St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker

Page created by Melanie Steele
St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker
  March 2021

Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt

St. Patrick's day Activities                                                        WHAT'S INSIDE
                                                                                   2 | From the Desk of Mayor Toborg
During the 2020 holiday season,          from March 13 through March 20.           2 | Get to Know Your Town of
Parker residents met Buddy the Elf       Can you spot Lucky and find some              Parker Elected Officials
and participated in our Elf Around       shamrocks? If so, you might win a         3 | Special Election Candidates
Town Scavenger Hunt. We are excited      prize! If you spot Lucky or any of his    3 | Trail News and Updates
to share with the community that         shamrocks hidden around town, take        4 | Parker Arts Update
Buddy’s leprechaun friend, Lucky, will   a photo and email Special Events
                                                                                   5 | Parks and Recreation Update
be making his inaugural appearance       Coordinator Brooke Spain at
                                                                                   6 | Parker Police Update
in Parker around St.                          
Patrick’s Day!                                          or post the photo on the   7 | New Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons
                                                                                       Introduced to Promote Safety
                                                        Town’s Facebook page
Lucky will be strolling                                 (@TownofParkerCO)
(and hiding) around                                     to be entered into a
Mainstreet the
Saturdays before and
                                                        drawing for a prize
                                                        basket.                     DID YOU KNOW?
after St. Patrick’s Day
(March 13 and 20)                                      Community members
from noon to 4 p.m.                                    are eligible to enter
While Lucky is in Town, he will also     multiple times as long as they spot
be hiding 20 shamrocks around the        Lucky the Leprechaun on different
community.                               days and seek out multiple shamrocks!

Lucky, The Town of Parker and            For more information, visit
Xfinity invite the community to a        Colorado is now in Phase 1B of
game of “Seek Out the Shamrocks”         or call 303.805.3253.                     COVID-19 vaccination efforts—
                                                                                   those who are 65 and older, PK-12
                                                                                   educators and child care workers
                                                                                   in licensed child care programs
                                                                                   are eligible to receive the vaccine.
                                                                                   Tri-County Health Department
                                                                                   is your most up-to-date source of
                                                                                   COVID-19 vaccination information.
                                                                                   To find a provider, visit
                                                                                   or call 303.220.9200.
St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker
From the Desk of Mayor Jeff Toborg
                                 Town Launches New and Improved
                                 Economic Development Initiative
As Parker’s Mayor, I am pleased to       One of the goals of Parker’s Town           for both the City of
announce that the Town is entering       Council is to help foster a meaningful      Miami Beach (Fla.)
2021 with a renewed focus on             economic development program that           and the County
economic development and the             partners local government with private      of Broomfield
important role that it plays in the      sector and community organizations          (Colo.), Economic
success of Parker’s economy.             to build a stronger base for both small     Development
                                         and large business. Bo has proven           Administrator
Heading up this effort will be Bo        successful in cultivating these types of    for the City and         Bo Martinez
Martinez, who was hired in February      partnerships in his previous roles, and     County of Denver
as Parker’s new Deputy Town              we look forward to seeing the great         (Colo.) and Economic Development
Administrator/Economic Development       things he can do for Parker’s business      Manager for the City of Phoenix
Director. Bo will champion and lead      community.                                  (Ariz.). He holds a master’s degree
Parker’s long-term, comprehensive                                                    in urban and regional planning from
economic development strategy and        Bo previously served as President/CEO       the University of Colorado and was
implementation. In addition, he will     of the Adams County (Colo.) Regional        recognized as one of North America’s
work in partnership with our Town        Economic Partnership, where he              Top-50 Economic Developers in
Administrator to provide leadership,     worked to support inclusive economic        2019 by leading national economic
vision and strategic direction for the   growth and job creation while               development firm Consultant Connect.
Town of Parker and oversee the Town’s    promoting Adams County and the
Cultural, Human Resources and Parks      Denver metro north region as a leading      Welcome to our team, Bo! We are
and Recreation Departments.              global location for business. Prior to      excited to see your impact on Parker’s
                                         his work in Adams County, he served         business community in the coming
                                         as Director of Economic Development         months!

Get to Know Your Town of Parker Elected Officials
The Town of Parker’s elected
officials consist of a Mayor and six
Councilmembers. These officials can
serve up to four consecutive or non-
consecutive four-year terms as either
Mayor or Councilmember.

General elections to select these         Jeff Toborg        John Diak        Laura Hefta   Todd Hendreks      Cheryl Poage
positions are held in even-numbered
years, with the next such election       election. John Diak (third term), Laura    filled during the 2021 Special Election.
scheduled for 2022.                      Hefta (first term) and Todd Hendreks
                                         (first term) were also selected to serve   Learn more about these elected officials,
Jeff Toborg, the Town’s current Mayor    on the Town Council in 2020. Cheryl        their backgrounds and what they hope
and former one-term Councilmember,       Poage (first term) was elected as a        to accomplish by serving the Parker
was elected Parker’s seventh Mayor       Councilmember in 2018. Two more            community at
during the November 2020 general         vacant Councilmember positions will be     Council.

St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker
Special Election Town Council                                                           Trail Updates
Candidates Announced                                                                    Trail Detours/Closures
Seven candidates submitted official         Voting Information                          A segment of the E-470 Regional
affidavits and have been accepted for       The Town of Parker’s 2021 Special           Trail located just west of Chambers
inclusion on the ballot for the Town        Election will be a mail ballot election,    Road near the Happy Canyon
of Parker’s 2021 Special Election. The      which means you can return your ballot      crossing currently features a short
special election, which will be held on     by mail or drop it off at one of Parker’s   detour consisting of a temporary
April 20, is being conducted to fill two    24-hour ballot drop box locations:          10-foot-wide soft-surface trail
open seats on the Parker Town Council.                                                  along the south side, paralleling the
The two newly elected Councilmembers        Drive-Up                                    existing regional trail.
will be sworn in on May 17 and serve         • Parker Town Hall, 20120 Mainstreet
until the next regular municipal election    • Parker Police Department,                This temporary detour is a result
held in November 2022.                         18600 Lincoln Meadows Pkwy.              of construction to accommodate a
                                             • EchoPark Stadium,                        planned utility connection. There
The Council Candidates for the special         11901 Newlin Gulch Blvd.                 are flaggers near both ends of
election are listed below in alphabetical                                               the detour to warn trail users of
order. Candidate biographies will be        Walk-Up                                     ongoing construction activities.
available online soon at                    • Douglas County Facilities Building,            9040 Tammy Lane                           Also as a result of this project, a
                                                                                        portion of the Happy Canyon Trail
Special Election Candidates                 Ballots will be arriving in Parker          has been closed for approximately a
Anne Barrington                             residents' mailboxes in March. For          month. Trail users will be required
Douglas W. Butte                            more information, please contact the        to use the sidewalks and bike lanes
Terry Dodd                                  Town Clerk, Carol Baumgartner, at           along Chambers Road to the east
Nate Matthews                      or            during this construction period.
Danielle Ozaluk                             303.805.3198. You can also find more
Joshua Rivero                               information about the special election at   East-West Trail Progress
Jeeva Senthilnathan                         Progress continues on the final
                                                                                        phase of the 28-mile East-West
                                                                                        Regional Trail, which when
Town of Parker Blood Drive                                                              completed will serve as the
                                                                                        backbone for a network of local
COVID-19 has changed a lot of our           Individuals who are unable to               trails connecting communities
day-to-day activities, but one thing        participate in this Blood Drive are still   across the south Denver Metro
remains the same–blood donation is an       encouraged to make a donation on            region.
essential activity to support our health    their own through Vitalant. Vitalant’s
care system!                                donation center in Parker is open–          This new soft-surface trail segment
                                            with extra COVID-19 precautions in          begins at the existing trail east of
Give the gift of life by volunteering       place–to give you a safe way to support     Havana Street and connects to the
to make a blood donation during the         patients in need of blood.                  trail underpass at Chambers Road.
Town of Parker's next Blood Drive on                                                    Construction includes: 4.7 miles
Thursday, March 4 from 10 a.m. to 2         To find donation opportunities near         of soft-surface trail, retaining walls,
p.m. at the Public Works Operations         you and schedule an appointment,            a pedestrian bridge crossing of
Center (9045 Tammy Lane).                   please visit              Badger Gulch, ranch fencing and
                                                                                        native landscape restoration.
To set up an appointment time, contact
Wendy Reedy at 303.805.3206 or                                                          For more information on trails                                                                serving the Parker community, visit
St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker
                                    PROGRAMS THE HIGHLIGHT OF SPRING
                For information
                     information about
                                 about these
                                        these programs
                                              programs or
                                                       or for
                                                           for registration/tickets,
                                                                                                              or call
                                                                                                                 call 303.805.6800.

Free Lecture Series                       MAKE YOUR PLANS FOR These Performances!
                                         Parker Arts is open for new and rescheduled events! We can’t wait to
The Curious Case of Colorado             welcome you back to the theater–safely! Purchase tickets today at
Cannibal Alferd Packer         
• March 3; 6:30 p.m.
• Online Streaming                        The Long Run                                  Hazel Miller and The Collective
Dr. Erin Baxter, Curator of               • March 5; PACE Center                        • March 27; PACE Center / Online
Archaeology at the Denver                 “Colorado’s Tribute to the Eagles”            Headed by one of Colorado’s favorite
Museum of Nature & Science,                                                             music icons, Hazel Miller & The
shares a 21st-century take on             CJRO: An Evening of Latin Jazz                Collective bring you original, Jazz, blues,
Colorado cannibal, Alferd                 • March 19; PACE Center / Online              R&B and popular music!
Packer, including an analysis             The CJRO returns to PACE with an
of historical information and                                                           Family Discovery Series:
                                          exciting evening of Latin Jazz and even
new archaeological data and                                                             Top Hogs
                                          some Stevie Wonder with a Latin flair.
experimental archaeology, to tell                                                       • April 3; PACE Center
and re-tell his story. Register           The Comedy Zone: Al Goodwin                   Seen on national TV, under the
for free at           and James Zingelman                           direction of animal trainer John
Shows.                                                                                  Vincent, these two adorable rescue pigs
                                          • March 20; PACE Center
                                                                                        entertain all ages with exciting stunts,
                                          See the same A-list comedians you see
                                                                                        impressions and athletic skills!
                                          in comedy clubs across America right
                                          here in Parker! Featuring an opening
                                          act and a headliner, for one low price!

The Need for Good Foster                  Art Gallery                                   Education
Parents                                   Alternative Facts: Photography by             Register for Spring Break enrichment at
• April 7; 6:30 p.m.                      Any Means                           !
• Online Streaming                        • March 1 through April 12
                                                                                         • KidStage: Aladdin
Children in foster care are                • PACE Center Art Gallery
                                                                                          Ages 6 to 12; March 15 to 19;
naturally at a disadvantage. Good          Explore photography from a variety of          9 a.m. to noon
foster parents can break cycles             viewpoints with this gallery exhibit
regarding education, crime, teen              by Fran Forman. This exhibit is in         • Parker Arts Variety Encounter
pregnancy and addiction. Join us                cooperation with the Colorado             Ages 5 to 12; March 15 to 19;
for this informative discussion on                Photographic Art Center.                9 a.m. to noon
the importance of foster care. This
event is free, but reservations are                                                      • Chess Wizards
required at                                                           Ages 6 to 12; March 15 to 19;
Shows.                                                                                    9 a.m. to noon

St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker
For information about these programs or to register, visit or call 303.841.4500.

                                                                                           EASTER EGG
                                                                                           SPLASH AND DASH
                                                                                           This year, the Easter Bunny is
                                                                                           going swimmin’! On Saturday,
                                                                                           April 3, enjoy this twist on the
                                                                                           traditional egg hunt as kiddos, 15
Parker Triathlon Team                         Skate and Climb Night
                                                                                           years and younger, splash and dash
The Parker Triathlon Team is looking          Participants are invited to the Parker
                                                                                           for tons of plastic, fun-filled eggs
for athletes, 18 years and older, who         Fieldhouse to skate around the Sport
                                                                                           in the Recreation Center Activity
consider themselves beginners and             Court and listen to great, family-
                                                                                           Pool. Don’t miss additional pool
are interested in completing their first      friendly music or take a turn on the
                                                                                           deck activities, and there may
triathlon. Athletes will meet with other      climbing wall! This is a great event for
                                                                                           even be an appearance by a special
like-minded participants three days per       all ages, especially pre-teens looking for
week for swim, bike and run workouts          something to do on a Saturday night!
led by a USA Triathlon Certified              Join us on Saturday, March 6 from 5:30
                                                                                           Choose between the 9, 10 or
coach. In addition to group workouts,         to 9 p.m. Due to current restrictions,
                                                                                           11 a.m. sessions. Find more
participants will be given a weekly           only one guardian is permitted per
                                                                                           information and register at
training plan and have exclusive access       child, and individuals over the age of
to clinics, such as nutrition, strength       10 must wear a face covering. Children       AquaticsEvents or contact
training and open water swimming.             under age 10 must be accompanied by          Hannah Quaney at 303.805.3282
Training begins April 4 and ends July         an adult. Participants must bring their      or
11. Days and times are specific for each      own skates; helmets are encouraged.
workout category. Training classes are        Because capacity is limited, registration
held at the Parker Recreation Center.
For more information, visit
                                              is highly recommended; register at
                                                                                           Martial Arts                                                                 Parker Recreation offers Martial
                                                                                           Arts classes for ages 4 to 14
                                                                                           years. This activity is designed to
2021 kids’ spring break SPORTS camps                                                       improve confidence, increase focus
                                                                                           and develop more coordination
       CAMP            DATE     AGES               CAMP               DATE       AGES      and self-control. Classes begin in
                                                                                           March and are fun, yet structured
 NBN Spring Break      March               Skyhawks Baseball/         March
                                 6-15                                             6-12     and disciplined. Visit
 Basketball Camp       15-18               Softball Camps             15-19
Lacrosse: Girls’       March               Volleyball Spring          March
                                 7-14                                             8-14     for information and to register, or
Spring Break Camps     15-19               Break Clinic                19
                                                                                           contact Todd Panik at
Skyhawks               March                                          March
                                 4-12      Multi-Sport PE                         7-10 or
Sports Camps           15-19                                          15-19
Get more information and register online at

St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker
                                                Keeping Our Community Safe

                                         Dear Chief Tsurapas:                        Your staff 's work prior to my visits
   The Parker Police
                                                                                     and reviews was one of the most
   Department                            On behalf of the Board of Directors         comprehensive and fact-filled
   is proud to                           of the International Association for        preparation reports the IAPE
   announce that                         Property and Evidence (IAPE), I want        Accreditation team has received. Your
   we are the first                      to congratulate you and your agency         agency's policies, procedures and best
   law enforcement                       for again successfully completing the       practices are well-thought out and well-
   agency in North America to            IAPE Property and Evidence Room             written. You and all those who assisted
   have a property and evidence          Accreditation program. After a review       in this project are commended for your
   room accredited three times by        of the recently revised policies and        dedication and commitment to this
   the International Association for     procedures for evidence management,         project.
   Property and Evidence (IAPE).         and the virtual visits in December 2020
                                         and January 2021, it is determined that     Thank you.
   Accreditation of our property         Parker, Colorado Police Department
   and evidence room ensures that        meets or exceeds IAPE Professional          You, your staff and colleagues are
   we follow industry best practices     Standards.                                  encouraged to review the report and
   so evidence is available for                                                      note the outstanding work by the Town
   court presentation, returned to       The Parker Police Department is the first   of Parker and the City of Lone Tree.
   its rightful owner, or otherwise      law enforcement agency to be granted        The IAPE Property and Evidence Room
   disposed of, in a prompt,             IAPE Property and Evidence Room             Accreditation Team will assist with
   efficient and legal manner.           Accreditation three times in North          further inquiries or questions you, your
   The accreditation process is          America. This is a credit to you and your   staff, and Lone Tree PD may have. It has
   a management model and a              staff.                                      been an honor working with you, and I
   blueprint for self-improvement,                                                   look forward to our positive relationship.
   strengthening accountability          The enclosed IAPE Property and              Please feel free to contact me with any
   within the agency and the             Evidence Room Accreditation Report          further questions.
   community it serves.                  outlines the Audit Team's review of
                                         your property and evidence policies,        Sincerely,
   Chief Jim Tsurapas received the       procedures, and facilities, based on the    Stephen Campbell
   letter featured here to the right     published Professional Standards of the     IAPE Property and Evidence Room
   from the IAPE program director.       International Association of Property       Accreditation Program Director
                                         and Evidence, inc.

Join Cadets Brandon Litwiller and         every Sunday on the Parker Police
Leslie Mattern for their journey          Department's Facebook page
through the police academy to become      (@ParkerPoliceDepartment). You can
the Parker Police Department's newest     experience the challenges, successes
officers. Cadets Litwiller and Mattern    and learn about the training it takes to
update their 21-week experience           become a police officer.

St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker
NEW TRAFFIC BEACONS INTRODUCED TO                                                      Community
PROMOTE PEDESTRIAN SAFETY                                                              Development
                                                                                       Development Tour Map
                                                                                        • Wondering what that
                                                                                           construction project is
                                                                                           on a parcel or what new
                                                                                           developments are proposed?
                                                                                       Visit the Town’s Development
                                                                                       Tour Map at
The Town of Parker’s Engineering/          flashing lights that directs motorists to   Development and find out about
Public Works Department has                slow and come to a stop. The pedestrian     all active development—proposed
introduced a new type of traffic signal    signal next flashes a “walk” display to     or under construction—occurring
to help pedestrians in our community       the pedestrian. Once the pedestrian         in the Town of Parker. This map
safely cross major roadways. Our first     has safely crossed, the hybrid beacon       allows you to locate a project and
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) has         again goes dark. A detailed diagram         view the proposed or approved
been installed and is now operational      illustrating this sequence is pictured      plans, including all submitted
on Jordan Road in the Cottonwood           above.                                      documents.
area in north Parker.
                                           According to the U.S. Department of         Signs
PHBs are designed to help pedestrians      Transportation, more than 75 percent
                                                                                        • Signs are an important part
safely cross busy or higher-speed          of pedestrian fatalities occur at non-
                                                                                           of identifying businesses,
roadways at midblock crossings. These      intersection locations, and vehicle
                                                                                           subdivisions and other places
beacons consist of two red lenses above    speeds are often a major contributing
                                                                                           in our community.
a single yellow lens. The lenses remain    factor. PHBs serve as an intermediate
                                                                                       Before erecting a sign in the
"dark" until a pedestrian who desires      option between a flashing beacon and
                                                                                       Town of Parker, you will need to
to cross the street pushes a call button   a full pedestrian signal by assigning
                                                                                       obtain a sign permit or register
to activate the beacon. The signal         right-of-way and providing positive
                                                                                       your sign. To obtain a Sign
then initiates a yellow-to-red lighting    stop control. They allow motorists to
                                                                                       Assistance Packet, or for answers
sequence consisting of steady and          proceed once a pedestrian has cleared
                                                                                       to your temporary or permanent
                                           their side of the travel lane, reducing
                                                                                       sign questions, please contact
                                           traffic delays.
                                                                                       the Community Development
                                                                                       Department at 303.841.2332 or
                                           The Town’s first PHB was activated
                                           earlier this year on Jordan Road
                                           between the Sandreed Circle and
                                           Apache Plume Drive intersections to
                                           assist trail users in crossing this busy     • Thinking about building a
                                           roadway.                                       new fence or changing your
                                                                                          fence type-such as open rail to
                                           Visit                    privacy fencing?
                                           PHB for more information                    Please check with the Town’s
                                           about this project, or call                 Community Development
                                           the Engineering/Public                      Department and your
                                           Works Department at                         Homeowners's Association, as
                                           303.840.9546.                               there may be Town regulations
                                                                                       and HOA restrictions you may
                                                                                       not be aware of !
St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker
                                                                                                                U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                                                 PARKER, CO
                                                                                                               PERMIT NO. 100

  20120 E. Mainstreet, Parker, CO 80138 | 303.841.0353 | |
                                Follow Us!           @TownofParkerCO

Town Council
Jeff Toborg, Mayor
John Diak              Laura Hefta
Todd Hendreks          Cheryl Poage

Town Administrator                                                         *****ECRWSS*****
Michelle Kivela, Town Administrator
Bo Martinez, Deputy Town Administrator                                     To: Parker Resident
                                                                               Local Patron
Produced by the
Communications Department
Elise Penington, Director
Andy Anderson, Coordinator

Photo Credits
Front Page Header: Ginger Wick
Back Page Header: Michelle Parker

PARKER COMMUNITY CALENDAR                                                                      SPRING PERSONAL
Town Council Virtual Meetings                    Arapahoe Community College Virtual
• March 1 and 22; 7 p.m.                         Event—Careers in Cybersecurity
                                                 • March 9; 4 to 5 p.m.
                                                                                               TRAINING SPECIAL
Planning Commission Virtual Meetings                                                           Let Parker Parks and Recreation
• March 11 and 25; 7 p.m.                        Cybersecurity or call 303.797.5805 for more   help you look good, increase
                                                 information.                                  energy and decrease stress with
Special Licensing Authority
Virtual Meeting                                                                                our Spring Fitness Special.
                                                 Registration Opens for Youth Summer
• March 18; 6:30 p.m.                            Softball and Baseball                         March 8 through 21, purchase
For more information on how to view these        • March 23; 10 a.m.                           three one-hour, private, semi-
meetings and participate and/or provide public   Visit or call      private or express personal
comment, go to             303.805.6300 for more information.            training, Pilates or yoga sessions
VirtualMeetings or call 303.841.0353.
Live video of these public meetings is also
                                                                                               and get one free. We have more
                                                 Registration Opens for April
available on the Town's Facebook page            Swimming Lessons                              than 20 nationally certified
(@TownofParkerCO).                               • March 26; 10 a.m.                           personal trainers on staff to help
                                                 Visit or call      you reach your fitness goals.
Ice Trail at Discovery Park Closes
                                                 303.805.3282 for more information.
for the Season
• March 7; 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.                     Ballet Ariel's Cinderella
                                                                                               For more information, contact
Visit or call         • April 2; 2 and 7 p.m.                       Todd Panik at 303.805.3278 or
303.805.0760 for more information.                                                   
                                                 Visit or call
                                                 303.805.6800 for more information.
St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker St. Patrick's day Activities - TALK OF THE TOWN March 2021 Lucky the Leprechaun and His Shamrock Hunt - Town of Parker
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