Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Dogs in Western Australia - regulation, policy and scientific references - Department of ...

Page created by Tammy Reese
Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare
of Dogs in Western Australia – regulation, policy and
scientific references
In addition to drawing on the expertise of Dog Standards and Guidelines Writing Group
members, the following references were considered in the development of the Draft Dog
Standards and Guidelines.

Jurisdictional references
1.    Animal Welfare Act 2002, Western Australia, last viewed April 2019,
2.    Animal Welfare (Breeding Standard) Determination 2015 (No 1) (ACT) DI2015-257.
3.    Animal Welfare (General) Regulations 2003, Western Australia, last viewed April 2019,
4.    Animal Welfare (Mandatory Code of Practice) Approval 2013 (No 1) (ACT) DI 2013-223
5.    Animal Welfare (Welfare of Dogs in the ACT) Code of Practice 2010 (ACT), DI2010-85.
6.    Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Code of Practice for the Care and Management of Animals
      in Pet Shops 1992 (ACT) DI 139.
7.    Biosecurity Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland Animal Welfare
      Standards and Guidelines for Breeding Dogs and their Progeny 2018,
8.    Dog Act 1976, Western Australia, last viewed April 2019,
9.    Dog Regulations 2013, Western Australia, last viewed April 2019,
10.   Dogs Local Law 2016, Shire of Narrogin, last viewed April 2019,
11.   City of Gold Coast Code of Practice – For the keeping and breeding of cats and dogs, last
      veiwed March 2019,
12.   Government of South Australia, The Code of Practice for the Welfare of dogs and cats in
      Breeding Facilities – Consultation Draft, http://ysa-v2-katalyst-com-
13.   Government of South Australia, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources,
      Code of Practice for the keeping of security dogs in South Australia, 2012,
14.   Government of South Australia, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources,
      South Australian Standards and Guidelines for Breeding and Trading Companions 2017,
15.   National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, Ministry for Primary Industries, Animal Welfare
      (Dogs) Code of Welfare 2010 (New Zealand), 11 June 2010
16.    National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, Ministry for Primary Industries, Code of Welfare:
       Dogs, 2018 (New Zealand Government). Last viewed March 2019.
17.    New South Wales Government Industry & Government, Animal Welfare Code of Practice:
       Breeding dogs and cats 2009,
18.    New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Animal Welfare Code of Practice:
       Animals in Pet Shops,
19.    Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2008 (VIC) 162 / 2008.
20.    Racing and Wagering Western Australia, Code of Practice for the Keeping of Greyhounds
       within the Western Australian Racing Industry, December 2016
21.    Racing and Wagering Western Australia, Rules of Greyhound Racing 2008,
22.    Animal Welfare (Dogs) Regulations 2016 (Tasmania)
23.    Tasmanian Animal welfare standards and guidelines for dogs,
24.    Victorian Code of Practice for the Private Keeping of Dogs 2007,
25.    Victorian Government, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and
       Resources, Code of Practice for the Operating of Breeding and Rearing Businesses 2014,

     Policy references
1.     Assistance Dogs International 2017, Standards and Ethics, last viewed March 2019
2.     Association of Shelter Veterinarians, Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters
3.     Australian Veterinary Association 2013, Standards of care: Regular health check standards for
       dogs and cats,
4.     Australian Veterinary Association Policies and Positions, last viewed April 2019,
5.     Canine Association of Western Australia 2017, Regulations: Section H Code of Ethics,
6.     Canine Association of Western Australia 2017, Regulations: Section R Register and

DPIRD, April 2019. Draft Dog Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Dogs in Western Australia:
regulation, policy and scientific references.
7.     Government of South Australia, The Dog and Cat Management Board, Dog Owners
8.     Minnesota Board of Animal Health, Commercial Dog or Cat Breeder Inspection Guidelines,
       2015, last viewed April 2019,
9.     Murdoch University, News from Murdoch University – Help your pet keep its cool in hot
       weather, last viewed April 2019,
10.    Pet Industry Association, Standards and Guidelines for best practice boarding facilities /
       establishments & Doggy day care centres,
11.    Pet Industry Association, Standards and Guidelines for best practice breeding establishments,
12.    Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Western Australia (RSPCA) Best
       Practice Guidelines for Cat and Dog Management Establishments: Shelters and Pounds April
13.    Veterinary Surgeons’ Board of Western Australia, Handbook, 2011, last viewed April 2019,

     Scientific references
1.     Borge, K., Tønnessen, R., Nødtvedt, A. and Indrebø, A. (2011). Litter size at birth in purebred
       dogs — A retrospective study of 224 breeds. Theriogenology, 75(5), pp.911-919.
2.     Böswald, L. F. et al. (2017). Nutritional assessment guidelines. Böswald, L. F. et al. (2017)
       ‘Nutritional assessment guidelines’, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 102(3),
       pp. 385–396. doi: 10.1111/jpn.12886.Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition,
       102(3), pp. 385–396. doi: 10.1111/jpn.12886.
3.     Czerwinski, V., McArthur, M., Smith, B., Hynd, P. and Hazel, S. (2016). Selection of Breeding
       Stock among Australian Purebred Dog Breeders, with Particular Emphasis on the Dam.
       Animals, 6(11), p.75.
4.     Endenburg, N. (2018) WSAVA Animal Welfare Guidelines for companion animal practitioners
       and veterinary teams, viewed March 2019,
5.     European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP), Worm Control in Dogs
       and Cats, ESCCAP Guideline 01 Third Edition - July 2017, last viewed March 2019,
6.     Gavrilovic, B., Andersson, K. and Linde Forsberg, C. (2008). Reproductive patterns in the
       domestic dog—A retrospective study of the Drever breed. Theriogenology, 70(5), pp.783-794.
7.     German, A. J. et al. (2012). Quality of life is reduced in obese dogs but improves after
       successful weight loss. Veterinary Journal. Elsevier Ltd, 192(3), pp. 428–434. doi:
8.     Gill, M. A. (2001). Perinatal and late neonatal mortality in the dog. Thesis of the University of
9.     Groppetti, D. et al. (2015). The role of birth weight on litter size and mortality within 24h of life
       in purebred dogs: What aspects are involved?. Animal Reproduction Science. Elsevier B.V.,

DPIRD, April 2019. Draft Dog Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Dogs in Western Australia:
regulation, policy and scientific references.
163, pp. 112–119. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2015.10.005.
10.   Guardini, G. et al. (2015). Maternal behaviour in domestic dogs : a comparison between
      primiparous and multiparous dogs. Dog Behaviour, pp. 23–33. doi: 10.4454/DOGB.V1I1.004.
11.   Guilherme Fernandes, J., Olsson, I. A. S. and Vieira de Castro, A. C. (2017). Do aversive-
      based training methods actually compromise dog welfare?: A literature review. Applied Animal
      Behaviour Science. Elsevier, 196(February), pp. 1–12. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2017.07.001.
12.   Hand, M. and Thatcher, C. (2010). Small animal clinical nutrition. S.L.: Mark Morris Institute.
13.   Lazarowski, L. and Katz, J. S. (2018) Mothering matters: Maternal style predicts puppies’
      future performance. Learning and Behavior. Learning & Behavior, 46(4), pp. 327–328. doi:
14.   Lysons, R. (2015) A review of recent evidence in relation to the welfare implications for cats
      and dogs arising from the use of electronic collars, Welsh Government services and
      information, viewed March 2019,
15.   Masson, S. et al. (2018). Electronic training devices: Discussion on the pros and cons of their
      use in dogs as a basis for the position statement of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical
      Ethology. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. Elsevier Inc, 25, pp. 71–75. doi:
16.   Normando, S. et al. (2014). Effects of space allowance on the behaviour of long-term housed
      shelter dogs. Behavioural Processes. Elsevier B.V., 103, pp. 306–314. doi:
17.   Prescott, M. J. et al. (2004). Refining dog husbandry and care. Laboratory Animals,
      38(1_suppl), pp. 1–1. doi: 10.1258/002367704323145733.
18.   Ptaszynska, M. (2009). Compendium of Animal Reproduction, 10th Ed. Intervet Publishing.
19.   Rooney, N., Gaines, S. and Hiby, E. (2009). A practitioner’s guide to working dog welfare.
      Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. Elsevier Inc, 4(3), pp.
      127–134. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2008.10.037.
20.   Rooney, N. and Sargan, D. (2009). Pedigree Dog-breeding in the UK: A Major Welfare
      Concern. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, viewed March 2019, p.76,
21.   Root, K.M. (2019). What is the normal age for puberty onset in bitches and dogs?, Clinical
      care and Feline Reproduction: Evidence-Based Answers, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 465–471.
22.   Serpell, J. and Barrett, P. (2017). The domestic dog. 2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University
23.   Titulaer, M. et al. (2013). Cross sectional study comparing behavioural, cognitive and
      physiological indicators of welfare between short and long term kennelled domestic dogs.
      Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Elsevier B.V., 147(1–2), pp. 149–158. doi:
24.   Tønnessen, R., Borge, K., Nødtvedt, A. and Indrebø, A. (2012). Canine perinatal mortality: A
      cohort study of 224 breeds. Theriogenology, 77(9), pp.1788-1801.
25.   van Bommel, L. (2010). Guardian Dogs: Best Practice Manual for the use of Livestock
      Guardian Dogs. Invasive Animals CRC, Canberra.
26.   Vaterlaws-Whiteside, H. and Hartmann, A. (2017). Improving puppy behavior using a new
      standardized socialization program. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Elsevier, 197(May),
      pp. 55–61. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2017.08.003.

DPIRD, April 2019. Draft Dog Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Dogs in Western Australia:
regulation, policy and scientific references.
27.   Warwick, C. et al. (2018). Guidelines for Inspection of Companion and Commercial Animal
      Establishments. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 5(July), pp. 1–21. doi:
28.   Wells, D. L. (2004). A review of environmental enrichment for kennelled dogs, Canis familiaris.
      Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 85(3–4), pp. 307–317. doi:
29.   World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Hereditary Disease Committee (2019).
      The Role of Health-Conscious Breeding and Genetic Testing in Reducing the Impact of
      Hereditary Disease, pp 1-2. Viewed April 2019,
30.   World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Vaccination Guidelines Group,
      Guidelines for the Vaccination of Dogs and Cats 2015, viewed March 2019,
31.   World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Global Nutrition Committee (2011)
      WSAVA Nutritional Assessment Guidelines Journal of Small Animal Practice, 00, pp1-12,
      viewed April 2019
32.   Zanghi, B. M. et al. (2012). Effect of age and feeding schedule on diurnal rest/activity rhythms
      in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. Elsevier Inc, 7(6),
      pp. 339–347. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2012.01.004.
33.   Zourkas, E., Ward, M. P. and Kelman, M. (2015). Canine parvovirus in Australia: A
      comparative study of reported rural and urban cases. Veterinary Microbiology. Elsevier B.V.,
      181(3–4), pp. 198–203. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2015.10.009.

DPIRD, April 2019. Draft Dog Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Dogs in Western Australia:
regulation, policy and scientific references.
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