Strategic and Long Range Plan 2019-2022 - Our Mission: Develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by ...

Page created by Tyler Ellis
Strategic and Long Range Plan 2019-2022 - Our Mission: Develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by ...
Strategic and Long Range Plan 2019-2022

 Our Mission: Develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the
   world by creating unmatched opportunities in learning, professional growth and service.

Strategic and Long Range Plan 2019-2022 - Our Mission: Develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by ...
The History of BPA
For over 50 years, Business Professionals of America, Inc. (BPA) has
served as an innovator in Career and Technical Education,
providing its members with opportunities for growth through
education, competition, leadership development and community

Officially formed in 1966 as the Office Education Association
(OEA), BPA has a strong history as a student organization that
contributes to the preparation of global professionals through the
advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic and
technological skills for students at the Middle, Secondary and Post-
secondary Divisions.

With nearly 45,000 members in 1,800 chapters across 25 states and
Puerto Rico, we at BPA are positioning ourselves to be the premier
Career and Technical Student Organization in the areas of
business and technology. The board and staff developed this
strategic plan to guide their efforts to maximize the organization’s
impact and sustainability over the next four years.                    2
Strategic and Long Range Plan 2019-2022 - Our Mission: Develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by ...
Strategic Priorities
Business Professionals of America’s strategic priorities focus on our emerging leadership role among CTSOs, in
CTE policy and intra-organizational communication and transparency. If we’re successful, BPA will be well
positioned to influence public policy discussions, increase membership and extend National level programing to
provide a robust, co-curricular learning experience for BPA students and alumni. Our strategic priorities are:

 ŏ    Increase organizational capacity
 ŏ    Refine and expand our programs and services
 ŏ    Increase organizational sustainability by developing diverse funding
 ŏ    Evaluate and document all organizational outcomes

Strategic and Long Range Plan 2019-2022 - Our Mission: Develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by ...
Measures of SuccesŤ

 ŏ    Middle Level, Secondary, Post-secondary Nembership numbers
 ŏ    Alumni engagement
 ŏ    Business and Industry engagement
 ŏ    Percentage of revenue from diverse funding sources
 ŏ    Number and profiles of individual donors
 ŏ    Awareness of BPA tracked through digital media outlets and metrics
 ŏ    Advocacy activities completed
 ŏ    Generation of outcome reports


Increase                                             Action Step                           Lead V        Start     End      3URJUHVV

                                                     Create a governance committee         Governance    ':   Annual
                                                     to:                                   Committee       Q2
                                                         ŏ  Complete an annual

                                                            review of organizational
                                                            needs related to board skill

                                                        ŏ    Develop and refine board
                                                             orientation materials.

                                                        ŏ    Assess current board
*RYHUQDQFHERG\1DWLRQDO6WDIIDQG                         practices compared to
$GYLVRU\&RXQFLOVWRPHHWWKHVWUDWHJLF                     recommended practices
                                                     Create an annual work plan for        Board Chair   ':   Annual
                                                     each board committee, clearly                        Q2
                                                     defining scope of work and

Increase                                            Action Step                           Lead V         Start     End       3URJUHVV

organizational                                      Assess areas where the Board can
                                                    benefit from training, resources or
                                                    other development activities and
                                                                                          Board Chair;
                                                                                          Director of

                                                    create a plan to meet those           Development

                                                    Complete an analysis of space         Executive      ':   ':
                                                    needs for long-term sustainability.   Director         Q2        Q4
                                                    Recommend options for the best
                                                    location for BPA.
*RYHUQDQFHERG\1DWLRQDO6WDIIDQG$GYLVRU\       Conduct annual interviews with all    Board Chair    ':   Annual
&RXQFLOVWRPHHWWKHVWUDWHJLFSULRULWLHVRIWKH   board members to optimize their                         Q2                %/8(

Increase                                            Action Step                              Lead(s)        Start     End       3URJUHVV

                                                    Assess areas where BPA Bdvisory          Advisory        ': Annual
                                                    Douncils (SAAC/CEAC/NBAC) can            Council Chairs;   Q2
                                                    benefit from training, resources and     Director of
Refine, and expand                               Action Step                            Lead(s)        Start     End       3URJUHVV

programs and services
                                                 Pilot and evaluate formal              Director of    ':   Annual
                                                 collaborations with potential          Strategic        Q3
                                                 partners who can provide               Programs &
Action Step                            Lead(s)        Start     End       3URJUHVV

Refine, and expand                               Research best practices and existing   Director of    ':   Annual

programs and services
                                                 tools that can be used to formalize    Strategic        Q3
                                                 partnerships and collaborations with   Programs &                          %/8(
                                                 other organizations.                   Experiences

                                                 Review and recommend WSAP              Director of    ': ':
                                                 Competitive Events to remove           EducatioQ      Q3      Q1
                                                 redundancy, overlap and to             'LUHFWRURI
                                                 incorporate new areas of industry      7HFKQRORJ\                        :&--08
                                                 not currently addressed.               ,QWHJUDWLRQ

Review and refine current programming to align   5HYLHZ:6$3&RPSHWLWLYH
                                                 Events and ensure alignment to
with national CTE standards. Develop new,        industry certifications.
distributed programs to meet the unique needs
of our divisional membership.                    Develop Learning Management            Director of    ':   ':2022
                                                 System with 1,000 active monthly       Technology       Q3        Q2
                                                 users.                                 Integration                        #-6&

                                                 Increase industry certification        Director of    ':   ':2022
                                                 offering and access by 20%.            Education      Q3        Q2
                                                                                        'LUHFWRURI                       :&--08

Increase sustainability
                                                 Action Step                                Lead(s)       Start     End       3URJUHVV

                                                 Create a brief fundraising development Executive        ': ':

by developing diverse
                                                 plan.                                  'LUHFWRU            Q3       Q       :&--08

                                                 Develop a decision making tool that        Executive    ':   ':
                                                 can be used to evaluate potential          'LUHFWRU        Q3        Q
                                                 fundraising activities and a review tool                                      :&--08
                                                 for completed fundraising activities to
                                                 support data driven decision making.

                                                 Establish a formal 3esource                Executive    ': ':
                                                 %evelopment committee, comprised           'LUHFWRU      Q2        Q
                                                 of board members and volunteers with       %RDUG&KDLU
Ensure that BPA is set up for operational        high-level fundraising experience.
longevity by diversifying our funding streams.
                                                 Expand number of grants written and        Executive    ':   ':2022
                                                 received. Identify and apply to at least   'LUHFWRU        Q2        Q4      :&--08
                                                 two (2) grants per year.

                                                 Establish BPA Foundation and               Executive    ': ':2022
                                                 Foundation Board.                          'LUHFWRU        Q4      Q4         :&--08

                                                 Increase scholarship awards by 50%.        Executive    ': ':2022
                                                 Disperse $10,000 in scholarships at the    'LUHFWRU      Q3      Q4
                                                 National Leadership Conference             %RDUG&KDLU                        %/8(

Increase sustainability                          Action Step                             Lead(s)         Start    End       3URJUHVV

by developing diverse
                                                 Increase the number of external                        ': ':
                                                 fundraisers and “friendraisers” on                       Q3      Q
                                                 behalf of BPA at the Oational and

                                                 Ttate level. Identify committed         Executive
                                                 individuals and organizations in the    'LUHFWRU
Evaluate and
                                                Action Step                            Lead(s)        Start     End         3URJUHVV

document all
                                                Create a workable database to          Director of   ':   Ongoing
                                                allow for more efficient tracking of   7HFKQRORJ\      Q3
Action Step                                Lead(s)        Start     End       3URJUHVV

Evaluate and                                    Create a testimonial archive from         'LUHFWRURI    ':   Ongoing

document all
                                                relevant internal and external            7HFKQRORJ\       Q3
                                                stakeholders to illustrate the need for
Position BPA to be
                                         Action Step                              Lead(s)       Start     End       3URJUHVV

more widely
                                         Identify local, state and national       Executive    ':   Ongoing
                                         organizations, in corporate, nonprofit   'LUHFWRU      Q3                %/8(
                                         and government sectors, with a           $GYRFDF\

recognized as a
                                         shared interest in CTE with whom         &RPPLWWHH
                                         BPA might partner on advocacy

leader in CTE                            Recruit additional volunteers or
                                         board members with experience in
Action Step                             Lead(s)           Start     End       3URJUHVV

Position BPA to be                       Craft key messages about the
                                         services of BPA and its impact on
                                                                                 Director of

more widely
                                         students, the community and the         'LUHFWRURI
                                         global workforce.

recognized as a                          Create a centralized branding           Director of     ':    ':

leader in CTE
                                         package and marketing plan              0DUNHWLQJ 
                                                                                 6WDNHKROGHU       Q2         Q3      (3&&/
                                         identifying key messages for multiple

                                         Evaluate and use all internal           Director of
                                                                                 0DUNHWLQJ      ':    Ongoing
Leverage BPA’s advocacy efforts and to   opportunities for conveying key
                                                                                 6WDNHKROGHU       Q1                 %/8(
                                         messages including the website,
influence education policy and drive     newsletter, social media, Thank You
awareness of BPA and CTE.                letters to donors, etc.

                                                                                 Director of
                                         Continue to evaluate and improve                         ': Ongoing
                                         BPA’s web presence and explore          ,QWHJUDWLRQ      Q2
                                         new opportunities to promote BPA        'LUHFWRURI                          %/8(
                                         online.                                 0DUNHWLQJ 

                                         Develop a BPA mobile app to drive       Director of      ': ':
                                         engagement with membership and          7HFKQRORJ\                           :&--08
                                                                                                   Q3        Q1
                                         partners. Maintain an 85% user          ,QWHJUDWLRQ
                                         satisfaction rating.

“As BPA members, we have the unique opportunity to rise above our circumstances,
               come together as ONE and create our futures!”
                                               - Dominica Chavez, 2018-2019 Secondary President

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