DIRECTORY - annual

Page created by Cory Harmon
DIRECTORY - annual
                 Bringing reunions and locations together since 1991

DIRECTORY                          YOU R RE S OU RCE FOR
Military Reunion Friendly Convention and Visitor Bureaus, Hotels, Attractions and Services.
DIRECTORY - annual

The Annual Directory is filled with                                 MRN Website:

fantastic information about our supplier partners.                    •   Reunion organization (with or without logo)
Each of them is aware of the special requirements                     •   Reunion planner name
of military reunions and take great care to be sure                   •   Reunion dates
your reunion goes off without a hitch. They are all                   •   Reunion location
very enthusiastic about working with you. Their                       •   Embedded email link
passion for our veteran community is evident from                     •   Embedded website link
the very first connection.                                            •   Reunion Details such as registration costs and
This year, there are some new attractions to                              dates, agenda and planner message can be
consider. Having traveled to many of them                                 included as well.
personally, I can say with certainty they are well                  The member listings included in the Annual
worth the visit. Motts Military Museum, The Maine                   Directory are also on our website under “Find a
Military Museum, USS Turner Joy, USS Alabama,                       Reunion Location” or “Places to hold a Reunion”.
Storytellers and the Hideaway Farm are just some of                 New website listing features include the following:
the amazing places to add to your reunion itinerary.
                                                                    Social Media: Connect to members FaceBook,
Reunion Planners take note! On page 25 you will                     LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube accounts.
see a form to post your reunion complimentary on
                                                                    Special Offers: Many of our members have
our website and in the quarterly magazine. We are
                                                                    incentives, offers or discounts to help offset your
expanding our services and now can submit your
                                                                    reunion budget. You can find these options by
reunion with other organizations such as American
                                                                    clicking on the special offers tab to see all the
Legion, VFW, DAV, and Tin Can Sailors. Please note
                                                                    options or within each member listing. Look for
some of these organizations publicly list your name,
                                                                    the white tag icon with participating listings.
phone number and email address. We ask that you
acknowledge this prior to submission.                               Veteran Reviews: Bravo Zulu, Atta Boy, Well Done,
                                                                    Thanks a Million!
To protect your privacy and reduce unwanted
solicitation, reunion information published on                      Hotel, CVB and Attraction partners routinely go
our website will include embedded links to email                    above and beyond to make sure your reunion is
addresses. Published information will be limited to                 perfect. The best way to thank them is to post a
the following:                                                      review letting other reunion planners know how
MRN Quarterly Magazine:                                             much you appreciated their efforts.

         Reunion Organization
         Reunion Dates
         Reunion Location
                                                                    Sharon Danitschek, President

                               Bringing reunions and locations together since 1991
                                Published by: Military Reunion Network, Inc.
President: Sharon Danitschek - -
   Subscriptions to Military Reunion Network Magazine are free of charge to qualified reunion planners.
             Copyright ©2018 by The Reunion Group, all rights reserved. Military Reunion Network Magazine is not
         responsible for opinions expressed in editorial material. The opinions are exclusively those of the authors and
        do not express the opinions of Military Reunion Network, its staff, its members, its advertisers, or its readership.
        All editorial material is for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The Reunion
          Friendly Network assumes no liability or responsibility for errors, mistakes, misprints, missing information, or
          content of advertising. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission from the publisher.
DIRECTORY - annual

Northeast Region......................6                     Central Region..........................31
                                                                                                                        ANNUAL DIRECTORY
                                                                                                                        OF MEMBERS

                                                                                                                                 Our sincere
Connecticut......................................6          Iowa...................................................31        appreciation to our
Delaware............................................6       Louisiana..........................................31             sponsors for their
                                                                                                                           support in producing
Maine..................................................6    Kansas...............................................32         the Military Reunion
Massachusetts.................................. 7                                                                         Network Magazine 2018
New Jersey........................................ 7                                                                          Annual Directory
                                                            North Dakota................................. 34
New York............................................ 7                                                                    PAGE SPONSOR
                                                            South Dakota................................. 34
                                                            Texas..................................................35     30   Branson CVB
Rhode Island.....................................9
                                                                                                                          43   Colorado Springs
                                                            Northwest Region..................37                               CVB
Washington DC..............................12
                                                            Idaho.................................................37      25   Dayton CVB
West Virginia...................................12
                                                                                                                          22   Greene County CVB
Southeast Region....................13                      Oregon.............................................37
                                                                                                                          44   Holiday Inn Bayside
Alabama...........................................13        Washington.................................... 38
Florida...............................................13                                                                  10   Next Step
                                                                                                                               Service Dogs
Georgia.............................................15      Southwest Region..................41
North Carolina...............................15                                                                           33   Seattle Southside
South Carolina...............................15             California.........................................41         14   Shreveport Bossier
Tennessee........................................16                                                                            CVB
                                                            Colorado......................................... 42

                                                            Nevada............................................. 44        34   Travel Dubuque CVB

Great Lakes Region................19                        New Mexico................................... 45              38   Visit Billings CVB

                                                                                                                          20   Visit Jacksonville CVB
                                                                                                                          36   Visit Oceanside CVB
Minnesota........................................21                                                                       29   Visit Plano CVB
Wisconsin....................................... 23         Upcoming Military Reunions... 24
DIRECTORY - annual


                                                        North Dakota


                                                        South Dakota

                 Nevada                                     Nebraska



                           Arizona                                 Oklahom
                                          New Mexico


DIRECTORY - annual

             u.s. map

                                                                    New York
                                    Michigan                                    Conn RI

     Iowa                                                  Pennsylvania         New Jersey

                    Illinois                                                   Deleware
                                                   West                   Washington, D.C.
                                                   Virginia Virginia
        Arkansas                                         South





DIRECTORY - annual




                                                        NORTHEAST REGION
                                                        PA G E S TAT E                           PA G E S TAT E
                New York                                   6     Connecticut                       7     Pennsylvania
                              Conn RI
                                                           6     Delaware                         9      Rhode Island
                                                           6     Maine                            9      Virginia
         Pennsylvania        New Jersey                    7     Massachusetts                    12     Washington
                                                           7     New Jersey                       12     West Virginia
                            Deleware                       7     New York
    West                Washington, D.C.
    Virginia Virginia

CONNECTICUT                                      DELAWARE                                          and State Parks. Nature based activities
                                                                                                   include kayaking, nature cruises, ferry
MYSTIC                                           DOVER                                             rides, trails, surfing, skim boarding, paddle
Mystic Seaport: The Museum of                    Visit Delaware Villages                           boarding, sailing and more. Just add his-
American and the Sea                             John Doerfler                                     torical venues and live performing arts to
                                                                                                   make your stay a perfect one!
Margaret Milnes                                  435 North DuPont Highway
75 Greenmanville Ave                             Dover, DE 19901
Stonington, CT 6355                                   MAINE                302-734-4888                                      PORTLAND
860-572-5309                                                    Clarion Hotel Portland ME                                                                              Heather Levesque
The Museum of America and the Sea has
                                                 REHOBOTH BEACH                                    1230 Congress St
                                                                                                   Portland, ME 4102
hosted 100s of military reunions over            Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Beach
the years. Veterans love our restaurants,                                                
meeting rooms and unique, ever-chang-                                                              207-774-5611
                                                 Carol Everhart
ing special events. With 4 registered Na-                                                
tional Historic Site vessels to explore -- in-   501 Rehoboth Avenue
cluding The Charles W. Morgan, the only          Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
surviving wooden whaleship in the world                               Maximum guest room block: 75
plus always-new exhibits and exhibitions,                                                          Maximum Banquet group: 200
boat tours along the historic Mystic River
aboard the Navy launch Liberty, or on the
                                                                        The Clarion Hotel welcomes you! Enjoy
restored 1908 steamboat Sabino, there’s          The award-winning Resort Area of Re-              our experienced reunion hotel and the
something here for everyone. Wander              hoboth Beach & Dewey Beach, Delaware              staff that works closely with planners to
through The DuPont Preservation Ship-            is known for awesome hotels, specialty            help create memorable reunions. Hos-
yard where Mystic Seaport shipwrights            stores, amusements, recreational activ-           pitality and banquet rooms available for
are restoring The Mayflower 11 until June        ities, tax-free shopping and some of the          groups from 10 to 200. Located close to
2019 or enjoy a sit-down show at our plan-       finest restaurants anywhere. Rehoboth             Portland’s downtown Old Port, Casco Bay
etarium. Our team works with local hotels        Beach has a quaint small town feel a              Islands, and the Maine Mall there is plenty
and reunion planners to create one-of-           real walking downtown with a mile-long            to enjoy! We offer complimentary shuttle
a-kind events that attract a massive turn-       boardwalk and all the fun, relaxation or          service to these locations and all trans-
out. Our four on-site restaurants create         excitement you could ask for. Dewey               portation hubs. Conveniently situated off
options to suit every need from delicious        Beach offers beach sports and activities          of I-295 and a short trip from Bath Iron
box lunches, to a sit-down dinner for 300        as well as great restaurants, majestic sun-       Works, Maine Maritime Museum, Freeport
in our river side ballroom. Located halfway      sets, live music, and nightlife that is world     and Kittery Outlets. Relax after a day of ex-
between Boston and New York, or just 45          famous. The Resorts Gateway (Highway              citing tours in our hot tub or large indoor
minutes from Bradley Airport in Hartford         One), offers a mile of style at the Tanger        pool and enjoy dinner in our lounge, Pete
or T.F. Green Airport in Providence, it’s an     Outlet Center and more great restaurants,         and Larry’s. Past reunion planners happily
easy trip to get here.                           bars, shops, rides, and attractions. Visitors     request to be contacted for referrals.
                                                 enjoy exploring the Delaware coastline

DIRECTORY - annual

                                                                                                NORTHEAST REGION

Best Western Merry Manor Inn                    MASSACHUSETTS                                   val Park is home to the USS Little Rock, the
                                                                                                USS The Sullivans, and USS Croaker. All
Don Haggett                                     PLYMOUTH                                        are open to the public for tours! Nearby
700 Main St                                                                                     are world famous Niagara Falls, the Buffalo
South Portland, ME 04106
                                                Tour Trends
                                                Ed Sturrup                                      Zoo, The Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Sheas                                                                      Performing Arts Center, the Pierce Arrow
                                                PO Box 772                                      Transportation Museum, and The Anchor
                                                Plymouth, MA 02362                              Bar home of the original Buffalo Chicken
                                                              Wings! We are located next to the Walden
Maximum Room block (on peak): 100               508-224-2288                                    Galleria Mall, with a host of shopping
rooms Maximum Banquet: 180                                                                      and entertainment options. 301 Modern
                                                                                                guestrooms and suites, Indoor pool, Close
Over the past 20 years the Best Western         Tour Trends is a receptive tour operator        proximity to the Buffalo/Niagara Airport,
Merry Manor Inn has hosted well over            and we specialize in organizing military        Free on-site parking, on-property Restau-
100 military reunions. Our reunion ex-          reunions all over the United States with        rant, Lounge and Fitness center. The Mil-
perts coordinate all the rooms, meals           special emphasis in the New England area.       lennium Buffalo is located just minutes
and off-site activities at no cost to your      This includes hotel accommodations at           from Buffalo Niagara International Airport.
association. All rooms have microwaves,         attractive rates, day trips, tour guides,       Relax and enjoy the comfort and conve-
refrigerators, hairdryers, coffee makers,       restaurants and much more. We’d not             nience of the only full-service airport ho-
irons, ironing boards and free high-speed       charge extra for our services. Call Tour        tel in Buffalo!
wireless internet service. Our hospitality      Trends. One phone call does it all!
rooms can accommodate groups of 20 to                                                           Visit Buffalo Niagara
180 people. Other hotel amenities include
a large heated year-round outdoor pool, a       NEW JERSEY                                      Jenilyn Mescall
17-ft Jacuzzi with a therapeutic waterfall, a   CAMDEN                                          403 Main St. Suite 630
new fitness center, a guest laundry and the                                                     Buffalo, NY 14203
Maine Table Restaurant, which features          Battleship New Jersey Museum
foods from all over the state of Maine. We      and Memorial
offer free airport transportation and plenty    Jack Willard
of free parking. Let us make your next re-                                            
                                                62 Battleship Place
union one of the best!                          Camden, NJ 08103                                If you haven’t seen Buffalo lately, you hav-
                                                                                                en’t seen Buffalo. This classic American city
Maine Military Museum                                                                           is undergoing a 21st century renaissance
                                                866-877-6262                                    that includes over $1 billion in redevelop-
Lee Humiston
                                                           ment, a revitalized waterfront and neigh-
50 Peary Terrace
                                                Experience a guided tour or event aboard        borhoods, burgeoning craft beer scene
South Portland, ME 04106                                                                        and new attractions, restaurants and hotels.
                                                the World’s Greatest Battleship, the Bat-                                                                            That’s in addition to the classic American ar-
                                                tleship New Jersey. Full catering and bar
207-650-8651                                    service, wreath ceremonies, presentations       chitecture, world-renowned art scene and                        on the ships history, convenient parking,       eponymous chicken wings that have always
                                                even fire the 5-inch gun!                       put our city on the map. And of course, Buf-
The mission of the museum is to teach                                                           falo has a world-renowned natural wonder,
todays and future generations the true                                                          Niagara Falls, in its backyard.
meaning of SERVICE ABOVE SELF.                  NEW YORK
Through authentic artifacts, displayed in a     BUFFALO                                         Visit Buffalo Niagara sells and markets our
variety of formats throughout the muse-                                                         assets and attractions to visitors outside
um, viewers can bear witness to the expe-       Millennium Buffalo                              the Buffalo Niagara region as a conven-
riences and sacrifices of past members of       Christine Casucci                               tion, tourism and leisure destination for
our Armed Forces. Museum exhibits cover                                                         the economic benefit of the community.
                                                2040 Walden Ave
every aspect of military service from the                                                       VBN is Erie County's lead marketing orga-
Revolutionary War to Afghanistan and Iraq.      Buffalo, NY 14225
                                                                                                nization for conventions, meetings, ama-
The primary focus is on American Prison-          teur sporting events, cultural and heritage
ers of War (POWs) from our own Civil War        716-206-8327                                    tourism and consumer travel.
up to the Vietnam Conflict. It is not a glo-
rification of war, but a tribute to those who
have served in the military, during peace-      Millennium Buffalo Loves our Military!          NEW YORK
time and in war. It is also a place to hon-                                                     Intrepid Sea, Air & Space
or those who have paid the ultimate price       Visit The Buffalo and Erie County Naval &
while serving the state of Maine and our        Military Park! The military park is the larg-   Museum
nation over the years.                          est inland naval park in the United States.     Ashley Allen
                                                Located on the shore of Lake Erie, the Na-      W 46th St. and 12th Avenue

DIRECTORY - annual


New York, NY 10036                             GETTYSBURG                                       restaurants to choose from! We can help                                                                       you plan an enjoyable reunion that will be
                                               Destination Gettysburg                           remembered for years to come!
                                               Stacey Fox                                                                          National Civil War Museum
                                               571 West Middle Street
The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is a      Gettysburg, PA 17325                             Trini Nye
non-profit, educational institution featur-                                                     One Lincoln Circle at Reservoir Park
ing the legendary aircraft carrier Intrepid,
the space shuttle Enterprise, the world’s      717-338-1052                                     Harrisburg, PA 17103
fastest jets and a guided missile subma-              
rine. Through exhibitions, educational         An outstanding reunion starts with an            717-260-9573
programming and the foremost collection        extraordinary destination.       A famous
of technologically groundbreaking aircraft     destination such as Gettysburg is sure to
and vessels, visitors of all ages and abili-                                                    As President Lincoln's Gettysburg Ad-
                                               provide an extra draw to your next gath-         dress encompassed the emotions of the
ties are taken on an interactive journey       ering. You will discover a variety of meet-
through history to learn about American                                                         American struggle, The National Civil War
                                               ing venues outside your typical hotel or         Museum portrays this struggle as a time
innovation and bravery.        The Intrepid    conference center. Experience the pas-
Museum fulfills its mission to honor our                                                        line, from the issues straining the nation
                                               sion of Gettysburg with NEW museums,             through the war's conclusion at Appomat-
heroes, educate the public and inspire         attractions and interactive living history
our youth by connecting them to histo-                                                          tox Court House. Nowhere can you find
                                               programs. Add to the history a touch of          a better understanding of the Civil War,
ry through hands-on exploration while          Adams County with farm tours, wineries,
bridging the future by inspiring innovation.                                                    its effect on the nation, or on the peo-
                                               shopping and more. We are centrally lo-          ple. Come walk our halls. See and feel
Please visit for        cated and easily accessible; just 90-min-
more information.                                                                               the emotions rise and fall as you embrace
                                               utes from Washington, DC and Baltimore,          Bull Run, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Chancellors-
                                               MD and only 2-hours from Philadelphia or         ville, Wilderness, Antietam, and Gettys-
PENNSYLVANIA                                   45-minutes from Harrisburg.                      burg; once ordinary places transformed
ERIE                                                                                            to hallowed ground within a few hours.
                                               HARRISBURG                                       ***Note from MRN*** This museum is a
Visit Erie                                                                                      MUST. Military Reunion visits should in-
Hannah Stancliff                               Hershey Harrisburg Regional VB                   clude a meal and presentation by Wayne
208 E. Bayfront Pkwy. Suite 103                Sandy Stewart                                    Motts CEO. His enthusiasm and passion
Erie, PA 16507                                 3211 N Front St Suite 301-A                      for history is infectious.                       Harrisburg, PA 17110
                                                                                                Red Lion Hotel Harrisburg
                                                                                                Hershey                                  717-231-2988
                                                                                                Brenda Ryneski
Say HELLO to Erie, Pennsylvania! From
                                                                                                4751 Lindle Road
our award-winning wineries and nation-         Visit Hershey & Harrisburg is the official-      Harrisburg, PA 17111
ally ranked beaches to our rich maritime       ly designated tourism promotion agency
history and top-not accommodations,                                                   
                                               for Hershey, Chocolate Town U.S.A., and
Erie provides military reunions with an        Harrisburg, the state Capitol of PA, and the     717-704-0722
experience unlike any other destination.       surrounding areas.                     
Nestled along the shores of Lake Erie,
                                                                                                Maximum Room Block (on peak) 100
Erie takes pride in offering veterans a        The Hershey Harrisburg Region is a won-          Maximum Banquet (rounds of 8) 320
blend of lakefront beauty, big city ameni-     derful destination to host your Military
ties, and a unique military history – all at   Reunion. Experience the rich history and         Comfort.      Convenience.       Affordabili-
the affordability military reunions desire.    endless opportunities to relax, reconnect,       ty. You’ll find it all at the Red Lion Hotel
Plus, VisitErie can assist you with all your   and learn at one of the many unique at-          Harrisburg Hershey. Located in the heart
planning needs! So, let’s work together to     tractions that fill the region such as Ft. In-   of the PA Capitol Region only 5 miles to
make your Erie military reunion a success.     diantown Gap (a working National Guard           the Harrisburg International Airport and
Here’s a glimpse into some reunion-favor-      Training Post), US Army Heritage and Edu-        8 miles to Hershey Park. Our 274 large
ite activities: Take in the scenic beauty of   cation Center, Hersheys Chocolate World,         and comfortable standard guestrooms in-
Presque Isle State Park then learn about       just to name a few. There are over 8000          clude your choice of one King bed or two
the history of this natural gem at the Tom     hotel rooms, in a variety of both full and       Queen beds, complimentary high speed
Ridge Environmental Center (TREC). Tour        select service group-friendly properties         Wi-Fi Internet, 24 hour complimentary
the Erie Maritime Museum and get to            all close to dining and attractions. Dining      airport shuttle, Indoor and Outdoor pool,
know our role in the War of 1812. Board        is an experience unto itself! Delectable         Exercise Room, Business Center, Full ser-
Erie’s famous U.S. Brig Niagara for tour or    menus, farm fresh ingredients, eclectic          vice restaurant and lounge serving break-
to host a military service or memorial.        and traditional offerings, and numerous          fast, lunch and dinner. Perfect site for

DIRECTORY - annual

                                                                                               NORTHEAST REGION

your Military reunion. And smiling, friend-      Discover Philadelphia                         Island. The hotel offers complimentary
ly service. It all comes together at the Red     Darnell Belford                               airport shuttle service and complimentary
Lion Hotel Harrisburg Hershey.                                                                 parking for all guests. We have 266 gues-
                                                 1601 Market Street, Suite 200                 trooms and 45,000 square feet of func-
                                                 Philadelphia, PA 19103                        tion space.
KING OF PRUSSIA                        
Valley ForgeCVB                                  215-636-3308                                  VIRGINIA
Shannon Reagan                                                    ARLINGTON
1000 First Ave Suite 101                         Known as Americas birthplace and home
King of Prussia PA 1906                          to the nation’s first convention, Philadel-   Arlington Convention & Visitors
610-834-7971                                     phia is the easy choice for your next mil-    Service                           itary reunion or gathering. With hundreds     Portia Conerly
                                                 of hotel rooms to choose from at every        1100 N Glebe Road Ste. 1500
Just 18 miles from Philadelphia, Valley          price point, we can help you find the per-
Forge and Montgomery County, Pa., of-                                                          Arlington, VA 22201
                                                 fect location for your reunion all within
fers an affordable setting for nearly any        walking distance to shops, restaurants,
size meeting or convention. The area is          attractions, history and culture. The Phil-   703-228-0873
a one-stop shop to find all the resourc-         adelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau is
es needed to produce any size conven-            here to help. Our award-winning Conven-
tion, meeting, trade show, sports or social      tion Sales and Services team is your one-     CHESAPEAKE
event. The easily accessible area offers         stop shop for making booking a breeze
affordability, flexible facilities, and a con-   ready to do the leg work and take care of     Chesapeake Convention &
venient location.                                the details to ensure a successful reunion    Visitors Bureau
                                                 or event.                                     Jo Slack
Valley Forge is home to more than a doz-
en full-service convention hotels and five                                                     1224 Progressive Dr
state-of-the-art IACC-approved confer-           RHODE ISLAND                                  Chesapeake, VA 23320
ence centers. Large venue event spaces           WARWICK                             
include the Valley Forge Casino Resort                                                         757-382-1351
with 100,000 square-feet of meeting              Crowne Plaza Hotel Providence
                                                 - Warwick                           
space, and the 240,000-square-foot
Greater Philadelphia Expo Center.                Sarah Shibley                                 Chesapeake, Virginia combines extraor-
                                                 801 Greenwich Avenue                          dinary facilities, a convenient location,
Philadelphia Area                                                                              and exceptional value making it the per-
                                                 Warwick, RI 02886                             fect place to host your military reunion.
Clarion Hotel & Conference Center                sarah.shibley@crownehotelwarwick.             Located in the heart of Coastal Virgin-
Karen Vincent                                    com                                           ia (Hampton Roads), its the ideal launch
76 Industrial Highway                            401-732-6000                                  point for enjoying all the region has to
Essington, PA 19029                                            offer. Situated along major interstates                                                                        and located near Norfolk International
                                                 Conveniently located off of I-95, the         Airport, Chesapeake is easily accessible
610-521-9600                                     Crowne Plaza Providence-Warwick is just       by both land and air. Chesapeake is only                                   30 minutes or less from everything Rhode      minutes from the Virginia Beach ocean-
We love Military Reunions and under-             Island has to offer! We are the proud host    front, downtown Norfolk and less than
stand what is important to you Welcome           to many Military Reunions and they are        an hour from Colonial Williamsburg. The
to the Clarion Hotel & Conference Cen-           among our best groups! Here are a few         Chesapeake Convention & Visitors Bureau
ter, Essington, PA, approximately 2.5 miles      reasons why we are so popular for re-         offers a wide range of services including
from PHL Airport. We offer the follow-           unions: Historic Providence 30 minutes        RFP assistance, pre-event promotion, lo-
ing: Complimentary self parking Com-             from Newport, RI - with the Naval War         cal referrals, marketing support and many
plimentary oversize parking lot for larger       College, Museum, Officers Club, Fort Ad-      other support services most of which are
cars/bus parking -Complimentary shut-            ams and 7 Historical Mansions 30 minutes      free! Chesapeake offers over 4,000 hotel
tle service to and from PHL -On site bar/        from Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA 45     rooms from the most familiar names in
restaurant, Red Fire Grille -17,000 square       minutes from Mystic Seaport and the Sub-      the industry including Marriott, Hyatt, and
of meeting/conference space -Hospitality         marine Nautilus and Museum in CT 1 hour       Hilton. Chesapeake is surrounded by his-
room availability -Private dining/banquet        from Boston and the USS Constitution and      toric sites, wonderful attractions and an
room opportunities -297 guest rooms -3           Museum.                                       abundance of restaurants and shopping
Suites -One on one conference planner                                                          for groups to enjoy.
from check in to check out.                      The Crowne Plaza Hotel is the first choice
                                                 of those seeking the best in accommoda-
                                                 tions, convenience and service in Rhode

DIRECTORY - annual


                                                                                                 NORTHEAST REGION

FAIRFAX                                         ble marks on the history of this area. This      Air & Space Center and the Miss Hampton
                                                rich history has given the City of Freder-       II Harbor Cruise, a three-hour tour that
Visit Fairfax - Washington DC                   icksburg a downtown area full of genu-           brings passengers past the mighty fleet
Dean Miller 3702 Pender Drive, Ste              ine historical and architectural treasures.      at Naval Station Norfolk. There are over
420                                             Over 350 original and century buildings in       1,800 hotels rooms in the city, with nine
                                                the City’s 40-block National Historic Dis-       properties offering on-site meeting space.
Fairfax, VA 22030
                                                trict reflect some of the most interesting       The meeting experts at the Hampton
703-790-0643                      periods in Americas past. Though the city        Convention & Visitor Bureau are ready to
meeting-planners/reunions/                      has a rich historical presence, you will also    assist you at any point in your event plan-
No other destination in the country pub-        find reunion facilities, ranging from small      ning process.
licly celebrates the service and sacrifice      historic inns to the convenience of mod-
                                                ern hotels. We are conveniently located
of Americas veterans like the National
                                                on I-95, with rail service via Amtrak or Vir-    NEWPORT NEWS
Capital area does and meeting in Fair-
fax County, Virginia puts you right in the      ginia Railway Express. Major airports are        Newport News Tourism
center of everything you and your buddies       just one hour away in Washington, D. C.          Development Office
will want to see and do. From the monu-         and Richmond, Virginia. Fredericksburg
                                                is located just minutes for the National         Cheryl Morales
ments and memorials of Washington, DC
                                                Museum of the Marine Corps and Marine            700 Town Center Drive, Suite 320
to the grandeur of George Washington’s
Mount Vernon and the excitement of the          Corps Base Quantico. Fredericksburg also         Newport News, VA 23606
Smithsonian National Air & Space Muse-          has a dinner theater that boasts off-Broad-
um Stephen F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Fairfax        way talent. Four Civil War battlefields wel-     757-926-1428
County and the surrounding area are filled      come visitors to share our past military
                                                history. Our staff will work closely with
with must see€ attractions for every re-
union group.                                    your reunion to ensure a successful event.       Newport News, Virginia provides the per-
                                                We can assist with finding the perfect host      fect location and services to make your
Visit Fairfax, the county’s Destination Mar-    hotel, site visits, planning of off-site tours   reunion a success! Centrally located just
keting Organization, is At Your Service         and programs, images and program con-            minutes from Williamsburg and a short
with helpful and free advice, insight, and      tent, name badges and welcome packets            drive to Norfolk and Virginia Beach, New-
assistance. Whether its finding you great       for attendees.                                   port News is the best location for a Coast-
hotels at great rates, making introductions                                                      al Virginia reunion.
to personnel at the county’s world-class        HAMPTON
attractions, or simply recommending                                                              Transportation access via car, Amtrak, and
restaurants, Visit Fairfax is at the ready to   Hampton Convention & Visitor                     the Newport News/Williamsburg Inter-
                                                                                                 national Airport. We can accommodate
serve those who have served.                    Bureau                                           small to mid-size reunions with over 256
                                                Netti Fulton, CMP                                hotel rooms and 25,000 square feet of
Give Dean Miller a call today, and let him
go to work on your groups next gathering.       1919 Commerce Drive, Suite 290                   combined meeting space in our largest
                                                Hampton, VA 23666                                full-service hotel. Our nationally-known
                                                            museums celebrate nature, the sea and
FREDERICKSBURG                                                                                   our nation’s military heritage. Our lively
Fredericksburg Virginia                                                                          entertainment calendar and hundreds of
                                                                   shopping and dining choices, including
Regional Tourism Partners                       In the heart of Coastal Virginia, youll find     specialty stores and chef-owned restau-
Victoria Matthews                               Hampton, a waterfront destination with           rants, complete the picture. Visit the
706 Caroline St                                 over 400 years of history. Nestled on            Mariners Museum and Park and see why
Fredericksburg, VA 22401                        the western end of the Chesapeake Bay,           Congress designated them Americas Na-                 Hampton is convenient to Interstate-64,          tional Maritime Museum! And while you
                                                both Norfolk International Airport and           are there, explore the USS Monitor Cen-
540-372-1216                                                                                     ter and see the challenges faced by NOAA
                                                Newport News/Williamsburg Internation-                               al Airport, and all of the cities in Hampton     in conserving hundreds of artifacts from
The Fredericksburg Regional Tourism             Roads. The proud home of Langley Air             the Two impressive military museums can
Partnership invites you to host your next       Force Base, our city is steeped in military      also be found in Newport News: The US
reunion in Fredericksburg, VA. From the         history. Fort Monroe National Monument,          Army Transportation Museum at Fort Eu-
adventurous days of the New World ex-           decommissioned as an active Army post in         stis and the Virginia War Museum. Out-
plorers to the devastating days of the Civil    2011, is one of Hamptons most visited at-        standing services and support, the best
War, famous and ordinary travelers have         tractions. From Hampton, the city €œFirst        value and plenty to see and do, Newport
sojourned in our beautiful city. Captain        from the sea, First to the stars€, there are    News will make your next reunion a mem-
John Smith, George Washington, Thomas           more than 15 historic military attractions       orable one.
Jefferson, James Monroe, Robert E. Lee          within a 30-minute drive. Hamptons own
and Ulysses S. Grant have all made indeli-      downtown is home to both the Virginia



NORFOLK                                            the elaborate. This versatile facility can ac-
Visit Norfolk                                      commodate virtually any request. Events
Melissa Hopper
                                                   held at the National Museum of the Marine        WASHINGTON DC
                                                   Corps are catered exclusively by Aramark,
232 E Main St                                      known for catering the most prestigious          Hampton Inn Washington, DC -
Norfolk, VA 23510                                  events. With personalized event planning         NoMa,                      and renowned catering, your occasion will        Union Station
800 368 3097                                       be sensational.                                  Michelle Earl, Sales Manager                          RESTON                                           501 New York Ave, NE
Nor-fok, or Naw-fok, no matter how you             Sheraton Reston                                  Washington, DC 20002
pronounce it, the experience will always           Melodye Bridges                        
be the same: fun, vibrant entertainment                                                             202 791 9383
and culture, delicious cuisine and 144             11810 Sunrise Valley Dr
                                                   Reston, VA 20191                       
miles of shoreline waiting to be explored!
Take a tour of the Elizabeth River harbor on                               WEST VIRGINIA
a majestic tall ship, sip on some of the best      703-262-5931
wines around at Mermaid Winery, Virginias                                                           CHARLESTON
                                                                        Charleston West Virginia (Hip,
very first urban winery, or watch world-re-
nowned artists blow glass at the Chrysler          RICHMOND                                         Historic...Almost Heaven)
Museum Glass Studio. If history is your            Virginia Tourism Corporation                     Todd Morris
thing, sign up for a boat or land tour of the
                                                   Stephanie C. Kenney                              601 Morris Street Suite 204
worlds largest Naval Base or stop by the
MacArthur Memorial.. With its mild year-           901 East Byrd St                                 Charleston, WV 25301
round climate, convenient airport and easy         Richmond, VA 23219                     
driving distance to two-thirds of the U.S.                             304-344-5075
population, Norfolk is the perfect destina-        804-545-5547                           
tion for reunions of all types and sizes. Our
                                                                     ***Note from RFN*** Todd Morris is a
complimentary reunion planning services
can assist with everything from finding ho-        With its blend of sheer beauty, rich heritage,   proud veteran who is a member of many
tels facilities, day tours, site visits, shuttle   southern hospitality and value, Virginia is      local veterans organizations. He is a re-
service, attractions and group discounts.          the perfect meeting destination. Whether         cent recipient of the Volunteer Honor-
                                                   hosting a retreat on a mountain vista or a       ing the Warrior medal from the Vietnam
QUANTICO                                           conference in a state-of-the-art conven-         Veterans of America as well as the Chap-
                                                   tion center, Virginia easily accommodates        el of Four Chaplains Legion of Honor
National Museum                                                                                     Award from the Marine Corp League.
                                                   groups of all sizes and budgets. Value and
of the Marine Corps                                quality customer service are key benefits.       Hip, HistoricAlmost Heaven Charleston
Kendall Eskey                                      Explore the majesty of Virginias exciting at-    West Virginia is the destination for your
18900 Jefferson Davis Hwy                          tractions unique chef-owned restaurants,         meeting and reunion. We are located at
Quantico, VA 22134                                 outdoor adventure and fascinating histori-       the intersection of three Interstates I-79,
                                                   cal sites. Virginia understands your respon-     I-77, I-64 and within 500 miles of 66                                                                            percent of the U.S. population. Charles-
                                                   sibilities, and our destination marketing or-
703-649-2350                                       ganizations (DMOs) in every state region         tons Yeager Airport (CRW) has over 40                              stand ready to help you with logistics as        daily flights to 10 nonstop destinations
                                                   well as enhancement of your attendee’s ex-       with service provided by American, Delta,
A first-class, cutting-edge and world-re-
                                                   periences. Our highly experienced industry       United, US Airways and Spirit. Our down-
nowned facility, the National Museum of
                                                   specialists meet the challenges of coordi-       town is home to seven hotels with more
the Marine Corps offers your guests an
                                                   nating gatherings of all sizes, budgets and      than 1,700 sleeping rooms and first-class
unforgettable experience amidst some
                                                   expectations with dependable profession-         meeting facilities.    All are within walk-
of the nation´s most historic and trea-
                                                   alism and efficiency. Virginia is the premier    ing distance to one of the largest indoor
sured artifacts. From corporate functions
                                                   meetings destination for your conference.        shopping malls on the east coast and a
to personal occasions, our professional
                                                                                                    plethora of fine dining choices. Charles-
staff is dedicated to providing the highest
                                                   WILLIAMSBURG                                     tons best attribute is our people. Our staff
quality service for each event. With sev-
                                                                                                    does what it takes to make your meeting
eral exclusive spaces available for spe-           Great Wolf Lodge Williamsburg                    successful. In fact, weve received two
cial events, the Museum has the perfect            Cara Fuscia                                      Readers Choice Awards for outstanding
setting for any occasion, whether it be
                                                   549 E. Rochambeau Drive                          professionalism, creativity and dedication
an intimate luncheon for twenty or an el-
                                                   Williamsburg, VA 23188                           to the industry. From our mayor to our
egant reception and dinner for 650. The
                                                                     partners we all strive to exceed your ex-
Museum will open its doors to co-spon-
                                                                                                    pectations. ■
sor events ranging from the intimate to            (757)345-7148



                                                          SOUTHEAST REGION
                                     Carolina             PA G E S TAT E
                                                          13		      Alabama                15		     North Carolina
                           Georgia                        13		      Florida                15		     South Carolina
                                                          15		      Georgia                16		     Tennessee

ALABAMA                                Florida       Mobile, one of the oldest cities along
                                                     the Gulf Coast, has an international flair
MOBILE                                               with numerous historic districts, archi-     DAYTONA BEACH
Bay City Conventions                                 tecturally significant homes and build-      Daytona Beach Area CVB
and Tours                                            ings, beautiful gardens, trees, parks and    Sam Pollack 126 East Orange Ave
                                                     outdoor spaces, fresh, local seafood,
Carol Peterson                                   numerous waterways to explore and an             Daytona Beach, FL 32114
PO Box 304                                       ever-emerging, vibrant downtown district.
Mobile, AL                                       New art galleries, shops and restaurants         386-255-0415
36601                                            open in the historic downtown district                                   each year. You can find our love of the          Jacksonville
                                                 coast in our food, music, festivals, and
800-338-5597                                     attractions but especially in our people.        Crowne Plaza Jacksonville                       There are numerous ways to get out on            Airport
YO & AHOY! Reunion Planners! Mobile              the water, from airboats to kayaks to sight-
                                                                                                  Danita Hurst
Alabama is standing at attention ready for       seeing tours. We host festivals year-round,
                                                 celebrating everything from live music to        14670 Duval Road
your Reunion Orders. If you are requesting
a site for your reunion that offers “Natural     shrimp to the arts to flowers. If you’re a       Jacksonville, FL 32218
Beauty” Unequaled Southern Hospitality,          military buff, then we have several histor-
Superb Accommodations and Cuisine, as            ic sites and attractions that will take you      904-421-2031
well as a Rich Military History reflected        from the Civil War to present day. If you
by its numerous Monuments, Parks, and            like architecture, a walking and/or driving
Attractions, FALL-OUT and head for Mo-           tour of the many historic districts, church-     Maximum room block (on peak): 80
bile! Let Bay City Convention and Tours,         es and homes is a must-do!
Inc. be your REUNION COMMAND POST.                                                                The Crowne Plaza Jacksonville Airport is
We can arrange Billeting (hotels), Rations       USS Alabama                                      conveniently located amongst many gov-
                                                                                                  ernment facilities and military installations
(meals), Battle Plans (events, tours and at-     Rhonda Davis
tractions) and Mobilization of your forces                                                        such as Blount Island, NAS JAX, Mayport
                                                 2703 Battleship Parkway                          Naval Station and Kings Bay Naval Station.
(land, sea, and air)                             Mobile, AL 36603                                 River City Marketplace shopping complex
Mobile, The City of Six Flags”, also features                            is located within minutes of the hotel. We
local sights including: Bellingrath Gardens      251-433-2703                                     offer scheduled transportation for a nom-
& Home, magnificent Ante-Bellum Muse-                                                             inal fee. Anheuser-Busch Brewery offers
um Homs, the home of the USS Alabama                                                              complimentary tours; Jacksonville Zoo
Memorial Park and the USS Drum, a WWII           From its humble beginnings on February           and Gardens has something for everyone
submarine and more!!                             1, 1940 as the keel was laid at the Norfolk      and Fernandina Beach on Amelia Island
                                                 Navy Yard in Portsmouth, Virginia, Battle-       boasts a beautiful 50-block historic dis-
                                                 ship USS ALABAMA (BB-60) has had a re-           trict with many original structures dating
Mobile Bay CVB                                   markable career. She began her World War         back to the late 19th century. Amelia Is-
Edra Finley                                      II adventures in the North Atlantic in 1943,     land’s Fernandina Beach brings to mind a
1 South Water St                                 then later that year, went to the South          more graceful bygone era. Take a carriage
Mobile, AL 36602                                 Pacific seas. She ended up in Mobile, Al-        ride down historic Centre Street or enjoy a                               abama as a National Historic Landmark            great meal at a local restaurant.... you are
                                                 and memorial to millions. Visiting the USS       sure to relax here. Come experience the
251-208-2016                                     Alabama is a must for any military reunion       best kept secret in Jacksonville....Crowne                                   staying in the greater Mobile area.              Plaza Jacksonville Airport; Floridas down



                                                                   Kissimmee, Flori-       Maximum Banquet (rounds of 8): 300
                                                                   da salutes military     people
                                                                   reunions of every
                                                                   size year-round.        The Ramada Gateway is conveniently lo-
                                                                   With so many            cated just one mile from the entrance into
                                                                   things to do and        Disney World and proud to host many
                                                                   see,       choosing     military reunions each year. Our unique
                                                                   Kissimmee adds          property boasts 500 rooms with both in-
                                                                   a unique appeal         terior corridor deluxe tower rooms and
                                                                   for having fun,         budget friendly exterior standard rooms.
                                                                   making memo-            The Ramada Gateway has true hospitality
                                                                   ries and reminisc-      suites where you may bring in your own
                                                                   ing with life-long      food & beverages, which are the perfect
                                                                   friends. Choose a       place to convene with your military bud-
                                                                   Kissimmee resort        dies. Banquet facilities are available for
                                                                   for your next Mil-      up to 300 guests. With our onsite restau-
                                                                   itary Reunion and       rant and lounge, the Ramada Gateway
                                                                   everyone staying        can handle all of your reunion needs. The
                                                                   overnight will re-      Kissimmee area is so much more than just
                                                                   ceive a FREE cus-       Disney World, with dinner theaters, mili-
                                                                   tomized T-shirt         tary museums, and unique Florida activi-
                                                                   with your groups        ties. Planning your reunion in Kissimmee
                                                                   name and logo,          will ensure a great turnout.
                                                                   including spous-
                                                                   es and guests!
                                                                   Just click on
                                                                                           PANAMA CITY
                                                                   our website link        Panama City Beach CVB
                                                                   above and regis-        Ann Gager
                                                                   ter! It is that easy.
                                                                   In addition to
                                                                                           P.O. Box 9473
                                                                   being a popular         Panama City Beach, FL 32417
                                                                   vacation destina-
                                                                   tion, Kissimmee         850-233-5070
                                                                   has a wide variety
                                                                   of attractions that
                                                                   military reunions       Located in the center of Northwest Flor-
                                                                   enjoy.          From    ida, Panama City Beach offers a beautiful
home comfort, excellent service and       dinner shows to airboat rides, chocolate         backdrop for any military reunion, in a vet-
warm hospitality provided by our staff.   factory tours to classic car parades, your       eran-friendly community thats home to
                                          group is sure to experience a reunion like       Navy and Air Force bases. Panama City
Visit Jacksonville                        no other in the country. Spend a couple          Beach has 27 miles of pristine, white-sand
Laurie Allen                              of days or more exploring several or all of      beaches with crystal-clear emerald waters
208 W Laura Street Suite 102              the sites.                                       lining the shoreline. This is gorgeous set-
                                                                                           ting is sure to please any guest and offers
Jacksonville, FL 32202                                                                     fishing, golf, shopping, and a wide variety
                                          Experience Kissimmee also provides plan-              ners newsletter flyers, welcome bags and         of dining options! While summer is the
904-421-9183                              area guides. Start planning your reunion         busiest, Panama City Beach also has fami-                     to remember! Contact Jadeine Shives for          ly-friendly shoulder season special events,
                                          more information.                                like the annual Pirates of the High Seas
KISSIMMEE                                                                                  Fest, Chasin the Sun Music Festival and
                                          Ramada Gateway                                   the New Years Eve Beach Ball Drop! Ac-
Experience Kissimmee CVB                                                                   commodation partners offer off-season
                                          Janis Blair
Jadeine Shives                                                                             discounts during the shoulder seasons,
                                          7470 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy                 offering great value during April, May, Sep-
215 Celebration Place Suite 200
                                          Kissimmee, FL 34747                              tember, October and the winter months
Kissimmee, FL 34747
                                                           for budget conscious planners. Panama                                                            City Beach is a perfect location for your
407-569-4855                                                                               upcoming military reunion. Come discov-
www.militaryreunionsinkissimmee.                                                           er our Real. Fun. Beach.
com                                       Maximum Room block (on peak): 150


                                                                                               SOUTHEAST REGION

SAINT AUGUSTINE                               legacy of valor and sacrifice of the Infan-      1957 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 510
                                              try. It continues with the National Civil War    Tucker, GA 30084
Active Escapes, Inc. –                        Naval Museum at Port Columbus, which
Jacksonville’s Military Reunion               tells the little known role of the Confed-
                                              erate and Union navies. Andersonville in-        770-492-5018
Tour & Transportation Company
                                              cludes the site of the Civil War prison, the
John Aguilera
                                              Andersonville National Cemetery, and the
1177 Garrison Dr                              National Prisoner of War Museum. And             NORTH CAROLINA
Saint Augustine, FL 32092                     then there’s Fort Mitchell, which recalls a      FAYETTEVILLE                     time when this area was on the edge of
904-230-8787                                  the frontier wilderness.                         Fayetteville Area CVB                                                                          Myron Jones
                                              The Columbus Convention & Visitors Bu-           245 Person St
 If you are planning your next reunion in     reau is at your service with tour itineraries,
the Jacksonville, Florida area, elevate the   welcome bags, attraction guides, and all of
                                                                                               Fayetteville, NC 28301
experience and feel spirits soar with Ac-     the assistance you need to make your mil-
tive Escapes. For over a decade, we’ve        itary reunion the best ever. Visit Columbus,     800-255-8217
provided destination management ser-          Georgia for its rich military history. 
vices for hundreds of reunion planners.
As a veteran-owned company, military                                                           Military reunions are a time for camara-
reunion programs hold a special place in
                                              SAVANNAH                                         derie, reminiscing and fellowship. Fayette-
                                                                                               ville, NC, Americas First Military Sanctu-
our hearts and we want to make your next      Embassy Suites Savannah                          ary Community - famous for decades of
reunion the most stress-free and memo-        Historic
rable yet. Customized reunion programs                                                         military heritage and support - is the ide-
and services feature Transportation, Tours    Anjuli Derien                                    al place to hold military reunions. As the
& Excursions, Spouse Programs, Keep-          605 W. Oglethorpe Ave.                           headquarters of the Army’s 82nd Airborne
sakes & Gifts and much more... Please         Savannah, GA 31401                               Division, the city has a sense of pride for
visit                                                         protecting our nation and is second to
                                                                  none when it comes to community sup-
for a complete list of reunions served and    912-721-0579
comments from previous reunion leaders.                                                        port for everything military. Past events like
Florida Locations Served: Amelia Island,                   the 82nd Airborne Division Memorial and
Fernandina, Jacksonville, Palm Coast,                                                          the Fayetteville Independent Light Infan-
                                              Maximum Room Block on peak: 60
Ponte Vedra Beach and St. Augustine.                                                           try (F.I.L.I.) Anniversary demonstrate why
                                              Maximum Banquet (rounds of 8) 250
                                                                                               the Fayetteville area is the model location
                                                                                               for military reunions. The community was
St Augustine, Ponte Vedra &                   Where history meets luxury The Embas-
                                                                                               recognized by Peter Greenberg as one of
Beaches VCB                                   sy Suites by Hilton hotel offers a variety
                                              of stylish two-room suites with separate         Americas most patriotic communities in
Jaya Dillard                                  living and sleeping areas, microwaves            Newsmax magazine and by Time maga-
29 Old Mission Avenue                         and refrigerators. Start your day with a         zine as Americas Most Pro-Military Town.
Saint Augustine, FL 32084                     free made-to-order breakfast and in the          The town invites all fellow soldiers, airmen,
                                              evening, indulge in drinks and snacks at         marines, coast guardsmen and national                                                             guardsmen to reminisce during a reunion
904-209-4429                                  the complimentary Evening Reception*.
                                              Maintain your healthy lifestyle in our well-     in Americas First Military Sanctuary                     equipped fitness center and then cool off
GEORGIA                                       in the sparkling outdoor pool. Make mem-         SOUTH CAROLINA
                                              ories to last a lifetime at your next reunion    CHARLESTON
COLUMBUS                                      in Savannah. Our experienced staff is here
Columbus Georgia CVB                          to attend to every detail of your reunion        Explore Charleston
                                              from pre-planning to the event. The Pres-        John Michael McCants
Ashley Woitena                                idential Suite on the 5th floor with over        423 King St
P.O. Box 2768                                 1,300 sq. ft. of space is perfect to use as a
                                              hospitality suite. Contact our sales team to     Charleston, SC 29403
Columbus, GA 31902
                                              schedule a consultation and discuss how
                                              we can make your event extra special.            843- 805-3098
                                              TUCKER                                           Charleston is the destination your attend-
When you bring your military reunion to
                                                                                               ees WANT to visit. Voted #1 city in the US
Columbus, Georgia, the voices of history      Discover DeKalb Convention &                     by the discerning readers of CondeNast
will speak to you. Our Military Heritage      Visitors Bureau                                  Traveler and Travel + Leisure magazines,
Trail starts at the National Infantry Muse-   Penny Moore                                      you'll find a region steeped in history, yet
um and Solider Center, dedicated to the


surprisingly cutting edge. Southern hos-          But at Sea Mist you pay what you are       your next reunion! Where else can you
pitality, world-class meeting sites, famed        quoted with no hidden charges.             find reunion-friendly hotels, world-class
tours and attractions and a stunningly         2) Myrtle Beach Best Buy: Lodging and         attractions and memories at every tur-
beautiful location make Charleston re-            Breakfast from $74 - $95 per room per      nall within a few blocks and within your
unions productive and memorable. Please           night featuring your choice of lodging     budget? Our top-notch CVB services rival
contact the Charleston CVB to help plan           types plus Breakfast at Tena’s an All-     what youll find in a bigger city with the
your next reunion.                                You-Can-Eat Buffet with over 40 items      personal touch of a small town, and the
                                                  to choose from.                            can-do spirit to help you every step of the
                                               3) RETIRED MILITARY BEACH PACKAGES            way. Find out for yourself: book your next
MYRTLE BEACH                                   4) Sea Mist features a casual atmosphere      reunion in the right-sized city with the
Myrtle Beach Area CVB                             on over 15 - acres complimented by a       right attitude.
Melanie Doty                                      large assortment of hotel amenities.
                                                  Enjoy multiple swimming pools, large
1200 N Oak Street                                 Jacuzzis, Fitness Room, Restaurants,       GATLINBURG
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577                            Free Parking, 24-hour Security, a Con-     Black Bear Inn and Suites                 ference Center with a full-service ca-     Michelle Hammontree
843-685-8585                                      tering staff.
                                                                                             1100 Parkway               Just call 1.800.200.8687 and speak to         Gatlinburg, TN 37738
reunions                                       your Reunion Specialist or visit www.
                                      Lodging and packages re-
Myrtle Beach, SC boasts year round mild        quire 10 rooms or more to qualify you for     800-933-0777
temperatures and 60 miles of glittering At-    Group Travel rates.                 
lantic Ocean. Each group traveling to the
area needs an individual and memorable                                                       With top-of-the-line facilities, The Clar-
experience and our eclectic mix of activi-
                                               The Alabama Theatre                           ion Inn & Suites Gatlinburg provides any
ties and accommodations will ensure that       Kathy B Flowe CMP                             important meeting or event with the at-
all of your military reunion group mem-        4750 Highway 17 South                         tention it needs and deserves. We're only
bers leave content and eager to return.        North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582                  100 yards from the beautiful Great Smoky
Walk down our award-winning oceanfront                                                       Mountains National Park. We're also with-
                                                         in walking distance of many of Gatlinburg's
boardwalk or enjoy an afternoon of golf
at one of 100 championship courses. For
                                               843-272-5758                                  most popular attractions and restaurants.
fun seekers, our water parks, theme parks                       Additionally, our comfortable accommo-
or Riverboat attractions are sure to please.   Myrtle Beach largest production show &        dations and group block rates ensures
Those looking for downtime can indulge         SCs top attended live entertainment the-      your group enjoys not only the event but
in the many fantastic spas, specialty bou-     atre. The Show & The Souths Grandest          their overnight stay as well. Group accom-
tiques, outlets or shopping malls. After a     Christmas Show have continually been          modations, room blocks, affordable rates
satisfying meal at one of our areas 1,700      Voted #1 by Myrtle Beach Visitors & Lo-       and a top-notch meeting and event staff
restaurants, spend an evening at one of        cals (Sun News Readers Poll). We have         guarantee your guests will have a grand
the live theaters, variety shows or night-     also been nominated for the Venue of          time from the moment they get here to
clubs.                                         the Year by the Country Music Associa-        the time they depart.
                                               tion. TripAdvisor has given us the "Award
Sea Mist Oceanfront Resort                     of Excellence." We offer a first-class off-   Edgewater Hotel and
Leanne McCulloch                               site evening of entertainment with din-       Conference Center
1200 S Ocean Blvd                              ner packages including shuttle service for    Mike McElroy
                                               groups of 20 to 2,000.                        402 River Rd
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577                                                                           Gatlinburg, TN 37738
800-200-8687                                   TENNESSEE                                               CHATTANOOGA                                   865-277-0159
group-functions/military/                      Chattanooga Area CVB                
Maximum Room Block- 200                        Christina Petro                               The Edgewater Hotel & Conference Cen-
Maximum Banquet- 350                           736 Market Street, 18th Floor                 ter located on the Little Pigeon River in
                                               Chattanooga, TN 37402                         downtown Gatlinburg, Tennessee boasts
Proud to Serve Those Who Have Served                                                         205 lavishly decorated guest rooms of-
Us So Well. Thank You for Our FREEDOM!
                                                          fering the most breath-taking views of the
Its Retired Military Reunions Made Easy at     423-424-4417                                  Great Smoky Mountains. Enjoy all interi-
Sea Mist Oceanfront in Myrtle Beach!                        or corridors, private balconies, compli-
                                               meetings/                                     mentary parking, free Wi-Fi and year round
1) You Pay No Resort Fees Ever! Some                                                         swimming in our heated indoor/ outdoor
   places charge 18 to 22% in hotel fees.      Chattanooga is the perfect destination for


                                                                                               SOUTHEAST REGION

pool. And our famous FREE hot continen-         (901)332-3322                                  NASHVILLE
tal breakfast makes the Edgewater Hotel
the ideal spot for your next reunion. Over                                                     Storytellers Museum and The
7000 sq. ft. of meeting space is available      Memphis CVB                                    Hideaway Farm of Johnny Cash
and our staff can provide world-class ca-       Holly Townsend                                 Karen Morrissey
tering to meet any event style, big or small.   47 Union Avenue                                9676 Old Hwy 46
And with attractions, restaurants, shop-
ping and nightlife right outside our door
                                                Memphis, TN 38103                              Bon Aqua, TN 37025
youll not find a better location to walk      
down memory lane and rekindle your mil-         901-543-5367                                   615-242-5373
itary fellowship anywhere.                            
For an entirely new experience of a Gat-        MEMPHIS LOVES MILITARY REUNIONS!!!             video/
linburg standard call our Group Sales           Experience the energy and excitement of        Located near Nashville, Tennessee, The
Manager and USMC veteran Mike McElroy           Memphis. Full of fun and unique things         Storytellers Museum is in a general store
at 865-277-0159 or email Mike@Edgewa-           to do, see, taste and experience, its rich     that the great Red Wortham converted into                                   heritage will move your soul like few plac-    a recording studio, and that Johnny Cash
                                                es can. We take the Southern approach          used as a place for local concerts. Visitors
Greystone Lodge on the River                    where hospitality is king. Let us help make    can see the historic Little Stage where the
                                                your reunion memorable.                        Saturday Night in Hickman County guitar
Renee Spurling and Nicole Shisler
                                                                                               pulls once took place. Johnny’s daughter,
559 Parkway                                     Sheraton Memphis Downtown                      Cindy Cash has helped curators create an
Gatlinburg, TN 37738                            Tiffany Smith                                  experience that will be unforgettable. The                  250 N Main                                     Storytellers Hideaway Farm at Bon Aqua
865-436-5621                                    Memphis, TN 38103                              belonged to Johnny Cash for over thirty                                                                           years. See the house where he lived, and
                                                tsmith@sheratonmemphisdowntown.                the land that he loved, the place he called
Maximum Room block (on peak): 75                com                                            the center of my universe. Take a journey
Maximum Banquet (rounds of 8): 100              901-527-7300                                   back in time as you tour the house that was
                                                          built before the Civil War by the prominent
The Greystone Lodge on the River is a                                                          Weems family, founders of the Bon Aqua
place where ducks nest in the bushes,           Stay in Center of It All at Sheraton Mem-      Springs Resort. The Weems family ceme-
bears wander by occasionally and sharks         phis Downtown Hotel                            tery is at the back of the property.
swim next door. Stay in one of our 241
beautifully decorated rooms and enjoy           Whether you're traveling for work or for       Please note when calling from this web-
our deluxe complimentary continental            play, Sheraton Memphis Downtown Hotel          site, you will be connected to Karen Mor-
breakfast featuring hot biscuits, gravy and     is ideally positioned to explore the best of   rissey with Sweet Magnolia Tours. Karen is
eggs each morning. All of our rooms have        the city. Business travelers will appreci-     assisting the Storytellers Museum and can
private balconies with the majority over-       ate our direct skywalk connection to the       make your reservations as well as provide
looking the Little Pigeon River. The Grey-      Memphis Cook Convention Center, while          transportation to and from the venue.
stone is located in the heart of downtown       those traveling for leisure will love our
Gatlinburg at traffic light #5, next door       close proximity to the sights and sounds
                                                of Beale Street and Graceland, the iconic
                                                                                               Country Music Hall of Fame &
to the Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies
with all trolleys stopping right across from    former home of Elvis Presley. Savor cre-       Museum
our lobby. A variety of restaurants, shops      ative American cuisine and Starbucks®          Brad Henton
and attractions are within a short walking      coffee in the chic Crossroads Tavern and       222 5th Avenue South
distance. Our 2400 sq ft meeting space,         Grille, make a splash in our indoor heat-      Nashville, TN 37203
with a stage is perfect for presentations,      ed pool or soak in views of the Mississippi
                                                River from your spacious, well-appointed
dinners or just a gathering place for rem-
iniscing. Stay with us and share a little of    guest room. As the largest meeting hotel       615-416-2015
the mountain life we enjoy every day, we        in downtown Memphis, we offer 16,000 
would love to have you.                         square feet of functional venue space,         group-tours
                                                ideal for both intimate business meetings
                                                and large corporate gatherings. Through-       Stars for a Day. Heroes Forever.
MEMPHIS                                         out your stay, you'll enjoy signature Sher-
                                                                                               Country music has long had a special kin-
Graceland                                       aton service and warm, welcoming Mem-
                                                                                               ship with the United States military; from
                                                phis hospitality.
Savannah Faircloth                                                                             the ballads of World War II, to the rousing
3734 Elvis Presley Blvd                                                                        battle calls that followed the attacks on
                                                                                               September 11, 2001. Country music has al-
Memphis, TN 38116
                                                                                               ways represented the feelings and sacrifice                                                                       of the American soldier. The Museum is a

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