Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service

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Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Event Brochure

The World’s Largest Conference & Exhibition
For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries

Exhibit and Sponsor at Gastech 2020

8-10 September 2020


Supported by                       Held In    Organised by
Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                          Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Previous Sponsors                                                                                               Gastech 2020 Singapore
and Partners
                                                                                                                Dear Colleague,

Co-Host Sponsors                                                                                                Gastech 2020, the 32nd edition of world’s leading gas, LNG and energy event, will be held from 8 – 10
                                                                                                                September 2020 at the Singapore Expo, Singapore.

                                                                                                                The world’s energy dynamics are changing with gas and LNG poised to play a pivotal role. Gastech 2020
                                                                                                                will be the platform that enables the entire supply chain to come together and drive the industry forward.

                                                                                                                The global gas narrative varies across regions, but what doesn’t vary is the central position of gas in the global
Diamond Sponsors                                         Platinum Sponsors
                                                                                                                energy mix as one of the key enablers of the energy transition. 2020 is likely to be a pivotal year in this shift
                                                                                                                towards a decarbonising energy landscape and Gastech will be ideally placed to help the industry understand
                                                                                                                and capitalise on the changing dynamics

Gold Sponsors
                                                                                                                The pivot to natural gas will be at the heart of three core energy agendas for Asia: energy security, clean energy
                                                                                                                and opening emerging economies. Global energy demand continues to grow, and natural gas is now robustly
                                                                                                                positioned to deliver on rising needs for cheap, plentiful yet clean energy supplies.

                                                                                                                New market opportunities are rapidly opening up for natural gas and LNG across sectors now pushing for cleaner
Silver Sponsors                                                                                                 energy solutions. This includes onshore and offshore transportation, heavy primary and manufacturing industries,
                                                                                                                smaller-scale power generation serving isolated and island economies, and in the economical production of
                                                                                                                chemicals and fertilisers.

                                                                                                                Supply sources and supply chains are evolving as global natural gas trade is set to increase not only in volume,
Bronze Sponsors
                                                                                                                but also in terms of the number of participants, with an increasing number of new buyers and sellers, enabled
                                                                                                                mainly by the development of LNG flows. NOCs and IOCs have been joined by smaller, agile and entrepreneurial
                                                                                                                enterprises resulting in greater supply flexibility, liquidity and lower costs of supply.

                                                                                                                2020 will also be a critical year for hydrogen. It is enjoying unprecedented momentum around the world and could
                                                                                                                finally be set on a path to fulfil its longstanding potential as a clean energy solution. Hydrogen has the broad
                                                                                                                capability to help tackle various critical energy challenges and offers ways to decarbonise a range of sectors
Associate Sponsors                                                                                              where it is proving difficult to reduce emissions.

                                                                                                                This brochure will outline the opportunity that participating in Gastech presents as well as the different ways you
                                                                                                                can engage with the gas, LNG and energy community before, during and after the event.

                                                                                                                We look forward to welcoming you to Gastech Singapore in 2020.

Supported By                                                                 Official Partner   Venue Partner

                                                                                                                Nick Ornstien
                                                                                                                Vice President - Gastech
                                                                                                                dmg events

Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                                     +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 1
Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                    Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

The New Energy

Gas and LNG will play a central role in the global
energy mix for decates to come.

As pressure grows to cut carbon emissions across all
sectors of the global economy – including power and
energy, transport, buildings, and industry – gas is seen
as key in providing a pathway towards the goal of zero
net carbon emissions.

Many experts see 2020 as a pivotal year for gas on that
decarbonisation journey. There will be: new centres of
demand and marked changes in how gas will be used
by end users; key developments in supply sources and
supply chains; an increased role for its use in creating a
hydrogen economy, all underpinned by the rise of new
technologies and the 4th industrial revolution age.

Gastech 2020 will debate the opportunities and
challenges that these developments will highlight
in what will be a critical year for gas.
                                                                     addition, LPG and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)                                  This growing supply and trade in gas will, in 2020,
According to the International Energy Association                    will emerge as a fuel for vehicle fleet transportation.                         start to see different uses as pressure grows to tackle
(IEA), global energy demand grew by 2.3% in 2018, the                                                                                                climate change. The IEA said 2019 would be a year of
fastest pace this decade. Natural gas emerged as the                 This increasing gas demand will call for accelerated                            “unprecedented momentum” for hydrogen, and this
fuel of choice, accounting for 45% of the rise in energy             development of supply sources and supply chains.                                trend will take hold in 2020. Here, natural gas will play
consumption with global gas demand witnessing a year-                                                                                                a fundamental role.
on-year growth of 4.6% – the fastest rate since 2010.                The IEA has forecast global natural gas production to rise
                                                                     from 3940 billion cubic metres (bcm) in 2018 to 4332 bcm                        Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier, offering a method
If the story in 2018 was largely about the need for gas              by 2024, an average annual increase of 1.6%. And although                       of long-term storage of renewable electricity in the power
in China, and in the US especially for power generation,             the United States has emerged in recent years as the largest                    sector. But most importantly, it offers a way of cutting
2019 marked the arrival of much smaller but rapidly                  individual contributor to this increase as a result of shale gas                CO2 emissions in difficult to decarbonise sectors such
growing markets who’s demand in aggregate becomes                    production for both domestic use and export, global natural                     as: aviation; industries, including chemicals, steel and
significant. And 2020 will see the likely growth and                 gas trade is set to increase not only in volume but also in                     cement; heating; and buildings. Low-cost natural gas
evolution of this trend.                                             terms of the number of buyers and sellers.                                      reforming is already the most widely used method for
                                                                                                                                                     hydrogen production and this is likely to be the case
The industrial sector is expected to be the main                     The LNG export picture is redefined by the development                          for years to come
contributor to global growth in in the coming years,                 of Australia and the US, which challenge the strong
driven by Asia-Pacific. The region is projected to see               position of the Middle East. As international LNG                               The energy industry has the opportunity to be at
an average annual growth rate of 6.4% in industrial                  transactions become the main driver of the expansion                            the epicentre of the 4th industrial age, harnessing
gas consumption, fuelled by population growth and                    in global gas trade, sourcing has become more                                   new technologies such as artificial intelligence,
economic development.                                                multi-faceted. NOCs and IOCs have been joined by                                opportunities created by the ‘Internet of Things’,
                                                                     smaller, agile and entrepreneurial enterprises. These                           and increasing adoption of automation innovation.
In transport, implementation of IMO 2020 will see LNG                developments will deliver greater supply flexibility,
become an important fuel in the maritime sector. In                  liquidity and lower costs of supply.

2 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                           +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 3
Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                            Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Gastech - The Heart of the Global                                                                             700+                                             35,000
Gas, LNG & Energy Conversation                                                                                Companies Exhibiting from
                                                                                                              Across the Complete Value Chain
                                                                                                                                                               International Attendees

Gastech has united the global gas, LNG
and energy industries for over 45 years
and continues to do so, placing its
emphasis on the future and convening
the global community. With the industry’s
support, Gastech is the heart of the global
gas, LNG and energy conversation – bringing
together companies, organisations and
individuals alike to shape the future of energy.

From NOCs, IOCs, utility companies,
EPC contractors, E&P companies,
service companies, technology providers,
shipbuilders and manufacturers – Gastech
brings the energy value chains together
for progressive discussions, business
transactions and cross sector collaboration.

  1,200+                                                       15
  Ministers, Government Officials, Chairmen,                   Ministerial, Global Business Leaders’ Panels
  Presidents, CEOs & Managing Directors                        and Keynotes at the Conference

  250                                                          87                                                                                               10
                                                                                                                                                                Industry Zones on
  Speakers                                                     Strategic and Technical Presentations                                                            the Exhibition Floor
                                                               at the Conference

  3,500                                                        100+                                           16                                                55,000
                                                                                                              Exhibiting Country Pavilions                      Sqm exhibition space
  Strategic and Technical Conference                           Countries Representing the Gas,
  Delegates                                                    LNG and Energy Value Chains

4 | www.gastechevent.com
    Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                   +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 5
Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                                              Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Gastech at a Glance

 Over 700 Exhibiting Countries and
 16 Exhibiting International Country Pavilions
 Showcasing national excellence. International country pavilions are organised each year, regional companies, from
 SMEs to larger industry players the opportunity to exhibit on a global stage. Identify new export opportunities and            The Gastech Conference
 markets for your products, explore global or regional business opportunities and find new potential investors.
                                                                                                                                Over 60 conference sessions will draw together a mix of
                                                                                                                                                                                                Gastech Boulevard
                                                                                                                                ministers, CEOs, commercial and technical delegates. This       Driving footfall and traffic from the conference.
                                                                                                                                sees Gastech gather a level of seniority and purchasing         The main thoroughfare in the Exhibition hall, the Gastech
                                                                                                                                influence second to none, while also offering specialists       Boulevard connects conference delegates with a direct
                                                                                                                                and team members involved in day-to-day operations the          path from the main conference hall to the delegate lunch
                                                                                                                                opportunity to discover suppliers, meet clients and sales       area. This high traffic footpath will be clearly signposted
                                                                                                                                prospects, gain actionable insights, and stay on top of         and marked, directing delegates past key exhibition
                                                                                                                                latest advancements and innovations in the market.              stands lining the Boulevard.

 10 Industry Zones                                                   Global Meetings
  Highlighting innovation in your sector. Industry zones             Programme & Lounge
  provide specialist companies a platform to showcase
                                                                     A year’s worth of meetings in 3 days. Gastech offers
  their innovations and sector specific solutions to
  procurement teams and contractors.
                                                                     a free face-to-face business matching programme to
                                                                                                                                Energy Talent Exchange Theatre, Poster
                                                                                                                                Wall, Networking Areas
                                                                     all attendees. Exhibitors can search through attendees
  Zones include: Shipping & Marine Engineering/                      by specific criteria, reach out to attendees to schedule
  Hydrogen/ Transportation and Logistics/ Port and                   meetings and then build a report based on the meetings     Increasing your brand exposure throughout the floor. In addition to the main traffic drivers, Gastech Exhibition features
  Terminals/ Industrial Users/ Power & Energy/                       conducted. Meetings can be scheduled to take place at      an array of opportunities for Exhibitors and Sponsors to enhance their messaging to visitors. Exhibitors can conduct
  Innovation Hub/ LNG Bunkering & Infrastructure/                    your stand or within a purpose built meeting lounge with   product demonstrations at the theatre, feature white papers at the poster wall or gain brand awareness by sponsoring
  Digital & Automation/ Security & HSE                               a table concierge service.                                 networking areas.

6 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                                                    +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 7
Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                                      Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Meeting your Business Objectives                                                                                                            Target a Range of Professional Profiles
to Deliver a Return-On-Investment
                                                                                                                                            36%                    24%                                          40%
                                                                                                                                            C-level Executive      Technical &                                 Middle Management
Gastech consistently delivers high quality visitors with significant purchasing and decision                                                Management             Operations Specialists
making authority. With a spread of international, regional and local attendees, Gastech is where
you will meet the people who matter to your business.

                                                                                                                                            Reach Decision Makers, Purchasers & Influencers
Who Will You Meet?

19%                 17%                 16%                  14%                 13%                11%                10%                  22        %
                                                                                                                                                                   29           %                              49%
                                                                                                                                            Decision Maker /       Influencer                                  End Users
Engineering,        Hydrocarbon         Exploration &        Contracting,        Marine, Shipping   Transmission,      Ancillary &
Procurement         Processing,         Production                               & Storage          Distribution &     Support services
Construction &      Petrochemicals &                         Investment &                           Power Generation   including HSSE,
Management          Technology                               Trading                                                   Digital, Data, IT,
                                                                                                                       Automation &
                                                                                                                       Cyber security

         Meet an International Audience                                                                                                                                                         Purchasing Power of
                                               21%                                                           7%                                                                                 Gastech Attendees
                                                                                                             Middle East & Africa
                                               North America                                                                                Asia & Oceania



                                                                            4%                                                                                                                                UP TO US$50M
                                                                            Latin America
                                                                            & Caribbean

                                                                                                                                                                                                             24           %

                                                                                                                                                                                                          US$50M AND ABOVE

8 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                                            +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 9
Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                                            Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Exhibit at Gastech - the
Next Generation Gas,
LNG and Energy Event
The Gastech Exhibition highlights the very best services,
technologies and products from across the global gas, LNG
and energy value chains. Spanning 55,000sqm, over 700
exhibiting companies and organisations choose Gastech each
year to place their services in front of 35,000 international visitors
– enabling them to secure new business, service existing clients
and engage in dialogue with the companies, organisations and
individuals leading the energy industry into the future.

                                                                                                                                               Why Exhibit at Gastech 2020
  35,000                     700+                                   16                         100+                     55,000
  International              International Exhibitors               Exhibiting                 Countries                SQM Exhibition
  Attendees                  from the Complete                      Country                    Representing the         Space
                             Value Chain                            Pavilions                  Global Gas Value

                                                                                                                                                Establish and strengthen      Meet face-to-face with                    Identify new markets &
                                                                                                                                                 your brand’s industry       current and potential new                  form strategic alliances
                                                                                                                                                        presence                     customers
Gastech Covers the Entire Gas, LNG and Energy Value Chain

                        xploration & production
                       E                                   Shale gas production           Enhanced & advanced          Gasfield services
                       of natural gas                      technology & services          technology for improved      & management
                                                                                          hydrocarbons recovery

                                                                                                                                                   Network & meet with      Showcase your company’s                         Conduct Business
                                                                                                                                                 the international energy     latest developments &
                       Processing,                  hipping &
                                                   S                                                                         ipelines
                                                                                                                            P                           community                  technologies
                       production &                transportation         Storage, terminals        Floating LNG &          maintenance
                       liquefaction of             of LNG & NGLs          & regasification          FSRU technology         & integrity
                       gas, LNG & NGLs

                       Gas to              Transmission                                                      Natural gas                          For more information and to book your stand please contact us on
                                                                      mart grids
                                                                     S                  End-user
                       power, power        systems,
                                                                     & digital          innovation for
                                                                                                             vehicles –          Derivatives      +44 (0) 203 615 5916 or email sales@gastechevent.com.
                       generation          operations &                                                      commercial &        & chemicals
                                                                     services           natural gas
                       & utilities         technology                                                        domestic use

10 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                                                 +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 11
Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                                         Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Stand Packages                                                                                                                         Selection of Companies that Exhibit and Sponsor at Gastech

  Space Only Package

                                                                     (minimum 18sqm)
                                                                     £620/SGD$1,110 per sqm
                                                                     An opportunity to build your own unique stand with your own
                                                                     specifications and designs. You will be placed in contact with
                                                                     our official contractors or can use your own contractors to
                                                                     customise your stand, fittings and furniture.

  Shell Scheme Package

                                                                     (minimum 9m², maximum 40sqm)
                                                                     £710/SGD$1,270 per sqm
                                                                     A ready-made stand so you can turn up with your
                                                                     products, services and brochures. Additional features
                                                                     and customisation can also be done through our official
                                                                     contractors. Includes walls, fascia, carpet, electrical socket,
                                                                     and lighting. It does not include furniture.

What’s included in the stand package?
Standard Marketing Package                                           Dedicated Customer Service Assistance
         In addition to your marketing package on the Gastech                 Dedicated customer service manager and assistance
         website listing and showguide entry, you will also                   to help with your questions and guide you through the
                                                                                                                                                      “Gastech is a wonderful way for buyers, sellers, infrastructure providers
         receive personalised marketing resources, materials                  exhibiting process.
         and campaign marketing assistance.                                                                                                           to meet together in one place. It’s an excellent venue for meetings and it’s
                                                                     Unlimited Exhibition Passes                                                      also an excellent way for vendors to showcase their new technologies.”
         A standard marketing package is a compulsory                         Unlimited passes for your employees to attend the
         purchase with all stand bookings.                                    Gastech Exhibition.
                                                                                                                                                      Alex Volkov
                                                                                                                                                      Vice President & Head of Global LNG Marketing
Discounted Conference passes                                         Gastech Exhibition Catalogue                                                     ExxonMobil
         Discounted rates for your employees to attend the                    A digital copy of the Gastech Exhibition Catalogue
         Gastech Conference.                                                  (2019 and 2020).

Online Exhibitor Manual account
         An Online Exhibitor Manual account to allow you to                                                                              For more information and to book your stand please contact us on
         manage, plan and prepare for your attendance at                                                                                 +44 (0) 203 615 5916 or email sales@gastechevent.com.
         Gastech 2020.

12 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                                              +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 13
Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                                        Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Gastech 2020: Singapore EXPO                                                                                                            LNG Bunkering & Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                  ASEAN Pavilion                         Latin America Pavilion

                                                                                                                                        Digital & Automation Zone                 Australia Pavilion                     Norway Pavilion

The Gastech Exhibition will take place in the Singapore EXPO across halls 1 to 6.
                                                                                                                                        Security & HSE Zone                       Canada Pavilion                        Singapore Pavilion
Spanning a total of 55,000 sqm, it is strategically located between the main conference
hall and delegate lunch area.                                                                                                            Shipping & Marine Engineering            China Pavilion                         Spain Pavilion
The floorplan represents a significant increase in size from previous years, reflecting the                                              Hydrogen Zone                            France Pavilion                        UK Pavilion
increase in interest from exhibitors, with two main boulevards driving delegates and attendees
around the halls. Dedicated industry zones will create a focus on key industry sectors and                                               Transportation and Logistics             German Pavilion                        US Pavilion
country pavilions will showcase regional companies, from SMEs to larger players, in easy to                                              Zone

find locations.                                                                                                                          Port and Terminals Zone                  India Pavilion

                                                                                                                                                                                  Italy Pavilion
                                 Global Meetings                                                                                         Industrials Users Zone
                                 Programme Lounge                                                                                                                                                                        Boulevard
                                                                                                                                         Power & Energy                           Japan Pavilion

                                                                                                                                                                                  Korea Pavilion
                    Lunch                                                                                                                Innovation Hub

                                                                                                                                                                            Plenary Conference
      To MRT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Strategic and Technical

Taxi               Visitor/Exhibitor
Stand            Registration (Foyer 2)


                                                                                                         Registration (Foyer 1)                                                Delegate
               Car Park                                                                                                                                                        Lounge


14 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                                           +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 15
Event Brochure The World's Largest Conference & Exhibition For The Gas, LNG & Energy Industries 8-10 September 2020 Singapore - Balland Messe-Service
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                                         Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Sponsorship Packages & Options                                                                        Overview of Benefits
As a sponsor, your company will be positioned amongst the most influential and important                                                                 SPONSOR LEVEL        DIAMOND      PLATINUM        GOLD         SILVER      BRONZE       ASSOCIATE

players across the gas, LNG and energy industry. Gastech provides your company with the                                                                                       £175,000 /    £150,000 /   £90,000 /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       £55,000/      £35,000/
                                                                                                                                                             PRICES FROM       $312,380      $267,750    $160, 650                                /$35,700
opportunity to place your marketing and branding in front of 35,000 industry professionals, raising                                                                              SGD           SGD         SGD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     $98,180 SGD   $62,480 SGD

your company’s profile and enabling you to secure new business, service your existing clients and     COMPLIMENTARY PASSES
engage in industry dialogue.                                                                          Complimentary VIP programme passes                                          2             2            1            -             -            -
                                                                                                      Complimentary Conference programme strategic passes                         4             2            2            1             -            -
Gastech 2020 offers hundreds of different branding and marketing opportunities across several         Complimentary Young Gastech Programme Passes for Graduate or
                                                                                                                                                                                  5             4            3            2             1            -
different packages and options.                                                                       Junior staff

                                                                                                      PRE AND POST EVENT COMMUNICATIONS

                                                                                                      Organisation logo featured on post event “Thank You” email
                                                                                                                                                                                                -            -            -             -            -
    CUSTOMISED & EXCLUSIVE                                             Based upon your objectives     newsletter to Delegates

        PARTNERSHIPS                                                       & budgets (POA)            Organisation logo recognition on selected newsletters
                                                                                                      & email campaigns
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -             -            -

                                                                                                      Invitation letter sent via email to agreed attendees
                                                                                                      (dinner & lunch Sponsors only)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -             -            -

                                                                                                      DIGITAL BRANDING
                DIAMOND                                              FROM £175,000 / SGD$312,380      2 weeks of website advertising on Gastech Insights
                                                                                                      and Gastech websites

                                                                                                      Organisation logo and hyperlink featured on official Sponsor web

                PLATINUM                                             FROM £150,000 / SGD$267,750      Organisation profile and hyperlink featured on
                                                                                                      Sponsors page
                                                                                                                                                                             400 words     250 words     175 words    125 words     75 words     50 words

                                                                                                      One month of website branding in a prime location                                         -            -             -            -            -

                                                                                                      Interactive organisation profile on Gastech website                                       -            -             -            -            -
                    GOLD                                             FROM £90,000 / SGD$160, 650
                                                                                                      BRANDING ON COLLATERAL
                                                                                                                                                                             Double page
                                                                                                      Advertisement within Conference programme                                             Full page    Half page         -            -            -

                   SILVER                                             FROM £55,000/ SGD$98,180        Advertisement within Exhibition show guide
                                                                                                                                                                             Double page
                                                                                                                                                                                           Double page
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -            -

                                                                                                      Organisation profile featured in Conference programme and
                                                                                                                                                                              400 words     250 words    175 words    125 words     75 words      50 words
                                                                                                      Exhibition show guide

                  BRONZE                                              FROM £35,000/ SGD$62,480        Organisation logo featured on sales brochure

                                                                                                      Organisation logo featured in Conference programme

                                                                                                      Organisation logo featured in Exhibition show guide

               ASSOCIATE                                              FROM £20,000 / SGD$35,700       Organisation logo featured in post show report                                                                       -            -            -

                                                                                                      ONSITE BRANDING
                                                                                                      Delegate bag insert (if delegate bag is sponsored)                                                     -             -            -            -

                                                                                                      Visitor bag insert (if visitor bag is sponsored)                                                                     -            -            -

    Contact us Today for Sponsorship Opportunities!                                                   Organisation logo featured on Plenary Conference
                                                                                                      stage signage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -            -            -

     Email sales@gastechevent.com, www.gastechevent.com                                               Organisation logo featured on Strategic and Technical Conference
                                                                                                      stage signage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -            -

                                                                                                      Organisation logo featured on “Thank You to our Sponsors” banner
                                                                                                      displayed onsite

16 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                                           +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 17
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                  Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Customised Exclusive
An exclusive array of Partnerships can also be tailored to
suit your needs. Partnerships are designed to give your
company and brand a unique stand alone sponsorship level
which can be based on your specific objectives.

                                                                                                                                                   Contact us Today for
                                                                                                                                                   Sponsorship Opportunities!
                                                                                                                                                   Email sales@gastechevent.com,
          Airline Partner                              Banking Partner

        Training Partner                         Transformation Leader    Knowledge Partner   Technical Specialist     Trading Partner                            Strategic Partner

          Legal Partner                                Security Partner    Advisory Partner   Technology Partner        Digital Leader                         Automation Partner

18 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                       +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 19
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                    Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

                                                                                                                                                                         How to select inventory items

                                                                                                                                                                         As a Platinum sponsor you can
                                                                                                                                                                         either choose one Platinum category
                                                                                                                                                                         inventory item OR multiple inventory
                                                                                                                                                                         items up to a total value of £150,000/

                                                                                                                                                                         For More Information and to Book
                                                                                                                                                                         Your Sponsorship Please Contact
                                                                                                                                                                         us on +44 (0) 203 615 5916 or email

Build and Design Your                                                                                                                GOLD CATEGORY INVENTORY ITEMS

Sponsorship Package                                                                                       VIP Champagne
                                                                                                                                       Welcome Party                  Launch Party                       Media Lounge

                                                                                                          Delegate Lounge &            VIP Lanyards                   ‘You are Here’ Boards              Global Meetings
                                                                                                          Strategic Conference                                        Digital                            Programme Online
                                                                                                          Coffee Breaks (all days)                                                                       Portal & Lounge
1. Select the level of investment & budget
2. Browse the available inventory items
3. You can either select one inventory item corresponding to the level or your                            Exhibition Visitor           Conference Delegate            Pre Event Video & Onsite           Digital Screens (Outside
                                                                                                          Bags                         Pre-Event Mailer & AR          Broadcasting                       Conference Rooms)
   investment or select multiple inventories with a combined value totalling the                                                       Experience
   level of your investment

                                                                                                          Slim Wallet Card
                          DIAMOND CATEGORY INVENTORY ITEMS                                                Protector

Mobile App                         Conference & Exhibition           Conference & Exhibition                                         SILVER CATEGORY INVENTORY ITEMS
                                   Lanyards                          Registration Desks

                                                                                                          VIP Pack                     Online Event                   Umbrellas (Distributed via         Charging Stations
Conference &                       VIP Lounge                                                                                          Registration                   the Delegate Bags)
Exhibition badges

                                                                                                          Conference Delegate          Information Desks              Conference Mobile                  Conference Pocket
                            PLATINUM CATEGORY INVENTORY ITEMS                                             Folders                                                     Power Banks                        Programme

Gastech Boulevard                  Gastech Boulevard                 Conference Delegate       Golf Day   Conference                   Exhibition Passport            Technical Tours                    WIFI
North                              South                             Bags
                                                                                                          Programme                    Travel Wallet

VIP Dinner                         Conference Delegate                                                    Survey Personnel             Exhibition Visitor Pre-Event   Social Wall (Primary               Mosaic Photo Wall
                                   Lunch (all days)                                                                                    Mailer & AR Experience         Sponsor)

20 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                         +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 21
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                     Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

                             BRONZE CATEGORY INVENTORY ITEMS                                                                                                                     ASSOCIATE CATEGORY
                                                                                                                                                                                   INVENTORY ITEMS
VIP Breakfast                      VIP Notebook                      Cloakrooms                  VIP Pens
Briefing                                                                                                                                                                                                  Conference Pens
                                                                                                                                                                       Conference Notepads

VIP Delegate List                  VIP Registration                  Human Directional           Conference Delegate                                                   Exhibition Zone                    Business Card
                                   Desks                             Signage                     List                                                                  Hosts                              Holders

                                                                                                                                                                       Exhibition Show                    Exhibition Visitor Passport
Post Gastech Review                Strategic and Technical           Technical Conference        Conference Polling &                                                  Guide Belly Band                   Programme (Primary
& Report                           Conference Moderators             Delegate Coffee Breaks      Live Q&A                                                                                                 Sponsor)
                                                                     (all days)

                                                                                                                                                                       Lanyard Trees                      Private Workshop
Exhibition Show                    Conference Water                  Conference Programme        Conference Speaker
Guide                              Bottles                           Belly Band                  Lounge

                                                                                                                                                                       Exhibition Pens                    Conference USB
Exhibition Pocket                  Website Live Chat/                Exhibition Floorplan        Social Amplification
Map                                Chat Bot system                   (Website & Event Brochure
                                                                     & Showguide only)                                                                                 Technical Theatre                  Coffee Cup Holder
                                                                                                                        For More Information and to Book               Host
                                                                                                                        Your Sponsorship Please Contact
Spotlight Conference               VIP Business Card                 Lunch Briefing              Conference Travel      us on +44 (0) 203 615 5916 or email
Coffee Breaks                      Holders                                                       Adapters
                                                                                                                        sales@gastechevent.com.                        Poster Walls (Primary              Vehicle Display

22 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                          +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 23
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                                              Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

The Gastech Conference                                                                              Previous Speakers Include
The globally renowned Gastech conference serves as a critical platform for gaining
consensus, sharing expertise and vision, raising the voice of gas and providing
solutions to the industry’s major challenges.

The Gastech Conference plays host to the energy sector’s global influencers and sets the               H.E. DR. SULTAN
                                                                                                      AHMED AL JABER
                                                                                                                                  H.E. ASHISH CHATTERJEE
                                                                                                                                   Joint Secretary, Ministry of
                                                                                                                                                                     H.E. NADEEM BABAR
                                                                                                                                                                     Special Assistant to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                H.E. STEVEN WINBERG
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Assistant Secretary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  H.E. FATMA ZOHRA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CHAIRMAN NEIL
                                                                                                    UAE Minister of State and
industry agenda with candid discussion, news breaking announcements and a focus on the
                                                                                                                                    Petroleum & Natural Gas         Prime Minister (SAPM) on        for Fossil Energy           Deputy Minister of Energy           Commissioner
                                                                                                      ADNOC Group CEO                  Republic of India               Petroleum Division       United States of America          People’s Democratic          Federal Energy Regulatory
                                                                                                                                                                  Islamic Repubic of Pakistan                                      Republic of Algeria               Commission
industry’s immediate and long-term priorities.

Gastech Conference at a Glance

 4                                              8                          3                        H.E. FRANCIS R. FANNON          H.E. ALBERTO REYES              H.E. CARLOS PÉREZ             PATRICK POUYANNÉ                MICHAEL K. WIRTH                 PETER CLARKE
                                                                                                      Assistant Secretary for           Vice Minister of            Minister of Energy and          Chairman & Chief                  Chairman                 Head of Global LNG, Senior
 VIP Breakfast Briefings                        Keynote Addresses          Ministerial Panels            Energy Resources
                                                                                                     U.S Department of State
                                                                                                                                     Dominican Republic
                                                                                                                                                                    Non-Renewable Natural
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Total SA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chevron                        Vice President
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ExxonMobil Upstream Oil &
                                                                                                                                                                     Republic of Ecuador                                                                            Gas Company

                                                                                                       DE LA REY VENTER                 MEG GENTLE                      MIKE SABEL                    JACK FUSCO                    BILL LOVELESS                     SUSAN DIO
                                                                                                     Executive Vice President,         President & CEO                  Co-Chairman,                      CEO                    Host, Columbia Energy            Chairman & President

 3                                              6                          8
                                                                                                     Integrated Gas Ventures
                                                                                                                                           Tellurian                 Co-CEO & Founder
                                                                                                                                                                     Venture Global LNG
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cheniere Energy           Exchange & Director, Energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Journalism Initiative, Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 on Global Energy Policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BP America

 Keynote Luncheons                              Global Business Leaders’   Strategic Sessions                                                                                                                                     Columbia University


                                                                                                      DON WALLETTE, JR.               RACHID HACHICHI                 LAURENT VIVIER              PETER COLEMAN                    RUSSELL HARDY                    CHARIF SOUKI
                                                                                                     Executive Vice President              CEO                          President Gas           CEO & Managing Director                 CEO                           Chairman
                                                                                                    and Chief Financial Officer          Sonatrach                          Total                     Woodside                          Vitol                         Tellurian

 21                                             5                          5
 Technical Sessions                             Diversity & Inclusion      Young Gastech Sessions
                                                in Energy Sessions

                                                                                                     LORENZO SIMONELLI                 DR. ASHUTOSH                      STEVE HILL                   KUNIO NOHATA                BRENDAN BECHTEL                     DAVID FOLEY
                                                                                                    Chairman, President & CEO             KARNATAK                  Executive Vice President      Member of the Board,              Chairman & CEO                Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                          Baker Hughes               Chairman & Managing          for Gas & Energy Marketing    Senior Managing Executive               Bechtel                Blackstone Energy Partners
                                                                                                                                           Director                        & Trading             Officer, Chief Executive of
                                                                                                                                          GAIL India                         Shell               Global Business Division
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tokyo Gas

24 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                                           +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 25
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                          Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

                             VIP Programme

VIP Programme

The Exclusive Gastech                                                Sponsor the Gastech                                               VIP SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDE:
Experience for World Energy                                          VIP Programme

Elite Networking | Expert Insights                                   The VIP Programme is an exclusive                   VIP Champagne Reception                 VIP Gala Dinner                          VIP Breakfast briefings

| Strategic Partnerships                                             experience for 400 VIP delegates ranging
                                                                     from heads of states and government
                                                                     officials, to CEOs of leading companies from
                                                                                                                                 VIP Packs                         VIP Notebook                              VIP Delegate List
                                                                     across the international gas, LNG & energy
                                                                     value chain.
                                                                     Sponsorship across the programme offers
                                                                                                                                 VIP Pens                   VIP Business Card Holder                             VIP Badges
• VIP Champagne Reception                                           you an exceptional opportunity to place your
                                                                     company and brand in front of the world's
• VIP Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony
                                                                     energy elite.
• VIP Breakfast Briefing                                                                                                        VIP Lounge                         VIP Lanyards
                                                                     Opportunities range from branding and
• VIP Lounge                                                         advertising through to networking and thought-
                                                                     leadership - each tailored and customised to
                                                                     help you reach your target audience and deliver   For more information and to Book Your Sponsorship Please Contact us on +44 (0) 203 615 5916
                                                                     your business proposition effectively to them.    or email sales@gastechevent.com

26 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                               +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 27
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                                                       Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Programmes at
Gastech 2020
With the gas and LNG industry continuing
to look for ways to recruit and retain young,
fresh and diverse workforces, the Gastech
Energy Talent Exchange provides a vital
platform for companies to come forward
and discuss strategies for engaging all
individuals, no matter the background.

                                                                                                                                      Programme Sponsorship Opportunities
            Diversity & Inclusion
            in Energy

   The Diversity & Inclusion in Energy programme is part of the Gastech Energy Talent Exchange. Located on the exhibition show        Sponsorship of these programmes offers your company a unique opportunity to bolster
   floor and free to attend for all attendees, this programme features discussions from policy makers and industry leaders who will   the efforts of our industry to retain talent, lead and train the next generation, and to
   share both their current work and debate future ideas on how to increase workforce diversity.
                                                                                                                                      recognise excellence in our industry.

                                                                                                                                      You can choose to sponsor elements of the programmes, or align your company and brand
                                                                                                                                      as a title sponsor.
              Young Gastech

   The Young Gastech programme is also part of the Gastech Energy Talent Exchange. It offers students in their final year                                         OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDE
   of degree studies, as well as young professionals within the first 2 years of their careers the chance to visit the Gastech
   Conference and Exhibition.

   With tailored sessions throughout the conference, the programme will provide successful applicants with the chance to
                                                                                                                                            Breakfast Sponsor          Morning + Afternoon Networking                         Pin Badges
   hear industry professionals speak firsthand about their experiences of working in the sector and share their advice to
   those looking to forge a career in energy.                                                                                                                                      Breaks

                                                                                                                                              Lunch Sponsor                  Networking Drinks                             Reception Desk
             Awards 2019

   The Gastech Awards are a global mark of excellence, celebrating and recognising the energy industry’s greatest
   accomplishments.                                                                                                                          Moderating Slots                   White Paper

   Presented during the prestigious Gastech VIP Gala Dinner, which gathers hundreds of senior industry figures, the Gastech
   Awards honours the achievements and contributions of both individuals and organisations who have demonstrated their
   ability to push the boundaries, achieve excellence and forge the future for the energy industry.

   Previous award winners include Novatek (Gas & LNG Project Developer of the Year); Shell (Champion of Workforce                     For More Information and to Book Your Sponsorship Please Contact Us on +44 (0) 203 615 5916
   Diversity & Inclusion – Organisation of the Year); Charif Souki, Chairman of Tellurian (LNG Innovator of the Decade).              or Email sales@gastechevent.com

28 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                                                            +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 29
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore                                                                                          Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Venue Private Meeting Rooms                                                                          Signage
As the most significant meeting place where the global gas and LNG industry gathers to               In addition to sponsoring, companies have the opportunity to place their branding
do business, hosting a private meeting room is an essential aspect to participating.                 and corporate identity across locations around the venue.

In order to accommodate your needs, we have secured a limited number of private meeting              Signage greatly amplifies your corporate profile and visibility in front of the various attendees
rooms. Meeting rooms are prioritised for sponsors and exhibitors.                                    at Gastech. Various signage opportunities are available to cater for the audience you want to
                                                                                                     make an impact in front of.

 Citrine Rooms                                                       Opal Rooms

 Rooms: 210/211                                                      Rooms: 101/107
 Capacity:                                                           Capacity:

 - Theatre style 30 pax                                              - Theatre style 42 - 55 pax
 - Classroom style 15 pax                                            - Classroom style 18 - 27 pax

 Investment: £40k/ £71,400 SGD                                       Investment: £50k/ £89,250 SGD

    These Private Meeting Rooms are Located Within the Max Atria. For More
                                                                                                         For More Information and to Book Your Sponsorship Please Contact us on
    Information and Prices Please Contact us on +44 (0) 203 615 5916 or email
                                                                                                         +44 (0) 203 615 5916 or email sales@gastechevent.com.

30 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!                                                                               +44 (0) 203 615 5916 | sales@gastechevent.com | www.gastechevent.com | 31
Gastech Exhibition & Conference | 8 - 10 September 2020, Singapore

Marketing Campaigns
Exhibitors and sponsors will benefit from being part of an integrated digital and offline
marketing campaign, reaching over 4m industry decision-makers and influencers
from leading gas & LNG businesses across the world.

    Marketing Statistics and Coverage from Gastech 2019

      EMAIL MARKETING               ATTENDENCE ONSITE                     WEBINARS              SOCIAL MEDIA
        Over 5m emails               33 Attending countries            5,000+ attendees       800k+ social accounts
          delivered                                                        per year                 reached

        GASTECH APP                       DIRECT MAIL                     WEBSITE                PR AND MEDIA
    3k+ users, 22k exhibitor             403k+ brochures             1.7m website sessions   216 Media Mentions, 173
       profiles views, 7k+                   mailed                  and 235k+ new users      press attended Gastech
      exhibitor bookmarks

          PROMOTION                       STRATEGIC
          AT LEADING                   PARTNERSHIPS
       INDUSTY EVENTS                     96 media and
    Including ADIPEC and the        association partnerships,
     Global Petroleum Show              with a combined
                                       circulation of 4.1m

32 | Contact us today for stand and sponsorship opportunities!
Book Your Exhibition Space &
Sponsorship Today!
sales@gastechevent.com | +44 (0)203 615 5916

       Our Offices:
       UNITED ARAB EMIRATES                                 UNITED KINGDOM                SOUTH AFRICA
       dmg events                                           dmg events                    dmg events
       5th Floor, The Palladium,                            Northcliffe House,            74 11st St. Sandton,
       Cluster C. Jumeirah,                                 2 Derry Street, Kensington,   Johannesburg, 2196
       Lakes Towers, PO Box 33817                           London, W8 5TT                South Africa
       Dubai, UAE                                           UK

       Singapore                                            CANADA
       dmg events                                           dmg events
       19 Cecil Street - # 3-01,                            302, 1333 – 8th Street SW,
       The Quadrant,                                        Calgary, Alberta, T2R 1M6
       Singapore, 049704                                    Canada

dmg events Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street,
Kensington, London, W8 5TT, UK
Registered in England and Wales.
Company Number 2246951 VAT No. GB 494 1614 35
Part of Daily Mail and General Trust (‘DMGT’) group of companies.
t: +44 (0) 203 615 5966 e: sales@gastechevent.com
w: www.gastechevent.com

                                                 Organised by
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