St. Joseph Catholic Church - Parishes Online

Page created by Lorraine Norton
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Parishes Online
St. Joseph Catholic Church
1101 Minneapolis St., Sault Ste. Marie | 906-632-9625 |webpage:
                          September 5, 2021

Classes Begin Next Week!                  Catechesis of the
Sunday, September 12                      Good Shepherd
11:00 a.m-12:30 p.m.                      Classes begin September 12
                                          10:00 a.m.– 11:00 a.m.

                          Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held during
                          Mass on Saturday’s at 5:00 p.m. and
                          Sunday’s at 10:00 a.m.

                                    Both the RCIA
     High School                   and High School
                                   Youth Group will
                                     be Holding a
                                     Meet & Greet
                                   Sunday, Sept. 12
                                      6:30 p.m.
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Parishes Online
CONTACT INFO                                                           Volunteer Training
                                                                                       Senior Companion and
                                                                                       Caregiver Program
  Pastor: Father Michael Chenier
  E-mail:                        Connecting our Communities: This program pro-
  Associate Pastor: Father Romeo Cappella                    vides community support through volunteer and
  E-mail:                         nursing assistance to homebound individuals in
  Deacon: Bill Piche                                         Chippewa and Mackinac Counties. These services
  Retired Priest: Father Mark McQuesten                      are designed to help homebound individuals main-
                                                             tain their independence, dignity, and quality of life.
  Webpage:                                   If you are a caring, compassionate person who en-
  Telephone: 906-632-9625                                    joys helping others, you are invited to attend this
                                                             volunteer training:
                                                                    Saturday, Sept. 11 from 9:00—11:00 a.m.
  Parish Hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 9 a.m.— 3 p.m.                         St. Joseph’s Catholic Church-Parish Hall
  Parish Office: 606 E. Fourth Ave., Sault, MI                      To reserve your spot call: 906-259-0222

  Thrift Shoppe: 635-5461
  Bulletin Deadline: Monday at 1:00 p.m.

                        In Observance of Labor Day,
                        the Parish Office will be
                        closed Monday, Sept. 6th.                           LSSU Students!
                                                               The Newman Center is selling parking
                        We will reopen Tuesday, Sep-
                        tember 7th at 9:00 a.m.               passes for their parking lot on Easterday
                        Have a wonderful Labor Day!          Call the Parish office for more information.

  Save the Dates:
  Catholic Men’s Beer Association meeting on Thurs-          Who Are the People You Might Be
  day, September 9th at 8 pm at 1669 Winery.                   Surprised to Meet in Heaven?
  Trivia Night on Thursday, September 30th in the
  Parish Hall. Snacks at 5, Trivia at 6. All families, all   Why are They Grateful to Our Lady?
  parishioners are welcome!
  Trunk or Treating in the parking lot on Sunday, Oc-
  tober 31st at 12:30 p.m.                                   You’re invited to three separate presentations by
                                                             Mary Ann Zink to get those answers.

                       Thrift Shoppe                                        Wednesday evenings
                       Open House                                       September 8, 15, and 22, 2021
                                                                            6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
                    Sept. 11th and 12th                            At St. Mary’s Church in the Mary Room

The Thrift Shoppe volunteers will be holding an              Learn about these saints and others:
Open House on Saturday, September 11th from                  An ex-Satanist, a lice ridden, homeless wanderer
6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. And on Sunday, Septem-             and a little 17th Century nun who dropped dead
ber 12th from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.                    from the shock of what she was shown, only to
                                                             choose to return to life to suffer for the 20th and
Please stop by to check out the Shoppe and hear              21st centuries.
about this wonderful mission of our Parish for our
community. Refreshments will be served.                      Come, be amazed, share thoughtful reflections
                                                             and prepare yourself for October, the month dedi-
  Also, the Ladies Guild will be holding their Bazaar        cated to Mary.
. on Saturday, October 16th!
Catechesis of the                                                      During Mass on
                                                                                       Saturday’s at 5 pm &
                Good Shepherd                                                          Sunday’s at 10 am

    Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a hands on
                                                           Leaders and Helpers are needed to teach the
    Montessori class that teaches our youngest chil-
                                                           Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Saturday’s at
    dren about Jesus and our Catholic Faith.
                                                           5:00 p.m. or Sunday at 10:00 a.m. We hope to
                                                           locate enough volunteers to teach once a
    For ages 3 1/2—5 yrs.
                                                           month. If you are interested in becoming a
    Time: During 10:00 a.m. Mass
                                                           Leader or Helper please call the Parish Office for
    Dates: Sept. 12, 2021-June 5, 2022
                                                           more information!
    Located at the CGS Atrium—In O’Callaghan Hall
    Contact Jayne Barber at 906-440-1836.

    Register on-line at: Click on the
                                                               Knights of Columbus #649
    Grow link and fill out the CGS form under Faith For-               Pastie Sale
    mation registration.
                                                                Saturday, September 11
    Our devoted Catechists are:
    Jayne Barber, Janet Gordon,
                                                           Council #649 raises money for projects in the
    Margaret Swedene
                                                           Sault area. Please call and leave a message at
                                                           632-3653 Monday thru Thursday with your order.
    We look forward to seeing you
                                                           This helps to determine how many pasties they
    this fall!
                                                           will need to make on Saturday. Thank you!

                                  Register on our web-
                                  site:             Prayer Shawl Group will be
                                  *Grow *Faith                        Meeting Friday, Sept 10th
                                  Formation K-8th
                                                                           9:30-10:45 a.m.
    K-8th grade Faith Formation classes will begin on
                                                                          In the Parish Hall
    Sunday, September 12th from 11:00 a.m.-12:30

    Our groups will begin with snacks and songs in               Carmelite Monastery Silver Tea
    the parish hall. Still seeking help with setting up
    the snacks. A short training and background                      Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021
    check is involved.                                              10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. CST
                                                               Carmel of the Holy Cross Monastery
    Team Leaders for FF this year:                            Junction US2 and M95, Iron Mountain
          Josie Benoit: grades K-2
          Trish Kiczenski: grades 3-5
                                                                 Final Week to Support the Sisters
          Dennis & Clara James: grades 6-8
                                                           Purchase your raffle tickets in the Parish Office
                                                                  or at any Catholic Parish in the
                   High School                                         Diocese of Marquette

                                                           Suggested donation: $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00
                                                           Prizes: 1st: Kayak w/paddle & vest, 2nd: Big
    High School Youth Group Meet & Greet and reg-          screen TV, 3rd: Gas grill, 4th: Diamond ear-
    istration will be held September 12 at 6:30 p.m. in
                                                           rings, 5th: Baby stroller/car seat combo, 6th:
    the Parish Hall. And it kicks off on Sunday, Sep-
                                                           Handmade quilt
    tember 19, from 6:30-8:00 p.m.

    Please see the website to register your child(ren)!             Need not be present to win.
Mass Schedule                                                           Rite of Christian
                                                                                        Initiation of Adults
    Friday, September 3: 5:15 p.m.                                                             or RCIA
    +For John Paradiso by Patricia Paradiso
    Saturday, September 4: 5:00 p.m.                                                      Meet & Greet:
    +For Debbie Verrett by Lawrence & Colleen                                           Sun., Sept. 12th at
    Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                                              6:30 p.m.
    Sunday, September 5:
    8:00 a.m.: +Harriet MacMaster                             “We would like to let everyone in the Parish know
    10:00 a.m.: For the Parishioners of St. Joseph’s Parish   that you are invited to join the RCIA classes that
    6:00 p.m.: NC                                             we will be starting on September 19, 2021, at 6:30
    Monday, September 6: No Mass                              p.m. in the Parish Hall.
    Tuesday, September 7: 8:15 p.m. NC
    Wednesday, September 8: 4:00 p.m.                         It’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about
    +For Paul & Donna Ripley Family                           what we believe, take part in assisting our stu-
    Thursday, September 9: 12:10 p.m.                         dents on their journey into the faith and enjoy fel-
    Friday, September 10: 5:15 p.m.                           lowship, prayer and worship. Besides our regular
    +For Gregory Allard by Jackie Allard                      studies, we will have testimonials, praise and wor-
    Saturday, September 11: 5:00 p.m.                         ship, food and wrap up our evening with chanted
    +For Terry Cottelit by Gary & Mary Herschel               evening prayer.
    Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
    Sunday, September 12:                                     This is a perfect opportunity to delve deeper into
    8:00 a.m.: +For Debbie Verrett by Kathlene                your faith and to bond with others who are just
    Rabineau                                                  beginning to understand what we believe. What
    10:00 a.m.: For the Parishioners of St. Joseph’s Parish   a perfect way for our students to learn about their
    6:00 p.m. NC: +For Harriet MacMaster by Keith &           parish and the wonderful people that make it the
    Cathy Springstead                                         glorious place it is. We hope you will join us.”

    Friday’s Mass at 5:15 p.m. is intended for those
    most vulnerable to COVID-19. All who attend                Needed Positions: Musicians/Singers: We are
    MUST wear a mask. Thank you for your consider-             looking for musicians and singers who are willing
    ation.                                                     to play once or twice a month for our Saturday
                                                               5:00 p.m. Mass or our Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass.
                                                               Interested? Call the Parish office. Child Care:
       Remembrance Candles                                     We are looking for child-care during our RCIA ses-
                                                               sions beginning 9/12. A short training and back-
                                                               ground check is required. Email Josie at
              September, 2021                         Snack Team for the Faith For-
                                                               mation classes. Video Technician: We would like
                      Table of the Lord                        to live-stream our Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass. We
                  In memory of Tom Artley, Jr. by the          need someone to run the program. Call the Of-
                     Artley and Trumbley Families              fice for more information.

                  In memory of Ginny Tetzlaff by the
                           Tetzlaff Family
                                                              A Special Collection For Haiti to
                                                                   be taken next week:
                     Word of God
     In memory of John Bonacci by JoAnn Bonacci                     September 11-12
                                                              As we pray for those afflicted by the recent earth-
                                                              quake in Haiti that struck on Saturday, August 14,
     We will be hosting Adoration of the                      our bishop, Most Rev. John F. Doerfler, asks that all
    Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday’s                          parishes and missions in the diocese take up a
          from 5:00 p.m-8:00 p.m.                             special collection. This collection will support the
                                                              USCCB Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund.
Mass Schedule                                                           Rite of Christian
                                                                                        Initiation of Adults
    Friday, September 3: 5:15 p.m.                                                             or RCIA
    +For John Paradiso by Patricia Paradiso
    Saturday, September 4: 5:00 p.m.                                                      Meet & Greet:
    +For Debbie Verrett by Lawrence & Colleen                                           Sun., Sept. 12th at
    Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                                              6:30 p.m.
    Sunday, September 5:
    8:00 a.m.: +Harriet MacMaster                             “We would like to let everyone in the Parish know
    10:00 a.m.: For the Parishioners of St. Joseph’s Parish   that you are invited to join the RCIA classes that
    6:00 p.m.: NC                                             we will be starting on September 19, 2021, at 6:30
    Monday, September 6: No Mass                              p.m. in the Parish Hall.
    Tuesday, September 7: 8:15 p.m. NC
    Wednesday, September 8: 4:00 p.m.                         It’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about
    +For Paul & Donna Ripley Family                           what we believe, take part in assisting our stu-
    Thursday, September 9: 12:10 p.m.                         dents on their journey into the faith and enjoy fel-
    Friday, September 10: 5:15 p.m.                           lowship, prayer and worship. Besides our regular
    +For Gregory Allard by Jackie Allard                      studies, we will have testimonials, praise and wor-
    Saturday, September 11: 5:00 p.m.                         ship, food and wrap up our evening with chanted
    +For Terry Cottelit by Gary & Mary Herschel               evening prayer.
    Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
    Sunday, September 12:                                     This is a perfect opportunity to delve deeper into
    8:00 a.m.: +For Debbie Verrett by Kathlene                your faith and to bond with others who are just
    Rabineau                                                  beginning to understand what we believe. What
    10:00 a.m.: For the Parishioners of St. Joseph’s Parish   a perfect way for our students to learn about their
    6:00 p.m. NC: +For Harriet MacMaster by Keith &           parish and the wonderful people that make it the
    Cathy Springstead                                         glorious place it is. We hope you will join us.”

    Friday’s Mass at 5:15 p.m. is intended for those
    most vulnerable to COVID-19. All who attend                Needed Positions: Musicians/Singers: We are
    MUST wear a mask. Thank you for your consider-             looking for musicians and singers who are willing
    ation.                                                     to play once or twice a month for our Saturday
                                                               5:00 p.m. Mass or our Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass.
                                                               Interested? Call the Parish office. Child Care:
       Remembrance Candles                                     We are looking for child-care during our RCIA ses-
                                                               sions beginning 9/12. A short training and back-
                                                               ground check is required. Email Josie at
              September, 2021                         Snack Team for the Faith For-
                                                               mation classes. Video Technician: We would like
                      Table of the Lord                        to live-stream our Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass. We
                  In memory of Tom Artley, Jr. by the          need someone to run the program. Call the Of-
                     Artley and Trumbley Families              fice for more information.

                  In memory of Ginny Tetzlaff by the
                           Tetzlaff Family
                                                              A Special Collection For Haiti to
                                                                   be taken next week:
                     Word of God
     In memory of John Bonacci by JoAnn Bonacci                     September 11-12
                                                              As we pray for those afflicted by the recent earth-
                                                              quake in Haiti that struck on Saturday, August 14,
     We will be hosting Adoration of the                      our bishop, Most Rev. John F. Doerfler, asks that all
    Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday’s                          parishes and missions in the diocese take up a
          from 5:00 p.m-8:00 p.m.                             special collection. This collection will support the
                                                              USCCB Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund.
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