St. Joseph Parish Third Sunday of Lent - March 7, 2021

Page created by Sheila Haynes
St. Joseph Parish Third Sunday of Lent - March 7, 2021
March 7, 2021
                        St. Joseph Parish
                       Third Sunday of Lent
                                    Mass Times
Weekend: Saturday: 4:00 P.M. Sunday: 8:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 12:00 P.M. (Spanish)
            Weekdays: Monday—Friday 8:00 A.M. & Thursday 6:00 P.M.
Latin Masses: Wednesdays & Fridays 9:00 A.M., Second Sundays 2:00 P.M.
            * Stations of the Cross: Fridays at 5:00 PM during Lent
                         Administrator: Rev. William Evans

                                                                “Destroy this
                                                               temple and in
                                                              three days I will
                                                                 raise it up”.
                                                                 John 2:13-25

                                    Lent, Week Three
                 Lord God, your foolishness is wiser than human wisdom.
    Your love is steadfast toward those who fear you, to the thousandth generation.
                     You know what is in our hearts, and you love us.

Parish Office: 920-787-3848 (you will be forwarded from this number for emergencies)
               Website: (a link to Mass on YouTube)
             Watch Mass on our Facebook page at St. Joseph Catholic Church
                Radio Mass on Sundays at 1:00 pm on 1600 AM & 93.1 FM
St. Joseph Parish Third Sunday of Lent - March 7, 2021
Mass Schedule & Intentions                                 Financial Report
Saturday, March 6                                                     Week Ending         Year-to-Date
9:00 A.M.   First Saturday Mass                    Income (Actual)       3/06/21           7/1/20-6/30/21
4:00 P.M.   Phyllis McCardell
                  by Mike & Kay Lauritzen          Envelopes          $ 5,567.41          $ 178,781.45
Sunday, March 7                                    Basket                  990.08            23,200.18
8:00 A.M.  Phyllis McCardell                       Other                    592.00           30,954.31
                  by Mimi Smith                    Total Income       $ 7,149.49          $ 232,935.94
9:30 A.M.     Living & Deceased Members of
                                                   EXPENSES (Actual)
              the Council of Catholic Women
12:00 P.M.    Living & Deceased Members            Total Operating        2,480.70          249,798.49
(Spanish)        of St. Joseph Parish              Over (Under) Cash   $ 4,668.79         $ (16,862.55)
Monday, March 8                                    BUILDING & GROUNDS
8:00 A.M.  Birthday blessings on                   Income               $ 377.00           $ 15,546.50
              Joshua Mongan                        Use of other funds         0.00           31,724.08
Tuesday, March 9                                   Expense                 761.62            42,221.86
8:00 A.M.  Matt Wenzel                             B&G (Under) Cash     $ (384.62)         $ 5,048.72
                 by Carolee Primising
5:00–6:00 P.M. Adoration/Benediction/ Confession
Wednesday, March 10                                SCRIP cards are available after all the weekend
8:00 A.M.  Tom Klicka                              Masses. Call Jan to order cards or for questions on
                   by Klicka Sons                  how you can order from your home. 920-622-3891.
                                                   The profit since July 1, 2020 is now $3,419.87.
 9:00 A.M. Intentions of Pat Forest Family         Thank you to all who support SCRIP!
Thursday, March 11
 8:00 A.M. John Fisher
                                                           Congratulations to our March 2nd
                by Helen Fisher
                                                              Raffle Calendar Winners!
5:00–6:00 P.M. Adoration/Benediction/Confession
                                                     $60 - Beverly Burmeister, Wautoma
 6:00 P.M.    Josephine Brennan
                                                     $25 - Donna Tompkins, Wautoma
Friday, March 12                                     $25 - Jonathan Laska, Genoa, NE
 8:00 A.M. Phyllis McCardell                         $25 - Michael & Anita Simonson, New London
                  by Kathy & Bob Turnbull            $25 - Dave & Jean Przekurat, Wild Rose
 9:00 A.M.    Latin Mass                             $25 - Andrew Momsen, Wautoma
 5:00 P.M.    Stations of the Cross                  $25 - Butch Cox, Wild Rose
Saturday, March 13
4:00 P.M.   Myrna Schultz
                                                                     Prayer Requests
                  by St. Joseph Music Ministry
                                                   Please keep the following people in your
Sunday, March 14                                   prayers: Marvel Lee Broker, Kelly Wise, Al
 8:00 A.M.  Dr. Shemanski                          Allbaugh, Lisa Fenner, Chris Melone, Judy Gierach,
                   by Shemanski Family             Susie Sierra, Lois Bielmeier, Jerry Locy, Kevin Kelm,
 9:30 A.M.     LaVerne Daly                        Steve Dorsett, George Korleski, Eddie Emberson,
                   by Gary & Carol Williams        Betty Conklin, Molly Daly, Kate Surprise, Shirley Bar-
12:00 P.M.    Living & Deceased Members            ton, Geoffery Yeska, Holly Kallestad, Donna Tompkins,
(Spanish)         of St. Joseph Parish
                                                   Maureen Fahrenholz, Dawn Tyler, Sue Strey, Denise
 2:00 P.M.    Latin Mass                           Przekurat, Gail Trapp, Jean Unger, Paul Duquette,
                                                   Dick Yeska, Chuck Mrkvicka, Marianne Rubiano.
A Note from Fr. Bill…

               Ecce Agnus Dei, Part XI
               I pray our hearts were thoroughly convicted last week of the
                need to do battle against the scourge of unworthy Commun-
ion; a plague afflicting the Church with ever increasing severity. Any attempt to receive our Lord Je-
sus in the Holy Eucharist with mortal sin on our conscience not only compounds the existing sin, but
unnecessarily puts our eternal soul in jeopardy, as well. Taking the precious Body of Christ under the
influence of grave sin results in a graceless reception that cannot be called communion, because true
Communion is an intimate spiritual exchange between the Lover and the beloved; an impossible reci-
procity when the beloved is sick with sin. Repeated experience with unworthy reception of Holy
Communion over time makes the soul numb to the sacrilege being committed and makes the mind
oblivious to the need for repentance and amendment of life; that is, repairing the Lex Vivendi (law,
or way of living). Remember, though, without a change in Lex Orandi (the way we pray), there likely
will be no change in Lex Credendi (how we believe) to motivate a change in Lex Vivendi.
No one will be profoundly moved to recover a state of grace through sacramental Confession for the
worthy reception of Holy Communion (Canon 916) if there is little or no belief in the reality of Who
is actually being received. Why would a heavy sin burden matter if one is queuing up only to receive
a symbolic piece of bread as a token of participation? Furthermore, why would it matter if the man-
datory one hour fast before receiving Communion was kept? Why would it matter if one were chew-
ing gum at the moment of Communion and still expecting to receive? Why would anyone want to
bow or genuflect or say Amen before receiving a piece of bread? Why would immodest clothing,
filthy messages on T-shirts, or anything regarding personal presentation make any difference in a
common bread line? Dirty hands, gloved hands, hands with grocery lists and phone numbers written
on them; grabbing hands, snatching fingers; hands that carry away the morsel in order to deposit it in
the pew, in the hymnal, in the pocket . . . what does it matter if it is only bread?
Reception of Holy Communion has become a far too casual and thoughtless experience for far too
many souls who still call themselves Catholic. How can this be the true “source and summit of the
Christian life”? (CCC 1324). If it is just bread, it’s nothing, and we might as well just stay home!
BUT IT IS NOT JUST BREAD! The Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, Jesus the Christ gave us his
Body and Blood as the holy food of our salvation. When we approach His Majesty in a state of igno-
rance or indifference to his Real Presence, unconcerned with the condition of our soul, unprepared in
mind and body, we heap manifold disgrace upon the very Sacrament he instituted for our ongoing
intimate communion with him and we jeopardize the relationship with Jesus necessary for our salva-
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”
(John 14:6).
“So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty
of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord” (1Cor 11:27).
The Lex Orandi of the Eucharist in most quarters of the contemporary Church is in distress. Our cor-
porate (Church-wide) sensus fidelium (sense of the faithful) is, therefore, equally compromised. Eve-
rything associated with our current sense of relationship with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist must be
critically reevaluated: our preparation beforehand, our posture in the moment, our way of receiving
the gift; nothing is insignificant! Praised be Jesus Christ!
Religious Education                                   The week ahead at
Wednesday, March 10th Junior High In-Person Class
                                                                           St. Joseph Parish
          Grades 6, 7 & 8 6:00 – 7:30PM @ the Hall
                                                             Monday, March 8
Wed., March 17th In - Person Classes for Grades 2, 10 & 11     8:00 am Mass
Wed., March 24th In - Person Classes for Grades 2, 10 & 11   Tuesday, March 9
Wed., March 31st In - Person Classes for Grades 2, 10 & 11     8:00 am Mass
                     Important Dates                         5-6:00 pm Adoration/Benediction
      First Holy Communion Retreat on Saturday, April 10th     6:15 pm Building & Grounds
      First Holy Communion on Sunday, April 18th 9:30 Mass     7:00 pm Finance Council
                                                             Wednesday, March 10
    Confirmation Retreat on Sunday, May 2nd                    8:00 am Mass
                                                               9:00 am Traditional Latin Mass
    Confirmation on Sunday, May 23rd 9:30 Mass
                                                             Thursday, March 11
                                                               8:00 am Mass
                   Bishop’s Appeal                           5-6:00 pm Adoration/Benediction/Confession
As of March 1st, 76 generous people have contributed           6:00 pm Mass
$16,205.00 towards our goal of $21,610. Keep up the          Friday, March 12
good work! If you would like to donate online, go to the       8:00 am Mass
website:                     9:00 am Latin Mass
Thank you to everyone who has already donated!                 5:00 pm Stations of the Cross
                                                             Saturday, March 13
                                                               2:30 pm Confessions
The Office of the Hispanic Ministry in Green Bay is work-
                                                               4:00 pm Holy Mass
ing with St. Joseph to collect donations of coats, work
                                                             Sunday, March 14
boots, and socks for our migrant workers.
                                                               8:00 am Mass
Men’s coat sizes small, medium and large, boot sizes 7-
                                                               9:30 am Mass
10 and Sock size 7-10.
                                                              12:00 pm Mass (Spanish)
There will be a container in the Gathering space to place
                                                               2:00 pm Latin Mass
your items in. Thank you for your generosity.

                                                                        Readings of the Week
Sign up at and watch the 4-part
series Living Lent as a Family with Ben Akers.                  Monday * 2 Kgs 5:1-15b / Lk 4:24-30
“This Lent, we want to help all families live                   Tuesday * Dn 3:25, 34-43 / Mt 18:21-35
out this holy season! For four consecutive                      Wednesday * Dt 4:1, 5-9 / Mt 5:17-19
Thursdays, we are bringing in couples to talk about how         Thursday *Jer 7:23-28 / Lk 11:14-23
they live Lent as a family. We hope these discussions can       Friday * Hos 14:2-10 / Mk 12:28-34
help you and your family draw closer to Christ this Lent!”      Saturday* Hos 6: 1-6 / Lk 18:9-14
                                                                           Sunday, March 14
                                                                        2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23
Thank you for supporting the Social Justice Com-                             Ephesians 2:4-10
mittee this spring by shopping fair trade at SERRV In-                         John 3:14-21
ternational! Shop from, and
we'll earn 20% for our organization. PLUS: Use promo         Send any monetary donations to Waushara County
code SESPRING21 for FREE SHIPPING on orders $50+             Food Pantry - 220 N. Oakridge Ct., Wautoma 54982
when you place your order today through March 17*.
Be sure to check out SERRV's popular Easter collec-          Please keep an eye out for pussy willows in the
tion— this is the perfect time to send an Easter gift to     coming weeks. We would like to use them for the
a loved one.                                                 Easter decorations. Thank you.
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