Page created by Anne Collins
The next several months will be the start of something
big; actually, several big somethings. The first comes
in April when the beloved O’Fallon Perennial Walk is
planted anew. Under the guidance of horticultural wizard
Bridget Blomquist, a better story will be told about these
perseverant plants that captivate visitors, revealed in                                                                                        ISSUE 2, 2022
waving tableaus that promise nine months of color.                                                                          Denver Botanic Gardens
                                                                                                                            1007 York St., Denver, CO 80206
Then, this summer we tackle two major sustainability
                                                                                                                            Pre-purchased tickets and advance member passes only.
projects at York Street. First, every flat roof on our
                                                                                                                            Check the website for early closures.
buildings will sport solar panels. These, combined with
                                                                                                                              Through May 7, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., last admission 6 p.m.
all-renewable electricity, will create a campus that is net                                                                   May 8 – Sept. 6, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., last admission 7 p.m.
zero except for natural gas-fueled boilers to heat critical
                                                                                                                            Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms
buildings, such as the Boettcher Memorial Tropical
                                                                                                                            8500 West Deer Creek Canyon Rd., Littleton, CO 80128
Conservatory. The second project is the next phase
                                                                                                                            Pre-purchased tickets and advance member passes only.
in saving water. The Japanese Garden stream will be
                                                                                                                              9 a.m. – 5 p.m., last admission 4 p.m.
relined, and in coming years, we will reseal waterways
and ponds throughout the Gardens.                             Center for Global                                             Contact Us:
                                                                                                                            General Information: 720-865-3500
Thanks to the people of the City and County of Denver,        Initiatives ..................   2
                                                                                                                            Class Registration: 720-865-3580
three existing gardens will undergo a makeover to                                                                           Donations: 720-865-3528
provide better accessibility and horticultural integrity.
                                                              Helen Fowler Library ...         3
                                                                                                                            Gift Shop: 720-865-3595
The south end of June’s PlantAsia will have improved          Featured Garden ........         4                            Membership Services: 720-865-3525
pathways and transform into the Himalayan Garden,                                                                           Private Events: 720-865-3551
with dramatic black rock formations. Birds & Bees             Horticulture ................    5                            Volunteering: 720-865-3609
Walk will become accessible with Kathy’s Boardwalk,                                                                         Helen Fowler Library: 720-865-3570
named for past Board Chair Kathy Hodgson. Finally,            Special Events ...........       6-7
                                                                                                                            Visit Our Website for More Information:
South African Plaza, now that its collections are better
represented in the Steppe Garden, will become Willow
                                                              Volunteer ..................     7                            Gardening Help from Colorado Master Gardeners
                                                                                                                            Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium
Plaza. These amazing plants are prolific in Colorado,         Exhibitions, Art and                                          Sam Mitchel Herbarium of Fungi
and this opportunity will allow us to showcase them and
                                                              Learning Engagement ...          8-9
                                                                                                                            Editor: Tiffany Coleman
their habitat.
                                                              Family Corner ............       10                           Graphic Designer: Nick Elias
The first projects in the new Chatfield Farms Master                                                                        Photographer: Scott Dressel-Martin
Development Plan will break ground (fingers crossed).         Member Mornings ......           11
Our plan is to focus first on core infrastructure –                                                                         The mission of Denver Botanic Gardens is to connect
improved electrical service and sewer as well as a            Development .............        11                           people with plants, especially plants from the Rocky
geothermal array to service several new facilities.                                                                         Mountain region and similar regions around the world,
Next up is a Welcome Center and the transformation            Research ..................      12-13                        providing delight and enlightenment to everyone.
of the asphalt parking lot in the core of the site into a                                              ON THE COVER
multi-functional and beautiful Market Square. There are
                                                              Chatfield Farms .........        14-15
                                                                                                       Spring Plant Sale
numerous projects that will follow with additional funding    Programs ..................      16-17   Details on page 6.
– an education center, restaurant, stage, butterfly house,
restrooms and a boardwalk along the riparian zone.            Book Release ............        18                                              botanicgardens.org

The evolution of public gardens is grounded in the            Tours ........................   19
eternal quest for relevance to diverse audiences. To                                                                                                 The Gardens is grateful for funds from
                                                                                                                                                     the Scientific & Cultural Facilities
realize our mission is to bring more people to revel in the   Trips & Travel ............      19                                                    District (SCFD), which enable us to
wonder of nature and the magic of plants.                                                                                                            expand services and enhance the
                                                              Tributes ....................    20                                                    quality of our programs and exhibits.
                                                              Donor List .................     21
Brian Vogt
Denver Botanic Gardens CEO                                    Trustees ....................    21
                                  JULY 27 & 28 , 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                     HELEN FOWLER LIBRARY

  The Center for Global Initiatives Hosts Its First
                                                                                                             RARE BOOK Gives View into Past and Present
  By Sarada Krishnan, Ph.D., Director of Horticulture and Center for Global Initiatives
                                                                                                             By Nicole Kirby, Technical Services Librarian

                                                                                                             Helen Fowler Library recently acquired a        but even today, the scope and novelty of the
                                                                                                             treasure that embodies the wonder at the        work is impressive.
  Situated in the North American shortgrass prairie,    We are thrilled to finally host the symposium on     heart of scientific inquiry and is a link in
  one of the major steppe regions of the world,         July 27 and 28. Scientists, horticulturists, land    the academic inheritance of Denver Botanic      These volumes were generously donated by
  Denver Botanic Gardens is uniquely poised to          managers, plant lovers and gardeners will come       Gardens’ researchers. From the outside,         Roy E. Halling, curator emeritus of mycology
  take a leadership role in steppe research and         together to provide a forum for discussion and       “Mushrooms in Their Natural Habitats” by        at The New York Botanical Garden and
  conservation. Over the years, the Gardens has         reflection about the connection between humans       Alexander H. Smith looks like a standard mid-   volunteer at Denver Botanic Gardens. Halling
  conducted numerous plant exploration trips to         and our land. Day one of the symposium will          20th century book—two handsome volumes          received the set from Harry D. Thiers, who
  other steppe regions to understand the flora and      concentrate on research and conservation science     bound in red leather. The second volume,        received it from none other than Alexander
  ecology of these amazing ecosystems. These            from around the world while day two will focus       however, is not a book at all.                  H. Smith himself. Dr. Smith was a respected
  explorations led to the 2015 publication of the       on practicing the wisdom of the high plains
                                                                                                                                                             mycologist who mentored many researchers.
  book “Steppes: The Plants and Ecology of the          with stories from regional gardeners, farmers,       It opens to reveal a surprise nestled in a
  World’s Semi-arid Regions” by the Gardens’            ecologists and artists.
                                                                                                                                                             Our own assistant curator of mycology,
                                                                                                             bed of dark velvet: a View-Master and set
  steppe experts.                                                                                                                                            Andrew Wilson, is part of this academic
                                                        The international delegation will consist of
                                                                                                             of stereoscopic reels. William Gruber, the
                                                                                                             inventor of View-Master technology, took the    lineage.
  In 2020, the Gardens’ Center for Global               botanical experts from the global steppe regions
  Initiatives planned to host the first Global Steppe   of Argentina, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia,      photographs for the slides using the same       “Mushrooms in Their Natural Habitats” will be
  Symposium to foster dialogue among scientists         Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Lesotho, in addition to   technology as the red plastic toy of your       on display in the Edward P. Connors Reading
  from different regions, exchange ideas and            our local experts. Technical proceedings from this   childhood. This View-Master was intended        Room in the library this summer. Stop by to
  identify ways to collaborate. Unfortunately, the      symposium will be published. Please mark your        to let people experience, well, mushrooms       see the magic yourself.
  COVID-19 pandemic turned the world topsy-turvy        calendars! We look forward to seeing you at the      in their natural habitats. The technology was
  and our plans were postponed.                         symposium.                                           new when the book was published in 1949,

2 | SPRING 2022                                                                                                                                                                           botanicgardens.org | 3
Tough Plants Prove Tenacious in
                                                                                    FEATURED GARDEN

                                                                                                             THE BENEFITS OF GREEN ROOFS
                                                                                                             By Michael Guidi, Horticulture Coordinator
                                                                                                             Green roofs are increasingly recognized for       flowering and other life cycle events –
                                                                                                             the benefits they deliver to both people and      of plants growing on green roofs
  By Amy Schneider, Assistant Curator, Horticulture                                                          the planet. Green roofs detain, slow and          differs from the same species growing
                                                                                                             purify stormwater runoff, easing pressure on      under otherwise similar conditions at
  The Green Roof over Offshoots Café at                Approximately 138 different species have
                                                                                                             storm sewer infrastructure after heavy rains.     ground level. Additionally, if plant phenology
  Denver Botanic Gardens is notable in many            been trialed on the green roof. Many are              They can improve air quality and save energy      differs between locations, do green roofs
  ways. It was the first publicly accessible and       native to steppe climates around the world.           by more effectively insulating buildings, all     offer unique flower foraging opportunities
  educational green roof (now known as a               In 2010, we started recording evaluations             while providing habitat for people, wildlife      for pollinators earlier or later in the
  “live roof” or “living roof”) in Denver, built       of survivability of these species. The                and pollinators in urban areas. Green roofs       growing season?
  in 2007 as a living experiment station. After        final long-term study of 118 species was              also help to mitigate urban heat island effects
  construction, the 1,180-square-foot garden was       recently published in the Journal of Living           by cooling the tops of buildings and the air      The results show that plants on green roofs
  planted using perennial species selected for         Architecture.                                         above, a major local concern since Denver         bloom significantly earlier than at ground
  their potential to survive the harsh conditions in                                                         has recently ranked as one of the worst urban     level – about one week on average, but up
                                                       In the past, monocultures made of just a few          heat island cities in the country.                to a month for some plant species! We also
  their new home, which includes low amounts
                                                       sedum species were observed dominating                                                                  documented stark differences in surface and
  of irrigation and extreme temperatures.                                                                    At our York Street location, we have two
                                                       the living roofs of many cities. Green roof                                                             substrate temperatures between locations,
                                                                                                             accessible green roof installations: one
  Irrigation on the green roof is infrequently         plant evaluations have recently and notably                                                             which suggests that extreme environmental
                                                                                                             built over the main parking structure and
  used, and none was used at all during several        been focused on mixed plant palettes, made                                                              conditions on roofs may contribute to the
                                                                                                             integrated into the design of Mordecai
  of the growing seasons. A few extremely              up of woody shrubs, grasses, herbaceous               Children’s Garden and a second directly           observed differences in phenology. Two
  dry and warm summers (including 2012                 perennials, succulents and bulbs, creating            above Offshoots Café. Beyond additional           seasons of careful pollinator observations
  and 2016) necessitated watering, but never           pollinator habitats and succeeding with low           garden space, both of these green roofs           also gave us a clear picture of which species
  exceeded eight inches in one year. From              supplemental water use.                               function as living laboratories, giving staff     use our green roofs and support the idea that
  2009-2019, the entire amount of irrigation                                                                 and scientists the opportunity to conduct         earlier flowering, especially in early spring,
  used on the green roof totaled 30 inches.                                                                  research.                                         may provide critical early season resources
                                                                                                                                                               for pollinators – one more benefit of green
                                                                                                             I used our green roofs to conduct a scientific    roofs to add to the list!
                                                                                                             study as part of my graduate school research,
                                                                                                             to evaluate if the phenology – the timing of

                                                                                                                                                                                              Photo by Anja Trippel

                                                                                    Photo by Amy Schneider   Photo by Michael Guidi
4 | SPRING 2022                                                                                                                                                                              botanicgardens.org | 5
LAVENDER                                               LAVENDER
  SPECIAL EVENTS                                                FESTIVAL                                                FESTIVAL                            VOLUNTEER
                                                                                                                                                            with the Gardens!

                                                                                                                                                            Spring is here and we need volunteers
                                                                                                                                                            to support Denver Botanic Gardens
                                                                                                                                                            during this beautiful time of year.

                                                                                                                                                            Volunteers support special events,
                                                                                                                                                            horticulture, education programming,
                                                                                                                                                            the visitor experience and so much
  May 6 & 7, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.                                                                                                                                more. For more information on the
  8-9 a.m. Member-Only Shopping Hour                                                                                                                        Gardens’ volunteer program and
  Admission to the sale is free, but you must                                                                                                               specific details on both ongoing and
  register in advance (reservations available:                                                                                                              special event volunteer opportunities
  April 7 for members, April 11 for public)
                                                                                                                                                            please visit the website or email us
  Ready your gardening gloves and your                                                                                                                      at vol@botanicgardens.org.
  walking shoes! Spring Plant Sale is back
  in person at the Gardens and bigger than            This summer, there are two distinct ways
  ever. Browse a large selection of beautiful         to enjoy Music at the Gardens! Traditional
  plants across 15 different divisions. Talk to       concerts are back after a two-year hiatus, and
  knowledgeable horticulturists and enjoy spring      EveningsDENVER    BOTANIC
                                                                al Fresco  returns GARDENS
                                                                                   for a more socially              DENVER BOTANIC GARDENS
  blooms as you plan your summer garden!                   CHATFIELD FARMS
                                                      distanced offering. The botanical surroundings            CHATFIELD FARMS
                                                      are the same, but the experiences for each

                                                      LAVENDER                                            LAVENDER
  Whether you are shopping for a single plant         series are quite different.
  or an entire garden, we’ll have something for
  every gardener. Members save 10% on all
                                                      SUMMER CONCERT SERIES
                                                                FESTIVAL                                             FESTIVAL
  purchases. Get details and reservations online.
                                                      See artists, dates and ticket prices online.
  PREVIEW PARTY                                       The ever-popular summertime event features
                                                      world-famous artists performing on stage for       July 16 & 17, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  May 5, 4-7:30 p.m.        $45 in advance,
                                                                                                         $7 – $13
                                                      a full-capacity audience in the UMB Bank
  $55 at the door (if available)
                                                      Amphitheater. Tickets sell quickly!
                                                                                                         Chatfield Farms’ Lavender Garden, planted
  Want first picks of the plants and some tasty       Get yours today.
                                                                                                         in 2015 and boasting more than 2,000
  treats? Join us for the Plant Sale Preview Party.

                                                      LAVENDER                                            LAVENDER
                                                                                                         lavender plants of different varieties and
  Tickets are limited, so get yours today!
                                                      EVENINGS AL FRESCO                                 colors, sets the backdrop for the popular
                                                      Select Mondays & Wednesdays                        Lavender Festival. This year we are excited

                                                                FESTIVAL                                             FESTIVAL
                                                                                                         to expand the festival to two days. During
                                                      in June & Aug., 4:30-8:30 p.m.                     the family-friendly celebration guests can
                                                      $30, $20 member
                                                                                                         enjoy products made by local growers and
                                                      Returning after a successful debut, talented       artisans, free demonstrations, live music, kids’
                                                      local musicians perform throughout the             activities, farm and garden tours, food and
                                                      Gardens, allowing visitors to stroll and           drink vendors and more. Tickets must
                                                      explore at their own pace.                         be purchased in advance.
                                                      Get details and tickets online.                    Get details and tickets online.

6 | SPRING 2022                                                                                                                                                                   botanicgardens.org | 7

                                                                                                                         Seeing the

                                                                                                                         Through August
                                                                                                                         Experience an innovative exhibition
                                                                                                                         of contemporary artworks existing
                                                                                                                         only in augmented reality (AR).
                                                                                                                         Co-curated by Hadas Maor and
                                                                                                                         Tal Michael Haring, Seeing the
                                                                                                                         Invisible presents virtual works that
                                                                                                                         engage with existing features
                                                                                                                         of the natural landscape. Beyond the
                                                                                                                         boundaries of what is possible with
                                                                                                                         physical artworks, many of the works
                                                                                                                         created for the exhibition address
                                                                                                                         themes of nature, environment,
                                Ursula von Rydingsvard, Ocean Floor (detail), cedar, graphite, and intestines, 1996,     sustainability and the intersection
                                36 x 156 x 132 inches. Artwork © Ursula von Rydingsvard. Photograph by Carlos Avedaño,
    OPENING SOON                courtesy of The Fabric Workshop Museum, 2018.                                            of the physical world with the

                                                                                                                         digital one.
                                                                                                                         Seeing the Invisible is organized
                                                                                                                         by the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens
                                                                                                                         and Outset Contemporary Art Fund.
  The Contour of Feeling
  April 30 – Sept. 11
  Experience Ursula von Rydingsvard: The Contour                                     RELATED PROGRAMS
  of Feeling, an ambitious exhibition featuring one                        FILM SCREENING AND
  of the most influential sculptors working today. von
  Rydingsvard is renowned for her towering cedar and
                                                                           ARTIST Q&A
  public outdoor sculptures; this exhibition provides                      Ursula von Rydingsvard:
  a unique, indoor opportunity to experience a large                       Into Her Own
                                                                           April 29, 6 p.m.                                   Freyer – Newman Center exhibitions
  collection of cedar sculptures and works on paper.                                                                                     presented by
                                                                           Join us for a screening of Daniel
  Ursula von Rydingsvard: The Contour of Feeling is                        Traub’s 2019 biographical film,
  organized by The Fabric Workshop and Museum,                             “Ursula von Rydingsvard: Into
  Philadelphia, and guest curator Mark Rosenthal,                          Her Own,” followed by a Q&A
  former curator at the National Gallery of Art,                           with the artist; galleries will be
  Washington, D.C.                                                         open prior to the screening.
                                                                           See page 19 for related tours.
8 | SPRING 2022                                                                                                                                    botanicgardens.org | 9

                     EARTH DAY
                                                                                                        MEMBER                                 THE STURM FAMILY
                       By Melissa Gula, Manager of Family and Children’s Programs                       APPRECIATION                           AUDITORIUM
     We’ve all made New Year’s resolutions, but
     have you ever made an Earth Day resolution?
     In celebration of Earth Day, try making earth-
     friendly resolutions as a family that focus
                                                         Gather your family together and explore your
                                                         home. In each room think about ways that you
                                                         can reduce waste, energy and water usage.
                                                         Generate as many ideas as you can and then
                                                                                                        MORNINGS                               Enhancing Visitors’
                                                                                                        Member Appreciation Mornings
     on conservation, sustainability and green           choose one or two that your family can work                                           By Claire Shepherd Lanier, Associate Director
                                                                                                        return to Denver Botanic Gardens’      of Development
     practices. Your small everyday actions can          on together. Need some ideas to get started?
                                                                                                        York Street location! Members are
     add up to big change over time!                     Check out our list below:
                                                                                                        granted early access to the Gardens    The Gardens has enjoyed a long partnership with
                                                                                                        at 8 a.m. every Saturday and           the Sturm Family Foundation, beginning in 2014
     EARTH DAY RESOLUTION IDEAS FOR THE FAMILY:                                                                                                with a program serving the needs of metro area
                                                                                                        Sunday from April 2 – September 5,
                           Start a donation pile         Turn the water off while                       to enjoy time without the crowds.      K-12 students, particularly those from underserved
                           in your house. Instead        you are washing your                                                                  schools. This shared interest in education and
                           of throwing away toys         hands. After wetting                           Reservations are required and must     culture led to a highlight of the Freyer – Newman
                           that aren’t played with       your hands and applying                        be done online or by calling us        Center, the Sturm Family Auditorium. In memory of
                           anymore or clothing           soap, turn off the water                       at 720-865-3500. Tickets will be       Donald Sturm’s parents, Mark and Sophie Sturm, the
                           that doesn’t fit, add it to   for the 20-30 seconds it                       available one month at a time and      spacious auditorium seats 272 people and features
                           your donation pile to be      takes you to lather the                                                               a Dual PTZ Camera System and surround sound.
                                                                                                        will be released on the 15th
                           used by someone else.         soap on your hands.                                                                   This technology expands audience capacity for
                                                                                                        of the current month for the
                                                                                                        following month.                       Zoom presentations, a bonus in recent years with the
                           Take a reusable               Start an under-the-                                                                   necessity of serving remote and hybrid audiences
                           water bottle with you         sink compost bin.
                                                                                                        See you soon!                          during the pandemic.
                           whenever you leave the        Turn your food scraps
                           house. This will help         into nutrient-rich                                                                    Located on the Center’s second floor, the Sturm
                           you to avoid purchasing       compost!                                                                              Family Auditorium is near all three art galleries.
                           beverages in single-use                                                                                             Thus, the auditorium becomes part of a total visitor
                           containers.                                                                                                         experience, integrating viewing art and watching
                                                                                                                                               films in the Center. Some films are nature-oriented,
                    Keep track of your progress and give your family a resolution goal.                                                        while others inform and interpret the neighboring art
             Set up an easy way for family members to document their success. Every time you
                                                                                                                                               exhibitions. An example is the film screening “Ursula
                 observe your child or other member of your household contributing to your
                                                                                                                                               von Rydingsvard: Into Her Own,” on April 29 at 6
                              family’s Earth Day resolutions, make note of it.
                                                                                                                                               p.m. A Q&A with the artist will follow the film.
                                                                                                                                               (For more information, see page 8.)

                                                                                                                                                   View the Sturm Family Auditorium film schedule
                           OUR                                                                                                                                    on our website.
               ONCE Y
             RESOLU RYDAY
                    E EVE
          BECOM           REWAR
                B I T S
            H A
                        F  B Y  DOING
                    E L
          YOURS            G  S PECIAL
                    H  I N
          SOMET              HER!

10 | SPRING 2022                                                                                                                                                                 botanicgardens.org | 11

  The Relevance of

                                                                                                            scientists worldwide are working to standardize,             mitigate wildfire, how to restore agricultural land
                                                                                                            share and congregate data. The data comes from               to improve food security and how we slow the
                                                                                                            specimens that have been sitting in a museum                 irreversible tragedy of extinction. This research
                                                                                                            for more than a hundred years, and from the                  is based upon data originating in museums,
                                                                                                            volunteer surveying ponds in a local open space              universities and botanic gardens. For this reason,
  By Richard Levy, Scientific Data Manager                                                                  just this morning. It has been steadily making               Denver Botanic Gardens’ Department of Research
                                                                                                            its way onto the internet, typically landing in a            & Conservation continually works to collect plant
  As we navigate this decade, the bearing              felt so revitalizing. No matter how much we          database like the Global Biodiversity Information            and fungal specimens, bank and study seeds from
  that nature holds on our everyday lives has          thought the digital realm had come to dominate       Facility (GBIF).                                             rare species and survey ecosystems throughout
  reestablished itself as inescapably relevant.        our routines, community and economy, nature                                                                       Colorado. And of course, all data is made freely
  Atmospheric pollution is altering every landscape,   prevails as the ultimate force. Nevertheless, over   Here the data is free for anyone to use in their
                                                                                                                                                                         available so that its impact can stretch far beyond
  bringing fires, floods and mass displacement. A      the last half-century ecologists and biologists      studies, contributing to statistical models that
                                                                                                                                                                         the Gardens’ own research, becoming relevant in
  virus leap-frogged animal hosts into our global      have been uniting these domains, creating            tease out patterns and processes. As of this
                                                                                                                                                                         decisions and actions that will determine how we
  population, upending society faster than anyone      digital tools to garner understanding of life on     publication’s date there are 1,195
                                                                                                                                                                         face the present.
  could have considered possible. However,             Earth, delivering us to this moment when the         peer-reviewed studies on climate
  biodiversity in nature is a source of healing and    fundamental unit of discovery, data, has become      change that utilize data made
  solace to so many: I hung a feeder outside my        undeniably relevant to each of us.                   available on GBIF. These
  window to attract the company of chickadees                                                               studies are impacting,
                                                       Gaining a better hold on how ecosystems

                                                                                                                                                                                 GAINING A
  and sparrows; friends have adopted more house                                                             right now, how we
  plants than they have room for; and a forest hike    function is crucial to solving some of the most      manage forests
  near a creek or digging a garden has never           important problems ahead of us. To do this,          and grasslands to

                                                                                                                                                                              BETTER HOLD ON
                                                                                                                                                                             HOW ECOSYSTEMS
                                                                                                                                                                                FUNCTION IS
                                                                                                                                                                            CRUCIAL TO SOLVING
                                                                                                                                                                                SOME OF THE
                                                                                                                                                                             MOST IMPORTANT
                                                                                                                     Gardens scientists collect data from a population
                                                                                                                                 of rare cactus in western Colorado.
                                                                                                                                                                             PROBLEMS AHEAD
                                                                                                                                                                                   OF US.
12 | SPRING 2022                                                                                                                                                                                        botanicgardens.org | 13
                   at Chatfield Farms
                   By Erik Geyer, Assistant Manager Natural Areas & Arboriculture

                   Chatfield Farms showcases native plants through naturalistic garden design,
                   habitat restoration and seeded prairie meadows. The Gardens has made a
                   powerful commitment to continue this work at a greater scale. We embarked on
                   a multi-year restoration of the area surrounding the Open Air Chapel and along
                   Deer Creek. This 1.5-acre site is uniquely defined by a deep, sandy loam soil,
                   unforgiving wind gusts and extremely cold air that gets trapped along the creek.
                   A tough site calls for resilient plant communities. Our goal is to create an oak
                   savanna with a diverse understory of native wildflowers and grasses.

                   The Chatfield Farms staff re-establish plant communities using techniques
                   developed in agriculture, horticulture and ecological restoration. We are
                   developing a site-specific method for removing existing plant material, preparing
                   the soil for seeding, seed establishment and realistic maintenance strategies. By
                   restoring small areas at a time, we have been able to reduce our herbicide use,
                   minimize our soil disturbance and create a more functional habitat. This garden
                   presents a unique opportunity to see this process in all different phases and
                   watch the areas develop over time. They do change quickly!

                   What can you expect when you visit? This spring you will see four different
                   phases side by side: a robust two-year-old planting; a developing one-year-old
                   meadow; a newly seeded section; and the fourth will be the ground-preparation
                   phase. The pathways will wind through wildflower meadows and a unique blend
                   of wild-collected and hybridized oak species. Some exciting trees you may
                   encounter are Quercus × undulata ‘Tinnie’ and Quercus havardii ‘Erick the Red’.
                   Over time, this garden will develop into a stable, diverse community of plants.
                   The enhancement of the meadow will increase ecological function, support
                   pollinators all over the farm and create a colorful and stunning backdrop for
                   weddings in the Open Air Chapel.
14 | SPRING 2022                                                                     botanicgardens.org | 15
PROGRAMS AT A GLANCE                                                                     Advanced                       FEATURED
  The Gardens offers a range of programming for all ages, as well as certificate
  programs and online learning. Explore all programs at botanicgardens.org/calendar        Bonsai Design                  PROGRAM

                                                                                           May 18, 6-9 p.m.
     Classes & Workshops                                                                   Join us for a beautiful evening of bonsai
                                                                                           design in the Sturm Family Auditorium
     Choose from workshops, lectures, health & wellness, photography, gardening,
                                                                                           with Bonsai Specialist Larry Jackel and
     cooking and more. Scroll or search our online Calendar by category and date.
                                                                                           three artists from the Rocky Mountain
                                                                                           Bonsai Society. See a live demonstration
                                                                                           and learn about the techniques used to
     Children & Family Programs                                                            develop wild material collected from the
                                                                                           Front Range into bonsai.
     From toddlers to scouts, homeschoolers and families, the Gardens offers a wide
     variety of kid-friendly opportunities to explore the natural world.                   $45, $40 member

     Unboxed: Your CSA Processed,                                             FEATURED

     Prepared & Plated                                                        PROGRAM

     Join Chef Edwin Sandoval to get the most out of your CSA experience this year!
     Learn how to utilize the ingredients from your share to create new recipes along
     with how to process your produce to ensure quality and freshness. Each week
     receive a new video to inspire your culinary creativity and minimize food waste
     from ingredients with which you may be less familiar. The virtual format allows for
     viewing flexibility as shareholders will have access to the videos throughout the
     entire season. The CSA season runs May 26 – Oct. 20 and you will receive a new
     cooking video weekly, for a total of 20 weeks. Each video is approximately 15-20
     minutes in length. If you are a part of the Chatfield Farms CSA program, we
     recommend registering on the CSA website to get special shareholder pricing.
     $75 Public

16 | SPRING 2022                                                                                                                       botanicgardens.org | 17
TOURS                                                          TRIPS &
     COMING THIS SUMMER                                                                          GUIDED STAFF-LED TOURS AT YORK STREET
                                                                                                 $19, $15 member (includes admission)

                                                                                                   Curator Conversations:                                       Have you missed exploring other
                                                                                                   The Contour of Feeling                                       countries? Have you always wanted
                                                                                                   Select Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.                                to take a trip with Denver Botanic
  By Blake Burger, Assistant Curator, Horticulture                                                 Explore The Contour of Feeling with a curator to             Gardens? Whether you’re new to the
                                                                                                   discover Ursula von Rydingsvard, one of the most             Gardens’ travel options or you’re
  The rugged and stunning landscape of                                                             influential sculptors working today.                         a seasoned traveler, you won’t want
  the Rocky Mountain Region of North                                                                                                                            to miss these upcoming opportunities
  America contains an abundance of diverse                                                       DOCENT-LED TOURS AT YORK STREET                                to venture off the beaten path
  and unique plants, many of which hold                                                          $16, $12 member (includes admission)                           in beautiful Mexico.
  medicinal properties. Falcon Guides’                                                             Midsummer Nights
  newest guidebook, “Medicinal Herbs of                                                            June 18, 19, 21 & 23 at 6 p.m.                               Mexico’s Art,
  the Rocky Mountains,” showcases more
  than 60 medicinal plants found from the
                                                                                                   Enjoy a Shakespeare-inspired summer stroll infused with
                                                                                                   poetry and plants.                                           Culture and
  Dakotas to Utah and Montana to New
  Mexico. As a traditional field guide,                                                            Seasonal Discoveries: Spring                                 Cuisine
  readers can properly identify the flora of                                                       April 2, 10 & 24, May 15 & 29 at 2 p.m.                      July 20-28
  this region with detailed descriptions of                                                        Delight your senses on this tour of gardens that are         This nine-day journey takes you
                                                                                                   awakening from their winter slumber.
  each medicinal plant, color photos and                                                                                                                        through Mexico City, Puebla and
  habitat information. A unique feature is                                                         Ursula von Rydingsvard:                                      Oaxaca. Join us for this unforgettable
  the inclusion of the ethnobotanical and                                                                                                                       experience that delves into Mexican
                                                                                                   The Contour of Feeling                                       culture, art and food and reveals
  historical context of the featured plants.
                                                                                                   Select dates at 9:30 a.m.                                    what makes Mexico such a unique
  Readers will learn how Indigenous
                                                                                                   Enjoy large-scale cedar sculptures and other works by        destination.
  peoples of the Rockies utilize the healing                                                       Ursula von Rydingsvard with a docent as your guide.
  properties of these magnificent plants, as
  well as historical uses throughout North                                                       PRIVATE TOURS AT YORK STREET OR CHATFIELD                      Día de los Muertos
  America and Europe.                                                                            FARMS (Online Options Available Too!)
                                                                                                 Docent-led: $15, $6 student (includes admission)               in Oaxaca
  What sets this field guide apart from                                                          Staff-led: $17, $6 student (includes admission)                October 28 – November 3
  others, however, is its focus on this                                                          Online tours: Prices vary.
                                                                                                                                                                Together we explore one of the most
  region’s healing herbs and how to                                                                Looking for a special experience for your group of eight
                                                                                                                                                                culturally rich places in Mexico:
  incorporate them into daily life. In                                                             or more? Schedule a private guided tour at York Street
                                                 This guide is a collaborative effort by Plant                                                                  Oaxaca City. Partake in the long-
  addition to information showcasing the                                                           or at Chatfield Farms or an online tour of the Boettcher
                                                 Records Coordinator Jen Toews, Associate          Memorial Tropical Conservatory. For more information,        standing tradition of Día de los
  active constituents of these herbs, readers    Director of Horticulture Cindy Newlander          contact tours@botanicgardens.org.                            Muertos and discover what makes this
  will learn modern uses of these plants and     and me. It will be available this summer                                                                       region so magical.
  how to grow them in home gardens. Each         and is sure to be a great addition to any       TOURS AT PLAINS CONSERVATION CENTER
  plant chapter includes recipes with step-      plant lover’s bookshelf.                        $10 public
  by-step instructions to transform harvested                                                                                                                      Learn more about these trips and
  plant material into medicinal remedies                                                                      For more information or to register for a tour,      others on the Trips & Travel page
  such as salve, tinctures, tonics and syrups.                                                                          visit the Tours page on our website.                         on our website.

18 | SPRING 2022                                                                                                                                                                   botanicgardens.org | 19
Honor/Memorial Contributors                                                                                                                                         Donors of Distinction                                                                                                           2022 Board
  Gifts Received November 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022                                                                                                                  Gifts Received November 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022                                                                              of Trustees
  IN MEMORY                         In Memory of Kathy Harvey         In Memory of                   In Memory of                    In Honor of                      Citizens of the Scientific &      Gretchen Edwards                Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Ladd     Dr. Richard and Jo Sanders
                                    Ellie Greenberg                      Rhonda Quillman                George Linn Wilson              Kristen Huffman Lemoine          Cultural Facilities District   Elevated Third                  Kaitlin LaFlamme               Saul Schottenstein             OFFICERS
  In Memory of Fred Anderegg                                          JD Brenda J. Hollis            Jeanette Pryor                  William Huffman                  Kristen Adams and Joshua          Enid and Crosby Kemper          Natalie Lake                                                  Mr. Mike Imhoff, Board Chair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Foundation B
  Judith Ann Jones                  In Memory of Mildred and
                                                                      In Memory of Margy Reedy       In Memory of Youko Yamasaki     In Honor of                         Toland                             Foundation                  Land Title Guarantee           Diane and William              Ms. Mary Lee Chin, Vice Chair
                                       Leonard Hiegert
  In Memory of Roberta                                                                                                                  Mary Lynne Lidstone           S. Lorraine Adams                 Victoria and Stephen Eppler        Company                        Schneider                   Ms. Dawn Bookhardt,
                                    Richard and Carole Hiegert        Elizabeth Bell                 Miyuki Googins and
     “Bobbie” May Anderson                                                                                                           Mr. James Lidstone and           Dr. Jandel Allen-Davis and        Estate of Theodore Ruskin       Peggy Lehmann                  Mr. and Mrs. Barney
                                                                      Annie and Ken McLagan             Sead Saradzic                                                                                                                                                                                   Secretary
  Merlin & Susan Anderson           In Memory of Lynette Higgins                                                                        Alaina Reilly                    Mr. Anthony Davis              Fidelity Brokerage Services     Karen E. Lochbaum and             Schotters
     and Family                     Mr. Daniel J. Higgins
                                                                      Evelyn and Neil McLagan        In Memory of Cynthia Zellmer                                     Alpenglow Foundation              Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund      Thomas Shallow                                             Mr. Abe Rodriguez, Treasurer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Schwab Charitable Fund
                                                                      Canton ODonnell Jr and         Wallace Zellmer                 In Honor of Jila Maler           American Online Giving                Ben Garnett Charitable      Kathleen and Rick Lofgren                                     Ms. Kathy Hodgson,
  In Memory of                      In Memory of                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Morss Dehncke Fund
                                                                         Ann ODonnell                                                Carroll McCorkle
     Ardys L. Askelson
                                                                                                                                                                         Foundation                            Fund                     Margulf Foundation                Jensen Family Charitable      Immediate Past Chair
                                       Christy Sue Honigman           Tracy Tempest
  Kathleen and Erik Askelson                                                                         IN HONOR                        In Honor of Frank Mauro          American Public Gardens               My Choice                   Amy Marsala                          Fund
                                    Paula Gudder                      Mr. Donald E. Wilde                                            Joe F. Mauro and                    Association                        Nagel Family Fund           Marguerite and Max Martin
  In Memory of                      Glen Meyer                                                       In Honor of Barbara Bohlman        Phillip Howard                Andrew and Erin Anderson              Shaw Charitable Trust       Mary Chenoweth Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Sam & Beth Coyle        TERM TRUSTEES
                                                                      In Memory of Shiloh Lou Ryan                                                                                                                                                                           Family Charitable Fund
     John O. Benavidez              Mary Ann Tillman                                                 Mary Elizabeth Morrin                                            Greg Anderson                     Ms. Tamara Fischer and Mr.      Terry and Barbara Mather                                      Ms. Diane Barrett
                                                                      Katie and Joshua Ryan                                          In Honor of                                                                                                                       Mark Schweizer
  Melissa VanDeventer                                                                                                                                                 Darryl and Cheryl Annett              Jeff Kellogg                Howard Matz                                                   Rabbi Joe Black
                                    In Memory of Thelma and                                          In Honor of Bette Bonds            Mike and Heather Miller                                                                                                        Judy Sellers
                                                                      In Memory of                                                                                    Anonymous                         Ms. Mary D. Fowler              Dr. William Mauldin and
  In Memory of Hermine Blau            Caird Kidston                                                 Lena Bonds                      The Clinton Family Fund                                                                                                           Mrs. Merrill Shields and Dr.   Mr. Jose Carredano
                                                                         Annemarie Shields                                                                            Applewood Seed Company            Ms. Gina Fratarcangeli and         Margie Mauldin
  Rhoda Krasner                     David Kidston                                                                                                                                                                                                                         M. Ray Thomasson            Dr. Clint Carroll
                                                                      Rosemary Shields               In Honor of                     In Honor of                      Liz Armstrong                         Mr. Richard Nahabedian      Tracy McCalla
  In Memory of Sue Boelter          In Memory of Gladys Kirk                                            Judy and Paul Bortz             Maurine Howell Moody                                                                                                           Patricia A. Shikes             Mr. Andrew Cullen
                                                                      In Memory of                                                                                    Mr. Hartman Axley                 Ms. Cory Freyer                 Kathi R. McGinley
  Arlene Chambers                   Ms. Laura F. Kirk and                                            Paula Gudder                    Mr. Robert Moody and                                                                                                              Patti Shwayder-Coffin          Mr. Papa M. Dia
                                                                         Peggy Warner Shields                                                                         Dennis Baldwin                    Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freyer     John McKinney
                                                                                                                                        Ms. Karen Tierney                                                                                                              Stan Siefer
  In Memory of                         Mr. David Carpenter
                                                                                                     In Honor of Maryanne Brush                                       Trudy and Gregory Bamford         Alan Frohbieter                 Carrie and Michael                                            Ms. Melissa Eliot
                                                                      Mrs. Merrill Shields and                                                                                                                                                                         Singer Family Foundation,
     Ivyl Thomas Boyce III          In Memory of Deborah Kramer          Dr. M. Ray Thomasson        Mrs. Carolyn B. Etter           In Honor of Margaret Morse       Bank of America                   Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Fuller      McLaughlin                                                 Sen. Rhonda Fields
  Kari Summers                      Mr. Mark S. Kramer                                                                               Andrea Meier                     Bank of America Charitable        Kris Gallagher                  Dr. Patricia Meinhardt and                                    Ms. Veronica Figoli
                                                                      In Memory of Ron Shifers       In Honor of Dan Domagala                                                                                                                                          Ms. Andrea Singer Pollack
                                                                                                                                                                         Gift Fund                      The Gardner Grout                  Kenneth Miller
  In Memory of                      In Memory of Judi Lichtenberg                                    Denver Metro Chamber            In Honor of Catherine Mossek                                                                                                         and Mr. Bill Hankinson      Ms. Cory Freyer
                                                                      Linda Hayes                                                                                        Giving While Living Fund           Foundation                  The Louis R. & Dorothy M.
     Cornelia Brandner                                                                                  Leadership Foundation        Jonathan Birnbaum                                                                                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.         Ms. Kathy Hodgson
                                    Brian S. Popp                                                                                                                     Thomas and Diane Barrett          GEICO                              Meister Foundation
  Loretta Cudney                                                      In Memory of                                                                                                                                                                                        Sisk, Jr.
                                                                                                     In Honor of                     In Honor of Greg Peticolas and   Mrs. Pamela Beardsley             Genesee Mountain                Ms. Joanne Meras                                              Dr. Dorothy Horrell
                                    In Memory of Claude Maer             Donna Rae Simington                                                                                                                                                                           Julia E. Smith
  In Memory of Hunter Brown                                                                             Leslie and Howard Farkas        Jack Mao                      Justin and Maria Beaudin              Foundation                  Gene and Dee Milstein                                         Ms. Ding Wen Hsu
                                    Newell Grant                      Anonymous                                                                                                                                                                                        Ruth and Brian Spano
  Kris Gallagher                                                                                     The Clinton Family Fund         Davis and Dorothy Peticolas      Leslie Beltrami                   Monica Geocaris                 Ronald and Bonnie Milzer                                      Mr. Mike Imhoff
                                    In Memory of Kaitlyn Magill       In Memory of                                                                                    Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Bertoli      George J. & Elizabeth Park      Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mitchell    Mrs. John H. Stamper
  In Memory of Dolly Buchanan                                                                        In Honor of Anne Fendrich       In Honor of Camille and                                                                                                                                          Mr. Christopher Leach
                                    Ms. Laura F. Kirk and                Judith Lozen Snyder                                                                          Julie and Michael Bock                Robinson Trust              Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison     Colleen Stein
  Phyllis and Jack Brown                                                                             Ely Selby                          Savannah Plumley                                                                                                                                              Ms. Wy Livingston
                                       Mr. David Carpenter            Stephen Snyder                                                                                  Barbara Bohlman                   Mr. Pat Giarritano and Ms.      Ms. Kim Morss and Mr.          Harry and Vicki Sterling
                                                                                                                                     Phyllis and Jack Brown
  In Memory of                                                                                       In Honor of Sue and Ken Gill                                     Dawn Bookhardt                        Janina Kozacka                 Richard Dehncke             Sterling Ranch Development     Mr. Ron Otsuka
     William A. Campbell            In Memory of Sid Malmberg         In Memory of Keith St. Aubyn                                   In Honor of Christine Ringleb                                                                                                        Company
                                                                                                     Connie and Timothy Sauers                                        Richard Bourquard                 The Gilman Family               Mythology Distillery                                          Ms. Yrma Rico
  Sharon and Bruce Pickens          Travis Pate                       Ms. Jana Mathieson                                             Ms. Deborah Fialka                                                                                                                Kari Summers
                                                                                                                                                                      Mary Bradley                          Foundation                  Jane and Robert Nagel                                         Mr. Abe Rodriguez
                                                                                                     In Honor of                                                                                                                                                       Sunflower Bank
  In Memory of Elaine Carlson       In Memory of                      In Memory of John H. Stamper                                   In Honor of Laura Riske          Dona and Stanley Brown            Dr. Alan Glickman and Ms.       National Philanthropic Trust
                                                                                                        Newell and Judy Grant                                                                                                                                                                         Mr. Brad Stevinson
  David Kidston                        Linden Caleb Marsala Fried     Robert Butterly                                                Barry Sarver and Brenda Riske    Mark and Jan Bundy                    Nanette Santoro                The Karen E. Pfeifer        Kenneth N. Swartz and
                                                                                                     Morss Dehncke Fund
                                                                                                                                                                      Mr. and Mrs. James Burdick        Linda and Steve Goldstone             Charitable Gift Fund        Pamela Simko                Ms. Marianne Sulser
                                    Amy Marsala                       Natalie Lake
  In Memory of John Chorney                                                                          Ms. Kim Morss and               In Honor of
                                                                      Richard and Diana Vigil                                                                         Jim and Sharon Butler             Mr. and Mrs. Thomas             Lisa Negri                     Melanie Tafaro
  Shaun Spaid                       In Memory of                                                        Mr. Richard Dehncke             Jim and Marj Robinson
                                                                         Charitable Trust            Schwab Charitable Fund          Dave Steinke and
                                                                                                                                                                      Butler Rents                          Gordon                      Robert and Judi Newman         Mrs. Thomas E. Taplin          MAYORAL TRUSTEES
                                       Mary “Mimi” Chenoweth                                                                                                          Kathleen and Bruce                Ellen and Joel Gordon           Mr. Peter Nielsen              Ms. Lee Tedstrom
  In Memory of Jean Cole                                              Mrs. John H. Stamper                                              Sue Robinson                                                                                                                                                  Ms. Nina Casanova
                                    Pat Pascoe                                                       In Honor of Karen Grote                                             Butterfield                    Ellie Greenberg                 Obermeyer Wood Investment      Kayla Thayer and Joe Crespo
  Ms. Ashley Cole Seidman
                                                                      In Memory of Katie Stapleton                                   In Honor of Pam Rosendal                                                                                                                                         Ms. Catherine Hance
                                    In Memory of Anne Mather                                         Mr. John Sadwith                                                 Carole and William Buyers         Barbara Grogan                     Counsel                     The Jacquard Hotel &
  In Memory of L. Alice Collister                                     Jean Astrop                                                    Jennifer Bixel                                                                                                                                                   Mr. Eliot Hoyt
                                    Terry and Barbara Mather                                                                                                          Nancy Cain and Betty              Anne and Nick Hackstock         Mrs. Devra and Dr. Michael        Rooftop
  Shelly Catterson                                                                                   In Honor of Dean Harper
                                                                                                                                     In Honor of Scott Ladies            Bradford                       Tom Haller                         Ochs                        The Marcus Foundation          Ms. Caroline Schomp
  Isabelle Clark                                                      In Memory of Lynn Stockton     Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Fuller
                                    In Memory of Donna McLellan                                                                                                       Katherine Casey and Jon           Mrs. Frederic C. Hamilton       Linnet O’Hanlon
  Ms. Linda R. Zinn                                                   Merilou Johnson and                                            BJ Scott                                                                                                                          Jim Theye and Dee Chirafisi
                                    James R. Arneill                                                 In Honor of Shannon Hazler                                          Taylor                         Catherine Hance                 Dr. Joseph Olk
                                                                         Dann Milne                                                                                                                                                                                    Thomas and Diane Barrett       LIFE TRUSTEES
  In Memory of Ana Cuellar          Linnet O’Hanlon                                                  Erin Hazler                     In Honor of Laura Scully         Lee Ann Cast                      Ms. Marilyn Harris and Mr.      David Oswald and Laurie           Foundation
  Renee Cuellar                     Douglas Robinson                  In Memory of                                                   Julie Quinlan                    George and Christina                  Bob Harris                     Sankey                                                     Mr. Edward P. Connors
                                                                                                     In Honor of Joan Hiner                                                                                                                                            Tigris Sponsorship and
                                                                         Harold “Hal” Taylor                                         In Honor of Caryl Shipley           Caulkins                       Karin and Kent Harvey           Ronald Otsuka                     Marketing                   Mrs. Thomas E. Taplin
  In Memory of Lennie Damrauer      In Memory of                                                     Sarah Hiner
                                                                      Trudy and Gregory Bamford                                      Martin Semple                    Caulkins Family Foundation        Timothy Hershey                 Pacific Premier Trust          Judi and Bryan Tointon
  Robert Damrauer                      John C. “Jock” Mitchell, III
                                                                                                     In Honor of                                                      Mrs. Jan W. Chase                 Richard and Carole Hiegert      Parasoleil
  In Memory of Annette Daymon
                                    Mrs. John C. Mitchell, III        In Memory of
                                                                                                        Michelle and Chuck Huey      In Honor of Annie Slocum
                                                                                                                                                                      The Chill Foundation              Lolita Higbie                   Daniel Paulien
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ann Torgerson                  TRUSTEES EMERITI
                                    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L.              Betty June Teevan                                           Ms. JoAnne Friedman and                                                                                                           Mr. and Mrs. David O. Tryba
  Heather Daymon and Zachary                                                                         Nancy Livingston                                                 Tom Cladis and Doria Cladis       Highlands Mortgage              Mrs. Harriet Peterson                                         Dr. Jandel Allen-Davis
                                       Waters                         Zoey DeWolf                                                       Gracie Friedman                                                                                                                Two Octobers
     Conger                                                                                                                                                           Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clinton        Ms. Ann Hinkins                 Mary and Dan Peterson                                         Ms. Dawn Bookhardt
                                                                                                     In Honor of Mary K. Huff                                                                                                                                          UMB Bank
  In Memory of Liz Dierksmeier      In Memory of                      In Memory of Betty Tobias                                      In Honor of Kelly Stava          The Clinton Family Fund           Doug and Kathy Hodgson          Karen E. Pfeifer                                              Ms. Mary Lee Chin
                                                                                                     Martin and Maria Gair                                                                                                                                             Vanguard Charitable
  Fred Dierksmeier                     Quentin “Kim” Mitchell, Jr.    Steven and Sally Wyte                                          Misty Meade                      Kathy Cole                        Ms. Susan McLoon Hodson         Timothy Pfeifer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Donald and Harriet      Mr. Richard Clark
                                    Mrs. John C. Mitchell, III                                       In Honor of                                                      Colorado Center for               Ms. Christine L. Honnen         Ms. Alita Pirkopf
  In Memory of Richard A. Kirk                                        In Memory of Louise Turnbull                                   In Honor of Sterling Ranch                                                                                                              Peterson Charitable      Mr. Al Gerace
                                    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L.                                             Katherine Huffman Jacinto                                        Reproductive Medicine          Honnen Equipment Company        Kathleen and Jim Potter
                                                                      Laura Turnbull                                                    Development Company                                                                                                                  Fund
  Ms. Laura F. Kirk and
                                       Waters                                                        William Huffman                                                  Community First Foundation        Dr. Dorothy Horrell and         Preservation Tree Care                                        Mrs. Judi Newman
     Mr. David Carpenter                                                                                                             Melodi Sheppard                                                                                                                      The Greenaway Family
                                                                      In Memory of Joy B. Ward       In Honor of                                                      The Denver Foundation                 Theodore Horrell            Jeanette Pryor                                                Mr. Scott Richards
                                    In Memory of Margaret Nilsson                                                                    In Honor of Christine Stubbs                                                                                                            Giving Fund
  In Memory of Janet Fogal                                            Robert F. Ward                    Johanna Elizabeth Kelly                                          The KJ Community Fund          Ms. Kathryn Huwaldt             Mr. Gary B. Randall                                           Mr. Harold Smethills
                                    Doug Pierce                                                                                      Jesse Stubbs                                                                                                                      Jo Ann Von Bergen
  Lisa and Rich Zavoda                                                                               Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Fuller                                       Lorraine and Harley            Jane Nagel Charitable           Raymond James Charitable
                                                                      In Memory of                                                                                                                                                                                     Don and Bonnie Walls
                                    In Memory of Nate Olk                                                                            In Honor of                            Higbie Fund                     Foundation                     Drs. Joel and Ellen
  In Memory of Anna R. Garrey                                            Dolores Arlene Warner       In Honor of Bety Jean King         Jim and Sheree Sutton            The MoJo Charitable            Sue Janssen                           Gordon Charitable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WCR/Economy Data               EX-OFFICIO TRUSTEES
  Morse Family Foundation           Scott Dutcher
                                                                      Michelene Warner and           Courtney & Brian D. Seely                                                                                                                                            Foundation                  Ms. Christina Caulkins,
                                    Kelly Hughes                                                                                     Alice Gann and Jeff Parks           Monica and John                Diane and Larry Jensen                Giving Fund
  In Memory of Kathryn Gendel                                            Tony Dimas                                                                                         Geocaris Fund               Jonathan Merage Foundation      RBC Wealth Management          Lee and Jilda Weinstein          President, Denver Botanic
                                    Dr. Joseph Olk                                                   In Honor of Howard and          In Honor of Pat Thirlby
  Mrs. Rosemarie Murane                                                                                                                                                  Negri Fund                     J.M. Jones and Jim Mohle        Robert and Myra Rich           Melanie and David
                                    Molly Olk                         In Memory of Rita Wells           Priscilla Kirshbaum          Margie Thirlby                                                                                                                                                     Gardens Endowment, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                         Thomas and Beatrice            Karen Jones                     Richard and Diana Vigil           Weitzenfeld
  In Memory of Lucy Ginley                                            Ed Everett                     Ina Cherington                                                                                                                                                                                   Mrs. Suzanne Coxhead,
                                    In Memory of                                                                                     In Honor of Nancy Thomas               Taplin Fund                 Karen J. Glanert Charitable        Charitable Trust            John Westcott
  Marcia Ginley                                                       Marilyn Gambardella            In Honor of Eric Komppa                                                                                                                                                                            Denver Debutante Ball
                                       Clara and Jerry O’Neil                                                                        Ms. Liesl Thomas                 Marguerite Detmer                     Trust                       Scott Richards and Terrie      Dr. John L. Wiberg
  In Memory of Judy Grant           Ms. Kathleen Oberle and           In Memory of                   Anonymous                                                                                                                                                         Sean and Kathleen              Ms. Happy Haynes, Ex. Mgr,
                                                                                                                                     In Honor of                      Catherine Dews Edwards            David Kidston                      Fontenot
  Hallidie and Don Haid                Kelle Oberle                      Andrea “Jodi” Westcott      In Honor of                                                         and Philip Edwards             Kevin and Dorota Kilstrom       Trude Ridley                      Wickersham                    Denver Parks & Recreation
                                                                                                                                        Rebecca VanLeeuwen
                                                                      John Westcott                     Patti and Ed LaFlamme                                         Ms. Beth Dickhaus and Mr.         Peggy Kirkegaard                Jeanne O. Robb                 Maryann and Paul Wiggs         Mrs. Meg Nichols, President,
  In Memory of Max Grassfield       In Memory of                                                                                     Lisa Mulica
  Janet Fine                                                                                         Kaitlin LaFlamme                                                    Darrin Sacks                   Peter J. Kirsch and Pat         Mr. Abe Rodriguez and          Kenneth and Janet Wolfgram
                                       Jane O’Shaughnessy             In Memory of                                                   In Honor of Brian Vogt                                                                                                                                             Garden Club of Denver
  Mr. and Ms. Woody Garnsey                                                                                                                                           Fred Dierksmeier                      Reynolds                       Ms. Cassie Rodriguez        Karen Woods
                                    Richard Bourquard                    Ed and Ann White            In Honor of Marcia Lavochkin    Mr. and Mrs. A. Barry                                                                                                                                            Ms. Kitty Rapalyea, President,
  Michael and Teresa Johnson                                                                                                                                          Joy and Chris Dinsdale            Courtney Klepacki               Rose Community Foundation      Dr. Tambra Woods and Anna
                                    Julie and Jim Copenhaver          Dr. Andrew Sirotnak and        Leslie Cenci                       Hirschfeld                                                                                                                                                      Denver Botanic Gardens
                                                                                                                                                                      Ann W. Douden                     Mr. Mark S. Kramer                 RLC Foundation                 Wegleitner
  In Memory of Lucy Harper                                               Mr. Jamie Waring White
                                    In Memory of Charlie Parr                                        In Honor of                     In Honor of Charlotte Aycrigg    Mr. Peter D. Durst, C.H. and      Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.           Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Ross    Xcel Energy                      Guild
  Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Fuller
                                    Celia and Ken Wool                In Memory of Cody C. Wiggs        Robert and Marlene Lederer      and Mark Zammuto                 Ms. Ellen Seale                    Kugeler                     Carol Ann Rothman              Wallace Zellmer
                                    Wool Family Foundation            Maryann and Paul Wiggs         Douglas Lederer                 Ms. Vicki Aycrigg                E2 Optics                         Lori and Bill Kurtz             Sally J. Boyson Trust          Ms. Linda R. Zinn

20 | SPRING 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      botanicgardens.org | 21
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