PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare

Page created by Mark Tate
PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare
            A pharmacy research and practice focused program

2021-2022                                            NMS code: 21029
PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare
Clinical pharmacology
Our goal                                        and pharmacogenomics
The goal of this one-year post-graduate
residency program at Tabula Rasa
HealthCare is to train pharmacists to bring
                                              During this longitudinal core learning experience, the resident
together cutting-edge clinical data,
                                              will have a concentrated focus on learning and applying
research, and technology in order to tailor
                                              principles of clinical pharmacology and pharmacogenomics.
medication regimens for individual patients
                                              Specifically, the resident will learn about competitive inhibition,
from diverse backgrounds and to excel in
                                              engage in a deep-dive into the biomedical literature to extract
their future professional endeavors.
                                              pharmacokinetic data for individual medications, accumulate
                                              knowledge on pharmacogenomics, and develop Medication
Rotational                                    Safety ReviewsTM (MSRs) for individual patients based on
experiences                                   drug-drug, drug-gene, and drug-drug-gene interactions.
The pharmacy resident will gain               Additionally, the resident will collaborate with the preceptor
experiences in a fee-for-value healthcare     and other team members to advance the sciences and
environment, which include the following      technologies of clinical pharmacology and applied
longitudinal and block experiences:           pharmacogenomics.

  Required core experiences                   Enhanced Medication
  ● Clinical Pharmacology &
                                              Therapy Managment
  ● Enhanced Medication Therapy               (EMTM)
    Management                                The resident will learn about the Centers
  ● PACE Call Center                          for Medicare & Medicaid Services MTM
  ● PACE Onsite*                              Model and the operations of our EMTM
  ● PACE Clinical Initiatives *               call center. The resident will be expected
  ● Research & Writing*
                                              to practice patient-centered geriatric
  ● Teaching*
                                              care, with a focus on risk stratification, medication risk
  ● Total Quality Management
                                              mitigation, and care coordination. The resident will do so by
  Elective learning experiences               working with our proprietary technology and in our EMTM call
  ● Client & New Business                     center. Specifically, the resident will have the opportunity to
    Development                               engage in telephonic consultations with high-risk Medicare
  ● Pharmacoinformatics & Healthcare          beneficiaries; provide medication education; identify, prioritize,
                                              and mitigate risk factors and medication-related problems;
  ● Practice Management & Marketing
                                              document interventions and recommendations; create
  ● Regulatory Affairs
                                              medication action plans; furnish personalized medication lists;
               *longitudinal experiences      and coordinate care with other healthcare professionals such as
                                              prescribers and pharmacists.
PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare
Total Quality
PACE call center                                          Management (TQM)
                                                          During this experience, the resident will gain an
The resident will
                                                          understanding of the role that TQM plays in patient and
learn about the
                                                          medication safety within a personalized medicine
Program of
                                                          environment. The resident will work with the TQM team
                                                          to perform gap analyses in quality and performance and
Care for the
                                                          design and implement targeted interventions in order
Elderly (PACE) model of health care delivery. The
                                                          to minimize potential gaps. Further, the resident will
resident will be expected to practice
                                                          work with the TQM team to learn about developing
patient-centered geriatric care, with a focus on
                                                          policies and
reducing polypharmacy and mitigating medication
                                                          procedures, handling
risk for PACE participants. The resident will do so by
                                                          Quality Assurance
working with health care professionals in our PACE
                                                          events, and
call center and collaborating with providers at PACE
                                                          monitoring and
programs. Specifically, the resident will have the
                                                          improving staff
opportunity to verify medication orders, collaborate
with PACE providers via secure messaging and/or by
telephone, provide verbal and written
medication-related recommendations, and                     PACE onsite
participate in polypharmacy conference calls with
providers and other pharmacists. The resident will        The resident will be expected to practice
also have the opportunity to conduct comprehensive        patient-centered geriatric care, with a focus on
MSRs to personalize care and enhance his/her verbal       medication adherence, medication education, and
and written communication skills.                         medication risk mitigation. The resident may be asked to
                                                          work onsite with PACE programs on personalizing

PACE clinical initiatives                                 medication regimens, responding to drug information
                                                          inquiries, and designing, implementing, and evaluating
During this longitudinal core learning experience, the
                                                          services based on the PACE program’s individual needs.
resident will learn how to apply clinical knowledge and
                                                          This will include onsite activities and having one-on-one
provide recommendations for PACE participants. The
                                                          experiences with PACE participants as well as planning
resident will be expected to practice patient-centered
                                                          and participating in medication education sessions.
geriatric care, with a focus on reducing polypharmacy
and mitigating medication risk. Additionally, the
resident will gain experience applying                    Electives
pharmacogenomics to clinical practice. The resident       Residents have the opportunity to participate in two
will do so by working with health care professionals in   elective rotations that are four weeks in length. These
our PACE call center and collaborating with providers     elective rotations allow our residents to experience the
at PACE programs. This may include completing             roles pharmacists have within different departments of
MSRs, Falls Assessments, and Polypharmacy                 the company.
Conference Calls with facility providers.
PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare
Teaching                                                                             Residency
The residency program partners with the                                              Nishita Shah Amin, PharmD, BCGP, BCPS
                                                                                     Director, Pharmacy Practice Residency Programs
University of the Sciences' Teaching and
Learning Curriculum (TLC) program. Resident                                        Dr. Amin received her Doctor of
participation in the program is mandatory and                                      Pharmacy degree from the University

upon completion the resident receives a                                          of the Sciences, Philadelphia College of
                                                   Pharmacy and she completed a Post Graduate Year-1 Pharmacy
teaching certificate. It is expected that during
                                                   Practice Residency at Northport VA Medical Center in Northport, NY.
the TLC program the resident mentors at least      She also is a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (BCGP), and a Board
one pharmacy student and serves as a teaching      Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS). Dr. Amin joined Tabula
assistant in small group teaching sessions.        Rasa HealthCare (CareKinesis) in 2014 as a clinical pharmacist,
                                                   whereby she spear-headed a transitions of care pilot program with
Other teaching opportunities may include
                                                   rehabilitation centers. During her time with the company, she also has
leading in-house journal club presentations,
                                                   worked as a clinical pharmacist, providing medication therapy
presenting continuing education/formalized         management services for PACE across the country. Dr. Amin also has
teaching sessions, or presenting at national       supervised medication therapy management services for
conferences.                                       approximately five PACE organizations. She now serves as the Director
                                                   of Pharmacy Practice Residency Programs and is responsible for
                                                   mentoring pharmacists to utilize their accumulated knowledge and

Research and writing
                                                   experiences in order to practice personalized and precision medicine
                                                   and to excel in their future professional endeavors.

The resident will gain experience with data
collection, research design, and protocol                                    The PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency
                                                                             conducted by TabulaRasa HealthCare,
development. The resident will be expected
                                                                             Moorestown, NJ is accreditated by ASHP.
to complete an extensive research-based
culminating project. The program will
support the resident with the dissemination
of research, including presentations at                   About us
national pharmacy and/or regional                     
conferences. Additionally, the resident will                    228 Strawbridge Dr.
gain experience with professional writing                       Moorestown, NJ 08057
including, but not limited to, performing                       888-9-PharmD (888-974-2763)
written MSRs, responding to drug
information inquiries, writing for newsletters,
                                                          To apply
                                                                Apply through the Pharmacy Online
and collaborating with other professionals to
                                                                Residency Centralized Application Service
help compose manuscripts, including case
                                                                (PhORCAS) system AND directly at:
studies, to submit to leading journals.
                                                                 Application deadline: January 1, 2021
                                                                This residency site agrees that no person at this
                                                                site will solicit, accept, or use any ranking related
                                                                information from any residency applicant.
PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare PGY1 PHARMACY RESIDENCY - Tabula Rasa Healthcare
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