Page created by Debra Hammond
Symposium sponsored by the American Academy of Medical Acupunc ture ®

      T H I R T I E T H                      A N N U A L

     Symposium 2018
          Across Time and Continents — The Integration
       of Ancient and Modern in 21st Century Acupuncture

              April 12-15, 2018 n Kansas City, Missouri
           at the The Westin Kansas City at Crown Center

                                                                                © K ANSAS CITY CITYSCAPE DRAWING BY paul rommer /

 H K A N S A S                                   C I T Y                    H
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Register by January 30, 2018& SAVE $50.
The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture® Proudly Sponsors The 30th Annual AAMA Symposium
      April 12th through 15th, 2018 | The Westin Kansas City at Crown Center | Kansas City, Missouri

           2018 SYMPOSIUM FACULTY                                                                          INTRODUCTION
Bridie Andrews                                Lowell E. Kobrin, MD, PhD, FAAMA                      The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture® is delighted to present a
Associate Professor, History; Bentley         Member, North Bend Medical Center, Inc.;        symposium designed to explore the mechanisms and applications of acupuncture from
University; Waltham, Massachusetts;           Coos Bay, Oregon                                diverse perspectives. As well, we will examine current scientific research in the field
Instructor, New England School of                                                             of medical acupuncture. This meeting addresses topics suggested by practitioners
                                              Juang-Geng Lin, PhD, MD
Acupuncture                                                                                   and stresses many different approaches for addressing practical clinical problems. An
                                              Professor, China Medical University;
Dan Bensky, DO                                Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China             emphasis on evidence-based scientific research is integrated with practical protocols for
Seattle, Washington                                                                           the serious clinician. Surveys and evaluations from previous symposia indicate that there is
                                              John McDonald, PhD, MAc                         a desire for more information about acupuncture techniques that honor the rich history of
Laura Bowman, MD, DABMA                       (Australia)                                     Asian medicine as applied to the contemporary, Western medical practice.
Symposium Chair; Metro Acupuncture;           Adjunct Senior-Lecturer, School of
Atlanta, Georgia                              Medicine, Griffith University; Vice President         This year’s symposium brings together information ranging from classical
                                              and Head of Research, Acupuncture Now           understandings of the Divergent Meridians and information on the history of Chinese
Howard Chen, MD, FAAMA                                                                        medicine, to modern scalp acupuncture, theory emerging through the Vietnamese
                                              Foundation; Queensland, Australia
Medical Director, Renown Health,                                                              traditions, some of the finest neuroanatomic information available, top level research,
Wellness, and Integrative Medicine            David Miller, MD, Lac,                          context on acupuncture in the national policy realm, metaphysics, trauma care, addiction
Services; Reno, Nevada                        FAAP, LAc, Dipl. OM                             medicine, setting up emergency clinics, and for the first time insights into Chinese
                                              Symposium Co-Chair; East-West Integrated
John Chen, PhD, Pharm.D, OMD, LAc                                                             herbal practice.
                                              Medicine, LLC; Chicago, Illinois
Evergreen Herbs and Medical Supplies;                                                               This conference presents a multi-faceted approach for understanding and
City of Industry, California                  David Nagel, MD                                 appreciating the clinical relevance of acupuncture in today’s practice. It will expand
                                              Concord Orthopedics;
Poney Chiang, PhD, RAc (Canada)                                                               awareness of scientific research into the effects of acupuncture, and provide participants
                                              Gilmanton, New Hampshire
Clinic Director, River Clinic; Markham,                                                       with information about different approaches for the treatment of common conditions seen
Ontario, Canada                               Haihe Tian, AP, PhD, MD (China)                 in clinical practice. Clinicians will learn multi-faceted ways to tailor acupuncture treatments
                                              Professor; Vice President, Supervision          for their individual patients. This conference provides clinically relevant treatment
Freda Dreher, MD, FAAMA
                                              Board of World Federation of Chinese            approaches that can easily be integrated into clinical practice, alongside elegant theory,
Symposium Vice-Chair; Secretary, AAMA
                                              Medicine Societies (WFCMS); President,          historical and political context, and social action.
Board of Directors; Preceptor, Helms
                                              American TCM Association (ATCMA);
Medical Institute; PM&R, Locum Tenens,                                                        WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
                                              Chairman, TCM American Alumni
Park City, Utah; Private Clinical Practice;
                                              Association (TCMAAA); President, Beijing             The Symposium is designed for instruction and training of health care professionals
West Lebanon, New Hampshire
                                              University of Chinese Medicine American         interested in or already practicing acupuncture. Medical practitioners with no experience
Diana Fried, LAc                              Alumni Association (BUCMAAA); Director,         and those with extensive backgrounds in medical acupuncture will find the program useful
President, Acupuncturists Without Borders,    Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs Center in
                                                                                              in their medical practices.
Sandia Park, New Mexico                       Florida; Largo, Florida
                                                                                                   The Pre-Symposium Workshops are intended to provide a more concentrated
Susie Hayes, LAc                              Darrell Wallace, LAc                            learning experience where the faculty can spend the entire day focused on a topic in
Owner, Energetic Medicine PLLC;               The Concord Clinic;
                                                                                              greater depth, and with more time for practical examples from clinical experiences.
Adjunct Faculty, Bastyr University;           Concord, Massachusetts
Seattle, Washington
                                              Leonard Wisneski, MD, FACP                      ACCREDITATION
Gary Kaplan, DO                               Advisory Board, American Holistic Health             The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture® is accredited by the Accreditation
McLean, Virginia                              Association; Chair, Integrative Health Policy   Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for
                                              Consortium (IHPC); Conifer, Colorado            physicians.
Anna Kelly, MD, FAAMA
Founder, Metro Acupuncture, Atlanta,          Rey Ximenes, MD, FAAMA                               The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture® designates this live activity
Georgia; Fellow, Division of Addiction        Balcones Pain Consultants; Austin, Texas        (Symposium) for a maximum of 22 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should
Medicine, University of Florida;                                                              claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
                                              Jeffrey Yuen
Gainesville, Florida
                                              New York, New York                                   The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture® designates this live activity (each
Laurie Kleinman, MD, DABMA                                                                    Pre-Symposium Workshop) for a maximum of 7.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.
Founder, Gathering for Women Acupuncture                                                      Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation
Clinic; Monterey, California                                                                  in the activity.

Medical Acupuncture Review Course                                                                          SYMPOSIUM OBJECTIVES
      The Academy will offer the Medical Acupuncture Review Course on Tuesday and
Wednesday, April 10-11, prior to the start of the Symposium. The Review Course will           Learning objectives for physicians attending the Symposium General Sessions.
meet from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm on Tuesday, April 10 and from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm on                Physicians will be able to:
Wednesday, April 11. The ABMA Board Certification Examination will be offered on Sunday,      • Identify the available research literature on acupuncture and evaluate its quality and
April 15 from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Separate registration is required for the Review Course.        contribution to the field;
Registration information has been forwarded to Academy Practice members. Others may
                                                                                              • Integrate knowledge on acupuncture as a field with the realities of the U.S. healthcare
contact the AAMA office for registration materials or go to
and click on Review Course Registration/Information.                                             system, understanding the current interplay;
                                                                                              • Combine palpation as understood by osteopathic providers with acupuncture theory;
                                                                                              • Recognize critical issues surrounding the safe and effective practice of Chinese herbal
 early bird discount: SAVE Up To $50                                                          • Recall critical history surrounding the development of Chinese medicine;
        when you register by JANUARY 30, 2018!                                                • A pply Divergent Meridian theory to clinical care to expand treatment tools;
                                                                                              • E xplore classical Chinese metaphysical concepts as they relate to acupuncture practice;
  save time & MONEY! Use your credit card and fax your
     registration form to aama today AT 310.379.8283                                          • E xplain the Sinew Meridians informed by knowledge obtained from cadaveric dissection;
                                                                                                                                               Symposium Objectives continues on next page...
Symposium Objectives continue...                                 Learning Objectives. At the end of this workshop,                taught. Demonstrations and practice will be done using
• A ppreciate new views on inflammation involving the           attendees will be able to...                                     class participants or volunteer patients..
   microglia, gut, and mast cells and how these relate to        • Define pre-natal environment and gestational influence        Learning Objectives. At the end of this workshop,
   acupuncture;                                                     on the neonate;                                               attendees will be able to...
• Utilize acupuncture in the treatment of addiction, and        • Discuss Shen, energetics, and development in children;         • Translate the traditional body acupuncture points to the
   understand the complexities of addiction care;                • Identify diagnostic characteristics in childhood illnesses;      KHT microsystem points;
• A pply electroacupuncture to the treatment of peripheral      • Develop treatment strategies for common pediatric             • Utilize the physical and emotional conditions to
   nerve entrapment;                                                disorders using acupuncture and related techniques;              determine whether to use simple correspondence
• Recognize how Chinese medicine can be used to treat a         • Recommend dietary and other associated interventions             treatment, meridian therapy, five element therapy or
   wide array of gastrointestinal complaints;                       for children.                                                    extraordinary meridian therapy;
• E xplain the role of acupuncture relative to the Pain                                                                          • Utilize abdominal palpation to determine excess or
   Advocacy Movement;                                                                                                                deficiency states in the twelve channels;
• Identify how acupuncture could be used in the                 Pre-Symposium Workshop II                                        • Utilize abdominal palpation along with the carotid/radial
   Emergency Department setting;                                 Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA)                               pulse widths to determine with great accuracy which of
• Evaluate the steps necessary to set up treatment clinics             Workshop led by Darrell Wallace, LAc.                        the eight extraordinary meridians are appropriate to use
   in response to disasters or other emergency events.           Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is named after                in the patient;
                                                                 Japanese physician, Toshikatsu Yamamoto, MD, PhD, who            • Assess the results of treatment and when to order
                                                                 developed this acupuncture system in the early 1970’s. He           tests for a more structural evaluation (e.g. lab work or
                                                                 first reported his work at the 25th Ryodoraku Congress in           radiological studies) or when to refer the patient to an
            THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2018                             1973 in Osaka, Japan. YNSA is a complete microsystem                appropriate specialist.
                                                                 using basic (anatomical) and other points which are
 PRE-SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS                                         located mainly on the scalp. These points are used to treat
                                                                 musculoskeletal and neurological conditions (including
         — Pre-Symposium Vice-Chair —                            stroke) with pain and/or restricted mobility. The treatments
                                                                                                                                  Pre-Symposium Workshop IV
           Freda Dreher, MD, FAAMA                               are effective and immediate. Since its introduction Dr.          Advanced Acupuncture for
                                                                 Yamamoto has continued to advance his initial discoveries        Mental and Emotional Health
7:30 am – 5:00 pm                                                with additional points and somatotopes.                                 Workshop led by Susie Hayes, LAc. As a
Registration                                                                                                                      conscientious Medical Acupuncturist, it is imperative to
                                                                        Darrell Wallace, LAc., DiplAc is a licensed
7:30 am – 8:00 am                                                acupuncturist and lecturer who specializes in Japanese           consider the mental and emotional well-being of a patient
Continental Breakfast                                                                                                             to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment
                                                                 palpatory acupuncture and YNSA scalp acupuncture. He
8:00 am – 5:30 pm                                                is a graduate of Williams College and New England School         plan. Ancient medical texts from thousands of years
ALL WORKSHOPS ARE CONCURRENT                                     of Acupuncture, and completed premedical course work at          ago insist upon an inextricable link between mental and
10:00 am ­– 10:15 am                                             Harvard University. His studies with Dr. Yamamoto began          physical health, giving tremendous importance to the
REFRESHMENT BREAK                                                in 2004, and he has continued to attend YNSA seminars in         Mental (Jing Shen) in physiology and all considerations of
                                                                 Japan annually since 2008. In doing so he is one of only a       pathological processes.
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Lunch on Your Own                                                handful of practitioners who is personally authorized by Dr.             This workshop fuses the deep wealth of ancient
                                                                 Yamamoto to teach his method.                                    medical wisdom with advances in conventional medicine,
3:30 pm – 3:45 pm
                                                                 Learning Objectives. At the end of this workshop,                creating practical approaches for the management of
Refreshment Break
                                                                 attendees will be able to...                                     psychological conditions seen too commonly in the clinic
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm                                                                                                                 today. Particularly, the material will focus on anxiety,
Welcome Reception                                                • Recognize the differences between Chinese Scalp
                                                                                                                                  insomnia, and depression. You will receive a unique
                                                                    Acupuncture and Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture
                                                                                                                                  synthesis from the ancient medical texts, as clinically
Pre-Symposium Workshop I                                         • Locate the YNSA Basic Points and Cranial Nerve points;
                                                                                                                                  practiced, researched, and taught over the past several
Pediatric Acupuncture in                                                                                                          decades by doctors Tran Viet Dzung, MD and Nguyen Van
                                                                 • Demonstrate proficiency with neck diagnosis;                  Nghi, MD. This clinical approach continues to be practiced
Classical Chinese Medicine
                                                                 • Perform a treatment for neck and low back pain.               by thousands of acupuncturists and physicians throughout
      Workshop led by Jeffrey Yuen. Pediatrics is
one of the major structured specialties developed by the                                                                          the world. Reflecting his view of the integral nature of Jing
Imperial Medical Academy during the Song Dynasty,                                                                                 Shen in health and illness, Dr. Tran is often heard noting,
following the dictates established by Qian Yi (1032-1113         Pre-Symposium Workshop III                                       “the Mental is everything!”
CE). Children are frequently considered fragile, and their       Korean Hand Therapy (KHT)                                                This workshop invites you to revisit the information
constitutions need to be properly protected and nourished.             Workshop led Lowell Kobrin, MD, PhD,                       you learned in your medical and acupuncture training from
In addition, the foundation of their Shen is considered          FAAMA. Led by Lowell Kobrin, this workshop covers the            a deeper theoretical, integrative, and clinical perspective.
unstable, which is becoming increasingly evident in              essentials for successful diagnosis and treatment using          It will generously provide comprehensive, synthesized,
modern cultures. This workshop will focus on the health          Korean Hand Therapy (KHT). Practitioners should have a           practical information from the ancient texts and modern
of neonates and their progression into young children.           comfortable knowledge of the body acupuncture meridians          sciences, to lead to significantly improved clinical results
Emphasis will be placed on maintaining wellness and how          and points, the Eight Principles and Zang/Fu theory as well      for all patient conditions, but particularly in the common
to treat common pediatric conditions utilizing acupuncture       as a solid understanding of Five Phase dynamics (Shen            cases of anxiety, insomnia and depression.
from the viewpoint of Classical Chinese Medicine.                and Ke cycles) and a basic understanding of Extraordinary        Learning Objectives. At the end of this workshop,
      Jeffrey Yuen is an 88th generation Daoist Priest of        (Curious) meridians.                                             attendees will be able to...
the Jade Purity Yellow Emperor Lao Zi School and 26th                  Participants will be provided basic information needed     • Describe the formation and physiology of the Jing Shen
generation of the Complete Reality Dragon Gate School.           to begin using the KHT microsystem. The KHT system,                 (Mental aspect) of each organ system – the Hun, Shen,
Jeffrey trained under his adopted grandfather, the late          discovered by Dr. Tae-Woo Yoo, provides a complete                  Yi, Po, and Zhi – that allows the organ to function and
Daoist Master Yu Wen (1872-1981) of the Yu Qing Huang            template of the traditional meridian system of the body, but        promote internal homeostasis;
Lao Pai, a sect from the Shang Qing tradition of Daoism          the treatments are very delicate, efficient, rapid, safe and     • Discuss how the Jing Shen (Mental) and internal
that developed during the later Han Dynasty (3rd Cent.           highly effective. Any system of acupuncture can be applied          homeostasis are susceptible to illness, via the pathways
CE). Master Yu Wen trained at Mt. Hua and learned all            to the KHT microsystem with the same results as using               of the potential enemies of anger and frustration, anxiety
facets of Daoism, including the classics; rites and liturgies;   the traditional body points. The content of this introductory       and excess joy, worry and preoccupation, sadness and
healing arts; and divination.                                    course will include micromeridian anatomy and theory,               grief, and fear and stress;
      One of the most recognized scholars, Jeffrey Yuen          methods for stimulating the KHT points, correspondence           • Identify symptomatology and pathology that can
speaks worldwide. He is a teacher, and practitioner              therapy, basic (three Jiao) therapy and formulary therapy           present from the Jing Shen having been harmed by
of Classical Chinese Medicine. His expertise includes            (e.g. Four Gates, Source points, Mu points, etc.).                  stress, overwork, and the above negative psychological
Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, the therapeutic               The workshop will also explore Three Constitutions            emotions
use of Stones and Essential Oils, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and           Diagnosis as a basis for Five Element and Extraordinary          • Common pediatric problems such as ear infections,
Daoism. His teachings are rooted in the spiritual tradition      Meridian therapy. Abdominal palpation skills and carotid/           coughs, lowered immunity, skin, and problems in
of Daoist mysticism bringing clarity, depth, and wisdom to       radial pulse diagnosis to determine excess or deficiency            appetite, digestion, and elimination will be thoroughly
Chinese Medicine.                                                states in the Zang/Fu with extraordinary accuracy will be           addressed.
AAMA 30th Annual MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE Symposium — GENERAL event schedule

            FRIday, APRIL 13, 2018                                             SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2018                                          SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2018

             — Symposium Co-Chairs —                               6:30 am – 7:30 am                                                 6:30 am – 7:30 am
             Laura Bowman, MD, DABMA                               Early Morning “Gong with Aung”                                    Early Morning “Gong with Aung”
                  David Miller, MD, LAc                            Early Morning Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Exercises           Early Morning Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Exercises
7:00 am – 5:30 pm                                                                                Steven K.H. Aung, MD, OMD, PhD                                   Steven K.H. Aung, MD, OMD, PhD
Registration                                                       7:00 am – 7:45 am                                                 7:00 am – 7:45 am
7:00 am – 7:45 am                                                  Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors                             Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
Continental Breakfast                                              8:00 am – 9:00 am                                                 7:45 am – 8:30 am
7:45 am – 8:00 am                                                  The Acupuncture Evidence Project: Applications and                AAMA Research Paper Presentation
Opening and Welcome                                                Limitations of a Comparative Literature Review                    8:30 am – 9:30 am
30th Annual AAMA Symposium                                                                              John McDonald, PhD, MAc      Gastrointestinal Issues and Chinese Medicine
                Gerald L. Leglue, MD, DABMA, AAMA President        9:00 am – 9:45 am                                                                                            Haihe Tian, MD, AP
      Symposium Co-Chairs – Laura C. Bowman, MD, DABMA             Retracing the Channel Sinews (Jing Jin) from                      9:30 am – 10:00 am
                                   and David W. Miller, MD, LAc    the Spiritual Pivot: A Cardaveric Dissection Study                Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
8:00 am – 9:00 am                                                                                         Poney Chiang, PhD, RAc
                                                                                                                                     10:00 am – 11:00 am
Integrative Health in the United States:                           9:45 am – 10:15 am                                                Overview of the Pain Advocacy Movement in the U.S.
Past, Present, and Future                                          Refreshment Break with Exhibitors                                                                               David Nagel, MD
                                          Leonard Wisneski, MD     10:15 am – 11:15 am                                               11:00 am – 12:00 pm
9:00 am – 10:00 am                                                 Joseph M. Helms Founders’ Lecture                                 Acupuncture in Emergency Medicine
Thoughts on the Place of Palpation in                              Acupuncture, Microglia, Mast Cells and the Gut: A New                                                 Juang-Geng Lin, MD, PhD
Contemporary East Asian Medicine                                   Model for the Treatment of Neuroinflamatory Disease
                                                Dan Bensky, DO                                                     Gary Kaplan, DO   12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
                                                                                                                                     Group Luncheon
10:00 am – 10:30 am                                                11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors                                  AAMA Annual Membership Meeting                                    1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
                                                                                                                                     Concurrent Clinical Workshops
10:30 am – 11:30 am                                                12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
                                                                                                                                     WORKSHOP A
An Overview of Herbal Medicine Safety                              Lunch on Your Own
                                                                                                                                     Pain, Acupuncture, and Advocacy, the Art of
                                          John Chen, PhD, LAc      1:30 pm – 3:30 pm                                                 Building Bridges to Create Effective Policy (Panel)
11:30 am – 12:30 pm                                                CONCURRENT CLINICAL WORKSHOPS                                                                                    David Nagel, MD
The History of Chinese Medicine                                    WORKSHOP A                                                        WORKSHOP B
                                           Bridie Andrews, PhD     Acupuncture Research: Challenges, Current                         Healing Community Trauma: How to Provide Community-
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm                                                 Status and Future Directions                                      style Ear Acupuncture Field Clinics in Response to Natural or
Group Luncheon                                                                                      John McDonald, PhD, MAc          Human-made Disasters: Locally, Nationally, & Internationally
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm                                                  WORKSHOP B                                                                    Diana Fried, LAc and Laurie Kleinman, MD, DABMA
CONCURRENT CLINICAL WORKSHOPS                                      Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Entrapments                         3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
                                                                   with Electro-acupuncture                                          Refreshment Break
                                                                                                        Poney Chiang, PhD, RAc
Divergent Meridian                                                                                                                   3:15 pm – 5:00 pm
                                                    Jeffrey Yuen   WORKSHOP C
                                                                                                                                     Concurrent Clinical Workshops
                                                                   Neuroinflammatory Diseases:
WORKSHOP B                                                                                                                           WORKSHOP A (continued)
                                                                   Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols
The Application of Osteopathic Type Palpation                                                                                        Pain, Acupuncture, and Advocacy, the Art of
                                                                                                                 Gary Kaplan, DO
to the Practice of East Asian Medicine                                                                                               Building Bridges to Create Effective Policy (Panel)
                                                Dan Bensky, DO     WORKSHOP D                                                                                                       David Nagel, MD
                                                                   Acupuncture and Addiction Medicine
WORKSHOP C                                                                                                                           WORKSHOP B
                                                                           Anna Kelly, MD, FAAMA & Rey Ximenes, MD, FAAMA
Clinical Perspectives on the Safety of Herbal Medicine                                                                               International Acupuncture Disaster Relief Clinics: How to Set-
                                          John Chen, PhD, LAc      WORKSHOP E                                                        up a Mobile Field Clinic plus Discussions of Current and Future
                                                                   Free Paper Session. Scholarly papers submitted by members.        Opportunities to Participate in Mobile Clinics
Chinese Metaphysics and Acupuncture                                3:30 pm – 4:00 pm                                                              Diana Fried, LAc and Laurie Kleinman, MD, DABMA
                                Howard Chen, MD, FAAMA             Refreshment Break with Exhibitors                                 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm                                                  4:00 pm-6:00 pm                                                   Board Certification Examination
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors                                  Concurrent Workshops                                              Offered by the American Board of Medical Acupuncture.
                                                                   WORKSHOP A (continued)                                            Available only for those who have applied for Board
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm                                                  Acupuncture Research: Challenges,                                 Certification and have been found “Board Eligible.” Separate
CONCURRENT CLINICAL WORKSHOPS                                      Current Status and Future Directions                              reservation is required. Contact the ABMA office.
WORKSHOP A (continued)                                                                                John McDonald, PhD, MAc        5:00 pm
Divergent Meridian                                                 WORKSHOP B (continued)                                            Symposium adjourns
                                                    Jeffrey Yuen   Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Entrapments
WORKSHOP B (continued)                                             with Electro-acupuncture
The Application of Osteopathic Type Palpation                                                           Poney Chiang, PhD, RAc
to the Practice of East Asian Medicine                             WORKSHOP C (continued)
                                                Dan Bensky, DO     Neuroinflammatory Diseases:
WORKSHOP C (continued)                                             Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols                                           hotel reservations
Clinical Perspectives on the Safety of Herbal Medicine                                                           Gary Kaplan, DO               DEADLINE MARCH 19, 2018
                                          John Chen, PhD, LAc      WORKSHOP D (continued)                                                       Make your reservations at the
WORKSHOP D (continued)                                             Acupuncture and Addiction Medicine                                         Westin Kansas City Crown Center.
Chinese Metaphysics and Acupuncture                                          Anna Kelly, MD, FAAMA & Rey Ximenes, MD, FAAMA                  Call 1.816.474.4400 for reservations.
                                Howard Chen, MD, FAAMA             6:15 pm – 7:30 pm                                                              Don’t miss this Symposium!
6:15 pm – 10:00 pm                                                 POSTER PRESENTATIONS | WINE & CHEESE RECEPTION
Symposium Dinner and Celebration                                   CALLIGRAPHY
                                                                   The Art of Healing. AAMA Fundraising Event.                                   for up-to-date event
                                                                                              Steven K. H. Aung, MD, OMD, PhD               details and to register online!

                 to register for the 2018 aama symposium use the enclosed registration form,
                 or save time and register online at...
GENERAL                                          Pre-Symposium                                       membership. Go to       There is no additional cost for the dinner for
                                                                                                     for membership requirements.                       registered delegates. Guest dinner tickets for
INFORMATION                                      Workshops                                                                                              spouses or others may be purchased on the
HOW TO REGISTER                                  Fee – $295 each                                     Symposium Syllabus                                 registration form.
                                                                                                     Print version available.
IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR THE                      Symposium                                                                                              BOARD CERTIFICATION
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FEES,                                                                        In a commitment to make a better impact on
                                                 Registration Fees                                   the environment, the Academy Board has             EXAMINATION
IN FULL MUST BE RECEIVED BY                      Early Bird Registration                             arranged to have the Syllabus available in         Sunday, April 15, 2018
JANUARY 30, 2018.                                (Available for AAMA Members only)                   electronic format (flashdrive) as well as avail-   1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
                                                 Received by January 30, 2018                        able to download in advance of the meeting.        Offered by the American Board of Medical
Registration forms received after January                                                            The electronic version will be provided to
30, 2018, will be charged the regular fees.      AAMA Fellow and                                                                                        Acupuncture. Available only for those who
                                                 Full Members                    $695                all delegates. If you wish to purchase Print       have applied for Board Certification and have
Registra­tions received after March 23, 2018,                                                        Syllabus, there is a $35 fee. At the meeting,
will be charged the late regestration fees.      AAMA Affiliate Members          $795                                                                   been found “Board Eligible.”
                                                                                                     any available print or electronic versions will
All participants, authors and presenters at­                                                         be available for purchase while supplies last.     Separate reservation is required.
                                                 Non-members                     $945
tending the meeting must register. Pro­grams                                                                                                            Contact the ABMA office.
                                                 (includes cost of 1 year
and name badges will be distrib­uted on site.
                                                 Affiliate membership*)                              Exhibits                                           MEMBERSHIP IN THE AAMA
To reg­ister, go online at­i­calacu­­
punc­, or use the en­closed Regis­       Medical Students, Residents                         Each year time is set aside during the Sym-
                                                                                                     posium for attending physicians to meet with       The purpose of the American Academy of
tration Form and return it, with your payment    And Active Military             $495                                                                   Medical Acupuncture® is to promote the
in full [check made payable to AAMA], or         (Must submit proof of status.)                      suppliers to the medical profession, particu-
                                                                                                     larly practicing physician acupuncturists.         integration of concepts from traditional and
return it by fax if paying by credit card. Be    Regular Registration                                                                                   modern forms of acupuncture with Western
sure to indicate your prefer­ences for the       Received by March 13, 2018                          Poster Presentations                               medical training and thereby synthesize a
Pre-Symposium Work­shops. Space for these                                                                                                               more comprehensive approach to health
sessions is limited, and will be assigned        AAMA Fellow and                                     The Academy provides a Poster Presentation
                                                 Full Members                              $745                                                         care. See membership information and appli-
strictly on a first-come, first served basis.                                                        opportunity for members to present interest-
                                                                                                                                                        cations at
Registration confirmations will be sent within   AAMA Affiliate Members                    $845      ing clinical cases or clinical research. Poster
two weeks of receipt. Use one Registration                                                           Presenters are eligible for cash prizes for the
                                                 Non-members                               $945
Form per Attendee.                                                                                   best poster presentations. For information
                                                 (includes cost of 1 year
                                                                                                     on this opportunity and the requirements for
CANCELLATIONS                                    Affiliate membership*)
                                                                                                     participation, go to www.medicalacupunc-
There will be a $75 handling fee assessed        Medical Students, Residents                or contact the Academy Offices.
for cancellations. Requests for refunds must     and Active Military                       $545      See the POSTER Presentation Guidelines.
be in writing and received at the Academy’s      (Must submit proof of status.)
office by March 23, 2018. No refunds will be     Late Registration
                                                                                                     Research Paper
issued for cancellations received after March    Received after March 13, 2018                       Competition                                                   American Academy
23, 2018.                                        AAMA Fellow and                                     The Academy sponsors a Research Paper                    of Medical Acupuncture®
                                                                                                     Competition in conjunction with the Sym-                    2512 Artesia Blvd, Suite 200
Tuition                                          Full Members                              $805
                                                                                                     posium. A session is scheduled for Sunday                Redondo Beach, California 90278
Tuition includes refreshment breaks, lunch       AAMA Affiliate Members                    $905
                                                                                                     morning where the winning papers will be                        310.379.8261 voice
on Friday and Sunday and the Saturday            Non-members                             $1,005      announced and where the First Place paper                        310.379.8283 fax
afternoon Wine and Cheese Reception. This        (includes cost of 1 year                            will be presented. For information on this     email
year the tuition fee also includes the Friday    Affiliate membership*)                              opportunity and the requirements for partic-
Dinner and Entertainment. All fees payable in    Medical Students, Residents                         ipation, go to            REGISTER ONLINE AT
U.S. Dollars.                                    and Active Military                       $605      or contact the Academy Offices.          
                                                 (Must submit proof of status.)
                                                                                                     Celebratory Dinner
                                                 *Non-members – For non member physicians,                                                              PHOTO CREDITS Hotel images courtesy of the
                                                 registration fee includes the cost of one year of
                                                                                                     Join us Friday evening, April 13th as we           Westin Kansas City at Crown Center. Location
                                                 AAMA Affiliate membership dues (cost $175).         celebrate with old and new friends, dinner,        images courtesy of Visit Kansas City and Wikimedia
                                                 To be eligible, the non member physician must       dancing and more. We will recognize new            Commons; Cover: Kansas City graphic by artist
                                                 not have previously held a membership and must      Fellows and Symposium Award recipients             ©Paul Rommer/ Stock
                                                 otherwise meet the requirements for Affiliate       and the Symposium Faculty.                         Photography; other images used by permission.

The Academy has negotiated a block of rooms at the specially discounted rate of $179/night. To reserve a room at that rate, call 816-474-4400, and be sure to mention the AAMA Sympo-
sium. You must make your reservation by March 19, 2018 (or when our block of rooms sells out, whichever comes first) in order to get that discounted rate.
Sponsored by the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture®
                               April 12–15, 2018 | Westin Kansas City at Crown Center | Kansas City, Missouri

                                 30th Annual AAMA Symposium Registration Form
USE ONE REGISTRATION FORM PER ATTENDEE. (Fill out form completely. Please print information clearly.)

Full Name

Street Address / Suite / Apartment Number (if applicable)

City / State / Zip Code

Telephone                                                                      Fax                                                            Email

Early Bird Registration closes on JANUARY 30, 2018. Registrations received after that date are charged the higher registration fee levels as
indicated below.
                                                 EARLY BIRD	                      REGULAR                           LATE
	registration FEE	registration FEE                                                                          Registration FEE
Registration categories                        By JAN 30, 2018               By MAR 13, 2018               After mar 13, 2018                                                                        Total FEE
q AAMA Fellow and Full Members                                                     $695 ea.                                       $745 ea.                            $     805 ea.             $ _____________
q AAMA Affiliate Members                                                             $795 ea.                                     $845 ea.                            $     905 ea.             $ _____________
q Non-Member*                                                                      $945 ea.                                       $945 ea.                            $ 1,005 ea.               $ _____________
q Medical Student, Resident, Active Military                                       $495 ea.                                       $545 ea.                            $     605 ea.             $ _____________
*Non Members – For non-member physicians, registration fee includes the cost of one year of AAMA Affiliate membership dues (cost $175). To be           SYMPOSIUM FEE ENCLOSED	                 $ _____________
eligible, the non-member physician must not have previously held a membership and must otherwise meet the requirements for Affiliate membership.

Pre-Symposium Workshops (Indicate ONLY one choice below.)                                                                                                WORKSHOP FEE ENCLOSED                  $ _____________
Workshop fee: $295.00 each
q     I. Pediatric Acupuncture in Classical Chinese Medicine / Jeffrey Yuen
q    II. Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture / Darrell Wallace, LAc
q    III. Korean Hand Therapy / Lowell Kobrin, MD, PhD, FAAMA
q    IV. Advanced Acupuncture for Mental and Emotional Health / Susie Hayes, LAc
FRIDAY CELEBRATORY DINNER/ENTERTAINMENT (Cost already included for registered Delegates)
Number of Guests _________ at:                                                q $85 ea.                                      q $ 95 ea.                            q $ 105 ea.
                                                                                                                                                              DINNER FEE ENCLOSED	              $ _____________
SYLLABUS (Disc version provided free to all delegates. If you wish to purchase the printed Syllabus, there is a $35 fee.)
q Printed (Additional Cost: $35.00 each)                                                                                                     PRINTED SYLLABUS FEE ENCLOSED	                     $ _____________

                                                                                                                                                              TOTAL FEE ENCLOSED                $ _____________
DIETARY (In an effort to try to address any dietary considerations, please let us know of your needs or restrictions. The AAMA will do its best to meet your needs.)
q Vegetarian (lacto-ovo) q Vegan q Gluten-free q Lactose Intolerant
q Allergies (nuts or others; describe) __________________________________________ q Other ____________________________________________
PAYING BY CHECK? Make checks payable to the AAMA. Mail with completed form and payment in full to:
AAMA, 2512 Artesia Boulevard, Suite 200, Redondo Beach, California 90278.

  Charge my              q VISA q MASTERCARD q AMERICAN EXPRESS
  Name (As it appears on card. Please print.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Card Number _________________________________________________________________________                                                               Exp. Date _______ / _______     Security Code _______________
  Billing Address _________________________________________________________ City ______________________________                                                               State _________   Zip ______________
  (Billing address for credit card is required if different than mailing address.)
  SIGNATURE (As it appears on card.) ____________________________________________________________________________
  Phone ___________________________________________ Ext. ______________

Early Bird registration closes JANUARY 30,                                        REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS Requests for                                                       Need information?
2018, after which higher regular and late                                         refunds must be in writing and received at the Academy’s                        Call 310.379.8261 voice — or FAX to 310.379.8283
fee rates apply. See GENERAL INFORMATION                                          office by March 23, 2018. There will be a $75 handling fee                              EMAIL –
SECTION for details. Payment in full is required prior                            assessed for all cancellations. NO refunds will be issued
to admittance and must accompany this form to qualify for                         for cancellations received after March 23, 2018.                                 FOR DETAILED, up-to-date event INFO
advance registration fees. The final program, name badg-                                                                                                             orG
es and tickets will be available at the registration desk.                        USE ONE REGISTRATION FORM PER APPLICANT

                     paying by credit card? Save time and fax your registration to 310.379.8283,
                     or register online at
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