"Spring has sprung, and the birds are singing." "The Ice is Out!

Page created by Karen Grant
"Spring has sprung, and the birds are singing." "The Ice is Out!
Sunrise Lake, Middleton New Hampshire

                                                                                            Spring 2021

“Spring has sprung, and the birds are singing.” “The Ice is Out!
The ice was out incredibly early this season. It was reported to NH DES that ice was out on or about
March 22. The Sunrise Lake Village District placed first set of boards in the Dam about a week before
ice was out and then remain the week of March 29th. The lake seems to be filling well but we still have
a way to go. Let us hope for some rain in the next few weeks.
As of April 6, 2021 NH DES reported no drought for our area so far. However, some of our surrounding
neighbors are in a (DO) Abnormally state. For complete information on the drought conditions locally
and nationwide visit the NH DES site at https://www.des.nh.gov/climate-and-sustainability/storms-
and-emergencies/drought. Even before the lake began to seriously thaw the merganser ducks had
landed in open water for a rest on their journey north. Once the ice was out flocks could be seen buzzing
around the lake in feeding. An eagle was spotted and has made subsequent visits. Finally, our loon
pair has arrived with its apparent single friend. For more information about NH Loons visit the NH Loon
Preservation Society at https://loon.org/

2021 Milfoil Mitigation
Since our herbicide treatment in July of 2019, we have made some dramatic reduction of the invasive
plant. In May of 2020 NHDES conducted a follow up site visit to the lake and reported no infestation.
However, with the input from some lake residents and a re-exam of the waters some was reported. A
team of Divers was dispatched to attack it harvested up 30 gallons of the week.
This year we can expect NH DES to visit the lake in May and report its findings. Once that is done and
mitigation needs to be done, it will be attack either with Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting or individual
divers. Thanks to the generosity of the taxpayers of Middleton, the Hampshire Shores Association, and
a resident the Town’s Milfoil Capital Reserve Fund has sufficient funds to accomplish any action. In
your activities if you see any milfoil or suspected milfoil get a sample or take a picture and send it to
Amy Smagula, NH DES Limnologist at: amy.smagula@des.nh.gov. If you have questions about milfoil
or the mitigation program, please contact John Mullen at: lunar.look34@gmail.com.

"Spring has sprung, and the birds are singing." "The Ice is Out!
Sunrise Lake Management Plan for 2021.
Sunrise Lake has been identified in the NHDES 305(b) and 303(d) water quality reports for having water
quality impairments including elevated concentrations of chlorophyll-a and phosphorus, and E. coli
bacteria. In response, Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC), in conjunction with Geosyntec,
DK Water Resources Consulting, LLC, and the UNH Stormwater Center, will be developing a
comprehensive watershed management plan promoting cost effective implementation of best
management practices. This project is totally funded under NHDES's 604(b) program.
Earlier in the year meetings between the SRPC, NHDES staff, representatives from Geosyntec, DK Water
Resources Consulting, LLC, and the UNH Stormwater Center, the Middleton Conservation Commission,
Hampshire Shores, the Sunrise Lake Lands Association, and town staff conducted. This allowed
stakeholders to learn about work completed to date including goals for improving the lake’s water
quality. The project team gave a presentation on existing research and preliminary planning.
Committee member discussed possible avenues to communicate with residents, possible areas of
concern around the lake for runoff and contamination, and details of a septic system assessment.
On Saturday, June 5, 2021 an informational meeting will be conducted for residents and will be held at
10:00 AM at the Sunrise Lake Lands Association’s beach on Lakeshore Road. Further details will be forth

                NH DES Soak up the Rain Program
The NH DES Soak up the Rain Program is being offered to lake residents. What is Soak Up the Rain New
Soak Up the Rain New Hampshire (SOAKNH) is a voluntary program managed by the New Hampshire
Department of Environmental Services. The goal is to engage home and small business owners to do
their part to help protect and restore clean water in the state’s lakes, streams, and coastal waters from
the negative impacts of stormwater pollution.
SOAKNH provides information about how our properties create stormwater pollution and how to
prevent it with rain gardens, infiltration trenches, and other practices. This is done in two ways:
           1. Individual property owners can learn how to reduce runoff from their properties by
              exploring the ten Do-It-Yourself fact sheets, the NH Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater
              Management, and other resources on this website.
           2. Local Partnerships: SOAKNH builds partnerships with local lake and watershed groups by
              providing messaging, training, and/or assistance to promote and install practices to
              reduce stormwater runoff and pollution from homes and small businesses in their
              communities or watersheds.

"Spring has sprung, and the birds are singing." "The Ice is Out!
3. The program is fully funded by NH DES with assistance from Federal Government. To
               learn more about this worthwhile program join meeting on the Lake Management Plan
               on June 5, 2021 at the Sunrise Lake Land Association beach on Lakeshore Drive at 10:00
               AM. Details will be forthcoming.

Back in August of 2019 and meeting was held at the Old Town Hall asking for help in monitoring our
lake and its condition throughout the year. The meeting was well attended, and ten people signed up
to offer their help. Unfortunately, that volunteerism was put on hold as the COVID 19 pandemic during
the 2020 season. Therefore, as the pandemic’s impact lessens a new effort will be to enlist help in
aiding the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP) which currently assists the state in monitor the
lake water quality. Currently there are only 2-3 people in the program and in conjunction with the new
Lake Management Plan people will be needed to conduct tests. Currently, we only conduct one test in
July, and we should conduct more, which will need more help. If you would like to renew your help and
become involved, please contact John Mullen at: lunar.look34@gmail.com. To learn more about the
States’ VLAP program visit their site at: https://www.des.nh.gov/water/rivers-and-lakes/volunteer-
assessment-programs. If you want to learn more about lakes in New Hampshire visit the NH Lakes
Organization’s online newsletter at: SHORELINES - Your monthly NH LAKES newsletter (mailchi.mp)
This Newsletter is our first of quarterly updates on happenings around Sunrise Lake. We hope it will be helpful
and if you have any comments or suggestions for further tops, please let me know. Enjoy!

Author: John Mullen luner.look34@gmail.com.

"Spring has sprung, and the birds are singing." "The Ice is Out!
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