Meta-heuristic optimization methods applied to renewable distributed generation planning: A review

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E3S Web of Conferences 234, 00086 (2021)
ICIES 2020

 Meta-heuristic optimization methods applied to renewable
 distributed generation planning: A review
 Ali Tarraq1,*, Faissal Elmariami1, Aziz Belfqih1, and Touria Haidi2,3
 1Energy and Electrical Systems Laboratory , National Superior School of Electricity and Mechanics (ENSEM), Hassan II University of
 Casablanca, B.P 8118, Oasis, Casablanca, Morocco.
 2Networks, Informatics, Telecommunications and Multimedia Laboratory, High School of Technology (EST), Hassan II University of

 Casablanca, B.P 8012, Oasis, Casablanca, Morocco.
 3Automatic, Electrical Systems and Renewable Energies Laboratory, Hassania School of Public Works (EHTP), Hassan II University of

 Casablanca, B.P 8108, Oasis, Casablanca, Morocco.

 Abstract. Due to its proven efficiency and computational speed, the most recent developed meta-heuristic
 optimization methods are widely used to better integrate renewable distributed generation (RDG) into the
 electricity grid. The main objective of this paper is to obtain a better knowledge of current trends in meta-
 heuristics applied to optimally integrate RDGs to the distribution network. This is a review of well known
 meta-heuristic approaches, used to solve the problem of optimal renewable distributed generation allocation
 planning (ORDGAP). In this context, some research gaps were mentioned, and recommendations were
 proposed to expand the scope of research in this field.

 1 Introduction share the energy surplus), they become a Renewable
 Local Energy Network, which may in turn be connected
 Due to climate change, resulting from the increase in with nearby similar networks".
 global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, in
 addition to the enormous increase in the fuel price, it
 becomes imperative to replace fossil fuels energy
 sources with renewable and sustainable ones. As a result,
 many countries, particularly developed ones, are moving
 towards electricity production from renewable sources,
 and are limiting the production of fossil fuel based
 thermal power plants. As shown in
 Fig. 1, electricity generation from renewable sources in
 the United States is beginning to approximate that from
 coal [1].
 This is certainly the result of the recent interest in
 renewable distributed generation (RDG) as a sustainable
 solution for the development of the future electricity
 Fig. 1. Electric power supply sector net generation from United
 system, and the supply of remote areas. The high States [1].
 penetration of RDG into the transmission and
 distribution electricity grid (T&D) has two main According to [3,4], the high penetration level of
 advantages. On the one hand, it contributes significantly RDG units into the T&D electricity grid, has several
 to reducing the consumption of dirty energy (essentially technical, economic and environmental drawbacks [5].
 energy coming from the combustion of fossil fuels), and Many studies have shown that this issue can only be
 on the other hand, it considerably increases the security solved by a well conducted optimization study.
 of the power supply for the end customer. Nevertheless, the success of any optimization study
 According to [2], RDGs can be defined as "a small- depends on several criteria, including the type of the
 scale generation units harnessing renewable energy optimization problem, the choice of the appropriate
 resources (such as sun, wind, water, biomass and method, and the perfect understanding of the algorithm's
 geothermal energy), at or near the point of use, where the operating mechanism, as well as its implementation [6].
 users are the producers—whether individuals, small From an optimization standpoint, the ORDGAP is
 businesses and/or a local community. If the small-scale generally classified as a non-linear, highly constrained,
 generation plants are also connected with each other (to multi-objective, mixed-integer, multimodal optimization

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E3S Web of Conferences 234, 00086 (2021) ICIES’2020
ICIES 2020

 problem, where it is very difficult to find a quasi global decade and regressed to 2022. In all, there are 110
 solution [7]. journal papers, 23 of which are full literature reviews. As
 According to [8], this problem consists in can be seen, the number of articles published increased
 determining a set of DG decision variables, such as size, significantly in 2019, indicating an improving trend. For
 bus location or site, power factor (PF), number and type, this reason, reviewing that type of method when applied
 to minimize or maximize a set of objective functions, to the ORDGAP problem has become the natural
 e.g. power losses minimization and voltage profile motivation of this review paper.
 improvement. According to [9], the ORDGAP is the The choice of the suitable optimization method is
 search for the appropriate size, placement and the well- often linked to researchers' knowledge of the different
 coordinated control of an optimal number of DGs in the optimization methods available in the literature, as well
 distribution system. as those used to optimize the planning and the
 From a technical and economic perspective, effective integration of RDG units into the T&D grid. But since
 integration of the RDG system is impossible without these optimization methods are in full development, this
 adequate resource allocation and system capacity choice can efficiently be done through the most recent,
 planning. In this context, the availability of renewable specialized, exhaustive and relevant reviews in the field
 resources on site, dynamic variation and growth in load of DG’s optimization.
 demand, as well as the cost factors, technical efficiency
 and carbon balance of the various power generation
 technologies must be seriously considered. 90
 In order to minimise the overall cost of RDG unit’s 80

 Number of published papers
 integration, while improving the characteristics of the
 distribution network, an effective approach for planning
 optimization is essential for research developments, 60
 decision-makers and Distribution Network Operators 50
 (DNOs). Accordingly, the most recent studies [10,11],
 show that these methods can be classified into five 40
 categories: mathematical approaches, heuristic methods, 30
 meta-heuristics, analytical methods and hybrid
 Due to its proven performance and efficiency in 10
 finding a good quality of the optimal or near-optimal 0
 solution, as well as its ability to analyse large-scale
 electrical distribution systems and the richness of their
 knowledge base, meta-heuristic methods are the most Year of publication
 widely used and recommended by most researchers. In Fig.2. Number of papers using meta-heuristics for solving the
 addition, this type of method has proven its ability to ORDGAP problem during the last 10 years.
 solve constrained multi-objective optimisation problems
 (MOOP), as is the case with the RDG allocation In the recent five years, many reviews paper are
 planning [12,13]. published for examining the ORDGAP tools. In [14], the
 According to the authors' knowledge, there is no authors propose a literature review that brings together
 recent research paper in the literature that provides a the various existing optimization methods applied to the
 comprehensive review of this type of study. So this planning and integration of distributed generation from
 article aims to examine these types of methods as they renewable energy sources. The focus is on solving the
 are applied to the planning of RDGs, and is organised as problem of the location and sizing of distributed
 follows: Section 2 summarises the most popular articles generation units (DGUs), given the enormous annual
 that review recent trends and published work on the growth in the number of articles published in this field.
 application of different optimisation techniques to solve The authors in [9], present a well-detailed summary of
 the problem of the optimal location and size of RGD the studies carried out on improving the performance
 units in the distribution network. The third section aims indices of the distribution network, by integrating the
 to present the most needed RGD planning tools: types, same type of DG units. For that purpose, they reviewed
 configurations, common formulation, objectives and the different load models of electricity distribution
 constraints. The fourth section provides an overview of networks based on the total minimum losses in active
 recent peer-reviewed papers that address the ORDGAP power, and the total minimum consumption of MVAs in
 problem, using the meta-heuristic approach. relation to the main substations.
 Besides, the authors in [15] propose a literature
 review of the uncertainty modelling methods used to
 2 Literature Review model the uncertain parameters associated with RDGs,
 In the recent literature, various meta-heuristic methods as well as the methods used for the optimal planning and
 have been successfully used to solve the ORDGAP integration of DGs into the distribution network.
 problem. Using the Scopus database, Fig.2 presents a Reference [16] is an exhaustive literature review of
 histogram of published papers on this topic over the last optimization methods and the most significant and
 widely used objective functions and constraints in

E3S Web of Conferences 234, 00086 (2021) ICIES’2020
ICIES 2020

 literature related to the ORDGAP. In this review paper, Accordingly, RDG units can only be a Type 1 or
 the optimal allocation of DGs has been examined and Type 4. From a technological standpoint, the RDG
 presented with a particular focus on mathematical belongs to the class of non-traditional DGs and it
 models and widely used techniques. A brief analysis of includes: photovoltaic, geothermal, wind turbine, small
 the related studies was also conducted with respect to the hydro or any other renewable energy solution. It can be
 objectives and constraints adopted. The authors in [6] incorporated with battery energy storage systems
 give a critical review of the numerical and mathematical (BESS), shunt capacitors, synchronous condensers, as
 optimization techniques adopted in literature. The well as Distributed Static Compensator (DSTATCOM)
 comparative study and judgment made on the efficiency [23–26].
 of each method is based on the methodology of input
 data collection and generation, the design of the system
 3.1.2 RDG’s system configurations:
 configuration, the model formulation and the techniques
 chosen for system optimization. Depending on the type of links between the source, the
 As a common result, several approaches are being storage system and the electrical load being supplied, the
 proposed to carry out the (ORDGAP) problem. Some of RDG takes several configurations. This link can be DC
 these approaches are based on classical or conventional only, AC only or mixed AC/DC. The chosen
 methods, like non linear programming NLP, and mixed configuration identifies the number, size and type of
 integer non linear programming MINLP, which are more converters, number of unidirectional and bidirectional
 suited for solving special cases in power system links, and the type of storage systems to be installed [6].
 applications. However, they are not adapted for well Given the importance of being connected with other
 addressing a combinatorial optimization problem, such DGs, the final configuration must take into account the
 as the ORDGAP problem, where the majority of bi-directionality of the power. The figure shows the three
 parameters are under uncertainties. possible configurations of a DG, assuming that it can be
 an intelligent microgrid that offers the possibility of
 3 RDG Planning Tools being connected with other neighbouring microgrids.
 In future power grid, smartness is one of the most
 recommended criteria. This shows how important the
 3.1 RDG’s types and possible system interconnection of the DGs installed in the grid is. For
 configurations this reason, the final configuration of the selected DG
 must take into account the bi-directionality of the energy
 3.1.1 RDG’s types: flow. These configurations, as shown in Fig. 3Error!
 Reference source not found., assume that DG unit can
 The type of the RDG is one of the most important be a smart microgrid that offers the possibility to be
 decision variables of the ORDGAP. However, since the connected to other neighbouring microgrids. Thus, to
 units of the RDG belong to the DG family, it is first have this possibility it would be more convenient to
 necessary to review the usual classifications of the latter. consider that the AC loads or the AC generators can also
 In order to classify DGs, several criteria can be taken be neighbouring micro-grids.
 into account. DGs can be classified according to their
 power range (micro, small, medium and large) [17]. It 3.2 Common mathematical RDGP’s problem
 can be, also classified by the technology adopted in two formulation
 categories: traditional generator e.g. low speed turbines,
 diesel engines, micro-turbines etc, and non-traditional As in many previous studies, the problem of ORDGAP
 generator e.g. electrochemical devices, storage devices was often addressed in a multi-objective approach.
 and renewable devices which is usually called RDG Mathematically, multi-objective optimisation (MOO)
 [18,19]. Generally, For the optimal distributed can be defined as an optimisation problem that deals
 generation planning resolution problems based on: losses with "a vector of decision variables" meeting constraints
 reduction, power factor, and loadability enhancement, and optimising a vector function where each element is
 the most suitable classification of DGs was introduced an objective function. In engineering, most optimisation
 by Hung et al., and adopted by many authors [15,20–22]. problems contain conflicting objective functions, e.g.
 This classification proposes four major DG types based technical functions with financial functions.
 on their electrical ratings in terms of power factor, as Coello define a quite relevant formulation of MOO's
 follows: problems, assuming e inequality constraints and d
 -Type 1: DG capable of injecting P only, e.g. PV panels, equality constraints, such as [12,27]:
 micro turbines, fuel cells, usually integrated to the main
 grid. Min fk̅ (x̅n , ̅m )=[o1 (x̅n , ̅m ),o2 (x̅n , ̅m ),…,ok (x̅n , ̅m )]T (1)
 -Type 2: DG capable of injecting Q only, e.g.
 synchronous compensators based gas turbine. Subject to
 -Type 3: DG capable of injecting both P and Q, e.g.
 synchronous machine (cogeneration, gas turbine, etc.). gi (x̅n , ̅m ) = 0 , i=1,2,…,d (2)
 -Type 4: DG capable of injecting P but consuming Q, hi (x̅n , ̅m ) ≤ 0 , i=1,2,…,e
 e.g. induction generators based wind farms.

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 Where x̅n = [ 1 , 2 , … , ]T is a vector of n where PNG is the generated power at all generation buses
 independent decision variables or control variables, and except the slack bus, VNG is the voltage at generation
 y̅m = [ 1 , 2 , … , ]T is a vector of m dependant decision buses, TSNT is the transformers tap-setting, and QNC is the
 variables or state variables. The constraints determine de shunt VAR compensators. NG, NT, and NC are the total
 “feasible region” F and any point x̅n ∈ F gives a “feasible number of generators, transformers and shunt VAR
 solution” where gi (x̅n , ̅m ) and hi (x̅n , ̅m ) are the compensations, respectively.
 constraints imposed on decision variables. The vector
 function fk̅ (x̅n , ̅m ) in (1) is a set of k objective functions ̅n = [ 1 , 1 … , 1 … , 1 … ]T (4)
 oi (x̅n , ̅m ) for i=1,...,k representing k non-commensurable
 where NG, NT, and NC are the total number of
 generators, transformers and shunt VAR compensations,
 For more clarity on the decision variables, taking the
 respectively.QNC P1 is the generated power at the slack
 example of the optimal power flow (OPF) [11,28].
 bus, VL is the voltage at load buses, QNG is the reactive
 Control variables control the power flow, while the state
 power of all generation units, and Sl is the loading of
 variables describe the power system state, such as:
 transmission lines. NTL and NL are the transmission line
 x̅n = [ 2 … , 1 … , 1 … , 1 … ]T (3)
 numbers and load bus numbers, respectively.
 In the case of RDGA, the control variables can be the
 location (or siting), and the generated power (or sizing)
 of each RDG unit. While the state variables can be the
 voltage magnitude and the nodal phase angle of each bus
 of the system [29].

 3.2 Most common objective-functions

 According to [16] the most common objective functions
 used in RDGA problem, can be classified into three
 categories; technical objectives, financial objectives or
 environmental objectives.

 Table 1.The objective functions used for the problem of
 optimal DG planning.

 Functions to be minimized Functions to be maximized
 - Power and energy losses. - Profit
 - Cost of energy. - Voltage deviation.
 - Benefit/cost ratio. - Reliability
 - Cost of operation. - Power provided by DG.
 - Energy not supplied. - DG Capacity.
 - The level of the short circuit. - Margin of voltage stability.
 - Cost of interruption. - Net present value of wind
 - Interruption penalties. turbine investments from a
 - Transformer maintenance. planning perspective.
 - Cost of switching. - Power quality.
 - Electricity production - Balancing current in the
 - THD. different sections of the
 - Investment cost system.
 - Voltage variations, including - Load balancing.
 voltage drops. - Net annual savings.
 - Voltage stability index. - Voltage profile.
 - Cost of purchased energy.
 - Cost of maintenance.
 - Cost of total power losses.
 - Voltage stability margin.

 Out of all the objective functions summarized in
 Table 1, the most common are; minimization of active
 power losses, reactive power losses, electric energy
 losses, improvement of voltage profile, and
 maximization of cost savings [8].
 The number of these functions varies from year to
 year. The choice among these objectives, as well as their
 preponderance, is one of the most decisive criteria for
 the success of any RDG’s allocation optimization study.

 Fig. 3. General DG’s configurations of (a) DC-Bus (b) Mixed
 AC/DC-Bus and (c) AC-Bus.

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ICIES 2020

 3.3 Most common constraints problem, these constraints can either be related to the
 conservation of the electricity grid, or to the capacity
 Usually, the RDGA optimization problem is limitations of the utilities.
 considered as a constrained non-linear, and a complex On this basis, Table 2 summarizes the most
 combinatorial analysis. In general, the set of constraints commonly constraints in the literature, used to address
 can be divided into two categories; equality constraints the RDGA optimization problem.
 and inequality constraints. But in the case of RDGA

 Table 2. The most common RDGA constraints.
 Power system conservation constraints Equal Inequal Utilities capacity limitations constraints Equal Inequal
 - Power balance x - Short circuit current. x
 - Node voltage x - Capacity of intertie power x
 - Line current x - Number of RDGs. x
 - Power factor limitation of RDG units. x - Power generation limit. x
 - Number o switchable lines x - DG capacity limit x
 - Thermal limit x - Total harmonic distortion (THD) limits x
 - DG penetration limits. x
 - Active and reactive load balance. x
 - power transformer thermal rating x

 4 Meta-heuristics applied to ORDGAP that meta-heuristic methods based on trajectories quickly
 problem find an optimal local solution. In the other hand,
 population-based algorithms use a set of solutions (i.e. a
 Usually, ORDGAP is a complex combinatorial analysis. population of solutions). The initial population is
 In fact, for such type of problems, heuristic methods produced randomly and then refined iteratively until the
 have been established since 1940s. Heuristics combines best one. At each iteration, some individuals in the
 trial and error solutions for complex problems within population are replaced by newly generated ones,
 real time limits. But, as the complexity of the problem resulting in a new generation, which are often those
 increases, especially with the occurrence of uncertain whose characteristics are best suited to solving the
 parameters, more complicated optimization approaches problem. These approaches are called exploration-based
 are required. For this reason, meta-heurstic methods methods because their main capacity lies in
 have been developed since the 1980s. These approaches diversification in the research space [13,30].
 simulate the natural and social behaviors of some Population-based methods are more suitable for
 organisms, and the modalities of their development and combinatorial optimization problems. These methods
 adaptation to their environment [14]. include evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence and
 Meta-heuristic approaches are often established physics-based algorithms, which have received
 through the mathematical formulation of living beings considerable attention in recent years, mainly due to
 behaviors, physical phenomena, social behaviors and rapid advances in computer technology and the
 biological laws. Usually, in-depth observation and development of user-friendly and open source software
 accurate understanding of these phenomena, often results [13]. A simplified classification of different meta-
 in very advanced algorithms that are suitable for solving heuristic methods is depicted in Fig. 4.
 many complex and combinatorial engineering problems. Many scientific contributions are being developed for
 The most popular and widely used of these algorithms a better ORDGAP, and others have been successfully
 are Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm accomplished. The vast majority of these studies have
 Optimization (PSO). GA simulates the genetic evolution addressed the issue of ORDGAP, by improving or using
 of living organisms, and includes five steps; initial one of the meta-heuristic approaches proposed in the
 population, fitness function, selection, crossover and literature. Table 3 summarises the recent and the most
 mutation. PSO algorithm, simulates the propagation of relevant of these scientific contributions, with their
 swarms of migratory birds, and depends on random results.
 From the literature, these meta-heuristic methods are Metaheuristic methods
 fundamentally classified into two categories: trajectory-
 Trajectory-based Population- based
 based (single-based) and population-based methods. The
 major difference between these two classes is the Evolutionary-
 Swarm-based Physics-based
 number of provisional solutions used at each step, or based
 iterative, of the algorithm. On one hand, a trajectory- TS GA PSO GSA
 based method, e.g. Hill Climbing (HC), Tabu Search SA ES CSA
 (TS), Simulated Annealing (SA) and Explorative Local ELS TLBO
 Search (ELS) methods, starts with a single initial LAPO
 solution. At each level of the search, the currently
 available solution is replaced by another (often the best) Fig. 4. Classification of metaheuristic methods.
 solution found in its proximity. Thus, it is not surprising

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 Table 3. Summary of recent peer reviewed articles dealing with the ORDGAP problem

 Ref Proposed Compared to Objective functions DG type / number / Network results Decision Uncertainties
 algorithm configuration variables
 [29] Hybrid GOA andPSO, GA, CS,-Power loss Variable and constant33 bus – 69 Proposed > SSA Site -
 CSA GOA, LSA,-Voltage profile power load, bus > LSA Size
 SSA -Voltage stability PF1 = 1 Number
 PF2 = 0,9 (lagging)
 [31] CTLBO TLBO, -Loss reduction 3DGs 33 bus – 69 Proposed > Site -
 (Comprehensive QOTLBO -Voltage profile PF = 1 bus – 118 bus QOTLBO Size
 TLBO) (Quasi- -Annual energy-Variable loads for >TLBO
 Oppositional savings annual energy
 TLBO) savings.
 - Constant power

 [32] QOCSOS (quasi-SOS, KHA,-Real power loss 3 DGs 33 bus–69 bus QOCSOS > Site -
 oppositional QOTLBO, -Voltage profile PF =1-0,95 lagging– 118bus SOS > Size
 chaotic symbioticQOSIMBO-Q, -Voltage stability and optimal. SFSA >
 organisms search) SFSA, AM- QOTLBO
 [33] Comparative study PSO , GWO,-Power loss P-type (PF = 1), Q- 33 bus GWO > Site -
 BSA, WOA type (PF = 0) and PSO > BSA Size
 PQ-type > WOA Open switches
 [25] ALO (Ant Lion Comparison -Voltage stability µT , wind, PV 118 bus --- Sit -
 Optimizer) between -Active power loss with synchronous Size
 different DG-Reactive power loss condensers
 [34] EGA PSO, GA -Electricity Wind, PV and EESS ------ EGA > PSO Site -
 (Elitism Genetic production (distributed > GA Size
 Algorithm) -Investment cost microgrid)
 [35] Comparative study TS, SS- Active power loss 3 DGs with variable IEEE 13 bus SS > TS > Site -
 (scatter PF AC Size
 search), ACO.
 [36] ALO PSO, GA -Purchased energy 2 different type o33 bus –69 bus ALO > PSO Site -
 Cost DG for each network. > GA Size
 -DG’s application
 -Distribution system
 -Voltage deviation
 [37] CSA (cuckoo PSO, GA -Power loss 4 P-type DGs from 38 bus-69 bus CSA > GA Site -
 search algorithm) -Voltage deviations 10 to 40 MW with a > PSO
 -Voltage variations constant power
 [38] GWO GA -Active power loss Test with 1,2,3 and 4 33 bus-69 bus GWO > GA Site -
 -Voltage profile DGs Size
 [39] PSO Not a -THD -Wind, PV, Fuel 31 bus Optimal size Site -Load growth
 comparative -Total power loss Cell. and location Size -Profile of
 study -Total cost of DG -Variant PF. give best solar
 -Green house gas -Linear and non results. irradiation.
 emissions linear load. -Wind speed
 -Voltage profile -Load demand
 [24] HHSA (Hybrid HAS Power loss DG + Shunt 33bus–119 bus HHSA > HAS Site -
 HAS + PABCA) Voltage profile capacitors, Size
 1, 2 and 3 DGs
 [40] DEA CF – PSO , -Distribution system -Constant and - DEA >CF-PSO Site -
 HCF, IA, loss variable loads and > IA > CPLS Size
 CPLS -Total voltage generation. PF
 deviation. -1,2 and 3 DGs.
 -Voltage stability -Real time DG
 index operation with
 optimal PF.
 [26] LSA BFOA, -Power loss DG + DSTATCOM 33 bus-69 bus LSA gives best Site -
 QOTLBO, -Total voltage Variable load results Size
 PSO, BSOA deviation
 -Voltage stability

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 Table 3. (Continued)
 Ref Proposed Compared to Objective functions DG type / number / Network results Decision Uncertainties
 algorithm configuration variables
 [41] MICA CSA -Active power loss PQ-type with load 34 bus-69bus MICA > CSA Site -
 (Modified -Voltage stability variation. Size
 [42] RTO (Rooted PSO, DE -Index of voltage -DG+DSTATCOM 33 bus RTO > PSO > Site -
 Tree profile. -PV DG DE
 Optimization) -Index of loss -Variable load
 -Index of pollution
 [43] Hybrid ALOA, -Active power losses -Wind + PV 34 bus-69bus ALOA > Site -
 ALOA+LSF BSOA, -Voltage profile -1 DG and 2 DG. ADPSO Size
 EVPSO, -Voltage stability -Load variation >DAPSO >
 PSOPC, index BSOA >
 ADPSO, analytical >
 [44] Hybrid Analytical - Active power loss.PDG, QDG, PQDG 41 bus Proposed > Site -
 PSO+analytical approach, (lagging), PQDG PSO > Size
 approach PSO (leading). Analytical
 [45] PSO (with Comparison -Power loss Wind, PV, 51 bus With AHP Site Intermittency
 AHP for is made in -Voltage deviation. Biomass. 11 kV deciding weight Size modeling of
 defining terms of -Environment impact PF = 1 and 0,95 factors, results Wind and PV
 weight factors application reduction index. (lagging) are the best. generated
 of objective of AHP for -Economic index. power.
 functions) deciding
 [46] MOMSOS MOSOS, - Annual energy loss. Wind, PV and 69 bus MOMSOS > Site -
 (Multi- NSGAII, - Annual investment Biomass. NSGAII > Size
 Objective MOPSO. and operating cost. MOSOS >
 Modified - Annual electricity MOPSO
 Symbiotic purchase cost.
 Organism - Total Voltage
 Search) deviation.
 [11] Hybrid TLBO, - Total cost Wind, PV 30 bus CSA-PSO > Site -
 CSA+PSO PSO, - Transmission 1, 2 and 3 DGs PPSOGSA > Size
 (Crow search PSOGSA( Power loss. TLBO > PSO
 algorithm + Phasor
 [28] PPSOGSA PPSO, - Active power loss. Wind, PV 30 bus PPSOGSA > -PF - Wind speed.
 GSA, MFO, - Load bus voltage WDO > others -Voltage -Solar
 G A , DE, deviation. magnitude irradiation.
 TLBO, -Total cost of fuel.
 FFA and
 [47] Fuzzy based SPEA, -Voltage profile. PV, Battery storage 69 bus E-NSGA II > Site - PV power
 extended MOGA, -Benefit cost system (BSS), MOEA/D > Size generation.
 NSGA II (E- MOPSO, maximization. DSTATCOM. NSGA II > Number
 NSGA II) NSGA II, -Environmental MOPSO >
 MOEA/D. benefit. SPEA >
 [48] APSO AEO -Power losses. Single and multiple 69 bus–85 bus. MGSA > Site -
 (Adaptive (Artificial -Voltage stability. DGs, with unity and APSO > AEO> Size
 PSO) Ecosystem- -Voltage deviation. optimal PF. PF
 MSGA based
 (Modified Optimization)

 From Table 3, the most technical objective functions the distribution network, researchers recommend the
 used are: voltage profile improvement and losses reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [58].
 reduction, with a very relevant consideration of the All these objectives are generally subject to the
 reliability enhancement [36,56]. For the economic constraint of power balance, voltage and temperature
 consideration, most authors prefer cost of benefit limits. However, many approaches have been developed
 maximisation or profit maximisation, taking into account to address these constraints. The penalty-based system is
 inflation and interest rates [57]. Furthermore, to assess the most widely adopted mechanism for effectively
 the environmental benefit of integrating the RDG into

E3S Web of Conferences 234, 00086 (2021) ICIES’2020
ICIES 2020

 handling constraints in the corresponding adaptation  The operation of the DG in autonomous manner
 function [46]. could also lead to an extension of future research
 From Table 3, it can easily be concluded that the coverage.
 most opportune path is the hybrid approach [43,49].  The introduction of new free-parameter
 Most authors have proven the effectiveness of this algorithms, can also enhance the relevance of the
 choice. The most important task is to raise the drawbacks obtained results, and reduce the complexity
 of each method and try to overcome it with another issue.
 method that does not have the same drawbacks. Table 4  The criteria for comparing the different
 provides the authors with the common drawbacks and algorithms are not discussed in this article. It is
 advantages of all meta-heuristic methods. therefore strongly recommended to review the
 testing and comparison methods adopted in the
 Table 4. Meta-heuristic’s Prons and Cons [8,53–55]. literature.
  For the sake of brevity, this article does not
 Advantages Drawbacks
 -Efficient performance -High complexity.
 introduce the adopted mathematical formulations
 -Need for fewer iteration -Premature convergence. of all objective functions and constraints. The
 -Capability to analyse -Instability. choice of these formulations is a rather
 large-scale systems. -Tuning parameters. preponderant step to successfully solve the
 -The presence of a very rich -Slightly difficult coding. ORDGAP problem. Thus, exhaustive review of
 knowledge base. these formulas could be quite beneficial for all
 -Effortlessly parallelizable, researchers and decision-makers.
 i.e. more suited for parallel  The research work can be complemented by the
 distribution system planning considering the
 -Good concerning the
 exploration and the intermittent nature of renewable sources. This
 exploration of the search includes stochastic studies, probabilistic and
 space and the identification possibilistic models for the power produced by
 of areas with high quality this kind of sources, as well as uncertainties
 solutions. related to load growth.

 Referring to the No Free Lunch (NFL) theorem, there
 is no perfect method to solve all optimization problems References
 [50]. Thus, the quality of the solution and the 1. U.S. Energy Information Administration, “EIA.”
 computational complexity remains a very difficult trade- [Online]. Available:
 off, which cannot easily be compromised. From the
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