Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group

Page created by Mario Shelton
Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group
Valid Dates
                                                                                                                                                    01.01.2022 to

                                                                            PriceList 2022


       Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses
Manchester • Liverpool • Dublin
Prices are shown in the local currency of each destination. We reserve the right to change the prices based on circumstances beyond NCG's control
Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group
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          Tuition fee
                                                                  Super Intensive IELTS Exam
                                                                      English     Preparation
                                                                                                            General English     General English   Single Sex
                                                                                                           & Business English & IELTS Preparation classes*                                         General Fees
Hours per week           15 hours              20 hours              25 hours              20 hours              20 hours              20 hours                   20 hours                      Description                          Fee
      1 Week               £240                     £285              £335                  £285                 £285                     £285                                               Registration fee                       £70
  2 Weeks                  £480                     £570               £670                 £570                 £570                     £570                      £290                    Course Materials
                                                                                                                                                                                              1 - 12 weeks                          £35
  4 Weeks                  £960                   £1,140              £1,340               £1,140                £1,140                 £1,140
                                                                                                                                                                  *Subject to               Course Materials
  6 Weeks                 £1,440                  £1,710              £2,010               £1,710                £1,710                 £1,710                                               13 - 24 weeks                          £65
  8 Weeks                 £1,920                  £2,280              £2,680               £2,280                £2,280                 £2,280                    of students.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Course Materials
                                                                                                                                                                                             25 - 36+ weeks
 12 Weeks                 £2,760                  £3,360              £3,960               £3,360                £3,360                 £3,360
                                                                                                                                                                                            Weekly Medical
 16 Weeks                 £3,600                  £4,400              £5,200               £4,400                £4,400                 £4,400                                             & Travel Insurance                        £8
                                                                                                                                                                  All Levels
 20 Weeks                 £4,500                  £5,500              £6,500               £5,500                £5,500                 £5,500                                              Optional Courier                        £75
 24 Weeks                 £5,160                  £6,360              £7,560               £6,360                £6,360                 £6,360
                                                                                                                                                                     One                 School change fee                         £100
 28 Weeks                 £6,020                  £7,420              £8,820               £7,420                £7,420                 £7,420                     to One**                        *Registration fee – all programmes,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      one-time, non-refundable.
 32 Weeks                 £6,880                  £8,480             £10,080               £8,480                £8,480                 £8,480
 36 Weeks                 £7,380                  £9,180             £10,980               £9,180                £9,180                 £9,180                     per hour.                             Course fee includes
  40 weeks                £8,200                 £10,200             £12,200              £10,200            £10,200                   £10,200                     booking:             • Placement Test         • End-of-course report
                                                                                                                                                                    5 hours.                                      (min. 4 weeks study)
 44 Weeks                 £9,020                 £11,220             £13,420              £11,220            £11,220                   £11,220                                          • NCG Welcome Pack
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • End-of-coursee certificate
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Free Wifi
      Levels                    Beginner (A0) to Advanced (C1)                                 Intermediate (B1) to Advanced (C1)                                 All Levels                                      (subject to 80% attendence)

• Courses start: Any Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a Bank Holiday) • Minimum stay: 2 weeks • Minimum age: 16 years old (adult classes) • Class size: Average 12 (maximum 15)

               These timetables are for guidance purposes only.
                                                                     Hours per week
                                                                                                           15 Hours
                                                                                                     8:45 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                  20 Hours
                                                                                                                                            8:45 AM - 1:15 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                        25 Hours
                                                                                                                                                                                   8:45 AM - 2:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Upon Request
                Class times combinations may vary depending
                            on level and availability                  Afternoon                     2:15 PM - 6:00 PM                      1:30 PM - 6:00 PM                      12:15 PM - 6:00 PM              Upon Request

               Accommodation RATES                                                                                                                                                                           • Arrival day: Sunday

                           Homestay                Homestay         Homestay             City Centre                          Accommodation Fees                                 Fee                        • DeparIture day: Sunday
                              HB                   Twin HB**         En-suite         Residential Halls                                                                                                    • Minimum Booking: 2 weeks
                                                                                                                          Accommodation booking fee                              £70
  Room Rype                     Single                   Twin      Single En-suite       Single En-suite
                                                                                                                                    Late check-in*                               £60
                                      Half board during weekdays                     Self-catering with shared                                                                                            • Residential accommodation is
  Description                        and full board at the weekend.                     kitchen and lounge.                    Summer supplement                                 £35                  available for students who are 18 years
                                                                                                                             (per week 1st June - 31st August)                                             or over. Subject to availability.
       1 Week                                                                                                               Extra night up to two nights
                               £175                    £150           £235                    £210                           (per night - residential/homestay)                  £35                   • City centre student residential hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                       price includes bills, internet, bedding
      2 Weeks                  £350                    £300           £470                    £420                             Homestay special diet                                                      and kitchen pack. Book well in
                                                                                                                                                                                 £30                    advance to avoid disappointment.
                                                                                                                                     (price per week)
      4 Weeks                  £700                    £600           £940                    £840
                                                                                                                                Student 12-13 years                              £60                     • Homestay average commute on
      8 Weeks                £1,400                  £1,200          £1,880                 £1,680                        (price per week, exclusively homestay)                                            public transport: 45 minutes

      12 Weeks               £2,100                  £1,800          £2,820                 £2,520                              Student 14-15 years                              £40                    • Students under 18 are required to
                                                                                                                          (price per week, exclusively homestay)                                       submit a parental consent form and
      16 Weeks               £2,800                  £2,400          £3,760                 £3,360                                                                                                        must book homestay and airport
                                                                                                                                Student 16-17 years                              £30                  transfers. Under-18s from outisde the
      20 Weeks               £3,500                  £3,000          £4,700                 £4,200                        (price per week, exclusively homestay)                                       EU must have medical insurance for
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the entirety of their stay.
      24 Weeks               £4,200                  £3,600          £5,640                 £5,040                          Accommodation change fee                             £100
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ***1 week is equal to 7 nights (Sunday
*Late check-in fee - checking in between 11pm-7am, Mon – Sun. NCG accommodation is optional at an extra cost for studying in any NCG programme.
Prices subject to change.                                                                                                                                                                             to Sunday). ** Twin room for students
                                                                                                                                                                                                            travelling together only.

                Airport transfer                                                      Manchester Airport                                         Liverpool Airport                                          Other UK Airports

                Service Rates                                                Route                         Fee                       Route                            Fee                          Route                  Fee
                 Students under 18 are required
                                                                            One Way                        £65                      One Way                          £110                          Any                On Request
                    to book airport transfers.                                Return                     £120                         Return                         £200

Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group
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          Tuition fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                      General Fees
                            General                 Intensive               Super Intensive              IELTS Exam                  General ENGLISH                Single Sex
       Course               English                   English                   English                 Preparation                & IELTS Preparation               classes*
Hours per week               15 hours               20 hours                    25 hours          15 hours           20 hours           20 hours                     20 hours                      Description                           Fee
      1 Week                  £205                      £250                     £300              £205              £250                  £250                                                *Registration fee                        £70
      2 Weeks                 £410                      £500                      £600             £410              £500                  £500                        £290                    Course Materials                         £35
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 - 12 weeks
      4 Weeks                 £820                     £1,000                    £1,200            £820              £1,000              £1,000
                                                                                                                                                                     *Subject to               Course Materials                         £65
      6 Weeks               £1,230                     £1,500                    £1,800           £1,230             £1,500              £1,500                       minimum                   13 - 24 weeks
                                                                                                                                                                      number                   Course Materials
      8 Weeks               £1,640                     £2,000                    £2,400           £1,640             £2,000              £2,000                      of students.                                                       £95
                                                                                                                                                                                                25 - 36+ weeks
  12 Weeks                  £2,400                     £2,940                    £3,540           £2,400             £2,940              £2,940                                                Weekly Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                              & Travel Insurance                         £8
  16 Weeks                  £3,120                     £3,840                    £4,640           £3,120             £3,840              £3,840                      All Levels
  20 Weeks                  £3,900                     £4,800                    £5,800           £3,900             £4,800              £4,800                                                 Courier Service
  24 Weeks                  £4,440                     £5,520                    £6,720           £4,440             £5,520              £5,520
                                                                                                                                                                         One                  School change fee                        £100
  28 Weeks                  £5,180                     £6,440                    £7,840           £5,180             £6,440              £6,440                        to One**
                                                                                                                                                                                                      *Registration fee – all programmes,
  32 Weeks                  £5,920                     £7,360                    £8,960           £5,920             £7,360              £7,360                                                          one-time, non-refundable.
  36 Weeks                  £6,300                     £7,920                    £9,720           £6,300             £7,920              £7,920                        per hour.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Course fee includes
  40 weeks                  £7,000                     £8,800                   £10,800           £7,000             £8,800              £8,800                        booking:
                                                                                                                                                                        5 hours.           • Placement Test          • End-of-course report
  44 Weeks                  £7,700                     £9,680                   £11,880           £7,700             £9,680              £9,680                                                                        (min. 4 weeks study)
                                                                                                                                                                                           • NCG Welcome Pack
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • End-of-coursee certificate
      Levels                       Beginner (A0) to Advanced (C1)                                     Intermediate (B1) to Advanced (C1)                             All Levels            • Free Wifi                 (subject to 80% attendence)

• Courses start: Any Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a Bank Holiday) • Minimum stay: 2 weeks • Minimum age: 16 years old (adult classes) • Class size: Average 12 (maximum 15)

                These timetables are for guidance purposes only.
                                                                            Hours per week
                                                                                                               15 Hours
                                                                                                        8:45 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                     20 Hours
                                                                                                                                               8:45 AM - 1:15 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                           25 Hours
                                                                                                                                                                                      8:45 AM - 2:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Upon Request
                 Class times combinations may vary depending
                             on level and availability                       Afternoon                  2:15 PM - 6:00 PM                      1:30 PM - 6:00 PM                      12:15 PM - 6:00 PM                Upon Request

               Accommodation RATES                                                                                                                                                                              • Arrival day: Sunday
                                                                   Homestay                 City Centre                          Accommodation Fees                                 Fee
                              Homestay HB
                                                                   Twin HB**             Residential Halls                                                                                                    • DeparIture day: Sunday
                                                                                                                              Accommodation booking fee                             £70
  Room Rype                         Single                           Twin                  Single En-suite                                                                                                  • Minimum Booking: 2 weeks
                                                                                                                                       Late check-in*                               £60
                                      Half board during weekdays                         With shared kitchen
  Description                                                                                                                      Summer supplement                                                         • Residential accommodation is
                                     and full board at the weekends.                         and lounge.                                                                            £35
                                                                                                                                (per week 1st June - 31st August)                                        available for students who are 18 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                              or over. Subject to availability.
       1 Week                                                                                                                 Extra night up to two nights
                                    £165                            £140                       £160                             (per night - residential/homestay)                  £35
                                                                                                                                                                                                          • City centre student residential hall
      2 Weeks                                                                                                                                                                                             price includes bills, internet, bedding
                                    £330                            £280                       £320                               Homestay special diet                             £30                      and kitchen pack. Book well in
                                                                                                                                         (price per week)
      4 Weeks                       £660                            £560                       £640                                                                                                        advance to avoid disappointment.
                                                                                                                                   Student 12-13 years                              £60
      8 Weeks                     £1,320                           £1,120                    £1,280                           (price per week, exclusively homestay)                                       • Homestay average commute on
                                                                                                                                                                                                              public transport: 45 minutes
      12 Weeks                    £1,980                           £1,680                    £1,920                                Student 14-15 years                              £40
                                                                                                                              (price per week, exclusively homestay)                                       • Students under 18 are required to
      16 Weeks                    £2,640                           £2,240                    £2,560                                                                                                       submit a parental consent form and
                                                                                                                                   Student 16-17 years                                                       must book homestay and airport
                                                                                                                                                                                    £30                  transfers. Under-18s from outisde the
      20 Weeks                    £3,300                           £2,800                    £3,200                           (price per week, exclusively homestay)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          EU must have medical insurance for
      24 Weeks                    £3,960                           £3,360                    £3,840                           Accommodation change fee                              £100                         the entirety of their stay.

*Late check-in fee - checking in between 11pm-7am, Mon – Sun. NCG accommodation is optional at an extra cost for studying in any NCG programme.                                                          ***1 week is equal to 7 nights (Sunday
Prices subject to change.                                                                                                                                                                                to Sunday). ** Twin room for students
                                                                                                                                                                                                               travelling together only.

                   Airport transfer                                                       Manchester Airport                                        Liverpool Airport                                          Other UK Airports
                   Service Rates                                                   Route                       Fee                       Route                           Fee                          Route                   Fee
                  Students under 18 are required
                                                                                  One Way                      £95                      One Way                          £50                          Any                 On Request
                     to book airport transfers.                                    Return                     £180                       Return                          £90

Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group
st andar d P r ice L ist 2 0 2 2

             Tuition fee
                             General                  Intensive                           IELTS Exam                        Evening
         Course               English                   English                          Preparation                     General English                                                  General Fees
  Hours per week             15 hours                 20 hours                      15 hours            20 hours             4 hours                                                Description                     Fee
       1 Week                   €240                      €320                      €240                €320             Minimum booking:                                       Enrolment fee                      €70
                                                                                                                              4 weeks
                                                                                                                          *EEA STUDENTS                    One                                                                          Course fee
       2 Weeks                  €480                      €640                      €480                €640                   ONLY
                                                                                                                                                                                Enrolment fee
                                                                                                                                                         to One**               Evening Classes                    €35                   includes
       4 Weeks                  €960                    €1,280                      €960                €1,280                €140
                                                                                    €1,440                                                                                     School change fee                  €110
       6 Weeks                €1,440                    €1,920                                          €1,920                €210                                                                                                        • Placement
                                                                                                                                                         *£60                   Weekly Medical
       8 Weeks                €1,920                    €2,560                      €1,920              €2,560                €280                      per hour.                                                  €10                     • NCG
                                                                                                                                                                               & Travel Insurance
                                                                                                                                                        Minimum                                                                          Welcome Pack
       12 Weeks               €2,760                    €3,720                      €2,760              €3,720                €420                      booking:                Course materials
       16 Weeks               €3,520                    €4,800                      €3,520              €4,800                €560                       5 hours.
                                                                                                                                                                                  1- 12 weeks                      €35                     • Free Wifi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • End-of-course
       20 Weeks               €4,400                    €6,000                      €4,400              €6,000                €700                                              Course materials                                             Report
                                                                                                                                                           All                                                     €65                     (Minimum
                                                                                                                                                                                  12-24 weeks                                            4 weeks Study)
       24 Weeks               €5,040                    €6,960                      €5,040              €6,960                €840                        Levels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • End-of-course
       33 Weeks               €6,930                    €9,570                      €6,930              €9,570                €1,155                                                                                                      Certificate
       36 Weeks               €7,200                   €10,080                      €7,200             €10,080                €1,260
                                                                                                                                                                                          Academic                                         (Subject to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         80% Attendence)

                                         Beginner (A0)                                    Intermediate (B1)              Pre Intermediate (A2)
                                                                                                                                                                                          Year Fees
       Levels                          to Advanced (C1)                                    to Advanced (C1)                to Advanced (C1)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Description                       Fee

Work Experience Placement Fee Academic Year Work & Study                                                                                                                          Enrolment fee                    €70
                                                                                                                                                                                     Insurance                    €120
        Part Time               15 hours                     €350                          Hours per week       Standard 15 hours         Intensive 20 hours                  (Courses of 25+ weeks)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Under 18s from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          outisde the EU
        Full Time                20 hours                    €500                         25 weeks - AM               €3500                         €4250                        Final Exam - TIE                 €120                      must have

        Levels                Intermediate (B1) to Advanced (C1)
                                                                                          25 weeks - PM               €3000                         €3750                                                                               medical insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for the entirety
                                                                                                                                                                               Final Exam - IELTS                 €220
*Only available for students with the right to work in Ireland *EEA STUDENTS ONLY
                                                                                           25 weeks - AM              €3800                       Not applicable                                                                          of their stay.
                                                                                            IELTS 12+13                                                                        Course materials
                                                                                                                                                                                 25 weeks +                        €95
                                                                                               Levels                    Beginner (A0) to Advanced (C1)

 • Courses start: Any Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a Bank Holiday) • Minimum stay: 2 weeks • Minimum age: 16 years old (adult classes) • Minimum age Work and Study: 18 years old                                 • Class size: Average 12 (maximum 15)

                 Timetable                                                Hours per week
                                                                          Days of the week
                                                                                                                   15 Hours
                                                                                                                Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                                                          20 Hours
                                                                                                                                                      Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                                                                                      Upon Request
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  4 Hours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mondays and Wednesdays
                                                                            Morning                           9:00 AM - 12:15 PM                    9:00 AM - 1:30 PM                Upon Request                                 Evening

                                                                           Afternoon                          1:45 PM - 5:00 PM                     12:30 PM - 5:00 PM               Upon Request                         7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

                Accommodation RATES
       Homestay                      HB                         FB                     En-suite                Twin HB             Twin FB              Twin En-suite                            Accommodation Fees                               Fee
   Room Rype                      Single                     Single                  Single En-suite            Twin**              Twin**               Twin En-suite**                    Accommodation booking fee                             €60

                                                                                    Private Bathroom.                                                    Private Bathroom.                             Late check-in*                             €60
   Description                 Half board                  Full board                                          Half board          Full board
                               Mon to Sun                  at all times                 Half board             Mon to Sun          at all times              Half board
                                                                                        Mon to Sun                                                           Mon to Sun                           Summer supplement                               €30
                                                                                                                                                                                              (per week 1st June - 31st August)
        1 week                   €215                      €235                        €230                    €200               €220                    €220                                Extra night up to two nights
                                                                                                                                                                                                    (per night - homestay)                        €40
       2 Weeks                   €430                      €470                        €460                    €400               €440                    €440
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Homestay special diet                            €35
       4 Weeks                                                                                                                                                                                         (price per week)
                                 €860                      €940                        €920                    €800               €880                    €880
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Student 12-13 years                            €40
       8 Weeks                 €1,720                    €1,880                       €1,840                  €1,600              €1,760                 €1,760                            (price per week, exclusively homestay)
       12 Weeks                €2,580                    €2,820                       €2,760                  €2,400              €2,640                 €2,640                                    Student 14-15 years
                                                                                                                                                                                           (price per week, exclusively homestay)
       16 Weeks                €3,340                    €3,760                       €3,680                  €3,200              €3,520                 €3,520
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Student 16-17 years
       24 Weeks                €5,160                    €5,640                       €5,520                  €4,800              €5,280                 €5,280                            (price per week, exclusively homestay)

 *Late check-in fee (Checking in between 11pm-7am, Monday – Sunday). NCG housing is optional at an extra cost for studying in any NCG programme. Prices subject                              Accommodation change fee
 to change. ***1 week is equal to 7 nights (Sunday to Sunday) **Twin room for students travelling together only. Students under 18 are required to submit a parental                                                                              €60
 consent form and must book homestay
   • Arrival day: Saturday or Sunday • Departure day: Saturday or Sunday • Minimum Booking: 1 weeks • Homestay average commute on public transport: 30 minutes

                    Airport transfer                                                                                                         Route                            Fee                            Route                           Fee
                                                                                                Dublin Airport
                    Service Rates                                                                                                           One Way                           €70                           Return                          €140
                                                                                                                                     Students under 18 are required to book airport transfers. *€10 additional check-in fee if taken between 23:00 - 06:00.

Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group
PriceList 2022

         Tailor Made Programmes
            NCG can tailor a programme according to your needs throguout the year

                         Combined Programme
 Online & Face-to-face classes
 We can build a programme where your student can mix online and face-to-face classes.
 Start learning from home and achieve a better level of English prior departure.
   Available for Individuals and groups
   Minimum age: 16+
   Available location: Manchester, Liverpool and Dublin

                Professionals &
                Executives Bespoke Courses
For modern day professionals in a global context, English is one of the most in-demand lang.
From negotiating deals to understanding market trends, a great command of English is invaluable.             KEY FACTS
Our extensive experience and devoted team mean that we can offer the best support to groups
requiring bespoke courses.                                                                         15 or 20 hours of tuition per week
                                                                                                   Specialised topics includying group companies
Example programmes                                                                                 and universities visits
  Business English                    English for Military                                         High quality Accommodation options
  English for Aviation                                                                             End-of-course certificate on completion
                                      English for Oil and Gas
                                                                                                   Classes will be held in closed groups
  English for Construction            Executive Management Programme
                                                                                                   Minimum of 5 students required
  English for Finance                 TKT (Teacher Training)                                       Recommended Level of English - Intermediate (B1)
  English for Marketing               English for Medicine                                         Minimum age: 16+
  English for Media Production        International Legal English                                  Available location: Manchester, Liverpool and Dublin

Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group
Frequently asked questions
Where can I find information about courses?                                            How do I get a Visa letter?
You can find information on all our courses by going to                                First, make sure you get an offer letter from the admissions department,                                                                please see ‘how to apply’ for more information.
                                                                                       Once you have made the payment (it may take up to 2-3 working days to be
Where can I find information about accommodation?                                      in our account) or have provided a financial sponsorship letter,, the
You can find information about our various accommodation options at                    admissions department will send you the visa letter within 24 hours.                                                  If you are a self-sponsored student studying for less than 12 weeks or
                                                                                       studying at NCG Dublin for any length, you have to pay your full fees to get
How do I apply?                                                                        a Visa letter from the school.
You can apply online:                                                                  If you are studying for 12 weeks or more at NCG Manchester or Liverpool,
• Application form for face-to-face courses:                                           you can pay a 50% deposit of your total fees to get a Visa letter from the school.                                        If your Visa application is unsuccessful you will be fully refunded except for
• Application form for online courses:                                                 a £200/200 Euro admin fee. Terms and Conditions apply.
• Confirmation of your application will be sent within two working days.
                                                                                       WHEN WILL MY ACCOMMODATION BE CONFIRMED?
• Alternatively, you can apply by post or in person. If you are applying by
                                                                                       If you have booked accommodation with NCG, you will receive
post, please send your completed form to the FAO Admissions Team, New
                                                                                       confirmation after having provided proof of payment, flight details and a
College Group, 9 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3BE
                                                                                       copy of your visa (if applicable). If you are under 18 years of age, you will
• You can download and print an application form at:
                                                                                       also need to send us your parental consent form. Please let us have these
                                                                                       documents at least two weeks prior to your expected arrival date.

Please provide a copy of your passport page (with a photograph and the                 You can find the Terms and Conditions for face-to-face course here:
passport number) or ID card if you are from the EU.                          
                                                                                       You can find the Terms and Conditions for online courses here:
How can I pay?                                                               
There are several methods of payment.
                                                                                       You will also receive a copy of the terms and conditions alongside the offer
A full list of your options is available at
The college recommends making a payment with Flywire or Transfermate
through our website. Flywire and Transfermate allow you to pay securely                Accreditations & Memberships
from any country and any bank, generally in your home currency.                        We are accredited for the teaching of English by the main accrediting
By making your payment with Flywire or Transfermate you can:                           bodies in the UK and Ireland. And we are members of the leading
· Track your payments from start to finish                                             organisations in the English language field.
· Save on bank fees and exchange rates
· Contact their multilingual customer support team with any questions,
day or night

Though we are not responsible for you obtaining a valid Visa, we do
provide offer and Visa letters.
For more information on Visas go to

Alternatively, you can visit the UKVI official website: for
information about the UK, or                                                                            Interim List of
                                                                                                                                                       Eligible Programmes
for information about Ireland.

         Holiday Schedule
UK 2022                                                                                 IRELAND 2022
 1-Jan    New Year’s Day                     3-Jun   Platinum Jubilee bank holiday        1-Jan     New Year’s Day                     6-Jun     June Bank Holiday
 3-Jan    School Reopen Day                 29-Aug   Summer bank holiday                  3-Jan     School Reopen Day                 1-Aug      August Bank Holiday
15-Apr    Good Friday                       23-Dec   School Closed - Christmas Break     17-Mar     Saint Patrick’s Day               31-Oct     October Bank Holiday
18-Apr    Easter Monday                     25-Dec   Christmas Day                       15-Apr     Good Friday                       23-Dec     School Closed - Christmas Break
2-May     Early May bank holiday (VE day)   26-Dec   Boxing Day (substitute day)         18-Apr     Easter Monday                     25-Dec     Christmas Day
 2-Jun    Spring bank holiday                                                            2-May      Early May bank holiday (VE day)   26-Dec     St. Stephen's Day

Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group Standard - Adult Face-to-Face & Online Courses - New College Group
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