Student of the Month Core Value: Integrity Dr. T. Watkins - Charles D Wyche Elementary

Page created by Rafael Gibbs
Student of the Month Core Value: Integrity Dr. T. Watkins - Charles D Wyche Elementary
Student of the Month
                 Core Value: Integrity

Dr. T. Watkins                           Mr. H. Guerra
   Principal                             Assistant Principal
Student of the Month Core Value: Integrity Dr. T. Watkins - Charles D Wyche Elementary
From Ms. Gonzalez

I’m selecting Amy for student of the month
because she has improved academically. She
always tries her best in completing her
assignments. She is always on time and prepared
for class.

I chose Amy this month because she has shown
integrity since the beginning of the school year.
She is very honest and constantly exhibits the
morals she has learned at home in the classroom.
She always thrives to do her best and be a role-
Student of the Month Core Value: Integrity Dr. T. Watkins - Charles D Wyche Elementary
From Ms. Sayre

At the beginning of the year, Steven REFUSED to enter
school. He has made such progress in his year of VPK.
Now, the tears are gone, and he comes to school ready to
learn every day. Steven has great attendance and has
missed only a few days of school. He participates in class
lessons and continues to improve in all VPK skill areas.

Steven gets along well with fellow students and is always
respectful of others. This is evident through his
interactions with adults and peers in class. Steven shares
with others during center time and is quick to help when
a classmate is completing a puzzle or building a castle. If
someone is playing alone, he will invite him/her to play
with him. He follows directions and completes classwork
quietly and in a timely manner. He is an example for
others to follow.
Student of the Month Core Value: Integrity Dr. T. Watkins - Charles D Wyche Elementary
From Ms. Alonso

Brianna tries her best in class with all of her
assignments. She comes to school every day ready and
eager to learn. She gets excited when she makes a
connection from the classroom to her experiences
outside of school.

Brianna shows integrity in the classroom by being
honest. She speaks and acts respectfully to other
students and teachers. She shows respect for her
property and that of others. When she finds something
on the floor that does not belong to her, she will ask all
her classmates if it belongs to them and won’t stop
until she finds the owner.
Student of the Month Core Value: Integrity Dr. T. Watkins - Charles D Wyche Elementary
From Ms. Perez

Angelina Cabrera is very cooperative and very
kind to her peers. Angelina is always on task
and always trying to complete her
assignments. She is a great friend. She always
tries to help others.

Angelina is very honest. She is always on task.
Always willing to help her peers.
Student of the Month Core Value: Integrity Dr. T. Watkins - Charles D Wyche Elementary
From Ms. Cox

Liam is a hardworking student. He puts forth his best effort in every subject and
is ready to grasps new concepts and ideas. He is eager to learn and participates
  in class, always paying attention, asking questions and giving answers. Liam
   has an enthusiasm for learning and often goes above and beyond his work.

  Liam is a role model to all of his classmates. He tries to help everyone that
needs help. Liam is always wearing a smile and is very polite. He participates in
class and does a nice job on his work without needing praise or attention. Liam
                          is a pleasure to have in class
Student of the Month Core Value: Integrity Dr. T. Watkins - Charles D Wyche Elementary
From Ms. Ortiz

Jeremy always tries to pay attention in
class. He likes to participate in the
activities class and show maximum

Jeremy shows great attitude, excellent
behavior and is very cooperative and
friendly with classmates. He keeps his
desk clean.
Student of the Month Core Value: Integrity Dr. T. Watkins - Charles D Wyche Elementary
From Ms. Sotolongo

Antonio Tercero is an enthusiastic learner that
has shown an amazing commitment to his
learning. He is a thinker and communicates his
ideas and knowledge to the class. Antonio has
excellent grades and always completes his work
on time.

Antonio demonstrates his honesty when he
admits to needing help. He is always willing to
be truthful when answering questions. Antonio
stays true to himself and is honest in all
From Ms. Nelson

Ariam is a very good student. He works very hard and loves to participate in class.
            He gets very good grades and is frequently on time to class.

      Student is very dedicated and hard working. Student has shown great
                improvement and likes to help the other students.
From : Mrs. Gomez

  I am selecting Ifrain Pintado for student of the month because he is kind to his
 peers. He put forth his best in every subject. He is eager to learn and participate
in class, paying attention. Ifrain always attempts every academic task which has
        really contributed to his academic growth in reading and math.

 Ifrain tries to help everyone that needs help. He participate in class and does a
nice job on his work without needed praise or attention.
From Ms. Valarezo

Adrian has rightfully earned this recognition because
he has put so much effort into improving his
mathematical skills. I appreciate his willingness to
learn his math strategies and try to apply as much
as possible. He has a good attendance record and
enjoys coming to school.

In class Adrian is friendly and enjoys sharing ideas
with his classmates. He has demonstrated honesty
through his well-behaved manners and his
interaction with adults and fellow peers. Adrian has
demonstrated to be a responsible student at Charles
D. Wyche with following school rules and procedures
through the building and inside the classroom.
From Ms. Reid

   Alejandro consistently puts forth maximum effort during Reading class. He
demonstrates the ability to think critically, and he contributes enriching comments
                         and conversation during our class

  Alejandro exhibits integrity in the way he interacts with his classmates during
group discussions. He is always kind and considerate and willing to lend assistance
 if his classmates need help. Alejandro can be trusted to be a team capital during
    group work because of his bright personality and his willingness to be fair to
From Ms. Mestres & Mr. Biasetti
Yandy has improved noticeably over the course of
the year in all academic areas. His confidence has
grown, and he attempts his work with no fear. He is
starting to believe in his abilities which allows him
to challenge himself without a sense of failure when
it does not go his way. We are very proud of his
overall development this year while trying new

Yandy is extremely social and considerate of his
classmate’s feelings and is always up for helping. He
is always respectful and polite towards the staff and
really enjoys being part of the group. Yandy does not
mind being first, middle or last, he just wants
everyone to get along and enjoy what is going on in
From Ms. A. Gonzalez

Student has shown improvement in his studies and
work ethic. He has shown self-initiative to put forth
maximum effort to understand material. He comes
to class every day ready to learn and tries to help
others when material might be confusing. Student is
a team player and gets along great with his peers.

Student’s integrity is commendable he is one of the
students you can count on to help you understand a
situation among peers or tell you the truth when
something occurs. Student is honest, is likeable,
great attitude towards learning and friendships as
well. He is a student with high moral values that
can be trusted. He is also a pleasure to have in class
with an amusing personality.
From Ms. Alvarez

Student has shown self-initiative to put forth maximum
effort to understand material. She comes to class every
day ready to learn and tries to help others when material
might be confusing. Student is a team player and gets
along great with his peers. Student has worked very hard
to improve academically and it shows in her work. She is
driven and a self-starter. She is self-efficient and finds
ways to understand and she shares with her classmates.

Student’s integrity is admirable she is one of the students
you can count on and trust to help you as a teacher and
her peers as well. Student is a hard worker, honest,
likeable, with a great attitude towards learning and
friendships as well. She is a student with high moral
values and very reliable. She behaves with dignity and
always shows her true self and is a pleasure to have in
From Ms. Moran

Pedro is a very smart and enthusiastic
student. He has a strong work ethic and
pushes himself to excel. He is an
independent thinker, problem solver, and
is able to connect learning to real life

Pedro is a very kind student. He is always
eager to help both teachers and his peers.
He shows empathy and compassion
towards others and takes time to listen
when someone needs a friend.
From Mrs. Edwards-Nicoleau

She actively participates in class and does a
nice job on her work without needing praise
or attention. We can always count on her
to do the right thing whether we are
watching or not.

She is such a sweet young lady. Even
though we are wearing a mask you can tell
she has a smile on her face. Being polite is
just part of who she is and how she treats
From Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Paula

We selected Diego because he is very respectful,
committed to Education, receives good grades in all
subject areas, takes responsibility for his actions and
consistently exhibits honesty and integrity with his
teachers and classmates.

Diego is a model student who has excel
academically. He is very respectful to adults and his
peers. He always has a great attitude and is always
on task. We are honored to have him as a student!
From Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Paula

We selected Jesiah because he is very
respectful, committed to Education, receives
good grades in all subject areas, takes
responsibility for his actions and consistently
exhibits honesty and integrity with his teachers
and classmates.

Jesiah is a model student who has excel
academically. He is very respectful to adults
and his peers. He always has a great attitude
and is always on task. We are honored to have
him as a student!
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