Page created by Adam Fuller

SHEBOYGAN YMCA                 SHEBOYGAN FALLS YMCA                   CAMP Y-KODA
      812 Broughton Drive                305 Buffalo Street               W3340 Sunset Road
      Sheboygan WI 53081              Sheboygan Falls WI 53085          Sheboygan Falls WI 53085
P 920-451-8000 • F 920-451-8019   P 920-467-2464 • F 920-467-4641   P 920-467-6882 • F 920-467-7240
                                                                                FEBRUARY 28 - APRIL 16, 2022
 FEBRUARY 28 - APRIL 16, 2022
                                                                                 SHEBOYGAN YMCA
 REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 5:00AM                                                   Monday - Friday                           5:00am - 9:00pm
 Member................................ Monday, February 14
                                                                                 Saturday                                  7:00am - 5:00pm
 Participant......................... Thursday, February 17
                                                                                 Sunday (YMCA Members Only)                7:00am - 4:00pm
REGISTRATION OPTIONS                                                             SHEBOYGAN FALLS YMCA
On-line at
Members and participants may register for most programs                          Monday - Friday                           5:00am - 8:00pm
on-line beginning at 5:00am on the first day of registration.                    Saturday                                  7:00am - 3:00pm
On-line registrations are credit card only.
                                                                                 Sunday (YMCA Members Only)              12:00pm - 4:00pm
•    Vouchers are now available to redeem when                                   Business Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:30am - 5:30pm
     registering for programs online. Vouchers are
                                                                                 CAMP Y-KODA
     valid for one year from the issue date.
                                                                                 Monday - Friday                           8:00am - 4:30pm
In Person or Fax
Registration may be done week days from 9:00am - 5:00pm                         YMCA HOLIDAY HOURS
or fax (credit card only) to 920-451-8019 or 920-467-4641.
                                                                                 Easter                 Sunday, April 17             CLOSED
Registration will not be processed without the payment.
                                                                                YMCA CHILD WATCH
•    Phone registration is not accepted.
                                                                                Child Watch is a drop-off child care program for children
•    Class cancellations must be in writing.                                    age 6 weeks - 6 years that provides an interactive and
                                                                                healthy place for your child to play under the caring, active
REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                                        supervision of trained staff. You can enjoy your visit and
Start planning your winter, registration is right around the                    work out with peace of mind. For safety reasons, parents
corner! Specific session dates are listed with the programs                     must remain at the YMCA when their child is in Child Watch.
on each page.
                                                                                •   Your Sheboygan County YMCA family membership
Register early! Many classes fill up quickly, while others                          includes up to 1 ½ hours per day of free child watch
may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Please take the                             for immediate family only.
time prior to registration to make sure your record is set
up correctly. We must have an email address and pass-                           •   Adult members and participants must stop at the desk
word for anyone you want to register on-line. Please call                           and pay for this service prior to dropping their child off.
920-451-8000 x109 or x119 to confirm that your record is                            The fee per visit is $5.00 per child for a YMCA adult
ready to go. Register from the comfort of your own home.                            member and $8.00 per child for a participant.
Mastercard, VISA and Discover accepted.
                                                                                 SHEBOYGAN YMCA CHILD WATCH HOURS
Adult Programs........................................................22         Monday - Friday                           8:30am - 1:00pm
Aquatics................................................................... 8    Monday - Wednesday                        4:00pm - 7:00pm
Camp Y-Koda............................................................ 6
                                                                                 SHEBOYGAN FALLS YMCA CHILD WATCH HOURS
Child Care................................................................ 5
Child Watch.............................................................. 3      Monday - Friday                         8:45am - 11:30am
Diabetes Prevention Program.....................................23               Monday & Wednesday                        5:00pm - 7:00pm
Fine Arts Programs: Dance & Drama...........................12                   Please call 920-467-2464 between 7:30am - 5:30pm
Fitness Class Descriptions & Information......................26                 (Monday - Friday) to reserve a spot.
Lifestyle Programs ...................................................24        PHOTOGRAPHY
Membership.............................................................. 4      The YMCA occasionally uses photos of participants and
Mighty Mites............................................................16      members for promotional purposes. By registering for a
Pee Wee Sports........................................................16        program or membership, you have granted us permission
                                                                                to use your photograph for promotional purposes unless
Registration.............................................................. 3
                                                                                otherwise noted.
Youth Programs.......................................................17

Work where you play, play where you work! The Y is a
fun place to be, plus you may qualify for a free membership!
Current employment opportunities are listed on our website
at or contact Human
Resources to learn more at 920-451-8000 x140.

                            Register for programs on-line at                                                    3
CHECK-IN REMINDER                                                 MEMBERSHIP RATES
For the safety of all, anyone entering our buildings must                                                          Monthly Bank Draft
check in at the Welcome Desk. Please scan your member-            Preschool..........................................................$14.00
ship card or if you are a class participant, let our desk staff   Youth................................................................ $17.00
know where you are going. Thank you for your cooperation          High School...................................................... $20.00
to help keep your YMCA a safe environment.                        Young Adult, Ages 18 - 24.................................. $34.00
                                                                  Adult............................................................... $39.00
WEB REGISTRATION                                                  Couples Only.................................................... $60.00                                       Family..............................................................$71.00
Check out your membership information, browse and reg-            Senior Adult 65+............................................... $34.00
ister for classes or pay your program balances on-line. All
of our classes listed in the Program Guide have a class code      A $50.00 joining fee is required for Adult, Couples and Fam-
on the WEB. To find a class just follow these simple steps.       ily Memberships. Rates are subject to change. Recreational
                                                                  and lane swimming at the Sheboygan Falls Aquatic Center is
Step 1 - Program Codes                                            included with your membership. Short term memberships
First space distinguishes which branch the program is held.       are also available. Membership fees are non-refundable.
1 = Sheboygan YMCA
2 = Sheboygan Falls YMCA                                          MEMBERSHIP DISCLAIMER
4 = Camp Y-Koda                                                   When in the course of normal events or circumstances
                                                                  beyond our control, it is necessary to close sections of or
Step 2 - Program Codes                                            the whole facility for cleaning, repairs, weather conditions
Second space distinguishes which program it is.                   or an emergency, a membership extension or refund is
A = Adult Programs (except fitness)                               not granted.
C = Camp Y-Koda Programs
D = Dance, Drama and Music Classes                                MEMBERSHIP CANCELLATION
F = Fitness Classes (including adult aquatics)                    When using the bank draft or credit card payment plan,
G = Gymnastic Classes                                             written notice is required to cancel. The notice and
S = Swim or Aquatic Classes                                       membership cards must be returned prior to the 10th of
Y = Youth (all other programs)                                    the month.

Step 3 - Register or Browse Programs                              NATIONWIDE PROGRAM
Winter 2 = 22W2                                                   This national YMCA program entitles members to visit
Only the session code and program code are required to            YMCAs across the country. Some restrictions may apply.
register for or browse programs. Type in the program code         More information is available at
following Steps 1 - 2 above and then the session code. This
will give you a drop down list of class choices. Classes are      DAILY MEMBERSHIPS
listed by the start date, then alphabetically by program.         The YMCA reserves the right to limit daily memberships
                                                                  to better serve our members. Anyone over the age of
Step 4 - Payment                                                  18 is required to provide a photo I.D. Military personnel
When all programs for each person are in your cart, don’t         with leave papers may use the Y at no charge. For daily
forget to make your payment to complete your registration.        memberships please call for availability.

                                                                   Daily Fees                     Sheboygan          Sheboygan Falls
Stay connected to the Sheboygan County YMCA through
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You will receive updates          Family Swim                          $10.00                          N/A
including new programs, class changes, cancellations and           Adult                                $10.00                       $8.00
facility closings.
                                                                   Young Adult                            $8.00                      $6.00
                                                                   Senior Adult                           $8.00                      $6.00
                                                                   High School                            $5.00                      $4.00
There are many volunteer opportunities available at the            Middle School                          $3.00                      $3.00
YMCA. No matter what your special interests and schedules          Grade School                           $2.00                      $2.00
are, you can help change someone’s life. If you share our
commitment to the continued well-being of our youth and           FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE
community, please consider becoming a YMCA volunteer.             In order to support the mission of the YMCA, no one should
For more information, please call Mike Burns at 920-451-          be denied membership due to financial hardship. Please
8000 or Mike Gustafson at 920-467-2464.                           contact the YMCA to receive an application.

CODE OF CONDUCT                                                   ANNUAL SUPPORT CAMPAIGN
To build a strong and safe environment at the Sheboygan           The Annual Support Campaign is a fundraising event to
County YMCA, individuals are asked to behave in a manner          generate funds for at-risk children and families in need
that upholds the four principles of Caring, Honesty,              who wish to participate in YMCA activities. Your support
Responsibility and Respect at all times when in the               does make a positive difference in the lives of people in
facility or when participating in YMCA programs.                  our communities.

YMCA Child Care Centers are licensed child care facilities       SHEBOYGAN Y
that offer quality care in a safe family-like environment
for children. Our centers participate in YoungStar, a            Enroll Now for Fall 2022-2023 school year!
program of the Department of Children and Family Services,
created to improve the quality of child care for Wisconsin       •   The 4K Program meets Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
children. YoungStar evaluates and rates the quality of care          Friday from 12:00pm - 3:00pm.
given by child care providers, helps parents choose the
best child care for their kids, supports providers with tools    •   Before, after, Wednesday, and no school day child care
and training to deliver high-quality early care and sets a           available at the Sheboygan Y.
consistent standard for child care quality.
                                                                 •   Academic curriculum follows Early Learning Center
The pr e sc hool pr ograms have a pr e sc hool and                   model.
pre-kindergarten curriculum with weekly themes and
developmentally appropriate activities. The schedule varies      •   Children will enjoy recreational swim and open gym
by age and ability of the child and includes large group and         for large motor development, physical fitness and
small group activities and story time. Children participate          mental health. Fine motor skills are developed through
in a physical activity every day, including gym and swim             manipulative play and classroom exercises.
lessons and recreational swimming twice a week at the
Sheboygan YMCA.                                                  •   Creativity and self-expression are explored through
                                                                     art, crafts, drama and dance.
The grade school programs are open to children in
kindergarten - grade 4 (age 13 at the Sheboygan YMCA)            •   Weekly themes, small group activities, music and story
who attend school within Sheboygan County. Activities                time also included.
provide each child with age-appropriate experiences. The
schedule may include arts and crafts, homework assistance,       •   Additional gym and swim sessions included with before
games or computer use. Children may also play in the gym,            and after care program.
playground or park. All areas are supervised by child care
staff. We offer before and after school care during the school   •   Tanya Goes, the Sheboygan YMCA Child Care Director,
year and full day care on days when there is no school and           is the 4K teacher. She has her Bachelor’s Degree in
during the summer.                                                   Early Childhood Education and is a DPI licensed teacher.

For availability at your child’s age level and pricing, please   •   To schedule a tour, meet with Tanya, view the classroom
call Tanya at 920-451-8000 for Sheboygan or Gillian at 920-          and pick up an enrollment packet, please call 920-451-
467-2464 for Sheboygan Falls.                                        8004 x107 or email

                        Ages 2 - 6             Ages 5 - 13
 Mon - Fri      6:30am - 6:00pm           6:30am - 8:00am
                                      after school - 6:00pm
 Summer                                   6:30am - 6:00pm
                    6 Wks - 5 Yrs             5K - Grade 4
 Mon - Fri      6:00am - 5:30pm                          N/A
                                              4K - Grade 4
 Mon - Fri                                6:00am - 7:40am
                                      after school - 5:30pm
 Summer                                   6:00am - 5:30pm

                                                                        REGISTER NOW FOR K-5 SUMMER

                                                                     Contact Tanya Goes to schedule a tour and pick up
                                                                                   an enrollment packet.


SUMMER..................... JUNE 20 - AUGUST 26, 2022                Camp Y-Koda’s High Ropes and Challenge Course is avail-
Ages 3 - 6                                                           able Mid-April through Mid-October. The obstacles that you
At the NBDC, we focus on                                             can tackle are all 30-40 feet off the ground and include the
large motor development                                              climbing wall, cat-walk & zip-line, giants ladder, swings,
through outdoor nature                                               multi-vines and power pole. Book your group’s high adven-
exploration, fine motor                                              ture today!
development through
sensory and manipulative
play, and creativity and
self-expression through art
exploration. While we use
weekly themes as a guide
for learning and play, our
experienced teachers can
easily switch and focus on
areas where the children
express interest.

We offer a variety of options,
including half or fulll day and 2, 3 or 4 days/week. Check
out our website at
y-koda/nature-based-daycare.html or to learn more please
call 920-467-6882 or contact a representative below.

Lydia Kuznicki, Day Care Lead Teacher

Sarah Dezwarte, Outdoor Education Director

Summer Session June 20 - August 26, 2022
Mon - Fri......................................... 8:00am - 4:30pm

Half Day (4 hours or less)                               $24.00
Full Day (more than 4 hours)                             $48.00

6    YMCA Camp Y-Koda, W3340 Sunset Rd, Sheboygan Falls WI 53085 • P 920-467-6882 • F 920-467-7240
GUIDED SNOWSHOE HIKES                                                EARTH DAY CLEANUP
MARCH 5, 2022                                                        APRIL 23, 2022
Age 6 +                                                              All Ages
New to snowshoeing? Come to Camp Y-Koda for a guided                 Looking for a way to contribute
winter hike around our beautiful grounds. Camp will provide          this Earth day? Spend some time
the snowshoes, instructions and slow moving guided hike.             at Camp Y-Koda picking up litter.
Following the hike, relax and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate           Families, clubs, scouts, church
by the outdoor fireplace. We have plenty of snowshoes to             groups, and individuals are all
accommodate the whole family or group of friends.                    invited to join. Disposable gloves,
                                                                     trash bags, and map of property
Sat..............................................10:00am - 11:00am   will be provided at check-in. Par-
                                                                     ticipants are encouraged to bring
Fee Per Day                                                $6.00     reusable work gloves and a reusable water bottle to reduce
                                                                     waste. Volunteers are invited to canoe & kayak at Lake Y-
SNOWSHOE RENTALS                                                     Koda after the cleanup! Registration is not required, but
Reserve a pair of snowshoes for you and your family and              please RSVP to Heather Nitsch by emailing hnitsch@
come to camp to explore the property at your own pace,      or calling camp 920-467-6882.
on your own time. For $10 per pair, you can schedule your
visit to camp to enjoy the snow. Snowshoes can be used any           Sat................................................9:00am - 11:00am
day of the week, but must be kept on camp property. Please
make reservations at least 24 hours in advance. Groups are
welcome to stay after snowshoeing and enjoy the outdoor
fireplace at the Denison Family Pavilion. To reserve your
snowshoes, please contact Heather Nitsch at 920-467-6882

Rental Fee per Pair of Snowshoes                         $10.00

Attention graduating class of 2022! Book your graduation
party at Camp Y-Koda! Choose between our three unique
facilities that each provide the perfect laid-back party at-
mosphere with kitchen space, air-conditioning, outdoor
space, and fire pits. Johnsonville Lodge provides the largest
space for up to 100 people, Lohmann lodge is smaller with
a great backyard, and the Denison Pavillion offers a great
outdoor party next to the playground and basketball court!
Please contact Heather Nitsch at 920-467-6882 or hnitsch@ for availability.

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Nurturing the potential of every child and teen.

                                                                        SWIMMING LESSON SELECTOR


              6 Months - 3 Years              3 Years - 5 Years             6 Years - 12 Years              12+ Years
              PARENT* & CHILD:                PRESCHOOL:                    SCHOOL AGE:                     TEEN & ADULT:
              STAGES A–B                      STAGES 1–4                    STAGES 1–6                      STAGES 1–6

       All age groups are taught the same skills but divided according to their developmental milestones.


                                                                                                   A / WATER
      Can the student respond to verbal cues and jump on land?               NOT YET

      Is the student comfortable working with an instructor
                                                                             NOT YET              B / WATER
      without a parent in the water?                                                             EXPLORATION

      Will the student go underwater voluntarily?                            NOT YET              1 / WATER

      Can the student do a front and back float on his or
                                                                             NOT YET               2 / WATER
      her own?                                                                                     MOVEMENT

      Can the student swim 10 - 15 yards on his or her front
                                                                             NOT YET               3 / WATER
      and back?                                                                                     STAMINA

      Can the student swim 15 yards of front and back crawl?                 NOT YET               4 / STROKE

      Can the student swim front crawl, back crawl and breast-
                                                                             NOT YET              5 / STROKE
      stroke across the pool?                                                                    DEVELOPMENT

      Can the student swim front crawl, back crawl and breast-                                     6 / STROKE
                                                                             NOT YET
      stroke across the pool and back?                                                             MECHANICS

*At the Y, we know families take a variety of forms. As a result, we define parent broadly to include all adults with primary
responsibility for raising children, including biological parents, adoptive parents, guardians, stepparents, grandparents, or any
other type of parenting relationship.


                                            STAGE DESCRIPTIONS

   SWIM    Accompanied by a parent,         A / WATER DISCOVERY                B / WATER EXPLORATION
           infants and toddlers learn       Parents accompany children         In stage B, parents work with
STARTERS   to be comfortable in the         in stage A, which introduces       their children to explore body
           water and develop swim           infants and toddlers to the        positions, floating, blowing
           readiness skills through         aquatic environment through        bubbles     and    fundamental
                                            exploration and encourages         safety and aquatic skills.
           fun     and     confidence-
                                            them to enjoy themselves
           building experiences, while      while learning about the water.
           parents learn about water
           safety, drowning preven-
           tion and the importance of

   SWIM    Students learn personal           / WATER ACCLIMATION
                                            1                                  2 / WATER MOVEMENT                  3 / WATER STAMINA
           water safety and achieve         Students develop comfort           In stage 2, students focus          In stage 3, students learn
  BASICS   basic swimming competency        with underwater exploration        on body position and control,       how to swim to safety from
           by learning two benchmark        and learn to safely exit in the    directional change and for-         a longer distance than in
           skills:                          event of falling into a body       ward movement in the                previous stages in the event
                                            of water in stage 1. This          water while also continuing         of falling into a body of water.
           •    wim, float, swim -
               S                            stage lays the foundation          to practice how to safely           This stage also introduces
               sequencing front glide,      that allows for a student’s        exit in the event of falling into   rhythmic       breathing    and
               roll, back float, roll,      future progress in swimming.       a body of water.                    integrated arm and leg
               front glide and exit                                                                                action.
           •   Jump, push, turn, grab

   SWIM    Having mastered the funda-       4 / STROKE                         5 / STROKE                         6 / STROKE MECHANICS
           mentals, students learn ad-      INTRODUCTION                       DEVELOPMENT                         In stage 6, students refine
STROKES    ditional water safety skills     Students in stage 4 develop        Students in stage 5 work on         stroke     technique   on    all
           and build stroke technique,      stroke technique in front crawl    stroke technique and learn          major competitive strokes,
           developing skills that prevent   and back crawl and learn the       all major competitive strokes.      learn     about     competitive
                                            breaststroke kick and butterfly    The emphasis on water safety        swimming and discover how
           chronic disease, increase so-
                                            kick. Water safety is reinforced   continues through treading          to incorporate swimming into a
           cial-emotional and cognitive     through treading water and         water and sidestroke.               healthy lifestyle.
           well-being and foster a life-    elementary backstroke.
           time of physical activity.
                                             HAVE MORE QUESTIONS? Our aquatics director is available at 920-451-8000
                                             x129 to answer any questions about the swim lesson program.

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Empowering young people to reach their full potential
SWIM LEVELS AND PROFICIENCIES                                             FAMILY & RECREATION SWIM
New to YUSA swim lessons and don’t know what to sign up for?              Verhulst Pool
Here is a list of proficiencies that our instructors look for to deter-   Mon...........7:15pm -8:00pm..........................Youth Rec
mine swim levels.                                                         Tues.........6:30pm - 8:00pm..........................Youth Rec
                                                                          Wed..........6:30pm - 8:00pm..........................Youth Rec
PRESCHOOL STAGES A & B                                                    Fri............6:30pm - 8:00pm.... Youth Rec & Family Swim
Parent child class for ages 6 months to 3 years of age as an              Sat...........1:00pm - 3:00pm..........................Youth Rec
introductory to water                                                     Sat...........3:00pm - 5:00pm...................... Family Swim
                                                                          Sun........ 12:00pm - 3:30pm.... Youth Rec & Family Swim
Ages 3-5 for those who aren’t comfortable going underwater or             Garton Pool
are just going underwater for the first time. This is the first level     Wed........ 9:30am - 10:30am...................... Family Swim
with just the instructor in the water with the kids.                      Wed..........7:30pm - 8:00pm...................... Family Swim
                                                                          Thur.........7:30pm - 8:00pm...................... Family Swim
PRESCHOOL STAGES 3 & 4                                                    Fri............6:00pm - 8:00pm.... Youth Rec & Family Swim
Ages 3-5 for those who can go underwater and float comfortably.           Sat....... 11:00am - 12:30pm...................... Family Swim
                                                                          Sat...........1:00pm - 3:00pm..........................Youth Rec
GRADE SCHOOL STAGES 1 - 3                                                 Sat...........3:00pm - 5:00pm...................... Family Swim
Ages 6+ for those who need a bit of practice going underwater             Sun........ 12:00pm - 3:30pm.... Youth Rec & Family Swim
and for those who haven’t mastered rhythmic breathing (breathing
to the side). These levels we’ll start to introduce the big pool for
those who are ready so they are more confident going to Stage 4.

Ages 6+ for those who are able to swim with rhythmic breathing
and are able to do back crawl. This is the first class in the big pool
with many kids’ endurance being tested.

Ages 6+ for those who are able to do breast stroke kick and but-
terfly kick to start working on competitive strokes.

Ages 6+ for those who know the competitive strokes and are look-
ing to refine those strokes.


                                    SWIMMING LESSONS AT THE SHEBOYGAN YMCA
                           7-WEEK WINTER 2 SESSION: FEBRUARY 28 - APRIL 16, 2022
 SWIM STARTERS         AGE                   TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                   SATURDAY
 Stages A & B          6 Mo - Age 3     9:30am - 10:00am                                 9:30am - 10:00am
                                         5:30pm - 6:00pm                                  6:00pm - 6:30pm

 SWIM BASICS           AGE                   TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                   SATURDAY
 Stages 1 - 2          Ages 3 - 5       10:00am - 10:30am 10:30am - 11:00am 10:00am - 10:30am                       9:30am - 10:00am
                                         5:00pm - 5:30pm         6:00pm - 6:30pm          4:30pm - 5:00pm          10:30am - 11:00am
                                         6:00pm - 6:30pm                                  5:30pm - 6:00pm

 SWIM BASICS           AGE                   TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                   SATURDAY
 Stages 3 - 4          Ages 3 - 5       10:00am - 10:30am 10:30am - 11:00am 10:00am - 10:30am                       9:30am - 10:00am
                                         5:00pm - 5:30pm         6:00pm - 6:30pm          4:30pm - 5:00pm
                                         6:00pm - 6:30pm                                  5:30pm - 6:00pm

 SWIM BASICS           AGE                   TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                   SATURDAY
 Stages 1 - 3          Age 6+            6:30pm - 7:00pm         6:30pm - 7:00pm          5:00pm - 5:30pm          10:00am - 10:30am
                                         7:00pm - 7:30pm         7:00pm - 7:30pm          6:30pm - 7:00pm          10:30am - 11:00am
                                                                                          7:00pm - 7:30pm

 SWIM STROKES          AGE                   TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                   SATURDAY
 Stage 4               Age 6+            5:00pm - 5:30pm                                  5:00pm - 5:30pm           9:30am - 10:00am
 Stage 4               Age 6+                                                             5:30pm - 6:00pm
 Stage 5               Age 6+            5:30pm - 6:00pm                                  6:00pm - 6:30pm          10:00am - 10:30am
 Stage 6               Age 6+            6:00pm - 6:30pm                                  6:30pm - 7:00pm          10:30am - 11:00am

                                                                   ADULT GROUP SWIM LESSONS
                                                                   FEBRUARY 28 - APRIL 16, 2022
Fee for 7 Weeks               Preschool      Grade School          Age 16+
Family Member                         Free              Free       This new program is designed for people who are fearful of
                                                                   water to get the necessary skills to enjoy water activities.
Youth Member                        $36.00           $22.00        The class will go over the more basic skills to make you more
Participant                         $62.00           $62.00        comfortable and confident in the water. From young adults to
                                                                   retirees the water brings people together for a common goal
The fees above are for one class per week. A 2nd class             to improve one’s water skills. This swim lesson will be diverse
is $40.00 if available when registration ends.                     with people of all ages and backgrounds. Any questions please
                                                                   contact the aquatics director, Brayden Schuh, to answer any
PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS                                               questions related to swimming or the class. Fee is for one
Children & Adults                                                  class per week for 7-week session.
Would you or your child like one-on-one lessons with one
of our instructors? We can help you master a skill, provide        Tues....................................................6:30pm - 7:00pm
training tips for competition or overcome any fears you may        Wed................................................... 9:30am - 10:00am
have with the water. Caring, patient adult instructors provide
30-minute private lessons. Lessons are available for up to 3       Family Member                                                  Free
people. On group lessons, each swimmer receives a 20% dis-         Youth Member                                                   Free
count. Purchase a punch card for 5 lessons, get your 6th one       Participant                                                  $62.00
free! To arrange lessons, please call 920-451-8000 x129. Fee
is per person.

Family Member                                      $22.00
Youth Member                                       $23.00
Participant                                        $44.00

                      Register for programs on-line at                                                      11
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Empowering young people to reach their full potential
                                                              MEET OUR FINE ARTS COORDINATOR!
                                                              Diane Cepa is the Coordinator of the
The dance and drama classes are part of
                                                              Fine Arts Program and lead dance
the Fine Arts Department! The Fine Arts
                                                              instructor for the Sheboygan
Programs at the Sheboygan County YMCA
                                                              County YMCA. This is Diane’s 6th
are designed to enrich the imagination,
                                                              year teaching at the Y and she
creativity and social development in a fun
                                                              has over 10 years of dance and
and nurturing environment.
                                                              drama teaching experience. She
                                                              is originally from the Chicagoland
Students will grow and develop as they learn the
                                                              area where she has been featured
fundamental vocabulary and skills associated with their
                                                              in many Chicago onstage roles as
art. Proper technique is implemented and students are
                                                              well as working behind the scenes. Diane
encouraged to discover their own creative potential.
                                                              loves teaching at the Y and helping the Fine Arts Program
•    There must be a minimum of 4 students registered
     for each class. You will be contacted the week before
                                                              PRIVATE DANCE AND DRAMA LESSONS
     if class is cancelled and offered another option.
                                                              Age 5 - Adult
                                                              We are now offering discounted rates on private lessons,
•    For more information or to find out which class is the
                                                              both in person and online! For more information and to
     best fit for you, contact the Fine Arts Coordinator.
                                                              register for half hour or 45 minute lessons, please call
                                                              Diane at 920-451-8000 x116. Purchase a punch card for
YMCA Dance Dress Code
                                                              5 lessons, get your 6th one free! Receive 20% discount on
• Shoes: ballet shoes or socks for Ballet, tap shoes for
                                                              group lessons, up to 3 people.
  Tap, jazz shoes or socks for Jazz & Hip Hop.
• Wear comfortable but snug clothing (no jeans).
                                                                                         30 Minutes        45 Minutes
• Hair should be up and out of the face. For safety
                                                              Family Member                 $15.00            $20.00
  reasons, jewelry should not be worn except for stud
                                                              Youth Member                  $16.00            $22.00
                                                              Participant                   $22.00            $33.00

12                        Register for programs on-line at

                                           SHEBOYGAN YMCA DANCE CLASSES

                           7-WEEK WINTER 2 SESSION: FEBRUARY 28 - APRIL 16, 2022
 CLASS                                       AGE                   TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY
 Creative Movement                           Ages 2 - 4                                 5:15pm - 5:45pm

 Dancing with Dolls                          Ages 3 - 5                                 3:30pm - 4:00pm

 Tap & Ballet                                Ages 4 - 7        5:30pm - 6:15pm

 Tap & Ballet                                Ages 6 - 12                                                         6:30pm - 7:15pm

 Musical Theater: Hairspray                  Ages 6 - 14                                4:15pm - 5:00pm

 Jazz & Hip Hop                              Ages 7 - 14       7:00pm-7:45pm

 Adult Tap Beginner/Intermediate             Ages 14+        Dates are 3/16 - 4/20g     6:00pm - 6:45pm

 Adult Tap Advanced                          Ages 14+        Dates are 3/16 - 4/20g     7:00pm - 7:45pm

    There are no Fine Arts classes March 20 - 26                   JAZZ & HIP HOP
           Fees are prorated for 6 weeks                           Ages 7 - 14
                                                                   Fun and upbeat, our dancers will learn to jump, kick, leap
                                                                   and isolate parts of their body to build combinations to
 6-Week Session Fee
                                                                   contemporary music.
                               30 Minutes        45 Minutes
 Family Member                    $29.00            $39.00
                                                                   ADULT TAP - BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE
 Youth Member                     $34.00            $45.00
                                                                   MARCH 16 - APRIL 20, 2022
 Participant                      $47.00            $63.00
                                                                   Age 14+
                                                                   If you have always wanted to try tap dancing, this is the class
CREATIVE MOVEMENT                                                  for you! You will have fun with basic tap rhythms and footwork,
Ages 2 - 4 with Parent                                             along with great mind-body exercise and improved balance.
Introduce your child to the world of dance while ensuring
their comfort and security your presence brings during class.      ADULT TAP - ADVANCED
It is a perfect way to stay invested in your child as they begin   MARCH 16 - APRIL 20, 2022
to explore. It is also an introduction to rhythm, movement,        Age 14+
counting, and body awareness for our young dancers.                For the more experienced tap dancer! Dancers will have fun
                                                                   and be challenged. Must have previous tap experience and
                                                                   be Level 5 or higher.
Ages 3 - 5
With the assistance of your doll, your child will learn and         ADULT TAP AND TRY IT
explore the basics of ballet, including leaps, kicks and feet       MARCH 2, 2022
positions. This is a great way for your child to spend time         Age 14 & Older
with their best friend!                                             Repeat, review and renew basic tap steps. This bonus
                                                                    class gives you the chance to try tap dance without the
TAP & BALLET                                                        commitment, and is a great way for beginners to get extra
Ages 4 - 7                                                          tutoring on the basic steps.
Ages 6 - 12
This class builds, level by level, on the basics of ballet in-      Beginners/Intermediate
cluding arms, positions and steps. Our tap portion teaches          Wed................................................ 6:00pm - 6:45pm
rhythm, the differentiation of the parts of the feet and basic
steps leading into combinations.                                    Advanced
                                                                    Wed................................................ 7:00pm - 7:45pm
Ages 6 - 14                                                         Fee                                                      $10.00
Step into the world of theater with this fun and interactive
class! Learn basic to intermediate Broadway style dances
and prepare to sing in a welcoming and fun environment
featuring a song and scene from Hairspray! This is a
great class for all levels of music and dance students. No
previous dance or singing experience required.

                       Register for programs on-line at                                                 13
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Empowering young people to reach their full potential

                             7-WEEK WINTER 2 SESSION: FEBRUARY 28 - APRIL 17, 2022
 FAMILY                AGE              MONDAY          TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY          FRIDAY           SATURDAY           SUNDAY

 Family Movement       6 Mo - 3 Yr                    9:15 - 10:00am    9:15 - 10:00am    4:45 - 5:30pm   9:15 - 10:00am    9:15 - 10:00am

 (1 Child/1 Adult)                                    10:00 - 10:45am   10:00 - 10:45am   5:30 - 6:15pm   10:00 - 10:45am   10:00 - 10:45am

 (co-ed)                                              10:45 - 11:30am    5:30 - 6:15pm    6:15 - 7:00pm

                                                            *All Family Movement classes are in the upstairs gym*

 PRESCHOOL             AGE                              TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY          FRIDAY           SATURDAY

 Gymnastics            Ages 4 - 5     5:30 - 6:15pm   9:15 - 10:00am    9:15 - 10:00am    3:45 - 4:30pm   9:15 - 10:00am    9:15 - 10:00am

 (1 Child/1 Adult)                    6:15 - 7:00pm   10:00 - 10:45am                     6:00 - 6:45pm   10:00 - 10:45am   10:00 - 10:45am

 (co-ed)                                              10:45 - 11:30am

                                                       3:45 - 4:30pm

 Little Springers      Ages 4 - 5                      4:30 - 5:15pm    10:00 - 10:45am   4:30 - 5:15pm                     11:30 - 12:15pm

 GRADE/MIDDLE          AGE                              TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY          FRIDAY           SATURDAY

 Girls Gymnastics      Ages 6 - 8                      5:15 - 6:00pm     4:00 - 4:45pm    6:45 - 7:30pm                     10:45 - 11:30am

                       Ages 6 - 8                      6:00 - 6:45pm     4:45 - 5:30pm

                       Ages 6 - 8                      6:45 - 7:30pm     6:15 - 7:00pm

 Girls Gymnastics      Ages 9 - 11    4:00 - 4:45pm    7:30 - 8:15pm

 Novice Gymnastics     Ages 6 - 8     4:45 - 5:30pm                                       5:15 - 6:00pm                     11:30 - 12:15pm


 Boys Gymnastics       Ages 6 - 11                                       4:00 - 4:45pm

 Girls Pre-Team        Ages 7 - 14    7:00 - 8:00pm                                       7:30 - 8:30pm                     12:15 - 1:15pm

 Parkour               Ages 6 - 8                                                                          6:30 - 7:15pm     8:15 - 9:00am    10:00 - 10:45am

 (co-ed)               Ages 9 - 11                                                                         7:15 - 8:00pm                      10:45 - 11:30am

                       Ages 12 - 14                                                                                                           11:30 - 12:15pm

 DROP-IN PROGRAMS      AGE                              TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY          FRIDAY           SATURDAY

 Family Rec            6 Mo - 11 Yr                                     10:45 - 11:30am                   10:45 - 11:30am

 Gymnastics                                                                                                5:30 - 6:15pm

 (with Parent)                        *PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED EACH WEEK. THERE ARE NO FAMILY REC GYMNASTICS 3/18-3/20 and 4/15-17*

 Youth Rec             Age 5+                                                                              4:00 - 5:30pm    12:15 - 1:45pm

 Gymnastics                           *PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED EACH WEEK. THERE ARE NO FAMILY REC GYMNASTICS 3/18-3/20 and 4/15-17*

•     Due to hosting the Y Gymnastics State meet, there                       GYMNASTICS CENTER GUIDELINES
      are no classes or drop-in programs March 18-20.                         • Masks are expected.
                                                                              • Participants sanitize their hands and feet before and after
•     Due to the Easter holiday, there are no classes or                        class and upon re-entry from restroom etc.
      drop-in programs Apirl 15-17.                                           • Equipment is disinfected each day and as needed.
                                                                              • Children will share gymnastics equipment on limited
•     Class fees will be pro-rated for 5 weeks.                                 basis.
                                                                              • Limited viewing area to maintain social distancing.
                                                                              • Bring a water bottle for personal use.
Fee for 7-Week Session
                                      45 Minutes          One Hour            WISCONSIN YMCA STATE MEET
Family Member                             $42.00            $56.00            MARCH 19 - 20, 2022
Youth Member                              $49.00            $66.00            Come and cheer on our home team as the Sheboygan County
Participant                               $70.00            $94.00            YMCA hosts the Wisconsin YMCA State Meet at Sheboygan
                                                                              South High School. Volunteer opportunities are available for
                                                                              this event. Please contact Denice Nugent at 920-451-8000
                                                                              x123 or

14                              Register for programs on-line at
                                                                           FAMILY REC GYMNASTICS DROP-IN PROGR AM
Crawlers - 3 Years with Adult
                                                                           6 Months to Age 11
Play with a purpose! Your child will develop overall body coordination,
                                                                           These are fun, family gymnastics times to explore the gym, roll,
balance, strength, flexibility and poise while enjoying musical games
                                                                           swing, crawl, climb and flip upside down together! The gym is
and obstacle courses. Encourage your child while helping them meet
                                                                           supervised by gymnastic coaches and all children must be with
new challenges, practice skills and experience success.
                                                                           a parent. Pre-registration is required.
                                                                           Family Member                                                     Free
Ages 4 - 5 with Adult
                                                                           Youth Member                                                     $3.00
Every class begins with fun music and challenging manipulative
                                                                           Participant                                                      $7.00
activities. Children increase strength, balance, coordination and
flexibility while exploring gymnastics and tumbling one on one with
                                                                           YOUTH REC GYMNASTICS DROP-IN PROGR AM
parent assistance. This class will work on gymnastic skills together
                                                                           Age 5 Years (with Adult) - Age 17
through play with child and parent interaction. Parents’ hands-on
                                                                           The Gymnastics Center is supervised by our coaches! It is a
spotting and encouragement make this a great learning experience.
                                                                           time to gain strength, endurance, learn a new skill or practice
                                                                           to perfect your gymnastics skills and routines. Children age 5
                                                                           must be with a parent. Pre-registration is required.
Ages 4 - 6
Boys and girls must be able to do a skin the cat, basic handstand,
                                                                           Family Member                                                   $5.00
backward roll, and climb 1/4 way up a rope. This is an advanced
                                                                           Youth Member                                                    $6.00
preschool class. Teacher recommendation is required.
                                                                           Participant                                                    $10.00
Ages 6 - 11 (see grid for age groups)                                     POP-UP GYMNASTICS OR PRIVATE LESSON
People who do gymnastics make it look easy, but it is not. This           Do a pop-up at our gymnastics center for a gymnastics outlet
gymnastic beginner class will work on height and upside down              for your family, a birthday party or with your friends. Pop-Up
confidence, plus basic positions and skills.                              Gymnastics is semi-private or private gymnastics lessons for up to
                                                                          5 people. All ages and abilities are welcome! Children age 5 and
GIRLS GYMNASTICS                                                          under must be accompanied by an adult.
Ages 6 - 11 (see grid for age groups)
This is a great class that builds confidence while utilizing age-         Do a private lesson for those students who prefer concentrated
appropriate equipment in the gymnastics center to enhance skill           training to focus on goals, acquire/improve tumbling skills for
level. Girls will work to improve tumbling, strength, coordination,       cheerleading or dance and for therapeautic purposes.
jumping, balance and flexibility. They will also work on USAG
compulsory skills.                                                        Program is on a first come, first serve basis and compliant with
                                                                          the latest COVID-19 guidelines. Reservations are available on
BOYS GYMNASTICS                                                           the SignUpGenius link on the Y’s website. Sign up for as many
Ages 6 - 11                                                               lessons as you choose. Please contact Denice at dnugent@
Boys will work on the 6 Olympics events - vault, high bar, still if you need another time or day.
rings, pommel horse and mushroom, floor and parallel bar. The             Payment must be made in full at the desk prior to the lesson,
class consists of strength, flexibility, balance, body positions and      bring your receipt.
a whole lot of swinging!
                                                                          Pop-Up - 45 Minutes                    Private Lesson - 30 Minutes
PRE-TEAM FOR GIRLS                                                        Family Member   $30.00                 Family Member       $22.00
Ages 7 - 14                                                               Youth Member    $35.00                 Youth Member        $23.00
This is the same structured class as our age group grade school           Participant     $60.00                 Participant         $44.00
class, but more advanced. Children must be able to do a hip pullover
on bars, cartwheel and bridge on floor, be comfortable going for          SPRINGERS GYMNASTICS TRANING TEAM
handstands on beam or have teacher recommendation. This is                APRIL 18 - JUNE 5, 2022
a great preparation for training team and Springers team!                 Boys and Girls Ages 4 - 18
                                                                          Experience the Springers Gymnastics Team practice along with
PARKOUR FOR BOYS & GIRLS                                                  current team members and coaches in this exclusive program.
Ages 6 - 11 (see grid for age groups)                                     Acquire the strength, flexibility and skills necessary to join the
Parkour is the physical discipline of training to overcome any            team. Once a gymnast has attained 90% of the skills on each
obstacle within one’s path by adapting one’s movement to the              event at their respective level, they will be encouraged to join the
environment. Participants navigate through their fears and gain           Sheboygan County YMCA Springers Gymnastics Team.
physical and emotional confidence. The class focus is on safety,
longevity, personal responsibility and improvement. Parkour               For more information, please contact Denice at 920-451-8000
movements include running, jumping, vaulting, climbing, balancing         x123 or Registration forms
and quadrupedal movements.                                                are available at

SHEBOYGAN COUNTY YMCA SPRINGERS                                           Mon & Wed................................................ 4:15pm - 5:45pm
We have opportunities as our team will host the Snowflake invi-           Tues & Thurs.............................................6:00pm - 7:30pm
tational at the Sheboygan YMCA February 18 - 20, 2022 and the
Wisconsin YMCA State Meet March 19 - 20, 2022 at Sheboygan                Member                                                         $120
South High School. Please contact Denice Nugent at 920-451-8000           Participant                                                    $200
x123 or

 Birthday parties are back! Parties can be held on Saturdays during youth rec gymnastics or private parties on Sundays. Please contact Jill
 Tenpas at or 920-451-8000 x122 for more information and availability.

                         Register for programs on-line at                                                            15

                                              PEE WEE AND MIGHTY MITE SPORTS

                             7-WEEK WINTER 2 SESSION: FEBRUARY 28 - APRIL 16, 2022
 PEE WEE SPORTS                    Y    AGE                 DAY        TIME        LOCATION                           SESSION
 Pee Wee Sports Variety            S    Ages 3 - 5          Tues    5:45 - 6:30pm Muth Gym                            Winter 2
 Pee Wee Basketball                 F   Ages 3 - 5          Wed     5:15 - 6:00pm Lohmann Gym                         Winter 2

 MIGHTY MITE SPORTS                Y    AGE                 DAY        TIME        LOCATION                           SESSION
 Mighty Mite Soccer                S    5K - Grade 2        Mon     5:00 - 6:00pm Muth Gym                            Winter 2
 Mighty Mite Basketball             F   5K - Grade 2        Tues    5:00 - 6:00pm Lohmann Gym                         Winter 2
 Mighty Mite Tennis                S    5K - Grade 2        Wed     5:00 - 6:00pm Muth Gym                            Winter 2
 Mighty Mite Indoor T-ball          F   5K - Grade 2        Wed     4:00 - 5:00pm Lohmann Gym                         Winter 2

This program is designed for parents and children to                 Par ticipation, FUNdamentals, skill development and
learn and develop different sport skills together in a fun           sportsmanship are the focus of this program. Participants
environment. Sports change each session and include                  are put on teams based on their grade or school. Each
basketball, football, soccer, tennis, t-ball and other gym           week, volunteer coaches will spend half the class working
games.                                                               on skills. Games are played during the 2nd half of class. The
                                                                     fee includes a t-shirt, except for golf and tennis.
Family Member                                            $19.00
Youth Member                                             $22.00      Family Member                                      $27.00
Participant                                              $35.00      Youth Member                                       $29.00
                                                                     Participant                                        $44.00
MARCH 2 - APRIL 13, 2022                                             2022 SPRING U6 YOUTH SOCCER
Ages 2 - 4                                                           APRIL 25 - JUNE 6, 2022
Its never to early to get your little one into fitness. Join us      Age 4 - Kindergarten
for a fun filled workout with a variety of activities, equipment     Your child will learn the fundamentals of soccer with their
and fun music. Parents are encouraged to join the workout,           friends and classmates. Volunteer coaches lead a practice
attend your favorite fitness class, or get a workout in on           once a week, with an emphasis on fun and learning the sport
your own and we can bring the little ones to child watch             of soccer. Program locations include Howards Grove and
after class until you’re done.                                       Sheboygan Falls. Separate registration form is required.

Wed.............................................10:30am - 11:00am    Family Member                                     $15.00
                                                                     Youth Member                                      $17.00
Family Member                                           $21.00       Participant                                       $21.00
Youth Member                                            $24.00
Participant                                             $36.00       2022 SPRING YOUTH SOCCER
                                                                     APRIL 23 - JUNE 4, 2022
                                                                     Grades 1 - 8
                                                                     Registration forms will be available in mid-February for boys
                                                                     and girls in Sheboygan Falls. The registration deadline
                                                                     is March 4, 2022.

16                           Register for programs on-line at
3-POINT & FREE THROW CONTESTS                                        GIRLS VOLLEYBALL CLINIC
FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 202                                                SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2022
Grades 2 - 3 with Parent, Grades 4 - 5                               Girls in Grades 5 - 8
Come to the Sheboygan Falls YMCA for these fun 3-point               Coordinated by Mark Schultz, who has 25 seasons of
and free throw basketball contests! Prizes will be given to          coaching experience, our girls volleyball clinic is always a
1st, 2nd and 3rd place.                                              hit! Come ready to have a fun-filled day of playing volleyball.

•   Children in grades 2 - 3 will play with a parent. Points         This clinic is for middle school girls who have some
    will be combined between the parent and child. Parents           competitive experience in volleyball and are serious about
    will use an official size basketball and children will use       the sport. Team building activities, a pizza lunch and a t-shirt
    a junior size basketball and hoops will be set at 9 feet.        are included! Lunch will be served to both age groups
    The fee is per team of two.                                      listed below from 12:30pm - 1:00pm.
•   Children in grades 4 - 5 will be split by grade level, girls
    and boys (if possible). Competitors will shoot on a 10’          The clinic will be held in the YMCA at Berkshire Community
    hoop. Both grades will use a women’s size basketball.            Gymnasium (former Sheboygan Falls Middle School). Space
                                                                     is limited to 24 girls per age group, so sign up early and
Grades 2 - 3..................Fri.......... 6:00pm Start             join the fun! The registration deadline is April 8, 2022.
Grades 4 - 5..................Fri.......... 7:00pm Start
                                                                     Grades 5 - 6
                                 Grades 1-2          Grades 3-4      Sat................................................. 8:30am - 1:00pm
Family Member                       $10.00               $5.00
Youth Member                        $12.00               $6.00       Grades 7 - 8
Participant                         $16.00               $8.00       Sat............................................... 12:30pm - 5:00pm

MARCH MANIA 3 VS 3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT                             Family Member                                              $35.00
SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2022                                             Youth Member                                               $40.00
Boys and Girls in Grades 2 - 5                                       Participant                                                $50.00
End the basketball season with a bang! Get your team into
March madness as well and sign up for the March Mania                GIRLS “MINI” VOLLEYBALL CLINIC
3 vs 3 Basketball Tournament. Rules and schedules will               MARCH 1 - APRIL 12, 2022
be emailed to coaches a week before the tournament. A                Grades 3 - 4
separate registration form is required. The registration             This clinic will introduce basic volleyball skills with an em-
deadline is March 4, 2022.                                           phasis on ball control, movement to the ball, how the game
                                                                     works, with a focus on having fun while learning this life-long
Team Fee                                                    $50.00   sport! Participants will need a coach-able attitude, a pair
                                                                     of non-slip athletic shoes and a water bottle. Participants
MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE                                will receive their very own Volleyball Lite to work on skills
APRIL 21 - JUNE 2, 2022                                              learned during the clinic. This clinic will be held at She-
Girls in Grades 7 - 8                                                boygan YMCA.
Get your team roster together for this volleyball league,
which will help girls develop team play and work on                  Head clinic instructor is Katie Jansen who brings over 20
fundamentals. Matches will be played on Thursday evening             years of coaching and playing experience from middle school
between 5:00pm - 8:00pm in the Sheboygan Falls YMCA                  to college. As a player, Jansen played Division 1 volleyball at
gymnasium. The registration deadline is April 8, 2022.               UW Green Bay, has participated in ten Adult USA Volleyball
                                                                     National Championships and continues to play regularly.
Team Fee                                                   $105.00   Jansen has coached at Lakeland University(2005-2007),
                                                                     Sheboygan North High School Varsity(2008-2012), Go Fish,
                                                                     Lake Effect Select, South Shore Slam,USAV programs, and
                                                                     various other camps and clinics. Coach Jansen hopes to
                                                                     instill a lifelong love for the sport in all athletes.

                                                                     Tues............................................... 6:00pm - 7:00pm

                                                                     Family Member                                             $29.00
                                                                     Youth Member                                              $34.00
                                                                     Participant                                               $49.00

                        Download a registration form at                                                   17
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Empowering young people to reach their full potential
S.P.A.R.K. - Strength, Play And Resistance for Kids               VOLLEYBALL SKILLS
This class is an introduction to Teen Strength Training.          All skill levels are welcome in this class. The program will
Children will learn proper form on different body weight          cover basic volleyball skills with an emphasis on ball control,
exercises, begin incorporating some strength movements            movement to the ball and serving. The class will also work
and learn how to use cardiovascular equipment in the              on setting, passing and hitting. Game play and fun drills will
lifestyle center. A pre-assessment will be done on the first      be incorporated into practices.
day and a post assessment will be done on the last day of
class to track individual improvement. It is never too early      Family Member                                        $16.00
to show kids that fitness can be challenging and fun! Class       Youth Member                                         $18.00
participants are able to use cardio equipment next                Participant                                          $32.00
to a parent outside of class.

                               1 Day/Wk          2 Days/Wk        HOME SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM
Family Member                     $19.00            $33.00        Children develop movement, coordination, flexibility,
Youth Member                      $22.00            $36.00        strength and agility as well as socialization in a fun
Participant                       $35.00            $49.00        environment. Lessons include f itness, gymnastics,
                                                                  swimming, gym activities and team sports. For more
                                                                  information, contact Collin at 920-451-8000 x121. A
GAGA BALL & DODGEBALL                                             separate registration form required.
Grab your friends after school and come join us for an hour
of fun playing ga ga ball and different dodgeball games. It       Family Member                                        $27.00
is a great way to burn off some steam after school!               Youth Member                                         $29.00
                                                                  Participant                                          $44.00
Family Member                                         $5.00
Youth Member                                          $7.00
Participant                                          $12.00       NERF BATTLE FRIDAYS
                                                                  End your Friday with a bang! Come join the fun on Nerf
                                                                  Battle Fridays. Each week will have different Nerf games
YOUTH RACQUETBALL LESSONS                                         including team battle, capture the flag, Nerf freeze tag and
Learn the rules, improve basic skills and game play in this       many more! Please bring your own Nerf toys. The YMCA will
lifetime. Equipment is provided.                                  provide universal ammo for the Nerf toys. Don’t miss out
                                                                  on the Friday fun!
Family Member                                        $15.00
Youth Member                                         $17.00       Family Member                                        $12.00
Participant                                          $30.00       Youth Member                                         $15.00
                                                                  Participant                                          $22.00

Are you looking to keep your skills sharp during the basket-      BOYS NIGHT OUT
ball season or just want to stay sharp on your basketball         Boys Night Out includes a variety of activities such as sports,
skills year round? This class will focus on the fundamentals      games, crafts and a snack, while encouraging positive
and basic skills that are essential for playing basketball. We    character development and social interaction. Swimming is
will work on these skills through various drills and activities   included at the Sheboygan YMCA.
all while having fun along the way!
                                                                  Family Member                                         $5.00
Family Member                                        $21.00       Youth Member                                          $6.00
Youth Member                                         $24.00       Participant                                           $8.00
Participant                                          $42.00

                                                                  PARENTS NIGHT OUT
BASEBALL SKILLS AND DRILLS                                        If you need a night out, let the Y help! A night of fun awaits
Looking to get a head start on the baseball season this           your children while you get out and enjoy yourself. A variety
year? Come join our 7-week baseball skills and drills class       of activities will fill the first hour, followed by swimming.
where we will help get you ready for the upcoming spring          Please bring a swimsuit and towel. A snack will be provided.
season of baseball. In this class we will be working drills to
help improve fielding, throwing/catching, and hitting to help     Family Member                                         $5.00
prepare you for your next season of baseball. This class will     Youth Member                                          $6.00
meet in the Muth Gym.                                             Participant                                           $8.00

Family Member                                        $21.00
Youth Member                                         $24.00
Participant                                          $42.00

18                         Register for programs on-line at

                                              YOUTH PROGRAMS AND SPORTS

                             7-WEEK WINTER 2 SESSION: FEBRUARY 28 - APRIL 16, 2022
YOUTH PROGRAMS                  Y     AGE             DAY             TIME          LOCATION             SESSION OR DATES

S.P.A.R.K.                      S     Ages 10 - 12   Tu & Th     4:00 - 5:00pm      Lakeview Center      Winter 2

Ga Ga Ball/Dodgeball             F    Grades 1 - 4    Tues       4:00 - 4:45pm      Lohmann Gym          Winter 2
                                S     Grades 2 - 6     Fri       4:00 - 5:00pm      Muth Gym             Winter 2

Youth Racquetball Lessons       S     Grades 2 - 5    Tues       4:15 - 5:00pm      Racquetball Courts   Winter 2

Basketball Skills                F    Grades 2 - 5    Thurs      5:15 - 6:00pm      Lohmann Gym          Winter 2

Girls Volleyball Skills          F    Grades 1 - 4    Thurs      4:00 - 5:00pm      Lohmann Gym          Winter 2

Baseball Skills and Drills      S     Grades 4 - 6    Thur       4:30 - 5:15pm      Muth Gym             Winter 2
Volleyball Skills               S     Grades 3 - 7    Thur       4:30 - 5:30pm      Lohmann Gym          Winter 2

Home School Phy Ed              S     Ages 5 - 17      Fri       1:30 - 2:30pm      Varies               Winter 2

Nerf Battle Fridays              F    Grades 2 - 5     Fri       4:00 - 5:00pm      Lohmann Gym          Winter 2

Sports Nights                    F    Grades 1 - 5     Fri       6:00 - 8:00pm      Lohmann Gym          3/25, 4/22

Boys Night Out                  S     Grades 2 - 4     Fri       6:30 - 9:00pm      Muth Gym/Pool        4/8

Parents Night Out               S     Grades 2 - 5     Fri       6:30 - 9:00pm      Muth Gym/Pool        3/18

TEEN PROGRAMS                   Y     AGE             DAY             TIME          LOCATION             SESSION OR DATES
Teen Strength Training          S     Ages 12 - 14    Mon        4:00 - 5:00pm      Lakeview Center      Winter 2
*see note below                  F    Ages 12 - 14    Wed        2:30 - 3:30pm      Riverview Center     Winter 2

Teen Personal Training          S     Ages 13 - 17   By Appt     Personal Trainer   Lakeview Center      Call 920-451-8000
                                 F    Ages 13 - 17   By Appt     Personal Trainer   Riverview Center     Call 920-467-2464

SPORTS NIGHTS                                                       TEEN STRENGTH TRAINING
Come and play your favorite sports games! Each month we             Completion of this class allows open use of the Fitness
will highlight a different sport/game. A snack and drink will       Center for the young teen. They will learn the basics of
be provided. Fee is per night. Themes for each month are            weight training with a trainer. Basic instruction includes
as follows:                                                         proper weight training form and technique, weight room
                                                                    safety and cardiovascular training. Youth age 12 must
NERF NIGHT......................................MARCH 25            complete S.P.A.R.K. first.
End your Friday with a bang - come join the fun on Nerf
Night! We will have different Nerf games including team             Family Member                                      $27.00
battle, capture the flag, Nerf freeze tag and many more!            Youth Member                                       $32.00
Please bring your own Nerf toys. The YMCA will provide
universal ammo for the Nerf toys.                                    TEEN STRENGTH INDIVIDUAL TRAINING
                                                                     Ages 12 - 15
KID’S CHOICE NIGHT......................... APRIL 22                 If you are unable to attend the teen strength class, or
This night kids get to choose what we play - it can be               want to get in the weight room sooner, this option is
anything from Dodgeball to Soccer!                                   catered around your schedule and can be completed in
                                                                     days rather than 5-7 weeks. Teens will work one on one
Family Member                                         $5.00          with a trainer to complete teen strength in three hours
Youth Member                                          $6.00          (scheduled one hour at a time at a mutually agreed
Participant                                           $8.00          upon time). After completion, teens have full access
                                                                     to the fitness center. Youth age 12 must complete
TEEN PERSONAL TRAINING                                               S.P.A.R.K. first.
A certified personal trainer will offer one on one instruction
to enhance performance and provide sport-specific training.          Member Only                                       $87.00

Member Only                ½ Hour                    $19.00
                           One Hour                  $33.00

                          Register for programs on-line at                                      19
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Empowering young people to reach their full potential

 All Ages
 Are you looking for some healthy and safe activities to get your family out of the house? Bring the family
 and your close friends down to the Sheboygan YMCA for an activity of your choosing with or without an
 instuctor, its up to you! All ages are welcome. You choose your date, time,and activity. Children age 5
 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Groups with only children must have an instructor and some
 activities will require an instructor. There is a limit of 12 people per group. Please contact Matt Mueller at or 920-451-8000 x117 to discuss options, which include but are
 not limited to:

 •   Basketball Skills (with modified games, lower hoops if needed)
 •   Baseball Skills (with modified games)
 •   Boot Camp
 •   Classic Gym Games
 •   Dodgeball Games
 •   Fitness Circuit
 •   Floor Hockey Skills (with modified games)
 •   Football Skills (with modified games)
 •   GaGa Ball
 •   Obstacle Skills Course
 •   Soccer Skills (with modified games)
 •   Tennis, Volleyball, Golf and more!
 •   Zumba Dance

 Member per Hour      without instuctor    $29.00
                        with instructor    $59.00

 Participant per Hour without instuctor    $39.00
                        with instructor    $79.00

                                                           TAE KWON DO
                                                           Ages 7 - Adult

                                                           Learn the traditional Korean martial art of Tae Kwon
                                                           Do in an innovative, supportive, and energetic en-
                                                           vironment! Using a blend of curriculums, this pro-
                                                           gram improves self-confidence, self-discipline and
                                                           self-defense skills while developing cardiovascular
                                                           fitness, strength and flexibility. The overall results
                                                           are children and adults that become better versions
                                                           of themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and
                                                           socially! We encourage anyone ages 7 and up to
                                                           participate; families are welcome. Tuition, uniform
                                                           and testing fees apply. Call 920-207-8087 for
                                                           details and registration.


20                     Register for programs on-line at
Boys and Girls in 5K - Grade 5
                                                          THE CLUB AT THE Y
Come join this 7 vs 7 flag football league! This
                                                          for Teens in Grades 6 - 12
program provides an excellent opportunity for youth
                                                          The CLUB at the Y Teen Center is located in the
to participate with others in a healthy activity led by
                                                          lower level of the Sheboygan YMCA. It is operated
volunteer coaches. The emphasis is on sportsmanship,
                                                          by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sheboygan County. A
skill development, teamwork, participation and doing
                                                          separate entrance is located off Washington Court
one’s best. This 7-week league includes competition
                                                          under the blue Club at the Y awning.
from Sheboygan County. Games will be played on
                                                          It is a great place to meet your friends and make
Saturdays beginning at 12:00pm at River Park in
                                                          new ones!
Sheboygan Falls or Vollrath Park in Sheboygan.
                                                          The membership fee is $20.00 per year. YMCA
•   Teams will be combined by grade: 5K/1, 2/3 and
                                                          members receive a complimentary membership
                                                          to the Club at the Y. Please visit the Boys & Girls
•   Each team will have a coach and will be given
                                                          Club website portal at https://thepositiveplace.
    matching team t-shirts. Teams will have up to 10
                                                          com/school-year-2021-22/ for an application.
•   Teams will practice one night per week.
                                                          All Boys & Girls Club teen member’s parents must
•   Game format will consist of two 20-minute halves
                                                          complete an orientation to make them aware of
    with running clock with a 5 minute half time.
                                                          their policies. For information and to schedule a
•   Team will begin practices one week before games
                                                          meeting, contact Andrew Jakus, Unit Director at
This is an individual registration program. Flyers will
be taken to local schools and available at the YMCA
                                                          Mon and Tues.......................... 3:00pm - 7:00pm
by the end of February. The registration deadline
                                                          Wed....................................... 2:00pm - 6:00pm
is March 25, 2022.
                                                          Thur and Fri.............................3:00pm - 7:00pm
                                                          No School Days...................... 12:00pm - 5:00pm
APRIL 9 - 10, 2022
                                                          • Safe and positive environment for teens to
U8, U10 & U12 Divisions
                                                             learn, grow, develop ongoing relationships and
This 3 vs 3 indoor soccer tournament will be played
                                                             engage in life-enhancing programs
at the Berkshire Community Gymnasium (former
                                                          • Four smart TVs with Xbox One, PS4 and Nin-
Sheboygan Falls Middle School). There will be separate
                                                             tendo Switch game consoles
divisions for U10 and U12 boys and girls. The U8
                                                          • Tech lab equipped with 12 computers with
division will be coed teams. Each team is guaranteed
3 games. The registration deadline is March 25,
                                                          • Learning center with homework helpers avail-
                                                          • Snack bar
Team Fee                                    $80.00
                                                          • Two pool tables, foosball and ping pong tables
                                                          • Programs focus on 3 core areas of Academic
                                                             Success, Healthy Lifestyles, Good Character
                                                             and Citizenship
                                                          • Recreational activities including gym and pool

                    Register for programs on-line at                                  21
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