Friday Memo to the Board Schools & Continuous Improvement for the week of April 26-30, 2021 - Seattle Public ...
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Friday Memo to the Board Schools & Continuous Improvement for the week of April 26-30, 2021 Summer Staircase Update: We are continuing to prepare for our summer offerings for 2021. As we are moving through our timelines to ensure that we are adequately prepared and stakeholders are aware of the educational services we are providing this summer, we continue to make adjustments based on capacity of staff, facilities, health and safety guidelines, course selections and community based partners. We will provide updates via the Friday Memo until the end of the school year. The Summer Learning landing page will also be used to provide updates to our larger community. • We are continuing to develop Community Based Organization (CBO) partnerships for summer and have clear guidance for building use this summer. • Job postings for teaching and support of summer programs have been open for six weeks and we are continuing to recruit. • Student recruiting guidance has been sent to building leaders and three Teams information sessions are available for building leaders to drop in and ask questions. • We will follow our strategic plan for prioritizing students for in-person and virtual offerings. To date, we will have the following options available: • An interactive calendar for K-8 students to work independently on literacy, math, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities. • A K-8 virtual program that will focus on the goals in our Strategic Plan. • K-8 in-person options. • 5th-6th Bridge Program-Weekly SEL lessons and live events for students transitioning from 5th -6th grade. • High School Credit Recovery. • Career and Technical Education courses. Building leaders are currently referring students through PowerSchool and they have an open window until May 8th at 5:00pm. After this window, the Summer Learning Department will work with the Department of Technology Services (DoTS) and use a Qualtrics survey (translated) to register families. Families that do not respond to the survey will receive follow up calls, emails, and/or home visits to ensure we prioritize students in our Strategic Plan. Family Services – McKinney Vento Continuation of Service Support and Collaboration Update The Family Services McKinney Vento (MKV) program staff continue their support of students and families with online learning. Staff are available to provide specific McKinney Vento supports such as tutoring funds, financial assistance, transportation, specific student/DoTs technology support, enrollment assistance, and consultation on needed referrals with school staff. In the past two weeks the MKV team worked with various departments, school staff, and families to keep students furthest from educational justice connected to school. This reporting period, the program has worked diligently to pivot to in-person instruction by working with families and school staff to submit transportation requests. The team met with our transportation counterparts and ensured that we had our processes in place to quickly set up transportation for students. Due to third party transportation company driver shortages, setting up transportation has been difficult and delayed. In the interim the MKV team has provided Mileage-in-lieu or gift cards to use for gas reimbursement for parents that are able to transport their students to school. The program offered ORCA cards to parents/students who could use that resource. This week the MKV program is working with Transportation to continue to address difficulties with consistent transportation with the knowledge that additional contracts with Lyft/Uber and charter buses are in process. The MKV team will work with our families and school staff to make students aware of these options as further interim transportation. In addition to transportation, the MKV team set up a process to distribute P-EBT cards that DSHS is delivering to John Stanford for our most highly mobile families. The Homeless Liaison worked with shelter partners to identify students and plan for P-EBT drop off once they arrive. School staff will provide pick-up options at school or mailing to a confirmed address for our students outside of shelter.
Friday Memo to the Board Operations for April 26-30, 2021 Capital Projects and Planning • Rainier Beach High School’s Schematic Design Presentation Community Meeting: A presentation of the schematic design for Rainier Beach High School is planned for the Rainier Beach community on May 6, from 6- 7:30 p.m. A flyer communicating this information will be sent to all student families and those living within a one-mile radius of the school. In addition, the community meeting will be advertised in the local paper and on social media. Translation services will be provided for this event. • Other Rainier Beach High School Meetings include a contractor outreach event hosted by Lydig Construction on May 13 to encourage Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) contractor participation in the project and a follow-up presentation to the BEX/BTA Oversight Committee on May 14 to respond to questions from School Board and committee members concerning Bassetti Architects/Moody-Nolan’s April 9 design presentation. • Kimball Elementary School’s Phase 1 Building Demolition Bid Opening: Bids were opened to demolish the existing Kimball Elementary School. Five bids were received with Dickson Company the apparent low, responsive, responsible bidder. The bid price received is within budget, and demolition activities are planned to begin mid-July upon receipt of required permits. Phase 2 School Replacement will bid in July. • Northgate Elementary School Replacement Project Bid Opening: Bids were opened to replace the existing Northgate Elementary School and the project bid within the identified General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) guaranteed maximum price (GMP). A board action report will be forthcoming noting the GMP amount (previously approved by the board) and bid results. A Master Use Permit appeal was received by the City of Seattle, and a hearing has been scheduled for June 14-15. Construction activities will commence upon receipt of required permits. • Wing Luke Elementary School Opening: Activation and occupancy activities concluded on April 16 at Wing Luke Elementary School. Principal Carol Mendoza said the school had a successful opening on April 19. Staff, students, and families are excited to occupy their new home. Minor punch list items and landscaping of the playground and playfield remain to be completed. Facility Operations • Opening Playgrounds and Fields: The district’s past practice has been to make many district playgrounds accessible to the general public outside of school hours, with some exceptions at particular schools where there were problems with noisy after-hour activity or accumulations of litter. During the pandemic, we began restricting access for a couple of reasons: we did not have the capacity to ensure unsafe gatherings on school property, and we wanted to reserve the equipment in schools that were hosting childcare operators. Currently, our safety protocols call for much more cleaning overall than is our past practice. This includes cleaning playground equipment once daily. Given our capacity constraints, it would be difficult for custodial staff to schedule this cleaning in such a way as to ensure it was accomplished between public use and school use. As the district settles into a routine supporting more in-person instruction in our buildings, we’ll continue to evaluate access to playgrounds to determine if we can make them more available. • Cost-saving Maintenance Change: The Auto Shop now has a new laptop and licensed software to do our own standard maintenance error code checks on our Peterbilt delivery trucks. This will save thousands of dollars per year in dealership error code reading charges that can now be done in-house. Nutrition Services • Sugary Breakfast Items: Typically, Nutrition Services does not provide many sweet cereals. For breakfast, milk, a whole grain option and a serving of fruit is provided. That is the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) meal pattern requirement. Some sites may have used leftover cereals that were part of the seven-day meal kits provided to students during spring break. The department has picked up the extra kits, and going forward, those types of cereals won’t be served.
Friday Memo to the Board Office of African American Male Achievement for the week of April 26 – May 1, 2021 This week was a productive auspicious week for the Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA) especially in terms of collaboration. Even though it is impossible to place our work into 3 simple themes we will make the attempt. 1. Professional Development 2. Family and Community Engagement and 3. Student Engagement & Development. In terms of Professional development, King Makers of Seattle (KOS) Student and Family advocates were engaged in professional learning community meetings with Black educators across the West coast. Additionally, our office will be contributing to the professional development of Racial Equity Teams and conference participants. This PD will allow our office to engage nearly every school in the district, while simultaneously elevating the educational experiences of Black boys and teenagers. Community Engagement Our office continues to further cross departmental collaborations, while nurturing external collaborations with Community Business Organizations (CBO’s), this week’s collaborations included, The Breakfast Group, Refugee Women’s Alliance (REWA) Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL). Internally our collaborations, included Research and Evaluation; Equity Partnership and Engagement; Department of Technology Services; Coordinated School Health; and Communications Dept. Student Development Student Leadership Council (SLC) has been gearing up for a partnership with leadership to further develop Black Studies. The kings shared specific elements of a classroom they would love enjoyable, engaging, and most of all educational! We discussed specific content that should be covered in this class, like cooperative economics, African kingship, and Black Excellence here in Seattle! One of the kings was adamant about learning about more local heroes. “We learn about everybody from everywhere else, but I want to learn about Black Excellence here!” Amidst financial literacy month- Rising Sons Extended (RSE) KINGS had an empowering week. Monday introduced a guest speaker (a Brother who is a professional in financial literacy) who talked about the importance of generational wealth. Tuesday and Wednesday had an enriching focus on Black History and culture. Brother Luther Adams, a Professor at the U of W Tacoma, stopped by as the guest speaker. The meeting highlighted the unfortunate reality of how little our Kings are exposed to vastness and richness of their Black History early in life. One of the 4th grade Kings said, “…our school really doesn't do Black History Month and if they talk about black history, they only talk about Dr. King and Rosa Parks”. Another 5th grade King said, “…it is very important to know where you family is from because we need to understand who we are”. Early immersion to cultural identity is critical.
Friday Memo to the Board Teaching and Learning Division Essential Information for the week of April 26-30, 2021 CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT, & INSTRUCTION (CAI) Spring Smarter Balanced Assessments Update: The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has determined that Smarter Balanced Assessments and the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science will not be administered to students this spring. Instead, the state summative assessment window for the 2020-21 school year will be this fall, which fulfills the guidance provided by the Department of Education to satisfy federal testing requirements. While these state tests will not be administered this spring, schools will be asked to determine and administer locally determined assessments, which will only be used to help measure student learning, provide information to families, and determine academic areas in which students are in need of extension and/or supports. This news has been shared broadly with families, including via School Beat, on the District website, and on social media: 2021 Spring School-Based Assessments Update: Pursuant to the district’s reopening plan submitted to OSPI and HB 1368, SPS is required to assess student learning this year. The primary purpose of these assessments is to give students an opportunity to show their learning of priority standards and provide information on this learning to students and families. In accordance with state requirements, SEA and SPS have worked together to develop a menu of assessment options in ELA and Math in grades 3-9. Grade level teams for ELA and Math at each school need to work with their school leaders to determine and share what assessment options they will be using to assess student progress in grades 3-9 in ELA and Math. If a school already has a plan for providing these assessments, the grade level teams should follow that plan. If all members of a grade level team wish to administer an assessment not provided on this menu of assessment options, their school leader will confirm that the proposed assessment aligns with the grade level/content area priority standards. In support of family engagement, a family letter template will be provided to schools to send home to families. This letter will share with families information on the assessments being given and student learning of priority standards and additional space for comments. Trainings for staff will be provided. For more information, please contact Caleb Perkins and Audrey Roach. Grades 6-12 Attendance: We are thrilled to have welcomed students in grades 6-12 back to in-person learning on Monday, April 19. As expected, many things will look differently from remote learning, including how attendance is taken, particularly given the requirements from the Governor’s 3/12 Proclamation. Attendance will now be taken twice every day for each period – once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Students will be marked absent if they do not participate during afternoon instruction. On Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri, teachers are expected to provide live, remote instruction to all of their students in the morning for 30-45 minutes for each scheduled period, and then follow up with these same students in the afternoon for 60-75 minutes with small group and individual instructional support. Teachers will gather data on who attends in the morning and who attends in the afternoon through Microsoft Teams and record this information formally by 4:45 p.m. If students do not participate in instruction or instructional support, either in-person or remotely, at all during these scheduled blocks in the afternoon, they will be marked absent. There is no truancy during the 2020-21 school year. We will continue to communicate that attendance alone should not determine students’ grades, but rather student grades and credit attainment should be
based on the work they submit that demonstrates their progress towards meeting required standards in a content area. We will provide accommodations to students who cannot participate in afternoon activities if they have obligations that they will not be able to change during the last nine weeks of the school year, such as caring for a sibling or a family member, so that their attendance and grades are not negatively impacted. Attendance guidance has been provided to school leaders and educators via the SLC and School Beat, and this attendance policy has been shared with families on the district website, via School Beat, and on social media. For additional information, please contact Dr. Keisha Scarlett at
Friday Memo to the Board Equity, Partnerships & Engagement (EPE) For the Week of April 26-30, 2021 Dept. of Racial Equity Advancement (DREA) • On May 1st, 2021, DREA is hosting the second annual Racial Equity Team Institute titled "Racial Justice Approaches to Organizing For School Change." Both school-based and central office staff are invited to this event. School & Community Partnerships (SCP) • In partnership with Facilities, Schools and Continuous Improvement, and Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction, the School and Community Partnerships Department developed an approach for community-based organization access to school buildings this summer. This access will be limited to current school partners, including those operating under the Community Alignment Initiative, and will support greater student access to in-person learning opportunities this summer. Stakeholder Engagement (SE) • Columbus City School District | On Thursday, 4/22, the Housing & Education Manager, SCP’s Partnerships Systems Manager, and a representative from Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) met with Columbus City School District representatives. The group of district leaders from Columbus, Ohio, represented their Department of Engagement. As a new department, they wanted to learn about SPS's longstanding partnership with SHA and our data management system at the District. After this initial conversation, we agreed to meet again in a month to continue learning from each other. • Strategic Goals 4 and 5 | On Wednesday, 4/21, the HS Transition Success Project Manager, partnered in planning with the Dept. of College and Career Readiness (CCR) on House Bill (HB) 1599, Multiple Pathways to Graduation. The Project Manager will begin working with African American students to discuss the requirements and quality instruction across core academic areas that affect African American Youth. • Stakeholder Engagement Landscape Mapping | Week of 4/26, the Community Engagement Manager continued work on a district-wide mapping of 2020-2021 community engagement work that divisions have been doing throughout the year. They plan to engage in informational follow- ups with departments and divisions that need further support to get started. This work will establish a framework to collect and organize the data as it arrives—expanding the engagement request from division-by-division to a more refined focus department-by-department. • Parent Survey Support | Week of 4/7, the Family Partnerships Student and Family Advocate worked with Seattle World School on Parents Survey and safe return to in-person learning. The school only had a 22% response rate after four days. Teachers and other staff started phone calls in different languages to the parents and asked them to complete the survey. Within two days, participation had increased to 95%. A persistent observation remains that the best way of communication with diverse populations, particularly ELL families, continues to be by phone.
Friday Memo to the Board Department of Technology Services for the week of April 26 – 30, 2021 Attestation – Health Screening and Dashboard Updates In keeping with Health and safety standards for back to in-person instruction, Qualtrics, the Daily Health Screening platform, sends out over 56,000 emails and about 23,000 texts to families/students and staff daily. The response rate to the Screening has been over 31,000/day. In partnership with Coordinated School Health, this tool has been evolving to improve the Screening and Dashboard's user experience. Over 1,500 Dashboard authorized users can now view the information they need to check in students and staff. We have recently put in place additional customizations as part of this improvement: • Staff "Approved" notification now has a "retake" link to allow updates to their Screening. • Added Elementary and Secondary Schools Student Check-in pages to their Dashboard to streamline the process. • Enabled Guardian Permission page to view parents/guardians who have responded to the approval question. • Made available Dashboard Tips for users to access information regarding the Screening and Dashboard quickly. Given this is a new process, our technical staff are fielding about 200 support questions per day; we have increased our internal support to accommodate for this influx.
Friday Memo to the Board Office of Public Affairs Essential Information for the week of 04/23/21 - 04/30/2021 Goal 1: Media Relations • KING 5 - Homeless encampment on North Seattle school property draws concern from neighbors seattle/281-9affac37-d961-43ba-a3e0-b79bd9c8645a • KIRO 7 – Seattle Police still searching for gunman who shot and killed 16 year old at front door of Rainier Beach home door-rainier-beach-home/FQ3BWM6UAZFBFGP3LBQNSX4O3U/ • KOMO tv – Parents worry as homeless camp keeps growing behind Seattle school • Seattle Times – Seahawks' Russell Wilson and performer Ciara surprise West Seattle students with savings accounts students-with-savings-accounts/ Goal 2&3: District Messaging – Outbound Communications, Customer Service • Feature Story: Occupational Therapy Month • Feature Story: Head Start Preschool Enrollment • Feature Story: School Volunteer Week • Feature Story: Student Portal • Feature Story: Sexual Assault Awareness Month • Feature Story: Graduation Dates • Feature Story: Attendance • Feature Story: Health and Safety Protocols • Feature Story: Metro Tips for Students • Feature Story: Uses of Physical Intervention Community Sessions • essions • The web team: o CMS and redesign project preparation continues, public district and school websites content preparation for migration o Refining new website design and CMS configuration o Reached out to schools to confirm their primary and secondary colors for the new templates o Is researching options for website form solutions o Collaborated with curriculum team to recruit educators for user experience research and discovery for website redesign project. • Customer Service Team o This month, SPS has received an average of 95 Let's Talk dialogues a day, which is more than double the daily average this time last year. o The Features Let's Talk Landing Page of the week is Advanced Learning. Check it out to see how this department is using Let's Talk to support equitable access to opportunities and resources. o What people are saying about Let's Talk... o "I got a response to my text within about a minute of sending it! Super helpful! And super friendly!" o "It is nice to speak to someone and not feel like your email is lost in cyberspace. Thank you"
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