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FEATURES CHILE AIMS TO WIN GREEN HYDROGEN RACE WHILE THERE ARE A NUMBER OF COUNTRIES CONTENDING TO BE GLOBAL LEADERS IN COMMERCIALISING GREEN HYDROGEN AT SCALE, WE THINK CHILE MAY BE POSITIONED TO ASSUME A GLOBAL ROLE IN THE NASCENT GREEN HYDROGEN INDUSTRY GIVEN A COMBINATION OF POLICIES, RESOURCES AND CONDITIONS THAT WE EXPLORE IN THIS ARTICLE. BY MARIA-LETICIA OSSA DAZA, JORGE KAMINE, MATTHEW VITORLA AND JAVIER PEREZ-MARCHANT, WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER LLP. The year 2020 will undoubtedly be remembered • The culmination of various factors improving for the global pandemic and its devastating the economics of green hydrogen, including and disruptive effects on people’s lives, global expanded investment in projects, lower energy markets and national economies. Moreover, and technology prices due to the deployment of it independently proved to be a year of global renewables and other market forces. shocks for energy – first due to the oil price • An accelerating pace of new green hydrogen war between Russia and Saudi Arabia, followed projects, including 50 viable global projects by the collapse of demand as a result of the announced in the past year with a total pandemic-related lockdowns around the world. hydrogen production capacity of four million It may also come to be remembered as the tons per annum. year that a diverse group of forces converged As many commentators and critics have to accelerate a global push to expand the observed, we have been here before. The recent development and use of hydrolytic or green surge of attention has focused on hydrogen, hydrogen generated from renewable energy as specifically green hydrogen, as an energy carrier a cornerstone for the energy transition to a net- that can play a pivotal role, together with zero carbon emission global economy. Those electrification in decarbonising key sectors of forces have included: the global economy, specifically industry, the • New or expanded public policies in many built environment and transport.1 In the past, advanced and emerging economies to accelerate waves of enthusiasm for hydrogen have waned the energy transition in their countries given in the face of challenges to making hydrogen a another record year of adverse weather changes cost-competitive energy carrier manufactured and natural disasters and parallels drawn at scale to allow it to compete and displace between the global pandemic and dangers of hydrocarbons. The current wave of interest can climate change. Those policies have also linked be attributed to a convergence of essential and pandemic recovery and economic development catalytic factors described above that appear to incentivising investment in energy and certain to lead to sustained momentum behind infrastructure, particularly the expanded the development of a global hydrogen industry. deployment of electrification and use of renewable As noted above, chief among these factors energy. Green hydrogen production and use have is the accelerating global push for the energy been a key part of those public policies, with transition away from hydrocarbons and, where Australia, Chile and Spain emerging as regional green hydrogen allows for advancing those forerunners. Those policies have spanned various goals through sector coupling, in achieving levels of government with the support of an array net-zero emission targets in power generation, of international and non-governmental actors all transportation and industrial processes. An focused on promoting green hydrogen. equally important factor in the resurgent focus • Last year also saw a wide range of private on green hydrogen has been the broad and rapid sector industries making significant deployment of renewable energy generation commitments towards the decarbonisation of facilities worldwide, which has significantly their companies, manufacturing, and supply reduced the price of electricity, particularly in chains. There was an emphasis on reorientation countries such as Chile. of the corporate strategies of major energy Given that electricity accounts for up to 60% of companies and other major corporations the total production costs of green hydrogen,2 a towards reducing carbon intensity, incorporating significantly lower price of electricity translates green hydrogen as part of changes intended to into a lower cost factor for green hydrogen address business, consumer and public concerns production, which increases the possibility of about advancing towards net-zero emission making it cost-competitive with other energy targets, and improving ESG (environmental, carriers.3 Hence, as further discussed below, social and governance) outcomes and impacts, Chile’s substantial deployment of and significant including those related to carbon intensity and capacity for expanding renewable generation climate change. and its potential to supply a large, decarbonising Reproduced from Project Finance International February 10 2021 © Refinitiv
HYDROGEN AND CHILE mining sector and promising export market, as renewable generation has yielded increasingly well as its strong regulatory and institutional lower electricity prices in Chile.8 This trend is foundations, mean that Chile is well positioned expected to continue steadily into the future to be a leader in developing a scalable, with Chile’s more immediate planned expansion cost-competitive green hydrogen industry of installed renewable capacity (expected to that effectively navigates the financeability double in the next few years) as well as its vast, challenges inherent in nascent technologies and untapped resources.9 According to the Hydrogen applications. Council Report, these factors could enable Chile to achieve the world’s lowest production costs Chile for green hydrogen, making it cost-competitive While there are a number of countries not only in Chile but also in the growing export contending to be global leaders in market. commercialising green hydrogen at scale, we • Strong domestic demand and export potential – In think Chile may be positioned to assume a global addition to favourable cost conditions, Chile’s role in the nascent green hydrogen industry hydrogen industry is positioned to benefit from given a combination of policies, resources and strong domestic demand – generated primarily conditions that we explore in this article. by the large mining sector, the country’s largest • Chilean energy policy and electricity prices – As fuel and energy consumer, as it sets out to noted above, the market competitiveness of achieve carbon neutrality goals – as well as green hydrogen turns primarily on the price from its ability to export, at low cost, significant of renewable energy.4 Chile made significant amounts of hydrogen to key locations in the headway towards driving down the cost of Asia-Pacific market (ie, China, Japan and South renewable-sourced electricity by encouraging Korea) and the United States where hydrogen an immense mobilisation of the renewables consumption is expected to be stronger and industry, starting in the late 2000s and achieving develop faster. a greater penetration of renewables than The domestic hydrogen market is expected many other advanced economies.5 Building on to be buoyed in large part by Chile’s mining advantageous natural geographic conditions6, industry, which has already begun a transition Chile’s success with renewables has been away from its traditional fuel sources by the result, in part, of policies creating strong turning to renewable energy and supporting incentives for investment in renewable projects. sustainability-focused research and development. Chile introduced a 10% renewable energy Green hydrogen and its derivative products, target in 2008, which was increased in 2013 such as green ammonia, will be able to play a to 20% of energy consumed nationally.7 Chile key role in helping this major Chilean industry also introduced other favourable regulatory achieve its net-zero emission targets when features credited with significantly boosting the used as an alternative power source for heavy renewables industry’s development, including machinery and mining vehicles. In addition, exemptions from transmission tolling and VAT Chile’s National Oil Company (Empresa Nacional charges on critical imported equipment and del Petroleo, or ENAP) is already engaging in the other services used in constructing renewable development of a major green hydrogen project energy projects, simplified reporting and pricing that will produce components of synthetic green frameworks for distributed generation assets gasoline and other eFuels. and an aggressive coal retirement strategy. This With respect to exportation, Chile has scheme of industry-friendly features was built strategically leveraged its geographic and on the strong legal foundation that has made economic conditions by consistently investing in Chile an attractive investment target for years, its port infrastructure and by developing a strong as described further below. network of trade and tax treaties that facilitates Chile’s continuing success in stimulating access to high-demand markets and lower dynamic renewable energy development transaction costs. With the rise of renewables, should impart a good deal of optimism for Chile’s trade and shipping infrastructure could the green hydrogen industry. The experience see a corresponding transition from importing with renewables has provided the national fossil fuels to exporting green hydrogen and government of Chile (the Chilean government) related products. and other institutions a set of familiar policy In South America, Chile’s position as a leader tools that have already proven their viability. We in the green hydrogen race may enable it to discuss below several ways in which such tools strategically assist other countries to make might be applied in the early stages of the green progress in their renewable energy transitions. hydrogen industry. In fact, Chile recently committed to helping In addition to the value that renewable Colombia become a partner in the region and to energy development has in serving as a model coordinating efforts across the region to develop for government and industry with respect to a broader hydrogen market. Chile’s work to green hydrogen technologies and applications, create a strong network in the region will help the expansion of renewable energy generation position its industry to benefit from the steady is itself a major component of green hydrogen’s growth of neighbouring developing economies, massive potential in Chile. The boom in such as those of Colombia, Brazil, and Peru. Reproduced from Project Finance International February 10 2021 © Refinitiv
The large North American hydrogen market energy and infrastructure projects in Chile and also represents a significant opportunity for other parts of Latin America. Infrastructure the Chilean hydrogen industry’s future. The funds were raising record amounts of capital to expansion of ambitious carbon emission targets deploy in the region. Given intense competition and other favourable policies supporting electric and tightening margins for financing vehicles and fuel cells, including those supported renewables, we increasingly saw investors by the Biden-Harris administration, would and lenders expanding the types of projects significantly accelerate the shift in demand from that they sought to finance. The pandemic grey and blue hydrogen to green hydrogen and certainly disrupted those trends and seems could outpace the domestic industry’s ability to to have ushered in more conservative plans. transition its production to renewable energy.10 Nevertheless, even the second half of 2020 saw Moreover, the United States has already seen steadily increasing interest in hydrogen among the development of several green hydrogen- investors. fuelled projects, including large projects to Most green hydrogen projects that have been supply power to major cities in California and discussed in the press appear to rely on financing Florida, such as the Los Angeles Department from corporate balance sheets and occasionally of Water and Power’s (LADWP’s) proposed on grants or other support from government, Intermountain Power Project/ACES Project, such as the Haru Oni pilot project in southern which will convert existing coal-fired generation Chile, which aims to produce sustainable eFuels projects supplying electricity to the City of Los using green hydrogen. Angeles into gas-fired and ultimately green As credit and capital markets return to their hydrogen-fuelled projects. pre-pandemic levels of activity and confidence, • Developing industries in an advanced economy – we would expect that well-structured green Chile is consistently recognised as a regional hydrogen projects in Chile should be able to success for having built an attractive economic access third-party debt and equity financing. and regulatory framework from a foreign As with any project financing, sponsors will investment perspective. The first Latin American need to present projects with sound economics country accepted into the OECD, Chile has based on creditworthy offtake arrangements achieved one of the highest levels of GDP per and sustainable production, transportation, and capita in South America and provides foreign storage costs, as well as minimal exposure to any investors with easy access to its competitive and lingering technology risks. dynamic domestic capital market. There is no In addition, some commentators have noted doubt that Chile has become a leader in foreign that hydrogen projects tend to involve project- direct investment in Latin America and the on-project risk that will make it more difficult Caribbean for a number of reasons, including to secure financing. Based on our experience, its stable institutions, which have shown strong sponsors in a burgeoning industry will be themselves to be resilient amid recent social able to structure their projects to address these unrest and the ongoing constitutional process, issues as costs continue to drop. We also believe and a favourable tax scheme, both generally and that project sponsors and policymakers may be with respect to infrastructure projects, which able to look to the financing of certain other combines a simple structure with favourable energy projects for useful ideas and models for incentives for foreign investors. addressing these issues and mobilising financing Although the Covid-19 pandemic has for green hydrogen projects. affected the country’s development forecast, Chile’s National Green Hydrogen Strategy as it has for other developed economies, the (Estrategia Nacional de Hidrógeno Verde, the Chilean government has been committed to National Strategy)11 sets as one of its primary its recovery plan by increasing investment in goals addressing the significant hurdles that critical infrastructure. Chile’s green recovery every nascent technology faces: navigating plan is expected to provide the private sector regulatory frameworks not designed to with attractive investment opportunities in the accommodate the new technology and obtaining energy, infrastructure, public works, water, access to financing at a cost of capital that makes and transportation sectors, and will prioritise scalable projects feasible with an attractive projects involving emission reductions and equity return. The scope of the National Strategy other sustainability features. Green hydrogen demonstrates recognition that governmental and other renewable projects are thus well support through either direct financing or other positioned to benefit from the recovery plan, incentives, eg, tax and permitting relief, will be and the prioritisation of such projects appears critical to ensuring that green hydrogen facilities to have emerged as a global trend amid the are financeable. pandemic, which has highlighted sustainability as a key social and environmental issue. Strategies for financeable projects Prior to the pandemic, debt and equity financing The large North American hydrogen market represents seemed readily available from a variety of a significant opportunity for the Chilean hydrogen sources for a wide range of well-structured industry’s future Reproduced from Project Finance International February 10 2021 © Refinitiv
HYDROGEN AND CHILE • Providing direct support to green hydrogen projects In addition, CORFO awarded a consortium and other development initiatives – With the first of foreign and domestic universities with a green hydrogen pilots in Chile still in their concession and over US$190 million in funding early stages, the Chilean government has been to form and operate the Clean Technologies quick to recognise that access to financial Institute (Instituto de Tecnologías Limpias, or assistance will be key to their success. In its ITL), which will focus its research efforts on initial targeted development programme, the development of a green mining industry in the Chilean Economic Development Agency, Chile, including applications of green hydrogen CORFO, is providing direct financial support and innovation with respect to renewables. to green hydrogen projects and promoting CORFO will also offer US$50m in direct grant innovation and research efforts directed funding available for early-stage projects. The towards expanding hydrogen applications in tender for this pool of grant funding is expected key industries. to be available as early as March 2021. Substantial grants have been awarded to At the same time, the Chilean government projects in the pre-feasibility and engineering is working diligently with international study phases under CORFO’s Innova High organisations, financial institutions, and Technology Program. One of these projects is the development banks in an effort to grant Hydra Project being run by Engie, in partnership developers of green hydrogen projects access to with Australian research agency CSIRO and either government-backed financial guarantees major players in the mining sector, to examine for new projects or bank financing on terms replacing the powertrain of mining vehicles with similar to concessional financing, which is not hydrogen-powered fuel cells. usually available to Chilean projects. CORFO’s Innova High Technology Program It is worth noting that a recent request has also provided to the Hyex project, also for information issued by CORFO for the developed by Engie, which focuses on producing development of green hydrogen projects on green ammonia, a key component in mining government land caught the attention of processes, and to the Caex project, led by Anglo several investors. As reported by the Chilean American and the Catholic University of Chile, Development Agency, the initiative has which promotes the use of a hybrid diesel- received at least 18 expressions of interest from hydrogen-powered engine in mining trucks and interested parties in diverse industries – energy, machinery. mining and green hydrogen derivatives, among Santiago de Chile Skyline © Lukas Bischoff | Reproduced from Project Finance International February 10 2021 © Refinitiv
others. The proposed projects, which entail standards arising from a disparate body of an aggregate private investment of US$12bn, regulations. The Chilean government thus had to involve the development of facilities to produce build from the ground up a legal framework that green hydrogen or its derivatives in locations addresses the uncertainties that might endanger with an ample supply of renewable energy the feasibility or financing of a green hydrogen resources, easy interconnection to the electrical project. grid and good transportation access. In this regard, the Ministry of Energy & The Chilean government has also announced Mining retained the German development that specific tax benefits are likely to be included agency, GIZ, to issue a hydrogen regulation in forthcoming legislation that will introduce proposal based on international standards. The the initial set of green hydrogen regulations. proposal, issued in April 2020, suggested that The benefits are expected to be tied to the use initial efforts focus on key regulations that will of hydrogen-powered electric vehicles, which enable the industry to grow relating to hydrogen may include tax deductions for the purchase of infrastructure, transportation and storage, and a vehicle or the cost of green hydrogen-based the use of hydrogen in freight vehicles to ensure fuel. Other incentives currently being discussed that the industry has sufficient clarity to grow in by Chilean officials range from increasing the its early stages. current carbon tax rates on the use of fossil Comprehensive safety regulations and fuels, to eliminating fossil fuel subsidies to regulations customised for other applications the freight and transportation industries, to will follow in order to support the continued introducing a temporary tax holiday for green expansion of the industry. Eventually, a mature hydrogen. legal framework will include municipal In addition to these new potential benefits, regulations and updated labour and work safety developers of green hydrogen projects will standards, as well as regulations for the use of still have access to the typical suite of tax hydrogen in specific vehicles. The Ministry of and investment incentives under the Chilean Energy and Mining is aiming to draft and issue tax framework. A tax-reduction mechanism regulations within the time frame suggested by commonly used in renewable energy projects, the proposal, which entails completing the key the VAT refund, allows developers to recoup regulation by 2024 and a secondary regulation certain costs paid on goods and services. by 2028, with the final layer following thereafter. Developers may also benefit from the zero-VAT The Chilean government is acting rapidly to regime for certain imported capital goods. implement this proposal. In January 2021, the • Establishing a favourable, efficient regulatory Ministry of Energy & Mining, joined by the heads framework – As noted above, Chile has a history of several Senate Committees – Energy, Mining, of successfully recognising the importance of Science and Technology, and Future Challenges developing a clear and favourable regulatory – presented the H2V Initiative, which is designed framework for growing industries that are to coordinate the upcoming regulatory policies facing high investment costs and uncertainty and proposals relating to the development of the associated with new technologies. Support green hydrogen industry in Chile. Key policies from governmental authorities with respect to that are expected to be issued as part of this permitting and reporting requirements is key to initiative in 2021 include an “electromobility actually achieving viable projects and to further plan”, which will provide for tenders to supply reducing project financing costs. hydrogen-fuelled buses for public transportation, As regulatory regimes adapt to accommodate certain regulatory changes to disincentivise green hydrogen, traditional lenders and other the use of diesel in industrial processes and, sources of credit will be more comfortable notably, the proposed regulations governing the entering the new market. As a more immediate production, storage, transportation and use of accommodation, the Chilean Energy & Fuels hydrogen in the mining sector.12 Superintendency (Superintendencia de • Creating a robust export market – One of the Electricidad y Combustibles) is working with the pillars of Chile’s National Strategy is securing Ministry of Energy & Mining to provide some a strong market for the exportation of green flexibility in granting permits requested by hydrogen to allow the industry to replicate the green hydrogen pilot projects and in allowing scale and financial success of Chile’s mining developers to apply international industry industry, which has historically been the main standards in the absence of local regulations. driver of the country’s economic activity. As As part of Chile’s effort to mitigate the part of this effort, the Chilean government, regulatory and legal risks that can drive up employing what it has designated as “green financing costs, the National Strategy calls for hydrogen diplomacy,” is actively promoting establishing a legal framework that will be independent from political changes and provide clear incentives and guidance to investors. Chile’s current regulatory regime refers to hydrogen only in the context of hazardous As regulatory regimes adapt to accommodate green substances, and provides only a handful of hydrogen, traditional lenders will be more comfortable generic safety, transportation and storage entering the new market Reproduced from Project Finance International February 10 2021 © Refinitiv
HYDROGEN AND CHILE the creation of international cooperation development of a scalable industry with agreements to support innovation and research adequate access to investment. on green hydrogen’s potential applications and From a policy perspective, Chile had a is currently negotiating with public agencies good deal of success stimulating demand for and private organisations from Germany, Japan, renewable energy projects using government- Singapore, Spain, and the United Kingdom. supported auctions of offtake agreements, As discussed above, the Chilean Government mandates and portfolio standards in a way that has also agreed to assist Colombia in designing could be emulated to increase the demand for its own green hydrogen roadmap for joining green hydrogen projects, which could help Chile as a large-scale hydrogen producer and reduce costs and improve overall economics, as exporter. The agreement also provides for discussed above. In some cases, the auctioned the creation of a regional plan to promote power purchase agreements involved public the development of the hydrogen industry, entities or government support to raise the which may provide Chile with greater access creditworthiness of the offtaker and reduce the to potential hydrogen buyers in the region. overall credit risk of the project, which in turn Combined with Chile’s trade policies and served to lower the cost of financing. shipping infrastructure, the cost competitiveness Again, similar approaches could be employed that Chilean green hydrogen is expected to to expand the deployment of green hydrogen achieve will mean that it will be supplying not projects in the short to medium term. For only the growing domestic market, but also the example, the LADWP Intermountain Power regional and broader international markets as Project/ACES Project will be a transformative well. With plentiful buyers, low export costs and power and underground storage project the potential for long-term supply agreements, with improved bankability given LADWP’s green hydrogen developers should be able to involvement as an offtaker. As we have seen with demonstrate to investors and lenders that their the evolution of the renewable energy industry, projects mirror the favourable economics that those government supports can be reduced over drove the success of Chile’s mining industry. time and ultimately eliminated as the projects • Addressing offtake risk –- As green hydrogen become more cost-competitive and accepted by projects mature and become more familiar commercial debt and capital markets. to industry and investors, they may find that • Structuring to resolve project-on-project risk – long-term revenue agreements with reputable As previously noted, some observers have offtakers provide another solution to attracting noted that green hydrogen projects will have investment and lowering financing costs. difficulties being financed because of project- In Chile, green hydrogen and its derivative on-project risk: a hydrogen production facility products (such as green ammonia or green may require the construction of other facilities methanol) present the mining industry and such as storage or transportation facilities for retailers with an alternative to fossil fuel-derived the hydrogen, the production may be primarily products. intended for another project that will distribute A prime example is the Haru Oni Highly or utilise the hydrogen, or the hydrogen Innovative Fuels (HIF) project mentioned above, production may require the construction of which has brought together Porsche, Siemens infrastructure to supply inputs such as the Energy, Andes Mining & Energy (AME), ENAP and electricity and water supply (or perhaps the Enel as partners. The project, which has received renewable energy generation project itself). substantial financial support from the German While the interdependency of these parts of government, will supply a German oil company the project certainly introduces additional risks with eFuels and will also be able to provide to be addressed, we have the experience and green methanol to ENAP.13 tools to structure these complex projects – much As we know from past experience with other like LNG-to-power projects, renewable energy novel or innovative energy projects, this type of projects requiring new transmission facilities long-term offtake contract with a creditworthy (or vice versa), and midstream projects serving offtaker is key to demonstrating the demand larger manufacturing or production facilities – necessary to support the development of a into bankable projects. stable, domestic market for green hydrogen In some cases, it may be a matter of using projects in Chile and the bankability of a tolling arrangement, minimum capacity those projects. Government support, in the payment or reservation charge to ensure form of funding, guaranties and other credit that a key part of the project is not exposed enhancements, bolsters confidence with to commodity, volumetric or other variable offtakers that the project will have access to offtake risk. It may mean requiring termination the financial resources necessary to realise the payments where the offtake project does not project and fulfil the offtake contract, which proceed. In all cases, the party making those in turn improve the project’s financeability payments must be creditworthy (or provide and ultimate rate of return. Like the trajectory appropriate credit enhancements). observed in the development of renewable Another example would be to structure the generation in Chile, these structural elements incorporation of hydrogen as a post-financing work together to push and accelerate the phase of a project, as appears to be the case Reproduced from Project Finance International February 10 2021 © Refinitiv
with New Fortress’s Long Ridge Energy Competitiveness_Full-Study-1.pdf (the Hydrogen Terminal, which is a gas-fired project in Ohio Council Report). that will ultimately run on hydrogen but 4 – In the Chilean context, renewable energy that will start with a blend of natural gas and means energy from non-conventional renewable hydrogen. In our experience, we would expect sources (energíasrenovables no convencionales), to see strategies like these used to overcome such as solar photovoltaic, wind, small this type of risk and allow the financing of these hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal, and tidal projects to proceed. sources. 5 – Starting from having virtually no facilities Conclusion in 2011, Chile now has more than 6,000MW of Despite the potential challenges, we remain renewable generation installed, representing very optimistic that the momentum around a around 25% of total installed capacity. transition to a hydrogen economy will continue, Furthermore, Chile is currently on the path both in Chile and globally, given the range of to meeting 70% of its electricity demand with private sector companies – from oil majors to renewables by 2050. renewables companies – and the diverse group 6 – Chile possesses outstanding conditions of public sector actors that are committed and for the development of renewable energy, in actively engaged in different aspects of the particular the complementary pair of solar and transformation. wind energy, with the Atacama Desert in the This year will be an important year in north boasting one of the world’s best solar assessing the pace of those advances and irradiation indexes, and an extensive coastline whether such pace will follow more conservative and southern region presenting excellent wind predictions or accelerate. Of course, it will be resources. important to see how we emerge from the 7 – See Law No 20.257, dated as of April 1 2008; pandemic midyear. We will also be watching Law No 20.698, dated as of October 22 2013. the trajectory of previously announced green 8 – Chile’s energy auctions have consistently hydrogen projects and the implementation of yielded low prices for energy due to growing Chile’s National Strategy. participation by renewable generation. In the In introducing the National Strategy and most recent auction, held in 2017, the winning building on its competitive advantages and bid was priced at US$21.48 per MWh, when past successes with renewables deployment, the average price in previous years had ranged Chile has emerged as a likely candidate to between US$47 per MWh and US$79 per MWh. perform well in the global green hydrogen 9 – Chile has the potential to develop more race. Sponsors and developers of green than 70 times its current renewable generation hydrogen projects, together with the Chilean capacity, around 1,300GW and 1,800GW. See government, will nevertheless need to address Hydrogen Council Report. the complex commercial and legal challenges 10 – On January 27 2020, President Biden and uncertainties that exist in Chile, and signed an executive order on key climate around the world, in order to attract favourable change actions, which included a direction financing terms and encourage investment in to federal agencies to procure carbon- the industry. n free energy and electric vehicles, support the commercialisation of clean energy Footnotes technologies, and accelerate clean energy 1 – See, eg, the DNV GL Group Technology generation. See & Research Position Paper 11-2020 entitled briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/01/27/ “Sector Coupling: Creating an interconnected fact-sheet-president-biden-takes-executive- decarbonised energy system benefiting industry, actions-to-tackle-the-climate-crisis-at-home- the power sector and society” and available and-abroad-create-jobs-and-restore-scientific- at integrity-across-federal-government/. coupling-192058. 11 – Chile officially announced the National 2 – See Strategy during the International Green research/articles/201119-how-hydrogen-can-fuel- Hydrogen Summit it hosted in November the-energy-transition-11740867. 2020. Since then, the Ministry of Energy 3 – Please see the report from the International and Mining has been actively promoting the Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), “Green National Strategy through a range of Chilean Hydrogen Cost Reduction,” available at https:// investment and development agencies, ie CORFO, InvestChile, ProChile, as well as with latest-news/metals/121720-irena-outlines-path-to- the active support of the German development cost-competitive-green-hydrogen-at-scale-report; agency, GIZ. see also the report published by the 12 – See Hydrogen Council, supported by consulting mm/20210113/asocfile/20210113233046/ firm McKinsey & Co, “Path to hydrogen iniciativa_h2v.pdf. competitiveness: A cost perspective,” 13 – See available at global/en/offerings/renewable-energy/hydrogen- wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Path-to-Hydrogen- solutions/haru-oni.html. Reproduced from Project Finance International February 10 2021 © Refinitiv
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