SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition

Page created by Benjamin Baldwin
SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition

     LEBANON HIGH SCHOOL Baseball, Golf, Soccer, Track & Field & Tennis
               CONWAY HIGH SCHOOL Baseball, Track & Field & Softball
                               STOUTLAND HIGH SCHOOL Baseball

                                                  Published by

                                              Spring 2023 Edition
SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition
2                  L E B A N O N H I G H S C H O O L BASEBALL                                                                  SPRING SPORTS 2023
                                                                                                                                   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023

                                                      A new face in town
                                 Alex Weathermon takes over as Lebanon baseball coach
 Alex Boyer - alex@laclederecord.com         to enjoy over the years.                 baseball, producing heavily for the      a solid role player for the team and did
                                                “My coaching philosophy is play       Bears.                                   a lot of things well.”
   About a year ago, former Lebanon          catch better than anyone else, put the      Other key losses included Justin         However, Lebanon returns four
head baseball coach Dustin Young             ball in play, and throw strikes,” he     Dameron and Ian Carr. Dameron hit        starters to the lineup in the likes of
announced he would step down at              said. “If we can manage to do those      .240 with 21 RBIs and was a solid        Payton Wehner (P), Keaton Mizer (P),
the end of the baseball season to take       three things, we have a chance to be     catcher for Lebanon over four years.     Hoyt Honey (IF), and Gavin Smith
a role in administration at the high         pretty good. These kids are develop-     He is attending North Central Mis-       (C/IF).
school.                                      ing quickly, and I’m excited to be the   souri College at the JUCO level, while      Wehner is a senior pitcher who
   That left a prominent Class 6 job         head coach here.”                        Carr attends Ottawa University.          finished with a 3-1 record in 2022 with
open for the taking.                            In 2022, the Yellowjackets finished      “Zack was well loved by the team at   a 2.29 ERA and 28 strikeouts. Mizer
   Enter Alex Weathermon.                    with a 10-16 overall record (6-4 Ozark   Lebanon, and players with his ability    will also be another heavily used arm
   Weathermon moved in from Mari-            Conference) and fell to Kickapoo in      don’t come around very often,” said      after finishing with a 5-4 record and
onville after capturing a pair of district   the first round of district action.      Weathermon. “He is going to see a lot    2.92 ERA, and 41 strikeouts. Mizer
championships and a Class 2 state               The Yellowjackets said goodbye to     of success at Missouri State and hope-   was first-team All-Ozark Conference,
championship during his two-year             perhaps its most productive player in    fully in professional baseball.          while Wehner earned honorable men-
stint at his alma mater. He finished         the program’s history, Zack Stewart.        “Justin’s value to the team will be   tion All-OC.
with a 55-9 record.                          Stewart hit .403 with five home runs     very difficult to replace. He provided      “Payton provides us with a con-
   He believes he brings over a philos-      and drove in 23 runs. He is currently    quality leadership and caught every      sistent strike-throwing arm on the
ophy that Yellowjacket fans will come        attending Missouri State and playing     game behind the plate while Ian was      mound,” Weathermon said. “He does

    Determination. Practice.
    To all of the players
    with a drive to succeed,
    we applaud your dedication
    and achievements.
    Here’s to a season filled
    with learning experiences
    and all kinds of wins!

    to all our local teams!                                                                                                    901 Cowan Dr. Lebanon
SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition
  WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023                            L E B A N O N H I G H S C H O O L BASEBALL
a good job keeping hitters off balance
and challenging teams.
   “Keaton is a competitor who had a
good run through the Ozark Confer-
ence last year. We are looking for him
to continue competing at a high level.”
   Honey was a solid shortstop for
LHS and batted .298 with nine RBIs,
while Smith hit .320 with 10 RBIs.
   “Hoyt is a leader who our younger
guys look up to,” Weathermon said.
“We look for Hoyt to hit at the top
of the lineup and always encourage
our team.
   “Gavin will transition to behind the
plate and is one of the most funda-
mental catchers I’ve ever coached. We
are looking for him to be the captain
of our defense.”
   Junior Cole Dustin is expected to
see plenty of time on the mound as
a left-handed specialist and will take
over a corner outfield spot.
   Other key contributors will be
Ashton Coryell (Senior, P/OF), Parker                                                                                                                     Photo by Marc Fisher (CreationServices)
Wehner (P, IF), Blake Deckard (P, IF),     Pictured is the 2023 Lebanon High School baseball team. In the front row, from left, are Chance Cromer, Aaron Graham, Eli
                                           Graham, Harrison Jay, Javon Wells, and Ashton Coryell. In the second row, from left, are Gunner Gress, Josh Zeigenbein, Nolan
Josh Zeigenbein, Thomas Howe, Grif-        Fort, Jacob Cranmer, Bronson Rhoads, Parker Wehner, Mason Hendricks, and Cole Dustin. In the third row, from left, are Tony
fin Jones, Gunnar Grass, Austin Gar-       Myres, Austin Garrison, Griffin Jones, Gavin Smith, Isaac Hillhouse, Ethan Phillips, and Christopher Killburn. In the fourth row,
rison, Braine Lamontagne, Chance,          from left, are Braiden Lamontagne, Hoyt Honey, Blake Deckard, Payton Wehner, Keaton Mizer, Thomas Howe, Austin Hendrix,
Cromer, Javen Wells, Nolan Milliken,       and Nolan Milliken. In the back row, from left, are coach Logan Prock, head coach Alex Weathermon, and coach Tyler Staats.
Isaac Hillhouse, and Tony Myres.
   “Ashton is a talented player who           “We are looking at being the best          “The entire team philosophy we             top a run for their money. We have a
is transitioning to the outfield,” said    Lebanon baseball team we possibly          have is about being unique and un-            long way to go before we create the
Weathermon. He is a very strong kid        can be. I know we have a young-            derstanding our roles for the team,”          quality of players they have, but our
who I expect to hit well, throw some       er team, but I love these kids and         he said. “Our goal is to be playing           kids are working just as hard as any-
innings in relief, and provide good        their work ethic. Lebanon develops         our best baseball by the time May             one else.”
corner defense in the outfield.            high-quality, hard-working kids. We        rolls around and give them a chance              Lebanon was scheduled to play
   “Josh is one of our best bats on the    want to embrace that and add it to our     to make a run in the playoffs.                in the Marshfield Jamboree and will
team, Griffin might be the fastest play-   identity this season.”                        “The Ozark Conference is going to          open its season on March 18 at St.
er in the Ozark Conference, Chance            Weathermon said it would be a           be extremely tough. Glendale, Cam-            Francis Borgia.
has a beautiful swing and is a smooth      work in progress this season early         denton, and Kickapoo will                        Visit www.laclederecord.com/
defender, and Braiden might have the       on with the new roster and coaching           produce some of the best teams in          sports/ for the complete Laclede
most talent out of anyone I’ve had the     system but hopes to be competitive by      the state. Our goal is to be competitive      County High School 2023 Spring
chance to coach.                           district time.                             in the conference and give teams at the       Sports schedule.

         GO YELLOWJACKETS!                                                                                           GOOD LUCK
                                                                                                                       BEARS, TIGERS
                                                                                                                     & YELLOWJACKETS!
                                                                                                                  FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2023 SEASON

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                 1431 North Jefferson Ave. Lebanon, MO                                                                     1400 E. Rt. 66, Lebanon • www.lacledeelectric.com
SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition
4                          L E B A N O N H I G H S C H O O L GOLF                                                                    SPRING SPORTS 2023
                                                                                                                                          WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023

                   Golf team returns young talent in 2023
                                                                                              Alex Boyer - alex@laclederecord.com     and Fisk Miller and juniors Wesley
                                                                                                                                      Chaffin and Riley Fisher.
                                                                                                The Lebanon High School boys’            “All of those guys are important
                                                                                             golf team had a successful season        to our team,” Overstreet explained.
                                                                                             under first-year head coach Trey         “I envision all of them getting a shot
                                                                                             Overstreet in 2022, and now the          at varsity time and rolling with the
                                                                                             Yellowjackets are loaded with a          golfer playing the best come post-
                                                                                             plethora of talent that should re-       season time, but we will see how
                                                                                             sult in more success this upcoming       things shake out.”
                                                                                             spring.                                     Overstreet said his group of play-
                                                                                                “We had a really solid year last      ers work extremely hard every day
                                                                                             year,” Overstreet said. “When you        at practice.
                                                                                             consider how young we were (two             “You would be hard-pressed
                                                                                             freshmen, two sophomores, and            to find four golfers that worked
                                                                                             one senior), I think the year went       harder this offseason than our top
                                                                      LCR photo/Alex Boyer   about as well as it could have. We       four, especially Titan and Kory,”
Pictured is the 2023 Lebanon High School boys' golf team. In the front row, from             brought home one tournament title        said Overstreet. “The opening few
left, are Levi Collins, Trustin Cox, Kieler Branch, Ryan Jensen, Kaige Gideon, Noah          and finished 3rd in the prestigious      weeks of practice have been great,
Thornhill, and Ethan Mustard. In the back row, from left, are Kory Hough, Titan              Missouri State Relays.”                  and we have 20 golfers out, another
Haney, Drew Bowling, Hayden Perkins, Riley Fisher, Carson Bugg, and Canon
Roark. Not pictured are Matthew Scott, Jaden Norris, Brandon Perry, and Blake                   Lebanon graduated one key se-         record as of late, and look to contin-
Shellhorn.                                                                                   nior in Mason Bowman. Bowman             ue the momentum this group built
                                                                                             was a four-year varsity player and       on last year.
                                                                                             an essential part of the team, and          “Practices are focused and fun,
                                                                                             Overstreet said his character and        with the experience at the top and
                                                                                             experience will be missed.               a nice freshman class including
                                                                                                Heading into 2023, the Yellow-        Noah Thornhill, Levi Collins, and
                                                                                             jackets will return four starters from   Hayden Perkins.”
                                                                                             last year and one from 2021. Three          Before their first match at Osage
                                                                                             of the top five players in the lineup    National on March 20, Overstreet
                                                                                             have been State qualifiers (junior       said the team will look to improve
                                                                                             Kory Hough, sophomore Ethan              in every area, especially with their
                                                                                             Mustard, and junior Canon Roark),        short game.
                                                                                             while Mustard finished 9th in the           Home matches will be on April
                                                                                             Class 4 State Championships last         20 against Rolla and April 27 against
                                                                                             year and became the first golf state     Marshfield, starting at 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                             medalist since 2006.                        Visit www.laclederecord.com/
                                                                                                Over the two-day tournament,          sports/ for the complete Laclede
                                                                                             he carded an 82 and 71 (-1), accord-     County High School 2023 Spring
                                                                                             ing to Overstreet.                       Sports schedule.
                                                                                                Sophomore Titan Haney was an
                                                                                             All-Ozark Conference golfer as a
                                                                                             freshman and played the No. 2 spot                  The opening few
                                                                                             for the Yellowjackets last year, bare-
       Shelter Insurance® is a fan of Lebanon Yellow Jackets!                                ly missing the State tournament cut.                weeks of practice
                                                                                                “Titan has improved this offsea-         have been great, and we
                                                                                             son tremendously,” said Overstreet.         have 20 golfers out, another
                  Ralph Pitts                                                                “He is a leader that a lot of guys
                  112 E. Commercial St                                                       look up to and is always working            record as of late, and look
                  Lebanon, MO. 65536                                                         to perfect his craft.”                      to continue the momentum
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                                                                                                Junior Drew Bowling played a
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                                                                                             majority of the season at the No. 5         this group built on last year.”
                                                                                             spot. He will be relied upon in big
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                                                                                             tion from sophomores Trustin Cox
SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition
  WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023                              L E B A N O N H I G H S C H O O L SOCCER
          Jacob Woolsey takes over for Lebanon soccer
 Alex Boyer - alex@laclederecord.com

   Jacob Woolsey has been an as-
sistant coach in the Lebanon soccer
program for ten years. Now, Wool-
sey will get his shot at a head coach-
ing job as he replaces his mentor
Matt Jernigan as the new Lebanon
High School girls’ soccer coach.
   “This will be my first season as
the head coach,” said Woolsey. “I am
very excited to build on the program
that Coach Jernigan has built over
the past nine years. I have learned
so much over the past ten years as
an assistant coach, and I am ready
to apply that to the varsity.”
   In 2022, the Lady ‘Jackets went
14-11 overall with a 4-6 Ozark
Conference record. They fell in the
semifinals to Catholic after defeating                                                                                                                                 Submitted photo
the Camdenton Lakers in double           Pictured is the 2023 Lebanon High School girls' soccer team. In the front row, from left, are Emilee Malott, Josie Wadley,
overtime.                                Inalee Row, Emma Layman, Remi Mahan, Jayden Piercy, Keelie Mahan, Zylynn Dozier, Chloë Shearer, Addy Collins, Mickayla
   After graduating key seniors in       Light, Kali Williams, Alegria Ucieda, Hannah Lane, and Shayla Mejia. In the back row, from left, are Mahayla Smith, Miah
Dream Cunningham (first-team             Orcutt, Addison Smith, Ellie Richards, Abby Cones, Bailey Lowrance, Destiney Stokes, Brooke Frank, Sydney Wilson, Macy
All-OC), Chloe Shivers (first-team       Offutt, Alexis Perryman, Jenna Rosen, Celisity Passmore, Jaylin Keller, and Hope Isbell.
All-OC), and Jewell Shockley (first-
team All-OC), the Lady ‘Jackets will        “Mahayla split time between JV                   game and challenges those around                 are varsity starters.”
look to replace some talent.             and varsity last season,” Woolsey                   her to do the same.”                               Lebanon hosted its Jamboree on
   Returning to the pitch will be se-    explained. “She brings a positive                      Through the first few weeks of                March 10 and will open the season
nior Jayden Piercy, who had 13 goals     attitude and is calm in stressful situ-             practice, Woolsey said he likes the              on March 17 and 18 with a home
in 2022, and Sydney Wilson will          ations, which is needed on the field.”              work ethic of this group.                        tournament.
return to the goal after breaking the       The team scored 60 goals total to                   “The team is always willing to put              Visit www.laclederecord.com/
single-season shutout record with        32 goals against, and Woolsey thinks                in the extra effort that is required to          sports/ for the complete Laclede
13 shutouts last season.                 the team has a chance to break the                  improve,” he explained. “The team’s              County High School 2023 Spring
   Defenders Destiny Stokes and          shutout record again.                               strength revolves around hard work               Sports schedule.
Chloe Shearer will be returning             “I think it is a real possibility to             and positive attitudes. We have ten
starters that were instrumental to       break those again this coming sea-                  returning seniors, several of which
the defense last season, too.            son,” he stated. “It will take a lot of
   Senior Jaidyn Collins was an All-     mental focus and effort, but I think
                                         the girls are up for the challenge.”
                                                                                              Good Luck LHS Teams!
OC honorable mention player last
                                            Newcomers who have a chance to
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Brynne York, and Brooke Frank are        Zylynn Dozier.
                                            “Jenna played mostly JV last year
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ished the year with eight goals,
while Addy Collins had 11 assists
                                         team this year,” he said. “Zylynn
                                         was another player that split the
                                         team between JV and varsity. She is
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SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition
6                   L E B A N O N H I G H S C H O O L TRACK & FIELD                                                       SPRING SPORTS 2023
                                                                                                                               WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023

            Track team excited about upcoming season
 Alex Boyer - alex@laclederecord.com     john, Mack, Myah Hough, Skyla Sien,      (sophomore).                             of our best from 100 to 400 meters.
                                         Destiny Zimdars, Karagan Bean, Kori         “Brooklyn came out last season,       Liz has been one of the most versatile
   Last season was a year to remem-      Cromer, Selena Smith, Wilson, Trey       threw the Javelin for the first time,    runners we’ve had in a long time. She
ber for the Lebanon High School          Alley, Ayden Carr, Isaiah Waterman,      and smashed our school record.           has run everything from the 100m
track and field team.                    Jamarr Rogers, and Logan Lybarger.       She’s spent a lot of her time since      Hurdles to the 800. Saylor is one
   As head coach Shane Rebmann              “Those girls were absolute cor-       then studying the event and under-       of those kids that can really do any
enters his 23rd year of coaching track   nerstones of our girls’ team who had     standing that there is more to it than   event well. We expect her to be a part
and field at LHS, 2023 will be a year    been with us since 7th grade,” said      just going out and throwing hard,”       of anything from a 4x1 up to a 4x8
of excitement in the program.            Rebmann. “The boys’ leadership and       Rebmann said. “Raylee will be in         relay. Morgan has made great strides
   The team had 29 Academic All-         passion will be tough to replace. It     her second year as a High Jumper.        athletically over the past year. She
State student-athletes, 38 All-Ozark     was a fun group of guys to coach.”       She improved so much from the start      had great volleyball and basketball
Conference performers, 35 All-Dis-          Returning to the squad this year      of last season to the end. She is very   seasons, which will also translate to
trict performances, seven State          on the girls’ side will include names    explosive and has great spring off the   success on the track. Elsie looks like
qualifiers, and three state medalists    like Raylee Quick (junior), Brook-       ground. After a year of experience,      she is ready to step into that top role
in Jocee Pettyjohn (300m hurdles),       lyn O’Cain (junior), Ciaria Keeney       she is ready to compete at a high        in the Shot Put this year. Elsie had a
Triston Wilson (shot put), and Kally     (junior), Halea Bartel (junior), Liz     level this year.                         great mentor last year with Destiny,
Mack (2nd place, Discus). Mack set       Miller (senior), Ella Johnson (junior)      “Ciaria is going to be our top        so she knows what it takes to be
the school record in the Discus with a   Morgan Durbin (sophomore), Saylor        Discus thrower this year on the girls    great in that event. Taylor is a great
mark of 138’ 5”, and Brooklyn O’Cain     Helton (sophomore), Rilee Jackson        side. She is a really good athlete who   teammate. She loves her team and
set the javelin record with a throw of   (sophomore), Taylor Nail (sopho-         could also jump and probably run         has worked hard at all of our offsea-
119’ 11”.                                more), Addy Rebmann, Elsie Shadel        on a couple of relays for us. Halea is   son workouts. Addy is coming off
   Other key losses include Petty-       (sophomore), and Nicole Winfrey          super fast. We believe she can be one    an exceptional freshman year while
SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition
                                                       L E B A N O N H I G H S C H O O L TRACK & FIELD
only competing for about half-time         what it takes to get to the next level.
for us due to some injuries. She was       Kaleb is a great kid who has signed
a sectional qualifier in the High Jump     to run for SBU, so he has big goals
and won the SBU meet last year, so         for the season. Dakota has dedicated
competing at a high level is nothing       his spring efforts towards doing great
new for her.”                              things in the Discus. Evan came out
    The boys’ side will return key run-    for us last season and was one of our
ners/throwers/jumpers in Danen             most coachable kids. His focus is on
Conrad (junior), Chris Wadley (se-         the High Jump, and I know that he
nior), Reese Klemin (senior), Jacoby       has worked hard since last spring
Fultz (senior), Cade Muscia (senior),      to get stronger and faster. Kelby is
Kaleb Nail (senior), Dakota Windsor        poised to have a breakout season. I’m
(senior), Evan Webb (senior), Peter        not sure if anyone has put in more
Stunja (junior), Kelby Conner (ju-         miles this offseason in all of south-
nior), Jax Glendenning (sophomore),        west Missouri. Peter had a great XC
Bodee O’Neil (sophomore), and Jr.          season and just carried on from there
Zevallos (sophomore).                      and put in a ton of miles over the
    “Danen has some big shoes to fill      winter. Jax is simply a great athlete.
in the Shot Put, but his speed and         Whatever Jax wants to do, he can do.
explosiveness are real strengths in        It’s a joy to have the chance to coach
that event. Danen had an All-State         an athlete like that.”
football season, so he knows what             Some newcomers to the program
it’s like to compete at a high level,”     that Rebmann will be looking to rely                                                                              Submitted photos
                                                                                      Pictured is the Lebanon High School track and field team. The Yellowjackets are
Rebmann explained. “Chris not only         on include a list of Abe Allen (sopho-     coached by Shane Rebmann, and expectations are high for them this spring.
helps our team GPA, but he’s also one      more), Braydon Mann (sophomore),
of our top distance runners. Chris is a    Brock Piercy (sophomore), Eli Jack-
kid who just gets better the farther he    son (freshman), Ethan Jones (junior),     and are very supportive of each oth-       events, hurdles, and relay handoffs.
runs. The 1600 and 3200 are two races      Jake Rebmann (freshman), JJ Hutson        er and are learning to compete,” he        We have done as much as we can,
that we expect Chris to succeed in.        (freshman), Josiah Simmonds (fresh-       stated. “We are very young, and our        but we need to be safe and keep our
    “Reese has taken it upon himself to    man), Rhett Rhoades (freshman),           freshman and sophomores will end           athletes healthy, so some of that will
become a great Pole Vaulter. He spent      Liam Allen (freshman), Kaden Hyatt        up being a big part of our varsity line-   just have to wait a little. Once we
time this summer in Waynesville            (senior), Kameron Myers (sopho-           up. The great thing is that they have      start meets, things go really quick, so
working with some other vaulters,          more), Abigail Tague (freshman),          shown that they are ready during the       we are going to have to get moving
and that type of dedication will lead      Addison Dent (freshman), Ashlynn          first two weeks of practice.               on these details.”
to success. We were so glad to get         Gray (freshman), Bailey Cromer               “My favorite part of this team is          With over 120 kids in the program,
Jacoby back for the last half of our       (freshman), Cammie Fowler (senior),       watching how they compete with             Rebmann gave a shoutout to his staff,
season after his knee injury last year.    Faith Coffman (sophomore), Lily           each other every day at practice.          including Garett Wade, Nathaniel
He really has his eyes set on running      Waterman (freshman), and Samantha         They push each other to be the best        Rogers, Lesley Hough, Ben Nail, and
the 4x4 relay this year, so that will be   Richardson (freshman).                    they can be. This competitiveness          Josh Smith.
a step up for him. Caden is a return-         Heading into the season, Rebmann       at practice makes meets seem re-              Visit www.laclederecord.com/
ing state qualifier in the triple jump     said the distance squad would be          ally easy. We still need to improve        sports/ for the complete Laclede
and has set new goals to achieve           good this spring and be heavily re-       some of the technical aspects of our       County High School 2023 Spring
an All-State performance. Cade is a        lied upon to compete well.                events. The weather has not really         Sports schedule.
three-sport athlete who understands           “They have put a lot of work in        cooperated to work on our jumping

                                                                                                       Good Luck
                                                                                     63                LHS Teams!
SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition
8                        L E B A N O N H I G H S C H O O L TENNIS                                                                           SPRING SPORTS 2023
                                                                                                                                                 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023

          Tennis team returns plenty of depth in 2023
 Alex Boyer - alex@laclederecord.com                  season. The work ethic of this team
                                                      has been outstanding, and this is a
   Lebanon tennis coach Ron Crow-                     fun group to coach.”
ell is entering his 19th season with                     After going 6-16 in 2022, the team
the Yellowjackets and has a career                    brings back some experience after
record of 318-290 as the boys’ and                    being considered a young team.
girls’ coach.                                            Lebanon did record wins over
   With spring here, he is excited                    Camdenton and West Plains, but
about the upcoming boys’ season.                      Crowell is hoping to get back to a
   “I believe we have some players                    winning season this year.
that are doing a great job of think-                     After playing there as a fresh-
ing the game,” said Crowell. “They                    man, Ethan Fisher will likely play
have a good grasp on the mental                       in the No. 1 spot this spring.
aspect of the game, and they are                         “He is an outstanding player, and
constantly looking for weaknesses                     he is only a sophomore,” Crowell
in their opponent that they can take                  said. “He has a chance to have a
advantage of. They set their points                   fantastic career, and he is super
up well, and that is something we                     talented.”
didn't do a great job of last year.                      Senior Case Warson and fresh-
   “We are way ahead of where we                      man Conor McGruder are two other
were a season ago with the expe-                      players Crowell mentioned as key
rience we have back, and we are                       players.
hoping to surprise some teams this                       “Warson is a senior and led us in
                                                      wins last year in his first year play-                                                                              Submitted photos
                                                      ing tennis,” he stated. “McGruder        Pictured is the 2021 Lebanon High School boys’ tennis team. In the front row,
                                                      is a freshman that will have a huge      from left, are Austin Barber, Aiden Buckley, Chance Arthur, Jayce West, Jake
            We a r e w a y                                                                     Henson, and Cameron Fisher. In the middle row, from left, are Easton Cromer,
                                                      impact on this team. He has worked
            ahead of where                            extremely hard, and he has put a
                                                                                               Hayden Starnes, Evan Rogers, Dathon Durbin, and Kyle Maynor. In the back row,
                                                                                               from left, are coach Ron Crowell, Michael Owen, Devin Blackburn, Michael Jones,
    we were a season ago                              ton of time into tennis, and he has      Reed Danek, and Kameron Woodcock.
    with the experience we                            a great future ahead of him.”
    have back, and we are                                Tomasso Sernia, Kasey Hicks,          work on.                                         Lebanon will open its season on
                                                      Dathon Durbin, and Kaden Roberts           “Our focus this week has been                March 20 at home against Capital
    hoping to surprise some                           are other players who should be in       on our singles play, but in the next           City.
    teams this season.”                               a position to compete in a spot at       few days, we will focus on doubles.              Visit www.laclederecord.com/
                                                      the varsity level.                       Our main goal is to become more                sports/ for the complete Laclede
               - Coach Ron Crowell                       Crowell said the season is still      consistent and continue to get better          County High School 2023 Spring
                                                      young, but the team has a lot to         every day.”                                    Sports schedule.

Wishing you all the best                                                                                                                                            Elect
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SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition
 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023                              C O N WAY H I G H S C H O O L BASEBALL
                      We are bringing back some experience
 Beth Durreman - bethd@laclederecord.com   turning this year. Bilyeau said              back some experience now, the
                                           “We’re still a young team but we             core of our pitching and offense
   Conway’s baseball team had                       are definitely moving in            is back, so I think we are trend-                    We b r o u g h t
a rough year last year ending at                      the right direction. We           ing in the right direction” said                     back a lot
5 and 16. Coach                                        returned the biggest             Bilyeau.
Clay Bilyeau                                            chunk of our pitch-                When asked about his confer-             of our kids, so even
said “We were                                            ing.”                          ence Bilyeau said “Our confer-              though were young
a pretty young                                               Coach Bilyeau              ence is really tough, but we enjoy
team last year,                                            has three assistant          the challenge to come out and               we are bringing back
and we started                                             coaches, Brady               compete every year and having a             some experience now,
a lot of fresh-                                            Huckaby, Steve               chance to win it. We were pretty
man and sever-                                             Kirkwood and Jeff            competitive in our conference in            the core of our pitching
al sophomores                                             Graves.                       the fall, and I feel win can win a          and offense is back, so
on top of that.”                                            Coach Bilyeau is            game or two this season in the
   Only three se-                                      looking forward to               conference, if we play well.”               I think we are trending
niors graduated last                                 getting back out on the               Visit www.laclederecord.com/             in the right direction.”
year, and only one se-                           field, “we brought back a              sports/ for the complete Laclede
nior on the roster this year.                 lot of our kids, so even though           County High School 2023 Spring                           - Coach Clay Bilyeau
Seven full time starters are re-             were young we are bringing                 Sports schedule.

                                                        GO BEARS!
                                            CONWAY BASEBALL

                                                         2022/2023 CONWAY BASEBALL

                                                        Front row left to right, Anthony Breshears, Quinton McGuire,
                                                        Zayden Jacobson, Evan Peters, Tyler Vaughan. 2nd row left to
                                                        right, Cade Archer, Brady Rogers, Isaac Freeman, Gentry Bilyeu,
                                                        Mason Miller, Mattax Miller. 3rd row left to right, Brixon Bilyeu,
                                                        Caleb Graves, Coach Clay Bilyeu, Jake Maxwell, Jackson Gunter.

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SPRING SPORTS 2023 - Spring 2023 Edition
10                    C O N WAY H I G H S C H O O L TRACK & FIELD                                                             SPRING SPORTS 2023
                                                                                                                                   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023

         Conway Track looking for a second District Win
 Beth Durreman - bethd@laclederecord.com   including Dorothea Gantert. “She
                                           had a good season for us in cross
   Conway track coach Andrew               county and we are excited to see
Lowery and his team are starting the       her in the high jump and running
2023 season with a district champi-        events,” Lowery said. “She will be
onship under their belt for the first      one to watch this year and could
time in the school’s history. Coach        make it to state in a few events.”
Lowery is looking for a second win.           Coach Lowery is in his 11 th year
   The team has four team Academ-          of coaching track.
ic All-State members returning,               “We have a few different goals as
six members returning that won             we have about a third of the team
sectionals, and four state qualifiers.     that didn’t do track last year,” Low-
   The team lost two seniors from          ery said. “We have good numbers                                                                                  Submitted photo
                                                                                    Front left to right, Ethan Eacert, Breanna Thompson, Ainara Agudo, Cooper Mullins.
the girls’ side and one senior for         for the girls’ side and some that will   Back left to right, Dorothea Gantert, Gibby Beckler.
the boys.                                  do well.” On the boys side Coach
   Returning are four seniors re-          Lowery said the team has a few in-         Lowery coaching staff consists of       athletes and showing them how to
turning who have been involved in          dividuals that they hope to do well      assistant Christi Williams. This is       do things and it is fun to watch them
the program since seventh grade.           and make it to state.                    her second year in this position and      improve and do really good at the
Gracie Vestal, Breanna Thompson,              “We also like everyone to just        she mainly works with the throw-          end of the season.”
Cooper Mullins and Ethan Eacret.           improve and get better each week,”       ers. Kent Wapelhorst is a volunteer         Visit www.laclederecord.com/
Lowery feels they will all be good         he said.”                                coach who is in his second year and       sports/ for the complete Laclede
leaders for the team and will help            There are a few meets that Low-       works with the jumpers.                   County High School 2023 Spring
lead the team to being successful.         ery is looking for the girls’ team to      “I enjoy coaching,” Lowery ex-          Sports schedule.
   The team has nine new members,          try to win as a team.                    plained. “I like working with young
  WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023                             C O N WAY H I G H S C H O O L SOFTBALL
Conway softball gearing up for new conference tournament
 Beth Durreman - bethd@laclederecord.com   loss, but we have gained Heather
                                           Van Winkle.”
   Coach Ben Phillips admits last             Probably the biggest change the
years’ season was a rough one. His         team will be facing this year is the
starting pitcher Trista Simpson got        conference tournament.
hurt early in the season, before they         “I am excited about the confer-
played any games.                          ence tournament mattering this
   “She missed a good chunk of the         year,” he stated. “I think the girls
season and ended up getting hurt           have been competitive with the
again at the end of the season, it was     conference teams the past couple
a rough go,” Phillips said.                of years, one year we only had one
   On the flip side though, Simp-          or two losses in the conference. This
son’s a junior this year and is re-        year I feel we have a strong team
turning as the starting pitcher for        that should be competitive with all
the Lady Bears.                            of them.”
   Last season, the team relied on the        When asked what he felt was the
number two pitcher Gibby Beckler.          team’s biggest strength going into                                                                                   LCR photo/Beth Durreman
   “She hadn’t really pitched since        this season he said that the defense     Front row left to right, Emily Twyman, Trista Simpson, Morgan Weddle, Gracie
junior high, and we had to shake           and hitting is going to be the strong    McGuire, Abbie Brahe. Back rom left to right, Coach Ben Phillips, Gibby Beckler,
off the rust and get her straightened      point this spring.                       Maddy Officer, Carlie Stark, Abby Gann, Karli Miller, Assistant Coach Heather
up to go deep into games,” said               “Especially defense, we have          VanWinkle. Not pictured: Faith Shifflett,Makenna Shifflett and Lilly Letterman.

Phillips.                                  worked really hard at putting girls
   The Bears ended the season with         in the right places on the diamond
a district win of 5-12.                    and with our struggles with pitching
   This is Phillip’s fourth year as the    last year, defense had to really over-
girls’ softball team coach, and he         come a lot of things being thrown at
previously coached with Plato and          them,” Phillips said. “They had to be

Humansville.                               really strong last year.
   The team only lost two senior              Hopefully all the hard work the
players and have eight returning           girls are putting into getting ready
starters. “We have a lot of goals we       for this season will pay off and we
hope to achieve this year,” stated         will be able to accomplish some of
Phillips.                                  the goals they have set for them-
   He and the team have a new as-
sistant coach, Heather Van Winkle.
   “We lost Anna Vestal last year
and she had been the Junior High
                                              Visit www.laclederecord.com/
                                           sports/ for the complete Laclede
                                           County High School 2023 Spring
                                                                                      to the best in the field!
softball coach and with us for four
years,” he explained. “It is a big
                                           Sports schedule.
                                                                                                                                                   • Softball
                                                                                                                                                   • Baseball
                                                                                                                                                  • Volleyball
                                                                                                                                                • Track & Field
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12                  S T O U T L A N D H I G H S C H O O L BASEBALL                                                             SPRING SPORTS 2023
                                                                                                                                    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023

                                   This team has great chemistry
 Beth Durreman - bethd@laclederecord.com    high-quality pitchers.”
                                               When it comes to hitters Nicholson
   Coach Joe Nicholson is in his third      is looking at Brad Shaw “He is our
year as Varsity Baseball coach of the       center fielder and a key bat with a
Stoutland Tigers. The team lost some        lot of speed on the bases.” He added
significant seniors this year. Oliver Ei-   “Wes Howe is a good solid hitter and
lenstine was a top pitcher, Ryan Gross      a good glove at third.”
was a four-year starting catcher, and          Filling out the rest of the field is
second baseman James Justice along          Justin Crabtree at shortstop and also,
with third baseman Hunter Hill have         another quality pitcher. Will Morrow
left the diamond. Center-fielder Abe        will be taking over the catcher posi-
Stamper also graduated.                     tion. “Morrow is a solid player” said
   Nicolson said, “we should have a         Nicholson. Isaiah Bell and Aaron
good season as our team continues to        Franklin round out the outfield, ac-
improve each year.”                         cording to Nicolson “they are both                                                                                Submitted photo
                                                                                      Front row left to right, Drew Rogers, Justin Crabtree, Aaron Franklin, Brad Shaw,
   The returning first baseman,             speed guys.”                              Isaiah Bell, Devin Barnwell. Back row, Wes Howe, Charlie Hill, Jayden Pender-
Jayden Pendergrass is all district             We are going to try to improve         grass, Michael Porter, Jake Theiman, Will Morrow, Creed Mathews, Tyler Stradt.
and all conference. Jayden has a fan-       our hitting and get more consistent,      Not pictured, Brandon Sterling and Jimmy Lewis
tastic glove and is a legitimate power      “This team has great chemistry, solid
hitter.”                                    defense, and good pitching. I just        a big season and is looking for great      Visit www.laclederecord.com/
   Charlie Hill and Michael Porter          hope we can hit enough to rack up         senior leadership. “Each year I have     sports/ for the complete Laclede
will anchor the pitching staff. Nicol-      some wins.”                               been here this team keeps improving”     County High School 2023 Spring
son said, “Both of these guys are very         Nicholson thinks they will have        Nicholson said.                          Sports schedule.

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