St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory

Page created by Duane George
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 15 , 2021

                      St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Parish Administrative Center                                  St. Alexander School
7025 W. 126th St. Palos Heights, IL 60463                     126th St. and 71st Ave. Palos Heights, IL 60463
Phone: 708-448-4861 Fax: 708-448-0039                         Phone: 708-448-0408 Fax: 708-448-5947
Pastor: ………………...….. Rev. Martin Michniewicz ext. 227         Principal: …………………………………….…... Sharon O’Toole
Associate Pastor: …….……… Rev. William Vollmer ext. 223        Assistant Principal: …………………...……… Mary Dombrowski
Deacons: ……..…. Jim Horton, Tim Keating, Michael Ciciura      Administrative Assistants: Mary Ann Pellicore & Renee Chavez
Director Parish Home & Health Ministry: Jim Horton ext. 232   School Web: ………………….......
Operations Manager: ……………….. Paula Somers ext. 233            School E-Mail: ……………...........
Director of Music: …………………. Matthew Berardi ext. 224          Religious Education Office
Youth Minister: ………………...……… Tyler Ried - 448-6624            126th St. and 71st Ave. Palos Heights, IL 60463
Athletic Director ………………………...….. Michael Kennedy             Phone: 708-448-6624
Counseling Center: …………………...…… 448-4861 ext.310              Coordinator of Religious Education: ………...……… Tyler Ried
Director: .…………. Sr. Claire Marie Czerwiec, SSND, LCPC        Religious Ed. E-Mail: …………….……..
Parish E-Mail: ……………………….               Knights of Columbus: ………………………... 448-4861 ext. 400
St. Alexander on the Web: ..…….      Knight of Columbus on the Web: ...…….
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Page Two                              The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                              August 15, 2021

                                          Spreading the Holy Fire
                 Celebrating Christ Risen from the Dead through the 7 Sacraments
                                            S                       I
                         BAPTISM                                                    CONFIRMATION
      Celebration of Entrance into Christ’s Church                       Celebration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
 You must be a registered parishioner in this parish.             This Sacrament is normally celebrated in 8th Grade and is
 At least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic. The         a 2 year program of preparation.
 other must be a Christian.                                       Confirmation Contacts:
 Parents must register for a class on Baptism BEFORE your         Tyler Ried - Religious Education 448-6624
 baby is baptized. Archdiocesan required classes are held once    Sharon O’Toole - School 448-0408
 a month, usually on the 1st Tuesday of the month, and facili-    The Archdiocese also offers classes for adults wishing to
 tated by trained parishioners.                                   receive Confirmation. Adult Confirmation Contact -
 Baptism contact Joan DeVito 448-4861 ext. 237                    Deacon Tim Keating or Deacon Jim Horton 448-4861

                               RCIA Celebration of the Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults
  This process is for adults who would like to join the Roman Catholic Church and have never been Baptized, or were Baptized
                in another Christian denomination. There is also a process for children (RCIC) and teens (RCIT).
                      RCIA/RCIC/RCIT contact - Deacon Tim Keating or Deacon Jim Horton 448-4861

       Celebration of Sharing Fully at Christ’s Altar of Sacrifice & Communion with Jesus and His Church
                Eucharistic Liturgy (Mass)                                    Eucharistic Adoration
               Sunday Vigil: 5:00 PM (Saturday)
          Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM, & 6:00 PM                       Evening of Prayer and Adoration
               Monday through Friday: 8:30 AM
                                                                                On the 1st Saturday
                  Saturday Morning: 8:00 AM                                      4:30 PM - Rosary
         First Saturday Devotions after 8:00 AM Mass                              5:00 PM - Mass
                    Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 PM                                6:00 PM - Prayers for Healing
                Holy Day: 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM

                                            S                        H
             ANOINTING OF THE SICK                                                RECONCILIATION
  Celebration of God’s Restorative Love & Forgiveness                        Celebration of God’s Forgiveness
 Sacrament offers strength to the living. If someone becomes                  through Personal Confession
 seriously ill, please call the Parish Administrative Center.           Saturday Morning: 8:30 AM (until all are heard)
 Ministers of Care are available to bring Holy Communion and/
                                                                           Saturday Evening: after the 5:00 PM Mass
 or visit with the sick and homebound.
 Also every 1st Saturday after the 5:00 PM Mass                                  Other Times by Appointment

                                        S                        C
                      MATRIMONY                                                     HOLY ORDERS
      Celebration of God’s Blessings on the Loving Union                 Celebration of Ordained Service to the Church
                    between Man and Woman                        The three offices of the Sacrament of Holy Orders are bishop,
Please call the Parish Administration Center at least 4 months   priest and deacon. All three are conferred by the sacramental
in advance of your wedding. Pre-Cana for engaged couples         act called “ordination.”
is required by the Archdiocese.                                  Priesthood Contact - Fr. Michniewicz 448-4861 ext 227
Matrimony Contact:                                               Archdiocese of Chicago Vocation Director:
Fr. Martin Michniewicz & Fr. William Vollmer 448-4861            Rev. Timothy Monahan 312-534-8298
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Page Three                       The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                      August 15, 2021

             FROM OUR PASTOR
   Dear Parishioners,
       This weekend we celebrate the Feast of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Blessed
   Mother was immediately assumed into heaven after her death for she was sinless throughout her entire
   life and always followed the will of God. One way to understand the Assumption of Mary into heaven
   is to think of how much she desired to be reunited with her son, Jesus, after the Ascension. Mary knew
   Jesus in spirit and sacrament, but as a mother she longed to wrap her arms around Him. This longing
   one day became so strong that the bonds of gravity and this world could no longer hold our Blessed
   Virgin on this earth. God is pure love and so too is our Blessed Mother.
       Many times throughout the year you will notice the initials RCIA mentioned in the bulletin. RCIA
   stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is a program designed for adults who are inter-
   ested in joining the Catholic faith. The RCIA program also helps those who are in need of sacraments.
   This program is geared to those who have never been baptized, those who were baptized in another
   faith or those who are in need of the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist or Confirmation.
   This year’s RCIA classes will begin in October and conclude a few weeks after the Easter Vigil in
   2022. If you or anyone you know is interested in joining the Catholic faith or receiving any sacraments,
   please contact our RCIA director, Deacon Tim Keating at 708-341-9745 or 708-448-4861.
       As stated in last week’s bulletin, in several weeks our parish Religious Education Program for the
   2021-2022 school year will begin. We are in need of new catechists to teach our R.E. students in the
   Catholic faith and help several grades prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion,
   and Confirmation. I ask everyone to please consider becoming a catechist in our program. If you feel
   you are not qualified, don’t worry, we will train you. Being a catechist is a great way to share your
   faith with the youth of our parish who are the future of the Roman Catholic Church. Please pray and let
   the Holy Spirit guide you as you make your decision. For information call Tyler Ried in the Religious
   Education office at 708-448-6624.
      There are still openings in many grades at St. Alexander School for the upcoming year. If you know
   of anybody who is interested in educating their child with a Catholic education, please have them call
   the school office at 708-448-0408.
                                                                                        God Bless,
                                                                                        Father Marty

                                                       ST. ALEXANDER IS PART
                                                         OF AMAZON SMILE!
 When you order from, you may designate that a contribution of 0.5% of your total order will be donated to St. Alexander Parish & School. Every little bit helps!
 Simply visit, log in, and choose St. Alexander Parish & School as
 your charitable organization. Be sure to log in through each time you
 place an order so it credits to our account.
 Please consider doing this every time you place an order with this holiday season. It’s
 free to you and it’s a wonderful way to bene it our parish and school! An added bonus; you can pur-
 chase Amazon gift cards through SAVE!
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Page Four                           The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                         August 15, 2021

                                                              The celebration of today’s feast on a Sunday is un-
The following children were baptized by Deacon Jim            usual on our Roman Catholic calendar. Our ob-
Horton on Sunday, August 8, 2021.                             servance of the Lord’s Day is held in such high es-
  Rowan June Craven, daughter of Brian & Samantha             teem that few other feasts replace it. Occasionally
    Dominic Franco Kukulski, son of Kyle & Marisa             there is a feast—usually of one of the saints—in
                                                              which the saving power of God in Christ is so
We welcome them into the family of the church and offer       uniquely focused that the Roman rite deems it wor-
their parents our prayers and good wishes.                    thy of celebration on the Lord’s Day. Today is such
                                                              a feast. Yet some are surprised at the brevity of the
                                                              dogma in its entirety: “We pronounce, declare and
                                                              define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the
                                                              Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary
                                                              having completed the course of her earthly life, was
                                                              assumed body and soul to heavenly glory.” The
                                                              Roman Catholic Church never defined any specif-
                                                              ics or particulars about the event itself. It is not in
       II   Ashley Dykstra & James Wesalowski                 the scriptures. There are no verifiable eyewitness
                                                              accounts. At its core, the dogma reveals in Mary
                                                              the destiny of all mortal flesh, and reinforces our
                                                              creedal belief in resurrection of the body. This feast
                                                              strengthens our faith, defined last week in Hebrews
                                                              as the realization of things hoped for. We find, in
         Home Bound or Ill?                                   Mary, that realization of what we all hope for, what
 If you, or someone you know, are                             Paul today affirms: “In Christ shall all be brought
 unable to attend Mass and would                              to life” (1 Corinthians 15:22).
 like to receive communion in their                                                   Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
 home, please call Deacon Jim Horton
 at 708-448-4861, ext. 232.                                         Today’s Readings: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16;
                                                                                 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7,9-10, 13-14;
                                                                                   1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28
                                                                        Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10
                                                                   -          12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56

                     Prayers of the Faithful
                          for the Sick
              As the faith family of St. Alexander, we
              unite with one another to pray for those                         READINGS FOR THE WEEK
              who need healing of their body, mind or
spirit. Confident that God hears the voices of those who                          August 16-22, 2021
trust in the Lord Jesus, we join in prayer for:              Monday:    Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab,
       John D. Baron            Mike Garetto Sr.                        44; Mt 19:16-22
       Eva Ritz                 Tatiana Ranftl               Tuesday:   Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30
       Jim Holden               Shauna Regan                 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16
       Carmel Pendergast        John Kmiecik                 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14
       Maureen Bonistelle       Stan Evans                   Friday:    Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10;
       Christine Keefner        Richard Krisik                          Mt 22:34-40
       Dominick Strom                                        Saturday: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1b-5;
If you or anyone in your family would like to be added                  Mt 23:1-12
to our Prayers of the Faithful for the Sick please contact   Sunday:    Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34:2-3, 16-21;
the Parish Administrative Office at 708-448-4861.                       Eph 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Page Five                        The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                       August 15, 2021

               WORD OF LIFE                               EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS
“In times of suffering, the human person should           Saturday, August 21st
be able to experience a solidarity and a love that         5:00 PM— Pat & Ed Sobczak
takes on the suffering, offering a sense of life that     Sunday, August 22nd
extends beyond death… In the family a person               7:30 AM— Karen McNeal, Nancy Foster
can count on strong relationships, valued in               9:30 AM— Carol Schuemann, Wendy Loftus
themselves apart from their helpfulness or the joy        11:30 AM— Tom Stuchly, Val Thoma
they bring. It is essential that the sick under care       6:00 PM— Sharon Ayres
do not feel themselves to be a burden, but can            LECTORS
sense the intimacy and support of their loved             Saturday, August 21st
ones.” (SB 4-5)                                            5:00 PM— Joan DeVito
    —-Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith          Sunday, August 22nd
                                                           7:30 AM— Mark Foster, Mary Dombrowski
                                                           9:30 AM— Linda Buchanan
                                                          11:30 AM— James Clark, Denise Ciciura
                                                           6:00 PM— Bob Ayres

                   USHERS NEEDED
                If you are interested in helping
                our parish ministry please con-
                sider offering your services as                                  Are You A Candidate For
                an usher at one of our Saturday
 evening or Sunday Masses. If interested in                                        Spiritual Direction?
 helping, or just want more information, please
 contact Tom Stuchly 708-699-4444 or Jim                   1. Is your experience of faith in transition?
 Klimek 708-532-7259.                                      ∗ Exploring new ideas about your faith
                                                           ∗ Picture of God is changing
                                                           ∗ Physical place of faith has changed
                                                           ∗ Spiritual practices need a review
                                                           2. Have you experienced a personal loss?
 LEGACY PLANNING                                           ∗ Physical loss of a relative, friend, or loved one.
 Please Consider a Gift to the Church that                 ∗ Loss of material possessions or income
 Pays you Back                                             ∗ Loss of special relationship
 A Charitable Gift Annuity is a great way to               3. Has your self-perception changed?
 make a gift to the Church and receive fixed               ∗ Transition from single to married life
 payments for life—benefitting you today and               ∗ Beginning a new job or career
 our parish in the future. You can schedule                ∗ Forced change of career/loss of job
 payments according to your financial needs,               ∗ Desire to become more healthy—physically
 and enjoy immediate and future tax benefits,                 or spiritually
 including a federal income tax deduction for              4. Do you feel a yearning for God?
 a portion of your gift, if you itemize. Also, a           ∗ Asking where is God in your life experiences
 portion of each annuity payment will be tax-              ∗ Desire to pay more attention to your relationship
 free (through life expectancy). The funds re-                with God
 maining after your lifetime will support our              ∗ Desire to pay closer attention to your prayer life
 parish or school—as designated by you.
                                                           If you are interested learning more about Spiritual
 For more information, please contact Fr.                  Direction, contact Deacon Mike at 630-243-9342
 Marty at 708-448-4861.                                    or
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Page Six                       The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                   August 15, 2021

                       E-Giving Made Easy                   PASTORAL COUNSELING SERVICES
                                                               AT ST. ALEXANDER PARISH
                     If you would like to make a
                     one-time electronic donation,                      Services for individuals,
                     please scan                                            couples & families
                     this bar code.                                     For more information, call
                                                                             448-4861 ext. 310
Scroll down to “One –Time Gifts”                                  Sr. Claire M. Czerwiec, SSND, LCPC
and enter the amount and type of
                                                               Pastoral Counselor & Spiritual Director
payment. It’s that simple!

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process to help anyone who is considering
a conversion to the Catholic faith to learn about the beautiful truths and theology of the Roman
Catholic Church.
The RCIA is for those never baptized, for those baptized in another Christian faith, those who
were baptized Catholic but did not receive either First Communion and or the Sacrament of
Con irmation, or for anyone who has the desire to learn more about our faith and what we
believe as Catholics.
The process culminates on Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil Mass when participants will
receive the Sacraments.
Our sessions are held on Sunday morning at 8:30         and last about 50 minutes. This allows
for those who wish to attend the 7:30        Mass or the 9:30     Mass to celebrate at their chosen
and preferred time.
There is no cost to you, all materials will be supplied. The sessions will begin October 10th.
Please encourage anyone you know considering the Catholic faith to contact us by completing
the form below or contacting our Parish Of ice at 708-448-4861.
Day phone number___________________________________________________________________________
Evening phone number______________________________________________________________________
Email address________________________________________________________________________________
Please check the appropriate box:
__________ I am interested in becoming Catholic
__________ I am Catholic but need to complete my Sacraments
__________ I am interested in learning more about my Catholic faith
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Page Seven                       The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                         August 15, 2021

                                     LAST FRIDAY, AUGUST 13TH, WE CELEBRATED
                                   THE FEAST DAY OF BLESSED MICHAEL MCGIVNEY
                           Michael McGivney was born the oldest of 13 children of immigrant Irish parents and
                           grew up in a poor Irish neighborhood in Waterbury, Conn. When he was old enough, he
                           worked in a factory as his father did. Father McGivney was ordained a priest at a time
                           when overworked priests had a life expectancy of under 40 years. His first assignment
                           was to St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., where he dedicated himself to his pasto-
                           ral service characterized by a ministry to the marginalized, demonstrating perseverance
                           in the face of adversity and trials.
 In response to threats to the faith, and to protect families both spiritually and materially, Father McGivney —
 then only 29 years of age — founded the Knights of Columbus as a Catholic fraternal society and to offer a finan-
 cial safety net to help keep Catholic families together when a breadwinner died, preventing a loss of faith
 among widows and orphans. He taught that Knights should be known for their faithfulness to Christ, fidelity to
 our Holy Mother Church, personal integrity, courageous service and opposition to injustice.
 The Knights of Columbus continues to live out the vision Father McGivney set forth for the Order. Today, there
 are more than 2 million members of the Knights of Columbus in some 15,000 local councils located in more than
 a dozen countries around the world. In 2019, these Knights together donated $187 million to charity and provid-
 ed 77 million hours of volunteer work.
 In May of 2020, the Vatican confirmed that an unborn child diagnosed with Down syndrome, was miraculously
 cured of a fatal case of fetal hydrops. This miracle was attributed to Father McGivney’s intercession and opened
 the way for his beatification. Father Michael McGivney was officially declared “Blessed” on October 31, 2020.
 One more miracle attributed to the intercession of Father McGivney is needed for him to be declared a saint.

  Dear Parishioners,
  I hope everyone is having a great summer! As we start to inch closer to the school year, don’t forget
  Religious Education Registration is open for the 2021-2022 school year!
  We will be starting mid-September and running through April. All grades, first through eighth, will be on
  either Monday (5:30-7:00 ) or Tuesday (4:30- 6:00 ) nights. Religious Ed will be in person this year
  and follow the COVID-19 protocols as directed by the Archdiocese.
     RE Fees for 2021-2022:
     1 Child - $275 plus $25 book fee
     2 Children - $375 plus $25 book fee per child
     3+ Children - $475 plus $25 book fee per child
     $40 sacramental fee will be added on for all Communion students
     $60 sacramental fee will be added on for all Confirmation students
  I am in need of VOLUNTEERS!!! If you are interested in learning more about your faith, what better
  way than to learn by teaching the youth of our parish!!! I have volunteer teaching spots open both nights,
  and could always use subs as well if anyone would be interested in that!
  If you have any questions about registering your child or volunteering for Religious Education, please
  contact me!
  Tyler Ried
                                                               VOLUNTEERS                                          NEEDED
  Office: (708) 448-6624 Cell: (309) 826-2049

  (Please visit and click on the Religious Education tab to access registration forms.)
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Page Eight                       The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                August 15, 2021

                FORMED                                               KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
     THE CATHOLIC FAITH. ON DEMAND.                                  ST. THEODORE GUERIN
   Diving into the beauty of Faith has never been                        COUNCIL #14057
        easier: at home, on the go, or from any              JOIN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
               internet connected device.                           AT THE WINDY CITY
      Discover thousands of books, audio talks,                   THUNDERBOLTS GAME!
    movies, documentaries, and studies...there is
                                                            The game against the Joliet Slammers is
 something for every member of the family to help
                                                           Friday night, August 27th, on the party deck
     them grow closer to Christ and His Church.
                                                              of the Ozinga Stadium in Crestwood.
         Already have a FORMED Account?
 Visit, Click sign in, Enter your email,       The evening includes
 Click the link received in your email. You’re in! No      Nancy Faust on the
 more passwords.                                           organ and fireworks
      Want to create a new FORMED account                    after the game.
                    with your parish?                    Hotdogs, burgers, chips,
 Visit, Click sign up, Select “I Belong        soft drinks, and water
 to a Parish or Organization”, Type in St. Alexander,    are free for 90 minutes.
 Palos Heights, IL, Enter your email and your in!          For information or tickets call Deputy Grand
      YOU CAN ALSO GET THE FORMED APP!                        Night John Laskey at 708-837-0121.

                                              SCOUTS HAVE FUN!
                                             YOU’RE INVITED!
                                         St. Alexander Catholic Parish
                                              Cub Scout Pack 3337
                                               Recruitment Night
                                       Kindergarten - Fifth Grade Boys
                                      Friday, August 20th 7:00 - 9:00 PM
                                         St. Alexander Parish Lounge
                          Scout Leaders will be on hand to answer your
                        scouting questions. For more information contact
                                Fran Pendergast at 708-923-9984.
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Page Nine                 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary        August 15, 2021

  First Monthly Meeting — Thursday, August 19th
             Parish Lounge — 11:30
   Our Guest — Associate Pastor Fr. Bill Vollmer
        A perfect “Meet & Greet” opportunity
          Light refreshments will be served


                                                     2021 MEETING DATES:
                                                  August 19 …... Fr. Bill Vollmer
                                                September 16…...Evening meeting
                                                 October 21…...Evening meeting
                                                November 18…...Afternoon meeting
                                                      December 16…...TBA

         Please fill in the tear-off sheet below and either return it to the Parish
     Office or place it in the Sunday collection basket. Call Diane at 708-638-7994
        with questions or to make reservations. We would like to know number
                     attending so we will have enough refreshments.

  Name ___________________________________ Phone No. ___________________

  Are you currently a member ____________ E-mail __________________________

  Meeting/Trip Suggestions _______________________________________________
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Page Ten   The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary   August 15, 2021
Page Eleven                   The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                       August 15, 2021

                  ST. CHRISTOPHER
               KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
               3RD ANNUAL CAR SHOW
  Saturday, August 28th from 8:00 —3:00               St. Laurence High School: Class of 1970 “50 plus
           St. Christopher Parking Lot                1”Reunion Weekend, September 10-12. Spouses and
            147th & Karlov, Midlothian                guests are welcome. Activities include a banquet and
                                                      entertainment at the Riviera Country Club in Orland
        Water, Soda, Beer, Hot Dogs &                 Park on Saturday evening. For more information
     Hamburgers will be available for sale!           please call Tom Lipinski at 708-573-4923.
 Please bring a canned good for our Food Pantry       Mother McAuley High School: Class of 1971 50th
                                                      Reunion, September 26th. Please send updated contact
       * Rain date is Sunday, August 29th             information to

     Assisted Listening Systems
          for Church Sound
 Our church is equipped with a hearing “loop”
 system which will allow those with a tele-coil
 (T-coil) in their hearing aid to hear more
 clearly. Some hearing aids will automatically
 switch to our “loop” system. Other hearing
 aids must be manually switched to the T-coil
 If you do not think your hearing aid is func-
 tioning properly with our “loop” system it may
 be because: A) Your hearing aid does not have                MERCY HOME SUNDAY MASS
 a built-in T-coil OR B) You have to manually
 switch your hearing aid to the T-coil mode.
                                                              9:30AM on WGN-TV Channel 9
 T-Coil Switches: If your hearing aid has a
 switch labeled M-T-O the switch should be set
 to the T position. If your hearing aid has                 HOLY FAMILY CHAPEL RE-OPENING
 switch labeled M-MT the switch should be set
                                                       We are preparing to re-open the Holy Family Chapel
 to the MT position.                                   (St. George, 6707 W. 175th St., Tinley Park). The
 Please consult your Audiologist with any              chapel re-opening will cover the hours of 11
 questions, and to be sure that your hearing aid       through and including 11         (closing at midnight)
 is equipped with a T-coil and is working              on Monday through Saturday. Restarting with per-
                                                       petual adoration is not seem feasible at this time.
                                                       If you are able to take a regular weekly hour, please
 If you do not have a hearing aid with tele-coil       register at Click on
 (T-coil), we have purchased four individual           the “Weekly Commitment” tab, select the hour you
 hearing devices, speci ically programmed for          prefer, and fill in the requested information. When
 our system, that can be used during our litur-        finished, click on “Signup” to complete your registra-
 gies on Sunday. They will be placed in a box on       tion. You may also contact Bill Beckman at 708-429-
                                                       2762 to register. If you’re unable to commit to a regu-
 the bench outside the school of ice. We do ask        lar weekly hour, please consider substituting by click-
 that you please clean the hearing device after        ing on “Become a Sub” and complete the information.
 Mass, with the alcohol wipes that are on the          You will be contacted as needed.
 bench, before returning them to the box.                 The re-opening ceremony, which includes
 Thank you and we hope this will help to en-              a Eucharistic Procession, is scheduled for
 hance your liturgical experience.                      Tuesday, Sept 14th following the 8:15   Mass.
Page Twelve                       The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                    August 15, 2021

                                                         Wednesday, August 18th
                                                           8:30 AM— Wayne Tarka (6th Anniversary)
                                                                      Liam Hanley
                                                                      John & Joan Hayes
                                                         Thursday, August 19th (St. John Eudes)
                                                           8:30 AM— Sr. Patricia Ann Murphy, RSM
                                                                      Patricia Hayes (5th Anniversary)
                                                         Friday, August 20th (St. Bernard)
VIRGIN MARY                                                8:30 AM— George Lamoureux (1st Anniversary)
AUGUST 15, 2021                                                       Lorraine Wittbrodt (1st Anniversary)
                                                                      Joseph Leyden
Saturday, August 14th                                    Saturday, August 21st (St. Pius X)
  5:00 PM— For the Parishioners                            8:00 AM— Special Intention
             Cathy Popp (1st Anniversary)
             Ron Antos (9th Anniversary)                 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
             John & Geraldine Sexton
                                                         AUGUST 22, 2021
             Frank Bilo (5th Anniversary)
             Egon Menker Sr.
                                                         Saturday, August 21st
Sunday, August 15th
                                                           5:00 PM— Joseph Pajda
  7:30 AM— Joe Macey
                                                                      Florence Jastrzebowski
             Ed Dombrowski
                                                                      Timothy Jarema
             Claudia Flaws
                                                                      Joshua Haberklorn
             Johanna Hoban
                                                                      Nora Monteliene
             Aggie Palmer
                                                                      Egon Menker Sr.
  9:30 AM— Brian Cadore
                                                         Sunday, August 22nd
             Donna Marie & Joseph A. Feldner, SGM
                                                           7:30 AM— For the Parishioners
             Dr. Loren Feldner
                                                                      Joe, Virg & Rick Potempa
             Margaret Feldner
                                                                      Ed Dombrowski
             John Hartig
                                                                      Aggie Palmer
             Barbara Rollheiser
                                                           9:30 AM— Kevin Reynolds Jr. (2nd Anniversary)
             Esperanza & Jose Luis Alexander
                                                                      Ida May Bradshaw
             Liam Hanley
                                                                      Joseph Rathnau
             Larry Yakutis
                                                                      Donna Marie & Joseph A. Feldner, SGM
 11:30 AM— Edward Damstra
                                                                      Dr. Loren Feldner
             Maciasz Family
                                                                      Peter & Frances Feldner
             Szelag Family
                                                          11:30 AM— William Quinn
             Ed Amberg
                                                                      Claire Driscoll
             Marie Hohmer
                                                                      Bielawski Family
             Mary Jo Saplin
                                                                      James Serio
             Mary Melody
                                                                      Bergquist & Donovan Families
             Special Intention
                                                                      Pat Hennigan
             Peter & Mary Gavigan
                                                                      Sean Bruin
  6:00 PM— Robert Heinen
                                                           6:00 PM— Josephine Abate
Monday, August 16th (St. Stephen of Hungary)
  8:30 AM— Bill O’Mara
             Margaret McLoughlim
Tuesday, August 17th
  8:30 AM— Jolly Ranch Brown
             Gerald O’ Dwyer

                   MASS INTENTIONS                         ALTAR SERVERS
                                                           Saturday, August 21st
              Please visit, or call, the parish office
                                                            5:00 PM—
              if you would like to have a Mass in-
              tention for 2020 or 2021. Please note        Sunday, August 22nd
              that Mass intentions are not just for         7:30 AM—
                                                            9:30 AM—
              the deceased but for anyone you              11:30 AM—
              would like to include in prayer.              6:00 PM— Mark & Megan Coffey
Quality Work – Reasonable Prices
                                                                                                                             & SEWER                                                       HOUSE WIRING LIGHTING
                                                              KEY CARPET                                                        Ask for a
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 Palos Heights                                        Leonard Stolarski - Parishioner
    Dan & Pattie Harris
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                                                                                                                        This promotion assumes an estimated job cost of $7883. The advertised payment of $99
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               • Patios • Sidewalks • Driveways                                                                         a month is an estimate only, and assumes that third-party financing is available for new
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   partner, both cohabitating persons must attend and complete presentation together.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Company or affiliated companies or entities, their immediate family members, previous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   participants in a Company in-home consultation within the past 12 months and all current
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                 Licensed - Bonded - Insured                                                                            satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are
                                                                                                                        estimates only. LeafGuard does not assist with, counsel or negotiate financing, other
                                                                                                                        than providing customers an introduction to lenders interested in financing its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   except that Company may substitute a gift of equal or greater value if it deems it necessary.
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000593 St Alexander Church (A)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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