St Patrick's Primary School - Together in Faith & Learning - St Patrick's Catholic School ...

Page created by Yolanda Hughes
St Patrick's Primary School - Together in Faith & Learning - St Patrick's Catholic School ...
St Patrick’s Primary School
                                    Together in Faith & Learning
                                              Term 2 Week 2 2021
From the principal

                      “If I am not learning from the way that you teach me, then,
                                will you teach me the way that I can learn?”
Recently Helen and I went to a seminar on Dyslexia. Roughly between 10 and 20% of the population have
dyslexia. Dyslexia is when reading or writing is difficult because the words on the page ‘swim, or swirl or become
tiny while you try to read. Imagine trying to read a book on a rollercoaster. Those with Dyslexia also have
superpowers. They may have the ability to remember incredibly well, be extra creative, inventive etc. Half of the
successful entrepreneurs are dyslexic.
The quote above comes from the course that Helen and I attended. I don’t know who said it, but it was attributed
to a child. I found it powerful. It made me think about how I try and meet the needs of the learners in the class.
It then made me reflect upon my parenting style. What values and concepts do I actually teach my daughter?
We have great conversations about all sorts of things, but, how often do I actually ask her “What do you think
MY opinion is about…” Or ‘ What do you think, my stance is, on euthanasia and why?” etc.
As parents we may think that our children know what is right or wrong, but do they actually know why it is right
or wrong? As we know, Adolf Hitler was a Catholic and went to mass. He heard the same gospel readings as our
children hear, but, obviously it didn’t make the impact that God and the rest of the world would have wanted.
So let’s not make assumptions. Let’s ask our children explicitly as a parent ‘ what is it that I am teaching you and
why” It may surprise us how much they are learning from us… it may also show us that maybe we have to change
our teaching style as parents or change our actions.

PHOTO DAY is 25th May, please be at school before 9am as the photos start at 9am, full
winter school uniform please.

                                                Sophie Brooky
We warmly welcome Sophie to our teaching team. Sophie is teaching in Kowhai class from 12 noon while Elsa
does Reading Recovery. Sophie is an experienced teacher and has been with us as a relief teacher in the past.

ASB Sports on Fridays – SPPS PE uniform can be worn to school.
The year 5 to 8 students (Rm 1 and 2) walk to the ASB and back each week. Please ensure that they have a
raincoat/waterproof jacket in their bag, just in case. Numerous times last year the students got very wet going to
the ASB. It made it uncomfortable for them as they participated in their sport activities Wellington can be sunny in
the morning and wet in the afternoon. So be prepared please

Wanting your child to be baptised Catholic? Please talk to Tony.

CCTV policy review attached. Please review and send any feedback to Leanne as Board Minutes person

 Welcome to two new members to our whanau
 We warmly welcome Luisa Basile Yr 6. We
 welcome Zella-Marie her mother and Luigi
 her father.

 Also a warm welcome to Isaac Al Mekhaeel
 Yr 1. Isaac is the younger brother of Eenatom,
 Yourtana and Urmata in Rm2
St Patrick's Primary School - Together in Faith & Learning - St Patrick's Catholic School ...
These children received an award in assembly in the last
                          fortnight:                                       SCHOOL CALENDAR

                                                                Please check our online school calendar and
                                                                           events information at
Maths Whizzers: Mariam, Blaine, Charlie &                         
Mane                                                             you can click to subscribe and all updated
                                                                 information will be emailed directly to you.
Steps Web: Elbron

Read theory: Christiaan

Gospel values: Mane in the way he prays in hope                                   Weekly
for others.

Go Getters: Benjamin, Adrian, Ryan & Beanel                   Friday               ASB 2pm—3pm

                                                                       Important dates for your diary.

                  Our gospel value is                         Term 2 Dates
                           HOPE                               Fridays              ASB 2PM—3PM
                                                                                   WEAR YOUR P.E. TOP

                                                              19th May             Year 7 & 8 meet with
                                                                                   St Patrick's College
                                                              19th May             ASB Year 5/6 Saturday
                                                              Netball tourna-      team and the 7/8
                                                              ment                 Saturday team only
                                                              20th May             Play at St Catherine’s
                                                                                   Years 4 and 5 12 noon

                                                              Pink shirt day       Bring a gold coin
                                                              21st May             please. We are
                                                                                   supporting the
                                                                                   anti-bullying cam-
                                                              25 May               Year 7 & 8 meet with
                                                                                   St Catherine's College
                             Our Mercy Values
                                                              25 May               School Photo’s
                         Encourage your child to
                             think about our                  31 May—2 June        Catholic Character
                        Mercy values and write a                                   Review
                        prayer for our prayer wall.
                                                              Thursday 8 July      End of term 2
St Patrick's Primary School - Together in Faith & Learning - St Patrick's Catholic School ...
Happy Birthday to You!
This fortnight we pray for the following children who have celebrated or will celebrate their
birthdays this year.


  We have 2 teams years 5 & 6 and years 7 & 8

  Both teams won their games last Saturday.
St Patrick's Primary School - Together in Faith & Learning - St Patrick's Catholic School ...
Zucchini slice
Who said slices have to be sweet? Try this mouth-watering savoury treat, perfect
for dinner or as a lunchbox snack!


Serves: 4

5 eggs
375g zucchini
3 bacon rashers
1 onion
1 cup self raising flour
½ cup oil
salt and pepper


Preparation: 10min › Cook: 40min

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

In a bowl, whisk eggs, grate zucchini coarsely, finely chop onion and bacon.

Combine zucchini, onion, bacon, cheese, sifted four, oil and lightly beaten eggs.

Season with salt and pepper and pour into a well-greased lamington tin.

Bake for 30-40 minutes or until browned.
St Patrick's Primary School - Together in Faith & Learning - St Patrick's Catholic School ... St Patrick's Primary School - Together in Faith & Learning - St Patrick's Catholic School ... St Patrick's Primary School - Together in Faith & Learning - St Patrick's Catholic School ...
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