Rock ‘n’ Kids – Tot Rock & Kid Rock                                       TOT ROCK        AGES 1 year olds with parents
This interactive class has everyone on their feet! We all learn           Code            Day      Date              Time
                                                                          302105          M        6/6-6/27          9:30-10:10am
together while engaging in active, creative, music-based activities,      302105          M        7/11-8/1          9:30-10:10am
while using rhythm instruments and movement props. All class
procedures are designed to keep staff and students safe. Activities       KID ROCK I        AGES 2-3 year olds with parents
are age appropriate by class and include songs and rhymes, rhythm         Code            Day      Date              Time
and coordination, fine and gross motor, imagination and sensory,          302105          M        6/6-6/27          10:15-10:55am
listening and following directions skills. Sing, dance, play, learn and   302105          M        7/11-8/1          10:15-10:55am
imagine with us!
                                                                          KID ROCK II        AGES 3-5 year olds without parents
Location: Connolly Rec. Center,                                          Code            Day      Date              Time
           22W130 Thorndale Ave., Medinah, IL 60157                       302105          M        6/6-6/27          11:00-11:40am
Fee: $55 per student (4 week session)                                     302105          M        7/11-8/1          11:00-11:40am

                                                                          Abracadabra Magic Class                 AGES 5-12
                                                                          Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn
                                                                          collection of fascinating and mesmerizing tricks. Amaze family
                                                                          and friends with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins, mind-
                                                                          reading and more. While the tricks may appear to be difficult, you
                                                                          will discover that they are quick to learn and easy to perform. All
                                                                          materials will be provided, and each child will receive a magic kit
                                                                          to take home. Children will be grouped by age and will learn age-
                                                                          appropriate tricks. Each workshop features brand new tricks.
                                                                          Location: Itasca Park District, 350 E Irving Park Rd.
                                                                          Instructor: Magic Team of Gary Kantor
                                                                          Fee: $20R/$22NR
                                                                          Code             Day       Date              Time
                                                                          102205-01 Th               6/23              4:00-4:55pm

32       Summer 2022 |         630-233-7275
Youth Programs

Game Exploration Week
June 13 – 16 | 4:00-5:30pm
AGES 7-12
Step into a week for STEM (science, technology,
engineering, math) fun! We’ll explore video game-based
learning with game-making tools. Using visual
programming language(s), we’ll learn
about creativity, problem solving and strategies
to make your own games. Stretch your imagination
to design and build fun-filled, challenging games.
Location: M
           edinah Park District,
          22 W130 Thorndale Ave
Fee: $95 per student (4 days)
Code: 302248-01
Day      Date         Time
M-Th     6/13-6/16    4:00-5:30pm

Beginning FUN-gineering                                    Young engineers will build working models of simple machines such as
                                                           a seesaw, a rolling vehicle, and hockey player using Lego® Educational
                                                           kits. Children will have a great time working on activities designed around
July 11 – 14 | 4:00-5:15pm                                 creativity, exploring, investigating and problem solving in a fun group
AGES 4-6                                                   environment! While building these fun and interactive models, they will learn
Location: Roselle Park District, Scout Lodge               about levers, pulleys, gears, wheels and axles. 2 students per Lego® kit.
                                                           Code             Day       Date             Time
304 Pine Ave.
                                                           302248-02 M-Th 7/11-7/14                    4:00-5:15pm

                           Fee: $80 per student (4 days)

                                                                                |    Summer 2022           33
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