Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest to be confirmed in the new year - Reinventing Cities

Page created by Randy Gordon
Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest to be confirmed in the new year - Reinventing Cities
Bishop Lavis Town Centre
Lavis / Lenton Drive, Bishop Lavis, Cape Town,
South Africa
   Note: Competition timeframes for Cape Town sites extended to early 2019. New
   deadline for submission of Expression of Interest to be confirmed in the new year.
   This approximately 1.4ha plot constitutes         and replace / intensify existing facilities
   part of the town centre of Bishop Lavis, a        as part of a comprehensive redevelopment
   low density Cape Flats suburb just north          scheme.
   of Cape Town International Airport and
   some 14 km outside Cape Town CBD.                 Proposals should include new mixed
                                                     commercial and higher density housing
   Besides being accessible by suburban              development around a public square or
   bus and private vehicle, the site is also         similar social focal point.
   located on a BRT feeder route. The
   surrounding suburban area includes a              Facilitating the pro-active engagement of
   cluster of socio-economic and civic uses,         the local community will be a key success
   including a clinic and hospital, a church,        to maximise the potential of this site and
   schools, sports facilities and local shops        to guarantee local anchorage.
   and outlets, as well as single residential
   dwellings and some apartments.                    The City of Cape Town expects on this site
                                                     innovative projects that will demonstrate
   The Bishop Lavis Town Centre site                 new forms of medium density urban
   currently accommodates public facilities          development with high environmental
   such as a well-used public library, a             performance. In accordance with the
   community hall and a small community              objectives of the municipality to limit the
   park. The rest of the plot remains vacant         ecological impact of city growth, the
   and under-utilised (eg some open car              applicants will have to propose the best
   parks), which provides bidder teams an            solutions towards a carbon neutral and
   opportunity to both develop new elements          resilient urban development.

   Expected program:                                 section of this document that the bidder teams
   Besides an integrated community service           need to address.
   centre with civic facilities, proposals for       Owner:
   redevelopment of this site should include new     City of Cape Town
   mixed commercial and higher density housing       Plot area:
   development around a public square or             Approximately 1,4466ha
   similar social focal point. There is also an      Type of property transfer intended:
   opportunity to relocate the community hall to     Could be a mixed arrangement. Normally full
   the sports complex immediately north of the       freehold disposal of the asset, but depends on
   site and Lavis Drive, opening up a further part   the details of the proposal (eg how new public
   of the site.                                      facilities might be made available). A long-
   In addition, the City of Cape Town has defined    term leasehold arrangement or a combination
   important aspects detailed in the following       of freehold/lease could also be considered.
Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest to be confirmed in the new year - Reinventing Cities
Presentation of the site and expectations for its redevelopment
The site constitutes part of the town centre of
Bishop Lavis, a low density Cape Flats suburb      Some detailed town centre precinct planning
just north of Cape Town International Airport      has already been done previously (and a
and some 14 km outside Cape Town CBD. It           rezoning / subdivision application was made
is located on the main collector route in the      accordingly,      case    reference      number
area,     Lavis      Drive,     and    currently   70330689), but would have to be revisited to
accommodates a well used public library, a         consider higher densities and a wider variety
community hall and small community park.           of mixed use elements.
Together with some open car parks, the             Besides an integrated community service
surrounding suburban area includes single          centre with the civic facilities mentioned,
residential dwellings and some apartments, a       proposals for redevelopment of this site
regional primary health clinic / day hospital,     should include new mixed commercial and
various schools, a large public open space /       higher density housing development around a
sports facility to the north, and some abutting    public square or similar social focal point.
local shops / retail outlets, as well as an old    In addition to the above, the following design
age home and a church. Large parts of the          aspects are important and should be
site    however       remains     vacant    and    addressed in development proposals:
underutilised.                                     - The        design      should     incorporate
The plan below shows its location and context          overlooking features along Lavis Drive
within the greater metropolitan Cape Town.             and elsewhere to facilitate natural
                                                       surveillance and contribute to safe urban
                                                   - Development should be focussed around
                                                       a public town square or similar social focal
                                                   - The development should include positive
                                                       and      active    interfaces     with    its
                                                       surroundings, eg on to the street amongst
                                                   - Where possible, existing mature trees
                                                       should be retained, and the new
                                                       development would need to include
                                                       appropriate         landscaping          and
Besides being accessible by suburban bus               revegetation.
and private vehicle via the abutting higher
order routes, the site is located on a BRT         Subject to the procedures mentioned
feeder route. It can be accessed either by         elsewhere in this document, there are no
Lavis Drive on its northern side or Lenton         obstacles to releasing the site for
Drive on its southern side.                        redevelopment purposes.

Whilst large parts of it remains vacant and        Asset transfer or occupation normally occurs
under-utilised, it currently accommodates the      upon development rights falling in place (ie
public facilities mentioned above. Similar         land use approval).
replacement facilities would need to be            In part exchange for asset disposal, the City
provided as part of a comprehensive                would want replacement public facilities (ie a
redevelopment scheme, also enabling                public library and community hall) and an
continued      community       service during      upgraded and improved public space realm.
construction. There is an opportunity to
relocate the community hall to the sports          Property reference: Erf 869 & portion of
complex immediately north of the site and          Remainder Erf 868, Matroosfontein
Lavis Drive, opening up a further part of the
Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest to be confirmed in the new year - Reinventing Cities
Specific planning rules and regulations regarding the
development of the sites
                                                 processing       of   required    development
Current zoning: Community Zone 1 (CO1)           applications as far as possible as part of this
An extract of the zoning map showing the site    initiative to enable successful implementation
appears below. Further zoning information is     of approved proposals.
available at           An extract of the Table Bay District Spatial
20business/Planning-portal/Online-planning-      Plan which covers the area, is provided
and-building-resources/Online-zoning-viewer      below, in respect of which more information
                                                 can be accessed at

The site is subject to the City of Cape Town
Development Management (Zoning) Scheme           Implementation would also need to be
and the over-arching Municipal Planning By-      preceded by building plan approval in terms
law, 2015 (as amended), copies of which are      of the National Building Regulations and
available at                                     Building Standards Act, No 103 of 1997, more           information in respect of which is available at
legislations/Land-use-and-zoning                 20business/Planning-portal/Regulations-and-
Depending on the proposals, subdivision off      legislations/National-building-legislation.
the remainder erf, consolidation and rezoning    Building plan and development applications
thereof to an appropriate zone will be           (such as for example rezoning) can be
required.      This might include General        submitted online at
Business Zone 3/4, Mixed Use Zone 2,   
General Residential Zone 3/4, or a mixture of    20business/Planning-portal/Applications-
these (and even retaining elements of the        and-submissions.
current Community Zone), reaching heights of
probably around 4 to 6 storeys. Both the         The inclusion of the site as part of this
Mixed Use and the General Business Zones         initiative is subject to in-principle approval of
permit a wide variety of business / commercial   its release for redevelopment by the City
and related uses as well as residential units    Council, as required in terms of the Municipal
on upper floors.                                 Finance Management Act, 2003, the
                                                 Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations, 2008,
Being the responsibility of the successful       as well as the procedures in the City‘s own
bidder, these applications would have to         Supply Chain Management Policy, 2017 and
commence after awarding of a bid and might       the Management of Certain of the City of
take several months to complete. The City is     Cape Town‘s Immovable Property Policy,
however committed to working with bidder         2010. This is currently being considered by
teams to assist and facilitate the expeditious
Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest to be confirmed in the new year - Reinventing Cities
the City Council and more information in this    release for development purposes.         The
regard is available on request.                  detailed (Phase 2) bidding phase will include
Subsequent to conclusion of the Phase 1:         bid approval by the City‘s Immovable Property
Expression of interest phase process, the City   Adjudication Committee (IPAC).
Council will be requested to confirm such

Specific climate or environmental issues regarding the
development of the site
                                                 definition of appropriate landscaping and
Besides the general imperative to pursue         revegetation.
lower carbon, more resilient and resource
efficient forms of urban development, there      Concerning the local context, there is a need
are no specific climate or environmental         to pro-actively engage the local community on
issues regarding the development of this site.   the facilities and proposed development that
                                                 is envisaged.
However, the preservation of existing mature
trees should be considered, as well as a solid
Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest to be confirmed in the new year - Reinventing Cities
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