Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association

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Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association
ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED!                   p.34

December 2021 •


                                  Stopgap for

                                   STOL Drags
                                  at Dead Cow
Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association
2 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association
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Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association
Vol.18 • Issue 12 • December 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Official Magazine of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Cessna Flyer Association

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jennifer Dellenbusch

     LIST YOUR AIRCRAFT                                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                                                                                                                    VICE PRESIDENT/DIRECTOR OF SALES

           FOR SALE                                                                                                                                                                                 Kent Dellenbusch

                                                                                                                                                                                                    CREATIVE DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pierre Kotze

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ASSOCIATE EDITORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Scott Kinney
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Troy Whistman

                 for as low as                                                                                                                                                                      EDITORIAL AND PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Diana Hart
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jill Waterston

                                   Used Aircraft                                                                                           Welcome!
                                                                                                                                           Since 1978, Aviator Hot Line® has been a leader          CONTRIBUTING EDITORS

                                                                                                                                          in bringing aircraft buyers and sellers together.
                                                                                                                                           Our mission is to bring you the best selection
                                                                                                                                                 of used aircraft at the best market price.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mike Berry
                                                                                                                                               Throughout this section, you’ll find quality
                                                                                                                                                 aircraft, all priced to sell. Enjoy shopping
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Steve Ells
                                                                                                                                            Aviator Hot Line®’s Used Aircraft Marketplace!          Kevin Garrison
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Michael Leighton
                                                                                                                                                                                                    John Ruley
                                       1978 ROCKWELL / COMMANDER 690B-10 • N20MA                                       2005 THUNDER MUSTANG • N451KC                                                Dale Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Kristin Winter
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dennis Wolter

                                       TTAF: 7523.3, Left Engine: 2578.0 Hrs, 2323 Cycles SMOH, 61.1 Hrs SHSI,
                                       Right Engine: 2562.0 Hrs, 2298 Cycles SMOH, 61.1 Hrs. SHSI, Annual Due:
                                                                                                                       Built by Ezell Aviation-TX • Engine: Falconer V12, TTAF and Engine: 75
                                                                                                                       Hours, PROP: MT, Model MTV-16-1-E-C, Garmin Avionics: 430 Nav/
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS
                                       FEB. 2021, Garmin GNS 530W & GNS 430W, GMA 340 Audio Panel, GTX 345
                                       w/ADS-B In/Out, GTX 327, Bendix KMH 820 TCAS/TAWS • Reduced Price:
                                                                                                                       Com/GPS, 340 Audio Panel, 327 Transponder. Century NSD360 HSI • King
                                                                                                                       KX155 with KI-209 Glideslope Indicator, S-Tec 30 Autopilot • $525,000        Paul Bowen
                                       Located: JACKSON, MS (KJAN) •
                                       Paul Alexander • 662-392-5034
                                                                                                                       Located: Troy, Alabama (TOI) •
                                                                                                                       Kenny Campbell: 334-372-7283 or 334-566-1563
                                                                                                                                                                                                    James Lawrence
                                      1998 PIETENPOL GREGA GN-1 • N4FQ                                                 1934 STINSON SR-5E RELIANT • NC14187
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Keith Wilson

                                                                                                                                                                                                    1042 Mountain Ave., Ste. B #337
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Upland, CA 91786
                                      Owned, Flown, and Maintained by an A & P Owner • TTAF: 576,                      TTAF: 1578, Lycoming Engine: 378 SMOH, Hamilton Standard Prop,
                                      Continental 65 HP Engine: 2.0 SOH, Climb Prop: 27.0 SPOH, New Left
                                      Bendix Mag and Fine Wire Plugs, 16 Gallon Fuel, Always Hangared • Open
                                                                                                                       Appraised by Air Assets on 09/16/19--Market Value: $113,500 •
                                                                                                                       Exterior in Excellent Condition: Original 1934 Colors in a 12-Coat Stits
                                                                                                                       Polyfiber • Annual is Good Until February 28th, 2021 • Always in a
                                      Cockpit Light Aviation Superstar in Big Sky Country • $16,900 O.B.O.             Museum or Hangar • ONLY $99,999
                                      MONTANA Location (MT53)                                                          El Cajon, CA (KSEE)
                                      406-499-2756 •                                               916-532-8004 •

                                       1969 PIPER CHEROKEE 6/300 • N8950N                                              1946 PIPER J-3 CUB/PA-11 • N71081                                            Cessna Flyer is the official publication of the Cessna Flyer Association.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cessna Flyer is published monthly by Aviation Group Limited, 1042
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mountain Ave., Ste. B #337, Upland, CA 91786. POSTMASTER: Send address
                                                                                                                                                                                                    changes to Cessna Flyer, 1042 Mountain Ave., Ste. B #337, Upland, CA
                                                                                                                                                                                                    91786. Subscriptions, advertising orders, and correspondence should be
                                       TTAF: 3297 Hours, Engine-SMOH: 1097 Hours, 3 Blade PROP, Garmin                 TOTALLY Rebuilt and Highly Modified Piper J-3, Overhauled Continental 90
                                                                                                                       HP with New Cylinders, Cam, and Crank. Powder Coated Airframe, Use of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    addressed to 1042 Mountain Ave., Ste. B #337, Upland, CA 91786. Annual
                                       GNS 430, Dynon Avionics: EFIS-D100, 6 Place Stereo & Intercom System,
                                       No autopilot, New Paint, Excellent Interior, Hangared in Saint Augustine, FL,
                                       Annual Due: December 2020 • ONLY $83,900 O.B.O. for this Fabulous Piper
                                                                                                                       Carbon Fiber to Keep Weight Down, Modern Avionics Panel, Currently Located
                                                                                                                       at: Big Lake Aviation LLC in ALASKA • Will Deliver to Buyer’s Location •
                                                                                                                                                                                                    dues: $44.00 in the U.S.; Canada and Mexico add $15.00 per year; all
                                       Cherokee 6/300                                                                  $109,500
                                                                                                                                                                                                    others add $25.00 per year (U.S. Dollars only). Eighty percent (80%) of
                                       Convenient FLORIDA Location                                                     Location in Alaska •
                                       612-387-2486 •                                       907-315-6006 (Chuck) • 907-354-6203 (Nick)                                   annual dues is designated for your magazine subscriptions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The information presented in Cessna Flyer is from many sources for
                                                                                                                                                                                                    this reason there can be no warranty or responsibility by the publisher
                                                                                                                                                                                                    as to accuracy, originality, or completeness. The magazine is sold
                                                                                                                                                                                                    with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering
                                                                                                                                                                                                    product endorsements or providing instruction as a substitute for
                                                                                                                                                                                                    appropriate training by qualified sources. Cessna Flyer and Aviation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Group Limited will not assume responsibility for any actions arising
                                                                                                                                                                                                    from any information published in Cessna Flyer. We invite comments
                 All our aircraft listings are also included on                                                                                                                                     and welcome any report of inferior products obtained through our
                                                                                                                                                                                                    advertising, so corrective action may be taken.

4 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association
December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 5
Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association
December 2021 • Volume 18 • Issue 12

                                   Peace above                  Prop & Cowling
                                   Earth is an                 8      THE VIEW FROM HERE •
                                   impossible                         Jennifer Dellenbusch

                                   dream, but isn’t            8      LETTERS to the EDITOR
                                   the holiday                 10     CESSNA FLYER EVENTS
                                   season all about
                                   dreaming?                   14     THE HIGH and the WRITEY •
                                                                      Kevin Garrison

                                                               18     QUESTIONS & ANSWERS • Steve Ells

                                    Cockpit & Fuselage
                                    24 STOPGAP FOR ADS-B • Dennis K. Johnson
                                    30 INFORMATION OVERLOAD • Michael Leighton
                                    34	ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! • Kevin Garrison
                                    38 SLEEK SINGLE-ENGINE CESSNAS • CFA Staff
                                    50 STOL DRAGS AT DEAD COW • Glynn Dennis

                                                                Tail & Rudder
                                                                60 NEWS
                                                                68 AIRCRAFT SAFETY ALERTS
                                                                72 ADVERTISER INDEX
                                                                74 BACK WHEN: VINTAGE CESSNA
                                                                      ADVERTISING AND MARKETING

 COVER: 2008 Cessna 400.
 Photo Nick Moore.

6 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association
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Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association
The View From Here                                    Letters to the Editor
                                   By JENNIFER DELLENBUSCH                               Send your letters to

                                                                                         Q&A: Idle Mixture Check
                                                                                         by Steve Ells

2021:                                                                                    November 2021

                                                                                         Hello Steve,

The Year in Review                                                                           I’ve got a question about something
                                                                                         you said in the November 2021 issue of
                                                                                         Cessna Flyer, on Page 20.
                                                                                             You state that “I like to do this (idle)
                                                                                         mixture check at 1,000 rpm.” Is that
WHAT A MIXED BAG this past year has been, with some high points and some low             really correct?
points. You can read all about the low points on 24-hour repeat online, so let’s focus       Doesn’t a carburetor have an idle
on some of the positive things within our Cessna Flyer world.                            circuit? At 1,000 rpm, are you beyond the
    Once again, and despite vendor delays and USPS setbacks, we were able to             idle circuit? Shouldn’t an idle mixture
send out 12 (this being the 12th) issues of Cessna Flyer magazine. We’ve featured        check be conducted at idle RPM?
articles on Cessna models including the 310, 190/195, 152, 172, 182, and more. We            Bob Cunningham
wrapped up Dennis Wolter’s extensive series on interior restoration. We reviewed             Cessna Flyer Association member
headsets and avionics.
    We discussed ways to survive the new insurance restrictions, what you need           Hi Bob,
to know about service bulletins and your flight manual, and took you step-by-step            Thanks for asking.
through an engine overhaul.                                                                  After checking the service manual of
    As COVID-19 restrictions lifted, we were able to get back to traveling and our       several Cessna models, it looks like my
contributing editors and our members took us along on trips to Chesapeake Bay,           statement was too broad. For instance,
Minter Field, Cincinnati, Luray Caverns, and Shenandoah National Park, and               the mid-1970s Cessna 206 (with a fuel-in-
back to Wisconsin for the Gathering at Waupaca and AirVenture. I’ve updated my           jected Continental engine) manual does
bucket list to include a few of these. Have you?                                         call for adjusting the idle speed to 550-
    2020 showed us the truth of the adage; you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s      600 rpm but specifies 1,000 rpm for the
gone. The 2021 Gathering was our best yet and AirVenture exceeded expectations.          idle mixture check.
It was so nice to get back together in person.                                               The service manual for the mid-
    In July we published our first ebook—the Cessna Flyer and Piper Flyer Engine         1970s Cessna 172 Skyhawk (carbureted
Resource Guide. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you’ll want to navigate to tinyurl.    Lycoming engine) specifies setting the
com/EngineGuide and grab your copy. It’s free and does not require you to give           idle speed and checking the mixture at
your email. The Engine Resource Guide is a great resource for discovering what’s         600 rpm.
available for your engine and where to find it. It also contains handy cross-refer-          The service manual for the 172RG
ence guides to what engines were certified in which Cessna models, and also what         (fuel-injected Lycoming engine) sets
engine upgrades are available for each model.                                            the idle speed at 600 and the mixture is
    We welcomed many, many new members this year and answered hundreds of                checked at 1,000.
tech support questions and parts locating requests.                                          To further complicate what looks like
    If you joined us late in the year and missed out on any issues of the magazine,      one procedure for carbureted engines
you can find them online under the “Magazine/Online Magazines” menu tab.                 and one for fuel-injected engines, the pro-
    As we head into the holiday season and prepare for the coming of a new year,         cedure for the 1997 Cessna 182S calls for
I want to wish you all a merry Christmas, happy holidays, and the very best in the       both setting the idle speed to 650 +25/-25
coming year.                                                                             rpm and then messing with the mixture
    Blue skies,                                                                          until the engine runs smoothly at that
                                                                                         rpm. Then lean it (with a warm engine)
                                                                                         to get a 10 to 50 rpm rise.
                                                                                             I should have written that idle speeds
                                                                                         and procedures for setting idle mixtures
                                                                                         vary from airplane to airplane. Make sure
                                                                                         to check the service manual for your air-
                                                                                         plane for the correct procedure. As they
                                                                                         say, if all else fails, read the manual.

8 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association

                                      “Air Plains took by inquiry from Europe very serious and
                                      they have delivered an outstanding job and service. The
                                      300HP engine has taken me safely three times over the
                                      North Atlantic. I can well use that power here on small
                                      strips and in the
                                      mountains in Switzerland.
                                      - Alfred W. Moeckli

                                    + Factory Reman Continental IO-550-D
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Stopgap for ADS-B Destination: STOL Drags at Dead Cow - ICING CONDITIONS HAVE RETURNED! p.34 - Cessna Flyer Association
                                                                                                               other activities held on the SUN ‘n FUN Expo Campus
CFA Event                                                                                                      at the Lakeland Linder International Airport. Innovative
                                                                                                               and intriguing competitions, exhibits, and vendors are
JULY 23-24, 2022 — THE 18TH ANNUAL GATHERING AT                                                                imminent this year! Admission will be $12.00 per person in
WAUPACA.                                                                                                       advance and $15.00 per person at the gate, while children
CFA’s annual pre-OSH event with fun, food, and friendship.                                                     under 12 are free. For more information, visit
Super Early Bird rate of $125/person ends Feb. 28, 2022.                                                       holidayfestival/information/
Saturday receptions, seminars and banquet on Sunday,
motor coach to AirVenture (July 26–Aug. 1). To register for                                                    JULY 25–JULY 31, 2022 — OSHKOSH, WI. WITTMAN FIELD
the Gathering, visit                                                      (KOSH). EAA AIRVENTURE OSHKOSH.
Visit for more information.                                                                    Experience the largest annual gathering of aviation
                                                                                                               enthusiasts. From unique, historic aircraft to world-
                                                                                                               class daily air shows, you don’t want to miss the World’s
Featured Events                                                                                                Greatest Aviation Celebration. For more information, visit
Are you making your holiday planes? Mark your calendars
for the SUN ‘n FUN Holiday Fly-in Festival and Car Show!
SUN ‘n FUN Expo Campus will be hosting our second
annual Holiday Fly-in Festival and Car Show on December
3rd and 4th, 2021. The two-day fly-in/drive-in event will
include a showplane area, car show, live music, and many
                                                                                                                                                                         continued on Page 12 

                    Univair Parts For Your Cessna 180–185 and 182 thru 182D

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  Screw .............. U0712500-11 .....$350.40                                                                  upper bushing                                  Roller Bearing .......U0523921 .......$40.18
                                                      Note: To insure that trailing edge corrugations
  Adjusting Cam.......U0712502 .......$43.26          match, it is strongly recommended that elevator          Bearing ...............MS24462-4 .......$90.00
                                                      skins are purchased in pairs (Top and Bottom or                                                            Aluminum Spinner                FAA-PMA
                                                      Left and Right).
    Aileron Hinge                  FAA-PMA
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    172, 180, 182, 185                                • For all 180, 185, 182-182B                                                                              • Price includes 4 plastic
                                                                                                               • See website for exact
                                                      • Price includes both right and                                                                             U0752620-3 spacer rings
                                                                                                                 model applicability
                                                        left hand skins                                                                                         Spinner .........U0752637K200 .....$923.95
                                                      U0731000-500/501......$473.45                            Oil Door ........... U0752000-56 .....$429.99
  Aileron Hinge .... U0523816-1 .......$96.34                                                                  Oil Door ............. U0552173-6 .....$279.04
                                                                                                               Oil Door ........... U0552173-27 .....$337.66
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10 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
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                                                December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 11
   Continued from Page 10

OSHKOSH, WI. EAA AVIATION CENTER.                                 Thursday, February 17 – An Inside Look at Flying the
AVIATION ADVENTURE SPEAKER SERIES.                                Goodyear Blimp: A fun evening about one of the most
The presentations are held monthly at the museum’s                iconic aircraft of the past century takes you behind the
Founders’ Wing beginning at 7 p.m. Admission is free for          scenes of the Goodyear Blimp with two of its pilots.
EAA members and just $5 for non-members.
                                                                      The EAA Aviation Museum will provide increased
Early 2022 presentations include:                                 distancing in the Founders’ Wing for these presentations in
                                                                  keeping with COVID protocols.
Thursday, January 20 – U-2: Flying a Cold War                         The EAA Aviation Museum is located just off Interstate
Legend: The U-2 spy plane is a highly classified high-            41 at the Highway 44 exit in Oshkosh. The museum is open
altitude reconnaissance aircraft which is still shrouded in       daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. EAA members receive free
mystery decades after it began its service. U-2 pilot Carl        museum admission year-round. For more information, call the
Trout talks about what it takes to fly the U-2, as well as his    EAA Aviation Museum at (920) 426-4818 or visit
personal stories from this fascinating aircraft.                  museum.

 Please send details three months (or more) in advance to

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12 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
The High & The Writey
                                By KEVIN GARRISON

                                         Peace Over Earth
                       Promoting the peaceful use of airplanes should be on everyone’s holiday wish list.

        viation pioneer Alberto Santos-Dumont, the first person      of all satellites orbiting our earth are dual-use military-civilian
        to achieve powered flight over Europe—and some say           objects. In October 2021, the United States established the
        the world—never intended for his aviation inventions         Space Force as a separate branch of its military.
to be used for war. The fact that the airplane was utilized in           I am not naive. I know that air power has been an essen-
World War I devastated him. He said, “I never thought that my        tial part of our military for over 100 years. Some of our most
creation would allow brothers to kill brothers.”                     significant victories have resulted from the use of aircraft. Our
    The Wright Brothers had the same thoughts as their               Cold War security and our nation’s security today were and are
Brazilian counterpart. They initially saw their aircraft as a        space-based. You cannot own or fire an ICBM without going
deterrent to war, not as a weapon to be used in one.                 into space.
    In 1915 Orville said: “The aeroplane will prevent war                Warbirds are, in my opinion, the most beautiful airplanes
by making it too expensive, too slow, too difficult, too long        ever built. I cannot hear a World War II fighter or bomber roar
drawn out.”                                                          overhead without getting a lump in my throat and a feeling of
    Most other aviation inventors agreed. War would become           pride. My dad was a crew member on a bomber in the big war.
impossible. They thought the observations done by aircraft           Your dad may have done that, too.
would show both sides of a conflict precisely what the other side        We should be proud of our past and recognize that while the
was doing.                                                           use of airplanes in war is an ugly business, it is necessary in the
    “We thought governments would recognize the impossibil-          world we live in. But what if the world was different?
ity of winning by surprise attacks,” Orville said in 1917, “and          What if the dream of Santos-Dumont and the Wrights did
that no country would enter into war with another of equal           come true?

                                                                     Peace above Earth
                                                                         This is the time of year when people talk about and wish for
Peace above Earth is an                                              “peace on Earth.” What if we could find a way to bring “peace
                                                                     above Earth?”
impossible dream, but isn’t                                              Imagine with me for a moment that humanity somehow
                                                                     avoided World War I, World War II, and the host of other
the holiday season all about                                         20th-century conflicts that used the airplane for aggression or
                                                                     defense. What if we have never had part of our love of flying tied
dreaming?                                                            into death and destruction?
                                                                         I know that I have the luxury of dreaming about peaceful
                                                                     skies because of the people who risked and gave their lives in
                                                                     the sky to protect my little happy world. I just wish that they did
size when it knew that it would have to win by simply wearing        not have to do that.
out its enemy.”                                                          The first thing that springs to my mind when I think about
    Inventors and pioneers in any field, especially aviation, are    peaceful skies is the number of people who would not have had
dreamers. The dream of the Wrights, Santos-Dumont, and a             to die in an airplane. I could give you the numbers of dead and
host of others was that flying would bring the world together,       injured flight crewmembers from our wars, but those figures
shorten distances between nations, and promote brotherhood           are cold and impersonal. Each one represents a living, breathing
and understanding.                                                   human being who could have gone on to live a full life.
    In 1967, the United Nations ratified the “Outer Space                We will never know what we do not know. The person who
Treaty,” a document meant to curtail the use of space for war-       could have invented the cure for all cancers may have died in
fare or nation-building. This thinking is very similar to the idea   the skies over Berlin in 1944.
that outer space should not be used for military purposes. For           Peace over Earth would have meant that as a child of the
example, the treaty established that no nation could own the         1950s and 1960s, I would have grown up playing with toy air-
moon or any specific sector of space.                                planes that weren’t bombers or fighters. Hiding under my desk
                                                                     at school in 1962 could have been for fun, not something to do
Air and space power                                                  when the nukes threatened to come raining down.
   Dreams do not always come true. The airplane has been                 I have been very lucky in that I have never knowingly had
used for warfare constantly since its invention, and today, 95%      to harm somebody with an airplane. The damage I have done

14 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
Since our inception in 1967, Superior Air Parts has delivered
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                                                                                                         December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 15
to humanity through aviation has come from bad landings, bad            full of relief flights and bereft of bombing raids.
weather decisions, and perhaps the occasional bad training                   Santa’s sleigh, a metaphor for peaceful flying if there ever
flight given to a student.                                              was one, will launch on December 24th for its yearly unrefueled
                                                                        mission to drop toys and love on the children of the world.
Wishful thinking                                                             He will fly stealthily, and silently, except for the occasionally
     What if every pilot and aviation enthusiast had the same           loud “Ho-Ho-Ho,” avoiding NORAD and a host of other national
kind of life? What if flying was used only to bring medical sup-        air defense networks, but he will be unarmed. His mission will
plies and food to people in need or to relocate puppies looking         be a peaceful one: bombing us with gifts.
for homes or purely for fun?                                                 I know that imagining a flying world without war and death
     Author Richard Bach is an Air Force fighter pilot from the         is about as realistic as fully believing that a literal Santa will
Cold War era. In his novel, “One,” he describes military avia-          invade our airspace with eight ungulates and a sled filled with
tion as a sort-of lure to young people wanting to fly. In order to      presents this year. Even so, peaceful skies are still my wish for
fly the best, fastest, and most advanced airplanes in the sky, a        our world.
young person must sign on to the idea that they may kill people,             Peace above Earth is an impossible dream, but isn’t the
possibly millions of people, with these airplanes.                      holiday season all about dreaming?
     In another part of the novel, he imagines a universe without            My other holiday wish for you, my readers and friends, is
war in the air. In it, young people fly airplanes similar to military   a year full of peaceful and safe flying. May your flying life be
ones, but only for sport. Dogfight and other flying competitions        filled with smooth rides, direct routing, inexpensive fuel, and
are held between nations, not wars. Points were scored, inter-          greased-on landings. I hope your aircraft annuals are issue-free
national flying games were held, medals were handed out to the          and low cost, that your medical is never at risk, and that the
winning pilots, and no cities were destroyed.                           coffee at your pancake breakfasts is plentiful and hot.
     I know we are not able (and probably do not want) to elim-
inate the military use of our dream airplanes. We are humans,
and as humans, we have always been afraid of others and are              KEVIN GARRISON’S aviation career began at age 15 as
ready to defend ourselves when we think that our continued              a lineboy in Lakeland, Florida. He came up through General
existence demands it.                                                   Aviation, retired as a 767 captain in 2006, and retired from
     We cannot do away with military flying any more than we            instructing airline pilots in 2017. Garrison’s professional
can turn our Navy into a cruise ship line or transform the Army         writing career has spanned three decades. Send questions or
and Marines into park rangers. The need for defense will always         comments to
be with us, but just for a second, it is nice to think about a world

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16 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021

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                                                                                                               December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 17
Questions & Answers
                                    By STEVE ELLS

       Synthetic Aviation Oils, IA
 Responsibilities, RPM Loss, Continental
  Replacement Starter, Ingress/Egress
Q    Is it likely that once unleaded 100 octane aviation fuels
     come into use that engine oil requirements will change to
     allow the use of full synthetic oils?
                                                                    aircraft since the beginning. I say that he is only accepting
                                                                    responsibility from the last signed-off annual forward. So,
                                                                    who is right?

A                                                                   A
     The answer is yes. Fully synthetic aviation oils, which              Your new IA is correct, because he has no way of knowing
     lubricate much better than non-synthetic oils, were tried            if the last IA worked to the same standards he works to.
     before in the mid-1990s by Mobil with its Mobil AV-1 oil,                 I, as an IA, always inspect everything and check proper
which was approved for use in over 200 aircraft models by           compliance with all the ADs when I see an airplane for the first
Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).                                time, because when I sign off an annual, I am certifying that the
                                                                    airplane is airworthy.
                                                                        An airplane is airworthy when it and all its components
                                                                    meets the Type Design specifications (see the Type Certificate

Once tetraethyl lead is no
                                                                    Data Sheet [TCDS]) and other regulatory updates and/or modi-
                                                                    fications mandated such as Airworthiness Directives (ADs), and

longer in our fuel, I predict
                                                                    the airplane is safe to fly.
                                                                        Unfortunately, on occasion, some items aren’t fully in-

that synthetic aviation oils
                                                                    spected, or are improperly repaired and are still signed off.
                                                                        There are A&Ps who sign off on complicated ADs, but ha-

will replace present-day oils.
                                                                    ven't completed every step of the AD. This is just one example
                                                                    of why a responsible A&P will insist on going through a very
                                                                    thorough inspection the first time he sees an airplane, unless
                                                                    the airplane is one he has already thoroughly inspected.
                                                                        I hope this helps you understand.
    Mobil promised 200-hour oil change intervals for engines            Happy flying,
with oil filters, but had to withdraw the product and pay some          Steve

owners to replace their engines because polyalphaolefin (PAO)
synthetic base oil could not hold the lead from the fuel and              In my shop, there is a Cessna 150 which we have been
combustion in suspension, so lead quickly clogged up the engine           working on for some time. The issue with the airplane is
oil galleys.                                                              that after approximately 20 minutes of flight, there is a
    Once tetraethyl lead is no longer in our fuel, I predict that   loss of 200 to 300 rpm, and it is noticeably rougher in operation.
synthetic aviation oils will replace present-day oils.              On most of the RPM loss instances, the owner has been able to
    Happy flying,                                                   pull the carb heat on for 15 to 20 seconds and normal operation
    Steve                                                           resumes for 5 to 10 minutes.

                                                                        The roughness does not appear to be in one mag, as the mag
     I have a Cessna 172K. The A&P/IA whom I usually use            drop is equal at this time. We have cleaned and gapped plugs,
     to sign off on my annual died suddenly. In my search           tested ignition leads, flushed the fuel system, replaced the fuel
     for a new one, I am having a problem getting a new             caps with known good caps, replaced the fuel hose from the
one to come on board. He says that by signing on, he is as-         gascolator to the carb, and replaced the carburetor accelerator
suming responsibility for everything that’s been done to the        pump assembly.

18 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
       Continental Crankcase                                    Cylinder Options from RAM                                                   Nose Bowls                                 PMA-New Internal Gears
Continental Permold Crankcase                                                                                               RAM nose bowls are sized with larger air inlets and   Gears for Continental Engines
                 Tagged with 8130 - Can be studded                                     Continental Engines:                 serve as PMA replacements for Cessna’s later-model
                 to order for an additional fee.                                           • O/IO-470                       airplanes and upgrades for early Cessnas.
                                                                                           • IO-520
                                                                                           • IO-550
                                                                                           • GTSIO-520                                                                            Camshaft ........Replaces 656818..... $850
                                                                                           • TSIO-550                                                                             Crank ..............Replaces 657175..... $395
                                                                                       Call for Full Pricing!                                                                     Large Crank ....Replaces 656991..... $896
                                                             Repaired (Nickel Bore):                                                                                              Tach Drive.......Replaces 535900..... $149
 Crankcase.....Exchange ..............$4,900*
                                                             IO-520............. P/N 658552A4 ........$695                                                                        Tach Driven.....Replaces 535908..... $550
  PMA Oil Pump Components                                    TSIO-520......... P/N 658552A2 ........$695                                                                          Oil Pump Drive ...Replaces 631075..... $960
                                       Mo                                                                                   PMA-New........ P/N 2273-1 .............$2,502*       Oil Pump Driven ..Replaces 631016..... $695
                                           re                Overhauled (Nickel Bore):
                                          a mp               IO-520............. P/N CL71.4-232 ......$1,415
                                      Cal vailab onen
                                         l to                TSIO-520......... P/N CL71.4-231 ......$1,389
                                                                                                                                        Fuel Pump Blade                                        Induction Tubes
                                                 le. ts
                                       det day f
                                           ails or
                                                             New Superior Millennium:
                                                             IO-520........ P/N SA52006-A20P......$1,491                                                                          Coupler Hose ....Replaces 642917-1....... $12
Pump Housing .. Replaces 632977 .......$1,650                TSIO-520.... P/N SA52006-A22P......$1,459
                   ... Replaces 631056A1 ...$996
                                                                                                                                                                                        Airbox to Turbo Replaces 102-389007-3... $110
                                                                                                                                                                                  Duct ................
Tach Drive Housing                                                                                                          Pump Blade ....Replaces 635549..... $48                     Intercooler to Wye Replaces 102-389004-3 .... $118
                                                                                                                                                                                  Duct ................
Pressure Regulator Kit Replaces 642335A1 ...$50
                                                                   Cessna/Piper 160hp STC                                                   Flex Elbows                           Duct ................
                                                                                                                                                                                       Servo to Intercooler
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Replaces 102-389003-3... $119
Plug ................ Replaces 532432 .......$10
                                                             ENGINE AND AIRFRAME AUTHORIZATION STC
         Exhaust Heat Shroud                                 Lycoming - Increase 150 hp to 160 hp
                                                                                                                                                                                       Intake & Exhaust Clamps
                                                             Cessna 172:
                                                             Applicable Engine:
                                                             Lycoming O-320-E2D
                                                                                                                            Long........... P/N 1111-1 ..................$640
                                                             Piper PA-28:                                                   Short .......... P/N 1111-2 ..................$618
                                                             Applicable Engines:
                                                             Lycoming O-320-E3D,                                            Series VII.... P/N 1111-5 ..................$704      Band Clamp ......P/N 2265-210-SH ......$98
Heat Shroud ....... Replaces 0851053-5....$228                                                                                   Fuel Panel Access Gasket                         V-Band ............P/N 2274-40..............$180
                                                             The most practical time to apply these STCs is during a
                                                             normal TBO overhaul. The STCs were originally engineered
                                                                                                                                                                                  Exhaust Seal...P/N 2535-200............$118
     PMA-New Thru-Bolt Kits                                  to allow these models of O-320 engines to burn 100-octane                                                            Airbox Clamp ..P/N 2066-3................$134
Complete Overhaul Kits                                       fuel.                                                                                                                Hose Clamp ....P/N 1170-2................$10
O/IO-470, IO/TSIO-520,                                       STC - Engine Horsepower ...................... $295
IO/TSIO-550, GTSIO-520                                       STC - Airframe Engine Installation .......... $295                                                                         Overhauled Wastegates
                       ble.                                  Conversion kits and new engines available. Call for details!
           kits a etails!
     More ay for d
IO-520-BB....... Replaces EQ7005 .......$595                          Exhaust Components                                    Cessna 402C, 414A, 421C, & 425
IO-550-N ......... Replaces EQ7276 .......$599               Buy one piece or the entire system                             P/N 1556-1 .....Replaces 5122020-19 ... $120
GTSIO-520 ...... Replaces EQ7069 .......$1,413               Cessna • Beechcraft • Cirrus • Piper                           P/N 1556-2 .....Replaces 5122021-5 ..... $120
TSIO-520-NB... Replaces EQ7030 .......$595                                                                                  P/N 1556-3 .....Replaces 5122021-6 ..... $120
                                                                                                                            P/N 1556-4 .....Replaces 5122012-5 ..... $120
     PMA-New Control Cables                                                                                                 P/N 1556-5 .....Replaces 5122010-4 ..... $120         Cessna 402C... P/N 470908-9013 ...$1,050*
Twin Cessna Engine Control Cables                                                                                                                                                 LH 340/A-414/A ... P/N 470908-9012 ...$1,050*
                                                                                                                            P/N 1556-6 .....Replaces 5122020-4 ..... $120
Cables in stock                                                                                                                                                                   RH 340/A-414/A ... P/N 470908-9013 ...$1,050*
and ready to ship!                                                                                                            Overhauled Turbo Controllers                        Baron 58P/TC.. P/N 470892-9002 ...$1,400*
Cessna 414A
Throttle ........... P/N 1220-21 ...........$1,000                                                                                                                                           Tempest Oil Filters
                                                             Cessna 414A
Prop ................ P/N 1220-25 ...........$1,100
                                                             LH Riser .......... P/N A9910295-13-NP ....$788
Mixture ........... P/N 1220-23 ...........$1,000
                                                             RH Riser.......... P/N A9910295-14-NP ....$788
Alt. Air ............. P/N 1622-9 .............$1,338
                                                             Slip Joint......... P/N 1001-3 .............$325
Cowl Flap........ P/N 1820-8 .............$2,071
                                                             Turbo Wye ....... P/N 8226-11 ...........$1,813                                                                      AA48108-2......................................... $24
               PMA Camshaft                                  LH Elbow......... P/N 1995-1 .............$635                                                                       AA48109 ............................................ $24
Legendary RAMCAM                                             RH Elbow ........ P/N 1995-2 .............$635                                                                       AA48111 ............................................ $24
3% increase in efficiency. Eligible for most 520 /           Wastegate Elbow .... P/N HWS340414-95 .....$623                Baron 58P ...... P/N 481008-9022... $1,155*
550 Continental engines. Oversize available.                 Tail Pipe .......... P/N HWS340414-2 ....$914                  C206/207/210 .. P/N   470688-9007... $1,420*
                                                             Turbo Bracket.... P/N 2032-1-NP ......$597                     Cessna 402C .. P/N 470836-9021... $1,155*
                                                             Wastegate Overboard ... P/N 1967-7 .............$242           Cessna 421 .... P/N 470836-9003... $1,155*
Reground ........ P/N 1058-1A-UP......$800*
PMA-New........ P/N 1058-20 ...........$1,450*                           Magneto Air Filter                                                   Propellers                                          R A M A I R C R A F T, L P
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    PMA-New Baffle Seal Kits                                                                                                 Complete airplane kits. ST     C INC
                     RAM SureStand Baffle Seals
                               Available for Twin Cessnas,
                               Cessna 172 / 172 / 180 /
                               185 / 206 / 207 / 210         Air Filter ............P/N 1396-2.............. $83
                                                                                                            Cessna T206/T207/T210.....$10,990
                              Beech Barons & Bonanzas                                                       Cessna 340/A-414/A...........$31,196
Beechraft Baron..............................$483                                                           Cessna 421B/C ...................$30,773
Twin Cessna (add $20 for 421) .......$483                        Prices are subject to change without notice.            *Core charges apply.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ©2021 RAM Aircraft, LP CF110321

                                                                                                                                                                                          December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 19
Questions & Answers

                                                                Now that my Iskra 655566F died, I am unable to find that
This sounds like carb icing,                                    Can you help me?
especially when applying carb
                                                                 Continental issued Service Information Letter SIL16-4
heat solves the problem.                                         is titled “Optional 24 Volt Starters.” You can also get a
                                                                 starter from Sky-Tec. Pilots and mechanics seem to be
                                                             happy with these.
                                                                The gist of the SIL is in this passage:
    The aircraft is equipped with a Westach four-probe CHT      Continental Motors (CMI) supports the use of either P/N 658741
with one EGT probe in cylinder No. 2.
    If you have any insight into a circumstance
like this, I would appreciate your input.

      This sounds like carb icing, especially when
      applying carb heat solves the problem.
          The small Continental engines—I’m
assuming this Cessna 150 has an O-200 engine—
are much more susceptible to carb icing than
many other engines.
    This is because the carburetor and induction
system is below and a distance away from heat
sources such as the oil sump and exhaust system.
    When fall weather comes, there’s often much
more moisture in the air, hence a greater chance
of carb icing.
    Check the spread between temperature and
dewpoint. If the two numbers are close, icing is
much more likely.
    Happy flying,

Q     I remember that recently Continental aban-
      doned the Iskra starter and issued a note
      where they defined a new supplier.

20 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
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                                                                                         December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 21
Questions & Answers

or P/N 646275-1 as an equivalent starter motor to P/N 657596. The
new P/N 658741 is a direct drive permanent magnet starter. P/N
657596 is superseded and is no longer available from CMI.
    If changing from the P/N 657596 24V starter motor to either the
P/N 658741 or P/N 646275-1 starter motor, consult with the aircraft
manufacturer for weight and balance information on your particu-
lar aircraft installation.                                            is behind the door, and the door is the biggest of all the doors
    The 658741 is Hartzell Engine Technologies (Sky-Tec) Part         on Cessna’s single-engine airplanes. Many partially paralyzed
No. PM 2407.                                                          pilots opt for the 177 or 177RG because of this access advantage.
    The price for a new 646275-1 Continental Energizer starter            In the 182, on the other hand, the main gear leg in exactly
is a little less than $800. Hartzell Engine Technologies sells a      the wrong position for easy access.
new PM 2407 for around $1,100; a rebuilt 646275-1 with Part               One suggestion would be to install a modification on the
No. 646275-1R for around $450. They’re all available from             door called a “Door Steward.” This device is approved for
Aircraft Spruce.                                                      installation and replaces the standard Cessna door-hold-open
    Happy flying,                                                     assembly.
    Steve                                                                 Once the Door Steward is installed, it’s very easy to pop the

                                                                      end of the Door Steward strut off the round ball fitting, which
     Do you have any suggestions for a way to get an elderly          allows the door to swing a little farther open.
     person with limited mobility into my Cessna 182, i.e., steps,        You still won’t be able to open it all the way because of the
     lifts, handles, etc.?                                            wing strut, but you’ll get more access.
    Mike                                                                  Another thing I’ve seen done, especially by backcountry
                                                                      operators, is to replace the existing door pins with spring clips.

     A local 182 owner who has set his airplane up for bush           You can get the clips from Aircraft Spruce under Part No.
     operations with large main and nose tires physically lifts       AN415-2.
     his mother into the co-pilot's seat.                                 This allows you to completely remove the door by pulling
   The easiest Cessna for access are the Cessna 177 Cardinal
and 177RG Cardinal RG because the main landing gear strut                                                     continued on Page 71 

22 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
                  CABIN CLASS
                 TWIN CESSNA?

Driving 13 hours from Dallas to Fort Collins,
Colorado, for the holidays was once an easy road
trip for a young couple. Later, flying your single
engine aircraft there became the perfect solution.
Now, traveling with young ones and their massive
amounts of kid gear has changed all that. You       
need more speed, extra storage space, no masks
                                                                                    MPLE AVIA
required... and a convenient potty. Your special                           Y
                                                                               TE            TI
passengers deserve comfort and safety. It’s time to

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                                                                               December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 23
committed an overt act of aviation again,
                                                                    buying a new (to me) airplane—a vintage
                                                                    1947 taildragger which was restored
                                                                    to its original appearance by a skilled
                                                                    craftsman about 10 years ago. The new
                                                      owner of the restored airplane updated the (then)
             ADAPT is a solution for aircraft which   64-year-old airplane with a modern radio and a Mode
                                                      C transponder, but when the January 2020 mandate
             are not equipped with ADS-B Out to       for installing ADS-B equipment arrived, he didn’t feel
              receive temporary approval to fly in    the need to comply. At that time, he was in his late
                                                      70s and only flew locally for fun, in airspace with no
                     ADS-B rule airspace.             need for ADS-B.
                                                          While planning to bring it home, I realized that I’d
                                                      have to fly through Newark International Airport’s
                         By Dennis K. Johnson         (KEWR) Mode C veil, the airspace overlying my home
                                                      airport. It’s now mandated that aircraft be equipped
                                                      with ADS-B Out equipment when flying where a tran-
                                                      sponder was previously required.
                                                          Moving the vintage airplane closer to the big city
                                                      meant finally complying with the ADS-B Out require-
                                                      ment. That’s when I learned about the FAA’s ADAPT,

24 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
an online tool which allows pilots flying aircraft that
don’t meet the ADS-B requirements to request a
“deviation authorization” to fly, briefly and rarely, into
ADS-B airspace.

    The acronym ADAPT stands for ADS-B
Deviation Authorization Preflight Tool. To receive
an ADS-B deviation with ADAPT, the aircraft
must have an operational Mode C transponder and
the request must be submitted between one hour
and 24 hours before the flight. This could be very
helpful to vintage Cessna owners who have a valid
reason to enter ADS-B airspace.
    Using the system is much like filing a flight plan;
you tell ATC the route you want to fly and, I sup-
pose, they calculate whether the flight will be able
to be tracked and if it’ll cause conflicts with ADS-B
equipped traffic. When you make the request, you’ll
see if it’s approved on the website and then receive an
approval by email. The email will read:

                                                             December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 25
…I learned about
                                                                                             the FAA’s ADAPT, an
                                                                                             online tool which
                                                                                             allows pilots flying
                                                                                             aircraft that don’t
                                                                                             meet the ADS-B
                                                                                             to request a
                                                                                             to fly, briefly and
                                                                                             rarely, into ADS-B

                                                                                             ADS-B airspace except for the last 7
                                                                                             miles which are within the Mode C veil.
                                                                                                   Don’t ring up your local air traf-
                                                                                             fic controller to try to get a deviation
                                                                                             approval. They are not able to accept
                                                                                             requests for this type of authorization
                                                                                             by telephone, and they will not issue
                                                                                             an authorization while you’re in flight.
                                                                                             You’ll have to land outside the ADS-B
                                                                                             airspace, make your request online to
                                                                                             take off an hour (at minimum) later and
                                                                                             receive your authorization. Then, you
                                                                                             can take off again.
                                                                                                   This is not a system for avoiding
    Keep this email in a safe place. It         Helpful tools                                the ADS-B equipment requirement. It’s
grants you a one-time deviation from the            There are two tools—the ADS-B            supposed to be used only rarely and with
requirements of 14 CFR § 91.225 to operate      Service Availability Prediction Tool         good reason. It’s not meant to save pilots
on the proposed route of flight without         that predicts if your request will be        flight time by allowing non-equipped
ADS-B Out equipment installed or with           authorized, and the ADS-B Deviation          airplanes through the ADS-B airspace. It
equipment that does not meet the require-       Authorization Preflight Tool that makes      is for situations like I had; I needed to get
ments of 14 CFR § 91.227.                       the actual request. If the prediction tool   my new airplane to its new home, where
    Please Note:                                indicates that your request will not be      I’ll install ADS-B equipment.
    • If departure is not made within 2 hours   approved, you’ll want to either change             Besides, if you live near ADS-B
of the proposed departure time, this authori-   the departure time or change the route       airspace, you’d find it bothersome to
zation is canceled.                             so that you transit a less-congested         make a request every time you wanted
    • This authorization does not relieve       part of the ADS-B airspace.                  to fly to another airport for pancakes.
you of any flight plan filing requirements,         For example, you might not be            And yes, someone, even if it’s just a
nor does it substitute for an ATC clearance     approved to fly through a Class B            computer, is watching. I made several
where required.                                 airspace, but you could be approved to       requests in one week and received an
    • Contact ATC on the appropriate fre-       fly through its Mode C veil. That’s what     email from the FAA stating, “ADAPT
quency for all operational clearances.          I needed to do. I could easily avoid the     is not intended to be used for regular

26 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
Quality, Innovation and Performance
     from the Brands you Trust.


         • Spark Plugs
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                                            • RSA Fuel Injection Systems
                                            • Replacement Components
            • Carburetors
            • Replacement

                                                          December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 27
What Is ADS-B
                                      and Where Is It
                                        Automatic Dependent Surveillance–
                                    Broadcast (ADS–B) is an air traffic
                                    control technology in which an aircraft
                                    determines its own position via GPS
                                    and broadcasts it, without the need of
                                    radar or for a transponder to receive an
                                    interrogation signal. The position and
                                    speed of an ADS-B equipped aircraft
                                    are transmitted every second and can
                                    be received by ATC and other ADS-B
                                    equipped aircraft. Since January 2020, it
                                    has been required to fly in:
                                       • Class A, B and C airspace.
                                       • Within 30 nm of a Class B primary
                                    airport—Mode C veil.
                                       • Above the ceiling and within the
                                    lateral boundaries of Class B or Class C
                                    airspace up to 10,000 feet msl.
                                       • Class E airspace at or above 10,000
                                    feet msl, excluding airspace at and below
                                    2,500 feet agl.
                                       • Class E airspace over the Gulf of
                                    Mexico, at and above 3,000 feet msl,
                                    within 12 nm of the U.S. coast.

    This sectional chart shows
    the area requiring ADS-B Out.

28 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
or routine operations by non-equipped
aircraft, and your use of ADAPT
appears to be regular and/or routine.”
They didn’t know that the requests I’d
made had not actually been followed
with a flight, due to weather.
    The online form you’ll complete
will ask your “Reason for request,”
and the drop-down menu will give
options such as: ADS-B repair or in-
stallation, insufficient GPS, ferry air-
craft, fringe operation, agricultural,
non-electrical, NSAL verification
flight, or “other.” If you select “other,”
you’ll have to write out your reason.
It’ll also ask the status of your ADS-B
equipment: unequipped, inoperative,
or insufficient performance.

Clearances still required
    While you may have received a
deviation authorization for a route, that
does not guarantee ATC clearance into
that airspace when you arrive. The con-
trollers, as with other VFR flights, may
not be able to accommodate your flight
through that airspace.

   If you fly near ADS-B airspace,
which tends to be crowded, it would
be wise and safer for everyone if you
equipped your aircraft with the man-
dated ADS-B equipment. If you restrict
your flying to the skies above your own
special patch of cornfield, that’s OK,
but otherwise ADS-B equipment has
become so inexpensive that there’s
really no excuse.

a freelance writer for aviation
magazines, and photographer who
shoots travel photos for Getty Images
and Alamy Stock Images. Based in
Hoboken, New Jersey, he’s an avid
traveler, private pilot, and aircraft
owner. Send questions or comments



                                             December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 29

30 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
Digital flight displays and
instrumentation offer a never-
 ending data stream…but how
     much of it is useful?

    By Michael Leighton

               eneral Aviation has come a
               long way since the post-
               World War II aircraft build-
               ing boom. Nowhere have
               the advancements been
 more obvious than in the avionics and
 electronics available for our aircraft.
     Most of us are flying 1960s, '70s,
 and '80s vintage aircraft that left the
 factory with vacuum flight instruments
 and analog engine gauges.
     When you look at the Pilot’s
 Operating Handbooks (POHs) or
 Aircraft Flight Manuals (AFMs) for
 these planes, they seem simplistic
 compared to anything manufactured
 in this century, even when comparing
 aircraft of the same type. Look at a
 flight manual from a 1971 Cessna 172
 Skyhawk and compare it to the POH
 for the 2020 version.
     Advancements in engine monitoring
 technology and digital flight displays
 allow the pilot to see data with ever-in-
 creasing precision. Airspeed to 1 knot,
 rate of climb and descent to the foot,
 engine CHT and EGT to the degree,
 and RPM to the single revolution. It’s
 awesome, and it’s changing the way we
 operate our aircraft—but not always for
 the better.

                  December 2021 / Cessna Flyer • 31
Too much information
How much data is too much?
     How many remember learning to lean       is just as dangerous                          How did we ever get by with just an oil
                                                                                            pressure gauge, an oil temperature gauge,
their engine by retarding the mixture
until the engine begins to run rough, then    as not enough                                 and a tachometer?
                                                                                                Information overload is not limited
enrichening the mixture until the engine
smooths out? This procedure is in the         information. It has                           to engine performance, either. I have
                                                                                            another client who literally freaks out
POH for my 1971 Cessna 150 just that way.
     On fixed-pitch aircraft, you set the     become a distraction.                         any time a traffic target appears on the
                                                                                            screen. Don’t get me wrong, ADS-B
power by RPM. There’s usually a chart in                                                    traffic is wonderful. For 30 years, I
the POH that gives you some sort of fuel      first plane, a single-engine high perfor-     flew without ADS-B, looking for traffic
burn rate and true airspeed at a specific     mance normally aspirated Beechcraft           the old-fashioned way, looking out the
RPM so you can flight plan. All of this is    V-tail Bonanza. Now everyone in our           window. Now the ADS-B shows traffic
accomplished with good old-fashioned          Association knows that friend don’t let       that I can’t find, even though it tells me
analog gauges                                 friends buy Bonanzas, but hey … some          where to look!
     Fast-forward to now. Like most of        people have to learn the hard way.                In reality, while you might see an air-
you, I have embraced the electronic               He upgraded the Bonanza panel to full     liner at 6 miles, you probably won’t see
revolution and upgraded my panel. I love      glass, including an amazing engine ana-       a piston single-engine aircraft. Setting
having an engine analyzer that looks at       lyzer. Then he bit the bullet and bought      your traffic page to the 12-mile range
CHT, EGT, TIT, RPM, GPH, etc....and re-       a brand-new Continental IO-550. I’ve got      in a plane traveling 2 miles a minute is
cords them all. Digital flight instruments    two of these engines on my Cessna 310.        probably overkill.
allow a level of precision in flying simply   He’s flown 50 hours on the engine, and            Navigation is not immune either. An
unachievable with analog instruments,         he’s got a problem and wants my opinion.      airway is 8 miles wide, but I have noticed
but there is a catch.                             The issue is that the No. 6 cylinder      many of my clients are overly fixated on
     A lot of information is available to     EGT will randomly climb during takeoff        being exactly in the center, all the time.
the pilot that was previously just not        and then return to normal after he pulls      I am a huge fan of precision navigation,
available. I am noticing more and more        the throttle back. Furthermore, when he       but for the average VFR pilot, does it
of my flight instruction and especially my    reduces the throttle to descend, cylinders    really matter?
maintenance clients are overly fixated on     No. 1 and No. 2 literally drop to less than       The GPS navigators in our aircraft,
the data. Let me explain.                     800 F egt, while all the rest are in the      even the older generation navigators,
     I have a client flying a high-perfor-    1,350-1,400 F range. In normal cruise, the    have so many useful features in them that
mance retractable-gear aircraft. He           plane and engine are amazing: as smooth       few pilots actually use. Yet how often do
recently installed digital tachometers        and consistent in every parameter as I        you find yourself digging through infor-
and digital EGT and fuel flow gauges.         have ever seen.                               mation pages looking for what you want?
While out flying with him, I noticed him          Clearly the engine has an issue, but it
constantly adjusting the throttles.           has consumed the owner to the point that      But what about safety?
     As we flew back from the Bahamas         he simply does not trust the plane.               The NTSB released a report a few
in level flight, he constantly adjusted the       He was so keyed up, he confessed          years back, “Introduction of Glass
mixtures. After several minutes of this,      another incident to me. He told me that       Cockpit Avionics into Light Aircraft,”
during which he missed two radio calls        on climbout, the engine analyzer flashed      confirming what I and many instructors
and never once looked out the window,         a red warning for a second. He said he        have been saying for years: glass-panel
we were 20 miles off course and 20 de-        spent the next five minutes glued to the      aircraft don’t make us safer. I’ve linked
grees off heading.                            gauge waiting for the thing to throw a        the report in Resources. In fact, the
     I had to ask, “What are you doing?”      rod, or hang a valve, or … what? Nothing      glass-panel fatal accident rate was nearly
     “I’m trying to get the RPM to exactly    happened because it was likely a mo-          double that of the steam-gauge aircraft in
2,300 and the EGT to 1,475 degrees.”          mentary indication error, but it clearly      their study.
     I looked at the instruments. The left    illustrates my point.                             The report is a fascinating read. The
tachometer was 2,290. The right was                                                         NTSB cites multiple causes but primarily
2,310. EGT for both engines was at 1,467.     Paralysis by analysis                         lays blame on the complexity of operation
He was trying to get them “perfect.” He           Too much information is just as           and non-standard operating systems.
has owned this plane for 23 years and         dangerous as not enough information. It           I can tell you that’s all true. I recently
with the analog gauges, you could not         has become a distraction. Flying becomes      have been flying a Collins Fusion flight
even see this minute difference. It never     secondary to extracting and analyzing         control system on a Beechcraft King
bothered him before. But here we are,         the data, trying to achieve “perfection” in   Air. Before that, I flew a Honeywell Apex
in flight, messing with the data and not      something that can never be “perfect.”        system on a Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser.
flying the plane.                                 Further, this overanalysis created        In between, I flew a Garmin G1000-
     Then, to reinforce my observation, I     doubt in this pilot's mind about the integ-   equipped King Air. None of the systems
got a call from another buddy, a profes-      rity of the plane. How can you enjoy your     have anything in common, except that
sional Gulfstream captain whom I have         flight if in the back of your mind you be-    they are in an airplane.
known for years. He recently bought his       lieve a catastrophic failure is imminent?         You can’t even start some of these

32 • Cessna Flyer / December 2021
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