St. Luke's Visitor - St. Lukes - Manhattan, KS Lutheran Church

Page created by Samuel Day
St. Luke's Visitor - St. Lukes - Manhattan, KS Lutheran Church
August 2021

                                    St. Luke’s Visitor
             But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,
     the purposes of his heart through all generations. Psalm 33:11
From The Pastor’s Pen
                                 I give thanks to my God always for you
                     because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus
                                           -- 1 Corinthians 1:4

On August 1, we say goodbye to our called Director of Christian Education Charity Smith. She was
installed at St. Luke’s on November 12, 2012. During her time with us, she worked with the Adult,
Youth, Children Ministries, and Preschool Boards, and the ministry activities that they oversaw. At
times, when a chair was vacant, she did the work of a chair. At other times, she would assist a
board in the activities that they desired or be a resource to them. She recruited numerous
individuals to get involved in various activities. She went on numerous retreats and gatherings.
She also visited with many folks in their homes. She delivered the Children’s Message to our little
ones every weekend. She was involved at the district level on various committees.

During her time with us, she married Jesse Smith on April 1, 2016. They were blessed with
Magdalene who was born on May 3, 2019. She graduated from Kansas State University with a
Master’s in Family Life. From her KSU studies, she felt inspired to head up the Lighthouse Support
Group and Financial Peace University here at St. Luke’s.

We are grateful for her work among us, and we say goodbye, knowing that the Lord is directing this
process. As the Lord is directing her to go to O’Fallon, MO, we also know that the Lord is directing
the activities here at St. Luke’s.

Several people have asked me when we will be getting another DCE. The congregation and
leadership of the church can certainly make decisions as quickly as it desires, but it would be my
recommendation that we view this time as a time of transition to grieve and to reflect. I think we
need to grieve the loss of a called worker who has been with us for over 8 years. Then, we need to
examine what it is that we want the ministry of St. Luke’s to look like in the future. The staffing
should then reflect what the Holy Spirit is leading us to envision. It is my hope that over the next
couple of months we can work on a Strategic Ministry Plan.

During this time of transition, we will need people to become involved. We will need people to step
up and be involved on the council. We need Sunday School and BASIC teachers. Please don’t
wait for someone to ask you to be involved. Please step forward and say, “I would love to do that.”

American Heritage Girls (AHG) and Trail Life USA (TLUSA) is scouting with Jesus. AHG Troop
KS0057 and TLUSA Troop KS0057 are owned and operated by St. Luke’s. These troops will have
a joint Open House on Monday, August 30, at 7:00 p.m. Please help spread the word. If you have
children or grandchildren, please join us. The Open House is an opportunity to learn about the

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St. Luke's Visitor - St. Lukes - Manhattan, KS Lutheran Church
This is a big year for me at St. Luke’s. July 7 was the 25 th anniversary of my ordination. On
September 2, I will turn 55. And October 2 will mark my 10 th year at St. Luke’s. To celebrate these
milestones, I would like folks to consider contributing to the purchase of a trailer for St. Luke’s. The
trailer would be owned by St. Luke’s and would mainly be used by our AHG and TLUSA Troops
when they go camping, but it could certainly be used for other things as well. The cost of the trailer
is $3000. I do not expect to raise all of the money this time around, but I would like to begin the
fund-raising process. Please prayerfully consider being involved in this endeavor.

As I mentioned above, on July 7, I celebrated 25 years in the ministry. The following weekend I
received a beautiful card from the congregation and a generous gift. Thank you so much. It is an
honor and joy to serve our crucified and resurrected Lord.

It is a joy and honor to serve as your pastor.

       “Sharing Jesus Christ’s love with those around us.”
                                            JUNE 2021 OFFICIAL ACTS
                                           Leo Maximilan Xavier Hatfield
                                                Neil Robert Kortan
                                              Penelope Teresa Pauls

                                           Released from Membership
                                    Krysta, Miranda, & Jonathan Mellowship
                                      Miranda, Zachary, & Joshua Peters
                                            Tami & Michelle Schienle
                                      Steve, Joan, & Christopher Koehler
                                       David, Lori, Jillian, & Jacob Meier

                                         Jakob Hutter & Laura Schachtner

                          Children’s Ministry Chair: Tiffany Manning
                          BASIC Sub-chair:
                          Sunday School Sub-chair: Marily Fick,
                          Children’s Care Sub-chair: Darci Paull
                          Family Events Sub-chair: Courtney Huss
                          VBS Sub-chair:
                           Children’s Church (PreK-2 )
   Volunteers needed for Children’s Church - BOTH SERVICES
   No Nursery until further notice.

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St. Luke's Visitor - St. Lukes - Manhattan, KS Lutheran Church
August 1: Breanne Jones                              August 4: Ryan & Amber Kruse
   August 2: LeAnn Sturdy, Nathan Ukena                 August 7: David & Connie Wetzel
   August 3: Stephanie Sanborn, Don Morgan, Addy        August 9: Don & Mary Lou Morgan
   Larson                                               August 11: Chuck & Fran Veatch, Larry & Liana Eagan
   August 6: Ann Zier                                   August 15: Steve & Gayle Heitman
   August 7: Laroy Manry, Amber Kruse, Morris Olson,    August 16: Randall & Amy Juracek
   Grant Kohlmeier                                      August 18: Keith & Gail Schwanke
   August 8: Glenda Moore, Jamie Prockish, Sheila       August 20: Terry & Mary Lynn Barta, Dennis & Bonita
   Frihart, Jordan Frihart                              Tegtmeier
   August 9: Mac McLain Sr., Jesse Smith                August 22: Samuel & Crystal Danker
   August 10: Linda Williams                            August 23: Mike & Kristina Schmidt
   August 12: Anna Murphy, Fran Irelan                  August 25: Cory & Megan Saunders
   August 15: Kieghlyn Huss, Carol Ukena                August 26: C. Lee & Nancy Woodford
   August 16: Lowell Kohlmeier                          August 30: Kyle & Sarah Larson
   August 19: Carla Robker                              August 31: Daniel & Kay Mathies
   August 20: Aaron Proctor, Joan Spiker, Perry Reid
   August 21: James Kroenlein
   August 22: Isa Garcia, Joan Koehler
   August 23: Diane Mosier, Monet Sielaff, Jase
   August 24: Larry Wesche, Terry Barta
   August 27: Martha Mooney ham
   August 28: Douglas Newland, William Hosier
   August 29: Janet Beach
   August 30: Riley Lynch, Keith Schwanke
   August 31: Dale Grunewald

                               Youth Ministry Chair: Lori Uffman
                               Youth Night Leader: Natalie Winter
                               Servant Events Sub-chair: Scott Stone
                               Youth Events Sub-chair:
                               Gathering Sub-chair: Becky McQuillian
                                Jr & Sr High Youth Night - Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM
                                August 4th - Zip Lining at Wildwood Adventure Park; 6:00 PM - 8:00
                               PM; Cost $20
        August 15th - Bi-Annual Youth/Parent Meeting AND National Youth Gathering Meeting;
         Meeting will be between morning services

              THEOLOGY ON TAP
              Theology on Tap is for anyone interested in talking theology over a beverage of your
              choice. We have LCMS theologians from different parts of the Flint Hills covering a
              different topic every month. The meetings will be on the 3rd Tuesday of the month
starting at 7:30 PM @ Rockin K’s, 1880 Kimball Ave, Manhattan. On August 17th, Jeremy Pera,
Retired DCE, from St. Paul in Clay Center will discuss “Repentance”. For more information, or
to RSVP contact Kaitlin Krause at

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                  It is Back-to-School time! Gathering new school supplies, anticipation of a new
                  teacher and classroom and the overall excitement surrounding a new school year is
                  present among students of all ages. Since St. Luke’s Early Learning Center now
                  cares for children starting at 6 weeks of age, we no longer have the natural shift of
                  classrooms in August. Children now move to new classrooms as they age out of
their current classroom. These transitions happen throughout the entire year! In addition to our five
full-time, year round classrooms, we have a part-time preschool classroom that runs from August to
May. This little group will be anxious to get started on August 18th. It is a joy to help these little ones
reach their developmental milestones each day.
 Since the start of the pandemic, and the move into the new building, our families have been using
the playground doors for dropping off and picking up their children. This means they have not had a
good look into our beautiful, new building! St. Luke’s ELC and staff will be hosting an Open House
on August 15th, to welcome our families to come see where their children learn and grow each day.
We are thankful for the opportunity to be the Light of Christ to everyone who enters our doors!

                                         CONNECT GROUPS
Sunday Adult Bible Class, Pastor Schmidt
Lutheran Layman’s League, David & Julie Hatesohl, 785-845-8124 or 785-236-0493 or
Table Talk, Sundays at 6:00 PM during the school year. Meal for college students, meet at the Blue
Women’s Bible Study, Diane Mosier, 785-776-8615
Lighthouse, an infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss support group, 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30
PM, Meghan Loverude,
Card Making, Janet Beach and Ann Williams
Campus Ministry Bible Study, Tuesdays @ 9:00 PM during the school year; meets at the Blue
Men’s Bible Breakfast, 7:00 AM Tuesdays, Vista Drive In, Walt Fick, 785-776-0879 or
Young Adult Group, Wednesdays, 7:00 to 8:30 PM, Kaitlin Krause, 918-899-6927 or;
Mission of Love (working on quilts), 2nd Wednesday of the month, basement fellowship hall,
Sunset Campus, 9:00 AM, Dorothy Burtness, 785-539-8018.
Cancer Companions, Jamie Spikes, 785-313-1587; Judy Boye, 785-320-6355
Theology on Tap, 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM, Rockin K’s, 1880 Kimball Avenue,
St. Luke’s owns and operates KS0057 Troop, Trail Life and American Heritage Girls. These groups
meet during the school year. For TLUSA, boys Kindergarten through 5th grade meet on the 2nd &
4th Mondays of the month from 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM. Boys 6th grade through 12th grade meet every
Monday of the month from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM.
AHG meet the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

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St. Luke's Visitor - St. Lukes - Manhattan, KS Lutheran Church

                      The Summer 2021 Kansas Sonshine Newsletter is now online
                     at Check out the Highlights from the 2021 National
                     Convention. Congratulations to our own Susan Brunkow for being elected as
                     National Vice President of Christian Life!

It also has the registration form for the November 12-13 LWML Christian Life Retreat in
Wichita. The featured speaker will be former LWML President Patti Ross, who will speak on
“Keeping the Focus on Jesus”. I would encourage our LWML members to attend this event as the
retreats are always uplifting.

Learn about where you can donate extra or new kitchen items, to help needy families in the area,
get cooking. Go online to Kitchen Restore Manhattan Kansas and click on Kitchen Restore – Riley
County Extension.

Also, check out the site for USD 383 Fit Closet to see what clothing items, school supplies and
hygiene items they are in need of.

Elizabeth Circle will not meet in August but the Mary/Martha Circle will meet in August for Bible
Study. Watch the bulletin for dates and location.

We look forward in September to our LWML Society Meeting on September 14, hosting the Zone
Fall Event on September 25, and having our No Bake Bake Sale to raise funds for Shepherd’s

All women of St. Luke’s are welcome to join us.
                          THE LUTHERAN CHURCH—MISSOURI SYNOD

When it comes to stewardship, a favorite Bible verse is the account of the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1–
4). It’s a moving account. Our Lord praises the seemingly small gift of two copper coins given by a
poor widow above the abundance of gifts given by the rich, saying, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow
has put in more than all of them” (Luke 21:3). And that is usually where we stop. But the text goes
on. “For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to
live on” (Luke 21:4).

“She … put in all she had to live on.” She gave everything. She held nothing back. She trusted that
the Lord who made her and all creatures; who gave her everything she had; who redeemed her from
her own sin, from death, and the power of the devil; who called her by the gospel and enlightened
her with His gifts of Word and Sacrament; would continue to do this. He would provide her with all
that she needed for this body and life because that is the character of the God she had.

But this is not why we give small gifts. Her gift, though it appeared small, was actually large. When
we are tempted to give small gifts, it is precisely because we want them to be small! We don’t trust
the Lord to provide for us. We give small gifts because we lack faith in the One who created us,
redeemed us, sanctifies and keeps us in the one true faith. We give small gifts because we doubt
that God will really give us what we need and desire. We give small gifts because we are not content
with what God has already given.

We are not slaves, children of the slave woman, under the Old Covenant (Galatians 4). We are
adopted sons of the free woman. And since we are sons, we are also heirs. And heirs receive the
inheritance. For everything is already ours in Christ. And thus, moved by the willing spirit of adoption,

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St. Luke's Visitor - St. Lukes - Manhattan, KS Lutheran Church
we do the will of God in financial matters far beyond all that done by those under the Old Covenant
who were forced by legal demands.

So, what have you decided to give? How do I decide what to give? Let the Scriptures be your guide.

We are to give proportionally to what we have received from God’s giving to us (Luke 12:48; 1
Corinthians 16:1–2, 2 Corinthians 8:12). But you have not been set free to give nothing. See that
you excel in the grace of giving (2 Corinthians 8:7)!

We are not free to live selfishly outside the Gospel, without regard for God who gives us all good
gifts, without generosity for our neighbor who needs us and our gifts, without supporting the
community of faith in which we live, without care for our spiritual fathers and those who teach and
help raise our children in the faith, and without resources for the poor and needy.

In short, we are not free to live unto ourselves, hoarding what God has given us only for us. For love
is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 13:10). And the sum of the law is this: Love God and love your
neighbor (Matthew 22:34–40). We love because He first loved us. We give because He has given to

Luther once said, “Possessions belong in your hands, not in your heart” (LW 14:240). There is a
reason your 10 fingers spread apart. With your hands you catch God’s gifts for what you need and
let the rest fall through your fingers to your neighbors – your family, your friends, your community,
your church.

             We are taking a “summer” break. We look forward to meeting in person after Labor
             Day. If you or someone you know would like to learn more about Cancer Companions,
contact Jamie Spikes – 785-313-1587 or Judy Boye – 785-320-6355.

                     Flint Hills Lutherans For Life provided hygiene bags for 44 teens attending three
                     different Foster Teen Camps at Living Waters Ranch, Olsburg. Some of the full size
                     items in the bags were, shampoo, cream rinse, lotion, toothbrush and toothpaste.

These teens are in the State of Kansas foster care system. "The goal of the FHFTC camps is to
provide a place where foster teens are safe and can relax from the stress of their uncertain lives."
We wanted them to know they are valued.

Items were purchased with money provided by a Thrivent Action Team card plus money from our
treasury. The bags were provided by Randy and Kari Kufahl.

Coming Soon - information on upcoming events!
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American Heritage Girls & Trail Life USA Troops
                                             August 2021

       It may be summer, but neither of your troops have slowed down much. On the administrative
side of things, Trail Life welcomed Dave Mack as the Committee Chair and Dave McNeal as Troop
Master. With new leadership come new priorities and we are all excited about the effort to better or-
ganize the year, place emphasis on standards, like uniforms, and ensure we still have a great time
as leaders and boys.

      The girls just completed their “Summer Adventure” and to share some of the highlights, Ruth
Lanich, one of our Pioneers, wanted to share her experience. According to Ruth,

         the “campout” was normal to begin with: We were staying in the Holt’s back yard in tents, but
         when the weather grew rainy, we quickly moved into the guest house. A couple of girls were
         already in the house because of the weather, but the rest of us moved in when we thought
         the tent we were staying in might flood. The tent was indeed flooded by morning! We cooked
         our own meals, mostly over the fire, but we did bake bread in an oven, learned to change a
         tire and brake pads from Mr. Holt, sang songs, and went on a hike. Even though our
         “campout” turned into a “hardcore glampout” we all enjoyed ourselves, especially when we
         were on the Holt’s trampoline!

       Meanwhile, the older boys have had several “free play” fellowship sessions that mostly just
involve using the large spaces available at the new church location to play AirSoft. Rest assured,
they always wear safety equipment and always use biodegradable pellets. To say shooting sports is
an area of emphasis for the boys is an understatement.

        At the same time, while the younger boys take a break for the summer vacation, the older
boys have also completed their basic swim test and Aquatics badge. Hosted at the City Pool in Al-
ma, these events tested the boys on their swimming abilities; gave them some experience with wa-
ter survival skills, likely making floats out of clothing; and allowed them to practice water rescue
skills with poles, ropes, and floats.

      The timing is no accident as the older boys hope to make an overnight canoe trip on the Kan-
sas River in August. We’ll be hoping for cooler days and a short dry spell so the river level can go
down just a bit. Wish us bon voyage!

       We are excited about the next year and we have lots of great events planned for the boys
and the girls. We are also excited to complete our move and begin holding all of our regular meet-
ings at the new site. It’s a beautiful building, with lots of outside spaces that create opportunities, so
thank you again for your hospitality.

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                               Christ Lutheran Church, Wichita, Kansas
                                      Hamlin & Dorothy Burtness

                               Trinity Lutheran Church, Colby, Kansas
                                      Susan Spain & Scott Stone

                           Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Greenleaf, Kansas
                                      David & Julie Hatesohl

         (When you worship at another church, please bring the worship folder and bulletin to
        the church office with your name on. We will post your name and where you’ve
        worshipped, hopefully stimulating conversation of where you’ve visited. And, our staff
        will get the chance to see what other churches are doing. Thanks!)

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St. Luke's Visitor - St. Lukes - Manhattan, KS Lutheran Church
Volume 12, Issue 8

                              The                                                               August

                              Parish Nurse Page

                     SELF-CARE FOR CAREGIVERS
     If you are caring for a family member who needs help with everyday
     activities, or has health issues, you are a caregiver. Caregiving can
     be hard on you physically, mentally and spiritually despite the great
     sense of doing for others. To continue being a good caregiver, you
     need to take care of yourself. One way you can do that is to make
     sure you have consistent breaks from your caregiving responsibili-
     ties. This is called respite; temporary relief or rest. Short breaks from
     your everyday caring can be a key part of maintaining your own
     health and wellbeing.

     Respite care can take the form of different types of services in the
     home, adult day care, or even short-term nursing home care so care-          I am the good shepherd.
     givers can have a break or even go on vacation. According the Amer-          The good shepherd lays
     ican Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, even a few hours of respite a          down his life for the
     week can improve a caregiver’s well-being.                                   sheep.”
                                                                                      “John 10:11 (NIV)
     Making your needs known for respite care can be difficult for some to
     admit. By denying your need for respite, you put your health at-risk.
     Talk with a trusted friend or your doctor and let them know if your
     caregiving responsibilities are making you feel depressed, angry,
     anxious or physically ill. If a friend offers to help you , even for a few
     hours, let them. Allow them to serve you and you both will reap a

     A great source of respite services is the Area Agencies on Aging as
     well as organizations that advocate for people with specific diseases
     such as the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association,
     and the Alzheimer's Association. Simply visit their websites. Another
     great resource is the web link below. It offers direct links to agencies
     and caregiver resources as well as a Care Plan you can use for the
     person you are caring for. Check it out at:
                                                                                  “Come with me by your-
                                                                   Kate & Jamie   selves to a quiet place and
                                                                                  get some rest.”
                                                                                        Mark 6:31 (NIV)

St. Luke’s Visitor                                   August 2021                                           Page 9
St. Luke's Visitor - St. Lukes - Manhattan, KS Lutheran Church
Volume 12, Issue 8

                               The                                                             August

                               Parish Nurse Page

       The BEST source of information on all vaccines and the lat-
                   est COVID-19 information visit:

                                                                                           Sunscreen daily
                                                                                           to protect from
                                                                                            skin cancer!

                      AUGUST IS

                      Breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for most in-
                      fants. It can also reduce the risk for certain health condi-         Monthly
                      tions for both infants and mothers. Most mothers want to
                                                                                        Blood Pressure
                      breastfeed but stop early due to a lack of ongoing support.
                                                                                       First Sunday after the
                                                                                            8:30 service
       Breastfeeding reduces risks for both mom and baby! For baby, there is a
       reduced risk for: asthma, ear infections, tooth decay, type 1 diabetes, low-
       er respiratory disease, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and gastro-
       intestinal issues. For mom there are lower risk of: high blood pressure,
       type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. For more information            Parish Nurse
       about the benefits of breastfeeding, resources and support for mom, visit           Contacts
       the websites listed below.
                                                                                      Jamie Spikes PhD, RN
       Manhattan Area Breastfeeding Resources and Support                             (785) 313-1587

                                                        Kate McNeal BSN, RN
                                                                                      (785) 313-0648

St. Luke’s Visitor                                  August 2021                                           Page 10
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