St. Therese Parish September 19, 2021

Page created by Tyrone Thornton
St. Therese Parish September 19, 2021
St. Therese Parish ~ September 19, 2021
St. Therese Parish September 19, 2021
Parish Staff - Main Number, 741.2800
                                                                                                                     St. Therese Church
Reverend Joseph I. Cisetti, Pastor . . . . . . 		      x236
Reverend Angel Lemus, Associate Pastor                   x220                    7207 N.W. Highway 9
Reverend Randolph Sly, Associate Pastor.       		                                 Kansas City, MO 64152
   (Part Time)                                                                                                           816.741.2800
Deacon Doug Warrens, Pastoral Associate                         x212
Deacon Rick Boyle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                807.3970
Deacon Scott McKellar, Pastoral Associate                      x213                       Mass Schedule
Deacon Tony Zimmerman. . . . . . . . . . . .                                  Saturday: 4:30pm (live streamed .
Jonathan Rhodes, Business Manager. . . .                x217                   through our Facebook page)
Erinn Brown, Development Director . . .                  x239             Sunday: 8:00am; 10:00am;
Tressa Collins, Communications. . . . . . .            x221                      Noon; 5:00pm
Jennifer Davis, Religious Education . . . .         741.5400, x219
Karen Engebretson, Music Director . . . .       x258                Daily Weekday Masses -
Sam Ford, Youth Ministry Director. . . . .           741.5400 x119         Monday-Saturday: 8:30am
Jeff McKinney, Building & Grounds. . . .        741.5400 x412          Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:30am
Donna Patti, Administrative Assistant . .      		        x211
Barbara Volz, Bookkeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . .		         x237             Confession
School Staff - Main Number, 741.5400                                                                         Tuesday/Wednesday: 8:00-8:20am
Theresa Roth, Principal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .		         x104             Saturday: 2:30-4:15pm
Kathy Hadel-Racy, Assistant Principal. .            x105             By appointment, 741.2800
Liz Sharp, Assistant Principal. . . . . . . . . .
Teri Jo Garitz, Executive Secretary. . . . . .         x106                      Business Hours
Kim McConnell, Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . .      x100             Parish Office
Kim Revnew, Front Office Assistant . . . .              x124              Monday - Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm
Early Education Center - Main Number, 746.1500                                                                Closed Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00pm
Betty Phillips, Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       x109
Joan Jones, Executive Secretary. . . . . . . . 		        x114             School Office
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry . . . . . .                741.8661          Monday - Friday: 7:30am-3:30pm
Safe Environments Diocesan Liaisons
Whitney True-Francis          . . . . . . . . . . . . .      392.0011
Joe Crayon, Ombudsman. . . . . . . . . . . . .  816.812.2500                Bulletin Submissions must be received
                                                                                                              8-10 business days prior to the request-
If you are a victim of sexual abuse by, or to report sexual abuse involving a cleric, diocesan                ed date of publication, submit to
volunteer or employee, contact the Victim Advocate at 816.392.0011 or victimadvocate@               
The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combatting sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you
observe or suspect sexual abuse:

1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.392.3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and
2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and
3. After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Dioce-
san Ombudsman, Joe Crayon, at 816.812.2500 or if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer
of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact
the Whitney True-Francis, Victim Assistance Coordinator, at 816.392.0011 or for more information.

 2 | St Therese Church

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			                                     For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		            St. Therese, Kansas City, MO                G 4C 02-0945
St. Therese Parish September 19, 2021
YOUR GIFTS TO GOD & PARISH                                                                          From the Pastor’s Pen
Week Ending Friday, September 3, 2021
                                                                    Next weekend we have our annual Savor Fall        And there was something
Fiscal Year: July 1, 2020—June 30, 2021                             Festival on Saturday That weekend we also         else–she lived through
                                                                    celebrate our patronal feast of St. Therese of    a worldwide pandemic.
                                  Weekly             Year-to-       Lisieux                                           The last big pandemic of
                                                      Date          Unfortunately, this year we again celebrate       the nineteenth century
                                                                    in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. And         was the Asiatic or Russian
 Contributions                        $40,460          $582,461                                                       flu that killed about a
                                                                    you may think it out of place because we
                                                                    remember a sweet girl who grew up in a            million people. It started
                                                                    sheltered home, and entered a cloistered          in 1889 and recurred a
 Budgeted                             $80,827          $727,442                                                       number of times into 1895. And it did not
                                                                    convent at the age of 15 and remained there
                                                                    until she died at the age of 24.                  spare her own Carmel in Lisieux.
 Difference                        ($40,367)         ($144,981)                                                           Communities where people live closely
                                                                    If you think of St. Therese as someone who
                                                                    didn’t face real problems of life, think again        together, and where there are a num-
 Building Loan                                       $2,510,684     and then think again after that. Her mother           ber of the elderly, can be particularly
                                                                    died of breast cancer when she was four.              vulnerable to disease. After Christmas
 Balance                                                            She worked through some difficult health              1891 the pandemic hit their Carmel and
 Debt Retirement                            $885        $47,667     and emotional issues after that for some time.        it hit hard. In a community of 25 nuns,
 Contributions                                                      She faced many challenges living the                  three died in six days. With the excep-
                                                                    religious life, particularly from some of the         tion of three sisters, including Therese
 Principal &                                         ($131,848)     other sisters. At the end of her life she suf-        who was not quite 19, the community
 Interest                                                           fered from tuberculosis which was joined by           fell ill including the prioress and all the
 payments                                                           an intense, pitch black, spiritual darkness.          sisters in community leadership.
                                                                    She was a real woman who faced many real
 Difference                                            ($84,181)    problems of life with a very real and inten-                                (continued on page 6)
                                                                    tional faith in God’s love and mercy.

Faith and our Freedom                                               (CCC 1777), but our conscience needs to be        why St. Paul continues in this passage, “For
The popular understanding of freedom in                             ‘formed,’ or it may well lead us into error.      the whole law is fulfilled in one statement,
our modern world is that we are either free                         Just because someone is following his or her      namely, “You shall love your neighbor as
or not free. Freedom is like a light switch.                        conscience, does not make that action good.       yourself ” (Galatians 5:17).
We can switch the light either on or off.                           Someone could claim to be following his or        Clearly to choose to do evil is a choice on
Freedom is strictly an act of the will, which                       her conscience and exercising their right to      our part, but not a genuine expression of
we choose to make. It is the power to choose                        freedom while driving intoxicated and at          freedom. True freedom is the power to act
between two choices. In popular thinking,                           reckless speed through a residential neigh-       freely and with excellence for the good. True
freedom resides in the will alone. In moral                         borhood with children playing on the roads,       freedom is rooted in both the will and in
decision-making using this method, we                               but this behavior is clearly evil.                reason. True freedom is not merely about
often first make a choice, and then evaluate                        This is why, even in popular understanding,       me, but also about the good of others. We
whether the choice feels good to us emotionally.                    we often hear, “I should be free to do what-      sometimes call this the common good.
Because you are free no matter what you                             ever I want, as long as it doesn’t negatively     No one has the right to impinge on our right
choose, we might call this the freedom of in-                       affect others.”                                   to freedom or the actions of our well-
difference. Whatever you choose, as long as                         In his letter to the Galatians, St. Paul notes,   formed conscience, but there is a bigger
it is your choice, you are free. Since we often                     “For you were called to freedom brethren…”        picture. Truth, reason and solidarity with
view our freedom as a fundamental right,                            but then he continues…”only do not use            our neighbor are also part of free pursuit of
we might hear someone assert, “I should be                          your freedom as an opportunity for the            the good.
free to do whatever I want!” Yet, please note                       flesh, but through love be servants of one        Of course, there will at times be honest
that a choice for either goodness or evil is                        another.”(Galatians 5:17).                        disagreements about what the good is in
still free in this thinking.                                        The Christian understanding of freedom is         a certain situation, but to resolve these
We call that part of our will that helps us to                      not merely that it is a power to choose, but      differences we must keep this bigger picture
choose our conscience. The church affirms                           instead the power to choose with a purpose.       in mind. We cannot exclude the love of our
that we should always follow our conscience                         It is the power to choose the good. This is       neighbor from the conversation.
                                                                                                                                                St Therese Church | 3

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			                                                      For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		       St. Therese, Kansas City, MO            F 4C 02-0945
St. Therese Parish September 19, 2021
ST. THERESE MEMORIAL                                                            St. Vincent de Paul          Knights of Columbus
            REMEMBRANCES                                                          Food Pantry                  Our Facebook page is live
                                                                                  We serve those in need       at kofc7199. Please LIKE
   Joan Teresa Sullivan – September 19                                            in southern Platte           and join our page and add
    Michael John Long – September 21                                              County with food and         a post of your own.
                                                                                  emergency financial          We are in need of volun-
   Warren V. Cartwright – September 22                        assistance.                                      teers for several of our activities:
       Elaine Budke – September 23                            Our special donations request is for:
                                                              cooking oil, spices, dish soap, salad dressing   First Friday Dances - contact Doug Hay-
    Edward S. Docekal – September 24                                                                           worth at 816.914.9702
   Michael J. Cavaliere – September 24                                                                         Highway Clean Up – connect with Sean
    Bernice C. Gregory – September 24                                                                          Joyce 816.695.3421
      Franco Bocchi – September 25                                                                             October Tootsie Roll Drive - Bill Robinette
                                                                                                               can be reached at 816.520.5656
                                                                                                               You are invited to join the Knights of Co-
      Roy Jeffries, Sr. – September 19                                                                         lumbus and now you can learn more about
        Abby Null – September 19                                                                               the Knights and join online at
     Anna B. Bocchi – September 20                                                                             Zachery Phipps, Membership chairman,
                                                                                                               816.266.2155 or email: zphipps25@gmail.
  Rosemary M. Nollette – September 21                                                                          com for more information.
       Kevin J. Isom – September 22
      Nellie Klamm – September 22                                         Calling all Princesses!
 Charles “Chuck” McKeon – September 22                                              The princess tea party
       Frank Budke – September 23                                                   will be back at our
                                                                                    favorite fall event, SA-
     John Leo Moore – September 24                                                  VOR, the experience!                           A Rock and a Hard Place
     Francis V. Pasini – September 25                                               Make your reservations                         A priest, an evangelist,
                                                                                    now! $25 includes:                             and a minister were in a
   Names listed above are from the Memorial Wall
          display in our Gathering Space.
                                                                                    makeover, crowning,                            row boat in the middle of
                                                                                    photo with Tiana and                           a pond fishing. None of
                                                              Aurora and a tea party with other princess        them had caught anything all morning.
         Prayers and Sympathy                                 friends! Reservation forms are available
For all those who have died, especially Mary                  in the Gift Shop or Parish Office or email        After a while, the evangelist stood up and
Luke, mother of Edna Schieber; and Chris-                     Nichole Porting at            said he needed to go to the bathroom. So he
topher Pinkston.                                                                                                climbed out of the boat and walked on the
                                                                                                                water to shore. He came back ten minutes
May all who have died in Christ know the                      A Special Thank You                               later the same way.
fullness of Resurrection Life.                                UNBOUND would like to take this oppor-
                                                              tunity to thank you for your kindness in          Then the minister decided he needed to go
                                                              welcoming us to speak on behalf of deserv-        to the bathroom, too. He climbed out of the
Baptisms - Let us welcome into the                            ing children, youth, and elders in need. 74       boat and walked on the water to shore. He,
family of God and into the St. Therese                        now have new friends at your parish. Your         too, came back the same way ten minutes
family those newly baptized.                                  generous and strong faith and your con-           later.
  William John Barth, son of                                  tinuing fidelity to the values of the Gospel      The priest looked at both of them and de-
   David & Jillian Barth                                      of Jesus Christ are indeed a blessing. I am       cided that his faith was just as strong as his
  Abigail Claire Moore, daughter of                           personally grateful for all the thoughtful at-    fishing buddies and that he could walk on
   Stephen & Kate Moore                                       tention you provided to me. If you have not       water, too. He stood up and excused himself.
                                                              yet done so, and would like to form an alli-      As he stepped out, he made a big splash
  Hayden Felix Taiber, son of                                 ance of friendship with a child, a teenager, a
   Justin U Lindsey Taiber                                                                                      down into the water.
                                                              seminarian, an elder, or a child with special
  Miles Liam Swafford, son of                                 needs, call 1.800.875.6564. Or contact our        The evangelist looked at the minister and
   David & Lynn Swafford                                      website at                       said, “I suppose we should have told him
                                                                              Sincerely, Fr. Cyrus Gallagher    where the rocks were.”                   ©LPI
 4 | St Therese Church

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			                                        For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		               St. Therese, Kansas City, MO          E 4C 02-0945
Eucharistic Adoration FAQ’s
                                                                                  WEEKLY CALENDAR
Q? What is Eucharistic Adoration? A:
Eucharistic Adoration a.k.a. Adoration, is a         Sunday        3:00-4:30pm: Confirmation Classes, Wooldridge Center/Martin Room
time taken to worship the true God in the           September      6:15-7:45pm: HSYC-High School Young Church, Youth Room
person of Jesus Christ who is really, truly             19         6:30-8:00pm: Welcome Men’s Team 12 Meeting, Birkel Room
present in the eucharistic host. Catholics           Monday        8:30am: Mass
often make what is known as a Holy Hour             September      9:00-10:30am: Prayer Session, Parish Library
to honor Jesus’ heartfelt request to His                20         9:00am-10:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration, Adoration Chapel
closest disciples during His lonely agony in                       6:30-8:30pm: Welcome Women’s Team 5 Gathering, Birkel Room
the garden, “Could you not spend one hour
with me?”                                            Tuesday       6:30am / 8:30am Masses
Q? Where’s the Adoration Chapel? A: Fac-            September      8:00-8:20am: Confessions
ing the church entrance, follow the walkway             21         9:00am-10:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration, Adoration Chapel
on the left (north east) and it will lead you                      9:30-11:00am: Mary, Martha, Lazarus Prayer, Birkel Room
directly to the Chapel                                             3:15-5:00pm: Parent Latin Lesson Group, Parish Library
Q? Must I sign up? I don’t for Mass. A: No,                        7:00-8:30pm: Welcome Women’s Team 12 Meeting, Martin Room
you don’t have to sign up. You can drop in
any time during Chapel hours – stay as little      Wednesday       6:30am / 8:30am Masses
or long as you desire.                             September       8:00-8:20am: Confessions
Q? I’m interested in a weekly Holy Hour or             22          8:00am-12:00pm: Library Committee Meeting, Parish Library
becoming a sub. Now what? A: Complete                              9:00am-10:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration, Adoration Chapel
a purple form in the Welcome Center or                             6:00-7:15pm: RE, School
Chapel.                                                            6:00-7:30pm: MSYC, Youth Room
                                                     Thursday      7:30-8:30am: Fatima Prayer Group, Parish Library
Chapel Hours:                                       September      8:30am Mass
Mon-Fri 9am–10pm / Sat 9am–12pm                         23         9:00am-10:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration, Adoration Chapel
                                                                   9:30-11:00am: Queen of Peace Prayer Group, Parish Library
                                                                   2:00-6:00pm: Flu Shot Clinic, Wooldridge Center
Sign Up: home page.                             7:00-8:30pm: RCIA Meeting, Wooldridge Center
More Info: eucharisticadoration@ or 816.718.8176 / Monica           Friday       6:30am / 8:30am Masses
Arredondo                                           September      9:00am-10:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration, Adoration Chapel
                                                        24         7:00-7:30pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet in Song, Birkel Room
        St. Therese Adoration Chapel                 Saturday      SAVOR, THE EXPERIENCE, 5:30pm, Back Parking Lot
        The humble chapel that hosts                September        Weather permitting
              a mighty ministry.                        25         6:30-8:25am:That Man Is You, Birkel Room
                                                                   8:30am Daily Mass
                                                                   9:00am-12:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration, Adoration Chapel
                                                                   9:00-10:00am: Metanoia, Team 1 Study, Martin Room
                                                                   2:30-4:15pm: Confessions
                                                     Sunday        3:00-4:30pm: Confirmation Classes, Wooldridge Center/Martin Room
                                                    September      6:15-7:45pm: HSYC-High School Young Church, Youth Room
                                                        26         6:30-8:00pm: Welcome Men’s Team 12 Meeting, Birkel Room
Assisting Haiti
The people of Haiti, the poorest nation in
the Western Hemisphere, have most recent-                                                  Electronic Sign!
ly undergone terrible tribulations—political      As you may have noticed, the south side of our electronic sign in front of the church has a
upheaval, a severe earthquake, and a tropical     couple modules that are no longer working and make reading that side of the sign difficult
storm. Catholic Relief Services is actively       at times. Unfortunately, the sign has outlived its technology and we are no longer able to
assisting our suffering brothers and sisters in   get the necessary parts to fix it. The sign was gifted to the church 11 years ago and we are
Haiti. To donate to support their work, visit     grateful for the service it provided over the years but we are currently looking at options for
their website at                         replacing it. We appreciate your patience as we go through this process.
                                                                                                                                                 St Therese Church | 5

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                                                                  Let our family take care of your family!                               Kevin Mills

			                                   For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                St. Therese, Kansas City, MO                             D 4C 02-0945
(Fr. Joe continued from page 3)
                                                                                  These remaining three cared for the sick, the dead and
                                                                                  communicated with those on the outside. Eventually the
                                                                                  community began to recover, but Therese gained a familiarity
                                                                                  with death, speaking of the joy and peace she saw in the faces
                                                                                  of deceased sisters. She didn’t fear death, saying it was the
                                                                                  only way to reach God.
                                                                                  This real woman who faced the trauma of a real pandem-
                                                                                  ic taking the lives of three people she loved in less than a
                                                                                  week, is a model for us. Most of us have yet to face in this
                                                                                  pandemic what she had to face. She did this with faith and
                                                                                  As we continue to journey through this pandemic, assisted
                                                                                  by the prayers of St. Therese and inspired by her example,
                                                                                  may we journey together with deep confidence and an abso-
                                                                                  lute determination to do everything, even the smallest act for
                                                                                  love of God. May we be real people who face real problems
                                                                                  of life with a real, living and intentional faith in God and His
                                                                                  love for us.
                                                                                  Stay tuned for something else special next weekend as well.

                                                                                                                                  Father Joe Cisetti

                                                                                                  The 54-day Rosary Continues
                                                                                                       through October 7
                                                                                    2021 ROSARY COAST-TO-COAST
                                                                                    Sunday, October 10, simultaneous Rosary across the USA
                                                                                    at: 4 pm Eastern, 3 pm Central, 2 pm Mountain, 1 pm
                                                                                    Pacific, noon Alaska, 10 am Hawaii.
                                                                                                         For more info visit:
                                                                                    At St. Therese North:
                                                                                      2:30 p.m. – Singing program
                                                                                      2:45 p.m. – Chaplet of Divine Mercy
                                                                                      3:00 p.m. – Glorious Mysteries Rosary
                                                                                              Reception to follow
Flu Clinic                                                                          Maintenance Worker Needed
Thursday, September 23rd, 2:30-5:00pm, Wooldridge Center                            St. Therese is in search of a quality maintenance worker to
Onsite flu vaccinations this week…Stay healthy and take advantage of this           fill a full time hourly position. If you or someone you know
opportunity. The single best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated.           is interested in this position, contact Jeff Mckinney at
To sign up online: If prompt-
ed, the Diocese of Kansas City / St. Joseph registration code = DKCSJ               Or, apply online at -
Please bring your consent form and your insurance card with you. See you at         recruiting/jobs/Apply/626441/Available-Positions/
the clinic!                                                                         Maintenance-Worker

6 | St Therese Church

                                                                                            ANIMAL HOSPITAL
                                                                                             65 YEARS OF COMPASSIONATE
                                                                                                  & PROFICIENT CARE
                                                                                             JAMES T. SPARKS, D.V.M.,
                                                                816-741-2345                            Parishioner
                                                                   Matthew S. Silvius, D.V.M. • Scott Read, D.V.M.
                                                                               Stacey Nickell, D.V.M.

			                                For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		               St. Therese, Kansas City, MO           C 4C 02-0945
PRAYERS FOR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE ILL                                                                 MASS INTENTIONS
Contact Deacon Doug at the Parish Office to add or remove a name. (Due to confidentiality guide-
lines, only the person requesting prayer or a designated family member may place or remove a name)
                                                                                                     SUNDAY, September 19
Paula Acconcia              Rachel Day            John Lopez                   Pat Reeder
Jay Atkinson                Gayle Dean            Judy Louth                   Gina Reiter           8:00am - Spencer Norris +
Cynthia Barchesky           Bernie Deister        Sal Lozano                   Beverly Rietveld      10:00am - John Cherne +
Nathalie Blogin             Anita Eastland        Ellen Madrick                Amy Roberts           12:00pm - Marion Oswald
Debra Bommarito             Charlene Fick         Arlene Marshall              Larry Ryan
                                                                                                     5:00pm - Mass for the People
Joe Boswell                 Ken Finke             Betty McDonald               Mary Ann Ryan
Bryan Bownik                Sandy Gardner         Mike McGinnes                Jossalyn Sainz        MONDAY, September 20
Jack Brackney               Bert Giarraputo       Wendy McKellar               Natalie Ann Salas     8:30am - Living/Deceased members of
Irwin & Lois Broussard      Rosemary Gill         Jessica McLain               Forrest Salyers                  Deister/Tiedtka families
Ed Burgess                  Pete Godfrey          David McPherson              Paula Scott           TUESDAY, September 21
Daniel Burnos               Pat Goss              Adrianna Marjanovic          Carmen Serrone
John Burton                 Suzanne Grisham       Jerry & Pat Musil            Carolyn Shatto        6:30am - Rosemary Nollette +
Mike Callahan               Doris Hahn            Arlene Nadeau                Joanne Smith          8:30am - Dixie Hales +
William & Dorothy           Grace Heater          Paul Neidig                  James Spawn           WEDNESDAY, September 22
  Campbell                  Mary & John Henke     Joyce Newcomer               Joann Strever
Frank Canino                                                                                         6:30am - Deceased members of
                            Ellie Higgins         Nathan Newton                Rex Suman
Jim Carroll                 Carolyn Hurt          Linda Osterhaus              Maureen Tejeda
                                                                                                               Pruneda family
Pat Cartwright              Peter Ikona           Doyne Parisi                 Jim Tompkins          8:30am - Neada Distefano +
Joe Cento                   Becky Isom            Nancy Pearson                Donna Vining          THURSDAY, September 23
Frank Cohara                Barbara Jordan        Jill Pehlman                 Adam Whitbeck
Matthew Cohara                                                                                       8:30am - Clarine “Chub” Spallo +
                            Vince Kehr            Leo & Tillie Perkins         Geri & Pat White
John Childers                                                                                        FRIDAY, September 24
                            Marcia Kenski         Barbara Personelli           Lionel White
Timothy Childers            Glenda Kimsey         Dorothy Porter               Leanore Wilke         6:30am - Special Intention
Larry Colling               Garrett Krier         Jackey Pratt                 Nicholas Worth        8:30am - Living/Deceased members of
Helen Colwell               Clara Lawson          Helen Prendergast            Gloria Wright
Janet Cozad                                                                                                     Zollar/Bischof families
                            Natalie Lewis         Leticia Rabang               Dcn. Tony Zimmerman
Albert Daniels                                                                                       SATURDAY, September 25
                            Francis Logan         Danielle Reeder
                                                                                                     8:30am - Dixie Hales +
                 For parishioners, relatives of parishioners and their families.                     4:30pm - Linn Kalahurka
Spencer Collazos        Jamie Frates              Jeremiah Murphy         Tim Pachasa                SUNDAY, September 26
  nephew of Dawn & .      husband of Rebecca        nephew of Dodie         son of Andy & Nancy
  Larry Walter                                                                                       8:00am - Dalila Maria Coots +
                        Bill Freund               James Pate              Eric Rawlings
Brian Conforti            son of Bill &              husband of Jennifer    husband of Candi         10:00am - Hanna Mills +
  son of Frank & Patty    Barbara                 Major N. Potts            & father of Jaeger
                                                                                                     12:00pm - Intentions of Sister
Ryan Doherty &          Jacob Glodsbury             grandson of Mary Jane Christian Shattuck
Brody Scherman            son of John & Kim Billy Raine                     son of Brian &                       Emmanuel Maillard
  grandsons of Lynda . Douglas Lomshek              son  of Vicki Raine     Laureen
 Norris                                                                                              5:00pm - Mass for the People
                          nephew of Liz Stine William Rory &              Brent Snyder
Jeremy Flowers          James McLaughlin          Candice O’Brien           son of Greg &
  son of Brenda           son of Heath &            brother & sister-       Brenda                    (Crosses, † indicate deceased loved ones)
 Sean Frazier             Michelle                  in-law of             Craig Wooten,
  son of Liz & Sam                                  Michael O’Brien         nephew-in-law of .
                                                                            John Geiger

                                                                                                                                St Therese Church | 7

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			                                             For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                     St. Therese, Kansas City, MO     A 4C 02-0945
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